f i N OB SEWER VOL. XXV. RALEIGH. N. C, SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 6. 1888. NO. 102 Absolutely Pure rhis rowder never vanes. A mi it purity, strength and wholeacmeness More eeonomical,thn ordinary kinds an cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of: low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powdars,' sold only in sans. Royal Bakinq Powdeb Go., 103 Wall Street, New York. old by W. C. St, A- B, gtronach, and J R Fexrall Co. Evi , mrfererils earnestly requested. to try it nil Uiey. will acljjnowlede it t be .. a wosDEBFi'i nimm '.Far Weak Stomach, Impalre8-fl;eBtIon And DUrJer of the Urer. It nets like maple; and a few doses will' be found to found to work wonders upon the most Impor orgaos of the human machine. "I haTe used Simmons Liver Regulator many years and cousciantously say it Is the -King of all Liver Remedies, I consider it a medicine c-liest ltseif." . J.TI- GiUiEIB, Suffolk, Va. Be Mot Imp.wl Upon. Rxamiue t Bee That Von Oat the Geantne DisiliiLntshed from all frauds and imitations by ur red Y, Trade-Mark on front of Wrapper, and a thesiUa these! and signature of Zeihn A Co woollcotFT m, ok W. P. Hobcit for A ndltor. To the Kiiltor of the Statesvllle Landmark. Before the convention meets to se lect our' standard-bearers for the ap proaching campaign, allow a private in; the fanKs to make a lew statements and suggestions about the office of State Auditor. The people of Nor:h Carolina have Tlriquently in the past selected men . tof legislate for them whose mental capacity did not equal that of Solo mon, the wise; but they have always exercised great care in selecting men who were o handle their money, and tc this fact as much as any other we mjust Attribute the honorable name we bear in the financial world. jThejoffice of Auditor is one of the mpbt. important connected with the State f government. .Every dollar that is; pa d into or paid out of the State treasury is paid Upon his war rant. ; He fettles with everybody who ojves the State and everybody the State wea. His duties are multi- aftf4"oufJ aad exacting. He must un- uciouuu iuB exact nnanciai situation of the government and be familiar With all laws appropriating money or levying . taxes. Many of his duties cjtn only be learned by long study ajid experience, l'ut an inexperienced njan'in this office, no matter how honest he may be, he is apt to com mit errors and make mistakes to the detriment of the tax -payers. Now the point I wish to make and ibpres upon my fellow citizen is this: that it is sometime best to let $ell taioiujh alone; that our present .uaircr, wen. w. tr: xtooerts, is a gentleman of the highest character and intelligence; that he has made in A is no 7 making a model officer, attentive lo his duties, scrupulously correct and honest, and looking after tjhe people's money as closely as if it W8 his own. I This man Roberts has a record that ihould please every white man in the Statei When the war began it found trim, though a beardless boy, in the Saddle as a private in the Second North Carolina Cavalry. When it glided it found him still in the saddle but with the stars of a brigadier gen era! 0n his collar, which were won by the most intrepid and daring gal-jant.-y on half hundred battlefields. After the war was over he did not sit down to bewail his fate or wait for CONGRESS. PROCEEDINGS YESTERDAY SKfATE AND HOUSE. IS A LIVIXY T, V- T irfW-TH-tf vti PASSED AO A IX- a(T I THE TWELfTSS&lO TEC TARIFF DBiTI CB IW3. 14 East tyarU.d Street, By Telegraph o the News and Observer." Washington, May 5 House The Speaker announced the app"r5iutrnut of Mr. Seymour, of Michigan, as a member of the committee Ntm claims in place of Mr. Cheadle, ofludiana, resigned. On motion of Mr. llouck, cj Tenn., the bill was passed authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Tennessee river at Knoxville. The House then went into coinmit tee of the whole on the tariff bilf Mr. Wheeler, of Alabama, concluded his speech begun yesterday, witha-p eloquent tribute to the g.vmdeur A, freedom ol the American republic Mr. Bland, of Missouri, referrin to Mr. Burrows' speech, in whick that gentleman spoke of theMills bill as a bantling without acknowledged pa rentage, criticised the gentlemen on the other side for not having virility and manhood enough to present a bantling of any character. He bit terly opposed the protection system and denied that flf was the cause of the progress of the country and . in veighed against pools and trusts, which he denounced as evils directly traceable to high tariff. Mr. Woodburn, of Nevada, contro verted the claim of the Democrats that their party was the friend of the laboring man, and bitterly de nounced the policy which he said was outlined bv the Mills bill of surrendering American mark ets and American - labor to the free traders of Great Britain. Turn-, ing his attention to the- Cobden Club Mr. Woodburn saw. that it was an association of British manufacturers for the avowed purpose of destroy ing the protective tariff system of America and to facilitate the sale of British gooda in American, markers It had established" agencies in New York and Chicago for the distribu- 1 ' f T" ' 1 ' 1 1 . 1 J a tion i xruiF.u ireo uaut) uocunieuis f something to turn up," but went to Tin the political canvasses of this We will offer for sale this week the fol lowing grand bargains. 2,0001 177l-2c. yards new style combination aitlhgs 13 l-.zo a yara, wortn 3 A Art yrda naw style percales Nfor jUUU boys waists at a, wor th 12 1 Jc . N ew shapes in ladios' hats in all colors at wJi sold everywhere else ror iac. f adies' TatTetta glove at 15c, 85c and 5c 11 a pair. lcbautD "Most of them 1000 chief 10c, worth 15c. ew styles in ladies1 ruffling. N 1 O0 pieces checkod bainsook.nc W deignj C t 12 l-2cj worth 17 l-2o. I B UKKT whips 30c and 35c, worth 50c and 7Sc. !: . : V -h w A ( n tlegant line of babies' lace paps. SPECIAL SA i tur oneninif s tie on Mon V 51 VI I, 7v ) day w ill be our J .4b Msrtiailles quil ts for $1.23. 1 . 1 Jl 1 1 1 . M worbj oetween ine piow nanaies lor a living, as hundreds and thousands' of his brave companions did all over the South. And he stayed between the ploio handles until the voice of the people, recognizing his modesty land worth, called him to the honora ble knd responsible office he now ifills. ; While the people should not choose their public officers because ;they belong to this or that profession or calling, and . while all good men should deprecate any attempt to ar ray class against class, or to put men in office for any cause except fitness, iyet the fact that Gen. Roberta is now and Always has been a farmer, should not be against him in the Democratic party, nine-tenths of whose voting strength is from men belonging to that honorable and honored calling. As a soldier Gen. Roberts- was a success; as a farmer he was .and is a success; as a public officer he is a model kind and courteous to all peo ple,: obliging and affable to those who have business with him and exceed ingly careful and pains-taking with all matters which concern the people's money. In the east where he is best known he is a popular favorite and will add much to the strength of the Democratic ticket. In the interest of the: Democratic party and honest gov ernbant (for the two, as we all know, are inseparable,) we should unite in keeping this tried and faithful ser vant in the office he fills so well, and old Iredell should help to keep him theire. Ibidell Votie. Oreene County Democrat!. ConrcatloD. Goldsboro Argus. The delegates from the various townships met in the court house in Snow Hill, April 28th, pursuant to the call of the chairman of the Demo cratic Executive Committee of Greene county, for tho purpose of selecting delegates to the State, Senatorial and Congressional conventions. STATC CONVENTION. Delegates James W. Crocker, R. E. Best, R. E. Beaman, T. W. Carr, L4E. Pridgen, W. A, Darden, Jr., Dr. T M. Jordan, M. D. Lassiter and Win. Coward. Alternates Haywood Edmundson, J. B. Goff, T. S. Kennedy. Henrv ITurnage, O. W. Dail, F. T. Carr, J. tJ.i Moore, B. W. Edwards and G. T. Ormand. I pa motion, the following resolu , itipns were unanimously adopted: NPv T?iQIl1sJ TVo4- V,ia -wvvvwJ AAA w bUlO VUIA TCUUIVU AAA ' Kgiruct the delegates to the State con- ieuuuu iu use lueir oesc euorts 10 se cure the nomination of Greene county's worthy eon, W. A. Darden, mot Auditor. ", Resolved, That the. delesrates to th longressional convention be instruct- to cast the vote 01 their county Hon. F. M. Simmdns, of . Craven. esolved, That thd delegates to the bOnatorial convention be m- Wtructed to cast the vote of their 0 a-Tuesday our 19c. i I 25: Turkish towels at W ednesday our 68c slippers for 00c. I cpuntp for Hon. Lenoir county BIVSLEY, Secretary. J. W. Grainger, of - Ta- G. W. Bvoa, Chairman. T hum lay our $1.C0 Bonclar Jerseys for 62e. lriday our 50o coreet for 42c. S500 Reward! Ws will pay the aboTe reward for any case Of Indt-, Eostlon, constipation or cnstiveness w oanno' cur with puraly yefwtable. and uon. euro with "VY est s v (euiuit, ui,cr riu, wueu v. directloas are siriciiy compii Die. anu uccr 1411 141 sua mu Ixiit-s containing iw sugar :,lr hv all driKulsU. Bei V.Kn'.rflt4 and imitations. Thsitsnulue mai factured nil by JOH S C. WEST CO.. M Madiaon SU.ChlcaKo, 111. For sale by Ja.t. ftiglflsts. ia Fayehertlie ni Hi r. Geo. C.Jordan,general afeent of thInter-State Life Association, will occtpy handsome quarters in the Mah ler (building and make Raleigh head quarters for the South. He will be assisted by Mr. S. W. Huff, of Staun tomjVirginia, who will make Raleigh hisi home and have charge of I th, Raleigh office.. The Inter S fate Association is pre sided over by prominent trustworthy buiiuess men of Staunton and Ral- eigg, sn'd we ase glad to learn of its coaitinued prosperity and progress. prais :v."rthy feature is the loan of its North Carolina funds by Korth Carolinians in North Carolina, thejFate of interest being only six Jtji-His C.'ara "l'ou say, Ethel, that oif only paid ten cents tO'iiave your vey KleanedT Why, I was asked fteen." Miss Ethel (with a slight but not dangerous cough) "Yes, I suppose the s:B9 is considered." Epoch. country. On the roll of membership appeared the names of the Dukes and Earls, Marquises and Lords, Peers and Counts and Princes. He held in his hand a list of the mem bers the Cobden Club on the 1st of Jan. 1888 and on the back of the book of record was the motto of the club "free trade,", "good will among nations," and "God save the Queen." He proceeded to read the list of members and caused much amusent by sandwiching the names of Americas, members between those of the dukes and earls. Among the names of Americans which he, read were .those- ol Senators Beck and Vance, Secretaries Bayard and Endi cot William R. Morrison and Speaker Carlisle and in reply to ques tions said: "There is not a Republi can today in public life on the roll of the Cobden Club. (Applause-) He said the present British Chief Seer tary ior Ireland, Mr. isanour, is a member and he appealed to adopted citizens of Irish birth not to assist in perpetuating in power a party whose leading members voted for Cobden frtee trade. Cobden free trade meanly that the parliamentary in dependence of Ireland was eatirely valueless. : Could they still cling to a party exisiing on ivn empty duo at tractive sound; that held out as a shining example of its confidence, of patriotism and liberality an ex-mem ber of the: House who basely apolo gized to the Minister at V ashing ton for his contemp'iblo duplicity in in'roducing a resolution of inquiry as to the legality of the trial of an American citizen condemned and exe cuted by a British jury and a British court? He referred to A. S. Hewitt, the Democratic mayor of the Democratic city of New York A Mr. Woodburn concluded speak ing v'r. Bryce, of New York, crossed the main aisle and excitedly de nounced as a misrepresentation Mr. AVoodburn's allusions to A S. Hewitt. Mr. Woodburn "I have said noth- tog but what I can prove." "I Bay it ia false," exclaimed Mr. Bryce. Several ; Republicans slated that what Mr. Woodburn had said was a matter of: record and a matter of notoriety.' " Mr. Brijimm, of Pennsylvania, who was seated within a foot or two of Mr. Bryce, suddenly plunged into the controversy,' and, shaking his fin ger in front of Mr. Bryce's face, said : "Mr. Hewitt acknowledged it on the floor of the House and apologized for it. I offered personally to investigate it. So when you say that this man (referring to Mr. Woodburn) says an untruth you say wbat is false." In a moment the House was in a state of great confusion and members crowded around the two gentlemen, who, facing one another, continued an angry colloquy, which was, how ever, not intelligible. "If there is power in this House to have order," cried Mr. Buchanan, of New Jersey, "I demand order. Let the gentlemen go out into the lobby." "Is this the Senate of the United. States?" queried Mr. Hopkins, of Ulinois, in an information-seeking toile, which set the House in a roar and which poured oil on the troubled waters, for in & few moments Messrs. Brvce and Brumm were seated together ansi talking amicably. Mr. Byhum, of Indiana, said that when the gentleman from Nevada (Mr- Woodburn) was reading the list of members of the Cobden Club he had propounded to him a question as to whetliei Uarheld, when he lived, was not a member of the Cobden Club, as weH as Murat Halstead. The gentleman bad responded that no Re publican living Was a member of that club. 1 Mr. Buchanan interrupted to de clare that Mr. Woodburn had been incorrectly quoted. What lie did say was that no prominent Republican was a member ol the club. 1 Mr. Bynum said that he had a r vised list of the members of the Cob den Club showing that Murat Hal stead had been admitted in 1880. It showed the name of Hugh McCullom ,the former Republican Secretary of the Treasury, .admitted in 1871; of Stanly Matthews, admitted in 18 10, a member of the United States Su preme Court. Here were also the nauifs of te Rothschilds and Cyrus vv. ruklsnl a number ol otners. "I w ; '.iid u;t read them because gen tleman vou'd denounce them as mug- Tm-. w 11 Garfield's name ap pears iri tii j.ulilication of 1871 as ing aAjui'ti-J in 18()9. Messrs. yue an A B ni'elle &aid that Gar- fifll'ls i-leorion was without hie knowledge V'd that he had refused to: become anieaiber. Mr. McCwmick, of Pennsylvania toik the floor and devoted himself largely to a criticism of the lumber sections of the bill. ;Vr. iHockdale of Mississippi, de en lad the bill and recounted the nsideratious which had influenced him in arriving at the con clusion that reform- was necessary. As an .indication of- -popular senti metit in the matter, he stated that in thela8t campaighHke Democracy had pronounced for reform in the tariff, whil the Republican leader was well known as an ailvoca'e of the princi ples of protection The committee then rDse, and the House, at 5:30, adjourned. loday wa the lthdavot the tarin debate aitho ninth day of the seven teen which were agreed upon ai the limltationV After the discussions had run along for three days without an agreement, eight days more of the seventeen remained. Aside from the night sessions (when only one Re publican spoke) the time has been re markably evenly divided between the friends and opponents of the bill, the friends having consumed 2G hours and 40 minutes, while the opponents have enoken for 26 hours and 32 minutes. A Ol.astrens Flrr. Ayous.TA,- ,Ga.', May 5. Saniers- ville, Ga.," sixty miles from Augusta, had a disastrous fire lat night. It originated about . 11 o'clock in the sruiiU grocery store of Castelow & Bro., on Harris street. Cause un known. The flames spread rapidly. The town had no adequate fire ap paratus and by 2 o'clock 'the entire block from McCarty's store to Haines' hallvas in flimes. That portion of Harris street, which is the main busi ness street,from McCartv's brick store to C. R. Pringle's residence across Haines street and back on Haines street as far as the residences of Mrs. (John and J. A. ifobson was burned. The loss aggregates S1UU.UOO and the insurance 820,000 The telegraph office was in McCarty'B building and was destroyed, thus cutting off communication last night. ihe business of the town is tempo rarily prostrated. Andrew J. Ken nedy, traveling salesman for a Macon firm, was severely burned about the head and face. There were no serious casualties. GUILFORD. THE KALEKiH STIIEKT R1IIW1T. IM- N. C. R. R. THE HISTORIC OLD, BATTLE GROUND ALL AGLOW. 1 A DAT Of SBANDSCB AND TIOIANT TBN THOC3AHD P SOP LI ATTB5D THI GBBAT 0ELBBBATI05 TH1 MILITABT THE ORATION THE VISI- TOB8 AN OCC13SI ON L05Q TO Bl KK-MlMEIBaD. i Tbe German Emperor. By Cahle to the News and Obaei ver. Berlin, May 5- The Emperor passed a tolerably good night. He slept well early this morning. He arose and received a verbal report from Gen. Albedyll. The Emperor's temperature during the past 24 hours has been the lowest since the fever began. ' He repeated his efforts to walk today and this time was success ful. He walked up and down his apartments. His appetite is good. TH EMPEROR STRONGER. The Emperor is stronger today. Though his fever has lessened the doctors do not expect that it will sub side entirely. DUcnaslug; the Pope's Rescript. By Cable toitlie New and Observer. Dublin, May 5. The Freeman 's Journal isays that at the request of the Catholic members of Parliament tie Lord Mayor of Dublin convened a meeting today for the purpose of discussing the Pope's rescript. Res olutions were adopted traversing the statements by which the Pope justi fies the" rescript and assuring the Pope of unalterable attachment to mm in : his spiritual capacity, but firmly, respectfully but emphatically refusing to recognize his right to in tervene in Irish politics. Bond Offerings to the Uovernment. Washington, May 5.- -Offers for the sale of! bonds to the government were received by Secretary Fairchild today as follows: Four per cents, coupon, 3525,000 at 127; four per cen-e, registered, $100,000 at 126; $9,000,: at 1204; f 33,000 at $126; $10,000 at 1262-; 120,000 at 127; $20, 000 at ,127T. Four and a half per cents, registered, 55,000 at 10 1 J; four and a half per cents, coupon $21,000 at 107. Total offerings $213,300. Negro Treaible In Alabama. By Talsgraph to tba News and ObserTar. Montgomery, Ala., May 5. Nothing further has been received from the negro trouble in Lowndes county. The scene of the disturbance is some distance from railroad and telegraph lines. From the fact that the troops are expected back today it is thought that the trouble is over. Persons from that vicinity who are in tho city today aro of the same opinion. V eekly Bank Statement. By THesraph to the News and Observer. New Yobk, May 5. The follow ing is the weekly bank statement Reserve increase, $2,053,550 ; loans increase, $l,991,7(ft); specie increase, $ 3,913,500; legal tenders increase $7,900: deposits increase, $7,471, 100; circulation increase, $19,600. The banks now hold $18,250,075 in excess of the 25 per cent rule. I1E.VOCISOK, TUB CONVEXTIOX REPORTED SOLID FOB ALEXANDER, A Velegra n received lat night from He jdeibon was as follows : The con vention here today was solid for I Alexander to a unit. Special to the News and Observrr. Gbeknsbobo, N. C , May 5. De spite the unpropitious aspect of the weather, this morning, at an early hour the crowd began "to assemble upon Guilford Battle Ground and ere the day closed probably ten thousand people had traversed its historic soil. Though the day has not won such a place in' history as the one for which it was celebrated, it will long be re membered as the grandest celebra tion in the history of Guilford county. Train" were run out from Greens boro eTory half hour on the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. 1 At 11 o'clock the Gov ernor, accompanied by his Stan, ar rived. The procession was formed in the following order at the battle erround: The Governor and staff and department officers; the ustices of the Supreme Court and Federal and StaU judges, the clergy, invited guests, city and county officers, benevolent associations, GreenBboro Cornet Band. Reidsville Light In fantry, Reidsville Riflemen, Winston Lieht Infantry, Guilford Gray, Dur ham Light Infantry, Danville Grays. and citizens. The exercises were opened at the erand stand by a very beautiful and touching prayer by ltev. J. E. Mann The band then played one of its" sweetest selections. ' Chief Marshal Jno. A. Barringer, in a very few words, introduced Hon David Schenck, the historian of the battle and the orator of the day. Judce Schenck arose, amid the cheers of the multitude, and, after ad dressing the crowd, began. The oration wasVwell received. It showed that time, study and talent had been given it, and when it ap pears in print it will be one of the most valuable contributions that has been made to history for years. It is a complete history of the Guilford Court House Battle in detail, involv ing nothing but historical and geo crraohical facts. After the oration Governor Scales was introduced and made a few very interesting remarks in which he as cribed the credit of the conception and arrangement of the celebration to Judge Schenck. The following were among the prominent men upon the stand : Gov. Scales. Hon. W. L. Saunders, Secre tary of State: D. W. Bain, State Treasurer: Gen. W. P. Roberts, State Auditor; Mai. S. M. Finger, State Superintendent of Public instruction; Hon. Thos. S. ivenan, uiert 01 tne Supreme Court, Maj. B S. Tucker, Col. James E. Boyd, Hon. A. EL Joyce,. Prof. W. T. Ganaway, of Trin ity College; Hon. JJ. Jf . Uaidweu, 01 Greensboro; W. U. Glenn, Esq., of Winston; J. A- Gray, Esq., president of the "Cape Fear & Yadkin V alley railroad; Capt. Odell, of Concord; A. Halton, of Greensboro ; Rev. Drs. Smith, Mann, of Greensboro; Vernon W. Long, Esq., of the Winston Sentinel, Prof. Wi. A. Blair, superintendent of the Winston Graded .School, Judges Settle land Gilmer and the press representatives, including the: News and Ubskbvib re porter. ' Lunch was served at 2 o'clock An interesting game of2, base ball was played in the afternoon between the Oak Ridge Institute club and the Siler City club. lrap shooting was engaged in at 4:30 o'clock. There was a review of th militarv bv Gov. Scales and Col 'J. D. Glenn, in command. The parade and drill were unua- uallv fine and were so pronounced ! by the officers. The Durham Light Infantry was commanded by Lieutenant Gattis, as business circumstances rendered it impossible for Captain Parrish to be present. It; was a grand array of gallant young men. Col. Glenn, of Greensboro, and lieutenant (joionei Xllington, of Reidsville, were in com mand of the battalion. Many old war reHsnre exhibited upon the grounds, including a gun that was used in 1776, cannon balls, swords and; various curiosities that have been nicked up on tbe battle ground. Ihe marshals deserve especial credit for the good order that was main tained during the day. The following were on duty : Uoi John A. Barringer, chief; assistants, 0. H. Ireland, J. J. Nelson, J. E Cook, W. R. Lands, T. S. Keogh, D. Schenck, Jr., J. Kirkpatrick, K. u Rankin, R. C Causey, W. Harvey, R. P. Gray, J. G. Cook, J. T. Mofntt, U. Watkins, J S. Grogan, J. L- Patter son. X. repper, M. aic.L. w imams, W. B. Lewis. N. M. Richmond, H. C- Brown. J. G. Lea, P. D. Watt, M. O Patterson, J. S. Hollingsworth. We are indebted to C1. J. T. More- head for eourtesiss lo the News and Observer Mr. Joseph Becker, a special artist . . , .1 T is here making sketches ior rrana Leslie's Illustrated Weekly. Total VUlbleBnpply of Cotton. By Telegraph to the News and Observer.- New York, May 5 The total visible supply of cotton for theprfd is 2,320,913 bales, of which 1,656,213 bales are American; against 2,452,138 bales and 1,747,438 bales respectively last year; receipts at all interior t 14.840 bales: receipts at ine p tions 5,020 bales; crop in sight 6 6,676,853 bales. Government Acceptances or Bated. By Telegraph to the News and Obssro Washington, May 5. The Sec tary of the Treasury this ewfening Ac cented $38,300 in bonds at 126$ for fours and7ifo four and a half. The folWwingrfTjf s, were recived after the .rggulai ojning but wero not accepted : STaUOO 4is, registered, at 109i; $25K000 4s, cou pon, at 127; $1,000,001 at 127. OUICK3U SCHEDUL1 AND .OTHER MOVEMENTS THI OITT PABK. Noticing a gang of laborers at wort on the street railway near the north ern end of Blount street, and having heard a rumor of contemplated im provement upon the part of the com pany, our reporter yesterday hunted up Ur. lurner, tne inaeiaiigaDie pres ident, and persuaded him to unbosom himself to the following effect : "Yes, we have determined to quick . . , 1 en the scaeduie, ana. as announced today, we shall make a twenty-minutes schedule, the cars leaving the transfer switch on Morgan street near the Club House every twenty nvnutes during the day and evening, leaving, of course, on the hours and at twenty and forty minuses after. To do this we shall keep only a single lice on Fayetteville street, the green, which wil run from the depot to the terminus. The red cars will ply between ta- end of Hillsboro street, near St. Mary'?, and the trans fer switch, making and receiving transfers. Unless there shall be a stormy day, or some unusual necessi ty, the cars will not run nearer the graded school than the corner cf Cabarrus s reet, but that is only two hundred and fifty yards distant. The cars on Blount street will , .... .1 - pass eacu otner near tne corner 01 Pec street, three ears running on the Green line. 'As to the Yellow line we cannot spt ak definitely for the present, but we fear that the heavy grades on Hal ifax street will prevent us from regu larly leaking a twenty minutes' sched ule from the transfer switch to l eace Institute and return, and to continue that line may derange the entire sys- teai. We have made every effort to keep up this line, and if possible we will, but we are afraid that we wul be obliged to run the cars on Hargett street only. "But the park, Doctor V "Well, about that it may be prema ture to speak freely. I can only say that gentlemen connected with the management have contracted for the property owned by Dr. iiclvee, north west of Oakwood Cemetery, the love liest shaded hillside, the most attrac tive combination of trees and grass, rocks and water in Raleigh township. They propose to improve it as far as they can, to erect a pavilion, place seats about in it, construct a swimming pool, bowling alley, merry-go round aid make it as far aS they are able a pleasant resort. It. will be espacially suited for picnics, Sunday School celebrations or other gatherings. The street car line will be ex tended from its present terminus on Polk street to tho gate of the Park, on JNorth .Boundary Btreet, at me northwest corner of the cemetery, running every twenty minutes." "What is the name of the pars, Dootor 'We have concluded to name it Brookside Park," but will listen to suggestions of a more appropriate name. Suppose you and your read ers help us. If the enterprise shall be well patronized, a switch-back or toboggan roller slide ana other amusements will be added." TBE NEW SCHEDULE. On and after today cars will bo run every 'ZU minutes, commencing at o:u a. m , (on Sundays at 8:40 a. m.) Red cars will not run regularly on Fayetteuille street or to Union depot, but will only run from transfer switch at capitol out. on Hillsboro street to St. Mary's, returning will make connection with the other lines. Green cars - will run from Union depot via Favettevil'.s street to trans fer switch at capitol connecting at Fayetteville and . Hargett streets with the Hargett street line and at transfer switch with the Hillsboro street line, thence via Blount street to end of line near Oakwood cemetery. Yellow cars will run to and from end of line on East Hargett Btreet, making connection with the green cars at the corner 01 nargett and Fayetteville Btreets. After a o clock: p. m , cars will run on the green line every half hour On Hillsboro and Hargett streets every hour. Special cars will be furnished on short notice for excursions, enter tainments at Metropolitan Hall or elsewhere, picnics, &c. The track below Hotel" Florence, on Fayetteville street, will not be used regularly until further notice W. A. Nixon, Supt THE RICHMOND AN L WEST POINT TERMINAL SUED FOB INTEREST ON BONDS OF FORMER BOAD AN ISJCNCT105 AKED OTHEB NEWS. By Talegrsph to tha Nswi and Observer. New York, May 5. Suit was en tered, in the United States Circuit Court today by Morton, Bliss & Co. vs. the Richmond & West Point Ter minal Riilroad and Warehouse Com pany, as holders of the controlling interest of North Carolina Railroad bonds. Morton, Bliss & Co. hold $1,500,000 of the bonds, on which no interest has boen paid for several years, and aik that $6,336,000 of com mon and preferred stock held by the Richmond Terminal be held and pay ment bfl applied to pay the over-due' coupons with interest. An injunction is asked restraining the defendants from transferring or interfering wi the stock pending decision of the suif. HKWntKI. THE CLAIK DELEQATKB YANCEY COFJTY. DECLARES FOB OILMEB AND AVERT A f DISTINGUISHED ARRIVAL. ''' Special to the News and Observer. Asheville, C, May 5. The County Convention of Yancey de clared for Gilmer for Governor, and Avery foropTeme Court Judge. Bishop n llhs, of Honolulu, arrived hero today. The llahn Bepublteans. The Hahn faction of the Republican party held their county convention in . the theatre ypsterday and nominated their county candidates: also elected delegates to the State and Congres sional conventions - The following ticket' was . nomi nated : For the Senate, George Greer, Jr.; for the House, J. E. Hussey; for sheriff, M. Hahn; for treasurer, John O. Gardner; for register of deeds, Robert Hancock, Jr. Resolutions were adopted strongly endorsing L. J. Moore, Esq , for Con gress and he was accorded the privi lege of selecting the delegates. In po nt of numbers the convention was about the sizs of the Stimson convention that met about a month ago and was about as harmonious. New Jlerne Journal, 5th. TICKET FOR ELECTEE-. Special to the New) anil Observer. Nevbern, May 5. The Clark ticket for county delegates wis elected to day by a large majority. The third ward sends Hon. Chas. C. Clark, Mayor E. H. Meadow?, E. M. Pavie and John McSorly. The other wards are Rolid for Clark. . ea- . Protesting; Against the Papal Decree. By Cable to the News and Observer. Dublin, May 5. Meetings will be held throughout West Clare tomor row protesting against the Papal re script on the ground that the Pope is ignorant of the suffering of the peo ple of Clate. Shooting Sensation In Asheville. Asheville Sun, th. Quite a sensation was created on our streets vesterday evening about 3 o'clock by tho report of a pistol. Mr. E. D. Carter, a prominent young lawyer of thia city was shot in the left leg by Mrs. Clara Beaver. The particulars, as far as we were able to iiearn, are about as follows: Several months ago it seems that Mr. Carter had been employed in a aw suit against Mrs. Samantha Wil son, mother or Mrs. Deaver. un several occasions, since the trial, Mrs. Wilson has had many unkind things to say to Mr. Carter, and yesterday evening, while he was walking up College street near Woodbury's sta bles, he met Mrs. Wilson, who com menced to abuse him in such a manner that he could not stand it any longer, and raised his hand and slapped her to the ground. He was then arrested and taken to the mayor's office, but while waiting for the mayor to return he walked down on Patton avenue, and just after passing Summers' mar ket, Mrs. Deaver, who was standing near, deliberately and without a word of warning, shot him from the rear, tbe ball striking just above the knee and inflicting a painful flesh wound. Immediately Mr. Carter whirled " and seized his assailant. By this time Deputy Sheriff J. M. Worley came up and arrested and disarmed her. She was taken before Esquire Malone, who bound her over in a bond of $200 for her appearance at the next term of the Superior Court. Mr. Carter was taken to hia room in tbe McLioud building, where he received prompt medical attention from Dr. H- B Weaver, and there is no apprehension that the wound will prove dangerous The friendB of the late Dinah Mulock Craik, author of "John Hali fax, Gentleman," are about to erect a marble medallion to her memory in Tewkesbury Abbey, Tewkesbury England. Queen V ictona will enter upon the seventieth year of her age on the 24th instant, but the official celebra tion, it has been determined, will be deferred till ihe 26 th. For rheumatic and neuralgic pains, rub in Dr. J. IT. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment, you will not suffer long, but will be gratified with a sp and effective cure. jiitered, Notice to the lju.blic.-1 he under s:gned wishes to inform tha citizens of Raleigh that he has contracted to decorate the Euzelian Hall at Wake Forest College and will bf absent for about 2 weeks. In the meantime he begs leave to say that those wishing to have Papering done would do well to correspond with him. He guarantees to use none but the latest designs of Wall Papers and decorating materials and by giving all work intrusted to him his own personal attention he feols warranted in saying that he has no superior in his profession. As he does all work himself jand has no d isions to make, he can afford to give better work at lower rates than his competitors and guarantee every job. He farther assures those wishing to engage him that if the Wall Paper put up by him should come loose he will return all money paid for such job and replace such paper free of any charge whatsoever. His work may be inspected at Br. Jas. McKee's, Mr. Geo. Snow's, Mr. Wm. Wooll cott's, Capt. Timberlake's, etc. f Very respectfully, M. H- Adtbzcht. I.EMOV KLIXIR. A PLEASANT LEMON DRINK. Rev. O. 11. Lynch, publisher of the Alabama Christian Advocate, Birming ham, writes: "I travel all-over the State; my friends pay they find Dr. Mozley's Lenon Elixir a mot excellent medicine. My book-keeper and foreman both u e it in place of calomel, pills, etc. a prominent minister writes. Dr. Mozley Dar Sir: After ten years of great suffering from indigestion or dyspepsia, with great nervous prostra tion and biliousness disordered kidneys and constipation. I have been cured by four bottles of your Lemon fc-lixir, and am now a well man, Rev. C. C. Davis, Eld. M. Church South, No. 28 Tatnall St., Atlanta Ga. FROM NORTH GEORGIA. Mrs. N. A. McEntire writes from Springs t lace: For many years I have, been a great sullerer from indigestion, sick headaches and nervous prostration, caused from biliousness and constipation. I tried many lemedies, but got no per manent relief until I used Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir. I am now in better health than for many yeans. My daughter bas been subject to chills and fever from her infancy. I could srt nothing to telieve hsr; the Lmon Elixir has restored her to perfect health. Sold by druggists, 50 cents and 81.00 per bottle. Prepared by Dr. H. Mozley Atlanta, Qa. The recent case of grafting a rabbitt's cornea upon a human eye in Ph ladelphia is -said to be successful. An Elegant. Sub.tttnte For Oils. Salts, Pills, and all kinds of bitter, nauseous Liver Medicines and Cathartics, is the very agreeable liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its advantages are-evident it is more easily taken, more acceptable to the stomach, , pleasantly effective, and more truly beneficial to the system than any ether remedy. Recom mended by leading physicians. John S, Pescud, Sole ' $5,000 will bejorfeited if the Pap- poose cgar does not contain a clear Havanna filler of the nnest grade grown in Cuba. Sold by John T. MacRae. There was an encounter Friday near Hayneville, Lawndes county, Alabama, between a sheriff's posse and a negro mob, in which two white men were wounded and several ne groes were killed. Soalhcra Summer Retreat. We take pleasure in calling the at tention of all who intend visiting the mountains either in tha pursuit of health or pleasure to tbe advertise ment which will be fuux. ' elsewhere in this issue, of the famous summer resort. Haywood Whitd Sulpher SpriDgs, Waynesville, N. C. These springs are a summer retreat of pe culiar beauty, in the heart of the Al leghaniles. It istxhe most beautiful place east of the vRocky mountains, COO feet higher than Asheville, 1,400 feet higher than Warm Springs and 2,900 feet above sea level. Hotel accom modations uasurpaosed, rr ::nficent scenery, delight K.i la tie , .Harming drives, no malaria here, pure air, no dust, ho heat, no Hies, arcadian repose and quiet meditation among rolling brooks and primaeval forests." Messrs. Allen & Neville the new proprietors have leased these springs for a number of years. Dr. G. D. Allen k son are among the most prominent and wealthy men of Wett tern Carolina and are natives of Waynesville, N- C , where they have a large drug business, the qjher part ner Robert O. Neville, Esq , is a na tive of Halifal Co., N. C. He has had 16 years hotel experience, having been connected at different times with the "Yarboro" of Raleigh, "Pur cell" of Norfolk, Va," "Central" 'of Hickory, N. C. and at present is the proprietor of the "Eagle , of Ashe ville, N. C. He will have sole man agement of the Hotel and its appur tenances. Host Neville will nake the Haywood White Sulpher second to no other' summer resort in : the South. He ia efficient, kind, and at tentive to his guests, anticipating as far as he can ihe slightest wish and pleasure of all. No man in tho State understands matters citisintbetter than he, under this new. management this famous summer rort will be more popular tip; n over before. Messrs Nor is & Car:tr make an anuouncoment this morning of theJ special bargains they propose to offer this week which should be read. They are now offering an elegant line of goods and at prices which will in sure their sale. lAKISSf? Its superior excellence proven in mil lions of homes for mora than a quarter X a century. It is used by the United . States Government. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universities as the the Strongest, Purest and most Health ful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only in Cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. HTW YOBK. CHICAGO. ST. LOPIa "EDWARD FASIU0H, JEWELER "Do you believe there is any such thing as luck?" asked a young. man of an old bachelor. "I do. I've had proof of it." "In what wavt" " was refused by five girls when I .Jf - k " TtVLot wa a Traveler. young man." Merchant RALEIGH, Jg. C SOLITAIRE and (LI ST Eft DI1S0SDS, Gold Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watches, tiorham's Sterling Silverware, Rogers plated silverware, any size and' weight of plain 18 karat En gagement ringsonstant ly in stock. Badges, and Medals made to order. Our Optical Departmciit Embraces an endless variety cf lenses which together with .our practical expe rience enables us to correct almost any error of refraction in Myopia (nearsight), Hv permetropia (far sight), Presbyopia, (old sight). Asthenopia (weak sight) soul ' giving prompt relief from that distress ing headache which often accompanies imperfect visio. i OUR ARTIFICIAL - : Human Move and look' like the natural organ No pain when inserted. .- ?( Patients at a distance having a brokra eye can have another mad without eaiV ing personally.

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