it n 'fit THE trEWS' -OBEKVER bj 4 IUVBM i- 1-" 1'- I J. JU McttilK, -, ; I Dr.ur ens r jj,: by BWii Hstr.iJ, , ,i ' , sis Moittto ' ' 1 -three V J. 1 2 K - -7B and nara i WeeWr, cue tew. -L i S;E ffiyt! Me-pants- ettxri vrM -out -x;mmt (fit use xg's:io'i rf tm ''- tt'f. .-SATJflMT,- MAT ..-..i-.!-.:- - 1 --.l-J-J PKM.OCRAT1C piSTMICT CPS VSSTllIlT -1 " i A oonveption 6,f tLe IMiacicTBiio party of th fcttitu Congressional , district will:-be it!d al Faitiigh tea s May 29th, next, w lioruleate a candi i date for Congress, a catididatofar dis ' trie elector, to elect two delegates to the Naticfial Dotaocratact Coaveatioa i and for other purposes. By order of ' the' committee. I i : E. I. Pa8BI3H, Chftirtnan executive committee; , ".(District papers will please cogv). Democratic State Kxecnllve ,'oaimitee. r , , ' Bauigh, N. C May Stb, 188U i To the Ihkgatei to Vi Dewxmtio . itate Conmntijnn t' r;Xbe ra!irda-.T;mpam?s in ihe State bate generally agreed towve round ; trip tickets at excursion rates oil tele, .rfotvilolegfvtes to the Demoe-tatic tate CkmrntiKB:jo l :: te!d tra tri'S-city on May 30;ltr-8i, i 28 tb to Jiuie i' Jaay 1 delegates ciu-if;ii t.c bay tiek . ettto KdieigL ami return. y . ii. IT. Battlk. -' Chairman, fcc. B. 0. BfcCKWITH, : ' ' ii ; ' Secretary. :, -. Democratic papers please copy. i . jTIIKCOSVK-VTIOJrS. -i iDemocjutig NatioiaJ St. Louis, Jiine 5th. - I estate Raleigh," 3Ii j 30th. ; 1st District-EHaleth City, ' June n: (- ,s. :. j ' -4th District Kaleih, May 29th. , . '-5th District Greensboro, ?July lltb. - 6th District Wilmington, Juhe 27. ' 7th District Salisbury, June 20th. ITEM. OTATS JSS. UOMMITTEJg, i?iTrtn n, Af.. 91 isss; iAt thereqnest of members of the Democra' io State Execaiiye Commit ted the meeting appointed for the 29h in8t., will bdheld at 4 p. m. in stead of: 12 m.,. as stated in the notices giren. j B. n. Battle, . i "liSlS ' -j - ' Ghairm&n.u.' i ; 'JDjemocrktic papers will pleaBepy.4 - 1 f 1 : : r .Ta taew 'Qoternor General, of .Canada a Lord Stanley, of PreetonJ and ha asilod for' his new charge yes-f 'JChs J5atyi Evening J'utrioC iet creditabje alike to its editors 4nd its publiahars. It hai our tarx I best wiahe f abandanlrpserUyiii; Ths Jane, number of ttWisoii 'Schooltcwher will be an unusually large iflBue, it is announced, and twHI Wont bvtheiOth'.;Mr. n: L. Atkin. on, the I recently inaugurated editor of the magazine, tatea Tigorous hold ef his new and important work. : f ' i-tiM, t: l ' T : ; .-; , ! - ?ai llpuse seemed to think jester day that jco great amount of praying was! needed by a Democratie body, ',and; bo tie propoaitioii to Increase the salary ofithd chapiin was defeated. Cta tainl a Demodratio maorUy I is ' apt to be made up of mighty good men anyjffihef e in the country. ; , , Tax" uepnblican Slate Contention . started Out in aTery decorous. digni ; llfl4 waprl jit Burprised everybodjr and its friepds ij hoped it might conclude Its labor without making itself ; ridi culoua: as all the other Republican Oontentions in this country of which . yr eter heard hate done. It moved along in reasonable serenity for a day - and a ijalf, ! perhaps, but - the strain then beoame intolerable! : There was 5 a general breaking loose of bands of etiquette and parliamentary ruled and the eon,Tiention for the rest of its Bit ting iri ipite of the heroic efforts Of the weU-dressed chairman and the other hito men who felt that the eyes of the Democracy were npon ; them asserted its nature andecame . the pandemonium, lurid with "pints " of order," uproariously 'tooisy andyin- dependent of all control, that the Re -' publican Convention "always is here abouts, p lit looked natural ; after all, . and loofcers-on finaDy recognized it in Its turmoil North Carolina Repub licaaiiflmi acserted Jteelf then and 1 there, possibly because its assertion of itself at the polls in Notember is to amount !ta nothing if the Democracy of $he Sfcajet only properly exerts it- . sell; 1 f- : ' -; !. V"a neticfl in the Iron'A.g& of Bir mingham, Ala , that Dr, Wm. B. Phil lips made quite a stir among the min- g engineers at i a late meeting of their inskituto. HS jjaper c-4 Phos phale Slag wasnot only scholarly, scientifia Ind thought fu, but it seems to have l&ttracted nnivereal - 'admira tion and to have engaged the insti tute's attention for one whole session. Such incidents serve to show that our Korth Carolina bred 4nd educa ted "mea, especially if they be of as prod material as Prof. PLfllips, heed only a chance to do themselves and the -Statl great honor. ' We qdOte from the Iron Agv, ; ' "A Vey linteijealicg uud .hili y sci ieutulc paper on Phc sphato Slag- was read by Prof. W. B Phillips of the Unitersitr of North Carolina- The paper was quite lengthy, but was lis tened toi very cioseiy oy eyery ne in the house. It treated principally of . the phqifphate slag, of England and Ameru'ti. lie showed , that there are now manufactured in the United Stales H,t00,000 tons of fertilizer, chiefly from phosphate slag and rock. He Bawl IfuriLer, that 650,000 tons of this 3 as uped in the State of North ' Carolina alone. JUe stated' ifurther, that thai fitiite &lone spent over ; f- 0O0;00O. ftuuijCly.for thin.jertil.'zer Afier it ;:apfc 'o wad, a oii-.'id-reb?e djepvijien- cf 'he merits and VRert d'f ibis e'ag was induUrotl in. ISearljiiaif tke mpmba in the auuse ' rendered Ui&t 'difuMfcti. 'o'u&iid atd theoriespi the BiibjeM. In faet the entire sesiu was -conaumed ill the trading pf tlu psrr and the distsasi :ott that Xoliowed.". ov- f1? mCMOCRATIC POCTRIBTK. We fcava wished to mate eaxlifflr iipeeob leUvered fey the Secretary of robtlyu last wi-3ek Ii' fc rj frgtii'-,i(jnof yo'un-g Dpw- Ocrtli.' ill istr,u:cl a as such gcoa,' old-i43iiDiied ifeniocratic doitfins that e ipKea tf present it to cn rfeadcFf b frtt Vff toot hivinr op: ia oar c;iamijr tnusi content oufI47es with such.britef :es-J tracts as we c an f pack away in this articlp. - ? : ' Mr. Iairchildl &ddrr-?9fd hiroeelf piirtica'arly to ii raattar of the surt plus revftnr.e andf the' growing accu mulation of moiey at Washington; rusting in uselessjbss and the matter of the purchase of Ijonds twenty years ahead of maturijLy, at an enormous premium. From his position he ia enabled to speaklon both points with thorough information and from his well-known character must be gener ally admitted t, speak with care for the public interests. . He showed afwong other things that on April 80th of the present year there was' about $700,000,000 in the custody of lh Treasury Depart ment. The larger part 6f this is held for the redemption of gold, silver and legal tender certificate ard national bank notes; .100)00,000 ia held to tedoesu greenbaisj $60,000,050 fis hld subject to iheeks outstanding, disbursing ofiicfs' drafts, matured and accrued interest, called bonds &a., fand, ?26,000,000 i9 in subsidiary $ver coin. Bat over and beyond all fis the vast sum of $110,000,000, at ;the closest calcula tion, free and clear of any. possible liability a useless surplus forced out: of the pockets of tax-payers, out of: the avenues of . frade and industry where it is o sorely needed, by the iniquitous high triff of the Republi cans. .; j -; I " . , 'J Secretary Farcaild is very decidedly of the opinion" that it is wrong that this enormous sum of money should be taken every year out of circulation to serve only tie purposes of the protected manufacturer and the con triver of trusts. He says so with great earnestness, and there are a great many people in this country, a .large majority of the people, indeed, who heartily rtgr4e with him. , , ' Addressing Democratic voters as he was, Mr. I'airdhild said: "The great work which you aria called upon t0 perform is immediately connected with my 'department, and is indicated ia the invitation to this dinner.. You asl me to speak of the surplus, j BsiddB receiving it,' as in immense volume It daily rolls into the Treasury and safely keeping it. my department ean peal with it in bit One way, nasnely by the purchase of bonds at suejji premium as.the holders may choose Jo 4fik a most unwise -and wa8tefa expedient, to ;which let us hope that resort will not belcaig necessary." 't; ; ;The government is driven to this purchase of bons. There is no way for it to apidbuying. The law makee it iraperatite that it shall do 'so.' ! Ite demand gives the bond-brokers opportunity to bull the market and yet ithas to buy no mat ter what th prfmium; it is called upon to pay. That premium was at first about 4. 1 It is now 27 and more. It win probably be 39 or more before the govenment gets through baying. The Treasury is overflowia? with needless taxes, yet any premium the bloated bondholders demand has toibe paid. ;Tb,e government either has to buy thi bcpids or run the risk of having a n money p&nio brought about by thosi) who control the money centres. .' v : How stnulge.f pointedly said Mr. Fairchild,h "that 3 the words 'surplus revenue' shoud eksgest only evil and danger to the ; mind of the American citizen, when t vould seem that they should only j jwords indicative of peacej plenty lalnd prosperity. ; Why is this f Whencef thii anomaly ? ' It ia-becauBe in l our time of need our government : Jbeefttessly became i en tangled in rJivAte business. And with this entanglement it ia difficult wisely to reduce revenue, for it is nat ural that each man should try selfish ly to get and told on .to what is most profitable to fyimself without regard to the general iwf are." . : - Going more into detail in explana tion here he continued: j .''When we soel or get information from these me Jjpon taxation quies- I t Ions their answers are always Liable to be prompted by the spirit whfch dictated the refills to ft circular letter that Mr. Manning sent to the -manufacturers in $85. One answered: If the Secretary of the Treasury wishes to know bow much it cost Co make nails let him build a nail facto ry;' and another whose profits are understood to be? prodigious, replied: 'The questions re objectionable; I decline to answeri them; it is not for my interest to d so. 'Not for my interest?' and yt they tell us that the protective tariff is to' promote the interest of the Country as a whole; that the country s, as it were, a part ner with the protected classes. If this be true then! the country had a right to know exactly how the account stood at all tiusjes, and this without building a nail ifictory. Not 'my in terest,' but our interest the people's interest is the issue." j "How strangest again remarked Mr. Fairchild, f'that foday the men who thus answered ihe Secretary of the Treasury in 1S complain that the people's representatives have attempt ed - lq frame a revenue bill them- solvee!" : A It must be admitted that the Secre tary has gone to the root of this mat ter of opposition to tariff reduction without auo an witn tne nana or a master.- His concluding words on the point are wise aJd true: "The Preside! has done his part; ma aavice is Deio tne country, ixir. Manning did h,i part bravely and ably; all Democrats lova to bjphor his iaemory; how letter do it than by honoring his teachings? The Deuov erata of ftbe ws and means com mittee have doney their part by fram ing a conservatife, careful bill, fol lowing in its genlrai features the ad v4ce of your Presfdent and Mr. Man ning, your grea Democratic Secre tary of the Treasury.'' The Secretarys fellow-Democrats cftBcct do better ithan to heed-what he save, and; it i the duty of every o,ie oi teem, owfi to tne country at -Jarge, to do ris Ipart tby Bustaining wnat ua m lajFlLeen aeocmplished and what is now;lein done lor the purpose of securing relief from the bur dens of the excessive taxation levied by the Betublie&n high tarifL W. P. Canadat came downf like the waif cn the fold but his convention his party so-called in the State ?ia fcr Biuiae by a Ia'ge iiajonty. Having come for wool, in other words, he goes home shori. Sher irar ee.oni9 to have chcsenvlit wisely in thi present case, at leaist. Th9 poople of North Caroliua have know a long Bitice that Canauay wOutd nt ; do to depend on. j Tai , death iti announced of the notnd British electrician who waa as-HO-ihtKt with Prof. Morso in laying the firrt Atiirican cable, f i'ery ap propriately his name was Bright S r Charles'Tilston Bright hist knight hood having been' conferred because of his services in effecting the fe()mmuni cation between England and America. 'Parson" Newman is now Bishop Newman of the Northern Methodiet Church with the accent on the Nortl -em. FRANKLIN CDC TV, WHQ IS TO BE GOVERNOR? HOW IT AP- PEABS TO A nOBSE-DROVJS-Cor. of the Nws and Observer. The Irishman, on going into batt e, prayed. "O, Lord, I have nefer both ered you much before, and if you will takoj of me now I will never bother you again. Amen, i : Mr. Editor, this is my apology for offering this communication! I have besn reading the State papers care fully and have heard the lawyers and farmers express their feelings, and now we want to let them kjaow how the horse-drovers feel. We feel that we are all lawyers, farmers doctors, drovers and all other professions one grand Democratic body, and no one member can say to anotner, "l have no need of thee." Wejmust all pull together, with no laggards either at the wheels or in the, lead. : I reg.etted to see some time since a communication in your paper from' a lawyer threatening that ifjthe farm ers dtdt let them alone they would make them feel it. And also! a good many threats made by farmers, writ ing at different times, and it has been theory by them ever since : I eoci menoed toreaJ tne papers, tha they as a class were ignored, and that th y demanded recognition. Suj pose a professional maa.say a lawyer, should write a piece saying that no one but a lawyer was fit to fill the place, and that we could not afford to nominate any one else, as they .would not sup port any other profession and with out tneir nelp we oou'd not elect. W nat a howl it; would create: and) justly, too! They are mistaken. ,No one wants the farmer ignored, land t!ey are not going to be either, and they should not act like spoiled children. This, of all years, must be j a harmo nious One. We have all got to pull together if we want to roll; op a big Democratic vote. We must. place in the field the most available men whether they be lawyers, farmers or horse-drdvert. I write tot advocate the claims of no man, because I haven't any personal preference, but to counsel prudence in selecting the best man, the man who can awaken the most enthusiasm, a man who can arouse the people, an aggressive man, and one who has no past record to de fend. Alexander, Fowls and Stedman are all good men. Now, those who go' to the State convention should 1 lay aside all , personal feeling j and nominate the strong est man- I don't know, but it seems to me from reading the Sate exchanges and from my intercourse with the people that Fewle and Alexander would make the strongest ticket, and the papers generally give the pulse of the people. But-some of the farmers say, "O, but Alexander would not or could not acfipt the second place." Now I believe Alex ander, if he would accept ,-the first place, to be too good a Democrat and too smart a man, to refuse the1 second. I never recommend as a safe horse one that will work only in ltie lead and not at the wheel. Fowls May not be, the Strongest man mentioned, (though it seems to me he is) "but let the convention consider everything, and we will accept and elect whoevor that may be. ye must pull together this year, bury all personal feelings and preferences, ana elect the; ! whole Democratic ticket all over the State. Now, these are the sentiments of a horse-drover, and if they are wrong We are willing to be forgiven- ; v ;'-.'' .. Truly,: - ' Hossi-D&byxB. ASHEVILLK IEWI,' TOE SEP 0BLICAN STATS TICKET XX TES WEST. Cor. of-Uie Kws and Observer. . Ashkyilli, May 24. The Republican nominations are regarded as rather weak; oertainly giving no hope to the most sanguine radicals ?of their being ablei:o do more than hold their voting: strength in the State. . The ticket will Create no.enthusiasm in this part of North Carolina; will not attract the abating vote, and will be easily beaten, if we ars wiaS in our nomination next week. . ; H : pockery and Pritchard are straight Republicans and no Democrat'-in the State will vote for either one of them. Mr. Dockery has many friends and admirers in Buncombe, andj may count on the solid support of his par ty; but that's all. Mr. Pritchard is well thought of in this section. He stands fair, and is about this right size of a man to run with behind "son Oliver." He is a partisan; of the straitest sect, and he will get no more than the genuine Republican vote. He will carry two counties west of the ridge Henderson and Madison, in each of which he may run' a few votes ahead of his ticket. The out come of the convention relieves the Democrats in this quarter. Now, let the Democratic convention give us Stedman and Alexander, and the State is ours by such a majority as had not been seen in North Carolina since the war. Such a ticket will carry the transmontane counties by increased Democratic majorities everywhere, except Henderson and Madison, which are Republican counties. I j A." G. Armstrong, a merchant of Mexico, Mo., has juat had toipiy IjjfOO for attempting to collect ah al leged debt of $3 from a poor widow who holds a position in a dry -goods slcjra in St. Louis. Armslroi.g'jwas charged with having employed . ool ledting agency of Chicago, whieh, in order to gain their nds, resorted to the practice of sending an entelope to the widow bearing the inscription in large blacK letters, Hxfad lebt," Republican managers in the House concede oqb; majority for the Mills bilL Chairman Mills denies uthat the majority! of the committee have reodifiod tnr- position on the wool question. ;j rTk8 Chicago I purchasers of the L'bby prison have lasdo but one pay uieut, ar.d will uc4 'e p-iiitted to move a brick until the. purchase moneyr $23,000; is paid- , VV.'D. Solt, D-Hsirgfet. Bippin. Ind., testifies : '"I can recommend Electric Bitter? as tho very t-t remedy. Every bottle sold has givea relief in erery cafe. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rbouniatidm of tea years' standing." Abraham llare, druggist, Belvilte, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 yparg' expe rience, ia Eiectric Bitters. "J Thousands of others have added their testimony, so tnat the rerdict is ujnanimous that Elec tric Bitters do cure all disease of the Liver, Kidneys or Jilood. Only a half dollar a bottle at Lite, Johnson & Co 's Drug Store. -a- . The Supreme Com t of New South Wales 1 as decided that the ov r: ment has no power to exclude for eigners from that country. If Von Ftamn Attack Of fever and ajrue or :lilious remittent leTcr, doiTt resort to .lUiniuo, a cumulative aud per nicious lniK Hint Ijhs ruined many constitutions. Use without delay a renifdy which the leading physicians of Amertc have recommendeil for overtliirly years past H istcttf -r's Mmnach Jtitr ters. litunb ai?ae and ague cake, ao less than (lie actively feliriie turns tt malarial disease are fromptly relieved and ultimately uprooted ny if n the tropics, where lfhrile complaints -of this sort are more virulent than In th lemperale zone, Hostetter's Moinacli liUleM has established a reputation for preventive and remedial etlicacy which compet1tiri ha not been ahleto aflect pre judicially nay, has eveo serretl to streiijfthen. Oisorders ol tlie stomacli and bowels, particularly Uiose to which malaria-gives nse. are speedily relieved by it Kidney Complaints, rheiunarsniI nervousness andsleepfei(Bness, sick, headache and constipation yield to It. i Appetite and sleep are both improved by It. J Ex-Governor , John M.. Palmer was nominaled for Governor of Illi nois by the Democratic State Con vention at Springfield and a Cleve land delegation was elected to the National Contention. rlervooa ;'3rostratiaa, Nrvou cadachc, ; Neuralgia, Nervcut Weakaeis, i Stomacli and Liver Dlieates, Rheumatiitn, Dytpcpaia, aad all affection! of tat Kidneys. WEAK NERVES PAnnf s Cblt Compovito Ii a Serve Tordo which, never fall. jiCootaintog Celery and Ooca, those wonderful stimulants. It speed Cl ceres all nervotia disordn. RHEUMATISM Puir Celxbt 5oRWrKD pariSet I? btood. It drives out the Jaetic acid, which eaubes BhcnmatlamJ and restores the blood making onram to a healthy oondition. TtM true remedy for heximatism. - KIDNEY COMPLAINTS pAimr s CcuaT Cowoumd quickly restore the liver and kidneys to perfect healtt This curative powfer combined jrith if nerve tonics, makes it the best rjner for all kidney complaints. DYSPEPSIA; Paikk's cxlxbt OoWpojvd strontrthens the stomach, and quiets the -nerve, i. the diges tive organs. This ia why it cures even the worst cases of Dyspepsia. : CONSTIPATION Pam's Csxssr Costpocvd Is not a Catha tie. It la a laxative, giving easy and natural action to the bowel, Regularity sorely fol lows its us. j aecommended by professional and trasinear men. Send tor book. Price tl.00. Sold by Druggists. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., PropS 8UUJIf (STOIC VT. W. flsifcRsS. TUCKER & CO. Ladies' Slippers, Lace Oxfords, Low-Out . Walking Shoes, and Turn Boots for Summer Wear. .DO. ii, . . These goods aTe made up for uj by Laird, Shober & Mitchell and Ziegler Bros, of Phila delphia, the leading shoe makers of Amer ica. ' We show inslip ers, Oxford's and low-cut walking shoes 39 different styles.. Besides these lines of hand made goods we: carry the largest lines of cas ern work,! , offering slippers from 50o per pair t up to $1.25, and giving you something that will wear. NOrHlC15. ... Treasury' Depahtukst, Office CoxpthoixEr of tub Currekcy. Washikotos, April 11th, 1888. Notice is hereby given to all persons who may have claims against '-The State National Bank of Raleigh," North Caro lina, that the same must be presented to Clement Dowd, Receiver, with the legsd proof thereof, within three months from this date, or they may be disallowed. W. L. THEN HOLM, Comptroller of the Currency. DR. E.B. jKANKIft, tlcvjaoeeptxtlklo Xlij'wlelstii, Halifax Street, Opposite Cotton ruatform, h ' Attends to the general practice of mexii ciae. Kpecial attention paid to diseasM o' woae and ehildroo. . doof NOTICE OK 8ALK OK VALUABLK PKO-perty.-By virtue of authority given tnthres sevenil mortgages executed by tjniella A. Thompson aud recorded in the lleglster's ofllee of Wake county. In Rook 83, page 23!, Book 83, page 27, aiid KK)k as, ipn Life, we will sell on Tuedav the 24th day oi i J uly, lsi, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court Ilouse dor in tne city of Sal eigli, a ".ot with the Improvements thereon, situ ated on Fayetteville street, tn said city of Kal eth, and kuown in the ,pian of said city as part oi lot No. lo. and mor uettuittly described by metes and bounds in akl mtages which are hereby referred to for description. Terms of sale Cash.j f, racK. KoLiirsQ heck. May 23. jiw. -ids Af i0t liA I nTtltll onialleuauKh loeottviitct- f (ILU luderbaea Co.ri Broad Mreet, c- elery UfSSGLf ESTION FINEST LIGHT RICHLY PACKED Purity fnd Excellence of Materials in i Manufacture - rstot fl MARK ft WTTJ HE TANNHAEUSBR BEER la brewed from the Finest Pal? Canada J I f West Barley Malt and gaazer Hopa and especially recommended for 1 Its tonlo and nutritive qualltioe. It ia ricbly packed in attractive glass bottles for Family Use. BEBONEB & ENGEL received TWO MEDALS at the Centennial Exhibition and were awarded the GRAND PRIZE at the Universal Exposition In Paris, 1878. : The Bergner & Engel Brewing Co SUMMEBTBESOETS. uThe Summer Capital by the Sea.'5 THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, Morehead City N. C. (Open June 1st, to Oct., 1888) Greatly enlargd and improve-1. Accommodations for 1 ,000 guets. 'Everything first class and rates reasonable. Write for new descriptive pamphlet. Beermann & Cooke. Prop'rs. THE KIMBALL, ATLANTA OA., Chas. Beermann A Co., ProprV. j CAPON SPRINGS AND BATHS, HAMPSHIRE1 COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA- ALKALINE LITHIA WATERS, ALSO SUPE Lithia Baths of any Temperature. Here is where the sick recover and the well are always happy- A. B. Butges in ctarge of diniog room and kitchen departments. Send for pamphlet and say where you saw this advertisement. : WM, IT. SALE, ' Proprietor. Haywood White Sulphur Springs. under hew mas agemblnt. WAYNESTILLE, N. O The loveliest snot n all God's wonder land of beauty ! Nature's trundle-bed of recuperation! New 3-story brick hotel, 170 feet long, with veranda's 12 feet wide and 250 feet long. Ilouse handsomely furnished. Everything new, bright and clean. Ac commodations in every department strictly first-class in every particular. About 100 rooms, including desirable cottages near main building. Special Arrangements will bt mide for the Months of June and September. Allen & Neville, ! Proprietors. BlTTEKY PAKK HOTEL, Open Throughout the Year. ASHEVILLE, N. C. JNO. B. STEELE, Manager. SCK MSB KATES FOR SEASON OF 1888, MAY, JUNK, JUY, AUGUST AND SEFTKUBER. When one room is occupied by one per son: Per day Per week Per month, 4 weeks When one room is persons Per day Per ws-k Per month $ 4.00 $21.00 to 25. CO 75.00 to 90.00 occupied by two 8 7 00 42.00 8 85.00 to 13O.C0 to 150.00 Special Rates to Families Above rates are governed according to location of rooms. Parlor suits and rooms with baths extra. rivi Air DOT SPEISGS, I, C. (Formerly Warm Springs.) Open throughout the year. Especially desirable as a Summer Resort. Mo hot weather no annoying insects? The most Luxurious and Dkniucial Baths in America Marble Pools Porce lain Tubs. . Remarkable efficacy in treat ment of Gout, Rheumatism and Malaria, Kidney and Liver troubles, Dyspepsia and other comiplaints. Resident Phy sician. Hotel new and elegant. Mag nificent Ball Rocm. Cuisine unexcelled. Terms reasonable. Write for descrip tive pamphlet. ' O. K. LANSING, Minager. Formerly Manage of Astor Hcuae, New York City. TX7ANTKI-i-llA-i To take the agency of VV wiraafe! pit. 28x18x18 inches: wvi-bt S00 lbs; ruteil price $33; other tire iuihiKirti, A rare chance to create a permanent i-iulness at home. These sain meet a demand nerer before supplied by other aale eompiniet, a are not ltvernel by tlie Sale fool, i AipLue gale Co. (JIb- s . ..; wpsaawnsi r - -.. ADLY THE BEER EXTANT FOR FAMILY USE.! Purity arid Excellence of ' Materials in Manufacture PHILADELPHIA. j A. TILFENTHAL. Agent, Charleston, S- C IRON WATERS. NOT SLOW! For aice cold and refreshing bever age go to A. W. Goodwin & Co's drug store, and you can get it, sparkling soda Water, ice cold mineral waters, orange cidei on draught, moxie, limeade, and milk shakes. 5,0OO Cigars J ust received, choice and select brands. Sweet and free smokers. If you enjoy a pleasant and delightful smoke, you can get it at Goodwin V drug Btore. GARDEN SEED OF EVERY KIND AND FOR EVERYBODY. Standard Patent Medicines, Drugs, fpices and Flavoring Extracts, Per fumery and Toilet Soaps. The best brands of chewing, and smok ing tobacco always on hand. Prescriptions dispensed at air hours of ttay oksight. We' want your ordeis and intend to ?i 1 have them if Prices and (Quality will win. A. W. Goodwin! & Co. " j H CITIZENS' TRUST COMPANY BALEIQHN d, Belicits and is empowered to execute TRUSTS OF ALL KINDS TO MAKAQB raOPilHTV AS Agent tor O'WiiorH) To Buy and Sell Propty, 1 COL1 . 1 JOT E1N'TS , LOOK AFTER TAXES, BUY AivD SELL SECURITIES To issue negotiable certificates again ts goods on storage urjon which! money can be obtained at the Lowct tibiing Rat and to do all business ttsusuly done by Trust Companies. i n. UAWKias. frosuitat. VT. B. ANDERSON, Vlce-Prsaidcnt f. WItK)N, i-r. 1 . , C O A L. Thrr5 Slaadred fiftfrn Tans Arrived a "tv days since, second shijp mert of that cHnt Red Ash LORBERRY COAL For grates. Superior to any other anthracite coal. Two hundred tons Tennessee Soft, and one hundred W. Ya. Splint. wodcid: or FltTY COUD3 DRY PIIME, And two hundred best heart. Cut any , length desired, or sold long. The best illuminating tiils, deliver from our patent oil tank wagon. No waste to purchasers. PHIL. 0. 1SDREWS & CO FOR SIXTY DAYS! SCHOOL WORK OUR Great Specialty. With the finest line of papers, Cards and Envelopes Ever introduced into this State, and a large assortment of fresh type, first class presses, &c., we are well prepared for SCHOOL PRINTING, And solicit patronage for Invitations, -Programmes, - - Circulars, Catalogues, , &c., &e. Send in your orders at once. "Remember we have the largest and most complete Printing and Binding Es tablishment in North Carolina. - EDWARDS & BR0UGHT0N, Printers and Bfnders, Raleigh, N. C FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, v - if you wamr- A Good Vegetable Garden PLANT LANDRET1TS OR ELY'S KELIABLE GARDEN SEEDS BOLD BY- LEE, JOHNSON & CO. Druggists g Seedsmen OPPOSITE POSTOFFIOE, ! KALKIQH, N. a I" r ' 8eed dealers supplied at Philadelphia, Wholesale prices. Orders by mail promptly filled. LEE, JOHNSON & CO. DbUQOBBTB AND BEKPeMKT. 1 Edw. J.Jardin, Grocer, i Offer at all times a complete and carefully - - - ; . ; ,- ' - Selected Stock Of all seasonable substantials and luxu ries of the PROVISION TRADE Meau, Fish, Fine Butter, Fine Teas, Coffees, fto., Sec . Canned Goads of thel most approved brands, including t he Peaches, Pears, 1 Apricots and Cherries of the "Golden Gate Company" of San Jose. ' BEST CANNED VEGETABLES, Corn, Tomatoes, Asparagus, Succotash, PRESERVES, Jellies, bauoea. Olives, Flavoring Ex tracts, and everything else in the way of TABLE SUPPLIES For special announcements frem day to day, see the local colums of this paper. E. J. HARDIN. pROPOSALS. , tr . Bids will be received at this office un til 19th June, 1883 at noon for furnish the State' with 10 ions of Pocahontas coal, to be delivered ia the coal house ia rear of tne supreme Court Building, j , W.L. SAUNDERS,- ' ' I -: ' Secretary Bute. Raleigh, 19th Ifay, 183S. maySOtf. ADVANCE. Tfcrtre Ih Usitiu quite sn ail v A'kw in' trices ii t'-rur and toileo iii tho two wco&i). Wa Cjlcr at before the advance preen. ' ' . . oOO bbls. Flour. IlaiaU I.yr 1 Isidtd i'ntent, ?ntfpscoSu prlative, ftuckeyo inmMr Orane-e Gwr., CIa":i, CSrolIni "Family rU((la!e, Trwnont. I'.srrela, 4, t ana l j.f, w sacka. 75 Sacks (lood to fancy Kio coffees, at Kew York cargo prices. W.C.MB. Urooers and Candy Uanufaotarerv. SO bbls. At fishery prices, regular pack, new North i arolins cut herrings 75 bbls. North Carolina family roe herrirwk Few packages extra one old roe hrtring Vot lack f storage room, new crop Now- Crop Cuba, hogsheads and barrels at very tow ngures. TO JOBBING TRADE. Specially low prices in anything and ev- eryioing m staple ana fancy groce ries. Get prices of us before buying. 8e local column for special ads. REMOVAL, 1. WINETROB, MERCHANT TAILOR, Will remove his place of business oa or about 9 , JUJiE 1ST, , . To the commodious rooms lately" occu pied by Mr. A. Kreth, NO. 8 EAST MARTIN STREET, (Opposite Poetoffice.) There ha will open a line of goods and1 , will be prepared to do tailor ng never surpassed in Raleigh, either in point of excellence or reasonableness of prices. . Being now full of orders n ounce that he cannot in justice to hL customers take anymore before Jun; 1st. the date of his removal. There will be no change in pricei by reason of the removal. The best goods at the lowest prices will be furnished in the future as they have been in tho past. With thanks for the liberal patro&ago heretofore and now being bestowed, Very Respecf ully, - I. Winotrob. ItECEITERS' SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a tie- cree of the Unite? htates Circuit Court far the w estern District of North Carolina rendered in a cause therein pending, entitled Ueorge A. McCor- ; inick et ai. va. Worth Carolina Mil. stone Company et als, we, the undersigned, appointed tn said ' cause Receivers u the assets of said company, will sell at nubile auction apoa the terms herein - i after statert at 11 o'clock a. in. en THURSDAY, JULY 6TH, 1888, on the premises at Parkwood, Moore Coauty, It: C all the property, assets sod effects described In tlie deeds ol trust from said eomnny to- A. (. , Breufrer, Trustee, and to A. A MoNem.lTrn-tee. (which deeds of trust are registernd ia tlie ofllee of the Register of Leeds for Moore County, M C , aud are hereby referred to) and also all the other property, aaseU and eSects.of UiM. C. klillslone Company. AmoBg the property to be sold I 769 acre, snore or less ol aneiy timbered and good faming land, embracing the inexhaustible mtllstona quarry frum wliHilrare made tlie far-famed "Moore Coun ty Grit" mills,' and containing aracag ether lm provements all the buildinfts. shops, tools ana ma chinery requisite and used is manufacturing said mills, also two handsome dwelling houses witu necessary out-bouaes, barns, &c, country store, twenty-two tenant houses, also a Saw Mill an. Dry Kiln complete, Planing Machine, Matcher and Planer, two Blacksmith sliops. Ice Machine, Patent Jtollesflouring Mills, Machine Shops and ' Foundry all complete and equipped with the best ' machinery. Also a Telephone Hystess, IT mile. -long, extending from Parkwood through Carthage -to Cameroa on the R.SA. A. L.-M. also is . shares of stock In the Carthage B. K, also a very large and assorted stock of machinery, taols and - 4 machlbery supplies, including engines, boilers, ' pumps, corn-sheller, shingle machine, wind BiilL belts, piping, band and round iron. Ac, a lot of ' gold mine machinery? also large lot of finished and unfinished mills and millstones; also large lot . of sash, doors and blinds, goods, wares and mer chandise and other personal property of various descriptions, and tn large, quantities sad; all the ' other property, together with the franchise .f said -covpany. - t TERMS OF SALE : The property wui be offered first is tBT Art and then ut toto or ls ososs . If the highest bids, when t the property la offered in detail aggregate more than the highest bid f orthe property when offered tn gross, the bids in detail to be reported to Court as the last and highest bids.-otherwute the bid in gross will be reported tn Court as the Ust and Behest bid. When offered nr dtail the said real estate with the buildings and so much machinery, Jtc, as ta necessary mUifmanufacture-olailUsasdeecribed . in said d&Tee as -The riant," will bo offered at one-third of- purchase price in i cash the balance: la two equal uistsl- , ment a, payable lu t and 1J months, the -defer :ed payments to bears per cent interest from day ot sale, and to bo secured- by notes with good -security, Uie purchaser Co keep th. property in- sured for the benefit of the aeceivers In a sunt equal to half the anpald purchase price; apoa de fault of which the said Keceivera shall have the right to so Insure the -said property and tlie Muuuin njwiq uriwra wr sucu uwim snail be added to and form part ot the purchase price. The purchaser to be let into poesesajon npon the confirmation of said tale and the payment of the cash Instalment ot purchase price : the UUs to be retained until the purchase prle. is paid In full. AU toe other property iaeraduag, the Flouring MILL Ic Machine, Telephone System, Wind Mill. Machinery, Ao in Machine Shop, and Foundry .in Saw MiH and Dry Kiln, tn Supply Kuom, o be log oSered separately and tor cash. After suchoflerlng or dktail and belore the offering nv o nose, tlie purchasers at the detail sal. shall deposit with the Beeelrers 20 per eat of the purchase price respectively ot the forego ing property as an earnest of their respective bias, upon failure ot which the Beceivers shall luvre -power to resell any Item of said property, npon which the 2u per cent shall not be deposited. The whole of the property ordered to be sohl will ilien be offered In one lot or in oaoeSon tlie following terms : For an amount lo casta equal to the amount tor which all the property (except ' "The Plant" TelepWaWsystem, tew Mill and Dry K iln M achlnery sold ts dkt a il together with one thlrd oi the residue ut the cross bid. the balance ot . the gross bid to be paid in 6 and lXmnt,lis, the. aeierrea instalments 01 tne ptirenase f per cent interest from day of sale, an eured by note with good security. .The purchaser to keep the property insured and to be let into possession and the title to beTetained In the mao- ner aDeve vyescnoea. In addition to Uie above described property we l will also sell at said time aud place, fur cash, one oUier track of land containing 40 acres, and It nowq as the "Horner Tract;" also one M-boraa Wood, Tabor ft Morse Portable Kngin. on wheels, one Lane A fiodly Saw Mill with 80 feet carriage, one so-inch solid saw and 90 feet elghlrluch rubber belt and six wagons. For full details reference is made to nld de cree. At Parkwood the climate Is mild and healthy, labor cheap, timber plentiful, water good, and church and school faculties good. For further uuuriuauun Buttress uie unaersiimeo, JNO. W. HINSIMLK.I KKNEKT IIAy WOOIX , Beceivers of the H.V. Mills tone Company I -Balelgb.M.a Ktlleigh Marble Work : 417 and 419 Fsyettevills 8t, V RALEIGH, N.C., ' ! I Bruch lui, Uwder'i Old Staid. ; .VATBTtIVIU.1. K. a Manufacturer of all kinds of If onumeat, and Tombstones m Marbles on Granites, Also Contractor for til kinds of BuKing Work t Curbing Posts, Bteps, Sills; dto. Of all descriptions kept on hand and seas to any address apoa application. - - :- t--i v...:.--l----'-. H';:T''r'-1 ' -V- Chao. A. Coodwint; STRONACH PrcMetor.

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