if' " 1 t 5 v. 'a :A:.-..J A: V--: News i And Observes. . . . -u ; " - - PuBLieHRD SUilXT (f XCtpt MOHDsT) AND JtrtTHE KtfiWS & 6BSERVER Co Oaly .me 'jna'i by roali uostpald, ill month. " " ' $T 06 H 1 TB 1.26 16 three Weekly, ouo " Mn uim eiSa-ted without psviueot. and BO pe ni mourns, - er xul after thi expiration of time paid for. WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1888. :. M . . 1 -! TIIIC COX VKNTIUSK. DiMooBATro National St. Louis, Jane 5th. x' 5th DfeiUiot Greensboro, July 11th. - : " 6th District Wilmington, June 27. 7th District Salisbury, June 20th. MRi riilCI OP DLLtOATEl, -' Meetings tf the Delegates from the several Uimgrettsional districts will be held today- at 10 a. in. for selection bf nueinbois as follows : . 1st. Oe Yice president from each district. 21. A iaOtaaiivtoemiu On c'reden, fcials. : 3d Cotuifutteuian on platform and . resolutions.' . ish.. Fui committeemen from each district to .constitute a State Execu tive Committee 5 natoa to the convention at St. Louis TDelegajtesi from the first district will meet the ballot the Rescue Fire Coupny; second and third dis distiictsjiCMetropolitan Ila 1; fourth ' dis rict in Court House; fifth district iu Cotton Exchange; sixth district in Mayor's J office; seventh, eighth and ninth dirihbte in Strouach's ware house. ' " !', " - It. H- Battlk, Chairman. May mih, 18&V I T'TMe l'imti(l '- - : lUuuon, May 30, 1888. The aaimnittee of five appointed to tisit S.ionach'a warehouse and de termine i- whether it is advisable io hold the ; convention there, decided that by adopting certain means for verttilatjoie), it can be rendered com fortabla. The convention will there fore meet, in Stronach's warehouse promptly at 12 m. today. ii. tX. UATTIJS, Chairman, ice , The Louisiana Democrats also en dorao tie President and demand his re elec&loji, 1 The procession keeps up with wander fal absence of breaks and in admirable time to tariff reform and reduction of taxation. ' ' Thr Emperor of Germany, whose aid condition .has so long interested the ojrl4t frnuBt bo decidedly better since hje jb'aa boon able to hold a re- vie of a body of troops, as is else- where reported. Tbe delegates and alternates to St Louis chosen by the Pistrict cohTen ttioh, whise names appear elsewhere," are all a-lmirablp repreBenta'Jves of the District Democracy and Ul in greater or less degree, conspicuous for pair tv feel vice. The convention made ni miatake here. ' Ma.PowDKBLi seems to be engaged at the moment in pouring oil on the troubled waters that flow between indry and various of the constitu ent parts of the order ever which he presides.'.. The Knights fritter away whatever influence they possess in r miking such work necessary. J .. ir: . m m 1 : ' WEAtWhitelaw Reid thinks of the : . qacstiofl. Would Blaine accept a nomi nation 1r appears elsewhere, and has special significance in view of the - elose relations existing between The Tattooed and the speaker. It is clear that kbf&eid thinks MBackis is will in' 'Rafter the country has come to ' that to&cluBion some tune since. -. . : ;: . Tai i War for the control of the Richmond and Danville .railway sjs- v , tern seems to go on. A general meet. ing of the company is to be held in . Richmond to-morrow, it ' appears . . when, is the reports go, an attempt will ielJmadA by a new combination known as the luce party to wrest con- troljfrom the Brice people, who now hold the reins. Tax deliverance of the Presbyte rian General Assembly on the crea tion; of Adam, contained in the report the body adopted with respect to the Woodrpw matter, . was as follows Vltisihe judgment of the General Assembly that Adam s body was di rectly fashioned by the Almighty God out or the dust of the ground with? out any natural animal parentage of any kind. The wisdom of God prompted him to reveal the fact, . while the inscrutable mode of his so tioi 'therein has not been revealed. I The Papal rescript regarding" Ire land has brought forth many denun ciations from leading members of the Nationalist party, and has been the cause of many excited meetings in Green ;Erin. Some speakers twit the Pope ith working a plan of cam paign pf his own with a vengeance when the' Sardinians grabbed his ter r.iorl aftd with boycotting Victor Eninnujel. The Bishops who sup port the Tope bhare liberally an the denunciat ons leelUd at His Holireas and - thoro is no little consternation amon the faithful of theJEmerald Isle. ' ' kp ah indication of the change of pjlitieaf sentiment in the Northwest " we hae the report that the entire la bor vpto of Illinois, except that of the Radicals, will be cast for the Democratic ticket Palmer for Gov firnor'and Cleveland in the evei rent of Bafona-. his rehOuiinatiQn, which is rei bly assured. Th a li.bcr party is said to repieaerit about 25,000 votes in eState, which, ou the basis of the laat 0te casf, will bo ecough to turn the- scale'. The fatreiigth of the Radi cal S net exactly known, but is not belloted to uct t i 10,000. The Prej idehft sUsid La in - &l tariff reduo tionSas, in t-1 iaiiu, attiatted these brawny laboror?, who knew which side their bread is buttered On ' ; ; Tun puTfoaa. The platform to be adopted today should be welt considered, giving out no uncertain sound as to the intent and purposes .of the Democrats oi North Carolina. First and foremost tho cLif plank wi-li certainly be in favor of continu ing! tha beneficent local government whiob has been devised to rescue the eastern section from negro domina tion, Iwhich Would be at once intoler able, repugnant to the sentiment of the whites and destructive of Anglo- Saxon civilization in that section. We suppose the next most import ant plank Will be accounted that de manding reduction oi federal taxa tion. The Mills bill, whose passage in its present shape the News a?d Obsebvkb has always expected, does not go far enough. But it repeals the tobacco tax and all special taxes. It regulates the Internal Revenue sys tem and tops off most of those abuses which have made the collec tion of the whisky tax odious. We nope it will De amenaea so as to aboiisn- tne tax on iruit andy. ; As for the whisky tax the Sentiment 'of the North will not tolerate its repeal, and while we ad vocate the repeal in toto of the whole 1 business, we neverlneleBS discern hat our hopes are nofc to be soon re alized. The tariff taxes are slightly reduced in the bill. We think it will pass before the campaign opens. The Republican party cannot stand up nefore the people and -defend itself for pbstructing tax reduction, wnen. these taxes are to be used in paying a bonus of $275 on every $1,000 id the bondholders. To collect unmces: sary taxes to pay one fourth to the bondholders as a bonus is more than the people will stand. Agriculture, as the chief pursuit of our people, will demand our best endeavors for its promotion. Public education is of the next im portance, and such measures as will aid us in that direction will be favored by oar people, Resolutions approving the DemH cratio administrations of tne btate arl Union will certainly be in order. But these are only hints to the platform" makers, it would tase too much space for us to enumerate in extensot the benefits of these Democratic ad ministrations. Let the platform 'be short, clear, clean-out and so plain; that no one can read it without fully; understanding what are the leading purposes of the Democratic party hi this State. Z OCR LEiDEB IS THK DISTaiCTf Our district convention yesterday did its work well. Its nominee for Congress, Capt. B. H. Bunn, of Na is juBt the man to redeem the metro politan district from the misrepref tation of any other than a Democratic xuember.' Bold, alert, aggressive full of tet and at the same time df most attractive personality, eloquenK logical, well-equipped, well-furnished as a campaigner, he will be a powr on the stump that we verily belief e no adversary can oppose with sap- 0633. The false pretender Nicb. will be : driven ' quickly frobi the blind behind which he fights In the name of speoial friendship for lte poor man (Uod save the . mark of sy pocrisy and deceit !) and will be shown Up in his true colors as stilS a black Republican of the deepest dye and "with the Republican party." ,' ; Capt Bunn is one of the leading lawyers in the State? and. in addition to the practice of his profession, itf'at the head of large; farming intermits and latere manufacturing interests. He is actively concerned in the Ad vancement of agriculture as a leading member oi tne Agncaitoral Society Of his county and otherwise, and, in short is in all respects a pubfio spirited, progressive citizen. He has ever been; a faithful sentinel on jhe watch-tower of Democracy and baa never fail&l to raise his voice ion proper occasions in behalf of Demo cratic principles. Of winning manner and most pleasing address he makes mends wherever he goes and w her ever known is loved as it is permilted lew. men to Oe. Me is an admuable representative of the .State' Domo cracy and the unanimity of sentiraent in his- favor which resulted, inj his nomination by aoclamatron was but a just tribute I to his staunch Democracy, his sterling patriotism, his wisdom and boldness and gallantry in the fight, politioal or otherwise. He is a man thedis- trict really delights to honor and he willJprove himself fully worthy of this enviable distinction or we are no prophet S Capt Bubn was born in the coiinty of his residence October l'Jth, 18-14 His education was confined to- the curriculum of a preparatory school the war breaking out just , as hf was ready to enter college. Withl the spirit and patriotic fervor wbica has ever characterized him he joined the army in July, 1861, in his p7th year ana servea inrougnont tne: war with distinction and with such faith fulnes as is attested by the seal's of. two wounds which-he received re- spec ively at Gettysburg and at Petersburg-a few days before Lee -evac uated the city. S . At the close oi tne . war he began reading law with Mr. Dortch ad in June 1866 was licensed to practice the profession of his choice. ' Since that time he has practiced at Rocky Mount, rising by steady steps to the highest rewards of what the fathers of the law were wont to call a jealous mistress, and stands today among the best known lawyers pf the State. f He was a member of the Constitu tional Convention of '75 and of the General Assembly of '83; Presidential elector of this district in '84 an mes senger for the State of North! Caro lina. In the generous rivalrypf '86 for the party nomination for Cojh'greBS he was conspicuous, as our readers will readily recall, and was afLit-Jed a support of which any man migt well have been proud. His legjpn of friends are now enthusiastic n his behalf, and it is safe to say that be fore the campaign closes thei num ber will be increased to two llgions, at least so to speak. There is no doubt that the party in the district has placed its banner in the hands of a man who will ear it to victory if victory be within pre&oh, and Capt. Bunn undertakes nothing without the purpose of succeeding, if sucefSs be by any honorable : mean possible. His watchword is tirgani- ;i ''.". talion, and he will have the fall Dem octatic strength, with the many addi tions he will make meantime, at the p4lls On election day or know the rea n wbyi His nomination hipsib the sdeinption of the Dis'rictr i iv -m. 1 , The latest ticket for St. L ui.s is Cleveland, always Cleveland, and fjburman of Ohio. The Philadelphia i&tiie of Tuesday saj6: "the Demo cratic ticket to b placed iu nom.T nation at the St. Louis Conven tion will be: For President Grover Cleveland of New York; for Vice President Allen . G. Thurman of Ohio. Ex-United States Senator thurman has been asked if he will accept the nomination for Vice Presi dent, ar d he has given his consent to allow h: s name to be presented to the convention, and will go on the ticket. The nomination has been tendered to flie Ohio statesman with the full knowledge and approbation of the trading men of the party in all sec tions of the country, Nor h, East, puth, and West. For the past ten days there has been a rapid concen- tr at ion of opinion that Thurman was tne one man among men to nominate for Vice President." I It will be glorious indeed to vote for the noble old Roman, so to speak, the Nestor of the Democratic party, the Bturdy representative of Jack- Ionian Democracy, if he will permit the use of his namn in connection with the office of Vice-President. The new chairman of the District Executive Committee, Mr. N. B Broug-hton, is the leading represen tative of the labor element in the Democratic parly of the district and developed no little strength as a can didate for the nomination for Con gresB. His great success in life, wrought out by his own unaiaeu ef forts, his intelligence, his earnestness, his ability, his soundness in the Dem ocratic faith are known of all men in North Carolina. The convention made no mistake here. E. W. Pod, Jb., E?g., of Johnston, the nominee of the District Conven tion for elector, is a young lawyer of decided parts and with marked talent as. a publio speaker and canvasser He will do excellent service for the party and, in doing it, will reflect. Great -credit on the district. The convention made ho mistake here. This is Federal Decoration Day and the day also in all probability on which the Democracy of North Caro- ina will name the next Governor of the State. Letter From Jafferaon Dirli. A Jackson, Miss., special says : Dar in? the ceremonies Friday connected with the laying of the corner-stone of the Confederate monument here tie following letter of regret froni Jeffer son Davis was read by Colonel J. L. Powers : BxArrvois, Miss., May 21, 1888. Ztodic of the Confederate Momi- ment A t social ion of Mississippi: I duly received vour gratifying in vitation to my family and ni)self to be present at the laying of the earner stone of the monument to commemo rate the dead of Mississippi who died for the State. This acknowledgement has been delayed under the hope that my health would so improve as to enable me to participate in the cere mony. The earnest desire to be with you on that occasion led tne to hope against the better judgment of otheis that I might be physically able to join in the work which is very near to my heart The. monument will be the nrp reared by Mississippi to her bols, who at the call of . their mother forgot selfish cares and went forth, if need be, to die for her cause. This omis sion cannot be ascribed to the absence Of meritorious claims to such conoid eration, for Mississippians hare neither been of the war party in peace nor oi the peace party war. In the territorinl or pur state, when the popa lation was mainly conhnea to few river counties, the Indian war with its characteristic fierceness, was ravaging the frontier settlements. A the cry of the helpless, Mississippians rushed to arms, though few and prepared foi war. Among the earliest of my memories was of the grief ; pf our people because oi the massacre at Fort Mimms, where many of Our neighbors died in the fulfilment of that noblest move of human action which causes one to give his life' that others might live No monument for the instruction of the rising gene ru ction commemorates the event and the commonly-used school books are not devoted to southern history. I; At I'ensacola or Fort Bowyer and in the battle of New Orleans Mississippi bore an honorable part. i Your monument will s and in tL county of Hinds, the name of the leader of the Mississippi Dragoons whose conduct in the battle of New Orleans was commended in treqeia orders for the admiration of one army and wonder of the other. ' At a later day. when Mississippi was sent requisition for troops to serve in th war between the United States and Mexico, the difficulty was not to get the requisite number of companies bafc to discriminate among those offering) in excess of the numbers which would be received. An attempt was made to build a monument to those who bled and died in a foreign land but it failed. If asked why, the reason is on the : surface. . It was not woman work. ! Daughter! of Mississippi, you hive labored in the cause the righteous ness of which only he can deny whose soul is so devoid of patriotism that in his country's strife he could give aid and comfort to the enemy. It would have been a great gratifi cation to be among the survivors of Mississippi's army and in the laying of the corner-stone of a monuuien to their deceased comrades to recall the virtues and the mingled attribute of: the hero and the Bam I. ' Please be assured that in spirit shall be with you, and for tho zeal with which you have faced all 4 couragement anl the devotion you have shown in the purpose whic'i had only its merit for its reward, I pi ay you to accept from the -inmost fibre of his heart the tLasklof an old Mis sissippian. I Faithfullyv -j - Jeffibson Davis Sliced Pine Apple, 2 ft. cans, 15c., at W. C &. A. B. StronaohV K. V. F'nnell Chronicle. I'ii Friday Nioht, May 25 1888. The weather has become more spring lJte and p-omises to bring for ward rap dly the backward season. It ha- already givrn a dec ded check !o(!;e spec u! at on f;r t';e risi in! Audat The high rates of su-riing j exci.augo, Ugftli r w t'i th excj - I tibnaliy low ocean freight, giyesome j impuse to Ve xport o leading staples, the oulward movenjoct of co u ton being nouibly large for tl.ia stage of the season. General trai e is of course glow, as tne period for summer vacations approaches, and to th s influence must be added the close holiday next Wedmday, and one of the great national political conventions the week following, Lnrd on the spot has been held for higher prices, but trade was vjry dull, and so closes with a weaker feeling, at $8 30a8.35 for prime city, 8 85 8 l)0c for prime to choica Vestern, $8 15a8 50c fur refined to the Conti nent and 9 60c for refined to South America The speculation in lard for future delivery has been' sluggish, prices making slight fluctuations, being iowor today with an unsettled closing. 'Pork has boen more active, but clows quio ; niess $14 25al5 25 for old and new: eitra prime $13.00.i 13 25, clear $1G 25al7.75. Cut m-ats have reaiainod quiet; pickled bellies 7s7c, BhouldtTS 7ja7gc, and hams 1111 fa, sniokod sUoulders Ska and haton 12al2c Beef is firm at $7a 50 for extra mess apd $8 00a 8 50 for', packet, per bbl. : India mess quoted at 12.00aU 00 per tierce; beef hams more activo at il5 50alG per bbl. Tallow lower at 3ia4n. Stearine is quoted-at 1111 Is. Oleomargarine is quiet at 8ja8Ac. Butter is in good demand at 20a21o or creamery and 1 a20o for Western actorv. Cheese is more active at 7A 9o for uew State factory. ; Coff'-e ou the spot bnft been fairly adtivo lit full prices, and today the Bales ubr&ced 6.750 bags Santos at i9iro fr No. 10 to No. 5, besides Uo No 8 at 14c, Iimer at lyjaUc, and Mocha at 23o. The i speculation in liio options was buoyant, touching this morning the highest prices for the woek, when June sold at 14 15c, August 12 85c and the winter months at 11 80 c. Raw sugars Lave been du!l at barely steady prices, but today were more active; fair refining Cuba quotod ct 4j i4 13 10c , and sales eiubrnood ; Ciirgo of cnnti'ifugal, 96 dog. tost, a 3 3 IGo., c. uud f., and 800 hhds. Cuba 90 deg. test, at 2?c , c snd f. Itofiucd sujrarsi have sold slowly. Molasses sold to a moderate extent at 20c. fo 51) d-. g test, mostly :o ;gotoPhila delphia. The tea sale on Wednesday went off at steady prices, except that low trrade Formosa oolongs were slightly cheaper. " bbirits turpentine has declined ond was today quite depressed, clotting at 3baJ6c. JtosinS a o unchanged at $1.20a$l 25 for common to good strained. Crude petroleum, certin cates, at easier prices, are moro active closing at 8Gi87c; Wools are unset tied. 1 The specula' ion in Cotton for fu ture delivery at thid market during the first half of the week under re view, while the foreign uiaikets were closed for the VVbilPuutade bo!idays; wa, tnuugu inactive feud htiu!, slightly hardening values. The sta tistical position abroad was an ele ment of etifrgth upon which the bulls were inclined to act, notwith standing the excess ; in Southern stocks and the comparatively large quantity which still comes out from the p'.anialiona. The m irket wpened weak on Wednesday, the improvement at Livf-rpooi and the re-opening of that marKet not being so groat as wa txpecttd by the bulls; but when the large business for export on Tuesday wa3 reported there was a more active speculation at harduning prices till near the close, w hen values receded a few points. YesU rdiy tjifi u.aiket was dull, with ouritup'rtaut change, and no active iclluenc apparent, though the bulls derived some support from the rapid reduclioa of stocks at tLo ports To day notices for June lVi very curae out quite freely, and, with a weak re port from Liverpool, tboy were thrown upon the marke , leading to free exchanges of the early for later months, the bulls paying differences and causing a smai t decline. Cotton the spot continued w-a.li; on (ton day Bales of 1,373 bale-i for eipc rt, not previously reported, were made public, but-on Tuesday afternoon (re ported on Wednesday) there wtre Bales of nearly 5,000 biles for export. Today the market wai quiet a 10c for middling uplands. . The figures indicates a decrease in the cotton in sight tonjght of 151,160 bales compared with the same date of 1887, a decrease of 200,310 bales as compared with- the corresponding date of 1886 and a decrease of 224, 722 bales as compared with 1885. The totals show that the old inte rior stocks have decreased daring the week 12,456 bales and are tonight 67,057 bales more than at the same period last yoar. Th& receipts at the same towns have been 7,810 bales vtore than the saniti we.tk last year, and eince September 1 the ecf iprs at all the town are 84,840 bales more than for the same time iu 1886-7. Oub Next Goveknoh. -Every one is anxious to know who will be our "next Governor, an Jf all muii be patient ai.J be consoled with the hope of Laving soma go6J man to fill tha high office. In the meantime, the delegates to the Convention land citizens of the State in general! are reminded that if they wih to pur chase, slippers, Oxford tie!, low ibut ton and Newoprt ties, that IleUm's regular bhoe house - is tht piaqs to place their patronage. j We have also a complete lino of trunks, valises and clnb bags and um brellas. Special attention ! is called to Heller's slock of ladies' slippers and low shoes, suitable for commence ments, which will ha offered at re markably low figures. Complete lines of Ziegler's, Bennett & Barnard's, Bannister and Stacy Adams'. jFine ladies and prentlemea's shoes always on Land at Heller Bros.' Regular Shoe Store, 131 Fayetteville Street,! I4al eigh, N C. . Dklloatls to the convention; wal fia'd something good to eat and ooin fortabie roomB, at Barkley's old stand. Z. I. I'oit, proprietor. j i , Jersey Lily Creamery New Spring; Butter 30c lb, at W. C. & A- B. SticuuohV i SUMMER RESORTS. "The Summer Capi tal by the Sea. aalBerBWV-qt .U"aaSPBJHB" THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, Morehead City, N. C. (Open June 1st, to Oct, 1888.) Oreatly t'nlari?'-d and improveJ. Accommodations for 1,000 ruoIo. Ever Uiing rlret class nnd rates reasonable Write for ? Beermann Sl THE KIMBALL, ATLANTA OlA., Chas. CAPON SPRINGS AND BATHS, LUMrSTIIDE COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA. ALKALINE LITHIA WATERS, ALSO SUPERIOR IRON WATERS; t ll, .(Ka nf an v T.miini ntui-A Horn ar aUavs hannv A. B. Kuiges in ci arge UIMIiauvtuaviuu SL.nH tnr mmtih let and sav where voa saw Haywood Whit Sulphur Springs. (UNDEB HEW MA.MAOKMKMT. WAYNKSVILLE. N. C. i The loveliit nOt !n all God's wonder land cf Wauty ! Nature's trundle bed of recuperntion ! New 8 story brick ho-el, 170 feet long, witli veranda's 13 feet wide and 250 feet long. 1IjU8 handsomely furnished. Everything new, bright and clean. Ac commodations in every department etnctly first class in every particular. ' About 100 rooms, including desirable cottages near main building. Special A rrangeinents will h. idde for the Months of June and September. Allen & Neville, Proprietors. BAHEKT 1'AKK HOTEL, Open Throughout the Year. ASHEVILLE, N. C JNO. B. STEELE, Manager. SUM MSB RATES FOB SEASON OF 18S8, MAY, JCNE, JULY, AUGUST ASD BEPTKMBEH. hen one room is occupied by one per son: Per day ' - - . - . S 4.00 Per week - - - $2100 to 25.00 Per month, 4 weeks - 75 00 ti 90.00 When one room is occupied by two persons: Per da- - - - - S 7 00 Per we-k S 35.00 to 42.00 Per month - - 120.00 to 150.00 Snecial Rates to Families. Above rates are governed according to location of rooms. Par 'or suits and rooms with baths bxtra. 11 HOT SPRIKGS, H. C. (Formerly Warm Pprings. ) Onen throughout the year. Especially d-BU-able as a Summer Resort. No hot weather no annoving insects The most -Luxubious and Beneficial Baths in America Marble Pools Porce lain Tubs. Remarkable efficacy in treat ment of Gout. Rheumatism and Malaria, Kidney and Liver troubles, Dyspepsia and other complaints. Resident rhy sician. Hotel new and elegant. . Mag nificent Ball Ronm. Cuisine unexoelled. Terms reasonable. Write for descrip- tiye pamphlet. Q. K. LANSING, Manasrer, Formerly Manager of Astor House, New York Uity. Norris & Carter. SPECIAL OFFERINGS FOR THIS WEEK, 13 1 2c striped batiste and momie cloths will be offered at 7 1 2o per yard 6(j pieces just received. 3$ pieces checked and striped 20o Ein -berfield suitings will be offered ai, U l-2o per yard. 8 l-e, 8 I-e. 60 pieces 1? 12c India linn (bought as a juo) win Di onerei ai o l oc per yarn Wash Fabrics, e - New designs and novelties in sateens and wash fabrics of every description. J Ircss wools Just received a new line plain and fancy suitings, tennis cloths, ct.'., specially adapted to seashore and mountain wear at very low prices. ItfovcHies Io neckwear, ruchings, gloves fans, rib bone, oxidized, silver and gold jewelry Special Bargains. la ladies' muslin and cambric uu.lor- wear, cnemise, gowns, nkirta, drawers and corset covers. Norris & Carter. C XV. KSIt AXCAl ;4 (MemU-rspf thet'l.tac . anl nl Tralr). State Bank building, HIGHMOM), VA. Orders executed iu stocks, grain fad cotton. Private wires ro Washington Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Chicago. Ci-rwepo-.fiun e folioitAd Walter's Patcat Without any eiception the easlost applied. M..., 1 idlnrlAx Absolutely JJllUil OUlUlCS WISD, RAIN AND HUE 1'IIUOF. DUBABLK AND ORNAMENTAL. Illustrated eatitlotsQe and price list free. NATIONAL bflHET MKTAL ROOINU CO. ia Kaat U St, New York City, i 9) new descriptive pamphlet. Cooke, Prop'rs. Beerraann & Co., Propr s. inwhOT.i thn t''ck rocover an.l the well . " .... . I of dining room and kitchen dcparvnienia. I this advertisement. . w it a. ii, r?jixi. Proprietor. W. ii. .v r ir k n m i5 Wo 'have just added to our already 1 111- mense siock 01 i l r em- oroiaerea sKirtings. an invoice of the choicest effects ever produced. These arc by far' thb prettiest embroideries ever sllOWn ill OUT town. We secured them at prices that will justify us in offer ing them to our trade, a. at prices runuinjr from 65c up to $3 50 pryd. No such work has been or can be again offered for the money. Also to our Laces we have added Our recent importation in black 45- inch Chantiily and Spanish Guipure Lace Flouncings. i These arc in novel patterns and arriving lale are offered at prices be low value. We have piece Laces and Edges to match. s. b. i l s. ieckee & c. I A Convenient Place TO STOP: EYiOSELEY'S 120 Fatkttbviujs St., Balxigb. Convenient for lawyers, because it's near the capitol; convenient because you are comfortable with good fire in yoar rooms; oon-reiiient for ve tiave all th delcaciea of the season; convenient to have everything at hand for Reasonable Rates. Convenient for everybody who wa&W a quiet quiet place, to rest. It's a convenient place for we make everybody feel as if at home. You wH I be satisfied a . Raleigh Marble Work, 417 and 419 Fayettevilla Bt., RALEIGH, N. C, Bnnrh Vard. Ladder's Old Stand. PAYKTTKVIIXK, S. O. Manufactuitr ot all kinds of Monument, and Tombstones in Marbles or Granites, Also Conti actor for all kinds of Building Work, Curbing Posts, Steps, Bills, Ac. Of all descriptions kept on hand and sent to any ad dr etui upon application. Chas. A. Goodwin. Proprietor. NOTICE. i tfllEASUET DEPARTMK.VT, OrncK Comptboixie or the Ccbrbkcy. WXsniNQTON, April 11th, 1888 Notice is hereby given to all persons who may have claims against "The State National Bank of Ral-ixh," North Caro lina, that the eair.e must be presented to Clement Dowd, Receiver, with the legal proof thereof, within three months from this date, or they may be d wallowed. W. L. TKENHOLM, i (ouiptroller of the Currency. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. Summer Law Lectures (nine weekly ). bi v n l'Jth' Jul 1888. aud end 18th September. Xiavo roved cf signal use 1st, to Siudentit who deeign to par sue their studio at thru or other law schools. 2d, to those who propose to read privately; and 2d, t. )ra-tittonera who have not had tho advantage of systematic instruction. For circular apply (P. D. University of Va.) to John B. Minor, i'rof. Com. and Stat. Law. Oil SALE. A desirable property in tha central part of the town. Suitable for building stores, email hotel or wurchoii e. j Apply to -) Ul:sE KASttER, ! . S. M'. cor Saliibury and Martin Sta. may2W8t. ! era 5 Thic? Hiiadrcl sal i iitto Tm jArrivoi K ff duys nut iMotmt ship- uioiit of tui -fii LORBERRY COAL For craw. SniMMior to anv others i anlhraciu col. Two huiulreil toi.e Tenneew Suft. anyone . hundred W. Va. 8pliJ- WdDdDID), V FIFTY CORDS DRY PINE, And two hundred beet heart. Cut any lengtn aeeirea, or sold long. dDllILo Tbe best uluaiiuatina oils, deliver from our patent oil tank wagon. no waste to purcnasers. . . . pllll Ii l.lliyLUV f. Til laiim. II. IHi'UliltO VW FOR SIXTY DAYS! SCHOOL WORK OUB Great Specialty. I XT, Aa If s Cards and Envelopes Ever introduced into this State, and a large assortment of fresh type, first- ciass presses, oe., we are well prepared for SCHOOL PRINTING, And solkit patronage tot Invitations, Programmes, Circulars, Catalogues, fcc., fcc S nd in your orders at once. STBemember we have the largest and most complete Printing and Binding Ea- taoiisnmant in norm uarouna. EDWARDS & BR0UGHT0N, Printers and Binders, Raleigh, V. C FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. - if you want - U Cood Vegetable Cardtn PLANT LANDRETH'S OR ELY'S -RKLUBLB. GARDEN SEEDS sold by- LEE. JOHNSON & CO. Druggists Seedsmen OPPOSITE POSTOPPICE, t BALXIQH, K.a Seed dealers 'supplied at FhJladelphla. Whbleaale prices. Orders by mail promptly filled. LEE, JOHNSON & CO. DhTJOOIBTS AiCP fjitmtnmf, Edw. J. Hardin, Gror, Offers at all times a complete and carefully Selected Stock Of all reasonable substantiate and luxu ries of the PROVISION TRADE Meats, Fish, Fine Butter, Fine Teas, Coffees, Ac., Ac. Canned Goods of thet most approved brands, including i he Peaches, Fears, Apricots and Cherries of the "Golden Gate Company" of San Jose. , BEST CANNED VEGETABLES, Corn, Tomatoes, Asparagus, Succotash, etc, Ate. PRESERVES, Jellies, Sauoee, Olives, Flavoring Ex tracts, and everything else ' in the way of : TABLE SUPPLIES For special announcements from da; to day, see the local cohuns of this paper. E. J. HARDIN. PROPOSALS. Bids will be received at this office un til 18th June, 1888 at n on for furn.sh the State with 10 tons of Pocahontas coal, to be delivered in the coal house in rear of the i upreme Court Building. W. L SAUNDERS, Secretary State. Raleigh, lth IXay, 1S8. mayxOtf. AKD NOT SLOW! V K U A. W. UtKidwinA Co s drug vort- Ad voa rao eet it. snarklina soda nr. too cold mineral water . orange cidei on diaughV, nioxie, HmMdes and nuniniin. i J ust received, choice and oelt hi and. Sweet and fre smoker. If jou enjov a pleasant and delightful smoke, you I can get it at Goodwin's drug etore. GARDEN 8FED OF EVERY KIND AND FOR EVERYBODY. Standard PaUnt XediolBM, Drng, ploes and Flavoring Extracts, Per fumery and Toilet Boaps. Tie best brands of chewing and smok ing tobacco always on hand. Prencriptiong dispensed at all hours of day or night. W e want your orders and intend to have them if Prices and Quality will win A. W. Goodwin & Co. NEW YORK MILUNERYiBAZAAff No. 11 FayettevUle Bt. Mrs. I. Rosenthal begs to inform the ladies that she has the mostselect stock of MILLINERY In tha city, it being constantly replen ished with new shapes, ribbons, &o , mod also desires to Btate that our prices vu Millinery are the lowest. TBI TIHIII6 DEf 11TIEIT Is in charge of the most skilful Milliner in this city, and ladies who have been dealing with us this season ara more than pleased with our goods andrtyles. We extend a cordial invitation to an to give ns a trial, as ve are sure that we ran please you as regards Stile and Wees. We take pleasure in showing our goods, ' ana guarantee atlaiaction in an our dealings. We nave also an elegant line of Para sols, Lace Ctps, Bilk and Lisle Glove, Fans, Bustles. Handerchiefa, Dr. ar- 1 ndtsta BflAala . mm. " " K- a SV EEMOVAL, I WIIVETROB, 1IER0H1NT TAILOR, K Will remove his place of business on or about JUNE 1ST, To tne commodious rooms lately occu Tiri k Mr. A. VmtVi : m. 8 HAol MAKiLN STRUT, (Oppo Ite Postoffice.) Tbere will open a line of foods and will be prepared to do tailoring never surpassed in Baleigh, either in point of excellence or reasonableness of prices. Being now ran of orders he bees to an nounce that he cannot in lastiee to hk customers take any more before June 1st, the date of his removal. There will be no change in prices bv reason of the removal. The best roods at the lowest prices will be fnrnkhed in tne future as tney have been in the past. With thanks for tne liberal patronage . heretofore and now being bestowed, very Kespecruiiy, . 1. Winfttrnh ; " w - m m m --mw m mmw wm m RECEIVERS' SALE. SKotfeela en that by virtue of a do- ere.of the United States Circuit Court for the Western District of North Carolina rendered in a cause therein pending, entitled George A. MeCor mick et aL vs. North Carolina Mil .stone Company et als, we, the undersigned, appointed In laid cause Receivers of the assets of said corn pair, will sell at public auction apoa the' terms herein after stated at il o'clock a. m. on , THUESDAY, JULY BTH, 1888, An tha ftrsimlaM akffP&rlrwcwwl ssftfwws fVnntw W lSSSSSAwSSSS iwumsii aneos oi uristare rekisiena in tn amee (which deeds of trust are registered la ot we jtegister of ueeas tor M and are hereby property, assets and effeotslof the N. C Millstone Company. r Anou the property to be sold h TS acre more erloI One ly timbered and good farming land. abrasing the .laexbaustiale nullstooe quarry from which are awde the faramed "Moore coun ty Grit" mills, and containing amoig other im provements all the buildings, shops, tools ana ma- -ehinery requisite and usedia manufacturing, said mills, also two handsome dwslUag booses with, accessary out-booses, barns, etc., country store, twenty-two tenant houses, also a Saw Mill and Dry Klin complete. Planing Machine, Matcher and Planer, two Blacksmith shops. Ice Machine, Patent Holler Flouring Mills, Machine Shops and Foundry all complete sad equipped with the best machinery. Also a Telephone Bystesi, IT miles kmc, extending from Park wood through Carthage toCaeroiontheB.A. A. L. K. &, also shares of stock In theCartliage K. K , also a very large and assorted stock of machinery, tools and Buehluery snpplies, including engines, boilers, pumps. eorn-sneUer, shingle aischiae, wind mllL belts, piping, band and round Iron. Ac, a lot of gold mine machinery: also large lot of finished and unfinished mills and millstones ; also large lot oi sasn, uoors ana oimas, gooas, wares and mer chsAdlse and other personal property of various descriptions, and la large ouaatltlee and ail the other property, together with tae franchise ef said eoiipany. TERMS OF SALE : The property will be eSered first nr biTArt and then nr toto or iv oaoee . If the highest bids, when the property is offered in detail aggregate more wan we jugnest ma ior we property wnen onerea in gross, the bids in detail to be reported to Court as the last and highest bids, otherwise the bid tu gross will be reported to Court a the last and highest bid. ; When offered nr DXTin. the said real estate with' the buildings and so much machinery, ae., as is necessary in the manufacture ot mills as described In said decree as "The Plant,!' will be offered at one-third f purchase piles In cash the balance -ess two equal Instal ment , payable la i . aid 11 months, the deter :ed payments te bears per eent Interest from day of safts aad to be secured by notes with good security-, the purchaser to keep the property In sured for the benefit of the Heeelvers In a sum equal te half the unpaid purchase priee ; apoa de fault of which the said Receivers shall have the right to- so Insure the said property and the amount so paid by then for inch insurance shall be added to and form part et the purchase price. The purchaser to be let Into possession opoo the confirmation of said sale and the payment of the cash Instalment ef purchase priee: the title to be retained until the purchase price u paid In full. AU the other property Including, the Flouring MllL Ice Machine, Telephone System. Wind Mill. Machinery, Ac .. in Machine Shoos and Found rr In Saw MiU and Dry Kiln, In Supply Koom, c be ing offered separately and for cash. After such offering at pbtau. and offering ui oaoes, the purchasers at the detail sals shall deposit with the Kecelver 90 per cent of the price resp tlTeiy ot the lores o- ing property as porouase 1 sertvassne i earnest oi weir reepective mus. upon failure ot which the Becelvers shall have power to resell any item of said property, upon wnicn tne au per cent snau not oe depositee , The whole of the property ordered to be sold will then be offered ui one lot or in omossou the following terms: For an amount In cash equal to the amount for which all the property (except' "The Plant." Telephone 8ystess.8aw Mill and Dry Kila Machinery Isold nr dbtao, together with one third of the residue of the gross bid, the balance of the gross bid to be paid in S and IS months, the deferred instalments ot the purchase prjjcejtobear S per cent Interest from dy ol sale, and to be se cured by note with good security. The purchaser to keep the property insured and to be let into possession and the title to be retained in the saau aer abeve prescribed. In addlttoa to the above described property we will also seuat said time and place, for cashf one otuer track ot land soBtalrtug acres, sud knows as the "Horner Tract j" also one ls-borse Weed. Tabor AMorseforUDleKuVnV oabls,ow Bew MU1 with V feet earrUce? on o-ipch solid saw and 60 feet elght-Uich rubber belt and six wagouf. . For (uil Aetaus reference is nude to Mid de cree. - s At Farkwoed the elinu.te Is mild aad acaltbv: labor cheap, timber plentiful, water good, aud church and. school facilities good. For further uuonuauoa aaoress the uaderKirnea, YPiHili Eeeetvers o npaa m t IE 1

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