V -S : I - ': ' ' " ' r li FuaLittitn Daily (mct Mostoat) asp Itr THfe NKWS & OBSERVER Co Mltf. ros y eary- I M 111 1.36 I tare " 'i'- Weekly, cue ' as arter muAlnt. 75 1 jp.at Ho name entered without payment, and ( ar aeatafterltesjpUaUeabf time paid tor. ; j THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1888. "tfrtK COS VKMTIUNS. - DimocraHo National St- L6uisr . June Cthi'!'--" u . - 5th District -Greensboro . July nth .' :, ' ' 4lh DUifiif WUaiingioB,Jone27. 7th Iii4trct' Seaisbury. June 20th. MitAwitKrisiwAT ST. L01U. The following rvwiteJ here yeetet J., by jlj U tUiU, Esq , ex fWn till. It i i? ' Mcord Mc" witlij th infatuation which has hyiofore Wn gma by the Nw Suwro, -l '.. May i0. "SS. iC h, CA.nViM.i'i i'- j-Mff,' tfile" AjrVWfltV (W,ll7eY, , lll.iWteis ml room for tbe la':.. t . a : . L , (North Louis) Hpfcel. iTtA inAi ueiecauou ivo u . arc-ctit;gt.'Ki j tue uuw ! Mi. W.";ll)G!so," JThb sllaie of thiiiga in Ireland items lorfl in brief lor Homo Hu!e and against Uome rule. Tniar ws furthr fia;ernualion 01 a 1 Hia Mn;tiil the i.faf m more than ' : r ' "i - one of tUo inytti.ernjcities yesterday 01 the occasion of ihe Federal memo iil txetijUoa. The chasm has lo4g sinco befcti closed and would remain firmly slut hut for tho moutnmgs oi such tioulUi haters aud unpatriotic breeders of discord as Sherman, H galls and the rest of that detestable brood. jf; . . i. . W ar6 indebted to Mr. O. L. Smith, of Korth Carolina, a fellow of the Joh3 Hopkins TJniyereity, for a catalogue of the magnificent instil u. tion namiJ, or rather a series of Qenerii;:Statement8 in) respect 'to the Courses of Instruction which are offered to Graduates of Colleges and other . Advanced Students.' Johns Hopkins is a Univereity in the most comprehensive sense of that term, and otters very great advantages , 10 tha votens men of the South. These advantages should ; be more 4 - thor - oughly jeflquired into py our poys; at cjUetre and more fully takeu adyant- a-?e of. i e believe tne universuy, which ia a splendid ornament to this section aitd to the whole country is destine to do a -great wo k in the nateriji the higher education of Southern young men. : . ' j : Tub ftijte of North Carolina was ,; here iadeod yesterday. "Never was ' there a gathering more thoroughly : representative of the best interests of the . i'amocracy of the Statei the 1. btains, the business inter- , fwo, unuiuwiurw, iwniuiff vand thie professions are fully aroused to tne iqanger or falling aarain into the . hanys ibtRadicalisin, and are deter-1 imined fr prevent such an untoward event at.any cost of time, trouble br . means; The democracy is aroused ,and the fact betokens victory in , North Carolina even as victory is as nearly assured ast is possible for. it to be to, the Democracy of the cou;n- try at targe. ' ..-' ' - j i ; Tai; onTetion paid a deserved oorhplijment yesterday to a gentleman i most eathnable in all respects when . it endorsed the choice Chairman Bat-; tie ha4 made for temporary chairman. , J. Turner Slorehead is a citizen of whom tttery North Carolinian has reaeou to be proud. 4 He U afair rep- ' resentatif e of that which 19 best in our nieri of business, our men of affair $nr men of 'solid in'erests. lie is, (moreover, a man of such up right walk in life and such pleas tog traits of character that he has the - unbounded - respect -of all who -know him and numbers njs mends by troops everywhere. He is a man who might safely, be putfor- ward at any timet or what is most admir ... able in the general citizenship of the jtie is a representative of the JNOrth Carolina of today, with its new interests; its pluck and its progress. who doe tj honor to the State wherever and whenever he appears, whether in business -councils, in hnancuu matters or in political conventions charged, as was tne convention which met yeeter day, with; the care and protection of aii ice real ptrestB of the Stale. - V iT.watfno small honor to be called o preside over tha deliberations of ?such a body of North Carolinians as iwaa thiState Democratic Convention which Jziet yesterday. . It was a superb honor, but it was accorded a gentle man worthy of it in every respect, lion. Win. It. Cok has never done aught but credit to the great State which has such admiration for him, i i:ch confidence, in his uprightness, 6uch' appreciation of his genuine merit, twul his public career has not been short by any means. North Carolina has in him ji son whoae gal lantBy .;ia war Las lent her lustre, whose i wudom on the bench was conH.picupi;B, whose lirmness and ability in Congress carried the State he Teprefpted io the forefront in the eyes of ihe country and made himself One of : the most influential members of the Iiiubft.' In all positions he has done bttfior to North Carolina, while winning great rtno wn for himself. No further, honorc, therefore, which 'the . Stftto? eiin bestow upon him can be undesejjfd. Ho ia of our bravest, bht atiil 'Wjs Bt num His admirable juaUtion wo thould tot allow to fail of d tfppreciut.on. ' 7 v ; , '': -a , ; ViiAt.j:ouJd a Democratic conven t.nu i-f tu.1uy )i w.thout Bob yur- a'(nied, hard-working,; e ill iin is ever ready to lend h. Biafemficoi-t voice (basso prt fundo) jsndtu give his best service to the a Wantenient in any degree of the : i tae oiaw man suai. r"00"1"1? 1 the f farming interest aot omy in -H Jff BivWiUpveBc. 1 Edcrecombe, but in all Eastern Caro- - and itiieane, we honestly believei that I in favor amone the Edcecombe farm' Uih5Stmo.rcyi the Stfte can show. ,1 All honor t4 bis ' I Li' , it.. Ctl,a oan haiBomH iron gray flair- in all; seriousness honor the, highest degree to' his untiring service of ithe party. And his assistant at the aeeratan's desk. Will B&rkhead, oar brother of the Tobacci 1'lanL. . i. . . li 'M uvt a, iavcmbimv o J vehtlonllike that wnicn raet yeex terdayt Thtre is not a better equip ped r better informed, mor active Democrat of his age in the Slate. His future is briffht with promise for hiftiBAlf td holds clearly a useful ness on his part. which we iainestly hop will hever fail of due ipprecia- tiou. i Ix was a magnificent copventiou i'waa a koodly sight to Wok upon lijit rank on rank of the beet people of the State, of the Democracy, in Siroaach'ji wart&ouse. There were differences of individual cjioice, as there must be always" auiotSu men In any gathering, but there was also universal" desiire for harmony and a . . s determinationlto put to llicit the co horts of Bvlicaliem, under fall its va rious maaks, once again ahd for all tiine in Movetubej-. TAR WO HO. FiUM I SO AT 'lXHLMOKK LACKS, STO. UTUKB I i riiir. .1 tii- Kfvr au Ob$rvr. '4 Tarbouo, N. Olay 28. I Time was when Edgecombe in noint of acricultural walh and im- nirisnra h ihhi 111 ml kuiuiiac buv u. iiaa of the State, lieiore tne war she worked more slaves ajjid worked thentharJer, they say, Un any of her sister counties. TjLe entire county was then dne unbroken oot toh field; There, indeed, the whita erowned king reigned supreme. Tar boro, her beautiful county !eai, owes its present high social and financial standing to the gteat land and cotton kings of the past, many o whom are cone, ahd whose broad crea hve pas Bed into other hands, or; as in nyiny instances.erown up in weeosor woqus. It would be interesting! to call the roll of these old worthies Of) the past,, and note the striking chances which have been wroueht "sinca Ithe war." Ah. that's it. the wxir the same old story of slaves liberated, property destroyed nothing - left 1 but land, land. land, and no means of culti vating it, and no one to bay it. And then the transformation begins. The boor people of the past! who knew tow to work and were willing to- do I no. and who had no debts to pay, have 1 become largely the rich people cJ to- yiJ&y. xne JMgecQmDe iarmers can ( not be called ttientific, their fathers 1, peiore tnem were not. nu mej are generally successful, and his is what they want, f or a iong urae, nowever, our farmers have felt jjthat cotton raising doea not pay as t once did. A change therefore frdn the old plans in the near future is inevita ble. In fact the hange has already begun to be made,. Less cot ton and more grass and! stock: sell more and buy less, seenjs to be the idea now. Within the iext decade lira. Alra aAr.i nri farmers have gone into it, and others mil lo'Iow tiie example of their brethren. s I v Amnmr ih f Edgecombe Who are bashing out in new directions Mr. J.I G. Powell deserves public mention It was the! privilege of your correspondent to spend a day recruiting gn his large farm, and share the hospitality of his splendid home, 'Coolmore," about four miles from Tarboro His father; the late Dr. J J. W. Pofell, was one of the wealthiest men ',and largest farmere of his day. , He died in the J ear '61, leaving a veryi large estate; ust before his deth he Completed a residence on this farm, wjiich, for ele- gance and convenience most have excelled any country residence in the State.; Ihe house stijl remains a monument to the memofy of a large hearted, broad-minded,f progressive man. And yet, I dare say, the quiet, unassuming lady who itill presides Over this home had much to do with suggesting, directing and fitting im the costly mansion. Her hair is be- Kiuning 10 snow suver jthreads and Her Iorm and face bear i sices of the I storu and fixes .through which she naa passea since '61- Still Mr. Powell is as acKve ana cheerful and-hopeful m mougn sue wero but fiwenfcy. Dor several years Mr. J.. C4 Powell, the ; only surviving chd, has had xshargejof affairs at "Coo4mor." He nas begun to fit up what promises to be in the near future fin extensive umry iarm. "Uooimore butter, each pound oi which is put tip separately in parchment paper, I is already one of the most popular brands in the market. About one hundred pounds per month is now sold, and the de mand is increasing. Ths butter can be eaten with your eyel shut, with no fear of eating anyihiifg bui butter itself. : AVhat seems striking to the visitor' is the absolute cleanliness of the entire process. From the dairy where the butler is wrapped Ho the stalls.where the milk is drawn from the cow there is not even'an Unpleas ant odor. Everything I ia aa clean and nice as it is possible to ave it. Besides the dairy ilr.t Povfell has 500 acres in corn and cotton and wheat, besides 100 acreslof peas for ensilage and hay, still t be- sown. Besides, there are large fieldu of oats growing, (not "wild oats" Mi Pow ell sowed this crop eev'etkl ,yers ago, and has gone out of ti business) the finest I have seen j.his f season. His clover and grass, his fat cattle and thrifty hogs and splendid mules hia large pastures and fgroves and movable fences all show that "Cool- more, jstolbeono of -rii farms of the country in the veiy hear ? future. . : The continuous rains . havrt some. what interfered with cotton chopping.' .me riTw is very nign,;. ana rising slowly.; I s 1 JTac. . ' Tammaay Hallt ' Now York neialU. i $ I l&rnmany was ninety aad nine yfire old yesterday. It is a modest trn 1 diffident organizatidb, and will fhtrf fore indulge in n& eulogy of itself until lit reaches its one hua drodth birthday, at which time-it pro poBoh to make a notable exhibit of Bcalpe, tomahawks, war jlaini and pa triotism. $ CMifMMt WrU lllUte S.hMl Cut. Wl Pbrw. j LrrTtrroK, N. U, May 28. i The coraunencement exeieiaea of this popular and growing school were held in their new ana spacious auua- eitnated in a beautiful forest of original oaks in the northern limits of the town, on Thursday and Friday nights of the past week. The younf men or tne , an&iespeareaii ooeiety; were fortunate in having secured to deliver the annual address F. S, Spruill, Esq., a prominent young law yer of Franklinton, N. O. For an hour on Thursday night he addressed a larcre and appreciative audience, lue theme of his remarks was "'The widen ing of the thought of men." The ad dress w'as full of good advice to the young men.: Mr. Spruill is an orator of no ordinary ability. Before twilight Friday evening the Sentlemanly marshals, of whom Mr. t. A. Adams, of Wilson, N. O , wa chief, wore busy seating the large number of people who eauie from fat and near, and by 8 o'clock the spaci ous chapel was packed. The doors of a largo hall adjoining wvre then thrown open and seats provided there, which were occupied in short order. At 8 30 (ho exorcises bogan. ine young men without an exception ac quitted tuemseives wu, snowing luai elocution among their other studies had not been neglected. Your cor respondent would like to mention each one, but space forbid. We will monliou specially the declama tions of Mr. D. o. Mobs, Of Halifax, who was awarded the Declahuer's Medal. His subject was "The Destiny o'f the lUpublici" lie is an earnest and lorcib.e speaker for a young man; also the delivery of 'Surrey s Dream by iur. iiowaru Alston, son of our popular townsman. Dr. Willis Alston. His description pf the battle was pronounced by compe tent judges very hne. "lno von vict's Soliloquy" by Mr..M. A. Adanis, of Wilson, N. C, also deserves special mention. lie received much spplause and before he closed many eyes gust ened with tears. These two gentle men also had favorable consideration by the judges for the medal. ,We nredict for these young men a bright future. At the conclusion of the declamations the medal was awarded Mr. Moss, by B. R- Brownie g, Esq., in a few .well chosen and feeling re maiks. After which the ladies of; the town served ice cream, &c, and it is needless to say this feature was a suc cess for THIY DO ALL TBIKQS WILL Excellent music was furnished by the Littleton strinet band, led by Mr Otis Shell, of Lynchburg, Va. This school is enjoying a liberal patronage and certainty none deserves it more. The principal, Prof. L. W. Bsgley, is a Christian gentleman and a teaeher of considerable experience. That he looks after the morals of his students is 'evidenced by their regular attend ancc upon religious worship and their crentlemanly conduct wnerever seen iUlitary ana commercial ieaiufes have been added and the boys appear to advantage in their gray suits and brass buttons. This department in charge of an experienced and highly recommended teacher. The trustees occupied seats upon the roetram, which was profusely decorated with flowers and ever pearance pf the boys. Among them we recognized Messrs. J. P. Leach S. Johnston, M. E. Newsome, J. L. Shaw, Dr. Picot, B. R. Browning, Dr. Alston, W. E- Spi-uill and G.I B, Uackett, Esq , the most excellent mayor of the cown. I should feel that I had neglected my duty if I 'failed to ment ou the name oi Mrs. Bagley, the aCcom pushed wife of the principal. Suffice it to say 'she "works well in any bar Jiess and the patrons of the school are exceedingly fori ana te in having Bucn a iaay to iook alter the ihteu I8T8 off Tut little bovs. While ; this school,aa stated, is largely patronized mere ia room ior more, as tne ; new three -story building is now fitted u witn tne latest and most approved styles of school furniture, situated within two hundred yards of "Shaw's Healing Springs, the students hav ing free access to the waters for drinking and bathing 'purposes and within five hundred yards of the rail road and telegraph office. 1 tie next session begins about the miaoie 01 August next. E. Am t'kuiul Parlor laetdcaf. New York Sua. W. Byrd Page, the Blim and hand some young Philadelphia beau and champion amateur high jumper, w as at a fashionable party the ether even ing. He was in evening dress at this small assemblage, and, of course.they talked to njm about his agility. - '1 don't believe you do it without springs in the heels !of your shoee, or some tne Jilce that," said a banter ;,' . ; 1 1 i . , .... uittiueu, out seemingly half in earnest. "You don t really mean to say that you. could jump clear over a " Mvau ifinuuut uieuuauicai aid oi some sort T" ju, uui ne aoes, interposed a paitisan f the athlete, "and if; you will stand where you are I am sure he win jump over yon. The girl in question was probably no more than live faet two or three inches in height, and yet none of us supposea 'hat Mr. Page, in his ordi nary attire, would undertake to clear the top of her coiffure, although his uru is bix leet lour inches. He accepted the challenge, however, and we all stood aside except tbe one girl. She held a rigidly upright posture; as though preferring to have her hair kicked off by the jumper's failure than to favor his feat by crouching inthe least. Page took a start at the ex treme fear , of the long parlor, ran nimbly forward, sprang into the air just before peaching the human hur dle, went over her head without a touch and - etruek h'ghtly ou his feet. An interesting ' feature of the memorial ceremonies in New Yorl yesterday, Federal becorution Day. was the participation of the llichmot.d (Va.)G rays, a crack military on hi nan v of that city, in Hhe exercises. , The Grays, it is announced, placed upon the tomb Of Gen. G.ant a handsom floral deBigh as a Virginian tribute -to the memory of the soldier." This was the second visit of thn o,,.r,..i New York, the previous one beiutr in 1850 The Grays left Neaport NoW for New York Saturday on an Old Dominion steamship, and warn : en sured in advance of retept on. TLey were the gueats of ,uo iMrteenm negiment of Brook lyn. r. ni n, Nrfw ana uiMMrver, Wn,saBOR5, N. 0.,JIa 28. Oar town, usual'y quiet, was shaken from its foundations yesterday (Sun day) evening atr 7 20 o clock by the heaviest cyclone of rain, hail and w;f ever known here. A yellow cloud rapidly came up from the west and burst upon the town, carrvinir destruction through the centre of the town to shade trees, fruit trees and a number of houses. Two large locust trees on the Howe property were blown down, one falling across the 1 smoke-house, smashing it in. An other one was blown across Mr. Colin J. Cowles' front piazza Ex Sheriff McNeil was just completing a large residence and it was blown from its foundations, doing great damage to tbe bouse. Hasn ana ngnis were ! blown in in several dwellings and a. number of houses barely escaped de-1 struction by falhnsr 'rees.s The track of the Morm in not more inan hair a mile wide. It did not last longer than thj-ee minutes. Thre are re ports from 1110 country; or lenmng and trows being blown down. None I yet of houses being damaged or of persons being injured. This morn ing a large number ot Hands are clearing the strce'a of fallen trees. This ia the drat storm in the county for a nmntxir r.f tears. H. Whin you get up in tne morning with tpugtio heavily coated, a diea greeble taste m the nioitth i skin hot and dry, eyes burning, head aching with a dull heavy pain, and in short foelini rs if you were "all broke up," you should at once tae (r. J. II. nfcLean s liiver and Kidney 1 illets 2r cents per vial. ' flior. Oreely makei an energetic protest against ihe transfer of Ihe weatbrr bureau to the agricultural department. The Vlrdlcl Uiumlmon. W. I). Suit. DruKftiat. Bippin. Iiid., testiflod : "I can recommend Electrie Bitter a the very uftit remedy. Every bottle sold has given rel'ef in every oae. One man took aix bottles, and waa cured of Rheumatism of ten years Itanding." Abraham Hare, druggiat, BflviUe, Ohio, affiriiia: "The beat seliirMr meaicine 1 have ever handled in my 20 years' expe rience, is Electric Filteis.'' Thrusanda ! of others have addod their toatimony, so tnat the verdict is unanimous that rlec- trio Bitters do cure all disease of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood.: Only a half dollar a bott'e at Lre, Johnson & Co 'a Drug Store. mm Deli.oati:8 to the convention will find something good to oat and com fortable rooms, at Baikley's old stand. Z. I. Fort, proprietor. Jerspy Lily Creamery New Spring Butter 30c lb, at W. ,tJ. & A. li Stronach's. Laura Jones, the .Georgia girl who has invented a new plow ana com planter, is said to bo a cousin of Lu)u lljirst, the famou electric girl. elerv tfnmhmind Nervous Prostration, Harvaaa acha, Nturaltla, Nervous Weakaeaa, Stomach and Liver Diseases, Rheumatism, Drapepsia, aad all affectioos ot tha Kidneys. WEAK NERVES ! - Paihs's Cklt Coarocirt) It a Nerve Toola vrhicii never falls. CoDtiUnlnf Celery and Ooca, those wonderful sthaalauta, it spaed lly cores all nervoos dlaorsrs. RHEUMATISM PalKt CCI.EBT COMPOtJSD pttTlfiM W blooi. It drives out the Sactio acid, which cain, Khrumntkni, and restores the blood making orKana to a healthy eondltlco. Thi true xeicedy for Kboumattant. KIDNEY COMPLAINT8 Paint Cct.ur foMPoriiB quickly restore Die User and kidneys to perfect healtl Tbis rurallre power combined with If Derve tonics, makes it tha best ruwl for all kidney con: plaints. DYSPEPSIA I'aixk's CriBV CoJrroJKB strengthens Hie stomach, and qnleta the nervcw tbe dlires tive ornana. This Is wbylt enres even te woret cases of Dyspepsia. . CONSTIPATION Paimx's Cii.xrt CbirrotrBA Is not a Catbap tic It is a laxative, rivin caS and natural action to the bowels. Kejnjlarily surely fol lows its use. Kecommended by professional and business men. Send tot book. Fries $1.00. Sold by brugrisU. WELLS, RICHARDSON 4V CO Prop' SrTBLnOTOBc VT. WTTTaTn 1LTT1.T If yon want to knnw IUUlilT ITI P.lw whst yon ought to kn, a prr.mpi muu p-mianni core I or xtervoas UcWlltv, WISCUiSTKB CO., OmtiiIiU, ... 13 William Blrect. N h ULLIILLUJ sWiHEkflbO 11 DYES Io Tour Own Pyeiuir, at Horn. ' Th y will dye everything, they .resold every where. Price IOC a pack;e. STbey have nosqusi for btrength, BriKlitnesa, Amount in Packages or for Fastness of Color, or nou-ftKiine Qualitira, They do nut crock or sinut ; 40 oolors. Fur sale by WOlin . Pescud. Ijrurirlst anil iiwithnun ti Fayetteville Street. Rot L 8imnm liiiL boro and Salishnrv Htroets: a w r.iwm a iu.,LruKis3, naieio. . .'. Norris & Carter. SPECIAli OFFERINGS fart j THIS VEK, l-xo etr'pea batisto an.: mon.ie clotba II bo oil end at 7 l-SMi ier van! 50 pieces just received. i 25 pieces checked and ftriped 20c Em Derneifi Buitinfs win Deolltre.l at 13 l-3o per yard. 8 l-3e, H a-:ie, 00 pieces 12 l-?c India Hiien (bought aa a job) will be offered at iii 1 8c per yard. Wash SLihries, New designs and novelties ia pateens and wanh fabrics of every deecrntion. Just receive 1 a now ln-.e plain and fancy suitings, tennis cloths, ttv., specially adapted to Heashoro and mountain wear at very low prican. Novelties In neckwear, ruchinjes, gloves faun, rib bons, oxidized, silver and gold iew eirv. special bargains ladies' mut.hu and ckmbrio. nn.r. In wear, cnemise. ieov.ua. wirta. d;a era and corset o era. r Norris & darter. n TANNHAEUSEB BEER la a . ENOELBRBWINO COMPANY. e.nd unquestionably tb FlNKSl. ij.utii BEER EXtANT. It la brewed from the finest PALE CANADA WEST BARLEY MALT AND SAAZEB HOPS, and IIIOHLY KECOMMENDED rOB ITS TONIC- AND NUTRITIVE QUALITIES. 1 ELEGANTLY PACKED ThA hush refutation onloved bv the due to the fact Wat only the FINEST and that tbe greatest SKILL and CARE The Bergner & Engel Brewing Co PHILADELPHIA. A. TILFENIHAL, Agent, SUMMER 46The Summer Capi tal by the Sea THE t (Open ATLANTIC HOTEL, Morehead June 1st, first class and rat3j reasonable. Write Beermat TRF KIMRAI.L ATT.ANTA OA.. Chas. Beerrnann &. U.. rropr s CAPON SPRINGS AND BATHS. llblPSinRE COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA- I ALKALINE UTIIIA WATERS, j SUPERIOR IRON WATERS. Lithia Baths of jany Temperature. are always harpyl A. B. Bulges in c Send for rmx'hlQt ana eay wncre you Havwo! White (Sulpluir Springs. ffSDER SEW MAKAUSMENT. vAYNESVILLE, N. G The loveliest epot 'n all Qod a Wonder land cf beauty ! Saturo's trundle bod of recuperaiion New 3 etcry brick hottl. 170 feei long, with veranda's 12 feet wide and 250 fert long. House handsomely furnished. Everything new, bright and clean. Ac commodations in eery department strictly first-class in every particular. About 100 rooms, including desirable cottages near main building.. Special Arrangements will b. rairie for the Months of June and September. Allen & Neville, ' proprietors. BATTERY I'AliKHOTKL, OpenJThrohghi ut the Year. ASHEVilLLE, N c: JNO. B. STEELE, Manager. SUHMRB BATES FOR SEASON OF lS&i. MAY, JCKE, JULY, A VOL" ST AND SEPTKMBKR When one room isoccupied.iyoce per son: Per day .... 4 oo Per week - - - $3'. 00 to 25 (.0 Per mouth. 4 weeks - 75 00 t 80.00 When one room is OccupUd by two persona" 1 Per day - j - $ 7 00 Per wo, k - S 85. CO to 4'3 00 Per month - - 120.(0 to 160.00 Special Rates to Families. Above rates are governed according to location 01 roonis.j Parlor suits and ; rooms with baths extra. H0UiTAIi PARK HOTEL, HOT Nl'tl.(iS. H. C. (Formerly W arm Springx.) Open throughout the year. Enpeciiillv d Birahle a a Summer ltescrt. No hut weather no annoying insects. l"he most Luxurious and Beneficial Batus in America Marble Poois Porce lain Tubs. Remarkable eitiacy in treat ment of Clout, Rheuruatieni ant Malaria Kidney and Liver troubles. Dyspepsia and otii'-r complaints. Kesident Phy sician. Hotel new ai.d elegant. Mag nificent mil Ko-m. ( uisin) unexcelled. Terms reasonable. ; Write for descrip tive pampniet. O. K. LANSING, Macager, Formerly Manager cf Aetor House, New York City. Health is Wcaltli ! TZ r-J . rfAi.I. i THtATMeNT Da. R . Wbst's Nkhvk and Rmaik Thkat- MSNTasiwraiilted suwifip J(ir Hysteria, lizil vess. Convulsions, ria. Nervous NeuralKla, lleadaclie. Nervous Pr(tratioii cauel liy the use alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental I w. Dresslon. Soltentutt odlle lirniii resiiltini' in In sanity and leading to 'eiy. ilecay and ile;tli. Premature Old Age, KorreimeHs, Leas u( 'power in eltliersex. Involuulary Looses and iS'H)mU,r rhoea caused by over-emertton ol tlie brain, wit abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one noulb's treatment. l e a box. or six toxes ftr f 5 (K). seut bv mail prepaid ou receipt ol price. HOXES To cure any case With each nrnVr rcuvr..i i. us lor sis buxeaccoaiDAiiiMl vith ssiu m, aif. end the pureliaser our Written KrursuiUMi Ut re iunu ui money u iMe inraiiueut does uoi eiP et a euro. Guarantees issaed mi iv jmua u KimmoD & t'o . Orueabtis. Hols a Altta lis IraUioa TjrA r, - - BHVfUlS UBMa aSM a 1 ss fa-ia-Ts j-- - JsTij) , , n i - w . i. tivnlWD Jb FOR FAMILY USE. BBRONER EN0EL COMPANY 13 AND BEST MATERIALS ARB USED are exorclaed during Ita manufactora ChiirW'oj . H- G RESORTS. 95 City, N. C. to Oct., l&SS.) -:o- mod alio. for K0C0 euetP Everything for new descriptive pamphlet & Cooke, Prob'rs. ALSO epeciai Brewing oi iud llere is where the sick recover and. the well argeoi aimng room uu .lu..ucl,. - , 'roprietor. Til W luivc just added A 1 1 ' 10 our aireaqy im- men so stock broidered skir invoice of the of cm- tmjrs. an choicest effects ever produced. These are .by far the prettiest embroideries ever shown in bur town. We secured them at prices that will justifv us in offer ing them to bur trade at prices running from G5c up to $3 90 pryd No such work has been or can be again offered for the money. Also to our Laces we have ac oar recent importation in black 45 inch Chantiilj ami Spadish Guipure .Lace v iGUEcings. The6e ate in novel arriving late are offered low value. We havepiece Laces and .Edges to match. CM A Convenient P 1 ace TO STOP ! I I IViOSELEY'S 120 Katkttvili.b St., Kalbiob. ; m i Uonvonient for lawyers, because it's near tne capitol; convenient because you wuiiui mine wiin good ore la your roomn; convenient! for e have all the delcaciee of the season; convenient to nave every thing at hand for Reasonable Rates. Convenient for everybody who want uuies 4U101 ptace, to reet. It's a convenient place for we make everybody feel aa if at home. You will do natiHtie i NOTICE, i Tekasuby Departmkst, Office CXmptbollek of thb Cubrbjicy. WAsmsaTON, April 11th, ltm. Notice is hereby im Ji to all nelsons who may have claim : tit. ins t "The, Ktaia Natiorwl liaiik of RaleiKh," North Caro lina, that the sau.e muui be presented to C'leirent Dow d, Kiceivrr. with tbe legal i ?oof ihtieof. within ihr months from this date, r they my be disallowed. W. L. TKENUOLM, Comptroller of thj Currency. UNIVERSITY CF VI RGIN1A, Summer Law Leeturea Ininn weeaiyj. ntgiu ixm juij, and end 13th September. Have t roved cf slen&l e iai, 10 BTiuoi nis who awiin to nur ue their stud e at this. 6r other Law bct ols. 2d, to those who propoea to read privately; ai d 2d, to Jra.it tiunera who have not ht d the advantage of systematic instruction, r or circular apply (P. O. University of Va.) to John B. Minor, rror. Jom. and mat. Law. C O A L. Thref riuadrrd mi iifUcn Tu Arrived a few days aioce, steond ahip nkeut ol that eacellent Bed Asa L01MERKY COAL For grate. Superior to any other anthracite coal. Two hutxited tons TfDnemee Soft, and onm hundrt d W. Va. Splint. FIFTY CORDS DRY PINE, ' I And two hundred t-est heart. Cut any length desired, or sold long. ODEILo The Ix?! illuminating oils, Ueliv tre fr in our patent oil tank wagon. No waste to purchasers. PHIL II. ASORKWS A 01 FOR SIXTY DAYS! SCHOOL WORK OUB Great Specialty. With the finest line of papers. Cards and Envelopes Cver introduced into tnia ata, aad a Large assortment ot rrean type, nrst , class presses. Ate., we are wt 11 prepared for SCHOOL PRINTING, And solic -t patron age for Invitations, PiOflTsmmes, ' Circulars, Cataloxues, Ac, Ac Send in youi oiders at once. $25" Remember we have the largest and anoet complete Printing and Binding a t&biiabmont in riortn uarouiua. EDWARDS &BR0UGHT0N. FRESn GARDEN SEEDS. IF YOU WANT-, A Good Vegetable Garden PLANT LANDRETlfS OR ELY'S RELIABLE GARDEN SEEDS -OLaO BY LEE.J0H1S0N&C0. Druggists Seedsmen I 1. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE, KALK1GH, H. a geed dealers supplied at Philadelphia. uuuMi prices. 1 Orders by mail promptly filled. LEE, J0HNS0IN & CO. DBrjOQlBTS.AWO SKKDSarail. Edw. J. Hardin, Grocer, Offers at all times a complete and carefully j Selected Stock Of all seasonable substantial and luxu- ries of the PROVISION TRADE 11 Heats, Fish, Fine Butter, Fine Teas,' 1 UOIIBBS. SA. Canned Goods of the! most annroved fc. J V. - uranus, mciuaing ne reaches, rears. Apricots and Cherries of the "Golden Oate Company" i! of Ban Jose. BEST CANNED VEGETABLES, 1 1 Corn, Tomatoes, Asparagus. Succotash 6c., 6c. PRESERVES, - . Jellies, Sauces, Olives, Flavoring Ex tracts, and everything else ft - in the wit of TABIE SUPPLIES For special announcements fmm da to day, see the local colums of this paper. E. J. HARDIN. PROPOSALS. ! A Bids Will be received at this 1 ffiea aa. mirth June, 1888 at nocn for furnish- the SUte with 10 tcrs tf Pocahontas coal, to be delivered in the coat house in rear of the Supreme Court Build inar. L. SAUNDERS. I Secretarr fitata. itaieign, mituarJ km, WaDdDED. AND NOT SLOW! r ,1, For an ice cold and refreshing borer age go to A. W. Goodwin A Cols ing wore, and you ean gat it, speckling aoaa water, ice cold mineral waters, orange cidei on draught, mozle, limeades and milk snakes. 5,000 Cigars J ust received, choice aad set brands. Sweet and free smokers. If yon joy a pie-rant aad deligbuu atnoke, you can get it at Ooodwia'i drug store. GARDEN SFED OF EVERT IcS? A5D FOR EYKRTBQDT, Ctandard Patent Medicines. True. O rplce and Flavoring Extracts, .Per rrhe beet brands of chewing and tmoa 1 ing tobacco always on hand. prescriptions dispensed at all hours, of i x nay or nignt. want your order and it. tend to have them if Ericas and Quality will win. A. W. Goodwin & Co. NEW YORK MILL1NERYIBAZAAR No, 111 FayettevUle St. . Mrs. I. Rosenthal bass to Inform the I ladiea that she has tha moataetect stock of ; MILLINERY la Am city, it besag Uy. labed With new ahapm, ribbosam, st . mm4 also desires to state that otu prices vm Millinery are tha lowest. ni ninuc muniiT IslncaargsoftU aooat skCfal HHlbw in this ctty, aatd aajaw who v beta dealiss wiU as Utiaisa an saws tsWat j pleased with ear goods aad rtytss. W : extesa a eoraisu isv iutuom to ay 1 to crr a trial, as w ar sore that wm cat please yoa Mngtru 1 i ' ' : ' Style1 and Mtts. We take plearoxe j showing ow good, atrSLr4LrsSsi Iw aTl kti . end gnaraates - satisfaction dealings. ' ' We nave also aa elegant use of rara sols, Lae Caps, Silk and Lisle Olovea Fans, Beatles,' Handerchief, Dr. War- Deri Health and Iumng tpreeta, ere. REMOVAL, le WINETROB, MEB0H Alir TAILOR, . - Will remove his place of bnainess on or arxut 1 JTJE 1ST, To tne commodious rooms lately occ4 -. pied by Mr. A. Kreth, NO. 8 EAST MARTIN STREET, , (Oppo ltd Postcffloe.) I There ha will oppn a line of goods and , will be prepared to do ssOioriog sever surpasaed ia Raleigh, either ia point Of i excellence or reasonableness of prices, j Being now full of orders he begs to an- f nouaoe that be cannot In justice to his f customers take any more before Jane 1st. the date of his removal. f There will be no change ia prices by reason of the removal. The beat goods at the lowest prioen will be furnished in , tbe future as they have teen ia the past. With thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore and. now being bestowed. Very Bespecfully, : I.I Winetrob. RECEIV RS' SALE. that by virtue of a de- Western District of Mojrth Carolina rendered la a wuav iiicieui pciHiiDKfaDoueeueora;eA. siecor. aiiek tt aL is. North Carolina MlUtons Oompaay et als, we, the urrdersigned, aopolntrd la said cans Receivers of Ilia assets ot said eompacj, will sell st public auction apoa the terms harela alter stated at U o'clock a. m. on THURSDAY. JULY 5TH. 1888. on the premises at Park wood, Moore Coaaiy, If. C., all Qie property, assets and meets described In the deeds ol trust fram sale company to A. O. Brenlzer, Trustee, and to A . H. McNeill jTrostee, (which deeds of trust a re resist red tn th office of the Register of L'eec s for Moore Ccfr. N. O., aod are hereby reffire.l to) and also 1 a) ft 'other Sroperty, assets and et! ecta ol the N. V H latone ompauy. Among the property 1 0 be sold is m ttm mfre OtIkss r3 liners timhan rt anil rTLLTTr rj. em bracing the Inexhiustible sMllstooe rnuurV JroJ?Jr.'.,lcI; re o""1 t?o far-famed "Moore Coun ty rlt" mills, and containing among other low proTementa ail the bunolnrt, shops, tooUand at ehinery requisite and used In man uia eturtn a said mills, also two handsome dwelling; bouses with ' necessary out-houses, bans, Ac, country store tweatyjtwo tenant houses, aiso a Saw alTu aDi Dry Kiln complete, Planing Machine, Hatcher aad Planer, two Blacksmlthshopa, Ice Machine -Patent Hol er Klourtng Mills! MaMSboWaW sw tslirsarW sill WuntlAia asuS . a a . . ---rr- h.v cquifiiiai who ue aest "achtoery. Aisoa Telephone System, it miles Jong, extending from Park wood through Can lias e toerM on theB. A.A. L. B. K, also OUMW Ul BM 111 VftV., large and assorted stock machUjery supplies, in pumps. corn-siieUer, shl belta, piping-, band arid ace R. It . also a an of machinery, tnnla uvi sh ngle machine, wind mill! nd round Irrtn. a a . w f rld mine machinery: I aUo large iot of finished and unfinished mills and millstones ; also large lot Of sash, doors and hlinrla imnrla. ar. . - chandlse and other personal property of vartoua M descriDtlona. and tn lam nnantttiu mnA .1 other property, together, with tbe fraochlss f said 1 TERMS OF SALE : , . The DronertT will ba nfferMl ininm.ni then toto or in ibos . Ii the highest bids, when IS p!TpJ?5r. 18 ,B det" aggregate more than the highest bid lor the property when offered tn gross, the bids in detail to be reported to Court as the last and highest bids, otherwise the bid in gross will be reported to Court as the last aod highest bid . iv when offered ix dktatl the said real estate with uiuiuiuhs sau bo nmcn macmnery, ,, as Is necessary In the manofacture of mills as described in said decree u L"Tne Plant," will be of . purchase price In eaered at one-third casli tne balance ments, payable la in two equal lnstal- t and' defer :ed payments to bears nereent ln,i..rw ' asasiuia, we a - .. day of sale, and to be secured by notes with good' eultTL the purchaser to keep the property In sured for the benefit of the BeealTers la a sum, equal to half the unpaid pwrchase pries ( ason de fault Of Which the aaid laMlnn aKaii ' kTvT .1 va so insure tne saiu property and the: amount so paid by them, for su be added to and form nart af tha nnr.ii. icu ins Insurance Shalt form Tlie purchaser to be let Into possession upon Ike eonSnnationof said sale and the payment ol tae casu uisiaimeni oi purcnase prtee ; tbe title to be retained until the purchase price U paid la full. Aiiiujwuw property including, the Flourtna ing offered separately ahd for cash. After sucn offerinir nr ntvin. . n.l v.. . offering fir oaossTthe purchasers at the detail aale suaU deposit with tlie Receivers per cent of the purchase prke ifespectlvely of the forego ing property as aa earnest of their respective bids. UPOn failure Of Which tha lllnn .hall P'wer tp resell any item of said prepertyTapoa which the SO per cent shall not be deposited. .7, . "ro vl 1,10 propeny oroerea to ds sola Wtli Uien be offered la aim hit nr im aiiiui ih. following teiwi: For al amount la cash equal to tOe amount for whHh All tha nmnartv favMn "The Plant." Teleph.K) stem. Raw M HI and Dr HuaajachiaeryisoM ih narr ail together with one third of the realdiM of tha arms hyi Uia haliw tbe SToss bid to be nald In S and ia nvwih. tt.. deferred Instalments of tlie purchase prtobear per seat interest from day of sale, aad. to be ee curwi oy note wiiu guoa security, xne purchaser be purcha tw aep ui pruuenr uurei ana possess too and the title to beretalne to he let Intn be retained ia the man- In addlti other track of land eon tal sing 40 acres, and known as Uie 'Homer Tract:" alsoma laTo Tabor Morse Portable Engine oa vhstlaasa Lane Bodly Saw Mill wttn'sar?..1 Wf""w and st feet elght-lL robber 11. sou ms wagons. For full details refereneeia maHato mmi a-. ' ww r Mtrarawooatneenmatels mild aad healthy. f-VZL,.. fi'o1 e sosd. for fartaer aurcw ui0 uamimo. M KKNE8C HAYWOoEs aeeelvttt of tbs . 0. atillstoBe Coarpaay Jf. Jta:atgh,t.a i - 5 f r 1 i 1 1L