3fatrs and Observer. v .. i . - 'If.-: : ". ' - '' .PUBLISHED DtILT (BXOEPT aIoAT) AKD r' WzrzLZ. - , -Ht THE NEWS A OBSERVER Co J.feaSesUCaV V Daily MM year, ley wu Postpaid, ,.: - staritha,i ; fTT three ' S : . "i.. ail muuvua, - . t ; r- ST ntaMd aftthont na moons, and nn ba- f . .i - i t- .".THTJRSDA.X, JUNE 7, .b.h- ii- . : i turn cosvatunof . . . . :,i 6tk I Pistrict Preensboro, ' Julj UUu ."-hi 6th District Wilmingtoo, Jane 27. J 7th PUtrict 8liabury, June 20th. AMUtOCAATIC IOUIIII, 4 FOB GOVQNOB t 1 i DANIEL O. FOWLE, i o Wake. I; FOB LIEUT. 0OVIB3OB : THOMAS M. IIOI4T, i of Al-unance. . - Foe Assooiate Justice of the Su premv Cou-t to fill the vacancy caus4 by the, death of Thomas S. Ashe;l J03. J.DAVI3, v i - of Franklin. -' For Associate Justices of the Su prem i Court under amendment to the Constitution: JAMES E. SHEPHERD, j , of Beaufort. I V.. -ALPHONSO a AVERY, j I of Burke. ' . , ;, '2 FOR 8KCBETABY OF 8TATB J- j WM. L. 8ACNDERS, t of Orange- FOB Ireabukib: DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. fOB 8CPIBISTXNDK5T OF PUBUC ISSTE0C ' noK : r.u: . - SIDNEY M. FINGER, ; ;l; ;b -I of Ca'awba. . ; ta - FOB ATTOHSKY GSHXKAL : THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, f.i of Buncombe. 1 .' FOB auditor: O. W. SANDERLIN, " of Wayne. . XLICtOBS FOB TBI STAT AT LABQB ! A. U- WADDELL, of New Hanover. F. N. 8TRUDWICK, of Orange. f ? FOR OOiaRKM. FOURTH DISTRICT : B. JL BUNN, of Nash. " DISTRICT IklXCTOB V E. WPOU, i v of Johnson. -1 ' Th.' triumphant Democracy 1 rnvrching on to glory. ,- ? J . ej i ' Qjt, ware of the red bandanna WJrth a hundred thousand TOtesJ . - . ,- . . ,ajv ii 1 CuttrxutD aad Thura&a, Fowle hud HolU-ihatV the tieke; to mux. : - i , : : v; Now-lit the younsr Democrats be gin to organize Clevelanct and Fowle Tax only better Democrat In the : oountry than OroTer Cleveland, If aid a delegate, is Mrs. j Cleveland;! and the country will applaud the eoii- '; ment to the echo. V f i ... ' - : Clrtilakd had 219 electoral totet and 3f majority last time. He could . hare tost Indiana and tQl hare been succetslnL.' This time he willVo !a wnu a Bonarca majoniy aj.vj f 1 - ' ' Thsji can be no doubt that lhur-'- man wilt be on the ticket, and if so it will H the red bandanna- against the bloodf shirt. We caii .stand it, if oar friends, the enemy, can. f i ! - - : : I ! " Thrt placed the t laoret wreath wound the brow of the immortal JCleVslimd. : And it was fitting, i The : highest honors of his country are his , desert! and he will receive them. Weor the Republican convention meets Jst Chicago, ' the delegates ate .requested to carry mignifying glasses along,, so as to find a great man for their candidate, Blaine being out o -the race. ' M ' Lart the Democrats of North Card Una forget any former differences lay - aside all disappointments "and. each j regarding , himself as one of 'a . band of brothers, seek to promote haraaony and to consolidate the party as a nut in support ox an aanurable ucxek .hi TscSilver State presents a Silver Gavelo be used in nominating Gro ver Cleveland, because he is the Sil ver men's, candidate as against the Gold Bags. He is the Silver candi date and the bells that will ring in his election will have a sweet tone that will charm the people. . ! lcx inends at bt. Jjouis are now going through the process of" har monising. There will be a good deal of vaporing of one kind or : another and when the clouds disporse they will be Been toba solid unified body, compact and invincible. ' There will be no luch word as fail in their vo cabulary. - Eiost hundred and twenty uncom promising, 1 unterrified, unwashed Democratic delegates grew hoarse yesterday shouting pices of victory when, kGrover Cleveland was unani mouzly nominate J for the PiesideEcy, and ab'ut a, million more made St. Louis-tesoand with kthe same glad sounds. No. party can Btand before the peo ple autt successfully ask for popular support when it proposes to collect taxes and pay one fourth of them to .bondholders Without eonsidurition. ifo is what the Republicans are dq- ingXlt is so . diametrically opposed t tfcerigbts of the peoplejihbt ii - natfctafiyHcalls the days of the . tiotous radicaSJn this State in the R icons ti action period. f , OCR SOMIItEK. ' How deepljr&Ir. Cleveland is fUed n the hearts of the Ixople is well Ulastratedby the facf that ;the con- yention at St. Lonii ;cheered him twenty-four minutes, which ' is the more' extraordinary, bcause it being well unler stool ihatl he would be nombated without Ipposition,; no other name being considered at all, the action of the convention in re gard to him was merely perfunctory. Indeed, public sentinient. had long aro nominated him and the State conventions had unanimously ratified the nomination, and Ihe St. Juouis convention had no ned to do any: hing more than to hiirrah, and that t.hflT did it atineara ta a wonderf ni degree. But it takes great amount; of enthusiasm to maintain cheering twenfy-foar minutes pearly half an hoar- -and the unterrifid Democracy assembled in Convention Hall must have been unusually enthusiastic. And well they ma v. Never since the first years of the Union has the De mocracy gone into the contest under a banner so distinctively popular as as that of Grover Cleveland. : Cleve land himself is a platform. He is the enunciation of principles that stand f. out towering in the minds of the peo ple. ' He is the representative of clean ' bands, of business methods, of con stitutional purposes, $f noble and lofty impulses in government, and he is the hero of the people of this age. He stands square ana- firm on the Democratic principles jjf the: consti tutional era, believing that the world is governed too much, that the liber ties of the people should not be cur tsied; that gold and BUver are the money of the people aid of the con stitution, that no more iaieB should t it : T 3 il i oo levieu wan are cecegaxy, unu uiai a simple, plaiD, economical adminis tration should be the afdent desire of patriots. Moreover ha is the noble eiemplar of the doctrine that there should be no sectionalilin in adminis tering the government; The! South as well as the North, the East as well as the West ' have their representa tives in the cabinet, inlthe Supreme Court, at the courts of foreign: conn' tries,' and in the varioul , departments of the government. : Hia patriotism is broad enough to take in the whole Uniqjn and. every State. But what the people chiefly admire Grover Cleveland for ia his staunch Democracy, fie' is a Demo crat of the old time. ' f belongs to the school of Jeff erBOn, and Jackson and Frank Pierce H4 is a parity man. He began as shetiff, and made a first class Dmocratio Sheriff. He then became mayor an: was a first class Democratic mayor then Gov ernor, then President.. I Throughout au ne nas ever neia to tne motto tnat fpublic office is a publie trust" which is another way of saying that an officeholder is the servant of the toeorjle and not their master: that Kofflces should be adminiitered for the my- - m m - - weixare oi tne people ana not lor the benefit of the officeholder, i That has been his keynote, all for the peo ple, .not for the officeholder. It is these things that hare endeared . him to the people. It is theie things that have. made him the onlypossible can didate of the Democracy at this time. It is these things that fill the country with': its great enthusiasm for him, and that make him the thoice of the people of the : Union fdr the Presi dency. And it tis thesel things that will wheel the States of New Hamp- sture, uonnecticut, New! xork New Jersey, Indiana, Wisconsin, ' Iowa, Michigan and probably- California, Ohio aad Illinois into till Democratic column and give Cleveland with the HOlid South v two-thirds joi the elec toral college. So may it be. t 1 j. t . - . ; I has sometimes happened that the wills of great lawyer written by themselves are so drawn as to leave their purpose in doub Gen. ;Vm. R. Davie is credited withShavinc been J one'of the most accomplished lawyers Li ii.. : vn -:n I j a vj, uuoiiva. iim nui rm uuuoiBbUOU to xaean a certain thing land his pro perty was divided accordingly. About 50 years afterwards it wis discovered that his will meant something entire ly ennerent and since tnemarnne pro perty has been given a different di rection according to the adjudication of the court as to the meaning of the W are sorry for Gee. Sheridan, who certainly proved himself, to! be one of the most enterprjaing and ef ficient soldiers of the war, and who AOW is about to be cut & when stilL n the prime of manhood! The failure of the heart to ct is 'm distressing disease, and it seems to us that there is no hope for him to rail! and regain surengui. 1-' UA Ws suppose it may be taken that the Republicans will have the new Senator from Oregon, aridt the Demo crats, will have the new one from New Jersey. Riddleberger gifes place to Senator Barbour, and so Ithe, Senate is apt to be a tie next year. In that case the Vote of the Vice,President will : be very important rjand Judge Thurman will have the power to make the laws equally with the President. His veto will be quite as effective as i'reBident Cleveland's. 'i; m i m j '. Xiretlo f Crpa fry Hall. Cor. of l&e Newt and Obserrer. ) Yakcetvillb. Caswell Countv. r June th, 1888 On Saturday evening at .Jt o'clock a severe hau-storm passed over a oor tiOn of Caswell county,. between Yan ceyville and Leasburg, which was the most destructive to growing crops that ever visited the county in the memory of man. ,i The range of the storm was a little east of north, entering .the county irom iuamance on tne Sutb in An derson's township, followii, the east ern oounaary ci tms - township ; til near Covington's Store. t left An derson's and touched thelnorthweet corner of Prospect Hill township,; en tering Leasburg township at its south west corner, just bordering on Yan cey vi lie township, it leif .Leasburg and entered Milton township at the Red House and, following; the same direction, it went east of tie town of Milton and entered Terso'nicounty in Cunningham's township acd, ging turougn tms, it lelt the state and to feted Virginia. i Its width was .about ono icJ a Lalf Uil'es. The destruction of ;lbe wheat and 6t crops was as comilels if nn! army with brush had go hj j " r ''"'If" rr tramping and beating, riot leaving a slalk of either standlrgl The loss is very heavy. The grsai loss was on the , farms of Mr.. J3ri?e Warren; Fielding DUlard, J. R- Durton, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Huldah Lane, Q A- Ste vens, V, L. Morton's ''sons, all of whom lost their entire grain crops. ; ' The wind blew a hurricane, up rooting and breaking off jbundreds of trees in its course. Mrei -Fuller had a lawn with quite a number of verj fine (oaks, firm, thrifty and solid, eight of which succumbed to the ter rible blast, breaking some of them off, uprooting some. Those broken appeared as solid as good timber should be. Orchard were ruined, trees; blown down, the joung fruit beaten or bruised till oftno value. ; Mr. Q. A. Stevens bad all his win dow lights on the ssuthweit side 61 house broken out. ' ' H Corn was much damaged, fields that a few days ago presented a fine appearance and promise, today are as hare as if nothing had been planted. ' N.r Warren to a Hew. Correspondence oi the News and Observer. " Warbintos, ' J une 5, 1888. The election on prohibition in oor town passed off very quietly yester day, resulting in victory for the wet ticket by a large majority, lbere has been but little interest manifested by those favorable to local option, from the fact that the law in our midst to the past year had proven a failure and worse than a farce. I The magistrates of the County met yesterday in the court house to elect county omcers. it wss a large ana enthusiastic gathering. The follow iD.tr gentlemen were elected and will constitute the new uoaia oi uommis Bioners: Capt. W. G. Coleman, Messrs. Walter Allen, Hugh J. White, John F. Vaughn and W. B. Fleming. r H. A. Foote was unanimously I re elected Solicitor and Messrs. Collins, Braimand Bobbitt j ad eras of the'In- ferior Court. Judere White was of of nnnroa re-lected. : Quite a severe hail-storm passed over some portions oi tms county last Saturday evening, doing much damage to the growing crop, vine yards, &c Some farmers near War ren Plains and Macon' lost every thing and will be compelled to com mence anew for a crop, i 'i I Our markets still hold good; tor tobacco, and prces give very general satisfaction. While we have been writing we have noticed no less than six or eight wagons irom virgnia and other sections, loaded with the weed, en route for Boyd and Arming ton s warehouse. : : i We are pleased to note that''; our entire State ticket as nominated gives very general satisfaction to the Dem ocrats of old . Warren, while it is true that our county convention; was favorable to "Alexander, and; the delegation worked like beavers in his interest and did all that' could be done for: his nomination, yet Gov, Fowle has always been, popular in warren ana our people! are one in heart and purpose to give him as well as the entire ticket the largest vote that we have ever polled, v There is not, so far as we can taars a Democrat in tbe county who wiU not give the 1 1 ticket Ji bis support and work hard to give Radicalism the worst Waterloo it has every sustained. The f "Warren Guards,' under the command of their recently s elected Captain ,Dr. P. Macon were escorted through fown to their drill grounds yesterday after noon by pur brass band. : i; This ?was -the first time the band has appeared in public I procession, and they; ac quitted themrelvea well.: i The fact is but few if any towns can ! bos pf finer looking company of .young men, and certainly none can ': boast pi band which can toot bo well jand make such good music with a prac tice of only a few months. We ate proud of ours bays, composed ahey are of the very besi in the town 'and county, who are making sacrifice! for our pleasure as well as l aiding making us, what we soon exrccl be, one of the leading, most active and most progressive towns in th State. We are now talking of elec trie lights. Of that, however, mbr snon. ' I ! Snprama Ceart DccI1b. i)lgeted by the Kewt and Observer : i Davidson vs. Gifford. II if : Where in an action for the posses sion of land the plaintiff claim title generally, and tenders issues as to his right, it is error to: refuse! h issues and submit others' as to - th validity of certain conveyances, which raise questions only incidental and collateral to the principal issues, and not decisive of the title. 5 The issues should not be so narrowed as to ex elude any relative, pertinent evidence affecting the merits of the cause. Casual, hasty, inconsiderate admis sions of counsel in the course of a trial do not bind the client.; ' ;; Bank vs. Homesley. ! If a creditor gives time to , the principal debtor or releases any se curity acquired from him, he thereby discharges the sureties, but he re mains passive merely; while tb sure ties have the opportunity to pay the debt and take an assignment of it for their benefit, they have no cause to complain. : ' Sec 2,097 Code requiring the Aud itor to sue at the instance of the surety, requires the notice to be in writing, and a verbal notice frorn the surety is not sufficient. : Pegram vs. Tel. Co. 1 i When plaintiff sent a telegram jo brokers at Richmond "Plrty offers 10Q shares stock at 43. ; Answer quick," and the operator transmitted the' dispatch "Party offers 100 shares stock at forty," the company is liable for the full amount of loss: suffered by the plaintiff through its negligence in transmitting the message inaccu rately. . ! But although tbe brokers in Rich mond brought suit against the plain tiff in the courts of Virginia and re covered damages against him on ac count of ; such- falsely transmitted message, yet such recovery is not chargeable as damages against - the defendant in this action. There was no privity batweeu them. The present plaintiff was not answer able to the plaintiffs in the former; ao tion for injuries they sustained byhe negligence of the present defendant, nor wad the latter answerable to the plaintiff in this action in any aspect of their relations. Hare vsi Grant77 N.. C. 203 Leak 78. Covington, pfea ent term. : A A No. 1. The Best Five Cent Cigar on, tuih at Simach'i W. C. & A.fB. .!, Cor. i the News aM OUwwr. f . Leabburo, May 2, 1888. Today the Sunday School; Conven tion was held by the schools-bf Louis burg circuit of the Methodist Church at Salem in Bushy Fork township, Herson county. There was an im- uienee crowd oi people collected. Just after the intermission for re freshments and the congregation were collecting in the church, a c'oud came over and after a little rain,; it began to had, and for five minutes the lar gest hail stones came down that had beui seen in this country for many days. -Fortunately there was little wind. While the hail was falling great excitement existed. Many ladies were terribly frightened. j After the convention a serious acci dent occurred to Capt. Thomas J. Stephens and his wife, as (hey were returning home. The horse attached to the buggy in which Mr. and Mrs Stephens were ridiDg became fright ened and unmanageable and ran away, overturning the buggy. Mrs. btephens was very seriously hurt, having her arm Broken and her ankle sprained. Capt. Stephens was very painfully bruised. They wete not able to reach their home, but are kindly taken care of by Mr. J. O BradshaW and his family. 1 " At this Sunday School Convention the late nominations made in Raleigh we.e canvassed by" voterB and there was general satisfaction and approval of the action of tbe convention. T. Syrup f ftgm. Is Nature's own true laxative- is the most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to Cleanse tbe System when Bilious or Costive; to Dispel Headaches, Colds, and Fevers: to Cure Habitual Constipa tion, Indigestion, rues, etc i Manu factured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco, Cal. John H. Pescud, Sole Agent ; for lial- Raleigh, N. C. The dog star is a meaty planet, but a shootjEg star is meteor. A.OV1CK TO SOTHKBSj Mrs. Win; low's Sool.t.o SrruD shnald lalwavs be tana when children are cutting teeth. It re lieves the little'sufferer Mjooce, It produces natu ral, quiet sleep by relleTln(tllie children from pain, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a but ton." It is Terr pleasant, to taste; soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, leguiaces we ooweis ana is w pen uwi r jUMftiy lor aisrr aea, wbeuier rvms from sex n Women lawyers are becoming a power in the land. Michigan Univer sity has already sent out twenty four young women holding the degree of LL.B. This year a young; woman from the Sandwich Islands, Miss Alma Hitchcock, Will make (he twenty-fifth. In England there is a club of women lawyers. It is mainly a correspondence club, yearly letters from the members being printed and circulated- Mrs. Belva Lockwood, and Miss Waugh, ; from the Law School in Chicago, are among the members. .. The mo' to of the club is: "All the Allies of Each." eleri For The Nervous ! The Debilitated ' The" Aged. . j URES Hsrrens Prastratioa,Hrrens Head- ache, Neoralgla, Nervous Wcakasss .Stomach and Liver Diseases, sad all affections of toe Juoaejrs. i A NERVE TONIC. Qbobsi W. Bovtok. BTAmoto, OoRHisytt' Tor two ypr I yrxs xufTsrrr fmra ncrrvP da Mlty. and I thank Ood and ttie d)auuii of tbe aioable mnedr UiaS Pun Cruar Oaavon corwt iw, it u s ralnabla nswdy, Ijotm mar1 lire, Let say one writs to so tot sdrfee." AN ALTERATIVE. j Axohso iBwrr, WnrMoa, Vr., esrSt I believe pAnrcs Celest COMpotnro tSTed tay Ufa Vj tronble seemed to be sn internal bnmor. Before I used it I wu oorered with an eruption from bead to aeel" The eruption ia rapidly healinK, and I am are hundred pec sent, better ererr way. A LAXATIVE. . 1 L O. Baut, WRm Rrm Jotottob, Vt.. ssts; For two reus peat I have been a great sufferer from kidney and liver trouble, attended wUn dra. pept and oooatipatkiew Bcoce 1 bewaav to take C'elj-xt C'ompouki It aeemed aa tbomrti. a,aryiai I auedma. Mow I can aj aedkwie sils me A DIURETIC i ' j OcoBoa Abbott. Siotnt Crrr, lows; sars "I have been nainc Para's CKr-nr OOMVOtrirs and It has doneme mora rood for kidner and an backthanc. medkiae I have ror takoa. , Hundred of texSmonlals bars been reoslvsd from peraons who hare need this remedy with remarkable benent. Bend for circular. Price SI.OO. SoJdbyDreaxkea. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., ProprietorB BURLEfUTOJt. VT. ' Norris & Carter. - ! i SPECIAI, OFFERINGS FOB THIS WEEK, ' : :i 1,00 yards navy bluek'brown and black ground org&netiea worth loo per yard, will be oner ed at I f 9c per yard. 500 yards 86-inch yachtinir otoths in beautiful plaids and stripes at j 49c per yard, The largest and best selected stock of White Goods Laoes and embroideries in the city. A Big: Irive, 25 pieces 15o India lined (bought as a )od-) win De ouerea at 1 lOc pei yard. 12 l-2c crinkled seersuckers; will be of f red at Oc per yard. Ladies' cambric and muslin under wear, chemise, (towns, skirts, drawers. corset covers; 5tc., at manufacturers' prices. Clack cashmeres and black goods a specialty. I Norris & Carter. pROPOSALS. Bids will be received at this office un til 19th June, 1888 at noon for furnish- the Btate with 10 tons oi Pocahontas coal, to be delivered in the coat 6 use in rear of the Supreme Court Boildiapf. . W. Im 8AUNDEBS, Secretary Htate KaieiKb, 19th auy, ... tnsyiutr. pound ii jstltsal - K jmHI! TANNHAEUSEB BEER 13 A iy Special Brewing;- of the BERG NER & ENGEL BREWING COM PANY, and unquestionably THS FIN EST LIGHT BEER EXTANT. It Is brewed from the finest PALE CAN ADA WEST B ABLET MALT and SAA ZEB HOPS, and HIGHLY RECOM MENDED for Its TONIC and NUTRI TIVE QUALITIES. ELEGANTLY PACKED FAMILY USE The hlg-h reputation enjoyed by the B KRONER & ENGEL COMPANY is due to the fact that only tbe FINEST AND BEST MATERIALS are used and that tbe greatest SKILL and CARE are ex rclsed during; its manufacture. BREWING CO. PHILADELPHIA. A, TILIWrilAL, Agent, Charleston, S. C. W. fle&H. s. mm & ce. This week we wil give our altentiW to articles the youoff la- dies of our schools wil require for the i com- mencem ent exercises moire sash ribbons 9 and 10 inch widths,' moire ribbons from No 1 to 1C. Surahs for sashes, gros failles for sashes. neckwe Ruchings and for day and evening The choicest line Of fans, plain and painted gauze. satin and Gloves in kid and silk 6 to 24 but- ton len: ;ths. ; Laird Shober slippers & Mitchell's and Oxfords and all small wares re quired. H. k H ft. TUCKER & f 0. GOTO BREWSTER'S I And get the lowest prices on HARDWARE, Stoves and House Furnishing Goods, Tinware, Wpod and Willow-ware. Paints, Oils, Varnish, Glass and Potty. j Builders' Hardware and Painters' Supplies a Specialy. Best White Lead in j the City. Cook Stoves Sold on EasV In . sta'ments at Cash j Prices. NO-HUMBUG!- Will sell goods in all lines lower than can be bought elsewhere. Gome and See ! Tin Roofing, jPlnmbing, Steam and Oas Fitting, Tin. Sheet Iron, Brass and Copper Work done in al its branches. Guns, Locks, Trunks, &c, &c Re paired at Short Notice. REMEMBER Brewster's Ch sap Hardware Houee, Ilollacaan Building. : A. G. BAUER, i A. It.O II ITEOT : ; 1 -AND- -...'TV i Mcclianical Drauglitsman. biop. . a; FOR For one wek only, commencits; Monday, SJJJ BUvB. . WE OFFER i . - Haxall Byrd Island Pateiit, Plvur, sweew- st, cheapes, wbt-fet ni'd bst of ifliur at $6.5 per barrel Sold under guarantee. w,ch:r Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Candy ju auu raot arers. $5.50 Bbl. Our famous Buckeye i Family Flour 12 1-2c lb. Celebrated Magnolia Ham (t very bam warranted.) CANNED GOODS. ac tne iow prices aaveriisea uertr tfore. ' TO JOBBING TRADE, 500 bbls. Choice, Extra Family Flour at manufao- . turers' prices. 75 Sacks Good to fancy Kio cotfees, at enro prioer. NEW GROSS Dairy and creamery butter at New York Prices. t 500 BOXES Stands rd brands laundry sosr. at aul below maoufacturers' prievs. To Reduce Stock. wo are mamug specially low priors ia every tnmg in staple and fancy groceries, uet prices oi us beroie bu 4 Sew Store! ev teds! I. WIIVETJIOS, aiERCUANr TAILOR, NO. 8 WEST MAkTIS STKEKT, (Cppoite Poftcfflce.)' Having removed to the above location I respectfully announce that I have a FULL LLNE OP CHOICE GOODS f 1 which I a-n prepared to make up In the best styJe at - I. 1 Reasonable Prices. My motto is as it has ever been, TBI BEST (MPS IT TBE LOWEST KKU. - i respcctiuiiy solicit a call and a com parison of prices with those Ordinarily charged. With thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. Very respectfully, : I. Winetrob. FOR, SIXTY DAYS! SCHOOL WORK OTJB Great Specialty. ' With the finest Une of paper, Cards and EoTeiopes Ever introduced into this State, and a large assortment of fresh type, first class presses, Ate, we are well prepared for SCHOOL PRINTING, And solicit patronage fox Invitations, 1 Programme, Circulars, ' Catalogues, ' Ac, Ac. Send in your orders at once. t3" Remember we have the largest and most complete Printing and Binding Es tablishment in nortn Carolina. EDWARDS & BR0UGHT0N, Printers and Binders, Raleigh, N. 0 C O A L. Three Hundred and Fifteen Tom Arrived a few daya since, second ship ment ol that excellent Ked Ash LORBERRY COAL For grates. Superior to any other anthracite coal. Two hundred tons Tennessee Soft, and one hundred W. Va. Splint. WCDXIMm FIFTY CORDS DRY PINE, And two hundred best heart. Cut any lecgth desired, or sold long. (DUE. The bet illuminating oils, deliver from our potent oil tank wagon. to waste to purchasers. PBIL. 11. ANDREWS & CO STRONACH CUVHIZF.D K1EE MTTUQ ! Best and Cheapest Fence In the Market for Pool try, Garden or Lawn. In Bales, lso Feet ljoag. 4 FEET HIGH, ONLY , 4.60 PER BALE i FEET H1SH, ONLY a3 PER BALK FKKT HIGH, ONLY : 6.75 PEB BALE Oi her widths from 2 to 6 ft. at proportionate price. Address orders and correspondence to U.S. WIBB NETTING Oa. -... Heads BU, vewYotk. - STJILMER f The Summer Capi tal by the If ca.,? j--. r--. J - - ;PeaV ' ' -' I fe-f' ?')?!'' -lit, .e..- " I - THE ATLAWTIC HOTEL, Morehead City, N. C. f (Open June 1st, to Oct., 1883.) (Ireatlv enlarcn d and imnroved. Accommodations tnt 1 flfft .. n r - first class and rates reasonable. Write for Beermann Sl THE KIMBALL, ATLANTA OA., Chas. CONNELLY BURKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. MEHONEY M HIiOTMEl., ProprV. ffe i: " fe rj Bam, iteay MK";1 This remarkable RprliiR wss ei to the is nuwa among cue root nuis the Blue nellv Sorlnirs Station. Burke rountr. N . C ii is about iou iot anove tas leret of tne ocean, eommixtafiors are first class. Tbe emndefral eurattTS DroDertles of CONJi Bl ready made It famnuK . as aa Alkaline ater it is Vlrd ui- 1 1 cures Uravel and Oaut aud other depraved diseases ol tbe s; Rciaasasaesis. it re teres unicnt's iMsetse ana Blaifler Duds relief in the use ol this water. It Is It lures Dyspepsia and Nervous Diseases, quiets the nerves, glres peaceful sleep aad restores' the vital enei gies. As a chalybeate water and tonleit has no equal. Bend lor circular. Haywood White f Sulphur Springs. CNtKR RKW MABAQKMXBT. . TVAYNESTIIiLE, N. a 'i -s The loveliest spot n all God's weuder land of beauty 1 Nature's trundle-bed of recuperation 1 ; New 8 story brfck hotel, 170 feet long, with veranda's 12 feet wide and 250 feet long. House handsomely - furnished. Everything new, bright and clean. .Ac commodations in every - department strictly first-class in every particular. ' About 100 rooms, including desrab!e cottages near main building. Special Arrangements will b mide for the Months of June and September. -Allen & Neville,; - - Proprietors. BATTERY PARK HOTEL, ' 'V f Til Opeh ThrougEout the Year. ASHEVTLIiE, N. a JNO. B. STEELE, Manager. SUMMEB BATES FOB SBASOH OF 1888, KAY, JUNE, JULY, AUGUST AHD BKPTaQTJBXB. - w hea one room la occupied by one per son: Per day -Per week Per month, 4 weeks -When one room is S 4.00 - $31.00 to 25.00 75.00 to 90.00 occupied by two persons: Pe erday , - - -" - f 7.00 Per week 5 85-00 to 43.00 Per month - 120.00 to 150.00 Srecial Rates to Famlllea Above rates are governed according to iwabwu v& iwuifl, , i Parlor suits and rooms with bath . - . , MOUNTAIN PARK 1I0TEL; HOT SPEIICS, I. C (Formerlr Warm Sprlnfrs.) - Open throughout the year. Especially desirable as a Summer Resort. No hot weather no annoying insects. The most Luxurious and BkhxficlsX Baths in America Marble Pools Porce lain Tubs. Remarkable efficacy in treat ment of Gout, Rheumatism and Malaria. Kidney and Liver troubles, Dyspepsia and other complaints. Resident rny sician. Hotel new and elegant. Mag nificent Ball Room. Ouisine unexcelled. Terms reasonable. Write for descrip tive pamphlet. O. K. LANSING, Manager, Formerly Manager of As tor House, New York City. : FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. - IF YOU WAST - A Good Vegetable Garden PLANT LANDRETIFS OR ELY'S RELIABLE GARDEN SEEDS -SOLD BY LEEJ0HNS0N&C(J. Druggists g Seedsmen OPPOSITE POSTOmOE, atkLXIQH, IT. G. Seed dealers supplied at Philadelphls. Wholesale prices. I Orders by mail promptly fill ad. LEE, JOHlvSON & DBCOOIBTS AJTO BXBDEXnt. BESOBTS. 1 - - ve f st, vjsi re 01 i sr new descriptive pamphle t. Cookey Prop'rs. Beerraann ft Co.,-Pror,r a SPRINGS, m 3 tpy ! ! he ptiblie during tbe inmmer of )j the srocrfetors It Ridge Mountains, ta afry leetf Uie W. S. UB Jt, at cbo- in a aeugnuni, saiunnoas ciimitn. Vhe Hetelac- LYBPRlNiShe aU eiual to Uie celebrated Bufialo Lltbla Spriam f i system cepeiideot on tbe uric ' dles ol Uie Kiduera and cures inaoeies. aver?) Terr efficacious In all diseases Dccullar to women. MCDnMCV A PDA as js Bwaas wikwu Connelly Springs, llurks County, N. O. RECEIVERS' -SALE. Notice Is hereby riven that br rlrtae of a de- erse ol the United' States Circuit Court lor the Western -District of North Carolina rendered hi a cause tltetein pending, entitled Ueorgs A. Met'or- miek f t al. vs. North Carolina MlUstooe Company et ais. we, the undersigned, appointed in .saki cause Receivers oi uie ssseu oi said company. will sell at public aucuoa upon the tunas heroes. -liter stated at tl o'clock a. m. os . TBTJESD AY, JULY 8TH, 1883, on tie 'pienilseist Park wood, Moore County. R. I the property, assets and rfltcts descalbeel i deeds ol trust from said eomoany to A. U. a, ail in lite aeeoa oi crust rrom saia eomoany (which deeds ef tnwt are reelstered I of the Begtater of i eeds for Moote County, N. tl.. onice ana are uereDjr rerorre d to) and sisoall the other property, ssseU and elf ecu of Uie N. C Illilstuua inipaey. I -.... Auiook Uie property te be sold Is TOO acres more or less of flnely timbered and good farming hix, : eoibrsciDf the i Inexhaustible sallUions Quarry from which are made the far-famed "Moore com.- ty Urtt mills, and eootatulns: aatoag proTements all the bulkUaars. shops, too chiuary teqnisite and used In manutteti ig other tmf toots aaanta seturlfi mills, also t wo liandsone dweDlaa honaea arith necessary out-notises, oarna, sen eouatry stores twenty-two tenant houses, also a Saw MiU aud Vrj Ktlq. complete. Planing Machine, Bat her and Planer, two Blacksmith shops. Ice Baculue. Patent Boiler Flouring Ml tit. Machine Shops and Foundry all complete and equipped with the beet machinery. Also a Telephone aysteai, IT miles long. e tending from Parkwotd thioughtartbaye to Cameron oo tht A. St A. A. L. B. B.,,ala4e shares of rtoek In Uietarthate K. B , also aeiy large and assorted st"Ck of machinery, luola and maoliiuery supplies, including engines, boilers, pumps, eurn-sheller, shingle machine, wind mliC belts, plpinr, band aud found iron. Ac, a tut of gold mine machinery ? also large lot ef anhrhed and nuonlrhcd mills and millstones; also large kit of sat-li, doors at d blinds, gnuds, wares and-nier-chamtise and oilier personal property of various ' descrtptloti. &r.d In large iiianutiea and ad tbe oilier properly, together with the franchiaeet said eo-vpasy. f TEJf3 OF SALE: The prop-ity Vill be effered fir-t jw p ft ah, aud tlisn fit Ttnof Im ttKOSB.lf (lie highest btib,w lien: the proprry is cflered br detail aggregate more tnaa the htgheotbid tor the property when offered In gross. Ibe kids in detail totoe i eported to Cod at as the last and highest bids, otherwise the bid m gross will be reported to Court as the last and highest lW. , When off t re d i lr n sr ail the said real estate with the buildings rnd so much machinery, o., as is necessary in the manufacture of mills aa described la said decree as --lbs Plant," will be ' offered al one-third ft purchase price In cash Llie bslanca In "two equal lnstat ments. ! oaxab:o In and 13 months, th deferred payments to bear S per cent interest from day or sate, auu to oe i ) secured b notes with arim security, the purchaser to keep Uie property In sured br i lie be nefit of the Beet Wert In a sum i mini iv iiic wucui uc ura avweivers in a I f u, ,i?.R","i? "niiP!i?b PJ1!!?5 P011 I .fault ef wl icli the said Beceivrrs shall bare de I,luib-& wi.wu ilin aam anriTrn anau OS TO IDe right to so insure the said property and tbe amount so paid by them fi such insurance shall be added to aud form part of the purchase Mtrlca. The pure haser to be let Into p- seanioa upon Ibe eouflrniaiiouof said sale ami Die payment of Uie cash Instalment of purcluise price: the title to be retained until the purchase price is paid In fulL All I he other hrot-erty iociudlng, the Flowiiig Bill, Ice Machine, Telephone Srstem, Wind BlJ, Machluery,&c ,m Machine s-hops and Fouiidrj.lu Baw Mill and Dry Kiln, hi Supply Boom, Ac, be ing offered sep'rrly aud fur cash. after such ufleriiig ia oaTAii. aud before tbe offering in oacss, the purchasers at the detail sale shall deposit wlUi the Keeeivers so per cent of the purchase pi I reaped Ively of Uie forego ing property as an earnest uf their respective bids, upon failure of which the BeceiTers shall have puwerto retell any item of said property, upoo which ihe io per cent shall not be deposited. . Tbewhuiei'f the property ordered to be told will Jien be oflered hi one lot or ih Onosson the following terms: For an amount In cash equal to tbe an uunt for which-aU the property (except "The Plant." Telephone S) stem, Saw at ill and Dry Kiln MachinenrisoldiN uk-tail together with one third of theVresidue of tbe gross bid, the balance of the gross bid to be paid In and 11 months, the deferred instalments of the purchase price to bear S per cent interest from dsy of sale, and te he se cured by note with good security. Ibe purchaser to keep the property Insured and i let Into possession and the title to be retained In tbe mas- to be i ner above prescribed. Ia addition to tbe above described property we will also sell at said time and plaee, for cash, one other track of land containing 4U scree, and known as the "Homer Tract:" also one la-horse Wood. Tabor a Morse Port hie Engine on wheels, one Lane Bodly Saw Mill with as feet eaman. nna te-luch solid saw and M fret eight-Inch rubber pelt and six wagons. Fur foil detaus reference Is made to said da. eree. At Parkwood the climate Is mild and healthful labor cheap, timber plentiful, water good, and chorch and school facilities good. For further Information address "the undersigned. ' I BBNKSt HAY WOOD, Becetrert of the R . C. Millstone Company Wa'eirh. W. i Kaleigli Marble Worts, 417 and 419 f aj ettevUle 6U, RALEIGH, K. LavirrV' 014 SUai. Bruch hrd, : FATKTTSVI! hi, N . O. If anufactmrer of all k.nusof Uonimast. and Tombstones) it, Garbles or Uranites, Also Contaactor for alt kinds of building- nori, wuruiiig n. n.eps, cuiia, Aa, Of all descriptions kept on hand and sent to any address upon application. Chas. A. Goodwin 'Xfr- Pnislor.. --; :: f rt 1 1 lift In S! rf , -n i Ih hf made woriiTnV 1VW IdV ,rl. Agnxti. pieferred who Can ftirnbb tl.eirujnborses and ive illr whole time Uvtb I jrIi.'ji. Fnare iiiomeats laay be irontably employed elsu. A few vucanorw la iwns aad Cities. TL F. Joknsoa A CoJ tuu Main It, Blchmoad, Va. ': . w Kjisa ..r

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