News and Observer Pcbmshed Daily (except MonaT) and BY TUE NEWS AND PBSFRVER Co. J. I. MrBKK, . - Dia'.y orio year, mail postpaid, -" ix months, " rt three Wjekjy, one year, " " Editor. $7 00 ' 3 60 1 75 1.25 SIX I110I1U13, 75 ' No name entered without payment, ami no pa p ??; Sent after tpe expiration, time iaiU for. FKIDAl OCTOBER ?7 1887 'Trivial Trousers" i what they now call'ForakeT, "Little JSreeches" hav ing somewhat paired on the public ear. so to epeak. I Tue best thing aliput St. Louis" .Veiled Prophet organization seems to be the fact that not a single republi can can belong to it. f Dr. Pabkeb, of Eng&nd, eulogized Henry Ward Beecher Tuesday night preacher as the "shepherd of his na- tion.'' I- - The Wadesboro Mescmjer appears iu enlarged form withf Messrs. Lowe and Boylin as its publishers. We wish it continued growth. long life and prosperity. j .; ' . ' , Jaunty Aimee, the singer and ac tress, has iust died 1 in Paris and there were not two s'core mourners nt her funeral. As poor Rip says: "How soon we are iorgot wuen we are gone The President said jrood-bye ' to rough and tumble Chibago yesterday, and proceeded to, Milwaukee,; where? we hope, the crowds that' throng to see him will be betterlmahnered than they were in the westf rn metropolis. Therb is apparently a fresh out break of hazing at th Northern col leges. The cowardly practice is gen erally, however, on .the decline, we are glad to know. It is almost wholly a thiusr of the past in our North Caro lina colleges and the fact is a decided credit to cur young njen. Irvig Hall has split up, it is reported, the better i part of $8 membership withdrawing rather than barter away j the pi incl ines of democracy. It is a.gratifying fact that the democrat of ;New York city as a whole, are more harmonious and united than they have been for many years. , Van Zaxdt is aggrieved becaus- of the1 fact that her husband by proxy, Spies, will insist on writing love letters to another woman. This is the reward she has for ; giving up friends and reputation and everything else in her infatuation1 for the con detuned anarchist. But - what else could she have expected. The Italians of Trenton, N. J-, are preparing to celebrate on the' 12th inst, the 395th anniversary of the dis cdvery of America by Columbus, "ftdiich the same is" but the jbegin- ning, we suppose, of Columbus celebrations which will culminate four years hence. The prospect not altogether pleasing. : IS GpLrS continues to pour into this country from across the sea and at an ever increasing rate. In July the imports were about $2,000,000, in August about $6,00(000 and in Sep tember about S13,0Q0,000.i It all goes into our melting pot on arrival except of course the United States coin which is returned to us in it and it Indicates a decided balance of trade in our favor The Salisbury Truth is a new paper to be published every Thursday by J. J. Stewart, editor anJ proprietor. It biarts out by saying ihat no demo cratic principle has ben observed in this country since 1848, and proceeds to declare that iia purpose is "to stamp with the truest ethical pig- mhcance the gravest symbol of polit ical legerdemain." Its character may be gathered from these remarks. A laboe and enthusiastic meeting of Wilmington's most substantial citi zens has declared in; favor of a sub scription of: $150,000 to the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad. Now for the extension of ithe roatl and a straight line between Wilmington and Cincinnati, Thau or something like it is all that is necessary to make our commercial metropolis one ;,of the leading Atlantic port$. e savings banks which have been established in the State during the past few months are all doing a thriving business. Why should not their number be multiplied?' Each of the larger ccntresj of population, particularly the industrial centres, needtj one of the institutions. Let ub have opo in every' town of conse- quence in the State, and our word for it, they will not only benefit the com munities in which they are es tab lishod but make monoy for their stockholdera. f - : Tee considerable s increase in the assessed valuation $f property in North Carolina is a farther gratifying evidence of tho advance of the State on all lines of prosperity. There has been marked growth jin material wel fare in every section. jThere has been improvement in; every department of industry. Tbee has been advance in agricultural methods. There has been developmetlt' everywhere Of the wonderful resources of tho State. The rich lands of 'the east have1 been made ' to yield more: abund antly and the trucking;: inter est has be u widely ; extended; the centre h is experienced a de cided boom in nn'riug and hsis multi plied us industries largely the west has advanced -with such great' strides m to astound all who visit :jt after an absence of any number of years. Throughout tfre State the watchword has for some time been .''Forward and the result is a fctatiis with respect to material pfosrress second to that of no State in the South. if . We say the fact is gratifying, and we record the trequen evidences or mcreasiucr prosperity with ramie ;c well as pleasure. Let us see ifchat no untoward political- event shall retard the progress we" are making. ILet us take care that the sound administra tion afforded us by the democrats be continued, to the end that thS com monwealth may be speedily placed where it belongs among this most progressive in all respects cu the States of the Union'. '.!! the find ft f,oll-l Gen. James H. Lane, so well known to North Carolinians as a brigade? com mander of troops from this 5tate during the war and sis a zealous de fender of the fame of our people since the ' unpleasantness, in .'hich the story-of the tragic death of tho brave youncr Jieutenant Caldwell at Gettysburg is told anew. The Gen eral eays he has received many re quests for the publication of his recollections of the famous qharce of the 3d of July, and North Carolinians would be particularly ?lad ta see such a publication; but the General explains that he has nothing to add in tho way of historical facts to his official report of the battle and ; two letters written by request, which have already been published in the bGuth ern Historical Society paper. i'L "In the same papers' however, he jsays "will oe iound a communication on the saine subject from Gep. Trimble, who commanded a part of Pender's division (Lane's and Scales1 brigades in tliat third days etiarge.. : v?en Trimble, ought certainly to be an; im partial judge, as he commanded, us then for the first and last time;. A perfect stranger to us all he took charge of us on the battlefield,? made us a short address, and with his Staff and a part of Pender's he rode in' the rank of file closers as we advanced, lost one of his legs and fell into he hands of the enemy when Gen. Lee withdrew from Gettysburg. Gen. Lane will not soon be for gotten by North Carolinians. His gallant bearing on the field at the head of North Carolina troops ' ind his defense of our boys in grey onfall occasions against m aligners have en deared him to us all and his memory will remain fresh and green among us long even after he shall have crossed the river, which event yte trust is still far in the future, fie says young Caldwell enlisted in the 33d regiment, Lane's brigade, Pen der's division, A. P. Hill's corps and not as heretofore stated. There is nothing truer than tie quotation made by Gen. Lane to the effect that "the want of knowledge the rising generation---our Southern youth, grown up since the war of the' trusted an uaithiul isuys of the South, who so grandly ful filled their pledges with their livjfis, their fortunes and their sacred honor in hfer defence, i absolutely appa,ll in." ' ; . H We owe it to ourselves, our State and the truth of history to nee th.s this knowledge is supplied as far t possible. . - - j We have seen something in the papers of an alleged bolt of Mary land democrats in favor cf republi canism. The leaders of the move ment have been put down as Messrf . S. T. V'allis, Stewart Brown arid Charles Marshall. These crentlemeil, though,it appears, are chronic bolters. The Washington Post says: "They bolt the ticket of the party to which they assume to belong as regularly a? Collector GroOme and Senator Gor man vote it,, and find themselves as often in the company of such repub licans as ex-Shenff Airey and ex Col lector Webster." The Post says further: "Mr. Wallig twelve years ago, was the regularly nominated republican candidate for Attorney-General of the State, and- from that, year tp this year he has never aided, so far as we know, the; local ticket of the democratic party- He certainly supported, as dit Col. Marshall (we do not know so much about the ether man), oppo sition tickets for mayor of Baltimore in 1883 and 1885." s The bolt therefore does not- seem to- be very well defined. But supposing it a bolt it is clear the democracy wiQ' thrive upon all movements like it made up of similar material. 8uKr BoaiWiea. - SprinKleld llepuliln an. ' ' The Liondon workingmen are clam oring against the sugar bounties; and and a meeting of 10,000 persons was held there to deuounco them vester day. As these bounlh s are imposed by the nations of continental Europe, the British workingman is powerless " uelP himself, except by callinti for retaliation. France, Germany, llussia ami other countries by navini? theswl bounties on the export of beet RUtrar 1 . .. - i"P nave siunniatea tne growth of that product from 20 per cent to 55 per cent of the world's- production. Of course, tms enormous and artificial I There was no conflict in the testi stimulation has closed the British re f mony until a colored - man nawied fineries and greatly damaged the 1 Ruf us . Walker was called to tho countries which produce sugar from stand, and upon the strength of the cane, except in the case of the j Walkers testimony, Deberry was ar Hawaiian Islands, which have a great rested upon the charge of murdeV. advantage in the free admission of ! Walker swore that he was lying on a their products to our ports. But. in j pallet in the room and heard Jules the meantime, the European powers say to Sam: "Don't hit me over tho are not without difficulties. None of head again, Sam." Sam got up and them can afford to pay millions an- secured the pistol, when Jules threw nually to pay for other peopled his hands to his face and exclaimed: sugar, but none of them dare to re- - "Don't shoot me." Almost immedi duce the tax, for fear of rousing the f ately Sam- pulled the trigger and opposition of those engaged in raiBri Judea fell over with -a bullet in his ing the beets and refining. heacL Sam threw the pistol out of the ASHEVILLE! NEWS. The Reception of (he Irr side lit Com t lun ation ef the Work of Improvement. for. of the News and Observer. Asheville. N. C.,Oct. 5. The board of county commission ers decided Monday to submit to, a vote of the people the question of subscription to the various railroad projects now engaging the attention of the citizens of this county. The proposition is to subscribe one hun dred tbousaud dollars each to the four proposed roads. The order sub mitting the question is to be pre pared by tho county attorney and will be acted on finally at the next meeting of the board an ad journed meeting a few days hence- -The vote will probably be taken in November. The contest will be strenuous; the advocates of the'prop osition are very confident, enthusi astic and atrcrressive; the opposition is quiet but determined. A discus sion of the question on the stump will be likely to be had, a a creat many voters are doubtless open to argument. At a meeting of the board of trade and city'council and a number of citi zens Monday night, preliminary steps were taken towards the preparations for Cleveland's reception on the 21t of October. A committee of arrangements was appointed, headed Mr. S. 11 Kepler, - president of the Board of Trade, and Hon. H. S. Har kins, mayor of Asheville. The Gov ernor, the State Council, and the two U. S. Senators were invited to meet the President here. They will be the guests of the city if they shall accept the invitation. The President has al lowed only 15 minutes for his visit to Asheville, and the problem presented to the committee on arrangements is how to abbreviate the desired, or pro posed programme, and crowd down into that limited space the hospitali ties that the community desire tp ex tend to him. Lieutenant Governor Mauldin, of Greenville, S. C, is visiting the city in the interest of the projected Caro lina, Western and Knoxville railroad. He appeared before the board of commissioners Monday and. pre sented his views on the question of subscription to the proposed rail ways. Gas waatui ned.on Monday night.and the new works re now in regular op eration. The Equality of the gas is excellent, and affords as fine a light as can be desired. It. will be gener ally used throughout the city. At the regular annual meeting of tho Tobacco Association held Monday night, C. C McCarty was elected President, J. H. Carter vice-president, and E. J. Holmes secretary. The work of. macadamizing our streets goes steadily on. They are laid with crushed, stone. Just now ths principal work is being done on Patton avenue THE "JCSE BIG" ROAD. Celebration of Its Completion--Reunion of Confederates. CiTt smilrnce Xt-ws and 01'i ver. Taylqrsville, N. C, Oct. i At a meeting held esterday it was decided -to havo a soldiers' reunion and celebrate the completion of the ''June Bu' Railroad to Taylorsville Tuesday, November 1st, 1887. Com mittees were appointed to invite speakers and prepare a dinner. An excursion will be run from Charlotte. Several prominent speakers are to be invited, and one of the biggest days ever known in Taylorsville is ex pected. . E L. H. How Zircon Mine waa Salttri. lleiidersunville Tiim-s. The following is an actual occur rence on Green River. Much excite ment has prevailed in that section recently over the opening of the zir con mines. Scores of residents along the zircon belt have been with pick and shovel busily engaged prospect ing ior zircons So far the search has been unsuc cessful except in one instance, and in that the mine was salted. A mischiev ous Green River youngster scattered a lot of zircons, taken from tho Free man mine, in a certain place on the lands of his pater -fundi tax, and speed ily informed him of the find. His "dad," highly elated, went . to woik and with pick and shovel dug a deep pit, built his rockers,, and prepared for mining the ciystals on a big scale. But the exertions of the old man proved too much for the . youngster. Choking with laughter, he gave him self away, and the "sell" was soon in the possession of the old man. Dis gusted with mining for the mineral, he now concluded to extract the ox ide, pure and simple, but this time it came not from the mirie, but from the boy. With a stout hickory switch he gave the urchin thirty-nine save one, and thfey do say he laid it on with a will. This will no doubt put an end to zircon salting ' in that locality at least. Charged With Murdrr. hiii l.itli- Clirmii. H. Sam Deberry, colored, was yester day lodged in jail charged with the murder of' Jules Robinson, also col ored. It was reported that while Jules was hitting on a pallet fooling with au old pistol the weapon explo ded, the ball entering his head and causing his death. After Jules' body was buried rumors of; foul play were heard, and. Coroner flkthov li no- suinmoiifiil: th hnAv won I and an investigation wa mad a. Spv. 1 - o 1 er&l witnsafis. meliidinrr rtahrrv testified in support of the accidental theory. I window and then asked those in the j room not to tell what he had done. ! Another negro testified that in the- ' cotton field next day, Henry Walker j told him that Sam Deberry hail killed Jules Robinson. ! Mao-led Against III Will. W ilmington ttar. ', Au interesting case was tried in tho j Superior; Court yesterdaj ; Jehu D ; Southerland suing for divorce trom j Melissa Southerland The plaintiff j in the casi is quit3 a young man. Ho .came to this county, where he became i acquainted with Miss Melissa Turley. : Young Southerland "kept company" I with Miss Melissa for-, some month;;, j Although he might have coutempla- ! ted inatriniony, he wab rather diLito i ry about joining to the point, am! i Miss TurleVs father thought it was ' advisable tb hurry up-mutters. It was alleged by the plaintiff that i he was waylaid in the woods, and cap ttfred, and with a pistol pointed at hia head bj the father; of the youn lady,, was t&ld that he must "marry or die.'' Seeing that there was no es cape, Southerland reluctantly submit ted, and ws then and there joined in wedlock wi.h tho young lady by ft justice of the peace, who was with the , party that made the capture. Southerland, the teluctant groom, said that he accompanied his bride to her parent g houle but' left soon af terwards, upd has eve'r since refit cu to live wit 14 her. . The jury rendered a verdict for lu plaintiff, tiiAling that he was forreo violently aiid against his will to mar ry the deeadant '-'Salvation delights ; everybody. can had of all tiraggiets and dealer in medicines. It eradicates all pain by quickly removing tUe cause. It cure neuralgia aid rheumatism. Price " cents. j When Nokh was in the Ark yo;io Ham was was alwavs nlovint: tricks on the old gentteman. One'day lie told his r.ea-faring father that there whs water in the ceilaj and they liad all caught cold! Then it dawned on Noah that he hadomitted to secure a supply of Dr. Bull's Cough byrup. .. -r-Greeu n many; clistii'rtrt tints, from golden; green 0 the dark mo.m and myrtle Jshades, is u conspicuous ctflor in autumn millinery. It is used in' conjunction with black, white, jon quil; yellow, iPersian lilac, terra-cottc certain shades of bluev Roman red, Venetian bronze, and- many novel neutral tints! in plush and velvet shot with a contrasting color. AktVlCK Tl tlOTHEKS. Mrs. Wi'islow'j SootUlng Synip sljniild .always be used wheu cliiMreD are ciuting teetli. ft re liefs the little siifferer at once, it rxlucc? natu ral, quiet sleep by TelievinKtiiecliiklrn from pain, ana the little ehefyb awakes a "bright a-) a but ton." It is veryi!easant, to taste; soothes the child, softens .tb-giims, allays 'all pain, relieves wind, iej?ulates tiie bowels an'U ta the best known remedy for diarrfioea, whether rising fr.mi tet Iok or other cauifts. rwnty-riTe cents a tc-ttl- -i- l Yincenzo Juliano, .and Italian charged wit'Ii the murder of a coun tryman, saves his rations iu the New ark Jail to ke(p his wife and children from Carving. -' What a Time People, formerly had, trying o.:w allow tho 6itl-faaliibned pill with its film r luagnesia vanly disguising its bitjtvr ; and yhaX a Contrast to Ayer's Pills, that hive been well called ' nk-u-icated sugar-plums" thet only fear be ing that patents may be;teinpted into taking too many at a dojje. Hut tho directions are flain and should be strictly followed.. , J. .T. Tellel, M. D., of ;Chittenangr, N. Y., expresses exactly wjiat hundreds writtem at greater lengtlL Ho says: " Ayer'a fatbartic Pilla are highly appreciated, flhey are perfect in form and coating, .and their effects are all that Hie mosj;. careful phjtsi'cian could desire. , They'-havo supplanted all the . Pill8 formerly; popular here; and I think it must .bo-loiig'betoret aiy o'.her can be made- that will at all cetnpare with them. Those iwho buy y'stur pills get' full value for tjheir money."; "Sa,fe, pleasant, and certain in their action," i tso concise testimony of Dr. Georgj E. .Walker, ;of Martiiin villep Virginia " ' . - . " Ayer's outsell all similar pre arations. Thel public having once usd theui, ; will liaje 110 othcrp." Berry, Vcuable. & Colhtr, Atlanta, Ja. Ayer's Pills, I'rtparsU by Dr. C. Ayer &Col,l.owell, Mw. Sold by all palerf In Medicine. J. V. S1KVE.VS. A. AHKOTT. WATKU WORKS. . . We hav located iit, the ADAMS' j HUllWXTi, So. 314 Wilmington it . And sje now priepared to do all classes of work jn con nix. t;on with the water works; such as Plumbing Steam and Gas Fitting, &c. f . , We will Leep oo hand a fill! supply of material for putting in water.; AM work guaranteed. STEVENS & GARROS T. DR. E. It. KWIilA, Tloiuiiit hir llimiianr (HallUx V, Opposite t'ottoii Flitfornn. - lui-EiQu, n. c. Special attentioa' paid to all forms of chronic disease, diseases of women jund children. Patients treated by mail aaid visits made to neipftborinf? towns when desirer TanatT A: Dclauey Kngiiif iompuny RICHMOND. yjRGfNIA. Business eHtablishel 1865. The most complete1 Machine iShops in 'the. South. Engmes, Boilers', Saw-Mills and Ma chinery. Light an4 Tramway Locomo tives. Pole Road Locomotjes a Hpecialty. Correspondence Solicited. jRend for Catalosru JJIVIDENDNOtiqi-:. H A semi-annual dividend of Z per cent has been declared b the Board" 'of Direc tors of thp. Raleigh! & Gaston: ; Kail road Company payable ori and after- October 1, 1887. The transfer books will be cJosed from thie date until the 2d proximo. W. W. VASSi Tna. tend Seo'r. Baleiebr Sept 24, 1881, ; i- .I 1 ? i Hi i. 1 mm Fcrtho cure of Corahs. Colds, H?arsc riesa, Croup, A:.ilir:o, Ironch:.ti3, Whooping Cor",li, hc:r:-.rt Con-sairptic-n, f;.iJ Ij: the :jiiof of con- -.n-;jll n rcons in advanced stages ' Pists. Price, as cent. . FOR GOODS ! That pay a f;i'r profit and sell themselves, give entire-, satisfaction to tho community ' an l nre profitable for th" reta'let to push, cull iri I . cc A. SL 1 Slnmatli, -WHOLESALE .N1) (W MAJtFAl'Tl'IIERS. Headquarters for everything, and ev erything of the best in staple and fancy irroceries, foreign and domestic fruite. snulf, rrgfirn and tobacco. DO YOU BUY Kirk's toilet and laundry soaps, Kin'rje ford's laundry and coin etarch: Hors ford's bread preparation and acid phos phate, Patapeco and Purity baking pow der. Thurber's M-l ar.d Munaja coiTee. PYLE'S PEAPvLINE. HE NO TEA, Manufacturers " prices to jobbing trade. Van Dervetr & IIollnels, famous A. E. .crackers and cakes. We are sole agents for the above mentioned brand of crack ers and cakes for this rection; all styles and size packages. Car load to f rrive Oct. 1st. S?nd for price list. 100 BOXES TAKBELL CHEESE, 5.000 LiBS TARBELL CHEESE- New crop field seed car load extra fine wiiite winter oats, sapling, red clo- ver, rye, timotny, blue grass seed. orchard and fancv W. k A. 15. Strouatli,- CANDY MANUFACTURERS. Pure stick candies in any quantity, at as low prices as auy house in the Unitesd States.. Full line penny goods, new 6tvles. Apples, oranges, lemons, &c. "Just received 25 bbls Fall. Rib, and 20 oz Pippin Apples, extra fine stock. W. C. c A. B. STK0XACH, ItiTAlL OUOCKKS. OlTer, io arrive about Oct. 1st, a fall and complete line GORDON A DILWORTH'S This sea&ou's p eking, Pi eser es, jellies, ja:us, mince tneat. calsupi. olives, olive o'l. tieilrj'ri.iti, fruits in pyrups. &c. IN STOCK. 'aliforma apricots aua peaciie? in glass jars, and the largest and most varied ftock of standard to extra choice cauneil vegetables and fruits :n the State. Ve arc again receiving . that delicious Augueta county. Va., creamery butter, packed solid and in 1-2 lb priots, ELEGANT LINE Finest French candies 40c lb,, cream taffy. &c. Teas, Coffees and Spices. v' e buy of the importers pure spices, best coffees, lintst tea, at grocers' proti s. Park V Tiiford's imported cigars, El liuger s Kej' West cigars, and our own brands, f'omestic made all Ilavahi 5c cigars, to suit all tastes. 3--THREE--3 STORES. '2VJ Fayetteville St.. 101 FaJ etteville M., and our old stjnd r-opeiied, 7 Exchange Place and 9 Martin St. Ci jizeiis". Trust Compiuiy 1ULEIGH, N. C, ,Soliciis and is empowered t execute TRUSTS OF ALL KINDS. TO MANAGE PROPERTY AS Agent lor Owners; To Buy and Sell Property, CO LLECT RETS if LOOK AFTER TAXES, BU Y AND SELL SECURITIES; To issue negotiable certificates against Roods on storage upon which money can be obtained at the Lowest Ruling Rate, and to do all business usually done by Trust Companies. " .' C. M. HAWKINS. President. - W. E. ANDERSON, Vice-President. P. M. WTT.SON. Cashier. I. WINETROB KASIIIONAP.I.K MERUIT ANT TAILOR, 15 S. Wilmington Street, 1 h vitcs friends, customers and the gen eral busy public to call and examine his stock of gents' dress goods, from which selections can be made quickly and sat isfactorily. Something to suit every body's taste and purse. First-class sroods ! First-class work Lowest prices ! 1. Winetrob, 15 S. Wilmington St it WIKE RAILING .AKDUBNAMKN' i D U F V K (J U ., No. lia & lli. North Howard istreet, Bal timore, manufacturers of wire railing tut -.mcteries. Balconies, &c. Sieve r euaers. wirM, Wood and Coal Screen, Woven Cage Iron Bedsteads, Chair Bet- tn-s. sir, I r - i .- ?t-'VH i rv; J r -. . . ; :,. . - . CANNED GOODS.! V i fidw. J. ' Hardin, Grocer, RECEIVED DAY, Califtrnia ehrrien anI atricxte. canned by Golden Gate Packing Com pany, new find very choice. To arrive this week. Caches (Lemon Clingd) and BarUett. Pears of the same brand. Fifty cases tomatoes, salmon, lobster, shrimps, &c, &c. all iiov.- gootls and of select quality. j New apple je'lj , linewt quality, full quart 1 jare, 00c each; preserves, Gordon & Dil worth's, fresh made in g'laes jara. HAMS! HAMS!! Three thousand pounds choice Kentuckj canvassed hams. "Falls City'' brand, winter-cured and of choicest 1 viality ;Ferris hams, tongues and smoked beef; ifar vey's hams, break fast strips, sc., &c. BITTER AiM) CHEESE. Best butter in firkins and tubs new cheese, fine rice, &c, &c. Ten barrels fresh lunch milk biscuit the best of all plain crackers. ' 15c per iwund close prices by the ! barrel. I Fine less, coffees, chocolates, cocoa soaps, starches, extracts, pickles, sauces, &C..&C Everything in the tine of groceries anil family supp'ies, promptly deliv ered, and fully guaran-. teejf as to quality and price. E. J. HARDIN. SiifiiiiucrDriiikM N.o More Plies I've got the drop on these troublesome pests, and my new Fans, propelled by a stream of cool water froru the water works. : ' KNOCKS 'EM SPEECHLESS IX i TWO ROUNDS Let everjbody com'e now and drink ! Sparkling Soda, Delicious Li made, Renovating itloiit Or any other Summer Drink, drawn from the best and handsomest Fountain in all Ibis suhnv clime NO FLIES, BUT BREEZE: That remind you of the wav e washed beavh, or the tower ing peaks in the land of the clouefs. Ices, Minerals and Juices Tliat are refreshing and in vigorating, ily store is a morning, noon and evening resort, and all my friends and patrons are ALWAYS WELCOME. Vistors to the city cordi ally invited. JTiio. Y. BlacKac t Druggist and Pharmacist, ' Cor. Wilmington, Martin and . Market Sts., Raleigh, N. G. FALL ANNOUNCEMENT OF L. ROSENTHAL CO. Our stock of fall arid winter goods has arrived, and we are exhibiting now a large selection of goods of the best manufacturers1 production. LOOK AT OUR DRESS SUITS, OUR BUSINESS SUITS, OUR CUTAWAY SUITS AND OUR Boys' & Children's Suits. We can fit and suit the most fastidi- ous. and respectfully ask our patrons and the publio to make us a visit before pur chasing elsewhere. L. as 2 NEW DRY GOODS. V ' Toe V MwtK. THE BEST SHOE. THE ADLER SHOE In CoDgress, Button and La-e Gaiter, of French Calf and Kangaroo Stock, Corn Curers. Price for Iland-made ?5.50 to 87.00. Joseph P.Gullcy, No. 233 FayettevilleSt., Kaleigh. SPECI AL OPENING. Monday, 4th July, Prettiest Line rcnt Lawns, Ginghams. Prints, c, Beauti ful Styles Ladies' Button Boon 81.30 85.00. Full stock of Gent's ready' mad Clothing and Furnishing Goods coniplet. We solicit a call from the public JOS. P. GULLEY. OSEPH SCHLITZ BREWING CD'S CELEBRATED MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER PSILSIENiEM CAR LOAD X 1 C K I AA ia I . This Beer is pronounced the purest and best in the country. Bottled at the "Brewery and packed 10 dozen pint bottles to the barrel. Trade supplied at Brewery prices. W rite for quotations. j: r. ferrall & co THE Ll'MMi'S C0MBIY4TWX COTTOA fiW. FOE THIS AXD LATEST IMPROVED GIN CALL ON M. T. Norris & Bro. Wholesale Grocers and Commission Mer chants, Nos. 12 and 14 Exchange a id 9, 11 and 13 Martin Streets, Raleigh, r. C. WOOD AND COAL. PD1L. 11. ANDREWS & 0., HEADQUARTERS' WdDdDUP 9 LONG AND OUT ANTHRACITE GOAL, White aud Ked Ashe, Fnrnance, Egg and Sot, Superior to Any Other. It make less black smoke. It makes lesa ash. It makes no clinkers. It burns entirely to ash. BUY NOW AT SUMMERPRICES We can furnish BETTER COAL for LESS MONEY. Telepkrti 103. it ? - f" c ii'U ill m i.

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