-ura .EwssAini Observer PcBIJBHEn DaILT (bZOZTT MoHDAl) AHD . VpaJS. Br Tilii WS, UBSKBV,11US W J. JUMeBKB, Illtw. Dally m year, brwu Postpaid, . Hi month!, r 4 " three - f j " wxtlv. one Year. P I M 1 TB l.as suaiootlis, ?. TS Me mum emteiwt wttSout payment, and no Mr par at after the exptfaaon at time paid lot. THUBSDAY; JULY 19, 1888. DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. BLICCTiajff, TvkkplY, " th. ATIOSIAI TICKET. GMYEBI1BLEVELAND, S it few l'rk. l r ifePEESllfJT: Allen tE thurman, ? If Ohio. FOR ELE.CTQRS Stats at Laboe: ALFRED It. WADD&LL, of New Hanover.) vfcEDEfclCK N. gTBUDWItK, ol Orange, tBWTBiCt Elictobs: 2Dri)i8T.3onN K jfooDAKD, 61 Wilson. 8D Uist.HDHAKLRS-B. AYCOtlK, of Wayne. 4th UT.-ElWAKb W. POd. Jr.of Johnston Itu DifT.-SAMUKL(J. PKMBKKTON. of Stanly 8THin8T.TUOMAM.. VAUCK, ol Caldwell. thDui.- 8TATK TICKET. FOB OOTIBHOB : DANIEL G. FOWLE, of Wake. . FOB Lit$T. OOTERNOB : THOMAS M. HOLT, of Alimance. For Associate Justice of the Su preme Court-4o fill the vacancy caused by tbe death of Thomas 8 "Ashe: 1:1! : . JOS. J. DAVIS, of Franklin. For AssocUie Justices of the Su preme Court uhder amendment to the Oonstifcation: -: ! JAMES E. SHEPHERD, 1 . of Beaufort iliPHONSO 0. AVERY, i . of Burke. " ' 'I ' : - FOR SiORlTART OF STATE i "WM. 1M SAUNDERS, of Orange. ?! fo&tbxasttbib: I DONALD Wi. BAIN, ' ' -,r:v. Of Wake. r; V ''-r '.-Uin? FOB STJPEBXSTEStlEir'r of fublio inbtruo- k ' S!':'' TIOX ! SIDNEY M. FINGER., j. of Catawba. FOB ATTORNEY GENERAL t THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, . i - of Buncombe. ; FOB AUDITOR ; , G. mlSANDERLIN, "Wayne. .; v k;. 4 FOURTH DISTRICT J R'lL BTJNN, ; iof;Na8h. 4 I APPOldTMKaT FOB HO. B. H. BORK. IIoq. B. Ill Bunn, Democratic can will address the people at the fol lowing places) :on the dates indicated : Hunt s, Nash county, July 19tlu Mtr Vernon Springs, Chatham count,: July' 24. Poplar Spring, July 27. HilUboro, Orange county, August 7th. v-tf?i -. . , LeesTflle, Wake county, Aug. 11. Siler Cityi Chatham county, Au gust 23rd., i Dembcratio Japera in the district are: requested- to publish the an nouncements. ,' . . ; -! WAJtE DEMOCRATIC COM VKBTIOH. The; Wake County Democratic oon Tentioin haa been called for the 2nd LegisUtive and county tickets.. The primaries will be held- in the several townships on the 1st Satur day in Angus t By the executive committee of the county. .' ' i A. D.' Jokes, .3 I' Chairman. Colokxl Dockert failed to come to time yesterday! Will he do so today T Wi commend to pur readers the remarks of Hon. T. D. Johnston in the House on Monday on the repeal of the internal revenue system in toto. i They will be found elsewhere in this issue. : ;Capt. Johnston states the cise exactly. It is figure! that the .vote on the bill cutting down the tariff and re pealing the tobacco tax , will be 158 to about 12. Three! Republicans will vota for at. The other Republi cans will vote, against it. The vote will bs takei Saturday. " Ivb$ the young Nvpoleon, &c, is again: in danger of arrest. The , vic tims if the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton complications are still aftr him.lTeB, however, is non est in ventus either in New York or Brook lyn, his home, in i' m i - JoOoe RcaatLL denies in the most emphatic terms possible' in a card ia the Wilmington Messenger the' re port that he sold an alternate's ticket atrOaieago, 4u3 indeed we have never Sippo3d Judge Russell was .that sort of a mai C$ it be possible that Col. Dock- Fowle wantadi to meet him yesterday or today tofnake arrangements for tht oint cantass He has not yet put i& an apfearance. Wil he not be oil hand today t . Tilt encampment of, the J State Guaf d starts out under the most fa 'vorable auspices and all the soldiers and their friends are delightful with Wrighsvi)ll is ctrlainly a charm ing $yoi and If ith the full moon and high; tides witting will be inde- araTSiAsaocii.no OF dsubookatic I j Cfcraa. Elsewhere we print a formal call for a convention of the Democratic Clubs of the State with a view to the formation of a State association of clubs. jThe natter is one of great importance tcj the Democratic party and so to the people of the S' ate as a whola. Such i an association as ia proposed would be a power for good the value of -which could not be too highly estimated. There is much work of, the most earnest sort beiore the Democracy of. the State, to tho end that Democratic victory may be assured, 'and; the young Democracy can and will aid in this work most efficiently. The more thoroughly it ia organized the more effective it will be at every point. Every aid and encouragement should therefore be given to the movement ior a state convention such as is contemplated in the I call. (We" heartily commend the call itself to the consideration of every friend ! of the State's real in terests; i . HA LEIGH'S RATIFICATION. The? city's Democratic demon stration last night was a su perb exhibition Of the enthusiasm which ; is makmg this campaign on the part of the Democracy already so notable and of the taste which the people of the capital always display disDlav in affairs of the kind. The speaking was of a rery high or der of oratorr and presented the principles pf Democracy most forci blv. The work of the State conven Hon was shown to be eood in all re spects: and there was such spirit and earnestness j througnout ine aemon stration on - the part of bearers as well as speakers as augurs well for the ablendid triumph we hope and look for in November. Raleigh main tained her reputation and did her part well in the series ,of Democratic demonstrations Which have been ar ranged. There was general regret that Col. Holt could not be present at the meeting on account of an in disposition which made it impossible for him to leave his bed. utnt-rwise the occasion was nnmarred by any untoward 'Incident. It was a mag nificent demonstration of the Democ racy of Wake and means "business for the Radicals beyond a doubt. The President always has a reason, and a good 'one,' for his vetoes of pen sion bills. For example, he vetoed the Senate pill granting a pension to Tobias Baney,-who enlisted in Febru ary, 1865,; and was discharged Janu arv 31. 1806, because he found that the beneficiary's disability was in noi way connected with his service, and he vetoed the Senate bill granting pension to Amanda. F. Deck because, the husband of the beneficiary named in the bill. was pensioned for a gun shot wound received in JL864 in a bat tie with Indians. Aooordmir to in formation on file in the Pension Bu reau, he died in 1883 "from the effects of a pistol ball fired by Luther Cut ter." Th4 President believes that Deck was killed in a personal encoun ter, and that his death could in no way be attributed to his military seri vice.! Then, again, the House bill granting ft pansion to Mary Fitzmor benehciaryi was recently granted ' pension by the Pension Bureau. There is no knowing how much the Presii dent saves to the people of the coon! try by his patriotic vigilance on this) line.. - . i Toe New York World has a story to the effect that the well born young man Dodg, who not long ago made bogus announcements in jeveral New Yoik papers of his marriage with Mies Stokes, hjs cousin, a beautiful young lady: heiress to $3,000,000, has run away in England with the daughter" of a pircus proprietor. He was made publicly to retract the marriage notices we 6ave f referred to, which, indeed; turned out to be part of a deep-laid plan on the part of Dodge to capture the millions with the band of his cousin. He seems to be a scapegrace of. the first order. I The Baltimore Sun speaking of the efforls o( jthe North Carolina andS Virginia Democrats in the House to get in an , amendment repealing the internal revenue system says: "Tims and itime ftgain today the inquiry was made of the republicans why they re fused to Vote in favor of the very principles set forth in their party platform at Chicago, but they main tained V dignified .silence and, re frained from voting all the same." ; Tbe Christian Sun has a long tirade against the News akd Observeb be cause we have expressed the opin ion that good Order has prevailed in. lialeigh since licenses were granted and .that I the fact reflects credit on the community. We do not propose to be drawn into a controversy with' our religious neighbor on a matter, of opinion. Iu the Sun's opinion, it may be, the city has been so disorder! ly as to be very discreditable to the community. 10 ur opinion is different' There always will be many men of many minds. The community will share in the Sun's opinion or in out opinion according to its judgment. The Republican executive commit tee has been in session here the last two day s, considering the matter of supplying the vacancy caused by tba declination of Russell, of course, and dividing out the soap! Won der bow much Brother Levi feels at liberty to throw away in this Demo-? c ratio State! Not enough to satisfy' the Republican managers here, it is safe to eay, at least. f Ovk of tbe most admirable sketch es of a city we ever aaw is that of "Charlotte, the Queen City of North! Carolina, in the banner county of the 8tate," a copy of which we have ref ceived. It is published under the auspices of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce and edited by Wade Hi Harris, Esq , of the Chronicle. It i a first rate piece of work and will da much for the benefit of Charlotte and tfcejSUt JOH.tSrO! OK THE INTEB.SAL. REV , E9VE. i The Question being on the amend ment of Mr. Wise, of Virginia, to re peal the tax on cigars and cigarettes Mr. Nichols said: I offer the fol lowing amendment: The. amendment was read, as fol Owb: Amend by striking out all after the word ''that'' in line 1, section 25, pi: 1 insert the following, bo that the Baiiio shall read: I Sec; 25. That 'all clauses of see- fx on 3140 to 3465, both inclusive, of the Revised Statutes of the United States; and all other laws relating to internal revenue taxes are hereby re pealed to take effect on the 1st day of December, 1888," &c. Mr. Cowles. Mr Chairman, I de aire to oner a substitute for tbat amendment. The Chairman. This is offered as a substitute for the section. It is a motion to strike out and insert Mr .'Cowles. I propose to amend the substitute. The Chairman. There is an amend ment already pending to the section, which has been offered by the gen tleman' from Virginia (Mr. Wise), and is' in carder before the vote is taken On th Bee: ion. Mr Cowles. But I offer a substi tute tor the whole section. I am satisfied, air, that under our parlia men ary law and practice I am enti tled to offer this substitute for the pending section and all pending amendments. The Chairman. .The chair is of opinion that this amendment is in the nature of a substitute for the section, because it is a proposition to strike out the whole section and insert in lieu thfereof the words which have been read. The motion is indiviei ble Mr; Cowles. What becomes of tie amendment of the gentleman from Virtriaia (Mr. Wise)T The Chairman. That is first iu or- der, Because it is designed to perfect the text; and amendments to perfect the text are in order before a motion to strike out. Mr. Cowles. I desire to offer substitute for the amendment of the- gentleman from Virginia (Mr. Wise ) Am I not en i tied now, to offer a sub 8titue for both the section and the pending amendments 1 The- Chairman. The Chair is of opinion that under the rule for con sidering bills in Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union an amendment is in order, and then an amendment to that amendment, after which there must be a vote thereon Mr; Cowles. But a substitute is in order for the whole paragraph. The Chairman, inat would be in order in the House, but we are act ing iu committee under a special rule which confines us to amendments and amendments thereto. The Chair will first put the motion on the amend ment of the gentleman from Virginia (Sir. .Wise), and after that is disposed of -Mr.' Johnston, of North Carolina I wish to offer an amendment! to the amendment of the gentleman from Virginia. The Chairman. It is first in order to read the amendment of the gentle man from North Carolina. The Clerk read as follows : After the word "cigarettes" insert "anq all internal taxes on spirits dis til'ed-from grain or fruit of any kind.' oV&bim(Aif" Johnston) is en titled to five minutes on his amend ment. Mr." Johnston, of North Carolina. Mr. I Chairman, the effect of this amendment which I have offered to the amendment of the gentleman from Virginia will be to extend the repeal of the internal revenue law beyond the tobacco tax and to include the tax on whisky land brandy. I offer this proposition for the purpose of wiping from the Statute book the law which imposes internal revenue tax on all spiriits distilled from grain or fruit. I hare heard a great deal said on this floor about "free whisky" and "free brandy," and recently the representa tives of the Republican party assem bled in Chicago pretended to be in favor of the repeal of the internal revenue law. I desire to Bee the Re publicans, as well as Democrats, vote upon that question here today. What J desire is not only free whisky and fre4 brandy, but 1 wish more to see my people freed from the oppressions of a system spoken of by my friend frop Virginia which imposes upon them almost a military surveillance. - Gentlemen who live in the mountain sections of this country know that we are constantly subjected to the most annoying kind of irritations in the ex ectition of this law. It is a law which wap put upon the Statute book during a period of war, and its framers had no regard apparently to the effect it might have upon the civil liberties of the people; they rei'ied upon the patri otism of the coun'ry to submit to sueh a system dm ing the continuance of a great war, and that reliance was wtjl met. At that time the oppressive features! attending the execution of tht) law were leas thought of than the object of raising revenue. Kut we hare long since reached a time of peace, and all parties declare in favor of taking from, the Statute book every thing partaking of war legislation. Now, if there is anything which' is essentially a war measure, this sys tem of internal, revenue taxation iB oijje, and I desire to Bee it wiped from the statute bock, because I wish to see my people relieved from the ex actions and oppressions imposed upon them in connection with the en forcement of this taxation during the last twenty-five years. Just think of it, Mr; Chairman. A Federal court organized by the gov ernment, with all the dignity which a Federal court ought to have, sitting id judgment on a poor man charged with Belling a half pint of liquor, and dragging him perhaps two or three hundred miles from his helpless fam iy for the purpose of trying him for such frivolous offenses. Why, sir, shch a thing reflects shame upon the jurisdiction of the courts of tbe Ignited States, and detracts from the bitfh standing they' should have among tne people, i roceedings of tbat kind would better become the jurisdiction of a justice of tbe peace. Mr. Kerr. If this side of the House will vote with you to repeal the inter nal taxation, will you vote the Repub lican ticket t Laughter. I Mr. Johnston, of North Carolina. I hope my friend from Iowa Mr. Kerr J will "ask me something hard." 1 want Republicans and Democrats to unite here in repealing this obnox ious law. I want to j blot it out be- cause iimab-done so mucn to excite the animosities: of the people all through; the country, and has been the instrument of more suffer ing th those who are least able to bear it than any other statute I know of. Besides it fosters a sys- T7 . W 1 A A m of espionage and harsh treatment which is obnoxious to all ideas of free government- It has done more to engender bad feeling in communi- ies, to encourage iaise swearing, 10 A . J sap the: Very spirit of manhood from our people, to teach them to regard the government; as oppressive toward the cuiSens than all other laws. Let us eliminate from the statute book of this great country every vestige of the unfortunate Btrile we have passed through,- so that "peace and good will" shall prevail throughout its en tire length and preadln hy, sir, so far as oncerns the section of the country frpm which I come, many of the citizens there scarcely know "this government, ex cept by1 the exactions visited upon them under this law. . 1 hey know the government only through the army of officers sen as my friend from Virginia has said, with carbines and cartridge-boxes for the purpose of arreting them. I want to Bee this country, especially my section of it, governed througn some other means-. ? Here the hajmmer fell MjvMclIillin. Mr. Chairman, the gentleman Of -North Carolina Mr. Johnston advocates the repual of the whisky tax as well as other internal taxes v- Tbe internw. revenue system, if remember correc'Iv, yielded last year $118,1)00,000, and it is estimated that it wiJl yield this year 9 20,000,000 The entire surplus does not. amount to SS7D,000,00Cf per annum. So that if wo, were to embark upon a total re peal f tha internal revenue system as propose.! by the gentleman from Noi tfi Carolina, we would have facing us ate the threshold a deficiency of $50.00,000 per annum. So that there can only be a reduction of interna revenue taxes u anvthin?, and not a to tat repeal of the system. N$w, I would be glad if genllemen who .propose a total repeal of the in ternal revenue system of. taxation woud say upon what they propose to place the additional tax. Air. Johnston, of North Carolina. If my amendment bo adopted, I shal propose to put a tax upon the in comes of tne country, and nave an amendment prepared for that pur pose.. The question recurred on the amendment of Mr. Johnston, of North Carolina, to the amendment. Mr. Johnston, of North Carolina. I demand a division on the amend ment to the amendment. The committee divided; and there were- ayes 27, noes 135. Mr. Johnston, of North Carolina. Mr. Chairman, what was the vote ? The Chairman. Twenty-seven ayes 135 noes. Laughter Mr. Johnston, of North Carolina. Ii that all t . What has become of the Republican party tbat they fail to vote for this amendment, when they claim to be pledged to do it ? I Great laughter and applause 1 Mr. Nichols. What has become of the amendment ? , The Chairman. The question will be put in regular order. - 1.1 terir, M(lcs. Mac gum prize oration at tbe late commencement, by O. D. Batchelor "V hdication of the Settlers of North Carolina", by Wm. Jas. Battle; "Bio graphical Sketches of the Confeder ate Dead", by S. B. Weeks, and other interesting contents. Syrup at Wtg: Is Nature's own true laxative. I is the most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Bilious or Costive; to Dispel Headaches, Colds, and Fevers; to Cure Habitual Constipa tion, Indigestion, Piles, etc Manu factured only by tbe California Fi Syrup Company, San Francisco, Ci John S. Pescud, Sole Agent for Ral Raloigh, N. O. .:' BA- An anti-moustache movement has set iu in London. ' ADVICE TO MOTHERS. MM. Wlntlow't Soothing Ryrup shouUi always be u1 wheu-cbildren are catting teeth. It re lieves the little lufferer at once, it produces nat uraU auiet sleep by relieving the children from L pain, And the little cherub awakes as "bright as a ouiton." it w very pleasant to taste; soothes the eiilid, softens the gums, allays all pains, re liv6s wind, regulates ine bowels and Is the best known remedy for dlarrlrcea, wlietber rising from teething or other oaus Twenty-are cents a bottk. j 4-Col. Sir Fancii de Winton, pros-: ideht of the Emin Bey relief commis sion, believes that the white pasha at Bahr el Gszel is Henry M. Stanley. Summer's heat debilitates both . nerves and body, and Ilead- f ' ache, Sleeplessness, Ner voiis Prostration, and an "all-played-out " sensation prove tiiat Pause's Celery Compound v should be used now. This medi cine restores health to Nerves, ; Kidneys, Liver, and Bow- ' els, and imparts life and energy to the heat prostrated system. i Vacationsorno vacations, Paixe's Celery Compound is the medi- - cine for this season. It is a scien tific combination of the best ' tonics, and those who use it begin 1 the hot summer days with clear beads, strong nerves, ami general good health. Paike's ' Celery Compound is sold by all druggists, $1 a bottle. Six for $o. yVELLS, KICHAEDSON & CO., Prop's, Burlington, Vt AND Hot Weather Invigorator riullalo Liithia Springs. . Mecklenburg Co., Va. These springs are now open for guests. Persona leaving Oxford or Henderson on at 18 m. iuv moruuig trams arrive ms ine springs r or lurtner imormatlon apply tOi W. P. M0NTO0MEBY. fi Sinner Medicine Manager Jtarrlac at Oej-jr, Cor. of the Mews and Observer. Cabt, N. C July 18, 1888. Married last night at 9 o'clck, Mr. A. Roscower, editor of Goldaborq and Battleboro Headlight, to Miss Victoria Womble,daughter of Mr. W m. M. Womble. They depart this even ing on a bridal trip to Morehead, Washington, D. C., and New York. Rev. A- D. Hunter officiated. CONSTIPATION S naieil by Torpid I.lvrr not enough bile being excreted from the blood to produce nature's own rat name. The treatment of tonailpatlon dos not consist merely in unload ing tbe bowels. The mt-dUMne must not only act as a purgative, but be a tonic as well, and not pro- auce alter ivs use Kirnwr mmiiveups. xosecure a regular habit of body without changing the diet or disorgauizing the system "My attention, after suffering with Constipa tion for two or tnree years, was called to hinunons thing else, concluded ti try 1- 1 first took a wineglassful and afterwards reduced the dose to a teaspoonful, as per directions, after each meal. Liver Regulator, anu, naviog tried almost every cotitinned it until 1 took two bottles. Since, then I found mat it nao. aoee me so mucn gooa mat i I have not experienced any almculty . 1 keep it in my bouse and would not be without It, but have no use for It, it having cured me."iaoB:a W. Sims, Assistant Clerk Superior Court, Bibb Co., Ua. . KltAMTNl to hirthat yod oktthk oencinf.. distinguished from all frauds and imitations by our red Z trade mark on front of wrapper, and on the side the seal ana signature ol J. ii. leinn s co. TEJioyling- Slair'tw, A i Complete Stock for Men and Boys. ALL STYLES. Piiees: 75c., 1.C0, Sl.85, $1.60, $2 00 and 82.60 ORE AT II ARC A 1X8. , are still offered in summer hats, otc, to closo out stock. New goods received every lay. A large stock of Campaign Beavers always on hand. Orders by telegraph filled promptly. Agents for the Stone Patent Adjustable Coat Collar spring. Try one and you won't do without it. CLOTHIERS tWrERS CLOSING OUT, Our Entire Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries. W.C.H.B. Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Candy Manufacturers. Thea Tea; Tea. Finest Formosa Oolung Tea, packed in bamboo lunch baoket, containing lib, 60c; regular price 75o. Finest un rolored Japan tea, racked in fancy box, 50c lb, regu lar price 75c. Celebrated XXX Blended Tea, Gold baud, China cup and sauor each lib package, 50c, worth 75c. ith Finest Uncolored Japan Tea, 51b boxes, 60c lb, regular price 75c lb. FINEST NEW SEASONS English breakfast cargon tea, 51b boxes, 50c lb, regular price 75c lb. . 6 lbs for SI.OO Uncolored Japan Tea. Thea Nectar Black tea with green tea tlower, great strength, rich, flowery, aromatic flavor. Will suit all tastes. 1 lb cartoons, 50c, regular prioe 75c. FOR ICED TEA, He-No Tea,. Is the beet on account of it freedom from all coloring and injurious 1 materials. i Pure and unadulterated, no paint, no poison. 1 lb 1-8 and 1.4 lb boxes. W. C. & A, B. (STROXACIi. . Importers agents for He-No Tea. Sweetest meat you ever ate, WESTPHALIA HAM. Finest of all sugar cured hams. West phalia, Westphalia. 8 to 10 lbs, 10 a-oe ID. SOUTHAMnON,VA.HAMS, S to S lbs, 1 and S years old, 15c lb. Our extra choice sugar cured shoulders. equal to nam. email uun preas MM "WiyW f STRONACH t. :ii SUMMER "The Summer Capital by the Sea." THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, Morehead City, N. C. (Open June 1st, to Oct., 1888.) Greatly enlarged and improved. Accommodations for 1,000 guests, first class and rates reasonable Write for new descriptive pamphlet. Beermann A. THE KIMBALL, ATLANTA ua., . twts. CONNELLY BURKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. MIS II OF EY & HROTliKllj Propr'H. This remarkable Spring was opened to the public Is situated among the foot hills of the Blue Kidge nelly springs fetation, tturke county. N . c. eominodations are first class. The wonderful curative properties of CONN KLLY bfBlNUS nave al it is aoout ihh leet aoove tne level of tne ocean, ady made it famous As an Alkaline vs ater it is acid diathesis. It relieve Brlght's Oisevse and irgii nrlnla. It cures Uravel ana Uout and other 'ei ana uout ana other Bladder finds relief in the use of Uiis water. It is It eures Dyspepsia and Nervous Diseases, quiets vital eneigies. as acuaiyoeale water ana uuic it oas no equal. 5ena ior circular. MERONEY & BRO.. Connelly Springs, Burke County, N. C Haywood White Sulphur Spring. f I NDKH SEW MAS AQKMENT. "VYAYNESVILLE, N. C. The loveliett spot 'n all Ood's wonder land of beauty ! Nature's trundle-bed of recuperation f New 8 story brick hotel, 170 feet long, with veranda's 12 feet wide and 250 feet Everything new, bright and clean. Ac commodations in every department strictly nrst-ciass in every particular. About 100 rooms, including desirable cottages near main building. Special Arrangements will bt nude for the Months of June and September. - Allen & Neville, Proprietors. COAL. Three Hundred and Fifteen Tons Arrived a few days since, second ship ment of that excellent Red Ash LOKBERRY COAL For grates. Superior to any other anthracite coal. Two hundred tons Tennessee Soft, and one hundred W. Ya. Splint. w JLUIIJIJ FIFTY CORDS DRY PINE, And two hundred beot heart. Cut any length desired, or sold long. (II) U 1L The best illuminating oils, deliv ere from our patent oil tank wagon. : No waste to purchasers. PHIL. II. ANDREWS fc CO NORTH CAROLINA Home lnsuriee Co.. OF RALTJOil, N. O. - .Oivkslsodtn lseg. Haa beoa -iasuiinir protterty in M orth Carolina for eighteen years. With amenta in nearly every town in the State accts sibte to railroeTds and east of the moun tains. j' -TJrHCU: HOMK, I - Solicits thfirirXronaeof propoi ty owuers in the State, offering them safe indem nity fer losses at rates as low as those of ny acompsmy working in North Carolina CLaSSEb Of PttrLtm mVMV ; Dwellings in town and country, mer cantile risks, churches, schools, court houses, society lodges, private barns and stables, farm produce and live itock, cot ton gins. Insure the North Carolina Home Insurance Company. W. S. PsntBosE, uhab. boot 1 President. Soc'y a ad Tres. W. Q. UrtiHuucH, P. Oowm Vice-Frwsident. Adjustsr. Office ia Brlggs' BundLftf, Ko. s Ta fttTillM straeVlelephonelCe, ft, - RESORTS. Everything Cooke, Prop'rs. tseermann 6t Co., Propr's. SPRINGS, durini? the summer of t6 b; MounUius, in hit; feet of tbe V Vf . , A ,i T. rV. IN. UK. at con- in a aeugnuui, saiuDnoas curnaoe. The Hotel ac-l.NGShaveal- feo.ua! to the celebrated Buffalo litbia Springs of uepraveu aiseasi ueDraveu Qlseases of tne svstem deoeudent on tbe urie cures Diabetes. Every disease ui the Kidneys and Very efficacious iu all diseases peculiar to women. the nerves, gives peaceful sleep and restores the REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. XIOT1CK OF SALE OF VALUABLE PRO perty. By virtue of authority given in three several mortnaKes executed by Cornelia A. Tliiunpson and recorded in the IteKlster's office ot wake countyftu Book W, page i3U, book as, page 27, and Book 8, page 23 we will sell on Tuesday the 24th dav ot July. lass, at 12 o'clock M.. at the Court House door in uiecltvof Bal- eigh, a lot with the-improvements thereon, situ ated on Fayettevilie street. In said city of Ral eigh, and koown In the plan of said city as part of lot No. 102. and more definitely described by metes and bounds in said mortgages which are nercoy reierrea to ior description. Terms vf sale Cash. PACE, HOLDING ft HECK Attorney! for Mortgage. AND FOll "AXE. On Monday, August 6th. 18, at the Court House uoor in saieign, n. v., i win seu at publte outcry . . 1 imuuci vi iui iy cre oi lana, to De cut o!T of tbe north end of a tract of 883 acres in Wake couuty adjoining the Hands of Madison Pace's heii I'irs, Wyat if. Willuj Wyatt & ie tne tanas c Tavlor, Mis. Elizabeth Sater, C Williams and Hxum Dunn, belm a tu ijilor. Mis. I Exam D: .te Napolet wnsliip. I part of the lands of the late Napoleon an IS. WL Kale mad Superto B. Wli- DE i lams iu su Aiaitiiews, townsli n. Kale made untuant to JUdKI judgment of Wake Superior urt, rendered in the speecial entitled, A . cyme, Administrator vs. H A proeeedlng liams, et al. No. 4M, to make real estate assetts. wu- Terms of sale : One fourth cash, residue on a a credit of six mouths, with interest at 8 percent. Hour ot sale, 12 m. ANDREW 6VWE, Commissioner. Raleigh Marble Worts. 417 and 419 Fayettevilie St., RALEIGH, N. Rranch Yard, Uwder'i Old Stand. FAYBTTEVILLE, 'X. Q, Manufacturer of all kinds of Monument, and Tombstones in Marbles or Granites, Also Conti actor for all kinds of Building Work, Curbing Poets, Steps, Si lis, Ae. T E SI Gr IV 8 Of all descriptions kept on hand and sent to any address upon application. Chas. A. Goodwin, Proprietor ' CITIZENS' TRUST COMPANY RAXEIGHN., o., Solicits and ia empowered to execute TRUSTS OF ALL KINDS. V . TO MANAGE PBOFEHTT AS Agent for Owners) '"v To Buy and Sell Property, COLLECT lEJNTjB LOOK AFTER TAXES, BUY AND SELL SECURITIES: To issue negotiable certificates agakit' goods on storage upon which money can be obtained at the Lowest Ruling: Bate and to do ail business usually done by Trust Companies. 0. M. HAWKINS, President W. E. ANDERSON, Vice-President t vi. witon. --dilr. S500 Reward! We will r the above reward for any ease ot It Mr complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, Indi gestion, constipation or eostiveness we cannot c ire with West? Vegetable Live r Pills, when the directions are strictly compiled with. They are pui.'ly vegetable, and never fall to give satuf ac tion. Large boxes' containing 30 sugar seated pills. o. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits aid tmltatkMis. Tliegenulns maDQ faeturedonly bvJOHNC. WEST 0O8flS W. Madison SU,Chl:go, 111. Tor sale by Jav Me. Kim non ft Co UmmUts, US iYareUerula at Balegh, W U A. G. BAUER, A It C IIITECT AVTV i Mechanical DraQghtsman. 8AUHII. M. P. O IYX IU EDUCATIONAL. blghiji srnooL, with a whole- " some MORAL, restraint. oRert ' the bear PHTSICAL. and the beat MUTsk culture, a compulsory CtaBUXLtlM with KN- roto'Kli TtOYM a reasonable bnt STtct Disci plir se, and a location entirely free from HAL.AHI. 0 time or money silent attndirm AUMItlLTI'Ktl. V A 1 Mm in Imlalnnia address. Mat R. ltIOIIAM, BtnKham School. Oranre Co., N C. GREESBORO lcmrvlo OollPiro. GREENSBORO, N. a The sixty-seventh session of this nros- perous institution begins on the 2 2d of August, 1888, Superior advantages offered In all the departments of learning usually taught in remale Colleges of high grade. instruction given In type-writing and stenography. Terms moderate. ror Catalogue apply to T. M. JONES, President. Oxford Female Seminary, . OXFORD, N. 0. The Next Session Opens September sth, The faculty consists of the following : Key. c A. Jerrkins. (C'nlrersltv of VirinU.i hi., u.m (Sauveur School of LankTiaKes) ; Mrs. Twltty. (Balto. Ladies College) ; Miss Hall, (Cooper Un ion Art School. N. V. l; Miss riark. (Pliurinn.H College of Music) Mrs. StradleT. Miu Jordmn: Miss Ilohgood. Cbarres Pr Session sf?0 Yinlx - Board, fuel, llthts, washing, full English course, uuw, r reneu, uerman, ti paid in advance. m tk The above with music, 4 oo A special discount lor two or more pupils Iroro a laiuiij or a arignntirnooa. Apply ror cataiague. K. r. HUB , Principal. DAVIS. SCHOOL. Military Boarding School for bots a&d touhu rat Pan nreparaMoa for aav Oollesw or far Biiiiln , RMathy lur. Stoat Sue eltm&Mt i&lld wlntwai xorllmt buUrllan i t'adet Cr ' M Baadi Cadet Orrkrvcra KeatdeatBarsMa. A'o CkaiN JW Jlrdteal Attention. No Extra Charg f" taacuara orBclenoe TWrfmMt nf Art. Pnll la Tslegraplry. 1fH.Y 14W RATSS. To nytaiT wiia roil parueiuan aaarass COL. A. C. DAVIS, Supt Jk. GKAHGC M. C CATAWBA I'OLIAliE, NEW TON, N. C. NEXT SESSION will bei icademic and Collegiate ( Academic and Collegiate Courses. Also Music. rr.n Atlir Art) 'SH Vnll Palutlng, Drawing, remnaushtp and Bookkeep i M.T ITinA it it I ) H 1 1. ... Ant,. mt ... . I i..n .i.. . Am ..,. a l.lr IfUII'Alllfia, uirw.ua .iiLin.ia, w V, Ten Instructors. Location healtliful. Board and Tuition moderate. 1 nolgent persons helped. A p- ply at once. Catalogue Kree. Anaress kisv. J . c Cl.Arr, President, KK V. J. A. FO I U SecreUry . , WAKE FORKS! COLLEGE, NORTH CAROLINA. I "" session oegins oeptemoer 1. lenaisunct I schools. Tea Instructors. 10,000 voluniek in Li brary, well equipped Laboratoiies, Heading Room and tiyniuasium; extensive grounds. For Catalogues, sc., address, President CHA8. B. TAYLOR, Wake Forest, N . C. NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY 0F MUSIC Boston, Mass. ITfl V. avAWaw . w . ssr, tn IMradMa la Ttcml mad trmmmml Ava. rm. Orram INWwf, fut Arm, Ormmy, Mtrmm, Fini, Ormt tad Elrarte l.lght, S.VOUto 7J pnr w-k. Vail TnHinn. .1 la iiK . hn ..J "a. Tiiu( roll imformwion, sddm H. TQViUk.iL IlmcKtt. TnoElia Sqatra, BueroH. Mam. Sl MARY'S SCHOOL, 3 EeUbliahed In ie4?. . T RALEIGH, N. C. Advent Term of the Session of W and 89 Begins September 1 3, 1 888 For Catalogues address the Rector, IK?. BEHETT SIEDLS, Mi.' Send for a Catalogue of the COLXlEttlE OP PniSICI AMI A3VD NVKGEOXN, BALTIMORE, WD. which offers the Statieat of Medicine superior advantages. Da. THOMAS OPIE, CDean), 800 . Howard St. HlKSIl GARDES SEEDS. LK TOO" WANT A Good Vegetable Garden PLANT LANDRETH'S OR ELT S -RELIABLE GARDEN SEEDS SOLD BY LEKJ0HNS0N&C0. Druggists Seedsmen OPPOSITE P0ST0FFI0E, KA. LEIGH, N. C Seed dealers supplied at Philadelphia wholesale prices. Orders by mail promptly filled. LEE, JOHNSON & CO. Dbuooists Aim SKKDearea. SPECIAL BARGAINS In suitings and all varieties of custom made CL.OTHIIVG, I, WIPfETROB, MXBOHANT TAILOR, ' NO. S WEST MARTIN STREET, (Opposite Postoffice.) The best goods stylishly and substan tially made up at REDUCED PRICES. 1 All rA j i i . and find out prices for yourselves. The reduction in rates is bona tide. Very respectfully, I. Winetrob DReE.Be RANKIN, kloBtoeopcttlkio Plxyssloloiri.' Halifax Street, Ati nds to the general practice of medi-' Mae. Upecial attention paid disoaist if wfwes) a nkiMm - j . A ""TfJJAOI, writs 8es- r .VV A. BauborjL Secretary Buffalo Mutual ; Life Areiasiit ss4 jlek OwU AMosiatloa, Kaf ' talo, n.g ... j . K