1s:------.-:.- ' , V 3'- a I- Sews and Observer. " PCiLIIHXD LXalXT (lICZPT lIolfDAT) AJtD '- WTaXT. ! ' ? f j ': " '1 ; Bi THE NEWS A OB8ERVER Co .smfii ij i 'ii Edltew. "gtl It Weekly, oe year. omm entered without payment, and nepe- 9-tt ml kmc im aiptrauoa ot urn para tuc. u i?E DNESD A.Y, JUNE 6, X888. THBCOITEIinuf. . t 4xxoauTK3 National St Louis, etas 5th. " f h- i 6th DistrictGreensboro, Jaly Ilfeta. - j - h " w 6ADiitrict-.Wamington,iJan27. 7th Pittrict 8ligbary, Jana 20th. - : OMOOUT1C OMIJf KU. -., 1 ' FOX OOTEB50B : 1 , D1NIEL G. FOWLE, i of Wake. ; i ; ton mettt. oovraxoa : J THOMAS II. HOLT, ' fl of Altananca; r ! ' . ' U y : For Associate Justice of the Su preme Court to fill the i vacancy caused by the death of Thomas 8. Ash., I . s.r- JOS. J. DAVIS, ' ' ' of Franklin. Tpt Associate Justices of the ; 8a- S rente Court under amendment to the lonstitution: JAMES E. SHEPHERD, " j oi Beaufort s ! i ' e ALPHONSO 0. AVERT, r 1 ' . : of Burke, ; " roa stcaiTABT or statx: W1L Ii. SAUNDERS, ', of Orange. j . ; roa tbsabureb: DONALD W. BAIN, Of f Wake. woi tvrxaiXTMSOMjrt or tvBuo iSBtnoo- ;".1Sr 'i '. TIOH : " ! , '"" m SIDNEY M. FINGER, Its; fob attorhbt oibxr&l.: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON. of Buncombe. ; ! 1 ! roB itnorron: ' g. w. sanderlin; - - i of Wayne. ' ZLSOTOBS FOB TEX STATS AT XABOX : : A, M. WADDELL, of New Hanover. F. t STRUDWICK, of Orange. T; , won. coseaKss. TocTa nrsTBiot: lB.fr BUNN, ! of Nash. nlSTBKrr iikctOb : if of Johnson. 37 Jma & 1 Wisi has been insultedi .Mahonite, Win.. H. Beveridge tnr ' namer has published a eard about ' him'whicbmsy lead to a fight,aa John ' S. is : fighter,thougn he has in reoant years; declined to act ander the Code. y ' i. I : i tf'; iTBi- JVjrjA jpoo jZe lor May has as a frontispiece a remarkably ! goo4 eogtiaving of the Atlantic Hotel and Teachera Assembi building it Morehead City. It has also a first-rat article ton MHutnbng in Modern ; Teacaing,1j among a" number of pther ; Tammany and the Oounty ; pemoo raeyitent to tha convention 'in tre. mendous style and with a tremend- ons Quantity of refreshments t along B the wiiy, how j&ucn. astonished would; lour great-grandfathers. : be oould they see ho w big delegations attessl conventions now-a-days There isn't nneil difference so far as' i the tort $! refreshments . is , ooneerned, bat i4;tiie ! xnatter ; of transport4idn the : 'Change enormous utterly beyond the power of our anoestors to Wxiiavftthe Ztoily Tobocoo Tlanot Dorhajn, with a beautif ally engraved eolored head piece in which appro priately appear prominently the scis- , tori ana tM paste pot j ana wmcb makes it the. handsomest daily in America, so far as we know.'or for that matUr b the worldly Th ?Uat lias always, been a model in the re spect rOf mechanical ezcellenoe, not to speak oi its other good points. It will now, in addition to this; as a thing Of beauty be a joy forever. It well ewmplifies the enterprise and thrift and taste of the town it repre sents.; Lone may it Live tor show what, is possible in North Carolina ; journalism. - j - .Th4s is ft magnificent convention in Bt Xonis. In its splendid personnel, and its enthusiasm it may be regarded as an enlarged copy of our own State Democratic gathering, bat ob o much enlarged 1 It must be inspiring indeed to stand in the toresenee of so manv of the leadi minds of the country as are assem bled in St Louis, to say nothing of the ahrays inspiring principles of -' Democracy and the stupendous interests-; on ' which the con - ventioh has to pass. . We have no doubt that every man in the con ention bMildine feels enthusiastically . that it. IS' well for him to be there With respect to our North Carolina delegation we observe that Mr. J ulian . S. Cart is' chairman; C as. N. Vance, Esq., secretary; Mr. Richard Battle, cf the staff of theNsfrs aso Obsbbtbe, member of the convention committee on reflations; Mr. W, C. Bo wen, member of "he committee on creden tials, and Mr. W. C. Soaith, member of the committee on organization. The national committeeman remains as heretofore Hon. M. W. Ransom. f HE FSCH COVVESTlOJTi Th4 annual convention of the North Carolina Press Association vAll be. held at Morehead City beginning July iith, instead of July lUb, as ' has heretofore been announced. So we are informed by Secretary Lind ssy. 7he brethren should make ; a note M and sjovern themselves ac - eoroinf iy. I , l , ! 4 Ths first cun 4f the treneral con test about to entae was fired Uoniay by the State of Qregon but at this writing not the faintest echo of tha report ha? reafhe4 m. yet. -j; The Governor, PennojTer, a Democrat by the way elected ':4n an anti-Chinese ticket in 1881, holds office antil Jan- nary 1891, but a Ifegialaiure was elect ed which is to cnoose a successor to Republican Unitd I States Senator Dolph. Here is the "point of inter est The Democrats of the State hare been confident of being able to replace Mr. Dolph with a Democrat, and as Oregon is close, though with, lean ngs toward the ; RepubyTicans, It has been thought by Democrati gen erally that the confidence of the Dra gomans might be wall lounaea. : At any rate it will be very pleasant news even if it is not mueh expected if it appears that our friends haVe been right in 'their calculations, for with a Republican majority of one in the Senate a gain of : Senator .is by no means to be stteesed at The State voted in 1881 as follows: For the Republican national ticket yft.fir.a-. for the Democratic 2-LG04; for the Greenback 726; for the Pro hibitionists' 192. In 1886 a Republi can Congressman was chosen by a plurality of 1,635 orer -the Demo cratic nominee, while- the Prohibition candidate receiyed 2,753 rotes, a very marked and sudden increase in the prohibition strengths : j we hope some news oi Monday a ret salt ma; hare reached us before this, meets the eyes of! our readers. j It is announce in; Richmond that Miss Amelie Rives, the authoress, is soon to be married to a Mr. Archie Chandler, grandaon of John Jacob As tor, who lives in Paris. i ; i TBE OPB1IXO OF QVIL.D'ORD COM A DAT LONO TO BE BIMEitBEUED AT NEW gaIdis. Cor. of the Sewt and (bserrer. I May 31st, 1888. Through the md and through the rain the people came and filled the large ana commodious audience room in King Hall to witness the gradu4 ating exercises of the Friends School and the inauguration of Guilford College. 4 . The graduating consisted of four; oung men and ten young ladies heir productions and general bear- ins would bave done; credit to ant college in the state, i ; The class exercises:-were followed by ' an address I by Judge Dick, rhich . was full of interest and practical good sense. The e was in I his most happy ;mood and at his beef Prof. Moore the. retiring principal of the Friends School, then followed with an inter esting and appropriate- valedictory.; He closed by introducing Frof. It. tt Hobbs, president! elect of Guilford! uuuege, woo was reeeiTea wuo wei coming cheers and delivered bis inaa gurai address which Was highly com pumented.. He stated that it was the. purpose of the authorities of the.UoH lece to increase the endowment fnnd tollOaOOO and place the admirable advantages ol thi institution , within. reach of all rmn and poor. , l Cor. otthe Hews aadQtiserrer. .' . f,i i i Mebaitk, N. C, June 5th, 1888. , ."Some things seen in Europe," was the subject of a lecture by which, we were last night instructed and de lighted by our . distinguished fellow- townsman, Ala), liingham. This was an occasion on which the old saying aoout a prnopnet and his own coon try was not verified; for although it Was a pay lecture, for tbe benefit oC our reading-room association, the whole village, men wohien and chit dres, besides quite number of peo ple trom tne country, ' were there w hear it v I once heard a magnificent lecture by the famous Dr. Milbura, on "What s blind man saw in Eu rope." This was a lecture on what a niatf saw in Jiarope who has two " good eyes and knows bow to use them. I dq not know how to describe it except by saying that he told us exactly the! things we wanted to hear, and . in inch a vivid and graphic way that for the time we al most felt that we Were there looking at f the things ourselves. It - is re freshing to hear one who can talk on wis somewhat threadbare theme and tnake ererything. sound fresh and new, wbo makes tne tmngt teen, and not the seer the prominent topio, who does not consume bur-time telling us how he felt and how we ought to feel, but simply brings ibe things before nj and lets ns have our own thoughts and feelings about them. The breath- less interest withwhich every one present, even the children, listened from :' beginning to end, was the speakers reward for his labor, p! i ONI pT THS HXABXBS. i -I:-"1 Om Bmrar. ' Durham Tobacco Slant, i ! Through our Washington corre spondent we got hold of a pretty good one on Brower, of the 5th district: Here it is: - ! ,V iMajor McClamml was an unwillihg spectator of the early proceedings of a Republican caucus a few days ago. He had been outside in, the lobby at the moment when the House adioura- ea, ana wens in taget ms bat and some papers that were in his desk. By way of having i a little fun, the member from the Sth district arose, and, appealing to the presiding officer of the caucus, said $ ; "Mr. Chairman, I presume the gentleman from North Carolina desires to lake the oath and become a loyal member of. the great Republican party." I "Yes, Mr. Chairman," responded the ready McClammy,"I can't take the iron-clad oath, but I will take the simple affirmation sade by all South ern membersJ-the j amnesty oath that we are going to beat Brower this fall so badly that he don't know whv he ever thought of being a candidate." : This unexpected turn left Mr. Brower with the small end of his joke dissolving in we lacgbter of bis own mends. m - , Appolatsiaat. ;The Secretary of the Treasury has appointed Henry O. Holy field to be storekeeper and ganger at Whi'e Plains, N. C. . Richard Kearney, a murderer nnder sentence of dath in- Monmouth county jail, corfespi to committing the crime for hicb "Mingo Jack7, 1 WM iTnchca in Eafebj. N. J , two years ago. Mvn, .,: ,. Tfit comfxacnrjcrr xxisciass thk bao- CAXArXXATX SBBMOX BT IB. ktnCB-i Cm. at UHw AadObMrrer, ; . Salsw, N. C., Jane 4. Bev. Thos. Home,; DJ D 1: of the State University, preached the com mencement sermon before the stu dents of the Salem Female 4-cademy and a large congregation yesterday morning at 10 30 o'clock. The ser mon was preached in the old Mora vian Church, and seldom if ever has that spacious edifice held such a large audience. There must hate been nearly or quite one thousand; people ptresent. ' After reading tne morning services of the Moravian church.- and a few pleasant and appropriate introduc tory remarks by Dr. Hon thaler, Dr. Hume came forward and announced his text as the 17th chapter of St. Luke, 32 and 33d verses, which' was, ''Remember Lot s wife. "Whosoever shall seek to feave his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. fi Dr. Hume plunged at once into the subject of his discourse, enlisting from the start - the interest:: of his audience and by his matchless elo7 quence and beautiful language, hold ing the people spell-bound to 'its con clusion, i": I - j; Dr. Hume's sermon, though grand in its conception, beautiful jn lan guage and eloquent and ; practical as well, was simple enough to be under stood by all and therein lay its chief beauty and power. The- doctor took. occasion to finish his -discourse by giving a few words of advice ;;to the young ladies of the school, and in fact his entire sermon if correctly applied, pore airecuy upon we moral weiiare and success of their future lives. Music which enters so prominent ly into the forms of worship, exercis es and festivities of the Moravian church, and for which the Salem peo ple are so famous, was; specially good yesterday. Trained voices were po oompanied by the rich; Jones jof the grand old church organ and fby the famous Salem Orchestral and fat the conclusion of each hymn or anthem it seemed as if the delighted audience .Was compelled to signify its approval ; m i -i : : a J m ana aeugns py Borne .Kinu ;oi ap plause, and a am sure was only pre vented from doing so by the acred ness of the occasion, ana the ifespect it bad for tne day. ; Jr. Hume made a fine impression on our people, and as some one said on leaving the church;, ."he is a small man but a large one. i; I i The Commencement exercises this week will be unusually interesting and "attractive, and a large number of people from a distance will bs pres ent, quite a number having already arrived. . is '.- &sw. Tk IaUrul Tut. Bicbmond Dispatch.- : We applaud the manliness of the Democrats of North Carolina. In State Convention assembled they will not only declare, as I the R anoke Convention in Virginia did laat year, for the Blair bill or some better bill in aid of general education, bit they demand the unconditional abolition of the whole internal retenue : s; stem as a war tax not to beiiusttned in time of peace: ' In caucus in; Wash ington City, in Xod Ckrolui mom oers oi congress snowed tne same spirit, and stocd np for their f rights. ; It is a little too much .to ass of ha inan nature to expect thi Democratic Congressmen from 'Virginia and North ; Carolina not td vote 'for the abolition of the internal tixes on fruit brandies and tobacco. Even the national : convention of he prohibi tionists declared on Tharsiay:last for rwe immediate abolition ol the in ternal revenue system.''; IWh jr should any Democrat hesitate, td vote in the interest of his constituenisT ! i i t AathrEf(Prkli Ti jnow nere is a nice little problem that some of our exchanges think beats Donnelly's cipher.! Try it aud yon will be greatly surprised, if not thoroughly convinced : "Pat down m figuresTbhe year in which you wei e born; to this add 4; then add jour age at j your next birthday, provided it comes before January I., otherwise your age at last birthday; multiply result by 1U0U: from this 'dedact 677, 423; substitute for the figures corre sponding letters of the alphabet, as A for 1, B for 2, C for 3, D f0r 4, etc The result will give the name bj which yog are popularly knownf; j. . ' Tfc auutmra. "What would a convention be with out editors T" asked one as he observ ed the great army of edi or 1 secreta ries on the rostrum. "These quiet, note taxing, hard-working, non-office seeking men have made, this prreat convention and the careers Of these politicians," said another. nbrc? K4eiaa luuj The disposition of the Surplus in the TJ. 8. Treasury engages th- attention of our statesmen, but a mors vital question nas our attention, and tnat is tfie reduc tion of the surplus consumptives. Since the discovery and introduction of Dr. King's New Discovery fof consumption, there has been a marked decrease in the mortality from this dreaded disease, and it is possible to still fuither reduce the number of consumptives, f How V i By keeping constantly at band', a bottle -of Dr. King's New Discovery ind using ao- ance of the first symptoms, Such as a cougn, a com, a sore tnroan a; cnest or side pain.; Taken thus early a cure is guaranteed. Trial bottles . free at Le, jonnson "Jo's drug store, i Is Nature's own true laxative. pis the most easily taken, and the most etiective remedy known Cleanse the System when Billon or Costive to Dispel Headaches,!; PClds, and Fevers; to Cure Habitual fConstipa- uon, Indigestion, liles, etc - Manu jfactured only by. the California Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco, Cal. John 8. Pescud, Sole Agnt for Ral Pleigb, N. C. !; ; - ; S j; Smoked Mxats. Virginia hams Pe ris' hams, Fait) City hams, Bait more hams, kmoked tongues and beef, breakfast bacon, &c., ko.l IS. J. liar din. ; ". pi 1 Baldwin Apples, 1 gaUon'cans, 30c at W. UalA Stronach's. Three important Fs. Wej have two he third ou can supply 'by buying tne r meat uoaated Uoltee on tne mar ket, 3 119. for .00, at WiiO, & A. B Stronachs. Tbb largest variety of shapes at the lowest prices at the New York Milli nery Bazaar . , , -;; Hew Bens JouraaL ;H ' Twenty yean ago .this fall there was an election held in this State the equal of which had never occurred before nor can ever be repeated.; . A large proportion of the vote east upon that occasion was from a class of peo p'e just enfranchised, in fact enfran chised by that vote, while thousands were disfranchised from that high privilege. j The profligate legislature wasted the diminished re sources of the State as if bent on utr ter destruction. The governor elected then struck out to avenge im agined wrongs that he had received, when the patriotic people refused three years before to elect him by their rotes to a place to which he bad been appointed by the authorities at Washington: and as if infuriated, be gan the use of the position to the utter destruction of the state in all its branches, legislative, executive and judicial. ' Bogus bonds were issued to fabu- ous amounts, and as if determined that the poor children of the State should never be able to read of the diabolical acts of the day, the public school fund was fiendishly squan dered. 'Moneys ; belonging to that fund, invested in well paying stocks, J were iruuaierreu w an investment in these valueless issues : at dollar for dollar, when the same were being hawked around the s tree's of New York at fifteen cents on the dollar, and proved a loss to those who bought even at that low figure. To finish up the matter the most horrible con spiracy against the rights of freemen was organized that has ever blurred the fair pages of j American history. An army was called to the field, solely responsible to the government for its acts, composed of j men in some cases brought from other States for their achievements in infamy, and from this otate in some instances for a like rea son, marshaled and equipped at enormous expense, and seur forth to arrest whoever he might designate or tneir own evil propensities suggest. A number oi tne nrst men, in every thing that constitutes! gentleman and patriot, were wrenched from their homes, and in tne eyes of trembling wives ana waning children weie marched off by this horde of irrespoa sible wretches to dungeons and pens reeking with filth and vermin, too loathsome to mention- An equally irresponsible court martial was or ganized to try these prisoners and was in motion to its work of iniquity and blood when the check came. The writs of habeas corpus from the Supreme bench of the proud old State had been disregarded, "lhem pepers is played put, was the defiant reply to the officer nerving them; the Executive would not demand obedi ence to them, hence in truth the "Ju diciary was exhausted." But light came in the dark j period and it came through Democratic unitf. United efforts of Democrats! broke tbe shackles from the limbs of these im periled citizens, and by the mandate of Judge Brooks, of blessed memory. they were marched j out ! into the free air of American citizenship. United effoits of the unterrified Democracy elected a majority of the legislature, and tbe Governor was impeached for high crimes end misdemeanors. The army of his choice and dependence was disbanded and, skulked away to their retreats, and; once more the light of good bid English liberty broke over the Uid North state. . The same party under the same leaders confront us now, and weald, if they had the power, re-enact the scenes of that dark and gloomy period. Democrats must remember that united we stand, divided we fall. . Uader the direction of Dr. H.-B Adams, of Johns Hopkins TJnivemtv, monographs are being prepared on different portions of tbe educational history of tie South, j Dr. Adams himself wrote on Will'am and Mary College and tbe University of Virginia as illustrative of the higher educalicn in that State. Mr. W. P. Trent, graduate of tbe University of Virginia, also contributed a paper to the his tory of that institution.! Mr. C. L (Smith was assigned North Carolina : Sir. U. Menwether,bouth Carolina: Mr. C. E. Jones, Geo gia, and Mr. J. B. CUmmings, Tennessee. All of these are graduate students of Johns Hopkins University, and natives of the States the history of whose higher education: they have under taken to write. t ! For one week only, commencing Monday, may sum. WE OFFER Haxall Byrd Island Patent, Flour, sweet- h(, cneapest, wnitrst and best or flour at ' SO. 25 per barrel is Sold under guarantee. W.C.M.B. Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Candy aianuiactarer. S,..0 J5II. Our famous Buckeye Family Flour (guaranteed to pleaei.) 12 1-2clb. Celebrated Magnolia Bam (every bam warranted.) ! CANNED GOODS. We shall continue to sell canned goods at tne low prices advertised uerc tofore. TO JOBBING TRADE" 500 bbls. Choice, Extra Family Flour at manufac turers' prices. ! 75 Sacks Good to fancy Kio coffees, at cargo prices; NEW CROSS Dairy and creamery butter at New York mces, 500 BOX Standard brands, laundry oapeat and Deiow manufacturers' pnoss. To Reduce Stock. Wo are making specially low prices in everything in staple ana lanoy giocerii Oet prices of ns before bu I n CALV1MED WIRE KETTUG ! Best and Cheapest Fence fa the Market for Foul- Hjr, uareeu or Lawn. ia Bates, ' ibo Feet Loos. FEET HIGH, ONLY - . r j, $4.60 FEB BALK FKET H1U, ONLT I .0 PER BALE FBKT HIGH. ONLY CIS FKJt BALK Oi her widths from S to ft . at proportionate prtoea. Aourees uruen mo curreaponaenee i V,a. WIKK NSTXimi 0O . - sijuauestM xswYwk. mm O.itL S-TlCKEPa-fO. This week wc will give ou r attention to articles the young la dies of our schools will require for the com mencement exercises; moire sash ribbons 9 and 10 inch widths, moire ribbons from No to 16. Surahs for sashes, gros failles for sashes. Ruchinss and neckwear for day and rening. The choicest line of fans, plain and painted satin and gauze. Gloves in kid ana siiKJb to z4 but ton lengths. Laird, Shober lib Mitchell's slippers and Oxfords, and all small wares re quired. W. H. L S. TUCKER & CO. MY MOUNTAIN TRIPJ OK mm Kim buher mu Things are warming up now, and if nutter doesn t else will. conae soon, something Campaign Beavers. 100 to arrive In a Bay or two more to follow. We desire! to f urnith every club in the State and wfill do so at priees the very lowest. Individual orders will re ceive prompt attention; Price $1.60 each, cheap at 8200. - I New Roods arriving daily. Lowest pnoes guaranteed New Store! Kew Goods ! X, WHVETROB, MERCHANT TAILOR, M 8 WEST MjARTIK STREET, (Oppoite Postoffice.) . Having removed to tbe above location I respectfully anu moe that I have a : FULL LINE 01 CHOICE GOODS which I am prepared to make up in tbe nest style at fl Reasonable Priees. ' My motto is as it 1 iaa ever ben, TIE IfSt WW IT TBE UWKST rilCES. I respectfully solicit a call and a com pariaon of prices with tboae ordinarilv charged. With thanks for the liberal patronage neretoiore oestowed. very respectiuiiy, I. Winetrob. And get tbe lowest prices on HARDWARE, Stoves and House umishing Goods, Tinware, Wood abd " ulow-ware. Paints, Oils, Tarnish, Glass and Potty. Builders' Hard lwane and Painters' Best White Supplies a Specially Jjad in the Stoves Sold City. Cook on Easy In- stalments atCash 'Prioss, W HUMBUG ! Will sell goods in all lines lo er than can be boagbl elsewhere. Come and See ! Tin Roofing, Plombing, Steam and Gas Fitting, Tii. Sheet Iron, Brass ahd Copp r Work done in all its b anches. Guns, Looks, Trunin, Ac, &c Re paired at Sh( rt Notice. REMEMBER Brewster's Cheap E ardware House, ; Holleman Building. A. G. BJA.UER, A. C II 1 Mechanieal Draoghtsman. BAUfQVl Ka; j. u ssa. NO. '6 Patapsco FlonringrJIills ESTABLISHED 1774. $ ' 'our ' ' y Patent Roller Hours Are manufactured from the CHOICEST WHEAT OKTA1NADLE. Their superiorily for Ukiforxitt, STBisaxa abd UsAi-paoACHABLa Flavor has long been acknowledged.! The Pataptco Superlative STANDS UNRIVALLED. ;Of t RICH. CREAMY COLOR, it makes Bread that will suit tbi most fastid- Ask VOUr crocer for PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE Patent, XV JUAN DO CHOICE PATEtfT, Patansco FamilvPatent. Orange Grove Extra, Baldwin Family, Wapleton Family, Severn Mills Extra, Howard Mills Extra. C I Gambrili Manufacturing Co 214 Commei ce Street, Baltimore. Represented by Alf. A. Thompson, Raleigh, N. C. FRESH GARDES SEEDS. - IF 700 WaITX- 1 Good Vegetable Garden PLANT LANDRETH'SOR ELY'S 'RXLIABLS ' GARDEN SEEDS SOLD BY LEE, J 0HNS0N & CO. Druggists Seedsmen OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE, KALKIQH, R. a Seed dealers supplied at Philadelphia, Wholesale prices. Orders by mail promptly filled. LEE, J0HIS0H & CO. Dbuooistb Ajrn Rwxdgmbj. FOR SIXTY DAYS! SCHOOL WORK OUR Great Specialty. With the finest line of papers, Cards and Envelopes Ever introduced into this State, and a large assortment of fresh type, first class presses, &c, we are well prepared for SCHOOL PRINTING. And solicit patronage fur y Invitations, Programmes, .Circulars Catalogues. &c, fcc J Send in your orders at once. aTBsmmibtr we have the lareeat and most complete Printing and Binding Es tablishment in Worth Carolina. EDWARDS & BR0UGHT0N, Printers and Binders, Raleigh, I?. Cg C O A L. Tkrw Dtadred aid Fifths Tu Arrived a few days since, second ship ment of that excellent Bed Aab LOKBERKYCOAL For grates. Superior to any other anthracite coal. Two hundred tons Tennessee Soft, and one hundred W. Va. SplJni. WdDdDUD, FIFTY CORDS DRY PINE, And two hundred best heart. Cut any length desired, or sold long. dD II 1L The beet Illuminating oils, deliv ere from our patent oil tank wagon, No waste to purchasers. PHIL. flerlMVS.&CO SUMMER TIie Summer Capi tal by the Sen .. THE ATLAIMTIC HOTEL, Morehead City. N. Or n (Open June 1st, to Oct, ;1888 ! Greatly rnlargrd and Improved. Accommodations for 1,000 mi w(i. Evervtbira; rst class and rates reasonable Write for saw descriptive pamphlet, , - - - , Beermann & . ATLANTA OA., Chas. THE KIMBALL. GAPON SPRINGS AND BATHS, HAMPSHIRE COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA. ALKALINE 1ITHIA WATERS, :. ALSO SUPERIOR IRON WATERS. Lithia Baths of any Temperature. Here are always happy. A. B. Kutges in c argeof dining room and khchendepar'jnenta. Send for pamphlet and say where you saw this advertisement: - T t CONNELLY p. BtJRKE COUNTY; NORTH CAROLINA. MEKONEY & 13ROT1IEB, lropr'. Tlus reaiarkabl Ssring was opened to th noblte fliirini the itimmrr of tsss hv th &rnmietnrt it to itotdaraop8 tbe loolU ol the Blue aidgeMouotaiiu, to.Oj! i Ko toe W. .. at Opa- aeBy RprtDKS StaUoo, Burke County. 1 . C. s . u taaiHSt ie ,er' b?w the level o the ocean, in a aeHghtKil, salahMmis ellmate. Tse Hotel ae- , comiuodatliHH are first class. The woodeirul euratlvs propertiet of ONNK1.LY SPKINQS have al ready made it tamnus . as an Alkaline water it ia equal to the eelelrtd BuSsle Uthla Spring of v'naniA. It cures Gravel and Gut an other depravfji dtieants ol tbe erotea, dependent on the urie acid dUtkesis. It reUevea Bright' IHseiae and eurea Diabetes. Ever diseara ol the Kldnevs aad -BladBer Suds reliel m the as f thta water. It ts very effleaeioua Id all diseases peculiar to women. It SWes Dyspepeiaaod KervooApiseaaes, quiets tbe nerves, aives peaceful sleepaud. restores (ho vital energies. As a chalybeate water and tonic ft has so wfiial. Send for eireularf Haywood White : ; Snlphnr Spring ' iCSPBSHXW lUHAaiMKHT. I '.'..S'l WAYNESTILLE, N. a ' , i - 'I The loveliett spot n all Ood wnder land of beauty I Nature's trundle-bed of recuperation I , New 8 story brick ho teL 170 feet longv with veranda's IS feet wide and M0 feet long. House bandsomely furnished. Everything new, bright and clean., Ac commodations in every department strictly first-class in every particular. About 100 rooms, including desirable eottages near aaain boUdtBg .: - Special Amagements will b made for tbe Months of June and September. Allen & Neville, j Proprietors. BATTERi PiRK HOTEL,1 Open Throughout the Year. ASHEYILLE, N. a . JNO. B. STEELE, Manager. srHirsa bates roa skasom or 1888, hat, JVTSX, JtJLT, AUGUST ARD 8EFTKMBIR. When one room is occupied by one per son: Per day - - . . $ 4.00 Per week - S3LQ0 to S5.M I far month, 4 weeks 75.00 to 90.00 wnen one room ia ooeupiea oj swo persons: Per day f TOO Per week 88.00 to 42.00 Per month - - 130.00 to 150.00 Special Ratea to Famillea. Above rates are governed according to location oi rooms. Parlor suits and rooms with baths MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL, EOT SPEIJCS, I. C, (Formerly Warm Springs.) Open throughout the year. Especially aesirame as a summer Kesort, Ho not weather no annoying Insects. The most Luxurious and BznncxAi. Bates in America Marble Pools Porce lain Tubs. Remarkable effinacy in treat ment of Gout, Rheumatism and Malaria, Kidney ' and Liver troubles, Dyspepsia and other complaints. Resident Phy sician. Hotel new and elegant. Mag. nifieent Ball Boom. Cuisine unexcelled. Terms reasonable. Write (or .descrip tive pamphlet. O.K. LANSING, Manager, Formerly Manager of As tor House, New YorkCitv. Ealeigb Marble Works. 4l and 419 FaystteTilU EtV RALEIGH, N.CW truck liri, UwderY 014 Skat. FATXTTXYflXC, V. q . Manufacturer of all kinds of Moihunsat, and Tombstones In Marbles or jDranitea, Also Contaacaor for all kinds O Building Work, Curbing Posts, Steps BiUs, sto. Of all descrrptions kept on band and sent to any address upom application. Ghaa. A. Cobdwine -? ProprielciVv. v." RESORTS. Cooke. Prop'rs. Beermannft Co., Propr . is wbera ih IaV mmm .i n WM, H. SALE, -4 K popri(or. S PR INC S , A t r ;l .vik-3.l---. ' -- t'-Vs"'-:1 i n Tirrn tttt rrTssssa n m i sbbsj m n i - MFPnriPv A DDA wiiawiiai s- Wla aa m , Oonnelly Sprfngs, Burke County, N. & '. RECE1 VERS' SALE; Keties Is berebjr riven that tr virtue e( a de-' free of the United BUtes Circuit Court turtlm 1 W estera lMstrict of North OaroHaa readered In a cause tueiein peBdioc, eutlUrd (ieern A. ta.vr ailekftal. va KoithCaroUDaMU3tueOonpaiiy i et sit. we, tbe iuleiiRDed,-.applulfd la said cause Beeeiven vi live assets of said eoaiDsar. will sell at publle suethia apou thelerms hereht. after stated at u o'clock, a. at. ea j r? i. J TBUBSDAYJTJL'y Tli, 1888,f J -ea the premise at Park wtd, M t a CoSniv. X. Call tbe propel ty, aetssnd eflrets deaciibed in the deed oj trust trom Sahl enmoaiiT to A. . Brenlzer, Trustee, and toM-. H. McMelU,Tr-tee. (whirh reda id trust are registered la U voice Of tbe Rectotrr ti f eeds for Muo-eleuslr.li. C ad are hereby referred to) and aisnall the uthrr 1 property, easels and effects of the S. C. MlUtoi.a OcmpsBy. Anieag tli pntrty t" be sold !, ? aeret loore or less of Sifly llMbered and good fanalsa Itut. etnbrseint the tneshaua'.ikls ntill.toos quarry trom which are made the i ar-faoed "Moors Coun ty erlt' mills, and eoutalnlbR aaM-sg other Im provements all the bulMUncs. shops, 4oots aad ma- ' cbiaery requfclte and used la mauitfaoturtuc said aallla, also two handaoaM dwelUag buuses with aeeesaary out-booses, barns, a., country itore, twenty-two tenant houses, also a saw if ill and Dry Kiln compete, Plaaror StaehkML Mateher and Flaner. two Black smilli sltops, fee jlaeblBa. Fatent Jtoilrr rToarliig uuia, Machiaa Sbopsaad foundry all ecniplele and equipped with the nest machinery. Also a Telephone system, it miles lone, exteudloa trom farkwoud through Oartliace to CameroB en the a. a A. A. L. K. K., aJso'eS share of etuck la theCartOage B. B , also a very -large and assorted stnek of machinery, toofaraai machiiiwy sunplies includlnc Brines, boUers. pumps. eurs-sbeller,.shttiKW Haenuw.wuMl anil. belU, piplnr, band and round Iron, Ae slot ol gold mine machinery r also largelot of finished and nnnnUbed mills and mil 1st ones: also large kt of sash, door and blinds, roods, wares and mer. eUaodise and other personal property of various descriptions, and la large quantities and all the other proper! y, together w till the franchise rf said eovpaujh TERMS OF SALE: , - The property win be offered tlrtt ur ditaij.Ai a then Toroor is oaoss . II the highest bids, Im the property Is offered in detail aggregate more than the highest bid for the property wbeaollered la gross, tbe bids in detail to be repurted to Court as the last and highest bhis, otherwise7 the Mala gross will be reported to Court as the last and Elghestbid. 1"" .-. Whea offered nr dbtao. tbe said real estate with the buildings and so mueh machinery, ae., as Is -aeeessary In the manufacture of mills as described In said decree as "Ths Plant," wul bs offered at oue-tlilrd of purchase price . la eash the balance In two equal Instal ments, payable In S and - is months; the deferred payments to bear S per cent interest from day of safe, and to be secured by note with good security, ths purchaser to keep tire property In- " lured for the benefit of the Beetivers In a sun equal to half the unpaid purchase piiee; spon de fault of which the said Beeelvers shall have the right to so Insure the said property and the amount so paid by them for such Insurance shall be added to and form part of tbe purchase price. The purchaser to be let Into possession apon the eenfirmatlun of said sale ana the payment of the cash Instalment of purchase price ; the title to be retained until the purchase pries to paid tn fun. Au the other property InoliKilBr, the Flouring MJlL Ice Macliuie, Telephone 8ysvem, Wind BUL Machinery, c ., in Machine shops and Foundrv.ln Saw Mill and Dry Kiln, toSuppj; Boom, Ac. be ing oflerrd separately and for eash. After such ofierlng in dstsii. and before the offering IK oaoss, the purchasers at the detail sale shall deposit with the Keeeivers M per eeat of the purchase pii respectively of the lorera. Ing property asaaearaestof UHrirrespeetive bids, upon failure of which tbe Kecelvers shall bare puwerto reaeU any item of said property, Dpoa which the per cent shall not be deposited. The whole of the property ordered to be sold' will then be offered In one lot er in o nose on tbe following terms: . For aa amount in cash equal to -the amount for which an the pronertv lexer nt -"The Plant" TeleohoeVslsSI KJPShf iSnH i I Kiln M achineryletAd ii dktaii. together with eae I third ol the residue ol throu bid, the sUce uie gross phi to oe para in s ana is montas, tae deferred Instalments of the purchase price to Mar per eent Interest from day of sale, and to oe se cured by note with good security. The purchaser -to keep the property insured aad to be let tart -possession aad ths litis to be retained in the maa- ' aer abeve prescribed. Ia addition to the above described property we wul also sen at said time and place, for eash, one ' other track of land eontaletnc 40 acre, aad knows as the "Horner Tract;" also one is-herse Weed. -. Tabor m Morse Fertabte anglne oa w keels, one . Laae a Bodlv Saw MU1 with at feet earrlaviL ' io-toch solid saw and M feet eight-loch rubber belt and six warons. For full details relererce U made to said ae- v fee. At Parkwood the climate ts mild had aalth,t labor cheap, timber plentiful, watrr ennrf. mm :. ehureh ana school faculties Rood. - Foe further uuonuauoo aouress toe anaersimied, , i fNa W.B1K8DALK, tl ' Mfllil HAYWOOIX BeestVCIS Of the JUG. aUUstone Coniaan ' Ra.-elith.M7fl. pBOPOSALS.- Bids will be received at this effica an tUitth June, 158 at boon for furnish ths State with 10 tors of Pocahontas coal, tobede;ivM-ed1n the coal house ia rear er ttoet vprtirie Uuurt Building. . . , i , W. L. SAUNDEKd, r " Seoretarr Stale, i BaMgh. 18th May, 1885. . maySOtf. . - , ' I 1 V if Hi 1