I if News and Observer, i PcbubkkdI Daily (iioett Motoai) and Bi THE NEWS & , OBSERVER CQ J. I. MeNKK . ' UAlfr. 3auy one year, W mau postpaid, - at nrait.ha. i " - T to I 80 1 76 Wselily, u year. J. J" f. TO No Dm 6iitrvd without payment, and no P- br seat afterlut einufcuoa oi tune yaw lor. rrllORSJPAY, AUGUST 9, 1888. ff.gCTIO. 'it BtPAfi Ittilir St. NATIOXAL. TlCKr FOll itESlDEIt : GROVER CLEVELAND, r iw irt Fit UfJI-PtESlDEIT : ALLEN 01 TI1URMAN, ' ft Olii.. f FOR EIECTOltS Static at Lakoe: iALFRKI) M. WABDKLL, oi Hew Ilanovtfr.. FBBOEBICK N. STiVDWtCK; ot Orange, DWTRla h.LECTOB8: ii DiiT JOHN K. WOOIWKD, ot Wilson. irrtr lUvT.-t-l'BK'V ;ALl)WELU of Iredell. M. VANCK, of Caldwell. IIU 1;ihi.-SSI. CAWFUKI, , of Haywood. x A'ria tic icie r. - TOR OOVKBNOB : DANIEL G ' FOWLE, .? of Wake. FOB LIWJT. GOVERNOB : TliOMAS M. HOLT, j of jtlimance. I- i For, Associate Justice of the Su Dreme CoUrt to fill the vacancy caofiga' by . the death of Thomas h. A she: ' ; . JUS. J. 1M.VIS, ; ?' ofFranklin. ' '; f or Associate JusiioeB of the Su premel Co tit t under amendment to the Constitution: i JAMES E- SHErilERjJ, of Beaufort. ' ALPHOSO C. AVERY, 1 i ot Burke. ,. JF0B SICB1TABY OF BTATI . mU. I SAUNDERS, I of Orange. k0B:TBASCSB: DONALD W. BAIN, Of Wake FOB BUPIBlSTEfdjEST 0t,XJBL&O ISSTBUC- i SIDNEY M. FINGER, J" ' ' ;.ofcCatar)a. :- ' rOB'ATTORSET OESERAL. THEODORE T.DAVIDSON, 1 of Buncombe. rroa additob: . Q.iW4SANDERLIN, r 4f Wayne. FOCfTH DlftfBlCT,: jp.:H. BUNN, ?i' hi Nash. i i PCBtl SPKAKI-ie. Mr aIi"tdet -f Public linurme- Hosu Daniel a FowlC, Mai. S M. linger and Col. T. IV Davidson, the Democratic candidates for Governor. Superintendent of Public Instruction Hnd ;Atforfiey jGteneraI, .will addrese Ihe people upon, the' issues of tht campaign ai the following times and laoes: V eb8ter Friday, 10. Charleston, Saturday, Aug. 11. Robbinsville, Monday, Aug. 13. UttrpbyriTuesday, Aufe-. 14 HayesvilieV Wednesday, Aug. IS. Franklinj Friday, Aug. 17. Highlands, Saturday, Aug. 18. Brevard, fMoiiday, ug. 20. UeadersoDville, Tuesday, Aug. 21. Columbus, Wednesday, Avg. 22 Rutherfprdtony Thursday, Aug. 23. Shelby, Friday, Atfflr- 24. The local' committee are expected ioAinred I toi thorouehlv advertise iese kppoiiitmentB by handbills and jherwise. - 'fi-- ; 1 Spieb Whitaeeb, CJh'm'n Dem. State Ex. Com. fOHTFIBItTa" TOllTlo!. B. H. BUSK ' AND HUN. O. W. MIOEttUI, Uon. B. H. 3uhn, Democratic can date -for Congress in the Fourth Nrict, and Uon. O: W. Sander 1 in, ykocratio icaididate for State Audi r, will address the people upon the pues of the Campaign at the fol JBg times ahd placer : LeesvUleJ Wate county, Saturday, Inst il. X .... JTaoithfield, JoL&stoJi county, Tues fy,AbrustUAi I itoiesvule Wake county, Thurs y, Augusfi 16. " Graham, AlajOiaoco county, Satur- y, Aug 18. ;- SwepeonrHI4 Saturdav night Au- liBtlSth. -W. - ' ISiler City Cbathata county, Thurs- J,: AUgUSt ZOj , Uon. E. W. f pou, Jr., Democratic 'adidate ffjrjf Presidential Elector, 11 be preiieut at Durham, Hillsboro d Smithfield, . x Cbm'u Dem. Stale Ex. Com. yft commend to our readers the arable can of Mr, N- B. Brough- i ti . ' 1 ... nprmtea ;Clevrnere Jn th:s issue. Uon. jjV. M. Vaddki4, ia to speak at llkinville du" JSaturdav, Uis poi- fed blade ia doing admirable efecu- i among tlie hosts, of radicalism. J?iE Dcnibcracy. of . 'Vake has a ilin chance for success. Let it ia up, L6al all diffurences and stand ulder to shoulder to the Ia.at man . the enemy will be routed past ef ever again securing control dp)Oiiitioa to th' will of -payr roperty-bolding class. democrats cf th first district aeservea compuaient to tne illant gentleman and a well ' public man when they nom- 4th liirt.-ElJWAttl) W.jt'OU. JrotJyUnstou. TH lHeT.-i- IH130N', l Surry.' . , ten in.T.rS'I.ML l.UVl. rKMBr.KXoN, of Stanly on. T. G. Skinner for Cong- j Missis. Fowle, finger and David hcciamatiou. Mr.- Skinner ' on Fteak at Webster tomorrow and lity and Laa had experience in J lalla of Oocgress ;He will make j o Jost efficient representative, as he made huetofore, if he shall be ! ked, as we earnestly hope and of affairs and of 1 he (white tucn's su bve he will r retnacy throughout the State. -. i - e apt. mvHnf . . Hon B. U. Bain, ouf candidate f or Congress, Pk ialJurham, Mbn day, with E. W. Pqu. Jr., Esq, our caididite for distrjiot ejector, and the Tobacco Plant ears 4,tbe repeated ouibarata of enthtsiasru at the tell that there is .'lifti in the old land jet' and thiit the Ridial hu txpeetsan f.sy walk over in purLam will wake up a iittie later aiiter if not a bet ter man.'" :j Mr Pwu epoke'j first ard was intro duced by Bro her j Bu'rkhead, of the Plant. Capt. Baii was 'introduced by Mr. J. "S. Manning,-. Esq , president of tha Young en's Democratic Club of'Iuiham 1 he! weather was dis tressingly wa mjnas' it was every where and as we all have reason to recollect, but the! audience was large notwithstanding!!,! Capt Bunn n'to speak today at Chapvl Hill, andj Saturday of ih wiek a1- Leesville n this couut . H" is uiiiking an admirable canvnst, we were Hatistied lie would do, as e btilifcve i0, wo have said before he was doing, but as re Cannot Bay too often, since it is ivery true indeed lie his displayed all the qualities for which hi is noted public ppeaker loldnesf, nelligence,readine8sand elcqiecce lud he bas'aireajy aroustd lb e'ltbusiaim 6i the people to a great extent, making otes for thi Denize y.y, whenl he has scarcely waited tci his wdrjk. He is a gallant. lcad'T indeed and i- thrice armed, hati'ig h;s quarrel just. " The banker of the Democracy is safe in bis hands THK WAKI6 pKSIO- BtCT, Today the Deni(crac.y of Wake as sembles in convention liere and a right gallant and a f ormidale bdy it will make. It is in better trim for battle than for some tiitoe past, as the full ness of the primaiies attest, and it has therefore a fighting chance for victory. -If we l& not mistake Its mettle it is going fco inake the most of this chance to ihe end tbat.Radi-, calism may be we4de4 oui for .good and all from the acas of honor and trust in the county. If we all stau4 together; if we lay all difference; among ourselves aside; if wtfeonsti jute ourselves each a committee of one, to et out the full Democra ic vvlote and secure all other votes possible, we can win, and the possibility of j permanenf. relief from the mortiflqation, if not the curse, of Radical fale should spur us on to our very bejs endeavors. L&t us clear out the court housr. Let us sweep it clean of the last ves tige of Radicalirjji and put into it men representatrve of the tax paying, property holding) jelassea, of those who givecharacten to :: the population of the county, wh) are really inter ested in mam 'aini good government La. us send to Represent us in the L jgisiiture men pf whom we all may be. proud, whose iwjork" and , influence may i of some bf nefit to the coun- ty's various inteiiits.1 We can do so if we will. Let therefore will to J i so, as we never! willed before, for tLa take of our hbbiea aiid our fami lies", of our every Kiterest. As we said yesterday we think it would be well for all the nominations of Ute!gn, t.oul tue Body ot tht county and, wh le waare fully pre pared to support t e uOtiinees heari ily whencesoever j, iey may come, we tope the actiun';)f ihe convention 'will be in uccordace with this sug gestion Such action will be the easier in view of fact that there is do particular seeking after nomina tion, so far an we.ufadereUnd the mat ter, from within the city. Don't forget that Nichols voted against lowering (he taxes and re moving the odkiui features of the in ternal revenue " law (ihe other day when he hid lh opportunity of voting otherwise; i He won't do to represent, or rather to misrepresent as be certainly doeA, this Democratic district1 VV'e mo si have a man to succeed him who islands for some thing other than'tpe blackest Radi calism. We must hjafra a Democrat who will represent the Vpal interests of the disttict and represent them well. We must have Bunn, the gallant, the elo quent,the energeti4the progressive the successful farmer and the successr ful manufacturer :s well a the suc cessful lawyer. We must have Bunn, and, judging ; from thi accounta we get of ttunn's cana6a against the in sidious etill-huot qf bis competitor, we are going to hae Bunn by a ve.ry considerable majority. : ! "Mr eon Oliveb" hsd a send off backwards at Duothe other evening, according to a correspondent of the Fajettelville Jouraa. "He bad preach ed corruption," sa'.the correspond ent, "to the- gopd people of that thriving little townj during the day. As the 'Short Cutl (rain pulled up at the depot he waddled up to take it for t aye'tteville, wh n that Demo cratic game cock,i Charlie Ayeock, stepped from thiel platform of the train, and such a ydl as went up for Fowle and Democracy was never be fore heard in that progressive town." The Democratic" game cock" referred to will speak to th citizens of Moore county at Carthage on Tuesday next. m ; v ; The nomiuationkif Kon- Thos. D. Johnston by the democrats of the Dth district Ly accjmation tosucceed bimfceif iu Congreks was a tribute won by luost Paithful and mtelli- gent service on tM part of the gen- tloman iu quostionj Capt. Johnston has made a particularly Bturdy rcpre sentativf, has beeit ever on the alert and has 'let to .opportunity pass to secure action for the beotfit of his district, his State aijd the Democratic party. His renomjination and the complimentary maijner in which it wan Made were both thoroughly we lifrMrvfed. We earhpsily hope for th li the re election of ( !ant 1 .Tnhtnfnn in tda interest of the Democracy not only tuc or tne wnoie people of the State. ? election, too, M now reasonably aseured- Ht Charleston, .wa14 county, on Sat- urday. Ihoy are aelting thofesp'en- did stem woods pn , firo for the maiutt nauce of Democrat c eontrol Stob Yakcb's ; wit -sjcIT Oil J til the fisheries treaty was an admirable ifIttftfto tbe brag and bluster and bio? for effect of the two penny Rad ical finatora. It va well conceived aud as delivered, id course, in the stvl)if which Vance alone is capa- down? the bouse," whatever the euh j tt oa be and whatever the chati.c tur ti th audience. Oar junior Sen ator'fe oue of the: truest orators m the laud. V A Crtl f Kxpbuiatloa lrn Kv. 11. L. ibernalhjr. Corre'undcce of the News and Obsen eT. Miv Elitob; It is known thiough oat he Sta e that , I have ar-cepted the iominaliou of the Prohibition party for the office of "State Superin tendent of Public Iustructioa iu North Carolina," and many of my goofriends of t ie old political par tit h Jtie desirous of knowing the ren eo:ii have done o, wheu, an they s.iy, tLero is no possible cbauce of ruy eltciibu. Will you give me sp:ice iu yoa. Ibxceilent paper for one article iu exlana;iou of my seemingly erratic uoti-Jk, and then my friends are ai hbe y to think. oi my conduct a they plti'4fe- Gtfvtraed iu all that I do by nigral r)niple, after more ihau hf.y yeai of, stldy in moral ideas and Uieir to la! 103s to man's. destiny in the great latuSp, I am compelled to accept the idiat practical, legal prohibition a as a art of iLy religious creed. Cn iter ijiy present convictions 01 uuiy, I cou;:d no more gefc to heaven, acting iu opposition to legal prohibitiou, ihaul cot d iu entertaining andprau titiiig ail the doings of the entire liquor trtiflio. ,.;' Tliis being the real state of the caseand beiug a ; philanthropist, as well as a Ciirisiiau Deuiocrat in ail the principles of the platform, except the retention of the liquor traffic, 1 cannpt cast a vote for any nominee of either of the existing parties without feehfisf that I have made myself a parlk-ps eriruma, ! by the act, in all the evils tnat result Jrom tus .liquor traffi. Hence, I am irresistibly drivel to the Prohibition party, or to a sacrifice of my Gdii given preroga tive of the elective franchise. Bat, to surrender my right and duty to vote when it is practically within my reach, or to decline a nom ination, which, if Successful, would result id the removal Of lb s great evil In question front our land, would render m guilty in the eyes of moral law,iof all tne conceivable evils that fouifw in the tia n of the liquor trafSi? Fuia'ly: The two most 'desirable endfio be attained j in lour country today, are, the removal of the l quor curse. from our midst, and the organ ization of such a . regime as snail placj& our government forever beyond the Jwer ' and possibility of negio ru'el :- This can be done only by h lej 3 ;Prohibttju party, as can be platfii aeen from tne following cbn aidou: j The negro, as all ; admit, is almost a unit upon the liquor j ro e. He is DOUllbertforr. to befoupd in the Pro -hibtj 9b party,acd,tontequeptly,could not j$ expected to hold office or to rali union of the sobeKwhite.moj ai eU iet of 'our country,! upon Demo in Le immediate attainnitent of tbes twoSujbst desirable endsi the above are the reasons of my aHiitaUon with the present legal Pro tiutiiia pii ty, as; we(l as of the grounds of my acceptance of the m u-nation in question As to my eh ctiob Or Lion elcctioo,: I entertain ni t a single anxious thought. My I vcte shall be cast upon principle, and consequently will not oe.iost. l snail feliU the end, that, having acted uyioil ' principle and ; not policy in the faithful discharge of a high duty, Gud will overrule : it for ultimate good, j TC L. iutsntrux. PiSi I shall not canvass the Sta e for iuSoof which,: )f kiiown to my fr eml8 would meet , their hearty ap pi oval.; . I I leave my friends to work lor me. i ; lK. L A- Fheiie is so much? error mixed in wiiti w Vat Mr. Abertethy tajs in his card that to combatit all would re quire more space f (ban we can give the matter. . He i like. Don , Quixote, fighting wind; mills whose sturdy arms sweep powerfully around with force derived froml ; natural c&use-f-a ga lant knight errant wuhout hope of possi ble success. That he has no anxiety about the result ia only because te fully understands that he is throwing away,hit vote. The ballot, however, was notgiven him to throw away. It wss given by the people of this Stile, by hie fellow beings here, to be used in determining practical issues at the polls,; Prohibition is not in issue. We cannot put it in' issue. Hardly one pe.repn in a hundred will fceparato himself om the other people on that question. It is a question of great; importance, but ; it is net in issue here today in North Caro lina. It was in issue a few years back, wlienl Dockery led' the Libeial-Anti combination hosts ? against it and swalidwed up its advocates in a ilb jontyyof 180,000 (1). . Tte wisdom of tryingto make ii aD issue is not for us to discus heie; but it is apparent that'the adherents of' prohibition did not promote their cause whn they made it a State issue in 18ifl. ; They doubtl. ss, admit that their actiou then was unfortunate for their ? cause. The . Democrats had provided machinery ! for local option apd the . feeling of the peo ple locally was : ; being tebtta with result that must have been very eat is factory to the prohibition ists. I Indeed, North Carolina was. rapid) following inj the footsteps of Georgia, where five sixthsiof therftftte had adopted '-'local prohibiuon," when the Scate issue was made largely levers ing public sentiment' Mr Ab methy now pfopps 8 to force the qntstion from "local option"' into a Slate iatu again 4s wbtn Dockery .ed the ISO,- 000 and more against it. But we do not propose to discuss that aspect of the matter. The question, as important as it is, Cannot be made a State issue while public sentiment attaches supei ior importance to political subjects. Mr. Abernethy certainly understood this and expects only a vefy few voU e to be cast; f 6 him. Hepropbses mi rely to throw away his vote. Tu s is what Col. Dockery wants him do, and to that ixlent he is playing the tole thit Dockery desires. He may as well nut rote. A yote that ia on neither dt the issues, before the people has no effect in determiaing the result of tne questions ia tho pubiic miad; and as tiie ballot wias' given to determine siichresaltsi Mr.j Abernethy will not be using his privilege as a c:tzn j whtn j-e refrains from Lelprng to do ;do those issues. He simply abdi cates his: paweraa a citizen; be gives no voace oa tho issues, he abbtaiiie from ijcaking his right of Buffiage per- form he 'duty au 1 function for wiiich j it waS'givcn to hira Ho neglects to use it!M a.'datjr to the State. ALd Lis liOu aetion ts exactly what Col Docktjrv debi es- Ed. Niws asu Ob serves J i . - t ' Kaillcal Inconsistency. Cor. of-tlie News and Observer I see frequent allusions in the pa pers to Dockery, the Radical tandi date for ihe office of Governor of our State. While he may possess mental ability to make a Governor, he would not n.ake an acceptable one to our people, entertaining the views he do- it ia a high office, requiring poh ical hotiesty as well as capacity. A vCiU that will seek promotion by mibleadiiig the peopie, teachiDg doo triutS;subver.ijive of their interests, in xi t t tie man to trust. Docke'y wants a ehalige 4in the preseut system ol county government. Tne ignorant negroes me not permi led to Control lUe funds of the couiiiie-n. The hou tot tax pay e is' money is properlj PtcUred and appropriated This it. oue oi ui.i nuKginaiy evils he wishes to remove. If Le wauU to enjoy the blefcftiiigs iif negro supremacy to hie beart s con ent let turn nave au in competent, const quential u gro ap pointed guardian to mauag.e tus pri vate lutids, without security, with vile While juen iucitmg him, for their benefit, to misappropriate i . But let the county finances of our State 1)U managed by competent offi cial?, applying The funds to the pur poses for which the taxes were levied aud collected'. We don't want judg ment obtained in court against de faulting officials and the.r worthless sureties We want competent officers with standing enough to give justi fied bonds and honesty enough to give their: sureties no trouble. The poor negro is to be pitied, misled by such men as Dockery and other rulers of the;Repubhcan party. If properly instructed he would advance mentally aud morally. But with -r Republican leaders niiq leading his mind and exciting his pre judices hjs progress will be much 1111 peaein. suca men as AocKery arb buildoig for themselves .an unenvi able imputation. While wiser and betitrimtn will be leuiembered by their grateful countrymen for bless- J ings conferred upon their lace they will be remembered as the wou.d-be subvoibers of good goveinment. The Republicans of Brower's district are pouring hot shot into him because he manifested a dit-poMUon lo improve the condition of the country by re pealing toe odious internal levenue laws. Ia then estmaiion he has coinmiltad the unpa.douabie sic, and excluded himself from their forjnv- nesS, though he seek t "with tears Alas poor Brewer ! to thiok for a mo ment that tne lad.eal iiuufcis wanted the internal revenue law repealed I bey u anted no such thing. Why did hs no follow the example of the illustrious N .choirs who3e recoi dt-d vote to LrpetUQt it in ! - J " iritbuiwrr stamps him a the g nie chicken Of the corrupt patty T But to our aspiricg Dcckery again, doomed to foid hi wingu iu silence, wailing ever his defeat, while the noble Fowle, rising on mojestic wings, ehi!) fie eneiy float 111 the puuligbt of L(iiV ts abovi) hioi. While wiser coun beln hhall prevail, with firmer hands at the Lejim. gli ding tbe. phipof htate from Oil the breakeis in her onward and prosperous course, such men as Dockeiy and. his satellites will find 'heir level , in retirement, driven thither by an injured people unwill ing to trust them. As an old neigh bor of mine used to say of certain characters, "they can be spared." ; R. W. H. BIILW4V ASSASSIN (S. Risks run In Krcneli Hallnay Carriages! Tars tJij. Nw York Herald. The frequent repetition of murders in railway carriages during the last few yearagives pecu iar interest to a trial juat cocci u dsd at Melun. A yea ago the Melun Court Assizes sentenced: a man,-' named Andre to hard labor for life for assssfinating a coach rrf an in a train on their way to TroveSi Before this the mysterious Lease of Mi Bar: erne, Prefect, murder ed iu first c ass carriage near Mai sens Lifite, had- excited the public, aud now comes this trial of a ruffian ham( d Parchemim , who on the 3rd of April iaLt made a desperate at tempt to assabsinato M. Collin, a cat 4ie dealer,; in a train a few miles from La Ferte bous Jouarre. about two a m. ;' ; ; M. Collin was tratelisg in a third class carriage from Pantin to Nettan court. M Ih his pocket he had 8,000f., the proceeds of his day's business. The mbnotonoua motion of tbe train soon sent him to sleep. He was blissfully . dreaming of tremendous bargains in thei p and oxen, when, suddeiity he was awakened by a ter rific blow on the forehead. TboilghUhe blood wa streaming down liis face he had strength to get 1 up and engage in a deadly Vtrugglo ! with . bis : &sailait. Parcheminey , 1 the maiderer, was aimed with a J heavy poker, but, despite this ad-j vantage, lie was no mateh for his vie- i tina, l?:iMihig that he whh iikeiy to I get the' worn of the fight Paichemi- j ney opened the? carriage door, though i the tran Was rushug along at full j epeod, j.imped out and vauishedin i the darkness. : j MeafiwbiierColhn had managed to I pull thei a 'arm signal- aud the train was stopped. Purc-heminey was soon arrested byhe locol.gendannerie and was r cognized as a notorious crimi nal already condemned for two offence; The Jury at the Meiuu Court A"-, sizes, taking the 'severest view of his new eriiije, refused to j.ire him the benefit bf the m ual extenuating c;r cumstaticeB, acjd found htm guilty after a -short trial. The ruflun was aentenciid to death. Speaking at C'arthae. C Bi" Ayoock, Esq., of Wayne, Democratic candidate for elector in the 3d Congressional district, will address the citizens of Moore county at Carthsge ne,xt Tuesduy, Aucuet 15th. ;j The! tie up of the Brooklyn Cross -town Horse Railroad has ended. There were concessions on both aide: . A LETTER TO tL.O PHIUDS- To th ProalbKlonlslsof North Carollua. The orgauizition and attitude of e Third or Prohibition party in the this State calls for serious conoideia tion from those of an who have been identified w th all tho moveujent( lOoL.Lg to traffic that be abolition of tuo hquoc Lave lakua pla.e daring the paat Eeveinl 3 t-i s. I h ive given no subject uioro thought than that oi temperauco aud prohibition, and foi tbe past several luoDths I !:ive beet intensely concerned about tho pgs tion which thooe desiring prouibitioL should take with regard to i: e Third party that I saw was coining South m its organization and worn. rre quently have I talked with ihe late lamented John B. Finch, chairman of the National Prohibition Executive Committee, and with John N Stearns, Esq., secretary of the Jsational Temperance Society, and many other leading iu,ju about wha to me was the peculiar Mtuniion of theProhibitiOnisln of the South. With few exceptions the temperance men of the Soutti that hive fought its bit- ties and built up the aeruinie,ut for Prohibition which wo find todiy en tertain the s.-ime views that I do. and that in, the organ-: zition 0r t,he Third party in the South ;s us wis; .and din gerous not only to the cause of Prohibition, bu to oU' civil and po litical institut ouf. Local optiou ia not all that we want The law as it now stands ia crude am' imperfect and therefore its cpe.atioi, difficult. Hut local option, with ali its faults, has proven a blessing to to those communities where it has boeu faithu'.ly tested, an 1 with our population it is our only hope.. And the large sections of North Carolina under prohibition today are so because of lecal option and special legislative enactment for schools, ihurche, &c. If the question was prohibition or license 'he position of the temperance people would be clear, but there can be no doubt in the mind of any cne as to the result of the present or- anization of the Third party in :orth Oatolina. A large majority of the voters will come from the Demo cratic party, and just so far as tho vote of the Third party increases, the strength of the Democratic party de creases. So that, the question for each prohibitionist to decide now is thiB : Which political party do I prefer to have in power in North Carolina the Democratic or Republican? Writh either a$ a political parly we will have the saloons. We know that, and therefore it ia a choice of which party, with tbe sa'oonpj the proLlbi tionists prefer. There can be no hope of electing Mr. Walker or any of the Third party candidates. So that we are to have the saloons after tbe clec tion as we have them now. "But four years from now we will come into power," some of tbe Third party men tell us. Upon what ground this is believed I cannot possibly see. Whenever those opposed to prohibition find a;i organization of an magnitude against them tfcey will come together iu one elTo:4, bs they did in 1BSI, and the result is ttii-ily Ptnted. 0 ir only hop -, I epeit, is through local option in reaching h'se localities tlat we can control. 1 commanced voting in S ate and USUOnal ttvhtin 'n l7.i r. . for voting ih'i Democratic ticket a! that time admitted of uo que-tion or doubt. The same conditions exist todaj ; and aside from the national issuer? that divide the two great par ties here in No'th Carolina, tho question Of race supremacy must bo consideied. By th 's, I do not meat: social equality. his I do not greatly fear. But race supremacy is a fact of past history under Re publican rale in the Sou h, and therefore is not only possible but sure, if the Republicans party succeeds I have no bitterness of feeling in the matter. My record for the past twenty yea s in this city is the beat proof I can offer of my de sire to elevate and promote the moral and material good of the colored peo pie, but I am not ready to commit to their hands the government of North Carolina municipal, county and State. They-are not equal to it, or. prepared for it. I am opposed to their oppression in any way, and favor their education and treaimentas other citizens, but I do not relieve them capable of controlling and properly managing our government. It may be said that there are good men in the Republican party, and ttm I grant is true, bo;h with regard to white and colored. But.the best ele ment of that parly, so far as my ob set vatiou lias gone, have never been able to control it There were as many good meu in the Republican party ia 18fi8-'9 as theie are today, but they were uuabie to prevent the excesses to. which that parly went at I hat time. Mr Dockeiy himself says that ho came to Raleigh' duiiug the session of the legislature when the act au thorizing the Special Tax Bonds was passed, and tiied to prevent the same, but was unable to do so. As it was then so it is now, the msjoiity of the voters of ary paity give charac ter to theileaders arid coutiol their acts. 1 in Irue iu this city aud else- where, so;far as I tan tee, that the best element of the colored people are not iable to lead their race, Hence 1 am afraid for governmental affairs to fall into their hands. Not from any ill-will to them, but from conscientious convictions, For these reasons I do iot favor the oiganization of the Third party, and would warn I'- mocrats iu North Carolina from participating iu the same. We have msde rapid strides m this State in educating our people for prohibition, and if we will stand by our party, we can advance still far ther. But if we go into the Third patty, acd ia so di ii g wenken the Democratic party and cause its de feat, we shall do the cause of prohi bition lasting harm and bi ing up3n ourselves and posterity great shame, : with the possibilities of bmdemng us I with hariiships grievous indeed. I have brem induced to say this be- 1 cause pf my great concern for the I cause of prohibitio n as well as my j interest in the success of the Demo ! cratic partv. Without regard to party ! I have stood. side by side with those ) ! of my friends engaged in tbe Third party movement in former contests to i . suppress the evils ci intemperance, i anil With uli my heart and soul I am ! ready for service along the same ljne J now and hereafter; but when I am , called to go into a movement, the re j suit of which can only be harm to ' our cause, and possibly place the State of North Carolina in the hands j of men that I am unwilling should control it, uud also place this nation back in the power of tbe party that oppressed us for twenty years, and under whose reign so many trusts and combination- - were formed to grind the poor and helpless; making the few r;cbi r and the many poo-e a party that had ao little' legard for tnu over burdened , tux -paern of 'bus country a to de claro fcr free whisky, intend of pro viding for hungry inoui Le, half clothed bodies ; ud sin ireritn funnies. When I am a- k-.l to ;uro my b.ek i.n thi-D.-mcciunc pa. ty, t iat has sro-d a j the grent buiwa k to the whit-.t peo ! pie of the South, from the humilia tion and degradation to which bit'er hatred at the North would have sub jected us. Whn I aui atktd to du this my answer fur myself aud all whom I cau intla uce is, Aro. I call upon my brethren of the Temperance cause in North Carolina whoaie counidering this matter or who have thought of joining wi h the Third-pirty to tu lock anead eee the tla.'-g r of hucU a courne. And then let ns deteimiue to Mand by the Democratic party' Hnd contend for prohibition as we have been doing. N. li. Bkocqhton. An Kip austlou. hat u thm '-nervous trouble'' with which so many seem iiow to be atllicted i 11 you will remember a lew years ao the word Malaria was comparatively, un known today it is as common as any word in the .English language, yet thin wora covers only the meaning of an other word usod by our forefathers in times past. So it is with lieivo us dis eases, an 1 Ley and Malaria are intended to cover what our grandfathers called Biliousness, and all are caused bv trou hies that ansa from a difreaed condition ox tne .Liver which in performing its functions finding it cannot dispose of the bile through the ordinary channel is compelled to pass oil through the tsyr- tern, causing nervous troubles. Malaria. Biious Fever, etc. You who are suffer ing can well appreciate a cure A e re oiuniTd (Jreeu s August Flower. Its cures are marvelous The sea serpent is cavorting around Tvateh Ilili, R. I The Kxrellent Qnalt'les Of Ihe delightful liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, commend it, to all who Buffer from habitual constipa tion, indtgest on, piles, etc. Being in liquid form and pleasing, to the tas e, harmless in its nature, strength ening as well as cleansing in ita pro perties, it isfasily taken by old and young, and truly beneficial m its ef fects, and therefore, the favorite family remedy, especially with the ladies and children, who require gentle, yet effective laxative. John S Pescudjsol agent for Raleigh, N. C A Congress of tho great Powers of Europe to BPttle the Bulgarian question will probably moetin Berlin. So taw Staid be Without It. It takes the place at a Hoc tor and costly Prescript Ions. No loss of time, no interfi rem e With business while taking. No danger from exposar after tak- i J -11 ... .k.u.. fiul UI1U 11 IliB mildest aperient and lon e Ihev can use. A little takvn at night iusures refreshing- slteu ud a natural evaluation of the bowels. A til tie taken In the morntuf! nharpeus the appetite, cleanses the stomach aud sweetens tbe br-aUi. -I have leen praclie ne A PUVHrilS'S mediciue for twenty years OPINION. and have never been able to put up vetretable eom ponnd that would, like Simmons Liver Kt-iculat' r, promp I v Dd Offectually move the liver to action, and at tin same time aid (iustoad ef wakenlngi tbe dijes We and assimilative powers ot the sys tem 1- M. IliNToM, M. t , WashtDCton, Ark. KXAMlMX TO SICK THAT VOU OITTHI IIKUTTIMK disUognlshed from all fraiids and ImiUtlons by Z trade nuirk on front of wranner and on tbe side the teal and siiuuiture of J. K, Zeilia A our the Co. 0 n S3 c CO c o O 3 o o o C o C o U O sOO CP - C5 (55 a o & CO 08 CO s. a Q S.' s O 6 a m t o 5S QJ 3 A Convenient Place ; TO STOP: IViOSELE Y'S t V Fa varrE villi St., KalBioh. (lonvecient for lawyers, because it's uear thu cupitol; convenient because you are comfortable with good tire is your rooms; convenient for we hare all the delcacies ef the season; oonveniont to baveeveiy thing at hand for Reasonable Rates. Uonvonient for everybody who wants a quiet quiet place, to rest. It's a convenient place for wo make 1 everybody feel ss if t home. You will 1 (h sutinlii i1 a . SPECIAL BARGAINS In tuitiegs and all varieties made of custom O LOTHI IVCif . I, VVIAKTROB, MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 8 WEST MARTIN STREET, (Opposite PostofSce.) The best goods stylishly and substan tially made up at REDUCED PRICES. B all and see me and examine goods an i find out prices for yfuaelTea. The reduction in r-ises ia bona fide. . Very lespectfully, I W nnt-nh as) iiiwsi was . Plump and Rosy Babies "Had Boot been f w LeeUted Foos out little baby must base dtol Kbft has been Indus It f Vime saontln, ami la a plump, healthy, rasrhorksd Sleep all Night Happy all Day We tried ot!r foorls, but (Inline none to apree with cur litUo rlrt, we ased I'mr letated rood Sbe becan at once to gam flesb. and Improved In bealth. To-day she is as brbibt. liTely, and bearty as any child eaa be, sleertiw twelTo boors St a atretcb. and waklnr up UuKhing- every moraini Wm..S. IVarM, U7X st i., ro.lu, OWL Cutting Teeth Easily 9 Lartated Food la an excellent food for trethlna cnllciren. My baby la nnine It and la enttinr her teeth this hot weather without any trouble." . JTmas O. Brwmt, Wn, JTs. Saved from Cholera Infantum "Onr baby had Cholera Infantum, and niitilwe tried Lactated Food, w oonld And nothinr to stay on Ita stomach. It retained your Food without any trouble, and soon rocoTored." If r. X. T. i-vis, Wtm Momtertg, a. THE RESULT OF USING l act at ed Food Most KormisHrna aio Eookomioai. or Foods. ISO Meals for an Infant for tl. Easily prepared. A InunristB--S eta.. 90 cts, $1. tw A Taluable pamphlet on 14 Tbe NutrlUoa of Infanta and InTalula," tree on appUaatton. ! WEttt, RICHARDSON ft. CO., BURtldOTO",!. ARRIVIL J.R.FERUALL&C0 Fnyet'eville, tit Qur famous lunch biscuit II olmes & CoutU' nea foum wafer, the finest goods in America Tho New York tea cracker, the newest a style and greatest nit in crackers yet out, all styles plain and fancy crackers, perealine, the food of food, cooked in J one m nute. Aat flakes and wheat flake cooked in V fifteen minutes, all fret-fa. jj inger ale 91.00 per dozen. ew catch No. 1 mackerel" Ail R'-ods fresh and guaranteed aa re repreeented. r?ree IX livery. CLOSING OXJT SUMMER STOCK to m ke room for our fall stock which ia beginning to arrive. Straw Hats at half cost. Ureat reduction on sum mer clothing and underwear. i JUST RECEIVED, a new lot of Gloria Rilk Umbrella's, Prices St. 65, $2.00, 1 2$, $3. 50, 88.00 and $3.50. fust. Arrived, a full line of black dress suits, 8. B. & D. B. Prince Albert, four button cut aways and sack euita. Prices low. , ' :U!l.l:U'Mff CLOTHIERS & HATTERS FOR SIXTY DAYS! SCHOOL WORK OUR Great Specialty. With the finest line of papers, Cards and Envelopes Ever introduced into this State, and a large assortment of fresh type, first class presses, Ac., we are will prepared for SCHOOL PRINTING, And solicit patronage in Invitations, Programmes, Circulars, ' Catalogues, Ac, Ac Send in your orders at onco. CT Remember we have the largest and most complete Printing and Binding Es tablishment in North Carolina. EDWARDS & BR0UGHT0N, Printer and Blndera, Raleigh, N. a f C U A L- Tim Hundred and Fiftrra Ttoi Arrived' a few dnys since, second ahip mert of that excellent Red Ash LOKBERRY GOAL For frratea. Superior to any other anthracite coal. Two hundred tons Tennessee Soft, and one hundred W. Va. Bplint- WdDdDDD. FIFTY CORDS DRY PINE, ud two hundred best heart. Cut any length desired, or sold long. 1D.1T" Ei. Tho beet Illuminating oils, deliv ere from our patent oil tank wagon. No waste to purchasers. . PHIL II. ANDREWS &C0 AND NOT SLOW! For an ice cold and refreshing never age go to A. W. Goodwin & Co ' drug tore, and you tsan get it, sparkling soda water, ice cold mineral waters, orange cidet on draught, moxie, limeade and milkshakes. 25,000 Cigar J tut received, choice and select brands Sweet and free smokers. If yon enjoy a pleasant and delightful smoke, you can get it at Goodwin's drug store. GARDEN SVD OF EYEBY KIND AND FOB ETERTBODT. Standard Patent Medicines, Drugs, spices and Flavoring Extracts, Per fumery and Toilet Soaps. Tie lest brands of chewing and .six ok ing tobacco always on hand. prescriptions dispensed at all hours ci We want your ordeta and intend to have thmn if Prices and Quality wilt win. A. W. Goodwin & Co. J. L. STONE, i - 1 1 i' RALEIGH, N. C. PIANOS AND ORGANS. Furniture. i - Parlor and bed-room sets, cots, cottage bes, &c., Stc. To be closed out to make room for - PIANOS & ORGANS JL. Stones RALKIQII, N- C CITIZENS' TRUST COMPANY RALEIGHN., C, Solicits and ia empowered to execute TBUSTS OF ALL KINDS. to auaaaa norxBnr aj Agfent for 0raen) To Buy and Sell Property, COLLECT RENTS LOOK AFTER TAXES, BUI AND SELL SECURITIES: To issue-negotiable certificates againt goods on rtorag upon which money ran be obtained at the Lowest Ruling Rate and to do all business usually done by Trust Companies. O. M. UAWKINB, Preaidont, r?' a? ANDEE8ON, Vloe-Pmldeni. P. M. WnON.OshiT. If 9? OPTH, KXCK83BS OF MAN aiSriiS1?0 rtl!7. tr!ctur varksool, t LS4 Prostrt Klani bladder, kidneys, heart. eoosumptioa, dropsy, dlsbetea aitia . Brtafat s dUeaae, which cannot be cured with stomach medicines alooe. etautriritr. .7l. : "uferiiatiooa, sen4s, rtt.u4 or cu?- Una. Tha Kuropeaa and aaterint. Medbud.; Bum uniesa wiu send a treatise sealed Ires, rivtc.: tTi ... . wu" etaerwise laUl. : J I -1

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