. i-' i '-:.'.' v RALEIGH, N. 0., .TUESDAY. MORNING, NOVEMBER 1 1SS7 V0L. XXIV. NO. ld-2 ; 1 i '"if; 1 If 4j I M-A -f h '- . .! f v; , - w: r : ' 1 -i 1 1 ' " J Mews " and (J EM. 1 K LlSL Absolutely Pure. thl rowder aeven rwhea. A marvel - f parity, etrepfrth and wholescmeneM. 1 -w.fi onr. miiviHthun ordinsuT kinds and -smifbt benold in competition with the V multitude of low teat, short weight, Tlai or phospliate powders, Boldony in -iCSt" Royal Baking Powdkb ,Co., lM 4WattToet, New York. : ?o?d by W. C. & A B. S',rpnach, and OTT.27v 1887 AT THE GREATEST SlN THE STATE. rri 1 1 AND CIRCULARS. RUBBERBOOTS AND UMBRELLAS. ' ' ' ' 23 eta per pair 80 cts 85 cm " 43 cto " . ''-' ' VhiW Blankets Irom $100 1.00 per pair "-. v'fc 't ' hanWii Flannel from 7Jc per yard. adiirs' and Misses'' Jackets and Circu- 1 1MB. T; adi- and Misaes' Merino Vests. All! I J -Si Wool , Flannel, from 15 ct per yard. i AC jinplete Line of - Millinery Goods. t : - . - WDOLLCOTT I SOI U&aet Martin St.. RaleigHN. C. ET)WARD FASNACH, I - ' - JEWELER i OPTI RALEIGH, N. C . t KeepiniSc pace with the growth and pros perity of the cilj of Ilaleigh.our Stock of -Watches. Jewelry, Optical 1 !- '(loods. etc etc., is probably " "v t. now tk larpeit in the f; "lUt.J. -c ourTisuitl lin, f tooile. we will have or. oiHiibilioii i t tiur Store, couimeiic iing We-l islay. thel'Jth, ' 10iMMl.CoM Watches,' 1 - DtAtond Hii'K'.i'itf'ai 1-10 to'lj karat, 11 KHt,la of great beauty. ntlt ityleit antl deiiKUS of fclid Gold ht .celt-ta. mm torest loiicgc, i south Carolina t lxten-lail W nort.i -jf Half lnh. Ftfty-thirrt an u,.n rtuii. r.'i,iMm u.-r 1 .71 Ir .. t..r u.iiai Mi.liuntm' 111-I.I I .11 lll.ltlMI't ))Otl!. Dim vveii -equii-i' tout aiv III (ivmuitii'iinTeiUjui'ive',-r)und. For tatoiaU. JfJSrt'cHAB. 5. TAVLOR, I I 1 1 1 1 II I HIBBEK GOATS C1AN t, ''if ! 1 '; C'Dinmtrcl Epitome. Now' jToTki'In uicial and Commercial CLronicIe. IfiiiDAv'NioHT, Oct. 28, 1887. . General trade presents few salient features for : coiament. The season of ativ bUjsuue3S for the current half-ytajf draws to a close. The re tailejs vill have their turn for the nextftwb months, and upon their wants as they Bhall develop, will the buajaeBi of the jobber depend. Im porters jind manufacturers now turn their attention to next spring's trade, ' regaidiifg which the prospects are said to jbe excellent. The excitement incident to the approaching elections begins to detract something from the attention devoted to business affairs. The fveatherjias been seasonable, and in isoruiern latitudes ine tempera ture jha faUen, but it has not been in-, juriousHo any important interest, Recent J rains are giving a better stag'o? water to the navigable rivers of the West and Southwest. Higher price?, together with dearer ocean freights, havo retarded sotaewhat the expotS:of breadstuffs and provisions, but the'outward movement of cotton is something phenomenal in its pro portions, keeping our stocks in ware house comparatively small. Th$ speculation in lard for future delivery at this market Blowly gained strenfi for the week under review, owing mainly to the rise in corn, for the regalar demand was Dy no means urgent A slight decline yesterday was recovered today. jtara on the si6t is very scarce, and to those , in wahtaoi immediate supplies noiaers : have been able to dictate terms, and tho inarkf t today was firm and fairly : activ4ft G 70o. for prime city; G 90(3 j ! G.yocifdr prime, to choice Western; ! 'mm y . - . .1 S i it ' (c. tof rehneu to, the continent, ana ' 7.43c!fQf refined to South America. There is an additional decline in j pork, Imt at the reduction there was i much cmbre activity to the demand, i Old r4ess $13.o0al3.V5; new do. $14a ! 1125;iprime $12-50al2.75, and clear ' 815alli.50. Cut meats are again par tially lower; pickled bellies 7Ja8c ; shouMers oaSjo and hams 9fa9c; smokeJ houlclers 6fa7c and hams 12al2 ja-l Thft number of hogs slaughtered at the principal western points from March 1st to October 19 were 43(0,000, against 5,410,000 for the corresponding period 'latt year. Beef remjxins nearly nominal. Beef hams aull. Tallow : very firm at j rftearine ;is quiet at 7a7fjc. 01ec maigarinb is quoted at 6c. Butter j is daill'at 19a27c for creamery. Cheese is lower; State factory, full cream, j 9alTc and skims 4a9c. 1 Thejepeculafcion in Rio coffee has ibeen aptive, anil a pressure to sell has 1 caused, a material decline in prices, j thougli tere was more steadiness to day, closing with sellerB at $lb.45c down -jt6;; Ij515.70c for November to next December, and $15. 45c, f 1515c. f 15.35c. for October, November and December, 18S8- Fair cargoes of Jtioon the spot are quoted down to 18 Jc, with tnorefdoingait the decline, hut milt) grades are still dull. Raw sugars 'h&je further advanced and are quoted, today at 5 l-16o- for f air re- finery. Cuba and 5ic for Centrifugal, i a - - I W ' . tli. rlaivi t-afflt vrlf-h larrTA aa aa AT M a- v -""st1?") t" y- - nilla Bt 3 I51ba4 Jc. -ite-hned sugars are dearer. Molasses is nearly nomi nal. Teas in fair demand. Spirits turpentine has advanced to 36c, but, rosins are easier at $1.17a 1.22 for common to good strained. The speculation in crude petroleum certificates has been active, showing at titnefl considerable excitement, and .pricis; fbave been much higher; but there was less doing today, with the close af 70jja70Je. Hops are in ex port depiand at 22a23c for the best. Wools Lhave a brisker sale at full prices. ;' f The Speculation in cotton for fu ture delivery at this market for the week under review has been some what fitful, with the course of prices variably aiid unsettled, closing but ! Uttle changed from Friday last. The aujustuaerit ot uctooer options nas been a iiisturbing element, the bulls j and betirB being alike uncertain re ' ' gardina the probable outcome. Liv 1 erpoolias been unsettled, but Man ; chestert accounts have been strong, t the priyate advices ,being,ven better 1 than trie-1 published ; accounts. No ' vember options have been relatively . ' stronger than"' December, owing to th4 continued small stocks here pausing ' apprehensions of a repetitions of the experience i with October Contracts. The "cer tificate iytem" appears to be opeu ; ating in favor of the bulls by putting - -: an enS'ir) ihe "short notiefl." oncfi.) SS?SlS vance in response to a further im- provemfeat at Liverpool, but most of it was tos later in the day. Today there was an early decline, in sym pathy with a lower market at Liver poo!,, bIt there was a partial recov ery on (he reduced rectlipts at many of the ibterior towns of the South. Cotton bit the spot w4S quiet and un changed until yesterday, when there was, an advance of l-16c. Today the market jwas dull and weak at 9 ll-16c for middling uplands. The total sales for forward delivery lor tho week are 54,500 bales. For immediatei delivery the total sales foot upithis week 1,819 bales, includ ing fpr export, 1,819 foc-consump-tion, 4 for speculation and in transit. Of the above bales were to arrive. . 8npiv Iu SouthweH Virginia. LvNcaBt-Bo, Va., October 31 Snow iu reported all through the southwest portion the State. At Wytheville it is repotted several inches deep. 1. mmt. TeacHe "Now. 'Johnry, suppose your fi4her has an income of $3000 a year froin- his business. He spends 2000 for your mamma's clothes:.50 for his o'jm clothing, and $1000 in miscelhtneous. expenses. How much will he haVe at the end of tho year?" Johnnie, (lifter mature deliberation) 'Loven? 'thousand dollars."' Teacher '-Elevfetl thousand, dollars'"! . You don't sofen? to know your arithmetic." Johnnie' Well, I know pop. He's an aldernian, he is."-Zi. 'T supppse you've heard that Gil bert cud "Sullivan are preparing "Gosh! juri. IWell,' I'm darned sorry for Gilbert whoever he ia. When do i they fiightT" 7'id BU. O'BRIEN. !his sentence ':coxfiumi:d THE I'EorL1- FiiBfCLLV EXCITED c-vf-:; u: , HID AHEE T pERIOU"- KIuTING l i ED -OTdEls jrELROttAPHI astic rect?pt!oui- - He started for Mid dleton, where i" hearing on his appeal was to be had,-; in company with jilessrs. 'Dillon and Harington.. A most exciting , scene ensued in the eourt room at; Middleton when tho decision confirming the sentence of the Mitchelstpwn court was an . tiouneed.' The room was immediately in an unroar mid the rieonlo clu&tered about O'Brien to pre-vent the law ofii cers from arresting hiin- Harringtou contended that the police had no f:ght to 'arrest O'Brien. A tt riiblr ' struggle took place iu the court room ! and in the passage leading to tin street between ; O'Brien ami int friends on one side-and the police on the other. Lai-dies ecreamed and tainted and the' confusion was gun eral. The police finally succeeded in arresting O'Brteii. The people re mained in the street outside the court clamoring for the rescue of O'Brieu and for vengeance upon the police. Cork, UcU p. m. AUraes lust received fr6m iliddlotoii say the Adv. people there are fearfully excited over the arrest ot (J Jinen. i. x wc-ntvtiioH- sand persons are gathered aroun court house. Rioting fs reared. Un his way to xuKtletou .ur. O'Brien ah hted - froni the train at Queenstown Junction, ; where ho whet, greeted by an inimeqge crowd of -League membera with bands and ban ners. Spn.e thet crowd were mounted an I all displayed in their hats green cards of , membership of the League. The Givalcade fined the roadside far beybnd the depot. Mr. O'Brien dro -e to Carrigwo hill, where there wast auothjer imposing demon -strajtion in his : honor.- An address was presented tp hini and in his reply Mr. O'Brien said he never saw before such a strikiug evidence of the united spirit that animates the' Irish people. The thought iof this inspiring specta cle would compensate. him for the wretched i three; month3 ho bhonld have to speu J iit prison and for his life-long labor for the Irish cause. He asked he! people to show a spirit of ' discipline dud refrain frc-m theif Dtwao e to fcoarch to MidJle- i ton. Reaching Midtlleton there was j a further democstratien;- The police, j however, intferfered and suppressed i it; As soon as Mr. O'Brrien entered I the court ' the ciap ioi- the Crown was opened by Mr. Car ' sob. Mr. O'Biien interrupted him and, addressing; the recorder, vol unteered to make a statement which. he ssud, would shorten the proceed ings of the court. - He was not rep resented by counsel, he said, and ho asked pernjission, tp explain why he was not. Mr. Oarson objected and the recorder said hd preferred to hear the evidence provided in the Cro .vn s . n-ra0n then conh'ruwl far the - tt-1 A, ( x , . 1 , vjrown. unenair-yarsonnaa nniBcea . O linen was asked to reply, ire re ferxed to the statement made recently by the recorder,' showing that he was a partisan of coerpion, &nd Said he would be a hypocrite if he pretended thit he had tie smal'est hope of obtaining an unprejudiced trial. H4 therefore declined to advance ar guments in support of' his appeal, knowing "that the case was alieady decided. ; The recorder then ?aid as O'Brien declined to proceed, he would at onde ; give tis decision. There was noidouit that he language upon which : O'Brien was convicted was an incitement- to resistance of the authorities. He regretted to have toi confirm; the - sentence, but th4 law was clear and hes was left no alternative.; The sentence of Mr. Mandeville," chairman of the board of poor law guardians of Middleton, was also confirmed and was taken into custody. Mr. Mandeville was jointly indicted with'Mn O'Brien for using seditious language at : the meet ing at Mitchelstownf ami w,as sen tenced io twoj ; months' impris onment. The scehe in:, the court room resulted from Mr. U iJneu-s attempt to leaive the building in ;order to spoak to ' his friends. The inspector of police refused to let bilifcgo. Mr O'Brinn insisted on his right and had a struggle with the po lice when they stopped him. Mi1. Harrington 1 ant hin assistance, but finding that t was useless to resi-,1 tfie police he returned to the solic itor's table a id shouted Hot justice, declaring thi.t O'Brien c'oiuldj not be legally arfepted as ; no arrant had been signed. The recorder sided with Mr. Harrington and said t'.n.t Mr. O'Brierj should go. 3Ir. Stokes thereupon shouted ''Do not let l im go I will be responsible 'for the cofisetpuenct'i." Mr;. Harrington then exclaimed at tho t'5p of his voice : "See how justice is done. The judge's authority- is defied." There were crieg. of ; 4Lcc -him out and a fierce struggl between the people! and the police guard ing -Mr. i O'Brien. '; Meanwhile the magistrate had signed the war rant for the: arrest of Mr. O'lirfen, and be was removed to the rear of tLc court-housoj in custody. Later Messrs. U linen anq Alanueviiie, guanu-ii uy Lussars, wero placed in a car. The crowd cheered them as they em aged from the court-house. Ina police cleared the, streets and prevented any attempt at rescue. Prieits as-nstol to keep tho people, in order, lie prisoners were taken to Cork jail. t Cr?MlSer'i U4 " Cincinnati, Ohio, October 31. Vt No. 211 Brown street, this morning, Mrs. Kato Miller, who lives with her mother in-law.-wertt to the third r.tory, aa she said, to awaken her two chil dren. Upon' reaching the room she seized her; niae-year-old daughter Viola and hurled; her through the witidow twhe sidewalk, and instantly leaped out after her. Mrs. Miller's head, was crushed." and she died in stantly. The child " is unconscious. The physician thinks it U fatally in jured. Mrsi , Miller's mirid has been ihought to be impaired by grief over the loss of a babe a few months ago, and by neglect of lier biffibtind, w ho ia now out of business. A iu chlj(t' C'. ; ro S. V O j iie failure !i. 'Vi-.'t to rfcn lay ii- she anar- tt f' ain'iOULCii J ;;:'" that the s ' My to mala ol t lo V. to :U(-Li" of i !. ' -ilt-l ciri: t vi!d ' h ' m '. 1 -' s"--i m ci -1 uht-: edueo- dav or 'J 1. '-i;-, r d'.c I'd L.otli.ug r. ;Lf ''j'.rt'.- iiuliriii :e 1 LiOHglU '."!' th.5.U i . to m that 'fit will be set :'or'.h i:i "i m-?r or ;-iitt! oi'iuiuii, iiud that .-, elabo the; Juntice to whuiii t lit" ' ptcpiuadou : of -that opinion has been assigned is : not' yet ready with it. Argumect in the case was lio.t couriuded until -Friday after noon. '. Thn JuHtijen could not meet lor -coriad 1 1 it ion untd ritUtirday, and ocii were they in fail agreement as to the point t'jl"' raisi-d theje would i tirdiy 'be t'.iin bet -tor. -Saturday af ternoon i i! i Moit iay-iiHfuing for tho; ; -rt- p - rati ;:iof : carefiii bpiuion and 1 us-ic-.i--i-:i in !ifeiciJc'j .It is the -t-u - .ii nu I iu f.-v t u' m )t' uuiforin be !'! of ih" l. ) ers wlio practice at the -..inn iiic Com 1 b r that the petition i j: a wnt ui t ru.r will i'U- denied, but tiu, i.Ul-i' id bast d only upon their own viowrt of eosistitutiolaal law, and -nf iinpr. s-siou ni-vle upon their minds i.y 1 1 ) 0 nrgiihu't'.t I e c nirt v, ui n ;. auv i'.ituuati'jn to Tuo Ja-tficos of of cpurbp, allnw ebca!o them as to t'i'.Hi' views until too tt'icision has 1.: en lor.'tiau v ;i:iu jUMtf 1 from the Ijeir ii. It t ' .ii i - f A ' ! t y tl lii. u -K 1 tl . ..i !-c :.., I'i.., Oct, ul; Roan , n you ig s Lile mail living in '"an! v. lit -ar-J u . U , L'.as abpeaidd ire th'-e -m itv iu 1.; mil ma le the iH-;u!'nt tliat a few nights isince'.a. ft-, or ,'1 ii "it- ai.!;!i. bla'a'iic I to ren- c-i-fi!. Lcgroei, :ipitare.l V- his house, uli a r;po-fO lyu.-h Lim; -Brown' hav 'ng iict-ii c;h;v. c.liy rutiior with kill ;ug one Ha'.i k-min tiiu- inct;. The iin-n t-iitertt! his L )Use, grappled with irowti, whey he. shot ohe and the olaeis l!-.u. Brov u Las ifcaeiVcd sev eral anonymous coiiiiuuuications from supposed Ka Khr, ththmt one con taining a piece of rope winch Ihe Kii Klax claim is part of one bought to hang Brown witu. Br-r.vh refuses to leuTf the coiifity. Ho sit'j upiduring the eu'irc nii,ht with n rillo hjetweeo his k (."l id tbu Jle ha.i become so fright- i(v frail to -k;i Ii pitt by lil ni, .1 1 -T : Great ; Fire-1 -1 !in-l iiSanti. -. Cixc-i.N,NA-n,.U:ti , Oet. r'l. A great conll igratioui i-. iu pr.gfes- this after noon in tiu .milb; of tinf Auierican Cotton du'-'d Oil Company on East Sisth street. At p. in. mill was bevon.HKi? hbn; of boing 1 savetl and the ot ,uir was' iu gv fiVeiit daKger of be- IQg Wii J l. in. W stroyel. TJe I0S3 at 2 . :h !75,;U('. l .1 "A. T. SrEWAIII'S HEM AI.VJS. T!i- Boiiri r.rt in tin- f;nrlrn t'tly Cathe Irnl A Nov.- Yvik -ptcud saya: The mys - t-.-ry vsIikiii h't- so ioiig enveloped the fato of tho body cf the 'millionaire dry goc-ds dealer,. Alexander T.I Stew- ai t, loi iiis tho subject of a- chapter in Superintendent George V. Wallin's book, 'Th Recoilectious tof it New; , . . . ... loit Cha-i of l'oiice, which is soon to be nubllshed. The i-s sperihteud- eap'rofi-sses to ;ivo tho! only true story of tie stealing of the body, and also alleges that the body .-was subse- of Judge Hilton. Superintendent j V allnigdetailh: at great length the i c-.rrespondenee carried oft by Mrs. 5 Stewart Judge Hilton nd others th the nul.no wn far tied the body iii thieve who had ir zie.c, trunk to Canada. Aft-.T thy overtimes' for the return of the rt mains lial. tailed time ai'd atrain, tho ghouls doiannding .at fiist.2.0,OOU, then s-J0(.(JU0, and ti.'-u '100.00t). tin.) robbers became discouraged, and Mrs. rittfwarfe told her representatives to pay; the amount which was red need tj 20, L't'O which was accepted -4 t ho conditions of doHvery were B?vero. Th?) me!-sender 'with tka n- :iy .was to l-ave New Yftik city at 10 p. iii. alone- in a one hose wagon a i l drive ii-to V'estcliest!i- county a'on, a lovely road, which- was inth c a 1 iu u map sent ' by tyt) thieves. S.iae time bef.r.e morning,, if the' in.;:i v, a"s acting in good faith krid was n-'-t acco:i4patiioJ or followed by de-t-.:tiv-3, lip wiiuid -bo met )a:id'give:i fniihcr directions. A'young relative of Mrs. Sc-ewart under took the htzi:d.u errand. Two or threo times tim ing ', the night he was certain that he Wjis x-losely walche.l, but, it wa ' o'clock when a marked horseman ro .1,; uik sravo the aigual agreed on, and t timed the buggy up a lonely lane. '1'fte strange visitor here left hj i,flire'-tiug him tp drive on. At the end ot auother milo he became aware thaj auother wagon was blocking tho ,4vay. Ho paused. A la isked tiiin p.rOmptly ap peared and brou.h. forward a bag to "his b iggy, oiuiug: "Ht.-te it is; wherc's Uio n 'i:;y.'" "Wlif'te'H the proof of tiro idcitiiy.''' sCsked the mot-.seiiy.i-, a-i thn bag containing the mortal renriitii of A T. Stewart were lifted in to tin- buggy. ' "Here, " s, ii-1 the oth. r. hplding up' an irn gulii.; bit of velvt:t 4-l opening a buii's eye Lid -.Tii with a qlick. The p's"'o was . ju.pared With a bit of pa per of the..-.u:ie.Thapf, whicfe the New ioik:T had brou-'ht with him to this lou-'Iy f-p- ' "Come, 1,,'llV up. wits -the ' com- UUlid. " " ' The ij.'-ss-nger obeyed by produc ing tlio u !iey. and -the rifbbt-rs re tired u few b et and counted it by the Iit.l:t of their lantern. Then they m m-'l oil to their vehicle' and the m'st ngci' of Mrs. Stewart drove back the way he had come. TLo next night a freight car went out to Gariln.City containing nothing ccept a trunk, and on it sat a man who had spent the previous- night in thn loneliebt part of Westchester coun Au empty colli it had been already .iii us. ted in tho oa? hcdrul, snd at the ti ll - 1 i'l The In!ion !:i 'lie id'of night wo men transferred the -thereot in regard to licensure ot can ! e.s to -;t from- the trunk- They : didates for the ministry were re ... j liij.'l t!:.- c ,-Xm in an Hce.essible 'ferred for answer to next Synod to a d. bemv-.th dome, 'if nuj one , special, commmittee, Key. J. W. IVim ..:'d ever ; Ji to nnbid Jen, rose, chairman. , iy; , ;, ; ft -. L-:es of tl e Rev. T. H. Law, of tho Synd of ; -:, . : -fiii.k iiaat-, t h.- 'oiieh would i South Carolina, district su.periiiiend- ;. a Ki'io.-n vj-niig wnu-U woui-l ti o cl.imes in tho tower and d an in&taut alarm throughout the town. SEDITIOUS. A .Cirt'CULAH WITHOUT SIGX TURE. :0 ISFXAME i BE WORKI.VtiMlN OK ( !i CAOO SO IDfiA WHENCE IT CAM!: . OT'JEIl SEWS BV WIU) ; Cmcjkoo, 111., Oct. 31. The sherifl" and pojice department were consid- 1 erably Agitated yesterday by the cir culatioh from an unknown source through the mails of the following '. circular, which is without ei.nature or other identification : ''Notice, workingmen ! Will you, as working men ?of Chicago, allow tho ', champions of 1 your legitimate : rightBft who -are 'now couticed in! jail under sentence of death brought ; about absolutely by public clamor oc- . casioned by grossly false expressions ' and fioiitious statements of tjeo capi- ' talistic press, : hang It would be; damaging to this land of boasted I civilization, workingmen, if your ; champions are to hang on tha 11th : of Notember. ; Rise in your' might i and e'ect their rescue. Tho inde- '" pendeftce of the United States was J brought about by the uso of bombs j and - K firearms. Forewarned- is ; forearmed. Any aclion that may j bu definitely determined upon ! should be kept secret until the proper time. It is not at all proba ble that tho militia will be on the , scene- pf any execution. This notice ; - is -not intended for any who are not; in sympathy with the condemned ' men.' Further notice will be given , later on-" i Shefiff Matsoh when shown a copy j of tho circular said he had no idea who Were circulating the seditious i sheet, j and declined to express hi ' opinioi on its importance for i da or twoj Capf. Schaack was of the opinion i that t ,had emanated from th- 1 brain -of Soeie crank, who mighf , have apceys to a printing press. Yellow Fever. WASHINGTON, JL. J., UCt. Ol. 1 l'.C official records of the marine hesp'ta bureau show tho continued existent- of yellow fever at Tampa, FJa , but nowhere elst in the State. Reports have bjeen received that cases have appeared at different points in Pasc county. They are being inveatiga.cd but as;yet have not been confirmed Up to the 2dth inst. there had b'jtn between 225 and 250 "cases and b4 deaths from yellow fever at Tan. pa. .The number of ctiases under trtui ment on that date was HO. During the twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. m. October 2Mtb, there were thirteen new cases; no deaths. No infojin;--, tion has been received from Tampa since.. Saturday. One Simro Murder Another. Na8hvixle, Texn., Oct. 31. A spe- ciai lo ine American says : rsear Sturgens, Miss., yesterday, while the i colored minister, John Depew, a j prominent preacher and' politicisn, I was speaking to ia meeting, another j colored man oa the outside of the . house fired through an open window ! a load of buckshot, blowing out his brains:. The murderer was arrested I nd fsped, was captured again and for thej second time cot awav. "It appears that the preacher was about to report the man who did the t hoot ing for: calf -stealing, and he and his brother got up a so-called emigration meeting ostensibly for the purpose of discussing Liberia as a future home, but really to get Depew in a place where they could murder him. Steamer Reported Aetiore. New 'Yoek, Out. 31. A dispatch ! dated litusville, Fla , yesterday, je- ceived today at the office of JunnjM. f Ceballee, agent for the steamer Paii ! ama, stated that ,the vessel was ashore off Cape Canavaral, forty -five miles 1 south of Titusville. AH were reported well and the vessel expected to, get off yesterday afternoon, when she would resume her trip to Havana. ! The intelligence came over tho sigua- j ture of Agent Ceballes, who is him- J self one of 400 passengers aboard.! j It is thought the steamer is now on ' i her way again.- 1 Another Arrmt ill Ireland. Dlclo, Oct. 3L Joseph R. Cox, ; :, Member of Parliament for East Clare j ; has received three summonses for at- : tending proclaimed meetings in; County Clare. He will have a hear- ; ing at Ennis on Friday of next week. 1 1 Presbyterian Synod. ; Wilmlnytoii Star. ' j Fayetteville, N. C, Fridav, Oct. 28 Rev. H. G. Hill, D. D., was ap: 1 pointed correspondent of tho Synod -tn tho :' complaint of Mecklenburg . Presbytery against I he action of the Synod ia the Robinson case. The Synod will next meet in Golds bpro, October 2;4th, 1888, at 7.30 p.m. : Tho roll was called for expression , of opinion as to tke complaint against A'ilmington Presbytery. The com- plaint was "not, sustained" by a la: go ; laajority.. The Synod resolved tLat 'the records of the! Wilmington Pres.-.j bytery touching the licensure of W. j A King were not full and explicit enough. ; : : sight SE1SIOS. Rev. J. B. Clark; D. D., was I card ; iu the interests of Christian (Protest- ; ant) education in general, and of Da-j vilson College in particular. '-, The complaint against the action of the Mecklenburg Prosbytery in re gard to the discipline of church mem bers who make or sell liquor for a beverage, or rent property for its manufacture or. sale, was withd-awu upon an Understanding that wa. sat isfactory to the complainant and ic spbndent. - Two overtures -one from . Otange Presbytery and one from a nreuiber . w- Aiuenvau wiv avKmy, was heard in the interests o: his j,work. A resolution endors&d him and his work. - !.tn I mi: C . O. i. .'.ton h; "l -UI! .'i iu (. U 1 eral ffilo a:-i t-. v cci-.-ed -1 ilciilth :;icer .S.ahh, of N -wYor'. : Rcfir- ... ' to 1' e.tele-,;r.iu ui' Co'ii;,Lii-.ner, ' w t.I.'. of ChiO.tgo. cona-u.i.g the : mciii taat lit l .iuud among the 'ti.aiigrar.ts arriving on the Independent-? eight packing cases uud six tui.dlc:; of bedding and clothing not opfucd at New York, I beg to say K'ch statement cannot be true, nor is any t-tatemeut or report that tho Independente passed New York quarantine without proper disinfec tion. The steamer was datuined more t'.i.iu twenty four hours, all tho bag V ;oL'i pan els and bund'es were opea e I in thn steerage and thoroughly (Hsinfectcl, although tho surgeon of the steam ;r had disinfe ted the steer fitfo and luggage with sulphi'ric acid .as several times during the voyage, lie ha 1 a'so caused the bteerage .led.--" to l.o washed with a solution of ' ' -ubliiL-atoof the streugth of 't--!i. hunda-d. The captain and c:her ollic rs confirmed tho - '.ugeoa's report, and tho exceptional .y good sanitary condition of t-io ship satia ted ine of this truth. I commended' tie surgeon of the ship very earnestly. There were no death during tlio voy age and not ft single case of illness among the passengers. Since tho cholera-iuva led Italy in 1 384 every steamer with passengers f-om Italy ports on its arrival at quarantine has b.;ea detained until e-ery package, of linkage could be opened an-1 di.-'inretcd. TirTsiif .ii. Pa., ()ct. RuV. James J. ricTighe, the Rom in Cath olic priest whos! election to thepiau cipalship of the thi- third ward public Lchool -ausoxl s? L a stir re cently in -eligious nirclr--, has ten dered his resignation nad L.a-i ordered Catholic children to rtiuin to trie parochial schod''. l'atuer lie tighe iefuses to give his reason for resign ing, bu.t it is intimatt d that he was l i , - . . . . r-.d vised t do so by vm congregation. in!.'?rs of his l'nllt unit Acrlilelit. ' R-.cHMoNi.. Ya., O -tober !. -Two freight tra ns ct llid it today .on tlie !i;cloiirji:i.l, Fred-ii'icksburg- Poio i:;.ic Rfi'.lroad ueur TaylorsviKe, about t wcnty-tv.'o miles from Richmond. IJ :h etgines and sacral freight cars wc; c- brtdbj wrecked. Eugineei Dentil l Vrakei-iau u.-.f 1 1'age wore in-' j ..''-a Ljut .io.-y"rioiisiy, and a colored .:rtk.-nmn named Edaiund Carter is on 1 ts supposed to b buried .1' li.e 1 wr .'ck. J l.o uecd'-Lit is at J ;tct tc a liiisphtced switeh. The a vsill bj ekared by tomorrow 'M:,l trains in the meanwhile will leave R---!.mond,by tie Chesapeake k Ohio Unload hud tftko the RicLmor.d, iVileriekj-burg & Potomac road at ii 'uovei Junction, t'aree miles north t.f the plac9 of tho accident. Sit n ai j- Vhtli! )- Better. ' Yasding 'ox, 13. C-, Oct. 31. Act ing Secretary Harmony today eaid tLat he hr.d received a loiter from j New York stating that Secretary Whitney is improved in health and j Bl il if-,. j Sl'mEHI' fOVKr UECISIO.VS. nu-estvil by t!.' .-Ni v ami OI.s.tmt. ' Smiloj- vs Peajrce. : Where a parol trust, is sought to be ! set up, evidence of facts pertinent and showing a recognized aud unex- ! ecuted trust in favor of the plaintiff ' is p. '.iuissib.e. :- That Vi h, re a declaration of a trust ! is mad:? contemporaneously with the transfer of the l(gal! title, no corrob- ' orating eviilenco is reuired to estab- I lieh the trust. But where the admis- j sum is of a trust'ftlleged to have been -j antecedently created, corroborating evidence is required before a court i will declare it. Yherc ac onvejaace of two tracts ' of laud of about etpaal value was ' made to a son, iiDtl the father paid tho purchase money, arid it was-alleged that the son wa3 to hold in tnut for the equal benefit of himself and a sister; and afterwards the son conveyed to a stranger, who, in his presence, drew a deed for one of tho tructs to the sister, in execution of ih-o alleged trust, although such deed was not effectually delivered. HM; That this evidence was sufficient cor rohoration of an admission to justify a court in declaring the trust. . State vs Roberts. Where a Justice of the Peace has concurrent jurisdiction with tho Su perior Court of an offence, and a pre sentment is mado to the grand jurj, bat without knowledge thereof eith er by the person charged or the mag istrate the latter holds the d' fendaut tu answer criminally pud com lets' him ci" the offence; Held, that the facts ji tiiy a plea uf former conviction to the in diet ment in' tbo tuperior C'Olf.t. The court intimates that a eollu :.'. trial by a Justice of tht. I'eaco v. l. i be presentable as "corrup ti and no defence to an indict-m- ut in tl o superior court. -t ite vs. Foy. 'Yhf.ro a justice of the peaie is iu ti 1 for failing- to furnish the ..Mir.tyc.leiJ. with a list contaiiiing the iiann s of nil parties trit-d liefore him, :t is not nece.-sary for the indictment to i-efc out the mimes of tho parties ...lilted to bo furnished to the clerk. I.." ciimimility lies iu the wilful neg- t-t to perform a mini:,terial duty in aiuking ' ret urns. nnd wLc-ie that inrge is directly alleged in the words of the stittule, the iudxtinent is sufii cknt. Wall Pai'KU Aftor all is tho best, uiti attract ve. niynt economical, and ' iiil outwear any otbjr wall decoratioa; rc;"-l v up), ieii w ill. wiili ordinary care, w. '.r ioi- ,'o earn. Call ut Watson's Pic- luie an.l art More ana e.-e a goou seiec tion. Ait v.. rk ia this line promptly uied. 1'i. ti.ie fi-'imrav window bhii.les, wiu Jew e.irnces Mil cornice Knes uiiiilf to order und tu iit any win , do.v. Jhwpiito ciicopie. all sizes in stock an t laaile to order Write for ' pi- c. -. All orders 'have prompt atten- Uctj Fkiid. A. ' Vatson, 11'.' rav'teville Street. Tin; Wtf.fi.i News and OiiSEEVEa is ' an eight-p.tgo paper, full of good th ugs and solid for ,81.23 a year. It I is the best and cheapest weekly- paper j in the State. Tlf. NO DECISION 1N THE ANARCHISTS CASE. AS YET. BCf ONE T.) liE RENDEKEn WIDVESDAY, Cfl T HI BSD VY AT LATE 'T - SO SAYST'.'K Cllll.r JL STICK OTKEIi NEWS r.v wire. WASHiN-oroK, IX C, Oct. 31. The United States Supreme court room was crowd-id again today in antici pation of a decjsiOn upon the motion for a writ of error iu the case of the Chit ag i anarchists,. It was thought that. Mr. Justice ; Miller might per' haps announce the decision and read tho opinion, and when his turn came tho courtroom was absolutely still while every person present lis tened eagelry for his firsc word. .The judgments which he announced Lad, howevi r, no relation to the case which w..h i.r y one's mind", and it was; not until t!to reading of the opinions had been concluded tbat any refer ene'ef to that case was made. The Chief Justice then raid that the court hoped to ba ready to aunounee its de cision upon tho motion of Spies and othprs for a writ of error by Wednes day of this week and ceitainly by. Thursday. The motion nude by. Attorney Gen eral Garland last week at t!-e retpiest: of tho Comptroller of t he Currency to; advance the case of thn R eeiver of the Fir-t National 13 t ik .f Buffalo again' t Kibridg.j) G. Span ling aud "tbers was denied.; This s a ca-e which involves the quei'tioi. of inabil ity of directors of national unks tor negligence hj the p rfoi nance of thf-ir dittifir There was no decibton today of tho pr-.-hibitiui cuses from Kansas and thi opinions generally were not of a general publi j inteiest. - .--.-iit - SnoiUbearer oml HI Braves. St. Paul, Minx., Oct. 31 A Crow Agency, Mont, special to tl Thuecr 1' ff.es reports thct Swordbearer und his band mi.de a demonstra ion at the Agency yesterday, unslinoing .their ill-3 a? if about to attack Ut. single company stationed -then-.f nit imne diately changed their defi.i.nt aspt ct Then Mij'.ir Snyder Vs bat'r.lion :.p-Vfart-d on the brow of a ..ill three miles away. Swordbearei imm-ui-ately crosied the Litt',3 Horn rivir and withdrew up tho bottom. T ie cavalry is expected to move tod..y. The excitement among tho Indians is intense, and a false move by' tho au-'horitkf-, or wrong Indians killtd. will precipitate a general outbreak, as the faith of the liidiaus in Sword bearerS) supernat Jia' power is unlim ited., . O'B Ini'i A )el htfitied. - Dcelis, O.t. -31 The appeal of William O'Brien, editor of the United Ireland, against the sentence of three months'" imprisonment imposed on him by the Milchelstown court has been refused and the sentence of the lower court confirmed. The charge of which Mr. O'Brien was convicted was that of using soditious language under the Crimes act at the National League meeting at Mitchelstown. Mr. O'Brien arrived at Cork this morning and was given an enthusi- A Dcclilon Wednesday or Tlinridajr. Washington, Oct. 31. Chief Justice Waite has aunounced that the deci sion in the auarchista' case will be de livered Wednesday or Thuretlay at the latest. Xew Advertiseuients. Iu' calling attention to the very readable and attractive new ad of tLe clothing firm of Whiting Bros in our is3ue today, we take pleasure iu coin ing to them as a striking illustration of the fact that judicious advertising pays. This reliable and progressive firm have faith in printers' ink, and are succeeding in building up a large business. Their cash sales Fair week were phenomenal, doubling t ore than the sales of the same week 1st year. In their advertisement they strive a ways to be free, from any. hing cal culated to mislead thi pubho, and at the same time thay mke them bristle with facts and interest-, and as they are original they are always readabie. See their ad and ciil on them. Everybody knows it. Wh: t ? That winter is heie. Mr. David r.osenthal says so in his new "ad," and .hen goes on to say other things very appropri ate to the season. The fact is, he has a most excellent lino of overcoats and underwear which he provided spe- ially for this kind of weatuer. He nas a handsome place in which to -how them, and defies everything in the way of low prices and in the mat ter of pleasing you in what you want- A most seasonable a:moi.icemei't is that of hot Hodu by. Mr. John Y. Mcliae. ' It will be on draught to day. Try it. If anything will serve to counteract tho efi'ect of ttr's ".-retched weather hot soda, is the a: iicle. Remember the place Mac Rae's drugstore; the tinior-this morn ing; and the article hot soda water. The Americans lead the world in eve rything and e specially in fast eating; this has mane dyspepsia our national disease, though now under perfect cant rol by the UBe of Laxador. Price 23 cents. People talk of m myed respor.si': ility ' There is no resporisibility like a baby, liow important thea that its health be maintained by the Ube ot Dr. Butl'u Baby Syrup. Price 25 cents a bottle. -I Cure Ei." Tlus heading is a familiar sight to most newspaper readers, as it has appeared regularjy in the best publications for many years piist. Dr,-H G. Jioot,-of 1S3 Pearl Street. New York, has a world-wile f-epuution as a sacces-iful Specialist in tins distressing disease and has no doubt cured more cases than all other doctors combined. As an evidence of good faith, the doctor sends a free sample bottle Of his remedy to all sufferers who write for ifc'if they give their express and postofllce address. Large men smile with satisfaction whey they try their pa ts made by ; A. Lieleuieyi r, 194 Fayeiteviile street S Laoui Beeu. Bddweiser, Schlitz, . and Ehret's Export, for Bale at close prices; not to be drank on, ; the preroi- mb. E. J. Hardin. Iu llrlef. Ami o (he I'otut c Uyspcpeia i iln-a'iful. Iisordercd Kver is V misery. Intligeaiiou is a foe to good na- The human digestive apparatus' is one f the. most complicated and wonderful -.hinges in existence. It is taaily put but of order. Greasy food, tou-th food, sloppy food," and cookery, 'niuitul worry, lato hours, iVregular habits and mn.y other thigB which ouj-lit r.; to he, have made the Ameiicau people a nation of dyspeptics. l'ut Green's Auut-t Flower has done a wonderful work iu reforming this sad business and ninkiii. the American peo ple so healthy that ttu-y can enjoy their meals au-1 bo happy. Rei letnber No happiness without health. But Green's August Flower btintrs health and happiness to the dys peptic. Ask your druggist for a bottle. Hev enty-five cents. Citizen to a prominent clothiei: 'Y'ou would like to .' more (.Sey mour) of the sun, now wouldn't jou '?" -Yes," replietl tho clothier, 'as we are very much horas (Har rissi ed by such constant rains ."' Chew "OLD RIP TOCACCO." It sooths all Horiow rfnd gladdous every heart. ' v Mitchell Paper Box Co., Peters burg, Ya. TS G:;ani. Oi-nxiMi at Buewstek's -. All Fair Week J. C. Brewster ' will open the largest and best selected stock of Hardware, Stoves, Tjinware and Ilu.ne furnishing goods ever displayed in Raleigh and cheaper than ever. Call and see them ! ; Bab.xand! Excellent Ilahybind .' I Mother and baby epjoy it together. It lighteus the mother's care and la- ;,.i .- i .. . uor oy giving ner stories and pic tures to read and talk about. Baby grows to understand them almost as soon as he understands chickens and birds and kittens. Mother with baby a year or five years old, it is for you. Y'ou can get a sample copy by send ing live cents to D. Lothrop Com pany, Boston. Its ifuperior excellence proven in mil lions of hoiiiea for more than a quarter of a century. It is used by the United States Government. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universities as the the StronfBt, Purest and most Health ful. Dr. Price's the only Baking Powder that does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only in Cans. PRICE BAKIJfO POWDER CO, i NKWYORK. CTUCAOO. " ST. LOCSi REGULATOR . Not only shortens the time of labor and lessens the pain, but it greatly diminishes tho danger to life of both mother und child, and leaves the mother in a condition more favorable to speedy- recovery, and less liable to Flooding, Convulsions. and other alarm ing symptoms. Its efficacy in this respect entitles it to' be called The Mother's Friend, and to rank as one ef the life saving remedies of the nine- teenth century. . Send for our book, "To Mothers;" mailed free. - BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. MEDICISE3. VT-- LEE, '4UHN!$0X-& CO'S Opposite Postollice LEE. J QHNS0N & CO S . 4-C'tLl-:iiHATED-- VIILK SHAKES i Limeade and ('rape .Phosphates, SODA AN'D MINERAL WATERS, In g-.-eater variety than elsewhere In tto city. PURE DRUGS AND .'Mi'.DICINES t-pteial attention given to prescrit,ion day ami niht. Patent medicines of all kinds, l'ine aelectron of faiit goils nl every thing usually 1 opt by large ostablishmeots. f" We have the Finest Soda Fountain in th-State. I. WIMETROB i Mi? ROM ANT TAILOR. j 15 S; Wilmington Street, . "- Invites friends, rtishnners ard the gen eral busy pliblic to rail ntid examine his stcck of gents' dress gotds. from which deletions can be made quickly aud sat isfactorily. Somt-thyig to ettit every body's t"t and purfie. First-cist goods ! First class work, lowet priter ' I. Winetrob. 19 WIZnlnstoilBt. i f -' - i j ti- -'

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