Am Daily (except AIoxoay) akd j WKEKIiT. f B.TIiE ."?EVS AITD OBSSBYEK Co. J. (. FKK, ; Kdsfr. Bail .vb r. ty tlV. ixmtpa.Q', $700 six months, " 8 SC t!,w? "- M 1 76 W"Su41; " " l.SS six mootbs, " " 75 to iMuart otrei yrithout payment, and no pa (jwii .'terttie exiJiratlou uf tone paid tor. toesday; ArRIL 24-188S- DKMUCllATIC DISTRICT COS V3CSTIOV. A contention of the Democratic party of. 'be fourth Congressional district will be held at Raleigh on May 29th, next, to nominate a candi date for Congress, a candidate for dis trict elector, to elect two delegates to thd ICational Doniocraiict Contention and far other purposes. By order of the committee. E. J.;Pabkiki, C'Lairnmn executive committee. . - (D strict papers w 11 please copy). li'iMsus Pen" dle ton's condition is reported much improved. Wn have The Woman's Magazine, a new publication which i-t properly at tractive iu appwatauca a:ii scums to "deserve its name aa to cbar.-.cter and quality of matter. We have a copy of ''Found yet Lost" by Edward P. Hoc, author of "Barriers Burned Away," ' The Earth Trembled" &? , published by liocloY Mead & Co., New York Price 25 ceitq. i i Elsewhere we re-print frm the ccl umtiS of the -Jiryiitia Rural Messci - ffe r a very iubi compliment to our State Department of Agriculture and ignpu, ythe progressivencss of the State at large; 1 Tub "deadly" cigarette came in fo: its usual chare of objuigation in the - Sanate yesterday. One Seuator wen! flo far as to any its use "was destroy ing the rising generation and affect ing injuriously the prosperity of the country." If this be so it is deadly indeed. Wa regret exceedingly to Itaru of the disaster which has. fallen upon the little 4tewa of Harrellsville, iu Hertford county, the report of which ' is pnjsted elsewhere." It appears that the larger part of the town, if not tl e wlibla of it, has been swept away by fir. ' Catawba, the banner Democra'.i county of the State, seta aa admira , ble txam pie to its sister counties. As ki elsewhere reported regular Demoerat- N primary meetings have already befth ; held in every precinct, lid ; from all parts of the cquidy comes news of greater harmony and activity in Democratic 'ranks than has ever before been 4kaOvvn ttua early in a campaign. Let every other county do likewise an Democratic success in the State is assured. Todat the thread of the tariff d bate will be taken up again and wilj continue its somewhat slow length until the tinety-six or more members or the Hoube who have signified their rntt-rtion of frx-aking on the qae&tioi, atp:esent of prime importance have expressed their views. It may bf. tedious to many but cannot fail to be of interest to those, who are at all alive to their privileges and respon sibilities as citizens. It is amazing how "little the mass of the peo pie, ' concern themselves about this matter of tariff taxation whiclu presses upon them at al most every point and is altogether exorbitant, unjust and indefensible undejr, the Republican arrangement We cannot expect relief from the bur dens the system entails and which we feel are most grievous even though we may not understand rhem unless we open our eyes in the firt,t place to their existence and proceed in the Hght way and with earnestness " to secure their removal. '1 he matter is one. that affects every one of u? , and "the poorer wo are tho 'heaviei under the Radical system fails the hand it lays upon us Th s if manifeatlj unjust and it would seem that when the oppressions , it; involves in the aggregate op. erate' to keep the whota South under commercial - and industrial bondage it i3 high time indeed;- for us- to interest our selvej in it, inform ourselves with re epocttoit and er.dcavoi eat neatly to u-phold the hands of those who are working for its amelioration in our Ljetalf. t trorn our Washington tdle grama it. will be seen that the com niit'ee oft ways and rmans failed tc af;ree- at a meeting held eslerdaj upon Ita length of timo to bo tl lowed for gentral debate, but it. ia believed the d;ffeitnces cn the subject, Which" ore rit serious, wil; be rediofW at the meeting to ba held tod.xy, I.SlP0TA"fc; OF TIIK PltmAltll-.S. TLq tifiie ha3 about come for hjid iug -the county conventions. The pecpJe everj where . should hog thai the.' properly rt-presentativu oi theii'iowri interests. (Jare should le taken tbt the right sort of men I are chosen in every instance to ? act ttlOBC who hold the ballot. : Tbe individual citizen cannot ; expect to iinnrets Lis ews on pubiit: afl'i rs unlet-t ho takes paiiij to this end Ho is bound to e-xt-reiEp liillu encc in this way. His duty to L.h couidry. to his State, to his family, to bimiielf, demands it-. Nuts-, when th elec'iolu iDacbincry is that being pal in notaon; iR the tin.o for him lo uc i, Tt" ,i. II... 4, lain In' -,1 c nftr.r ll..:f maciuie-ry is in opeintion in ah v.y. parts. : He w:i!l havo no-ri'it to or tA plaia' that his voice i r.'it hce h if hei does not at tho I time take the trouble to nmlo- thai voic leard. The timo for him t ii-r ia now and he is bound as k paetihe citizen' to act decisively. ! Xn North Carolina it is'-l.,;" 1! c essaa-y;to bay that it ia oi n-.-A ' im port ajjiice to every Slate i&te ef-t. tlu-r Democrats should lr-M ,r : ' tl:--:' at T(ie and woik "it-.3 . v :-3 -..w-. k i' coJltctively from first to la.t for pies--uuglove-1 Land on, whi'.u gowns. This ervation from the horror of rad cal4is going to bo a summer with frocks ride. , J in their glory. So they say. THfiS HOT SPItlVQ COSVKST1JS. j ; Toe immigration conven ion which ii to .s35mb1e ai, tuo Uo; Sprirgs in tr-ii State - one of th, m st beautiful ijpot", by the way, ;u thu world -to-Oorrow, vh1.! be a iupjrtant gn- Ii- tiu -f?r North (JtroUna tv'th tho test oi ti.J rtiiu'bei ii comition ; Wealths. Tue oljeet of ti.e matting h to pro:ujte immigration inter the Southern Ste ttwfc of tbn Miss-is-ifiiit ii. uud ILe; convention win planned ftuM js tn be beitl under the auspices Of lbs fail way and steamship com pi' ie operating m the South, Major John I.) KeJey, Jr , of New York, be iL.g chairman of the committee of ar range men! s : Tlu! Governors f e'even States, together the I'uiied States Sen ii. .is fre-m those' Stotes, liavH been iV.vited to be present-, ami b-1'rve. i x deh gy.u-s from e :ifu Sta-e, t'.t- Itli'atcS Wing generally nsm-u by tht; (bvo nor of she State, on thy iu-' italion. of AI.jr K' ile . Besides the invitft'mm tuus yiven, ;)'., there h ivo b-'ou invitations fiom the io.moters c: the convention t i prom- i ivt, tl ((J R'i the paying posi- tn-ni citizei-s of 'ho different Seated, ?jotiH aQlj pai. tL;at !ont pay to' far -tlwm, i,i ii Understood repre j m0S antj WOikingmen. Now, we are senUtiva clergyiuen and prelates. , ; tlr(ii of ui8 kind of deal, and propose l i.'? putp JSd iraie'.i uas uecu i obtain n thoroughlj if presentaiive b. d' , which, at th-i a;uo time, ch ill ii . too jnweldy for deliberation 'm i r work. Spoci-il Hrtangeiuruts have b-en lunds fo-; the transportation of delegHTp rejMilaiiy appointed and it ii iiTi !ets:oud that a:l persons iu-feitvt'-d iu iiuaiigraMon who desire !o lkti(-!iI tbe onv u oi will be heartily welcomed. It is iu lu hOi'ed this State, within whorfG Ixuiicis th meeting is to be he1.;!, wilr b rally T pre Sentod. Io i jo bo hoped also, as it is prob.ible, that the convention will result in irreat goad in bringing among us tuch ii class of nettlera as we debire to aid us in the wo k of developing our 'vast natural resources and making bur waste licos blossom as the rose. It seems to be the beginning of a rrieat movement to turn the tide of jm!uii'ft'.iou tnis 'way. The trans por atiou companies have vast power m a party to buch aa undertakiug and having put their shoulders to the wheel must bring about progress ic fiubsljutial ivnd far-reachirijg bent of every Southern State. We would ;aaiu acknowledge aa invitation to be ipre&eut at the convention ami trust at l.rrtst to be represented. -w A ItKH V -ItABLK KPKCI.lItV UPROCK CUV8TAL. ; Tub Popular Science Monthly Bays: . "il. Georgo V. K inz exhibited to the American Association some re markably largo epeciiuens of rock- ;-crys'al from Ashe county, North Car olina His attention was first called to tho localityjby receiving from there a fifty one pound fragment which wa3 sai l to havalieen brokeu from a mass weighing threii hundred pounds, by a mountain girl twelve years old. Other specimens fi'om faiias iu the tame neighborhood were a remarkably clear tweutj-pound Laif elistorted crystal, one weighing one hundred and eighty eight pound;-, and another twenty nine inchca long, e:ghteen inches wid aud thirteen icches thick, show-in.-y oco pyramidal termination per fect, and another partly fo weighing two hundred aud eighry-five pounds "These localities are un a spur of tho Phoenix Mountain, about fifty miles from Abingdon aud forty miles from Marion, Virginia. The crystals were all found in dis ntegra td crys talline rocks, "consisting principally of coarse feldspa hic granite; which have all decompofietl to a greater depth than their posit on Most of the'o are obtained by ebgging whore one crystal has been found, or by di iving a plow till some bard object is struck Several dozen have been found weighing from twenty to thir ty pounds each. Some of these crys tals afford larger masses ci clear rock crystal than have ever before been foutid in tbe United States, and suggest the uie of that substance for such objects of luxury as crystal balls, clock casep, mirrors, etc., of which examptea maj be seem in the Austrian Treasury at Vienna." We wouiil suggest that, if possible, speci- -mecs of thiB rock crystal should be Of. ":. : ;red for exhibition m t! e mil' mm here at Ealeip b. State Sir w Railway Bridge Ovrr I he Pee Dee. Wilininjjtou Messenger . Mr. St. John Clarke, representing (ho Pastaic Rolling Miils, N. J., is in ;ho city. Se Passaic mills have been awarded the contract for building the new iron bridge of the Wilming ton, Columbia and Augusta Railroad over the Great Pee Dev. nvnr in South t Carolina. Mr. Clarke has been down to ive JJ9 matting ttie turvey lor the bridge and is now on his return lictu!-. ine material lor tuo briUga will he s:tt; forward as eai'y as prac tic-dl an.l tLe force f.f mechanics will , - . , i?6ooo follow.- The cor tract providers tor t!;: compittuu of ito bridp;e by Julv 1st. indicted for Lii.?i. hjM..r.i Kxi' Tho life of the -.'sort.. it is trettincr t be veidful. '1 Lursdaytbe grand i . 'numl a tr jo 1 :1 g-iinst D. F. ; S .- L!i:r, edi'.or if th. paper, al- t hal lie h i I ni tli-.tlouhly libelled jrJ i V'e F.ed Phil ip in the Express jeif F. bruery 24ih. Thus another eJi'or i. :i o '-;i, i-.ill jd into court to g v i !.. :ifcpu-it fur the rtatou that is i;h:n him. i ttit g into court costs -.i -. 1 ut .ui fnrd.i rous' notfear. w. Hi:W hat- were eloiug ii"e i' v.! to i cii :he inus'.c. acd A l lU lil l:,lllur. A iWpernte light ea'cuired at -.S" ntesvilie oi Tuesday lx-t weeu Alex -fiHei.p-. editor of ' tho Statesville j idw-7, a:d W. II. Stockton. Stock- ' (ton w"- ir.t i C o Mtil ofli'e wis h 1 h-j .i c HI I ' l.tC", i. H-i I,'; CU'ered the door he d down with a uaner V ,t - I'll- f -"-i;;ht and badly btuten end would ' ,v. . b; c'n kille-l, pcrhr.p-1, if his culls 1 i Tor help had not boon responded to. Tho trouble grew out of publications ;.i tho Mail. Femininity is going into white thi smauitr. Vh;te !nwn, sheer and !:'!', V LllO I : hi'ig0, ehi bdtisle, fifty new white roidc-rod with costly Laud ; we ikingman in the State. Mr Mc , lace triu.uied, b rib ; Iv,r is a farmer and Las also had con eifitti jic'ei v. i o: e. i , dibit y, dou't t oa put eu 9. IS Afx4ner tlt Farmer' and Work- J-Jdity: J&ics anl Observer : While tho extracif di'nary booms for ; certain cnt)d;dHen are filling your i roUia'ns I want to remind your read- 1 t rs tuat ftha firaiers, mechanics acd woiki'.iftpa of t!ie Democratic party pro stiii solid for Alexander for Gou truor anjf not TAe.tenunt Governor. Thro i nor so m ich said in the papers fdr lr.m as for some others. Farmers idau't write much, but when the convention meets they will be heard frdm. They have asked for the nomination of a farmer for Governor. They 'Jil ask for thi, but they are told thatj the party, from "Dan to Bernhtba," i'3 solid for somebO'h else for the Ht place and Alexander for the 2 1. lYes, the party is solid that way, is it T Wei!, we thought the aomposdd the larger part of tbe Democratic party, and we know they are pretty solid juxl (lie other f.y. Aexi!idei- ;for the 1st place, ,, ''! for the second that has BtieD;!hi aud character. Now wo hav.- Hik'l for aa egg, and mind yop, we dc'u'i:ii'.t'5d to take a stone, tl Thorn f er L'):i jo bo a disposition to that you! just reverse tie thing one tiroo to see how it would look. Much La been laJ lately in jour nnner wlioii- tbe strength and popu larity ot can lielates. SVe agree, too, wi'h tuujrh tluit has b:ieu said in favor of tho other candidate, but wo do af firm thatf thero ;s no man in the State which c&uld at this time rally the arty a could Alex.aneier. If there is apathy in the rank", where is it to be found' Is it not among the very class that Alexander could arouse as no otLer; man cati? I was in a com pany of saVrral farmers in one of the adjoining townships a few days since, aud among them were two men who had opjiosed the stock law with as much bitterness as was to be found anywhere. In answer to the question as to Alexander's strength among the farmers! they all declared that if he was th0 eandida'e for Governor he would be certain to carry nioie than the party strength iu that township They gave 'he names of eptiite a num ber of anti stock law men who would support Alexander with great enthu siasm. SI believe this to be the case generally, the farmers know him, aud they are not afraid of his stock law record (ai m:iuy of our friends of other candidates seem to be) thej kcow his record on that question is a consistent one, and is the record of our partly. L')t us nominate Alexander and have a Sratejcampaiga upon State! issutsj aud yoh wilt see the farmers of North Carolina aroused to aa activity that has neVer been kaown in this State beforej Wake. f - ;THK BlNSKKCOl'XTYi THE IEJtOCEATIC CONVENTION OF CATAWBA. Cor. oj tlje News a.'d eibsc rver. I Newton, April 21, 18SS The Democrats of the banner countyjhave entered the field in full armor.! At the county convention to day every township was represented by delegates appointed according to tli'j plan of organ zation laid elown by the State Executive Committee. This is;the first time in the history of the county that regular primary meet ings have been held in every precinct. From all parts of the county comes news of greater harmony and activi'.y than e-yiei before known thus early in a campaign. Fifteen delegates were appointed to the State convention as foliowij W. H. Williams, It. 1. Rein hardt, I J. F. Herman, James E WiifoEg, O L. Lowe, M. Ram sour, tr. L O. Elliott, Q. M Smith, iNorth Wike, C F. Turner, J. H. Pitts, L. A. Lowrance, J. O. Hall, J F. Moore, J. W. Robinson and the chairman of tbe meeting, ('apt. J. S. Bridge, andseeretarieBJ. F. Murrill, F.JSI Williams, W. B. Gaither and H. H. Crawson. Also 46 delegates to the Congressional convention. A resolution was adopted approv ing the course of Hon. J. S. Hender son, representative in Congress from tho seventh district, and instructing our delegates to the Salisbury con vention to vote for hi renomination. Our delegates to the State conven tion arei instructed to vote for the re- nomination of our elistinrished citi zen, Hdn. S. M. Finger, for Superin tendent; of Public instruction, as an evidence of the countyVappreciation of his efficient services. The Convent;on recommended the appointment of Mr. J. G. Hall as one of the delegates to the National Democratic convention from this Con gressional district, appointed Col. C L. Turrjer to carry the banner pre sented the county by Senator Vance in 1884 ;t( the Statin rnnvntinn mid adjourned till September first, 1 t r w For Aad ltor-Senetor Mclver. C ir. of th News and Observer. Some t:me recently I saw the name of Senaior Duncan E. Mclver pre seuted to the public as a suitable man fori the position of Auditor on i v r i , i i i s me democratic ticket, soon to De : nominated. I desire to say that there I has been no man mentioned for this j positior that in my opinion wou'd be more aejceptabte to the working men of the State. I suppose it is taken for granted that Gen. Roberts will a candid3'e for re-nomination as he has served the "usual eight years." j If this is so, hope Senator Mclver 'iwill be selected for his suc cessor. He is worthy and he is capa ble, and would be satisfactory to the workingmen of the party. While in the Senate he would be seriously ' is but just that a man who has proved himself so fully devoted to tbe people's interest, thould be promoted. I watched his course in the lastiSenate and wa3 pleased to see hinij on the side of the people on every qbestion, whether it wus rail road commission, convict labor, road law, or whatever the matter in winch labor wM interested, ho was ever true to the people nm Kii xr i n workingmen and against monopolies, In the approaching campaign the labor vdte will be no small factor. If the party is wise thev will place upon the ticket men like Senator Mclven, of Mod'e, whose public acts have btien such aa to commend him to the favorabje consideration of every siderable business experience, lie is very popular with all classes, I am told, in his own, congressional dis trict, where the family of "Macks'" ! are w numerous. I t' ust we shall sse ' him placed. upon our State ticket. I:e j would give it strength, ami wou d make m'-s' efficient .nd ponul tr Audito- A Kaleiou Wkhki.noma. Couiiircl' Kplloine. . i . Commercial and Financial Chronicle. Feicat Night, April 20, 1888. At length some progress has be eri made by Congress in the affairs most urgently demanding its attention. The Secretary of the Treasury has been formally authorized to proceed with the purchase of Federal bonds and ha3 advertised for proposals. The debate on tne levieed tar fit bill was begun on Tuesday last aud will be resumed on Tuesday next in the Houfju of Representatives, which is evidonce of progress toward fiual ac tion, with tho result, however, 'much in doubt- Tbe commit ee on foreign relations in the United S atett Senate has decided, by a let party vote, to , renort acainst the fisheries t rent v : report "l, me usntnts irca-.J ..-!, ... I witu tne uruisu government, lne weather has become quite spring like, -but m many branches of trade the season for active wholesale busi ness draws to a close. Lard on the spot was rather 4cjuiet throughout tbe week, but prices showed au upward :eudeucy aud yes terday made a decided advance. To diy the market was e!y titrcng at 7. SOI for prime city, S 27a8 32.Jc. for prima to choice Wes tern, 8c. lor refined to the Continent and 8 80j. for rfefiocd to South America. The speculation in lard Icr fu.uie deliv ery was only moderately active, and prices did not materially change ut.- t 1 jesteida-, , wheu there was an a 1 varieie of 20a22 points, frcm the effects of e omethii g of a corner at Chicago. Pork has been somewhat irregular, with a fair business; mess $14, 50a $15 50, extra prime $12 50a$12.75, clear $lG..o0a$18 2. Cut meats are firmer, with a fair inquiry; pickled bellies 7S", shoulders 7ja7.ic and hams 10llc; smoked shoulders 8a 8.c and hams 12al23- Beef is nom inal at Ss7a$7 50 for extra mesa anl $8 for packed per bb!.: India mes quoted $12a$14 per tierce; beef ha fee dull at $10 per bbl. Tallow steaiiy at 4Ja. Stearino is steady at 9c and oleomargeriue is quiet at Gjc. But ter is :n full supply and easier at 20a 27c for creamery and 19a25c for State dairy-. Cheese is unsettled; old State j factory quoted at 10al2Jc and new j f-kims 5iiic. ! Coffee on the f-pot has beei elull, I with pr ces more o less unsettled. ! Todat there was more uctivitr, the i sales amounting to about 10,000 j,'', including Rio No. 7 at llrj. j Raw sugars were without decided cLaqje, aud only moderately active, until yesterday, when a very large biibiiuss wae done at fu'l priee'e, in cluding centrifugal, 9G deg. test, at 3jjj?,c kf, and molassie grades tt i OtJc. for 8(1 deg. test to arrive, at 3 81c. for 82 deg. test on the spot. Refined sugars are also dearer. .Mo lasEes was active and dearer; sales yesterday aud tocuy ten cargoes at 20e. for 50 dig teot The tea sale on Wednefdaj went eft at steady prico) with greens a little be ter; and there were active at private sale. Crude petrole iiu certificates were j active and buojait, reaching 89Jc , but receded, clo-.dui; today a 84a 0-13; Bpirus urpoii'ino ns Deen active, aud etocks are reduced, closing firm at -tOd-lO.J. Rosius are unchanged at $i l74a$l,22. for common to good strained. Ocean jre-ighta have been kc-pt;in a very depressed state by the speculations in breadt tufi", shutting out export orders. The speculation iu votton for fu ture delivery at this market has been rather dull for the week under re view and tLe fluctuations in prices -wereiwithin narrow limits The open ing depressed by a vaiiety of in fluences. But on Monday there was considerable, strength shown; there was in the first place more doing for expor", which rumors raised to a large' movement, the receipts at the ports were t-iuai), and the stocks be gan to show a rapid diminution. On Tuesday iho bull movement received a severe set back under the rej ports frnm Berlin of the relapse of Emperor Frederick of Germany, a inaiked decline) at L verpoul, and the crop movement aain free. On Wednesday batter advices from Ber lin and a stronger Liverpool market, attended by news of the flood in the Miss saippi river, caused a dearer opening, but the market relapsed into dulnefis, and yesterday declined a few points, under various influences, though Selling for tho decline was checked by a report of a rapid reduc ticn bf s;ocks at principal poin's. Today a better report from Liverpool led to some demand to cover con tracts, acd sellers being scarce an ad vance of 6a8 points was easily made, part of which was lost later under tho lull crop movement. Cotton on the spot was more active for export early in tho week, but w thout improvement in values, and on Wednesday business was again re stricted to a small demand for home consumption. Today the market was quiet tit 9 c for middling uplands. The total Bales for forward delivery for tha week are 230,000 bales. For imriiedkte delivery the total sales foot up ihi'a week 5,754 bales, including 4,0ol) tor export, l,iVl lor con sump ; tion. ASII COliSTY. Sfowte for Goi rinor. Cor. of Uie News and Observer. I Nash County, N. C, March 9th. By n ference to tho proceedings of the State Convention iu 1880, it wid 1 be seen that u majority of tho Nash county delegates voted for Fuwlo for Govei'aor, and there u, no apparent 1 reason why they wid net do t-o cgain iu 18S8. Lr-t the cry go oq Fowle for Gvveinor. ... : ouiicitiuER. ' i.uil O wraud Kll'ed. j j Salisbury. !'rs. " I Wi d.rt Coleman, colored, of i this' ; place, hrakeman on the Wee tern I I North Carolina Railroad, wao run over ! and iLctuntly at Morgantou, before ! , ; day thid momiiig. Coleman attempt- ! i ed to board tha train as it was mov j 1D'"ft ttn.d, feli between the cats. He wa& horrible mangled. lltncwi Ilrr Youtli. Mrs. Phoebe Chesley, Petersen, Clay county, Iowa, tells the following re iiiaiknble story, th truth of which is vouched for by the residents of the town : "I am 73 j ears old, have been troubled with kidney complaint aud lamenets for many years: could not dms myself with out help. Now I am free from U pain and B ireuees, and am able to do ail my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for naving renewed any youth, and removed completely all dis ease and pain-" A movement in Jeff'trpcu county, Pennsylvania, to n.ake Solicit or-06n-r eral Jetiks the Democrat: ? cau;li lito for Cone i"t)88 iu tho v-tirst dis- trict has bet-u endf-d hy Mr. Jtoks, vho pays tha he would n-.'t enl - ac cept a nomicatioi!, but would rot serve if elected Don't irritate jour 3i;t'gi with a stubborn ocugb, when a pleas-ant and effective re meday may be found in Dr. J. H. vcLean's Tar W ine Lunc Balm. 23 cents a bottle No little annovance exists amcng the representa ives of fo eign tobacco i houses in Paris over the decision of the; minis er of fiimnce which forbids the tale of United S'ates and - other; tobacco in the French exposition. v; AiVVIC'iC TO J! OTHER Mrs. Wlnslow' 8ik: . n Syrup sti.mld tRiwav b used when children ar . uttlng teeth. It re IteTes the little sufferer at once, it jr.duces natu ral, unlet slwp by relieviuirthecliildrenfriMn Daiu. AMU and tiie LUle cherub awakes as "bnzht aa a but ton." It is very pleasant, to taste; soothes the ctm sofU;l" toe ruuis, &llys all pain. relleTWi .nd ,eKulatet tte tKwei and is rhe belt knowB ivnn dy for dtj-rr oea. wither rlt inK from r-. The wife of a Ilrookhn oflicial, w'uo was formally an actress was sur prised to find her picture among a collection of cigarette beauties. Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant. Lake 1 !I,rUP; as ceHnpuied by tho New City, Fla., was taken with a severe cold. lorK insurance depai;ment, i iinj attended w-ith a distressing couirh and : other Company in this Stdte, show running into consumption in iu fiiet j iDg thr be nnts ; -neritv of HeJfied many 8o-call-d popular ; the Comianv, a," i . .Irtw the cough remedies and ettadily grew worse. 4l f-, Wa reduced in fle-h, had dilliculty in ; Pam ;" -',tJ -',; l-'" - - cur breathing and was unable to sleep. Fi- t 'n future y nally tried Dr. King's New Discovery for i Attention is v.u ticuliulv called to Consumption and found immediate relief, j the- following ;:wcts re.-ardim? this r,ne8 ;xzs$z:sr&iisf jzsa c-w; Its 8 1r,gari return of the disease. So other remedy i zation. Its uge. J he great publicity can snow bc gratia a record of cures, as Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion.' 'inaranteed to do just what is claimed for it. A suit for $1,250,000 is entered in Connecticut against certain heirs to the estate of Hctchkis?, (ho chine gun inveutor. 3i n elerv mound I UBES ISci-rous Prostratioa, Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Nervous Weakness, Stomach and Liver Diseases, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, aad all affections of the Kidaeys. WEAK NERVES Paiju'i Cilery Cohpocitd Is a Nerrs Tonla which never fails. Containing OSery and Ooca, those wonderful stimulants, It speed ily cures all nervous disorders. RHEUMATISM PAixtfs Cklirt CoiirornD purities t blood. It drives out the lactic acid, which causes Rheumatism, and restores the blood making organs to a healthy condiUoo. Th true remedy for Rheumatism. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Fainc's C"kt.bry Oompotnd quickly restore the Uveir and kidneys to perfect healtl. This curative power combined with i" nerve tonics, makes It tha best rmeft for all kidney complaints. DYSPEPSIA PsJi's Cix'ry Compound strengthens the stoaach. and quiets the nerves X the diges tive organs. This is why it cures even the work cases of Dyspepsia. CONSTIPATION Paisk's Cxliry Compockd Is col a Cathar tic. It is a laxative, giving easy and natural action to the bowels. Regularity surely fol towi It usa. Recommended by professional and business men. Send for book. Price tl.00. Sold by Druggists. AELLS, RICHARDSON 8. CO Prop'r B'TtLENGTOS. VT. B BjL1LIE 9 COTTON HOEH. FORKS, RAKES, SHOVELS. HOSE REEL. ICE CREAM FREEZERS, ALABASTIXE. CARRIAGES, FUEL & FEED Or. barid aid on the road t 1 ' lovd ; heatonalile niticlrc: 700 T-vOn Antlracito Ccal, egg, stov aud null, biz s. 10 1 Tons Tennessee Coal. 200 Tons Pocahontas Coal. 500 Cords Oak tad Fine Wood 1500 Bushels Winter Seed Oats. 1500 BuBheis White Spring Oati. Timothy Hay, Bean Ship Stuff," Chops, Meal, Seod-WLeat, Se.d Rye, &c cheap for cafh. Jones & Powell, Dodd's Corner and Central Depot, RALEIGH, N. a r ! FISHING TACKLE. STHOS JJ. RRIGGS & SONS 1 RRIGGS' BUILDING, I RALEKIII, N. C. THE MANH ATTAN NEW YORK. ,. . ,.v18 Company was organized for hfft surance exclusively, in the year 1850 It has no connection with any other busiue s. Its public statements give insurers a full knowledge of the chsracter uf its business, the nature of its assets, and its progress from year to year. Over me thiro of a century of successful business has plaevd it m e very re spect among the leading life cviapiiuies-; its conserva tive management, commends t to the confidence ef insurers as one of the strongest and best. Its small death rate shows great cate in the selection of its insurers. Its rate of expense of coLductii'g lb ft business La bao very low. 1 In ri o o i , . . r ry.vei..r i r i . - f anel opnue ss of i: unairs. lho small j death rate. The small rate of e x i pense. The excellent character of its investments. Its strength compared ! with the amount of it a obligations. PETER M. WILSON, Raleigh, ( Arcnt For North Carolina. d'd-Mi? G i ) A L. Three Hundred and Fiftffn Tons Arrived a few dajs since, second ehiji merft of that excellent Red Ash ILORBERRY COAL For grates. Superior to any other anthracite coal. Two hundred tons Tennessee Soft, and one hundred W. Ya. Splint. WdDD: LU) FIFTY COKDS DRY PINE, And two hundred tx?t t heart. Cut any length desired, or sold long. The bot illuminating oils, deliv era from our patent oil tank wagon. No waste to purchasers. PHIL II. ANDREWS & CO DURHAM LOTS For Sale at AUCTION. One hundred valuable building lots, suitable for private residence, will be pold by the Enterprise Land Company at Auction, on the premises at Durham, on Saturday, April 23th, 1988, bepinninfr at 10 o'clock a. m. TERMS: One-fifth cash. Balance one and two years' credit. Interest from day of eale. A rare chance to secure a home on easy terms, and to parties seeking safe invest ments in a livo and progressive bueincrs community thi offer is specially invit ing. At the same time the Enterprise Land Company will also sell, to the high est biddtr. the following lots in the very heart of the city of Durham, and the very best locations for business houses. FOUR LOTS, Fronting on Main Street, between Fidel ity Bank and the Poetoffice. THREE LOTS, Corner Peabody and Corcoran Streets, just across the street from the N. C. R. R. Depot and Hotel Clairborn. ONE LOT, Fifty-two feet by ono hundred and ten feet, adjoin ng'Straus & Kaab's prize house. Terms, one-fourth cash, balance! in six, twelve an t eighteen months Remember the date April 2Sth and be present er you will lose the opportu nity of a life-time. Enterprise Lam! Company, Durham, North Carolina. FOR - and Summer. Spring If you Lave not selected your spring suit, you should eall and see ME at once. I have just received a very fine assort ment of spring and umrner goods, and am receiving new ones every day. Call and see me. It wiil cot-t jou nothing and may save you much. I can offer you a bargain and a first-class fit. I have on baud a fine assortment of mohair and silk binding which I will se ll cheap to those desiring it or I will b'i pleased to receive) orders for rebind icg suits. !. Winetrob, Merchant Tailor, Cor. Wilmington and Morgan tSU. (ID OIL FOR SALE. L,ir i y. ?rii uiiic puhij 10 i ue (ugnest Dtuuar a tra. t ft 1au!, iuiape in l.ittU; Klver towl.ship i Wiike ccui.f. iHwndrd on tn norih by the lantls i o( 1. 1. aail utiieis; oil the east j y tli ' laiuls ,.f Mrs T. A Stradley and others; mi thei ' Souiii by the lands i f W. H. iMiderwivxl nnt oth-, ' ers. ft.-Hl en ti e West by the lands of T. tc.rtHr- r mmli en t etl-ers Ssi.l tract ( land In-inu innwn ' as tl e fem.y Hill 1"U- e.'- aud foutaiid'ug ssj', ; .vtp, more cr less. .al msue iiiirttT pimi r" ron lerted upon ine by a n (Ttsage from e J. t Indup, : reeo'ded in tnxik No, ST. naje rs. f th fllee ( j the t-emster of Peeds of ake county. Terms ot sale, cash. Hour of sale, vi m. v, .., . ""TTIK N. VOl'NC, Mortgagee. , Battle & Murdecai, Attorneys. I marttds. PROPOSALS FOR TOBACCO. - March j 24, Sealed proposal!, endorsed ! "Propoeals for Tobacco." will be re- ' ceived, from manufacturers or regular i dealers only, at the Bureau of Provis- ! ions and. Clothing, Navy Department, AanhiDgton. D. C, until 1 1 o'clock a m., i April 8u, 1888, and opened immediately ' thereafter in the presence of bidders, for I the supply, on or before November 1. 1 lt8t at the Navy Yard, New Yjtk.of one Hundred and hfty thousand (150,- I 0(0) pounds of Navy tobacco. Tjp bids decided by lot. Bidders are rnwred to the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing; ' Navy Departmect. Waahingrton, t). C., j for pecifications. forms of offer, and all , information relative to the article re quired. The proposals must be made in 1 duplicate on th proper blank forms and filled out as indicated by the blank. The Department reserves the right to re ject any proposal not considered advan tageous to the Government. JAMES FULTOJf, ITtymaster General. U. S. Navy. r pi Edw.-J. Hardin, Grocer, Offers at all time a complete and carefully Selected Stock Of all seasonable" substantial and luxu ries of the PROVISION TRADE Meats, Fish, Fine Butter, Fine Teas, Coffees, &c, &c. Canned Goods of thet most approved brands, including he Peaches, Pears, : Apricots and Cherries of the 'Golden Gate Company" of San Jose. BEST CANNED VEGETABLES, Corn, Tomatoes, Asparagus, Succotash PRESERVES Jellies, Sauoea, Olives, Flavoring Ex tracts, and everything else in the way of . TABLE SUPPLIES For special announcements from day to day, see the local col urns of this paper. E. J. HARDIN. A Convenient Place TO STOP: MOSELEY'S l'JO FATETTKVII.I.E ST., RALKIQH. Convenient for lawyers, because it's near the capitol; convenient because you are comfortable with good fire in your rooms; convenient for we have all the delcacies of the season: convenient to have everything at hand for Reasonable Rates. Oonvenient for everybody who wanu a quiet quiet place, to rest. It' a convenient place for we make everybody feel aa if at home. You will be satisfied at. MOSELEY'S, lflP Fayttevili,T5t. notice; Tbkascby Department, OmcE Comptroller of the Currency Washington, Apr!" 11th, 13S8. Notice is hereby given to aH peiooLi who may have claims against "The State National Bank of Raleigh," North Caro lina, that the same must be presented to Clement Dowd, Receiver, with the legal proof thereof, within three months from this date, or they may be disallowed. W. L. THEN HOLM, Comptroller of the Currency. A. G. BAUER, (V H C II I T E C T AND Mechanical DraughUiiiau, RALHIOH, N. A I . v 3 f P . 0 "o I SSSSBS ' I o CD " I GO j Henrv Clews Co., Bankers, 13 15 BruaJ St., N. Y. Mrtntr of tte NEW YORK HTOeK EXCHANeiE. NKW VOhK PROUl'CE FXcHAMlR. NEW YORK CeTTtlN EXCHANGE. NKW YORK COFFEE kXl HANGK. CHICAGO BOARD OF TKAIOK. TrannacUoDt uiade at any uf the above Ex changes aad carried on margin for customer wnen desired. t , later t allowed on deposit aennnta, : , A. GARDES SEERS. - IF vol' V AST- A d Vegetable PLANT LAISDRETH'S OR -RELIABLE- Garden lA'S GARDEN SEEDS -OLD BY- i LEE.J0HNS0N&C0. ;! Drugirists-R Seedsmen OPPOSITE POSTOFICE, 1 RALEIGH, N. a J Teed dealers supplied at 1 biladeljh a. Wholesale prices. Orders by mail promptly filled. LEE, JOHiNSOJi & CO. DKL OajisT? AND SSXDSXXN. " NORTH CAkoLLNA j Home Insurance Co., OF RALEIGH, N. C. Orcaolzad In ltm. Haabeen irnuilntt property in Uorth Carolina for aigbtoen yearsAWith agent in nearly every town In ths Stata accen sible to raiiroada and east of the moun tains. noucita tneprironageof ptopaitr owners in the State, offering them, safe indem nity for losses at rates as low as those of ar.y company working in North Carolina. -CLASSES OF PtWPERniBKp :i Dwellings in town and countrr, oier centile risks, churches. o.hnnll m,,. i houes,cciety lodges, private bam' and Brinies, i arm produce and live jtockJ cot tcn gins. IiiBurc in the North Carolina Horse Icaurant Company. j V.. 8. PK1ME08E, Cha Root i President. rW'y nd Trwui. , W. f UreumtcH, p. Cowpeh Vice-President. AdjusteirJ Ofhce in Rri(rg8, Buildlcs-, No. 2ajPa. e?terillp strict. T!er.hon VS. i Leaders in Low Prfck M.T. NORMS &M) OFFER TO THE Trade sfTid Farmers A large and selected stock of Groeeries and Farmers' Supplies "and the highest of Standard FERTILIZERS Sold in tile State. P0C0M0KE; GUANO, PATAPPCO G0A5O. LAZARETTO ACID PHOSPHATE AND OEBSfAN IAIXIT. Also the King of the cotton field, THE STONEWALL COTTON PLOW At manufacturers' Prices. 100 bushels choice Seed at. Call or write for prices. M. T. Norris &fBro. E R SIXTY DAYS! SCHOOL WORK j OUR Great Specialty. With the fluent line of papers, Cards aud Envelopes Ever introduced into this State, and a large assortment of fresh type, flrft class presses, Jtc, we are wt 11 prepared for SCHOOL PRINTING, And solicit patronage for Invitations, Programmee, - Circulars, Cataloguer, &c , &c. Send in your o.'elei3 at once. Sk U"Remembef we have the largest - i d mot complete Printing and Binding La tah! isbmnt in North Carolina. EDWARDS.& BROUGHTON, Printers and Binders, Raleigh, N. C. AjemcK. . The American Detective and Business Association, of Chicago, 111 , for the de tection of crime and crimisalg of all na tures, and the collection of debts, are de sirous or securing a live man in every town and city in the United State to act as their agent. To such a man a golden opportunity ia open to make a good liv mg in his own town. This Association was established in 1880, and it ha grown in the short space of eight year to be oa of the leading detective Associa tions of America. Tat is the only Ae.ociation of the kind in America that:, does not charge for a n embership. For farther particular address John T. Oamuj. (isnmi Rnnsk. era Agent, tufl Main St, Norfolk, Vv 17. Si A. - .. i - !fk i I '-...:, - . -' afWdlni L-:-t:'-: v r'-:':t,

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