XV "MS-.-. ,1 I i: tP- y ! ! YOL. XXV. RALEIGH. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING,. MAY '22. 18. NO. 115 '",-'") - ' - f i 5E AND 1 V 1) '.f Absolutely Pure. This powder never Tories. A marvel f purity, strength and wholesemenee .More ccoaomicafrhan ordinary kinds BW cannot b told in competition with the Multitude of low ten, short weight, slum or phosphate powders, sold only la ana. Rot XL Baxtuo Powpkb Co,, 1M WaU Street, New York. Sold by W. G. &A. B. Btronach, and j B Ferrall Oft. i h DARBYS Prophylactic Fluid. Use it in every Sick-room for , Safety, Cleanliness and - Comfort.' -. ' , - v.U-- ' . tT will purify the air and reader It wholesome. The removal of the effluvia which are always given off In the sick-room promote the recovery i of the patfeut and the saiety and comfort of the physician and attendant .Persons waiting on the tick should use 1C freely, water in which the lick are bathed should contain a small quantity of the FTHrid It will render the skid sun ana pieasani, nrilSlng, prevent bed sores, scan, etore movlnt iff ivt and irritation together with any unhealthy pr offVwwive emanations from the body. Van derbll t Tjnlver al tyVTehn. : As a disinfectant and detergeut , Darbys-frophy lactic Fluid n su perior to auy preparation with, which I ara acquainted. H. T. - - Luptom? Professor o Chemistry. ! ' ' .- ' 'ti i'a---y ' ..r-. I, larioi Sims, 4 Ttfl : l anv connneea mac uaroy-s. Prophylactic Fltild U a most liable disinfectant. .- . . i ; WOOLI.COTT & SON, '--SftI'-' ' Martin 14 East Street, i v- lit 0 piece Indian white muslin 8I-80, worth 13 - nM-yy v ,000 ydm ehirtin prints So a yard. O,00i bottles of BUbyUi shoe dreekin8 Ao par. bottle u 00 pairs. Foster V TafleU gloves 2to t pair, worth 60c. , r ' ,0X yis printed lawns Bo per yd. ,C00 spool cotton 2o a spool. 1?ans, pussois, umbrellAS, corsets, low 1 elS,&C, j -. Cioth sKppers ioo a pair, opera toe slip pers 680 a pair. I' adiee' button shces S1.25, 81.50, 12.00 J S2 50, and they are the best in the city for the money. 'f LVench organdies and l1 formally 85c a yd. sateens lie a yd, ntr a closed out a large lot of dress goods, W which we offer at 7 1-2, 10 and 2 l-2o a yd being one-half their value. White good and embroidery in, sty la and price. every T adi Li no if a' and. Aiisaoa. hats, featherand flowers, &CL : S500 Reward! vVe wlll pay tttfe above reward for any case of aier comptamtiiyspepsia, sick headache, ludi Cvilion, constipation or eottiveaess we cannot 2 re with West's Vegetable LWerPtlU, when the lotions are strictly complied with. They are jinn. IjLrffl boxes cootalning so suirar coated VI 1.1 vesetaltie, ana never iu wb saauac- o&o Vor.salebv all dru Mists. Beware of LMinterf elts atd Imitations. Tbe genuine manu- .tnred only bf 40M N a WEST CO.. keu w. Madison BUOWlV0-"V For sale by Jas. Me- U3 FajWtevtue ML, Spirit ef the State Press Tbib Peraocrats of this'eection fetJ an interest thfe nuaiication and ele vation of Judge Avery that ?s subor dinate only to jtheir desire for the succesa and supremacy of the party in the State and; Nation. For tiie inforriutiori of oar readers wecaa announdo ihat according to oar advice the county conventions of Ashe, Caldwell, Alexander, Watauga, Wilkes, Mitchell, Yancey, McDowell, Haywood, Transylvania, Jackson, Ma con, Swain Chetokeo and Clay in the west' have; declared in favor of Judge Avery for Associate Justice. It is an Open secret that he will receive the vote in the StaU Convention of Catawba, CievclanJ, -Iredell, Bowan and: Lincoln and probably Gaston. In Buncombe, olk, Madison and Ruth erford, conventions have not yet been held; bat the fDornocrats of those counties favor, and will probably in struct for Judef Avery.'- ' It" is conceded that as the section westcf Catawba has never been rep resented on the Supreme Court bench, it will be entitled to one of the new placer Wo ennmerate the counties that eappori Jndge Avery and cod ff dently ask 1ou4 eastern brethren to give us the; man we have selected. We might have added that Judge Avery-, has hosts of friends ici Ran dolph, Montgomery, Davidson, Stan ley, Cabarrus, Alamance, Guilford, Rockingham and other counties west of Raleigh; while .expressions of pub lic' men and of the press indicate that no western man has more friends in the east. ?! ' A . number of gentlemen of ability and high character have been men tioned in connection with the other place created bv the proposed consti tutional amendment. Either Judge Hill, Judge McRae, Mr. Pruden or Judge Shepherd would make repru tations f or ' themselees and do hnnor to the State in that position. It seems t6 be conceded that "honest Joe Davis," who was appoint ed in place of Judge Ashe, will be His own successor, i We. like to see such material on a State ticket Morgan- tn&tar. . I would "lika ' also, Mr. Editor, to speak of Judge! Fpwle's fwar record;" how, the day after Lincoln" issued bis famous call for! 75,000 troops to fight the South, Dan'l (Jr. i'owlo was one of the first to volunteer 'iu the "Raleigh Rifles " to meet them: how. in Sep tember, 1861, he was promoted for gallantry to be lieutenant Colonel of the 1st tiegiment, garrisoned at Fort Hill until the' end of December of that year and then ordered to Roanoke Island, where in the front of the great battle of that place, he was caj - tared 1 and 'held as a prisoner until February, 1862 when he was parolled, and immediately thereafter' elected to the Legislature in place of the re nowned Henry W. Miller; how he was taken from, the Legislature by Gov. Vance and made Adjutant General in lbbS: how ho was a grain elected to the Legislature in 1 1864, And presided ! as speaker ox . the; House on theHast day of its session, hi, place of Hon. R. S. Donald, who by reason of sickness was unable to Occupy the chair; but I am one of those, Mr. Editor, who, when we laid down, our arms at Ap pomattox recognized tint the "war was .over:"! Xet when we do look back to those stormy days we find Dan Fowle, as we then called him, as private, Colohel, Adjutant-General,' and Legislator, devoting ' himself to the service off North Carolina God bless ber from-, the days of the first call of danger! till "the last Confeder ate' gun had ceased and died away on the air." : And we all remember how in the Vance campaign JudgoFowle's ringing order as Adiutant-General in regard to the Writ of IIaba3 Corpia was, the foundation of the grand boom that carried Vance to : victory. "Wayne," ift Gotdstoro Argu. Floral' Canstvaf. - ' Generals Washington, Jacqueminot, Marshal Neil Raron Provost; Her Majesty Princess Beatrice, American Beauty, the Duchess and a host of other celebrities of the Rose Kingdom will hold a I reception in Edenton Street Sunday School room on Wed- negday and .Thyrsday, the 23d and 24th of th-s month. In the last few yea our city has made rapid and successful advancement in the culti vation of flowers, and the "Flower onow promises tooet success, sine Pride of France (these roses took! the prize at Paris some years ago) will be exhibited; also other choice plants-too numerous to hame. No effort will be spared to make the "Flower Show" a marvel Of beauty and elegance. lee ' cream, strawberries and other delica cies will be served the guests at a moderate price. Admission, 10 cents. Do not forget the time and place. All who attend are assured of a pleasant evening's enjoyment. hoppers. H otcs. Mr. David Rosenthal has something Of especial Interest to say to dele gates and visitors (o the State con vention, and; they should not miss the opportunity to call at his store while in the city and examine, his mag nificent stock of clothing- He is one of our merchants who takes an espe cial pride in', keeping up a stock of furnishing roods, underwear, neck wear, etc.,. which is thoroughly up with the times and of the very latest styles. See advertisement. Messrs. xyoollcott Action are now making some of the greatest offers ever known in the city, and their an nouncement this morning is full of interest to the ladies. They have an elegant line of latest style fans and parasols for the summer season, and their stock fin -all departments is va ried and complete. Read their ad vertbemenf this morning. Muauic. p,' A regular meeting of Raleigh Chapter, No: 10, will ba held, this evening at. S ojclock, and the degree of lloj al ; Arch will be conferred. Members are requested to attend promptly Sentenced to oae Month In I'jiwii. Py Cable io UW Ne ws and Observer., Beblin, May 21. Thos. Jii Con don whs , convicted today and sen tenced to one months' imprisonment without hard labor for inciting tax payers to tesist payment of tax im posed by the Grand Jury of .0ork. t i 1 1 .. :. : if- im is., --i -: '.. --.!-"';... 5-E ?-"'-, CONGRESS. PROCEEDINGS YESTERDAY SENATE AND HOUSE. IN A -COXTjSBfiN'CB OKDSBBD OS TUB PKI 8105 APPBOPHIATIOKS BILL THE AIABK4 SEAL FISOXBIE 1- ! OTHER NEWS. By TetegraSli to the Newi and Observer. Washiotos, May 21. Senate Among" tihe memorials presented the Senate was- one from several to of tho largest tobacco manufacturing firms of St. Iiuis asking that all li censes and restrictions on the sale of leaf tobacco be removed, the tax on manufactured tobacco be fixed at two cents pef pound and the present sy tern of flaying and stamping be re tained. - Mr. Morrill, from' the committee on public Spuildings and grounds, re ported tjie bill appropriating $17,503 for making the west end of the Smith sonian fiuiidiDg fire-proof. He ex plained ho object of the bill. A citi izen Of the United Statee, he paid, long resident abroad, . proposed to give iu$, Smithsonian Institution a very lre collection of armor from the mid i'.o ages, some of it connected with tle most eminent histori cal nanes, including horne ar mor, helmets, swoida and all the-parajpherhalia of ancient warfare. These ohjects, numbering some fire thousand, had been collected at vast expense, and the collection was said to bo the most valuable collection of. the kin in the world. The condi tion of the presentation was that the Smithsonian Institution would fur nish a fire-proof building for its pro tection.: - The bill authorizing the construc tion of bridge across the Tennessee river at Gunthersville, Alabama, was reported from the committee and placed on the calendar. After the int oduction and refer ence of a number of bills the Senate proceeded to the caleudar and passed a numtjer of bills of local interest. When (he bill for the erection of post- office, buildings in towns and cities where the postoffice receipts for three years preceding- have exceeded three thousand dollars annually was reached on the calendar a discussion upon it arose and several amendments were made, ut it was laid aside without nnal action. The: committee on commerce re ported! back the river and harbor bill with amendments, and it was ordered to be printed and recommitted. The Senate then at 3 p. m , on mo tion of Mr. Edmunds, adjourned. -; - ' nousE. Washtsoton, May 21. The Senate amendments to the pension appropri ation full were non concurred in and a conference was ordered. ' Ah hour wa CCjnsumediin referring to appror priatel committees the Sanate bills whichi had accumulated upon the Speaker's table during the week. On motion of Mr. Dunn, of Arkan sas, ft 'resolution was adopted diroct. ing tle committee on merchant ma rine and fisheries to investigate the fur seal fisheries of Alaska. On motion of Mr. Mills, of Texas, a ' resolution was adopted, setting apart tomorrow for the consideration of bis reported by the committee on labor. M. Dakell, of Pennsylvania, rising t'0 a question of privilege, charged that i Thursday's Record, had boen m A I 1 m aaiera Dy ine omission of an impor tant a part of the colloquy between Mesfjs. Scott, Brumm and himself ande charged Mr. Scott with having improperly procured these alterations and? having thereby placed Mr. it mm w-v iiraaim ana mmseii ( uaizetii in on attitude which they had not occupied. Un$er the ball of States a large num beriof bills were introduced, among thea one by Mr. J. R. Brown, of Vir ginia for a public building at Martins villrt, Virginia. . 3r. Belmont made an effort to se cure consideration for the diplomatic an consular appropriation bill, but hisEtmdtion to go into committee of thejl whole was defoa'ed veas 90, nats 155- - IJr. latch, irom the committee on ag&calture, movod that the rules be suspended and the bill passed to j; enlarge the powers and duties of j the Department of Agricultu an to create an executive department to:-bo known as the Department of A$rk;ulture- lc3re. Herbert and Oates, of Ala bama, oppsed that provision of the bil transferring the weather service of the United States Signal Service B.iroau from the War Department to tle hew Department of Agticulture. rive minute speeches in support of ;o measure were made by Messrs. Carlton and Stewart, of Georgia, Mo- Ciammv of North Carolina, ftaird. of Nebraska,? Allen, of Michigan, and Iqyanof Kansas. ii A motion to suspend the rules and jiasa the Jsill was agreed to yeas 235, rays ld The Houbo then went into commit tee of the whole on the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill. No monuments 01 consequence were offered to the bill and after a short 1 1 m ime spent .in its consideration, the committee rose and the bill was passed. The D. strict of Columbia ap propriation bill was also considered n committee of the whole and passed by the Mouse. Publl Building Bills. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. : Washikgtos, Ma? 21. The Senate committee on public buildings and' grounds today ordered favorable re ports on public building bills as fol-, lows tvNewport News, $.10,000; Staun ton, Va, $50,000. Mrs. Senator Sawyer Dead. By TelezraDh to the News and Observer. Washington, May 21. Mrs. Saw yer, wife of Senator Sawyer, died this morning at her residence in this city- Bond Acceptance;by the Govemnient By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Washington, D. O., May 21. The Acting Secretary of the Treasury this afternoon accepted o7,UU bonds as follows: $5,000 4s, registered, at 126; $200 at 127. tcrel, at 108. $500, 4s, regia- PROBABLY DROWSED. A YOUNG LADT OF CATAWBA COUNTY Special to the News 'and ObserverJ LincolntonJ N. C, May i 21. Miss Alice Clive, a young lady sixteen years of age, daughter of Thornton Clive, who liveB in Catawba county, left her father's house our Saturday evening, the 19th inst., to pay a visit to a neighbor's house, a short disr taace from her home. She walked and had to crdfes the SouthjFork river n a foot 1 g, jttnd is supposed to have fallen into theriv6r and been drowned is no trace jf her has becb found as vet. Tho ver hits b-ou thoroughly dragged &r J funnc" bav been sent in every direction without result so far. .:; NASH rotMY. ; i TWO-THIBDS F0n ALEX A5DEB AND, TflK BALAXpE FOB FOWLE. Special to the News and Observers Rocky MonNTj May 21 Tho Naah County Democratic Con vention today nominated Jos. B. Phil lips for the House of Representatives, A. H. Ricks for Sheriff, R. F. Drake for Register of Deeds. The county is two-thirds for Alexander aad the balance for Fowle. rSIIELBY. LOSS BY FIEE HEAVY - BAINS. Ssxlby, N. C. May 21. Special to the NewS and Observer. The kitchent Capt. W.-T. R. Bell's dwelling caught on fire at 9 o'clock this morning.; Loss to house $200; on furniture $300. No insurance on house. Furniture insured. Heavy rains here yesterday and today. No damage reported. THS 5TARIFF BILL. i ' NO AVENDME5TS BY AOBEBMKNT BFFOBK WEDNESDAY. By Telegraph to tbe News and Observer, Washington. May 21. At a meet ing of the ways and means committee this morning it was agreed between the majority and minority that the House should not enter upon consid eration of the tariff bill for amend ments before Wednesday. Action af ter that day will depend on the result of the Republican caucus tomorrow night. f BOWAS. HON. JOHN 8. HEXDEBSON TO BE BENOMt- NATED FOB CONOaisi. Special to the News and Observers Salisbtjbt, N. C, May 21. Your correspondent; of the Rowan county convention omitted entirely to state that the convention was for Hon. J. S. Henderson for Congress first, last and always. Reports as' to there be ing doubt about his renomination are all "bosh." He will be renominated beyond a doubt as he deserves to be. ashkvillb's SpcbLic bvildino. THE BILL FOB XT BECOXIfl A LAW. By Telegraph to the News and Obsen WASHTNOTOHj May 21. The act for the erection of a public; building at Asheville, N. C- was presented to the President the! eighth instant, and not hairing been returned to the House of i Congress in which it originated within the tea days prescribed by the Constitution it has become a law without his approval. Bond Offerloas to the Government. By! Telegraph to the News and 'Observer. .WASHrnQTOir, D. C, May 21. Act ing oecretary inompson today re ceived offers for the sale of bonds to the government as follows: Four per cents, coupon $100 at 127; four per cents, registered, $400 at 127J; $50,- 000 at 127fc $5,000 at 126; $500 at 127i; $50,O0Q at 128, .Total $114, 000. Four and half per cents, rerns- tered, $15,000 at 108i2,000 at 108; &uu at 1U8; :$5U,000 at 108i. Total $67,500. Total Offerings $191,600. Fire In Cotton aboard Ship. By Telegraph to the News and Observer Boston, May 21.-Fire wa3 discov ered Saturday in cotton stored in the forward hold of the steamer Gate City, which arrived this morning from (Savannah. The steamer lies at Lewis wharf, and the fire boat is now play ing four streams of water into her. It is thought the whole vessel will have to be flooded before the fire is extinguished. The fire in the cotton on the steamer has been extinguished with slight damage to the cargo and none to the vessel. a Negro Alan ' Shoota and Kills a Negro 'Woman. Special to the Newt and Observer. Winston, N. C-, May 21. A negro man by the name of Will Houston shot and killed a colored woman in a disreputable house here today. The man was captured shortly after the murder and is now in jau. As court is in Bessioa he will no doubt meet with speedy justice. 1 Ashevtlle will Oct Her Court House. Asheville Cltlzejn. The louo wing telegram wsb re ceived Saturday evening, which sent il l dl 1 r 'I a inrui oi joy mrougn our every cm- zen: s ; 4 House of Representatives, Washington, May 19. Root. M. Jyurman, A.aheoule The Piesidenl has not vetoed the bill. It is law now bt expiration of time. Thos. D. Johnston. Political Points. Pitt endorses Judge Fowle. Samp son county did not instruct, but it is .understood that one half of tbe dele gates are for Stedman. Union aiJ not instruct but expressed preference) for Alexander. Guilford did not instruct for tiov ernor. instructed for James A. More- head for Congress. ;i Alamance is for Judge Fowle. Mant whose occupations are oi a sedentary character, Often have the feeling of ; being literally worn 'out, and. are reminded very forcibly of de- - . i . i i . t i cwung years, wnen n ;iney anew wnai ailed them they would find all their troubles arose from : the inaction of tleir kidneys orriiverf! If they would at such times take Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidner Balm, would again feel the vigor and strength of mata- THE PRESBYTERIANS. the southern" assembly in session atIbaltimohe. THE CASE O!-" DR : WOODROW 8 APPEAL FB0M THE ACTION OF TDK GEORGIA SYNOD TAKEN UP OTHES "EWS By Telegraph to the News and Obserir. Baltimore, 'ay. 21 The General Assembly of the Southern Presbyte rian Church reassembled this morn ing and was largely attended by those wno took an interest in tee case oi j Rev.. Dr. Woodro of South Caro lina, which nHVeis his clerical stand ing because of his ideas on evolu tion. The special committee to which was referred tho subject reported in favor of "rantiDg candidates for the ministry 125 and to make collections in churchy for a supplemental ap propriation on tho 1st of April. Adopted. A resolution wa3 offered ii relation to the Appointment of the Committee on temperance ordered on Saturday .dhecting tho report to bo made on the subject to the next Gen eral Assembly, when Rev. Mr. Brooke moved to so amend as to have the reference to liquor alone. The amend ment was accepted. The case of Rev. Dr. James Woodrow, complaining- of the action of the synod of Georgia condemning his utterances on evolu tion was then taken up. A protracted discussion took placa as to the length of time to be granted. It was finally agreed to grant four hours to Seacn side. The Moderator then charged the members of the assembly to re am in their places daring the trial requested by the law of the church, after which prayer was offered for divine guidance. ; The record of the case from the Synod of Georgia was read, covering the entire proceeding of condemnation, in all, about 1,000 words. Dr. Woodrow then presented his case before the j Creneral Assembly, first stating the nature of the offense charged against him. The testimony of Dr. Adams, his prosecutor, he said, showed Dr. Adams to be deeply interested in Dr. Woodrow s conviction so as to re movekhn from his position in the Theological Seminary while Dr. Adams remained: there as director. Dr. Adams was not prompted by his sincerity for the good of the church, but solely to ieject the speaker. He said that Dr. Woodrow was good enough to preach to the people, but not to remain ini the oemiDary. lie was willing to permit aDy views held by the speaker Outside or the Semi nary, but he must not remain there as a teacher. The views of Dr. Adams were entirely different when " thinking and speaking. He then took up the indictment, declaring that under the old law it might jhoid good, but not under the new law The oflence charged had no place under the pres ent iw. The charge was a violation of church obligations because of his views having a dangerous tendency to the church. He charged Dr. Adams with having had an emissary to cro from lobby to lobby in the church to encompass the ruin of the accused. He denounced such conduct as unworthy, any true believer in the Bible. Dr. Woodrow then read the judgment of the 8ynod of Georgia, annulling the verdict or the Presby tery of Augusta whioh had acquitted him and began ins opening state ment. He said he had been charged with holdinsr doctrines which he ab horred. At this stage of the proceedings and before Dr.; Woodrow had mora than entered npon his address to the " general assembly ad journment was taken until 7.30 tomorrow morning when he will resume. He will be allowed two hours fori his hrst address, re spondents will i have four hours and Dr. Woodrow will have two hours for his closing argument. Commercial Epitome. Y. Commercial and Financial Chronicle. Fbibat Night, May 18, 1888. N. Floods in the upper Mississippi river, doing much darnago to property and causing some injury to crops in bottom lands, are among tbe inci dents of the week. It was unseason- ablv cold in middle latitudes, and frosts, more or less severe, were re ported. ' An active speculation in breadstuff's, attended by a sharp ad vance in prices, with a subsequent reaction, was the chief occurrence in speculative circles. The first boat through the Erie Canal to tide-water arrived today. Lard on the spot shows some fur ther advance, hut at the higher prices business has been on a limited scale. Today the market was very firm, at $8.25o. forprime city, S9 85a8.90c. for prime to choice western, $8.45o for refined to the Continent and $9.60 for refined to South America. The speculation in lard for future delivery has continued moderately active and prices show a further and decided ad vance on manipulation at the Wes for speculative account, a slight de cline yesterday being more than re covered toaay, Pork has been quiet; mess, $14.25a $15.25 for old and new; extra prime $13a$13.25; clear, $16 25a$17.75. Cut meats have 'been quiet; pickled bel lies, 7a7c.; ; shoulders, 7Ja7f c, and hams, 11 Gallic.; smoked shoulders 8?c., and hams, 12tal2o. Beef nrm at $7a$i.oU for extra mess and $8a$8 50 for packet per bbl.; India mess quoted! firmer at $12a$14 per tierce; beef hams steady at $16 per bbl. Tallow lower at 4ic. Steanne is dearer at 11c. Oleomargarine quiet at 8c Butter is in good de mand at 22426c. fur creamery and 19 a22o. for Western factory. Cheese its dull: old State factory quoted at o lie; new do , 8f a9ic and new skims 3a8o. (Jonee on tne spot has ruled very firm, and today there was a good business done, including Santos 14icforNoJ7 and 14fo for No at and Rio at 12c for 10 and 15& for No- 6, but mild grades were quiet: The speculation in futures though not active, has been toward higher prices, due mainly to the abolition Of slavery in Brazil. Today there was a little change. Raw sugars, though without much activity, have latt uown more steadinesvaud touy .jld at 5c reg ular, for Centrifugal 96 deg. test, at 2 7-16o c and f- Refined sugars in moderate request. Molasses declined to 20c JOr 50 dog. test, at which a cargo sold to-day. The tea sale on Wednesday went off at steady prices, except that Formosa Oolongs wore slightly cheaper. Spirits turpentine Bhowa some fur ther advance, a,nd closes today quite firm at 371a38c. Rosins have been less active, and close somewhat nomi nal at $1.20al.25 for common to good strained. The speculation in cotton for fu ture delivery r.t this market has been quite sluggish for the week under re view, and the fl act nations in prices were unimportant. Receipts, at the ports have continued at very full fig ures for this' stage of the season, but hey were largely at the expense of stocks at interior towns, which de creased rapidly; so much so as to cause the deliveries from plantations to be estimated at very low figures. The Liverpool market has at times developed notable weakness in view of the statistical position abroad. .El lison's figures were cabled on Tuesday and had a depressing effect, in view of the large excess over last year of stocks in American markets. On Wednesday some at tention was given to the overflow of the Mississippi river, which gave strength to values. Yesterday a firmer opening was followed by a de cline, Liverpool having opened higher and then declined, the weather South having improved. Today there was a slight advance in response to Liver pool, but business was very dull. Cot ton on the spot has been quieter. Ad ditional sales for export last week of 3,337 bales were made public on Mon day. Today the market was dull and nominal at 10c for middling uplands. The total sales for forward delivery for the week are 157,600 bales. For immediate delivery the total sales foot up this week 2,190 bales, includ ing 133 for export, 1,932 for consump tion, 125 for speculation and in transit. Of the above bales were to arrive. HALIFAX COCTY INSTRUCTS FOB HILL FOR THE SUPREME COURT.1 Special to the News and Observer. Halifax county insiructs for Hill or Supreme Court. wa rtaic.v county. THE nETOC RATIO CONVENTION. Or. of the News and Observer. Wabrenton, N. C, May 21. The Democrats of Warren county met in convention in Warrenton Sat urday, the 19 th, for the purpose of appointing delegates to the State convention. It was a large and en thusiastic body of representative men. The meeting was addressed , by Messrs. W. A. Montgomery, H; A. Foote and perhaps others. The convention did not positively instruct the delegates, yet it was quite evident that the sense of the conven tion was largely in favor of Alexander for Governor, and the delegates ap pointed were for the most part Alex ander men. Ant Less. Syrup of Figs Is Nature's own true laxative. I is the most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Bilious or Costive; to DiBpel Headaches, Colds, and Fevers; to Cure Habitual Constipa tion, Indigestion, Piles, etc M&nu- actured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco, Cal John 8. Pescud. Sole Agent for Ral eigh, N. C The Parnellitea are active in re sisting the assumed authority of the Holv See over political affairs in Ire land and have made arrangements for a monster meeting in Phoenix Park, Dublin, to give expression -to their views. Bright Men and Witty Women. an become brighter mien and wittier women by tne saxiiui use or memory The system of memory as developed and applied by Prof. A. Loisette, 287 rum Av., N. Y., is the most original in con ception and wonderful in results of any ever discovered. Taught perfectly Dy mail. Indorsed by Prof. Richard A. Proctor, Horf Judah P. Benjamin, Judge Gibson. Hon. W. W. Astor, Ytol. iii. U Cook and thousands of other representa tive people. Write to tbe fro lessor tor particulars. The Loth rop Literature Prizes (94 in all) have awakened a lively compe tition among school people, scholars and teachers all over the country. $2,000 to be paid to successful com petitors. See Wide Awake for par ticulars. The new volume begins with the June number. Merit Wins We desire to sav to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for uonsumption, ur King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Hitters, and have handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. - Lke, Johnson & Co Fresh Apples, 3 lb cans, 10c, at W. O. & A. B. btronaoh s Baldwin Apples, 1 gallon cans, 30c. at W. 0. & A. B. Stronach's. Jersey Lily Creamery New Spring Butter 30c lb, at W. C. & A B Stronach's. The New Entebpbise. Don't for get the Moseley Hoase when you come to Raleigh, 124 Fayetleville 6t. Everything clean and nice. Rooms are well cared for and ventilated. Tables are good and waiters are at tentive. Moderate in price. Con veniently located. Moseley has all the luxuries of the season. Families are supplied with the best' of ice cream and ices. Send for what you want. .. Cheapest end best Perfumery Laundry Soap, 16 ounce bar 5 y ears old, 5c, at W. C. & A. B. Stron ach's. Orange County Bouquet Creamery New Grass Butter, finest packed, 35c lb, at W. 0. & A. B. Stronach's. NATIONAL CAPITAL. REPUBLICAN SE&ATO 1 C'USING. VU- THE flMS rptxr IN TAlK -A hi riON IS THE 'HOUSE TO RflMBUFSSi SV.S NAII KIYEIi Rlc 8 rLANIEf- By Telegraph to the Xtivj jari-i Ol son i r. Washing tox, D. C., May 1 Mr. Norwoodt of Georgia, today ititro dced in the House a jo;nt reso.ulion instructing t'ae Secret kry cf to make a survey of tho rk-o Liua on Hutchinson's Inland, on the avamiab river, owned by il. TayHr 1 Uo. J. Mills, to ascertain tbo am-.."ui:t .of damages sustained by the jsai J owners j the work done in tho river bf tLt Linked States Jovernmrnt to :;uy-ve and deepen the ehatiuel of ji .vr and harbor of Savannah. The caucus of Republican, Scalers, this afternoon was a continuation of that of last Friday. It was called to formulate a basis for united action and to give the Senator? not members of the Foreign Ralatior.b Committee further opportunity to get posted upon points to be mado against the the fisheries treaty. No action of any kind was .taken. The lime was spent entirely in talk. Washington, D- C Mr- 21. - (iicgle Acting The five miliiou 'dollars item) in bonds accepted by Secretary Thompson Friday have not yet been delivered to the Department. The offer was made in the name of a well known and responsibfe Philadel phia firm and was accepted in good faith. An investigation now in pro gress will, it is thought, show that the offer was a bogus one audi that the signatures to it are forgeries. The House committee on elections will lake up theSouth Carolina con tested election case of Smalis ve. El- liotl next w runeeu iy. i Foa Breakfast. Oat and ivLeat flakes, ready . in fitrcen minutes. I offer theae gooda always fresh aad of the finest quality; also Tapioca sago, corn starch, &c, &.c. E. J. Hardin. FUR Ita superior excellence proven in mil lions of omes for more than a quarter of a century. It is used by the United Stotee Government. Endorsed by tbe heads of the Great TJciveraiuea as tbe th Rtronsest. Purest and moet Ilaalth- ful. Dr. Price's Croam Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Bold only in Cans. PBICE BAKING POWDKI OO. nw toss. catCAao st. r.r.r!5 HEMOVAL, I, WINBTROB, MERCHANT TAILOR, Will remove his place of 'business on or about JUNE 1ST, To the commodious rooms lately octu pied by Mr. A. Kreth, NO. 8 EAST MARTIN STREET, (Opposite Postoffice.) There ha will open a line of goods and will be prepared to do tailoring never surpassed in Raleigh, either in iolnt of excellence or reasonableness of rices. Beiog now full of orders he begs to an nounce that he cannot in justice to his customers take any more before June 1st. the date of his removal. There will be no chaise in ices by reason of the removal. The-.btjet goods at the lowest prices will be furnished in the future as they have been in the past With thanks for tne liberal patronage heretofore and now being bestowed, Very Respecfully, I. Wihctrob. RUBBER STAMPS Of Every Description. This SeU-Infcin Stamp with your name And art dress, oue lkttl Ink, any col ir, ltcd our latest Page Catalogue with terms to agenti," -&c far 50 cents. CATALOGUE ALONE, 1S. W. T. HILL & CO., New Berne' N. O SPRING 1388. S p pi n a and s um mer suits made to order cheap and satisfaction guarante ed. II have a fine stock of piece goods; cal and seeie. i i Merchant Tailor, Na.iOOi-SFatytevUleSt. S1 C O AL Thro i!::iMrl.cn.I FittteB Tens Arri.-e .; fj- days since, second 'ship 1 iiinr. .;(. th!i acollopt lied Ash L0I!!'E!RY.'C0AL V i 1 1 j' to any other il. Two hundred .( c Soft, and one W. Va. Splint. Jir.t ' h'l :H iVl PIFT CORDS DRV PliME, And two hunircii length llesirc be.t heart..'. Cut any .1, or sold long. The best iUuminatinjr, oils, deliv er' from our patent oil tank wagon No waste to purchasers. PHIL 0. ANDREWS & CO Buy THE BEST. u We Sell Low foe Casfl The Beck Au- f (1 tomalic IS n- gtne tor eiec- r ic i i g ht plants. THE BEBT HAUL. We estimat e on complete out fits. Boilers, f portable ' and stationary en- gin ee, saw" nullf, corn mills, Roller ; a uuur lu i v. t Write f o r ,..V prices. Stato , terms desired. and give ret" ?r-1 ences, so , t Taylor flanafactwtoi Company, - , ' . " Chamoereburg, Pa '" Or J. E. TAYLOR, V " I'arkewood, Mocre Co., N. d (IUuBtrated Catalogue Bent freellf tou mention you saw, it in this taper. A Convenientl Placo TO MOSELEY' 8 1 JO FATXTTXVTLLK ST., RALXIOB. ; I j a 1 :.' f ' - f t''"1' Convenient for lawvers. because It's near ; the capitol ; convenient because you -are comfortaWo with good Are is. your y rooms; convenient for we have all the deicaciea of the season; Convenient to have everything at hand for f r Reasonable Rates. ; Convenient for every body who wanlar a quiet quiet place, to rest, i It's a convenient place for we make everybody feel as if at home. You will be satisfied at. I WOSiEUES89: 1W Favettevilli St. - ' NO. 4. ' OR " ' T. mm sykes mm mm. r Takes a look to see whalt progress has been made, and concludes that more en ergetic action must be adopted. Parents v l - Buying clothing, hits and ehcei for their boys, will find our stock large and com plete and our prices the very lowest. ' We have recently replenished our (took of t 5 , Youth's Clothing, Newgood?. Latest Styles. Lowest prices. . k Zxu 11 L TRAVIS, A, DL, Speclaltlos i r X Obstetrics, dWas ef Women and Children. s 213 West Martin 1st (Opposite Nssh -Square. ' , - ' It LEQQ 0. 1HI IL mm. If 1 f y

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