J "9 ii s ,s r B WS AND OBSBTBH - J' J F pft wngp LfAZLT (UOZH AiOJCDAT) A v .. I Wbesxy. I t I Bt THE NEW8N AJTD OBSERVES CO. 1. J if Dsxrj on rear, by mail postpaid, TfT tlx montfas, V " ! thiwe - Ts w 1 TO ilJS tiX BOOUU," IT uau entered without pavment. maA- BO PSr ti seat after uie expiration of time paid tor.! ; "ITTlJESDAy, APRIL 10, 188$. dmocilatic d termer cos vst jnio. A convention of the Democratic party lot tbe fourth Congressional diBkrict wUl" be held at Raleigh on M4y 20th, next, to nominate a candi date for Congress, a oandidate for diis triet elector, to elect two delegates to the National Democratic t Convention ang for other purposes. By order of tha committee. j i i I 1 ' E. J. Pabbisj, j Chairman executive committee. (Pislrict -papers will please qopj). $Bti say that Senator Oray U to bejtheljaew Chief Justice andi that wi$ leave the Senatorial toga ready tot-Sic Bayard if he tires of cabinet employment. j Bunk proposes to be at sea durtbfhthe sitting of the Republican National Convention, and 'it looks! as il the said conT6ntion will be at sea atrat that time too. if J i 5 ! i jalaRosa, the new postmaster at Washington City, has produced great consternation in that establishment By.beginning the work of putting in ooj afelent Democrats. n ! BTAtisTKiAN Dodok, who dodged ito recent blow aimed at him success fully, finds that he has a more serious Afack to combat- It is now thought that his official head may not escape frHllr'i 1- are celebrating tbe centennial piTersarj of tne settlement or "the 0io country" by Gen. Ruf us Putnam arm tbe soldiers of the Revolution. Tie day of centennials is a long one in.' the nature of things ZThi Direct-tax bill is to disti ! it i ibute some seventeen million dollars a: th i northern States. Is that daucy" or whatT Will the Jlqw Yrk Post please rise to explain! We the, suggestion is that I they Id some taxes once upon a time. V Th, Democratic caucus Saturday 1 decided to' stand bv what is known ,1 a4'the omnibus bill with respect to . u aamusion oi territories. jxnat ptjoride for the admisBiqaij of DkoUi, Montana, Washington and i:0Tw Mexico, aad the caucus resolved I.,.?; . ' J- . i ; i! ; . usi an onaDimg act Boouia do pasea atf this session. j f P CH8XT Cox baa introduced a bill to prepare for taking the nextcehsus. WU, let's begin in time and pe in tedinss and have the entire jwork v d(ae ill a twelvemonth. Theinan 4 agment of the last census watj slm- ?l abominable. They haven's! yet t ajshed spinning out the big volumes Of ij.880, which nobody ever will j read ani.1 that are of no use to man. pr proposed royal betrothal at ?lin has been arranged. Bismarck given up his purpose to resign for 'tte sake of the maintenance 1 bf Otijrman unity and Prince AJeiiwder : of Battienberg goes to Charlotteabupg nftlt week to visit his sweatljeart, ' ih) Princess Victoria. Cupid has iroii a vi'oiy, therefore, over state require ' mmts, a thing which does not often ' hJpe' -, . ' i -Tun entWpristng Conttitutio$ has interviewed about fifty lawyers n At. Wnta ;ith the question Who is the b?t lawyer in that city. To be; sure a Teat diversity of sentiment ii no ; tejjt, bat it is gratifying to observe tbit Hoke Smith, who has good North Carolina blood in his veins, is spoken ! of as "(the beet lawyer to win a case." Tisat is generally what lawyers are ' wslited for. T -s eXnm Atlanta Constitution grafely aaim: "As to the Mills bill, wej oon- feit that we do not understand it." Ot well; that's all right; the oun t try -can't wait for the ConstitutiM o biunderstandinor thines. Let 'the biH'be passed, and perhaps when the Solh has ta en a new boom ind a wh'ple lot of new subscribers arri able topuy the Constitution, it will begin topjraerstand what made the Conn trj prosperous. jj i I i Tbx situation in tbe House of jRep retfjehtatives at Waehing-on remuned unchanged yesterday morning. The direct tax bill, on which the fighi is befog made, was in 'exactly the eame potation that it occupied on Tuesday mcsjng last when E. B. TayIor of Ohjionoved that the House resolve itself into Committee of the Whole forj the consideration of the measure. Tt'e House has never yet reached a vo !e. ; MotionB to adjourn and toj take a recess have preference at all times, an these motions have been repeated soften that nothing else has been ,eneriined. The force opposing the bLM has been admirably led by Messrs. urTsxenriage oi rveniucKy ana yates oi piabama. JuBV"n!nety-year-oia menu, m. D. H&rington, is entitled to some litfle latitude, and we print his jcom miniotion, remarking, however, that he s under a wrong impressipn as. to wbt tGok place at the time he was in RaSeigl. :jf fVe also, like him, are thankful to Iwvee lived in an era when, with f!ew exptions, all the good men of North Carolina are uni ed together in; One paiky and ogauizaticn for tie ad vancement of the best interests of the pelple of the State. Old party ', ihes arc forever obliterated Htuntip "s And th good men of tie S igi r ,; lite differences of io great ooiut ':, ai $ slashug bhotildr to should i in tb air purpose to do the best poss'ilue f tne Welfare of the whole people. Sit TH BAMK HiTTER. Tbe (return of the absconding presi dent and cashier of the State National Bank has been attended by the cir cumstances we anticipated and fore shadowed some ten days since. Just a fortnight ago the community and, indeed, the reading public of the en tires t ate Were thrown into a state of the greatest excitement and consternation as the fact of their flight became real ized for indeed it was difficult to be under stood and realized. Then came the developments connected with the condition of the bank, the public learning that its capital cad been im paired, and that the president and cashier had been using forged paper both in the bank and to obtain money from other banks. 5 We doubt if the credit of Southern banks in financial circles ever received before such a shock as has accom panied this development. Notes of fered for rediscount tb obtain money or local use in a case of pressing ne cessity! have heretofore been subject to inquiry as to the solvency of the makers now the question of their genuineness has to be met. 'i There are sufferers both in business and in: the absolute loss of money. But the evil consequences are not yet felt. The great trouble will come when the Receiver of the bank de mands payment. The notes held as assets by the institution must be col lected. They are to be converted into money. j i While in some instances arrange ments may be made, yet in the bulk of the cases the notes must be paid in cash at an early day, whi'ch will se riously embarrass many business men. Such are some of the consequences yet to be suffered. In the first flush of exasperation our toeople expressed themselves with un Controlled indignation, but that phase of feeling has somewhat abated ana me tenaency is now ojiuptuuenu, Jnineling pity, and commiseration, frith a feeling of regret that the men whom we have all known so pleasant ly, so kindly in some instances so affectionately should be in sucn condition. I It is sad, aa we formerly said it fro aid be a sad day when they should be brought back. But sadder yet will be the day of trial. Sadder yet the end of the law. It is not needed for any one in this community to say that the processes of the law will and needs must go on. Nothing can arrest ; its inevitable progress. But the doily of the public is to see that the trial be fair, impartial, not accom panied by undue harshness, but rig orously just and exact. i We should sav too unless there aK . m - be some e'ement of defense not now known; that the sooner the better for the community; so that this part of the unhappy matter be gotten be hind us. I TUB BOWD PCHCIUIE BILL. We have been a little surprised that our Democratic friends in Con gress should have permitted the Bond Purchase Bill to pass without a grand debate. While it doubtless presents the only feasible means for getting currency out of the govern ment vaults, yet the consideration of the bill ougbt to nave been tne occa sion of bringing pointedly to the at tention of the Country that it was an beroic remedy required by a dangerous situation. Having made teat point clear nd clean-cut, tbe next step ought to have been to bring forcibly before the i country how the situation arose, ! sinking it deep into the Eublic mind that the Repub cans brought the situation to pass by preventing revenue reduction last year. This would have prepared the people for a better appreciation of he merits of the Mills bill when that matter is reached. Indeed in casting about for a reason why the Bond-Purchase Bill should have been given precedence to the Mills bill, we had concluded that it was for the purpose pf directing public attention totbese matters, but it seems that we were in in error, for while the bill was under Consideration in the Senate for some days, yet the underlying stress neces sitating the measure was not ven tilated at all. It ought to have been discussed day after day until the whole country Inew thoroughly the object of the bill, the occasion for it and the causes which have led to its presentation at the only escape from greater evils. As it lias how gone back to the House, we hope that something may yet be ihne on the line indicated. f . ! Undib the Republican pocket bo rough system of hold on Rhode Island only about 5,000 of tbe 32,000 men of voting age of foreign birth in the little State have been permitted any voice in the direction of public affairs. The restrictions cn the class indicated were so severe that the larger number of the people compris ing it have not even taken tbe trouble to be naturalized. At the recent elec tion these restrictions were removed notwithstanding the.fact that the Re publicans elected .their candidates tor the State offices and the legisla ture. There will thus be a change in the politics of tbe State, and in view Of the rapid trend toward Democracy which we pointed out the other day, it is not unlikely that the Democratic leaven which appears to be operating so mightily will soon leaven the whole lump. Restrictions on the suffrage Remain, however. The right to vote for city councils and the expenditure of money in cities and town continues to be limited. What folly for Repub licanism to prate of the free ballot and so on in view of its recoid in Rhode Island ! :i Thx death of Gen. Gilmore of the Federal army has called out the usual encomiums on his bravery and hero ism. That is well enough, but then be probably was no braver than ten thousand others in the late unpleas antness. But he did something no One else did and which entitles his same to be deeply inscribed on the roll of fame. He was the first officer on either side to comprehend the de structive power and efSincy of rifled cannon in a contest with masonry. His work a'. Fort Pulaski was a reve lation which even months later was not understood by the Confederate tngineors at Charleston. As an engineer he was only equalled, as far as we know, by Gen. Gilmer on the Confederate aide. H. T. Comaercial and Financial Chronicle. ' FtiDAT Night, April 6, 1888. The most important event of the week is the practical collapse of the strike of the employees of the great lines: of railroad centering at Chicago, which bsd begun to assume alarming prOpjortipufl, and was having an im portant effect upon values, not only of securities but of merchandise. The weather has been springlike, favor ing crop, prospects in all latitudes, but inland navigation is not fully re sumed at the North. Lard on the spot met with only a moderate demand and prices did not sustain the advance quoted in our last. Today at a slight decline there was more doing, closing this after noon at 7-60c for prime city, s$7.90a 7.35c for prime to choice estern, 7 80c for leaned to the continent and 8.G0? (or South America. Lard for future delivery ruled dull through Out most of the week, with prices fluctuating within narrow limits. Other bog products show no changes of moment Butter dull at 23a30c for creamery. Cheese unsettled. Coffee on the spot met with an ac tive I d jrnand at hardening values, until yesterday, when some reaction took place, and lihe market today was very; dull. The speculation in Rio options has active st buoyant prices on Monday and Tuesday. There was a furthe? advance on Wednesday, but a sharp decline followed which con tinued throughout yesterday's busi ness. Raw sugars were dull at drooping prices until yesterday, when a steadi er tone was apparent, though without milch business. Today tbe market was active, sales including Mu6cova do, 86 aad 88 degrees test, at I ll-16e, and Centrifugal, 96 degrees test, at 6 13 32ci Mola989s further dec med, several dargoe? selling at 19a for 50 degree test, but the close is quiet. A large offering of tea9 by auction on Wednesday went off at easier prices for oolongs and greens, but other wise about steady. Oranges and lemons Still bring high prices. 1 I The iron markets are unsettled, with sales reported below current quotations. ; Spirits turpentine has been dull and closes easier at 93ia93Jc. There has been a fair business in rosins, with common to good strained selling at $1.22al 27J, and fine grades bringing some advance on late prices ' The speculation in cotton for fu ture delivery at tbia market was quite depressed at the r sumption of busi ness on; Monday. Receipts at the ports vrere comparatively large btocks in American markets were much larger than one year before, and there was an absence of foreicn advices. I Under these adverse influ ences, prices roceded to within 10al2 points 6f tbe lowest figures of the previous week. Some reac tion followed on a demand to cover contracts, to which reports of a much larger business in spot cotton gave some strength. uut at a. small advance on Wednesday the market relapsed Into dullness and depression, the bull party showing very little confidence in action, Yehterd ly the market was very unsettled, but closed slightly dearer, On renewed discussion of a smaller Overland movement, with the planting: season backward except in Texas, but the best prices of the day wef e not sustained. Today an early advance was followed by a decided decline the bulls losing courage and selling to realize, under the full crop movement and large stocks. Cotton on the ssot declined l-16con Monday and again on Tuesday. There was a fair business at the decline, with ru morfe of much larger sales for export than were r ported But on Wed nesday j.he luarktt was quite dull. Todav there wa; iittle doing and pricts wire nominally uuehan d at 9 Ia-1G, for niid.tling upland-. The rigurts indicate a decrease in the eottou m sight tonigut of 48,674 bale a compared wiih tue fume date of 1887, a ue-reise of 38,5GS bales as compared with the corresponding date of 1886 and a decrease of 3,200 bales as caiupred with 1885 The totals show that the old into rior stocks have decreased during the week 11,440 bales and are tonight 122,807 bales more than at the same period last year. Tho receipts at the same towns have been 2,145 bales more than the same week last year and since September 1 the receipts at all: the towns are 39,310 bales more than for the same time m 1886- 7 Jaatlce. Cor. of the Hews and Observer. Listen, to what, a ninetr year old Democrat has to say who has voted for Jackson and every Democratic President down to Cleveland, and if I live until next November I will vote for him again. I was at Raleisrh in 1876 when Judge Fowle got the nom ination for Lieutenant Governor if they had have counted the votes, but they changed and cheated him out of it. If he had have gotten the nomi nation he would have been Governor as long as Jarvis was, and we all know he -was eminently qualified to fill the place. Qe has worked faith fully for;tbe party ever einco. Let us do him justice now and nominate him for ; Governor. Jarvis made a good Governor for six years, and that ought to satisfy him and all his friends. 1 1 am not personally ac quainted: with Judge Fowle. r. Ed itor, I am thankful that I have lived to -see all these old Whigs such won derful Democrats. Wm. D. HirtKixaTON. The April number of The American 3Ia((tzirte ia rich in topics of the sea son.; The peculiar ceremonies with which the Moravians of Salem, N. C, celebrate Eas er are described by Edward A. Oldham. The "boom, boom, boom" of the prairie cock a harbinger of spring gives Hamlin Garland a theme for tbe third of his sketches of a farmer boy's life in the West. Ernes' E.Thompson presents in musical annotation the song of the meadow-lark of Maoi:oba, aud claims for that vocalist the highest order of mei it. Eqral y appropriate are the stanzas 4Mibtress April," by Helen Chase; "My Pansies," by Nellie M. Garabrant, and "The Resurrection," by Margaret H. Lawless. "All things come to those who wait." Foreman of Printing-room: "The 'devii's ' fallen in tbe big press, an' is ail ichewed up !"' Lical Editor: "That's something like. I've got just au inch space left in the obituary column."- Tid Bits. Oyer 830 stores iu Cnicago and bt Lou;s sell the Pappoose cigar. This without ah equal on earth. old by John x. JVlacttae. By the Jfew and Observer. Troy vs. O. F. A T. V. R. R. Held, that where the public for a series of years has been in the babit of crossing the railroad, the acquies cence of the company in the public usv '.mounts to a license and imposes the duty on the company to exercise reasonable care in the movement of ts trains to protect from injury to persons so crossing. Held, The right to recover damages for alleged injuries is not determined by the question of contributory neg ligence. Held, To constitute sucn contribu tory negligence as will defeat a re covery, it must be the proximate and not remote cause of the injury; by proximate cause is intended the act that directly produced or concurred in producing the injury; remote cause is that which may have happened and yet no injury have resulted. Farnor vs. Houston Held, That the only effect of a levy previous to the oale under execution is the specific appropriation of the property on which it is made to the payment of the judgment. At a sheriff s sale all that is requi site is that it be fully made known what property is exposed to sale. Where the sheriffs deed declares that the Bale was made on the day and at the place specified by law of the lands of the defendants levied on and "hereinafter described," followed by a good description, it is sufficient. Kameey vs. Glenn. Held, The specific execution of a contract cannot be invested upon in equity or a "mat er of right, but Lreets in tbe discretion of the court. If the contract be bard and exacting or in its terms contrary to its spirit and inequitable under the circum stances the court leave the parties to their remedy at law. So where an elderly man agreed that he would un der certain conditions give a deed for a hundred acres of land to parties if they should move on his premises and support him during his life and even before the arrangement were entirely completed, he died, specific performance will not he de clared against his representatives. Olv U Warning. Cor. ot the News nd Observer. Kijjston, N. C, April. 9 I write in the interes's of our farm ers along the valley of tho Neiise Tbey deuire that you give them wain ing of coming freshets, using the big flood of November, 1887, as a stand ard. Much property can be saved if the News akd Obsebveb would give notice of heavy falls of rain along the head waters of the Neuse, stating whether or no there is any probability of rise equal to that of November, 1887 Oar people are close readers of the N. & O. and trust very much to it in gaining daily information. Very truly, Arachil. A Tragedy. WllralogtoD Review. A blind horse, a drunken mm and a Bleeping girl were the elements of a n ageay wnicn occurea on the turn pike Wednesdavnicht. The man i i white man named J. L. Brook and i Via girl, now dead, wa3 named Rosasna iHcu&uiei. It semms that Brock, who resides at Greenville Sound, had been into the eity dating the day with fish, and rvDsanna iMcuamei, the deceased aged 13, and her sister, llarv Jane aged 18, residents of Wiigtsville, had been here to sell oyelers. At about 7 o dock they met Brock in a cait at '.no corner at Market aud Fourth streets aud he offered to carry hem home. Thev eot into the cart an booh feil asleep At a point a short distance butond the ii bt mile no.'t cn tho turupike, the gula were redely awakej.ed by the capsizing cf iLe cart. The bl nd hoiMi l-ft to L.j r.ttTi gui.luuce, had gOEe into the dr Li at the s.d of the road, in which iheie wa Hboi.it two foet of wafer. Maiy Jaae alighted on he bank and Rouuiia cn Ler hf ad in the ditch and when she as pulled out che was dead by drowning. Mother ! stop yotjb child's cocOh ! Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm will give immediate relief, is agreeable to take, and a positive cure. 25 cents a bottle. Tbz exquisite tab to and aroma of the Pappoose Cigar is the nearest ap proach to the old time imported ci gars ever manufactured in America. We had long known that a!coholic beverages were "liquid fire," but this is a decidedly new version of their origin: Teacher i" What is a volcano?" Boy-"A mountain that throws out lager." The Teacher. Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Pruggist, Bippons, Ind., testifies : "I can recommend Electric Bitters aa the very beet remedy. Every bottle ?o Id has given relief in every caee. One man took six bottles, and wan cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist. Bellville, Ohio, affirms : "The beet selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' expe rience, is Electrio Bitters. " Thousands of others have added their testimony, bo that the verdict is unanimous that Elec tric Kilters do cure all diseases of the liver kidneys or blood. Only a half doJlsr a, bottle at Lee, Johnson & (Jo's drug store. They do not treat the book tgent with incivility out in Iowa. He sells a book called 'The History cf Prohi bition,' and it is in great demand. Some men have bought dozens of copies. It i a peculiar book. Be tween its covers is a half-pint bottle filled with the best Milwaukee whis key. --Milxoaukee Sentinel. AUVICE TO hi OT H KK3. Mrs. Wins low's Hooi.nii Syrup tliould Iwtl b used when children are cutting tetn. it re Uevps tbe little sufferer at once, it produces natu ral, quiet sleep by relieriug the children from piin. ttiitl the little cherub awakes as "bright as but. tu." It Is very pleasaut. to taste; soothes the ehild, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, tegulatas tUe ttowels and Is the best known rruts4$ for diarr o-a, whether riring trora teerh. atr or 6rt:er ani. w-nty-flvi tmti n hotels. The following unique sign appears in Totcoa, Ga. "Lamps fixed, ruzors honed, fresh oysters, Vienna biead, and tombstones." Columbus J)t-quirer-Sun. Tbe Whole Vital Machinery, Depends for the fuel, which Is the orlgm of Its propulsory forci, upon tbe stomach. Iu that hid den alembic tlie food undergoes Hip rln-mieal clmiiKes which transmute I. Ii to blrrod lr. m whii-ti the syntem draw, tt:- uiateiWI that' rein burse it fur its dally lushes i i tissue These of courso are greatly augmented .i-disease. If Jim stomach, therefore, is weakened r i Horace d Hie system is deprived of sustnmnce.. Host. ttc r s btomucb Bitten can be relied upon to fellltalc and renew digestion when lliat functiou li.m been Interrupted by weakness of the stomach, liillous ness. or a diversion of the bil.i from its proper chaunel, which causes constipation, is also reme died by it. Heartburn, wind on the stomaen sick heailache. fur upou the tonmi and other symp toms of stomach and liver disorder, it speedily remove. Malarial complaints of every sort kiif ney and blander trouble, coustipationi rheuma tism aud neuralgia yield when It Is used regularlv aadperslsteitly. 3 pi ! wJax ! ! Jam !!!- Crosse &, Black well's jams, current, jrooseberry, Raspberry, strawberry, in one pound i-i"4 elegant goods. Thirty cents per iar,!special priC-B by the dozen, E. J. Hatdin. CITIZENS' TRUST COMPANY RALEIGHN., C, rVitioits and is empowered to execute TRUSTS (r ALL KINDS. j TO X4MA.0S PBOrKBTT AS Agent for- Owners) ! I To Buy ar .1 Sell Property. COLLJXT RENT LOOK AFTER TAXES, BUY AND SELL SECURITIES; To issue negotiable certificates agahiti goods on storage upon which money ran be obtained at the Lowest Ruling Rate, ntto do all business usually done by C, M. HAWKINS, President. W. E. ANDERSON. Vice Prwi dent Pi V WTTO. "-Wr FUEL & FEED i t On band and on the road the '"1- lowing seasonable articles: i 7Q0TOB9 An: if ite Cod, egg, stov I and nut; s-iree. Tons Tei.it. :ee Coal. 200 TonB IV -t; etas Coal. 600 Cords Oak . td Pine Wood 15(0 Bushel? Winter Seed Oats. lCfJo Bushel WL:f,e Spring Oats Timothy Hay, IW-i Ship Stuff, Chops, Mal, Seed-Whet, Seed lljc, Au: cheap for ca- Jones St Powell, Dodd's Oor: ' .i Central Depot, BALKIGH..N. O i Potato Slips If OR, I 'will have slips for sate on the 15th day of April next; of the following kinds and at the prices stated: Early Red Peaboiy, pel 1,000, $ 1 50 Florida Providence, " 1 50 Hatz Yam, 1 50 Virginia NansemonJ. " 1 50 Sugar Yam, " 1 50 Georgia Yam, 1 60 Queen of the South, " 1 50 Spanish, " 1 25 Red Yam. 1 00 Barbadoee, - ' 1 00 Norton Yam, l 00 Ih lots of 5,000 ten per cent will be de ducted, and in lots of 10,000 twenty per oent will be deducted. Orders may be sent now to be filled on the day set apart by 'the tender. Tho.se slips have been sold for the past nine years and have given complete satisfaction wherever Id Address. J J. C. L. Harris, r83 ltw Raleigh. N. C ANOTHER LOT Received this Week. ALL STYLES, ALL PRICES, FROM OUR LEADER. At $6 up to $ 85 We offer the Finest line of CARRIAGES EVER BHOCOHT TO THE CITY. DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU SEE j THEM. TJI0S H. BRIGGS & SONS BRIGGS' BUILDING, RA.LBIGH, N. C. At this season of the year look out for musical crazes. The most popular craze of the times is that caused by the large and handsome display of our Spring" Styles OF New Goods, Men's boys' and children's clothing, hats, shoes &c. The largest and most com plete stock in Raltigh. We guarantee low prices. CLOTHIERS SHATTERS r GO 10 BBEWSTER'S 1 And get the lowest prices on HARDWARE, Stoves and House Furnishing Goods, Tinware, Wood and T How-ware. Paints, Oils, Tarnish, Glass and Potty. Builders' Hardware and Painters' Supplies a Specialy. Best White Lead in the City. ' Cook Stoves Sold on Easy In s'a'ments at Cash Prices. NO HUMBUG ! Will sell goods in all lines lower than can be bought elsewhere Come and See ! Tin Roofing, Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting, Tin. Sheet-Iron, Brass and Copper Work done in all its branches. Guns, Locks, Trunks, &c , &c, Re paired at Short Notice. REMEMBER Brewster's Cheap Hardware House, Holleman Building. TO DAY J.R.FERRALL&CO ABE BECEIYINO Corden & Dilworths celebrated mince meat. Spanish Queen Olives in self sealing jars. Salad dressing, the best made. Ox tail Soup, ready for the table add water and boil. Sweet Pickle Peaches. Preserves in jars and by the pound. Cucumber Pickles by measure. Evaporated, Peaches, Apricots Pears' ana Appies. Dried Peaches and Apples. ' Choicest varieties California can Peaches and Pears. BEST BRANDS Can corn, Succotash, Peas and Toma toes. Specially low prioes on can goods. Gallon cans Peaches and Apples very low. Telephone 83. Prompt delivery. 1 THE State Insurance Agency, FIRE AND LIFE. WILS0S,JER.MLU-0C0K, Managers, EA LEIGH, K. C. -:o:- The undertone 1 hive this day eetab llthed an agency for writing insurance. both on lifo aod property, and will be g'ad to have the pntroDage of the people or ttaieign ami the Mate at large Tho companies) represented by them are amoriBT the very beet in all resrx-ots and will guarantee, protection at the Lowert Rates acd in a satisfactory man nvr. P M. V.'ll SOS. K. S. JERMAN A.J.COOKE CO A L Thref Handrcd and Fiftten Tons Arrived a few days since, second ship ment of that excellent Red Ash LORBERRY COAL For grates. Superior to any other anthracite coal. Two hundred tons Tennessee Soft, and one hundred W. Va. Splint. W4D FIFTY CORDS DRY PINE, And two hundred Lest heart. Cut any length desired, or sold long. hil The beet illuminating oils, deliver from our patent oil tank wagon. No waste to purchasers. PHIL. H. ANDREWS & CO, DR.E.B. RANKIN, Homoeopathic Pliytsician, Halifax Street, Opposite Cotton Platform, Attends to the general practice of medi ciae. Special attention paid to diseases of womvn anA eMMrv ta9 A. G. BAUER, A. It C II I T E C T AND Mechanical DraQghUman, ' BALBIQH, B. 0.. P.O. Box 184. FOB SALE. gALE OF VALUABLE CITY PKOPKBT. Undrr sad by virtue of a decree of Wakl Su perior vurt, made at February Trrm. isss. th the case ot J. M. Putfh ts. MarUia Mason, admix et l, the undersiiriied will expose to public sle at Uie court bouse door in the city i4 Kklelgh oi MONDAY. AFKIL 21. 18. t I st 12 o'clock m.. that vluMe house and M in the cltr of Kaleigh. belonging to the estate ol the ime unam 3, Maxon, inuaie oa eoennm sireei, between Wunilngton ami Blount street, IrofiUtiK xbout to6 feet on KUeuton street, and rutnti.e back -.wojfeet, with an alley 10 feet wide to Wil mington street. 6 The 4welling house Is one of the fhost desllable in tbe city, being on of the best built bouses in the Btate, with sewera connection. The sale will be without Kmtixvi except that It will be subject to confirmation by th court. Tf ris of sale : One-half cash and a credit of six monf i as to the residue with Interest at tlx per cent. E C M. bushkbC 8. F. MOKDEC'AI, March flV ISM. .; MchaiWU. I T AJD FO8ALl.-Oa Wednesday, AMlfaBth, lj lSM.at Hiourt Ueusedoor in Ralrign M C. Twill sell at publie eutcry to tbeblKhest hidet, a tract of land, tituat in Little RWer towhip, Wake county, bounded on th nortii'by the lands of K. M. Karham and others; on the east by the lands of Mr. T. A Stradley and others; o the South by the lands of W. H. Underwood and oth ers, aad en th Wi by th land of T. Scarbor ough and others. Said tract of land being kttown a the "Penny Hill Place," and containing: SW acres, more r less. Bala made under powers con ferred upon me by a mortgafe from C. J. L'riidup, recorded in book lio, 7, page 8, of the ofllce of the Kegister of Deeds of Wake couuty. Ttinis of sale, cash. Hour of sale. 12 m. BKTT1K N. YOUNG, Mortgakee. Battle 4 Mordecal, Attorneys. 1 mart3-tds. . A DM I N I8TBATOR'8 SALk I on Saturday, March I7th, lggs, at the stsre of Messrs. Yancey & 8tronach,Nos. 819, 321 aad 321. South Wilnilnnton Mreet, I will expose to public sate at auction, one safe, one revolving Fiooft stand, and a valuable collection of law books, In cluding set of United states Hupreme Court Re ports. North Carolina He ports, &;., &c, &cv i erms oi sale, easn. MARTHA MASOU, Adm'r'x of W. 8. Mason, deceased. By W. K, Anderson, attorney in feet. ThKabove sale is Dostponed until SI March Inst. In order to give time-to bare the books properly arranged ,and will take pi tee in a roam owrthe Citizens' Xational Bank. Th akovesAle Is postponed In order to el re time to hae Hie books properly catalogued and a list ot them distributed. It will take plade pos- itiTely on Saturday, the 14th April. s W. K. AKDEKSON. Attorney. VatchTdtds. f PROPOSALS FOR TOBACCO. - March 24, 1688. Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals for Tobacco," will b re ceived, from manufacturers or regular dealers only, at the Bureau of Provis ions and Clothing, Navy Department, Washington, D. C, until 11 o'clock a m., April 80, 1888, and opened immediately thereafter in the presence of bidder, for the supply, on or before November 1, 1888, at the Navy Tard, New Yok, of one hundred and fifty thousand 150, 000 ('pounds of Navy tobacco. Tie! bids decided by lot. Bidders are referred to the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, Navy Department, Washington, D. C, for epecincations, forms of offer, add all information relative to the article re quired. The proposals must be made in duplicate on tha proper blank forms; and filled out as indicated by the anki The Department reserves tbe right to re ject any proposal not considered advan tageous to the Government. 1 JAMES FULTOJf, Paymaster General, U. S.Ktvy. Edw. J. Dardin, Groqer, Offers at all times a complete an carefully Selected Stock Of all seasonable substantial and lLxu- i ' riesofthe j PROVISION TRADE i Meats, Fish, Fin Butter, Fine Teas, Coffees, Ac, &c. Canned' Goods of the) most approved brands, including the Peaches, Pears, Apricots and Cherries of the! "Golden Gate Company" of San Jose. i BEST CANNED VEGETABLES! ; s Corn, Tomatoes, Asparagus, Succotash &c, oto. PRESERVES, j l Jellies, Sauoee, Olives, Flavoring Ex tracts, and everything else in the way of TABLE SUPPLIES For special announcements from kay to day, see the local colums of this paper. E. J. HARDINI ikim m i rri r-1- - ii- 1 t orij I ryj . J 0 e j M - 1 M 5 coi I, s . S o CD A Convenient Place , TO STOP: IVIOSELEY'S 130 Fatitts vh.l St., Kalxioh. I i 1 Convenient for lawyers, because it's near the capitol; convenient because you are comfortable with good fire ia roar rooms; convenient for we have all tha delcacise of the season; convenient to have everything at hand for Reasonable Rates1. Convenient fc -everybody who want a quiet quiefcpftce,to rest. It's a convenient place for we make every body el as tf at heme. You trill be satisfied at. j 1J? FATTmr axi 8. i FRESH GARDES SEEDS. - IF YOti -AXT- j A (icod Tetahle Garden PLANT 1 LANDRETHS OR ELY'S RKLIABLE i. i - LOLt BY LEE.JOHNSONt&CO. Druggists I Seedsmen OPPOSITE IOSTOFFICE, KALEIQH, K. a Seed dealers supplied at 1 biladelphia. Wholesale prices, i Orders by mail promptly filled. LEE, JOHNSON & CO. j . Dhcoqists aSd Rkedshkk. &ORTH GABoLlNA ' Home Instiraneo Co., ' OP BALEiGH, N. a I Organised la im. Has been bisuiing property in Worth Carolina for eighteen years. With agent in nearly svery town La the Bute aceVa aible to railroads and east of tho moun tains. ; THE HOME, Solicits thepntronageof property owners in the State, offering them saf indem nity for losses at rates as low as those of any company working in North Carolina. CLASSES OF riOPBTT IISHEl :V I p. Dwellings in town and country, mer cantile risks, churches, schools, opart houses, society lodges, private barns and stables, farm produce and live jtock, cot ton gins. i - Insure in the North Carolina Hone InBurancq Company. W. 8. PBUfBoex, I Cbas. Boot resident. KecV tad Treas. W. G. TJpchtjbch, P. Covf n Office in Briggs' Building, NoTsi lay etteville street. Telethons No. 16. . vice-rreeident. Aajoeter. Leaders in Low Prices. M.T.NOREIS&BEO OFFEB TO THE . Trade and Farmers " A large and selected stock of Groceries and farmers' Supplies and the highest of Standard f FERTILIZERS Sold in Ihe State. POCOMOKi guano; H. FATAPC G0AJO. LAZARETTO AClD rHOSPIIATE . Also th King o the cotton field, THE STONEWAli COTTON PLOW i At manufacturers' Prices. 100, bushelj choice ' Seed ats. Call or write for prices. M, T. Norris t&'Bro. FOR SIXTY DAYS! SCHOOL WORK " otm ' s ) I Great Stoeeialtv. A- V ; With the finest lne of papers, Cards and! Envelopes i ; Ever introduced ino this State, and a large assortment of fresh type, first class presses, Ate., we are well ; prepared for SCHOOL PRINTING, And solicit patronage for j ' i Invitations, : . Programmes, Circulars, i ; Catalognes, ' I Send in your orders at once. KT Remember we have the largest and most complete Printing and Binding Es tablishment in North Carolina. ; EDWARDS &BR0UGHTON, Printers and Binders, Raleigh, N. C. N0T1CK- I TJ The American Detective and Buiiness Association, of Chicago, 111., for the de tection of crimes and criminals of all na tures, and the collection of debts, are de sirous of securing a live man in svery town and city in the United State to act as their agent. To such a man a golden opportunity ia open to make a good liv ing in his own town; This Association was established in 180. and n hu nwn ia the short space of eight years to be one of the loading iletective .AasoeiaA tions of America. 'in This is the only Association of the kind ia America that doe not charge for a membership. For further particulars addreaa Jomt T. Jiuta rimar! HAtrth. era Agent, 109 Main Sb, Norfolk, Va, W. O. A. arrtdlm. S . i a . X f :