STews and Observer Pft&UHxs Duly (ixozft Mohd at) and ff WlTaXT. .. bt the news a observer co j. i.MetE. . ... matt Dally one year. by mall postpaid, XSonthS, " K SN 1 T Weeki, one year six months," a aaame entered without payment, and no pa per seat after ths expu-atioa of time paid tor. i ii o a rrrrrTT i Tr tttt V ii 1000 llE.UOCIaA.TIIJ NOMINEES. BaIaBVCTIOIT, TUESDAY, larwkfr th. : j RATIONAL. TlCJiET. FOE PRESIDE!! : GROVER CLEVELAND, tt Itw Ya. m V1CK-PKESIDEIT : ALLEN G. THURMAN, f ki. FOfe ELECTO&S State at Lawk: ALFRED H. WADDELL, of New Hanover.l ' VEEUEKICK N. 8TRCDWICK, of Orange, i j, District Electors: ilTD?ijOHN E. WOODARD, of Wilson. 3D WW. CHAHLK8 B. AYCOCK. of Wayne. 4TH D(it. KDWAKD W. FOU, Jr.of Johnston . MR 11.T .-SAMUEL J. PKMBKBTUN.of Stanly TTH DlST.-LEROYO. CALDWELL, of Iredell. MB Dip t .-THOMAS at. VANCE, .of C1V;1V ITH JJWT.J. H. DUHBU.v. 01 Burrjr. HTATE TICKET. fobgovibsob: DANIEL G. FOWLE, of Wake. FOB LIEUT. OOTKBNOB : THOMAS M. HOLT, of Alamance. For Associate Justice of the Su preme, Court to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Thomas 8. Aahe: ; f JOS. J. DAVIS, of Franklin. ' For Associate Justices of the Sa preme Court under amendment to the OonsUintion: -; JAMES E. SHEPHERD, '$ of Beaufort. ;ALPHONSO 0. AVERT, if of Burke. FOR' BECB1TABT OF .STATES WM. L. SAUNDERS, lj - of Orange. 1 FOB TREASURER : DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. FOB 8UTIBI!rrENDItHT OF PUBLIC IKHTBU0 ' ' TIOS : " ; SIDNEY M. FINGER, a of Catawba. : Fob attobhkt oisibal: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, .-i Of Buncombe. FOB auditob: W. SANDERUN, of Wayne. FOR COIVGRESS. FOUBTH distbiot: B. H. BUNN, of Nash. APPOiarrHBMTt roa now. b. h. bosh. didate. for Congress Jin the Fourth District, will address the people at the following plaoes on the dates in dicated) HuntX Na&h county, July 19th. Mk3i !Vmnn ; Rnrin era. Chathi lltllVernon i Spnogs, Chatham eounty,:: July 24. Poplar Spring, July 27. Hillsboro, Orange county, August .7th. ;r ' ' Leeitille, Wake county, Aug. II. Silef :City, Chatham county, Au gust 23rd. ' Democratic papers in the district are requested to publish the announcements- EimUn CwIHmi will PImw Rprt. Chairman Whitaker, of the State Democratic Executive Committee, is very assurons inat tne onairmen oi mu the county Democratic executive oom mitteel ;will report to him at their earliest "possible convenience, as he has not yet a list of all the executive committees, which is absolutely neces sary in order that he may work sys tematically and effectively. The im portaue of this will be readily seen, and it is urged that all county execu tive committee chairmen notify Mr. Whitaker. - 1 . y WAKBUUWlUin uiuuv The Wake County Democratic con- Lerialative and countv tickets. The primaries will pe held in the several townsnips on tne ist oaiur dav in Au trust. By the executive committee of the county-" . A. D. Jokes, I Chairman. Mb. Ravd all is improving. While he is noiput of danger he is likely to recover, it is reported. Ges. SnrBiDAH's greatest danger cow seems to be his wish to get well at once : He is anxious to sit up'bnt is not permitted to do so The Democrats of Craven have -nominated for the Senate Mr. H. S Nnnn, editor 6f the New Berne Jour nil, and fo: the House, Messrs. J. W. Lane, Joel Kinsey and R. A. Russell. . Thxy have eflOther charge agains the St. Lduis elopers. They say the latter have violated the Kansas State law in relation to marriage. The way of the transgressor is hard. It looks as if the final vote in the House on the tariff bill would be reached about the middle of nex week. There is no doubt-about its Daesaeei -. Hardly a Democrat will yote in opposition, and there are sev eral Republicans who will, rote for with all tile independents who sit on the Republican side. , i m mm It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good. Mr. Randall's illness will be seriously regretted thoughout the country and particularly at the South but at tibif same time it will not tend O o.ra nitusrraiij giiut tuo Z .fc Mills bifl Movidinir for e ctiotfof the burdensome taxation l.Wi n. w. row, h ko 4-$V rt authorised to' announce that j Ed. W. Pou, Jh, Esq.of Johnston, 'fleelor for vlilf district will speak at ! HUlgboro August 7 th with Capt. Bonn. We regret to understand that Mr. Pou has had quite a severe attack of sick ness 'for the past two weeks and is aot yet abl to be out. ' WiLnaTOH is making elaborate 'preparations for the .reception of the -Stati Guard which is to go into camp at . its charming : sea-side resort Wrightsville next week. It wiil doubtless do the handsome thing bj tie soldier boys and their accompany ing friends as it has done throughout its history by all those who hare ente r ed its gates. The encampment will be an important accession and an event iri which the whole State should be interested. Surely the State Guard is a most imports adjunct to the erovernment of the Slate lending most valuable support to the civil law and affording at all iimesa reserve force in behalf of peace and order that we eould not af ford to be without. It should hare countenance and encouragement accordingly. One of the best means to its efficiency is the annual encamp ment. To be successful in all re spects this should be fully attended, and citizens of the State should see that so far as in them ies no difficulty that can be overcome should be thrown in the way of the attendance of any member of the guard whatsoever., If all will act in' this spirit, there will be a dis blav at Wriehtsville that, will .be a $ource of pride to every North Caro- uman anu a Btsrien ui iuui uu military exercises that will redound to the; good of the State in a way the importance of which cannot be over-' estimated. Da. Mott haft a card in the States ville Landmark in which he says he was hot the man who was thrown across the room in that stormy scene in the apartments of the committee on credentials. He says,? moreover, "that the report was an entire mis take, and that no man of ; my name wasj in the committee room at aU. No one! belonging to this State was en titled to be in ' the room except the member of the committee, Judge Russell I had no such trouble in Chicago anywhere, and no man of my name had any sucn., ; He then process to taut as n ne were a lighting man, as, indeed, we believe1 we have always understood be was saying: J 1 ."Lp;to tnis wrwmg, wiwwm malice in front or behind them, I have had many troubles, but in all my life no man has put a threatening hand on me and felt better after wards. " We suppose the doctor feels better himself now. SscBiTABT Batabd has replied very spiritedly and conclusively to the obslessedly able but most disin genuous speech of Senator, Hoar on the fisheries treaty. ,His remarks in full Are too long lor our columns dui he4 said in conclusion and in bis sum mtng top : "There is one statement I wish to make particularly emphatic, and that is, the American fishermen have under the treaty every right of value to them, and kthe government ha been put to no expense thereby. Their interests will oe guaraea, ana ncf attempt to deprive them of their right tolerated. It, if my hope that all trouble will be ended fby the es tablishment of full reciprocity be tween Canada and the. "United States. bad hODed. as a sep toward uus end free fish and free oil would have ben ohe of the provisions of the Mills' bill, and that it may yet be in serted."; ii AccoBmna to the last Bulletin of the: North Carolina Board of Health, the temporary annual 'death rate in a number of towns in the State was as olbWs; Aeheville 21.6, 'Charlotte 22 9, Durham 16-0, FayettevUle 240, Golds- boti) $ 6 Henderson 10 3, New Berne 20 0, Oxford 8.0, Raleigh 32 8, Salis bury ILI, Tarboro 14.4, Washington 12-0, Wilmington 31.3 The matter of sanitation is growing very rapidly r - 1 Tttl. 1U. A 4V. r..,im in imppEtJuiuB wiw vuo K " is Or m vaxoiina wwaa. xt siiuuiu everywhere receive me attention deserves" on the parts net only of mu nicipal : authorities but of .the people generally as weu. it intimately con cerns thb public health and surely no more important matter than this can engage our attention, c ' Th Democrats of the 36th Sena torial district, composed of the coun ties of Burke, Caldwell, McDowell, Mitchell and Yancey, are promptly in the- field with their candidates, Messrs. Hart well S. Blair, of Oald- eil. and 8. B. Brires, of Yanoey, having been nominated Tuesday. The nominees are most worthy gentlemen and were paid the compliment of a rising vote. Mr. J. G. liynum, 01 Morganton, was chairman of the con vention and Mr. D. Elliott, of Baker vill4, secreUry. Prof.J W. E. Aber- nethy, Of Burke, nominated Mr. lilair and W H- Bower in behalf of Cald weQ county seconded the nomination and presented the nameof Mr. Briggs. Db. At Y. P. Gabkitt, the well known Washington physician, died Wedresday evening at Rehoboth Beach, Del. He was a native of Vir gin and married the .Udett daugh ter of Henry A. Wise. He as Pres ident Davis family physician at Rich mond during the war And was made Surgeon General of the: Confederacy.. After the war he returned to Wash ington. Which he had made bis homo in lili and there he secured a large and lucrative practice, r becoming the 4amly physician of W.,W. Corcorau, and, won distinction in his pro fession at large. ' At last we hare a French duel with a reported serious result, : and the sky rockety Boulanger is the victim. The '"hero of the concert halls" hue possibly been done for.. Great Britain is being treated to aioni extraordinary weather, for July. 1 There wm snow in London Wednee Tins is to be a money Campaign on the part f the Itepablioans. It 1 already being nude so by the leaders of the Republican party A mail of money-bags merely was-put on the Republican ticket in the first plac j solely because of the fact that that, man has been accustomed to con tribute liberally to Republican cam paign purposes and is in a positiou to draw effectively from the' manufactu rers of the North and Wall street the the funds wherewith to do bat tle. The Republican -League is also acting vigorously on the line in dicated having sent out a number of circulars already one of which de clares that the manufacturers of the country the highly protected manu facturers, they mean are "getting practically the sole benefit, or at least the most directly important benefit, of the tariff laws," that they "reap the fruits of the tariff policy," that some of them "make large fortunes every year when times are prosper oua," and that, as the ;New York Times puts it, "the 'fat' : should be fried out of them to lubricate the machinery of the Republican party." The chairman of the Republican State Committee of Indiana is quoted as saying that in order to carry that State a verf large amount of money will be needed, "not for the purpose of purchasing votes," but for' "the circulation of literature," W,hich state ment those who remember how In diana was carried in 1880 by the use of "soap" and Dorsey's fcrisp new $2 bills will probably understand as well as any others; and another con fidential circular from the Republican League announces that it has "over half a million zealous workers," all of wuuui, it mj o a auwui are engaged in gathering funds and applying them, since it is further an- nounced that "a thorougbrhouse-to- house canvass will be carried out, vis- iting homes and factories, a system atic course of public meetings held, and tariff literature and the best speeches and addresses of men of national reputation printed, and the best of the Republican newspapers subscribed for and distribntied to con vert doubtful voters or enthuse into activity the stay-at home citizens." ', As fX) this State, we know that Dockery Harris, Eaves & Go. went on to the meeting of the Republican national committee la plead their : needs and necessities, and it is not 'improbable that they mentioned f ucds in ono way or' another. What success they met with remains to be seen-, but it is clear already that the Republican campaign in general is to be one of money, and the Democrats of the State and the country should prepare to meet it with a strong presentation of Democratic principles at every pomt, whatever inconvenience, what ever hard work this may involve. BouLAKotB has possibly ' received his quietus. He provoked a duel with Prime Minister Floquet and has received wounds for his pains which arc said to be serious. His;irrcprea sibility will be curbed for awhile, at any rate. He seems thoroughly wel fitted to keep Franco in a turmoil but is losing his influence, it appears. His I last arrival in Paris was almost un-1 noticed. This fact indeed may have led to the ill-humor which h display-1 ed in the Chamber of Deputies and which "brought about the difficulty with M. Floquet. .. ' Wk congratulate Brother Nunn on his nomination for the Senate and we congratulate the Democrats of Craven who have done the nominating. Our brother is peculiarly levelheaded, and 1 if elected will make a faithful and efficient representative. ' ": The choice of J. H. Dobson, Esq., of Surry, as elector in the fifth dis trict, is first rate in all respect -. The Twin City Daily says Mr. Dobson is ; : a. "capital campaigner." New Yobk's Chinese lawyer, the only one in the United States, de clines to say how he is going to vote at the Presidential election. This is hard on Harrison. :- O. H. Xekrjr' Letter at Acecptane. Boclctnghvn Bocket Dockerys nonie;f aper. We do not hesitate to say that we have never read a document-which startled us more by its reckless and unauthorized assertions than -the let ter of Col. O. H. Doekery accepting the nomination given him by What he characterizes as "as noble a body of men as ever assembled in theState." The writer of that remarkable- epietle must not have had access : to the needed information, or he could hardly nave suned his conscience by a total disregard of the facts' which ought to be known, and are known to all intelligent men. ' i His statements in regard to the finances indicate very clearly that on this subject he it poorly informed. Those who know him will not be pur prised : at that. No sensible man could ever have doubted that under the "magnificent system" of taxation adopted by Col. DockeryV. party there would be a large surplus in the Treasury, unless it was squandered by useless extravagance, approaching robbery. But under Mr. Arthur's administration the Treasury was not "kept depleted," if the repdrts of "John Sherman, that able and un eau&led financier," are to be believe! We respectfully suggest td; Ool. Doekery that he. should have 'read the report of Mr. Sherman before he made an allegation so destitute of truth. There baabocn no.time within ten ears wneu tne xreasury uaiauut-o ' 1 m . . 1 . 1 were such as Col. Doekery ajsserts, and he did not have any authority fur his statement. A candidate far Uov ernor should be more guarded in his language, especially hen be ;WriU-s anything for publication. We del y him to show any report of Mr) Man nino'whiah gives the balances In ti e Treasury as he statea them. He can not do itt When Col. D. wrote his letter (which rivals Baron Munchau sen, who is surely his type of historian and narrator), the balances were "noth ing like 'What he alleges. Why, on the "30th of June, just seven , days after Col.! D's famous letter appears to have been written, tbeiotal amount in the treasury was av-little 0er 1700,000,000, and, alter deduct ing the gold and sUver certificates and currency, the balance? wa not $155,000,000, M he sef, b over $375,000,0001 This was in thai Treasury of tW United States, Mi Win M. Cleveland' Ireasurr. ss . . - ' i ss Col. Doekery calls it. But gentle men like Ool. D. may not properly ap preciate the difference between one' treasury and another. As to the purchase of bonds, it is probable that Col. D. thinks that the Secretary of the Treasury can force bondholders to sell their bonds, and can, whenever he! chooses, purchase to the full extent of the means in the Treasury. We really thought that the holder of a bond not mature had the right to sell or keep, at his pleas ure. The present administration has, in this respect, followed the plan pur sued by its "illustrious predecessor," when the "unequalled financier, John Sherman," was at the head of the Treasury. The whole evil comes out of a policy of taxation, approved by Co. D. in his letter, which takes too much money from the pockets of the people. If his party would have re duced the tariff and repealed other sources of taxation, that surplus would have been in the pockets of the people. The pretense is simply ridiculously hypocritical. Col. D. has entirely forgotten that when he was a member of Congress he was distributing free trade docu ments the extremest of free trade written by J. S. Moore over the Big nature of ' A Curiosi-b'hoy." Then he did not hold the views which he now professes, notwithstanding he eo alleges. Bat Col. D. says that the Demo crats have had it in their power ever since 1876 to repeal the internal reve nue system. We have not the charity to think he w.s sincere when he made that etatement. He knows better than that. He knows, too, that in 1870 his party, which established it, had that power and did not use it, even though his powerful voice 'may have called for it. He knows, or ought to know for he has been a member of Congress that all legisla tion must pass the House and Senate and be approved by the President, unless two-thirds shall consent to the passage, notwithstanding the objec tions of the President. He knows that the 45th Congress, commencing March 4th, 1877, had a Democratic House and a Republican Senate, the President being a Republican. He knows that the 46th Congress had a Democratic House, a Democ atic Sen ate (by two majority) and a Rptibli can President. He knows that in the 47th Congress both house" were Re publican ana there was a Kepubiican President. Ha knows that unii Mr. Cleveland Was inaugurated there was a hostile Seua'e, and there has been ono ever since. And yet be has the reckless boldness, or something else, to assert that the Democrats have had the Eower to enact any legislation. He no ws better, and he should have had more regard for his reputation. There is no excuse for such falsifica tion of facts. If the internal revenue system is usurpation and he says it is his party is responsible for it, nd he knows it. On the whole, we have never seen a letter more replete with false alle gations unworthy of a man who is a candidate for Governor than the one which we are reviewing. Its at tempts to mislead are so glaring that no in'euigent man will be deceived We suggest to him, in conclusion, that the less he has to say upon the subject of finance, the better for him. On this branch of politics, or busi ness, he knows too little to instruct anybody. It would have better for him if he had called together an ad visory cotneu and submitted to it his letter before allowing it to go to the Eoblic Such a council would not ave permitted so crude and unwor thy an epistle to have seen the light of day. Qcn. Stuart fchaveil by a Ballet. Youth's Companion. The following incident is narrated by an officer on the staff of Gen. J. E B. Stuart, of the Confederate army, a he ope -atioa was a neat one, but moit men would rather be shaved with a razor than with a ballet. Gen. Stuart, as usual, greatly ex posed his own person on horseback by rid ng out of the wood ino the open field, and 1 felt k my duty to say to htm that in my opinion he was not "in bis proper place, as in a few minutes the whole hre oi tee enemy w -uld be concentrated upon bun. But he was in a bad humor and an Swered curtly that if this place seem ed likely :o become too hot for me, I was at liberty to leave it: whereupon I mad9 response that, since my duty attached me to his 'side, no place eonld be too hot for me where he chose to go INevertheless I changed my posi tion, and cautiouely brought a large 1 atwww tree, in iront or wmcn x naa been s'anding, between myself and the enemy. In an instant the firing began, and three bullets struck the tree at juBt the height to show that, had I re mained where I was, they would cer tainly have gone through my body. Looking at Stuart, I saw him pass his band quickly across his face, and even at that serious moment I could not help, laughing heartily when I discovered that one of the number less bullets that had been whistling round htm had cut off half of his be loved mustache as neatly . as it could have been done by the hand of aoJexV perienced barber. Mr. Richard W. Glider, editor of the Centurm -says that Saturday morning's fire destroyed many valu able Works of ert, but very few man uscripts. CONSTIPATION k a Torvld U-rar not enoueh bile being excreted from tho blood to produce iure'i own cathartic. The treatment of 4 aMatlpattan not consist merely in unload ing the bowel. Ibe medicine must not only act an a nunratlve. but be a tonic as Well, aud not Dro- duca arterltavseereatercoaUvenesa. Toseenre a re euular Habit oi uoay wiuhku cnauguig tne oua or disorganizing tne synwm "My attention, after suffering with Couetipa- tlon lor two or turet) years was called to Simmons Lier KeKulaWr, and, having tried almost every thing else, conclude to try i 1 Brst took a wineitiasMiu auu afterwarus rcuui-vu hid uuw w a teaspoenfuL as per directions, after each meal. I fm nit that it had done me so lmieh eood that I continued it until I took, two bottles, btnee then I have not experienced any auucuiiy . 1 Keep it In my house and would not be without It, but have no uafl for it, it having cured ma." Usomub w. sraa. Assistant Clerk Superior Court, Bibb Co., Oa - 1 KTlHtHSTntliraiTTOnOITTEIOIITJIKI, dtsUntnitshed from aa frauds and imitations by oar rau 2 trade mark pa front of wTappar, ana a the aide Ute teal ana signature Ui, u. ZelUa a 'J?tm5Tmm 7rutt'' r' i i.Tv'- 1 e had the P1?0. t reeling y - .i , j. ii7 ; . . i . m 1 1 tee, in the city yesterday. He im presses us upon short acquaintance as having a big bump of eombativenese. He is reported, to be au experienced and wide awake worker. Such ener gy and ' sagacity as he possesses Is needed at the helm, . We like the stress he lays upon or ganization, should the county ex ecutive committees of the State labor in befitting correspondence with him, the result will be as glorious as the most loyal Democrat could wish. He does cot talk like a man of over san guine temperament, nor a visionary man- Xet he is full of hopefulness. He has fixed upon thirty thousand as the minimum majority for; the Demo crats in November. He is marshal ling the hosts for such : a victory. Here is our hand, Brother Whitaker, for the fight. Longitreet and Gettjibnrc. Newton Knteri rtse- we print elsewhere a communica tion to the Raleigh Nkws-Observer on the recent speech of Gen. Long- street at Gettysburg. We are glad to see North Carolinians come out in defense of their heroic comrades and defend the fair fame of North Caro lina soldiers, "the bravest of the brave." Gen. Longstreet has always failed to give credit where it is due, and our old soldiers must not rest on their laurels and allow the whole his tory of the Southern soldiers and their detds of valor to be handed down to the future historian by such partial writers as Iiongstreet, but they should let themselves be heard in such a way that their voices will go on down throngh coming ages sounding the praise of noble deeds and bravery of North Carolinians. The nerve which never relaxes, the eye which never blanches, the thought that never wanders These are the masters of victory. Warner's Log Cabin Hops and Buchu Remedy is nature's rtmsdy for nervous diseases. Have the wisdom to try it. Emperor William has ordered the committee appointed by the late Emperor Frederick to consider the subject of the erection of a cathedial in Berlin to begin their labors forth with. AIVICH lO H OTHERS. U:. Wine low's Bool ilii Syrop saoald always t -jstd Kiieu children are cuttiag teeth. It ra liAcs thin little suflKrar at'onne. tt produces natu ral, ouiet sleep by reuevinK thechtldrenfrom pain, and tne utile cheruo awaac as "onKtit n a cui tHa." It la ery pleasant, to taste; soothes tbe child, sotteu the gunu, aUaya aU pain, reMea wind, teKulates the bowels and U the beat knewa : reraa t" Kr 'ttarrota, whfter ritlnC frorn u-et h -. . -n f. m eau 1 wMMi-at ep' o". : - - " CImc Hams. Kentucky VVinter Cured Hams, canvassed, of superb quality, small sizes, 16& per lb. ; Ferris Hams, Smoked Tongues and Beef : Balti more Sugar Cu ed Hams, Fine Break fast Strips, etc. Hi a. Hardin. The New York State Republiean Convention will be held at Saratoga Auffusta 28. V arner ilier and Gen. James R. O'Beirne are epokea of for Governor and Iiieutenant OoTernor. oinbound 1 -; Fof The Nervous; The Debilitated The Aged. tTRBS rfanreas Stastrarian,NrVoaa Head aeha.Mavralcia, NarvousWsakna Stomach and Liver Diaeatas, aad mil affections of the Kidneys. A NERVE TONIC Oznana W. BnirrnK. RiurmHi. rvnnr . rntnt " Tor two wars I was a snfferar from net runs da billty. and I thank Ood aad the disoovarer of the valuable remedy that Fatnx's Cklxbt cowroorp coxl mm. M a nhmbla remedy. Lena mar r uva Irt anyone write to me lor advwa," AN ALTERATIVE, iuiinn AaaOTT. Wrvnartm. Vv . uvii " I believe PAnrrs CiutKT Ootrronro savel my ttfa. Mr tronoie muim to ne so inwraai namor. Baforal nsnd it! vat covered with an trwatm Ir "bead te beaL" The nattoa is rsoidbr hull and I ua live aundred per oent. bsttar sreryway.' A LAXATIVE. a n. Ruir. Wsrra Brvn iBMimos. Vt.. an: Vr two TMi rat I have been a areat nffnTBT rrom kidney and hver troublea, aMtodixt. wna ova. perela and cocstlrjation. Beor I bwan to take Cauara Ocartorliio it assmedas tttotuth mmmUumf ailed ma. Kow I can say wkAuv ails ma A DIURETIC QtoaoK Abbott, Biorz Cm, Iowa, saytl "I have bean nslnir Pirwrt Ciijist Ceaifuuiil and it has done me more oee for kidneys aad lams back than ! "V1 medldne I have aver taken. Hundreds of tehlmobials bava bean Teeervafl from who have need this remedy waa Msnaraaote At, Sand for circular; PrloeSI.OO. SoUWOnaj(Ma WELLS.RICHARDSON ACO Proprietort BOBLCrOTOM, ft, Ealeiffli Marble Works, 41? and 419 Fayetteville St., RALEIGH, N. Brwrk i&rd, Lawder'i Old Stand. FAyKTTKVILLK, K. C. ; Manufacturer of all kinds of Monumont, and Tombstones In Marbles or Granites, Also Con ti actor for all kinds of Building Work, Curbing Posts, Steps, Slls, &o. Of all descriptions kept on hand and sent to any address upon application. Chas. A. Goodwin, Proprietor Health is Ubv K . Wkst's Naava a up Baaiw Tjutt hikts guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Utzzl oess, Convulsleob, Fita, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache. Nervous Prostration caused hy the ase of alcohol or tobacco, Wakpfulueas, Mental De pression, Hortening of the Brain resulting, la in sanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Ireniature01d Age, Barrenness, Loss of powet to either sex, involuntary aud Spenuabr rh ea caused by over-exertion of the brain, selt b je or ovr4ndnlgeneev Xaeh box contains one mouth's treatment. II. oo a box. or six boxes lor 16 o), sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. UAIIAITEE SIX BOX9 To cut, aij ease. With each order received bv u ior six boAea, accoaipaniad with 1&.U0; we will seed tbe pucuaser our written guarantee to re h4 tlui innae if tHa treatment -does Bet efeet aeure. Ouskrantaea laaaed oriiy by James M. summon ft Oo.. Irui!jiU, Sola Asftnta, MS aajr ulevllla St., BalaUta. M, 0. - .u---- if II 11 . . ., i i HAEDSER BEER THE ONLY AMERICAN LAGER WHICH RECEIVED A GRAND PRIZE AT PARIS The TANNHAEUSER BEER la unquestion ably the Finest Light Beer extant. It la brewed from the flneet Pale Canada West Barley Malt and S&azer Hope, and is especially recom mended by physicians for its tonic and nutritive qualities, for family or medicinal use. Atten tion Is called to the superior packing of this Beer, it being put up in attractive fimt-g-l&ss bottles. The higrh reputation enjoyed by the BERONEB dt EN GEl, BREWING COM PANY Is due to the Tact that only the Finest and Beet Materials are usd, and that the greatest skill and Care aro exer cised daring' manufacture. BERGNEB 5i EKGEL received two prizes ; at the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia. 1870. and were awarded the GRAND PRIZE at the Universal Exposition, Paris, 1878. Toe GRAND PRIZE, awarded at the ParU Exposition, Is the only on of Its grade (the highest) awarded for the excellence of Lager Beer actually ' exhibited and adjudicated, while only two other Grand Prizes were awarded to European Brewers for their merits and prominence in the business, and upon special recommendation by their respective go vernmenta. THE Bergner & IMS SUaiMElt RESORTS "The Summer Capital by the Sea." 1 . --rt HtM 'fcS- WiKSs 3 THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, Morehead City, N. C. (Open June 1st, to Oct., 1888.) :o:- Qreatly enlarrrd and improve.!. Acroiumodatioos lor 1.0C0 iruprts. Everything; urn eisss and rates reasonable, write Beermann & THE KIMBALL, ATLANTA OA., Chas. CONNELLY BURKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. MlSFtOINEY & UROTUEU, Propr's. This reraarkaMe i ci-j.. ii J Ka mV.11 in itiitHd .mnnu the loot hills ot the Blue Kldite 7m?iwi&2MuZ& S tSe eoean. In a delightful, salubrious cUniate. Tke Hotel ac cnoonstmas The woude. lul curative properties of cOKNElly BPBTNGS have aW ready made it famous . aj an Alkaline - ater it Is equal tu the celebrated Buffalo Lithia prlDgs U Viritluia It cures Oravel and Gout aud other depraved diseases of the svstem dependent on tbe uric acloTdiathesls. It relieves Brlght s Disexse and cures Diabetes. ! Kvery disease ot the Kldneye aad BtwWer finds rellel m the n of thia watwr. - It U very eaicacioua in all diseases peculiar te women ltcures Dyspepsia and Nervous Diseases, quiets uie nerves, gives peaceful sleep and restores the vital enertdej. As a chalybeate water and tome It has no equal. Send for circular. MERONEY f& BRO., . Connellj Sprin(s, Burke County, N. C Haywood White Sulptor Springs. fVMKR NKW VANAOEMKNT. WAYNESVILLE, N. C The loveliest spot in all God's wonder land of beauty I Nature's trundle-bed of recuperation New 8-story brick hotel, 170 feet long, with veranda's 12 feet wide and 250 feet long. House handsomely furnished. Everything new, bright and clean. Ao oo mm od ations in every department strictly first-class in every particular. About lOO rooms, including desirable cottages near main building. Special Arrangements will b. made for the Months of June and Beptemoer. Allen & NeviUe, Proprietors. PUBLI0AUCTI0N. SALE OF THB Kiiisbiiry Property I IH THE TO Wi OTOXFORD.'gBANTILLX CO, N. C The death of Mrs. Kussell Kingsbury has throws upoatlie market that valuable 1 ieee of real estate known as the ' KUSSELL KINGFflRTJBY F.8TATK. Th 3 same to situate tn feet ii the conrt Iktusc, In the town of Oxford, Uranville County, North Carolina. It fronts 114 feet on Main street, o feet on Collece trt aud 811 Ie t oaanew sUeet Upon It are situate the KlNUSllUKY MANSION bouse, cottage bnuse having 0 rooms, a store house and outbuildings. The lot embraces soine thkuc over 3 ACRES OF LAND. This valuable piece of real estate will be soltat public auction in tlx town ot oxfard on MONDAY, laJULY, lSsS. UDieae the same b privately aokl bctore Hint data and will be sold iii aluiiui. When judiciously cut up about to rxceUeut biiliaing lots can be made. Tama of sale:: OaeAbird ensE, balance with e pet cent interest, due ln 1 ana i years. Coriespon d.aa xdteitML- j- ; .. ,THOa.t.-VK!ABkE(d 4 - Xieotftof dtlaswmonruateUaWtburr'9 rewihgCo PHILADELPHIA. A. TILFENTHAt, Agent Charleston, S a ror new aescriptive pamphlet. Cooke, Prop'rs. Beermann & Co., ProprV S P RINGS , ,l,ifi ilt aii mituir a IfiAA bv thi r the proprletora It Mountains, in fifty feet of the W. . lt- a., at uon- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. NOTICE OF SALE OF YALUABLK PBO perty. By virtue of authority given In three several inorUages executed by CoraeUa A. Tbornuson and recorded In the Keglster's office of Wake county, in Book ti, page S3. Book SS, page -a, aud Book SS, page 2ug we will tell on X uesday the J4th day oi July, lgss, at u o'clock M ., Ht the Court House door In tne city of Balr eigli, a lot with the improvements thereon, situ ated on Fayettevffle street, In said city of Bal eigh. and known in the plaa of said city aa part of lot No. lfi. and more definitely described by metes and bounds hi said mortgages which, are hereby referred to for description. Terms of sale Cash. f AO, HOLDING A- HKCK Attorneys lor Mortgage, Bobbin and Shuttle Mills and New and Valuable Machin ery for Sale. By vlrtne ef authority conferred upon me in a certain deed ot trust exeouted by the Durl -im Woolen aud Wooden -Hills, 1 will sell at pu. c auetivn.tMi the premises, in Durham, N. Conthe Hth day of i JULY; 1888, At eleven o'clock, a. m., the buildings, machinery, tools ami outm of the Durham Woolen and Weodeu Mills, aud the land ttweaty acres) upon which said mills are located. The mills are in good con dition, the machinery nearly uewaud the title un queHtioned- Private offers wlB be received up to Say Of sale Terms, cash, 1-8 six months, 1-3 twelve months. For any other rartlculars or Information, can on or wiite to the undersigned at Durham, X. C J. L. W ATKXMS,. , , Trustee. AND FOB BALE. - TT' un Monday, Augtrst 6th. ihm, at the Court Hoasa door in Maietgh, N. C 1 will sell at public outcry a tract or parcel ot lorty acres of land, to be cut off of the north end of a tract ef SB aeree in Wake caunty adjoining Uie lands of Mauiaea Pace's heirs,. Wyatt Taylor, Mis. Elizabeth Sater, C. W. Wullaus and kxum Duna, betnf part of tbe lands of the late Napoleon B. Wit lianis in St. Matthews township, bale made pursuant to. judgment -of Wake buperior Court, rendered in the speeclal proceeding eiaJtied, a. KTue, adnuulsUator t. A A. w Hams, el ais, ie w, to niaaa ra estate assetta. rermaef saiet On fourth -eauh. reeidue aa a Loaala? I . aavaan eiafcamnui EDUCATIONAL ClMilUJI SCHOOL, with a whr.1. aouie MUllal. restraint, oflera the beat fHTStCitL, and the bettt culture, a rnmnnlKin ClkRHT LLrM with K kvkv.kd TiuH a reaaonaMe bnt strict uist I K. and a lucaUaa aaUraly Xraa from Mt,ARM. So time or nuway ateut attend Uic AOHICl'LTr HAL, PA1M. tor Catalogu address, ' ; nu it. uiNOiiAXX, BtngEanncauul.OraaaCeT fcC. GREESBORO Fomale Oi3llegc, .GREEKSBORO, ICtF"! ThsiMiitf-iaTADih utMiAM tv;. m... w as ufmvm- peroua institution begins on the 22d of a a anu ' wiaswaava mmmm m m P3-v Wa au A feAJ V departments of lerrniaq uaaally taught in Female Colleges ot high grade. ti rtsaritr 1mntsjpaai TtTTawaawl sail el.. ins trucuon gives in tjpe-wnung and stenography. Term moderate. ror (Catalogue apply to 1. H. .luriissi, ITOSldbt. WAKE FOREST COLLEGE, KOBTH CAROtl.VA. - 5 Slateeaattlea aorth of Kalelirk. VMcv.mrth annual sesioa negina September I. Tcn'ulstliict I schools. Ten Instruetora. iaao v1uiiimi tu Li brary. Wll equipid Laboratories. KraltnR . i Km and Uyiuaasiuoi aawostvo arsnixs Kor I Catalogues, -, addraaa. srreanea uuab. sw. i aiia), . ' Wtli rorest. H . c. CATAWBA COLLEUE, 'KKWTON a NEXT BK8SION win kcr.n An tk. 'w Fun AeadeaUe and Cvllaalate Courses. Aim Mvaio, Palntlna. Urawimrt PeomankhlD aiul HuoVIlmuu. I trtR. Klne Bolldhiirs, Apparatus. Llurartts. c, len loftsmctora. Location heelthrtil. Bnardand TaiUoa Buxtotata. Inaipnt peraoos hetsee. as ly at rne. Catal one Free, , h. AiarcH ri&v. . v. ILftrr.i resnoent, UEV. J. A. FOIL, socretaiy. The Nrxt Session Opens September 6th, mt The faculty consists of the following : Rev. C. A. Jenkins, University ot Viriitnla ) ; Miss Bain, (Sauveur School of Languages' ; Mrs. Twltty, (Balto. Ladies Collecel : Mins ttM. (Conner I n. Ion Art School. N. Y.): Miss Clark. ICImi-ImilaU College of Music) Mrs. Htradley, Miss Jcrdan. miss rsuogoou. t'hargts Per Smioi ef 20 Weeks : Board, fuel, llgliU, washing, full English course, Latin, French, German, if paid tn advance, , , . . . . . tM'l The abcve-wlth musle, ! V. . , . ; iua uo A special discount fo twoMW mtc pupfe from a lainily or a neighborhood. Apply for catalogue. E. P. HOBGOOD, Priucipil. DAVIS SCHOOL. Military Boarding School W FOR BOYS and TOCSO kfEW. or for Bumnee. Realiror loua-, r , tiosv; ntMoiiraaMi adM wiaieis i eaceueni ewiui ; i nn vT aet Raadi Cadet Orchestral KMldeat Himu. Ko Clutram for Medical Attention. No Extra i;narve ior bAflfuwi V vneom Dtxiartment of Art. i Full Couraa Jn Taletraplry: VaBY, LOW RATES. For aegatar wita rnu paruoman anaress COL. A. C. DAVIS, Supt LA OK.AWGK. N. C. TRINITY IIAL.L. B0AKDLG SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Hear Louisville, Ky. Next session begins Sept, lth- Address E. L. McClcl'and. Head Master. or Kt. Kav. T. U. Dudlav. D. D. Max 37. I.inlA. vllle, Kentucky. i'- r MEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY llOT MUSIC Boston, Mass. J2JS .LABOMT mi Bert Inrmt hi ewh Initmaiaa la M mm lummmmumi Km, nmnm 0vea Mm Ara. Or em.. UnM Hi. ,i tt" .'Wtion, M to ii boera end nam wtatSwera U'Xend ElcTJehl, te 7 JO aw wwk. glTiiiic fall Infbnnatlon. eddrwt JL TOCBJi. rnklln SneAM, tKiSTOa. Set IIUHtntrd OWndAT, TOCAIaX, Cinckt, I Johns Hopkins University Baltimore. Announcement for ths n xt academic ysar art how ready and will be sent on application. Thirty scholarships are open to graduate students from Virginia and North Carolina. ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, Established in 1843. RALEIGH, N.' C Advent terni of the Session ef '88.- anef : t8 Begins September 1 3, 1 888 For Catalogues address the Rector, C u a L. Three Hundred and fifteen Tens Arrived a few days since, second ship ment of that excellent Bed Ash 5 i. 1 r For grates. Superior to any other anthracite coal. Two hundred tons Tennessee Soft, and one hundred W. Ya. Splint, WflM FIFTY CORDS DRY PINE; Acid two hundred beat heart. Cut any' 'III ItSsflUl desired, or aotd Jg )U j: (ID HE, The best illaminating oils, deiiv era from our patent oil tank wagon, n No waste to purchasers.- -' PIIIL. B. ASDRE.TS oU'O ., I r n ir tKi kXoasaooopatrxlo jTelolau, 11 Halifax Street,?, "f" .; r . .. . . : . ' ' .: '-. .:'! ... : . . v,n.iv I :- Opposite Ootton Paatfomiv i tl Attends to the general practice of rnedi-ri Mae.. Speoial attention paid edkeese tf ww awj milaa Am' Buffalo Lithia Springs, Meeklenburp Co.; V.4 lane sruKa hs aww vyou w a . Feraoua leaTtug Uzford or tteodersen oat, the morning trains arrive as ths Suringe ttatllBV! JvK urthei: inforraatioa H?rT i stfu. "-fi ,Vscv?l' DP. e existing day., I 111 .f,akv t - . --.V