5" 'k i V"-. 7,'f f J. 5 -i: - ''u-l::-h 1 VOL. RALEIGH, N. C., SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 27. 1S88 NO. 118 I AT I ...... r rv ? Vf '1 '" ' HOAIlOlIi:! Absolutely Pure. i rim rf lids iMwder herer ireries. Amarrel it purity, strength" And wholewaneness. Here eooiionidoai;than ordinary kind and Cannot be told In competition with (he a altitude of low , test, abort weight, alum, or phosphate powders, sold only la aaaa, Eotjj. BABtsa Powdm Co., 1C8 Wall fetreet. Hew York, . Sold by W.,0, AA, B. Stronaoh, and DARBYS : iphjpc 1 Flujd.;. il in Bt vy Sick-room fo ut1afetyt?01eiriilne88 and 7 . - CoTftfort; ; t :i .' v . . .. i n wn 1 ' , ! rlUnni4fUiMM and render It wholesome. , I- Tlx mmoTKl of Lbe eOiuTim which we always i ' " Kttwu ofl in the sick-room promotes toe reooyery v th Mttett ac Wm aUritjr and eMniort ot the " nhrsicfan aud atK4ujufiisani walUng oatbe ,r; ewk snouie iue il rreeiy. w inr iu wmao uyra alkai JtcUltiK, prTut bed sorw, cr, eto re- WMWini1 sji neat ana imtaiion xasetner wiumi S! ' anheaTUij or of eante emanatieos train the bod. . '"ft. ynhderbllt Uitlvrlty.-Tan,: sSI-iii' ASadrslBfeetantaitd deWrgeatu J U V whleb I aitf acquaaited.--H r'. '"Lltrlah SiatL 1.! t.Vtnr TfA't l ' :u .fa i ..." i m twitlneed tbat'tWtar . ' 'I t?i ni t- rrljlaeU Fluid (s .a nosS yaV Oil n t j V"tCi ! . . li ' I I t Jf ! J jus ,1 f. Jl 3" ,1 "tH4 Jl t. -'' 14 East 1 , . i n i i r V 4 f'.'.r .sr .ifiit m t 1 .1 -(.! ah Martla; Street:. A it s i ' it, ' lfUIM r fi 41 ! Y i ' r f I r 1 li ! ' 'tl 0 it 1 U I'.ftltj I) I I f Our Vow York buyer hae eentus a lot of noli- 1 i. , l , ' i. nr. -it!..-', f ihni!rr J---i i l J a i K j a ( A i. il i nt i'l i - 1 :.irt j it OF .REUNION THE PRESBXTERIA.N3 NORTH ANP .SPUTH. 1 t axnTlMEXTB ix its faros: in the qjsjt- BAL ABSIMBLIEa-aBIiAT E5THC- , 8IA5M OM TBI SCjilJtCT i . S & OTHXB KEWB) flirts " . ' UP3Bti4iarrwP Itty 26. The qaeation of reanioa of the two great bodies of the Presbyterian Church, which was thef occasion of inoh an exciting episode ini yesterday after noon's oeesfon of the General Assem- Mtlyagara came u gntepectedly this monims. ana inuii iwMiaung oi an eye, almost, it pasd out of the range.' of oontrorersy andt debate as far - as this Assembly is rionoerned; and a long stej was made in the direciionl of organic nnion. LThe result was recdred with a perfect whirlwind of applause and congratulation among thtjommtssdoneri '"and spectators ho crowded theTjBralleries, and who were apparently tafen, oompletely byl m orpnse py . tae . Buaaenness- oi ne turn iaithe - pToeeditga. The second Order of the morning report of tne standing : oomnuttee on temperance had iiist been reached and Jlev. Wi O. OatapbellilO.D had uiuuuHxt uie piKtiut-m o ppaa w na adootioa. ! when Bbt sDrA. Smith of ('of paltcnrej tne feQrabM ex-Mod orator of the Assembly, stepped for ward and announced that the special committee of conference to whicnhad been referred yeaterdayy all matters reiaung to wearing; wiiaine ooutn te&embrjfwa feady ttrporf A hus5 fell udod Ui6 AftseiiMV as Bar. William 0.,loung, p.p., read the re port. s Substantially it was aa follows: "iiiat uus .tenerai Assembly com 7.01 ml i L xw f'UK. i th.t. '! rrl ji i a til f4 J I ; .... . . I -f , :i i... .J 1 . '5 lh"JK-..;3! ;hi if i t j j ' if v il 1' ' ,1 'I' i I In ell kind el ; .1 . , i l,(V iHi 'I 1 1 i 1. I t .""'i.:.( .1 IJt-i'-.l .13 a . ii .lii'.li! 'em 1f WHITE if 1., goods; t- 4l. f lirt . I Vnti ;:-4'"H t .:ii'",;-fi".:i"iM ilto .r.i'rV-.il fe.,i ; II .lJi. Jll is H.p.XAcea, rioiinou(AUunDarga,wuBrra ' f ' t Swoidery, White and Oolit Lawns, S.ttRientatar4n .. ..... ..t ..i. t .-t ...'..mar Itriwul ilooda. LACa.Cfte- WW- tainai vr kito riDraada .' iioiii the committee appointed last year, to confer with a-committee from the Southern Assembly aa expressed in the report yesterday aubmitted, and that whOe ft wonld 'be prematnre and improper to accept that -report as a! definite form nf Union, this I assembly declares ia hear ty approval pi au in me commirjee s report toecn ing' the yajiia f:qile8tions submitted to it' by the eommieti i of the. South- tjwwpij" v i If aoeraiore,:! tne neral ajBseraWy ettressed the hone that the fraternizing , upirit that had heed manifested ' in these centennial days might prore the eginning Of an era of more cordial fellowship and co operation between the 1 wo Assemblies of the l'reBbyterian ckurch. It was recommended that (hi committee of conference s appointed, last year - be continued, with the! addition of Are members to confer rihany similar committee that inighi 1 .appointed by the Southern Aaseiably respecting the Co-operation of the two branchee bjfjtUc&prek by declaring that thia , co-operation, im its f uUeet sense ocmld be aooom- plished only br an Oriianio union and: dtmjm.hOeB 9pS4eiuM in the oreinren or tne Eiont,iern Assembly. The report reoommended the addition of the following members to the com- tnittee-oi'. conierencej lier. Henry Darling, D. D., .o Clinton, Nil Y.j Bef. Charles g. Pnwroy, t D.lD4 rjf 31eflao Pii Rerj;WwC.Xoung, D. D., of LoulBTille, E. ; Bon. S. IL Breckenridge, of St Louis, Ma; Hon. S. M. JLnox, of Minneapolis, Minn. I Dr. Toung had fscarcelyj finished reading the report When- a score of roioeevoreditaadBos, and there ws t Visible lerbetneiit ' among the commissioners and auditors. A single member was seen struggling for rec ognition in the body of the hall; but ne was nnabla to make himself heard, and; a mighty irolniiei ft ."ayesl; an swered the .Iffoderat'sj fqueation. Tnat settled it," and' the stated clerk, Rer. Wnv H. Proroak D. D.. immedi. stely telegraphed the action to the. BoQtbera General Assembly at Balti- tacrre'Asiktoaa theexciiemeiithad suoaiaea, the reguiiir order ; was wresumtd.: .iwVi il i i v; r-Sffci& :-'it v . i J--.1S.,V fylUHI , ,! !- f li"! ;1! i. : ft. fit id A.- ; It wfllpay to . : i -r::vtu !-i4 rtiM. wur .! ,ji:n-"-'-.V-S't:'.-; 'i1-' 'h -A f aWAMIIMA T nana flAAflS SiaiMiiiuy mhsv jvvaoi s 0..: V4',i i u . tkey i,, raltta.;;.; if .:t" - H iH B6 rerrttarge Damask Towel. (BCPBaHHO i -.3- : ..- .. - '' , .. J ..-i i. ' ' lv- ' ". f 1.4 , ' ' I'-f-i ' - - , 1 ( v . . i ij Cheap at SI. 00. ROOUdiea'aBdMiinei , ; Shape I Hate, latest (Leaf Ltitr value. wsanreTO. wotks. ;j s nasroi or ths fixrcsLftUjr ca0otj$) By Telegraph to the Hews and Obserror. '; -WiJHrJtaTOH, May 2&-J3onds f ferings today aggregated f 446,050, nf which the Treasury accepted a sin gle fOur per cent bond of fifty dollars at .L'37 All the; other Offers were too The caucus of the Republican mem bers of the House this afternoon lasted four nonrav ' ' ' t - The concluaions reached are ex pressed in the following resolution : - Resolred, That it is the sense of this caucus that the House should make a special order for the consid eration of general pension legislation at the earliest day practicable duriug this session, and that the, committee on rules be requested to report afes-i olution to that end, said order to be i a continuing order from day to day until all the general pension legisla tion on the calendar I shall be dis posed of. : i , Resolred, That it is the sense of this caucus that the Committee ion rules of the House of Bepreeentatires , should report a reaoluiioA making it in order as a matter of privilege to more to discharge the committee on education from the further considera tion of the Blair educational bill and report it to the Housfl for considera tion at the earliest practicable day during this session. ' ; I - Resolred, That it is the eense of this caucus that the pending tariff bill be taken up and. considered in committee of the whole under ' the fire minute rule r in: the usual way section by section and paragraph by paragraph. I ' t ; "i -4 ITatlonaUst, and th Pope. By Cable to the News an4 Obserrcr. i iilxJHnO! Jlay 126.---The Star, Thos. Power O'Connor's paper, commenting on Bishop O'Dwyer's letter to the Mayor of Limerick, in which he gare warning that Catholics who attended the League meeting on Sunday would be guilty of a grievous sin in view of the Pope's rescript, ' Says: "Bishop O'Dwyer has rendered the Natienai isa a service by forcing the fight. There Can be no doubt of the result for a -.moment. An . overwhelming majority of; Irisbinentj will support their representatives against both the inquisition and the only Irish Bishop who is a friend and . supporter of the Tory coercionlsta." . ,,f . ; " :H TBI SCULLrjQ MATCH BETWEEN HI U BELT . AND CASK. By Cable to Ue Mews and Observer. Losdok, May 26.- The sculling match between George - Bubear and Uiarles uarr, for f 500 a side, took place over the Tyne i championabip course today. Bubear won by two engths. . u j, .,, :4;,,p " . j-" L ' iv WVekJr Bank iuumest. P - By tetograph to the wi and OJMervor. f New Yobx, May The follow ing is the weekly bank statement : Reserve increase,, 589,150-; loans Increase, 2,078,200: specie mcreaee, $10,638,800 : learal tenders increase. f. 186,700 deposits increase; t2,.S33, 300; circulation increase, $156,300. The banks now ! hold 128.294,500 inexoess of the 25 pe?:eent rule. - Tetal Visible Sapplr fCUa. By Telegraoh tn the Kaws and Obserrer. New Yobx, May 28. The total risible supply of cotton for the world s 2,009,195 bales, of which 1,409,395 bales are American; against 2,160,355 bates and 1454,155 bales reepectively w H ; 3 SHttstt Kzptaaon ' f. . By Cable to the News and ObterTer. ; . MoHTBiAL, May 26.4tThe new gaso meter at the gas works at Herehega exploded between 4 8 and ' 8.30 o'olook; : this morning. . There were from twelve to twenty men in the building at the time. Fire ; bodies pare been taken out. ; The renjainder are buried in the ruins. 1 ; W. D. PRTJDBJf, KMd. ...if.. S500 Reward F J V - wawll navtha above reward lor aav case f a w complaint, dyspepsia, sick headah, ind w caonoi oiMcttoos are ntrhstl: ' t9tloo. eonnti nation or oativenetis n i i tre wlU West1 Vegetable Ur rUlUwwIten tfu' a never, iau to give eatuii fvegl Bon. pUl.Se never, fall to dvd aa' ir Doles eoniainiDc a numra(M -aale-oy au arajigisia. Bewar ot TiTtI onlr bvJOUNC. WEST CO.," W. J.Jn.irl jgidisos W..CMio. m, jr sale by Ma- TIIK IBJtSH H ATIOM AL. LUBDa'. - A3D ITS P08ITI0H WITH' BXSPEOI TO TEX PAPAL HEiCklPT. ' . S i : , ', tt Cable to ui kew andbbmnrer. 4 A iaCuicAoo,;May 26.lA disnatch froon Lincoln, Neb., says t President Fitz- jrtrs2d' and' SecretArj Sutton of the Jrish National' ,Legae in America tiave Ulegraphed to diflerent mem bers of the executive committee a call fof a "meeting of Ithe committee at Qereland, Qhio, Jdn$ J.2.'i The ob lect ot the1 meeting la notigiren, but it is utaouDtecuy in regard to the ac tion necessary in Aha face of the Pope's rescript, wbicU has created so much discussion inieturue circles. In Ikia city, the headq-oarters of the Iieague, Bishop Bonatr, the resident Bishop, has inaugurated a system of boycott against the 2 officers of the Jjeagne, refusing Secretary Sutton, sir. &an and others admission to taa presenoe on account pf ;the ; reso lutions IwasBed at reeeiii lefurn tYiftt. ing at the instance bf President Fitz gerald t,-; . . , 1 ? tbese resolutions.declared that the Pope had no right t dictate politics to the National Leasee or to interfere with its plans, and further promised td the Irish members; of Parliament the continued support of the National League 'in America of the plan of Campaign as followed by .the 'Irish leaders. , These facts point to a high ly interesting sessiOr of the League executive ; committee) at Cleveland. The membership1 oil the committee comprises the eenertl-officers of the League, with one inember for each State and-1 Territory Canada and the TTm Peak Hr4r Cmm: m TM (ffai to the Kwf lad Oboerver j . - "iSf.-SoilYitf. JMay 26. At the peniag t the- Petk murder trial 1& iaprunsr all werJ surcrised when eak pleaded firuilty t the indictment. I I Judge uarrison instructed! the jury Ukut . they couiq sag n a verdict of murder, in the 2d Jlegree and the Court would be responsible. ' aouBtarMUaadimitatkHia. TnisKennlne oiaiio- eCU, a.ai rjJrjiggUts,Li. raypevule aX, "WASHuraTos, May Sheridan's house this; reported to be better. 26 At Gen. mOrnins he is The following ' FOB TEX BUPBKKB- OOCBT BEXCH. Editor JtftwB and Observer,- i Edxxtoh, N. O., May: 15th ,1888. As a friend to the centleman whos9 ... - I . . - . 1 i It , Same will appear in this article, Lg Duiieun was lssuea tnis mornmg ; rite to call attention to the sjngularl May 268.45 a. .: m Consuls unanimity oi sentiment m tins sec tion, with reference to. the . claims of W. D. iPruden, Esq ', for the Su- AT ST. LOUIS HEADQUARTERS i OF THE VA RIOUS STATE DELEGATIONS A5D Of THX BXV AHAL , OOU M1TTEXM ES TEX KOltBSB Or SBLXOATZS OTBXB SEWS. J . '5! By Telegniph' to the Newjl add Observer St. Locis, May 2(1 The official announoeuent of the headquarters of members of the, Democratic Na tional Commit ter, and the delegations from the varionB Stains 12 as follows: A.?abama 20, H;, 04 Semple, Lindell Hotel; ArkauBai, 14, S. B CockrelL Lindell; UalKoruia IC.jM. F. Tarpey, Laclede; Colorado, 6. .j C- 3. Tbomas, Southern; Oonuf-et'iciat; 12, W. H. Bar num, (by prox; Planters'; Dela ware 6, I. O. rjibb, - Lindell; Florida 8, Sam. Pasco, Southern: Georgia 24, Patrick Walsh, Southern, IllinoiS, 44, S- Corning Judd, Lindell; Iadiana, 30, A H. Brown, Lindell; Iowa, 26, M. M. iHamnf, Lindell Kansas, 10, C. W. Blair, Planters'; Kentucky, 26, H. D. McHenry, Lin dell; Louisiana, 16, B. F. Jonas, Planters'; Maine, 12, Edmund Wilbon, Lindell; Maryland, 16, A. H. Gorman, Southern; Massachusetts, 28, F. O Prince, Planters'; Michigan, 26, 1. M. Weston, Southern; Minnesota, 14, P. H. Kelly, Southern; Mississippi, 18, C. A. Johnson, Southern; Missouri, 32, J. G. Pratber, Laclede; Nebraska, 10; J. E. Boyd, Planters'; Nevada, 6, J. H. Dennis (by proxy), Southern; New Hampshire, 8, A, W. Sulloway, Lindell; New Jersey, 18, Miles Boss, Hursts; New York,; 72, Wm. Stein way," Southern; North Carolina, 22, M. W. Ransom, ) Lindell ; Ohio, 46, M. W. Armstrong, Lindell ; Oregon, 6, A. Nolton, Laclede; Penn sylvania, 60, W. A- Wallace, South ern; Rhode Island, 8, j. B.Barnardy, Southern; South Carolina, 18, F. W. Dawson, Lindell; Tennessee, 24, R. F. Loney, Southern; Texss, 260, T. Holt, Planters'; Vermont, 8, B. B. Smalley, Lindell; Virginia, 24, J. S. Barbour, Planters' West Virginia, 12, A. G. Daris, St. 'James'; Wiecon sin, 22, J. L. Mitchell, planters'; Ari zona, , W. K. Meade, Hurst's: Da kota, M- H. Day, jHurst's; District of Columbia, 2, William Dickson, Laclede; Montana, 2, W. J. McCor mick, Hurst's; New Mexico, 2, A. Josephs, Hurst's; TJtah, 2. J. P Roseborough, Laclede; Washington Territory, 2, S. IL Kubn, Hurst's; Wyoming, 2, M. E. Post, HurBt's. Idaho, 2, John Haley, Hurst's. Total number of delegates 820. Necessary to a choice 547. In the above table is given the headquarters of the National commit" teemen. Id. every instance, excepting the following, the .State delegation is quartered at the same hotel as the oommitteeaien: Cyornia, committee man at Southern,! delegation at Laclede; Connecticut eommltteeman at '.Southern, delegation at Laclede ; Delaware, committeeman at Southern, delegation at Lindell; Kansas, com mitteeman at southern, delegation at Planters'; Louisiana, committeeman at Southern, delegation at Planters'; Maine, committeeman at Southern, delegation at Planiets;' t Jlassachus ettes, eommitteeman at ' Southern, delegation at Planters'; Minnesota, committeeman at Southern, . delega tion at Planters'; New ' Jersey, com mitteeman at Southern,; 'delegation at Hurst's; JTexas, , commit toeman at Southern, delegation at Hurst's; Tex as, cornmitteeman at ' Southern, dele gation at Planters'; Virginia, commit teeman at Southern j delegation at Planters'; West Virginia; committee man at Southern, delegation at Si. James1; Wisconsin,1! committeeman at Hotel Beers, delegation at Planter'; District of Columbia,! committeeman at Southern, delegation; at Laclede; New Mexico, committeeman at South ern, delegation at Hurst's. . LrttU Pkll'a CadlUm. By Telegraph to the Kew ahd Observer. AOJOCaxED. DIO- THX EPISCOPAk'CO.VET10S Ot' THE CESS OF wjxSTERS SOBXa OABOLINA 8peciat to the News aad Observer. Sau8B0by1' N. O, May 26 The Episcopal Convention for the Diocese of Western North Caroljpa adjourned today. Much businessfof importance was Bprnng ahd discussed. The con vention went into committee of the whole yesterday to consider the ques tion of Diociase Missions. There were many fine speeches. The Bishop left last night to bold confirmation Bervice at Durham tomorrow. ROT HERFORD COCKTY instructs ron rowxE. , Special to the News and Observer. Shxlbt, N. C.,"May 26 Ruther ford County Convention today in structed far Fowle for Governor. Alexander second choice. The ma jority of the Congressional delegates favor Johnston. The remainder are or Col.. FrSnk Ooxo. The Conven tion was most harmonious. -The DAVIDSON COCSTT. issntcTs ron btedmas. Special to the )ws and Obaorver. - Lexikotok; N. C, iMay 26. Davidson County Convention in structed toddy for O. K. Stedmnn for Governor and S B. Alexander for Lieutenant Governor, and for J ohn S. ' Henderson )for Conirress. , . .x . : i com.; , Cor. of the Newsl and Observer. It has been a source of pain so many Democrats Jail over the State to see suggestions Rooking to5 the displace ment of our present capable and ef ficient Attorney-General. ' Mr. Davidson has served the State with unflagging ability and zeal as its chief law-cScer forthe past three years. His Services m the Supreme Court as the legal adviser of the State officials have been at all times worthy of tjhe high office which he holds, and his arguments and opin ions have proven him a lawyer of great capacity, learned and diligent. n a word, he has given absolute sat isfaction to! all with , whom t he has been brought in contact ahd to the people whose faithful servant be has been. ' It would be a blunder which the party is npt going to commit : this year to fail to endorse Mm by a re nomination and a triumphant re elec tion. - . B. lw Reliable information u received that Hyde county will -cast its rote in the convention fore judge Fowle. preme Court Bench. lias fitness for the high position is not (questioned by any who know him. That he would adorn the Su preme Bench of our State, and in a most satisfactory manner discharge all of its duties is a fact conceded by his large circle of acquaintances. ,.Tbe point of which we wish to speak is the fine tribute to his merit, whichiies in the fact, that, today Me ; JrH Dlttrtct ttands Virtually solid 4n favor Of Mr. JPrudem. " . We present his name to the State Convention feeling that nothing else need be said in his favor, except that where he is well known, in the tier of counties in which he practices and which compose nearly all of this Dis trict, the rote , will be practically a unit in his faror. We assume this to be a point well worthy the consideration of the State -a t'--.. I ft- Hit large. . , i : If nominated we beliere Mr. Pru den's name will lend strength to our ticket, and if elected his conduct on the bench will reflect credit ttpon his party. J ;' Chowas. ' Some entirely new features were introduced at the luncheon given by Mrs. Quill Orme, bt Atlanta, Ga., complimentary to Miss Birdie Cole man, Of Macon, which made it one of the 'moBt charming! entertainments erer giren in the city. The favors were quaint, being packages of shin gle wafers bound with white satin ribbon, upon which; werep written Verses suitable to each guest But the norelest thing of all Was "The way to the man's heart," which was played thus; A sheet was tightly drawn orer the folding doors and upon it was, outlined a man with a crimson heart.1 lach young lady was given a dart with a sharp point, and after be ing blindfolded was to aim at the rery centre of the heart. If she was successful it counted her one. This game, being i something entirely new was enjoyed rery muoh. " ation br Drs. . Yarrowi i Matthews and O'Reilly. The patient expresses him self as having passed a restiui mgnt. Says he has nO'pain whatever and feels first rate. No Material change in symptoms has occurred since re port of last night. . : Tbe Imptrar'i Impravement. By CaW to the New and Observer.. Beblih, May 26.--The Emperor passed a good night and felt refreshed this morning. He Went out in the park shortly after rising. -; -' H4vr and Harbr Appropriation. : Waslilngtoo Cor. Statesvflla Landmark. . The river and harbor bill was favor ably reported to the Senate Monday Senator Ransom greatly Increased the amounts allowed in I the House for North Carolina rivers and harbors. The Cape Fear gets prev $150,000 alone. The fdllowing are some of the more important figures in the bill: Improving Beaufort Harbor, $35,000 Improving iieautort and Hew river waterway, i i , Improving Beaufort and New Berne waterway,1 " Improving Cape Fear River above Wilmington, Improving Cape sFeari River below Wilmington, n a. a . Improving Contentnea Creek M uurntacK Wound Neuse Rirer -New 1 Pamlico land Tar Rirers Trent River Roanoke River Waeoamaw River TadklniaTer., i 5,000 15,000 .12,000 145,000 5,000 7,500 15,000 3,ooq 5,000 5,000 40,000 lo.OOO 10,000 The North American Turner- bund decided, at its session in Chi oaflro Wednesday; that it is not an archistic and has nothing to do with any anarchistic ideas. : The question came up in the shane of a direct re pudiation of anarchistic ideas in view of the impression caused by the con duct of certain : members and socie ties that the anarchistic element was in control. The repudiation was di- SOV BUIU WUIUSUiM Halifax for Fowle. Cor. of the News and Observer. Srsifo Hjlx, N. Cj May 25 As &re seems to be such a great desireffir fair play between the three contetXAng candidates, and there seems to be! no expression from the papers aa to how Halifax stands, I desire td say I was a delegate in the County Cojnrention, and while the county did not instrct, it was largely in faror of Fowle. We had 91 rotes. and I oan safely say that out of the 91, 89 wer for Fowle. I wish to say further, that our delegation to Raleigh were all chosen believing that they were fpr Fowle, with one excep tion. M Delegate. "BmI Wvftky tat Well aullfi,d." We are glad to see the name of our ormer townsman: Richard Battle, mentioned favorably by our contem poraries for delegate at large. He is a worthy gentleman and well qualified to represent our Tar Heel democracy Tarboro Vouthdrrttr. W00DR0W. THE CASE OF TEE REVEREND. EVOLUTIONIST DECIDED. THE VOTE OF THK a88EMBLY AOAISBT - HEAVItl OTHEK 1TKWS. mx By Telegrii)li to the News and Observer. Baltimore, M. , D ,May 26 The Southern Presbyterian General Aa-. sembly met at this morning,' Dr. Bullock in the chair- - Dr. Woodxow's case was then , resumed and the call continued for-an expression of the views of members pn evolution, MostJ of those who, gave expression to these views announced their belief in the sincerity of Dr. Woodrow, but could not sustain hia complaLrt Others declared that the question waa be yond the i.uriBdictlon of the Assembly and should be dismissed without con- sidoraUon. Others again, denounced the cry vf cvolntion aa. opposed -to Scripture and subversive of the in terests of Unruuaoity. , -btal , others insisted that - Dr. Woodrow in his teadiicga did eot-fiolaie anyi4aw 'of God or of the church, and his com- nlaint asainBt ihe.Srnod , of . Geonria should be sustained. s TheelegateB1 from the South Carolina Synod with three exceptions,; spoke in ' faror of sustaining , the oompLaint - of Dr. Woodrow, and Rev. Dr. Jo. Lindsay declared.: bis entire, beliere in evolution, not only in the, Creation of the body of Adftm, but. in; the crea-1 tion of all things, His remarks were greeted with applauao, which was prompUy checked; by the, Moderator, who told the Assembly that they were in the Court of Jesus Christ, and he hoped there would npt be repetition of such approval -pi qisappporaf.1 " A vote was reached about one io clock, when 34 roteB were ; casf ,.to 'suslain the coiT'plaint lOSi against euataining the complaint and two rotes, for ' Sus--tainihgit in parVi :,i ::u. i : A telegram waa received Irom the Northern Assembly expreaalng the pleasure afforded that, body -by meet-' ing tee ooutnern Assemory at the Centennial oplebr otaoa, and 'declaring its, readiness- at any time v to enter upon negotiations for. the organic joining of the. .two' branches Of the church. JLief erred,!!, ,:j 1. Kev. Mr. Whitliaz rare notice that he will file a protest: againsjj, tbe-' ao tion of the Assembly iq tho eafee cf Rev, Dr. Woodrow.. . .. .;; , ' apraaae Court Declsloaa. Digested by the Hews and Observer.; King vs. Susan Muller. Jjeld, Injan action of waste against tenant for life, as dower, it is proper to show that . her method of culture has the sanction of good farmers; the life tenant may use and dispose of fallen and dead trees for firewood and other purposes as such .use does not impair the inheritance. While waste is the same here as in England, the rules to ascertain what acts constitute waste are different, owing to the different conditions of our farms here the clearini? of forest growth and clearing of land are ordi narily improvements. The widow may clear for cultiva tion what the prudent owner .of the fee would and sell the timber cat in doing so. The important inquiry is has the laud been abused by spolia tion unwarranted by the usage of prudent husbandmen resulting in an impairment of its value! The following fashion noints were cabled orer from Paris on Saturday for the ladies: Greens continue to thrive and flowers continue to blossom n the hatsi Higher and higher they grow from the crown upward, for tunately tne theatrical season is orer and the boulevards are wide enough to be accommodating. 1The crown shapes are low, almost flat, in fact, but the trimmings make up for this in their olamberiner masses. The newest spring quirk is a revival of the authentic Directoire redingote. Over a plain changeable silky with pinked ruching around the edge, or striped moire or ebianijeable suk with hand- embroidered insertions runntner up and down, is worn either cashmere or cloth or some sort of wool redingote, the lappetsl either faced with change able silk or dark velvet. , A lace iabot falls from tjhe neck, and the redingote has large buttons behind. The coat is out up tcj the waist and those ends are fringed! and they are made short er than the side pannels. A large black moird bow fills in the back from the waist' Huge rice atrawjbals are lined in another shade of straw and trimmed in startling windmill bow knots. Gray and beige nre proper colors for hat trimming. Thore is no favor given! to short WaiBts up under the arm:' In spite of the dressmaker's advocacy tlte whim" did not tike. If long waists are the rage, small waists are the came. Women wear only the hnest batiste chemises with the same goods out in a sort of nfaillot all in one piece, and the hips are made if nature has been frugal. This, added to tight lacing, makes the figure seem to break in; two. - Germaby has issued the Alsace- Lorraine 'decree' insisting that all Frenchmen; and tourists also; ; must Droduce retnilarlv executed naasnorts before entering the Rhine ' province linaW ' jfaost 1 original and 1 1 wil 1 1 tndavor had hfKMeEf:P1,f! Br:wi8li ft P" e,vohi 1 Superioe Lwei'iippew, iprd Kesr,upw but- 1 V s-OTl JBta4rVt." IVdjeiaJ UlAsV 1 - Hit ' Md aVa VVU BftUvS AOTI V tJA. W VlOwt BUaO AWaiai . FR DISTRICT KbCCTOB. ' X . W. POO, jlB EEQ.VQJ? JOHSBTO. ' ' ' Our. of.tBew aait..'QWivra(..u. t,llu-' Jo2moVGtaw;.NO.,JHa ysB Some counties in our State with a, Rfepublicai thajority-otherft j with', la small Demoeratk maiority-recelre all the offices and honors, while we (cf JolmBUm hate bf en 'content to -be "hewers of f wood andi dmwers., ci water."" New as n Detnocrat, recos:-' nizing the fact that the progress, the welfare and the peace or our ( ctate. depend for ':theirf .continuance and. preservation uponithe success of. "our, party, and tthatvjjohnstod ; Qsuj?ty never fails' to ' girei' -v larger majority ; io our nominees; ana ina Johns ton county !wa: ''J the '-only1 county that gave a Democratio1 majority for A Grahams last R election! in the J sr-i i ' a- . a t j a : 1 r ourui congressional oisinct,we.a8Jt the question, Is it! false' modasty. or are we going beyond the- bounds , propriety, if we ask one sinahopox at the hands of thexCcQgreanal Wake county has tatires in: Cougres uourt and riepreme oonrt J udgea. and 'her government appointments; Franklin has had hr Suprsme, Court, Judge, her Solicitor and gorernment appointments; unatnam'-ner tjon gressmaa; Orange her Sopreime . Court Judge; Durham her delegate , to the, National,Conventioo,ffnd Nash has her gorernment ! appomfement,' and God bless Bunn; will hare 'her Congress man 'after November but -what feas Johnston county ' hadi-the banner! Mwnfv in Mia Ath Ailrrifc'.) ' '11 J " " i.':il I J-J In justice1 to over county, .joa,, en4, oouragement to -the young ; Deinoc- racy, not onhy of Johnston, but of the district, we shall ask and dauaag our riffht. at the Coneressional Con-" rention, that Mr. E-' Wi Pdu, be , a ..i-.-, ,,it- .-i-a-t i appomieu elector' w imi: uisinau . We do not ask this honor merely be cause heisa oountryman, but because he can and will ntf tne position witn worth and-" advantage to the, partyi, As a debator, he . has few equals., Well posted on ihe iesaes of ' the day, fearless in the discharge of: his duty, and of untiring and- indomitable en ergy, we do with sincerity and confi dence ask his election. . ri i ,.- Jfbtigx.. , ' " M ' ' , , POB ELKCTOR-AT-IitRGa. . , A. B. Q AX. LOW AT, KSQ.: Of SL'EBV, A eOOS ... , , MAN. i ..... j j..,, Cor. tdthe Keww-aad ObterTer. ' ..; ,, , . n Many friends of &&t excellent gen? tleman and sterling Democrat A E- GaUoway,lisq., of Surry county. would be glad to see him' Bent as one. OI, the delegates-atlarget to the St. Louis, contention. l Coming as he does from . th,e Pied mont section where in large measure, the contest this year wilt be a bitter and doubtful fight, his appointment will give great satisfaction to his friends who are many and io-the peo ple anionc whom he lives and who know and appf eoiate his many virtues and . his , unswerving, fidelity to the Democratic party, j . , : ; w j W akk. -X-. 'i - - . i-. - U rowing 1m Populailty, . Rkhasil Battle, , of the .' News Osi 6aUra,fit&ff, IB growing jn pOpulftTity as a man! well suited fpr. delegate at large to Si Lauw.. Wn&Uingtjpn Ga- ssetto. : .j-;; .ji-.vol oh ,u .V ; The name of Riohaxd h tattle is ntged for delegate at large o the St Louis convention. A good man for the position, elect him. Stanley Ob serrer. : " i- " " ' 1 .. ' 1 A ATlmelr Axldvat ' E. B. Hilburn, -of Oranbory, Texas, accidentally heard oi! the wonderfol ef? feet of Taylor's Cherokee . fiemedy, of Sweet Gum , and Mullein, W caring coufrbs. Colds and croup, and fpund how true waatheTesuJfci . . i - ? - a joker on rns eo. A POSSIBLI ROMA50E WHICH A KEWS AJfD ' ; 0B9SvrJi man T-otnny nr wthstox., ,v OorrBrlondence Nei'Ttiid Otwvpr. ; Wrs.TO!r, N. C, May 24th. , Some days ago I found myself, af ter risiting ' all the , towns '!0f much im portance on the recently constructed partof the C F. Jc Y. V. R. R. y rest- ing my weary nsaa as toe jc ountain Hotel in Winstdn, N O. At this place I met with' one of North Caro- ; characters, to, jnre your readers' a'short send brief account of the wit which be is' daily famishing bis friends and townsmen. Not long since the above 'mentioned character, who is one of the most prominent and popular raanuf act urers of that section, through the agency of a matrimonial bureau pf .Chicago, was put in -correspondence with a bouncing jotjng country 'Wiuoff oi sonnern iiimoia. They exchanged photos and a lengthy correspoodenca ensued as to the merits and general desirability of the two candidate for matrimony. The gay young widow , Seemed highly pleased with the material re sources cf the Winston manufacturer, and h in turn' made diligent inquiry as to the amount of plunder she could call her own. She wrote, him that she had a small tract of land of about forty acces, a, cow, mule, wagon and harness, and - three or . four hogs .and ... sheep . ..: and . household goods, and agricultural .implements ( ile W'ote l she , would get up an other mule.; be belieretl he! would, take her, and in, response to. her in- qmriec aa to hie physical proportions, he stated; thiaKhe,, was six , jfeet . tall and weighed one hundred ' and eighty fivepeunds, and, had rdark hair and blue, eyes and that he was universally regarded aa the handsomest ., inan in JJW aviate, , jhf .sequel: is j yet! tg en-' sue; but those,, who are. in . jthe se cret! i Of ibeae junusual,. negotiations confidenUy..vantiirpate , that i one of Winston'a chronic bachelors ! will at some distant dar .in , . the future' be L basking in tJldyaiaJi .fielda of con- nu bial blissx . , r. -r , j j ? , , ,.J At account,. ;e i young widow had gotten np . the; additional mul but owing to the fact ,that bur young niaafapturer was top ousy to go to Illmoisi herwrote hex jtbat j the matter,, could not, be , consummated unless sbat would cometa,WnBton. ,1 Sh ha noi,been .heard . from yet but her arrival is 4aily. anticipated. It is . expected, however, that' the bachelor aforesaid will, , at , the last moment' back down, on the ground that jshe j?'does not cqme up to the Banipi-'., Xf she does come to time Winston will ' have , a wadding "in t ' '! --' congress;: PROCEEDINGS XESTERDAY IN THE HOUSE ( IHX . LKQ1LATIVE, KlECUXIVK ASD Y JCDt CIAtBai. AlJAIiS TBI t TVILaSBVICE ' . 11 . covrwrasiOx onrBB jntwS. l-: I- ' ' Is 2ature' owiT true 3 'laxative I is the 'rntol easily takenand the most ftfferftirfl "rtimnHv !ktrtwn' 'ti' itasnia thSystem when; BilionJ or Costive to Dispel J Headaches, Colds, and Fevjers; to Care Habitual Constipa tfonV Indfes'FaesV etc' I .Mann- factored 'only J by the California Fig STrt'D' OotaOahr. 'San Franoisco. Oat 'Johtra' Pescud,' Sole .Agent for Rai-t efgh,O.r ,; - iA i i Oca Nxit GovebiiOb. Erery one'11 'isaniiooe1 to -know 1 who will be out' next Gbrernor.'and all must be patient and be consoled with She bop of having sotod good man to hi that hJghoace.- the mean timer the delegates to 4he s GOBren tion and eiHWetiSof tne' Staae' Tia general are rBy teleitraph to the News ana Observer WA8HisiioHfc I). V., May 26. h. At the Sugesaon of Mr. Matson, of Indiana, the conrrideration of 'vari ous private pension bills which caino over from last night's session, with the previous question ordered, was postponed tmlil Juno 20th, Mr. Mat- son remarking that en that day tie House would be in a state of truee.' The House then went into eommittoe of the whole (Mr. Blount of Georgia, in the chair) On the legislative, execu tive and judicial appropriation bill. ihe pending amend me at offered by Mr. McComas, of Maryland, increasing ' the clerical force of the civil service commission, was advocated by Mr.' Tracy oi New xort. "Mr Wfi'lthnrTio"' TanVnaciu. . opposed the atnendniont, He was glad that he nad voted against the. civil eervice law. He had believed then ed he believed now, that it wca anti-Republican and anti-Democratic in its tendencies. He believed that it would grow to be a sore on tte body politic, full of mischief and danger to the tbcory on which the goyernment was founded. Staading as he did as one of the complainants against the administration . for not turning Republicans out and putting Democrats in he hr.d reason to ad mire the faithfulness Of the President to the pledges made ia his letter ai to his course in the execution of what would be the law of the land. He knew in his own personal expe rience that when he had applied 1 1 the President for the removal of offi cials because they were Republicans, the President had stood immovable. In his own State of Tennessee there had not been one single removal of a Presidential appointee; the President had waited nmi! the officials' terms bad expired. - , Mr. Hopkins, of Illinois -JVaa any charge of inefficiency brought against "any of them 1 ' . I ' . Mr. Whitthorne f take it for granted the . inefficiency is the Re publicanism of the 1 officeholder Laughter and applause I am perfectly frank, for I be liere that , at the ballotbox-the people- of the ' Cnited States are firm and there they preeerred the character of our. institutions and any bddy, civil service commission or not that stands between them' knd their judgment is working oontrsry to the theory of cur institutions. . (Applause on Democratic side ) 7 j After some further debite the amendment was agreed ' t6,fyeas 81, nars'71.'-- M'-.:-r. ;6f - The amendment provides for one additional clerk of class 3, one of class and one at $1000, and increases the appropriations for aocessafy travel ling expenees froaa,$i000 Jto $5,000.' The committee then rose. , ' The Hons9 at 10.05 adjourned the Republican members 3 at 'onV went hita caucus-. . l ' , '- ... 1 . 1 I L. ...V .. ' Palk Connty. " . . SalpoaJ N. C, May 6, 1888. . Polk instructed today fort Hon. D. ; -G.. Fowle.. . ,. .; ewobrt Tegular shoe house' is the1 place to piace their patronages y We bav also a 'complete: line bf trafikvaSsee and club bags and urn-. SoenaTn attention : !- called to Heller's stock of ladies" slippers and ' low shoes, ' suitable for ttf inmeace-. mentsV which- will - be offerci ,at , re markably low figures.- Complete lines of'Zlesler's;. Bennett A Barnard's, BanniBtet JStaev;iAdams'.!i Fine ladies 'knd jrenttemen's' Shoes "always on hand at Heller Bros.' Regular Shoe Store; 151 ayetterille street, Ral- .i . i i 1 1 saiii 4A' 'f9wJ j,eari,iasb,'-k '.'eitbsen-'of Easterii, Maine 'lost' his" wif e J i Q wing t6va' storm on 'the dar ' of th'ii! tanerei the'thoir cotild noi'go. ' Several days aiierwaru uie oereuyeu exprnsssea ius oapOintmehi at' their : not coining because he thought that f'singing wai 'att the' beahty of Wfunerak" ': Fob BfiEAxrAST.- Oat and wheat flakesrready in fifteen minutes. I offer these goods' always fresh and of the finest quality; also Tapioca sago, corn starch,,&c., Ac. 1 E- 'J-Hardin." ' v Orange County Bouquet Creamery New Grass Butter, finest packed, 5o lb; 'St W. Jf. A. B. BtTonacha. ,. k; .i Fresh Peaches,: 1 gallon cans. 40c, at W. C. & A. B, Stroaach'.; '. J ... " . t , , twm m sLt 4..T ! Jr ' " A A No, 1. The Rest Fire '.Cent Cigar pn.' earth 'at,, W. .0." & A- B. Strpnacha:, t M ?,..,;, j ; . . "Fresh Apples,"3 lb"cans, 10e, at W. O. fc A. B. Stronach's.' ' Fresh Peaches, - 3 lb cans, 16o W. O. & A:' B. Stronach's. ! at now rooms Wall Paieb 'is cbfeapr jaaf than ever before. ' Will .paper complete (owing to size) as i follows ; $6,' $8 and $10 each, $12 50,1 $15 abd $2() each. Prices, name J are one-half former prices,' 'Sgccial care !takerico ddoqd 1 "work:" atisfactioa,; ' gnd.r- 1 aiU' ciS -Wk&ubd. any taist.v-Fred. toVer o picture 'framei'' Oiders ao Uclted and-pr.ottrptly'executed.H T-p T1 ' AWVlCBTO IOTHBRS. ' Jirs. Wlnriow's aovUiinr Svnjp siicuM Jalways bevsed'wneQ ehndren-are rntng see lb. It re-: Iteres the Uttia sutteret atiocca, it M-oduces aatn ral. qnler sleep by reiievlraweWloren frwrn pain, s and the lltUe eborob awakes as "bright aa a bufe ton. It la -very pteasant, to testes! soothe tba child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieve ; . wind, reirulates the bowei and Is th beet kaewa remedy lor diarr u&a, wbeier Uriag (rora teetb tag or other eanses. Twmty-8veiita a boetla. . Hall Statos and Hat Rack The handsomest Hall Stands eVer in this : city for sale at prices, which defy , competition atthe Music goreof J.- ' Ia. Stone. . " ' - :-m't aMiii. ii u. ;-':r:-;v Mxssbs. W. C. & Ai B-,.-Strohacb , baye a lot of fine peaches, "fresh and - ripe and nice, just in from. Florida, ? Try them by all means, Tney are sr treat'1 ""-""'': ' -,'";J m ,. 1Ieadjoartebb fob Fikk ;a'd Me dicm MrwjKER? . W are "constantly ' adding new shaives 10 Our varied as- . sOrtment qI lalies, misses ' and ch3 dren hats end hare an elegant line of ribbons, laces, flowers, tips, Telvetd, . plushes,' silks, satins, ornaments, See.. The Trimming Department is in charge of the'moBt skillful millirer in the city. ; We strive to pleaae all who favor us with a visit t i Nlw Yobx Millixirx Bazaar, 211 Fayetteville Strtet Rev. Dr. .Leonard, rector of St. John's Church, Washington, has ac cepted the call to the assietant tish opric for the Southern Diocese cf Ohio. , i puoeu i ium A(ipie a uj. . viuu,, iuu., at W. O & A. B. Stronacha.r V H" ' DiLxciATTra to the convention will find something good to eat and -comfortable rooms, at Berkley old stand. Z. X. Fort roprieor.;ps-'5j-l-; 1 . ' I ''i: jt' Jersey lily Creamery New rSpring Butter -30 Stronach's.; ibr at t -uaoa t. Its superior excellenoe proven tn mlN lions of homes for more than a onarter of a oentury. It ia. used- by the United States Qovernment, Endorsed - by the heads of ..the Great Universities aa the the Strongest Purest and , meat Hlth fat Dr. t'rioe a Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia,. Lime Of Alam. Sold only In Cans; i i -PRICE BAKDJa POWDK8 OOi 'WW TOW. .. . CXnOAOO. XT, LCCI9 (