Sews and Obserter. PuBLisnaD Dailt (ixcept AIokpat) akd - Wetklt. lr X15E NEWS & OBSERVER-Co Ml tar. Dy one fear by ma'i postiiatd, V . six nionUia, " " . : J ttaree " " " j : Weekly. ie rear, " i ! l six nvuins," TS to iiMne eufc-red without payment, and no pi er iifut after the eimration ot time paki tor. TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1888. PKMOCKtlC DISTHICT COjVlltTIOS. A ' convention of the Democratic party of tfie fourth Congressional .district will be teldV at Raleigh on May 29t,b, ut-xt, to nominate a candi date for Congress, a candidate for dis trict elector, to elect two delegates to the National Democratic! Convention and for other gwposes. By order of the committee. E. J. Parbibj, ; Chairman eiecutive committee. (District papers will please cojpy). Democratic State Executive Commute. Raiigh, N. C, May 8th, 188)3. To the peLcjatea to tie Democratic State iJoitvention : ; ' The railroad companies in the State , have geiieraUy agreed iq have roted' . trip tickets a', excursion rates on sale, .. A ,' ,s,n a rt t'ha T"lamnriir.lf CoaveationtoJje held in this city on May 30, h in to be good from May 28;!i to Juno 4th, both inclusive. So delt gates will, be careful to buy tick ets to Raleigh untl return. R. II. Battle, Chairman, Slo. B. C. Becswith, Secretary. Dem jeratio papers please copy. TIlECO.IVG.ITIun. Democbatic National St- Louis, June 5th. State Raleigh, May 30th. t Congressional 3d District, Golda- boro, May 23d. f . 4th DiBtrjict EaTeigh, May 29th, 5th ' District Greensboro, July 11th. 7th bigtricfc Salisbury, June 20th. 8 th District Lenoir, May 24th. A westikh township instructs for the "most plausible democrats in tne field for State officials." Without discussion qr. division the Iloiiwe agrees to end general debate, on the tariff bill Saturday. Day break is tbtta at length made to ap pear through Democratic endeavor. Lit tlewood, the Englishman, won .J--'. 11.: U TNT--, fcut) bu-uav vtamujj; luwtpi u xctt York, covering 611 miles and a quar- V Jl . I UVI a w w rf M J aw , m&ae in mst xfauruarj a race vviug 621 miles. 1 1 a TX 1 t ' 1 ' ( 't tvit i vn ia fmr fViwlpn. the Khflihv Aurora Bays an 4 it certainly could .l I t llo (l.on a bettor Democrat or a1 more faithful ; representative of , the people. His course in Congress has been siioh. as , to commend him greatly to he peo ple of his district and of the Stats at Tbi valuable paper on a gynecolo gtcalsnbjebt read before the State Medical Society at its meeting the other day in Fayetteville bj Dr. A. H- Goelet, a native of this State who, Jkge, has alieady won fame and f or- tune m bis profession in New,Tork city, is published in full in; the New York Medical Journal of the 12th insL' Action on the nomination of Mr. Fuller a Chief Justice has been poat-poned- by the Senate committee, charged with the consideration of the matter, but there need be no' fear of a ..postponement until after the election, . suo'i. at soiiie - Republican scheme tb. wnnlii havn? Anvthinir of thut. anri Would only serve to hang a stone) and a . very heavy stone, about the mck of the Republican party. ' the: iiohjsk ani cattls; show. Raleigh today welcomes j the- visi tors to the Wake County Horse and cittle Show. It is proud of the public-spirited citizens who have made the show ihe fine reality it will be found and- it bids the farmers and a'l others in the State who aro inter ested ia improved breeds of stock to ' go and do as they havo done. The possibilities of almost any part of the Stite are abundantly shown in today's exhibit and. they are of such excel lent character as to make pretty m a ch everybody who looks upon them wish to follow the examplo which has been set herer in Wake, and at other points in North! Caro ' Una, it muf-t bo said, as well. Nowhere else in the State, however. and probably nowhere else in the South, at It-ast in the Atlantic StateB of the South, has as fine a sh-jw ever - been made as that which will be made 'today. And as it is almost wholly the result of Wake County enter- lit, .-S' crt., fff Tr.liirtb' on1 irial!ifcn.A "f i'" v- i" v-vf iu- . de ;d of the meto who have made it possible, who have projected it and jfho now manage it. The show is avery valuable ob ject lopson to a'l the farmers of the State and we trust there will be man y here today to Bee jit. The city is at its pretties-', and with its back-ground of froth foliage, ' beautiful tlower-gardei s and ve!ety lawns wi.'l sei oil the difeplay to the-US01",8 now .BCCeB1D,e snow mar. tne We tan promise aT01?m waa qUj and uesi ftJ Villi t,atre. e tan promise uiottt intereslibg and pleasant occa sion to all who may lock in on us, an occuMou f.. KhLadowing the future of N'urlh Caicliiia n lain! 7niily flow i with milk aud Loney.- ii u citizen holds a bond for $1,1K)0, btlii iL' 4 per tet.t interest and due in 1007, that is wi h twe&tv jrars yet t j i un, and.tln maker wants to take k uj, vLat would the maker offer fc r Itt ' We suppose he would Bay, money is wjiiih '' per cent, and as the interest ont tiie note is only 4 per cent, il5 preM-Lt value is about $000, At fur thest he would say, I will pay the principal and stop the iterott. Would he offer to pay $1,270 for the nott! Not unless be was inBano. Well, the case is nbw presented just in that way., The Government owes a lot of notes due in 1007 for $1,000 each, bearing 4 per cent interest. The holders of these bonds ask $1,270 for them. Congress ami the Jaw say that the surplus money of the Government must 1 used in buying iu these notes. The Democrats say, stop the surplus, so that She Government wi.l nothave any money to pay in that way. The Republicans say: "Oh, no ; we are not willing to stop, the surplus. Buy the bonds". That is the way it stands. Within one month the government has paid out $21,665,500 for b-nda amouutiDg to $18,088,000. That is, tbosjgovexnment- in one month has made a present to the bondholders of more than $3,500,000. In ayear the government will at the same rate make' a present to the bondholders of $40,000,000. In ten years, unless the Republicans aPe beaten, the people will make a present to the bondhold ers of $250,000,000. The plan of the Republicans leads to that; the plan of the Democrats is to stop the bond purchases bj, stop ping the surplus. It will be interesting to observe how the Republican members of Con gress from North. Carolina vote on this question. The only practicable wiy to stop payr ing this bonus to the bondholders 16 to vote for the Mills bill. We will see if our North Carolina members favor paying this bonus to the bond holders or not. AIHEVILLG. BEL1QIOS AKD POLITICS 15 THE "LA8D OF TEX SKY." Cor. News and Observer. Ashivillk, N.G., My 12 Notwithstanding the uopropitious weather' the Fearson meetings morn ing and night are largely attended. He preached last night from the text, "This man receiveth sinners and eat eth wjth them." v The appearance of Mj. Malone in the Republican convention yesterday, and his motion to have the delegates to Chicago instructed to vote for Blaine was no surprise to this corn munity. He has for years been drift ing in the direction of the Republican camp, and now he is received into the fold,, and the last vealige of the habil iments of Democracy which he has so loosely worn for the past few years falls from his shoulders. The path of independence leads inevitably to the lines of the enemy. The Republicans will mke a strong fight to carry this district. It is not yet known who they will nominate for Congress, but it is generally believed ihey will take up some base deserter from the Democratic camp. The letters of Senator Vance have created profound impression in this section. They ought to be collected in pamphlet form and issued as a campaign documen;, not only in North Carolina, but throughout the North and Northwest. The following are the resolutions of the Democratic convention cf Swain county : Jittolved, That we endorse the fol lowing named gentlemen for the various State officers to-wit: Hon. C M. Stedman, of New Hanover, for Governor; Hon. S. .B. Alexander, of Mecklenburg, for Lieutenant-Governor; lion. W. L. Saunders for Poo retary pf S-ate; Hon. D. W. Bain for Treasurer; Hon. W. P. Roberts for Auditory Hon. T: F. Davidson for A'torney-General; Prof. James S. Hill, of MitcbelfJ for Superintendent of Public Instruo? ion. For Associate Justices, of the Supreme Court, Hon. A. Ci Avery, of Burke; Hon. Jas. C. McRao, Hon. Joseph J. Davis. Hon. W. T. Crawford, of Haywood, for Elector of this district. Th Tal-IIT (taeiUon. From the Waterbury (Ct) Alliance. There is still more or less talk about "Straddling " the tariff question and pointing the fiDger of scorn at skilful ly made but non-committa! tariff )lanks in party platforms. There is ess of it than there was, for every ono has cot&e to admit the necessity of tariff revision, either up or down, in order to reduce the surplus. In order to have something to go by and by which to mark the progress made. if any, we print side by side the tariff plant's in the platforms of bo' b parties on j?hich the presidential contest of 1884 was fought : TWEEDLEDUM. Our party is pledged TWKEDLEDE2. Our party pledges itself to correct the inequalities of the tariff and to reduce the aurplu. - to revise the tariff in a spirit of fatrnee to all interest?. We have purposely left off the party designations at the suggestion of a recent correspondent, who wrote that "it would be a good ioke if you could show the tariff planks of 1884, on both platforms, side by side, with, out any heading, and offer a prize for any one to tell off hand which is which, and also what difference there is between either of them and Presi dent Cleveland's recent tariff mes Bhage." There may be people so familiar with platforms as to be able to distinguish which s'de of the par allel column belongs to the republican party and which to the democratic; biit no one who knows the meaning of words can detect a ehade of differ ence in meaning between the two sides. ' And the man who can stand on one side and quarrel with the other1 has to have a trained imagina tion. '- ThB Lvieit RcglnuiiUI Lon in Iht Wn. Tlie Century for May. The official casualty list of the Con federate forces are not so trustworthy as those of the Union side, becanse they have -not had the same careful revision since the war closed, but the i 1. 1 , i , . i mat tue rturmern nerve was equally steady. The Twenty-sixih North Car olina Pettigrew's Brigade, Heth's Division lost at Gt-t'ysburg, S6 killed and 502 wounded; total, 588, not including the m ssing, of whom there were about 120. In one com pany, 84"strong, every man and officer was hit, and the Orderly Sergeant who made out the list did it with a bullet through each leg. This is by far the largest regimental loss on either side during the war. The invitation of the Society of the Army of the Potomac was cordially accepted by the Society of the Army of Northern Virginia at Richmond, !lr d fivetbouaud of the boys in gray w ll visit Pennsylvania again in ser ri d ranks, this time as friends. Camnvarclal Epltarme. TX. T. Commercial and Financial Chronicle. Fbidat Nioht, May 11, 1888. Rains and violent storms in the trans-Mississippi region are among the principal events of the week. Floods and damage to crops, immedi ate or apprehended, are the conse quences. Bat from nowhere do we hear any more complaint of drought Lighter rains east of the Mississipi i, extending to the whole Atlantic coast, have done much good. Speculation in leading staples was somewhat fit ful, and in wheat only has much ac tivity been shown. General trade has improved with the warmer weather. Debate on the tariff reform bill has made good progress, and it is proba ble that the Mills measure will be furtheg modified in a reduction of the free list aud in the restoration of pro tective duties before it will be put up n its passage; and that if it finally passes it will be a measure of a doubt ful efficiency in the direction that was originally contemplated. Inland navi gation is now ful'y resumed. Lard on the Bpot has brought more money, but in a small way only, and cloBes dull at 8 10a8 15c for prime city, 8 55a8 60o for prime to choice Western, 8 25c for rehned to the con tinent and 9 35c for refined to South America. The speculation in lard for future delivery has continued moder ately active, but . prices show some further, advance. Some decline yes terday, under sales to realize, was fully recovered today. a. Pork hai been moro active; mess $14 50al5.25 for old and new; extra prime $13al3 25; clear $16 57al7.75 Cut meats have been active; pickled bellies 7a7Jc; shoulders 7a7 c, and hams llall;; smoked shoulders 8c, and hams 12ial2Jc. B9ef is' nominal at $7a7i0 for extra messand $7 50a7-75 for packet per baTe1; In dia mess quoted at $11 50a$13 per tierce; beef hams steady at $16 per barrel. Tallow lower at 4. Stearin e is dearer at lOalQc. Oleomargarine is quiet at 8c. Butter is in full sup ply and cheaper at 223264c for cream ery. Cheese-is unsettled; old State factory" quoted at 8allc; new do. SJalOc, and new skims 3aSc. Coffee on the spot was only moder ately active in the past week, but very full prices have been maintained, owing to Bmall s'ocks. The, close is quie The speculations in Rio options has been notable for the erbarp advance in the early deliveries, but latterly there has been some irregu larity. Raw sugars have been dull and drooping, but closed steady at 4 1316c. for fair refining Guba and 5 7-16c for centrifugal, deg. test Refined sugars have also cheapened a frac ion. Molasses brought 20c, but closes at 20c. for 50 deg. test, and quiet. The auction sales of teas developed some irregularity in values, but no important changes. Spirits turpentine was more active at the decline noted in our last and today is firmer at 37c. Rosins were also more active and close firmer at $1.22a$1.274, for common to good strained. The specu'ation in cotton for fu ture delivery at this market opened' the week under review with a feeling of considerable depression, due to the full movement of the crop, improved prospects for the next season a yield, and a falling off in the export de mand, which induced considerable selling to realize the late advance. The reduction from the best prices of the previous week was 17a20 points for i his crop and October and 8all points for the more distant deliveries. Late on Wednesday tho continuance of excessive rains in the Southwest caused more attention to be directed to the next crop, and on Thursday a stronger report from Liverpool, in conjunction with the rapid re duction of American stocks, caused a emart advance, which however, was not fully sustained in the closing transactions. The Bureau report of a backward season, and the plauting on the first of May showing an irregular decrease from one year ago, was accepted as substantially correct, and had little effect. Today there was a sharp decline, Liverpool coming unexpectedly lower and the weather at the South having much improved, especially in Texes and the Southwest Cotton on the spot was les3 activearly in the week. " The export demand appeared to have fal len off, and on Wednesday quotations were reduced 1 16c.' On Monday sales for export in the previous week, to the extent of 7,411 bales,' were made public. Today the market was quiet at 10c for middling uplands Supreme Canrt Dccliloni. Digested by the News and Observer. Springs vs. Schenck & Toole. Held, Where the court rules that in no reasonable view of the evidence tne piaiDiin can recover on ap peal the evidence might be taken in the most favorable light for him. nere one enters upon lanu as a tenant he cannot be heard to deny the title of the landlord, nor can he rid iiimseLf of his relation as tenant with a complete surrender of posses sion. Where a co-defendant is also in possession, along with such tenant a 'recovery may be had as to such ten ant, and the plaintiff would proceed under the writ of possession at his own peril. Where a tenant lets an other into possession, and together tbey take a deed from a stranger, and, making no open claim to ownership, do not register the conveyance and apparently continue the tenancy, such possession will be held fraudu lent and collusive and will be held in law subject to all the rights of the landlord. And so if one enters on laud by the sufferance of i the ten ant, he will himself assume the re lation of tenant to the landlord, which cannot be thrown off at will. Sullivan vs Powers. A deed conveying land iu fee by an intended husband to his intended wife on the expressed consideration of money paid, but in reality in con sideration of a promise of marriage, is not s'ich a mcringt setllomcnt or inarriaro nntract as iti-contemplated in section 1269 of the Code making such deeds void if not registered Within six months. . A marriage settlement is a convey ance on trusts enforcible in equity and giving a different direction to pt&perty than would follow at law from the marriage. A.n absolu'e con veyance of the legal estate to the in tended wife is.not within thepurview of the statute. Caddell vs. Alien. Held, A powtr of attorney to exe cute a deed for land must itself be under seal. A deed made in pursu ance of the power must, to be effect ive, be made in the name of the prin cipal and not of the attorney. Held, The court cannot supply seals and interpolate words. If can not make instruments, but can on'y construe them. Held, That wlu-re tne cause of ac ' m ia at law andDOoqi y is alleged, nor equitable relief asked, the court cannot administer equitiee; to obtain equity-relief, tner mutt be proper allegationsln the pleadings io that end. Fleming vs. Patterson. Held, That a judge ia vested with the authority to issue a restraining order whenever a suit has been be gun, and a suit is begun when the summons ia issued, and service inot a prerequisite. A restraining ord r may be issued before the service of the summons and without no ice If a defendant, having notice of the restraining or-de-, disregards it, he is guilty of con tempt. ; Even if a restraining order be granted erroneously, it is to be obeyed until dissolved, aud an appeal does not impair its effect. State vs. Logan. A description of property in a deed is sufficient when it in terms, or by reasonable implication ar sing from the facts stated in respect to Us cir cumstances, relations sand connec tion?, d8igna!es the property so tLat it can certainly be seen or ascertained. Thus a description "my tobacci crop to be grown this year on my own land'' is sufficient. Wonderful Cnrti. W. D Hoyt & Co., wholesale nod re tail druezista of Rome. Oa., say : We have been selling I r. King's New Dis covery, Electric Bitters and Bucklen's Arnica iale for four years Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfaction. There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city-. Several cases of pronounced consumption have been entirely cured by the use of a few bottles of Dr. King's New -DiBCOvesy, taken in connection with Electric Bit ters. W guarantee them always. Sold by Lr c Johnson & Co. a- aa' The Noi thern Methodist General Conference has been considering re ports on a proposed reunion of the Church, North and South, and the proposition for an ecumenical confer ence in this country in 1891. The Bobiteretis Atlaatk. is a terror to the timid voyagers, scarcely lesson account ot the perils of the deep Mian the almost certainty ot sea sickness. The best curative ol mal de mer Is Bostettar's Stomach Bitters, which settles the stomach at once and prevents Its dis turbance. To all travelers and tourists, whether by sea or land, It presents a happy medium be tween the nauseous or lbeHiHTai resources ot the medicine chest, anil the prSbiem&iical benefit derivable from an uumedicated alcoholic stimu lant, no matter how pure. The jarring of a rail road car often produces stomachic disorders akin to that caused ty the rolling of a ship. Kor this the Kilters U a prompt and certain remedy. The use of bracklsti water, particularly, on long voy ages in the tropics. Inevitably breeds disorders of the stomach and bowels, ilostrtter's Stomach Hitters mixed with Impure waters nullifies Its im purities. Similarly i.t counteracts ntalrlal and other prejudicial influences of climate or atmos phere, a well as the etlects of exposure and fa tiiine Vse It for kidney complaints, rheumatism and debility. Pritce Bi.-marck declared that he could not assist tho Prince Alexander Princess Victoria marriage, unlets he Prince expressed unreservedly hi de termination to give up all claims to the throne of Bulgaria . Russia must not be offended. C frames e ery pound For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. URES Narrona PreatratloB.Ncrvont Read aebe Neuralgia, Nervous Wcakaesa .Stomach and Liver Diseases, and a? affections of the Kidneys. A NERVE TONIC. Oxosoa W. Bocro. St Airman, Omw., axyn -" For two rears I was a sufferer from nervous de. .bllity, and I thank Ood and the diaoorerar erf the valuable remedy that Pathi's Cixkbv OowotnrD cored me. A ia a valuable remedy. Lone xnajr t live. Let any on write to me for advice." AN ALTERATIVE. Abowzo Abbott. Wmmoa, V.. asm " I believe Pilars Cklkbt CoMpomrD sived my Ufa. My trouble seemed to be an Internal humor. Peroral used it I was covered with an eruption from " head to heel." Tne eruption is rapidly healing: and I am five hundred per cent, better every way? A LAXATIVE. a. C Bxab, Wtrrnt Rrvn Jrmortow, V., sarm " For two years past I have been a freat sufferer from kidney and liver troubles, attended with dys pepsia and constipation. .Before I bemm to take Cklkbt Can hoc kd it seemed as though mmyOttng ailed me. Now I can sr nothing ails ma A DIURETIC. GkoBOK ABBOTT. SlOTJX CTTT. IoWS, Say! "I have been using- Faixi'h Ckuebt CowTomrl and it has done me more good for kidneys and lamt back than c. 'spr medicine I have ever taken. Hundreds of tenlmonlals have been received from persons who have uaed this remedy with remarkble benefit. Send for circular. Prio. SI.OO. SoU by WELLS.RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors BUKUMOTOK. VT. EXCELLENT INVESTMENT. Farm of 6 acres In" Immediate surburlts ot Kal- eleli. bounded by Asylum and KavetSeville roads. and private road on the south ; commands ex' tenuea views on an sides, s Gray soil, red sub-soil, warm, well exposed and adapted to cotton, corn, clover, all the crapes and cereals. The stores specially suited U grape. Two settlements on (arm. New d,wel-i une. nve pooa size ana omer smaller rooms, kitchen, out houses and stables all In pretty oak grove. s e 1 of Kood water; also three head well bred horses. Terms made, easy as could reasonably be ex pected. , Dr. F. X. PULLER, . Itligh. QEAL PBOFEKTY FOB SALE On Monday, the llth day of Jrjne, isx, at the court house tloor In KaleiKh, at VI m , 1 will sell under a judgment of the buperior Court of Wake county in the special proceediun entitled Andrew feyme, adm'r of Joseph Wilson, against Nancy W ilson and others, the undivided one-sever tb In. teresi DeioiiKH'g to ine esiaie ot said Joseph wll. son In the tract of land (about 38 acres) lu Swift Jos. Wflson lived at the time of fits creeK township, wane eounly, on which said death, adln- ing the lauds ol Harney Jones. B. T. Wilson, J r. Massey, win. sixain ana uock Wood. Terms- Hnfl folirt.ll CAHh. reairine 1, ltv with Interest at s per cent, evidenced by bond and security. ANDREW BY ME, Adm'r and ConimUftioiwr liaklgh, N. C, May 7th, lssa. A Convenient Place TO STOP: MOSELEY'S IJO FateTtkvillb St., Ralkioh. ' Convenient for lawyers, because it's naar the Capitol ; convenient because you are comfortHtfle with pood fire in your rooms; convenient foe we have all the deleaves of the season; conyeuient to have everything at hand for , Reasonable Rates. Convenient for everybody who wanlc a quiet quiet place, to rtt. It's a convenient place for we make everybody feel as if at horns. Yon will be Ptiti-fted at. I THE Tannhaeuser Beer Is a Special Brewing of the BESQNEB & ENOBL BREWING COMPANY, and unquestionably the Finest Light Beer extant. It is brewed from the finest Pale" Canada West Barley Malt and Saazer Hepsand highly recommended for Its tonlo and nutritive qualities. Elegantly P acted for Family Use. The high reputation enjoyed by the BEKONER & INO-EL COMPANY is due to the fact that only the Finest and Best Materials are uaed and that the greatest eklll and care are exercised during4t8 manufacture. ' The BREWING CO. PHILADELPHIA, TILFENTIIAJi, Agent, Charleston, S. 0. COTTON HOES, FORKS, ,. RAKES, : ' SHOVELS. HOSE REEL, ICE CREAM EREEZERS, " . . ALABASTINE. BABY CARRIAGES FISHING TACKLE. THOS H. BRIGGS & SONS BRIGGS' BUILDING. RALKIQB. N. C KECE1 VERS' SALE, Notice Is hereby plven that by virtue of a de cree ot the United States Circuit Court lor the W estern District of North Carolina rendered In a cause iheieio pending, entitled Oeorfte A. WcCor Diick 1 1 al. vs. north Carolina Mil, stone Company et als. we, the undersigned, appointed in said cause Receivers of the assets of said company, win sen at puDiic aucuon upon tne terms herein aiier sraieu si. u o chui a. m. ou THUBSDAY, JULY 5 rH1888. on the premises fit Farkwood. Moore Count v. N C, all flic property, asset and effects described In tne aeeas 01 irusi irom saiu company to A. U. Brenlxer. Trustee, and to A. H. McNeill.rTru-te. (which deedrof trust are registered In the office of the Register of Deeds lor Moore County, N. C, and are hereby referred to) and also all the other property, assets and effects of the N. C. Millstone Company. Among the property to be sold Is :80 acres more or less of finely timbered and good farming land, embracing the inexhaustible millstone quarry from which are made the far-famed "Moore Coun ty Grit" mills, and contatning among other Im provements all the buildings, shops, tools and ma chinery requisite and used in manufacturing said mills, also two handsome dwelling houses with necessary out-houses, barns, 4c ., country store, twenty-two tenant houses, also a Haw Mill and Dry Kiln complete. Planing Machine, Matcher and Planer, two Blacksmith shops. Ice Machine, Patent Roller Flouring Mills, Machine Shops and Foundry all complete and equipped with the best machinery. Also a Telephone Hystem, 17 miles long, extending from Park wood through Carthage to Cameron ion the it. & A. A. I.. R. K., also 4S shares of steek in the Carthage R. R , also a very large and assorted stock of machinery, tools and niachiuery supplies. Including engines, boilers,' pumps, corn-sheller, shingle machine, wind mill, belts, pi plnr, band and rwund iron. Ac, a lot of gold mine machinery also large lot of finished and unfinished mills and millstones ; also large lot of sash, doors and blinds, goods, wares and mer chandise and other personal property of various descriptions, and in large quantities and all the other property, together with the franchise el sard conpany. TERMS OF SALE : The property will be offered first in detail and then iHToTOorm okoss. If the highest bids, when the properly is offered In detail aggregate more than tlie highest bid lor Ute property when offered in gross, the bids in detail to be reported to Court as Ihe last and highest bids, otherwise the bid iu' gross will be reported to Court as the last and highest bid . - whenofferednrDKTAiLthesaidrealestatwtth the buildings and so -much machinery, &c,as is necessary in the maniiiacUire of mills as described In said decree as 'The Plaut," will be offered at one-third ot purchase price in cash tlie balance la two equal Instal ment s, payable in 6 and 12 months, the defer.ed payments to bears per cent Interest from day of sale, and to be secured by notes with good security, the purchaser to keep the property in sured for the benefit of tlie Receivers la a sum equal to half the unpaid purchase price ; upon de fault of which tlie, said Receivers shall have Ihe right to so Insure the said property and the amount so paid by them lor. such insurance 'shall be added to and form part of the purchase price. The purchaser to be lot Into possession upon Ihe confirmation of said sale and Ihe payment of the cash iustalment of purchase price : the title to be re-laineu uniu me purcnase price is paiu in lull. -All ihe other property including, the Klourin unl Toa M!uliine Telenhmne Kvnrem. WIH un Machinery, &., in Machine Whops and Foundry ,hi Haw Mill and Dry Kiln, iu Supply Room, Ac., be ing onereu separately anu ior casn . After such offering m lhetail and before the offering in gkohs, the purchasers at the detail sale shall deposit with the Receivers 2Q per cent of tlie purchase ptiee respectively of the forego ing property as an earnest of their respective bids uputi failure ol which the Receivers shall have ixiwer to resell any item of said property, upon which the per cent slmll not be deposited. The whole f tlie property ordered to be sold will then be offered in one Jot or in GKOsson the following terms : For an amount in cash equal to the amount (or which all Ihe property (except The I'laut." Telephone Sjistem. Saw Mill and Dry Kiln MachiBrryjsold is iKTAu.uKctherwiUi one- the gross bid to be paid to ti and 12 montlu, the deferred Instalments of the purchase prieeto b&ir per cent interest from dsy of sale, aud to be so cured by not with good security. The purchaser to keep the property Insured and to be let Into possession and the title to be retained In the man ner abwve prescribed. In addition to the above described property we will also sell at said time and p!;u-e, for cash, one oilier track ol land coutaiing to acres, and know n as the "Hornef Tract ;" also one 16-horse W ood. Tabor & Morse Portable Engine on wheels, one Lane A Bodly Saw Mill wluh feet carriage, one SO-inch solid saw and 60 fqet eight-inch rubber belt apd six wagons . i . For full details referenceIs made to said do ciee. ' v m At Bairk wood the climate is mild and healthy, labor Cheap, timber plentiful, water good, and church and school facilities good. For further Information address the undersigned, JNO. W. HINSDALK, ERNEST HA V WOOD, Receivers of the N.C. Millstone Company 9 juueign, a . u. BERGNMEIEL MODglEo mayuatos. : - 1 NO. & MY MOUNTAIiV TI$I1 OB FARSER tiVKES' BITTER CfllKI. Warming; up to business arjd wonder ing why butter don't come. WILL OPEN TODVY A case of Fine Dress Suits. Warm weather clothine: a lartre stock on hand. Fresh Goods, Low Prices. CLOTHIERS SHATTERS Raleigh Marble Works, 417 and 418 FayetteTille St., RALEIGH, N. C. Branch Yard, Lairdcr'n Old Stand. :kaykttkvillk: n. c Manufacturer of all kinds of Monument, sod lombHtonea in Marbles or Uramtea, Also Con ti actor for all kinds of Building wok, uurDing I'oste, Utepe, Kills, &c DESIGNS Of all descriptions kept on hand and srnt to any add reus upon application. Chas. A. Goodwin Pro;uiptot. COAL Three Hundred and HTlren Tuns Arrived a few days since, second ship mens of tnat excel u r.t Ked Ash L0RBERRY COAL For grates. Superior to any other anthracite coal. Two hundred tons Tenneesee Soft, and one hundred W. Va. 8plint. WCDX3M3D, FIFTY CORDS DRY PINE, And two hundred befit heart. Cut any tengtn desired, or sold long. Dn Uo The beet illuminating oils, delivers from our patent oil tank wagon. No waste to purchasers. PHIL. II: ASDREWS & CO gEALED PROPOSALS. Raijciqh, N. C, May 8th, 188. Sealed DroDoeals will La Saturday, May lVHh, 1888, at noon, for the f Ol 1 tYW j n Cr work nd mann'ol 1st. Brick work for the erection of the n. t-. oouege or Agriculture and Me chanic Arts according to plana and re vised specifications of same. The Executive Committee will f utnish an Dric ana an lumber for scaffolding. Estimated quantity of brick to be used 8800.000. . The building is to be located one mile iuo wrporate limits or uaieijrn, lines of Kaleiph & Augusta and Rich mond & Danville railroads. 8. For stone work and material (gran ite and sandstone) to be nsed in erecting said College, according to plans and speo- luxuuui oa umeuuea sua revised, cfam pies of stonoand name of quarry must be shown. 8. For ba-ement, door and window frames as per plans.speciflcations and de tail drawings, all of which for the above can be seen at the office of the under signed in this city. The Executive Committee reserve the right to reject any or all bids. W. S. PBIMBOOE, Chairman ExecutrveCommittee. niajfldtd. tALVAMZED WIRE AETTLG ! Bst ami Cheap, at Fence in the Market lor Poul try. Uarden or Lawn. In haiea. ISO Keet Long. 4 FKT HIGH, ONLY SO TER BALE 5 FKET HIGH, ONLY 5.S PKB BU? ?w?KH.,L,HH' ONLY 6 75 BAlll Other widths Irom 2 too ft . at proportionate prices. Address ord rs mid nn r ponrit-nce to li. 8. WIKH NETTING CO., iKeadeSt., new York.. I WIRE RAILING AWT, nn. NAMENTAL WIRE T TI IT" IT I A- -l rf-fc ' No. lie & 115. North Howaid street, Bal timore, manufacturers of wire railing fenders, wires, wood and coal 'rrYns, wwv -mw ma usxiweaos, row eel, tec STJilMER CAPON SPRINGS AND BATHS, HAMPSHIRE COUNTY, WESI VIRGINU. ALKALINE lilTHIA WATERS, SUPERIOR IRON WATERS. Lithia Baths of any Temperature. Ilerels where the alck reoorer and the wall e al ways ha pnv. A . B. Bntmi in ebarm of dlninir room and klaKn A " 8end for pamphlet and say where yon saw Haywood White Sniphnr Springs. under new uaraqkuxnt.) W AYNESVILLE, N. a The loveliert snot in all Ood wonder land of beauty ! Nature's trundle-bed of recuperation! New 8 story brick hotel, 170 feot long, with veranda's 12 feet wide and 250 feet long. House handsomely furnished. Everything new, bright and clean. , Ac commodations in eery department strictly first-class in every particular. About 100 rooms, including desirable cottages near main building. ' , - Special Arrangements will ba made for the Months of June and September. Allen & Neville. Proprietors. BATTERY PARK HOTEL, Open Throughout the Year. ASHEVILLE, N. O. JNO. B. STEELE, Manager. 'STJMMKB KATES FOB SKI SON OF 1888, MAT, JUHK, JULY, AUGUST AND BEFTKMBXR. When one room is occupied, by one per son: Per day . . v . 1 4.00 Per week - - - S21.00 to 25.60 Per month, 4 weeks . 78.00 to 90.00 When one room is occupied by two pDiwns; Per day - . . f 7.00 Per week - - SS.00 to 43.00 Per month - - 120.00 to 180.00 bpeelal Rates to FamllieB. Above ratee. are governed according to location of rooms. Parlor suits and rooms with baths extra. Edw. J. llardin, Grocer, Offers at all times a complete and' carefully Selected Stock Of all seasonable substantial! and luxu ries of the J PROVISION TRADE Meats, Fish, Fine Butter, Fine Teas, Coffees, etc., etc x Canned Goods of thej moat aiproved brands, including he Peaches, PeEra, Aprioois and Cherrin of thev "Ooldnn Gate Cosapany " of San Joee. BEST CANNED VEGETABLES, Corn, Tomatoes, Asparagus, Succotash Ac, etc PRESERVES,, Jellies, Sauces, Olives, Flavoring, Ex tracts, and everything else in the way of TABLE SUPPLIES For special announcements from day to day, see the local oolums of this paper. E.J. HARDIN. AND NOT SLOW! For an ioeertld and rwfrnahincr h rav age go to A. W. Goodwin & Co s drug store, and you can get it, sparkling soda water, ice cold mineral waters, orange cum on araugnt, moxie, limeades and milk shakes. 25,000 Cigars J ust received, choice and select brands. Sweet and free smokers. If von eaJor a pleasant and delightful smoke, yon can ges is ac uooawin a a rug store. GARDEKSmGF IYEBT KIND AND FOR EVERYBODY. Standard Patent Medicines, Drugs, spioee and Flavoring Extracts. Per- turnery and Toilet Soaps. The beet brands of chewing and amok ing tobacco always on hand. prescriptions dispensed at all houra of a nay or nig tit. We want your orders and intend , to have them if Prices and Quality will win. A. W. Goodwin & Co. REMOVAL, I. WIKETROB, MERCHANT TAILOR, Will remove his place of business en or about JUNE 1ST To the commodious rooma lately occu pied by sir. a. &.retn. f0. o fcAM iYlAKl LN S I MKT, (Opposite Poetoffloe.) There hd will open a line of roods and will be prepared to do tailoring never surpassed in Raleigh, either In point of excellence or reasonableness of prices. Being- now full of orders he begs to an nounce that he cannot in justice to his customers take anymore before June 1st, the date of his removal. . There will be no change in prices bv reason of the removal. The best goods at the lowest prices will be furnished in the future as they have been in the past. With thanks for the liberal mi rosace rsaretoior anu now nnng tsurvwa, Very Reepecfuily. ' I. Wlnotrobel RESOBTfe. this advertisement. , ' c Proprietor. j mm mm seeds. - H'TOrj wAHT A Good Vegetable Cabfeii ' PLANT j . LANDRETH'S OR ELV'S EKLIABLB- GARDEN SEEDS BOLD BY- 1 LEE. J OHNSON & CO. Druggists Seedsmen OPPOSITB POSTOrriOE, KALE IO H, 1. 0. " Seed dealer, supplied at MaWphfa. Wholesale prices. Orders by mail promptly filled. LEE, JOHNSON & CO; DKCOQI8TS AND fixxDeiaic. CITIZENS' TRUST COMPANY RALEIGHN, a, ! . PollciU and is empowered U ntermte 1. TRUSTS 07 All kinds. HAXAQi norsarrT as ETent for Ownor To Buy and toll Property, COLLECT REIS TW LOOK UntB TAXRS. BUY AND SELL SECURITIES; ; To issue negotiable certificateii again to goods on storage upon which money can be obtained at the Lowest Ruling Rat Jd aU ;buiDO luually done by Trust Companies. , u. HAWKINS, President. P WnQN. I FOR SIXTY DAYS! 1 SCHOOL WORK 1 ' i OUR ' ' : . -W..B. wvw 'yj hVAMA Sy V v W ith the finest line of papers, Cards and Envelopes Ever introduced into this State, and a linwuinrtmant nf ml 41 o w . . iiu wj y, ui,r class presses, Ac, we are well prepared for SCHOOL PRINTING, And solicit patronage for Imitations, Programmes, , . CSronlsjrs, Catalognefl, reuv. J JUUI VIUWI ail UQfW. foTBemember we have the largest and meet complete Printing and Binding Fs tablishmont in North Carolina. y EDWARDS & BR0UGHT0N, , i Printers and Binders, Balejgh, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA ; Home Insurance Co., OF RALEIQH, N. 0. OrsaalaeS ts ISBS. Has been insuting property in! ISorth Carolina for eighteen years. With apents In nearly every town In the Bute aoces sible to railroads and east of the jnoun THE HOME, Solicits thaprXronagBof property pwners in the State, offering them safe Indem nity for losses at rates as low as those of any company working in North Carolia ' CLASSES OF rSOrCITTIISllKI : . DwAlllnflra In tmni mv,A can tile risks, churches, schools, court-.; houses, society lodges, private bams and j stables, farm produce and lire jtock, cot ton srina. ' ? Insure in the North Carolina Hore e insurance Company. WS. fttmaoBx, 1 Ca as. Boot President. Am V mA t. W. Q. UrcHtraoH, . p. Oowm Vice-President. Office in Rritrra' RnMf Wt M Adjuster. etteville street. Teleohoae No. ffa. ' RUBBER STAMPS Of Every Deserlpttoo. : ' ' . This seU-Iakliig Stamp 1U row name sod s4-" dwas, ene .Bottle in. Mroior,aa4eTlast ' . rare Catalofoe with . - i terms ( acmta, aOar Keeets. Stamp Alou'e, 40q 1 t CATALOGUE ALONE, - Us. j 1 . - W. T. HILL & CO.. Wew Bwn .C. tl ) Mt-y vx:".;;r'f"' rMwtma af .-.w.k'w i