' 1 . ; it- ' i - , - .. ;.-,, . .nil "Kill ..I. 1 MM 7- I l' "'..!mi''i)ii" mmA .iji.'inn n n ; "e'k -1 ' 4 Hi A 0. j " RALEIGH, N. C, Till DAY MORNING, JANUARY NOJ 157 News AMD KV!JMj i -t4-.,:; " - - j . ROYAL io5'ct 1 i i- llSi ' Absolutely Pure. bill: pov,-dor never Tsrie-i. A m? j V t '.(jjty, stroi gth and wholescmens- M rc WCon5micai,thr.n ordinary kinds and .-.ncut bo Bold in competition vcith Iho i- rttfeydo of !ow tt, abort weight, J tmXrr i hs- rate p'wdere, sold only in iVe I'ROYAI. I AKIN J POWDF.B CO., 1C8 tr-.U Street, New York. ! inVil by W. C. H. S'rcnacb, and J H Ftrnll & Co. ; ThIe GR.EAT REGULMOp, Jw ImmIU'Iik N so i uiinTiaaliy i. 8iinuiB:i l.Iv. , lnl'ir. i ft wnii ..,1 jn 11 s ftV ,;,.( I.'v Into vrv 1: liiiro. Seiiinir nu rit. It takes i dni'torj and cosily r Scriptfe'UH. Ulsalam lly ni('iirine i',iil;iniyi no Uaifccrou qiialin-, but pfrclT VfLctubli'L EentU-slii Its iirilc u una - g ear: b f.iMy j;iwii to any no inciter wiihi :yy. WQRKING PEOPliE can tak Simmons I.lvcr Vt szn itor without-Kiss of tlmi'iir il.un.'1-r from exposure, ami the syBte.n Will li 'l'liilt. up a 'l inviKi.iralfd by It. H:Ir motesjdl.'t ution. (Us'slpatJt'S i'k lieailaeho and Klves stronj;, f'ill (one tn the sysUm. It hs no fjml liH priii atoi y ntlclnr, ami cat) be nafeiySfSed In any xtcknes. It artspently ob the Bowellf hiui Kiilneys antls eorrect the ai'tlou of the Uiprr. Inilorn d by persons f the highest elianwter rind emluence a XUel IIEST Faiwily Medicine. If aihllil lias the colic It Is a sure cure avid safe remedy. . It will restore strength t" the ifver worken father and relieve the wile fpnm- low Bpirits headache, dyspepsia, constipation ; and ikelll. Genuine lias our 7. stamp in red uu bout ' ct wraiiper. prepared only' by JJ. II. ZFAIAS Ai CO., Philadelphia, Fa. WOOLLCOTT iij?;----.. 14rast MarHin Street. 15 ,000 yds Double Width CaHbmero, worth 20 ts. CIS. 1.000 Linen Towels. CTS. 35, 40, 50 60 .s a yard -Linen Table Clothj Ji 1,000 yds Oil Cloth' for Table. CIS. each. 1,000 Napkins. DOMESTICS Have advanced 20 per cent, but wji are telling them t the same pritje. 8 5.C0O yds-Ctntury Cloth worth tts. lOcts. v .'ttOODS. TOBOGGANS. ir- 1 ,f)C0 Unliunlrkd and Negli gee Shirts worth 75 ct?. Tairs 'Ladies' and tlents' Uose, 5, 71, 9, 10 and,12ic, rth double the money. 1 1 4 and $1 .'JO, WUito Coauterpants. " . On Fridays Oiily We will ti'Al :U1 our Uumnanti i AT A REDUCTION Of i5o 1-3 w cont. : ON E" PRICE person, BlRGAli 10,000 z J f 'S I TRc, SI, ft I j ' . ' IViKl 0:ili 1 "oi- All. f The annual meetings of the stockhold ers ef the Iialeijjh National liaeik ol 5Joth Carolina aud of the National Bank f Baleigh will bo. li dd at their backing otise in lialeigh, N. C, on Tupsday, nuary 1.0th, 13, at 10 a. ta. aejd 1 p. " &i tpctively. I CWHier. OBSKRVATIOSS . Both houees of Congress ad- jourael ye3terdaj till Monday. ; Hick-, tho defaulting cashier, of th.) Stafford- (Conn.) National Bank, was sentenced to the State prison for four a "urt;. ; - Track Patterson died Bad-d-. nl iji . Petersburg Tuesday. He rts.i; liative of Louisburg, N. C. Ho loaves a widow and one child. legislators took the oath of .-ia,-e us , Albany, JM. l. uov. rliu s ii-cssag wus read, and both Icutce ;Jj jnrn?.d till January 11. ( Itv St. Louis the Chinese high Vii.dt r murder . caseB were nolle piofHid, and the four Chinamen un dtt cuuvictiou of murder were re '.ka 1. - : An u Id couple named Woodham, who had bc-n confined in an insane us s lum at Concord, N. H ,i thirteen yturci, charged witli crimes they never committed, bare just been released. la v.: Slelancthon Hoyt, aged 80, a pio'iictr of the Episcopal ministry of the Nofthwet, ahd for several years pastor pi iho Yankton church, and dt an of Dakota, died near Yankton II. n,l iy. - ooieu oat of the eight passenger co,: luctors on the Ohio River itail :o;ul Lave been discharged on the ground I but they have -pocketed fares i ich Biiould have gone into the com pany's .treasury. AiiracList M03 talks about, the recent arrest of spies at Zurich, and (a,) s that many such men are paid large salaries by the police. The 'Serial JJemokrat, of Zurich, publishes ., i:i f -it j : a long iiat of alleged spies. Mf . Henry S. Ives has been elect ed a director of he Terre Haute and XadiaL&polis Railroad Company. This is regarded as a great victory forMr. Ives over President Dexter, of, the Cincinnati. Hamilton and , Dayton Company. t;ilr. Wm. L. Royall, counsel for the foreign bondholders, announces his purpose to institute damage suits against all collecting officers in Vir ginia who attempt to seize the prop erty of h's clients after a tender of coupons for taxes has been made. A dispatch from Charleston, S. C, sayi : "Monday one of the larg est river" phosphate companies dis charged all its hands and suspended operations. A director says the sus pension will continue three or lour months. It is probable that other large mining companies will follow suit, the object being to reduce the supply of rock till prices improve' The Btrike among the flint-glass workers has extended from the west ern manufactories to the eastern fac tories, and the men who, left work in the fifteen factories in Brooklyn, Phil adelphia, New Bedford, Boston and. Corning, N. Y , failed to .return to work Monday or Tuesday. v In the cast aid west about 15;000 mentre now oat. i , Production in all leading branches of the manufacture of iron and steel in 1SST was the largest in our "bis lory. The production of pig-iron in 1887 was 6,250,000 gros3 ton, or about 600,000 tons more than in 1886. The .production of Bessemer steel rails In 1887 was about 1,950,000 grossi tons,- or about 375,000 tons more than in 1886. The Albany (N. Y.) Evening Journal prints part of a letter from Senator Evarts to ex-State Senator Arkell, in which, speaking of Secre tary Lamar's nomination to the Su preme bench, he sayB : "The republi can Senators can be safely trusted with this matter. All that has been said in the newspapers about foolish things laid to my charge is wholly upon; their own responsibility, and not upon mine." Full undraped skirts made to clingrather closely in front, bodices in Josephine and Marie St Cart styles, quaintly shaped sleeves, velvet peas ant waists with Russian guimpes above of surab, and Louis Quinze coats Over richly embroidered waist coats are among.the picturesque Par isian effects of the new gowns. There are also girdles, half -belts, reaching from tinder the arms only, odalisque tiuhes, magnificent antique brocades :u exquisitely beautiful changeable effect?, novel fur garnitures both for home and street uses, military deco rations for promenade, and visiting costumes of broadcloth or heavy cam el's hair, and a great variety of minor accessories that impart a look of nov elty to familiar materials, and which' are utilized in many ways - upon wraps, dresses, hats, and bonnets. Having read and heard so much iu regard to Mr. George's theory on anti-poverty I write you a few lines in regard to the same. My wife is a subscriber to your valuable paper on agriculture, and I read it regularly. I con sider thrift, industry and economy in the masses is great antidote as to anti-poverty and the best interests of the community. A man must try and be his own architect in the man agement of his journey through life, and if faithfully carried Out poverty will hot enter his door. I would also Lave weekly meetings to form, clubs, and if necessary, lo pool labor earn ings, and place the money in the hands of a good man to purchase sup plies iit lowest rash prices, have deli it and credit account and settle monthly by energy you would soon improve your position in life. ' I gen eially have forty men working at the marble quarrying, at from $1.25 at J SI per day. They could do well if they wished by cultivating a garden Would be remunerated greatly and pave creatly in the consumption of bacon and orn-bread. I have been resident, of the United States forty yeaVs, tbirty of it in East Tennessee, When 1 came here the new lands produced large, crops; - now most of these farms are exhausted by : contin ual corn cropping, with grass im prbvement. Iu seventy-five years of aneventful life, in all quarters of the world, Australia included, I have novl or found a finer climate than East Tennessee to live in for cheapness of products and healthfulness All thai is. required is to keep tbe land up, and not let the soil be washed away by continual plowing. James in Horn and Farm. Wriahl CONGRESS. PliOCEEDINGS IN" SEN'ATE AND X J! HOUSE. THi WAYS A!fD MEANS AND AIM 1 i!IA- rjOK3 COMMITTEES THE CHAIRMEN CI other ;;, committees other Sews by tiue. .IfYYsiiixstx, Jan. 5. Senatf ; Memorials ;jwere presented by Mr. , Blair, in favor of a national prohib-j itoty constitutional amendment. ! One by Mr; Hoar, against th a 1- mission of Utah as a State so long as : itslocal power is in the hands ot t!.e mormon priesthood. ' Also several in favor of the IJ'.iir j edbcationalbill. A1 bill was introduced by Mr. Hoar , to.providd pr a -world's exposition rt ; the national capital in 1SD2, nvd thereafter q'f a permanent exposition of the three? Americas, in honor of th. j fotir hundredth anniversary of the ! discovery of America. Referred to a sejbet committee on centennial cv'- . brations. , jj j Mr. Mitcja'eli then called up a j resolution introduced by him Decern- QSX inn, ; lor tne apron.'.n:c'it oil a ommi8siou to m (ct ! . a site for ii: navil station on tin; Pa cific coast, nd addressed tbe Si'-.-ito in advocacy' of it. Mr. Dolpli also sokc in favor of the same resolution. The Senate then, at 2 took up the Blair Educational lull m n' liii ished business.. The bill having 1, i n read in fully Mr. Cameron moved Unit when the Stenate adjourn today it mi jonrn to njeet Monday. Mr. Blair called for the yeas and nays, sng: t ing that tlfe Senate might very ws.-il devote tomorrow to the consideration of the billS The motion was agreed to Yeas, 3; nays, 10. The negative votes wereigiven by Mes.sr. Berry. Blair, Blodgett, Coke, Cil. litr, Dawes, Doph, Frye, Hoa;- and -Reagan. The report (unanimous) of the com mittee oheducation and labor w. tbjjBn read, after which; Mr. Blair said that as the bill had baen so long be fote the colintry and had twice pa-: d the Senate ! the friends of the measure thought it proper to yield the llooi to those opposed to it. Mr. Ii-agan oposedJthe bill. He said he coa'.d iardly hope to throw any new light upon the subject, but he felt it due toi the peogle of his State to give the reasons why he should vote against the bill. So ruch of the purpose of the bill as looked to the enlargeiucct of common school acuities had his hearty approval, and any measuro for that purpose. which olid not involve violation of the constitution would command his support. It was not to the purposes of the bill but to its methods that he was opposed. His opposition to it was based upen the absencfe of the power in Congress to enact iuch a law. Its iiansujo Would be ie adoption of a policy of centralization which would establish a; despotisjn of the popular majority, at erthrow the constitution end en danger the liberties of the people. It onerea a oriDe oi money to me people to sacrifice their manhood, their self reliance ad their State governments. It would tge a surrender by tho people of their birthright for a mes3 of pot tage. Hel argued in detail that the Southern States were not in need of Federal aid for the support of their common IjaShopls, and showed that in the State Of Texas the school fuhd for this yearias $3100,000. " Mr. Vejjit obtained the floor, but yielded tej'Mr. Plumb, who ofl'ered an amendment to tho second bfcetion providinpf . that the money shall be distxijiuted among the several States and territories in proper tiou to their population according to Ihe Census Of 1880. Mr. George stated that 23 democratic Senators had voted for this bill on two occasions when it passed he Senate and gave their names as' Messrs. Berry. B.aekburfl, Eustis, Bown Call, Camden, Colquilt, Garland, Jeorge, Gibson, Hampton, Jackson, f onas, Jones, of Florida, Jones, of Arkansas, Kenna, L tmar, Payre, Pjjigh, Ransom, Vanco, Yoor hees and AValthall. The number of flemocratc Senators voting against it was 13s; Mr. Plumb suggesUl an Inquiry whether the object in giving the list vas an apprehension that any bf the Senators who had voted for the bill might get away. Mr. Blair read letters from the educational atithori ties in Tfxas complaining of tho want of funds there and urging the passage f the bill. The Senate then at 1 ;V.) proceeded to the consideration of ex ecutive DUsiness and at o lU the doors wero reopened and the Senate .ad journed $ill Monday. v house., The following bills were introduced and referred : By Mr- Taylor, of Ohio, for the preservation of the woods and forests of the national domain adjacent to the sources of navigable rivers; also to restore the duty on imported wool. By Mr. Stewart: authorizing ua tional banks to take liens oa real es tate for loans of money. By Mr, Collins, of Massachusetts, to establish a marine signal hoard of the United States with a view to the adoption of a code alid system of in rine and fog signals ; also for the pie vention of cruelty to animal.. Mr. Carlisle has completed: hi.- ii. t of assignments to tho committee . vice of the House of Representative,-?, andwillloiyit before the Hon ;o to day. The ways and means committee is as follows: Mr. Mills of Texas, chairmaflp ; Messrs. McMillin of Ten nessee, Breckenridgo of Arkausav, Breeksnridge of Kentucky, - Turner of Georgia, Wilson of West Virginia,, Scott of Pennsylvania, Bynuhi 1 In diana, Ifelleyof Pennsylv.'fji , of Inditjlia, Reed of Maine, M lv of O&io, Burrows of M . . i The conmittee on appropri t' 1 i s i -; s follows;; Mr. Randal!, of lir.,l.i nia, chairman; Mr Forney, ' f Via bama Mr. Burns, of Missouri; Mr. fr'oran.iof Ohio; Mr. Sayers, of Ti t-; Ur. Gifcnients, of Georgia; Mr. Frlix Campbell, of New York; Mr. Giy,.of Tiouisikna: Mr. Rice, of Minnesota: 1 Mr- Caftnon, of llliuois; Mr. Jtyan, of I rxansat, air. jDutierworm, oi vmo; ft'.a; Mr. iLCoiua-, of "arvl.'-jd. Mr. I. ii. iijdcfc D, of low;.. Th ! owing arc lh: chair. 'ui-a of tLo ;:imiit;eo: Ja-Kciiii j", C-'I'-;f-- o..i, of '.-xas; l.niiliii g I'u-.l eurrcficy, Wi'tkius of Ohio; . J ii;i. weights and uiea u:tf, Nor wi od, oi' Ccorgia; commert , Clary, t.-f iMiss-.-ari; livers and barb .-s. Blanch i 1, of Louisiana; 1 uit-rchau: marine am. iis.a ia fc, Dunn. ! "T Arkansas; agriculture. Hitch, . of i Missouri, foreign affaire, Belinoiit. of ! New Yo:t; military anair-,Town?en 1, ; o? Illinois; naval all'tiirs. U. rbert . of j Alabama; pastofli-fi an I. p .! roads, B'oUnt, ot Georgia; pubnc laud-j, I flolmau, of Iudian-t; Indian af i luire. Pool, of Ark itr-;,v; t on: tc 1 rie. Springer, of Iilinoit-; rail- wajs 'tu i cinals,D.tvi.l-on, of l'iorida; manufacturer. Bacoa of New iork; mines raid mining. OTYrraln of Virgini.i; public i)ia!din:;-i and ground!'. Dibble, of .Sjuth Carolina: I'aoilic nalrod. Outhwaite. of Ohio; .uiprovi i -rent of -i.-.ppi r:vcr, i. w'lhiiiire. of Mi3.-:iiis:ir-i: edaca-iou. C.itidier. of (Jeorgio; labor. O'N Missouri; militia, M.-Ado o til. ol ! New i h'-'j ; i u.tca;F. ". a' i '. it I l.sions. Mat: : nt ioi.K. Bliss, of Ni L ssii;:;;1. of TeAa; w. :' Ke-iituck v . p.nal-; . of Io.vn; in I t f Indiana; j Y'o:k: claims, i ciuiiiir !:v: 1 V 1. ,c' .one, i --. M r co- !,. - .. . e I . i eii y. t i jtiuiu B; . luiiiin , i l lupin!', ol it vir.ion of tho livv: b.tiij; e?:penditui i-s mnt, Morse, of Mi Son '.a C u (;! itia; , U.,l of Ala n St.ito l,-pari--sachusett'-; ex irv Department, i xpt inliturt s in d. i. ill'! i ireLii r, V.a- Dc, tuv.v , s in xiea Li" Alabalii:'.; 'urtm.!it. pvndituri L , el .y-D.: KeL part- u N. ..!: ,t nn-.;t. S.-ott. of l'i tieiitli'. ur 5 iu I'c vanni; ex- Ollire De Missouii; ioi- depal't ;,; expeudi- Oi' jllslitCi ii; ttxpemU- p.'utiii' nt, Loekery, ol e:.,-.!ii itua iu tin; n:U iii'-ut . 11 ird, of i-1 Oi.s HUTS in tho dep. HIS . n Cowles, of North Cavoli lutes cdi publii buihb ;gs gs, T. J. Canap. .)lojI, Shaw, of wt'dnecL'T, of i.ir-. Fit-her. of Richavdsoi'. of( .-. Cleteer U; of Pi-e-.idc-nt and iK-l:, of . l w Yoik; M us land; library. Ne w Yori; t.moile i ' Michigan; pr.titiiig. Tvnnehsee; civil set (ivor'ia: election oi olde; nnuir.:."j i . . o: i lUt Yoik; M'vann Iml'tfi ; een.sus. Cox. of depredati-ni e'n h. W it !;tii-"j and ; ulcoholie ()hio. o.licr com- ;1. -: n- . (. leant s.-o-. ; ven ae At Allfin. of llliuo liij'jjr ti'.ali:-, Campbell, : iho in--mbcrsliip of ii;--mittees 13 as follows: Judiciary Mr. Cell Texas, chair. nan; Messrs. jrsort, of CoiilLK, of Mist-chu.etts; Seuey cf Oirio; O.lti a, of Alabamu Glover, cf Roiers, of Arkansas; issouri: lleu.lc-rson, of Njrt'a Ci.-olina; Biukile sylvania; Stc-wavt, of Ooo; w, of Penri--l.i; Taylor, 1 - r!.; h.ew of Wi'icon- 01 OL 'arke r, o i '-: v: ar. . !.f Y--rmoiit; sin: Adara:, of H-inois ;ier. of Iowa. Banking and Curi.mey "r. Wil-kiu-j, of Ohio, chairuit-.i..; Messia. Sny der,1 of West Yirgii.in; Howard, of Indiana; D.irgan, of South Carol hi; Hutton, of Missouri; Bacon, of New York; Lades, of Illinois; McKinncy, of -New Hampshire; Dmgley of Mane; lirumm, of t Pennsylvania; WopdHurn, of Nevada; Whiting Of Massachusetts; Wilbur, of New York. Coinage, Weights i.nd Moasnrts.a Mr; Bland, chairman; Messrs. Nor wood, o. Georgia; Lre!aph:!l. of .-Ivath C iroliua; Tracy, of No v York, v.'ilson, of jlinut )tn; Wiikins )n,-f Louisiana; Mai-tin, of Texas; Hall, of Texv-; Hall, of jVuiiKvlvanin; Pav-.cn, of Itliuoie; ii- jiM. of New York; V ,i;-,k ver. of Cal iicit in; 13 .-lden.of New York; V.'ycha:n, of Ohio; Toole, of Mo-iiani. Conini ice Mr. Clardy, of Mis souri, chairman. M--;srs. Oris, of Georgia; Tarsney, of ichigau; dlay An rr. op, of i;.. ; VTiison, of w Yo.k; I'he i l, of I'enp l.noi?; Davi, Andeison, of ner, of Maryland; A. u Iowa; Logan, of Loua-iH' .Mitr;:--s.)t .t; B.-yce, of N-' lan, ofr Tennessee; O N shan;a; Dunham, of ill of M Viisu -'nusetts; J. A. Kiruas; Davenport, of Browne; of Virginia, ilivt-rs and Harbora- N :w York; r. I ;1 , un:n- aiiii, of L-misiana, chairman Jones of -Vabam i, Stowail ; .M .-nr.,. Of T. x is. Catc'uiugJ. of Missis-iippi, Wi Virginia, Snyder of West Yu e Of ;nia, (iibsi:i o: Maryland. FisL;r i l;ehi gau, Ihompsonof California, I lender -stiii e s Itlnioif, Bayt.c oi i'tnn-ylva-i.iu, Gro.-jveuor of Ohio. Nuttn-g of Now 1'o-k, Stephenson of WJont-in, Cogswell of Massachusetts. Agriculture Mr. Hatch, of Mist-dun, chairman ; Davidson of Ala- oj'ua, : trim of Si. -.hlnechcr ot Na.v lord, nor Misaissii'pi; (l.:i;s oi Tennis see. j.irneit oi oiwic.r... .u.-j, .'.rVt.'.a-'i.iy of North Carolina, B.'-s . j' ' ' . f i ni, Whiting of Mwhig-ui, Fau-atou of Kansas, . Hires of New Jerbr-v, Liird of Nebraska, Conger of K. V !,'.:gs!y of Ohio, l'titton of t . T -I 1 .ra n uaoois oi lil ilej. i Allans -Tdr. IV-rry Bel airman; Slu-sr;;. McCreal-y. ilioiit of K C il ;iur. Caol le '. :nt. li'Ky; J.orwo.M, oi 'ii,jr.",ia. II ).k:-r, f .M;.. .--iipi; ti ;v- f M irh; mlar.d; ColL oi !. h j a t n J rsej ; :.u.-.seil, f Michi II. tS of Phedi of Mn tf N, . u. O'i M..1- -a I : Ket i N :. Miiii ti Of llhno mue. of- iu .1 !t i:n, Ot .V W Yoi! oirow, ;' Afi'an' Mr. jv, n.-.hi nd, .:-,.;. Tiii-MaL-.li, of Michigan; Nebraska; Wyoming; hail n;,..!. ; South Cuiii '.ti'ia; iFoid. id Olno Lui't!, of 1 e-.v t; Can y, of .1' Ml4sisi.i'i -jliuoill, ol i o: ; Robei ts jn, ti Jjrai!-iana; Steele, oi Itidiaha; Cut::li:oii, of Mica ious Ftvh, of jNew York. ; Naval All'iir.ij -Mr. Herbert, of A! stoama, cliairmaiu; Mes-rs. Wise, of a y gini i; Whitlhoiiie, of Tennefcf-ee; ('i.-hvmi. of Ni w Yoik; Abbott,! of i'i'vx ; 'llionias, f-f Illim i ii! lersevt Iblk, r'f ; 'e-Vdo . Mar land, I tarn i or of f .Soiltj.li aiiiii; Bon u ire: . tr. f.. i V. .svl f Wert ' " . ' Mi l tl V, lad 1 Mr. :' . f ( .. . ; i. a, : o : i uat! ; of Mir oi ri; Y- k; Fn- Ak.3. i'ron, of . 1) .ik -y, 'mm, of New . f Ti'-ntes.) e. ;.-.;-; Andorsbn, of Slississippi; adgomery, of Kentucky; Rowland, N n th Carolina; Bingham, of Pcnn- s lvani i; Gueuther, of Wisconsin; Po tae, of Kansas; AUen, of Massacha- Mr. IjCnj. of JI.i! setts; White, of New Y:;l ; I Minnesota; Caine, of UtV. The House adjourned "a ' 1 i soon as the commit! v e nouncad, on motion of dail, wlio explained that Lt i motion :in order to ensl t mittees'to organize and scle clerical ;force and if possible business for the beginn ; w;ck. ' .1 i.L-ir ji -cpave i i' the FATAL ACCIDKVI'. Iiilol4n of Ihe Boiler of a S.a-.v-kiIU Killing one Han and IiJtii ii, l '. Mpi.-1-ial tu the News ami obsri v -i'. Jonesboko, N. C , 'Ian. 3. f his Jaf ternoon at 2 40 o'clock iLe boiler burst " at K. H. Worthy Sl Son's mills, two miles fiom tLis place, instantly killing Richard Mciver, col ored, -and fatally injaiing Henry Dark, the sawyer, and Peter Mclver, one of the hands. Rich;: I Mclver, the fireman, had chained the safely v nlve down to prevent a lo -s of steam, and haying filled the fniua.o full cf pine knots left the engine .'or a fevv minutes and immediate' turn to the engine the aTier his i e .x plosion c.c ..gv. a gi ibt ,ng him a n :he pla'-'G o iy dcnioi w list dov-, n, )ir! pieces. ,bite m-.ii. :,! oi the lj.it ii.ee of j i'e of lam- .1 , ioV iO'.uL' i ihurt. His . ::'j huinlrcd o-ro half of cuvred; blowing bin th; mill hbuse and tLro. distance of 75 feet frc of the; explosion, comp -; inhing his body from th-i tearing it into very ; n. Geo. Sloan, a jouug was Standing in tr' :,t enginei and was blown . twenty feet, on top of a i br and left-unccnscic.i mirutes, but escaped u j hat was blown at leant : yard in the mill-pond. the engine was blon i'-iy the place of tho expL;oa of property is two tbou-.r.ii The Flffillly ta!il. . ads from The loss 1 dollars. ! "mil. .nnni Ba'd- Cincinnati, Jan. 5. M: win, late cashier of t'i.. l'idelity National bank, died : ud 1-uly at 3 o'clock this morning nt h.s residence on Yalnut Hdls. M. B.di.viu was indicted with tho otL r ofu-.-ers of tho Fidelity bank, but for ne reason i his bond was placed at to-n thousand dollars and .he was able t ) peouro bondsmen, and has not Le?n in jail. Iu the absence of e pontic informa tion as to the cause of hi:t death, the theory of suicide is romtnDii among do .vn-itown people who a. e familiar with the family and v. bo know how much mental trouble the ni in Ins un dergone within ten years. The theory of suicide, so preva'en down-towa, has ho support wha'.ev. r from the facta iof Mr. Baldwin's death. He dieel from the effects of a s roke of paralysis. A jear ago In: !ial a slight attack and was obliged tu take a ret for some time. On i': i :y night he retired in his usual hea th. but yester day hiorniug his family loan I him lying; unconscious- A:l efforts to rouse; him failed. Hi t hyficians pro nounda it a case of pa'alysis. IL; never regained conselonsness but died early this morning. Mr. Baldwin was 58 year od. ; Tariff Tax llrflmrfioj. ChIcaoo, HI, Jan. 5. A Fpic.a! from Dubuque, Iowa, to iho Int . Ocetk fays: "Sena'or Ai isoc, wo leaves today for Wa'-hiirdon, ea'd in an interview that th- party wbich failed to do its share in speedily re ducing the tariff taxe-t would lose in publijc favor. The necossiiy foi some ac tion Was great, and Countess wculvl be compelled to act. lie did not wish lo outline any deiinit ; plaa, but faid Jhe parties were so divided tha iu order to reach any result, mutual concessions must be mad". He would be willing to repeal the tola co tax anei sugar tann ana lurner the free list. The Bourn Vp-.tl. Pais, January 5. The- boutxe i.. smartly upset, owing to the failure of a large operator who bad been a per sistent bear in R : Tiuto miimg shares nd had a large account open for the rise in other sua k". Ho was paiticularly interesteJ Egyptian Unified, which -opened thi morning at 374 francs, 12A ci j!i:in?, and is row 373 francs. Fqur MrnKlllcil aik.l Seven Injiirt-tl. WIlkjesbaIibe, Pa, Jin. o - By a prematurje blast four meu were kilied toelay and seven e-' verily injured while at work in blasiing on the nt w branch of the Lehigh Valley railroad, near Laurel run. The men are said to be Italians. Nominal Ion. Washington, January 5. Among the nominations sent to the Senate toelay by the President, were tho fol lowing postmasters: Robt. M. Gard ner, Christianaburg, Va ; C. L. Jack. Fernandina, Fla ; Wni.T. Boyles, Day -' ton,;Tenn. - Ile-t7nitcd Aflt-r SUttril Vinn. Ctiar-ljitte Ctiroiiiele. Sixteen years ago Mr. Frank Greene, a citizen of Cleveland county, fearing prosecution upon account of the Ku-Klux troubles, struck out for Trxas, leayincr his wife and hree little boys, behind him His wife hearel from him occasionally, up to ten years ago, when his letters ceased. amV no news whatever ould be ob tained from him. Last Monday the missing husband arrived here, and went ou to his old home iu Cleveland, whiro ho found his ivife and three sous still living The boys hail grown up, and the fath er would newer have been able to rec ognize them. Iu fact, when they first metj the old man did not even know his wife, and it was a long time be fore the wife made up her mind that the 'grizzled old man was really the Frahk Greene who left her sixteen years ago.: When all was exjla;nt .1, there was a happy reunion. Yesterday Mr. Green i asi d through the city on tho return to his 1iirOt in Tbtac ilPniiitiaripd Iiu i wife and sons. The old man wa pretty full, but th:! b ys took goad rare of him. l)eacon Jones (to country minis ter) "Soma of tl e members of 'the congregation, Mr. Goodman, com plain that you do not speak quite loud enough." Country Minister "I speak as loud ts I can afford to, Deacon, at $500 a year." Epoch. KXPLOSIOXS l l'H CONSIDERABLE LOSS OF 'LITE. ILEU liCKSTS AND A BLAST GOES OIF lKEM.VTUatLV 1 THEIl SEWS tY mi:e Washiso ton", D'. C. January 5. A boiler at the se'.ver pipe-works of An gus LatnouJ, at Lnuond station, on the Metropolitan branch of the B. & O- R R-, exploded today, completely wrecking the works uud ':il!ing fire man Henry (;' ham. Nobody else was injund, although six or seven men had a vtry narrow esrape. Tw o Meu Klllt-fl niiil Four Injuaetl. C'.evelanis O , Jau 5. A span in the new viaduct now being con structed, and south-side with tins afternoon. vhich; connects the in; city proper, fell I' was ninety feet ong 81ld rrouud i elguty-tr.o it et above as liushe-d c IV tne end of tlio spun by accident, and in falling it knocked b aces and biams out of pl.ic'e ai.d the span went also. There were eight workmen on tin! ppau when it feli. T wo men were killed and four injiuid. Another Sd Ikr. 1 iiT.snui:o, Pa., January 5 The employees at Hcbbanl 1 Co's works siruck yesterday against a ten per cent reduction in wages. The works have close I down and :!,000 men are idle. Itoynl Koail to lllrhc-g. The main read to industrial emi- neitce is paved by the type-setter, and rolled bliiOOta b the printer's prts-i. The aanufac; urer'a business thrives through .nourishment. The successful business men are those who recognize this necessity, place their names : in journals and keep them there jear af,cr jear. Tne men who fail and sink inio oblivion beloncr to that mistaken class, who either ad- vertise spasmodically or not at all. The manufacturing area is so large, competiiion so extended ,so crushing and so rentless, that a man who has anything to offer for sale, nmat keep himself constantly before tho public or ho is lost. : It a d-aler wishes to buy in a f-trange city, he invariably consults the advertising lists of a re liable newspaper from that city and refuses to deal with thoso who do not figure in the local newspaper as he does not feel safe without such a guarantee. JJth iul Printer. Untlly rniktil l otion. Mr. Hawes. thn United States Consular Agent at ritichenberg. Ger many, has made a repoit to the State Department at Washington, in which he complains of the bad condition of American cotton when it reaches that port. The complaint , does not rest, however, so much on the staple aa it doeo upon the way in which it is paekeel and of the very poor material used for bagging Tne report saya that tbe b gging used by American p rckers is almost worthless, in con sequence of which tho bales become torn and much of the cotton dirty when it reaches the European ports. Egyptian cotton is packed in much better shape and in fact, cotton waste from that country is packed so as to reach Germany in uracil better con dition than dots the cotton of the fnited States. tVK.IlECY. Jabber -Hello, Jibber! Hang Jibber -"Of a pair.!' Jab r '" Jibber your stocking: courto! Hung up ber "Get anythin; "Rather! "Got a bill for 8G0 in one and a homo made Serateh-me back' in the other. Chtistmas ij a great institution." L"tc- 'I Citfc n. Not His Fault: "That's a pretty dirty shir I you have on," said tha ser geant at tho Central station to a pris oner who had just been registered. "Yes, it is;.but it isn't my fault. Your city ia so dirty that . a fellow can't wear a shirt here over six week's before somebody begins to complain of it." Detroit J-'ree J'rrs.t. "It cannot bo otherwise,"' he muttered hoarsely; "you must be mine- Y'ou and I could not avoid it if we would, aial let in thank the fates that our union wili be cemented by leve. You could never have been another man's wife. There is a destiny hanging over you " "Oh, George," she gasped,: convulsively, 'brushirg away please do!"-.V;r(7ii T'vv elcr. Conclusive Evidence A tourist was talking to a miu who was break ing stones on tbe roadside. A car riage drove by. Who's that iu the carriage " inquired the - tourist. "Ah ! shuro that's the jidge, an' I'm tould he gits a pound a day for being that same.'' "I should say he gets a great deal more . "replied tho tourist. "Ah! I don'tbelave it. yer honor I don't behave he gets the pound a day itsel'; for manny's the toim I sees-him passin' the road here, an' I never seed him drunkt wansht."' Vanity Fair. "Have yO.i any rhine-stone rings for ladies?" he asked at the jeweler's. "A large assortment, sir. Old or young lady?" "Younc'.'' "Is it a Christmae gift? "It is." "You don't want a diamond ring, eh.'" "No." "Then yoto are not ahem not en gaged?" -'Yes, I am; but Vvo figured on this thing. She won't bring the rmg down - for a couple of months, anyhow, and by that time we'll either be married or so mad at each other that we'll return all presents and call the match off. If wo are married it will be all right If we are separated she'll nevef know whether it was bo gus or gounine. Give me a sparkler f r about $"."- - V r l'r .. Charlotte ci,rirL: Mr. C. O Mircer, of this iv;, on yYe.la-.sday received iuformatie n of ttie destruc tion by fire of his fciu house aud saw mill, locit aT at Bladeuboro, in this State. The fire which destroyed his property occurred on the nigbt of January 2d. The gin house was a three-story structure. Mr. Mercer's loss is estimated at $2,000, upon which there was no insurance. U K K Kil R KS V M ti nil A I. HO I KTV j' Pr. Ouunu A . - I.aw CttUcsc Trrftxitrf -- I hr "l ilovtll 1rs rtly ." dir. Cr. v.t '.lie N-.-WS an.l )w..rver. -C. Wak;- Foiifr N. C, Ja'i. 4. ! Tt;- ' - itke I i'4b' M.' t 1,1 r t il Sooieiv una one o. u ; 1 1 ar fpiar'erly niedt viintod discussion -.-.!. d. ' hei-3 :: v."! . :M Tlio :i t'iiat looii- in cr today J.he up i . .. . on paeue,.o!t:a were tl:v U - il mo-t o..;o: : n at". in to ihe i-r..t'ctioii i its members against dcimpit-nt patitnis. It ! will be remembered that physicians peti tioneel the last Legislature for sorjie action t petition today dollar patient in rij; this ma'ter; but tliiu failin. ngreed bond these gentlemen under a t a' tend fifty no i epoitcd by any if to the members as society having failed to pi!y for meelical at tendance, nriles, said patient gives secutity for the payment of bills. This resolution does not refer to recog nized charity patients. The member ship of the society numbers ten, three being r - ab nt h. r. , the remainder living in the vicinity. ' The college faculty vok;d the-s(u dents one week holiday at Christmas, instead of t wo days, which has?btien the rule for a number of years pitPt. Many cf the boys peihaps thrie fourths of them went to tlr.cir homes, but are' ba k again hardiat work for the fiaal term exarainalichs, which begin 0". ihe .Vh and elo: a on tho loth. Mr. W. C. Towel', .f Wake Forest, is now ' treasurer of the college! in place e i' Prof. V. G. Simmons, who resigned the position on account of ill health. Mr. Towe l is a w!! known and successful businees man, and will adQiiii'At-jr the ti nauces of the College with fidelity and prudence. Prof. Simmons is expecting to spend the w inter in Camden, S.C. Dr. J. R Duggan. professor ; of chemihlry, is lying at tho point of death, ft is poa.oble that ho may -recover, but his physician is uot'hopo ful. The who'o community is dis tressed i Rev. Dr. Jehu Mitchell, formerly of Powollsvillo, is mow a resident; of Wake Forest. 11 is corresponding secretary for the Board of Education of the Baptist .State Convention; in the room of Rev. Mr. Vann, resigned. Though ho will travel much in tue in terest of his board, he i3 still a most valuable accession to our community. John S- Long; Est , of New Beine, has been invited to lecture here. Your correspondent happened' to be in Youngs viile' whenthe so-called "Caswell tragedy" occurred. The facts in the case havo been greatly misrep resented and tlip misrepveseatatons widely copied by the pres.s of the country. It may not be out of place, therefore, for me to make a brief statement. Mr. Speneer B. Adams, Clerk of Superior Court, was walking from the postoffice to his own office after dark, when he was met by Ilobt. Graves (colored) ami immedia&ly,: without warning, knocked down' by him. The negro scratched himieon Biderably. A negro boy gave 5 the alarm, when Robert Graves rose-and ran, Mr. Adams pursuing him as far as his own home on the same street. Going in to get his pistol, he lost sight of Graves. When his friends saw him so bloody they were sq in flamed against his assailant that a number sot out in tearch of him. They soon found the search fruitless.; A day or two afterward Graves ,was apprehended and lodged in jail. He has since been tried before a magis trate and detained in jail for trial at the next terra of the Superior Court. .P. Italy and Abyoinln. :' New York Star. . Two years ago the kingdom of Italy, anxious to sigualiza its prowess and emulating the grabbing policy of England and Germany, seized ling John's seacoast at Massowah. The Abyssinians, however, have had deal ings with other Christian Visitors, of the same sort; they 6et upon the raid erf and thrashed them soundyl Ven geance, as well as greed, was then added to the Italian mission; but the English, anxious to keep Italy's hand free for the more vital work of the triple alliance, prollereel mediation. An embassy was sent to Magdala, King John's capital, to adjust the quarrel peaceably. The African King was urged to cede the conquest made of the eacost,and apologize for thrash ing King Humbeit s expedition. . The sturdy John refused; and tho English are barely out ! of the way when the Abyssinian armies are on the march to attack the invaders. The Italian army has been re-inforced The Italian Ministry has staked its exist ence ou victory and conquest - TUet'eitlury for" Junnarj,- : Attention is called 4o the great variety in the table of contents of The Century for January. ItSi sub jects embrace an autborita'ivo account of the formation of Lincoln's Cabinet in the history by the President pri vate secretaries, with many unpub lished letters; Mr. Kernau's "Russian Provincial Prisons"; Professor Atwa ter's "Pecuniary Economy of Food"; an illustrated article on "The.Cata combs of Rome" by the Rev, Dr. Philip Schafl"; in the drama a biograph ical sketch of John Gilbert, with por traits by J W. Alexander; in art and literature a critique and personal sketjh of John Raskin by Mr. Still man, with an excellent portrait for the frontispieco of thenumbei; in Sport "An Elk Hunt ou tho Plains.;' by Schwatka, with diawiugs; in travel "Tho Upper M;ssouii aud the fireat Falls" by L. V. Smalley (illustrated); in fiction contributions by Cable, Eggleston, Stockton ! (a sequel to "!ri. Ix lvsand Miu. Alesbine"), and bv the auth:r of ' Sister Toelhunter s rKoRil,' H S Ed-.ai.li-; four pages of. ! war aUerni.itb; "A Southern f. Man j Ahead of His Lime'' (J. R. Pettlgru;) the Piedmont Exposition, and other papuis of inteiest and value. Unck'iu'a Arnica Salve. i The Best "alve in the world fore uts, Bruitfi B, Sorea, Ulcers, Salt Khoum, Fever heres. Tetter, Chapped 1 lands, Chilblains, Corutt, and ail Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed, to give perfect satisfiction, or money lef unded. l'rico S5 creUti per box. For sale by Lee, Johnson & o, f A UIVER Tiii: ENom: ta in mm f! A FKEKiHT NS. i-:v -in. i i. j :. ri: i.-. ? A lio I- ; I i rnrs l-V.N. Hi;; ,t tt.iin oa r,e X .v Ia::. o.-A frJc i Ii vision ;nt of- t'uc Norfe ' k u ran into a r '. Central ! jur.M'e 1 t !to if. R;v; r a-.i 1 dirfi wis drew;,, :.. .yv.is a'.so iLllleU dein( !;,li d i 1 Vi . i ; '.! ek :ia .p-ar. .-.eru rail road' -7 mile 3 from The engine I ran into New 1- The engineer - i. His fireman 'i i-. 1 cars were rnK v;-k ,.Vi m v,s In ! In.- .:! ur n .tln-.tuUell imu- : ... . ';-; - ': Pop'.-said mass r ,4 to l-i y fo.- the benefit of iu .-.re ! I...,:.;- in the city. f UyA t.d'A aal 1S1) arch--' J - '' to iu atirnd- j vf, the co.:gre- ) " - .'..iu p:-r-aiia. I. lf - ' ' Tu 1 1 y wys " i- 1 ' I e. ole pre .- ut ' ' ' c i lienor. Tho - at '!: c n ;1,: ? ppt-t.n-.I much .fa- I o,- . : '. St. l'! t l;:--: Tun ; 1'. bi'lioe ' ,, at.ee if ;1 : - e . "'i.t: (1 ; . n: r,:.:; ! cn I o -.-;,: Pope 1.,.,:. -;oi. f ! - it , - die ;. in t -i-i ! ii t i tod : eii .- in', n !., -fai-l.T. ;a ol the Mtiinesola 1 1 else iu favor cf : 1 ' -announced de- Tie- : 1-u-itl' re te.-niina can, to v tariff ia lilinl. a reoubli- a . o, reduction of tho :n : race Mr, Randall ' "it-.) acc u:p. in im 1 "''! tlin republican te; ao -ratic party. Mr. will have ;, dertakiug to policy on the Lind v.a . noao; man, but : c it; e! :i3 a high tariff tlar drift of ooin- ion 1,1 i e "i .i I :i. ct lie now t'd r,., ... , t j t vors i'rr ! i.i;a ! i r, free salt, una .will not under any c'r- nt; i uai jiuu cumstancfj ' fa.or free whisky. ij Senator .Sabjn. .;..j of tho republican senators fiOau Minr.-.sota, has also an nounced his puri o.;,; to vote with tho democrr. -s if ncci'-,.-.arv to secure a re vision of the kifdr-:hi.-; session, it is possible that M-, L.aine's polie'y will not tare .is-well ri has been aisum; i 1 r. ej ,r,i- ;i - .utiiD tin it will. The attitude of the No: hv a on the 'tar- iff issue u am thing but satisfactory I alt im re to iu isti fii; rcpub'.icaus 1 i ll , licU tliil for lVJ. Iu the yqar LSS'.i there will occur five iclip.-e-, thri'o of tho suu and . two of tho.'mooa., A total eclipse of the sun will occur January 1, partly visible at Washington as a partial eclipse, the sua suiting eclipsed. The second eclipse, being a partial eclipse of . the moon, will occur Jan uary 16, visiblo at Washington and generally in Europe, Africa and North; ami South America, and ; the Atlantis and Pacific Oceans. - sThei third will ba an annular eclipse of tho ! suns June 27, invisible at Washington. ! The fourths will bo a partial - eclipso , of tlie moon, July 12, invisible at Washington, but visible generally ia Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, tho Atlantic Ocean, atd tbe easterly por tion fof South America. Tho fifth will lie a tdtal eclipse of the sun De- ' cembcr "Jl JuLd '22. invisible at Wash ington. - A'tKtai City Times. "What a Sway to f,pe-ll flbh,'' said Fat, when he saw tho name Psyche on a 'chip But a more, wonderful sjicll will be ex ercised over the coughing child of yours that freeps ;itse-lf an-J you awake, ill yon -will iry Ijr. Bull's Cough Syrup." 25 cents. Neuralgic paroxysms. are often of cx-; treme violence, and brougbt on by th feliihtest i-rovix-atiou. f-ucli as uraugh of cool ai. On the tirst intimation ot such an attack rub h ith yalvatiou Oil. It can ho tom tit :.t all druggists for only 25 cents. See ad. fcf furniture in geneiaS and pine hair Inattres.ses in particular of Messrs. J.C. Hutsoiu'cCo. You can be suited frOm their large aud well assorted Stock. Bismarck declares that Gcnrany is strong Enough to withstand en ht tack on two, or even three, sides if necessary. Its superior excellence 'proven in ml lions of homes for wore tli.ai a iuarlj of a century. Il in uecl ov llu Uwtt! States liovernmciit. Kii;oi,-eil by the heads of ho lirct Univ.T.-i Liei) hh the the Slrontt, l'urekt anil most lhaltli ful. Ur. Price's tho only I aiiui Powder that dot not contain Ati.im i:i, Liuti oi Alum. rS-dd only iu Car PK10H BAKING PC' V. I Wit (JO. MtW YOitK, . . OUIC'ACM'. ST. IOC Si Orderii; for Picluro 1 m'lm. J.itc -Brack, Art No 'ralviuo. Aitut- Blaterial". w iudow-tliadeo, hJI Piiuor, CornL'et Poles. &d., hav ptunip aU,ntr'- FItEI. WATSON, IS 4