j I 1 Am Oksekvek pOMJeSEO PlltT (EXCEPT MOJTDAtJ KD News jBTTBENfrW&'AND OESEHVEH Co J. I. MoKKJ SOI tor. Daily ex i y9tr, by ma'i ljostpaw, f 7 0 I 50 1 T6 1.26 T5 Weekly, &it " " i Ho iuudo entered without payment, and no p j tvt iwiaftgr jUie expiraUon ot tioie paidtof ent, and no pa- TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1888: DKMOCRAI DISTR ICT COM VKMTIO. A Convention of the Democratic of -ftK fourth Congressional ctistnc istriet will ?'be held at Raleigh on Mftv 39th Jniifxt. to nominate a candi date for Congress, a candidate for dis trict elector, to elect two delegates to .1 i T .I rVnifanttnn and for otfce purposes. By order of I the commsttee. h E. J. Pabeisj, Chairfairin executive committee. (Diatxicl ff&pers will please! eopy). entlk Dtjtriet Democratic Convention. A. convention of the Democratic party of Jthe seventh Congressional district will fee held at Salisbury on Wednesday, iune 20th next, to nomi nate a candidate for Congress and a candidate! tot district elector. The delegates ppiesenting the counties of the district Ua the State convention will meet fin fealeigh on Wednesday, May 30th neit, at 9 o'clock a. m to elect two (delegates to the Natiopal Democratic Q6nvention. By order of the executive committee. I T. B. ELDBirxjis, I Chairman. What do the brethren of the press think of florbead City during the meeting f the Teachers' Assembly as a 8Uggfestifin of .place and time for the press J contention? Wa hetVe Ko. 1 f the S&uthern OomtneraliH of Shelby, N. O., with the information that the next issue of the paper' Will be twice as large as the present one. This is a pretly rapid rte pf growth, and we hope is liut 'ah indication in reason of the manrjer ia which the paper is to crow in IproSperity. The publishers are Messf s. Babington, Roberts & Co.; the edito? Mr. C. P. Roberts. 1 We find in?, the Charlotte Chronicle , an admirable, contribution to the bis lorv of the State in an article from i - ; Si the pen it Cel. Wm. Johnston on thej various marohes and counter-marches - of Lord? Grnwalli8 with his army? through jjNofih and South Carolina in the campaigns of 1780 81. It is a pity thai attention ia not oftener di-t reoted t the events of the period ie ferred td. Those events should by no mean! iorgotten or be over-t . looked rir the youth of our land in the glorious Hleeds wrought by South-; ern val6r in the war between the J Thosk ladies who have recent! been- in international convection as With refereace to the vexed question of the Ssh&raes, for instance, Mrs, Elizabeth Cady Stantpn -of old, very old, though fragrant memory as a womana: rigjhter said: "Da let Can! ada hare three miles of the ocean i he wards it. If the cod is the bon of contention, as it is the poorest o ' all fish, let the Canadians eat ii peace, so lotog as we have oysters anc shad, baas and the delicate salmon.' All theyiwaat ia the ballot, these woi men, aid, speaking of fish, they'4 make a nes of it. 1 Wz ale informed that the growing propprton of the proposed conven tion in (he interest of immigration t the Souhern States east of the Miss) iisippi river, including Maryland oi the norh, has rendered it neoesearj to postppne; the date of the meeting td be hld at Hot Springs, N. el from April 11th until April 25th As we fiave heretofore, stated thi Governcks, Cotonissioners of Immi gration,PresideBtB and other officerd of the transportation companies and other Drbminent citizens of ih Siotd "V referredltpiwedbeggftstioil -V- -fine Gfevernori and officers of tM transportation companies, are expect iea lo pe present, as well as many ol the resident prelates, including Car dinal Gibbons of Baltimore, who apj proves tae dbject and hopes to bej be an Important gathering, as it will4 doubtless result in very great good to this section in the way of bringing into ourf borders such a class of im migrants as re need and deBire. ' . S - r t I Thi ljtesth the way of jonrnalis! tic enterriBei is the venture of the! New Tok Mail and Erprest Tnndei its new Management in beginning itef elitorial-pagfi every day with, a versei from the Bible. In Saturday's issue,1 for exarjplethe verse was as follows! 'Belilve oi Hiilt raised- Jesuaf our Lord from the oMd, who was ds-f uverea ap let our trespasses, and was raised fr or justification." ; Thenfollws the editorial matter: for thefdayi Every day there is a new verf e and so on throughout the year. The idea is a commendable! Vone,of couree,and a very valuable one, doubtless, up north" where they do; Hot rea the Bible much. But it strikes qne as being rather unduly. assertive or tne nign moral plane on which ii is proposod to run the paper. It Eeminde xjne too much to be pleas ant, of that other paper, once upon a time,' which found it necessary to acnoilnce' constantly and in big type "We telf the truth," and rather sug gests a fcan wbo may be imagined walkingfddwn the street, holding his ' head bih 8ay'Dg loudly to every one he ieita "I am honest." A pa per Bhduld be bo conducted, a man's walk in if 6 should be such, as to make such declaration unnecessary. A paper be judged as to ts moral o6e by the body of the matter ft ( contains, by its charac ter as sUown by all it prints from day to day ait from year to year without regard tb Special assertions like those we have Referred to. It is by what a man does And thus proves that he is, rather thai by what Le say tint Le ijudceJ by the people. It is even $0 mux bf wspapere. i i ii , ' I .1.1 Tnlliima. I nrn a TiacrrrtA hftVA hfpn hftlfl- I IU OAXiX.. 1 vi awmnwr Thb Democratic measure of tariff reform tax reduction has now been reported to the House and will bje considered, we have reason to be lieve, without any unnecessary delay. We have strong hopes that it will riassj moreover, despite tb.9 solid op position of the Republicans and the liisftfifeiitian of the Randallites. The speech of Republican member Nelson of Minnesota was an indication to Shat'end and there jare other encour 4ging Bigns. ' Ouf long suffering, much burdened people havegooJ reason to hope, and this is distinctly ue to Democratic endeavor, earnes', fatriotio and continued through eatB. I Miss Lillie Devereux Blake spoke at the Woman's Righis Congrees in WaBhingtdn on the legal disabilities "pt women, and the , Charleston News fxni Courier snows preuy conciu feively, 80 far at lea9t, ns the Soulh is onbernedj that her broad statement bat where the English law prevails, Ns in all the Southern and in some fof the Northern States, the wife has 0 right to her own property or her jbwn holdings," is conspicuously wide of the fact. I In Florida, says our contemporary, .Via Stftto Constitution Drovides as follows : I "Section 25. Alf property, both real land personal, of the wife, owned by her before ner marriage, or acquireu afterward by gift, devise, descent or DufchaFe, shall be her separate prop erty and not liable for the debts of her husband." The provision on the same subject in the Georgia Constitution is as 'ol lows : 4A11 property of the wife in ber possession at tne time 01 ner mar riage, and an property given w, u herited or acauired by her, shall re main ber separate property and not be liable for the debts of ber hus band." The Constitution of Louisiana has the following provision : KThe General Assembly shall pro vide for the protection of the rights of married women to their dotal and paraphernal property, and for the registration of the same." The Constitution of Mississippi contains the following provision : ("Section 16. The rights of married women shall be protected by law, in property owned previous to marriage; and also in all property acquired in gdod faith by purchase, gm, devise Ummm.dI ttllav morriflffA " The provisions of the South Caro lina Constitution on the subject are follows: "Section 8. The real and personal Dropertv of a woman held at the time of her marriage, or that which she mav thereat ter acquire, earner by gut, 0-rant. inheritance, devise or other wise, shall not be subject to levy and rale for her husband's debts; but ehallbeheld as her separate prop- erty, and may be bequeathed, devised or alienated by her the same as if she ere unmarried." , ; The Constitution of Texas pro vides! as follows: "Section 15. All property,, both real and personal, of the wife, owned or claimed by her before marriage, piv'yvm-wj et -'1 Kit mtt I Iu the Constitution of West Vir ginia there is the following provision: ( "Section 49. The', Legislature shall pass such laws as may be necessary to protect the property of married women from the debts, liabilities and contfol of their husbands-" ; The provision of the Constitution of North Carolina on the point is as follows: I "Section 6. The real and personal property of any female in this State, acquired before marriage, and all property, real and personal, to which she may after marriage become in any manner entitled shall be and re main the sole and separate estate and property of such female, and shall not be liable for any debts, obliga tions or engagements of her husb&nd, and may be devised or bequeathed, and, with the written consent of her husband, conveyed by her as if she were unmarried. I The Newt and Courier, by way of postscript, concludes by saying that out of the fifteen States of the Union, which have umbodied in their organic laws provisions concers&Bg women, nine are' Southern States; and there iaLnot in the fifteen even so much nn one of the New England States, while tne only Middle State in the list is Stmnsylvania- This speaks particu iarly trail for the Southern States and will do Very well for something to taxe out 01 tne mouth, so to speak, the rather disagreeable taste left by tue vy oman outrage Convention. CURRENCY. She was a pretty salesgirl; He asked her for a kiss, For he was the accepted Of the fair and blushing miss. She gaye him one, and as she drew ;Her rotv lips away. "Is there," she asked in trembling toned, "Anything else today?" Boston Courier. A. Freak of Nature: Timpkins 1 say, Jones, those trousers of yours are mighty shabby." Jones (who is sensitive on the subject arid replies with some asperity) "Well, anyway tney cover a warm heart !" Judge. The Best is the Cheapest: Dry vrouun uierit itoiauy looKing at mourn ing goods) "That is an excellent piece of goods, n?aiam." Lalv "ivuiuaoup nicely .1 (jierk "Oh, yes, madam. 1 sold some of that crepe to Mrs. Smith several years ago, and today she is wearing it for her third husband." I'idBils. Mrs. Bukoleek, who I ves on a farm, upon reading that a "number of Philadelphia' ladiea have taken up fencing as an exercise," remarked that she thought they would have enough exercise to last them a life time after they had dug a few post ko'les and put up several panels of fthce. "For my part," she added, "I'd just as lief take up ploughing in a forty-acre held as an exercise." -Norrittoxon Herald. We violate no confidence when we state that the rumor that Jay Gould hae returned to settle up his affairs and retire permanently from Wall Street is not entirely authentic. Mr. Gould has frequently settled up his affairs and retired permanently from Wall Street before and it is worth nothing that when he resumed, jt was generally considered a hint fof many other speculators to retire perma nently from Wall Street without set iluig up their affaire, leaving that hi tie formality to the assignee Lift. , nwn SXVta trPV.Tl 1 V WM" - w I , tICVl fc . 1. 1 - " " - I I I 1 1 1 1 I Mill I I 1 1 1 I I I I J , X WILMINGTOS ON THE BASK WRECK. Cor. ol the News M Observer. WiLMisaTQsj N. C, March 30. The interest in Mr. Pearson's meet- mg - is mcrqasiug. uo ujao mo deepest impression Dn all, and accom nlishea results hH looked for. He preache the i Word of God with sim plicity and : earnestness, and pro nounces His judgments without fear. Many wbo ibBlore ma coming an nounced themselves as opposed to him and hid methods have been fre quent attendants and faithful listen ers. One young lady, whose pas'or discountenanced the meeting, and rithstauding her haviDg been a member of the church for some time, professed conversion, saying that she nau nver ; jti uccu " verted. Khe io a regular at tendant and : a v.orker among the unKavtdj Surely God's power is in the ricicher and among the sinners, j Mohv pf us had looked upon Mr. Pearson; as a reinirk-ibly 8uccj8i ful preacher full of grace, but not as a man of an special n'ertal powers or of anv degree of intellectual analy sis, but Ihcee Who beard his sermon nn ihfi "Divmitv of Chvst niust bave changed that opinion. The writer remembers t j have heard but one or two sermon that would equal 1; in striking analysis, logical sequence of arrangement and positive, v gorous thought. It was complete. All his nnrmona arfl staifloed with an indi viduality and delivered with such ear ner up 93 and fearleBsnesp, backed always by the Word of God, as drives them to the mark We venture that Wilmington; has not done so much solemn thinking and self examination in years. The Tabernacle was tonight tboroufihlv hlled, with crowd3 stand ing around ihe doors and side aitlcs. Of course nothing but tbe greatest -.1 1 . 1 A! U . ,1 surprise and muigcaiion una u;ieu the hearts oj pur citizens against Ral eigh's heartless robbers. Th e trick ery and anayery ol sucn a crime, ana its far-reaching results are noi, pressed upoh u until it happens, 11K9 rigUli 111 uui uuuci. "5u must be hardened who can thus vio late every principle of justice, honor, gratitude, aiid love, ana all, too, un der the livtrv ol tbe churcu. isase, ignoble soulf, we rejoice tha, there is a prospect Of thcu- reaping tbe sf rewar i of their crimes. The d distressed families have our heart lelt Bvmnftt.hiesJ as thev have ours, and as they have that of their widely beat tered friends. P. B. M. Korth Carolina In CongreM Friday m the House Mr. Hender son reported the bill to regulat? the liens of judgments and decrees of the courts of the United btates. our Henderson said with respect to it "Mr. Speaker, this bill has been very carefully considered by the judiciary committee. ; A great many gentlemen on the floor seem to think that the bill ia awkwa:dly or inartificially drawn that its meaning is not clear. It may appfear so to gentlemen who have examined it tor oiiiv a lew miu utes. : But' we have considered the bill with the utmost icare. We have had the benefit of the debate in tbe ntuf3nruss)n a measure matte any phiiner, when we consider that the object is not to force any new law upon any State, butsimply lo require that the lien which the State provides for the judgment of its own courts shall be the hen of a Federal judgment Whenever the State law will permit. Congress cannot pass a law compelling a State officer to record a Federal judgment in the clerk's office of a $tate eourt. If we could do that, the commHte would have drawn the bill that way. But we provide that the lien of a judgment of a Federal court shall be the same as the lien cf the judgment pt a State court that it shall bo a Hen on property in the same I manner and to the same ex tent. I I i It goes oh to say when State law requires certain things to be done be fore the lien ehall attach then those regulation! of State courts shall ap ply to regulations of Federal courts whenever the Legislature of a State will so authorize." The bill was passed. Mr. Nichols presented the petition of Lobal AB&rmbly, No. 3G0G, of Ral eigh, and Local Assembly, No. 4796, of Durham, Knight of Labor, iu fa vor o the iehnage bill. Monday In tbe House llr. Hender son presented the following petitions for an increase of compensation of fourth-class postmasters: Qf Elias Hunley and 56 otLera, of W: Mi Smith and 57 others, of Angus jucxnnis ana zy othere, of c. 12. Hear per and 50.others, of R. E. Reynolds and 00 others, CJ-U,-W. Montgomery and 13 others, of A. jTCScfccan and .40 omeiB, ci iiev. J . ju. Uennett aM 55 others, of O. M. Lammonds and 'Z6 others, and of S. C. Sanders and 44 others, of Montgomery county, a. xj. air. owies introduced a bill to place the nirne of Jonas Price on the pension roll.' Thursday Mr. Johnston presented the petition of B. B. Whitcomb and othere, citizens of Cherokee couutv. a. xj. lor auiy on maro.e: Also, petition cf J. A. Carter and others;, citizens of North Carolina, in favor of iiOuse bill 738t). Dlxcitoriuprtme Court Dccliloni. By the News and Observer. Cunjming vs. Barber. Held, Wjiile if parties reduce tho whole of their agreement to writing. parol evidence can not be had to change it, yet if tho wholo agreement was not pat in writiner, or if the writing leaves it uncertain what th agreement wae, parol evidence is competent, iiOt to contradict, but to make certain what the real agreement was. Held, Where b? a eon met of in writing it is htipulated that, if t.b lessee, in case of a fir, elects to re build, be ;to have tbe insurance money; und 1 be iust uuu ut in hilent as to vyhen jo iu to have tho money, parol evidence u coujpetet.t to show the agreement as to that: aDd so ar letters from tlie lessor, showing his understanding to have been as de fendant claimed. Held, The submission of unneces sary or immaterial issues is not as signable as eriror when the annellftnt was not prejudiced thereby. The fact as the Obi-ekveii Printing Company has stepped into popularity. and is no J.:ceh patronized by many Mho believe iu encouraging Home Indiistfy; See advertisement in another Cslumn. ConRrctl EplUm. . ('orameraial and Financial Chronicle. ,i Fkipat ioht, March du, 188. ibis ia Good Friday, and although not a bank holiday causes the almcst totkl suspension of business down town. AH ; the principal exchanges i h .dosed. ; The weather has become ni.fe springlike warmer, with heavy raihs and some further progress has ben made in re-opening inland nav igation in northern latitudes. Action on the tariff bill is delayed by the severe illness of Mr. Mills, the chair the, committee on wavs and means. New complications have aria-1 eu in the Western ranroad strikes, and srioa troubled are threatened between the managers of the great breweries of the country and their eniployeer.' (Lira on the spot has latterly been more active, and yesterday brought , n - t M 1 i mere money. JLoaay i&e ma K.et was qiiiof , closing this afternoon at 7-70c fo- prime city, 7-978 02c, for prime tojcb 'ice Western, 7.80c for refined td tbe Coatinent and 8.60c for South America. Lard for future delivery bdeame active on Tuesday, in sympa tby with the corn market, and prices made some advance on Wednesday. Today there was no deemed change, bat the speculation showed considera hie spirit, i Pork has betn unsettled, but closes with a better demand; mess $14. 25a S15: extra prime $13; clear $16. 25s. 18. Gut meats are quite firm, with ;. ,. ..; un;D ToTLW ft Detier lnquirj piuivieu ucuion hijv, shoulders M Ja7c , and hams DalOc ; inoked shoulders 7iabc, ana nams llalli- Biei is nominal at $7a7.5U fpr extra jnets and $8a8 50 for packet der barrel; India mess quoted at $14 a$lo per tierce ana Deei umua !iua Sllfi.25 cer barrel. Tallow is firmer at 4c. Stearine is quiet at ba$ Oleomarearine ia easier at 6?a6L But ter is m full supply ana weaK; Mladic for creamery, 21 a29 a for btate dury Cheoce is nuiet; fancy taii-maae nnd at 12al2ic for oolorcd and 2a fo- white, with common to line lOallia and skims 4ajo. Cohee on the spot nas connnuta active for all grades, but was rather quiet today. The specu'atiou in Rio options been active, dui me course of prices was variable and somewhat irregular. Today there was 'some depression at the openiDg, but the close showed a partial advance on yesterday. Haw sugars bave declined a irac- tion, but at tbe reduction were yes terday quite active, including three cargoes Muscovado, 89 degrees test, at 2 li-16c, c. and f. Today business was, quiet, with fair refining Cuba quoted 4f c, and centrifugal 96 de crees test 5 7-16. Molasses has been; steady and moderately active at zv$a for 50 deg. tefct. The sale of 12,725 packages tea by auction, on Wednes day, went off at full prices. Foreign freah fruits continue to sell very well at publjo gale. Spirits turpentine is firmer at 40c, but closes quiet, and rosins also slightly dearer at $1.22c for com moo to good strained. Crude petro leum certificates close at 87a88c. Prices ou the Metal Exchange show a decidqd though somewhat irregular decline in speculative values. The iron markets are dull and unsettled- The speculation in cotton for f u.ure r.-Tf" j,TH ,u view. Siturday was lower, and there was a sharp decline iu the early hours of Monday, until this crop ranged 23 a32 points below the close on Friday; A Small failure was announced. Then a quick 1 rally followed, on a demand to cover contract, stimulated on Tuesday by an advance in Liverpool, which also caused some revival of speculative confidence among the bulls; but, without making "a full re covery, the market became weak and unsettled. On Wednesday, with Liv erpool reporting a decided advance, the opening was quite buoyant, so continuing to the second call, when August Bold at 4 points advance on the lowest figure of the previous Mondav The demand was here checked, and under sales to realize prices receded slightly. Today, although Liverpool reported a further and important ad vance? this market opened lower, par tially recovered, but declined again towards: the close. Tho sharp de cline in futures at New Orleans was said to ! be partially due to higher freights from that point. Cotton on the spot declined 1 16o on Siturday and on Monday. At tho d.clint-j buBiutfs for txpon becamo quite brisk, and there was a recovery of l-16conj Tuesday, and o on Wedr.es ,1 C 1 x t; r 1 ., uj. ouuit uuuees ior April were generally stopped, and it was under stood that the deliveries will bo most ly exported. Today quotations were revised; low grades of white were ad vanced; high grades of white and all stained dotton were lower; middling uplands! clotii;g at 9 15 16a The Cotton ; Exchacge adjourned from Thursday to Monday next. 'l'he tpt&i shows .that the old iste rior stocks have decrease(Tdvxuig the week ; 10,541 bales and are toh1gh4i iw,oo paies more tnan at the same period last year. The receipts at the same towns have been 12,579 bales less (ban the same week last year, and since September 1 the receipts at all the towns are 29,176 bales more than for the tame time in 1886-7. The figures indicate a decrease in the cotton in sight tonight of 100,242 bales as compared with the same date of 1887, a decrease of 102 263 bales 'as compared with tho corresponding date of 18dG and an increase o! 18, 813 bales as compared with 1885 i The BoodUra' V.'rl. ?)illa(i'p)iia Ximes.- Tha president and cashier of the Nor h Carolina national bank, who lately skipped, have inaugurated a new fashion in traveling to Canada. They took the colored porter of the uank With them to carry the coin. It is supposed tney were afraid that. vvitbout him the railway porter cn the Canadian train would have won the entire proceeds of the robbery before the journey was ended, so thor preferred to employ their own plunderer. PhyBiuUtUu Prescribe Dr. J. H. Mc-" Lean s Tar Wine Lung Balm, in it they find no traae of opium or mor- (ibia while its elhcacy in curing all hroat or lung diseases is wonderful. 23 cents a bottle. The Best Butter. I am now re ceiving about two hundred pounds per week of fine butter from the dairy farms of Mr. W. G. Upchurob, Dr. Richard H. Lewis, Capt. B. P. Wil liamson and others. This butter is bf the finest possible qualitr; nut ur in one pound prints, sent in twice a week and therefore always fresh. JS. j. Habsih. Georcia negroes ing a convention in1 Macon and their ("resolves" eover pretty much cvery 1'iing from alleged ballet box BtuffiDg io penitentiary etiquette. nrrm OonrfKOoW", HumCrimn, iethmM, e disease. Price tfcu. Cau tion. Ttio Genuine Dr. BulVt wikifa mrarrvrrtL. and bean our NMrirfvrwt Tttk hvli nrkd to V it 1 A JtaWm lltvul in a. riMVil. a Rett- fa-3im1fp1iTTtiira(rf John W. ITup'fc Siamor lid.. or a. c. tieyzr Cv.. bow 1 vXa. ICC S A LV AT E O H O I L, Tbe Oretet Cure ba Earth for Pain," Will relieve moro quickly than any other known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost bites. Bacltache, Wcuncli, Headache. Toothache, Sprains, &c. Sold by all 6raceita. Price 29 Cent a Bcttle- HAXA.LL CRENSHAW MILLS Byrd Island jPatent Frlou Makes the whitest iad best of brcaJ. W.CU.B. 5 Millirr' Agents Haxaii Creaehw Mills. For flour: Patent Family Extra and S'jper Flour, Mill Prices. all grades. Jobbing Trade Supplied at Flour shipped disect from desired. Mill if so 1 50 PER DOZEN. N. C TOMATOES, 31b. Cans. Home Grown, Hoi'iie Packed, TJnBur passed hs to quality, flavor. &c. Spe cial prices t jobbing trade, JOctS. PER CAN. STRING BEANS, LIMA BEANS, Corn, Succotash, Green Pt?a3, 30 cents. JAPANESE LUNCH BASKET Fifled with Van Derveer & Holmes' Finest Cakes. FEE6U ' AEEIVAL8 in PIN-MONEY SWEKET PICKLES, Oid Dominion5 Plain and Mixed Tickle. Gordon & DilwortL's i3sltl Dressing, New Process Catsnp OliTes. JPreserves an i Jams. California Hcnev Dew I'iudbs, I 101b. canp, 1.75 BEST FARD DATES, 10 lb. Bosrs. 20 Tcs. IIIRVEY'S LARD AT BALTI- l :OlE PRICES. SEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, Worth & Worth's Importation, i bble. find hhd. Coeman's Mustard Oil, Sure cure for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia, 50 cents bottle. For Nervous Exhaustion, Try WINE OF COCOA, ; $1 00 per bottle. Royal Food Co'a Prepared Chocolate, 1 lb, tins 50&,'i lb. tins 25s. 2,000 LBS. Fruit Preserves and Jellies At Manufacturers' Prices. r CURES All the ills that fkeb. ia l.tir ,o, Hiesel's IVppt-riiiiit Chtwintr Guu. ; .100 pes. 60e. i'aneUlla? Punfetelias, 10c. cgar for 5c, guaraatted ali HaVana, wrapper and filler, 25 per box of CO LA BOQUET, Packed 25 in a box, Elegant Saaoke, $1.00 per box. EDWARD FASNAOH. AALSIOH, N. C SOLITAIRE and CLUSTER DIA105DS, Gold Jewelry, Gold and ftiler Watchea, tiorham'B Sterling Silverware, Roger plated silverware, any size and weight of pliic 18 karat En- ' gagement rings constant i ly in stock. Badges and Medals maa ; to order. Our Optical Department Embraces an endless variety cf lenses which together witJi our practicl expe rience enables us tb correct almost any error of refraction In Myopia (nearsight), Hypermetropia (far eight), Presbyopia low! Bigm). Anu'uupi vweas sigut) ana giving prompt relief from that d it tress ing headache which often accompanies imperfect vision. Ol' K ARTIFICIAL Human Eyes Move aud look like tlie natural organ No pain when inserted. Patients at a distance having a broken eye can have another made without call ag rrtiop.ally- HomoiLsoptttlilo Phylolan, IfgtlWx Street, Op-.aite Cotton Platform, Attends to the general practice of medi oiMu Special attention paid todiseMt of wofoaa Mid ohildrea. STRONACH JEWELER OPTICIAN II i i i ni niiiii v i ' r . i u pi . i mj lit i H,h, a"t ALE OF VALUABLE CITY PEOPEKTY. I Illitf II UMllftti. I 1 111 1 1 i-il XJ t t D I EDWARDS &.BR0UGUT0N, Xin-loigli, IV. o. Iluving ample facilities and employing n. large force, we offer special in ducements for quick work. Gcr Work Stands Tirst-Class. All tbe 8to;k. Lepal BUnk F'onng kept TO DAY J. R. FERRALL & CO ARE liECEIVING GorJen & Dilworths eelebrated mince mpat. Spanish Queen Olivea in self scaling jars. Salad dressing, the beet made. Ox tail Soup, ready for the table, add water and boil. Sweet Pickle Peaches. Preserves in jara and by the pouid. Cucumber Pickles by measure. Evaporated, Peaches, Apricots, Pears and Apples. Dried Peaches and Apples. Choicest varieties California can Peaches and Pears. BEST BRANDS Can corn, Succotash, Peaa and Toma toes. Specially low prices on can goods. Gallon cans Beaches and Apples very low. Telephone 83. Prompt delivery. THF, State insurance Agency, criP AND LIFE. WILSON, Wm & G0KE, Managers, RALEIGH, N. C The uadrrsignc ' have this day eetab llehed an acency for w rising insurance, both on lifo and property, and will be glad to have the patronage of the people of Raleigh and the State at large Tho companies represented by them are among the very best in all respcs and will guarantee protection at the Lowest Rates and in a satisfactory man ner. P. M. WtLSOX. B. 8. JKKMAN. A. J. COOKE C i ) A L. Three Hundred and Fifteen Tons Arrived a few days since, second ship ment of that excellent Red Asb LORBERRY COAL For grates. Superior to any other anthracite coal. Two hundred tons Tennessee Soft, and one hundred W. Va. Splint. FIFTY CORDS DRY PINE, And two hundred best heart. Cut any length desired, or sold long. The best illuminating oils, deliver from our patent oil tank wagon. ao waste to purchasers. - Pill! . U. ASDREWS & CO., PROPOSALS FOR TOBACCO. - March 24, 1888. Sealed proposals, erjdorsed "Proposals for Tobacco," will be re ceived, from manufacturers or regular dealers on!y, at the Bureau of Provis ions and Ciothing, Navy D apartment, Washington. D. C, until 11 o'clock a m., April ay, 1SS8. and opened immediately thereafter iu the presence of bidders, for the supply, on or before November 1. 1883, at the Navy Yard, New York, of one hundred and fifty thousand (150, 0C0) pounds of Navy tobacco. Tie bids decided by lot. Bidders are referred to tba Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, Navy Department, Washington, D. C, for specifications, forms of offer, and all information relative to the article re quired. The proposals muat be made ia auplicate on the proper blank forms and filled out as indicated by the blank. The Department reserves the right to re ject any proposal not considered ad van tageous to the Government. JAMES FULTON, Paymaster General, U. 3. Navy. BINDERS WflDdDBDo I irnrtomodfcv virtue of ; decree ol Wake 8u- 1 " 11 KnrWxDd kY virtue of mI decree ol Wake Su perior Court, made at February Term, im, in Uj mif o(.I. M. Push vs. Martha Mason, adm'x et at, the underiiKutMi will ?ipe U piidlio le at th i-rtiirt home door In tht-clty of Kaleich on MONDAY, AFKI1. Zki. !. ! st 12 o'clock M., that Taluawe noine ana 101 111 ... ... -:.. . ., : . . .Ki i.f Ilia ' ir.e eny 01 n.iit?igu. Dt'ionuiK -m ... ... Ute WilV.aMi tt. Mason, situate on Kdeuton street, Lelwon Wilniitigtou at.dliUiunt strefti, frontiliK nhout li feet on Kdeiitofl street, and running back iioyeet, iih an alley 10 feet wide to Wil mlnKton street The iwellir,rlioiise is one of the most desirable in the city, beieg on of tho" best built houses in Uie State, with sewerate connection. The ale 111 he without ksrvk except that it will be whjt ct to confirmation by the court. Terms of sale : Oue-half cash and a credit of six months as to tlie residue Willi interest at six per cent. C. M. RUSHER, 8. F. MORDKCAI, Commissioners. March 21St, 18. V.chilttds. LAND FOR 9AI.K. On Wednesday. April 25th, If 88,at the Court House door in Kaletgb. N. C. 1 will sell at public outcry to theliljthestbiddar, a tract of land, situate In Little Kiver township, Wake countv, bounaea on the north by the lands of K. M. Barham and others; on tbe east by tbe lands of Mrs. t. A. Btradley and others; on the South by the larids of W. If. Underwood and oth ers, and on the Wst by th land of T. Scarbor ough and others. Salu tract of land t.cinn known as the "Fenny Hill Place,'? and containing SiS acres, more or less. alft made under powers con ferred upon me by a'tnortgaice from C. J. t'rudup, recorded in book No, S7 page Is, of the office of the Kegister of Deeds of Wake county Terms of sale, cash. Hour of sale. 12 m. BKTTIE N. YOUNG, Mortgagee. Battle & Mordecal, Attorneys, rrar J tds. fuet&feed Oil hiOK road the lowing seasonable articles: 700 Tons Anthracite Coal, egg, stove z and nutt sizes. 100 Tons Tennessee Coal. 200 Tons Po-ahonts Coal. 500 Cords Oak tnil Pine Wood 1500 Bucihels Winter Seed Oats. 1500 Bushels White Spring Oats. Timothy Hay, Bean Ship Stuff, Chops, Meal, Seed-Wheat, Seed Rye, fec cheap for cash. Jones & Powell, Dodd'x Corner and Central Depot, RALEIGH, Edw. J. Hardin, Grocer, Offers at all times a complete and carefully Selected Stock Of all seasonable substantial s and luxu ries Of ih PROVISIOffRADE Meats, Fish, Fine Butter, Fine Teas, uonees, sec, so. Canned Goods of thef moat approved brands, including the Peaches, Pears, Apricots and Cherries of the "Golden Gate Company" ef San Jose. BEST CAMED VEGETABLES, Corn, Tomatoes, Asparagus, Succotash PRESERVES, Jellies, Sauce, Olivea, Flavoring Ex tracts, and everything else in the way of TABLE SUPPLIES For special announcements from day to day, see the local cpiums of this paper. E.J. HARDIN. PltOPOHALH FOB II IDS. RALKiaH,(N. C, March 23, 1888. By virtue of authority vested in me by the Board of Trustees of the North Caro lina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. I hereby invite proposals for the erection and completion of the main building of said college, according to the detail drawings aud SDecifioatiowi nf th same which may lie seen in the office of the undersigned in this city. All bids must be sealed and addressed to the Board of Trustees of the said col lege, Raleigh, N. C., and mast be submit ted on or before noon of Thursday, the 12th of April, 1881 at noon, of which dav tney wm m paa oy tne Doard. The general dimensions of said building are as follows: Extreme length l?o fett, greatest width 60 feet, basement and two and a half stories above. I will furnish printed specifications on request for same, and the Trustees re serve tbe right to rejeot any and all bids. W . 8. PRIMROSE, Oh'm Ex. Com. N. O. Col. Ag. and Meo. Art. mar88-43w. : N. O. 2 L CPQ O n T OO w 2 c 5- I 1 0 ; no o j 4 23 I : s 0TQ I - M - - 1 o CD" CO IF VOU WAST-A- i ii Good Vegetable ! Garden PLANT LANDRETH'SORIeLY'S -BELIABLB GARDEN SEEDS SOLD BY LEE.J0HNS0N&00. Druggists J Sdedsmcri OPrOSITE I'OSTOFFICE, I RALEIGH, N. ' Seed dealers supplied afc 1 hiladelphia. Wholesale prices. J t j Orders by mail promptly filled. t LEE, JOHNSON & CO. f Druggists and BeXdshxn. NORTH CAROLINA ; Home Insurajnee Co, OF RALEIGH, N. O. i i f i . ; OrtaiilMd In W8S. : Has been lnsmlng property in Worth Carolina for eighteen years. With agents in nearly very town In j ths State acces sible to railroads and east of the moon tains. : : S " ' ! THIS H0ME,j t Solicits the pntronage oproparty owners ; in the State, offering them safe indem- nity for losses at rates a low as those of any company working in nortn (Jar o una. CLASSES OF PEOPEKniJSCEEJ : Dwellings in town and country, mer cantile risks, churches schools, court houses, society lodge, private barns and stables, farm produce and Live stock, cot ton gins. : j Insure in the North; Carolina Home Insurance Company. i W. 8. Peimbose, j Chas. Boot President. Sec 'v tad Trea. f W. G. Dpchubch, I P. Cowpkb Vice-President. Adjuster. Office in Brism' Buitdtfir. No. 89 Vk. etevil!e street. Teleohon No. . E 4 1 Leaders in Low Prices. M.T.N0RRIS&BR0 OFFER TO- THE 5 ! Trade and! Farmers i I A large and selected stock of Groceries zvA Farmers' Supplies i: . J and the highest of standard , f J Sold in thefState. POCOMOKEiGUAM ' f PATAPPCO 6DANO. f I LAZARETTO ACID PHOSPHATE ' j !- AND QEKMAN KAIMT. Also the King of the cotton field, ! THE STONEWALL I COTTON PLOW i. j; At manufacturers' Prices. 100 'i bushels choice ' Seed jiDatsi Call or write for prices. M- T. Norrls & EEro. l SPRI J. C. BREWSTER Is now receiving his stock of r SPRING GOODS Vtm dwar and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS I Of every description, fall and complete hoes, rakes, spades, shovels, pitch forks, floral sets, sc., &c. I Beautify Yotir Homes By painting your dwellings, out houses, fences Sc., Sc., with the best Green Seal White lead. ' or the Manhattan Ready Mixed Paint guaranteed to wear as well as or- f dinary white lead and oil. f All colors on hand. Prices guaranteed Hardware, edge tools,! fin pocket and table cultery a specialty. Cooking stoves at all prices. Will fee sold uu j terms, iin roofing, plumbt ing, steam and gas; fitting done f in workmanlike manner and k an wore warranted. i J.C.BBEW8TEB, J ; 214PayettevilleSt.t A Convenient Place TO STOP: j"; MOSELEYS 120 KA YITTI YILI.S ST., KALXIQB. s i- I ' ; Convenient for lawyers, because It'a near the capitol; convenient because Toa are comfortable with good fire iu our rooms; convenient for we have all tha Reasonably Rates. I i Oonyenient for everybody who watk quiet quiet pUce,to rest. I Its a convenient nix. r ev rybody feel as if at home. ycu will van n V ' IE u BAxzTTBTati at. 1 t 4 JL