.I A 3SERVER isr -- if- 4 fa .sf e 01 IU LEIGH. If. C., WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 25, ISSS. N( 1 ' i '. f : i . 1 s ' INews O AND l : I()L. XXV. V a J ; Absolutely Pure. 4 ! hm r, w rtieTrt varies. A marvel iMnitj -. treaxth and wholesomene; i V- oro oooiomicai;tban ordinary kinds and Tftnnot beaold in competition with the -j uttitude oT .low test, short weight, Jum or j.!xspnte powder, sold only In matt. Rovan &akq Powkb Oo., 100 W Nw York. s s-.l 1 ) v". 0. A. Bi Stronach, and A- - . ,. -Martin Street, 1 ' Wlmlon Oor. of the News and Observr. Wiireibnj, N. C , July 23,1888. The State Normal school will close here on next jTriday much to the re gret of puadreda of our people, who have .visited; jthe sessions of the1 school and beei benefitted thereby, and by those 'who are here from vari ous sections i to receive instruction and knowledge. The school is a otiS&lVibe i State, to the Faculty and especially to the principal, W. v. Blair, who showed his .good sense in the selection jof instructors, and lct uera. I am niore aad more convinced that a rerdaticnt Normal College should be established by the Star, and that the college shou d run 10 mon'hs in the year. I am informed. that efforts will be made at . next session of thfc legislature to establish such an institution, and I have uo doubt but wljat such au appeal wiil meet with a lUarty rrsponsn. But to return to the Winst'in State Normal school. The lecturer of Prof. Bran on oanumbers and matbo-uatic have been enjoyed, ;by those who hare heard thetn. iProf. Branson possessor the jwondej-ful and happy fact ulty of throwing p n-'.y and hum n intoj his loCltiie-t. vvhii-ii rtiews those who might, ea Iha a k-eLurp on mathematics is dry. Mr. Bran son's lectures are not dry. Ha i a gentleman 6f: considerable intelli gence, au$ Ifrauv.u's A ithmetic is a thing of the jnear future I will nay this though that North Carolina ha ; no business to. allow such a man -to leave the State, such men are scaicc and too valuable to the educat'oila! cause to be allowed to feave. Prof Moses, of ! the Raleigh Graded Schools, is another bright, educator. He is an enthusiastic aud earu- -: worker, and his )ejturo3 are intelli gent and; instructive. Esrwy o: i.i likes to see Jloses on tr e roa ruin. Prof. J. A, Blair has been a ruosi ex; oelient worker in tne school ua nan- given several lectures on various sub CONGRESS. PROCEEDINGS YESTERDAY Senate and house. in PASsixij rativisrosa in the sekatk tor TUf-C-OSSTKUCriON OF HEAVY C.l -X 4 B04T3 FOB THE NAVY- i ilia.-. '.ills-, :tl'll Jon the case By Telojraph ti) Wie News and Observer WaIuijjgton, July 24 Senate The S resoluiion to priut ."5.0' i additinal copies of the report Senate oaimittee 'on pa t'iO aubiecb of vetoed peusioa was shaken ; up, the question oa SI?. CoijkreU's ameudiUHut t" 100,090 copies of the P-eM 1 vetoeS iu the last and present i. cressSs. After debate in which sotnhat famous Mia. Dohertv waa chief topic, the matter was al lowed, to pass over without, acdou; and lr. Shermauj from the committee oa friauceH reported an amend nent to tb?4 sundry civil bill to incorporate in it 4 provision to refund the direct tax. ;pief erred to the committee on apprbjpnaUons. The Senate then proeffc Jed to the consideration of the navtjvftppropriation bill. Among the amendments reported from'tho com mittie on appropriations aud agreed io byvth.) Senate were the following: String out an i'em of $50,000 for th ixpenbia of the commission to locaJ4 a LM.vy yard uoai tho ct?.st of the Cnif cf Mexico; inserting an item of fcgjjUOU Oj-continuiug:the improve Mi. Lehbach, of New Jersey, from fronijthe committee on public build irjga'and grounds, reported a resolu tion lor the employment of an elec trical engineer to make plans and pecifications for lighting . the House ud uommsttee rooms b? electricity ad i io folieiL proposal-) for work. Adopted. alt. li jlujaij, of. Indiaiia. from ti t; iiiiii' e-i public lands reporii-.l d-a k' Itho immediate considera n:i.i -u.- 3 -uu'.e 0:11 to extena ilc nenll of thai naval hospital park at The ! most nupor-rep-jtted was Lo f r thn cor:-!ttuc- P.iilu')!iib Va. tatiB amotidmejit 1 Ua item BEW ARRIVALS rurehased by our k York Buyer. 200 oairi . ladiee S3 button DongoU Goat Shoes, at f 2.24, worth fttt.00 PA doBfnuniaundried reinforced shirts, UU all sizes, OO cents each. J itdies SailprsSS cento each 50 silk nmbrellas, $1.75 each. jUbbons in all widths and colors. '1 new lot of in and glassware. 100 vest front black Jerseys, fl.46, cheap at $1,75. 1 nnfiptf ladies hose, all colors and shades, 10 cent a pair. 4n immense bargain. ilingham mfnoa check, 7i cents a yard. lot of white handkerchief, 10 cents dozen, l " rphe largeU ajid best cake caks of toilet X Soap in ion wurm ir touw a ,w7. 300 woven corset 50 cento, worth 75. jnew lino of laces and trimmings. , j . 1 .' 1 EDWARD FASNACH, EWE LI opt . RALUOH, VTO. S0L1T11&E and CLISTEE JIAI05W Gold Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watche gorh&m' Sterling 8ilverware,Roger ii plated silverware, any size and . weight jof plain 18 karat En- gagement rings constant v ly in stock. Badges -.and Medals made J ; -' ' ."to order. )ec:s in reference to teaching that were valuable in every respect. Prof. Blair gave some scientific experiments j last Saturday that won for him praise on every aid.! The experiments were more wonderful because the appa ratus were iofthe Professor's own construction at a cost of about 11. Such apparatus new and from the hands of a manufacturer, I dare say, would cost $250. Prof. W- A- Blair, principal of the "Winston Graded School, is proud of hi3 Normal, and looks as happy as a young fellow just after some dear one to him has said the little word, yes. Prof. Blair lectures daily, and always says something good and beneficial. Prof. Kay hill, the big man, (physi cally and otherwise) from Kansas City, is a whole team, as a lecturer and instructor on elocution, nr. Kajhill lecture! and reads daily to the delight add benefit of those who are so fortunate as to hear .him. Mrs. J." Ai McDonald has done val uable work in the school. She is a lady that North Carolina is proud of. She is intelligent, progressive and Christian ladr. Prof. Q. JJ. Mclver delivered an address before the school on last Fri day. The address was full of good old horse, sense, and was well received and highly appreciated. Profs. Mc lver and J. A. Blair have gone to Yancey vilje to conduct the County Institute this week. Our people were greatly disappointed that Col. Wad dell could not be with us on Saturday night. His train missed connection at Greensboro and he could not reach us. A gentleman who has been travel ing lately through Stokes county has just told tne ihat he never saw better crop prospects. Tobacco jis looking welL ana a large crop is on tne mil. Our market is well supplied wih ex cellent fruits and vegetables, and they are selling cheap, but our peo pie want a market house, and have about concluded that such an enter E rise is a necessity, rne subject is eing continuously agitated. The house of Mr. Thos. I. Leak, of Ger, manton, was consumed by fire yester day morning- Nothing was saved, the family barely escaping with their uvea. The mother of Mr. George Kin shaw, of this, place, died in Chatham county at her home on Saturday morning in tne seventy-second year 01 her age. The mother of Mr. 1. w. Durham, of this place, died at her home in Charlotte on Saturday morning. A gloom Was thrown over our city Saturday afternoon when the sad words were passed irom mouin to mouth that; Edgar Carter wai dead. Mr. Carter waa a young gentleman of most excellent char acter, a Christian and a gentleman and his death was a shock to hun dreds who knew him but - to love and respect him He was in the 2Gth yeaf of nis age. His remains were taken to Virginia yesterday by Mr. W.tT-Carter, his brother. ' fK8oXAL. Hon. R. B. Glenn has gone to Con nelly Springs. Maj. T. 1. Brown and Mr. J. W. Rogers are in Danbury, trying the virtues of Piedmont water. Miss Williamson, of Grali'am, a very charming young lady, is visiting the familjl of Mr. T. F. Williamson, on 6th street." J MifW Nannie Mangum, of Durham county, is visiting Mrs G. E- Webb, on 4th street. G. ;i-1. W. ad.hlo i.on?5i lhr steel rrui8t3, I wo of th-:f about. 3,000 tons, at a cost no!,JceodiO( $1,100 000 each, -.-xciu KivoCI a: uiawaiif, au.l of about 5,3Gy3teus a$ a cost of not- more than $1,&),000, smd tie follow, ng : - Also threo?guaboat.s, or cruisers, neither of wljSoh shail exceed 1.700 tons in displacement, nor $500,000 in C06t, iuclMing any premium thai may be paidjEor increased speed and exclud ing Wat of armament ; said vessels to be biilt either wholly of steel or with stoelr frames ; to strike out of the item;? the words "and one armed Onr Opfittlj Department . . . i .' Embrace an endless variety of lenses which together with our practical expe rience enables as to cort almost any srror of refraction in Myopia (nearsight), Hvporntetropia (far sight), Presbyopic 'old sight) .?AsthenopU (weak sight) inu riTinn prompt relief from that distrea Iti eadac'he which of ten accompanies imperfect tJi. OliH ARTIFICIAL :tvy. Human Eyes r id look like the natural orgaa whan inserted. -vTu at a dtiianna having a broken otkB havs ancttwr made without oaTV 4g paftooaUy. I . Horrible Suletd. By Tlurapli-to the "ews aud Qbservi r. Kidding, C'al., July 21 At Mor ley station; 20" miles from hepe, James Mason, stage driver, commatted sui cide in a horrible manner. He bought a fiftv nound box of criant powder, sat on it and touched explosive off. The coroUer gathered up twenty pounds of body in a basket. The Arkansas Affair Utl(ln( Nerlou.. Uy TcleKrapl) tiJ the News aud Obstjrrer. St. Locisi July 24. A very Lricf special to the I'ost-Dispatch says that one of the negro county officers cf Crittenden county, Ark., was hanged by a mob at Marion last night; that the race war has broken out afresh, and that a terrible state of affairs prevails. ; Ours is -the first government pro habiting acts of attainder.. cruislr of about 7,500 tons dispiaoe- inen to cost not more than $3,500,- 000;,'' and also to strike out the pro visions that at least one of the vessels shal ibe built in a United States navy yard! and that the others may be builii at the fiavy yards if the Secre tary cannot make reasonable con tracts for their construction. Mft Gray- moved to amend the amendment by striking out the words '1,700 tons? and inserting the words "2,030 tons," and increasing the cost fromif 500,000-to 5700,000 each jug. Morgan, 01 yviaoama, regarded thesl large vessels as more efficient in protection of harbors. Other spet ches in favor of the building of large war &nips and: a strong navy wergr made by Senators Hawley, Tel ler, iiutler, i iieagan, Gibson, White and' Call advocated the amendment proposed by the committee on appro DCt. Morgan, speaking of the moral potior which a strong fighting navy would give the United States, said that Germany would not be sweeping the Pacific if the United States had a goo's fighting navy: hot that Ger many was afraid of the United (States, butiJhe knew that the 1 United States wa. hot going to arms in order to de fen the Pacific coast. The building of good fighting navy would do more for the commerce of the coun try. than any other measure. Mr. Steward moved l,to amend the Hpase clause proposed to be struck out, by making the tonnage of bne arryOred cruiser i,c00 tons instead of 75 00 and the limit of cost tea million instead of three million. Mr.Gibson suggested to Mr. Stewart to Modify his amendment so as to prefide for; two vessels of war of abut 1,500 tons each at a cost of $20,000,000. ;Mr. Stewart accepted thk suggestion, modified his amend merit accordingly, and spoke in favor of gilding up a lighting navy. 1 1 na'Jy the vote was taken on Mr. Slew ari amendment and it was rejected Yeis 0 navs 41. . 'The question was then taken on stilting out the House provision for oa. 7,500 ton armored cruiser, and it wa struck out, yeas At, najs . tia amanrlmonf nftWfid hv Mr. l-i lirting the tonnage of three guh boafa to 2,000 tons and the cost of each to'$700,000 was agreed to, and tijelaoiendment reported by the com mittee on appropriations, as thus, atunded, w as agreed to. A3 the matter now stands, a provision is made for the construction by con tract of two steel cruisers, of about 313,000 displacement each, at cost of nj) more than $1,100,000 each; one 8' $1 cruiser of about 5,300 tons dis placement to cost not more than S,00,000, and three gunboats or crMJisers riot to exceed in displace ment 2,000 tons aud in coal 700,0000; each fast vessel TjEcdst have a maximum speed of at le'ast 19 knots per hour, and the third viasfil at'teast 20 knots per hour, with aaiqduction f rom the contract of $7, 5t)"for every quarter knot less than g-aaranteod speed, and with a pre- ii.lum (to be tixed by the Secretary al the Navy) for increased speed. Tll'last amendment was rhe insertion oiau itamof 275,000 for the con struction; an' armaaent of one steel practice vessel of 800 tone, for the use of the Xaval Academy at An' nabolis. It was agreed to and the bjfi was reportod back by the commit tee of the whole to the Senate. The L amendments on which no special vote H's demanded were agreed to. A special vote was demanded by Sir. Morgan on the amendment striking out House item for a com mission to locate the navy yard on tjje Gulf coast, and Mr. Morgan spoka ii favor: of the House proposition UBd against striking it out without 3.&posiijg of it. This bill went over til tomorrow. 'it HOUSE. On motioD of 'Or. Blount, of Geor gia, the Senate bid was passed -pr rilbiting the transmission thiough the IflS'ls m trauarunt envelopes of iaatter whtch would he prohibited HEAVY LOSS. DESTRUCTIVE CONFLAGRA TION IN CINCINNATI. 1 . O kIau'M Land." nt it.; tr Hi-;JJ kifg f ,1 id spates over "N A MAMMfJfTII SHOE FACTORY IS BC1SS A I.U9H 01 OVEB TflltEE HUNDRED ' THOUSAND DOLLiBS. V T-iej;rpli t'- trie Si-n ami CiNciNNAii, July 24 - b h ir ' ;r !! f-H . i'""j;z'd the in1 utary bill. j tit- to pas- ti 1 r upie w ' b 11 f .1 c Jjen.'4eMi-m trom Jn:in roposo i to iv them a stone. Mr. Sprii-ger w. succ8!ful and- tho ll-.tivi- a-tnt it t omaiittee of tho whoie on ihe 01r homa bill. 'lVuding the debate, tt couimitt.ee rose and the House at ' o'cldck took a recess until 8 o'cI aI, the. evening Bession to be for the m. - sideration Qf bills reporttd from ti comu.ittee on public !ands. Zeal In Franklin. Cor. .of the News anil Olworvi-r. IsGLf.siDE, Frankiiti Count), j '" '" July 20, 18.S8 A large crowd of farmers ast-m- bled hereon the night of the 18th jnst; for the purpose of organizing a Democratic Club. Stirring speeches were made by lr. J. B Malone and Mr.jG. S. Baker, cf Louisburg, and Mn .F.'S. Spruiil, of Franklinton. Mr. Sprbill held the crowd speil b und for:an nour with his lorcible logic and strong appeals to patriotic action in thei;coming s' niggle. He is a younr awyer of flno attainments, a m m 01 brains and good judgment, and nvn that North Carolina and Franklin county may well feel proud of. After the speaking the chairmau announced that ail who wished to ; join the club would call out'their names, they were called out faster than two secretaries could write them down and 50 names were quickly enrolled. The following offi cers were elected: President H. D. Egerton, vice president; R S. Foster, secretary; W. H. Pridgen, treasurer; W.;llays, committees will be ap pointed at next meeting August 1st 8 o'clock, p. m. 100 more names are expected tc be added at that tim . Few clubs in the country, organize with a larger list of names than this one, known as the Ingleside CUo;b of Franklin county. At the htate convention this county waS: about equally divided between Fowle and Alexander men. If the Fowle men don't look to their laurels the Alexander men will outstrip them in hard work and zeal for Judge iowle and the whole Democratic ticket. . We farmers mean ' business. No: Republican flag can float iu this eauhtry again. The "infamous party" has almost ground the life out of us by its unjust laws, (and we mean to sink it deeper than the lowest depths of the bottomless pit next November. t abmer 'Jtnt-rver. -About four "clock this mornintr the watchman discovered fire in the second story of I he six story shoo factory of Krippen fc Co , situated ou t e noriheaa! corner qf !Sycamire and New street, At tire ringine : hoiwe No. 4, not more than 210 feet ' distan', an alar.'i was instautij giviu but bt-fore t'.e le partment could bfiu ;t fight the d ixies bnd reach'-d tbo olevaior and -i a i to all the upper lloors. Thi'n b-:.;aa a desperate lOnteat on the j) 1 1 of the entire lire departtupr.t to m gi e tho ca'amiiy ly subduiug as iii.i'.:u' as poss'.t1!'; t e in.pns'ty of the j :ii.w,' eo .in to save ttio a'ljoiuing x.tr'!Ctufes It -wai a greil contest, j tr.;'., tho t'.remen succoedod af'-r all ,n ti.is tu--it liiipo---''!. work, .hvery ia'-K ii 't-'- large factory a hundred -.liHtnt was broken by the heat aii l i ho window frarue.9 were sco'ched i-i-l aiiiiost caughr oa firr but by ctistadt watchi'.iii.'-as the building Whs (i:ived. l'h'. iieat wa-s so iiUeuso; as to luiu the high brick walls of the adjoiuinsr build lug. AH tLe wall t-xtJept tiio front portion of tho rea- full, one destroy ing a d-vellingon North ftrect- The front Wall is in a very dangerous cod diticn and must be thrown down aa a means of prccaut:on. Cable cars ar jer?'ittrd to run ia front of tbe b'r.Miiif.', bat pnssr-ugi :'s I'.re not :;'io v: J to occupy them wh:l: pass ing lh it point The factory waj one of ;.lie largest una best equipped in cue country, is was engagt-u in t-ie marjufac;urc of a Sue quality of wo-, mens' shoes. It had the best and most expensive machinery, valued at $100,000. The building was put up especially for this purpose two years ago at a cost of $70,000.. The stock and machinery on band were invent oried a few days ago at 140,000 The loss on everything ii total, making a loss of $310,000. The insurance al together amounts to $101,000. The employees who .re throwu out of work are 550, of whom 350 are wo men and girls- The origin of the fire is a mystery. I here was no fare in the building; the workmen were on the second iloor as late as 1 o'clock this morning. ol. Cowln on the Internal Rrvrnur. Congressional K-.-cord .lu'v wli. The following amendment to the Mills bill was offered towit : Amend by inserting the follow ing after section 2G, and designating it as section 27 : "That all laws imposing any inter nal taxes on spirits distilled from apples, peaches, and other fruits are hereby repealed and that on all orig inal and unbroken hogsheads, bar rels, or keg3 of such spirits held by manufacturers or dealers at the time this act shall go into effect, upon which the tax has been paid, there shall be allowed a drawback or rebate of the full amount of the tax so paid; but tho Baiue shall not apply in any case where the claim has not been ascertained or presented within ninety days following the date of the repeal. It shall b the duty of the Commis sioner cf Internal Revenue, with the approval of the Secretary -f the Trtaury, to adopt such rules and regulations ;;nd to prescribe and furnish scch blnijiks and forms as may b necessary to ca:ry this section into effect." Mr. Co. vies. Mr: Chairman, I am heartily in fivor of thia amendment acd shall support it. It givue rolief to h lirge bo ty of people living in the mountain section.! 01 this country especially TLe a-nouut of revenue involved, ir, is reasonable :o say, is only a little moro than a million dol lars $1,00,000, 1 b3lieve, in round numbai s. The necessity uf getting urged on ba Klllrell Rote. Cor.:f the yews and Observer. KiTTRELL, N. C. June 24. Last Sunday, July 22nd, was a day of reioicing and gladness totn9 laith- f ul members of the Methodist Episco pal; Church South, of Kittrell, N. C Hovinsr nntshed their churcu and furnished it! they on that day at 11 O'clock a. m , dedicated it to "The Service or Almighty God." The dedife ceed, and whatever is ultimately ro catOrv sermon, which was indeed a alized will be divided among all de Kilt . TRENII()Ln'8(lRCn.R TO DEPOSITORS OF THE FKEEDltASS SAV INGS & TRUST COMPANY. Washington, July 24. Since the passage by the Senate of the bill to reimburse the depositors of the Freedmans' Savings & Trust Coca pary for the losses incurred by the failure of sa'd company, the Comp troller of the Currency, aa ex officio commissioner of said trust, has issued the following circular in reply to re monstrances received from white de positors against that provision of the bin which limits the relief to deposi tors of African descent: This bill does not in any way alter, impair or affect the right of anv de positor in tha Freedmans' Savngs & Irust Company to hia full share of the proceeds of assets cf that institu tion; Ihe corporation is in liquida tion, and that liquidation will pro- a one, was ueiivereu uv xver. o. o. Refln. All felt the solemnity of the occasion and one faithful brother be ing filled to overflowing with joy, rising, with tears in his eyes, an nounced that it was one of the hap pieiat days of his life. ye now have a church that we can trulv sav we are proud of. It is finished inside and outside, f urn ished nicely, and best of all, it is taid fob. There is not one cent against it to our knowledge. ' The trustees stated thit the property is worth $1,800 the title good and the deed recorded according to law. The organist, Miss Maggie N. Reid, being aided by the choir, rendered rnu3ic suitable aud did credit to herself. At 3 o'clock p. m- Rev. J. M Rhodes, of Henderson, delivered a timely and excellent address before tb bur ''.ay school. At, 5 o cloct p. mi Prof. D. S- Allen addressed the Ydung Men's Christian Association. Ail felt edified and greatly encour aged after hearing him. His soul is in the work, having at all timee the good of young men at heart. At 8 30 p.iln. the church was tilled to over flowing with people who were anxious to participate in the last services of the day. The church membership is only fifteen, while the Sunday school numbers over fifty. There is a future for the church . M Fiir the News and llbservr r. t Wait the lit A Dantlaruaa -Ye eons of Liberty arise '. Gird on your armor bright : n your motto streaming tlios For freedom and the right ! Wave now your emblem banners ! Wave wide the red bandannas ! if "or freedom and the rujht .' Ye sons of Liberty, rejoice 1 Let hop again arise : .Tis. heard fair Freedom's voice That yours may be the prize ! Wave, then, triumpluint banners ! .Wave high the red bandannas ' And yours shall be the prize. Ye sons of Liberty come fourth '. Ye patriots, rallying, come '. From East and West, from South and North, Defend the patriot home ! Wave gloriously your banners ' "Uphold the red bandannas -O er States redeemed our homo. Beehk. Warrenton, N. C. Minted or written jbvelopes. ion the outside of ;The Detroit Free Press is confident that Michigan will be carried this year by the Democrats in both the presidential and State elections. This is very high authority. Michigan may yet astonish the world. The word "Poughkeepsie" is a cor positoi'B who have proved their claims in accordance with existing laws The effect of the bill passed by the Senate will be, if it becomes a law, simply to niako good to those for whose benefit exclusively tho institu tion was originally designed, the dif ference between their share of the assets of the corporation and the amount of their deposits. This is a pure gratuity from Congress to these people, aud the distinction in their favor rests upon the question able fact that none but persons of African descent had any right to make use of the Freedman's Savings &. Trust Company in any manner or to acquire by any means any interest whatever in its assets. Neither you nor any other white depositors have any claim upon the bounty 01 Uod gresfe. You were bound to know the limitations of the charter of the cor poration with which you dealt, and, therefore, to know that its oilicers could not lawfully take your deposits It is not now intended in any way to inflict upon the white depositors any loss. Without any injury, or even any censure, they have been up, to this time treated preci3ely like those depositors who could alone lawfully make use of the institution, and 1 no of no reason why they should not continue to be treated in the same way, so far as the assets of the cor poration are concerned. Very respectfully, W. L Tbexiidlm, Comptroller of the Currency imm Whole Town Destroyed by Fire. Uy Telegraph to the News and Observer. 1'obtland, Oregon, July 24. Later advices from Rostrina, Washington Territory, regarding Sunday's fire, Bays the entire business portion of the town was destroyed. Only a few small houses in the outskirts were left standing. The total loss wid reach about $450,000. Tho origin of the hre is not kuo- u. lwo mou. were badly burned dating the fire. The town had no fire department and no means of fighting tho flames. A pub lic meeting has been held dud a com mittee appointed to solicit aid f-r the homeieus people. Opera House Burnetl. Hy Trk-nraih to the News and observer. Bctte, Montana, July 21 Mc Guires Opera House was burned last night. The audience escaped in safe ty. Losses amount to $70,000, with light insurance. Stalest tile's Postofficr, By Telegraph to tho News and Observer YYasuinotos. July 24. - Ihe House bill appropriating $75,000 for a pub lic bunding at Statesville, N. G, was f tbe surplus in the treasury is th sides of the House. Now, taking all the reduction that this b;il wnl mike in all its provis ions-, vre can a3V go tms much further and si ill leave a lar,e surplus. uy not no it: V hy should not both sides of the House meet on this question? If there be any truth in tho protestations of party, if there be any truth in the protestations of individuals, that we want to give re- lit-f to the people in this matter of taxation, why not come forward and embrace the first chance wo have had to vote upon such a question during many sessions of Congress Now is the time and tLis is the hour when every man should -come forward, without regard to party and political affilia tions, and vote for this relief to the people. Sir, it was amusing on yesterday when my good friend from North Carolina I Mr. Johnston infiuired with regard to the status of the vote taken on his amendment which proposed to wipe out tho entire in ternal tax system, and for which I voted most cheerfully. When the chair stated that twenty-seven gen tlemen only had voted in the affirma tive, my friend asked in a tone of as tonishment, "What has beoome of the Republican party and the pledges of the Chicago convention ?" Why, sir, it reminded me of the old song, WThat has becom of good old Dan iel?" The Republican party almost to a man were oh that occasion found seated in quiet, conscious peace with the "lions ot the ways and means oommittee on this side of the House They did not vote for the proposition YY hy, my friends, then was the op portunity for you to come forward if you meant to do what your platform pledges. Ah, but you say the pledge was made wrh a condition. What is the condition ? Simply this : pro vided you can find no means of spend ing this surplus iu ill deserved pen sioaa and jobs of every kind that may be brought here in the way of. wild cat appropriations. From your his tory in the past who doubts your ability to do so ? Who doubts your ability to scatter the whole of the sur plus in the Treasury if the people of the country allow you to get hold of the purso strings. This is the only condition upon which you agree to abolish internal revenue provided you are not able to spend the surplus otherwise. When will you ever take steps to abolish this internal revenue? Never. You had the opportunity yesterday to do it. tlere the ham mer fell. Mr. Cowles. Sir, it is a good old maxim which says "Honesty is the est policy;" and the noblest senti ment ever uttered by Grover Cievo land was "Tell the truth." I shall go homo from hero a good deal wiser thsu I carno with regard to the status of the abolishment of the internal revenue tax; and I shall tell my people that a large majority on both sides of this House are op posed to it, unless future events shall convince me of the contrary. And, sir, if any man is opposed to any portion of this tax why cau he not come forward and vote for this amondment ' It takes only about $1,000,000 from the Treasury. It gives relief to a great class of people who need it; nd it does not atiect the supply of breadstuff's in this country at all. It only enables peo ple to utilize tho fruit which would otherwise hi wasted, and thus to sup plement the little profits on their farms and eke out a subsistence for their families. I am satisfied it will not be the means of such extensive frauds in the whisky tax as are al leged here. The manufacture of brandy in this country is so small that it cannot be the. means of working such tremend ous fraud in the whisky tax. Besides when we read of the discoveries of science in this matter of detecting fraud in the manufacture of lard, but ter, etc., why can there not be means of detecting the component parts that enter into distilled BpiritsT Why can not provisions of law be made to punish the persons who use this license to assist in the commission of fraud in the manufacture of whisky or in evading tl e whisky tax? I am willinc to 1 3j for any measure of that kin 1. All I want is an honest, stn LzV-iurwa-d relief fo my people T ask this becaase thev have been loner-suffering and uncomplaining. Ab long as this tax was needed by the gov ernment they bore it with commend able patience and rarely complained. Hut they always complain of the sys tem of its inquisitorial branches. They complain of spies entering their houses and domiciles and the most intricate nooks and corners, without regard to the privacy of the home of tern in the sect ion'of country I repre sent. The report of tfce Commissioner of Internal Revenue - for 1S87 says that in 18S7 1,1.3 fruit distilleries existed in the State of North Carolina and 1,054 in tho S,ate of my friend from Virginia (Mr. Wise), many more than exist and nearly twico as many as ex ist in all the other States of this Union ; thin is beeause we have large fruit growing districts which must in ''good years" furnish a large share -of the small farmers ; profits. They are unable, many of tbem, to comply with the requirements of law, and if by dint of hard begging and laying thetuselve-j u.i lor : mighty obligations to their more weaUhy neighbors thus are onab!ed to givj the bonds they becomo liable to 1)3 mulcted in heavy penalties by come: technical failure to coinnly with all tho regulations. This is thi reason why our p?op'e complain so b ttojly about this griev ous burden. Nosv, sir, I 8dk i hat they shall have soiu-3 rhf. l ,;ak that the people Of these sections of the country who are entitled to some consideration shall have this burden removed, and it will not militate against tbe pass age of this bill o grant it. I. sir, am as much in faVor of some of the provisions of this bili as any one can be. I am for reducing taxation, and for rpduciug t upon articles which. as much concern: my people as the people of other sections of the coun try, but a: the same time I ask that you give thc-ni some relief from a burd-m which :si not borne by the people of unny oittoer sections of the country wh-ch will in nowise inter fere with the-necessary revenue for the government- Mr. McMdUul : I wieh to call the attention of tho committoe to one fact wh'.cn stood ia the way of the commit ee, and stands in the way of the House in this legis!a:ion. The committee on ways and means went to the Treasury Department and gave very caniui attention to the question now under consideration. We tried to see what would be right in the iremises, and what could be done. We met with difficulty at tho begin- NOW THE SENATE TO TAKE ITa TURN TI1K TARIFF. AT THB KlSANi E l OMMiriEL IN CDNFEKINCK ASD DtSCl'SSiVl T11K SUBSTITUTE TO BE FVBMHrEI) IVR Till MILLS I'.ILL. Br Telrxritph to the N-w-ta'nl (Kneier. Wasuinjton.JJuI v 24. Thoro was a (full meeting ol tho SouaSn finance committee this m rnicg and an how was devoted to u informal discus sion of the 1 nc action in regard to the tariff. N-. thing w;u determined, but at the . f t! adjournment there was an iin..-M-.-c.-r.i.liiig. that, the Republican mjoi i'.y of the commit tee would got ti- ;( t h: :-fiinl see if aa agreement could iv reichf-d in re spect to the Jn-as'in-. to b i submitted as a substitu t- f : '.!:,- Mi'.N bill. If successful lh- llj'.-. the measure is likely to bd la d Ivf ;r - th-j Republi can caucu3 an l wliii shaped to meet any conflicting viwa which ma,- bo developed here, t wil' bo laid befora the Democratic fiuancn- committeo and by the. a b.-fore tho D-.-mocrat c Caucus for t he oo"sidratiau of a line of policy on iheir part. With so many elements "f uncertainty, uo one feels like venr ui i.ig to gu44 as to the kiui of niau: : if any, which may ba submitted or length of t o session. -1 Jut it is expected that the present week wi 1 doterinine pretty J clearly the courc of f u ure events. . Tho Republican tai.nbors of tho committee reitwno 1 fin conference an Lour afie; Democratic nearl , colleagues. There weftc frequent pri vate conferences wiiL oijuerRepublican Senators and with olhhr Republican members of ti.e llousti- AsureBult, the opinion ik gaining' headway' that there will b-1 no repot t of & tariff bill at this session, but that the sub com mittee will con iuufj it 4 inquiry dur ing recess. Should thjo Republicans adopt this course, tho illual adjourn-, ment of the session rmiv bo expected within threo weeks. ; Among ' the propositions which have been sug- niDg. If you take one gallon of aJ gested as possible to be considered ole brand v and mix twn rallr.no nf I by Republican .Senators is that to . . r - gall pure whisky with it, it is all apple brandy and ',011 cannot tell the dif ference. There are no experts in this House laughterl, but if there were, Mr. Chairman, no export could tell the difference byitaste 01 appearance. It cannot be detected. We could not deviBe any meansbf preventing frauds upon the revenue if we should free from taxation the spirits distilled from fruits. linding that difficulty, I wont to the gentlemen from North Carolina who urged the proposition, and asked them it they would not offer an amendment which would do the work, I could not do ir. The members of the committee could not do it. No man connected with the Treasury I could do it. 10 this day no man who favors this amendment has offered any section that1 would begin to pre vent frauds on the government. That is the difficulty which stands in the way. You open the' door of the freedom from taxation of spirits dis tilled from grain, and that may be mixed with braady when you adopt this amendment. I would like the gentleman from Pennsylvapia or any other gentleman who favors the proposition to submit aa amendment which will prevent this fraud. Mr. (Jowles. I submit the amnd- ment which I send to the desk. The Clerk read as follows: That the lax on brandy distilled from apples or peaches be, and the same isi hereby repealed, and dis tillers of brandy made from apples or peaches are hereby exempt from any provisions of law restricting or limit ing tho manufacture or sale of dis tilled spirits except as hereinafter provided. That the 'j't",os where such brandy is kept for .: , whether licensed cr unlicensed, a-. 1 the dis tilleries whereat such brandy is made or the place whereat it is stored, as well as the vehicles used for its trans portation, shall at all times, under provisions and restrictions cf exist ing laws, be open to examination and searched by the properly co istituted authorities, and that it shall be un lawful for any person to mix or mingle whisky or other distilled pp'rit with brandy, or to chn-:n b - ; :y means whatsoever Ithe 'A wot ut other dis tilled spirits bo as to cause it to respect Dranay, wua iruent 10 evaae ine pay ment of the tax on such mixture or on the whisky or other distilled spirits so intermixed or changed in flavor, taste or other quality, and any person or persons who shall bo duly convicted thereof shall in each and every case be punished by fine or im prisonment, one or both, in the dis cretion of tho court; and it shall furthermore be unlawful for any per son to use the license hereby given for the manufacturJ and sale of brandy distilled from apples and peaches in any way to evade the tax penalties and punishments imposed by law in respect to whisky and other distilled spirits, and any person so offending shall be punished by fine or imprisonment, one or both, in the discretion of the court- Any and all property now liable to forfeiture by reasons of violations of internal rev enue laws involved in any violation of this act shall, under provision of existing law, be forfeited to the Uni ted States Mr. Cowlea. I simply desire to state that this amendment is au an swer to the request f the gentlemen from tho ways and nuans committee. I think it, is so gn.ndod ihat even the mos- patticular cr.u find no objection to it. The Chairman. The chair wiil en tertain tt o anx-ndment proposed by the genlltintfu as a substitute for the proposition cf ihe gentleman from Peensylvania (Mr. Sowden), which is now pending as an additional section. Tho question was taken, and on a division there were ayes 12, noes 74. So the amendment was rejected. bring in a resolution instructing tne taiiU sub cownuuee to coulirruo its hearings. and its study of the sub ject during recess, by hearing indus tries, agriculture, and labor, aud to frame a bill which shall bt based upon " fair proue ion principles, to be re ported to the Senate on tho first day of the next session- The proposition contemplates fixing in tbe resolution the minimum of reduction on the rev enue, which tho committees shall aim to secure, as well as making ihe meas ure the special order with exclusive right of way until it shall be perfected and passed by the Senate. a-t fai The St. Paul Insurance Company. The last statement showing tho condition of the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company shows a most gratifying increase in the busi ness of that company for the past six months. The assets increase during that period was $20,000, the net but- filus increase was $30,000, reinsurance und increase 32,000, unadjusted losses decrease $43,000. The total assets in 1880 wero $85781. Inl88S the totpJ assets were $1,541,0G1, showing an increase of $683,380. This enormoua increase speaks for itself. The company feels very much grat ified at thia unmistakable evidence of its reliability as well it may. The fact that Mr. T. H. Haughton is Gen eral Agent in North Carolina is a guarantee that the business in this state is conducted on a reliable and satisfactory basis. Mayor' ! onrt. His honor Mayor Thompson yes terday put five dollars and costs on a party for being drunk and down, and also the same upon another party for being drunk and engaging in an affray. -jowl, ziqht PU R E 1 air- inption ol n Iudlu lerm memiog ny?l"A 00 "JooJ" tj if loigsi?0? pnased, they tsk Ha "safe harbor.' removal. Thia ia a most onerous sys- Save My Child. Can you not appreciate the feelings of the citizen; and now that all necesei-l gratitude in Mr. rv. l Fain, of Atlanta, Cordial saved his child that he thought a; ing iroaa mat do wei vrouma. Its superior excellence provea in mil lions of homes for more than a quarter of a century. It is used by the United States Government. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universities aa the the Strongest, Purest aud most Health ful. Dr. price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lima ci Alum. Sold only in Cans. PRICE BAKING POWDEB CO. Haw YORK. CHlCaQO. , T Lor IS. PPLK'ATION TO AMEND CUAKTKlt. . In pursance of the rrovwiniis ot the Laws t 18SS, chapter la, section 3, application will beinmio to 1). C. Upchureb, Clerk ot the Superior Court ol of Wake county, at his ,itllee is Kaleii-h, N. C on the iiil day ol August, l-. at 3 o'clock p. m., to amend the charter ot the Atlantic Hotel Company, of Morehcad City, N, C, by inereaauiK its capital stock to one humlreil thousand dollars, jtli erty to still further-increase the saine at any time or from time to time, to any aim, nut m t exceed ing two hundred thousand dollars, and t make a ratable increase In tlie number shares Juto which said capital suck is divided. This July Jujli.l;-'-. THE ATLANTIC KOTEL CO J. 8. CARR, I'resldeiit. Dutcher's Fly Killer! Certain Death. No hunting with powder and gun as for squir rels, only to stupefy them. No lini:erins death on the sticking plaster, h'lles seek U, drink and are Killed Outright buman-ily, so (itttckly (hey cannot get aw.r. Use It tre!y. 1'roreut reurodu-tiu, secure sarane - uiquiei. Aiwijys nuiot vvatiUaJt't, . www avis jbvex ,1 s ;i .1. . if- '-j; , Si.-..