- f ! 1 . k-,W! "i. 36. i VOL. XXIV. R. LEIGH, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY NO, 163 v 3 .. I ' TFu 11 iEiWS1 W 1 II 1 w 1 II I i II -II. II i ;f llv 11 ' - r ; 1L n " ry 1 II- I 1 I 11 - ! : i I; Hellolhere Why dmt yc-i; gu down to f A. W. GOODWIN & CO DRUG STORE kud call fr one of their Eos Boquet or Wild Man Gleam fr a cwklne Rood 5 smoke? Or, If you tike a 10c smoke, why ask 'for the Florence or Lb Kt'lna. 'Miey are rattlerj for the immi-y. You rtiould ry their Fino Brands of Tobacco. Gall lor the celebrated brand, 'Treniluro," Dy Jits. K. I'oRiie. Von will like it. When lu nei-d of Perfumerj or put up Fine Toilet Articles, Givr them a trial and you 'U1 he conviiired that there are no better kept in the eity. Tuthne In want of Mcdicii.e ivc say, give Messrs. - tio'uhvin & t'o a tri i'. as all presciiitioua are prepared by tliem with greatest care. 'tl' c us a tall. iil. W. Goodwin & Co. WILD TURKEYS 1 1 ww-xiso -AT- IVIOSELEY'S t DINING HALL. jUadq-uarters for all the luxuries of the i -r- season. i - (Orders for Oystera, Birds, &c, filled promptly. Give up a little time and Betid your orders, as Mcseley makes a )ecialty of this line. DON'T FAIL 4HTr hit Fried Oyitera, Stewed and . ; Raw, 14ird3 on Toast, sc. h toadies are especially inrited, is eTry tjiing is quiet and clean. THE FIRM -OF j S. Pescud - AND , Santa Claus li8olvo copartDeraihip : thia cfay by limitation.- With I.:' ! SINCERE THANKS 4. TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC For their liberal patronage, and wifili- ;r ing'ouo and all a y: ' - r ' - ilAPPY NEW YEAR t- , & ; j J um yours, sincerely, John S. Peseud, M -i i Druggist arid Seedsman. 118' jVvftlevUle Si. 4 yOn hand and cii ll o road the 'ol- lowing leasonable arVcles: . fOO Tons Anthrac.te Coal, egg stove and iiutt sizes. - LOU Tcna Tennessee Ckjal. loo Tons Pocahontas Coal. oO Corda Oak tnd Pime Wood. 1S00 Bushels Winter Seed Oats. 1 1500 BuaLels White Spring Oats. Tampthy Hay, Be&n Ship Stuff, Chops, Sleal. Seed-Wheat," Seed Rye, &c., cfieap for cash. Jones & Powell, Id's Corner snd Central Depot, -X R SLKIOn. N. O ijomooopafliio Pliysician, Halifax Street, ..: Opposite Cotton Platform, trends to the general practice of meli Ce. Special attention paid to diseases of women and children. dec) FUEL & FEED r f RPYAL Kljk:' 4 s tig! l Absolutely Pure. ! fhis rowder nevpr varies. A marvel )f purity, strength and wholescmenees. Hore economicaX'th&n ordinary: khida and. itnnot be sold in competition: Vkt the n altitude of low test, short weieht. iX&in or phosphate powders, B0ld only ip aaa. Royal Baking Powdkb Go., lCfl Aall Street, New York, iold by W. C. ft A B. Stroaach, and J ; Ferrall ft Co. ,, i THE GREAT REGULATOR. . No medicine is so universally used as Simmons Liver KeRit lator. It won Its way lnt6 every home ly fuhe, sterling merit. It akes the place of a drteffor and costly pre scriptions. It Is a fain Umiiediclne contalntii': no daiiKerous qualities, but purely venetahle: gentle hi its action and carj be safely given to any persont; no mattei what age. ' WORKING PEOPLE 3al take Simmons t.lver Regulator without los tf j.tiiin) or danger from exposure, and the syste.n wljl le built up and invigorated by it. It pr mtes digestion, dissipates sick headache ana gives a strong, full tone to the syststn.; It has iw$ eqtial as a preparatory medicine, and can b& safely used hi any sickness. It acts gently on the Bawels and Kidneys and corrects tlJe aetiou of th Liver. Indorsed by persons of the highest cliaracter and eminence aa . ? The BEST Family Medicine.' If a child lias the colic it Is a sure cure and safe remedy. It will restore strength trf the over-i wefrked father and relieve the wife from lout spirits, headache, dyspepsia, constipation and, Ike ills. Genuine has our Z stamp in red on front Trrapper, prepared only by v. ii. kil.i.v co., rimadeipnm, fa. ; W00LLC0TT & SOS'S, ' 14 East Martin Street. 4i CTS q 7,000 jds Dre3S O00 I3. 5CTS Tfk CTS. 8,000 yds Double Width Cashmere, worth 20 cts. 1,000 Linen Towels. 35, 40; 50 A" 60 lets a yard Linon Table Cloth. 100 7d8 oa Cloth for Table. CIS. each. 1,000 Napkins. iyrci's: 1,000 pr. MEN'S and mJ BOYS worth 40 cts. CLOTH GLOVES 8S 0,000 yds Century Cloth worth 10 cts. eta. HOODS, TOBOGGANS T Nubias, etc.; 3 50 1,000 Unlaundried arid Kegli gee Shirts worth 75- cts. eta. AAA pairs Ladies' and Oents'3 I M HI nB. 5. 74. fl. 10 and 121c, worth double the money. 75c, $1, $125, $148 and $1 50, White Counterpanes.- On Fridays Qnly We will sell all our Keuinauta AT A REDUOTiON j Of 33 1-3 per cent. : ONE PRICE Stockholder' jtlcctitig. Office NoitTii Caiioijn a Home Issl'raxck Company,; Raleigh, N. C, January 10th, 1888. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the North Carolina Home Insur ance Company will be held at their office in this city on We Jncsday, the 1st day of February, A. D. 1888, 5tt 12 o'clock m. Charles Root, jwlltd Secretary. Bargains .M R OONFIinF KT) UiJlAU I A VOTE OF 32 TO 28 KIDDLgEtnOEn, STKWAIIT AND STA"NJURL VOTJKO WITH THE DOIOCP.ATd -,OTIirR C0SOBESS1OSAL -l'EO CEEDING8. Waspixoton, Jan. 1G Skxate -Amoci; the petitiona auJ rnori.i's pi esetjte ! ud referred wt.ro fvvr.l in f'mjr of a World's i xpuviti.ui in 1892, rotn the general council cf Mo bile, Ala-, Buffalo Business M-n'.-i Aw Hociatipu, Kansas City Coiamerri-d Exciafgo and the Los Angtlts. C;il , Board of Trade; also in favor t.f :i bill' lucg slate immigraticii; i-No for a. change in-the postal law so t h t "papet -hook novels, blool ami thun der st cit ies" shall not be seut ti.ri n-h the mils as second clash io;irt r tp-n-ivg on cent postngc), wliijv. M-hool, tigit rii'ilio and rfcligiu.u-t b. t-kd Lat-.vto pay 8 cents a pound. Mr. pint presentfd a ciem ! :f?l and resolution of tho Oonei.tl Asstuibfy of Knights of Labor in favor (. f ip. ve: igijitoa into tho ntaisa'i-:.' t:t . f the Br;t.u of Eugravii g atni I'i iut iDg, ainl for fcuch legislation in will prevenjtLe debascinent of t uin nov, note?, jiic. , also for investigation tc tlo ?present method of supph ing postage sf amps, and ho a.'4td tL.i! the metnorial (covering 1'2 h!i-et i f typo witiug) be printed ir. 1 ho .' con 1; bat as Mr. llania objected to that, hp proceeded to stale ttio i-LItf allegations contained in it. Apojilicn was presented fiOiii At lanta, (lit., for repeal of v; tax 00 alcohoj,' from tobacco r- ifaelaicH, for abolition of the interutd rov, nue tax on fiars and cigarettes; LIouh bill relating to perunshibbi marks printed and written on Kec-oud, third iipl fourth class mnii ujatt.r was reported from the comniittrc ;iiid placed in the calendar. Among the bills mtroductd were By Mr. Chandler, to alter the regula tions exacted by the South Carolina Lihlaiure in regard to the election of Representatives in Congress;hv Mr. Shermari, (at the request of color ed clergymen in North Carolina) creating a commissioO to inquire inio and report on the material, inJut t ial and mental, progress 1 of the colors. J race since 18G5. ! As sfeon as the morning business was allxlisposed of, at one o'clock Mr. Riijdlebergrer rose and moved that tb$-Senate proceed to execuiive businesg and the motion wai agreed to without division. The Senate devoted three hours acd a ha'li to executive business end then at f.30 adjourned. J4B. LAMAB COXFIBMED. The following nominations we- con firmed today: L. Q- C- Laniar to br Associafee justice of iho Supreme Court; iVui F- Vilas to b? Secretary of the Interior; Don M Dickinson, to oe PosiMatvr-ut!ri:crt ana! i a. Bragg to bo Minister to iMexico. Senators tiiadlebor-er. .tt-viai t an.i Stanford voted with the DtimocniJa for Mr.-jLaniftr. All tho otLu in vol. -d or werepaired on party line. . .- BOUSE. Mr. VLitihorue, of Tu,i,e.i", offered 7 a 10 sol uti. u dirtcting committee ou accounts t- nse;-j Iau. whethe there are i-L.iiiei'.rit j n occupied rooms in. the c.pitol ftr the accpnioioda'.ion cf th-j eoiniuiiit ts of the Jfiouse aud if t ot where ;.;:J on wha terras the tecearj roous can bo procured. Adopted. Mr. jjcMiilin, of Tennessee, from the commit ti e on merchant niarlue and nssries, reported tho Dinghy reelutfibn. calling for itfoi niiuou in relation to drscrituination iu iiou againsts Aujerican vessels pacsing through tho Welland Canal. Mr. ?! Dingley'i resolution was adopted Mr. RichardsoD, of Tejinctit:v, chairman of the committfce- on print ing, reported. a resolution, which w;.r adoptef, lor printirjg n.uuu extra copies (tf the President's .raessago. Under the call of States tho. follow ing bills and resolutions wcio iEtro- duced kud referred: By S$r. Wheeler, of Alabiinii', to provide; for certain worki for coast defense;. By Mr. OatoPj of A'abamn to pru xbibit iieii8 front ucquiiii.g tttlj. 1j lands iii the United St At By Mr. Herbert, of Aiabtmii, . t"o. forfeit the Mobile & Girard lUiiroad grant; ilso to reguiiito the (oureut the navl academy. By J&r. Andr8oi, cf Kdi.suK, di rect'ngi the commerce vom iiitteo to invtstiaate the .Reading rmfroad I strike Hsa to how it has bQ.' c.ed the obligatjors of that road ui.d.r the m ter Stae cointnoico law. By ljr. Cumniiiigs, f Ne Yoik, for thec'Srelief of the merchant, murine of the Jui ed Stated engaged in for eign trlde. r. 1 ueliuj, or ienuebse, to extentt'the limits of tho port of Meui- pbis. By ajr. Kugore, of iexts, abolish ing thetax on tobacco nud the duty on lumber, coal, salt, wool nud blan kets. By 3r. Wise, cf. V.i.;bia, fisiug iL hours rif labor of clerks in lirut class postomp;ep, and granting them leaves : of absefece. ByNMr. Bankhead, ot Alabama, for the er.tition of a public building ut Birmingham, Ala. , Mr. Shaw, of Maryland, chairman; of the i committee on accounts, re ported the resolution assigning clerks to all tio committees of the House. , Mr. jerkins, of Kansas, oflVred au ameudtjient providTug that every com mittee of the House shall have as many ejerka as there aro members on the rjoriniittee, onf to be neleried by each mmhef; that the . U rk f-i If ctcl by tliehairrnan ul: all be chief ckri. and thftt the other oUtHs . Lall rccciv. inohtb; r nd that w Leu a -ineu ber ; on 'mor.' '1 an one t vmit tee hei'aaii havo the right to up point '0i.e clerk. (The ani'-'iiiltutnt which s de:dgnd to give every utum ber a jiji.'ik is dran' in ihis f'-rru so as to i.ke it germane to tho rtHoIu tion, aSd not subject to a point i f. order I' , 1 In tfte debate which followed, the resolution vrm opposed by Messrs. ! "r8P,ofJas3.,BigKofCaliformAfti.d ;;.jiount - cf :t-orgi-Tillii.an of South ; j Jiiulij,, 8i-.dEorfcrs of Arkaneas,,and o.l lv ;ilcsj3rs. Sjuxa of Colo l H.-vioi'd c f In..lidua, Boothman Oli'.r, Piters of; Kansas, Laitd of biaL a, CuLfiou tf Illinois Groa- veior of Ohio, Bkgbam of Pennsyl vania, a:id Lawler of Illinois. Mr. Biggs called the proposition uuo;her "salary errab.'' Mr. Blount warned the ITvuse that .thero w..s an audienc9 which would f ake no ice of wliat Was said and done ,'!itre tcdi-.T r.rd would hold the mem t account for their votes. ' Ulijit audience the people he re- 4. .1 .. .... a Mr. I. iird, ia annOunciner his inten- nn to .lit .1 i ; . 1 lu.. L'hen o.e I.r the amendment, pic : v.- m luous dnties .levolvingon I'i ia attending to his cor .1 I:!-- at right and to de it v-;rk in iho morning. Jo f;iuie to the capjitol to j t! c c flairs of the nation and if-t ii wi d al Lille? No; but to carry ;t.i'.iou of tha cotntnittee ii:itions tho committee it ' probably under tho flicta- ou! on pr 1 ion of'- 1 :.iu who had come 1 3 rule .tho coifcmittee and the country- j " U-. Orosver.or placed his support - t!.i liiiii'iulintut 611 the practical ground that it was a matter of ? coiioniy to the public service and he. for one, -,!:' willing to lake tho re- i-j'oiisib "iity for hisvOto. Mr. 'Tillman and tlsai, he would vote s'guinst tho nmt'hdment because it v :i Would in Ti rtct v.uj- 01 increar.uig uy lie .-idjjittcd that clerks -n-iicvo ineihbors of much d:u :eoia!ly in tho distribu which tLey were called lion upon jupp io perform, but he could not i t the puidiug proposition. What .1.0 CO ! :y wanted wa3 twice as many no pre:!.' nlatives iiiELj Sienators. ind fix tmies as TL-eu coueressiona ojeric; douo .1 lubv.rj would bo efficiently and tLo lobby would have a aard job, where now, unfortunately, it had au e: sy ono. Mr. P. i kins' amendment wasreject- d. jcas C4, nays 181, and the question recurred upon tho resolution reported by the committee on accounts. This was ant:igcnizDd by I he Republicans, for the reason that it. provides clerks ,'or the committeos on expenditures in Tie various departments, although, in enpoiifo to a question from Mr. Ran ihili, Mr. Shaw stated that it would only increase by two the number of ohrks authorized by the 49th Con grtps. The resolution was agreed to; yeas 124, rays 89. The House at G 05 adj-jurned. tlomlelde In itcldsvtlle. .petia! to the News and Observer. Reilsville, N. C, Jan. 15. "Now you fee what you have brought me to," said Sandy Wade today at noon in this town to Bettie Tht-ujsvi, as with smoking pistol he ikd tut li.'usf1, leaving ;her husband, Mar'io-.t Thomas, a victim of his hand. Thpmb had found th6m in a house they had planned -for meeting and as - .--. -. '--.ot, JeoTA oed ai.d thot hirn a centre snot T,.l;icLii: the fyiehtfad, the dead iiian f til ittg fitvo foi-fard aeroes the :;.. be ;u!-:rifg it Hth his brain, his fed jjst touchLig the floor. In L:t. .v iticn he ' was found ;.w.) :: IS t iurn latir oy tne oin 1 To Jaw. TLo woman, a ..k'n,r joung mulatto, lft toon alter the flight of hor r and when arrested ut her s h nue declared that she , 1 .1 'A, o: o,l 1 he ho;; ;:;u r.iijp iuibi';n. kv.t w ' nothbi if the shooting is , timp Wft j u.sitep it-. tiio is in; iil. Sheriff Uano-.v.'-v wuu a luoanieu i)obho ... . , of twenty firo citizci s is ia pursuit of Wade. There are Ktrong threats annug tho negroes of lynching hfhi if caught. All the parties to the af fair aie colored. I . SAMlY WADE ciuliHT. Sandy Wade, who E-Lct and killed Macon Thoma3 yetteiday, was caught last night three miles but by Augus tus Burton and Joseph Lindeeyof thi -sheriffs posse. It was dark, but their hoibes taw nnd shied at him crojichiug in the bushfrs. He started to run but they charged on him and "i.i iJo him throw up biB hands to be o arched. He had on a British bull-dog--pietol snd a knifes. After tying hiiii le confessed to killicg Thomaa in. self defense, and had a cut on the arm h- said Thomas gave bim. A bailow knife was found near the dyail iiLiii Thomas' widow is ao in fatuated with Wade that when she heard Lo was caught she eaid she Vlint ht.r hufcband herself. Wade is a fine looking h r. I breed- Ho has been st-.t on' to lh;i grand. jury and tho ;county jau. ? . nu3T Dr. r WEEN EDITOH AND EX EIITOB. Ipforniation was received today of a light between N. S. Smith, ex-edi-top, and Phil A. Peatross, present tditor, cf tl e Leak&villc, N. C, Ee j' trfrr, the liht taking place in the I U porter .office. Mr. Smith being vorVted in the encounter retired, ..Li ji tho light was renewed by his i oDf; l.o was badly beaten by Mr. Peatross with a printer's mallet. The origin of tho difficulty ia said to have b. eu about a aper which Mr. Pea- tross was Smijh. to have bought of Mr. l.reftt unn. PiTTSLcuo, Pa., Can. 10. The gitat iteel gun which was cast solid at the Pittsburg Steel Casting Company's woik-i lat Wednesday was taken from lit; mould to Jay and found to be per let t- Tho casting' is. pronounced a CO leie succeiis by Sunt. Hain- v, 01 thy aud officers of the U. S. navy who-made a close inspection and ap plied such tests iis prcb-.-iit stag uiut;' toii-i. as were possiuie iu a. Tho gun weighs A Labor Dlfflcultjr. N. Y Jan. 1C The cm- TnoY p! -y-n-i of tljo Stoi.-l an I Iron Com : yny huve refused lo accept the re iI jcUov. of ten per cent proposed by i'10 eo: ip.i y and the works, will be closed. The ' "officers of ihe company viy th. yhave a ci pted a reduction ia thou ealarietr gre ater in proportion ti.au; that askel of tie men. The ccmtjiai-.y paid tfl&O.OOO a month in Wagti. " ; ' M liib.' is of the New York Ex 1 1 ..nge havo decided to advance the ,i ice of all grades of coal 25 cents a ton. . THE BLIZZARD. THE SEVEREST EVER RIENCED. EXPE- STORIES (DF ITS CECEL WORK THE PIT i FEBIJJfj, THE EFFORTS TO ESCAPE, TDX DEEDS OF HEROISM DOSE "OTHER NEWS BY WIRE. j St. Paul, Jan. 16. Tho terrible sriow stoirm which has swept over the northwest, blockading railroads in five States, is now over and the vie ims of its fury are being counted. The piti ful list ii growing almost every hour. Ill is not improbable when the re cord is: completed it will show a hundred lives sacrificed to the awful fury of the blizzard. Next to this the worst blizzard that the northwest ever experienced occurred January 7, 8 land 9, 1873. In that storm seventy people were frozen to death and thou sands of , dollars worth of property was destroyed. The present storm promisesjto be even more terrible in its results. It came without warn ing. At sunrise last Wednesday Dakota never had more lovely winter weather, j; The air was clear as crys tal. Thd wind was from the south, warm and balmy, and before the sun was high' in the 6ky a decided thaw set id. Farmers took advantage of the beautiful weather to go to town, to draw wood, hay, etc. About noon a cloud Was seen along the north western horizon, lying close to the ground, but stretching -frOni west to north in a dark semi-circle. Little attention-wfts paid to it, but in an hour the cloud had swept over the country, the sun was obscured, snow was falling fast, and a gale was sweep ing from the northwest with terrible fury. A ' blizzard had begun. The mercury fell rapidly, by 5 o'clock it was 15 degrees below zero, and next morning it registered 30 cleg, below. All the while the wind increased in fury, the -snow fell thicker and the large amount of snow that was al ready on the ground was blown into powder and hurled aloDg by the wind. On the prairie an object forty feet distant cauld not be eeen. A man's voice could not be heard six feet dis tant. The air was full of snow as fine as flcmr and the roaring of the wind and the darkness caused by bo much snow in the air made the scene the most dismal, drear and forsaken that man ever looked upon. Every railroad Dakota and Minnesota and many in Iowa, Nebraska and Wiscon sin roads were blocked. The tele graph wires everywhere were down and it was not until Saturday ;; that the full extent and awful results of the s torm became apparent. The telegraph hourly brings tho most pitiful stories of .suffering, terrible struggles for life and heroic deeds by brave men and women of the storm stricken sections that have never been equaled. Mary Cocnoll, a little school teacher near Cayour, started boms with t wo of her pupils, . j i n "vi tjyjj iv,V, .1 1 and nfirinhcd. Miss Coiioell pnt her dress folds about the irttie gnl ar.u made her wa'k all night, knelt it;, her; charge with her body. TLc werte found next morning a'uve but hortibly frozen. Another, teach. r. Miss Jacobs m, near Stoloff, started home with a little girl. Bo h per ishejd. When found, Miss Jacob son, was crouched in a little hollow in the ground with her arms about tho little girl and her dress t-kirt wrapped about her.; Her own bonnet was off her head and her hand clutched her dress at her throat but there was a smile on her face. Two children, boy and; girl, of J. Hutchison, near Gary, were lost going home from school. Twenty five men at once started on j a search for them and the mother could not be kept from going along The poor woman was with the party Which found them- They were lying close together and the boy had; his sister's hands between his own. Thursday forenoon, just be fore the blizzard struck this point, a party of seven farmers, about tweOty-five miles northeast of here, stafted for their homes, having been here with wheat. The; report comes that the bodies of four ofj them have been found dead. Searching parties are out look ing for the others. Mrs. Knutzson, of Rushmore, was found frozen to death within forty feet of her door. Her husband was absent. Becoming uneasy, she started in search cf him, losing her life in the act. These aire but a few of many terri ble Btcries which have come in, the maj6rity of which have been briefly mentioned before in these dispatches. A number of the dead had the appear ance of hiving died from suffocation. Some had torn their clothing away from their throats and others had thrown away their head covering and were clutching at their throato as though struggling for breath. During a genuine blizzard the air is filled withi fine ice dust, driyen with terrific force, which chokes the unfor tunate victim in' a short time if he attempts to stand against it Chicago Jan. 16. Sixteen degrees below zero was recorded in the gov ernment thermometer here at mid night last night. Four below was the t highest temperature reached during the day. The total absence of wind mitigates the cold materially and no seyere suffering is. reported. There is much hardskip in the poorer districts of the city, however,! and the police stations and other public shel ters are crowded to their utmost ca pacity with homeless waifs. : HtUmr Wrefk. St. Locks, Mo., Jan. 16. A wreck on the Chicago, Kansas & Nebraska railroad occurred at Willard, fifteen miles east of Topeka, Kansas, at 4 o'clock this morning. Three cars were thrown from the track down an embankment and twelve persons were injured, one fatully. The wreck was caused by a broken rail on a sharp curve. Victim ot tha BlUxard. Minneapolis, Minn , Jan. , 16. The JoutncU'a j-evised lisi of blizzard fa talities shows 97 dead in Dakota, 12 in Minn., 6 in Iowa, 17 in Nebraska and S in Montana, total 135,: besides 55 reported missing. Additions are coaitantly being made to tha lists. (VauiKcr Agnlu. V,AsyiytlT..-x. 1. C . . Jan. 1C Tho bill intro IccpJ the Senate tvby '' by Mr. CL.-tu !!-r to alter the regu'a ' Hons e!,:,ctc-I by tho legislature of South Carolina, prescribing the l:-;,. 1 places a'-U nr:r.n'-.r cf ln..!J;2:g iho ! elections for representatives iu Cou ; groce. U.ree.t3 tbe j of registration of ' make, each July j th congressional South Carclir.a to and August before election, b-;nihig with 1SSS. p. 'tew, ft.ll -and complae registration of ail ehctcrs quai!: d u vfrio for ri-pie.sentatives in Coji;re-. a If any riug prrcirct i- gittr. r iu siza than live juii-s from 'the nlre to any point :hoieof the t-up-n isor is required to reduce its The cert itiea of registration rcq ;jr J by the South Carolina statute shii'I'nofc have attached any voting con dition incident to property r othor qualification. All registration recorJs shall be public and names of all elec tors shall be published iu one cf the county newspapers at tho expense of the county. The Governor of tbe Stato is required thirty days before each Congressional election to up-, point four commissioners of election for each county, to b appointed equally atiiorg both political partie?,' aud . the commissioners are iu like manner to appoint four managers of election lcr each precinct whose duty it shxll be to conduct elections, pro tect voters, preservo the peace and before adjournment declare the re sult of the election. The Congres sional polling placo shall not be the same place as the State polling place and all ballots to bo legal shall be distinctively marked by the man agers cf election. In order to give all au equal chance to vote it is provided that ' wneu nve members of either party havo cast their vot-ean opportu nity shall be given the other political party to cast live votes. It is mads a misdemeanor for officers appointed to refuso to serve aad it is made a felony for any person to attempt to influence the election by fraud or intimidation, or for the officers of election to wilfully refuse to register any person or to strike his name from the register or to refuse the vote cf any qualified elector. It is further provided that no elector shall be im prisoned cn election day for refusal to pay hi3 poll tax. Capitol Xotem. Sheriff T. J. Allison, county, yesterday settled of Iredell for State taxes wTh the Stato treasurer, pay big in $7,981.25. The Auditor issued warrants for expenses incurred in conveying seven new convicts to the penitentiary from New Hanover county. SUPREME COURT. The spring session cf the Supremo Court will commence on the first Monday in February, 1888. The first two days will be devoted to the ex amination of applicants to practice law, and on Wednesday the call of appeals from the first district will be entered upon as follows: 1, Hodges 3, Edwards vs Cow per; 4, r-e.ijYl? Uardison; 5, Jarvis vs..- Davis; 6, Lewia vs. Lumber C .; 7, Braddy vs. Hodges; 8, Edwards vs. Moore; 9, tiodman vs. Harvey; 10, Short vs. Blount; 11, State Vs. Narrows IslaEd, &c; 12, Windley vs. Bonner; 13, Evans vs. Etheridgo; 14, Topping vs. Windley (def. ap ); 15, Brickhouse vs. Sutton; 1G. Hutaon va. Sawyer; 17, lopping vs mdley (plain tiff's appeal); 18, Cook vs. Moore; 19, Brown vs. Commissioners; 20, Davis vs. Ely; 2J, Etkeridge vs. Hiliiard; 22, Jones vs. Parker; 23, Kellogg va. Bailroad; 24, Newby vs. Harrell; 25, Puckett vs. Alexander; 26, Owens vs. Owens; 27, Skittle sharp vs. Swain; 28, Alexander vf. Davis; 29, Midgett vs. Wharton. -aw Change o Schedule on K. & D. R. R. Under the new schedule which went into effect on the R. & D. R. R. yesterday, there is no change made in the arrival or departure of trains at Raleigh. In future the fast freights Nos. 52 & 53 will run daily be tween Raleigh and Greensboro; leav ing Raleigh with Pullman sleeper at tached every night at 110 a. m and arnviDg lnxvaieign every morning at 6 35. (This includes Sundaycj Double daily service has been established over the Charleston, Columbia & Augusta Railroad be tween Charlotte and Augusta, which enables travel from Raleigh and the line of t ha North Carolina Railroad to leave home on the evening train and make connection at Greensboro and Charlotte for Columbia, Charleston, S. O, and Augusta, Ga., where they will arrive the following morning. Pullman sleeping car from Greens boro to Charleston, South Caro lina, via Charlotte and Colum bia. Passengers now leave Ral eigh at 5.50 p. m., take a sleeper at Greensboro and arrive in Columbia the next morning at 6.30, Charleston at 10.35 a. m. and Augvsta at 10 30 a. m. Better, schedules, faster time, more trains aud increased Pullman service appears to bo tho motto of the Richmond & Danville manage ment. Good for Raleigh. Beginning Thursday, round trip tickets for one fare will be sold from all points on the Raleigh and Gaston road, tbe Raleigh aud Augusta Air- Line, and the Richmond & Danville road between Goldsboro and Greens boro to Raleigh by an agreement be tween the roads mentioned. This will, prove beneficial to Raleigh in many ways, doubtless. Our business men, at any rate, snoum see tnat tne opportunity it affords is not thrown away. These special rate tickets will be issued only ou Thursday of each week. Maaonla. There will be special meetings of Raleigh Chapter, No. 10, and Enoch Council tonight at 7.30 o'clock: Mem bers p!e,e note and attend. "Art is long and time is Heeling," and it is too bad to speed half of a short life distressed with neuralgia, when 25 cents spent for one bott,le of Salvation Oil will cure it quickly. George Conklin, the lion-tamer, says he will have nothing to do with cross eyed animals, nor usa any other remedy for his coughs and colds but Dr. Bull a Cough Syrup. He says it ia tha only reliable cooga medietas to be had. , 1 thi Additional Taeh, Tor Graded Sclioo!. Iu vie'v of tetidauco 'of oil- -geiy incifeastjd at- pi'.p.H in the graded school.-.. too Uihi ;h; school ?corrmit te- has l-.i-t- A it iu ifcsaiy tatelectad ' tonal ti' ;el .-:.i At : a iaof linir iust ; hH. M:- i lull. . ;no ! Cation, I tho Mm ! will tako j and Mo.; ! section .ia.r ! H: ph.-y' f ir- or'.;' v y, WiUr, if Char 0 y V. Mrsh, of a -1 tcchers in 0! Miss Marsh fee thirdj grade, ! r.bo change of a jgrad.?, .hich is him. Barbee and -i d whch has to require a di- ' Wo. l'o-- novv ii i 1 Mtj. W: grown ?. vision Wilson v A 1 ki e vh.it ! 'it) :r. u' Cluiiuplon Tlnstrel. t ref.t is .in store for all who o on if. xi Ihurs- J4 ': m. '1 1 day cvdiiij; Wilt-met l: lipou wliieh Occasion ii':u. wiiii (IroiWilEon in co tude. case amaio, will euttjrtaiu tU molti Everyi h'.ng is; new, a is the each sr-istiii. Th afiirniece. c-ntithd "BafhJo Wost's Wil Bill," is eutirelv ner, ;;:d s rccc isl with shouts an 1 : - a!s of laugh A Joins 01 or: anl PuTiOrama ot views cee-i! fvu the Woild's Balloon, by Wilson and Schoolcraft, ar& also special features. The entertnnent is refined aud strictly :de void ,bf any thing of a vulvar nature. Safe of re- served seats at MacBaia'd drustore. ?I'l'e Hlia. The ladies atter.',rijj prodtiction of "Fuiry Vl!eRi es's Ficga" on jloi.uav cY.r.iU'- can ,'ot)i forf a:d to a bewildering display pi dr ses, end a pocuT.rly bright and i leasifg play. MT.e Uhea will )e support-eift by an pporteifi by excelk-nt ceinany ol a finished an l artis'i assuted. plajerg.jfco that perfornjance iB Restoration ofLandtt. '4 Wasui.notox, Jan. 16. In pursu ance of the order of the Secretary of the Interior issued pec.mbr l"th last, acting commissioner StoclLsliger today issued aa order 'of restration to settlement of tha lanJs wittiin the indemnity limits of - the following named railroads -: Alabama k Fjcrida, Selma, Rome &, Daltori, thelSo'uth & North Alabama, the Florida, flattie & Gulf, the Central, the Pebsaibola & Georgia and the Florida & Albama. About 12,000 acres are invo veil. A Woman Dlieovtrj-. Another wonderful; discovery bas been made and that too by a lady in thie county. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years ehj with etood its Eevereats testa, but hor vital organs were undermia'd andg death seemed imminent. , For threp jjhonths she coughed incessantly and cotjld not sleep. She bought of u$ a bojtlejof Dr. King s New Discovery for Consumption and waa so m tch relieved On faking first dose that she Bleptallniihfaiii with one lwttle has been miraculoaally pbured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutfc.'fe Thus write W. C. Uamrick &;Co., oif Shslbv. N. C. Get a free trial! bottle Lee, Ji ncEon a: e;o. e drug-store. - Radical meetings inEnglknlshcw WSM'Wj 'M'npf tey thorough. A Rrpricve fur the Cttudemneij. v rWelied men and women hng eoJuleifined to suITcr the torture i of dyspeMla, are llllj-d with new hope ;ift,r.i t" i osesnf ljotettejr's Mnatarll Bitters. Tl.ls liiiililhht lume blossoms unto ilie fruition of certainty, tlie f!U?rrs H pi rslsted in. It l.riiiKS aTeiirieve to all dyhiptics i !o;ieek Us aid. K'atule e, h artburii. sSiikins at ijje pit of the stomach betaven tnea. tite neiv)iispremyrs and iixoiiinia of h'.eh chroiiirt lnicesti3i ts th parent, dHappear wiUi t'.ieir Katt'ful m9rntttr. Most beuetieent of st'-niKeliics! who Cauvohder that In so ma-iy Instances it awakejns iratefnl eloquence In those who, benefited hy ifc speak voluntarily- In Its behalf. It require pen to describe tlie torments of dyspelrsl. b many of the testimonials received by the giro tors of the Bitters, these are portrayed wah ' :s a traynic sl. b"t 'a e portrayed wah vivid ropne- truthfulness, t:oiistipatlun, blliousnass,:.;iuuscu lar debility, malailal fevers and rheumatism are relieved by It. : i h Mullet Roes. Mullet Roes in brine; very nice and in good shape. Mackerel, Mullets, Roe herring Cod fish; &c, kc, J A fresh lot of choice Breakfast bacon strips. El J. Haejb rs. The Louisiana democrats; com pleted their State ticket and adapted the usual platform. I I It is Absurd For people to expect a cure for Indies tion, unless tUey refrain froirr eing wliat is unwholesome ; but if ahylng will sharpen the appetito and gtve!ona to the digestive organs, it is Ayera Sax saparllla. Thmisands all over thejand testify to the merits of this mediclnfe Mrs. Sarah Burroughs,; of 248 Eighth street, South Boston, writes : "My Jius- haiid has taken .iTyer's SarsaparillaJ tot Dyspepsia and torpid liver, been greatly benefited." " andhas A Confirmed Dyspeptic. C. Canterbury, of 141 Frankliifst.. Boston, Mass., writes, that, suflericg for years from Indigestion, he wall at last iiiduixMl to try Ayerjs Sarsaplla aul, by its use, was entirely cured. ' Mrs. Joseph Aubin, ol Iligh stijet, IlolyoVe, Mass., suffered for over aear from Dyspepsia, so that-she couldjnot eat substantial food, lecaine very weak, and was nnalilo to care tor her faqjily. Neither tho medicines preseribi'd; by physicians, nor any of the reiuelies atlvertised for the cure of Dyspeiia, helped her, until she commenced ;th use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. "Tre bottles of this medicine," she wlte, " cured mo." Ti Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY ii Dr. i. C Ayer & Con Lowell, Mas. Trice 1 j aU bottles, Worth ti a boiil. LOW I have prepared and ready fof the market a large stock cf the bct Powe, Plow-poiuts and castings of my; own manufacture ever placed before thj pub lic. f-iolieUin correspondence I roomer- chants aud dealers before nj else- where, 1 guarantee aatisfi J. IRON Ifllpigla, IPE. P : ll - thev Iftton. j is . FOLINDERI 7 i ' 4 - - is. c '-3 J .12 ' Ita r ;. i . ! (..e. o prove- iu tad. hons..i n f.. ,.,01.! tliat) tiuarti-r of as. nt irv - i, ,- Uj,,, ryth.; Tji,.. States . (.;:! ;;r. Kn lorsed ly the ha(!of U IJn M UnivorvHi. s vm t ie theStr-: .d'orvH: aa-1 m.3t Uralth ful. .)i-. .t, r-BUo.only Haking Powder that dors not contain Amiaonia, Lime or Alma. Sold only in Cans. PRICK MAKING BOWLER CO. ombound Nemfous Projtration, Nervous ieadache, Neuralgia, Nervous Weakaesa, Stomach and Liver Diseases, Rheumatism. DvsoeDaia. aad all affections of the Kidneys. WEAK NERVES ; Pitsf! Celev Cojipocm) is a Nerve Tonic which never fails. Containing Celery and Coca, those wonderful stimulaata, it speed ily cures all nervous disorders. RHEUMATISM Paise'b Celbsy CoMPorsD purifies tbe blood. It drivss out tha lactic acid, which causes nb.cuma.tism, and restores tho blood making organs-to a healthy condition. The true remedy fo Rheumatism. ! KIDNEY COMPLAINTS i Paike's Celet Coxpocnd quickly restores tne aver and, kidneys to perfect health, This curative- power combined with la nerve tonics, jnakes it the best remedy ior an Kuney complaints. DYSPEPSIA Pause's Celeby Compocvd streneihens tjio stomach, and cjaieta the nerves of the dis- Uve organs. Xbis is why it cures even t4 worst cases of Dyspepsia. , . CONSTIPATION Paine's CELEnif Cojtporxn is not a Cathar tic It is a laxative, givin s easy and natural action to the bowels. Regularity surejy fdl lows Its use. j Eecommended iy professional and busincta men.'. Snd for book. Price l.oti. Sold by Druggists. Dii' WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Pron liUaXDitiTON. VT Orders for Rcture Frames.. Brk-aJ Brack, Art NcTSlties, Artut Materials, W irdow-shadesv v" all Paper, Cornise Poles, ic, hav prompt attention. FRED. V. WATSON Raleigh Marble Works, 417 and 419 Fayetteville St., RaliJigh, N. C, M.mufacturer of all kinds of Monuments and lornbotones in Marbles or Granite!, Also Contt actor Jur all kinds of Building Work, Curbing Posts, Steps, Sitts, i&o. DESlCfiS Of all defcriptiaha kept on lutnd and sent to any address upon', application. : f . Chas. A. Coodwinr Proprietor- CITIZENS' TRUST COMPANY. RALlSIGHN., C, i Policits and is Kiupowered to execute TRUSTS QF ALL KINDS. TO MANAGE PKOPEKTY AS Agent iV" 1''I11S5 To Iluy aiRil fell Property, i COLLECT RENTS LOOK Ai''TFn TAXES, BUY AND SELL SECURITIES; To issue negotiable certificates agahist goods on Btoragoiipoii w hich money can be ohuinoitt thi) Lowctt lluling Hate, and to do all business usually done by Trust Companies C. M. HAWKINS. Preidetit. W. E. ANDERSON. Vice-Frostdent. P. M. WllOPt, t'-ahier. tax jvotici:: Owing to a provision ol the lievenue Act of 1SS7, the "'Bale of reul estate for taxes due the city of Raligl will be ir ade by th.f Miefiit of Wako county on the first Jk'tiiiay n February. 18S. and the list will l e given to the fciherilf for advertisement as soon a the samo tan he ' prepared. I Iu the meanwhile the Board of Alder men have, by antrJinttnce passed on the 6ih innt., directed the tax collector to proceed at once to the collection of taxes due tW city by a levy upon snd sale of lersoiial property. Delinquents will savo thi-iuselven trouble and cotita by immtdl utoly settling witb me. Tho require mcutri of the ordinance are) iiernptory and must be obeyed. O. li. IiOOT, . . L janlOU City Tax Collector. rr n 6 a. v. 1 . i t 1 t -1- - t