UflrUAili4tAe BleefflnK from tt K oae, or ftom any OtBH is speedily ceo- Soret; ulcers, Wounds, G Sprains & Bruises. ItUoarttor.eleanahjand nealPng-. f tarrn " ' not afficatous fen- this WJ III sijwe; CoM In tta Ilfafl, tt6i Krtrae Catarrh Cn r, imet Maaal Syrlngea Rheumatism, neuralgia. JTo ether preparation "fcaa cured nor or warn (Meacaptng complaints tbaa Kxtraot. Pons.' Ititrnjlt ster I iavaluable fa thra dineiu nbam. Balm in Hark ar Slit mi . XlTnhlhAria Qrtrn Thrnof JfllillbllVI tH fcWa V I III Vttll UM tta Sbrtroct ywuptly. Belay PtlAC jfctaa,BleatafciorItehIiijr. JTllC0) It fe U (rtatort known remedy; rapidly curing wkaa other medicines lmva fallajL FB4t Bs tr(t Oi n tmrnl H at gnat cwrrtca where tho reaoval of Clothing is tnTqint. Chapped Hands & Face. SFon4a Kxtraot ahnnld b in oTrry family lata nnn wsatber. It ranorn tha aoraaraa ni roaganars and aolYcna sad basis tha skin nrommly. a?atvilA rAmnlnintc lathe xviuoio visiuuiaiuiaa anajar- tKuml JlgwA the Extract can b 1 M M wail kaewn. with tha zroatrn nil Clraatfoua aocomjxujy each -CAUTION.- EfAlTaClTiia pnnita has l P0avA'a RxtMflMUsvi im tha gists, tad or pictate trade nark ob vnitrnt Ban wrspj, isoua Rr la na. Aiarsve taaui&o Mrm a Faasi trpt. VBfct no otnajr prajtaraGoa. paw rats e er ey frauanr. I f BOKO'S IXTBACT 00. - 0Rg ASP LO$OM. Canctr cf the Tongue. ;i, Wife, ann thraa otW year. tj. r"; ;.ua wiiBaoTntaeroatbeaida ol oar tonstue near 1 Beta-Ma UiaatUr.rlQ iH lwlifj4 autd bottle Of Banft-a BpeeiBo, M w jmjJ taara airo. aad t&en bm beu no return ol toa ia- baarUfOaL JuMat.J:-raj0v:-,,-r'v---j,i'-'-. Treattoe e Blood J??"!!-1 Ta ai4otMCO, Pnwrer", ;Atlata,4la Oaaraa. wtMaVtlr TH2 oraa. aad abaolateljr aaia. Jaada U all eta. I Bill . r mdlnaiL WCRLOI -dlaa HaMaaa aad ad r luaMraacd Cat iuaava,.i Tlfrrn Cltcra Book tnaa, I CrwMs J aaamd Bt,gerar Toriq 1 GRAND Summer Sals "amamii inarn air- auajaraaaja - Af1 ft PIANOS r4 OHO AN la ba ekawd act ruuUtQlL Bataain. for ait K Ilanaina ty:!il SSnisst Offer! Ka lastollinggft I .rii-WP OAaU PUICKM..Ur Itay la Jaae, Jala, anaartiac Bapaialaa. aad ay Naremarr 1. aaaravratMM. Wraa tar atoaaawa. aad awkaad, - LUDDESTJ & BATES. C-3 ! POR TORPID LI LfCR. Aarpdi tlTa fkbotaT- Oioli Hoadao1xo Dys;spc!a,Ccstivens53,nhcu- r.alicm,Sall:7 Skin ana Piles. aaaa fa ia tMtta ramcdr fttstbi i ibiib qiaaaaaa tlraaa gmtVm Urer Will T). dMMiMf t: , . QoIhXannTlicred1 n FARMERS, STUDEIITS ANSAaOTKOSSnSLSUSS MACBETH GCQS UL-'PrjllMHETS IF TOD BOUT WART to bo AIS0TI0 byConsUat tBEAaJQ Of CMMETS. BEST CHISIEY BIDE. ForSalatvarywtiorai "I rKUBTJfflttOtt SCIIRaBT W. a, naarty O00) thraa Boaaira upa aray avea and aiaea oainf taa eel. aWWrXAElT0yCirnaflET8yiioaaad vMat la that wa waula rataar yay a i Jlaai taaa Mmti a rfrvzra for ae1 idallar adoiaa ayjtBrChinyi acjr w. bar. Var used. ' X XL POaZSa, Btovanf. f tUa boar laalargaa aad atnacfAewa. Pall paKlo. Blara taaaled) traat amta MKD. OO- gaffala. K. T. iasaiwi?fflK . -"Til TS .rr1""!!. Aahma, IwHaaaMeal Cae fclinaritluMit deUT. IA alalait from Imnora Mood and hV.J. tV. tmMm ? " wuy amiour ItortAaaMb? lay Udaa. aaaaiatatsaf aaja.aapwata.toa.airMatla VTasH lor el 13 .a r eot aw am. sS?.' s.;-- - mm. V,- IT' a t4' I J A 1 w ilia-- MW v tttartai4 .tKaaruMiaab A V a, a ii aan aa. S 1 aai m neiwa a PARTS News and Observer, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1887. n sj. A j Tha Way to Plry-lad. Whit id tbo way to fairy-land? hich is the road to take? Over the Mils, or over the sand Where the river ripples break? 1 I i The hilla stand listening night and As if to s wonderful tale ; The river whispers along its way Secrets to every sail. day They must, he listening and whispertBg ' there i i With the fairy-folk, I know i For what but tbis ia the sound in the air So sweet, and soft, and low? i i ; I; The sound tbat floats o'er the misty hills, And runs with a little shiver. As of a thousand musical trills, Over the running river., 0 hills that Stand so lofty there, Listening night and day, Listen to me and show me where The fairy-folk do stray ! And river, river, whisper low, hisper me low and sweet, Tell me the secrets that you know Of the fairy-folk s retreat. . Noah Perry, in St. Nicholas. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. BUrPKMKOS A3 TOLD BY THE STA'fB i PRESS. GrefinVille Jlefiector: Wo learn thatjir. L. V. Morril lost the gin house tra hia farm in Farmville town- Bhip and Beverai bales of cotton by fire Thursday night of last week. The lotfs was covered by insurance. Winston ! Sentinel : The Forsyth Riflemen have paid for their lot, with the exception of a balance of $700. On thi3 lot they propose, to put up a commodious armory, the lower story of which will be used for' store-rooms and ; the'" j upper for a reading room and drill hall. New Berne Jburnal: Yesterday morning, while Weaver Slade, col., a stevedore oh the Old Dominion wharf, was assisting in unloading the steamer Newberne, a large iron wheel of the ice factory machinery thai was being rolled, on the wharf was allowed to fall and strike his left leg, which broke it just above the anlue and braided hiin badly several other places . . . : . . 5 Union .Republican : Funds suffi cient have been obtained for the pur chase4 of a monument whi;h I will be erected shortly over the last resting place 61 Matthew Stach, the first (Moravian) missionary to Greenland, : whose remains are interred in the . graveyard at Bethabara, this county. .i...A party 01 eoiorea youths went down from Waughtown last Sunday to attend meeting near Lick Skillet, and during the day iou ol the number. got into a difficulty in which Josh. scales was cue wun a Knue or razor in a serious manner and was convey ed home m the evening in a feeble condition, j ; "A 1 f Shelby Aurora: At the! cotton platform of the three Cs in Shelby there was a Bmall fixe on Thursdav. which enveloped twelve bales of cot- a " m ' - " ana a. ton in tne names. The . nre I was ex tinguished after burning about $100 wortk of cotton belonging to Mr. J. tfusn uates and the cotton 'factory. ,1. , ; Harvey f Friday, a mulatto, on Saturday night . at Brooks' i Chapel, while drunk accidentally shot himself in we paun oi me nana witn a pistol, calibre 44. Tne ball penetrated the' hand and sade a large hole, and the surgeon Is fearful that the; forefinger ana thumb will nave to be amputated. "I Statesville Landmark: j A turtle with two heads was caught recently near Jonesville, Yadkin county. It vn& provided 'also with two mouths and when fed ate with both of them. .... There was a little frost last Fri day night And a much heavier one Saturday night. The first did no damage; the second was quite dam aging to. tobacco It is i estimated that about three-fourths of the crop in this county had been cut and housed, and that of the one-fourth which remained standing at least half, or so much as stood upon lowlands, was hurt. . i wuson ;A.uva)ice-. 7jur. j. jMarron caught hrsiiand inMr. X3: F. !Finch' gin t bile at ; work there, last Thurs- Jayflv.ening and had it ffearfully in- jared. 1 he bone' was cut all to pie 3 aloiOft. . i .John atman, a hfteen vtar bid boy who was feeding Mr. Uoodary Bottin's gin, last Saturday had his band eaught in the. gin. His hand'! was cut to pieces "fearfully and bis arm very much cut with the saw. So deeply did the eaw cut into the quivering , notn inas tne gin was stopped. It was necessary to turn off the head of water and break the brush wheel hefore he could be taken from off i he; saw. . . .On Tuesday last two Johnston county men came to Wilson with a negro securely tied. They took hjimto: the court house as. Caesar Woolen, about whom so much has been said ana for whom so many have been arrested. As soon as Dep uty Sheriff Soakenberg let his eyes' rest Upon the negro he knew tbat he was hot Csesar. He was released and the two men and the negro returned home. CLaacr Oria-lu of Caff Bntaiana. Persons of obEervant turns of mind have noticed two or threa buttons on the cutts ox military coats, but few know the origin and reason of this custom. They wero first worn by soldiers in the English army. The first j uniform coats of the English army had ho buttons on the cuffs, and the soldiers used to draw the cuffs of their ooat across their nose and mouth on every occasion when a pocket'jhandkerchief or napkin might navcj been called into requisition. As a matter of j coarse the cuff became shiny and defaced. Punishment and reprimand were tried, but thev did hot stop this habit, and at last a board of officers bet and they suggested the buttons' on the sleeve, which was adonted. They were first, worn on top ol the sleeve, but they have moved backward as the handkerchief hot . moved forward. , The first pulpit ever occupied by Henry Ward Beecher was destroyed by fire at Dwight b Crossing, Mass., Tuesday. It was in a little church, originally a school house, and haf been prized for years because the fa mous preacher delivered his first ser mon, from its primitive board. j 'I have taken, within the past year, several bottlfs of Ayer's Sarsaparil la, and . find it admirably adapted to the needs of an impoverished system. I am convinced that this . preparation, as a blood purifier,' ia unequaled." C. C. Dame, Fastor Congregational church, AndQyer. Me. A man in Minnesota lias actu ally eloped with his mother-in-law. fw , i rrx THE KIDNEYS ARiS SURE TO BK HEALTHY 15 THE LIVES ACTS rlM EKLY. If the kidney do not act Properly the fol lowing Symptom will follow: Head x ache, Weakness, Pain in the Small of the Back and Loins, Flushes of --rHeat, Chills, with disordered . ' - Stomach and Bowels. I ItfiYp.aiifTprrd a tlionvind deaths sine? 1 left the army, and a more diseased Liver and Kidney J yoa novtr lieardef. I tried a nuinner 01 mnerent n-iiii'dies and spent $ltMOO,btit I obtained no real lx-uetlt until I louj.'tit a dozen bottles of, Simmons 1 jver Kevtulatiir. This prewira,tion cured me, ami I must Ray It Is tlie mily medietne 1 would uive a t-ent for In my case."vJ.?I. JABJ JclBxiOO Ind. r . CKIinK.4.5 Has our Z wtampvin red on front of wrapper. - J. II. Zelltn bJCa Philadelphia. P iole Proprietors. l'riee S1.C0. REGULATOR Not only shortens the time oi labor and lessens the pain, but it greatly diminishes the danger to life of both mother and child, and leaves the mother in a condition more favorable to speedy recovery, and less liable to Flooding, Convulsions,and other alarm-;, ing symptoms. Its efficacy -in this respect entitles it to be called The Mothee's Fbibnd, and to rank as one of the life saving remedies of the nine teenth century. Send for our bookc "To Mothers;" maiiea rree. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Qa. COLEliJ RlTIOSll BISHESS COLLEGE, 'Xbwabk, N . J. Open all the year. Nauonoi patronage, iiest course of Business Training. Least expen sive in time and money. Heasantest location. Indorsed by thousands of graduates and hundreds of the lead fnir business men of the 8ta.te and ' 1 "nation. Write for catalotrue and e convinced. ii. coluhah, maaagar. MARVELOUS i0 DISCOVERY. AVQOLLY UNLIKE ARTIFICIAL SYSTEMS. - Any Book Ltarscd ia One Reading. ; Uecommended. ay Hark Twain, Richard Ffoc ir. fti ReienHst. Hons. W. W. Astur .Tudnh P. llenjamin. Dr. Minor, &c Clas of loo Columbia! Iaw wudents : two classes of 200 each at ale; 400 at University of Peun. Phil., and 400 at Welles ley Coatege, and engaged at Chautauqua Unl- Tersuy. rrmpeacn post tree rrom DEAFNESS. Its caqaes, and a new and iuv" cessful cure at your bwn home, by on who was deaf twenty-eight years. Treated by most of the noted specialists without benefit. Cured him self in three months, and since then hundreds of others. Full particulars sent on application. j - T. 8. Paok, j Xo. 44 West 31st St., New York City. ' t W ! 1 Try the Largest and Best Equipped friaterl' Rollara Stt.pllikmcat in Hie United-States. ; D. J. RBIUY & Cq., tli tmi tit Tmrl Stratt, ... - lew York, Prices low. ;- Satisfaction guaranteed. Best aeferences. I ITEI Dial O ADV aSB.TSS'BRS should addjess BO. P. RDWELL CO., 10 Spruce Street, Kew York Qty, for Select List of l.oof Hewnpaper. Will be sent free, on appll. cation - - .a " ST ADIES I UI Do your own Dyeiae. at Home. III l. j V, l.X. A 1H.- . LESS DYES. They wil d siJYts. xiiey wii dve e everything. Thevars 3 a paekaee 40 colors. . oid everywhere- Price lda They have no- equal lor Strength, Briyhtneas. Amount in Packages or for Fastness of Color, or on-fading Qualities. They do not crack or smut. For le by JQHN a. PESCUu, Druggist and Apothecary, lis Fayttevin Mwt, and Robt aimpson, cor. ltuwooro ana Salisbury m., nai- March jtwJi WOTICE. I iElUUUn WC41 U1CUUCU tlU CUUJlL'CU Xo do anything in the MARBLE OR GRANIT KLINE. Monuments,' II ea-Istones, and m fact anything in the stone line at as row prices as can be bad anywhere. Chas. A. Goodwin, Proprietor Raleigh Marble works. 417 and 419 Fayetteville St, Ealeigh, N. C. auglod. I . c(coo,ooo E tVMi-tJ worn dnrlag .V JIT past six years. i Tills marvel ous success is due U. ,7 7,. , 'ti T tha superiority of Cormiine over all ttheriaa- terials, as stiCeocr j for Corsets. 2.1. "Bo the superior qual ity, chape dDd Q 'JfJ wprkmanshlp ' - 'if raV- acA4a 3 v a is v aarr combined with 3 their low Avoid aheap i natations made ot various kinds l oord. Koaa aae geauinn unless MOR. WARNES"8 OO HAL! NEW If printed ojsfinslde ot steel oovoa ' Fit SAUt BY All LEAOINft MMCKA5TS. i WABXIXBv IStOTBESS ISO BroRdWay. . New York CIt i TV jary a r.-z a rjr mum &3arc. t4 9 ! a o. t-'WAJ. a-u. .AWi' i NOTICE. At a meeting of the Board of shell Fish Com missioners held at Jlanteo, in the county of Dare, on the2U!i day of August, S7, the following were decided finally to be the public grotiuds for said county of Dare, accordlnir to the iirovmions of an act eiititl'Hl "An act to promote the cultivation of shell bin lu the State.,' rauuea on the isth day ol reuruary, it7, to-wu ; Pl ltLlO tiROUNP NO. 1, (S. side channel from l'ampiieo sound to Roanoke soundj l) Kius at a ptiint situated s. 58 deg zo min v 1 mite U50 yds f r m I . & C. S. siinuil on -the western point of Hog Island, and S t3 deg 49 K 2 miles 1,510 yus irom iu ai. i.l. tio. ; uience north 100 yds, thence east "o( yds, thence south 160 yds, Uience west iiOt) to tho beinhing ; con taining s.e acres. riBUC GBOCKD 0 2. (Near W corner I'aniplieo itoiimD.lSepuis at a point situated S o 25' W l milo 1,050 yards from it M l.t Ho, aud 8 80 18' E l mile M yards from the l'.sc siirual at Tohes t; thence N 8:J45' K 21 j vds. thence 5GJ 13' fc. a75 yds. S 33 ' 45' W 215 yards, thence Jf aeJ 15, W 375; to the beginning contain iu.4 acres. PUBLIC GIWUSD WO 3. Oear v uoruer 1'arnplico sounu). l.elus at a point situated S S'63' K 1 mile 1,550 yus from 11 M Jt Ho, and S 74 J 10' E 1 m le 1.3.W yus fruni the L" S.C 8 siiinal at Tabes or: thence J tSJ 32' K 6-"0 yds. ineoce n sea K aia yds. Uience S tioJ XX W Mydfl, Uience K at f ii2is ydo: to the beeio- liing. containing 24.4 acres. 1-L11L1C OBOl I HO 4. (N'ear N W corner 1'ainplioosiuiudi. Keulns at a point situated a 33 J )' t2 miles tloo yds Irom K l lt Uo, aud 8 76J 02" E 2 miles 1,350 yds from the u o i. b sucn;u ak luycs ci ntuiu n oo so a uv yds.tlience K 11- 40' K1.SU5 yds, thence X 42 34' w i.-'iXI yds ; to ihe beginning contauflng '3.4 acres. PUBLIC URIJUND 0 5. (Middle upper part 1'aniiiUco sound). Beelns at a point situated S iu 52' W l mile 17o yils isoin iw L 8 CJS signal on the, western point of Hok Isla id. and 8 M1 in' E 2 miles l,42A yds from Uie it M Li Ho: thence N 30 K 325 yd. thence WJK 105 thence 8 30 W 325yds, thelii-e i wr- W 105 yds; to ihe beginning containing 7 acres. rUKI-lO UMUVKDKOC. (Middle upper part Pamplico stund). Becins at a point situated .4i 13 Vt 2 miles 45uydBoiu the L h u .- siifnai on me western point, ot note lsianu anomrw n j mues yus iroiu me u il ix Ho ; thejiee 45 yds, ttieiice K ivo yds, thence' 8 465 yffii thence W luoyds; to the beginning con taining 19 acres. . , PUBLIC GltOUXD KO 7 i (Middle upprrpart- PanrtiHco sound) Besrins at a ijoiut situaieo n m-w a utiles o yos rrom Hie u Bli o signal on i no Hcsmru ixunu vi llog is land, and 4ii- 10 li 3 miles 725 yds from the it M )4 Ho; thence iS 275 yds, thence h 155 yds, thence 8 27s yds, thence v 155 yds; to titf? begiuuiiig coniaiuiui; 6 acres. PLULLC OBOUKD NO.8. (Middle upperpart Paniplico 8ound on etlge 13 ft channel.) tJegfus at a i oint situated 8 31- 40 W, 1 miles 1330 yas from the USt'S signal on the western point .of llog Island, and 8 41-, K 3 miles 12U5 yds yds from Uie It M Lt Uo; thence N 530 yds, theuee K tioo yds, thence 8 530 yds.tlience W aoo yds. t the beginning ;.contaimng uu.5 acres. (Middle upir part Pamplico smiud on edge 13 ft channel), logins at a point situated 8 17- 45' E 3 miles 1403 yus from K M. L.t Ho, and 8 4021' W 4 miles B15 yds frum the U 8 V 8 signal on the western point of Hog Island; thence ti 480 yds. K 2i.o, yus, thence 8 450 yds.tlience W 220 yds; to tne Dcgiiiiung ; coiu-iuiiiiig zu.-i acres. l'UKLIC UKOLAB so 10 (Middle tipper part Pamplico sound near edge 13 ft channel) Begins at a point situated 8 l'JJ 7' W 3 miles H.5 yds Irom tueU8C8 signal on the western point oi mg isumn, ana 8 34-" 22 K 4 miles 1330 yds from fhe K M Lt Hot Uience N 64 19 K 1220 yds, thence 8 15- 50' IM) yds, thence N t'JJ 35 W .1420 yds ; to the beginning; contain ing 148.7 acres. 1T1S1.1C citorsii xo 11 (Middle upper pitrt l'ainplicu sound.) Beiins at a point situated 8 20- 48 3 miles oj yds from th U 8 C 8 signal on the western pot-it of Hog Island, 8 30- tJ E 4 miles 1475 yds from the B H Lt Ho: thence N 315 yds, thenccK 125 yds. thence 8 3 !5 yds, tliunce W 125 yds, to the beginning ; con taining B.i acres. I'CKlaC UBOV.VU NO 12. (N Wo part Pamplico. sound.) Begins a point situaed 5. 21- 40'1 3 miles J55 yus from the CT8 C 8 signal atStumpy Pt.and N li 02 E 1 mile 1590 yds from the UStS signal tiramput near Pt Pe ter; thence N 41- 10 V 12 so yas, tKenceS.i3 J ' E yds,Uieuceji.,4-6r 820 yds, to the beginning; containing uz.o acres- PU1JL1C CROWD t) 13. (N W11 part Pamplico sound.) Begins at a point situated r- 29' L 3 miles 1410 yds irom Uie U 8 C 8 signal at Stnmpjr Pt, and .N 7k- 5VH 1 mile 1330 yds troin uie L sl 8 signal urampus near 'ft reier; uience k ao- n. 120 yus, tuence b oo j e yds, thence 8 30v W lio yds, theuce N 60 W 215 yus, to me Degtnn ng; containing 6.3 acres. PCBLIC UKOUJD KU 14. (X Wn part Pamplico sound.) Begins at a point situated S 5J L .1 ml e 1 itw yus from the U 8 .c 8 signal Urampus near Pt Peu-r.and JJ 20 10' E 3 mties 1U40 yds from Uie U SC 8 signal at Stumpy n ; uience oo ' n 2 yus, uience 8 so" E 630, yds, theru-cS OuSaV 2S3 yds, UitHiCe N 30J W 630 yds, to Uie beginning; coutaiunig 31.2 acres. PLTffCfC (illOCM) 'Q 15. (N Wn part i'aiupllco sound.) Begiss at a point situated -N 24- wj E3 miles jftiO yds from the 0 8 C 8 stmial at Stumpy Pt. aud 8 76' 45' E 1 mile 132-j yds irom Uie U 8C 8 signal Urampus war Pt Pe ter ; cneiice n 49- m e las yas, ttiewe s 13- 55' 1110 yas tnence s w 2oyas. uience n 52" 7' UT20 yds, to the beginning ; contuin-ing 177.3 acres, ri'iii.ii-, iskiii'vn mi ii;. u (Middle uimer part Pamplico sound near h&n- pneL) Begins at a point isituatrd n 43 47' E 4 miles 102$ yus trom tne u h c signal at Btnrapy Pt, and n oi t. 3 nines ioua yus irom tne uses stirnai Grampus near Pt Peter; Utence e 175 yd, thence 75, w us yus, uience n ,s yus, to uie beginnuig; containing 2.; acres. PUBLIC GROUND o 17. (Middle of upper part Pamplico sound In chan nel.) Begins at a point situated u 2 - 64 e- 5 miles X yds trom the CSCS siiml at Stumpy Pt, and s 84 - 64' e 4 miles 1550 yds from Uie u 8 C 8 slgna I It-'bi irtrau miSr lt Vui iT rtiAirrxa k 1 vrlo (-l-imiWn vaaafiirw lAK A w a. auva wvmc V AW Juf MIVMVV 5 roa, menu w usu yas. uienw n 9U yda. tb uaa i ! . . ' . , PUBLIC iKOUKl) VO 18. (Jf e, Stumpy It near edge.channel.) Begins at puini suuaiea n 30-02' e 2 mues iouu yus iroin the U 8 C 8 signal at 8tumpy Pt, and 68 3' e 2 likes 140 yds from Uie L 8 c 8 slirnal Grampus near Pt Peter; thence u 4' 24' eeoo yds, thence s 40- WT e SCO yds, thence s 49-- 2lv w two yds, thence Uj50 W w uoo yds, to tfi. beginning; containing 10.0 acres. PITBLK: SBOI XD JO 19. (N e of Stumpy Pt neariedge of channel) Betflns at a point situated n 62s 45' e 3 miles 200 yds from the I H C S signal at Stump? Pt, and s t4- 45' e 3 miles 370 yds trom the V 8 C 8 signal Urampus it reter: tnence n 30- e 4j yus, uience s w-eiow yas.autnce. s 3j- e 440 yus, inenee noo-w-1040 yds, to the beguining; containing 14.6 acres. (Off Stuinnv Pt in channel.) Be id ns at a notn't situaieu it 02- a e 4 nines mni yus irom uie uses fcignal at Stumpy Pt, and s T5 J 5' e 4 miles )o yds from tho USOS signal Grampus n ar Pt Peter; thence n 30 e feso yus, thence s w e445yds,thejice s 3o- w iso yas, uience n on- w 445 yas, to tne ginning: containing 16.5 ares. PUBLIC UROUXII KO 21. (Off 8tumny Pt in chaiuiel.) IWiiiik at a Doint slt- uate4 n 05- 4' e 4 miles ioso yds lain the U 8 C 8 signal at stumpy Pt, and s 72- VI' e 4 miles lEGOyds Iroiu the U s J 8 signal Grampus near Pt Peter"; thence u 30 e 225 yds, tl.eucc s o- e 540 yds, thenee s 3f w 225 yds, tiieuce n oJ w 543 yds. to uie oegiiunug; caniaining -jo.i acres. rUULIC OHOOD NO 22. (Off Stumpy Pt in channel.) Bet-ma at a nolut situated n cs -15' e 4 miles 225 yits from the LSC signal at Stumpy Pt, and s eajct e4 miles sio yds from ttje U 8 C 8 signal Grampns near Pt Pe ter; thence n 70 yds, thence e215 yds.ithenceji 70 yas, uieuee w 213 yus, 10 uie oegiimiug coutainuig 3.1 acres. J'l T.LIC crocxd No 23. (Off stump Pt in channel.) Begins at a point situated 11 o:r BP e 3 miles 1015 yds from tlie DCS 8 signal at Stumpy Pt.and s os4s' e 4 miles 4ioyds from the L'SCB signal Grau'ipns near Pt Peter; theuce u e 220 yds, thence s 3') e 75 ydsJ,hence s &- w 22" yds, Uience n 30Av .5 yds,to the begin ning.; containing 34 acres. PUBLIC KOl ND XO 21. (Off Stumpy Pt near channel.) Betnns at a loint situated n 58 62v e 3 miles 1520 yds from the JSCS smnal at stumpy Pt. and s R9- oa'e 3 ml es 5(io yds from the us C 8 signal Grampus near Pt Peter; thence n 30 e 21 iyas, Uience s 60- e 463 yds. theliee;s 30 wjiis yLs, thencen 80 w.405 yds, to tne Degimnng; cvuhiihmk w.o acres. ri'KUVUttniinuiniiH. (NortheastM 8tumpy Pt.nBegins at a point sit- uated n 4s- 43 e 1 nme 1 n 46 43' e 1 mile 1160 yds from the U 8 C 8 at Stainpy It, ami's 3i 44' e 2 miles i2Wyds the U 8 CS signal Grampus near Pt Peter; himial f nil n tho thfucH n 125 vds. theuce e 125 vds. thence sJ5Svd thence w 12 yds, to the beginning; containing 3.2 acres. Public urouua 10 -m (.nasi 01 Mumpy it in channeL) Begips at a pohit situated n ia- 14 e 4 idles 220 yds from the 1 lt thence n 80 vds. tht oyj o sumai at atumnv ... X, - .... .. .1 - TU .. .1- - .... r J ri; tnence n au jru, iucv w j.Us, tuence s wi yas, i hence w 76 yds, to tiie . beghioliig; containing 1.2 Publle Ground no 27 (East of Stumpy Pt In channel.) Begins at a point situated n 82 4.V e 4 iiiiii.a 600 rds from the irom tne u o 1 80 8 signal at Stumpv" it - thmice n 110 yds. thence e 100 yds. thence a 110 as, tnence s 110 lining , contaln- vds. thence w 100 yOjE to yie ueglnt 1 1,1 V IlfTf.. iubic Grouna no zs. : e.ast 01 stumpy Pt In channel.) Beginns at a point situated -a 87 4' e 4 220 yds from the u s c signal at Stumpy Pt ; thenee n 60" e 220 yas, uience s30 e 450 yds. thence a OT W 220 yds. theuce n 30" w 550 wis to uie DCgmning ; cuiiiaumiK acres. Public urouna jmo xo T.awt 01 stumpy rt In channel.) lU'glns at a point situated s 8S 2V e 3 miles 160 yus irom tne u o m 8 sltrnal at Stumnv Pt Mm .11. l.' .- . , J -'. w 80 yds, to tne ueguui ug : contammg 4.6 ac luolic Ground No 30 (8 east of Stumpy acres. uv Pt In channel.) BcirillS at a POltlt Situated S 51 S2' n 1 I s 61 miles 1445 yas iro;n tne u s v a signal stumpy Pt : thence n W 22 e 2310 yus, tnence 46 38' e 2350 yds, thence s 43 32 23 yds, Uience n 46 38' w uo yds, to tne beginning ; containing 1 155.S acres. (Mouth Stuaipy lt Bay near Stumpy Pt Lake) Beeins at a point situated 871 43' el mile 401 ann vita from uie KJ sus nay on me western point ol Stumpy Pt Lake, aud s 1,255 yds from the eaatern noint of Stumpy lt Lakek thence to n l a yds. thence e lio yp, thence 5(425 yds, thenee w 110 yds ;to the beginning contammg 2,8 acres. PUBLIC OROUSD NO iS2. aS fMotith Stumpy Pt Bay n e Wild lVrXl. Kb. gis at V point situated s 61 40' e a miles 410 yds torn the U8CS signal Bay on the western point bit Stumpy Pt Laka, aud a 33 4' e 1 mile 940 yds f nan the eastern point of Stumnv It Lake : themn n eo e 170 yds,tlience s 30 e:400 yda.thenee a 60? w 170 yds, Uiene 11 30 w 4C0 yds; to the begjanmg oemainmE i acirs. (East ol Wild Boat Pt. Begins at a point situa ted n 13 e 1 mile la yds from the C9CS sig , nal on Sandv Pt and s 62 15 e 1 mile 370 yds from Wild Boar Pt: thence n 180 vds. tnence e 220 yus, thence s 180 yds, thence w 220 yds ; to the begin ning 8.1 acres. PUBLIC GROUND NO 31. (Southeast of Sandy lt). Begins at a point sit uated s 4" 55' e I mile 270 yds from the V 8 C 8 signal on Sandy Pt, and n 7'J5 13' e 1 mile-DflO yds irom uie U S C 8 signal on rarcnew iwn ri ; tiienca n 41 35' e 3,170 yds, Uience a.4SJ 23' 2,710 yds thence s 41 35 w 3,170 yds. thence 11 4 25' w no yds; to tne beginning containing l,n3 aares. n-BLH- OKol'ND NO 35. (Southwest Parclied Corn Ft, near short 1 Be gins at a point situated s 35J X w 2 miles 220 yds trom the U S C 8 signal on Sandy Pt : thence u 200 yds, thence o 170 yds, thence s 200 yds. t ltd ice w 1 u yus ; 10 uie neguuinig containing .i acres. PUI1LIC CKOUSD N'a3t. (Southwest Parched Corn Pt. near shoTeJ.Beuins at a point situated n 44- 22' w 4 miles sio yds from i-oiil; oHuai 1.1 110, aim, s 01- w i"i" ji the U 8 C s signal on Parclied Com Pt; thence 11 4- Id" e M0 yds.tlience s 9 V, w TiSyds, thence n7J 3' w TVS yds; to the beginning containing so.s acres. PUBLIC OBOI ND NO 37. (Parched Corn Bay). Begins at a point situated n 49 4' w 4 miles 830 vds from Ixng Shoal l.t-, Ho, and s 5S 35' w 1 milo 25 yrrds from L'SUS signal on Parched Corn Pt ; thence n 11 52 e" l yd, thence s 7 08500 yds, thence s 11 52"; w Mi) yds, thence n 78 Otf w 500 yds ;to tlielieginningcontain lng 10.5 acres. I PUBLIC GROCND NO Si. (Parched Corn Bay). Begins at a point situaa d n 52 28' w 4 miles 453 yds trom Bong Shoal l.t lio. and s 4s0 61Vw 1 mile 4) yds from Uie U 8 C 8 s'g- Bal on Parched Cwrn It ; thence n 30 e o yds, thence s eo e 2s yds, thence s 30 w 5o yds. thence n o w 285 yds; to the beginning contain ing 29.4 acres; -PUBLIC GROUND SO 3. (Parched Com Bay. Begins at a point sitaatcd n&33T' w4 niiles6:5 yds from Uie Inu Slioal U IIo. and s 47u w 1 mile 650 yds from the U S C 8 signal on Parched Com Pt ; tnence 11 MP 30' w 975 yds, thenee n 41 29' w ivr yds; thence n 17' e iis yds, thence s 41 29' e 570 yds; to" the iR'gin ning containuig 5.i acres. public uromid tio. 40 (Parcuea corn imy). Begins at a point situated ji 51 45' w 4 miles i.M yus trom Lone snoai.iA 110, ana w- . w 1 mile 625 yds from tne U 8 C s signal oh Parched Ciiwi Pt: thence n 30 e 140 vds. .theuce s oo e o ydff Uience s 30" w 140 yds, thencein o w 90 yds ; to T4ie oegiunuig containing 2. acres. Public Uromid No 41 (At Iing Slioal Tt). Be cins at Long Blioal Pt n 45J 14' e 20 yils trom the USCS signal ; Uience s 30 e 90 yds, Uience s 7sJ 5P w 1.S15 yds, thence 30 w 275 yds to the shore Siento with the shorerxo the beiiininir contain ing more or less 152.8 acres. Public rouudNo43 (Jear snoai li 110). Begins at a point situated n - w 20 yds from Boug Shoal Lt Mo; Uience 11 70 vds, thence e lio yds, Uience s 170 yds, Uience w m yds ; to the be ginning containing 6 acres. . ruDUC urounu xso 43 t.oar uiru rsiana). rse- gtns at a ioiiai situated nswiff e mnes w yus from Oliver Keef U Ho, and; 11 4s S w 2 mijes lJo yds from Duranfs It; thence n 43- 22' e 1,400 yas, uience s 40- 33 e oo yns, tnence s w- a w i,im yus, uience n s- 3s w ouo yu; to tne uegiu- ning CoutaiiUng 173 acres. ruonc urouna W044 (.ear n.ue snoai.) e- gins at apoint situated s 77 6' w 3 miles lo5 yds, from Oliver Keef Lt Ho, and n 483 is' ! W 1 mile 1735 yds, from Duraut's Point : Uience u i yds. thence a 100 yds, thence s J25 yds, theaice w J00 yds, to the beginning; conaining 2.5 acres. ruDiic urouna jno 4 (un Lurant s roinu) lie- gins at a point situated 3 w- 40 e 3 miles low yds from Oliver Keef L$ H, anda 55J w 1 mile 45 yds from Duraut's Point ;thence n 1039'w 100 yds, thence n 80 2iK 373jds, thence s 10 e.100 yds, thence s8021' w3i5yL to the beginning cou- i talning 7.7 acres. Public Ground No 4 (Off Durant's Point ) lie- gins at a noint situated s 67 25' 4 ml es 950 yds irom Oliver KeefLt Ho, and 11: 52 w 8) yds from Durant's Point ;thence n 30 w 150 yds.Uieuce e 100 yds, uience s 30- e iso yas, uience w lsyyus to uie beinnnim: : containing 4.3 acres. ; rubuc urounu no 47 ioh Lnirant s noini. e- gins at a point situated s 60 '33' e 4 miles 5o yds trom Oliver Keef Lt Ho, and 41 75 65' w 1020 yds from Durant's Point; Uience n45 w 400 yds, thence n 45J e uo yds, thence s 45" e 400 yds, theuce s 4- w 130 yds, to the beginning; contain ing 10.7 acres. , public urouna o 4s-(on uurant s rt).uecins at a poll situated s 6 S e 4 miles 200 yus from Oliver iteei Lt tio. ana n 88- 40' w 1.000 yus irom uur ant's Pt : thence s 21 IS e 100 yds. thence s sJ 42' w 450 yds. thence n 21 18' w.100 yds, Uience n 42" e 4W yds ; to the beg nning conuiining 9.2 acres. . . Public Ground No 4 (Off Durant s Ft). Begms at a potnt situated 8 53 39' e 4 miles 310 yds trom Oliver Heef Lt :lk, and il3l' lmile 4 yds from Durant's Pt ; Uience n 333 15' e 540 ydsAlieuce 1 si- ir e 400 yds, Uience S33 is W540 yas, tnence 11 ss- 45' w 400 yus ; to tne beginning containing 41, acres. Public uronnd 10 60 (Southwest on Durant s Pt). Becins at a DOlnt situated s 18 i' e 4 miles oou yds from Oliver Keef Lt H), and S 7- 11' w 1.530 yds from Durant's Pt; Uience u iso ds,, tnence e 100 yds.thence s loo yds jtlrence w .00 yds ; to the b ginning 2 os acres. mDUczurounu rno oi twest 01 uurant s rt). Begins at a point situated s 33' e 3 miles 9t5 yds from Oliver Keel Lt Ho, and s 88- 43 w 1 nine 1160 yds from Durant's Pt ; thence n 603 55' e 110 yds, tnence s 3 6' e 9t5yds, thence s w 5' w no ids, tlienJe n 39" 5' w 3u5 yds ; to the boginniug containing 8.3 acr.s. Public Ground Nu 53 (West of Durant's Pt and south of Jfgg Shoal). Begins at a poiia situated s.558 e 3 miles 2'5 yds from Oliver Keef Lient no, ana n w 5' w 1 nine iieiu yus rrom Liu- rant's Pt ; theuce n 100 yds.Uiencee 100 ydsthence s 100 yds, thence w 100 yda ; to Uie beginning con tainmir 2 acres. V PubUc Ground 53 begins at a point situated s 7 60' 2 ndlea 115 yds frohi Oil VeT Keef Lt Ho, and n 76 43' w 2 miles 245 kdsfrom Duraut's Pt; thence n 8 V w 356 yds, theiice a 81 e 100 yds. thence s 8 V e 35 yds. theuce s si3 W w V yds : to uie beginning containing 7.3 acres. Public Ground No4 (Off Hatteras Settlement). Begins at a point sitaated s 42 46' e 4 miles tM) yds from Oliver Keef Lt Ho and s 47 14' w 1 mile 1000 yds irom Durant's Pt: Uience n 65 46' e 150 yds, thences 34 15' e 420 yds, thence s 65045' w 150 yds, thence n 34 15 w 420 yds; to the beginning containing 13 acres. I ruonc urounu 10 a trsear Hatteras settle ment). Begins at a puini situated s 40 5' e l miles lS yds trom Oliver iteotLt Mo, and s 87 to' w 2 miles So vds from DuranFi Pt: Hience n 120 vds. Uhence e M5 yds, thence w 120 yds; thence w 145 yds, to tne beginning containing 3.0 acres.. urouna 10 so inear uatteras settlement). Be gins a point situated s 3r- 4- e 4 miles 1,265 yds fnan Oliver Keef Lt Ho, and s 42 38' w 2 miles Ji5 yds from Durant's Pt ; Uience n 60 e to yds.thence s 30 e 70 yds, thence s 60" w 70 yds, thence n 30 w icyus ; to tne oegiuuiug coniauung i acre. urounu iso 01 laouuiwest 01 naiteras settle ment). Begins at a point situated 1 s 38- miles 1;175 yds from Oliver Keef Lt Ho, and s 44 23' w 2 miles 565 yds from Durant's Pt ; Uience n 60 e "5 yds, thence s 30 e T5 yds, Uience s 60 w 75 yds, thence n 30 w 75 yds; to the beginning containing l.i acres. Ground No 53 (Between Hatteras Settlement and the Inlet). Begins at a point situatud s 34 60' e 4 miles 1,075 yds from Oliver Keef Lt Ho, aud S40-40- w mues i,i yas rrom uurant s n; thence n We 26 pds, tfieiices 30 e 165 yds.thence sw-was yas. tneuce n 30- w.ws yds ;to tne bemn- ning containg 9 acres. Ana uie saitr uoaru 01 sneu commissioners uo hereby announce that at the expiration of twenty days from the 28th of September, 1887, the same being the first day of publication of this notice.the territory within said county,, and embraced within as Uie provisions of the act aforesaid will be open for entry in manner and form provided by law. wm. j. UKitrri;, unr u, 1 I. B. WATSON. I W. T. CAHO Shell Fish Commissioners. F0R SALE. ajanueTEE'S SALE. 1 By virtue of a deed of trust executed on August 13th, 1885. by the Nortlf Carolina Millstone Com pany to Uie undersigned as trustee, I will sell at publiaaution for cash, 0b the 10th day ol Novem ber, 1887, at 10 o'ciecK a. m., on the promises, at Parkewood, Moore county, ff. C, all the property of said company, consisting of a tract of land of 750 acres, upon which Is situated the Millstone Quarry, machine shops, dwelling houses, saw- nuus. patent rouer nour.ng nuii.iounory, tne store houe and all the mills and machinery, stock In trade, material, wacons. tools and all I the other personal property, together with Uie franchise of the said company, also the telephone: line of 17 mues, extenainn irom uameron on me n. & a. a. L. B-K. via Carthage to Parkwood. , A. G. BKENIZEK, Trustee. . September 12, 1887, , sepuadtds. . j 4 -a l-fi, I "N NGINEfFOB 8ALK. ow Is the time to buy au-Horse Power Anto- matlo Erufine aheap. Oa account of our engine atner smau lor our voru, ana aesiring 10 a lareer one. we will sen our dtd one cheap. Engine max be seen moving at tlie Ice Factory and doing good work. For further par ticulars' apply to ;' JOU B. WWII, Ice Factory, Kaleigh, N. C sept I I 1 JJOTICE OP SALE OF VALUABLE BEAL ESTATE. By Virtue of authority given In a decree tf Uie Superior. Court of Wake county in the special pro ceedings entitled Mary A. Leigh,Adminis'trix vs C. W. Williams et als.we will sell on Tuesday, the 1st oay 01 wovemoer, iboj, at uie court-nouso aoor in the city of Raleigh the lands of the late J. C Leigh, situated in Wake Forest Township, Wake county, and adjoining the lands of JTB. Dunn. J. 8. Purefoy, Lucy B. Rand and others, and contain ing 212 acres. Said lands will be sold in several tracts to suit the purchasers and on one of said ; tracts Is located the Leigh mills. The homo place of the late J. C. Leigh, containing 10T acres, will also ;be rsoid subject to the dower-rlght of said Marv A. Leieh. Time of sale 12 o'clock m. Terms A cash, balance in one year with 8 per aent inter est from day of sale. PaCB & HOLDING, Attonuva for PHniidsslouer. 8ept 27, 1887, dtd. 1 At the same lace arid time as tlie above sigh lands, we will sell by sale Of Uie order of court for Dartition amomr the heirs ot Uie late D. J. Justice a tract of land In said county of Wake, lying near Neuse Depot, adjoiuiug the lands of W. O. Allen. J. 1). Allen and others and containing 250 acres more or less, and known as part of the land of the late David Justice. Terms l cash and balance m one year with 8 per cent inacreat irom uay 01 01 sale. Pact & Hourwo, ' ! Attorneys for Commissioner.- evptAtr.loai, uia. IEAILIBncEIin I IS OUND IJTZ FOM AUDJB L. IM IS THE GREATEST LAD0R It Is not only for juse in and by the Household, but the warehouse, tne store, uie timet;: on uie Locomotive awl Kin Kiirlne. on Yacht; ny tne Aiatiuiaciurer; ty me juecnanic. ny rt4s invaluable titr tho polishing of Scales. Show with rouirh surfaeeL where it is difficult to apply , It will polish Gold, Sllaer. Copper, Brass, Tin, - It will not scratch or injure the Sliest gold. It lt will polish easr than any other article. It produces a polish that stays very much longer it is tne ih'si pmisn you can use. 11 is uie cneapest It Is trily h wonderful polish Ten cents buys a large Bo ; Five cents buys a I ABE NOW 9 1 I ' ALFRED WILLIAW1S CO'SB SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE SIXTH Is now ready for delivery. Every North Carolina boy and girl wants to stadvl this excellent histriry of our State. INTRODUCTION PRICE 85 otS Send orders for the History and All ALFRED .WILLIAMS & CO., Booksellers arid Stationers. Raleigh. N. ;h, N. C. dealers FOR SALE. -! -SALE OF LAND t)n Uie Mil dayof October at 12 o'cloek m.. I will sell at public action at the court-house door in the city of KaK'liih. N. C. forty-nine and a half acres of land in Barton's Creek township, Wake county, adjoining the lands of J. A. J. Perry, John fiorwood, L.I Woodlief and Wiley Glenn, about 1-3 in original growth, balance in phas. of 6o years growth, sale made in pursuance and by Virtue of a decree Of Uie Superior court of Wake county in Special lbceeding No. 438, entitled A. Svme, administrator, &c, vs Wyatt M. Bailey, the bid for said land at the former sale, August 29, 1887, having .been increased ten per cent Terms, 1-4 oash. balance in four mdhUis. ' - T. lt. PUIiNlSLL, Commissknier Sept. 5, 1887. KUSTKE'S SALE. By virtue of a deed of trust executed on Au- gust roth, 1887. by he North Carolina Millstone Company to the undersigned as trustee. I will sell at public auction for cash, on the loth day of Ntv vember, 1887, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the premises t Parkwood, Moore cotmty, N. C., all the prop erty of said company, consisting of a tract of land containing 40 acres; known as Uie Horner tract ; also a tract of land containing 750 acres, upon which is situated the Millstone Quarry, machine shops, dwelling houses, saw-mill, patent roller flour mill, foundry! the store house, and all the trills and machinery, stock in trade, material, vvaeons, tools and all Uie other personal property; together with the franchise of the company; also the telephone line of 17 miles, extending from '.anienm on tne itaieign & Augusta A. ljk. k. ia cartnage to raratewoooaj a. ii. iioisiLL. lrustee. Beptemocr zc, isei. sept22atus. F OR SALE. That valuable tract of land lying two miles from tael city of Ualeigh on the Holleman road, containiDK about four hundred acres. If not sold privately be fore the 1st of October, I will divide it In four parcels and sell by auction at the court house dopr at 12 o'clock that day. M. E. STKONAUH, Executrix of G. T. Stronoch. Bept20. MORTGAGE SALE. ill By virtue of powers contained in two mortgages, made by R. II. Alston and wife, and recordea in tne priice or tne Register of Deeds of VVBke county, in book 50, page 780, and book 67, page 225, I will, on Vy ednesday, the 19th day of Oc tober, 1887, at 13 m., sell at public auction at the court house door in the city of Ral eigh, for cash, the' real estate described in said mortgages, being lot 21 in the plan 6f the property of the late Got. Manly, and a part of lolj Wt in , the plan of the city of Raleigh, orxvt orth Street - 1. iw r utiirLOj, Attorney. septayaim. 100, IM. 100, 100. BREECH-LOADING ten $9.00to$d0.00. Ten Dollars Buys a nice double-barf r died Breech loading UUN that will shoot equal to a, more costly one. GUNS AND PISTOLS OF AMj KINDS. Anexamination of these good solicited. Hardware Of every description. 80sh,Doors,blindsJ (Jook and Heating stoves, uuboer Leather Belting, Lime, Plaster, . Cement, Paints, Oil, Glass. . Largest stock in North Carolina. Julius Lewis & Co.,1 Opposite Market. Raleigh, V. C JACOB SCHWAN. (Successor to) . t MAX SCHjWAN 4 BRO., No. 182 Fayetteville Street. Yin Confeptipnerv, China and Glasjswaie, House , i Furnishina Goods. , TO HINE - SAV15G POLISHER MADE. should be uswl In the Factory, the Workshop the Steamboat, on tha tne salb or, soldier ami Musician. Cases, Musical Instruments, and especially Metals liouid or txiwder lolishes. Nickel - Plate "r uy other Metal will polish quicker than anv other article. It makes ail metals shine brighter than any other parish ., than that produced ly any ouier article. pouui small box. THOS. H. BitlQGS & SONS. 1 ,)ai)(ii.sciOTDojra USING NORTH CAROLINA: EDITION . 1 1 Other School Boohs and supplies to C. ; BDccial aiscounta to teachers and aBEB Slimmer has Struck tho Town AND- THE Old Reliablp Druggist I Has struck a popular chord j in introducing one of the Old North State's Treasures THE LINCOLN LITHIA WATER, THE BEST OF ALL WATER ; - ' ..'V ! - :" For Gout," Rheumatism and all : Kidney and Bladder Troubles John S. Pescud, Druggtetand Seedsman, 113 Fajretto ville Street, Raleigh. N. G. Sole Agent for j i . LINCOLN LITHIA WATEB. o. M. ALX.ES; WHTCXTaII. atJiEn&oram: Founders and Skcbinists llannfaeiurers and Importers of For life ud Statisacry Eiias and Btilera, Saw afld)irist Mills, fotbi Presst Ac. t " ; MUTdTAOTtTBXBsi OF THX ILone Stilr Panip EALEIGH, N.C WE SELL AND REPAIR Engines of all Rindls, KEW AKD SBCOND HAKD. Threshing machines, xbtton seed crmsh ers. cotton gins and presses, brick- making machinery, boiler feed ers, general mill gearing and ail sorts or - - - FARM MACHINERY. Let us know what you want. W wfll furnish you everything in our line at SATISFACTORY PRICES. (DIE FOR Can be had at cellar under our stots (Dodd's corner) or at our warehouse mear tha Oentsl depot " A - ' J AND Every Day in tho Week. ' '! .1 : and 7 p. m., except an intermission en Sunday from 11 till S o'clock.. . , Prices for tickets as follows: 100 lb package, 5 lbs at a time, Mo; 600 lb package 10 lbs at a time $4; 2.000 lb package 23 lbs at a time, $7.60; S,0ti0 lb package, tK) pounds at a time, $14. : Our wagon delivers in the city morn ing and evening every day except Son- oay. For Shippln rr - 999 7 'J.t-' U hulls, 75 cents per 100 pounds. Terms cash. .- ;j .:-a ft Dodd Corner or Central Depot. ; John . Pesoud 5r ( : - laalelon, U. V.1

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