Npws and Observer. . ?Vubbkd Daily (kxcept Monday) and I V? KBKLY ' BTiTHE NEWS AND OBSERVES Co. nrRCE, KCItcr. DisJf one year, mall postpaid, , IT oo " i tlx moutlia, " . S M f tire -" 1 "5 Wt-ffcjy. onoyear ! " I i'tx months," " " ' Xwwvnu entered wKtsoiit payment. Rnil pop i- erVi:l Hit or tue rxpi ration oi time phm igr. TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 18SS. he attempt "on the life of Louiso hel, reported by cable, flnws tho mm t 1 1 ger 01 Doing in uaa comjmu v . Lciiae is getting old enough to ab joje the society of anarchists. Ine Mixwell-Preller murder comes totthe front again through a decision of J the U. S. Supremo Court, which amounts to an ailirmation of the (jlealh 83tence of the murderer alreafly rro nciirrced by tho cDurts of Llissjomi. Te elegant and cold-blooded Eng lishman will have to hang. jjjSuxDAr was the centenary of r op's birth, but it received no public notice anywhere, it appears. sate among the Greeks in London, 1'aiis id Athens. The modern LngiiMi- in would scarcely have known of the aniversfiry, it id Baid", if he -hail cot ben reminded of it by the Helldnew. Tjhe modern Englishman, like his cusin on this side the water, is rther too much of a Philistine to re gard a matter of this sort as of any importance. i The comparatively email manufac tt ring interest of the north has Leea p; -otected lo the exclusion of every oilier interests for lo! these many y$ars. Is it. not about time for some njeasure of protection for the inter efts of the 8,000,000 farmers ojf tho cluntry? There can be but one an efrer in the minds of patriotic people, and that will' be in the affirmative. And how is the protection for the far irjer to be hadl Through a stoppage o:. the surplus and a reduction of, tf riff taxation to a revenue basis.! So, aud so Only. J j Elshthere we print the remarks, njjade by Congressman W. & F. Ifreckenridge at the New York Re farm Club dinner Saturday nigjit in response to the toast "Tariff; Re form." Tho dinner was namerou&iy atended by men prominent in alnio&t eyery walk of life and the 2'imts sys: "Nearly every &ection of the country and, with few exceptions, eVery interest was repreeented and erery interest wasably represented.'' 5Jr. Breckenridge is the gentleman fho has so distinguished himself for oratory in the House. He wears well hs riarae. Henry Watterson spoke nso at the He form Club dinner $nd him as "brilliant and ; eio dtitnt," 'the latest successor of $enry Clay." It will be seen that he has a firm eraep of the tariff reform Subject and has presented it as we)', ill, i lit i groDaoiy, as it couia nave oeen,; pre sented in the short space of time at his command. j We note with great satisfaction tho boom that seems to have set in for qiir chief commercial emporium, hos pitable, whole-Bojiled Wilmington Tiie city is to havei the O. F. & Y. V Eoad extended to its limits, is to hjave a nina and a quarter mile .road Ifom the union .Depot to tne num- njocks at Wrightsvillo sound and is talk ng of a regular line of : steamers to Nassau to he established by an 4Spgiisn company. . it is tooKing up more than it has been doing in some time and not because it ' is lying; flat Oji its j back either. There seems to be a day of marked prosperity for it Li the near' future and we rejoice lu the fact. Its becoming the terminus o the C. F. & Y. V. will give it the clbso connection with the central and - Western parts of North Carolina j and efentijaliy with the great Northwest wiuch it has always wanted : its rcad to the pleasant j resorts afd sea beach of AVrightsvillo wfll draw to it thonsands of pleaure- safekers, and the steamship line di rectly to Nassau, if established, will dfubtless attract many of the health ad pleasure-seekers from ihe North wiO, every winter, visit the VVest Indies. Everywhere in North Gar liiia there is enterprise, : business viof, hopefulness, confidence iust nw and Wilmington ia no laggard in t'e race for the rewards of ; industry ad trade. This is as it should be. Sit gives us pleasure to direct attcn tiin to a communication elsewhere pfnted on the subject of ,a cotton factory for Raleigh. No community cn afford to stand still in this age of pogross. No community can aljFord t j ig'APro the advantages that acom ' pny Manufacturing. We must lhake ' smeiing to sell. When we make Bifmet&ing and sell it, the purchaser pay s lor the labor incorporated in the aticl. If we sell a bolt of : sheeting in CJ'.ina, the Chimese pay the spin nrs itid weavers aw well as the (arm hfu'dn whose labor is present in the li-lishifd product. Ey selling our i rianulactures in ether communities wfe &ake those other communities piy fSt labor here in our midst. They gvo;?mploj'ment tto Lie men whose wfiklis incoiporaied in tie article tley iuy. We organize and direct tle !or; the purchasers furnish tho I mtiJiej to pay the labor. iThps we will tax other communi- tis support funi:ili-s in our miilHi. Nt 4?fiy so,but by giving constaEtjem niyfltffcnt to a nuLuber of hiuds, ,'a:id kepi'j money in active citeula'tlec, pftOpKare able to buy uiorc: freely its. tlHtres. The stores probpe-r. Trade isouilrer basis. Eentaare inoretaii lyjpiti Real estate improveij in value. Tfie railroads have more freight. The btoA'f,. are benelited, 7Thev preacher g(ts;fCs salary easier.'; Tlte !ayver ail te "doctors collc-et thir f . mlie-iadily. j'lhe whole town ft-5.- t L -ijtfnetit af great ientlit, Or a -liall' one in pfoj oftion to ;to aifoui of, wages paid, and tie niiiiu bty 0 'iariiln ei;:p ed. , It is nc h-ajy tjfat ltaleiglt stall do hi m tljii" iiie"JSi manufaciuring than htj'e'o fofe. 'Now is the time. Let us ufj a iegifcning right here. "I . fii "I OF OVKRBHADOVtriSCI IMPOHTASCK. It is of great importance to us in North Carolina that wo should have a democratic administration of Fed eral affairs ; it is of great importance that we should have a reduction of tariff taxation and that the internal revenue system should be abolished. But it is of the gieatest importance that we should have a Democrat ic administration of our own Lome af fairs our affairs here in the Stele. We are interested, and with reason, in: the matter of electing another Democratic President or of re-electing our present able executive ; in the matter of tax reduction and in the matter of the uprooting of the inter nal revenuo system. Cut at the same time we cannot fail to realize that the matter of overshadowing importance to us in North Carolina is a continu ance of the control of State affairs in proper hande. However it may bo with regard lo matters more general we cannot af ford to divide on this point. The proposition needs no argument for any one familliar with the Listory of the State since the war. It has only to be stated. It is self evident. It behooves every one, therefore, with any interests in North Carolina to bo cared for. to bestir himself to the end that the economy and effi ciency of Democratic control may be continued. Every Democratic vote will be needed this year. Every Democratic voter shuiild b got to the polls. E ery patriotic citizen should exert him self to the end that the full Demo cratic strength may be carried into the coming contest. The matter is of the very first importance to every on of us. Ve should realize the fact in time. A prominent Raleigh gentleman, a leading business man, writes us from New l'ork city that "Wall street com plains loudly that the President's message has had. a bad effect on bus iness and predicts all sorts of calami ties, but the business people seem to know nothing about the bad effects of the message and do not seem to be afraid of the predicted calamities." I he people at large can stand that ftate of things very well. Luckily II r. Cleveland is not the President of Wall street but of the whole country. Our friend says further: "Business seems to be lively, especially in the dry goods trade. It is quite cold, but the air is pure and healthy. The ground is covered with snow, and the sleighing and tobogganing at the parks are ss'd to be delightful." Tobogganing is a new fashion of coasting on an extensive scale intro duced from Canada. It has been well described by a Chinaman, according to the newspapers jokers, as "Swish ! Walkee back a mile up hill." In th'e death of "Dolly" Browning, elsewhere noted, we recognize the fact that as clever a fellow as ever lived has gone to his long home. lie wai a faithful servant of tho com-, pairy of which he was so long an em ployee ard was a true man in all relations, with a heart as big as his body. Peace be to his ashes. TIIK MKXIltGITia IS A1HSVILLE - An Abatement of th.DUa. Cor. of the Sews and Observer. Abbeville, N. C-, Jan. 21. This community has recently un dergone a sore affliction in the preva- :lene of meningitis produced, it is supposed, by the recent blizzards, which, sweepfng from the frozen lake regions, have given the Alleghany Mountains a few icy touches as they passed, producing the sudden, violent inflammation of the membranes of the spinal corda of children and feeble adults which hae resulted fatally in a number of cases. Thia morning a committee of phy sicians, consisting of doctors S. vV. Battle, J. H. Williams and F. T. Mer riwe'her, appointed by the board of heilth of this city, issued a bulletin, in which they state that there have been since the first case, about the 25th of December last, twenty-seven (27)cases of well marked meningitis within the corporate limits of the citj; that these cases are for the most part confined todocalities where the sanitary conditions were badj and that the disease has been largely re stricted to the poorer classes, who have not the means of taking the pro per care and. ordinary precautions against the rigors of disease. They say further that no new cases have been developed for more than two days an abatement in the disease which the committee attribute to a decided change in the meteorological conditions. They assure the public that in the opinion of the committee, the.outlook is decidedly brighter and that "there is little cause for serious alarm." Currituck. Cor. tif the News and observer. Tull's, N. C, Jan. 20, 1888. The weather for the past week has beep unusually severe, with some lit tle pnow. The thermometer has va ried from about 18 to about 40 degrees. Our fishermen are getting ready for the spring fishing. O. NORTH CAROLINA IN CO.V'Ofl ESS. Saturday in the House: Petitions for an increase of compensation of fourth-class postmasters were, pre sented as follows: By Mr. Johnston, of G. M. Harris and others, of Montford, McDowell county; by Mr. McClammy, of Citizens of Rise, Moore county, and of Snead's Ferry, and Richlands, Onslow county; by Mr. Cowles, of citizens of North Carolina; by Mr. Rowland, of citizens of Poplar Hill, Anson county; Whitley, Stanly county, and Hornet, Mecklenburg county. Th Fatal PUlol. LUabi U, C'ii y Falcon. Aad accident occurred, near Har rellBviUe on Fi idayjnorning the 13th. While Mr. Hillery Taylor was engag ed in cuttiig up and salting meat, and his wife was attending to her do mestic affairp, ibeir three children, one boy and two girls, oged three five and six, respectively, were playing about the house. The boy and the oldest girl pulling out a table drawer, found an English bull dog, 6elf cock ing pistol, and wi trying to get possfsfoon cf it, it fired off while in the boy's hand, the ball striking the joungir child just above the right eye, jcn' triiung the skull and punc tarijBg U e bruin. The child lay in sensible until r.ext mcrm'ng, when abcut 5 o'clock it gave two heart rn&Eg screams and expirvd. TARIFF REFORM. cosobIessmas w. c. i. breckexripgi, or keSttcky, at the hew oek befobm CLtTB J3INXER SATURDAY NIGHT. Y. 1111)03, '"Ffcom the ad-iption of the tariff known as the Walker tariff nntil the outbreak of the war the progress of our country was without parallel. The ifccessities of the war seemed to require a chango in our tariff lnwa The enormous expenditures which were x required (in the judgment of the statesmen then in control) could not b$ met except by increased taxa tion, l This was the only excuse for the adoption of the Morrill tariff bill. As, soon, however, as this system be came the fixed policy of the party in power, as soon as it was understood that the powers of the General Gov ernment could be used for private gain, lhat the sovereign power of tax ation might be made the means of prfvale aggrandisement, the increase of tariff taxation became continual and gjeat. This necessarily produced combinations. Those who desired to obtain the benefit of this class legisla tion united, so that they might suc cessfully put through Congress the measures which in their judgment would' inure to tbeir benefit. And so for one reason or another, the legisla tion fOr many years wa9 influenced, if not directed, by this combination of private interests. "On every day for more than eigh teen months, a million of dollars, wrung Iby taxation from the American people, have been poured into a trea sury already so overflowing that the surplus therein is a perpetual menace to the1! safety of all business enter prisesand to the prosperity of all in dustries. That surplus is a constant temptation to unwise if not corrupt expenditures. But the dangers aris ing from the mere presence of this surplris. as it is now in the Treasury, as great as they are, may be but tem poraryT; he more serious question is, How are we to prevent the further accumulation of that surplus in such a manner as to reduce the revenue to the government and diminish the burden of taxation to the poopleT The question before the American Congress today is, How shall the publicjrevenues be reduced and the burdefi of taxation diminished1? "The Only mode by which this can be done is the gradual reform of our present tariff. We cannot afford to recklessly or wantonly reverse this financial system and run the risk of financial disturbance and revolution I believe that the time has come when many of the industries of America are so'hampered by the illogical and J unequal provisions of the tariff that I they need a revision of it as much an the consumer does. By reason of I the unnecessary income pro i duced by this tariff taxation in the ; last few years the 3 per cent bonds ! nave oeen compelled to be canea in i and the system of national banks ren dered unstable and doubtful. 1 h same Iniquities of protective tariff nave uriven our merchant marine from the high seas. We cannot sell at a profit where we cannot buy at advantage- So long as we mulct with an average fine of $16 in the hun dred those who have the enterprise to take the produce of our fields and i farms ;.and shops to foreign lands and attempt to bring back in the I shape "of merchandise the price of their exports we must submit to the supremacy of the seas being in the hands of wiser statesmen who are not I crazed with the belief that a people can enrich themselves by their own taxation. The lobbies of Congress are filled with the agents of mighty organizations, and the name of the American laborer is made to cover the iniquities of the tocalled Ameri can system. And we who desire to Lfree out; manufactures, our commerce and our .merchants from these tram mels ata charged with being British in our-statements, if not purchased with foreign gold. "The - President of the United States :today represents by his late message this issue of tariff reform and of all the reforms which are bound up with a reformation of the tariff laws, whatever relation he may have sustained to all other questions prior to the Clh day of December, what ever may have been the regard ! in which he' was held 'by the various parties'into which our citizenship was dividec on that day, by the message which he sent to the American Con gress be became therepresentative of careful cautious, wise, but firm re vision pf our system of taxation, by which jhe burdens might be removed from the necessaries of life, the taxa tion tipon the laborer reduced, the : obstructions to the growth! of American manufact ures removed, and, the principle that claes legislation was improper in a Government of freemen should here after dominate. This appeal which he hasmade to the courage and intel ligence)! of the American people is as courageous an act of civic patriotism as any-;American statesman has eyer performed. And yet it is a striking commentary upon tho pernicious effect Of the system which haa eo long controlled our republic that to resolutely face it requires heroic courage. The issue between the President of the United States and this system has been fairly made. The tribunal to decide that issue is the American people. It cannot be possible that' the ballot box can be eo corrupted as to render the verdict of that tribunal uncertain." Competitive Examination, Hon; C. W. McClammy, member of Congress from the Third District, has appointed the 10th of March, and Goldsboro the place, for a competi tive examination for a West Point cadetship. Prof. II. A. Alderman, of Goldsboro; Prof. B. F.' Grady, of Duplin, and Prof. A. It. Black, of Pender, have been requested to con duct the examination, and all who wih to contest for the appointment will thi-n and there have the op or tunityv lion. Alf ltonland. The many frieuds of Cougrehsnion Rowland will Lo pleased to learu that he has" sufficiently recovered to be able to attend regularly to his duties at Washington, and that he is rapidly regaining his health. Wihnijton At itseiiit r. CMnmenting on the recent sui cide ol'young liulston, son of the su icide V.. CItaiston, of Bonanza fame, the Springfield (.Mass.) llepublican sa'yfc: "iShort cuts to independent for tunes arw attended by deadly pitfalls, and the sober paths to competence bring, hi the long run, tetter re Growing la Popmlar FmTor. The News and Obskbvek is growing in popular favor with our people. Durham Tobacconist. What am I to Do. The symptoms of Biliousneei arun happily but too well known. They dif fer in difierent individuals to some ex tent. A Bilious man is seldom a break fast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for liquids but none for solids of a morninR. ; His tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time; if it is not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. The digestive system is wholly out of order and Diarrhea or Constipation may be a symptom or the two may alternate. There are often tiemorriioiasor even loss of blood. There may be giddibess and often headache and acidity or fletulence and tenderness in the pit of the stomach. To correct all this if not effect a cure try Green i August tioicer, a cost but a trill jknd thousands attest its efficacy. The husband of a Chattanooga boarding house keeper is suspected of having poisoned the dinner to get even with his wife after a quarrel. -One death and several cases of sick ness resulted THclr Bnilnrti Dooming Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at Lee, John son & Co. 's Drug Store as their giving away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King s New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughn, Colds, Asth ma. Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You f,an test it belore buying ny getting a trial bottle free, large size SI. bvery bottle warranted. . The harbor of Charleston, S. C, used to abound with blackfish, but the earthquake seems to have scared them all away, fcr since the great hake-up hardly cne has been caught- AUVICB TO MOTHERS. Mrs. WIdsIow'r SooIMok Syrup should lalwars t used when children are cutting teeth. It re lieves the little sufferer atlonce, It iroduces natu ral, quiet sleep by relieving the children from pain, ana the Utile cherub awakes as "bright as a but ton." It Is very pleasant, to taMe ; soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, teguiace.s me Doweis ana it me Desi Known remedy for diarrhoea, whether firing from teetb n or other causes. Twenty-five "Hits bottle. A brother of Schubert is still living at Vienna. The Fkst Symptoms Of all LnngSseases are much the same : feverishnesa, loss of appetite, sore throat, pains in the chest and back, headache, etQ. In a feW days you may be well, or, 89 the other hand, you may be down wiWf Pneumonia or " galloping Consumption." Run no risks, but begin immediately to take Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Several yewrs ago, James Birchard, of Darien, Coa?., was severely ill. The doctors satj lie was in Consumption, and that they could do nothing (or him, but advised him. as a last resort, to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, A-fter taking this medicine, two or three months, he was pronounced a well man. His health remains good to the present day. J. S. Bradley, Maiden, Mass., writes . " Three winters ago I took a severe cold, which rapidly developed into Bronchitis and Consumption. I was so weak that I could not sit up, was much emaciated, and coughed incessantly. I consulted several doctors, but they were power Jess, and all agreed that I was in Con sumption. At last, a friend brought me a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. From the first dose, I found relief. Two Dottles cured me, and my health has since been perfect." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rUKPABKD BT Di. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt. told by all Druggists. Price boUlef, $5. HELLO! HELLO! THE ADVANTAGE or THE Tt ALEIGH TO ITS PATRONS. We wish to call your attention to the Raleigh Telephone Exchange and its ad vantages. (Instant communication by any subscri ber with any other is (furnished at any moment, day or night. Each is heard in his own recognized v oice, and business is transacted with the utmost saving of time. LOW HATES. The expense is but a few cents a day, in many cases very much less than the service performed is worth to the sub scriber. 1 Forty-three classes of business men are found among our subscriber. Yesterday we gave the names of the butchers, cdemists, electric light, fe male institutes, factories, lawyers, police and water companies and others. Today we print.those of the club house, exprees company, State institutions, resi dences and hotels. ; If your name is not yet enrolled, con sult vour own interest and prove that Raleigh still lives by subscribing at Once. Call on the manager pr send him word by postal card or telephone and he will call on you. Geo. H. Oi.Ass, Manager. C. E. McCluer, restrict Superinten dent, Richmond, Va. ; Capital Club, Dr. J. McKee, President: Supreme Ccurt, Kenan, Col. T. S. clerk; express, Southern, Bryant. A. P. agent; State penitentiary, Hicks, Col. W.J sup erintendent. Residences Andrews, Col. A. B. ; Ashe,8. A ; Briggs,F. II ; Grow.C. C. Uray. R. T-; Hicks,Jol. W.J.; Hinsdale Col. J W.; Kenan, Col. Thos. S.; Lee, Ed. H.;Norris, M. T.; Reid, Rev. F. L.; Skinner, Rev. T. S.; Tucker, Maj. R. 8.; Mordecai, Mrs. G. W.; Watson, Fred. A.; Watson, T. D. Hotel Yarborough, Raney, R. B. proprietor. . rpo RAILROAD CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals (endorsed " tender" on outside of envelope) addressed to the undersigned, P. O. Box 2C4, Richmond, Va., for the clearing, grubbing, grading, masonry, bridging, trestling, crossties, and track-laying on tho part of the Ox ford and Clarksville Railroad between Oxford, N. C, and Durham, N. C, will be recived until the 10th day of February 1888, at 12 o'clock noon. The right is re served to reject any or all bids. Profiles and specifications can be seen at the office of J. B. Pace, President, in Richmond, Va., where any cti'er information in refer ence to the work will be furnished. R. H. TEMPLE, Chief Engmeer. Stockholders' Meeting. Office North Carolina Home Lnsuranch Company, Ralioh, N. C, January 10th, 188S. The annual meeting of tho stockhold ers of the North Carolina Home Insur ance Company will be held at their office in thin city on Wednesday, the let day of oruaxy, jl. u. iooo, m is o ciocK m. CteARLKs Root, jaalltd Secretary. I AIM E8 I Doyour owr. Uveitii;, at Hofise, witli I'l'th LHiiti DVKS. They will dye everything. Thv je uld every wliere. i'licelOc a package 40 rtwy tiave no equil fcr Streugti., Brigtitn. s Amount In Pookaies or for Fatiie oi Oolur or lon-faitiiiK (Jutlillsa They do ilol ciack unm Fur uy apothecary, uy jcua o. tu, uiiiftxist and ns rajeweviue nuw, and Ri, ,t Simpson, cor. HUUDoro and Salisbury 8C hal- i?h. M. a. iura MdsTV It I Wffl IE Con Ooogtai,CoM. 1 BroaealtU, Waeopyf Cough, InrfpiffitConMimp- tloa, flod Hivei fotfompllw item. Hi iMOuuw vr. xnu Hgrvp m miq CT117 in vMU wrapper, t ira, na mmri oar rileMarkt to wit uU'i Hea4 in a Cirvi. a Jt4 SALVATION OIL, Tb Qrsataat Cur 00 Earth for Pain, Will relieve more quickly than any ither known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burnt, Scalds, Cots, Lumbago, Sores, Frost bites. Backache, Wound, Headache. Toothache, Sprains, &c Sold by all OniK&data. Price 25 Cents a Bottle- MH. AUFRECHT Artistic Wall Taper Decorator, OFFERS HIS SERVICES TO THE PI BLIC All work intrusted to him will be guar anteed or no pay asked if not satis -isfactory. All grades of the LATEST STYLES OF WALL PAPER Samples on hand. Lin crust a Walton Hanging a specialty. REFERENCES: J. S. CARB, ESQ , 1. II. FAUST, ESQ. Durham. Salisbury. Merchants and Farmers' Bank, Char lotte; Old Hickory Club. SaliBbury; Geo E. Wilson, Esq., Charlotte; J. It. Hoi land, Esq., Charlotte. Durham, N. C, Dec. 23, 1887. M. Habris Aufbecht, Paper Hanarer has just finished a job of paper-hanging in my ouice, and also at my bouse, and am pleased to state that Mr. Aufrecht has given me great satisfaction. Few men excel Mr. Aufrecht in taste, end in no department has one an opportuni y to display taste with more effect tn,.n in paper hanging. I confidently recommend Mr. Aufrecht to persons wanting nice ta3ty work done. Respectfully, J. S. CARR. Couespondence solicited. Address either at DURHAM, N. or CHARLOTTE, N C C. FRESH GARDES SEEDS -IF YOU "ANT A A Good Vegetable Garden PLANT LANDRETH'S OR ELY'S -RELIABLE GARDEN SEEDS ! ; SOLD BY LEE JOHNSON & CO. Druggists A N V Seedsmen OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE, 6A LEIGH, N. C. Peed dealers supplied at l'hi'aielphia. Wholesale prices. Orders by mail promptly filled. LEE, J0HNS0IS & CO. Dbcgoists and Sekdbmxn. J. R. FERRALL & CO 222 Fayetteville St. HAVE IN STORE CHOICE VARIETIES Evaporated peaches, pears, cherries and rafpberries, North Carolina dried pies. peaches and ap- French, Turkish and California prunes. Fresh ground hominy and grits. Choice (genuine) N. C. roe herrings. Received Today: Small lot old Virginia hams. Virginia smoked country Tom Thumbs, and eausage. Quality and Fricos (iuarnnteed. PROMPT AND FREE DELIVERY. Telephone 86. DR. E.B. K AKI, Homoeopathio Physiloian, Halifax Street, Opposite Cotton Platform, Attends to tha general practice of medi- eine. Special attention paid to diseases of women and children. dec2 A. G. BAUER, 4. It C II I T E C T ' AND Mtciiaiiieal Draughtsman. BAJJIISH, n. a P. O. BOX 8?9t fa ft k Hello There Why don't you go down to A. W.GOODWIN iHO.S DRUG STORE And call for one of Oielr Rose Boquet oi Wild Man liar for a crarktiiir Rood bc smoKev r. ii you like a uc mnoke. why ask for the Florence or La Kelna. They ars rattlers for the money, lou should try their Fine Bra of Tobacco. 1 Call for the celebrated brand. "Premium, by Jo. K. Foirue. Yon will like it. put tip wnen in neca oi rerrumery or rim m 1 A , i rillKi 1U11UI i 1 Give them a trial and you will be convinced that I there are no better Kept in the city. To thos In want of Medicine we say, give Messrs. Uoodwin i 1 o a irmi. as all prescipiions are prepared by them with greatest care. . Give ns a rail. A. W. Goodwin & Co. EDWARDS &BR0UGHT0X, PI Annoanrcmenl Card For business men and others desir ing to send com pliments of the season, or to state proposed chang es for 1888. Baalneaa Houaea Must have a good set of Ledgers. Day Books, Journals Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Tags, Circulars, &c. &. II o la I A Y P New Tear Card For callers and to send off to friends. K I IV T I i G Wedding Setts For those antici pating matrimo ny. The hand somest we have ever had. Any kind of I'rinting or Bind ing done by a first-class office. EDWARDS & BROUGHTON, Printers and Binders, R rrtan.'N C CITIZENS' TRUST RALEIGHN., COMPANY. Policits and is empowered to execute TRUSTS OF ALL KINDS. TO MANAQB PROPEBTT AB Agent lot Owners; To Buy and Sell Property, COLLECT RENTS LOOK AFTER TAXES, BUY AND SELL SECURITIES; To issue negotiable certificates against goods on storage upon which money ca be obtained at the Lowest Ruling Rate and to do all business usually done by Trust Companies. C. M. HAWKINS. President W. E. ANDERSON. Vice-President. P. M. WITJSON r-hier. WILD TURKEYS -AT- MOSELEY'S DINING HALL. Headquarters for all the luxuries of the season. Orders for Oysters, Birds, &c, filled promptly. Give up a little time and send your orders, as Moseley makes a specialty of this line. DON'T FAIL To try his Fried Oysters, Stewed Raw, Birds on Toast, &c and Ladies are especially invited, as every ing is quiet and clean. . THE FIRM -OF- John S. Pescud AND Santa Claus Dissolve copartnership this day by limitation. With SINCERE THANKS TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC For their liberal patronage, ai-d wish ing one and all a HAPPY NEW YEAR I am yours, sincerely, John S. Peseud, Druggist and Seedsman; 118 FaybUrtll St. PRINT EDlTCATIONAtj. MARYtS SCHOOL, IV. ?C. THK K A ST Mi TERM WILL BEGIN JANUARY 26, 188. For Catalogue, address the Rector, REV. BENNETT SWEDES, A.U j noitiv school, Oxford, TV. C J. H. Horner, T. J. Drewry, Prj nctpals. The spring session of 1888 will Jegin i mo loin oi January, coara ana tuition, including fuel. SOT. ' I Oxford, N. C, Dec, 18S7. disc2?de0d SELECT B01RD1K SCHOOL- For Young Ladies and Little Girls, ILtLLSBORO, N. C. The 8pring Term of the MissesiNaah and Miss Kollock's School will comtience January 20, lS8.y. and continue twenty weeks. Circulars on application doc23de,( 5'w G. H. ALLER, ALLEN & CRAii I Founders and Hack i uists Manufacturers and Import jrs "of Portable and Stationary Engines and Bailtri, Saw and Grist lh, Cttn Tresses ice. HANUrACTCSXB8 Ot TOT Lone Star Pi nip KALEIOH, N. C WE SELL AND REPAIR I Engines of all Kinds, ITSW AND SECOND HA5D. Threshing machines, cotton seed crush ers, cotton gins and presets, I brick making machinery, boiler feed ers, general mill gearing and all sorts of T FARM MACHINERY. Let us know what you want. w will furnish you everything in our li SATISFACTORY PBX J. 0. BREWSTER HARDWARE, STOVES AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. The finest and most complete stodk of KEROSENE LAMPS. i Cheaper than gas and equal to the ELECTRIC LIGHT. Suitable for Churches, Stores, Factories, Dwellings, Stc. Call and exam ine Stock. PRICES LOW. Full stock Extension Ladders for the use of Painters, Builders, Housekeepers, &c, &c, only SI. 25 for lengths oi 5 feet. The cheapest and best selected stock of Cooking and Heating Stoves in! the city will fc- sold low and on the best terms. Full Stock Guns and Sporting Goods al ways on hand. Tin Roofing, Plumb ing, Steam and Gas-fitting done at short notice, and All work ; warranted. " -TV SOMETHING NEW. Our invention to make tall hats avail able as dress hats at public entertain ments consists in having the crowh de tachable from the main body of the? hat just about 2 inches from the brim Sf the crown can readily be removed on enter ing the hall. I The above illustration showj' phht pleasing effect it produces. V -WE AKK STILL OFFEBISG- i GREAT BRGAIKS IN Odds and Ends Of winter stock for Spring Goods CLOTHIERS SHffTEi beat i to rr ake roim: for Si w. FUEL :& FEED "T Gn hand and o i i road the M- lowing seasonable i-l cles: 7 CM) To; (JLatbraoite Ooal,'egg, store end nntt siaes. 1CU Tons Tenoesse Coal. 200 Tons Pocttl onUs Goal. 500 Cords Oti tnd Pine Wood. 1500 Bushels Winter Seed Oats. 1500 Bushels White Spring Oats. Timothy Hay, Bean Ship Stuff, Cbos, Meal, Seed-Wheat, Seed Rye, &e., cheap, for cash. Jones & Powell, Dodd's CorneJ- and Central DpO RALEIGH. N. O. MOT We have received advices from the factories that there has been a big decline in PAPER SHELLS. ON THIS DAY WE MARK DOWN 12-gauire Club- Shells to 70c. per 100. 12-gaugeI X L Shells to 60c. per 100. We do not believe the reduction will last long and. advise all who want shells to buy now. Metallic Cartridges have advances 15 to 19 per cet. We think the ad vance is only for a short time. W have a large stock, are m aking a sat isfactory profit on tbem and we pro pose to give oiir customers the bene fit of Low Price, for "Th-Pric Tells and everybody lells the Price.1 t Thomas !L llriggs k Im. Briffffs Bnilding, ' RALEIGH N. C. S o i CO W Q S5 CO w o S3 CO 3 5 oo K M U k, 0 H Z. fej a m W H U THE LATEST NOVELTY THE HEAD LIGHT r OIL TANK LINE. I'll 1 1,. II. MDREWS & CO., F HJIE IL! Head Head-Light Head-Light Oil Head light Oil Tank Head-light Oil Tank Lime Head-Light Oil Tank Head-LighLOil Head-Light Head We have addd Oil to oar Fuel Busi ness, and are now prepared to furnish our friends and the publio with the best Illuminating Oil,' from a quart to a bar rel, from 112 deg Fire Test to the High est Grade. OUR THREE COM PARTMENT OIL TANK WAGON, Made to Order, Will make a daily tour of the city, and deliver at your door at the lowest Cash pri-e. Do not fall to take advantage of this great convenience. Do not forget that our place is Head quarters for Wood and Coal Anthra cite, Furnace, Grate and Stove. . Bitumit nous (Tennessee and Kanawha Splin (from West Virginia) lights easier and burns longer thali any Coal oa the mar ket. x i a.ook out for our oil waeon. it is a Beauty. PHIL. H. ANDREWS A OO . W. Snrami. A. Gaxxott. WATER WORKS. We are now located at 1C9 SALISBTJBY STEEET. And are now prepared to do all els n won an connection with the water works, such as Plumbing, Steam and 0aa Fitting. A.C. y- ' We will keep cn hand a fall supply et niaurial for putting in weer. AJlwork guaranteed. (STEPHENS A OABBOir I 1 1 f" ' 1 J er " .i.-.l--. - i ji .... - di

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