V -t- ' - ' : I ' 'I ' i 5f ir: i . . : ill''-' ' i " v . ' News 5V ft f" JJ'I, Observer J' t 1 RlLEIGH. N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 1, JSS8. NO. 148 ; :?.; ; i...i - ,-. ; V- : !" ' : : ;:: 5'- AND BE i A mm piyjwiiin) Absolutely Pure. fnli powder never varies. A marvel f .purity, strength and wfaolescmeaei Mftreeoonomicl1thAnordlnAr7klndnd cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low- teat, . short weight, alum Or phosphate powders, sold only in mi, I RotaX Baxtmo Pown Co., 10ft Wall Street, New York. Sold by W. C. AA. B. Strouach, nd j RFerraU& Oo. : Desponfleucy or Melancholy, Cemruonly eaHed the "blues," generally proceeds liver. 11 imer cauies uyspei mm 1 then operates botn as cause una rrotira.alugmiilillv or nmows it, auu i CO-MS. Every; SufTerer Is Earn estly Invited to 5 1 I I Nature's qwji remedy ? for a sluggish liver. 'Foranme time my liver had been out ot order, wad I telt seneralry good lor nothing. I wm in duced to try Wmnvons Liver Regulator. Its act On was antes, and thorough and it imparted a lirlsk rl Tlgoroui leellnc. Jt Is an excellent remedy," R. HI LAND, Monroe, Iowa. gXt Ufl TO KE THAI tOO 8ITTIII pilTOni, dlsttDgiilsbed trom all frauds aod imitations by on ret trade jnark on front of wrapper, and on the lid the tea) and signature o( J, II. ZelUu CO, Ju. ;;-s , BIIAMIYALS ' ' ' ' ' i. ' . OpTT & SON, 14 Easi Martin Street, I. ; SS ii :.. a hi 1 si i yds in ; -t? IIM .WEDDIietlTT OR DBtTH i WHY ILLY B08TOH MAS COMJflTTED j BUICIDE. k Boston special of Thursday says : A tailor's delay in finisbiDgi wedding suit when promised was th cause of George H. Gibson's desperate suicide by putting a bullet in his brain this morning. Gibson, who is, a young man, is employed by the Boston Eleo trio Company, and resided at 19 Wel lington street. He was to have been married last evening to Miss Lillian Chandler of Chelsea at the house of .Col. W, H. Long ol Jordan, Harsh & Co-,. Xhe brkie was waiting, the guests were present, and the minister came, but the bridegroom Was miss ing, jibe anxious parties waitea until nearly midnight, bat ths missing man coald not be found and Ihe party dispersed. I $ . It was nearly 9 o'cloei this morning before the cause of Gibsbn's: non ap- r' (aracce was known. Shortly after o'olock the police of the Fifth Di vision i found Gibson lying on the sidewalk on Wellington-street with a bullet hole in bis head. He was taken 'home and soon; after ' re moved to the City Hospital, where he died. Col. Loner visited:, him at the hospital, and the only excuse the young man had to oner lor his strange conduct was that his wedding suit had not arrived and. he could not have the ceremony performed with out it, and as the marriage cpujd not take plaoe he did not wish to live. Miss Chandler, the young lady who hits been placed in such a cruel posi tion, is well known in this, city and vicinity las a violinist of much talent. Gibson tad alwavs borne a good rep. utation and held a very responsible position! It is reported that there; is a taint bf insanity in the family-. : 1 i , A. Dinner from the Blbl. Charleston Sews and Courier. ' As a curiosity, the annexed bill of fare is .worth preserving. 1 3?aken wholly from the Bible, right royal banquet it would make. As will be seen, the courses pumber five. The candelabra and music are specified, , Each course is by. its ap propriate wine accompaniea. j-fiougn in .Palestine there is now no came, yet at thil dinner quail and plrtridge are provided. With these the spiced wine of Canticle, is prescribed. At Buoh dessert as this, with the sweet wines of the Prophet Amos, a modern Amos would like to sit. Correspond- me bills Of fare from bhakepeare have been framed. This one from the Soripture is unique. Of preserva tion as a curiosity, as we have above remarked, it is worthy. It is hus: j ; FRELIHntAKfEB, Spread a; oloth of blue, and put thereon the dishes and the spoons and the bowls, with the bread m the basket Num. iv. 7. and Levit. : viin 31. ; : I ' . Salt, without prescribing how much, Bright jBhining ;of a candle? giTeth light-LuW xl 36. .; c Tell them wlio are bidden a have prepared )axj dinner. Matt, fiu 1- They are strong of appetite, Isaiah vi. 111. . Let us eat and be merry-r-Luke t v.:t. . The feast waa made for latighter; wine makes merry. Eccles. Ye hear all kinds of- musics-Pan, :;; r ; ' ;. GraceQive us this day oiir daily bread. Matt. vi. 11. J H- ROUP. ' Pour out the broth. Judgea v 20. Feed me with pottage. Uen. xkv 30. . .1 a. ... . . ... n : Tf tKia fnll Kzk. ill. 1. i Use little wine tor thy stomach's sake TimT. 23. I ! - T1BH. We remember the fish we did eat CONGRESS. PROCEEDINGS YESTERDAY IN SENATE AND HOUSE. LESS THAN A DOZE HBSATOR8 FMS- JSNT TUE niVEB AND HAHBOB BILt. I TAKEN IT AOAl OTUEH 1 KIW8- .6 ! the th- i-'i-i th- , in By flinraih U the News and Observer. WAsniiWTO. June 30 Sinat$ The Senate met at II a m , w.tn than a dozn Scnati-rs proiPn. resumed the consideration tjf river and harbor bill. Among amendments agreol to were i adding half a million dollars to Mississippi river appropriation serving one mi:liou one hundred thosand dollars for the Missouri river, and inserting provisions in lieu-of the one struck out for an ex apunation ; and survey of the Cape Fear river, North Carolina, from Wil mington t'i the ocean, with a view to mating a navigable stream twentj feet deep at m-jan low water, xaa amendment to reduce the approprfa tion for dredsrine Chincoteague bay. Va.,ifr6m $50,000 toJJ25,000 was, on recommendation ot fcne committee disagreed to. ' The amendment directing a survey for $ ship canal from Lasalle Ills , to Lake Michigan, near (Jmcago, pro voked a good deal of discussion, alonr with the Hennopin Canal amendment, wnicn was r.nKea wita it in the debate. It was finally amended and Jthen agreed to. As adopted it readsS For the purpose of securing a continuous navigable water-way between Lake Michigan and the Mis sissippi river having' capacity aad facilities adequate for the passage pf the lartrest 'Mississippi river steam boats and of naval vessels suitable for defense in time of war the Secre tary of War is authorized and direct ed to cause to be made the proper surveys, plans and estimates for channel improvements and locks and dams in the beds of the Illinois and Desplaines rivers from Lasalle to Lockport, so as to provide a narif gable way not less than 160 feet wide and not less than fourteen deep, and to have surveyed and located a chan nel from Lockport to Lake Michigan, at or near the city of Chicago,, such channel to be suitable for the pur poses aforesaid, the necessary ex-' penses of such surveys, estimates, dans and location' to be paid out of the sum herein appropriated for the. improvement of the Illinois river The amendment directing the Secre-: tary of War tq locate a canal from the' Illinois river at Hennepin to the Mis sissippi river at the . mouth of Rock river was' then agreed to after the; protest by Mr. Vest that it would commit the government absolutely to. thA nnnaiEiiAtuiLiu'vfv&k- iu v iba tnai it did so, and Mr. Allison declining. ' ' l. . mm 11 to commit hitnseil one way or tu other, i L . ... , , The last amendment to De aoieu on was tne insrwvu oa jiuiwiuu KAlinhinir the Missouri river com- .Jooinn Tr waa atrreed to. The bill and amendments were tueu reported (from the committeo of the whole) to the Senate, and the amend-. ment on which separate votes were not asked were agreed to. Separate votes were demandea on the Hennepin, canal amendment, tna .msnTnt aboiisnine tne iuiBour river commiflsion and the amendments for the purcnase oi wo Barren river improvement in Ken luckv. but there being ; no quorum rnr.r ' no further procress was lr.A iirJtri the bill and the Senate UJltB)U.W' i . V ,nnAAt to executive business.- ... - . i ' o r After tne uoors were ru a an. the conference report on tne diplomatic and consular VViuVm-,. . ... MTIHSTO O.V THE 4TH. WADS HAMPTOS TO BE PBESEKT A T THE OLOB1K1CATIOS. ooclal U the News and Observer. WniTON, N. C, July 30. A mes .sae just received from Washington aUins t.at fDa or Hampton will be tn-te for he glorious Fourth. cekly Bank Statement. H r -1-w rn ti tne .News urni Observer. Iukk., June 30. The foilow ng is the weekly bank statement : THOUSANDS HOMELESS RAVAGES OF THE RECENT FIRES IN SWEDEN. PBOPEBTY DEBTBOTED TO THE YAXCK Cf $15,000,000 ASD TWELVE Tnoc SA5D PEOPLE Left without HOMES. Jt.HMi ve Liwrrage, , 75'Al75 ; loans n:rease-.3.278 300; specie decrease, f 302,500 ;'. It-Q'tl uudirs decrease, 52,200; iip(oh)' ibcine, $1,789, :I,K; c,rci.li-.i..i. ,m no, $114,000. Tba bauks nr,w' hf.'d $27,017,225 in excess of the 25 per cent rule. BaiiU i lit mga. By TeleKi ap'.i u tlis wid Observer. Wasuisoton, i v: , .) u.o 30 Bond offering at the IVnxury today $349, 300; accepted S7,3t0 four per cents at $128, and $39,000 four and a halfs at 107J. It is estimated at th TjeaBurj De partment ihat thero has beon a de crease of $1,350,000 in tLe public, during the month of June, and a de crease of $112,900,0000 in the debt for the year ended today. The total receipts during the year are estimated at $370,000,000, and the total expenditures at $273,000, 000, leaving a surplus of $97,000,000. Cotton Worms In Arkauaas. By 'Telegraph to the Sews and Observer. Little Rock, Ark., June 30. Cot ton worms have appeared in five counties in the southern part of this State'and. it is feared that they will do as much damage to the crops as in 1867, when the crop was a total iau-ure. By Telegraph to the News and Observer Losdon, June 30. The property destroyed by the recent tires at Sundvall and Emea, Sweden, was val ued at $45,000,000. Twelve thou sand persons were rendered homeless by the flames. King Oscar is visit ing the dstricts and is engaged in relieving .the ; wants of the sufferers. The hous's, forests, and standing crops on the farms in other districts were burned. Total Visible Supply of Cotton. By Telegrapji f the News sfld Observer. New York, June 30 The total visiblo supply of cotton for the world ie 1,510,072 bales, of which 1,070,072 bales are American; against 1,808,325 bales and 1,138,525 bales respectively last year. Receipts at all interior towes 5,387. Receipts at planta tions 2,599 Crop in sight 0,795,539 bales. Removal of lien. Sheridan. Br Tclaeraph to the News and Observer. Washinqtoh, Juno 30 Gen. Sheri dan was removed from his residence about 11 o'clock this morning. He arrivnd at the navv yard about 12 o'clock and was immediately taken on board the Swatara. The boat sailed at 1 15 p- ia. for Fortress Monroe. Washington News. B Telegraph to the ws and Observer. Washuoton, June 30 The House committee on elections today decided by a strict party voto in favor of TTiUntt ih, Bittintr member, in tne election contest in the eeventh South Carol ic a district. t -- m j A BcKooner Stranded. (Special to Uie News and Observer. Beaufort, N. C, June JO. -Ihe schooner Jeannette, from Beverly, Mass , to PeDsacola, Captain Ueorge A- Alexander, is stranded Dear Cape Lookout. Crew saved. " RATIFYI30THK TICKET. SADSl'ICIDE or a oektlemas or Chatham. C"rrP"pmidence ot the News and Observer Rikhbee'b Store, Chatham Co., N. C , July 29. This community received the se verest shock yesterday evening it has had in a long time. About a year ago Mr. W. D. Cole had an attack of mental aberration and was taken to the Morganton Asylum. He soon began to improve and it was thought that his mind was restored. He came home apparently well mentally but qoite feeble physically. He has re mained about the same, with a dispo sition to quietude but not es pecially melancholy, ever since, excusing nimsell irom v; siting on account of his health. l ester day after dinner he went up etairs to take a nap as usual and when found he was hanging by the neck dead. He had rolled up a sheet and tied .one end around a window beam and the other around his neck and was stand ing flatfooted and pulseless when found. He had recently asked his brother what he thought was the ea siest death one could die and the family had kept a vigilant eye on him. The family have the dee pee t sympa thy of the entire community. J. R. )ESTROYING FLAMES CONSUME THE MONTGOMERY STREET RAILWAY SYSTEM. WHAT. MIKES THE GETLEnil I PRESIDENT ELIOT BEFORE THE PHI BETA KAPPA SOCIETY AT HARVARD COLLEGE What is necessary ? In the first place, natural gifts. The gentleman F 1 " , j , is oorn in a democracy no less man a monarchy. In other worde, he is a person ol nne boa ay and spiritual qualities, mostly innate. Secondly, he must have through, elementary education early access to books, and therefore, f.o great thoughts and nigh examples. Thirdly, he must be early brought into contact with some refined and noble person father, mother, teacher, pastor, employer, or friend. These are the only necessary conditions in peaceful times and in law-abiding communities like ours. Accordingly, such facts as the follow ing are common in the United States: One of the numerous children of a small farmer manages to fit him self for college, works his way through college, becomes a lawyer, at forty is a much-trusted man in one of the chief cities of the Union, and is distinguished for the courtesy and dignity of his bearing and speech. The son of a country blacksmith is taught and helped to a small college by his minister; he himself becomes a minister, has a long fignt with pov erty and ill-heal i h, but at forty-fire holds as high a place as his profession affords, and every line in nis race and every tone in his voice bespeak the g?tt,Bm.viw!riVtW1ifi cultivated society of their native place, and well deserve the preeminence acooraeu to them. The daughter oi a man oi very imperfect education, who be gan life with nothing and became a , rich mercnani, ia singuian beautiful from youth to age, and the highest degree tne I e New York Academy of Music n.,bu1 Thursdav night Ltjfinotirvn meetincr l the county HUJuvivv u . . 1 Manv ladies were in tne Judience, speeches were made by o.tr Carlisle aud Gov. Hill, and iun,. rfirrrat were read from Rep r"' T. Vl l fnr Hpwitt nnuMSM to sentative u. - wm of dignified ad cracious man- and otnera. - mj V,ft rtTm-Tirl not loner out of in l ua0 p ir m H mi ucni oA i i.r-in. . l , - - " r V, 1 1 1 1U. V,il4 rt MDIUrthlA htlt f Extra quiityirinted lawns, at 5c a yard, i . I W -. ' worth 7 1-2. vt.. n They gave him a piece oi psouni waa presented ana agrewu fish.: JjUKe-xxiv. i . Brinffoff tne fish which y have nowughtJohnxxi.10. i . Every man at me oegtuumg set forth good wine. John ii. 10. pi- ft- i. Jerseys SI fowl.' 8. : from 50c. am ' t New' Sillies of Ribbon. . 11 i ! J0MID0 lAdiea Mac How. 10c a rir. ; '-i A new.Jot of and and ear. WHiteGoods 4- J tn plain and checked. 500 Dpzen At 10c a doten- S500 Reward! Ii ' ... fJj. IKa.a -e-aaUfiAEfs for HllW CH V WWiupy".:". rtV h.im. Indk BSTBEMETS Hare. Lvit. xl 6. Chikens.-Matt. xxi. 61. es be arts ana xatteu Kinon it.- 23; Kidneya-r-Deut. xxii. 14. C The wine is red. Psalms 1xt. niiTAB.-4-Micah vL 15. Givemei a little water for. I thirsty. Jadges iv. 19: i Hiiani. All manner of baked meats.f-(en ! IT : Ye may eat of the roebuck,-rDeut v.. ICaiiUU rtf tha wild eOat and AO nun;w v - -1 J Tinf ri IK. WUU W"" - ' ' - x -3 Cause' strong wine to .be poured out. Num. xviiL 7. I ' ' VEGETABLES. ' Take unto thee wheat, lentp millet Eiek. iv- 9- J They brbtlght parched corns beans. 2 Sam. xv. 29. After that the full corn in ttie TarV isrJ 9A. ' rtr nmlttr the leeks and the onion and the cucumbers and the gar lie. Sum- xi. 7. ! ' GAME. ' Partridges. Jer. xvu. 11. Two young pigeons. Lev. jr. 7. And he brought quail. Psalms c.v. 40. 1-1 . . , . I would cause thee to annspiceu wines. Cant. xvu. 2. , ; Carry these ten cheeses to sue cap tain. 1 Sam. vu. l- , . r-i; R Brice. of Ohio, will probably be selected to succeed Sen-! r&mkn aa chairman ,-of the Democratic campaign committee, M. Barnum, chairman oi na tional committee, is ld to I select the members of this important committee, of which he k is exwfficio chrman. It was the desire of the committee that Senator Gorman should Igain go of the campaign oom- . miita. hnt he remained firm; in. tne i over a yar ago thith could not serve in : that ca pacity during the approaenmg cam . .. i. : ' tt, to The only question at ibbuo, hj anecial commissioner to tne tougu has been adiuBted by agree O tl,a mont to Provide luuteau, United States, a consul at isoma at salarv of $4,000, who is expected to: develop the United States commercial interests in tnat region. K.iia on the caienaar worm: then passed, among them the follow insr: : v-i Mioa .rtiii rii T.nt jriz.j.UMr mo vvu,: struction of a bridge acrosB the Flint river, Ga.i " . ...J House -biU to autnonze w minKham,j Selma and Hew urieau. railroad uo. to duiiu a unuKo viv.. the Tombigbee river m Alabama. g senate diu io pay ax- v. '''v"v $6,400 for carrying the mail between Charleston, S. C , and Havana in 1859 and I860.: There i were pension y duis calendar and them House also 38 private 'taken from the passed, all of bills except one onat Viitl increasine the pension of. the widow of Major Gen G. K. War ren to $100 a month. Adjourned . t Monday. ) . ' ? ? HOUSE. the chair of oisaMStJtetlv implied with. Ther.are SrtaUbte,aua never fail to tfve satUfae arsiy ?"l?rw.,.v ..ii ri suaar coated uot the A healthful impulse can be given to the secretions of the kidneys and the discharge from the bladder by Btimulating those organs., Uie Df. J. H. MeLeaS's Litar andKidnty Balm. cAr fkrlisle was in wn the House met this morn jig. s On motion ol flir. nione, oi Ji-eur tucky, the bill for the payment ol Fourth of July claims wasl taken up and passed. ? I The House then went into commit tee of the: whole (Mr. Springer in the chair) on the tariff bill. On motion ol air. prelum i Arkansas,; the duty on flax seed an linseed bii was increased from 10 tc? 15 cents per gallon; on lmseea paste or rolls frpm 4 to cems pt r1""" and on licorice juice to At per ceu. ad val6re. Several amendments offered by Republican memoera in- oreasinff the tarin on buuu j - cals were rejected. The china sec tioh was passed over miormaiiy io y hereafter re verted to ; On moon of Mr. iiynum, oi au diana, the duty on glazed or enameled tiles was reduced from 50 to 45 per v o,l Wlnrem notwithatanduig the BrTjtWotests of Messrs. Buchanan A TK halr of New Jersey. Aftei o'til four Daees of the diii the conimlttee rose and the House at 5 o5lock adjourned. -The) labor element in Chicago re- volts against the Republican platform; and nominations.- !naTi an fWA.fi OH o. . . 1 1 .-M Ida DCUVA . . our vears ago that the accession of a Democratic I'resiaeni . rtiirtwor1 bv an nndoinc of aU tnat u.i Kon rrhne bv tke war; that the m4 v- : ' , .11 l. ftnances of the country wouiu. t j i VtntniieraLe soiuicib ViCbaow, " - - , aioned, the negroes ro-eus aved, and on d mrs and sailors ui uo deprived of their pensions. "These U.xnAr Porn 1 . H TirKillLlliUUO -'.'. nnnn tne assuuipiiwu m- .. i nA Vinr natrt- tintiu r -,ri rk-.Bm nor common sense. iney f .- . , .L- 1 -A wnre founaed upon iue noauiu " ... ii i r lrl DUn 1 mnrixin f.lll- rtnairmn r mhi. o.uuii.uu .v... Ln. with aU their interest as indi viduals and members of the commu nity dependent upon the stability of a.al arid oolitical institutions, ra - a l,l rlAHhAratelv uroceed, as thev were intrusted with power, to destroy the foundations of their own :lft- od r,rrsneritv. Incredible as it may appear, there were undoubt kmo nennio in the counti v who cvtij vuv i r - - really believed these extravagan. as oAvfiAna An d allowed their suffrages I3ID1 hvmm . r tp be controlled by them; but iney cannot be deceived again. The Dem ocratic-party has not ony uemuu- strated its capacity to administer iuv Executive Department oi tne uoveru- nient in strict .accordance wuu w Constitution and the laws, but it has 8ot an example of fidelity to the interest of all the people, and in tegrity in the discbarge of ofhoial diuties which will be of infinite value to the country through aU time to come. Speaking of the Republican party, Mr. Carlisle said : "For fifteen yara it naa uai uu mwo" - strife and discord among the ambition except to htild the offices and control the ex penditure of the public money. ' Every abuse u now ucuuuu complains of was inaugurated by itself when it bad absolute control of all the departments of th 'govern ment. Every reform it now promises were made necessary by its own leg islative and executive action. The country is now called upon to turn iu. lUmnfnit nut and nut the Re- publicans in Bimply for the purpose of anoruing iuem u utv nifcy to make a partial . atone ment for their crimes against the people while they are in.'' In closing, Mr. Carlisle said: "The Dem ocratic party does not advocate free trade, but it believes that the interests of all our manufacturing and other industries would be alvanced; that . ,i - i-i... ....i.i the wages oi aii our luuurcro wuui be increasod and the general welfare of tLe whole country would be greauy promoted by repealing as far as pos sible, the taxea upon raw materials, Rnkl reducing or repealing tne B8 upon the actual necessaries of ale, and upon these simple propositions it proposes to stand or fall in the great codtest now before it." " Gov. Hill followed Mr. Carlisle, eu logizing Cleveland and Thurman and tt, r,, nf thfi nresent adouniBtra "-- . 1 , 3 - 1 tiob- Speeches were also mauo uj xkUUts McMillm. VXi- Jew obscure parents, marries a puDiic and in conspicuous station bears her self With a grace, discretion wuu uw bleness which she could not nave ex ceeded had her blood been royal for seven generations. Striking cases ol this kind Will occur to every perouu in Chis assembly. They re every-day phenomena in American society. What conclusion do they establish? They prove, that the social mobility of a democracy, wnicn perimi,n ju excellent and well-endowed oi eitner sex to rise and to seek out eacn otner, and which gives every advantageous var atinn nr snort in a lamiiy stoc. free opportunity to develop, is im measurably more beneficial to p na tion than any selective in-breeding, founded on clasB distinctions, which has ever been devised. Since de mocracy has every advantage for pro ducing iu'due season and proportion the best human types, it is reasonable to exDect that science and literature, music and art, and au tne nner gwo of society will develop and thrive in America as soon as the more urgent tasks of subduing a wilderness and organizing society upon an untried plan are f uirly accomplished. "Such are some of the reasons drawn from experience for believing that our ship of state is stout anu sound; but she sails the sea Of etorm-engendering liberty, the happiness of the greatest number her destined haven. Her safety re quires incessant watchfulness and readiness. Without trusty eyes on the lookout and a prompt hand at the wheel, the stoutest Bhip may be dismantled by a passing squall. It is only intelligence and discipline which carry the Bhip to its port.' CURRENCY. The "Sweet Olrl Graduate. O vision fair Of Algebraic signs And golden hair ! Victory fot the Volunteer, SHE BUNS AWAY FROM THE 1'CRITAS AT THE EASTERN YACHT CLUB REGATTA A dispatch from Worcester, Mass., says that the regatta of the Eastern Yacht Club Thursday was the most successful "ever held there. The wind and weather combined to make a great racing day. The start was made at Hi and the yachts all went off prettily. All the interest centered in the Voluntetr, Puritan, Xara, and Baboon. The race between the Volunteer and the Puritan was some what exciting for the first two hours Then the Volunteer had passed her competitor, and held such a lead that the race between them was practically settled. The winners are: ihe Guana in first-class schooners: the Volunteer in first class sloops, taking the Puri tan cap for a year and $200; the Bo hemian in third-class (schooners; the Stranger in second class sloops; the Xara in sixth class sloops, and the Clytie in eeventh-claes sloops, $40. YOUNG MEN'S DEMOCRATIC CLUBS FORM OF CONSTITUTION AND BY LAWS SUIT ABLE THEREFOR. Constitution. Article 1. This organization shall be known as the Young Men's Cleveland- Howie Ulub of ART. 2. Its object shall be to regularly maintain the principles of and support the candidates regularly nominated by iXelCi?,t7C-pouumgMC. nMrr Treasurer and an Executive Com mittee compose! of a representative from each of the voting precincts In township, who shall be elected by Art. 4. Any person of township nt voting or working ae who shall de clare his intention and purpose to sup port the nominees oi tne uemocraiiu party in me cummg mcvuuu, - -lgible to membership in this club by aie-ninar this constitution ART. 5. The President shall appoint four standing committees, or members each, on finance, registration, campaign literature and printing, and public speaking and entertainment. Art. 6. No member shall be subject to aoaoumant for anv DurDOse. but all members may voluntarily contibute to the expenses of the club. Art. 7. The President shall report once a week to the Chairman of the State Democratic Executive Committee at Raleigh, N. C, the condition of the club, and as to the political condition of township. 5 Art. 8. Ten members the club shall THK LOSS 0,000 A5l COVERED BY IK- srnANCE desferatk leap ntOM THE THIRD XTOBT. By Tt'lcuraph to the News and Observer. Montgomery, Ala , June 30. A fire at two o'clock this morning destroyed the electric street railroad building with all the machinery. Six cars were also burned. Loss about $30,000, covered by insurance. Engineer Wal lace, sleeping in the third story, was cut off and jumped to the ground. He had one leg broken and was otherwise badly injured. The leg was amputatedaand "the chances are against his recovery. Hleeel'aneoue -Vote.. Messrs. W. C. & A. B. StronsvH announce this rooming a big closing out sale of their entire stock of staple and fancy groceries. It embraces all brands of nice fresh articles of pro visions and groceries and their assort meat of teas is especially fine. Messrs. wooilcott & son make an nouncement this morning of their latest new -arrivals which embrace some attractive additions to their already elegant and complete stock. C . 1 - ,41- A out tueir advertisement. Don't forget the sale of the North Carolina Millstone Company's prop erty, July , 51b, at l arkewood, Moore county, N. C. A rare opportunity is offered to capitalists desiring a profit able investment in the South and to parties wishing to purchase the latest improved and the best machinery and machinery supplies. Read the adver tisement by the receivers in this issue. Have you ever realized that one- third of your life is spent in bed If you have, why not make your bed as comfortable as possible. It can be made delightful, easy and dreamless flow it can be done, is explained in another column by. Hutson & Co. Messrs. Norns & Carter began yes terday a series of "Special Depart ment Sales" and the plan worked like a charm. Tomorrow they will continue these sales and add wash goods, light weight dress goods, plaid surahs, beaded grenadines, Sea Their aim is to offer inducements equal to those of aay New York house. They say that if any lady who is contemplating ordering her underwear, &c , will send them her order they will duplicate New.York goods and prices. Mr. P. J. Duffin invites all to read his advertisemeot this mornincr and see where to get a new suit of clothes for the summer. He is still prepared to cater to his customers in the latent Wtuw cuib morning oi buiuuku styles of Blippers etc. They are stUl selling at bottom prices and propose to dispose of their stock regardless of cost. Read their advertisement. Mr. D. Rosenthal arises to make some remarks this morning to which he wishes to direct your attention, lie is still offering thebeat bargains made clothinsr ever known in the city and guarantees to suit ev rvbodv's Docket! Read his adver- j tisement. Messrs. W. H. & R. S- Tucker & Co, will this week make special clear ing sales in their Silk Departments, offering Summer Silks, China Silks, Foulards and some lines, of Black and Colored Dress Sdks at prices way down below what they paid for them. In Ribbons they have made a job counter and offer all silk ribbons run ning from Nos! 4 to 10, blacks and colors, at less than half price. Their entire stock of Parasols is offered at two-thirds manufacturers' prices. y To close out the above, unusual ef- fnrtn. this week, will be made. The A Wamlstf The modes of death's approach are va- . rious, and statistics show conclusively that more persons die from diseases of the Throat and Lunga than any other. It is prooaoie tnat every one. without ex ception, receives vast numbers of Tuber cle Uerms into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start Into life and develop, at first slowly and is snown by a slight tickling sensa tion in the throat and if allowed to con tinue their ravages thev extend to the lungs producing consumption and to the head, causing catarrh. Mow all this is dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause ueath. At the onset you must act with promptness: allowtmr a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may lose you your life. As soon as you leel that something is wrong with your Throat, Lungs or Nostrils, obtain a bottle of Boechee s German Syrup. It will give you immediate relief. Special Prices Im Slippers. Ac. Heller Bros, have just received a large stock of LadieB' Opera Slip- peis which they will sell at the very low price of rr n. tlbd blippers are well worth 85c. and $1 to any lady desiring something light and comfortable in the shape of foot gear. We are also continually re ceiving new goods and can therefore suit every one desiring any kind of foot-wear. For the tourists we have the largest as well as best assorted stock of Trunks, Valises, Club Bags and Tourists' Bags, which we are deter mined to diBpoee of at almost any price, and it would be to every one's advantage to examine our mammoth stock before making purchases.- We would also like to call the pub lic's attention to our stock of Low Quarters, which we are very desirous to dispose of before receiving our fall "goods And will sell them at "Way Down" prices. Knowing that we carry the largest stock in the city of the above men tioned goods, we are confident that every one can be pleased, both as to price and quality, at Heller Bros.' , Regular Shoe House, 131 Fayetteville St, Raleigh, N. C. The civil-service commission wantl more clerks. Syrup or Kl(s. Is Nature's own true laxative. I is the most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Bilious or Costive; to Dispel Headaches, Colds, and Fevers; to Cure Habitual Constipa tion, Indigestion,. Piles, etc Manu factured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco, Oal. John 8. Pesoud, Sole Agent for Ral Raleigh, N. 0. Closing out Ladies Gauze Vests at 35o, former price 75c; Ladies lisle TSfa-'aiiffmery Wall Paper is cheaper just now than ever before. Will paper rooms complete (owing to size) as follows : $6, $8 and $10 each, $12.50, $15 and $20 each. Prices named are one-half former prices. Special care taken to do good work. Satisfaction guar anteed.. Have on hand a large stock and can suit almost any taste. Fred-A- Watson art dealer and manufac turer Of picture frames. Orders so licited and promptly executed. Dr, George W O Maupin, of Ports mouth, Va, is dead,' constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business. By-Lau.ii. 1 TKio nlnh ahall meet during political campaigns on Wednesday night of each ugjg -fag" clearing sa'es throughout 9, i.ue rrwiuoui buo - -" r- to call a special meeting of the ciud whenever, in his Judgment, it may oe necessary, or shall call a special meeting at the written request of any four mem bers of the club; ana ne snan give uuo notice of such meeting by newspaper publication or otherwise. 3. The deliberative proceedings of the club shall be governed by general par liamentary rules. A. Nn member shall be allowed to oc cupy the floor for a longer period than" ten minutes at one time, nor more tnan twice on the same subject, wimoui tne unanimous consent of the club. 5. No person who is not a member of the club shall be permitted to address the club, unless invited to do so by the chairman of the meeting. . . O darling meee Of Greek and Latin roots And muslin drees ! O union sweet Of dictionary v And dainty feet I 'ords Of stern and lofty thoughts And gentle sighs ' "Heurv. dear." said a fond wife, "I itm afraid your brother Daneil plays (V,o ff.nl n.n- than he used to. "Well, yes," replied her husband, "I guess he does. You see the days are growing longer.'' "I tell you bo ag'tn. I'se not one ob deee fool niggers what doesn't know nuffin'. I could dentuy a man eben if I nebber seed him ag in I don't hab ter see him ag'in to 'den- tifv him." "You are a sharp one, certainly." Texas Sittings. The Observer Printing Company Ralmo-h. N. C. is nreDared to do al kinds of Printing and Binding, and or t'tmrcbae Today. , Christian Church Preaching by the pastor. Rev. W. O. Clements, at 11 a. m. and 8.80 p. m.Sunday school at.S0a. m. Public cordially united to attend allser- T1Church of the Good Shepherd. Eev. W. M Clark, rector. Fifth. Sunday after Trinity. Sunday school at 9.80 a. tn. Morning Prayer and sermon and Holy Communion at 11 a. m. Evening prayer ad sermon at 8.80 p. m. Ser vices during the Week: Wednesday and Frirtar at 8.30 a. m. All seatsiree. cordially invited. Polite ushers. Central Methodist church at Bnggs Build i ui? Sunday ocnooi at . m R. C. Redford, Superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8.15 p. m. by Rev. L. L. Nasn, pastor. Doaie new .uu the public invited, to attend all services. Folite usners. Baptist Tabernacle ounoay scuw ok 9 00 a. m.. Services at n a. m. dj vm pastor, Rev. O. 8. Williams, and at 8.15 , Tx t akA A rrtrri ia! P. m. oy ttev. i, . . uuv... . ts. .11 tVioan aorvioea. luvimnuu -j , , , . First Baptist Church. Sunday school at 8 o'clock. Preaching at 11 a. m., by Ry W. 1. Bholar. A cordial invitation extended to all these services and polite ushers will seat all who attend ' Third Baptist Church Services at 11 a H K TV TY1. DT a, lit? IWIrVi , a- tide is marked down and iu plain fig ures. The latest catalogue of Bingham School is received. We note that the 219 pupils in attendance represent 14 States of the Union, while two are sons of army officers, and two are from England. A circular gvving the impression made by the school on Lieut. Batohelor and Capt. Wygaht, both detailed from TJ. S. Army as tactical officers, is well wort a tne at tention of parents. Wo note that the superintendent has abandoned attending the State Fair even, as be ing more hurtful than helpful. Ar tiilprv drill is added to the military instruction, a feature possessed by no other preparatory Bchool in the South, We are glad to see a North Carolina enterprise so progressive and so successful. See adv. Messrs. Whiting Bros., the popu lar clothiers and hatters, have a "Re bus," the solving of which they are efforing prizts aggregating about $15 00. Send or call for a copy of it. It will amuse; you if you can t win any of the prizes. Its superior excellence proven to mil lions of homes for more than a quartet ola century. It is used by the United Sates Government. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universities as the the Strongest, Purest and most Health ful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lame or Alum. Sold only -In Cans. - PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. nwTOBK. CBUOaOO. ST. lop ia. Dowd, 1 EDWARD FASNAQH, . i I OPTICIAN BJ, LEIGH, X. 0. Sunday school at 8 p. m. Representative McMillin, lows ana ovners. a. to- H. Thompson den Street M. E. Church South Sunday School lat 9.30 a. m Fhu at 11 a. m- ny nv. w . u. ",-T" oihhV p. m. by the pastor. Rev. J T. ibbs. The public cordially invited to First Presbyterian Church-Sunday School at 9.80 a. m. No other services during the day. u. . rHnrrh Blount atreet wi-vr-.- at 11 a. in.. "J r m. Atkinson. Seats all Tfce State National Bwilj. . Wo am informed bv Mai- the receiver of the State rtauonat Bank, that a number of the checks for dividends have not been cauea ior, tht. th citizens of Raleigh and others who fail to call f or their checks in the next few days may not be able thm for ten davs or two weeks Korocftftr. as the check books will HIV. VIM v- f have to be sent back to the Comp troller for his signature to other checks. All entitled to checks, there fore, should call at once. AAdBuer with pSoirbeVw?eTFrank Oar Optical Department Lee, son of Maj. isaKer r. uee, auv r-,l Plnllina. was fought Wed- -jt". r , , v sday night on tne oeacn the Hygeia notei, one sum bsing exchanged. No one was hit. Ihe distance is said to nave uwu uiwwu rtaces. It u understood that each SOLITAIRE and CLISTEE DIAJOMS' Gold Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watch Gor ham's Sterling 8Uverware,Rogert J plated silverware, any size and ,j weight of plain 18 karat En gagement rings constant ly in stock. Badges . and axeaais maae to order. .' Rev free and the miarantees satisfaction botn I price and workmanship. as to public invited. Sunday School uinm. P.'Vl ' kt iw and J. D. Draughn in the rninnivo uh MeetmgHouseat 11 a. m. The public siivitAti. fralra.. -Fifth Sunday after , fi a...i School 9 45 a. m. Morn- I-. Priver at U a. m. Evening Prayer IT, KanU-M durihz the wee WinesdaT6.00 p. m., and Friday 10 a. ja, All cordially invitea. nc near Embraces an endless variety of lenses which together with ;oar practice! expe rience enables us to ootreot almost any. error of refraction in Myopia (nearsight), Hjpermetropia (far sight), Presbyopia (old sight). Asthenopia (weak sight) and iriiintr prompt relief from that distress- tartvbad two seconds and a physician Dig ieadache which often aocompanies hind. The sheriff and the police imperfect . OUR AKiir AidAw arrived on the scene alter ine auei had taken place, and no arrests have been made. - ia if I sub By tba Way. The News asp Observes press now run by water. By the way, er SMI VaTlt the news VOU e Lrih' tar that tapr. Wilkesboro Buaaaww m I Chronicle. ; Human Eyea Move and sook like the natural orgs Mo pain when inaertea. Pauents at a distanoe having a brokea ' oys can nave m"! nuae wnmw vis ' lag pwsonaUi'. 1 i r T 3- 4- tr Mi

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