1 i I i 3 s 1 1. 4 i cJe ws aot Observer ::PcBUHKO DAT.? BXOZPT UottDAT) AMD (Pi THE K&W3 & OBSERVER GO J. I. HdBItt 5 . turee M i n 1.16 Ti Ho asms entered wtthont payment, and no pa et sea aftM tb ssplrattoa of Urn paid for. . J FRIDAY- JULY 13, 1888. lL710Cit.lTiC NOMINEES. BUECTUM, BsnAlr, MoTcmber tl. 1 KATlOTAt. TICKET. GROVEB CLEVELAND, i f Jew Vrk. ,? ALLEN; G. THURMAN. ; J f flh'w. FOR ELECTEES State at Large: ALFRED Jt. WAIMMELL, of Now Ilanover.l BHQEKICK ; jSTptUDWRK, of Orange, DISTRICT ElECTOBS: I Jo msT.-JOHHE.WOODAKR of Wilson.' . 5 u DrST;-CHArlLKS B. AYCtHJK, of Wayne. ! 4th DiST.--rKDW.AKD W. rOU, Jr.of Johnston. S ftTH WtT.f I ITH DlT. r.t-SAMtTK rj 3. PEMBKRTON. of Stanly r. I.KkQVC CALDWKLL, of IredelL r.4-TH0JI4S M. VANCE, .of . Caldwell. (5 TTH IMST. 8rHl)18TTH0SI4S I DlST HtAXJ TICKET. j ?p GOVEBNOR " DANIEL G. FOWLE, 0 Wake. FOB LIECT. OOYEBNOR : THOMAS M. HOLT, Of Al&rriance. For Associate Justice of the Su preme Court rto fill the vacancy caused by Ike, death of Thomas S. Ashe: JOS. J. DAVIS, of-Franklin. ? For Associate Justices of the Su preme Court iiijcler amendment to the Constitution: i . janes e. shepherd, Of Beaufort. ' ALPUOKSO 0. AVERY, f lot Burke. ; - ? TOR IBCRJETABT OF BTATI! WM..L: SAUNDERS, '; f of Orange. i FOB : TBKASUBER : DONALD W. BAIN, l- ;i tjf Wake.- FOB BCPtaiaTBNfcEST OF PCBUO IN8TRC0 0- ? TIOH : SIDNEY M. FINGER, 1 - dbf Catawba. Fob attornet oekeral : THEODOEE E. DAVIDSON, I ; of Buncombe. S ' - iron ATJDITOB : :q. W.iSANDERLIN, I ; of Wayne. roil CONGRESS. FOtJBTH district: B. H. BUNN, r:)fNa8h. APFOITBtE98 FOB HOIf . B. II. BCSJI ' ' Hon. B. II. Banic Democratic e&n Wdre8S tne people is. Ida rnnn.n at the folio wifi places on the dates in Hunt's; ldi county, July 19th, 1ft iVeraoa Springs, Chatham eountyJolf 84. Poplar SprinGr, July 27. HiUsboro,' Orange county, August Leesfille, Wke county, Aug. 11 Siler ' City; -Chatham county, Au Kost 23rd. - 4 - Democratic papers in the district are requested to publish the an nooncementi. : iMlIlM Q I1tt Will PIMM WUfTU Ohainnan- Whitaker, of the State Democratic I Executive Committee, is . Tery desirodB that the chairmen of all the county Democratic executive com mittees will report to him at their earliest peesiple convenience, as he baa not ye a list of. all the executive committees, which is absolutely neces sary in order that he may work sys tematically and effectively. The im portance of this will , be readily seen, and it Is urged that all county execu tive -committee chairmen notify Mr. Whitaker.i ? r . ' - V ; ' DocBEBtr caij get a joint canvass if he waiits iti but he don't seem to hanker af tef it. '-4r '"I iM. 1 Col DoCkkky is running well al-ready-fawaj from Judge Fowle and j& the rest of 'theXemoi;ratic candidates! Ma. Rahdau. seems to have been seriously lltbtt be is now apparently progressing fafvor ably towards recov ery. iiK I . ; C-i mm. New Uerpe covered herself with glory is tHf matter of her ratification, 'as we predicted she would. Now Goldsboro'will proceed in turn to take the rag off the bush. Thi Republicans pretend to be op posed to trusts Ac., but somehow or other when their representatives in Congress Come to vote on these com binations they; vote on the side of the combinations every time. The .executjve committee , of the American :larty issues a call for a na tional couTeution. The party endors es the present high tariff, which is quite enough tt know of it for the great majority of the people of the country. 1 j A MSXHN& of the State Republican committee is called for next Wednes- day and evry member is urged to be I present "as business of the utmost importanceiis to be transacted,'" Won , der f Doukejry u extraordinary dig- courtesy to! the committee is to be I taken up or if Russell's and liarrin , i ger'a and llobbins' defection, with the defection kf others the returns i not being Vet all in is to be con- pideredl -Truly is there "business of 'the utmost importance" before the I committee. The party . which the lommittee ; rep sents is in a very wearing way. THSS COOICB OV TMKFirTM DUTHICt'. The Democrats of the fifth dis trict indne: of the largest conTen tions held) in the strict in may years and after a prolonged eonteft, characterized throughout, however, by the ntmOst good feeling, chce Jas. T. &f orehead as . their candidate or Congress. The result was reached only on the 162d ballot, showing that the friends of all those mentioned lor the nomlnitSon in the convention tood br the men of their first choice to the utmost extent; within reason, and well it was they did so since each aniTevery one named was worthy 'of the honor to be bestowed. But finally all centred! OA Morehead, and this gallant, able,, gentleman, this true representative of Southern manhood, became the j thanimous choice whre there had betja rivalrf.but of the moet generous sort: f ' We cannot; Put Deiieve tnat ttie choice is a wtfe one. Col. Morehead is aVlmirablyiiequipped for political life, is, isdeei no tyro, having ren dered distfriuished public sertlce I boih in the &M during the war alnd in tne leirislatiure. We mean to fay that be wu pane an aamiraDie can vass, will prove a foeman wortLyof the steel of kh bes. champion that may be brought against him and- if elected will represent his district with fidelity and ability, reflecting creilit at once on Jumaeil ana tne Male'; oi North Carolina lie is a man of . the fjneet personal presence and of jtlill and strength in debate, we are more than glad 60 know that his election is reasonably sure and we congratulate tne uisincij anu u outte uu am uupii- nation, v ;s. j.i Col. Morehead is in his 50th year and is a native of Guilford. He :raB educated at ; Rev. Dr. Alex. Wilson's school and at the State University, was a Colonel in the Confederate States Arniy member of the House of Commons ;in 18C6-C7, State Senator and President of the Senate in and again! elected to. the SeDat in 1874 and io 1883. l During :th wr he served from April, 1801 until the surrender, in the 27th,45th and 53d regiments. He was wounded at tiettyslnjrg, Fisher's Hill and Hare's Hill, thus sealing his devotion to his country with his blood. i At the last session of the legislature; of which he was a rflem ber, the session of 1883, be fwas oi the greatest prominence Dy reason of his extended legislative expert nee. his skill in debate and his . wis dou' and! prudence in affairs j of State generally, and was. made- chair man of the Senate branch oi the com mittee on the code and penal institu iions. . .. i He is a ripe statesman already and wm serve m people in tne r eaerai Congress if. elected with courage, still and discretion. He is a power on the stump and will make his ; elec tion sure, we believe. ? MM - . i i The Radical .brethren do not relish having the doings of tteir party when .it was in power brO tight up for Comment. But whyi)ot ParLiea are. to be judged by ;.their a:tions. "Ye know them by", tlieir fruits.; jtlia Radical party of today is composi;of about ' the sanfe oil orowd as formerly and it has' about the samel purposes and objects as are thankful to realize, are no longer here. .LfUeneld and Tourgee; and Lanin hafe vanished; but the' party consists now, as under their regime. ox a big crowd oi darkeys . and sprinkling ' of white folkB. Do, the peopie want these to be the "ruling power iu pvw o, w.iiu bueir terri ble record illustrating theil inca pacitj o ! administer governmetit; or do they propose to keep publifi affairs in the hands of those who hare for fifteen .yeare administered themj with prudence; and ndelity T Du0pB Doosxax -has a good deal to say aboint local self-government In litis speeches, ringing the changes p4l the importance Ktf the people elacting their own hoo6 offi oers, as if the Democratic party or any other party denied the troth of the pporjdsition in general. 4; Now what is hjs own position with respect to the matler T In his letter of ac ceptance hi Bays : - "Let the people possess the' right of local self-government; and if nec essary let the legislature pass an act authorizipg the Governor, pn.the pe tition of not less than one hundred freeholderl of any county, to appoint a board of audit and finance. for each county, to consist of as many ; mem bers as t&e board of county commis sioners, to be of both political pjar ties, and the majority thereof to be' of op: positej politics to the majorityiof the Joard : oip commissioners, without whose consent not a dollar of the peo ple's money shall be expended.-' That ia to say Col. Dockeryj is in favor of the election of magistrates and commissioners by the people, but he proposes that the officers so cho sen shall, be under the1 absolute con trol in One respect of appointees cf one man: at Raleigh the Governor. What ' idrt of local self-government -is this t As the Chatham Record says: "His" (Dockery's) "po sition. ohs the .county government question i; quite peculiar. While he favors the election of comm's'sloners, magistrates and school committeemen by tb.4 people, yet he also favors. the appointment by the Governor of a board of audit and finance in each county, arid without their content not a dollar can be expended. That is, he is willing to allow the people of every county to elect their feommis sionerB and magistrates, but is not willing to trubt them with the county's liuauces after being elected ! He is willing to give the appointment of this board of audit and finance to the Govetnor to dbe man and without the consent of this board neither the commissioners tor tho' magistrates (though they may te elected by. the people) can expend one dollar of the county's jijoney. Why thep 'allow the people' to elect their conjmissioners Woud -it not b ? a mother y" The Colonel will have to explain a little to make his argument satisfac tory to thinking men. The present system of county government :i"s a le gitimate expedient to save the eas ern section of . the Stale from the jgDor ance and rapacity of liadieal role, which . inj point of fact is tolhing more nor; less than negro rule, and it i is going to De maintained by tte white men of the State as long as it may be necessary to the protection of this white man's land, . ' 4 r-M.. Axd now they say CoL Lot Hum phrey Las come over to the Demo cratic party. We welcome the Colonel heartily.! lie was always too good a. man and a o tizen to be a Republican 'Come ye out from among then.," je who huye affiliated with the Re pubLcaus but who now see, the inad equacy of Republican principles to the needs of the country. There is room and a welcome for all in the Democratic household. . Dockeby doesn't hanker after meet ing Judge Fowle. His difficulty will be to escape Judge Fowle. MaR'B'KO'S .MAHHIAtiK. ) II Ltal or I)limou I N. V. Col . Vultimoru bun. KimulineouBly with the announce ment received bore by cable of the anival in England of the Duke of Marlborpugh and his new wife, "soci ety circles in New ork have been startJeJj by the suggestion, said to have etuahated from good legal authority, that the recent marriage of the JLmue anil yits. iiamtnersiey, id which Jlajor Hewitt figured as u prominent 'actor, was net only invalU, but actuaijy bigamous, according to the laws of tne htato of Aen lork on the subject. Whether the Duke, an an alien, became subject to the opera tion Of the laws of this State by his temporary residence here, during which the marriage took place, does not appear; to materially affect the question, inasmuch as Mrs. Hammers ley, admittedly, was subject to these laws, and any violation of.-lhem on her pa' I wpuld invalidate the whole transaction, besides rendering her liable to the penalties provided by the statuto (sections 288 and 28'J, Penal Code) in the evont of her re turn to this country. The principle relied on to sustain this view is sup ported jiby the decisions of the Su preme Court of N. Y. in the case of Cropsey vs. Ogden (1854) and Smith vs. Wood worth (18U4), m both or which i the court held that it mat tor od nothing wbere the first marriage; took place. If a per son divorced Dy nis own act, for adultery, contracted a second marriage within the jurisdiction of the stale oi rsew loric wmie hie urst wife was still living, ho should be ad judged to have committed , the crime of bigamy, and the so called marriage Would be null and void. As the male principal in one of these cases was an Englishman, it is a complete counter part to. that of the Duke of Marlbo- Tougb, jwhoae first wife, the March- lonHS joi liianaioru,. is stui living, and. haf a son, who is the acknowl edged heir to the dukedom and what ever miy remain of the possessions of the Louse of Churchill, which the present holder of the title has been industfiously dissipating .since they came upder hia control on the death of his I father, Lord Beaconsfield's lord liuteiiRct of Ireland during the opening period of tho home rule struggle. Whatever may bo the ef fect of any flaw in the marr age on this sicle of the ccean, the circum stances; cited will undoubtedly com prouiifife the position of the lady in Eaglaid. where Queen Victoria has set t he example of rigidly excluding such divorced and remarrkd people a rule that virtually amounts to a sentence of social ostracism. Tb IClclKh tistrlct Caufcrcncr. Cor. of t!e New aud Observer. 1 Sklma, July 12th, 1888. . Tuejlakigh District Conference of the .VUE Church, South, is holding its 22df session in this place. There is a large attendence of ministers and laymor, Rev. F L. Reid, Presiding Elder, 'is presiding. D. W. Bain is Sec etiry and E. II. Baker, of Louie bu g i assistant Secretary. Bishop W. Wi Duncan, is.expected tomorrow. He 'wiS preside. His delay in reach ing hefe was caused by the death of Mi 8. Duncan's father. The citizens of Selma are bhowipg their Urge-hearted hospi aKty. Pas tors are reporting today on the ppir ituul condition of their churches. Much nfoimatiou is elicited on this subject. Thy reports show well for ths Urge men; I Col. Robinson's Ilctnrn. BaltlaoMsBuu. Col- John M. Robinson, of Balti more, resident of ihs Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad system, left Liver pool Saturday by tho stoamer Umbria with nis family for New York. ' He spent Some time in Europe earlier in the year, and came back to attend the annual: meetings of the several com panies an the Seaboard system. After the meetings Col. Robinson returned to Eurppe to bring his family home. He wil reach iNew York next Satur day orjSunday; tobat Scott Told at Wllion. The f Wilson Mirror of this week says: The man in jail in Kaleigh stated j that he had worked at the brick yard of Taylor & Cobb in Wil son. lOn interviewing Mr. Taylor our reporter found that Mr. Taylpr discovered the: fringing of this per son in jbeing an Irishman and made him talk squarely "United States" to him. He told; him he was born in Bunc;jjnbe county, N C, bad lived in Johnston and i various other places, that he had been married three times.; two of his wives were dead, the other he had divorced. Mr. Taylor recol lects distinctly the missing finger, the marks ;on his face and Bear on the ab domen. 'The Old Human to b Invited. llurliaiiil'l.ilit. At the meeting of the Exposition Committee Wednesday the iuvitutiou committee waf instructed to extend a cordial and pressing invitation to Judgej Tburman to visit Durham upou (jhe occabiou of our grand Jix positidn. The committee is dos'tr mined to fcecure his presence if pus Bible, aLiil if it is found necessity a Special commitee will b3 appointed to go to his home and urge him to vibiL us a. I hat timo : Hi- thr Farun r Frlrml! Kineltf jrilli' ii.m-)-vh. When Harrison was in the U. S. Sunate he voted against putting cot ton ties on thje free list See Con gressional Repord, vol. xfv, p. 1U5S. He. Voted against reducing the tar iff rate on cotton bagging. See Con gressional Record, vol. xiv, p. 250'. He toted against roducing the tar iff tax: on Agricultural implements ani tckls of mechanics, ee Congres- stoaal Jlecord, vol. x.v, p 1784, 47th Coagrbss. . THS' JIOKTII CAHOLMA TE4CHIRI THE 6CMMEK PILORIMAOE E SIDED HOMt- , ; WABD BOrSD. , CorJif th. Newt and Observer. j iCw Berse, N. C, July 10, 1868 Returning from Niagara FaIIb ; c-n j ;-urday morning the North Carolina i Leathers concluded their sight seeing tour and prepared to embark for hofne on the steamer "Old Domin ion:" of the Old Dominion Line from New York to Norfolk. At 3 o'clock p. n. the handsome little steamer moved from the wharf and with many "good byes" and waves of the hand to .pleasant friends who had come to see the party off our happy company began the homeward voy age. From the great number of bun dles containing lemons and fruits it is easy to conclude that some of the party are preparing for a spell of sea sickness when they get on the ocean. As we sail down the harbour each person is busy in getting the last sight of the various points of interest which they have just visited and the vervjfamiliar way in which they discuss each prominent building as it comes insight wou'd convince a by stander that it was a group of native New Yd: kcrp. It would be hard to find a peVeon who had traveled more, seen mOro, leained more or had enjoyed uire in a ten-da)s' tiip than has ta' h orfe of our compauy of teachers, and few .people have ever retained a more vivid and labting impression of a tour of pleasure and instruction than will these enterpi isiug teacbers'of our Old North State. JTyio dy for smiling is perfect in every way, a gentle breeze coruipg frjmi the south just sufficient to cool the air" t a delightful temperature, without causing;any roughness of the sea; thus the entire Inp from 'ew Y'rk to Norfolk was made with a little motion to the ship as if ehe had been sailing on a great mill-pond. Not a single person experienced the slightest seasickness, but every one was promptly at the table as each of the splendid meals was spread, f5r which these excellent steamers aje noted. And just here we will say that our teachers have been fas cinated by the comforts and pleas ures of the entire trip to Mew xork via the Old Dominion route and the njultitude of kind courtesies extended to them by all the agents of the line, and the officers of the steamers have entirely captured the hearts of our party and many express themselves as determined never to make a trip tb New York in any other way thun on the Old Dominion Bhips. The steamers are admirably built, the table fare is excellent, the speed is quick and the ease of the journey is all that could be desired. " j After the steamer, had gotten woll out to B?a it was announced that (he entire party was requested to gather on the mam dock lor a lew moments, and after the company had assembled the secretary was invited to step to the centre oi the group, ihen, in behalf of the company, Mrs. Flora iiurch, a teach r of Florence, S. U in a neat speech presented to the sec retary a handsome leather traveling dressing case "as a testimonial of the esteem and thanks of the teachers for all vour efforts in their behalf." The secretary expressed his surprise and returned his thanks for tno kind gut I On Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock Ive arrived at Norfolk and shortly thereafter enjoyed it sumptuous sup ber at the verv handsome Atlantic Hotel, where Mr. DodsoD, the genial proprietor, naa pioviuvd an tno aou eacies of the season at a special re Ruction in price for the teachers. Most of the party spent the even jng at the Second Presbytr;an church, of which R9V. W. S. Lacy, reatly loved North Carolina preacher, s pastor, and it was gratifying to see that he is as highly esteemed and ap predated by his charge-in Virginia as he was at home. : Again taking passage on tho Man- teo with Captain Thos. Southgate, jsee begin the return trip through the Eastern Carolina sounds at G o'clock Monday morning, and we begin to feel that now we are indeed nearing heme. A stiff breeze drive away tho heat and ruffles the Albemarle sound juet enough to give variety to the bail. The boat touches at Roanoke Island and several of our farty step ashore just to say tLat they are been to this famous historical Spot. At 11 o'clock next morning we reached the pretty and hospitable little city of Washington, in Beaufort county, and Captain Southgate gives jus two hours t go ashore and visit the summer Normal School now in Session at that place. When our party entered the room, Prof. Alex. Graham, the superintendent, in a most pleasant little speech extended a cordial welcome to his educational visitors. Capt. C. B Den ion, a vice-president of the Teach ers' Assembly, in behalf of that great, organization and especially of the visiting portion of it, responded to ibis welcome in eloquent and most fitting remarks, and the Normal 8chool then took a recess for a gen eral acquaintance occasion, which was eatly enjoyed by all. The Normal, though only in its second day, has a good attendance, and the outlook is 'for a very satisfactory term.Wehadthe 'pleasure of meeting a good number of members of the Teachers' Assem bly who had attended the various sessions, and the meetings are always exceedingly pleasant to all parties 'because the fraternal and friendly . ties within this immense North Car- Molina educational brotherhood, are ; strong and greatly cherished. On Tuesday night at 12 o clock the Mantoo" goes to her wharf at New 1 Berne and our tourists take the train next morning for their homes. Here the breaks begin to be made in the company as the members diverge to their separate homes, and the pint ings aie peculiarly sad where the whole of inia delightful trip has seemed but the journeyings of a largo family of brothers and bisters who havo spent the time almost constantly together even as in a happy home circle. Thus concludes the happiest vacation trip ev;r made by North Carolin ans. It has been wholly Without accident of auy kind, no dis comfortn, no seRsickneff , no discord, bul a continual roend of enjoyment aud pleasant surprise from the de parture fioiu Mor head City, 6von to the landing at New Berne on the re turn, after a journey of nearly three thousand miles, and each member of the company has mos most heartily c voted it "a perfect success." E. G. H. Speech is silvern, silence 10 goldrD, ?giggling is lirazftn, aid laugrier is often ironical. Jruca. t IFowI Oliver Moot, ,11m Vsraur la Vletorloms, Cor. of the Kew$ and Ooserrer. f s Toprojt, N. C-, July 8. ; This morning Mr. Troy's white 1 Fowl seemed unusually happy and I was crowing vigorously, seeming to eay, "Three cheers for Fowle 1 Presently a common 'dark-colored rooster the boys call 'Oliver" was feeding round about the base of the Cleveland and Fowle ; pole, when "Daniel" managed to press through the wires of his cage, and all of a sud- den pounced down from his ninety two feet elevation, attacking "Oliver," i and I am sure no Republican ever ; cried "protection'' with more earnest ness and pathos. "Daniel" was com pletely victoiiouB, and after he re turned to his lofty position, "Oliver" was seen to mount a log and make a feeble effort at crowing, seeming to say, "I give it up," "I give it up. Your special correspondent from Cunningham, Person county, in your issue of the 6th, claims to have erected the first Cleveland and Fowle pole, and thrown' to the breeze the first banner. Cherokee contests that declaration until Person states at what time her (lag was thrown out, which she can do by writing to the editor of tho Nsws ad Ob'euveb We do the same today, and will Jet the editor decide who is entitled to the palm. ButCcerokoe willinot.sui render her right to tho lirf-t live Fowle though she may be beatf u a few hcurs in the banner. Cherokee will vow challenge Per son cr any other county, on the grer.tt gain to the Democratic ticket at tl e approaching election, as - we have determined she jjhall take her place among the solid Democratic counties. This naturally grand and beautiful country, with its rolling and sparkling rivirp, and its towering and picturesque mountain, ought not, and must not longer be polluted wit h Republican supremacy. Our pole was raised at one o'clock and'the ban ner thrown out at a quarter to two on July 4th. ' Etta Ma v. Death of an KUma,bl Iady. Greenjlon Patriot. Mrs. W. D. Alderman breathed her last Wednesday morn ng at 4 o'clock at her residence on . West Market street, in the 521 year of her age. The deceased had been lingering for several days pas', and when the sum mons came she appeared peifectly resigned to God's will. She was a devout member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Soulh, of this city, and was universally loved and ad mired for her womauly bearing and Christian fortitude. Hbe leaves sev eral children and a kind and affec tionate husband and a host of warm friends to mourn her death AD V H E l l t U1"HEK. Mrs. Window's Bool up should alwajj oe r.ea ur.a cru aren are cuiimg leetn. it re UeTes the little aunVrer at onoe, 11 prinlucet natu ral, quiet sleep by rellevlun thefliiklrenfrnm ana tne uuie cneniD awaaes as "origut via but ton." It Is very plfianuut, to, taste; sootlitis t;i ObUd, softens Hie v,im, ailajs U pain, rtilleves wind, reKu!als tte uowels and i the best knowD reme ! for iw.rro't, whet'iec, rlrlne fn rr. i. en itttf. r er esn'. T-.ntvflTe cmi'.- tt-f- - . ii. - j Boutelle is lather :a conspicuous kind-of a names for a man who inf-erts a temperance plank iij a party plat form. Washington Critic. Two special diepatcraes 'rem BosUm and Buffalo, abost relics of the Tip pecanoe campaign of 1840, one if wnich "will be sent k a souvenir to General Hurrison," the Tribune has put under the strange title "Obit- CONSTIPATION IS eanaed by a Torpid vr Dot enough bile bt-iDK excreted from tike blood to produce nature's own cathartic. Tne treatment of onatlpatton ikms not couulst ftierely in unload ing the lKwels. The medic Ids must not only act as a purgative, but be a tome-as well, and not pro duce after Its use greater costiveness. To secure a regular iiaou oi oooy wiinout cnajiKUiK tnedl ft or ujs rKauuuiK uie sysieiu "My attention, after siifferinK with Constipa tion for two or three years, was called to blnumnis Liver Regulator, and, liuvliin tried almost Bvery tliliit? else, concluded to fry t' I llrst took a wlueulasHfiil aud afterwards reduced the dose to a teapoiiful:'a pur directions, after each meul. I found that It had done me so much ginxl tlmt I coiitmuvd It until 1 took two ixittles. Mnc then I have not experienced any iBfllculty. I keep it In my house and would nut M without It, but have no use fur It, it bavin cured iine."lJ kcKi.k W. Si m, Assistant c lerk Superfor Court, HI bb Co., tia. KXAMINKTOBKK THAT VOUOKTT11R OKNUINE, dlsUmnitshed from all frauds and Imitations by our red Z trade mark oil front of wrapper, and on the side the teal and signature of J. 11. Zolllu & oo. CITIZENS' TRUST I COMP ANY RALEIGHN , C, Siticiui and is empowered to execute TRUSTS OF AIaL KINDS. TO MANAGE PBOrKBTT AS Agent for Ownor i To Buy and Sell I'roperty COLI.ECT ItlrrI'ti LOOK AFTER; TAXES, BUY AND SELL SECURITIES: To issue negotiable certificate againta goods on storage upon which money ran be obtained at the Lowest Ruling Rate and to do all business jusaally done by Trust Companies. C. M. HAWKINS, President. ; W. . ANDERSON, Vioe-lTeeirtet t, P. If. WILflON. Othifr. Health is Wonlth ! 1R. E '. Wf-tT'B Nr.RVK And I'hain Trkat- mpnt a Kuaranteed sp'ciHc for Hyst-i-ia, li.4i-nt-s-, C'ouvuiMions, Kits, Nt-rvous Nt-tiral;ia. HeadaclH. Nervoas rrott ration cau-i d by lic use of, alotiol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental le preHsion, solteniiiK t ilf Hrin niilnng, in in sanity and leailmglo inlfery, decay and death. Premature Old Ai'e, Barren nNs, Loss of power tn either sen, Involuntary Lowes and Sperniator rh jea caused by over-etertlon of the brain, se'f aiuse or over-indulgence. Kach box contain one month's treatment. Si. AS a box, or six boxes for $5 0". sent bv mail prepaid on Receipt of price. aitTLi: six Tocun thj ease. With eact) order received by as for slx'botes. accompanied with S."", we will te.nd the puiebaser our written guaranty to re fund Uu money u Che treMtnient does not effect a cure. Uuarauteea Issued only by Jamet atc Kiuimon (jo.. DruKEfrta. Hole Aieuti. las Umj atterule St.. Balelab. N. C. P YLE'S EAR LINE OSSESSES ECU LIAR URIFYING ROrERTIES. P REPS AND UB1.IC RONOUNCE EAR LINE EKFECT. P RUDF.NT hori.K UK' 11 YLE'S l.AKLI PEarliNE SUMMER NT 0 ' ' v "The Summer Capital by the Sea." THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, Morehead City, N. C. (Open June 1st, to Oct., 1888.) Greatly enlargrd atnl imjirove l. Acccmm(la! ionn for 1CKX) guctts. first class and rates reasonable. Write for new dinci iptive pamphlet. Beermann cSl Cooke, Prop'rs. ATLANTA OA., Chas. Beeraann & Co., Propr b. THE KIMBALL. CONNELLY BURKE COUNTY NORTIJ CAROLINA. MEHOISEY Sc I3HOT11EK, Propr'w. 1 4' : S5v?' ' j.'fc.. Ba4ISawawsnaakBWHBs This remarkable Spring was opened to the public duriiij; the summer of 186 by the proprietor. It la itwtaauiuiii; ti.e foot iiiiin i the Hiur ituifcfi Mouutuius, In lifty f net of Uie w. N. C.K. It., at Con nelly Springs Station. Burke County. N . 0. It is about l-oo feet above the level of the ocean, In a delightful, salubrious climate. The Hotel ac commodations are first class. The wondeiful curative properties of CONNELLY STRINU8 have al ready made it famous . as an Alkaline w aler it is euarto the celebrated Uufialo Litbia Springs of Virginia. 11 cures Gravel aud Gout and oilier depraved diseases of the system dependent on the uric acid diathesis. It relieves Uright's Disease and cures Diabetes. Kvory uisease of the Kidneys aud Bladder finds relief in the use of this water. It is very ctlieacious In 1l diseases peculiar to women. It cures Dyspepsia and Nervous Diseases, unlets the nerves, gives peaceful sleep and restores the cuuigies. ia ivumj tivaie ivaicrauu louicu Haywood White Sulphur Springs. I UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. W AYSEfeVlLLE, N. C. The loveliest spot 'n all God's wonder land of beauty ! Nuture's trundle bed of recuperation ! . New U etory brick hotel, 170 feet long, with veranda's 13 feet wide and 250 feel long. House handsomely furnished. Everything new, bright and clean. Ac commodations in every department strictly first-class in every particular. About 100 rooms, including desirable cottages near main building. Special Arrangements will b made for the Months of June and September. Allen & Neville, Proprietors. AND NOT SLOW ! For an ice cold' and refreshing bever age go to A. W. CJoodwin & Cos drug store, and you can get it, sparkling soda water, ice cold mineral wate's, orange cidei on draught, moxie, limeade and milk shakes. 25,000 Cigas-s- J ust received, choice and select Lranue Sweet and free smokers. If jou enjoy a pleasant and delightful smoke, you can get it at Goodwin's drug store. GARDEN SEED OF EVERY KIND AND FOR EVERYBODY. Standard Patent Medicines, Drugs, spices and Flavoring Extracts, Per fumery and Toilet Soaps. The betit brands of chewing and smok ing tobacco always on hand. Prescriptions dispensed at till hours of day or night. w s nsut jour onleis a' ,1 intend to ih.ivelhem if Pti'-es and tj j.-ility ill win. A. W. (j nod win A Co. Ucmoeopathio I'lijsiiclai., Halifax Street, Opposite Cotton PUtfonn, Atiuuds to the general practice of medi ;io. RM-ial attention paid to dimtaes (f s"trv0 and ohildrD 1o B Sri h yi j l j V !';' -' RESORTS. EvorythiDf5 SPRINGS, 5ga s;"f.i kj MERONEY &BRO., ConEellj Kprings, Burke County, N. C. uas no equal, nenu. iir circular. REAL ESTATE FOli SALE. OTlt'K OF HALE OK VALUABLE PKO-pi-rty. liy virtue of authority given in three several mortgages executed by Cornelia A. Thoinpsdii and lecorded In the Register's office o( Wane, county, in Book i, page lift. Book 83, page 7, and Book page iu3 we will sell en Tuesilay the 24th day of July, ipsa, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House door In tne city of Ha eigh, a lot with the Improvements thereon, situ ated on KayettevUle street, in said city of Kai eigh, and kuown in the plan of said city as part oi lot No. Htt. aud more deliuitely described by metes aud bounds in said mortgages wliicli are hereby referred to for description. Terms uf sle-(!'a,sh. JfACK, IIOLDING A HECK Attorneys tor Mortgage. Bobbin and Shuttle Mills and New and Valuable Machin ery for Sale. l!y virtue of authority conferred upon me In a certain deed of trust executed by the Durham Woolen and Wooden Mills. 1 will sell at public auction, on the premises, in Durham, N.Couthe 1-Hli day of , JULY, 1J58S, At eleven o'clock, a. m.. the buildings, machinery, tools and outtlt of tiie Durham Woolen and Wooden Mills, and the land (twenty acres) Uhu which, said nulls are located. The mills areiu good con dition, the machinery nearly new and the tiUe un questioned. 1'i'ivate oilers will be received up to day of sale Terms, , cash, 1-3 six months, 1-3 twelve n 'in h.t. For any other partieularsor information, call on or wide to the undersigned at Durham, N. C. J. L. W ATKINS, Trustee. AND FOB SALE. uu Monday. August Cth.l. at the Couit d(Kr in liaieigh, N. c, l will sen at public a tract or parcel of forty acres ol land, cut oft ot the ni'rtti end of a tract of sK3 acres in Wake county Hdjoining the lands of Madison race's lieiis, Wyatt & 'lay lor, Mis. Elizabeth bater, t'. W. Williams and lixum Dunn, being part of th lands of the late Napoleon B. Wil Manis in St. Matthews township, bale made pursuant to judgment of Wake Superior Court, rendered in the speecial proceeding entitled. A. isme, Administrator vs. a. A. Wil liams, et al. No. ttis, to make real estate assctls. 1 ei ins ol sale: One fourth cash, residue on a a credit of six months, with interest at 8 percent. Hour ol sale, !-' in. ANDREW SYMH, Commission, t. PUBLiqAUCTI0N. fcALK OK TUB Kingsbury Property! IN THE roWNOFOXFoKn.UIiANVlLLECO.,. N.C. The death of Mrs. Kussell Klng.-bury lias thmwu upon the market that valuable i iece ol real estate known as the Ki:s.sl-:i.l. hlN:sl!CKY ESTATE. Ti i same is siiimte In o -feet t,f tiir court bouse.'i '"". .' ovord -li.anvilie county, North : lull Carolina. It fronts 111 teef on Main sirc-et, 30. I on i oi,li ge Mi et and 3.4 tei t on a new street I' l-oii il hi Situate (lie hlNdSUCXiY MANSION house, cottage house having rooms, a store holts-.- nmtuuiLmlldings. The lot embraces solue Uiiugovr 3 ACRES OF LAND. This valuable piece ol real estate will be soUTat puulic aucUon in the town of oxford on ' AIOaDaY, l JULY, lstta. ni.lt ss the siiine on privatrly sold -before that date aud will be sold inaluuip. When Judiciously cut ni. about fXi'tliint building lots can be made. Terms of sale: one-third cash, balance Willi M-r cent iuh-rvst, due: in 1 and -' years. Conespou d nee olicil d. THOfi B. VKNA11LE, Executor ot Uij will ol BuMe'j Kiiigsbury. EDUCATIONAL. i:im;ihm school, with a whole aoma MOHAl restraint. flen the bent PI1THC4L and Um beot MttlVTAL, I culiure, a eemi "lory I KUK'tU M with KS- H ! -. t ori'lti., a rtfa.wnjbl but trict I'lfl IHI.nK. aud a local ii entirely Ire from M l. m i . o nnie or money stient attcndtoic AUHKlLTlHAb VAIkt For i'auaoRUS auurvs. Mat U. IXlIABf , ' lUutiliaai Hi-lmol. Orange Co , GREESBORO GliELXSHORO, N. a The sixty BOTenih -tsion of this pros- perous institution begins on the 2dd of August, Superior advantages offered in all th departments of teaming usually taught Instruction given in type-writinir and stenography. Terms moderate. tor Catalogue apply to T. M. JPNKS, President. WAKE FOREST COLLEGE, NORTH CAROLINA. Sixteen mites north of luleilrh. Fifty-fourth annual session logins September I. Ten distinct si-noois. ten iiistrnciors. ib.oou volumes in Li brary. Wftl eiulpiu Laboratories, livadlnn Koom ana uymuasium ; extensive grounds. i-resiaeut uhas. w. tayuor. Wake Forest, N . i Uiiiversitv of North Carolina, CHAPEL HILL, N CJ. Tho ce-x t aresiuu b-. tiua AujlI .-i1. Tuition rixliiced to jpSi) a htlf tr. I'oor students may give notes. Faculty of tifie"u teachers. Thiee full "outscs of study leading to degrees. Three hort studies for tne training of business mea, teachers, physicians; and pharmacist. Law school fully equipped. Write for catalogue to Hon. KEMP P. R ATTLE, Cbaptd Hill, N C. CATAWBA iCOLlMT NEWTON, N. C. NEXT 8F.SSION will bet.n Aug Stli. -- Kull Academic and C'olleiflate (tVurses. Aln Muki, PalullriK, IJrawii)?. t'eimiauvlilp and Hkk-'i-iiiK- r'lue Iluildui)fs, Apparatus. Libraries, tre. Ten Instructors. Iicatioti healthful. Hoard and Tuition moderate.. Indigent person lieloed. Ai- ply at once. CataloKin- Vflee. Aauress iiiiv.j . u. ti.srr, rresioent, KKV. J. A. FOIL. Secretary. Oxford Female SeminaWr OXFOKD, N C j The Next Session Opens September th, Ism. The faculty eonalsU of the followlnc : -lt'. v . A. Jenkins. (.University of Virginia ) ; Mis llain. (Sairveur School of IiiitUtKtl ; Mrs. T witty, (Halto. Ladies t'ollece) , Miss Hall. (Conner - Ion Art M'hovl. N. V.) : Mis Clark, M ln-limau College of wusie) Mrs. blra'ley. Miss Jordan. Miss HohKOod. ('arm Per SrSsia f iO Hfks : Board, fuel, lights, wAsliini. full Knglish course, itiu, r'rencli, Lierman, If paid In advance. ' rs The above with music. ! i-S is, A special discount for two or more mini s from a family or a ne!i,'hl"rboi.d.i Apply for caiampuf . K. r. HUliliOOU, rnuripai mm mum aid mi sciiuti "I FOB i lonng Ladies und Little (Iirl ' IlilUboro, N. C. The Scholastic Year 58th balf-sessioD) of the Mitses Nash Mid Miss Kollock's School will cocimence on the 5th of Sev tember, 1883. Circulars sent on application. j'in1dfndotw. CI L. TLrw lluudred and Fiftten Tons Arrived a few days sijnce, second ship ment oi tnat exc'siient l(el A: h loeberrIy coal For grates. Superior to any other anthracite coal. Two hundred tons Tennessee Soft, and one hundred W. fa. Splint. WB FIFTY .CORDS I DRY PINE, And two hundrel 'best heart. Cut any length desired, ot sold long. hil The best illuminating oils, delit ere from our patent oil tank wagon. No waste to purchasers. PHIL. AND NO FOOLISHNESS'. Everything in the way of SUMMER GOODS will be sold at and below coet from July 1st to September 1st, to niske -room for my - FALL STOCK. Come and get goods cheaper than ef i Wou Saw Before. Oil stoves, bath tubs, fly fans, etc., &o Am DrfDared and readv to-do nltrnk- ing, II. AMEWS & CO lira STEAM AND GAS FITTING in all its branches. All work warranto and satisfaction guaranteed. HARDWARE, . Stovea and House Furniahing Goods, J. O. BREWSTER, .1 1