i 7 1 Mews and Observer. bid Daily (except MoitpaT) and WUKLT. j THE NEWS? AND OBSERVER Co. Kdltor. f six months, " r OCA mar. Bi&H naarnald- 1 00 S HO 1 70 i.as 76 Weekjy, one rear. " S III months, B Ha nam fintrad without Darn XIV UUW BUKTW WIUHHIl mTIUCUb, UU r tent after tbe expiration of time paid lor. SUNDAY, FEB. 12, 188g. Pbof. F. L. Patton, D. D , LjL. D., t0 of Princeton Theological Semina ry baa been unanimously ejected Breaident of Princeton University to succeed Dr. McCosh. The latter re tires on a pension of $2,500 a year. S i J Tdk News akd Observer's delicate reference to those white men! who 'ibonsort" with negroes seems to have" rijiightily stirred the ire of certain 0 te Radical organs. In the elegant 126 of the East translated, "It is the hit dog that howls." m IWith the opening of Parliament the British political pot has begun to and Gladstone and Lord Salis afe at it hammer and tongs forthwith-. The government seems tc be stronger in the outset than rnjtny expected it would prove, l j wk do not by any means agree i with the Baltimore Manufacturers ; Hgcord on the subject of the tariff, i bit there can be no doubt tnatj tho I j ' jJaper referred to has done much to j I 'advance the prosperity of the South ;. in making known to the world the i j 'wonderful resources of this section, i i; believe it injures us by preadhiug j i, continuance of the war tariff,! but. r w are very sure also that it is of ' grf at benefit to all the Southern j otlteB in devoting itself to the work J ofjencouragtng industrial enterprise i. Lnthis section. With its last issue it ! entered upon its thirteenth volume. in tbe absence of its editor, Mr. Logan Harris, who certainly knows better, the Signal makes the ! old charge that President Cleveland is in thy habit of dining, or has djned, wth negroes, Fred Douglas' bame being made to do duty as of yore. Tbe story is a Radical canard explod ed Borne years ago now, as all 'well informed people,are aware, and ab.10 lonely useless further, even for Repub liQan campaign purpoes, which are anything but fastidious about accu ragy or truth, Heaven knows, j We suppose tbe Signal will be charging nxt that Mr. Cleveland himself; is a negro in the event of editor Harris' continued aosence. j t j . hx Jlaleigh Tobacco Board of Trade has issued in pamphlet form "ti the farmers of tbe new bright to bakico belt composed of Wake, Frauk lir4; Nash, Edgecombe, Wilson, p ;W4yne, Johnston, Moore, Sampson, 1; Hirbett, Robeson and Richmond, A ! Coicise Treatment of the Art of PlntinK, Growing, Curing and Hand i lin'Fine Tobacco, the great ready j moi&y crop, with information how to 1 bnQd bans, pack and thip tobacco " j Every present and prospective tobac t co grower should secure a copy of it. liajeigh and tbe adjacent region have maikyadvantage8 for tbe handling and grtrwih of tobaco respecuvelv and tour people should take full possession 0 them. .The tide is no at its flood.- Taken promptly it ill, lead on to fortune. i - . JJ&.T us not be turned away from Ibeassue. That issue is tat reduc tion . vThe surplus revenue tnus be torped, and to that end taxation rnust .be reduced to a revenue basi. ; That ia the demand of he people and the ' peobl j are Sovereign. There is in the treas ury tbe vast sum 01 fcllo,ooo,qoo overman 3 above the wants of the gov ernment. It is growing at the enor mous rite of $10,000,000 at least a monh. Meantime must of the people are burdened and harassed by a rate of taxaiofi that makes it almost impos sible, irj the South at least, to get aheap in the world. Tbe money pu han sboutd not be expended on tine advancement of schemes of doubtful pubic Utility. It should ctrtainly not I be thrown a ay on plant tbat are known to be ; wortu less. It shou'd be returned to the peogle as directly as possible, and the further accumulation of surplus revepue should be made impossible mi c 11 n. 1 xnag is cue issue, intt is toe que-- tionbefore us. Let us stick 0 it uu j til if is decided in the interest of all ' the people as opposed to the paui ! perejl few who are given the bonus of eiormbbs profits by the high war tariff of the Republicans. The Ro !ubcan party has promised the re ief thus indicated. It has failed to -kef its promise. The Democratic 1 'party has also promised to give the relief. It must give it. It will give it, because it is the party of the peo- Ele, jor it will see that the respousi ili for . failure, if failure oex-urs, willrema'in distinctly where it so far beloxigs on the shoulders of the Republican party. !' f rlSDS IN THE TKKAHl KV. "e regret the laying over of the Brekenridge"bill providing for get tinrj out -among the people the fuuds now! held in the treasury for the re denptioQ of legal tender notes and as security for national bank circulation in flivor of the Mills billr which pro vides "that the Secre'.ary of the Treasury' shall apply' the surplus moiey now in the Treasury and npt otherwise appropriated, "or so much thereof as he may consider proper, to fthe fmrchase or redemption pi Unjted States bonds," and which is to be favorably reported. i The President has spoken on this subject, and his words should not forffotten. In" his last message he said:' in ine consiueranoii ui tue id: '"In the consideration of the 1 question; of purchasing bonds a i a meikns of,restoring to Circulation tlje Burplus tnoney accumulating : in the treasury,, it should be borne in mind that premiums must of course be upob such purchase, that there be a large, part &f these, bondis as investments which cannot purchased at any price, and that combinations among holder who are willing to sell may unreason ably enhance the cost of eucb bonds to the government." 'Government 4 1891, are quo ted at about 108 government 4, 1907, at 126$. Any. large demand such as the Mills bill con templates would send these prices up kiting and the people do not by any means care to be taxed for the purpose of anticipating the payment of their obligations and throwing in huge bonuses in 'be way of premi ums to the bondholders. Besides, at the present rate of in crease of the fund to be applied un der the bill tho total interest beaiing debt would bo absorbed in a few years. Then what? The amount of the fund held in the treaj uty for 'he redemption of bank notes is $101,000,000, according to the last statement, and it increases at the rate Of at least if 2",000,000 a year. The Burplus in the? treasury amounts to $110,000,000 iu round numbers. By -Vlty, as the President said, and as the News asd Observer said, it will amount to 514U,UUU,UUU. All the 8230,000,000 JJ's, then, might ba absorbed by 1889 and the 732, 000,000 4's not many years later. Then what could be done ? The idea involved in tbe bill ia wrong, rue thing to do is to reduce the taxation that weitrhs so heavily and distressingly on the body of the people so that there may be no sur plus whatever. What we have on h,and should be distributed among the States as Mr. Henderson propose- -that ia to pay, as directly as possible. The clever, shrewd and patriotic McClammy has found a way in which all public servants who are burdened with' the cares of their offices beyond what they say ia the point of endu rance can find relief. Resignation, he righ ly holds, is always possible aud with it escape from whatever vexations and annoyances the service of the people may entail. He has made tbis plain to Public Printer Benedict in a way that has amused a great many people. He is to be hail ed as a beufactor. But will bis ad vice ever be taken to any great ex tent ? We fear not- So far the rule holds good that few office holders die and none resign. ' Spirit of the state Press. In addition -to the declarations of the Democratic -pai ty for the repeal of the internal revenue law, the farm er convention at Morehead City last suinmer, declared in fuvor of thert peftl of the tax on tobacco. Yet some people will still whine that the Dem ocratic State Committee did wrotjg nt i s meeting iu Raleigh last Fall. wnen it adopted a resolution reafbimiug the action of the Democratic party, and coinciding with the views of the farmers' convention, and the tobacco convention! Charlotte Democrat. In a spirit of justice to our present Lieu enaut Governor, V'aj. CbarJes M. v Stedman, we must say that he proved himself a most formidable canvasser in the campaign of 1884. Hii tour through this section im pressed upon ah who heard him au appreciation of his ability and -magnetism that has not been forgotten. If tbe convention commits to his hands our party's bauner, we believe he will carry it safely through the strtiggle. -Albemarle Enquirer: We do not regard it as an unfavor- ble indication, as some profess, be cause public sentiment ha not ai re a Jy nominated the candidate. It is better for the people to take time to cauvasa the merits of the possible candidates than 10 pin their fa th to one man without giviug others proper coniidera ion. We can wait awhile. There are four or five months to come before 1 he nominating conven ion. Dexwgton Dispatch. The fault in cows failing in milk is probably more in the cat le than the feed Cows bein accustomed to' havipg their calves suckle, and those calves not being weaned wouLl account for it, to some extent. A mixture of bran, corn mealj peas and oats is the best feed in the world for milk; corn fed ajone will ,lay on fat. Sweet potatoes', boihid with rutabaga turnips, cotton seed ; and bran mixed thin and fed warnl will alo give good teSuls Thet bought foods "come high;" but the increased value of the manure, especially if it is sprinkled wiih laud plastir every day, will, it is estimated, repay the orgiual outlay. Piaut pleuty of sweet potatoes, nnllo maize, drilled corn, oats and rutabagas, and you will have no trouble by another season. 'Enough salt should be put in th feed to make it taste brackish. Charlotte Democrat. A Difficulty: Some newspapers are two la ge aditorn atul others cannot propei ly can their columns or giv luem the reading tbey probably ought to have not time to spare to do to. Therefore the paper is not properly read. These H p-ge con cetna ale sadly Deglecttd, 111 the Way if n ailing, by busy men aud editors. .Some of our brother editors, in their gi eat liberality, do themselves great injustice . by lavishly expending too muib reading matter. L'fmrlvlie Dt mOi-Tut. The bill to pay a bounty on;all wheats corn and meat exported from this country, if it should betpaHKed. would be a Dot moie illogical law than the protective tariff If the country is to be taxed in order tbat tli manufacturer may make money, why hhould it not be taxed in order tlr.it the wheat, corn aud meat raiser niiiy'mako mcuej? Then add a tax to pay the cot on raiser a bounty and some more taxes to pay every man a bounty who raises or mukes anything and, if the division of spoils weroat all f iir, things would be pretty pearly even.: But the laboring'maD, the free and independent American working man, for whom the protectionists tell us the tariff was especially devised, where would he bef He would be much in the condition of Moses when the Litjht went out; but we might give him a little light by giving him a bounty on every hour he passed- at labor. We should then all be pro tected and! taken care of by the gbv- eminent arm eacu 01 us mignt suc- ; cetd in cet'ing out of the public i treasury aeveuty five cents out " of ' every dolltir paid in. Under the pres- ent system, all of us do the paying and a very few rf us the receiving M. Wilson has been summoned lo appear ;in answer to charges con nected with the decorations scandals. HKaSKIGERS 09 HOPK. EalUtmaU aad Coatrlbatlaas for the Week Ending tke 9t of February, 1SS8. Graham Harris Andrews, Ralenzh.N.C $ 26 WUliamRuffiQ Smith, St Ma ry's Mission, Edgecombe Co., N.C.. ..i.. A fritnd and well wisher, Chapel Hill, N. C Louis Venable Huske, Chap el Hill, N. C ; Mary Weldon Huske, Chapel Hill, N. C A youug friend, Chapel Hill, N. G Messengers of Hope, of Cal vary church S. S., Tarboro, N. C George H. Coke, Jr., Eden ton. N. C, 2ud offering Kate Edmundstooe Coke, Edenton, N. C 2nd offering. . . Louis Devereux Coke, Eden ton, N. N., 2nd offering 25 1 00 25 25 50 5 00 19 19 3". A friend, Raleigh, N. C, 3rd j offering Total $ 8 49 Amount paid in $50. Amount on hand, 44c. Membership, 90. Dear Children : Little Graham Andrews is the advance guard this week. His mother sends the follow ing translation of his funny little pen cil marks : "Dear Miss Cameron : I thick the accompanying letter from my little boy ought not to be sent to you with out a translation. His interpretation is : 'Dear Aunt Beckio : Some money for taking medicine is for the hos pital. I send it to you 25 cents and a big- copper cent, 2G cents. Your little friend.1 Enclosedyou will please find the same. Be assured of the earnest sympathy pf many in the no ble wOrk to which you so earnestly devote yourself." Medicine money is very suitable for a hospital, little Master,, but I am afraid I could not have made very much but of your letter if mamma had not interpreted it for me. Mothers are so much wiser than other people, you know. The assurances of sympathy and in terest from the children's "elders atd betters'1 is very encouraging, for with out it the work would fare but badly; and I would be completely out of heart. No matter what the work may be no one can si aud alone. Even Moses' hand drooped unless Aarou and Hur held them up for him. The next 'et ter came from a "true and true" baby: "Dear Aunt Beckie: I have been waiting ever since Christina for some one to. write for me. Though I am not nine months old I suppose I'll have to write myself and bend you 25 cents that Santa Claus put in my stocking. My mother did say I might earn some money if I would sleep all night, but if she thinks I can do that these long winter nights, I don't be lieve Bhe has ever been a boy. Do you?" No, Will, I Am sure she never was. And she don't even know much about boys if she thinks they could 'keep out of mischief that long! It is a shame : you had to, write for yourself alter waiting so long, it is shames, Wiliits, for I have kept Waiting all this while derini; what had become two been won- of all my Edgecombe children who used to be so many and so faith ful. When I began to think about taking up the Cot again, I said I was sure of so many children from Tar boro and Scotland Neck, and lo and behold I one little, not-year old baby is the lone color-bearer that Edge combe can muster into sarvic. S j ybu see, my bonny boy, how much you have to do; sustaining the honor of two whole corporations, and almost a regiment of Smiths, for I tad nearly that many of your family and collaterals enlisted inthe old days. Then, Chapel Hill contributed to the No Name Series. "I enclose 82.00 for the Bishop At kinson 'Memorial Cot," one dollar, from a friend and well wisher; twenty-five cents each fiom my two little baby nieces, Louise Venable aud Mary Weldon Huske, and fifty cents for my .contribution. With best wishes, I am your young friend." 1 am very mucn oDliged to my young friend, and also to tho friend and well-wisher. I hope I have written 'lie baby nieces' names correctly. A commit tee of two sat in judgment on tLe question. Now the next letter was about as welcome, as a letter could be, because it shows me that Tarboro does not intend to fall out of tanks. The su perintendent of Calvary Sunday school says: "Dear Madam: I have the pleasure of enclosing check for five dollars for tho 'Bishop At kiusou Memorial Cot' from 'ihe Messengers of Hp' of Calvary parish Sunday school You doubtless have not forgotten us, and that we have not responded lo the call sooner, was not because we felt no interest, but that 'our pennies' were being Beatteredtrjingtodogood, though we have sen; some for this purpose I devote the offerings during. Lent to General Missions, but will after that render you help again. I feel now that the endowment is certain since you have taken hold of it. It is a shame that churchmen of Nor h Carolina have allowed it to be so. It ought long ago to have been com pleted. I trust now by your efforts it will be done; and repeat, I am more hope ful. Oily a week or so ago I learned you had gone to work at it. I picked up the. Observer and read your let ter. . Wishing you success and promising what aid I can render from the Sun day school, I am very truly." I am sincerely glad to find that Calvary church Sunday school is go ing to be my faithful ally as of old. No indeed, my dear Bir ; I have not forgotten a single name that Edge combe county sent to me, many as they were, and I had been both sur prised and disappointed that not one volunteer had re enlisted with me. The Messenger letter is published regularly in the Sunday issue of the Daily aud in the Weekly News and Observer, bo that those who can't af ford to take one can Bee it in the other, which is only $1 25 a year. I thank you very much for vour as4urance of faith in the completion of the work; I never doubted that, the children would finish whatever they undertook. Tbe Chinese schol arship taught me that; but I like to be reassured, especially when the faith and the works" go hand in hand. Edenton comes next : "My little Mes engers are ready to come again with their second offering. They have been saving it penny by penny since the first of the year. They are much interested in the dear 'Bishop's Cot' and the little sick child who is to occupy it, and are anxious to help all they can. George, our only little man, eight years old, earns most of his pennies by helping 'father' (who is a physician) to 'col lect' on Saturdays. Kate, who is mamma's own little . girl, helps in many ways, doing house-work, run ning on errands and making herself useful generally. Louise, our wee one, five years old, sweeps father's office every day (in her way) for which she is liberally paid. And being with us all day (the others being at school), many an odd p4nny find' its way into h?r little hand, which instead of being epeut for the apple or stick of candy for which it was given, is dropped in the bank for 'Aunt Beckie." So this week Kate sends 19c, George sends 19j, and Louise 35c. Jleartily wishing you success, lam, Your children are very faithful, and I hope George has better success as a collector than most doctor's sons meet with, if my father's receipts are to be taken as an index. The dear children! how much real self denial is represented by each penny that they send. Each one is a distinct "Ao," Baid to themselves, and "So," is a hard word to say even to older people. The last contribution came from the friend in Raleigh who had sent three before. So I have entered her on the' list of members and am very glad to hear from her. Now, children, our space is gone, but I must beg for enough, to tell you that with this letter will go your first re mit ance to the treasurer of St. Join's. I am going to send it off in- $50 sums as fast as I get that much. The sum is now $50 59 It will take fifteen cents to get the postal order, and that will leave a bal ance of 44 cents in the bag (the same old Messenger bag that has held more than one thousand dollars of your money,) as a nest egg for the next fifty. Ah, my smart little chil dren, in ali'tle over two months you have made fifty dollars! Who could help bein proud of such children? Certainly not their Loving Acst Beckie. .All contributions for the "Bishop Atkinson Memorial Cot" in St. John's Hospital, Raleigh, should be sent to Miss Rebecca Cameron,, care of Dr. William Cameron, Hillsboro, North Caiolina. Dotit send utatitps.' ; Co-operation Antony Christian Churches. The recent meeting of the Evan gelical Alliance, eld in Washington City, was addressed by Bishop Hairis, of .Michigan, one of the. most scholar ly and eloquent men ..present, in lan guage which makes very good Sunday reading. Bishop Harris said : "It is because human governmeuts cannot j deal with sin, but only -with conduct, and because . schools cannot rehabili tate the decrebit will and regenerate th depraved and insurgent affection?, thtt politics aud education alono are powerless to remedy our evils. Sin is the arch enemy of our civilization, and for this the Gospel of the grace of Jesus the crucified is the only rem edy. Therefore what we need let us not conceal or glaze it over what this hour is calling for with the peal of a trumpet is religious co operation such co-operation as will best set forward the work o evangelical Christianity in this land. Prof. 'J ay lor, Lewis bravely and wisely said : 'Divisiou is never to be: treated as a good per se. I can never go with those who regard denominational distinctions as things totally innocent or desirable, much less desirable. Lt union, ecclesiastical union, take place without delay between those bodies that are divided by the least interval. Let the last parting be the first to crime together. Let it be deeply im pressed on everyjinind that the great ness of the sin of schism' is in the in verse ratio of the emallneRs of the dividing interval.' " The. address con tinues : "Co-operation, real co-opera tion, is all that is now .necessary to bring all tbe evangelical Christians of this land together, and soon to make them, whatever their differences of mere taste or opinion, tbe defeuders of the same historic faith and the sharers of the same historic order." . CURRENCY, " hen I wa yoiinif and went a tourtin', 1 5nvid all the married men, B'U now I'm buying shoes for fourteen, I wsh I was a bach attain! ' Detroit Free Press. A Grateful Man: 'Applicant "Please, ma'am, rau you help a poor man who is out of i ik 1 ' Wouiiin "I guesM I cau find something for JOU to do.'' Applicant (graceful! ) "Thai-ks. If you could give me some washing to do I'll take it home lo my wife." I'Jpoch. His Lips Seale at Last : Dakota Reporter "I called to interview Mr. Abejair, our oldest inhabitant, on the winters we used to have when he was youtg " Servant "Poor old man. He'1.1 never beab;e o tell those intr es.iug stories again." "Eh? What's happened ?" "He froze to death last night " Omaha World. '. A cruelud unusual punishment: "Now, my son," said a Rondout man to bis youthful offsp.ing this fore noon, "you have disobeyed me agaiD, and' you must be punished. Take this Waterbury watch and wind it up. Mind, do not stop winding until the spring is tight." "Oh, father," sobbed the uoy, "I'll taw the whole cord of wood if you'll not punish me like that." Kington Freeman. Out West: Guest (wildly to hotel clerk) "Say, there's a man under the bed- in that room you gave me." Clerk (kindly) "That's . all right: he's dead. We just left him there till his friends could come for him to morrow. Front .' Two whiskies for 39 !" Washington Critic. Don't Eiperiment. You cannot afford to waste time in ex perimenting when your lungs are in danger. Consumption always seems at ttrta only a cold, uo not permit any dealer to impose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds, but be sure to get tbe genuine. Because he can make more profit he may tell you he has something just as good, or just the same. Don't be deceived, but insist upon getting Dr. King's New Dis covery, which is guaranteed to give re lief in all throat, lung and chest affec tions. Trial bottles free at Lee, John son ft Co's drug btore. Large bottles SI. Storekeeper aad Gangers. The Secretary of the Treasury baa appointed Aaron A. Wiseman to be storekeeper and gauger at Elsie, N. C:, and ThOs H. Parke, to be store keeper and: gauger in the 4th district of North Carolina. A Prospective Bride Burned to Drath. -Miss Aurja TJtsey, a handsome girl, who was about to be married, was standing before an open fire place in Columbia S. C , Tuesday, when her c'othes c.iught fire. She rushed out of the house, but before aid could reach her was burned to a cinder. BueWeo's Arnica Save. The Best alvt in the world for cuts. rruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Kheum. Fever Sores, Tftter.rhaFr''d Hands, hilblains, orns, acd ail Shin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money lefunded. t'rice 25 cents per box. For sale by L, Johnson & Co. ... A Minnesota farmer assassinated his wife b Cause she had commenced proceeding for divorce, then shot his daughter and finally killed him self. Ko other medicine is so reliable as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, for the cure of coughs, colds, and all derangements of the respiratory organs. It relieves the asthmatic and consumptive, even in ad vance d stage, of disease. Russia continues her warlike preparations, although press utter ances are peaceful. Whole Your Best Friend! Your fetonlach of course. Why? Be cause if it is out of order you are one of the most miserable creatrea living. Give it a fair, honorable chance and see if it is not the bett friond you have in the end. Don' smoke in the morning. If you must smoke and drink wait till your stomach Js through with breakfast. You can drink moro and smoke more in the evening and it will tell on you less. If your ood ferments anddof g not di gest riwrht if you are troubled with heartburn, dizziness of the head, coming up from the .food after eating, bilious ness, indigettion. or any other trouble of the t tomach you had best use Green's August Flower, as no person can use it without immediate relief. ---Three cases of death from spot ted fever are r j orted from German town, Pa. MoLAfsEs! Very choice "Ponce" Porto Rico ; Mol.'issr-s; New Orleans MolaHsos; fine Syrup, Maple Syrup, See, &C. , E. J. Hardin. Kdgco'the kvtnlug. From the Epoch. Old Gentleman, (calling down the stairs:) "Clara, didn't I hear that youug man go just now?"' Laughter:- "Yep, pupa, you heard him go to the cellar for more coal." To Save Life Frequently requires prompt action. An hoiir'8 diilay Waiting for the doctor may be attended with serious consequences, especially in cases of Croup, Pneumonia, and other throat and lung troubles. Hence, no family should be without a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, birr- has proved itself, in thousands of Cases, the best Emergency Medicine eveT discovered. It gives prompt relief ansl prepares the way for a thorough cure, which is certain to be effected by its continued use. ' S. II. Latimer, M. D., Mt. Vernon, Ga., says: " I have found Ayer's Cherry Pectoral a perfect cure for Croup in ail cases. I have known tho worst cases relieved in a very short time by its use; and I advise all families to use it in sud den emergencies, for coughs, croup, &c." A. J. Eidson, M. I., Middletown, Tenn., says : ' I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral with the best effect in my practice. This wonderful prepara tioa once savml my life. I had a con stant cough, highl sweats, was greatly reduced in flesh, and given up by my physician. Oiie bottle and a Half of the l'eotoral cured roe " "I cannot gay enough in praise of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral," writes E. Bragdon, of Palestine, Texas, "believ ing as I do that, hut for its use, I should long since have died." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. Aysr !t Co.. Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggit. Price $1; tlx buttlce, ti. '.wet juan JDaiCIODS AND PERSISTENT 'fwifcs AUvert iKitig- has always proven successful. Ik-fore placing: any Newspaper Advertising consult LORD & THOMAS, AIIIKKTlSiaU AUeUTO U 49 R.dolp4 Stmt, CHICAQQW BARGAINS IN ; W OPFKU Parlor Suits..1 From $40 00 Bedroom Suits (walnut) " Bedroom Suits (poplar) " Sideboards (walnut). .. . " Sidelwwrdu (poplar) ... ' Wardrobes . " Tables Chaiia , " Iiockers " Mattresses. " Feather pillows (per piir) " 37 50 23 50 22 50 10 00 10 (Mi 1 50 50 1 00 2 50 5 00 A.11 Order vill Itt celve Prompt Vttt-ntion. j r. IICTMOX & CO., No 128 s. ILMINOTON St.. N ext d -or to W. n a It s. lucVer&Co. FU1L&FEED On band and on tLe road the M lowing seasonable articles: 700 Tuns Anthracite Coal, egg, etove and nutt sizes. IO'.i Tons Tennessee Coal. 200 Tono Pocahontas Coal. 500 Cords Oak end Pine Wood. 1500 Bushels Winter Seed Oats. 1500 Bushels White Spring Oats. Timothy Hay, Bean Ship Stuff, Chops, Meal, Seed-Wheat, Seed Bye, Lc. cheap for cash. 8 Jones & Powell, Dodd's Corner and Central Depot, RALEIGH, N. a pawns Car OrwiirM. OoMt. HouwmCrWrBL AIt Eruocbitit, tougti. lnctpienvCotuumi tijn. Th Ocscjne Dr. BuW ovurA Swnm void only la vt frranr nd boan oar nvistrred Trademarks to wit A BkU'i Head in a CirctV, a PrrJ- firWn rmirrM- flrVL Ar.rl th 3CMtacinUBlffTmtareaof John W. I lISjr BU A. i Mryrr Ox. Soto I SALVATBONOIL, " Tbe Greatest Cure on Earth for Pain," Will relieve more quickly than any other known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost bites, Backache, Wcundi. Headache, Toothache, Sprains , &c Sold by ail t Orurgists. Price 25 Cents a. Bet tie- j.rtull&co G ! o e e ! Seed " Potatoes. 4 Choice Maine and N. Y. EARLY ROSE FOR PLANTING. Scotch champion potatoes for the table. California drie i Lima beans and GREEN PEAS. North Carolina dried applesjand -peaches. Evaporated apples? peaches, pears, apri cots, raepber ries and cherries. Just Received : Another lot, that choice Va. COUNTRY SAUSAGE AND TOM TIITJMBS. Haxall Meal the best. 222 Favetteville St. Ed iv. J. Hardin, (Jrocer, Oilers at all times a complete and carefully Selected Stock Of all seasonable substantial and luxu ries of the PROVISION TRADE Meats, Fish, Fine Butter, Fine Teas, Ccees, &c, &c. Canned Goods of the most approved brands, including the Peaches, Pears, Apricots and Cherries of the "Golden Gate Company" of San Jose. BEST CANNED VEGETABLES, Corn, Tomatoes, Asparagus, Succotash, &c, &c. PRESERVES, Jellies, Sauces, Olives, , Flavoring Ex tracts, and everything else in the way of ' TABLE SUPPLIES For special announcements from day to day, si'O the local col urns of this paper. E.J. HARDIN. O. M. JLLL.EN. WIN. C IK A II ALLEN & GRAM FoiiiiiliTs and .Machinists Manufacturers and Importers of Portable and Stationary Engines and Boilers, Saw and (irist Bills, Cotton Treses dr. ItANUrACTCBZRS OF TBI JLosie Stat B'tiii.p KAI.KK1H, N. C.1 WE SELL AND KEPAIK Engines of all Kinds, HEW AND SECOND HAND. Threshing machines, cotton seed crush ers, cotton gins and presets, brick making machinery, boiler feed ers, general mill gearing and all sorts of FARM MACHINERY. Let us know what you want. We will furnish you everything in our line at SATISFACTORY PRICES. .MULES AND HORSES FOR SALE. Received today another lot of fine MULES Will sell low and five every one a bargain. Look at my stock before buying; you will be satisfied. They are cheap. ED. II. LEE, 825, 827,829 South w ilmington, and 118. 114 11 rjwt Mrtin 8t.. Haleigh. N (I. rtit Mormon JtCldera' Book on Sexual Strength, mailed tree to married dm a address F.-B Crouch, art Grand 8L, Maw York. THE-- Maryland LIFE INSURANCE CO. Has paid to its policy-holders or ' their representatives during the past twenty two years u . $1,000,000. Every Death Claim has been promptly settled without litigation, or compromise in any case. i Its assets are invested in securities of the bet character which can be sold in the opon market for a considerably larger sum than the price paid for them by this company. THE MARYLAND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Desires to contract with competent men as local agents in North Carolina,; This Company has no General Agents hut pays the full compensation usually received by General Agents to the; local agent who secures the risk. Competent men who desire to engage in the Life In surance business in connection with any employment they may now have can se cure advantageous terms by addressing the Company. Two Special Agents wanted to devote tbeir whole time to the business, and travel in the State of North Carolina. Best references required as to character and business ability. Insui ance Agents are invited to-send for the Illustrated Almanad of th's com pany and for other documents giving information of its plans. For further particulars address the Maryland Life Insurance Company, Baltimore Md. WM. BLACKFORD, President. U O. LEWIS, Local Agent, Raleigh, FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. IF YOU WANT A 1 Good Vegetable Garden, PLANT LAXDRETirS OR ELY'S RELIABLE ; '1 GARDEN SEEDS SOLD BY ; LEE. J 0HNS0N & CO. Druggists Seedsmen OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE i RALEIGH, N. C. i ' Peed dealers supplied at Philadelphia. Wholesale prices. Orders by mail promptly filled. LEE, JOHNSON & CO. Druggists and Skkdsmen. j M. II. AUFIiECHT Artistic Wall Paper Decorator,! OFFERS HIS SERTICES TO THE PUBLIC. All work intrusted to him will be guar anteed or no pay asked if not satis isfactory. All grades of the ; LATEST STYLES i -OF-Samples on handl : Lincriista Walton Hanging a specialty. j REFERENCES : ? J. S. CAKR, ESy., I. H. FAUST, ESQ., Durham. Salisbury, i Merchants and Farmers1 Bank, Char lotte? Old Uickory Club. Salisbury. Geo. E. Wilson, Esq.. Charlotte; J. B. Hol land, Esq.. Charlotte. i Durham N. C, Dc. 23, 1881. M. Hakkis Aufkecht. Paper Hanger, has juet finished a job of paper-hantdng in my office, and aUo at my housa, and I am pleased to state that Aufrecht has given mo great satisfiction. Few men excel Mr. Aufrecht in tate, and; in no department has one an opportuni y to display taste with more effect th n in paper hanging I confidently recommend Mr. Aufrecht to persons wanting : nice tasty work done. Respectfully. J. 8. CA5R, Correspondence solicited. 1 Address cither at .. DURHAM, N. C, ; or HARLOTTE, N. C. r EDWARDS & BROUGHTONj Raleigh, IV. C. Having ample facilit'ea and employing large force, e offer special in ducements for qu:ck work. 1 Our Wort Stands as first-Claw. AU th Legal Blank stock. Forma kept in RINTffiS MD BINDERS WIS AI&JE HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE DRESS SUITS, LATEST STYLES COLLARS AND CUFFS, i neckweaS,cndkrwkak, &('. We have just received beautiful line of Bpriog Styles Scarfs, Full Dress Shirts, Stiff Hats &c. Lowest Prices guaranteed. CLOTHIERS MUTTERS J. C. BREWSTER HARDWARE, STOVES AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. The finest and most complete stock of KEROSENE LAMPS. Cheaper than gas and equal to the ELECTRIC LIGHT. Suitable for Churches, Stores, Factories, Dwellings, &c. Call and exam ine Stock. PRICES LOW. Full stock Extension Ladders for the use of Painters, Builders. Housekeepers, Ac. Ac, only 41.25 for lengths 0. 5. feet. The cheapest and best selected stock of Cooking and Heating Stoves in the ciry will t" sold low and on the best terms. Full Stock Guns and Sporting Goods al- 1 j rrc t, a i wbjbuu iuuiu. ii i ouunsg, r lump ing. Steam and Gas fitting dona a: short notice, and all work warranted CITIZENS' H1UST COMPANY. RALEIGHN., a. Solicits and ia empowered to execute TRUSTS OF ALL KINDS. TO MAN AGK PBOPEBTT AS Agent for OwnerNj To Buy and Sell Property, COLLECT REIVTN LOOK AFTER TAXES, BUY AND SELL SECURITIES; To issue negotiable certificates again goods m storage upon which money ca be obtained at the Lowest Ruling Rate and to do all business usually' done by Trust Companies, t C. M. HAWKIN8. President. W. E. ANDERSON. Vice-President A Convenient Place TO STOP: MOSELEY'S 120 FAYKTTKVU.I.B ST., KaLEIGH. Convenient for; lawyers, because it's near the capitol: convenient becau e you are comfortable with good fire in your rooms: convenient; for e have all the' delcacies of the season: convenient to have everything at hand for Reasonable Rates. Convenient for everybody who waDta a quiet quiet place. to rest It's a convenient place for we make everybody feel as if at home. You will be satisfied at. MOSE1.JE Y'S, 120 Favetteville St. NORTH CAKOLLXA Home Insurance Co, OF RALEIGH. N. C. Organized In 1 Has been Insm ing property in North Carolina for eighteen vears. With amenta in nearly every town in the State acces sible to railroads and east of the moun tains. THE HOIK, vwuwiiD wtc immuuohcui yiuycx sv owners in the 8tate, offering them safe indeni- "ijv.! xn b nw aa iuw as wose OI any company working in North Carolina. 1 - 1 : CLASSES OF r&OPEETi US11LB : Dwelling in tnwn anH numln mm. RAntila rink a hll retina houses, society lodges, private barns and bwuumi iiru proauce &ua uvo 3 voce, oot tnn Hn. Insure in tbe North Curolina Rome ' Insurance Company. W. 8. PRiKBoea, Chab. Root. President. Krf V iA T.. W. O. Upchukch, 1 p. Cow'pkb. Vioe-rTesKtent. idjuater. - - ' .j , 1, Z.U f itwvilU straws. Telfhnne Ko. 6. . Homoeopnthlo Physiolan, Halifax! Street, Opposite Cotton Platform, Attends to the general practice of medi cine Special attention paid to diseases ) Si