St. , , . , y - - t i - - - i ; 1 ' ' , , - , . - 1 IWe IVews T .... . .. . t. v AND ERVER RALEIGH. N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, IbSS. NO. 271 VOL. XXV. JUKJ Absolutely Pure. 1Mb powder never varies. A marvel f purity, strength and wholesemMieea. Wore eoonomicallthan ordinary kuids and Biuinot be sold in competition with the multitude ui w WJ" " 7 , ' Um or pho.pUtepowd, sold only In ana. ttOTAfcDjf Wall Street, New York. j RuiV.O:ftA B. Stronach. J R Ferrall & do- Com 104 and PROPIlVl DARBY'S fLVCTIG TUP 1 ACCIDENTS I It never fils to ro lieve pain of Burns' Scalds, i Bruises of wounds of any i kind. Prevents inflamma tion and suppuration and rapMly heals. eving no scar. i OUGREIE OR PROtTB FXKS" f 1 CLEANSES AND HEALS Obstinate Ulcers, Carbimcles Kryslpelasand running "J kind. It destroys the disagreeable efflvVa arism from idAB; scesses. Ulcers and every kind of puiulent disc barge ' "I have nsed Darby's Prophylactic Fluid in; hos Llti d privte&c? for fen years and tnow Si nnthint hotter for sloughlnfc, contused , ana E: r,A. f....i and indolent Ulcers ; uu nccraicu wuhuuj. . -- , W , , , . a disinfectanL" J. F- iedieal College. Hecsti, Prof. Mobile V ARGAINS !1 " " ?4 East Martin Stree -fWladies htndkercbietsat 800 adoipn. . t i GREKITSBORO NOTES. A NEWSY BUDGET FROM OUR LIVE COBEE- j SrOITDEKT. I &r. of tlie News and Observer. ;; Greensboro, N. C, Ftb. 6. ; Greensboro is reveling in the midst of an era of progressiveness and pub lic spirit. Her citizens have caught the inspiration from sister towns and are showing their determination to boom the town bj their prompt and decisive action. Having settled the question of a Chamber of Commorce, some enterprising citizens are now J discussing the subject of a cotton factory, and will probably follow suit with Raleigh and Charlotte by set ting the project on foot. Col. Thomas McMahon contemplates shortly re moving his mammoth spoke and han dle works to Richmond, Va.i and it is proposed to utilize the building now occupied by him as a cotton fao tory, for which purpose it is most ad mirably adapted. A project is also on foot to form a stock company for tbe purpose of continuing the spoke and handle busineo, after Col. McMa hon's departure. In that event the cotton factory will be located else where, but its final establishment here is a mere question of time. ' Work is progressing rapidly on the steam flour and r eirl hominy mill, and some of tha machinery for the same has already arrived. The Graud Lodge of Knights of Pythias will hold its annual conclave in this city Tuesday, the 14th inst. The booksellers of the State will also hold a convention here the lGlh init. for the purposo of organizing the North Carolina Booksellers' Board of ; Trade. Greensboro seems to be developing a remarkable popularity as a place for State conventions. The announcement that ' the new graded school building, is completed at last, and that school will begin on the 15th inst., is the occasion of an immense amount of satisfaction to the town in general. The old build ing having been torn down to give place to the new, there has been no session of the school since last June. : The "West End Club," which has undertaken to raise funds for the es tablishment of an invalids' home and hospital will render, as the first of its series of entertainments, the "Little Tycoon." The club is now practic ing for the occasion, and will bring into requisition some splendid tal ent.; A colored man named Giles Pleas ants attempted to commit suicide a few days ago by swallowing . two ounces of laudanum, but by tne time ly interference of a doctor, who came to the rescue before the dose had lima in fnlrn afTfW.. riia wOiild-rtA flight up the "golden stair" was pre vented. ; The recent convention of Knights of Labor in this city has been the CONGRESS. PROCEEDINGS YESTERDAY SENATE AND HOUSE. IN The centennial or the constitutioh- A KCMBEB OF BILLS INTRODUCED OTHER NEWS BY WIRE. ik pieces 864ncb black cashmere at ?5c ID P TVari' This U an extremely low T pricVfoV good, of this qual.ty. i f- T Mie' op .nA Mi-Be' U wool hose, ! ,and 25c a pair, i 20 Washington, Feb. G Senate. Among the petitions and memorials presented and referred were the fol lowing : From several parts of the country in favor of prohibition in the District of Columbia; also for a cocstitu! ional amendment prohibiting the manufacture, sale or transporta tion of alcoholic liquors; for an inter national copyright law. Mr. Hoar, from the select commit tee on the celebration of the Centen nial of the Constitution, reported a jointresolution providing "in addition to such other celebration as may hereafter be provided for" that the two Houses of Congress shall meet in the hall of the House of Repre sentatives; that tbe Chief Jus toe of the United States shall de liver an oration, and that the Presi dent of the Urited States, Justices of the Supremo Court, members of the Ciibinti, executives of the several States and Territories, end Euch other persons as may hereafter be deter mined upon shall be invited to attend. After it long discussion the resolu tion was amended by (striking out the introductory sentence (as quoted), and was thus aJop'td. In the course of tbe debato, Mr. Riddleberger again endeavored to discuss theBrWsh stridition treaty, had a sharp parage with Mr. Sherman, whom ho addressed personally, and wai ruled out of order by Chairmaa j ro tern Ingalls in a somewhat tLirper and more more direct fashion than usual. Mr. Hoar, from the judiciary com mittee, reported back the bill to pro vide for inquest? under national authority ,which si placed on the calendar, the minority report to be submitted hereafttr. Mr. Sawver called ut and the Sen ate passed the bill to amend the pos tal laws 60 that newspapers now sent free of postage to persons residing in the comity of publication may be sent to persons living in other coun ties when they receive them at post offices within the county of publica tion. The Blair educatic bill was'laid before the Senate, but was laid aside temporarily, and Mr. Piatt took the floor for a speech upon the President's message. He argued that the President is a free frftilnr and Via arknowlodced himself to be a protectionist; and from this i i-i i i - j l t : UU " " V.J I tin VAAW I W Wm v.vvi.uu.u.j - - - Bubject of some of the current politi- standpoint be discussed the Presi- do, gents' all linen handkerchiefs, lilo; cheap as zoo. . . 1... X a tntv cotton. enuw i p (heavy!- at Ho a pair. Made hose 200 pair gents' k'.d gloves worth 12.00. ; 81.4- T Idies', MUsH' children' shoen Jjf endless- variety. i .round nickel plated clock at $1.00 iwortn 91. ou. 8-day clocks tor $4.50; whore for $7.50 told else- A. NEW LINE OF T6i, (ilass and Crockdj Ware We are opening new linea of WHITE GOODS, cal cossio. The Knurhts presumably do not take any part in politics, but it La thought that they 'are solid for campaign, and that the Republicans, in the event oi nis cancuuacy, wm u- uorse him- Much interest is centering in tne approaching trial .of O. G. Morgan and William Brame for the murder of Charles Crittenden, which has been set for the February term or tne su perior Court. Opinions differ widely as to the guilt of the accused. The ... , t . conviction wnicn moot gouonuij yi vails is that Morgan was first fired upon by Crittenden when be returned the fire, resulting in me juumg ui Crittenden. Brame was with Mor gan at the time oi tne snooting anu is charged with being accessory to the Affair. The defendants have as counsel Col. James T. Morehead and Col James E- Boyd, of this city, and Judge Thos. Rumn, oi nuiBDoro. At a meeting of the Chamber of rvinmwM Fridav nicrht. Mr J. A. Gray was elected president and Mr. J. A. Odell, vice-president. The Chamber of Commerce is now . well under way, the preliminaries are au complete and it will soon be in work ing order. ': The local lodge of Odd Fellows of this city is said to be the wealthiest tt,A atata Tt nwna real estate at iii u . present to the amount ol iu,uuu, and has enrolled about sixty mem bers. t Mr. Charles Vance, son of Senator Vance, has been appointed clerk in United States Marshal Settle's office. Q61. John N. Staples contemplates : shortly removing hia family to Wash ington City, wnicn piace ue wiu his future home. Greensboro parts witli them with regret. Mr. Samuel L. Trogdon, the clever treasurer of the Fve Cent Savings Bank of this city, was married Jan uary 25th, at San Marcos, Texas, to Miss Mary Anderson, of that city. The bride and groom arrived here Monday last. TBE SAD.BCRJIIMa AT HAMILTON- MISS ! SAVAGE DIES THE OTHERS IMPBOV INO. Cor. pi the News and Observer, j ; Hamilton, N. C, Feb. 4, 1888. ly burned on Wednesday night, died at 2 o'clock a. m. Saturday. She lived about forty eight hours. Her father, mother and brother in-law, are improving though their burns are painful. m;l;i.n rMrrJ he referred tn him ea a nflAr rYiO furnished 8UD- plieB for the troops and that, he said, was tne position in wmuu dred i.l,A diRtiricmished services to his country bo effectively described. At tne conclusion oi nis renwrw j. thfi r.revious Question upon the resolution submitted by the majority of the committee. AT r R rTrl 1 nf Tllinnia. moved KB a Substitute the resolution presented member (White) entitled to the seat. The substitute was agreed to, yeas 187, nays 105. The following Demo crats voted in the affirmative with the Republicans : Messrs. Anderson oi Illinois, Bicres, Bliss, Bryce, Barnes, Burnett, Bvnum, Campbell of New York, Chipman, Cockran, Collins, Gompton, Culberson, Dockery, Enloe, Fisher, Ford, Forney, Glass, Hare, Laffoon, Lanham, Macdonald, 31a- Merrimon, Neal, Nichols, O'Neill of Missouri, Phelan, Randall, Rayner, Rnwlftrifl. 'Rnalro Stvfira. Shivelv. , , .v j , v. Springer, Stewart of Texas, Stone of Missouri, Tarsney, Tillman, Weaver, Whiting, Wilson of Minnesota. The resolution as amended by the substitute was then agreed to, thus confirming Mr. Whites title to the seat. ;The House, at 5 20, adjourned. COAL. OPERATOR SD MINERS. IS INTER STATE CONVENTION IN FITTS- BURG. i'lTTvnr-nr,. Feb. (1. The scale com mittee of the Coal Operators' and MiLers' Inter-State Convention is in ooucinn rn t.nrlav. From the OUt- look it would seem as though no dif- ncuity will De louna in arraugiuy a scale, as the operators do not express any intention of reducing wages in any part of the country, and tile min- Arorln nnfc r.r1c n.n ndvAnca. If the matter is not settled today, however, it will be left lor the general conven- iinn arlnVVi nnAna hr tnmarrow. Tb? joint scale which the present con- i .u: - i VHn3.ll )ri H 1(1 THL1HW 1 II 1H VHtU IB bllUWU as the Columbus agreement, because at tnis umo city two years ago, mior rcation was broached of a uniform system of wages and rules for all bi tuminous miners snipping into west ern and Northern markets. Previous A NEW BISHOP FOR THE DIOCESE OF ALTON, ILLINOIS. FATHER JA8 RYAN OF LOTTUMWA IN THE PEORIA DIOCESE OTHER NtWi BY WIRE. ALTo.Ill..Feb. 6.-The lone suspense which has followed the death of Bishop Bailey two years ago regard ing the appointment of a bishop for the Alton Diocese and a division of that Diocese ended here yesterday. Vicar General Jansen, acting a3 ad ministrator of the Diocese, has re ceived an official communication from Rome which nroves to be the action of the College of Cardinals and the xioiy father regarding tnese ques- tirmfl A a nnnnncct at fViA rntVlA- dral here yesterday, the Diocese is J' 111.. . cuviaea into two aivisions, running east and west across the State line, dividing St. Clair and Manson coun ties. . The seat of the northern Dio cese will be continued at Alton, the eat of the new southern Diocere will be at Belleville. The bishops of both Dioceses have been appointed, but only that for tbe Alton Diocese was announced yesterday. He is Rev. Father Jas. Ryan, priest of St. Co lumbian's church at Lottumwa in the Peoria Diocese, of which Bishop SpaldiDg is the head. A Bank Sunpenda. CixcitfNATi, Feb. G. The Metro politan Bank suspended payment for a short time this morning, but re sumed in a few minutes. The direc tors held a meeting this morning at 10 o'clock. Pending the meeting the payment of checks was suspended and along line of depositors gathered, reaching from the paying teller's desk to the street. In a very few minutes, however, the payment of checks be gan and at this writing, 11 o'clock, the line has much decreased. The direc tors are still in session and what has been transacted is not yet known ex cept thatVice President DeCamp's res ignation has been accepted, and Louis Kerr has been chosen in his place. "Runt F,TmtTir Sanders is at the era ana iMortnern markets, rrevious - , , , . . . to this there had been numberless bank but i says he is too busy to say i . . . . . T.-,. n.nirf Kinor for t.h hanefit of the oublic. ouarreis between operators in .ruts- j he Uces, prints auu seereuckers. riA.r aWitur Frunel. BriO-a rtraik, ArfJtBltie, Artist Materials, V BlontJina Jostle. From" th Washiugton Critic. Mnnfana .Tudcft: What is charged witht" Constable: "lioiain tnet nis buuvh in' iron counted in a flush." Judge: "Drinks for the ctowd. Next.-' Cbnstable: "This here chap calls hissef McCosky Butt, and says ;'day to' an' 4-ther aDd 'ni-ther.' " Mid! "Two hours to cet outer the country. -A very pathetic story is told of Mrs. Wagner' b journey from Ne braska to Hoboken, where she was arrested as an intane person and lodged in jail for seven weeks, while she was believed to be in Germany. The Reformed Funeral Associa tion of England is working' actively to discourage snowy anu eapuiY, dsnt'a mAoencA nnti! t 30. wripn. with out finishing his speech, he yielded to .. i . i i HOUSE. Bill introduced: By Mr. Candler, of Ga. for refunding U. S. 4 per cent bonds into 2 per cent bonds. By Mr. Henderson, of North Carolina to divide the sur plus money in the Treasury on Ka firat. nf .Tnlv 1888 amonp- the sev eral States and territories to be used in aid of common schools; also to re- Eeal the tax . on the notes .of State anks used as circulation. Bt Mr. HoDkins, of Va., for a'pub- lic building at Roanoke. By Mr. Grosvenor, of Ohio, a joint resolution of the legislature express ir. foifVi in a nrotefiive tariff for the sake of protection to tKejpd that the people may have employment, farm ers may have a home market, laborers may have good wages and tthe nation be independent of the nations of the ..tV,. rlAnnnnnincr- AS uniust. Unwi&e CWbU) O . and unimportant tho views expressed by the President in opposition to the nrnfuKtivn nolicv. views which, if formulated into law, would dissipate t Via onrnlno nftrftlvza industry, de- grade labor and demoralize business; ow1 firmA Liner the Ohio Reoresenta- t;va tn nnnose all iucaflures that niay be offered in Congress for the pur pose of giving effect to these views. SPEAKER. CAB LISLE EESUME9 THE OAVEL. a tViA vmlusion of the call of Carlisle entered tho Chamber and resumed the gavel amid loud applause from both sides of the TT .. nouBo. , Mr. Perkins, of Kansas, presented . ronniniinn nf cnmnliment and thanks to the Speaker pro tern (Mr. Cox), wVtitVl WAR adonted unanimously, and a round of applause was added to it Mr Cot acknowledged the com- in & hrifif uneech. and the f hAn resumed consideration of tV,A T.nwrv-Vhite contested election nun frrtm Tndiana. V . v TKa mainritv and minority resolu tions of the elections committee were discussed by Messrs. Johnson, of In it;.n: Hnllinn. nf Massachusetts, Mc Adoo, Hoar, Oates, Davis and Lodge Mr. Crist, chairman of the eloc tinno onmmiilee. closed the debate He said the House had listened to fiiA moat marvelous exposition nf law that had ever been v,AoWi Thn rvronositions made by UVtu j r c r.r fViA tTATi tinmen were startling DULUO V 3 " to any lawyer at all familiar with the principles of law. He challenged any n(Umin tn nrnduce a sincle case where any resolution could be proved bv rarole. To take that position wnnlil h absolutely destructive to the character thnt ought to be pre uMmt Viv the House. It was asked to violate every principle of legal evidence to take the ground that it ami1T ln an it nleased. How was the House to judge of the qualifications of its members f By the effect its iudyuient might have upon the votes nf mom ViArsT There was but one means and that was by legal evidence, and in this case there was no compe tent evidence of naturalization. Mr. Crifift then turned his attention to the facts shown by the record and detail. Ouotine UlDvUoaowt a" w u Mr. White's published statement that h had hfin a soldier and was a citi zen, he declared that Mr. White had rAanrtAd to that subterfuge because he had no real naturalization and he bad gone from pillar to post to estab lish KU clttrensMp. Talcing up Mr. 1 " r X liiirir and in the Hockinc Vallev ow- O O -y ing to charges of the Pittsburg oper ators that they paid higher wages and larger tariffs than was done in Ohio, and could not well compete in the eamo markets. Both these dis tricts compleined against the In diana and southern Illinois min ers ! working for less money. At the same time there was ' a running quarrel between the Federa tion of Miners and Mine Laborers and the Knights of Labor. Prior to the Columbus meeting wages varied from 59 cents in one district to 69 in Pittsbarg, while the Hocking Valley TheffcwieficiAi - elfeci; o agrmonta. meni was such that at the last con vAnt inn w&ceB were advanced to 74 cents in this district and 69 in the Hocking Valley, and again in Novem ber laBt to 79 cents and 74. A uni 1a fnr 1 AA.d work was troiect- 1VIU4 ww -" ; A ed and is now being put into use, and Congressional Notes. Wahisgton, Feb. 6. The Senate today confirmed the nomination of A. H. Longino to be U. S. Attorney lor the Southern district ofMiesissip-pi- The Senate further considered in se cret session for an hour the British extradition treaty, but took no action thereon. The Crown Prince's Throat. SanRemo, Feb. 6. The swelling in the lower part of the German Crown Prince's throat has slightly in creased and interferes SSVVM hi-,r,irtion wuea c CALIFORNIA' 8L.EKPIVG GIB.U. Florida. T!!L TI.LE 1XCELLE.VCE OF THE CHARMING BEOIO. Cjr. of tbe ws and Observer. Gkf.ensdoro, N. C, Feb. 4. The tourist who visits Florida should not come to the conclu sion that because the Sub-Tropical reposition is now open at oacKBon ville that is the place of chief attriction, or he will there get a ccrrect idea of what Florida really is. The Sub-Tropical now exhibits some of the choicest productions. flnnht.lpwsi- lint ilia ATfAllpnr nf thnt charming region is to be found in its faultless climate the flow and the glitter and the splendor of some of its matchless rivers-r-the lavish profu sion of tropical regetatioD - the fault less, quiet beauty of its nondescript lakes, the thrill of life from the Gulf and Atlantic breezes that soom to penetrate the very soul tho gorgeous splendor and the mammoth size of its floral specimens; here is where the Exposition fails to instruct. When the tiaveler reaches Jackson ville he eee-i some of the indices of tho lovely realm beyond, but is not yet out of reach of the chills that roll down the coast (rotu a apnt blizzard Several times, probably, during ibo winter will be seen the blighting effect of froet on the tender vegeta tion. A few hours more of travel will put him beyond the frost line, where nature is a perennial garden; vegeta bles, such as can only be raised to perfection in North Carolina by the l'.t of May, ate being harvested and shipped in January. The only hack-sot that the trucker has during the year is about the end of summer say about August iu consequence of the duration of the heat and incidental drought ; after which his "garden sass" takes a new lease on life to mato vine?, sweet potato, watermelon, pumpkin, gherkin, etc., etc., and all such perishable things, under the in fluence of balmy winds and autumnal showers, start out on another year of life and fruitage. The conception of unceasing flow ering and fruit-bearing is difficult to these who have not seen or thought about it. To stand and !ook and wonder at some magnificent specimen of the many fruit trees that smile on that fair land and realize that from the first infant bud, to ihe death of the tree by age cr accident, there has never been a day or hour when it was not laden with both flowers and fruit, is something wonderful indeed. I have stated in a former letter that the upper portion of Indian river enjoys an eaviabie reputation ior tne production of the finest flavored oranges that are pr duced inrlorida, nrnhahlv in thfl world, and it is com paratively only a small part of that section Ine nammocK margin or its a .1 111 banks wnere mere is unexcenea ex salience of culture. n1""- BISMARCK SPEAKS ON THE SITUATION IN EUROPE. 1 i- riUNCE AND HEB PEACE-LOVING JHESI- IiKST NO ATTACK APPREHENDED FROM RUSSIA. K. mportant sanitary regulations and rule promoting the better govern ment of mines and safety to the em ployees were introduced. The agree ment now affects in the neighborhood of &0,UU0 miners ana w s,uw pits. NO FURTHER TROUBLE Berlin, Feb. 6. The report that Prince Bismarck would report on the military bill drew a great crowd to the Reichstag today, and long before the day's business was begun the gal leries were filled. Prince William of Prussia and Prince Leopold, Bon of the late Prince Frederick CharleB, oc cupied the court box, while, the diplomatic galleries were crowded with foreign representatives and their families. ' The House proceeded with the first reading of the military loan bill . and Frince Bismarck arose to address the House. He said: "I do not believe I can add anything to the true state of the case regarding the bill. My ob ject is to speak of the general situation of Europe. I may 'con fine myself to referring to what I said on tbe same subject over a year ago. Thore h ban vary; lit tie change since then, when I feared war with France. Since then France has elected a peace-loving president and a pacific disposition has pre vailed. I can therefore reassure the nnhlin that ttn far an France ia on- cerned the prospect has become more peaceful. Regarding Russia also I am of no other opinion than whein I Eaid that we have to apprehend1 no attack from Russia. The situation must now be judged from press com ments." WILMMpTO.V, A CREDITABLE IMPROVEMENT OTHER NOTES. Cor. of the News and Observer, t February 4th, 1888. The most creditable improvement in Wilmington in the past two years , . 1 11. .1-' .1 is tne iron oriafre on r ourtn street, now nearing completion. Perhaps many do not understand why there ahnnld Va ft nln.fA on Fourth street. or any other street, requiring an iron , i -r mi i r : i.' i. Driuge. A win expuun. vwmg iu the considerable elevation of the but rounding country above the normal level of the Cape Fear river, the Wil mington &. Weldon railroad had! to make quite a heavy grade in order to reach its wnarves on tne jiver iront, iinn1 this erradinor nf course resulted in an excavation running through the northern portion of the city. All that part of the city north ' of this road is known in local parlance as Brooklyn, but. so far as 1 can learn, forms' no other resemblance tff New York's great sister than that it is reached by passing over a bridge. The city proper - i j :il iu: 1 . T) U 1 A thooiirr Lotl. i Social to the Ni'w ami oi .server. I Beaifobt, N. C. Feb. 6. 1888. Thau schooner Adventure, Whitehurst.? master, from Charleston, bound for Washington with guano, is stuck in Oregon Inlet, N. C Total loss. Cargo insured. Crevf and effects saved. i A Macro' Sa;uU Stops a Cotton Gin. Banlord Express. , ' tnmA dftT:a 'n.rrn xrVi il a Tam.. i . " r j jv, -..vj aula, v umvo - Gilmore, near Egypt, was ginning cot- ton, his gin suddenly halted. He was very much puziled for a few moments i to account ior tnis sudden stand still. On careful examination of thetiremises. i he found a negro one of tne hands j about the gin, lying under the over- shot wheel, his 'head wedtred between 5 the wheel and ?a rock in the bed of I the stream. Te negro while riding f on the turning shaft of the wheel was i thrown from His balance, his head I landing under ?the wheel. Mr. Gil- more pulled htm out in an uncon- , bcious state and went for a doctor. On returning, to his great surprise, i he found the ngro up and walking about. It is conceded by every one ' who has heard of this occurrence that : the adamantine skull of the negro saved his life. It is known from many experiments that the brain of the African race is encased in a most durable shell. - Its superior excellence proven in mil lions of homes for more than a quarter of a century. It i used by the United States Government. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universities as the the Strongest, Purest and most Health fuL. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime OX Alum. Sold only in Cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. XKW VORX CHICAGO. T. LOUW At the PltUbnrg Roller Iron Work. Pittsburg, Fob. 6. There has been no further trouble a1; the Solar Iron Works, the scene of the the serious outbreak on Saturday. The mill was closed yeserday but aiartea up w morning witn an mcreaaeu iuiw non-union men. Over one hundred meni all colored, are now at work and the firm expect, to have every aepari men'in operation within the next few days. The mills and yards are close ly guarded by sentinels and police men and no person, nos evei wji is allowed upon the premises unless he can prove he has business there. Thestrikers are very bitter and anoth nr iihlliKinn in feared when the non union men leave the mill this evening. Thofe who have tne coolest neaaa bu- vise the workingmen not to moiest the Colored men, but others cry for revenge. They threaten deatn to non-iinion men. Young Kenna, who was snot on Saturday, is believed to be out of danger. ' SHE IS BESTtNQ EASY IS THE FOCBTEEXTU WEEK OF HEB SLCMBEB. San Francisco Examiner. Miss Laura Webster, who went to sleep last November, is still slumber ing She haa lontrer waking intervals than a month ago, when the case was ttrot manA nublic. She lies with her avaa rlnaed even when conscious, and and only gives evidence that Bbe is in a waking state wnen sne is epuiveii ty. i She seems to be gaining slightly in strength, and eats more readily than before. Her appetite is not so capri cious and she tAes whatever food is provided.She Still signifies her prefer for certain articles of nourish ment, and they are provided for her when it is possible. The doc'ors have ceased their attendance. They say that they can do nothing more for her, and that time and nursing are all that are needed to effect a cure. WhAn an F.vaminer reoorter called yesterday, the sleeping girl was rest ing quietly with closed eyes, as tVinno-h in a natural slumber. She looked better than a month ago, and there was a Blight color in her cheeks and Hds. Her family say that she had said nothing in her waking mo- menu except to asic ior sometumg iu eat. They had not been able to find out whether she was aware of what went on around her during her peri ods of apparent unconsciousness. The long sleep has now lasted four I teen weeks, and shows no sign of ap proaching an end. JAVfetef mterlecnne nricfia rauroau, mu amc -------- r . . ,l i a I t c:.a .trut lmtVi hndtTAB. as r arther down, on tne watero ui w i uuu ui o-- , - r-r , j ql t..;a mil Wnne 1 -n will baa. beinp. above the railroad iierman uay j-iuv". r-- j"" - , . , . , . , nnnds. the orange grove almost tracks. The wooden bridge that has it m vame's v ouna -1 J r,rtii-p rlUanripare. not for any lack of adaptation in the soil or climate, but because the attention of fruit growers is turned to otlfer products. Here the generous fruits of the tropics banana, pineapple,lemon,co coanut, lime, citron, Bea grape are In addition to the fruits a goodly number not herein Earned mere are strange and luxuriant monuments of vegetation, presenting peculiarities sometimes freaks mat can vmy i incidental to a tropical region. Mul titudes of air plants of several varie ties, that cling and nourisn m lauiao tic profusion on the jungle trees. At Waveland, a poini oi iauu n u confluence of Indian and St. Lucie rivers, I saw a rubber tree en tirely encasing a cabbage palmetto, from the ground up for twenty feet, with a solid wall, the rubber having grown Eround the other to that height, after which the two separated and both waved their thrifty, vigor ous boughs to the breeze. b L. W. A. heretofore served at the former street is now replaced by a splendid iron Vn-iiirrA nf thn Barns width as the street, having a passage way on each side for TiedeBtrians, ana two m mo tnr TeliirlfiB coins' each way. ; Vur w O O - . The water main from tne reservoir of the Clarendon Water Work3 Trill the Btructure. and v, rAA trAstlp-work removed. Dr. Thomas Hume, of the State TTniv-Areitv. WaS in the city yesterday, Hia .riiAat nf Mr. D. G. Worth- fie returned to the University this morn ing. FB. M; CURRENCY. Mr For The Nervous The Debilitated The fAged. I riDM U.n...., Iiflttration.NrvO - .ph Neural via. nervous w c Stomach atid Uver Diame, affectioni it the Kidney. A NERVE TONIC. Giobob W. Borros. 8iuroBD. Coml.,ayi: ' " For two tw I vr mffercr from nervonj dft. bility. and I thank Gd and the dlMoverer of tho Taluable remedy tht Paesk'b Ckleb; Chmpocsd cured me. It u a mlaabie remedy. Lon may fc liTe, jyet any one write to me Ior advice." AN ALTERATIVE. j Aloxzo Abbott, Wnrosoa, Vr. , aayi :J i blieve Patkk'b Ofleht Conrooro aTa my life. My trouble eeemad to be an internal humor. Before I wed it I was oovewd with an ruiion from head to heel." Tho truption 1a rapidly healina. and I am five hundred jjer cent. better every way." A LAXATIVE. 1 ! A c. Bah. Whits Rrvi-B Juscnow, Vt., ay: For two year past t have been fu.fl5 from kidney and liver troublen, attended with dya. Asalsnment. nivriM Mana.s Feb. 6. O. U. Farwell & Co., manufacturers of boots and shoes, of this place, nave failed and made an assignment to j. H. Gold, oi uoston. Ajiaomuea pnn- mot a,! &t ft9.nn.noo and mav be ereater. The money is mostly due to banks. KILLED ALMOST ISSTAJITfuT BY OOSTACT WITH AN ELECTRIC Iu" WIRE. Feb. G. Will Sum- merfille, an 18-year-old boy, was kill ed last evening by contact with an electric wire. One of the Brush lights was on the ground and a lot oi ooys were having fun with it by touching it, and the boy shocked, Bummerville, touched it witn a piece 01 noou-i and was killed almost mBianur the shock. Uar Head Im a Liott's Mouth. i i.rfk r.ri,lln. In conarrea. Friday, in the House, Mr. Latham r,rAantAl the nanors in the claim oi iSlveny xvusseu, 01 uaw Mr. Johnston presented the petition . X. . . i tl Mr of V. li outtou anu oiuho, McClammy, the petition of citizens of Walter, Wayne county; and iir. Rowland, the petition Of citizens oi River View, Mecklenburg county, for an increase oi tne compeusi""" fourth-claBS postmasters. Saturday Mr. xnicnos prone - petition of citizens o.l uraasm.., Orance county, to tbe same effect. "ThA nnblip.atii.n of the Austro- 1 . 3 riarm all trAA.l.V nf 1879 has causeu VJA aa- Wa.vw.j - - much excitement. It is said on one hand to have been published witn a purely pacific object; on the other hand! it is believed to have been a warning to Russia preceding an ulti-mattfm. A WOMAN PUTS HEB LIFE IN JIOPABDY AND A BEAST TAXES ADVANTAGE OF IT. A Dublin dispatch of Saturday At the conclusion of a perform ance at a music hall in Dublin last nirrVit Mile. Senide. one of the per formers, placed her head in a lion's mnnth fnr the nurrjose of having: her t Vi r,f rfcrrrarvVl talrnn in that oosition. A LUW WaA, wbtm w " A anddnn flash of liffht caused the beast to close his jaws and he retired n-nn.i;nnvn fVA i-nrnnr of his care, kiunuiiUv w nmnrorintr his helnless victim with DO O , him T VtAn b ahook the eirl VIO lAntlv tAarinir her bare breast with ivuat j , v (5 k:. TVia 'AttAndants at once sprung toward the cage and attacked the lion -witn irons ana uuuj w AA :n ViAAtinrr him off. Mile Rat,; ,1a vu ramnvad to her lodgings and medical aid was summoned. Her Mam. hreaat and one arm are terribly lacerated, but she is still alive. Tter it was stated that Mile. Senide's injuries are not of a serious nature, and that she has oflered to appear tonight and repeat her per formance witn tne jioub. A Beautiful North Carolina Girl. Wash. Cor. Statesville Landmark. The President's reception last Tknrulin nirrht was auite a BUCCeSS. i . .1- noticed several rsortn vjaroiiniaua present. Th-j prettiest woman in the throng -was Miss luonveiru, a owroi- in-law of Hon. Louis C- Latham. She is beautiful. It does me good to nnl- nt hfir. I am a warm admirer oi beauty, and the visicn of this lovely girl has haunted me ever Bince a her. I am proud to claim her as a North Carolinian. People may Bneer at the sentiment, but after genius v,ot rrift ia trrnater than beauty" lm- agine,if you can,a gracef ul,petite figure clad in wine-coioreapiuBii,wii,u tun,u soft, pink, ostricn piumes outlining pair of rounded shoulders, white as Parian mar Die ana smoom oiuu. On a swan-like neck is a small, well- posed head, crowned with a wreatn of brown hair in wnose waves many n glint of golden strands flashes out. The pronle oi tne iace in ub puic an that of a chiseled Clytie. The eyes are bluish purple, reminding one of dewy pansies. The cheeks are tinted like the inside of a delicate sea-shell, and the lips are as crimson as a rose, and as beautifully curved as if they were the master-piece of Praxiteles. I fell in love with her at hrst signt. A mieaoma. j " 'Tis winter, my daughter, the coal's going fast . I really can't tell where it goes to; The period for stems to me s past ... You could marry next week if jou chose to. And this is le-p year, dear, and youth cannot last. . ,, An offer make one of your beaux to, "Oh, pa! I've so many," the maid cried aghast, . J, "I cannot tell which to propose to." From the Courier. World pressman (to a subscriber from Sagadahoc) "Yes, sir, that press will print, count,, auu wiu , i; thousand Worlds an hour." Saga- Home . InUranCC KjO., dahoc Bubscriber (amazed)--"Of nv RALtVTGH. N. a ye don't say so ! An is tnai me ming- , too T J-tw Apocru ; i r olin f or ei4bteen years. With agents tia and oonetirori. ueiore i oeican " Cilebt Compochd it eemed aa ttaoUKh erarylAMf aUedme. Now I can say notning aua ihb. A DIURETIC, f Geo koi Abbott, Siori Crrr. Iowa, ay: "I have been nsin PiTSKM Ceixrt COVTOrTrn and It haa done me m trnwd for kidrieye and lama - back than any other maUicine I have ever taken. Hundreds of tertlmottiala have been received from penona who have used thia remedy with remarkable benefit Send for circular. Prioe SI.OO.! Sold by Droggiata. WELLS, RlCHARD$ON & CO., Proprietors BUBLIHUTON. VT. NORTH CAROLINA a I Pekin ha, cot up A. AAV AJa.VVv J an encyclopaedia in ztu,uw vwiuuko. We don't know what happens to the Japanese book agent who got s around sonciting subscribers for an encyclo pedia in 160,000 volumes, one to be delivered every other week, but in this country he would be killed sever, al times a day. Norrislovm Beraid- a iniiimin waa aaVed for his niar- riaare certificate. He lifted his hat, -re vealing a large scar on the head, evi rinnA vw flat iron. This evideace wax to the Doint. Our certificates re the pr&isee of those who have experi enced wonderful cures by the use of Vt. Bull's Cough Byrup. . c , 1 : a . 1. n nrrAofAaf. fMl TP Oil earth for pain. It affords instant,reier .ni anAAdv enro to all sufferers from rftlaift. hAadache. sore .npnnf Atitii bruiaes. &c- Price; bUAVW'f www 1 I centa. lm llial 1W Vauawaa J- w in nearly every town In the SUte acces Bible to rauroaas ana vk A Singular Lack of Courtesy.-"I lar', Mr. Sookum, 'f I didn't forfeit How Men Die. If we know all the methods of ap proach adopted by an enemy we are the better enaniect 10 wi ru uu mu umj postpone the moment when surrender becomes inevitable. In many instances the inherent strength of the boay BUtlices to enable it to oppose the ten dency toward death. Many, howver, have lost these forces to such an extent that there is little or no help. In other casea a little to the weakened lunga will make all the difference between buuqpu death and many years oi useiui me Upon the first symptoms of a couh or cold or any trouble of the vhroat or lungs, give thM old and well known - , ...i Rnnkua'a Oerman SvrUD. a careful trial. It will prove what thou sandd say of it to be, the "benefactor of any homa Indications point to a Floquet r Ainai. in France, in view of an al- I no J Two Glrli. r ruin i iic aoii.t.ft" " TTnnnniilar Girl: "Did vou have a nice time at the ball last night?" Popular Girl: "Perfectly charming; I danced every set." Unpopular Girl (vindictively): "V ell, I did just the opposite." ropuiar vjui. uun uu Unpopular Girl: "I set every dance." . . s Prince BiBmarck nas, ireration of the Czar's sentiments to emphaUc and important private state-1 teration i msnt in Tor oi peace. to ax yo' to take off yo' hat t l m act -ii -:ii:. Aol ohoAn'.minded" J 1 1 li 1 1 V L.' 1 L LIU uav wwv han t got common perliteness mo'." Harper's Bazar. I. raa.amalleu Ittcurmblal . Read the following: Mr. C. H. Morrw, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with abceea of lungs, and friends and physi cians pronounced me an incurable cpn- r n . lr ; r, . Tir K lrtcr a Fumpiive. ooKau -New Discovery for consumption, m . m tViirrl Knttl. and able to DUW Uw .'.J , , oversee the work, on my farm. It is tne finest medicine ever made. , Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, Bays: ,,TTai. t t..r nr. Kinir'a New Discovery for consuraution I would nve died of lung troubles. Was given upby doctors Am now in beet of bealth." Try it. Sample bottles free at Lee, John son & Go's drug store. fiormiiiT haa rjublished tbe cf her treaty of 1879 with lAustria- Hongary THK (HOME, SoUcits the prironage of propey ow nera in the state, onerm mcu. nity for losses at rates as low as those or any company working in North Carolina. CLASSES OF PROPERTY ISSCRED : r Dwellings in town and country, mer cantUe risks, churches, schools, court houses, society lodges, private barns and stables, farm produce and livestock, cot ton gins. ' Insure in the North Carolina Home Insuraucis Company. W. 8. pBiiraosB, ! Chab. koot, President. Sec'y vad Treas. W. O. Upchubch, f P. Cowpek, Vioe-Presidont. - Adjuster. Office in BriggslBuiiauag, no. s ray etteville street. Telephone No. 8. THE STATE IXSIRAXCE AC!EiCY, FIRE AND LIFE.. WILSOS, JERJAS f & . Mauagm, KALKlGll, N. (.'. The undersigned have this day eetab- lishedan agency for writing insurance, - I both on life and property, and will be slad to have tne pasronaRo ui mo vwyvs of Raleigh and th State at large. - - The companies represented by them are J among the very best in all respects and will guarantee pvotecuuu at vuo iwn Rate and in a satisfactory manner. i r.lUvTlLSON, B. 8." JKKMAK. A. J.CWXE. rab.1, 188, AXLl A r - t K 1 P i

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