Mews jap .Observer. TutuatLtD DatAt (kxoxft Mojtpay) ahd I JW smelt. -f BT THE Nlf.V) AND OCSEBYEH Co. J. I. HrKi:, . J . . . ltd l tor. Daily oue fwar, 5y maul postpaid, tlx monUtf,: " . . three "i " " , st oo ' 1 M 1 78 1.26 Weekly, one jfri " six (nomas. M " 7B Ho name eu$er&l without payment, nd no pr- rni hut Biexpirauun us um paia ior. MAY 10, 1888. D EHOC&Af 16 DISTRICT COM VXSTIOM. A convention of the Democratic party of m fourth Congressional district will ,be held at lialeigh on May 29tht xt, to ruminate a candi date for Oqsi$ress, a candidate for dis trict elected-,'' to elect two delegates to the Natioom Democratic t Convention and for othir purposes. fij order of the committee. y$ ' ' E. J. Paebisu, Chairman executive committee. (Di8tricf"papers wilLflease copy)- Democratic State Kxeeililve Couamlttes. RalkiIh, N. C, May 8th, 1888. ' To the JMegotea to the Democratic State Convention : The railroad companies in the State hare generally agreed to have round trip tickets at excursion rates on sale, for delegates to the Democratic State Cdnvention,to be held in this city on May SOtftfinsyto be good from May 28th thinner 4thYlkth inclusive. So delegaWVill be careful to buy tick- etato RUeigh aw return. $ J It. H. Battle, t ? V Chairman, &c B. 0. EidKWITH, h J Secretary. Democratic papers-please copy. The Democrats of Georgia and Al abama ae also solid for Cleveland andtariff reform. They are not to be AiTried from the right economi " carcdtirsjo by any arguments of pro tetio&X8ls so-called even though these are made right under their nses an by men who, being South ern, Bflduld know better or see clearer in thiSi matter. - ' ' Tidjf subject of the memorial ad dress today will be Gen. Junius Daniel, is brave a soldier as ever drew! svord from scabbard, as knigtUy a gentleman as ever lived, land it will have full justice done it in ' the hind? of Hon. R- T. Bennett, the Orator of the day, himself one of the ; bravdst of the brave as well as one of j the State's most eloquent Bona. We j advise al who can do so to hear the! oration. . j 7 : i f Wi hve noted with great pleasure! the completion of the Murphy (N. 0.) an& North Georgia Railroad to Mur-j ph Xhe citizens of the beautiful a IrVM n menuonea ceieoraiea tne event ... 1 . 1 1 A ll . 6 wilh great enthusiasm, turning out enHia88e to do so. They are very reasonably in a joyous mood. Mur-f pfy is destined to be one of the most in;portant towns in all our western catuntrr and at an early day. Mark tha prediction. JlHxf prohibitionists of Georgia, il appears, propose no nail-way meaa . uee. f They are cot., content with . leaving the mattei they have in hanj bift propose to make a general prohi bition: contest in the elections for this - legislature this; fall, nominating in evpry. county candidates pledged to vote for a statutory prohibition law. Sovgoes the news as it is wired from Atlanta. f - ' - ! A(Liader of the! bar in the North w&twriles of Chief Justice Fuller to lawyer friend in Richmond as ,Iouows, according; to tne JJwpatch: 'I ihink him one of the noblest fl- lotfs on earth; one of the best law vers I titer met f nllv! read and fmi1ir with all the branches of hja profeE- sioa: exceedingly well verMfidHn all constitutional questions; (fepune faiJf and fust in all matters Dresei n& charitable to a fault; a Christ: gentleman of spotless character; ex ceodingly amiable; but firm in tt ught. He is a ripe scholar; well re in all finds ol literature; an ele spmicer at tne oar, on tne Btumpoj at dinner, &e.I&o. u -L . -.1 l , HUffiBULniV, We are getting away from "the" wjr.j The r joshing steeds of time berjoson to graves like those we decorate todayx at a rate that may elig slow tp the young, but that all sooner or later niust recognize as tre- deal who Wore the gray lives with us fresh and greeii. No period, however long, can blot out the recollection of the eon, or (father, or, brother who gave his life for' a principle: that men have held precious since the firBt or ganization of society. ; Nor1 can the virtues of the Confederate soldier, th& valor, fortitude, courage, sublime Le or JacksW or any other of the Southern leaders ever cease to shine with a' light that has made all the world, wonder. The fame cf thl gray-jacket is- secure, and he who fell while battling under the banner of the Confederacy is a hero and a 'martyr indeed. W e remember tho Confederate dead asour very own, and so the duty which "Old Mortality" assumed and which has fallen to our lot with refer ence to them has evep been cheer-' fujjy performed, though with soirow, that time mitigates, to be sure, but that can never be wholly lifted from' thet heart. JVe should not. falter in the enno bling work. We should take care ever to keep fresh " the laurel cn the graves of our sleeping heroes. This is fcli we can do for them now. ;This is 11 we can do for the noble father or husband, the precious boy, who went; frm us to fight for his country, literally as he believed and as. was the fact, and was brougm back to us a corpse or to die, or. was killed and buried cn the battlefield. jj"We are led in tcwork , of pre serving his memory by the-faitufnl women of our land and surelv there VWM never such leadership, so gentle, ac) . intelligent, so full of all that raises taan to a higher plane of be va$ than his unassisted nature is capable of reaching. We cannot ao better, we may be sure, than follow the suggestions the Ladies' .Memorial Association makes to ub this day. Let uej, one and all, go with these ladies to the city of the dead acd perform the duty of which they re mind us. Let us lend them all pos sible support and to the last man aid them in the gentle offices they devine and perform with such touching self sacrifice, such delicacy, zeal and ten derness. So will we honor our selves in honoring the memory of those who laid down their lives for the Southland. Those men went forth to their stern duty with cheerfulness. We should fall far sjiort of that appreciation which, we regard as necessary to the nfanly character were we to fail in the due performance of the duty we now owe them. Let the ladies of the Memo rial Association feel that they have the full sympathy and support of the entire community. Let the wheels of trniln And nmmerce and the : other Rdrdinery avocations of life be stopped rpr a oriel noor tma aiternoon ana let that hour be given to the memory ot the Confederate dead. 1 4 MATTERS AND THINGS. j The intelligent Raleigh correspond ent of the Durham Recorder writes to that paper: I "The assault on Judge Fowle in the Statesvile Landmark was writ ten in this city." : We take the above as an illustra tion of how wide of the mark people sometimes, get on the subject of communications." ' The correspond ent of our Durham contemporary Was doubtless firmly impressed with the idea that the letter referred to was written in Raleigh, just as a whole lot of other mistaken persons 'entertain the notion that the commu nications appearing in the News and Odsxbveb are written in Raleigh and perhaps sent away to be mailed back to the News and Obsebvkb a most I preposterous and ridiculous notion, fit is now well understood that the Statesville letter, supposed to have been written in Raleigh and sent to Statesville for publication, was writ ten by a gentleman at Statesville. We suppose that the correspondent of the Recorder will himself agree in view of the known authorship of the letter that the suggestion about the letter being written in Raleigh falls to ,the ground, and as the supposi tion made as to that is thus shown to be unfounded, so in like manner such suggestions in regard to the commu nications in the News and Observes are equally bo. And while on this subject we re peat what we have heretofore said, that all communications favoring can didates received by us are treated in the same way. We areas kind and con siderate as to one as to another. We have not desired to show any prefer ence for any candidate. If j we have printed more letters favoring tne than another it is because we have received more. Indeed we have been threatened by subscribers "with stopping their paper' for not printing their commu nications for Judge Fowle, for whom therearequite a number unpub lished. v : And we may also say that the Re view did us palpable injustice in its article on "lialeigh Mathematics" by Seeking to make it appear that our article a month ago was cast in the Interest of some particular candidate, and in its effort to do thit suppress ing a part of the figures as well as the only comment we mads on them. Asa matter of fact the figures then printed left the subject in a state of most glorious uncertainty and so it remains, as far as we can see, to this day. And so it seems to be likely to remain until the convention . assembles- The News and Obsebveb does not wish to be understood by any candidate or by the publio as being for or against any particular candi date. It is fair and just and kind to all and proposes to be in a .position to give to whoever may be nominated the most cordial and enthusiastic support. The Review in its artio'e seemed to indicate that there were only two candidates to bs considered. Our article on which it commented showed that there was a third candidate, at least, and possibly more to be consid ered in that connection. FOR CONGRESS. THOS. B WOltACK. ESQ . OF CH1TH1V. C jr.,ot Uie News and Observer. The subscriber has noticed the name of Thomas B. Womack men tioned as a probable candidate for nomination for Congress upon the Democratic ticket. The suggestion is opportune. No man in the district can discount him in fealty to the Democratic party, and in devotion to the interests of the psopte who compose it. As a whole souled man he is known throughout the State. As a thorough Democrat he has been known in the halls of the legislature and certainly known by the votes of his Senatorial district. No charge at all damaging can be made against him. He is a pure man and one who would bear aloft tho banner of Democracy, serenely con scious that he has nothing to re proach himself with. Nominate nim and the district is redeemed. W. The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. Cor. ol the News and Observer. GaixasBOBO, N. C, May 9. The Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. met in this city Tuesday morning, only one or two lodges of the State net being represented. Between Beventy five and one hundred were present. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Grand Master, Rev. J. H. Cordon, Wilson; Deputy Grand Master, J. W. Albriirht. (ireattahnr-rs- fimr.A Vlr 3 Jos. G. Brown, Raleigh; Grand Sec- -l Tl "TT T 1 ll ". .. reiary, v. a., wooden, Kaleign; Urand Treasurer, R. J. JoneB, Wilmincton: Representative to Grand Lod H. Bobbitt, Oxford The order throughout the State has made crreater advances during fh past year than has been done in sev- rm years, ana its numerical and financial strength is very encouraging. Buena Vista Lodce of thin cit.v will take the Grand Lodge on an excur- Bivja 10 x-uot mountain on mursday. J. U. iJ. The detrree of doctor of nhiloaoi phy has bden conferred by the Uni versity of Zurich upon Miss Frances H. Mitchell, of Philadelphia. Who SUall We nominate! Cor. of the News and Observer. Faietteviale, N. C, April 23. The Democratic party should go slow in the selection of a candidate for Governor of North Carolina a mistake in the beginning, by the selection of the wrong man to lead us, would be fatal to our every hope, and plunge this State into the wreck and ruin of radicalism for years to come. It is far easier to hold on to ground now secured than to have to retrieve ground that may be consid ered as lost. How very careful then should we be in the nominations for our State ticket, and especially that of the bead of it, who is to bear the chief burden of our canvass, and lead us to glorious victory, or to bury us in humiliation and defeat. Are we sure if not we ought to be, that the candidate for Governor r Specially, as well as all our candi dates, have no past records that can be succesfully attacked or that have to be defended? That they can "face the foe" with courageous eye and un 13 inching front, with no weak spot to bo exposed, for we may bo sure that every vulnerable poirt of attack will be sought for, and if they exist, to force by the wily," eager and deter mined adversary, with whom the fate of battlo is to be won or lost. The Cape Fear section "presents a man to the people of North Carolina of spotless record and of incompara ble ability to) win in this fight in the person of Charles M. Stedman, of New Hanover. Let hia past record be scrutinized carefully and if he has "spot or blemish" the writer,who is his t personal as well as political friend, will join m saying that he is not the man, because and for tho only but all sufficient reason that the good of the Democratic party must be paramount to every other consideration, and ev ery ambition should be, aye, must be subordinated to tho success of that Earty, which is but another name for ontst and pure government. The Democratic party cannot afford to make any, even the slightest mistake this year. We have no "margin" to spare and occupy very critical ground. Let us "come and reason together" for the best interests of our common welfarej I do not deal in honored words lor fulsome adulation, but I have a conviction and hesitate not to deliberately express it when I Bay that in the nomination of Maj. Sted man the Democratic party will make no mistake. He can and will arouse an enthusiasm that no other man, in my judgment, save Vance, can bring about, j He will draw around him the hearty i support of the masses, acd carry the Democratic banner to tri umphant and overwhelming victory. Let the convention be careful of our interests, and if they will nomi nate the man who will insure victory to us in the coming campaign his name will be Charles M. Stedman. Obsebvek. I AtEIASDEU COCNTT. does not Instruct but favors fowle and cowles. Cor. cf Ue Newa and Observer. I Taylors villk, N. C, May 8. T,he Democratic County Conven tion for Alexander county was held here today and delegates were ap pointed to the State. Congressional and Senatorial Conventions. They go to all ; the conventions uninstructed, but are for Hon. D. G. Fowle for Governor and Wm. H-, H. Cowles for Congress. The following resolutions were offered and unanimously passed after a Bhort and appropriate speech by E. B. Jones, Esq. : , Jie$olved 1. That we, the Democrats of Alexander coun'y, in convention assembled, do heartily endorse the patriotic and honest administration of President Cleveland. 2. That we hail with delight his hon est and : impartial distribution of ap pointments of Southern citizens to positions in the cabinet, judiciary and representatives at the courts of for eign ; nations, and that in it he has known and recognized no North, no East, no West and no Sotb, beyond their; respective merits. In this" way he has made himself the President of the entire Union and the choice of the people lor a second term. 3. That we endorse the honest and faithful administration of our State government ; the honest and faithful efforts on the part of our representa t ve in Congress for a, reduction of national taxation and a repeal of the internal revenue laws, and demand on their part a continuance of their work till the entire system is abol ished. 4. That we pledge ourselves to the hearty support of the nominees of the Democratic party in county, State and nation, and call upon the Demo crats of the respective townships to aid in the organization of the party, and insist on their attendance upon the primary meetings and their as sistance in the nomination and elec tion to office of honest and efficient men. The Republicans also held a con vention here today and R. Z. Linney, their new convert, made a long two hours' speech, which certainly did not strengthen that party any. HOnQAHTO.1. THB MTJSrCIPAL ELECTION AND iTS RESULT. Cor, NeWt and Observer. Morqanton, N. G., May 8. The municipal election of this town ?assed off very quietly yesterday, he following is the result : Mayor, B. F. Davis. Commissioners r G. P. Erwin, John R. Pearson, John A. Dickson, J. R. Anderson, M. D., W. A- Wortman. X. Y. Z. Base Ball. Cot. ol tiie Kens and Observer. Oak Ridge, N. C, Mayi7. On May 5th at the Guilford Court House celebration, the Live Oak Base Ball Club at Oak Ridge Institute de feated the Thompson School Club at Siler City by a score of 18 to 1. Um pire, Mr. Crump, of Danville. Yours, X. Political Polnta. The New Berne Journal aays: The delegations from Onslow go unin structed but Stedman will undoubt edly get a majority of the delegation to the State convention. The Con gressional delegation is divided be tween McClammy and Green. The Alexander delegates are re ported to be for Judge Fowle. ;Ool; W. J. Green claims in the Wil mington Messenger that Cumberland will support him in the Congressional convention along with Bladen and Harnett counties. He is for giving WoOlammy a bard fight. Tbt Governorship. Cor. of th News and Observer. WAsniNOToN, N. C, May 7. A distinguished citizen of North Carolina wrote some time ago that it was with great solicitude he observed that the public sentiment of the Dem-r-"tic masses had not singled out h-y one individual as above all Oth er tha most proper and available man upon whom to confer the Gubernato rial nomination. If that gentleman were in hicT native State at this time, he would see from the public journ als that tho masses of the Democra cy were rapidly centering upon J udge Fowle as the ablest and most availa ble Democrat now mentioned for that nomination. It is a fuct bejond question that neither he nor his many friends, have made any effort to arouse a public Bentiment in his be half; and that he is not a candidate for the nomination io the sense that he is seeking it or that his friends are working to that end. The strength developod by other can didates has been of slow growth, and as is generally believed, most assidu ously worked up and cultivated. The idea of nominating Fow!e seems to have sprung up suddenly from the masses of the people, where his strength lies, from the mountains to the sea. S ores of journals teem daily with communications urging tho Democracy to nominate Fowle. These do uot read as if written with the polished pen cf a practiced political boomer, but more like the plain, di rect thoughts and expressions of "the sons of toil" and the business men of the State. Why is this sudden and extended exhibition of sentiment for Fowle when no effort has been made to arouse if. It is because the masses of the people are. both wise and grate ful. They fully appreci ite the neces sity for the supremacy of the white man's patty io North Carolina, to gether with the critical emorgency we aro now facing. They feel that the De mocracy must put forth its strongest, ablest and most available man. The people desire a man as the candidate of the Democracy who is not allied entirely with the railroads or great corporations of the S ate; one who has not made himself obnoxious to any particular class of voters in the Democratic party, and above all a man whose unblemished character and sdul-stirring eloquence will draw to his standard the great masses of the people wherever he speaks Is1 there any other ingn but Fowle who is thought of who exactly fills the bill ? Who that heard his won derful eloquence in the great Tilden campaign of 1870 can evw forget it ? Well do I remember that great Bpeech he made when Dominated as elector. It was worthy of the greatest orator of the Revolution. In a campaign in which he is the leader I believe the eloquence and magnetism of Judge Fowle would achieve a victory surpassing anything we have ever had in North Carolina. He has no legislative iecord to be at tacked; he has mado no uncompro mising enemies from the bench, and no corporation has ever been able to identify him with it. His availibility being generally admitted, common gratitude demands that the nomina tion be at least tendered hirn. No other man in the State, with the pos sible exception of Vance, has ever made such brilliant and successful campaigns; none except Vance can draw the masses from all points to hear him, and no one can so inflame them with ardor and zeal for the great cause of Democracy and the Constitution. The East is entitled to the nomination, and we who live in his native county look with solicitude to the coming convention, trusting and believing that the principle of right, gratitude aDd availability will (triumph and the,, wishes of the masses of the peop.e be gratified. tit so, Judcre Fowle will errasD the banner of Democracy and carry it through the most brilliant campaign North Carolina has ever witnessed to a certain victory. Let no one bemia led by tta efforts of over-zealous friends or of astute opponents in en deavoring at this early day to swi'ch Fowle off for tho United States Sen ate. The party needs him in the coming fight to appeal to the suffrages of the people, and not to legislators, and the party will have him, if the wishes of the people pievail. Democrat. caldwell coc.1ty ISSTBCC1S roa fOwle, aveby and Bowles. Cor. ol the News and Observer. Lenoir, N. C, May 8. The Caldwell County Convention was held in the court house yester day with a full delegation from each township. The reports from the dif ferent township meetings on Satur day are favorable. A large attendance met at each place. The delegates and interested citizens from eery section of the county filled the court house today and more interest was mani fested than usual thus early in the campaign. Rev. Isaac Oxford, of Little River township, was made chairman, and W. W. Scott, Jr., secretary. Delegates to the State convention were unanimously instructed to cast the vote of the - county for Hon. Daniel G. Fowle for Governor, and Judge A- C. Avery for Supreme Court Judge. The delegates to the Congressional convention were instructed to cast the vote of the county for Hon. W. H. H. Cowles, our present able repre sentative. The county delegation then voted for Caldwell'! representative in the State Senate in the 3Gth district, and much interest was manifested in the nomination as these names were pre sented to the convention: H. S. Blair, of Little River township; SV. C. New land, of Lenoir township, and J. J. Harshaw, of John's River township H. S. Blair was n minated on the first ballot, receiving 818; Newland 257, and J. J. Harehaw 176. Mr. Blair is a fine Bpeaker and will make a telling canvass. One of the pleabant features of the convention was to see Mr. S. L- Pat terson, a Democratic delegate from Yadkin Valley township, who left the Republican party on the nomination of Blaine and York, and Mr. J. A. Dula, late chairman of the Republi can executive committee, but recently taken into fellowship in the Demo cratic ranks. The town election passod off quietly, though a full vote was cast. W. C. Ervin was elected major by twenty two majority over H. C. Martin, and the following named wore elected commissioners : J. It. S. idby, J. W. Kerby and Ed. F. Wakefield. Rwo. AOVICK TO MOTHERS. Mrs. Window's SocUfen Byrup siiould Uttwsjs be oseJ when children are rutting teMJi. It re lieves ttM little sufferer Mionee, it produces natu ral, yuiet sleep by rolierinfrth children troni pain, and the little cberub awakes as "bright as a but ton." It is Try pleasant, to tte; hoolhps the child, softies the minis, alKys all pain, relieves wiaii, teruiates t6e bowels and is t:e best known remedy lor diarrusa, whether rii-lnu from teeth lag nr orhflr evise. Twntr five c iuU a jotf;e. A package, supposed to contain $1,000, from the Autorican Exchange National Bank of New York, sent to the United States treasury for re demption, was found to contain noth ing but paper. The Earth Exhales Potion. To the air tn localities where vegetation, rotted by freshets. Is laid bare to the son's rays by ihe retiring flood. Millions of square acres, in the Ticlnity of the (Treat tributaries of the Mississippi and the Missouri in the South and Southwest, give forth this fever-laden miasmatic vapor, dissemi nating malarial pestilence broadcast. Not only throughout the great West, but wherever on this continent fever and ague makes Its periodic ap pearanceand what locality is wholly exempt lrom It ? Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Is the re cognized defense, the most highly accredited and popular means of cure. Fever and ague, bilious remittent, dumb ague and ague cake are eradi cated by it. Nor is it less potent when used to re move constipation, liver complaint anddysepsia, kidney troubles, nervousness and rheumatic ail ments . Use it upon the first appearance of these troubles, and with persistence. Thi fact is the Observes Printing Company has stepped into popularity, and is now largely patronized by many who believe in encouraging Home Industry See advertisement in another column. Ohio Republicans intimate that the Reid Depew trick of reviving the story of Blaine's candidacy is in tended to defeat tho Republican ticket. Tannhaeuser raj Abt Tannhaeuser Beer tne Only American Lager which Received a Grand Prize at Paris. SHE TANNHAEUSER DEER la un questionably the Finest Light Beer extant.. It Is brewed from tho fines? Fate Canada West Barley Malt and Baazer Hops, and is especially recom mended by physicians for its tonio and nutritive qualities, for family or medicinal use. Attention Is called to the SUPE RIOR PACKING of this Beer, it being put up In ATTRACTIVE FLINT GLASS BOTTLES. The high reputation enjoyed by the BERGN'ER & ENGEL BREWING COMPANY is due to the fact that only the Finest and Best Materials are used, and that the greatest skill and care are exercised during manufacture. BERGNER & ENGEL received two prizes at the Centennial Exhibition, Phil adelphia, 1876, and were awarded the GRAND PRIZE at the Universal Expo sition, Paris, 1878. BREWING CO. PHILADELPHIA? TI1(FENTIIAL, Agent, Charleston, S. C. HUMPHREYS' SB. ETOPBBETS' BOOZ Cloth & Cold Binding 144 rjo wltk Sual bpaaj, ailid rata. 1Mt; r. O. Hot 1 8IO, . V. or vazxozFAi. voa. FeTOra, Oongestion, Inflammation. rmicss. . .93 worms, nomimr, worm uoiic... ('rjluc Cplie, or Teething of Infanta. Oiarrlif a. of Children or Adult Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Colie Coolera Morbus, Vomiting .93 .as .as .33 .33 taralgt. Toothacha. FaoeaebV ! ! T. .33 neeaarna, Bica rieaaacoe, vertijro. ,39 HOMEOPATHIC 10 pyapeasla. Bilious Stomach 1 1 oppressed or Painful Perloaa 13 Vii!lea.too Profuna Periods 15 Croon. Consh, Difficult Breathing 14 Halt Known, Errsipslas, Eruptions.. . 16 Rheumatism, Rhsumitio Pains 1 6 Fetor and Ague, Chills, Malaria. t? Pllea. Blind or Ulsoding . 1 9 Catarrh. Inflnanca. Cold in th Head . 30 Whovpiac Conch. Violent Concha.. . 34 Raneral ltebintv.Ph?sical Wsaknaas . 371 Kidney Disease tslKrnoni Debility 1. ISttll'rlnary Weakness. Wetting Bed... . U4I uiseases or tne nrart. raipuation . . SPECIFICS. Sold by braasiflU. or will postpaid on receipt of rtee. HtMFliiUlS'BCDlCUll. CO. luff FtUtoa (. B.I NORTH CAROLINA Home Insurance Co. OF RALEIGH, N. C. Orcanixed ta lM. Has been irjuiinr property in Borth Carolina for eighteen rear. With agents i . , . . , . ia uvauij tmij uwu in vno ocaio accta tibU to railroads and east of the moun tains. THE HOME, Solicits the patronage of property owner in the State, offering them safe indem nity for losses at rates aa low an theme of an company working in North Carolina. CLASSES OF PSOPEKTI IK3CKEB : Dwelling in town and country, mer rantila riaka. chnrchM ayrinnla ' houses, society lodges, priyate barns and staDiee, iarm produce ana liye nock, cot ton gins. Insure in , the North Carolina Home 1 Insoranco Company. W. S. Pbimbosk. Chas. Boot President. Bet'y aodTreaa. -W. O. UPCHUECH, P. Oowpeb Vice-Preeid ant. Adjuster. Office in Brigpa' Building, No. Si tf etterilla street.' Telephone No. S6. gEALED PROPOSALS. Raleigh, N. r., May Sth, 1883. Sealed proposals will be received until Saturday, May 19th, 1888, at noon, for tho following work and material : . 1st. Brick work for the erection of the N. O. College of Agriculture and Me chanic Arts according to plana and re vised specifications' of same. The Executive Committee will furnish all brick and all lumber for scaffolding. Estimated quantity of brick to be used 8800,000. The building is to. be located one mile west of the corporate limits of Raleigh, lines of Raleigh & Augusta and Rich mond Sc. Danville railroads. 2. For stone work and material (gran ite and sandstone) to be used in erecting said College, according to plana and spec ifications as amended and revised. Sam ples of stono and name of quarry must be shown. 8. For basement, door and window frames as per pinna, specifications and de tail drawipgs, all of which for the above can be seen at the oltice of the under signed in this city. The Executive Committee reserve the right to reject any or all bids. W. S. PRIMROSE, Chairman ExecutiveCommittee. majSdMh I BEIM&EIEL C francs elery For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. URES Nrvous Proatratloa.Nirvons Head ' ache, NsuraJeia, Nenrous Wesknesa Stomach and Liver Diseases, and a9 affections of tho Kidnsys. A NERVE TONIC. Onui w. Botrrow. STaJcTOaD, CTiynr.. asyvr" " For two rears I was a sufferer from nervous de. blllty, and I thank lied and the dlaoorerer of tba valuable remedy that Paink'r Ciuit Compoukd cured sae. 71 u a valuable remedy. long may it lira. Let any one write to me lor advice." AN ALTERATIVE. Alokzo Abbott, Wnrosoa, Vr , says; " I believs Paim'k Cetjcbt Compocttd aarefl my life. My tremble seemed to be an internal humor. Bofore I used it I was covered with an ernptioa from ' head to heeL" The eruption is rapidly healing and I am five hundred per oent. better every way!" A LAXATIVE. A- C Bbaw, Whiti Bma Jcscrtow. Yt, saysi For two years jt t have been a great aufferer from kidney and liver troublea, attended with dye. pepa'a and constipation. Before I beKan to take ClLIBT Coupon n it seemed as though rverytAMf ailed me. Now I Can say nothing lilt me A DIURETIC. Otoaoi Abbott, Rion Cm, Iowa, saysi " I have been using Paiim's Czi.iy Cotrponrj and it has done me more (food for kblneys and Lams back than ",",pr medicine I have ever takon. Hundreds of tceJbnonials have been received frorn canons who hare used this remedy with remarkable benefit. Bend for circular. Prtoe tl.OO. Bold by Druawista. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietof BUBLIMGTOK, VT. THIS WEEK ! W.CiO. Grocers and Candy Manufacturers, offer at lOclb Canvassed sugar'cured hams, 15 t- 85 lb, 12 1-2clb Sugar cured hams in slip bags, 10 to 13 lb. 1 5c lb Finest Sugar cured hams, uncanvassed, 8 to 13 lbs. 1 5c lb Old and new cured Southampton, Va. hams, 3 to 5 lbs. .Oc lb Sxtra choico sugar cured Shoulders, equal to beet ham, 12 1-2clb Celebrated Magnolia hams, 15 to 18 lbs Ncav O fit cli J North Carolina roe and cut herrings i-ioose ana regular pack, in any quantity, at fishery prices. THE FINEST New spring butter, Alderny Creamery 85c lb. Cheapest, sweetest, whitest and best of Hour. liaxall-Crenshaw, Byrdlsland, Patent. Special prices for this week. eTTa Thea Nectar. Finest flavored, Pure, nat urai Leaf tea, rich, nowery, aromatic flavor; great strength; suits all tastee. 1 lb packages 60c. 16 oz. cake perfumed laundry or toilet soap, pure unadulterated.- will do more work and give far better results than anr soap on the market. Canned Fruit. Baldwin apples, 1 gal. cans, 80c; pie peacnej, l gai. cans, 4Uc. 15c can Blackberries, cherries, gooseberries raspberries, whortlebprrki. Dun sons, green gages, blueberries, 2 lb cane. TO FAMILY TRADE ONLY. 6 brands finest pure laundry eoap at cost Dy tne box. Belter than ever. Old Virginia cheroots H for 10c, S15 per 1,0C0. EquaUo any 6c cigar. Canned and Potted Meats At manufacturers prices by case. BY CAN 1 lb choked corned beef, 15c. 25c can Corned beef, roast beef, chirped beef, uuuueu nteaai, 3 id cats. A PROCLAMATION BY THE GOV- ERNOR. S200 REWARD. Stats op North Carolina, Executive Depabtmekt. received at thtH dAnartrriAnr. that .Tainaa Chavis and others, late of tbe county of Richmond, stands charged with the mur der of Antrim Pr,vAtt Anil vknnui If appears that the said James Chavis has fled the State, or so conceals himsolf that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him. Now. therefnrA T &fraA M Governor of the State of North Carolina oy virtue oi autnority in me vested by law, do issue this my Proclamation, of fering: a reward cf Two Hundm.i Unllara for the apprehension and delivery of the said James Chavis to the sheriff of Rich mond county, at the court house in Rockineham. and I do enioin nil nfftmra of the State and all good citizens to as sist m Dringing saia criminal to justice. Done at our City of Raleigh, the 8d day vi maj, in i iie year or -our JUord one thousand eight hundred and eighty eight, and in the one hundred and twelfth year of American Indepen dence. A. M. SflATVRS By the Governor: J. 11. AKHMgLdJ. Private Secretary. DESCRIPTION : J .HUM Chavis la ahnnt S? nr 91 mora old, with dark ,ain, dark mustache, 5 fAV lit .1 t I "1 a. i a a a ic-ow iv uivuci mgaaADa win weign adous Marlboro county South Carolina. il C ( ) A L. I' Three flondred and Fifteen Tabs Arrived a few days since, second ship ment oi mat excellent tted Ash LOKBERKY COAL For grates. Superior to any other anthracite coal. Two hundred tons Tennessee Boft, and one hundred W. Va. Splint. WflDflDIDX FIFTY CORDS DRY And' two hundred beet heart. Cut any length desired, or sold long. OD HILo The best illuminating oils, dellv ire from our patent oil tank wagon. No waste to purchasers. PBIL. fl. ANDREWS & CO Edw. J. Hardin, Grocer, Offers at all times a complete and carefully Selected Stock Of all seasonable substantial and luxu rie of tha PROVISION TRADE Meats, Fish, Fine Butter, Fine Teas, Coffees, &c. &c. Canned Goods of thef most approved oranas, including -ne reaches, Fears, Apricots and Cherries of the "Golden Gate Company" of San Jose. BEST CANNED VEGETABLES, Corn, Tomatoes, Asparagus, Succotash &c., tfce. PRESERVES, Jellies, Saucw, Olives, Flavoring Ex tracts, and everything else in the way of TABLE SUPPLIES For special announcements from day to aay, see tne local coiuma ol this paper, E.J. HARDIN. We are now ready to deliror ioe in Ihe city each morning and evening to all who want it and will get tickets, which are for sale at each of oar offices, at the following Cash Prices 100 lb Package 5 lbs Tickets 90o 603 " 10 " " $4.00 1,000 " 25 " " 7.50 2,000 " " 50 " " 14.00 Packed in Barrel, with sawdust, 75 cents per 100 lbs. Freight, per express, 30 to 35 cents per 100 lbs. Jones & Powell, Raleigh Marble Works, 417 and 419 FayetteTille St., RALEIGH, N. C, Branch Yard, Lawder's Old Stand. IFAYETTEVILLKi Hi C. Manufacturer of all kinds of Monument, and Tombstones in Marbles or Granites, Also Contractor for all kinds of Building DESIGNS Of all descriptions kept on hand and sent to any aaareaa upon application. Chas. A, Goodwin, Proprietor. NOTICE. Treasury Defartxkkt. Officii Comftboixkb or thi Ccbbkxct. Washington, April 11th, 1888. Notice is hereby given to all persons who may hare claims against '''The State National Bank of Raleigh," North Caro lina, that the same must be presented to Clement Dowd, Receiver, with the lml proof thereof, within three months from this date, or they may be disallowed. n. La. TttriNIIOLJC, Couaptrcller of the Comao. FRESH GARDEN; SEEDS. - If TOO WAKt - 1 Good Vegetable Garden 'PLANT ; .'. LANDRETirSOR ELY'S BELLA ELI GARDEN SEEDS vsold wm. ' LEE. J 0HNS0N & CO. Druggists Sbedfimcn OPPOSITE POSTOFFIOE, aU.LEIQH.-K,, a Seed dealers supplied at I'hiladelpbfa. Wholesale prices. Orders by mail promptly filled. LEE, J0PJNS0H & CO. Dbcooists AND SmDCsIXN. PlTi7riJei TDIIOT nniiniiiv r . BAIiEIQHN., C, Bolicito and is empowered ti rxecute TRUSTS OF ALL KINDS. TO MA5AQ PBOPXBTT AS ! Agent for Owner; To Buy and Bell Property, 1X)0K AJTER TAXES, BUY AND SELL SECURITIES; To Issue negotiable certificates agalntt goods on storage upon which money can be obtained at the Lowest Baling Bate S? LadoU buie usually done by Trustyfeafpanies. 04lVHAWKINS, President W 1 ANDERSON, Vice-ProsMecV P. If. WTION. O-ahis-r. Leaders in Low Friccs. M.T.N0RRIS&BR0 OFFEB TO THB j W a ar Trade and Farmers A large and selected stock of Groceries and Farmers Supplies and tho highest of Standard FERTILIZERS Sold In the State. rOCOMOKE GUANO, i ' rATAPSOO SUAJJO. ' LAZARETTO ACID PHOSPHATE AXD eEBKAS lAUriT. Also the King of the cotton field, THE STONEWALL COTTON PLOW At manufacturers' Prices. 100 bushels choice i Seed dats. Call or write for price. M. T. Norrls & Bro. FOR SIXTY DAYS! SCHOOL WORK OUR Great Specialty. With the finest line of papers. Cards and Envelopes Erer introduced Into this State, and a large assortment of fresh type, first class presses, &o., we are well . prepared for SCHOOL PRINTING, And solicit patronage for Invitations, Programmes, Circulars, Catalogues, &c., Jtc. Send in your orders at once. fj" Remember we have the largest and most complete Printing and Binding Es tablishment in North Carolina. EDWARDS &BR0UGHT0N, Printers and Binders, Raleigh, V. C. Health is Wealth! ."TTT . 1 nnuanoB caused bv th iiaa ol, alcohol or tobacco, WakefalnsaeSiS Ki nlty and leading to mlaerrTdecar arSf rft? Prejnature Old Age, aaneaTlJslrf So In sitter sex Involantarv hSSS dlSlrSS rtoea caused by OTernslrtioTof SS? bnSSSS. 5.0U, sent by mail prepaid on Neelpt of price. WE CSUAIIAIVTEE SIX aTtnWaCaa 'J' To curs any ease. With eacn order reeeivtd try as for sti boxes, aceompanled With Sa.j, we wlU iDd the purehs ser our written gsanuites te re iiuau uia nroawy u tne Reatraeat does MM t fleet f tow& oalr tr James amaLw;f-.fS,.'w" a F '?L' Wowa jTWIATsliirT- I il 4 "-" r

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