im IObserter. ??BttoKD 0AJX.Y StCtn MOHDAT) AKD . I ,,' .-. Wiotlt. . . BIT THBNEWS AND OBSERVER Co. d I. MfltEK, Enu. $7 CO a 1 76 : Weelyy, one year,1 " " ! si months." : No Same' entered without pa; navment. ana tm iw ier me expiration of time paid for. (WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4 1888 ' Waks board of education yester day, .portiond : '$24,138.00, that anountberng equal to $1.50 for -each 0 lp,Q$? cbildreD. This, we believe, the largest apportionment ever made this county perhaps in any county HP the State. FASCINATING yaung uermau imi.y wb$ ha45 been teaching school in Con neefcicuts said now to be no lees a piriiOna-ge than a princess of Prussia aud to fee bn the 'point of marrying 'eon If Gen. O. O. Howard. O! i!f ' . :CbsajUss will re-assemble today and it i$ to be hoped will get down at QQcefto "work on the stoppage of the urlus revenue and 'the reduc tion; of iaiation to the point of the actual feeds of tile government onlv. That iBjwhat the ; people want to see it;do. t jWi ommend lo our readers the good telk ' elsewhere printed of the bright and level-headed mugwump atr. SWarns delivered at the banquet of the Massachusetts Tariff Reform League ha Boston a -few evenings eioce. (it is the ' best thing of the sort we have seen lately. iTuxBSE is nothing to equal the edu cational . system of Yanheedom. In answer! to, an examination question a high school scholar of Auburn, Me., i . : ft wrote: "Anglo-Saxon was the first man ho wrote the alphabet. He wrote it in Greek first, and then came td America and taught it to the na tion." j m ' 1 Kb. Ym. H. EbMONDS, late of the Baltimore Matfatfaclureri Record has purchased he Anniston, Ala., r ItotJast and becomes editor as wt 11 81 proprietor oi the paper, ice ftecor will be continued without chang of policy, by Mr R. H. Ed mrmdsj who, it is announced, has been editor of the paper! since its first number. 1 " TETiJtSBCBo's new Academy ;of aluaicfwill be inaugurated next Mon day; evening by the Petersburg Musi-cal-Afiiociation with a 'programme of exdrcie appropriate to and worthy of the I occasion, s The musical taste and culture of Petersburg are well knc?wn; They render the charming city nmed, indeed, perhaps the lead ing mifsical centre of all this section of Uielcountiy. i-r 5 - A.-8in of the times is the election of jI cbllege graduate, a 3Ia6BcfatF setts eian, as .master workman of a national ti adeV assembly of . Knight of Labbrj leather worker s just organized. The nw officer,; m6reover, has de cided Hews on the tariff. He thinks free hides have made work in leather plentiful, and as a result "we have been ble for twenty years' nearly to export considerable finished product. I consider the wool question a1 paral lel onf to hrdeg. Tair was a pathetic incident the failure of any veterans at all of the war of 181 2 to appear at the President's Newear reception. Last year there were Jaut. six of them. This year there Irere none.! The whole number of this clasB of Tfiterans in the conn-try- is but down at 1,069 and Senator 'Hearst of California proposes to ask for an increase of their pensions from $8 to$25 each per month. The wid ows oi such yeterrns, however num ber . tfpwards of 11,000. We have still Reason to bevare of the vid UV4 O' .Mas. "Buck" Ghaut wants her for- est tine. I She asks a settlement of the estate left her by her father, who it v" will b remembered was Jerome B. - Chaffee, formerly United States Sen ator from Colorado. The device to MrsGrant was -the magnificent one of 1500,000 worth of securities and the trouble is that the executor ' of "--the esjjate does - not care to assume the responsibility of appraising these It securities. The settlement will be ' made, however, nd the public will . continue to remark on the fact i.hat - iv.A i-1 1. u r i i t unending. t hiTOMKM kiio politick. We want the business men of the country, to see distinctly their inter ?7 Y , . t, est ia betohtical movements of the day. jChe News' asd Observek has alwayai kept its eyes open as to how public Matters we're afiecting the ma- terial j lnterests of the people, and hast gottght fromj time to time to di- h Bubieft as a' matter of business. lowlihe Washington correspondent m x 1- y .... "..f in. aflfir enquiry," finds that the re- iV.1!aLm lAodoi'd'in PArirrnaa nmrwr.f- the Triisury should buy bonds with toe surplus m ine xreasury ThePreside,nt;said in his that hi" had boQght bonds for the sinking .fund, but d . ubted his a.ulhor itytoftoso, because the clause on which alleged authority was based naa beett tackea u to an appropria- tion bajjand was; evidently msant for . tmtforarv Pureose and was not in tended io apply in this general way. He d&iinctly urged that Congress should 6ot put such a power, such a duty, Uch a responsibility on .him declaring that it ight not to be im posed conferred op any man. Now! what does it all mean? Hei) ' ,iis the government with say 100,00(1,--;7 00 of ktioney taken from the jjocket-i of tbe (piling millions, and therejub- licanl8ders say,; pay it, over to fte bondholders giving mem from 11,250 ; . j 2 tip.; to tl,5Q0 for a bond whose prin cipal is $1,000 not due for twenty yeira yet. &J,250 at 8 percent inter est In twenty years would be worth to the people abdt $5,000 and thin ia to be paid for a 4 per cent bond of wh&h the principal of $1,000 is paya ble in 1907, : As soon as the government sets out on (hat course .these bonds will begin to rise, and they will go up to gfl.ot'U. This people (will then pay $1,500 for the pleasure of taking up a 1,000 bond twenty. years before it is tlbo. The money so paid at 8 per cent coin poend jntqrest would amount ; to $0,1000. ; And this is business ! This is te way the republicairleaiei pro pose to deaj with the people. 1 1 it good for the bondholder but bad for' the masses. - The sitrplus iu the Treasury ought to lie returned to tho people, and 'no more ought, to "be collected until the bondd can bio paid dollar for dollar. ThiiiHecretai-y of the Treasury is ul ready in trouble with his surplus, and" in ojrder.'td keep il out of the Treas ury Jhas deposited $J4,73S.0(to in cer tain! banks. J Last week ho added 2, 500,000 to his deposits in these banks. Iti is the only thing ho can I: do . to: prevent a panic and a crash; bui what shall be said of the folly, of the crime of taking !4 1.000. 000 of the hard earnings of the peo pie itnorely to deposit it in banks ! Ant this is only the beginning. B-v fore spring :the amount so deposited willjfoobup $75,000,000. The gov erhgient has already bought virtually all the bonds for the sinking fund fur the year ending June 30. 1888. ' The -eci'ss of monev taken in during De cember over what was Deeded was fifteen millions, and the same thing is to' happen right straight along until CoricresB acts. Is it not time Tor the business men, to bestir themselves ly pnless soon cnecneu. ; ' Is it not plain to see how tne mate- : n s tbe worla (louJ up nal.iralfara-nf 4 ho npnn f. tiO".i ITaue . - : 'r , . . i r.r.. - - pi,l0S( ), ana tins orator oi nature and business-are to be affected by , s Lti that gain tOJS course I it musi enuaisabuouo-; .k , Kjl,.,. . o country .can stand sucii inter- , i t&owQ anotLer thunder ferencewith its legitimate business , amoug ose wh(j wonder why operations and with the free move- . cvn ,eft (Laugb. ment of its circulating medium. -i-.- . . It is fashionable in some quarters to say that Northern enterprise and capital have rehabilitated the South so far as rehabilitation has been ac complished,' The events every day contradict the statement. The devel opment of the South since the war j has i been wrought out mainly by Southern brain and Southern brawn, Southern business capacity. In Dur haml, lor example, there is a manufac- turihg estahlishment which is the j - ' .... 1 lar?est of its kind in the world. It has heeh built up by the energy and capacity of sons of the soil who hid no advantages of any sort whatever. It hias houses now in New York and Philadelphia, as well as at home, and it Bells to pretty nearly all the nations of the earth. Last year the business of the establishment amounted to jl,900,000 and the losses out of that immense sum aggregated but $1,900. Does not that speak at all well fcr the business capacity of its proprie tors " - ; i Judgd Russell, of Wilmingtonf has written a letter to the otex&rt( Uas low county onhe. subject o( the pro poBeAWHmfiieton, Onslow and East i'Crolina Railroad which we find pub lished in the New Berne Jourital and! in which he says: "The court has decided that the Wilmington elec tion was void on account of irregu larity in the ' registration but this does; not apply to your election. l ia the namnse of. the railroad com- nin4 to Iimm thfl nronosition re Bub- i mitted to the people of Wilmington ! who by :the election already held, ! have proTen. that they are four to one in favor of ubscriijtion. The people j of Grant township, in Pender county, ! have voted x unanimously in favor of I it. If the people of OnslW want i the road, it is better for them to vote j it tlVrmirVi af .bi elMinn. Rv an rlo- i ing they take no mkb, as the bonds do niiit issue exceDt as the road is ' built! Bv voting against "it, - they I aiinn iofinitolir iha nhanra r.f r x BbClUU UUUUOLblUU VY 1 LLi but) UUIBII4C I v' &"v - . world- present dirt all around ue, and the "The railroad company hasbiicceed- i ever-present shovel and a few hours' ed iri! obtaining the promise of capital j worf , make afortitieation that boats sufficient tcj build the road -4-provided all te c-xperiglve structures of Bli the ?ity, township and county bonds sonrjr and slot;e. should be voted and delivered accord- Ten they fejij : ' Let us subsidize ing to - the . terms agreed on. This ' use $ to subKilize." Ha. that is in your ruling of the Supreme Court, while ; line my protectionist friend : Set it Will delay action, is not necessarily Ud and maintain and foster a new set I fatal to the; enterprise. "iiie uerue peupia uae wuy- drawn ther application to Craven county for the present. That will be renewed under such auspices as to ih- sure Its. success should Onslojv vote favorably. So the fate of . the enter- prise depends on the action of Ons- low; and you as a leading man of the county, will be an important factor in the determination of the issue. ; ' Bl( How In Uuton Connty. (.iastoala Usuet te, Tiere was a big row at prank Rhyiie's izrboery, at Wooten's on Sat urday, Decernber 21th; in which fire- i arms; were extensively used and 'blood I drawn frOhnearly half a dozen per- ! S0"R(1 wl. .. . i ' Kill Wijliams, it appears, ; com- j menced the Rouble by knocking down a negro najnH Newt. Lockhart, who I was at work near the grocery and whom e. - attempted to run ofl. failing m the balL penetrating and passing through thaj lleshy part of the leg. His next mofe was to strike a young man flamed Ed. Long, Jr., with ji hammer, and; to make himself other wise a terror; to the crowd A, mes sehger was i?nt f jr Constable White to cohie and cjueil tho disturbance, but before Lis arrival the i rowd hid bounced, Williams, civen Lim a , gooai; beating and run him away Shortly after Sir. White arrived, Wil- ham, his;wijo anil a noro woman all threei ;arihed with shotguub re turned. They formed a hue across : the road.'j An attempt was made to arrest tli'ein, when Williams lirod, , whereupon followed a general dis i charge of. shptguns aud pistols When the smoke had cleared awuy, it was found that Mr. White's leg w4h hlled with Shot: A. al. lthviie was' jiie was- rd, a col- )t badly o times, shot in the leg;' Lee lietchford, a col ored bo"fw a8 shot but no ' hurt, 'Williams was hit thre and quo of the women was slighsly wounded. v liliams was hually cap ; turedj and taken before Etyuire Kiber ' aud bound over to court, lie was tat en to Dallas jail on Sunday morn- innr. "VVilliftms is badly wounded, but itTs bought thai he will recorer. OOO TALK IS oSTOK ON 'ARIFF BEFOBM, THE MtK- Ir-j or'i3ES0)E.vr cLevelasd asd the .srnrJiTiE$ or ihe TAr.iri - 8l'r'8h:.lielil Ki'Ul)ii'C.-iii. ' ' " Jlr. President h.iid gentlemen of iT-inff Keifpim League; I read in a il-vv&papor-sia prvtectiouist uewspa-j-- (iit thhs w:i; to bo a gathering oi lir.zy thehiists and superlativ. .y ur. I-nc' iiigwothpa. I have visit. -r of ihe institutions of ! is wh:9 arc asombled t' uj-t'r-. th disordered and tue de S' : ui"4u i ! ijaiij.f:)ttr. uni I have coe ! 1' through the snow to look -j li s truitit t int? of men so fear- i f.l.tY ;: . I IVV pi'ttvidevce-s . 1 'ivvl'v stri kf with the ( Uonewtd God. To ni' uuujt'i the iuot rouiiU kable sj di tiicV s. bf-defitjg oi. the miracu loii; iu this penniution, is this presi deift this, uiu coming from the man geiliiud the strav of Bullalo (appla'u e itiuf lanhter', with no training iu statecraft, wiJh no experience in ppli tict withwitl-ho advantages of a col leg! or of pothing in the arts and. grtueH of elocution, but equipped honest and fearless intellect, and with an intrepidity of integrity, stepping boldly the wilderness at f ushingtot) -(laughter), the wilder nesi of political shams and huibu-s fwul time worn rings, andl " hoara? lec-ita (more iau t; r.l . i Ci Viii'' mIoikI: lvepcut ye, jorf U: Uiug,'t-!iii 01 ueavuu i ui hiiil :" prolonged laugh tcr f allowedly .Teat cheeting.) And tlui u:;traineS iW itesaian Writes the 1; on: J- !Ofeiaer,i:a! messageb iuj-j bv4y ii n iea;t si:ice in war. ( uauga- ; terfinid appliius'e. ) In fact, every! wod ho writes, even to the tender nvtfrrssionp of eondolence auf Bvmpa II r ... - - - jfnj noW Jthis disturber of the ter) . He hai aruounceel. with tue dirlc' ness and distinctness that pre sent the i sb life beyond all dodging, thef quesiion'; of,, tariff reform. He tellfe us that :e are takiDg 8100,000, OOOffrom the people by needless tax ation; that this money is accumula ting in tho treasury; that it is difficult to get it out: that by and by com- RIUj lre wm suffer from want of the moau to transact business. An I It .1 C-O VG 4LU I 1H I M l kH 1 it cir so that 'U will help most those . "i v y .'-;i ' T, i that need help. Take away these k.,lnnl f.-rtut' tl-rtk-fl nnnn whrtm thT "f" . "T J , , l ! 1 I 1 . -4 iV i. il... . L 1 tiu uiuv v ... ,. -r noiaers oi inej-ianu meei, iuis juh us , they always ac, oy lying, (laugnier andf applause?) They cry out: "The Prelident hasf&eclared fo. free trade." They know it'ia only the question of theldispositiQn of the surplus; never theless, they use the same old cry that they have; used for years. They have terrified' the people into the con tihuaiice ani: perpetuatiou atrefcities of this tarifl. Itere is , 100,000,000 in useless taxation Wmust get rid of it, and ho shall we Uo it T No .v we ay : "Take off that $100,000,000 iu such a waylthatit will benefit the people. Letfthem ha-9 the .good of it." But thet say : "Ob, no; keep on, kef p on takrfig it, just a3 you always hare, t us fritter it away let us .fool it jiwav let its do anvthinsr in God's world with iti-only do not disturb the hollered fcm " (Laughter.) We Bay nat we ant the people to re- ceiv and espfeiience immediate bene- - - . . . . f. . ... fit ; ut theyfisay : ' Let us deviso andiee how fee -can keep on." And so tey have ,ecome impressed all at onc with on$1 thing, and that is that thiscountry fceeda .fortifying inland, outlimJ, evegf where daughter), and I hiard a Senator of the United Stat.8 a veaiv ago, here in Boeton, se4 a tbrill ;4own every Bostonian bacl by telling in what great danger we stood that Peru or Chili was commg up hefe to invade this coun try Ind bombird the United States of America ! (B&'ud laughter.) They CTV for that. aJthOUCU thev KnOW that i .,,i,i .h.t I pretf nt dirt all around ue, and the of monopolii that is what that mealls. : "Anytiiing in the WCrlU,, j they? say, "only do not give it to the people' They go on the principle thatija boardicg-house master did who got jjnch on $is business and was aeketl how he did it. lie 6aid: "I ; founl out wh't did not agree with ' the hoarders and 1 fed it to them." Greut laughter ) Tie President suggests that a very beneficent way in which the people mayjieel the Mesaing of this reduc tion Us to iake: the tariff from wool, and ! thereupon we suddenly learn what we never knew before, that the , whole basis Btructuro of oir na . tionftl prosperity rests on tho fleece ' of wool (laughter),. nd to hear them talk Ud read jheir writings we should supixse that 'Wholo droves of sheep were! bleating!? on every plain and hillsplts and 3Ebat at every school- houafe door aihundred lambs" were putidVitly waiting for Mary to appear. ' (Loup laughter and applause). Did! we cerBtop 1 Consider for a moment i wliathis propiiion of trie President, ; that I long seeing and far seeing pa-j triotp rifeiiuH '. ut we think, not only cf t lib wool tUt in raised, but do we aj.piciato thgt fipm" s:0,000,U)L to , vlO,OU,000 worth, and 1 do not know ' but ioio, of oollcn fabrics are lm portld into lljis country every f ai, robling the Art'!-r.citu laborer of their ; inanlfacturc, jayiug our money to fori igncrs to tUnko our Oods for us , bucftjkso wool-4 prohibited to them, j Thjupi of thoarjhy of uitn it would take ! to htjiudio (hat j'oo!, to comb it, to card it, toj spin it, tii dye it, to weave it, to ; sell 4, and thiiili of ivll the raiuifica- ' tions of trade Jt would enter; of the mill t D''ineei ihir involved, tho steam t.uiie-rihcr 3 the uc lactones to bo, and the eain.hips to be iaaJ to Ltlp jU;at iudu.tiy. and tl empkA ment itfjvoulj give certainly 200,'IOU peopMi t.t i'1.50 jx r d ly. t! pcrcf ntuo oi:abor that would cut iaad to Ltlp in a tho to tie ttT into hia iimoitjii of monev and that thosi of l! are i 2ll0,u0( pi cp'o would each ono inn cupijdrt two more. There lOO.OOO 1&-U that this United State h tans to support, ana pays foreijn peoplojto do their work themf in Ordey; that Ohio mrfy for con-1 tinue a republican State. (Prolonged laughter and applause.) Why, they have had this tariff on, and that bat been the reeult to the American labor ers. There are today 8G7 less woolen p.nd felt mills in the United States than there vierc in 18G0. What a commentary that is" upon this prohi bition upon the obtaining by our manufacturers cf the raw material upon which to work. " All this is wor:se than rot it is wickedness, and we mean to make use of this opportunity, this surplus, for better things We mean a rpform that'&hall .sweep a'vay useless taxation from coal ana aud suga1 and lumber uud wool aud clothing the grand universal recessaries of life. (Applause.) We mcaii a reform that shall give relief ; we mean a relief that ohall -U , out to every cabin and every bumble, home, io every kitchen Had chamber, to every table atnl every il reside. (Loud ap plause.) We copy from the Ililli-bfio Jla corjr.r of Novuiib-.-r 13th, ls3o: The IlliiHlrloua Dnd. Our attention v.-as diiected, a few evenings siiice, by a valued frhmd, to Uia creat number of distinguished great men who have died in North Ca-olina within tho last lifttea years; it is a sad retrospect, and forcibly tells us what, indeed, wo nny read in every thing uiound ua, - ba. shadows we are, and wh it shi.lo.v-) we pnrme." Wo bfgiu lb" nit-ianehol y list with the-n i:ne of Aicl,.b.tlJ Htrji'.eisjn the pure, the gentle, the poweiful; he thct wr.H called by aiH'ther great man tl.o Ay.w ef ti e in 'North Carolfin 1 1" n comes the r;ouo of ,11,,.,-t, -us brother, th') late Chief Jastiiie, hi,' Hon. Leonard Hender son; with him the rest of the court in which 'hr: presided, the Hon John L. Taylor, and tho Hon. John Hall, all cf whom fa.h d fiom amongst us in less than three years Then tiiere i was the gallant the true tho ac j complkbed John Stanly. There was j Bartlett, Yaucey, ii!i nble advocate and i a sound and mo t useful btatestuaij. I There was Joseph Wilson, a powerful j and gifted orator. We come then to Moses Mordtcr, James F. Taylor and Gav'n Hogg, who, all certainly stood pre eminent at the bar. Nor must we forget to meutiou Henry Seawell, a giant iu into,lect. There then was tho of North Caro lina, beautiful and polished alike as a speaker and a writer, the Hon. Archibald D. Muiphey. There was Dr. Caldwell of iho University, "Ah me, that vii tue ttiua snouia die, and . . rw. . learninfir too. linr. was the saga cious, the pvotouiijii, tho cultivated Peter Browne, and hually, Joseph A. the pvofouiiid . liul, of Wilmington,. It' this were a Icinlo I ,w:i ' - u, we lain would len dor-a ffuiuWo tribute to tlio cenias and virtue of a belovi d friend; but our intention was sijmply to tell over the great names that have peruht-d from amongst uk im a brief limit of tiiu3, acd what a catalogue ' Eevtn led greai men in jlens than fifteen years have gone down to death JlilUboro Iki'ord.cA Don't let that cold of yours Ton on. You think it is a light thing. But it may run in Jo catarrh. Or into puieumonia. Or Ocn- sumption. Catarre U disgusting. PneumoSia is dangerous. Consumption is death it self. I The breathing apparatus must bo kept healthy and clear of all obstructions and offensive matter. Otherwise there- is trouble ahead. i All tho diseases of thte-e parts, head, a . I i , "'V"lu,il iuue anu lungs, j 1X14 : you don't know this already, thousaods j and thousands of people can tell you. They nave been cured by it, and "know I uuw il. in, kuruiceori). iuintj only to I cents. Ask any druggist. Ernst Possart, the German a t )r, ; was married in Urooklyn Fi iday to f his divorced vifO- l'croiial. , Mr. N. H. Fr hliebstein.of Mobile, Ala. writes: I take great pleasure in recom ; mending Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, having use ! it for a severe ; attack of Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave j me instant n lief and entirlv cured me j and I have not been afflicted since. I also ! """ 1 "wirr itiuo- lk gd result Have also used ! pnu, both of which I can recommend. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs i'ul Colds, is fold On a positive guarantee. Trial bottles at Ie, Johns n & Co.'s drug store. The liijuor law is being very act ively enforced in UitL, Ie. ; A.JVICK H) J.)Tlt.i;s. Mr. WiastK w's SK thln(rSnip sliould 'always be issl w!ii-u cliiMren are ouilir.js teetb. It re lieves the UtPe suCerer at once, Il rmluees natn ra!, quiet sriet-p liy relievuiK ll.e children from pain, and (lie llule ftiiftub aviakes as "bright as a but ton." It is very pleasant, to tA--e ; southes the child, softi-ns the ums, ail u- relieves wind, legulates tlie bowei t.i.. . .it known remedy for dlarrhaja, whether rlnug from tett UK or o'l irca m- 'w nty-flve f n a bnt-tln. Numerous New Year honors were conferred by Quetn Victoria. Health' is impossible when the blood is inspure, thick, and ki ggish, or when It is thin an l impoveri-hetl. Such condi tions give ri-e to boils, pimples, head aches, neuralgia, rheumatism, ani( other disorders! Ayer's Sarsaparilla purifies, irvigorates, and vit ilizes the blood. A p wder i xplt sion a Amoy de stroyed one-fourth of tho city and killed hundred of the iahabitants. it Did n't Know 't was - Loaded" M;iy ili'fur a stupid lioyVi Xi; but what ran hi! said for the p:irrnt whi sees his t hihl hVrifrnisJiiiijj daily nml friils In riTnijni'e 1 1n- wimt nf a Imiir and lilfind-pitriller? Fnruierly, a emirse of hitters, or tiiiliihnr ;:inl s, was the rule in vel!-r gulal-il families ; hut now all intelligent liouseholils keep Ajer's !Siirsaiarllla, whh h is at enrv !easaut to the taste, ami the most scarehing ami effective blood medicine ever diseovered. Nathan S. I'lovelaud, '.'7 E. Canton St., I'.ostnu. writes : " My daughter, now L'l i ais oh j. w as in perfect health until a ear ago hen hhe bean to cuinplain of fatigue, headache, debility, dizziness, liiiliestitui, iiJid loss of lippetiie. 1 c.011 i I m led I hat all her eoinplaints originated iu iiniuni hloi'd. and iudiieisl her to t.iKn A y el s S.ii sann ill.i Th is nie.l;. iiji- s.ii rest.ireiL J.ii r l.hH.d iiiakiiij; ornain In lu alihy a.-itu n, and in due time lee-talw lishi d ImT former health. 1 rind Ayer's .Sa'isaparilla a most valuable remedy for the lassitude and debility incident to ipriii;; time. ' .T. Caslriht, Ihoi.klyn Power Co., llrooklyu, X. V., says: "As a Kprinj; Merlii ine 1 lind u splendid substitute b-r tlie olil-tijiie compound in. Ayer's !-arsaparilla, with a few doses of Ayer's 1'ills. After their I'se, I feel fresher and ; router to go through thu suuimer." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, 1-ltEl'AHED liV ?r. J. C. Ayer & Co.Uwell. Masj,' lTid 1 , ill tTCdf, $6. Wotta V tfbVdf Care Ctwi, ColfH, Hoai minim, Crou ft, . Broncfiills, wioor'" tvuih. incipient O tJM du rue, ItH-s Of i Otw- I tav. Genuine Dr. BuWtl Ctt7. &grp la void en! to iM're &mpjrm, and bears oor rec1wTrc4 Trd-irka to wis A hnU Jfrad in a Circle, a Jtefr Strip Vauttom-IsMbrl, and lb fitr-stmUestsrnntarettof J.Jtn W. pull f A. V. Mi yrr A Ox. Soto iTop'a. B&ltlmorfs, M4., U. B. A. S A L V AT E O fl O I L, Thj ;Oretet Cure on Earth for Pain," Will relieve more quickly than any sther known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, Scalds Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost bites. Backache, Wounds. Headache, Toothache, Sprains, &c Sold brail Orujreiats, Price 25 Cents a Bcttle WILD TURKEYS w,vTrriiii -AT MOSELEY'S DINING HALL. i Headquarters for all the luxuries of the en son. Orders for Oysters, Bird?, &c, filled promptly. Give up a little time and send your orders, as Moseley makes a specialty of this line. DON'T FAIL To try his Fried Oysters, Stewed and- Kaw, Birds on Toast, Sc. Ladie$ro especially in ited, as everj thing is (juiet and clean. CHOICE GOODS, Special Prices. w.c, A. R STRONACH AKD Candly Manufacturers ; I ' Offer thi week at specially low prices 8.000 ibs pure Fruit Preserves acd Jelbes (5, 10 and 20 lb hkts). Pecch, Quince, Apricot, Cherry. Pear. Kfcd Raspberry, Damson and j Fig Preserves. Strawberiry, Raspberry, Red Currant and ! Apple Jelly Pure! Fruit Jellies, Assorted, 1 lb 1 Tumble.. ; i i ... ICO bxa iextra choice to fancy Florida Oraiges. S3.S0 per box to close i j consignment. ; j :, 15 bb's eitra fine Northern Apples, Bald ' win, SHeepnose, Uraod Duke, Seeks, SpitjE, Pippins and Phienix, all selected and packed for us. 1C0 cases' extra choice Canned Meats, torne4 Beef, Chipped Beef, Lunch Tongue, Minced Steak, Roast t eef, Potted Meats, &c, &c., at manufacturers1 prices. 500 bbls extra to fancy ' 25 to 50 per bbl under market prices. 2C0 bxs fair to fancy Chewing Tobacco ; at and below manufacturers' prices. Fretl, Feed, Feed. Chjp;i White and Mixed Oats, ' orn, It .y. Bran, Feed Meal, Rice Straw, in any quantity at lowest prices Jab. S. Kirk & Cb.'s celebrated Toilet and Laundry Soaps delivered free of freight at manufacturers' prices. Our Splendid Soap, 20 oz bar, 4c per bar. A E Crackers and Cakes, 200 bxs, have no equal as to price and quality. Our 10c Soda equals anything sold at 15 cents. 500 cases canned Vegetables and Fruits, largest stock and greatest variety. , l0 pck'g's Lake Erie White Fish, 10, 40, UtOc and i lb each. Candy - Candy - Candy. Our Own Make. Anything and everything in Staple and Fancy (.Jrocerks at lowest prices, whole sale and retail. I buy for cash and sell at low est figures, the best eloths in the m arket made to order. My stock is well selected, and I defy competition in urst-class work. Give me a trial. P. Duifln, Merchant Tailor 109 1-3 Farettevtlle 8t. imm:. is. kwkiv 1 1ioia.Iii- lls MM-iiiii, Halifax Street, Opp.'bite Cotton Platform, AAteuJs to the general practice of medi cine. Special attention paid to diseases of wnmfn-'nd children. dec2 srocklIOLDEK?J' MEETING. j fPHE anniial meeting of the etockhold 1 era of the State National Bank will be held in their banking house iu the city of Raleigh ort Tuesday, January 10th, 1888, at 12 o'clock. H. G. WHI' JanB ier.; J. C. BREWSTER I HARDWARE, STOVES AND- HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. The finest and most complete sttck of KEROSENE LAMPS. Cheaper than gas and equal to ihe ELECTRIC LIGHT. Suitable for Churches. Stores. Fuctfv ,-ic-t. Dwellings, &c. Call rp1 exam ine Stock. PRICES LOW. Full stock Extension Ladders for the une of Painters, Builders, Housekeepers. Ac. &c, only Sl.i!5 for lengths p 5 feet. The cheapest and best selected ctock of Cooking and Heating Stove in the city' will be sold low and on the best , terms. Full Stock Guns and Sporting Goods al ways on hand. Ti i Hoofing, Plumb ing, Steam and Ga3 fitting done a', short notice, and all work warranted- Hello There Why duu'! jcii' Koduwii to A. W. GOODWIN k (JOS DRUG STORE And call for one of Un ir K lioqm-t m Willi Man e'inars for a craokiuc ai-o1 6e smoke? r. if you likp a luc smoki-. wliy ask for the Florence or La lielna. They are rattlera for the money. You should try their fine Brands of Tobacco. Call for the celebratJ il liraml 1'reniii.iii," imt wp by .los. E. PiH'ue. You will like if. When in need of lVrfuniery or Fine Toilet Articles, (iive them a trial and you will be convinced that there are uo better kept in tbe city. Tothose In want of Medicine we say, give Messrs. Goodwill Si Co. trial, as all presciptions are prejiared 1 tat m with greatest care, Hive us a call, A. W. Goodwin & Cq. NEW-NEW-NEW J. R. FERRALL & CO 222 Fayetteville St., Are receiving today choice new prop New Orleans molasses, new crop New Or leans sugar, new crop Vermont maple syrups in i. t and 1-gallon cans and by measure. OLD FASHION BUCKWHEAT. New California Prunes in Cans. r First arrival entire crop rv jW is; u rr Almonds, pecans, walnuts, fil berts and Brazil nuts. Edw. I Hardin, Grocer, Offers at ail times a complete and carefully Selected Stock Of all seasonable substantial and luxu ries of the PROVISION TRADE Meats, Fish, Fine Butter, Fine Teas, Coffees, &c. , &c. Canned Goods of the most approved brands, including the Peaches, Pears, ' Apricots and Cherries of the '"Golden Gate Company" of San Jose. BEST CANNED YKiTTAfLE$, Corn, Tomatoes, Asparagus, Sneootiu-h, Ac,., tt. PRESERVES, Jellies. Sauces, Olires, Flavoring Ex tracts, and ever j tiling else in the way of TABLE SUPPLIES For special announcements from day to day, see tbe local col urns of this paper. E.J HARDIN . EDUCATIONAL. ST. 3IABY ; SCHOOL, : ,- i ! - .i -:o:- thek.st4; tkrm will begin;. JANUAlRY 26, ISsi i For Oatal-..gIie. address the 11. , tor, REV. BENNETT SWEDES, A. hJ lj88. LEAP "YEAR t LET HER RIP, j OUR SMASHER i Is putting in s me of his bett work now, anil to clof-e out oilds and ends and re duce our t-tocfe of heavy winter goods, we are selling imany thinR at and below cr st. Our Btbck of Dress Suits con stantly replenh;d with new goods. CLOTHIERS SHATTERS U. 91. ALLKN. ; vn. cRtn ALLEN & CRAM i Founder and Machinists i Manufacturers and Importers of Portable and Siafianarj Eogisa sod Boilers, Saw and 6ritS Bills, Cotton Tresses Set,. MANUrkcTtJHEES Of TH1 5 1Lo"c f lar Pnmt Bf LEIGH, N. C.- WE SEL REPAIR Engines I of all Kinds, NEW ASD SECOND EAJTD. Threshing machines, cotton seed crush4 ers, cotton gns and presets, brick- f making machinery, boiler feed- " ers, general mill gearing ani all sorts of farm Machinery; i Let u know what you want. We wilj furnish you everything in our line at t SATJuFACTORY PRICES. : IGOOD NEWS TH JJi.IL . CIRCULATING Is Library of Sereral THOUSAND VOLUMES, By st4inlard writers on every mitiject. neatl auu suusianuaiiy uouua; not conllneu in its use ti the city, but can be SENT! II Y MAIL To subscriliers tverj-where, all lot a very i SMALL FEE. All subscrilicrs ariiciiMlIed as members with mil extra c-uaiwj l tlie lllKlk-Hllvrs Na tional Cn-iiy-mtiv Association, and will bi siipilfc d with miscellaneous books of all kinds for tlieir ow u use, ;,t lowest wholesale rates. iAutnts wanted. IVddress J. W. Orkuiinrk A: Co., j Manager .V C. If artment, ltaleiKh, N. C. J. Vv. Stei'hesh.1 A. Garkott. U ATEll WORKS. We are now located at 109 SALISBURY STREET. j And are now pepnred to do all classes it work in toniiei tion with the water woika: such as PljunilSng Steam and Gas Fitting. tc. We will keep on hand a full supply of material for putting in water. A'l work guaranteed. ( I STEPHENS & G ABBOTT : LIBRARY DHUQS. CHRISTMAS GREETING! LEE. JOHNSON & CO. Would respectfullv An nounce to their friends and the public gener ally, that they have a beautiful selection of Holiday Presents, which are one-third cheaper than ever be fore. Call and examine them at LEE, JOHNSON & CO'S Opposite Postoflke, Raleigh, N. C. THE lA'tention of ail is faivited to the following 1'iw prices: Shells at ents per 100; Loaded ' - a, h . trail lll jiuun, &c. at rt cu.f each; best Kubber Koor Mats at i each; lst Lamp ftloves at il each, and maBy other pqd on which e plve a P R I C E That will astonish you. A customer Come in. buys some of Hie bargains now offered by us and TELLS His friemls. and so 4t riics. The price tells and everybody tells the price, t'ou.e and see fur Burelf. Thomas II. Brings k Sons, Uris Building : RALEIGH N. C. THE LATEST fOVELTY THE HEAD LIGHT 0TT, TANK I.T1VP, PHIL. fl. ANDREWS & CO., IF JUmiLl S -i Head uteaq-jjignt - Head-light Oil Head-Ligit Oil Tank Head light Oil Tank Line Head-Light Oil Tank Head-tight Oil HeadrLight Head AV havq addd Oil to out Fuel Busi ness, and are now: prepared to furnish our friends and the' public with the best rel, from 112 deg Fire Test to the High est Grade OUHTIIUKE COM PARTMENT OIL TANK WAGONf, Made to Order, Win make a dally tour of the city, and deliver at your door at the lowest Cash pri e. Do not fail to take advantage of this great convenience. Do not forget thai our place is Bead quarters for Wood and Coal Anthra cite, Furnace, Orate! and&tove. Bitumit nous (Tennesse) and Kanawha Splin (from West Virginia) lights easier and burns longer than any Coal on the mar ket.' '-ook out for our oil wagon. It is a Beautv. " PHIL. H. ANDREWS ft CO TAB IUMMUS COMBIMriOS COTTOJ Gil FOB THE BEST AND LATEST IMPROVED GIN CALL ON M. T. Norris A, Bro., WholestJa Grocers and Commission Mer chants, Nos. 13 and 14 Exchange and 9, ,11 and 18 Martin Streets, Raleigh. N. C. WIK HAILING AJiDOKNAMKK D lJ F It R A- nr Vol 118 115, North Howard street, Bal timore, manuiactorea of wire railiait f o owueteriaa, Balooniea, Ac, Bleve, A ram, Wpodajod Goal Screen., 5 . ? - I 1-r - : is- 1; I.

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