1 j 3WS SERYEtii a r- VOL XXVI. RALEIGH. N. C., THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 9, 1888. ; 1 : NO. 36 AND OB 'is? - SI NEWn observations Absolutely Pure i This powder new varies. A marvel f purity, strength and wholeBomene Here eoonomioal.tban ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, ehort weight, Jam or phoephate powders, sold only ta .in. RoTAi BAKXH41 POWv CO., 1M vvsll Street, New York: - Bold by W. 0. A, B. 8tronach, and J B Ferrall Oo. ' i WOttliiCOTT & SOS 14 East Martin Street, I. -A I', : t NEW ARRIVALS ' e s.. .1. i? purchased by our New York Buyer. If Oft A pairs ladies 23 button Djngola UU Goat Shoe, at S2.S, worth W.00 if( dozen imUundried reinforced shirjts, UV all sjses, 50 cents each. ' H adies Sailors, S3 cents each A .50 silk ambrellas, 91.75 each. T)ibbona in all widths and colors- 1 new lot of tin and glass ware. f . --The CtengrfKBiou'U ' rami?ation CommiBsion at New Yotk extracted from a high protectionist Le cunfes on that i:e had sought librQad for workmen. The French gotnrnniont hns sent professors of agiicHur fcvery where to adv ee farriers gidw beat to gather and preserve thm .crops du rir the weather crisis.; Puffs are eaid by fasli&n joumais to be rery popular in fn&We attire this eeason, but most any newspaper man will tell jou they j;'e Equally in demand by the sternt r sex. . i -The anniTersary of Vf ishington's eleration to the degree of masier mason was celebrated by H excursion of ; the Fredericksburg, ' -Alexandria land District of Columbia Masonic lodges to Mount YernojM, -In his anx.ioty to jiiake doath 'doubly sure, to use a popular pttraee, ion Jobnsorr, of rrovidcct, last Fn jday swallowed suflicient atrjchnine to kill 200 men, af er wtuch life informed : his wife of hie action. She hurriedly jemptied the conteuts of' a keroseue can down his throat, and; then buIii ;moned a physician. The 4atr thinks yonnson mi i recover. , -: --There ia a cuetoia' Jately come jinto vogue for women who have pur chased upper burths to ask men who have been fortuaateenouga to secure Slower ones to exchange . with them. jThey rely on choosing whatever berth ithey wish when they boartt the train, jandj so will accept aaythi at the of jicei This requisit'ien upon the com fort of the unknown ana helpless male traveler is made by tie woman with a smiling assurance of getting what she wants. The marl gives up bis check, crawls up to the top shelf, swelters as long aa he cam stand it, itnd probably ends by taking himself &nd his smothered blasphemy into the'smokiDg car for the rest of the iMgbtr M No such summer as the toresent has been known in E irope,1 and par ticularly in England, in the! last half qehtury. Words fail the Jjoidon cor- respoiKieiits in attempting to describe the ? "persistent atrocity " of the Weather. "At present," writes one, fjthd rain is pouring down aa calmly tirelessly as Isisgara- AUec'ori- fcal painters, are considerin.f a picture ojf July as a symmetrical maiden, with a mackintosh ana an nmorelia sar castically presenting to Jupiter Pu yus a hothouse bouquet, arid recent arrivals at the American CI lib declare that . the true reason why; the sun never sets on the British empire is that it never rises. . , f Those Americana who were debarred from posting the pond this year can con-: gratulate themselves." Those who gb later may expect better lock. Bad wat nercannot last lorever even in ijgland. 'Mi' Ml I JfKCKLCVBUKQ OCKOCGLATS i. ' ' ' ? i i ' . SOMlKATX A OOC5TY TICKIt -A BABMOr NIOU8 COKVlSTlOf . CfiarlOtteetronlcle, Sth. j't The Democrats of Meoklonburg injet in county cnnventioii r8terday ad nominated their ticket. ThB con tention was called to orde at noon ojr Mr. J. WattHood, chairmaq of tte i CQumy execuiive co3iuubb hib per; msuent organization was efTdcWd with Ckpti S. B. Alexander as -chairman aid Messrs. J. M.;Sampl, John Van Jakdliigbam and W. W. Ward,, eecre tsriea. :' , f fThere was a great ouippuring of Pamocrats, and the house Iras fairly packed, the delegates occupying all the chairs in the main body of : the baildincr. while tho epectatorl crowded tcf the galleries. After a few timely remarks by Chairman Alxindor, the toll was called and the ' convention roceeded to work. . ' s ifbe ticket as placed anamination CONGRESS. I.DUlA RKPUBLICiS. PROCEEDINGS TESXERDAY IN I SENATE AND HOUSE- f UE CHINE8E PaOHIBIHON BUX THE : M4TTZB OF IjrVSSTlOATIliO TBUBT9 OTHEB WBWg. TEX Tklr Stat Somewhat Coat- SHERIDAN. By f e'eqraptli to the News and Observer. WASHiNOTOif, August 8; Sctati:. -Mri Stewart moved that the regular business (bills on the calendar) i laid aside and the Chinese prohibition bill be taken up Agreed to je 40, nays 3 (Senators Berry, Coke and .lonea of Arkansas). The bill was then passed without division. Mr.. Sherman, from the conimi'tt" on finance, reported back the oonco rent resolution to print 100,000 extr copies of the tariff law- of 1883, and the Mills bill aa recently, passed by the; House, with a comparative state ment, to be prepared by the commit tee on ways ana means. t Adopted. The Senate then proceeded to the consideration of the fisheries treaty in open executive session find was ad dressed by Mr. Evarta in opposition to Its ratification. After, speaking over two hours, on the suggestion of Mr. Frye that it be postponed until tomorrow, the fishery treaty having been laid aside and legislative , busi ness taken up, Mr. Edmunds, sug gested thai in view of tie extreme heat "the . public business would be better attended to by an adjourn ment than by continuing in session. The suggestion met with general ap proval, and after a few minutes' secret session for executive session, the Sen ate at 3 p. m. adjourned. " HOUSE. Mr. Shaw, of Maryland, from the committee on accounts, reported the resolution appropriating -.$5,000 to meet the expenses of the commii tee on manufactures in investigating the subject of trusts. In' response to a question Mr. Breckenridge, of irkansas, stated that the investigation had not proceeded far enough to enable the .committee" on finance to report a measure of re lief., ! " . j. . : Mr. Brown of Michigan, sent to the clerk's desk and had read a letter from a Michigan condensed milk com pany complaining Of the sugar trust, anil suggesting that in order to rem edy the evil the government should allow the free importation; of sugar for sixty or nineiv days. Mr. Breckenridge suggested that to remove the duty on sugar for ninety days would be but to, remedy the evil temporarily. After discuesiou the resolution was adopted. - - Mr. Springer then asked lor the immodiate consideration of his trust bill, but the demand for the regular order from Mr. Long, of Massachu setts, operated as an objection. The House then went into commit tee of the whole on the deficiency bill. ! I . j. The debate on the French spolia tion claims section was renewed. , Pending debate the committee rose; j , Mr. Quthwaite, of Ohio, entered a motion S to reconsider tho; various votes by which the House -yesterday amended the Senate Columbus expo iUon bill by providing for- the Rich mond, Augusta, Atlanta and Kansas City' expositions. Adjourned. ! Kxposltlan F . i f( vest front black chep at fl,7. fFor the Senate J. Sob Keid,. t,U00 w "shades! An immense bargain. . hose, all 10 cents colors s pair. Jerseys, $1.48, ; Fo the House Jas.' Q. fLopg, J- Watt Hood, NOibbona.: f ' IFor tax collector R. A. Torrence. For sheriff Z. T. Smith., filFor register of deeds J.;W. Cobb ?i Fflt surveyor u. a, qpraii. film rr A A raiV,i- l! The defeated asDirants acted nobly. iflgham apron onecki, 71 cents a yard, j j$ every case they cxtencfettthe hand q fellowship to their euceisiai com ptikora.ana assured theia of a hearty ana eainest support, xne inenas oi the defeated candidates, oa, without single exception, will Support the nominees coraiauy. me xjomvviwcy of old Mecklenburg ia united. There was not a single wrangle 6 1 lot of white handkerchief 4,10, cents V a dozen. m.i.rliMt and best cake cake of toilet' L soap in the world for 5 cents a cake. 300 woven corsets 60 cent, worth 75. in! the entire proceeding's. A more harmonious convention , was never known in Charlotte. ;; new liae of laces and trimmings. iSDWARD FASNftCH, 1WELER 1 OPTIC KAUieB, R. C UN S0UTA1HE and CUSTER P1A10D ilold Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watch ilorham's Sterling Silverware.Kogers , plated silverware, any size and weight of plain 18 karat En g&gement rings eonstant ly in stock. Badges and Medals made to order. Oar Optieal Department Embraces an endless variety of lenses tvMcb together with ;our practioM expe :D enables us to cotrwet almost any rror of refraction in afyopia (nearsight), Hvaermetropia (far sight), Presbyopia j JT-i-vtH Asthenopia (weak sight) an: il!jVromit relief from that distress til ABadache which often accompanies -imperfect viie 1 OUR ARTIFICIAL SUmlUKfoii 8tar, htlu - ), Carl Dabbitt, a sailed boarding- hdusO runner, commonly tnown as ")nlch Charley" commvttel suicide yetecday afternoon at Mrsi Bryson's bearding house, by cutting Jiis throat ... . a T ' v. : i L 1 " ydtn ft razor, une oi iauoiia uum- a mau named Kipny, found the dying man lying on pi platform io the dance-hall just back of the bar-room, aMrs. Bryeonsand gave an alarm, when the policfe were notb fifed and a physician wis hurriedly immoned. Dabbitt, hwfver, was too far gone when assistance came and died five minutes after being moved to the city hospital. s MrB. Brvson told the Uhifef cf Po lice that Dabbitt had befen sick and 4 despondent of late, and iht yester day morning he came into ihe housa with his ciotnea aripp!ng;wiui waier, ahd it is suppohed thati'hi had at tempted to drown himselfi Shortly after he .entered the houo be pulled Off his coat and af.ked riinney to bang it up in the Ban to dry sna tnen atretehed himself on IheSpfatfOrm in the hall. When .Kinney returned from be yard he. found Dab:t .'lying. Wheie o bad left U?m, wnsi a razor U one hand, the biood ghmg from a crnir wound iu nis lucoat TN ElcU-lc UkU Ib i BaJIdln. By Telegraph to tho News and Ob6nr. CrsciNKATi, Ohio, Aug. 8. About half past eight i o'clock last night a sharp flash of lightning, (followed bv a terrific peal of thunder, startled a large crowd in the exposition build ing.. Instantly all the electric lights went out and tne government exnioit and machinery hall Were left in total darkness. Th0 incandeicent lights were destroyed.! The electric cur rent struck the dynamos and extin guished the lights. The; lightning produced a counteracting current ana stopped the macnineiy instantly. YeUw KTr, i; ByTblegraph to Uie WW and Obsrnror. . WASiikxaTOH, P- 0., Aug:. 8. Surgeon-General Hamilton, of the Marine Hospital Bureau, received the follow ing telegram this afternoon-: ' 1 i "JaksosvuJli, Florida, Aug. 8. 'Two cases of yellow fever were discovered this morning.;; One of them bad been in the city six days from Orlando when taken sick. The other had not I been out. of the city. The other two suspicious cases were traceable to the same store where the others Were taken sick. The health authorities are taking active steps in the matter. All the cases will be sent to the Sand Hills Hospital I fear this is the beginning of an outbreak. liriAfl "nTffTVV.a rareaUn By Telegraph to th News and Obserrer. Isolanapous, August 8 The Re publican State Convention of Indiana convened this morning in Tomlinson Hall, this city. The .great eonven tion hall has a seating capacity of 4,000 and is crowded to overflowing, several hundred ladies being preseut in the galleries. There are 1,160 del egates and as many alternates. The convention is the largest ever held in Indiana. The hall is tastefully deco rated. A large Bilk flag is sus pended from above the front of the stage, in the centre of which is a heroic portrait of Gen Harrison. On either side "f the tag hang the stars and wb.Ie surrounding the hall hang numerous pictures of Harrison .-. Morton, Garfield, Linooln. G-ant m; others Over 500 prominent Republican occupy the platform an 1 gr"a entl;; iasm prevailed for half au hour i;i to calling the conven-iori t order, the band playing "Marching Through Georgia" and the vast audit n join ing in cheers. At 10.50 Chirman J B Huston, of the State cwut'ial com mittee, opened the convention. Im mediately the convention was called to order Senator Johnson, of Wayne county, made a vigorous protest against the delegates being crowded out of their seats by spec'atorH. Fully four hundred delegates were unable to obtain seats and stood in the crowded aisle. Consideiable con fusion prevailed in attempting to clear the aisles, in the midst of which Delegate Dresser, of Ripley county, moved that the convention take a recess till 2 o'clock and that no person be admitted to the main floor but those holding delegate tickets. This motion was adopted. The working of delegates into their proper localities and ejecting alter nates and other intruders ihen prog ressed amidst some confusion. Quiet having been restored, the pro ceedings of the convention were opened with prayer by Rev. E P. Whalen, of Indianapolis. Secretary Dill, of the State committee, then read the call for the convention. A new method of procedure was inaugurated by the State committee which did away with the temporary organization of the convention. The delegates from the several Congressional districts were called together in separate conferences last night and appointed their members to the committees on credentials, or ganization and resolutions. These committees met at a late hour last night and began their work. The committee on permanent organization selected Hon. Wm. H. Calkins, of In diana, for permanent chairman. The committee on credentials reported no contests- Chairman Norrisen, of the committee on organization, then re ported the names of W. H. Calkins for permanent chairman, and M. L DeMotte, 0 Porter county, as secre tary, v ' Delegate Gardiner moved ut committee of three be appointed to visit Gen. Harrison and invite him to attend the convention The motion was carried amid wild enthusiasm. The list of vice presidents and presidential electors having been received, the report of the committee on organization was 'unanimously adopted, and Chairman Huslon presented ex Congressman Calkins to the convention, who was received with loud cheers. I In his address Chairman Calkins briefly re viewed the achievements of the lie nuhlican nartv. When he referred to "protection to America labor aud industrv." the convention cheered lustilv. He touched upon the civil service law. declaring that President Cleveland used the civil service ques tion like a platform to a car. He used it to get in on,but when he' got in he aaw the sign, "Don't stand on the olatform .'"and he did not. (Vocifer ous cheers.) He condemned the ad ministration for its delay in settling the fisheries question, and declared that the policv of intimidation which prevailed in the eleven Southern States had been extended to Indiana He favored local option and high li cense, which sentiment waa heartily applauded. . . ria--4aa. - THBCOHHVKE. ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE HEAD GENERAL'S FUNERAL- THE BODV TO ABRIVS IN" W.lSUlNornS TODAY 1 HE SEBVICE8 TO TAKE PLACE SATURDAY OTHEB 5rW-i. By It li'jjiitpli tn tlie NeJ and Otvrve Washington, Aug. 8 Dr. O'Reilly is occupying Col. Sheridan's office at army headquarters 'oday. "The de tails of the funeral,'' he eaid this morning, "are yet far ftoni beinr ar ranged The body will leave Non iaitt this afternoon aud will probably arrive here about noon tomorrow and will be taken immediately to St Mat thew's church, where it will rest until the services take place on Saturday. The Rev. Father Mackiu has gone to Baltimore to confer with the cardinal in regard to ecclesiastical matters connected, with the funeral. I do not think that the body will be viewed by any one after its arrival attho church. I think tne.t the church will be kept closed. The matter of miliary pa cort from the depot id (mlirpJy in Gen. SchofieIJ'8 hands. It is poaai ble that a troop of cavalry from Fort Meyer will escort the body to the church. OI B WILUnOlOl LSTTElt. S Human Eyes lafawl and took like the natural organ i.?ir- . . amium having a broken -c rw LW l lTv. -.iu y ajtirva v vuwm awn laauy. In front of the Fifth Aveue Hotel: City Man (showing a Chicago ; Inend the sights) "Anai is ine-nynuiuon-tfmeot." Chicago Friend fin aston ishment) "What ! he aeadT" uity Man "Dead ! of course be?" ea1 !" iQhicago Friend (after a lo pause v 'JWelJ, 1 hope my wire wuipuu a iobb expensive man to prder her dreeaes from now." Hotel Mail. ?i ' , ' Th. UorcrnmcKl aad lht My Teit-gritph to the News aud Observer. iWAsnixoTON, Aug. 8.-Secretary Tilas today received a telegram from the Sioux commission announcing that they bad postponed further nego tiations for the present with' the Sioux at Standing Rock and were about to start f of another agency. No vote was taken. The Indians will return to. their farms to do their harvesting and will be called together at some future date. Yr Mow Jack. ByiTeleurapli to the News aud Observer. Wahhisotoh, August 8. Surgeon General Hamilton has received the following dispatch from Dr. Guiteras, who was recently Bent to Jackson ville, Fia., to investigate the alleged case of ! yellow fever: "I vieSted today McCormick, at Sand Hills, where he hat been carefully isolated- : The ease is one of yllow fever, contracted in Plant City and developed 'in Jackson ville.' Other boarders in ,be same house thoroughly isolated.' .1 appre hend no further danger in that dii'ec Uon." A Jahni Hopkins Haa Pront4. By Telegtaph to tlie Sew, and Observer. Baltimore, Aug. 8. J. P. Camp bell, a special student of Johns Hop kins University, has been appointed profesor of Biology in the State Umveraity. . DEMONS TBATIOH IN PAK18 OVEB A DEAD LEADEB. Br Cable to the New aud Observer. Pabis, August 8 The funeral of Gen. Eudes, ex-communist, who dropped dead while addressing a body of strikers Sunday, took place today. Fifty thousand persons gath ered in the streets adjacent to the house of the deceased and thousands lined the route- to the cemetery, along which cavalry was stationed. Other troops belonging to the Paris garri son were held within their barracks in readiness for any emergency. Traf fic in the streets through which the cortege passed was suspended and the stores were closed Among tnose wno at tended the funeral were Henry Roche- fort and Louise Michel. Many flow ers and wreaths were placed upon the coffin. The procession accompanying the remains was tranquil until the Boulevard Voltaire was reached. Eere the mob cheered the communist and displayed a number of red flags. A detachment of the Garde de Paris charged the crowd and captured the flags. The government had adopted strict measures to suppress any out break, and orders were given to the police to use their arms if their lives were menaced. The Bourse de Tra vail was closed by order of the au thorities and was occupied by mili tary detachments. sbelay Botea- Special to the News aud Observer. N. C Au 8 Tom Ran - nm. colored, was sentenced to five years in the penitentiary today for larceny- Jacob Swink, white, one ur for falRA nratense. Criminal docket unished. Good rains today. No Bonds Offered . By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Washington. Auc. 8. There were a i 1 A 1 a si a nrt nnnrinoM or Donas wuJi V4 v - r- - t first time Bince the isue of the oircu Ur of April 15th, calling for pro poaala. uoiNua ix 1KB iBorr the State s com- MEUG1AL METROPOLIS. Cor of tlie News and Observer. Wilmington, N. C , August 8. The heat for the past two days has been intense. Monday the thermom eter registered U2 decrees, but on Tuebday refreshing showers fell which cooled the atmosphere. Yesterday a negro man, who was one of tho crank car hands of one of the section mas ters of the Wilmington &. Weldon Railroad, was overcome bv heat, in the vicinity of the old fair grounds, and diod in about two hours from the effects. The unfortunate fellow was brought to the city and gent to tho hospital, where the surgeons in charge did all they could but without avail. The committeas in charge of the Firemen's Tournament have per fected all their arrangements and are now awaiting the time when their plans will be carried out. President Oldham, of the Atlantic Company, has volunteered to feed and take care of all the horses belonging to the vis iting firemen during their stay here. lhus far the secretary has been noti fied that the following ; companies will attend: The Phoenix Hook and Ladder Company of Columbia, S C; the Dar lington, S. O , Steam Fire Engine Company; the Atlantic Steam Fire Engine Company, of New ; Berne, N. U ; the Rescue Steam Fire Kngine Company, of Raleigh, N. Q.; the Acme Steam Fire Engine Company, of Mon roe, JN. C ; the Eclipse Steam Fire Ensrine Company, of Goldsboro, N. The transportation committee has succeeded in securing the following round-trip rates for the visiting com panies, civilians and excursionists : GoldBboro, S3; Raleigh, S4 15; Wil son, $3 50; Nsw Berne, 30; Fayette vill. $3.95; Durham, $4 50; Winston, $6 23 ; R9idsville, $6 ; Greensboro $5 50; Monroe, 4 65; Charlotte, $4 00. The railroads will transport en gtnes, apparatus ana norses tree oi charge. - In addition to the above named or ganizations three others, whose names your correspondent has mis laid, have signified their intention of accepting the invitations sent them. The following programme for the entertainment of the firemen has been announced. Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 15th; Parade of all the fire companies and apparatus and address of welcome: at night an excursion to the Hammocks and display of fireworks from tha Is land Beach Hotel. Thursday morn ing 16th; Contest for prizes, for the afternoon an excursion t'o Carolina Beach on the elegant aide-wheel steamer Sylvan Grove; at the Beach, surf bathing, sack-racing and other amusements; at mirht a hanquet at the City Hall, when the prizes will be awarded. Friday; Excursion over the Sea Coast railroad to Wrights ville and the Hammocks, when our guests will indulge in surf bathing, trolling, fishing and sailing. In the afternoon there will be a yacht race between the fleet of the Carolina Yacht Club over their eight mile course. The home companies will not enter the contest against their visitors, but after the test, our fire department will give exhibitions of its skill and will endeavor to beat the time made by their guests. The third regular regatta of the Yacht C ub was sailed on. the 4th inat. with some entries, four yachts of the first cluss and five of the second. Th interest in the race was centered on tho yachts Mascot te, Idler and Peggoty of the, first class, lhe wo first named crafts had each borne off tho honors th.s season. The Peggo'y, which is a new yacht.-owned by Mr. H. Walters, general Manager of the A. C. L , was expected to show her heels to her competitors, but her qualities were not known and the odds were in favor of the old lavor-ites- Th race was a very close one, the Peggoty winning by about one minute aud forty seven eeconds over the Idler, and a little Jess than two minutes over the Mascotte. The Mas- cotte was sailed by her owner, Mr. George D. Parsley, the Idler by her owner, Mr. Pembroke Jones, and the Peggoty by Mr. N orwood Giles. Blue nsb are iurnismng sport ior the million at the Island Keach. Mon- day afternoon over fire hundred were caught by persons si finding in tne pavilions on the foot bridge in iront of the hotel, and yesterday over three hundred were landed. This is no fish yarn and the numbers recorded above do not include the catch by those who were trolling in the yachts and sharpies. It is the intention of the Sea Coast R. R. Company to invite i President Cleveland here, next summer to in dulge iu his favorite amusement. It is rumored that the company has found the Island Beach inadequate in size and that they wll erect a larger hotel this winter and have every thing completed by the early spring. There appears to be quite a rupture in the Republican ranks in this county, instigated by a feeling of in dignation growing out of Judge Rus sell's letter of (Judication. The movement ia headed by the better class of colored men, among whom are the most prominent leaders of their race. They contend that Rus sell has done more to humilia-e and degrade them than any man in the State, and, further, they will throw off the yoke of bossism which has been galling to them for some t;me past They have organized as the Frew and Independent Republican Party and have nine large clubs in a prosperous condition. Their slogan is, Down with the court house ling and War to the kni'fe against Man ning, Russell &. Co. ! New Hanover county is in a pros perous condition. It has no out standing debts, has built in 'the pact eighteen months a new jail, two new iron bridges, and a very handsome school edifice and has a surplus of $24,132.73 in bank. The commis sioners yesterday assessed the Sea Coast K 11 at $4,200 per mile and the Carolina Bench road at $4,000 per mile. , Judging from the number of cam paign beavers which are being shipped by one of our merchants we are forced to the conclusion that the Democracy is very generally organizing for a hot fight. , The Western Union Telegraph Com pany has increased its limits here for the transfer of money from $100 to $500. This increase was made neces sary by reason of the advancement of our city as a commercial centre. The Booksellers and Stationers will meet in this city in convention orl the 16th, and the local dealers are busy making preparations for their entertainment. The Navas8a Guano Company is enlarging its plant to about double its present capacity. The work is being done under the direction of Mi C'haa. E. Borden, superintendent, who is one of tho moet practical and level headed young men in tho State. Sirroh. anotherjiorror; 1 A NEW YORK CITY TENEMENT BURNED A-D A WHOLE VAMILV CRSMATED OTHEB ocetrANTa or the building ESCAPE OTHER NEWS. For Comity Truinrtr. Cor. nf the News and Observer. The Democratic State platform de clan s mat tne democratic party is the party of the workingman. The record of the party in State and naion proves it. Today the Democrats of Wake will meet to nominate a county ticket Solely in the interest of the Demo- j cratic party, having oonfft-red with leading Democrats, I desire to pre sent the name of Mr. Louis D. Longee, of Raleigh, for County Treas urer. Mr. Lougee is a practical prin ter, and a first-class one. He stands high in the estimation of the mem bers of his craft, and is esteemed by all who know him. Mr. Loucee ia treasurer, rtf. the Ralr urer of the Raleigh Baptist laber nacle. He is a splendid accountant none better in the city. Honest, in dustrious, intelligent, he will make a fit representative of that best ele ment of the Democracy working-men. Give us a lawyer for the Senate, farmers for the other offices and Mr. Lougee, a competent mechanic, for Treasurer and we will redeem Wake county. It is the opinion of many wise. Democrats that he ought by all means to go oa the ticket. Democrat. WILKES Cor. of the Sews and Observer. The Democratic County Convention, August 6th, was the largett ever held in Wilkes county- W. W. Barber was unanimously nominated for the Sen ate; J. S. Cranor was nominated for the House on the 5th ballot; J- E McEwen (present sheriff) was renomi cated unanimously; J. I. Parks nomi nated for register of Jeeds on the 3d ballot; T. B. Walsh nominated for surveyor, and W. T. Purnell for coro ner. Primaries held in every town ship and fully attended. The ticket is pronounced particu larly strong by one who knows where of he speaks. By TeW-graph to the New and Observer. New Yobk, Auuuat 8- At ten min utes past 4 o'clock 'this morning the four-story tenement house at No. 1020 Avenue A caught fire. The family of Gustavo Berg, who lived on the top floor, were burned to death. They were Gustave Berg, 40 years. his wife, 36 years, his mother-in-law and his 12-ytar-old daughter, Gertie. Other occupants of the building were reter Block, John Rufhn, Samuel Stern, Thomas Fitzgerald and Oliver Rfchter. All their furniture was burned but they escaped. The build ing was owned by Peter Block. Dam age $20,000. Insured. Messrs. Ba and Pon al Darbaa Durham Recorder. Mr. Pqu is comparatirely a young man, yet he is a pleasant speaker possessing a good voice and a smooth tiow of language. He opened bis speech by saying that he was glad to address this people as American citi zens; that their rights had not been fully recognized until they had placed Grover Cleveland in the Presidential chair. He then proceeded to take up the question of the tariff and showed, in a comprehensive manner, the in iquities and working of the present system. The people listened atten tively and it is our opinion that he made a marked impression. He al luded in a telling manner to the record of the Republican party in this State and appealed to Democrats to stand to their colors to a man; that this was a momentous period in the history of the country and it behooved every Democrat to do his duty. He spoke for fully one hour and a half and oar people were pleased with his terse way of putting things. There was no mincing of matters. Hon. B. H. Buna was the next speaker. He opened his remarks by de nying a lying charge published in a paper, edi td by a negro, in Rocky Mount, to the effect that while he was president of the Rocky Mt. Cotton Mills he ill-treated his employees and forbid them joining the Knights of Labor. He read a letter, signed by .the employees of that mill, that such was not true ; that he had never spoken to them on the subject and had always treated them kindly, and Iurtner; more that they would cheer fully support him and vote for him. Mr. Bunn was debarred from dis cussing Congressional matters in the absence of his opponent, John Nich ols. He occupied his time in address ing himself to the tariff issue; the at titude of the Republican party; and the Third party movement On the TJ.r a plate of plain any. Wader tone of di?ni- podrida for CURRENCY. John Pottc, with a small J and a . large P. writes to a South Missouri editor to,atop his; paper for reasons , wbjch he thus explains : "I hev pade to much already and yu den't give r.a enny funnie ny tutus you ar arl tb time riting up pollylicks en wot yu no abot a pollyuek woodent til a flees' year." Itn Cultured Name: Rural guest ..'at Boston Restaurant (looking at bill of lare) "Dang these foreiini-named dishes ' Bring me a hash, if you ve got (solemn and ere.-t, in fied reproof ) -Olia one. rUhicago4 Incune. Father "Weff. Thomas, you have grauuaieu irem college an 1 are now ready for you It'e work. What Will beyour field?" Son ( thoughtfully "Well, to tell th-) truth, fir, ii'e a lit tle hard to decide betwe u left nnd centre." Omaha World. First Ballot Girl (r. th Beaside;--'Horror:" Second Ballot Gtr! - , "Awful"' Third Ballot Girl- "How can they do it" Near S.ghted Companion--"What's the matter, girU?" All "Look at the bathiog coBUinus of those foc:oty bell?. --Phili.M-phia Record. ' "Mr. Isaaesteii), I !oie your daugh ter Bincerely. an 1 long to mate her my wife. May I venture to Hsk your permission'"' "My young vrit-ud, ven you aslv iue for my daughter's hand you ask be to make too great a sacrifice " "Wei!. Mr Iaaacatei, I will transfer roy eductions elsewhere, then. Good day " "Come back, my young vriend, come back '. You can havener. But, by chiminy, you don't always get such a bargains ef ry day." Burlington Free I'ress. In the Amiulni Com runt ImI r I ' . -.1 f - Sir diaries Coldstream, a til.isc man ut feslium. Is made to deprocate everything iu which eveiy sbodyelse is supposed to tke an interesr. wild the languid remark tliat "there is really nothing In It " He extended this criticism to the erater of Vesuvius, down which he looked but saw "nothing In it ' Such characters are scarcer on this side of the Atlantic than abroad, but they ex ist here nntwithstandini:. Witch mm need a ' illlip to nature" to inedi( niaily stinmUt their upue tif, overcome their lassitude, and renew the zest ol existence- They and others upon whom tile world's eujoyrrents are Deplaning premature)? to pall, will find Ilostetter s tttoiuach Bitters a wholesome and speedy renewal of vigor aDd health. Appetite returns, djspeptic aud bilious symptoms disappear, the m-nrr grow su-ohh, aud the hour iA retirement is uiifraught with ap prehension of uneasy re, use when this supera tive tonic is employed. It remedies fever aud ague, rheumatism ami kidney troubles. ' Late Cabbage fine and Btrong. and Celery Plantp, H. Steismetz, Nash Square. Dr. 31cGlynn has announced that the name of his party has been chang ed to the "Commonwealth party." MOhT complexion powders have a vul- gar glare, but Pozzoni 's ia a true beau - tiner, whose effects are lasting. PURE 4- Tom Devertux at Sanford. Biutord Express . "One wag in the crowd desired to know if Tom had yet got sober. He commenced to congratulate himself at the spectacle of enthusiasm before him and that it was evident that the Republican party; in North Carolina had touched the big heart of the masses. This assertion touched the heart of a few negroes and they yelled. "Tom was not long in finding some thing to talk about, but he was at a loss how to manage it. He drank water and circled, around it several times, boon he hit one square blow by saying that Mr. Cleveland had ap pointed negroes to office, and at this the negroes in the crowd yelled. Staggered at this, Tom took another drink of water and said be really did not expect to make a speech. By this lime he had made up his mind that the negroes were a 'set of savages' no belter than . their brethren in African swampa, and said he didn't want any negro ia his. The big white eyes of the negroes in the crowd stood out in tht ir heads like door knobs. He had the audacity to assert that lhe Dem ocratic party was the negro party, and that a strong - evidence of it was that Judge Fowl had employed some negroes to build him tenement houses in Raleigh By tnis time Dtvereux had cooled down all the ardor in his colored brethrf-i!." reflections, especially for the consider ation of Democrats. T Maklanar Legislative Ticket. The county convention did itself great credit in the selection of a leg islative ticket. No abler or more pop ular ticket could have been placed in the field. It will be successful. No combination can beat it. The nomi nees are above reproach as men and Democrats. They command the con fidence of the voters of the entire county. The nominee for the Senate, J. Sol Reid,iEsq has spent his life in farming, merchandising or school teaching. He is at present a farmer. Thia is not the first time he has been 'clothed with the honors of a Demo cratic nomination. Years ago he represented the county in the House with great credit and acceptance. He was a recognized leader in the body and reflected honor upon he historic county he represented. Of the nominees of the House all will concede their popularity to be like that of the nominee who heads the ticket. They are men of Btain less records both in public and private life. They are inexperienced as- campaign era, ana as legislators, but they are wide awake, ao ive bus iness men, and pre-eminently repre sentatives of tne people. Messrs. N. Gibbon and J. Watt Hood, are in telligent enterprii-ing Krmer, and Mr. 3. C. Long, a oung and progres sive merchant. They are sound Dem ocrats. Naught can be said against them. They command the respect of all who know them. The people will vote for them and elect them, one and all, because they are Democrats, and are fitted by intelligence and virtue to represent them usefully and honor ably as legislators in the General As sembly. Charlotte Chronicle Its superior excellence proven in mil lions of. homes for more than a quarter of a century. It is used by the United States Government. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universities as the ' the Strongest, 111 rest and most Health ful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, IJme oi Alum. Sold only in Cans. PRICE BAKIUG POWDER CO. raw yobk. cmcaoo. . st Lofip. WAHS nK.MOCRA.TIC OS VB.VTIOI. The '.Vake County Democratic con vention has been ' called for the 2nd Thursday iu August to nominate the Legislative aud county tic&eta. By the executive committee oi tne county. A. D. Joxxs, Chairman. A Cleveland and fowl Cfub at t'astalla. Cut. of the News and Observer. Oast alia, N. C, August 6. There was a CleTeland-Fowle Club formed here on Saturday last, num bering forty-two members- The fol lowing were elected : T. J. BoswelJ, president; Dr. Nick Sills, vice-president ; Henry Fraisure, ' treasurer, Thos. Sills, secretary. The president asked until next meeting to appoint the committees. By invitation Capt. Robt. W. Joy ner addressed the club in just such a Bpeech as was needed to arouse our people to the importance cf doing their duty in the coming campaign. We expect to cast a solid white Dem ocratic vote in this township in No vember. H. II Give Food for Tho us at. Mr. Pou made a strong Bpoechlast night, one that will cause those who heard him to think for some time. Durham Recorder. rj-Wtl'STKKS.HAl.K. By vtl tu- of a muttase exeeuted to me, 1 will sell at public auction for eash, tw-pteiuoer Mh. , is, the following val.iablo property, iu Uie town of Mt. Airy. N 0 . to-wit: One new residence, two Sfrles, rooms, tlnislied in Walnut. m beBt residence street in :owu- Lot. 13uiA; two squares from the bustmss part of the towu Two vacant lots avljuiuuig tlie above Ti'xJiio feet each : also 5, acres with feet frontage ou ome street. One new tobacco factory, 4xS0 feet, lot l0xil, Main street, center of loan . htore-hotiso at the inverseeilou of two streets, at which 8-4 of the country' trade enters; lot lwxEi. store-house guxsg. Vacant hts l3xlno. half way between de- pot aud buiuess part of town, hour acres on Wilson street, near depot. Vacant lots siaxMO f eet on Kockford street, tfrom these lols one car see three States. 7 counties', tho mountains a far as the eye will reach, Uie river four miles, railroad time miles ; scenery unexcelled, highest grouua in towu ; splendid site for summer hotel . 264x360 feet on same street opposite, above. 23 vacant lots iu the most desirable residence and business parts of town All of Ulis property wili be sold regardless of cost lor spot cash . Mt. Airy, the terminus of the Cape, h'ear & sd kin Valley Kailrod. st inds alone, unequalled, un- rivalled, and is sprdijriun into importance tiecause of its many natural ailvaniages I tie opportuui- for lucrative Investment al- numerous. in i roui aii ling power geographical lovatlou i,UnUinMii niuntwi! f,,r m lapii cilv. belnir centrally located aud the natutal n.arket ior nine counties Kich in mine, farm and forest aiut hav ing enough uiiutUu-d water power to drive the machinery of tlie entire State. To se the stu pendous scenery w hen tho mountain peaks and pinnacles bathe Un-ir lofty heads in tlie balmy altitude of more than 3.(X feet above the sea level aud to enjoy Itio invigorating air and health givtiut climate, &c one WiU not be surprised at Die rapid growth i.f Mt. Airy Ixm't forget the time -aeptember 5th. All enquiries will be eheerluny and promptly answered.by J. I. KAW I.EY. care lutral Hotel. Mt. Airy, N. C. H H RKVNOl.pS, Trustc. ties brains,-euergy and capital art- eeniirii, in in points of tlie compass. JTlie impelling uiu.it be ascritn.'d to the geographical hx LADIES EERLESS DYES Do Tmr Own Dyeing, at Bant. They will dye averythma;. Tlwy re aold vy. where. Fric lOo. a package. Tbajr haveBoeqiuU for Strength, ilriguUies, Amount in Packages or fear Fatnea of Culjr, or non-f adiug Qualiuna, Thr do aot crock or smut ; 40 ooloi : Tor atfcte by John 8. Pescnd, Drugiflst and Apothc eirj, XI F wettevllta Street, Kobt Slmpsoa, corner Ittu boro and Salisbury streets; A. W. ttoodwui CoDJUggists. Balelch.N. C. 'Did you ever go to the circus, Jimt" asked one small urchin oi another. "Not a real circus," Jim, reflectively, 4,but Tve seen mother water vhe garden with hose." Somerville JournaL id my the Pursuant to a resolution of the re cent Demooratio convention of the Second Congressional District held at ; Weldon, N. O., the delegates to said convention are hereby notified to meet at Wilson, N. U, onl Friday, August 10th, at 2 p. m. to nominate a candidate for Congress for said district. ' , Joan . Woodaad, f-hairrvMp W, W. Hail, Secretary. District papers pleaM oopy. : , t- - WILL YOTJ EXCHANGE SUFFERING FOR COMFORT ANDJOIt For skin and scalp trou bles such as eczema, tetter, ringworm, scaly erupUoua, gruund itch' poison oak, dandruff, falling hair, ive , thai. bOAPts superior all other local reuieditl. li a pure medicated soap eut truly tree ironi aritis, al kalies or other injurious . matter. keing sweetlv scented it is pleasant aid , refreshing for Uie tollot, bath and uursery. . For the general purposes of a tiisiufeetaitb BA. BtHt'S 4UI.1-BUB CAW- I dlss are Aighly esteemed i by physlclaus svery where. 1 luese candles am neat, cleanly, safe and conven ient ior disinfecting store rooms, closets, celUirs, , sinks, ships, boats Ao. In siirauce companies reentu-' mend them as s safe means, of employing BU.pliur. -. . - gJr-Alwuys us huaaon'--, Plasters for. . aches aad. . i Mins-JtS ... i i. i r 1,

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