I- ) f - : i : and Observer i .. l m . ii 0Lt'.BBD DAILT (tXCKPT MOUDlT) AJM li " WbmXT. ;j BtsT'IE NEWS AND OBSgBVEBj Co. 1. g. ftoBZB. Ditty oat year, ma'l poatpald. r t M I 1 TO i 1.26 JIM 'if l . uM year, " 76 i Kvdm entered without payment, and ao par r et.j. after me exptrattoo m an ram w TjntUftSDAT, MARCH 8, 188f . 7ai ai seem to ' be warming up io Washington and the Republicans find thtmaelvea hoi dine the hot end of theoker. i'tzPAEATiOHS are being made to tftkjt the German Crown Prince home to die. The royal family have how giv.&n up all hope of his ;recovery. Thjk aged Emperor William appears ftlatt to )oe at the point of death. :j isal Dow, the venerable father of prohibition," was badly beaten Mon day, for the mayoralty of PorJland.Me. Unluckily, too, his election was to me$n a purification of city politicn andf the enforcement of the liquor la. He was endorsed by the Demo crats- Cebtain young Democratic ladies of .a Pennsylvania town propose to organize a Frances Cleveland club for the purpose of takiDg part in the coining presidential election-parading in political processions, etc. Not a good idea. We want the influence of the ladies, but want it exerted in the right way, tlhat is, a wornanly way. - i m 1 When the Democratic members of the commit tee on Ways and Means on Wednesday offered their bill! to abolish the tax on tobacco and modify the internal revenue system the Republican members got into "a state of mind" and opposed violently th laotion to incorporate this meas ure into the tariff bill. Their opbciT Bit jot t to this internal revenue lqgis- lattQ-i is noteworthy. 1 'i-T - ;i lull. New York is reported by the Tffbr'd as blushing over the produc tiop of a French play on the boards of ib' O of its theatres. It must i be baa ; indeed not that New Yorkers ar eery much more wicked than ot&e- people, but they have grown; to tofot te on the Btage much that would pronounced intolerable by cqm- mnaities less accustomed to every (va riety of stage production. A play thtrmay do very well in French will not do at all in ingnsn. severe iei pttrgatioa is necessary in almost evrj thing that is reproduced j in AijfieKca from the Paris stage, and, in th c.ise of the play first referred, to tnore seems to nave been no expnr gaion whatever. IsViiza lately discussing the prevail ing low prices, we attributed tnem in some measure to the low rates i of freight and to labor-Bavin g inventions A pttiking illustration of the truth of wtat we said is found in a letter frpm Edward Atkinson printed in the last issue of BradttrttC: Mr. Atkinson, - in Ian address delivered in England, had said in substance that th North- westrn farmers who live 1,500 miles from the seaboard can now tell wheat lHLKngiana at l.uu a bushel and majw as much profit as tbej did when Jpej sold it at 91.50, fifteen years ago. Tins broueht out so much comment th4t he has replied to bis critics and 7 ha proved that these Western wheat growers can make as much profit now selling wheat in England at about 75 , ceiis a bushel as they did fifteen ?e&s ago when they sold at $160. 'ho saving is in freight rates . and in labor-saving machinery. In 187 the self-binder was success fully attached to the reaper, and each sell-binding reaper has displaced the work of seven to eight men who for merly followed each reaper to bind the! sheaves by hand. The cost jof binding by hand was from 5 to C ceiits a bushel; now it does not ex ceed 1 J cents. By improved planters, ploughs and other instruments an ' o&fer saving of two cents a bushel is ma(de. In 1872 the grindstones of a floor mill turned out 350 barrels' a day now, with the new roller system, the, name mill, with fewer hands, tarns out 1,200 barrels a day. Formerly Ihe flour for export was pu6 v p in barrels costing fifty cents eah ; now sacks are used, costing thift en cents. Every effort is made ' to isa e cost and charges. The cost of jiia idling at Chicago, Buffalo and Ne4T fork is now three cents a bushel leal t han in 1872 The cost of trans porting a bushel of wheat across the ooeafi is now eight cents less than in 187,2: and the freight on wheat from Chotgoto New York is twenty-six oenjtc less than it then was. All these 'Imlci.'les" make a big "muckle." It s these things that combine to , lowi the Belling price of all lines of produce and merchandise. itOIOKTO JOHH HKROEIUU1, 11 honor to Mr. Henderson for his valtta'jle work in Congress in regard to (hV internal revenue system. For yeaM efforts have been made to have tbeMors of what has been termed the3tfernal Revenue system abated and- feUe law 60 modified in its provis ions that its execution would not nec essarily be attended with irritation and! abominable exactions Bat year aftejr year passed, and hope deferred made .the heart sick. It was reserved forIi'. Henderson, the able and pa trioic member from tie Salisbury distant, to so conduct matters that practically this obfect appears now attainable. Certainly we would bo glad to see the entire system wiped out; but thai is not to be expected. Tm people of the Union at larye will not consent to ubolish the tux on hjeky, and that we may as well understand. I i, impracticable. This Mr, Hen derson has realized. Butbecajiseh can8QJthave'hi8 way as to that he baa not! spiked in his tent," but like a ' wisj nian, a prudent statesman, a pa triot, he has cought to wipe out all of the fabprtiiiiiibte featurej of the tj ; tern! an i to make t he enf orctmfnt of the fuw more b. arable. He studied and comprehended the tntri aiaa of the sysiem, saw where it could be re modeled to advantage, and set him- eu to $oootnplishing the task. Before tne Democratic administra tion came in, as long as the Republi cans had control of the Department, every effort at modification, every ef fort to i relieve the people from the annoyances and harrassing features of the system was met bv the ; opinion of the Department thnfc th proposed changes were im practicable; that they would not work: that no changes could be made. It was a Republican measure, devised, adopted and perpetuated by the Re publicah leaders. Therefore the Re publican administrations regarded it us periect, ana no suggestion to change it met with favor. But Mr. Henderson has found tne Democratic administration of Presi dent Cleveland quite a different thirg from the Republican aaui-n.airations in this regard. His suggestions for modifications have not been repulsed. Aid and countenance have been given hitti in his good work, and he baa worked! assiduously, industriously .tut! wisely, xue result is apparent. Firsti the committee has agreed that the tax shall be takf n off tobacco; necohd, that all restrictions on the -ale and handling of tobacco shall be entirely; abolished. That would be ocd enough in itself. But that is not all. i A to fruit-brandy, while the tax on that is retained, the Commissioner of Interna revenue is authorized to ex empt the manufacture from the ope rations of the General law; and as to ill distulenea of whisky with a ca jaeity of loss than 25 gallons, there S to be a "capacity tax," and the storekeepers and gauger3 are to have no farther business witn them. Arid again, as to the law itseif, the court is: now, on conviction for anv offence i against the law, to impose auch punishment, (not exceeding a certain limit) as the judge shall deem just. Heretofore the ludtjo had no discretion in trivial cases. And sun again no warrants are hereafter to be issued except on affi davits sotting forth the specific charges,! unless at ihe instance of the Collector or Deputy Collector. These; are Borne of the most impor tanl changes that Mr. Henderson has had incorporated in the bill agreed to by the committee on ways and means, and while the bill may be defeated we do not think it will. We believe it will go through. And so it has been th good fortune of Mr. Henderson, by his indomitable perseverence, by his wise ibut firm policy, by his intel ligent action, to bring about these changes that will be" do beneficial to our people and that will afford bo much relief. All honor, say we, to John S. Henderson. i i i '. THE LAND OF TUB SKY Ab ITS ALWAYS PROGRESSIVE CAPITAL tor. of the Jew and Observer. ; Ashetille, N. C, March 5. V The Superior Court of Buncombe met Monday, Judge McRae presiding. The criminal docket is r-ncumbered with Several homicide cases, the most notable of which is that of Myra Con riollji a colored woman, charged with the murder of Mr. Sumner, an old and respected citizen and one of the most ijaoffehsife, peaceably-disposed men in alii this community. The woman was wild; with liquor and etapped her unsuspecting victim with a knife in the right lung, causing death after a lingering illness. She is a monstrous creature, weighing over two hundred pounds, and black an night; The case excites considerable interest and i a pro-racted trial is probable. j I The court-house is to be lighted with gas, The opera hall in ihe third story of the building is already lit With it. " i Manganese of a superior kind has been found on a farm five miles west Of this city. ; The Pease excitement has died out, and the Knoxville Tribune stands in an ugly ljight before the country as having recklessly slandered a minis ter of the Gospel who enjoys the con fidence and respect of a very large circifl oi mends and acquaintances I The board of trade are undertaking a systematic advertisement of ABhe vine s; advantages as a health resort and trade and manufacturing center. Pamphlets are being prepared for pub lication and widespread distribution. Ashevillei is wide awake to her inter est. .Dreamers, sleepers, sluggards arid croakers feel lonesome in this brisk i and progressive community. The Southern Traffic Association have agreed on a special excursion rate Of three cents a mile the round trip on all their lines the excursions to be run on Iatcb 13th and 27th, and April 10th and 24th; good or 30 days This arrangement, it is believed, will induce immigration to att ractive south eirn sections. . Professor Tiernan has returned from his wedding tour through Mexi co, Central America, and the West Indies. Mrs. Tiernan (nee Miss Fran ces Fisher, or "Chistian Reid"), will come to this city in a short time and become a permanent resident here. It is eminently fitting that her home should, bel in "The Land of the Sky," which ; is j so closely associated with the enchanting products of her grace ful and e oquent pen. She will be cordially welcomed to our city, where sho already has a host of friends and admirers. The , congressional convention of the Republicans of this district is to be called 1 to meet in this city on the 10th of lay next. The official call has not yet appeared. Au Iugemious Clgarmaklu Machine. The: indention cf a Pit sburg me chanic has just been completed. The machine, which is opera ed either by foot power or steam, bunches the filler, wraps the cigar and forces it into the jiould completed. I', is ca pable of turning out, it is stated, 12, 000 cigarjs daily. The tobacco for tht filler ip placed in a quadrangular hdjjp'rrj fiom which a graduated quuntitj is allowed to fall on a wrap per, which is placed by au attendant on a siehII table over a slot On the mass of tobacco thus formed a plunger descends, which carries it to an elastic apron, where it is rolled in! to a cigar form. Thence it is carried beneath a compressor, which forces it into a regular cigar mould and gives it the necessary finish and compres sion. The machine is comparatively simple in construction, and needs no special skill to operate, and the re sulting product, at least to un.-killrd eyes, does j not differ in any respect fiom he product of h:n,d !a!.or -A Berlin dispatch htntts that THE TWII CITT ESTABLISHES A 8AVI5GS BAM- OTHXB j HEWS. Cor. of the News and ubeerrer. WiSstok, C , March 6, 1888. A meeting was called last night for the purpose of completing the organi zation of a savings bank. The meet ing was a full one, all classes being represented from both towns. I giv the result: Mr. E- A. Ebert, of Salem, and a first class citizen, was mae president of the bant, and Messrs. J. W. Rogers, B S. Shephard and Dr. H. T. Bahnson were elected vice-presidents The following gentlemen compose the board of trustees: Messrs. J. W. Hanee, Geo. W. Hinshaw, R. J. Rey nolds, C. A. Hege, Dr. Thompson. Dr. Watkins, C. A. Fogler, H. E. Fries, S, E Allen, C. Hamlin and R D. Brown. Messrs. R. B. Kerner, A. H. Elder, J. S. Starbuck and Col. A. B. Gorrell were elected bank examiners, and Mr. Verco W. Lon, editor of the Senti nel, was. elected clerk. The meeting adjourned to meet May 5th, when all arrangements for starting the bank will bo made. The officers elect were sworn in last night. So the bank is no longer one of the things talked about, but a thing of certainty. About midnight last night the fire bells rang out the alarm of fire. The store houe of Mr. Henry Watkins was on fire on the inside, but the flames we; e easily extinguished. The stori ia a new one scarcely completed, and there wus every evidenc9 to prove that it was set on firo. Several of the drawers wero pulled out, and, together with a lot of kindling, were heaped on the floor and 6et on lire. By prompt response to the alarm a terrible fire was prevented. On account of removals, a few fail ures, selling out at cost, etc., there has been some depression in trade here, but our people are recovering rapidly from these troubles, and there is a general stirring about, and ex tensive preparations are being made for a big spring and summer trade. There was no sale yesterday in Brown's warehouse, on account of the death of the father of Mr. W. B Car ter, one of the firm, which occurred in Rockingham county on last Sun day. Mr. J. A. Foy, editor of the Twin City Daily, has recenJy completed his first year in the daily journalistic field. Mr. Foy has by hard work made Lis paper a valuable factor in progressive Winston. I hope he will soon see it to his advaatage to en large his paper. Gew. Diceit of Supreme Conrt DecUloiM. By the News and Observer. Brickhouse vs. Sutton. Plaintiff claimed as purchaser the dower right of Elizabeth Sutton iu certain lands which had been set off to her a? dower by the Superior Court ofTyrrel, in 1869, in a pro ceeding to which her hus band s heirs, the defendants, were parlies of record. Defendants claim ed that Elizabeth Sutton had no right of dower in the land and that the as signment of dower to her was void because; firBt, the Superior Court had no jurisdiction ; secondly, becauso the process was returned "executed bv I. W. Woodhouse, deputy sheriff," and not by the sheriff: and that the report of the commissioners was attest ed by a deputy sheriff and not by the sheriff. Plaintiff admits that Elizabeth Sutton had no right of dower,but that the defendants are estopped by the judgment of the court from deny ing it. Held, That the Superior Court had jurisdiction of dower in 1869. Held, That as the judgment of the court recites tha' ".he defendants have been served with process," the same must be taken as true in any collateral proceeding. It was irreg ular for the return to be made by the deputy sheriff, although the Bervice was lawfully' made by him; but whether that return was sufficient or not, the court having found as a fact .that the defendant had been served with process, the judgment and pro ceedings cannot be treated as void, and must stand until set aside by a direct proceeding to' that end. Held, That the statute does not re quire the sheriff to attest the writ of dower or the report of the jury as signing the same. New by vs. Harrell. Although the general rule is tha' before one partner can sue another at law, the settlement of the firm must be complete or, as otherwise stated, a partner Cannot maintain an action against a co-partner to recover money, which might be placed as an item in the partnership account, yet there are exceptions, and among the exceptions is the right of a partner to maintain an action againB' another for the de struction of the joint property or its wrongful conversi n. 3 Dev., 398. Held, That an action may also be maintained, where the property de stroyed is the individual property of a partner and in the business of the partnership. ' Couldn't Uet Along 'Without It." Newbegcn, N. C, Feb. 25, 1888. EdHor JVew8 and Observer: We like your paper and have never missed a copy since we commenced taking it about twelve years ago. We do not know how we could get along without it. Jaue8 M. Weeks. North TuoUmI CMfrcit. Monday in the Senate Gov. Vance introduced a joint resolution donat ing useless cannon and muskets to the Guilford Court House Battle Ground Association of North Caro lina, which was referred to the com mittee on military affairs. Ma. McClammy introduced a bill to amend the act of May 7, 1878, Bec- ion 2, twentieth volume, Statutes at Large (postal laws). 'Calculated to do Much Good." Coi.letts vi lle, N. C, March 4. News and Observer : En It (the News ad Ob server's a Btaunch Democratic paper, advocating Democratic reform, and I think one calculated to do much good. Very respectfully, P. H. CoFFY. Havo you placed an order with the Observer Printing Company T Its patrons are loud in their praise of the class of work it' is now doing, aud as new and attractive types uu being constantly added, it is safe to say that this new -enterprise will give satisfao ttOU in BTVBTy lBBpV)l& ' DIOCKSB OP HORTH CAROMS' A. BUnop Ltbu'i ApBolatmeataSprtmg , Vleltatlaa. March 25, Palm Sunday Church of Good Shepherd, Raleigh. Warch 25, Palm Sunday, p. m, Christ Church, Raleigh. March 27, Tuesday, p. m. St. Au gustine Church, Raleigh. March 30, Friday Kittrell. s April 1, Easter Day Oxford. 41 3, Tuesday Williamsboro. 4, Wednesday Middleburg " 5, Thursday Ridgeway. 6, Friday Warrenton. " 8, Sunday Henderson. ; " 10, Tuesday Gaston " 11, Wednesday, p. iu Wei don. " 13, Friday Jackson. " 15, Sunday Enfield. " 17, Tuesday Ringwood. " 19, Thursday Rocky Mount. " 20, Friday, p. m.Wilson. " 22, Sunday Tarboro. " 23, Monday fct. Mary p. Edgecombe county. " 24, Tuesday Scotland Neck. " 2G, Thursday St. Mary's Ral eigh. May 3, Thursday Franklin- Ma con. Co., Consecration. " G, Sunday Asheville " oV-Tuesday Calvary church, Henderson county. 9, Wed'sday-Hendersonvillr. " 11, Friday Tryon City. . " 13, Sunday Charlotte. 15, Tuesday St. Jameb', Ire de l county. ; " 1G, Wednesday -Christ church S Rowan county. : " 17, Thurtday St. Andrews', j Rowan county. . i " 18, Friday p. m Concord. " 20, Sunday Salisbury Or dination. !" 23, Wednesday- Sa'isbu'j Convention. " 27, Sunday Durham. " 29, Tuesday p. in.HilIslH:ro. Juhe 3, Sunday Wudesboro. " -I.Monday p. m. AnsoDville. " 6, Wedensday Monroe. Holy Communion at all morning services. Collections for Diocesas. Missions. Worth ivnowl.jfj. Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fla., was taken with a f evere cold, attended with a distressing cough and running Jinto conrumption in its first etages. He tried many so-called popular remedies and steadily grew worse. Was reduced in flesh, had difficulty in breath ing and -seas unable to sleep Finally tried Dr. King's New Cisco vry for Con sumption and found immediate relief, and after using about a half dozen bot tles found himself well and has had no return of the c ieeape. No other remedy pan Bhow so grand a record of cures as Dr. King's New Discovery fo. Consump tion. Guaranteed to do just what is claim ed for it. Trial bottle free at Lea, John eon & Co's. Drug Store. A heavy snow storm in ley of Virginia is reported. the Val- AUVICK TO MOTHERS. Mrs. Win; low's 8oo'..m-- Syrup should lalTrayi be used wben chllclren-ar cutting tcfclh. It re lieves the littie sufferer at;onee,1t produces natu ral, quiet sleep by relleringtlie children from pain, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a but ton." It is Tery pleasant, to taste j soothes the child, softens tne gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, teim bites (he toweti and Is file best known remedy ior diarr oj,whetber rtrtng from teeth n or other ftue. Twntv-fi?p c The Democraiic caucus lor the town of Watertown, N. Y, Monday last, 'elected delegates to the first as sembly district convention of Jeffer son ipunty, and unanimously adopted a resolution expressing the wish of the voters for the renomination of Mr. 'Cleveland, and instructing the delegates to use their vote and influ ence to that effect. - 'A z i Uiriir ti-T ftPT oth-T kiHrim rom K e'T; l.hfcumtttm. X -nniVa ft wv, J'lenruy, feorea, oet-tiU?fc ! Sola! ioa J.-l.V Trrlr-h F Toothti4.hN Pt ttja etc. Price L SrtA a be: lie Sold Yif Ufc Hiiiy fxifiarftm i:t bean nurt m BULL'S COUGH SYRUP For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse . oesi, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cong;h, Iacipicrt Con fumption, and fci the relief of con sumptive persons iu advanced stages ot the Disease. For Sale by &U Dira ajata. Price. 25 cent. JUDICIOUS AM PERSISTENT Advcnisiuif has always proven successful. Before placing any Newspaper Advertising consult LORD & THOMAS, ADTKBTISIXQ AGK5T8 6 to 49 tt 4ltfc Btrwet, CHICACOW Ear Tf Oontrh, Prrmrtittla. AaUtTna, Indies PARKER'S OINOER30NIO without m oura mmaj ot the worst oues fuid Iste be? Indlireatron f Ca for U flections ot the throat and lunrs. and dlsw-c-a ad bbc)c trngKilnv aeatnat dljaaae, and lowly drifting to the rav, will la man caau reom ar their health by iba tlmair xtm ot Parker' Ginger Tonic, trat delay la daa- aaaalOKleolitoaiaclianabiwel. too, at DrugtfUU. erooa. tui in urns, it w mvaiuania ior au paina THE. STATE INSURANCE AGENCY, FIRE AND LIFE. WILSOI, JERMAI & COOKE, Managers, IBALEIGH, N. C, The undersigned have this day estab lished an agency for writiDg insurance, both on life and property, and will be ad to have the patronage of the people of Raleigh and the State at large. The companies represented by them are among the very best in all respects and will guarantee protection at the Lowest Rates and in a satisfactory manner. PH WII.SOV. 11 8. JKRMAV. A.J. OOOKE. Raleigh Marble Worts, 417 and 419 Fayetteville St., RALEIGH, N. C, Branch Yard, Lawder's Old Stain'. ; FAYETTEV1LLE, N. C, Manufacturer of all kinds cf Monument, and Tombstones in Marbles or Uranitas, Also Con ti actor for all kinds of building Work, Curbing Posts, Stei, Bills, &o. DESIGNS Of all descriptions kept on hand and sent to any address upon application. Chas. A. Goodwin, Prorrtetrjti kimm is -SAT- HEADQUARTERS W.C.H.B ; AND CAS DV MASUFACTU E EES Sole agents for Haxhall frenshaw mills flour, Van De veer & Holmes Famous A. E. crack era and cakes. Kirks' toilet and laundry soap, He-No Tea, Ac. Southern Virginia Hams 1 and 2 years old, Plump well cured, well trimmed North Carolina hams. Magnolia sugar cured hams. SUgar-cured hams 10c to 15c per lb. j 25 packages selected family N. C. roe herring: 50 packages Lake Erie white fish, 10, 40, 80 and 100 lbs at Baltimore prices. Cut herring, mullets mackerel. "YOU DIRTY BOY!" Propemt ov A. & F. Pears. CopxrriQMed, patented nrvl rfyljterea in the Cnitfl States, Europe, Aus tralasia, c. S-O-A-P. 500 boze at and below manufacturers' prices to reduce stock. Imperial Olive, washboard, mechanic, auction, active. every day. ivory, white cloud, Colgate's now, old, K. of L., cotton float, three lit tle niaias, arcacua, bullion, Morgan s sa poties, and the biggest, best and cheapest. Splendid 2-oz bar to retail at 5o. Kirk's toilet an t laundry soaps, ddiverad free to any R. R. point in 5 lb lots. Pear's Soap at importer's price,. .. Seed Potatoes. : 60 bbls. genuine Early Rose seed pota toes, 29 bbls. extra selected-Jlald win ap ples, 500 bas. black, white and clay peas. We ate millers' agents for Haxhall Crenshaw, mills Hour, and are prepared to offer specially ; low prices; flour ship ped to any point direct from mills For family me, Haxhall Br yd Island patent has no superior and few equals. CIDER. Mott's cider and cider vine gar at manufacturers' prices. DRIED FRUIT-2,000 lbs. sun-dried peaches and apples. CRACKERS AND CAKES. Famous A E crackers and cakes havo n equal. Trade supplied at manufacturers i' prces. HE NO TEA Is the best. Greenand black teas all grades, packed in 5 and 10 lb. Candies at Grocers' profits. CIGARS. 100.000 cigars at $10 to $35 per thousand. Stronach sPanetelas guar anteed all Havanana tobacco, filler and wrapper. ! i I have just received a full line of sam ples for spring and summer clothing, and will be pleased to havo my friends and customers call and examine them during the next ten days. You should call as early as possible, as after ten days I will order my stock from such selec tions as you make. These samples are very largg and- handsome and if you want :o secure a handsome spring suit it will pay you to call and examine them.' ; !, Winetrob. Merchant Tailor, - Cor. Wilmington and Morgan Sts. J.C.BREWSTER i ' ! : Is now receiiog his stock of SPRING GOODS dware and HOUSEj furnishing goods Of every description. Full and complete hoes, rakfe, opadts, shovels, pitch forks, flora! sets, &c, &c. Beautify Your Homes By painting your dwellings, out-houses, fences &c, Ac., with the best Green Seal j White Lead. or the Manhattan Ready Mixed Paint guaranteed to wear as well as or dinary white lead and oil. All colors on hand. Prices guaranteed BUI14BERS Hardware, edge tools, fine pocket and table cultery specialty. Cooking stoves at all prices. VV ill be sold on easy terms. Tin roofing, plumb ing, steam and gas fitting done in workmanlike manner and all work warranted. J. C. BREWSTER, ;214FayettevilleSt. CiTEENS' TRUST COMPANY RALEIGHN., O., Solicits and ia empowered to execute TEXJSTS OF; ALL KINDS. TO MANAOK PEOrKHTT AS Agent Tor Owners To Buy and Bell Property, COLLEqT RENTS LOOK AFTEB TAXES, BUY AND SEli SECURITIES; To issue negotiable certihcatt uuxum goods on storage upon which money ca be obtained at the Lowest Baling Rate and to do all bmrinees usually done by Trust Companies. C. M. HAWKIN8; President W. E. ANDERSON. Vic-Prwid, mm SPRING TIME FOR! SALE. OTICE to the holders ot bonds of the nokth Carolina Railroad company I will be obliged to all holders of 8 per cent bonds Of the North Carolina R. B. Company, if they wilt let me know wht amount of bonds they hold, and the printed numbers! cf .such bonds; also whether they desire the bonds to be paid in cash, or will take ftock in the North Carolina Railroad Company in ex change, or wish to continue a loan to the company at six per cent after No vember 1st. lSw. 1 have now so.uvu in cash, and ran arrange for exchange of stock, or payment in cash at short notice, and will make or receive propositions now for such payment, or exchange of tookor otner collaterals. As the stock is not required to be lifted for taxation in the hands of the holder, it presents a good Opportunity foi a safe investment. JNO. W. GRAHAM, Trustee of Sinning Fund of N. C. R. K Co. Hillsboro, N. C, March 1st, r m o X 0 ; w M . : s M fW H w f 7. I c e per X 3 31 2! A Convenient Place TO STOP : MOSELEY'S i 1:0 FayetteviLle 6t., Kaleioh. Convenient for lawyers, because it'a near the capitol; convenient because you are comfortable with good fire in your rooms; convenient ' for we have all the delcacies of the season: convenient to have everything at hand for Reasonable Rates. Convenient for everybody who want a quiet quiet place.to rest. It's a convenient place for we make everybody feel as if at home. You will be satisfied at. 120 Fatettevilli St. M. H. AUFRECHT Artistic Wall Paper Decorator, Begs to inform the public that his stay in this city is Very Limited, As previous engagements in other cities make his Departure Necessary Parties wishing WORK DONE Apply at once, as first corue, FIRST SERVED. REFERENCES : J. S. CAKK, ESQ., I. H. FAUST, ESQ., Durham. Salisbury. Merchants and Farmers' Bank, Char lotte; Old Hickory Club. Salisbury; Geo. E. Wilson, Esq., Charlotte; J. K. Hol land, Esq., Charlotte. Offices at ' DURHAM, N. C., and CHARLOTTE, N. G. J.R.FERRALL&C0 3r r o c e 1 s 222 Favetteville St. Small lot of very choice N. C. HAMS. FINE Seed Potatoes. Errly Rose Bus bank Peerless, Good -rich and Hebrom, all pure seed. Sew Crop Cuba Molasses, Choice Porto Rico molasses. Fine New Orleaus Molasses. Pure rock candy drip syrup, half gal lon cans and by measure. Pure maple syrup, in cans and by measure. Fresh sure rahing buckwheat. FIRST-CLASS GOODS, LOW PRICES. PROMPT DELIVERY. FMatmtoi'i ftat, fzsaa rveTy Sty. Edw. J. Hardin. Grocer, Offers at all times a complete and , carefully Selected Stock Of all seasonable substantial and luxu ries of the PROVISION TRADE Meats, Fish, Fine Butter, Fine Teas, Coffees, &c, Ac. Canned Goods of the most -approved brands, including the Peaches, Peart, Apricots and Cherries of the ' "Golden Gate Company" of San Jose. FEST CANNED VEGETABLES, I Corn, Tomatoes, Asparagus, Succotash, dec, dec. PRESERVES, Jellies, Saucts, Olives, Flavoring Ex- tracts, and everything else in the way of TABLE SUPPLIES For special announcements from dav to day, see the local columa of this paper. E. J. HARDIN FiiESII GARDEN SEEDS. - IF YOU WANT A Good Vegetable Garden, PLANT LANDRETirS OR ELY'S RELIABLE GARDEN SEEDS SOLD BY-r LEEJ0HNS0N&C0. Druggists J Seedsmen OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE, BALEIQH, N. C Seed dealers supplied at Philadelphia. Wholesale prices. Orders by mail promptly filled. ' LEE, JOHNSON & CO. Druggists and Seedbkkn BINDERS EDWARDS & BROUGHTON, Having ample facilities and employing a large force, we offer special in ducements for quick work. 1 Oar Work Stands as First-CIass. AU th stock. Leal Blank Forms kept in PRINTERS AND Leaders in Low Prices. M.T.N0RRIS&BE0 OFFER TO THE Trade and Farmers A large and selected stock of Groceries and Farmers' Supplies and the highest of Standard FERTILIZERS Sold in the State. P0C0M0KE GDANO, P1TAPS0O GUANO. LAZARETTO ACID PHOSPHA1E AND OUUfAH XAIKIT. Also the King of the cotton field, THE STONEWALL COTTON PLOW At manufacturers' Prices. 100 bushels choice .r: Seed uts. Call or writ for prices. 1YI. T. norrfo&iDro. INC 0 PUTZ l'OMADE FtrClMii:IHMir : M E TiA. L S READYMIXED PAINTS In small packabe cau be applied by an one ALABASTINE For benutify ing w alls, is no new! ming in iriis market. Uundieds have used it, and are pleased wiiht. KGet sample card 0 12 beautiful colors. Also made wr lie. TH0SH. BRlGGS&SONS BRIGGS' BUILDING, RALEIdH. N. C. CD) A IL Three Hundred an,1 Fiftren Tons Arrived a few days since, -second ship j ment of that excellent Red Ash HORBERRY COAL Fcr grates. Superior to any other anthracite coal. Two hundred tons Tennessee Soft, and one hundred W. Va. Splint. WCIJXIMD), FIFTY CORDS DRY PINE, And two hundred best heart. Cut any length desired, or sold long. The best illuminating oils, delivere from our patent oil tank wagon. No waste to purchasers. PHIL. U. ANDREWS & CO., FUEL & FEED On hand and on the road the Al lowing seasonable articles: 700,TonB Anthracite Coal, egg, stove and natt sizes. 100 Tons Tennessee Coal. 200 Tons Pocahontas Coal. 500 Cords Oak end Pine Wood. 1500 Bushels Winter Seed Oats. 1500 Bushels White Spring Oats. Timothy Hay, Bean Ship Stuff, Chops, Meal, Seed-Wheat, Seed Bye, tc cheap for cash. Jones 6l Powell, Dodd's Corner and Central Depot, RALEIGH. N. O. NORTH CAROLINA Home Insurance Co., OF RALEIGH, N. a Orcaalzed In lSSS. Has been insuiing property in North Carolina for eighteen yean. With agents in nearly avery town in tha State acoes sible to railroads and east of the moon tains. THE HOME, "olicits the wlronasrn of nntnarfrr awkam 1 the State, offering them safe indem nity ror losses at rates as low as those or any company working in North Carolina. CLASSES OF PK0PEB7Y USUUi : Dwellings Jn town and country, mer caiitilo risks, churches, schools, court houses, society lodges, private barns and stables, farm produce and live Jtock, cot ton gins. , InHiire in the North Carolina Home Insurance Company. W. 8. Pbxxbosi, Chas. Boot President. Sc'y a ad Treaa. W. O. Ufchtjbcb, . p. Oowrnt Vice-President. Adjuster. Off ce in Briggs' Buiidinr, No. t I as ettnV'Ue street. Telenhcus No. SO. DR. E B. R AIVKEV, Iloutoeopatlilo Pliyaloidui, Halifax Street, j ' 1 Oppcsite Cotton Platform. Attends to tho general praotioe or ndir CtlTfti fttM fPBliun' isrfif A Ahm SPR 888 3D II H4 0 - M . j, .1- . It

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