And? i. - :& : ! 'J !.! I YOll xxvl S RALEIGH. N, C, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 11,1888. NO. 3S, Observers ; f j y - 'Absolutely Pure- parity, ttrength and whotamw flora eoonomlcjirthan ordinanr kiada and rannot be'told in competition with the Multitude ox low tort, won weigoc, luta or phosphate powdera, old only in ana, Botal Babno PewB Co., 4W Wall Street, New York. ; Sold by W. C. ft A.iB. Ptronach, nd j K remtll Ot, I -ffOIIIMOTT & SOS, 4 h 14 Cast MarUn Street, . ... 4 t NEW ARRIVALS 11 Purthaaod by our Ml York Bayer. -J) -.7 liuliM S3 button DocoU UoaVShooe, at 2.84, worth tS.OO A doMBaBiaondiieareinioroeauurH, Dy all rljtesvW ioenta each- ; -r ' t; 1.1. It 3i T adtee Sailors, 25 cent each 4;T$-. :, mr : . I ;:. ttMbreUai', fl.TO each. na inali widtha and colors. f new lot of tla and glaacware. DJbbo l Iff A, tat 111 f Art Test front black? jereya,,i., UVJ cheap at 1,7. NKWS OBSEKVAilONS. ; i.jji-j , ' : The bill for a commission to in vestigate the London Times' accusa tions against Mr. Par nell land others passed iU third reading in the Com mons, j ; , - ; . Henry P. Porter, man&ging editor of the JJew York PreBB, and Herbert Bridginaii, of the same newspaper, bare been indicted for libel on Major Hewiilj. ; - : ' ; The rfltnrns iBsued bj "the lion don Board of Trade show tbat daring Jnly the kaports increased 1,750,000 poand4 as compared with last year. The ; impbrte increased ! 1,580,000 pounds compared with Jail, 1887., The bouse of a wid9w named Oaonette, at St. Ignaoe, pre , ,wa burned; Sunday morning, and in the rums "seret found the' bodies or Jaer fire daucbters, whose agda ransed rom five to serenteen tearjL Inres- tiration showed thtit they had been murderedL T The only other r ton in the house at the time of -vj'flte was a ycund German, who had? 4on en gaged a, farm hand. A ho )iad been missing since the fire, and ahis remains were not iound in the rulor, the theory of the neighbors fend local police is that he outraged young Marie And then murdered her, with the other four sisters, and then fired the premises,. The mother was away at the time.: i Betting on the Presidential elec tion in New York is rather slack at presents but in general the odds seem to be 10; to 8 or 10 to 6 in aayor of Clerelaajd. The Sun record! among other wagers that a wealthy book binder had bet an np-town manufac turer 110,000 to $6,000 on C&reland, and that the certified checks Ire now deposited with the Farmers' jfoan and rust Company. The same book binder, it was stated, has 20,000 Uore to bet on Clereland and Thur man at the odds of $1,000 to $800, tor $10,000 b $8,000. Mr. Richard Mur phy, of Green & Bateman, the stock brokers, ias made for friends tttree bets, aggregating $8,000, on Harrison and Moron, to three bets, aggre gating $10,000, on Cleveland aqd hormanj ' y, At tne East Tennessee Farmers' Convention the subject of green man uring was discussed, and the follow ing opinions expressed : I ; ITesidept lMbney, or tha State Unirersit J , thought green mtmuring huo ueae iposaiDie.ana ine cneapess means off enriching land. He had made caref ol study of turning under pea T'nesi He found that; the pea Tine root! gsre more and airioher fertilizer under the soil thari there was of Tine on top. The land Experi mented On wai Tery poor. Oa could out the" pea tines for hay, ifthay ii scarce, and still get a good f result from the roots. He had found that the root s4stem of a pea Tin crop was eqaajnto one ton of commercial fertilizer.' He thought that it de wbetner it wsj Dest to turn unaer we Tmes or allow them to remain- upon the top ai a mulch. The pf a and cloTer andlother suoh crops probably acted in two ways: Drew the mineral fertihzer from the sou ana made it ayailable for crops and also gathered tne nitrogen irom tue aunoepuwro, n reDlT to a request vr. uaoney saia that eloTer lmight in time exhaust the land, and take au the strength oat, but it had pot done so yet. and greeo manuring. tept the soil in ths best condition, inade the best crops, and if in the remote future it mined tne sou it was moke than we now knw, so that the best thing we could d3 was to go ahead with the best light be fore us. ' ' '-It 'i Mr. KeefauTexaid that he would Tiliw' cTflTfir or reaa as a foundation for roUtion. With the land in cloTer; the crowth could be turnea under or dht off for haT. He alwaTS tot it for hav. Tha clover creoared the laadtor smaU grain unarioiteuem- 1 ' a and shades, -An immense baigaia. , tadiM'hoae. all color 19 rents a pair, m apron checks, 7i cenU a yard 1 1 i lot of white handkerchiefs, V a doaea. V - j . 1 .H' 10 cents q4 iaraert iid bet cake cake of toilet A soap in tne worm iwr u CONGBESS. PUOCIEEDINGS YESTERDAY SENATE AND HOUSE. IN 4- Hon. A-'M. Mraddell addreesed 'the citizens of; this town on Thufaday night last ih the city hall. AfWr bo- inir crracefnllT introaucea dt f u. Kdmnndaon. Esq.. he steDDfid the clatform amid 1 loud applsuse, His remarks were strong, clea elov quent, ana were reoeiyea wiiu iujert annlause. s iHehad crreat resDect for the cauBe of prohibition, bat belieTed it to be the duty of every citizen to sustain the printiplen of the great Democratic party. He pais! a beauti. ful tribute to GroTer OleTeland, declarins? that naught save the grave could keep him ont of the White House for the next four years. ? ! Tfc PltolTDbarjr. , " Grniboro fatilotii I An alternation occurred m ianoury yesterday jTenmg between Sir. p . a. Taylor And a colored man, which re- ulted in ilr. t x. s nrmg two suuib from a 38 calibre Smith & wesson rerolver at his adversary, both of which toot effect, one in the hand and the other in the thigh iust abov the knee lointi inUictmg, however, iomy flesh wounds. ' The trouble, we learn, trrew out of the negro s persistent efforts to insult Mr. Taylor, when the latter tamed ; fire and made) the "feathers py-" The wounds were dressed bt Dr! McOanless. anil, in default of bail,tlie negro wasjcoilimit- ted to jau o await trial.. j 1 i . - " ' r "My sermon today," said the Ne braska elargyman, looking placidly over the odnsrregation, "will trest of Hhhath desecration, and I trust! that I will be able to point out its wicea- ness to good effect. Before , opening discourse, however, x wi an .a ll . 1 11 '4 . .m nocnce tnat a -DaBeoau Rme u nmirnai south of the church, and lor t h nnVnience of worshippera the core ol innincs will be recorded on the blackboard by Bro. Johnson; My text is, Beieicber the Sabbath day to keep it hpljy. I t ' 1 1 find, inadam," said a young phy. sician, "ID at your nusoavu w buiiu woven conets Hfi cents worth 75. j new line of tacss and trimmings. mVARl) FASNACH, $WEIHJ0PHCP I 1 aaLxiaa, . o. WumEaBd CLCSTEH DUloilQP Sold iwlry, Gold and SUver Watch &orham's Starling BUverwareJtogera ; plated silverware, any size and .; weight of plain 18 karat En- i gagement rings eonstant i il . ly in stock. Badgea and Medals made ! to order. Oar Optical Department -Embraces an endlesa variety of lenses wMch together with iotir practiol expe t A.hU na to ooirft almnat any rr ef refraction In Myopia (neanughtj, fzr?:h Asthenopia tweak sicbt) an: -.romot relief from that dartre faa ieadacbe which often accompanies impertsctviaie. i 6URART1FICIAL Human Eyee J(v land wAk like h toltulrga PaUenta at dtstaooe havln.a broken fc.a another bH-vI witheot ralk BHOBT 8BSBIOH8 IX BOTH BB&RCHK8 TUX rtsBxsrxs tkxatt bill to ss fvhuu) TO C0SCLD8IOX pCXtSIATXLT. Bj Telegraph to the Mews aad Obsorrw. WashihoI ok, August 10. Sua rs The Senate has passed a number of bills on the calendar. - -1 WASHxHdTOjr, August HX Sbhate Mr. Frye gave notice that on Mondaj next he would move to go into open executive session immediately af er the morning business and bo on from day to day next week until the con clusion of the fishery treaty was reached. ! Mr. Stewart' gavS noiloe that a soon as the fisheries treaty was dis posed of he would press the bill for the admission the Sfate of Wash-1 ingron. r- .: . Mr. OaIl. who was to speak on the treaty, said he was not prepared to do so today .and suggested that the matter go over till Monday. Consent was given; and the Senate resumed consideration of legislative business. Under unanimous consent to pro ceed with the bills on the calendar, to which no objection should be made, the Tampa bill was informally laid aside. The Senate bill reducing postage on fourth-class mail matter to one cent for every .three ounces having been reached, Mr. Beck offered a sub stitute for it, making the. postage on first-class matter one cent an ounce from the first of January, 1888. Without act'on the bill was, at the suggestion of .Mr. Sawyer, laid aside. ' The Senate bill to regulate com merce carried on by telegraph was passed. " ; Among other Dills passed was the following: The Senate bill appropria ting $25,000 to improve and encour age the cultivation and manufacture of flax and Hemp, the improvements to be. made under the direction of the Commissioner of Agriculture. The conference report on the bill to aid States Soldiers' Homes was presented and agreed to. The Senate then pro ceeded to executive business with closed doors and, at 3:40, p. m. ad journed. : ! ; M BOUSK. Mr. Townshend; of Illinois, sub mitted the conference report on the bill granting aid to State homes for disabled volunteers, snd it, was agreed to. xne provisions or tne bill are ex tended to territorial homes, and its . benefits are confined to homes entirely under State or Territory. Air. Springer, of Illinois, gave no tice: that he i would ask the House Tuesday next i to proceed to the farther consideration of the Okla homa bilL and then the House went into committee1 of the wliole (Ur. the private calendar. , 'Almost the entire afternoon was consumed in the consideration of the war claim bill. The discussion turned noon the loyalty of the claimants. No action was taken, and the committee rose. '; . -i,ff 1 1. : I On motion of Mr. Cheadle of In diana, a Senate joint resolution was raised, authorizing the President to present a gold medal to Joseph JTran- cis m recognition of iua eminent ser Tioee in the construction and perfec tion of a life-eaTing apparatus. After passing jhalf a dozen private bills, the House at 5 o'clock took a recess until 8 o'clock, the eTening session to be for the consideration of private pension bills. .! SpocUU. to the Mawsmnd OtMerrer. Shzlbt. N. C. Arte. 10 Mr. A. O. Miller's handsome residence on South Washington street wai totally deitroy ed by fire early this morning. It it sup posed to be the work of an incendi ary.; Ane nre was awouvweu awun four o'clock in a wooden shed twenty feet from the jmain building, it com municated to, the pantry thence to the main building which could have been saved if the town had had a fire apparatus. Part of ' the furniture, silver ware,! china and Jewelry was destroyed. Loss $4,600, insurance $1,600. The house , was recently en larged, repainted and refurnished. Mr. Miller will rebuild immediately. TXLLOWJ16K. .? XXABUXB TAKKK TO CSXCK TSK DISKASK. By Telegraph to the Newi and Observer. WASHiKaTOit, Aug. 10. -Surgeon Gen eral Hamilton has telegraphed to Dr. John P. Wall, president of the board of health at Tampa, and Surgeoa Murray at Jacksonville as follows: "Zou may destroy all infected bed ding and clothing by fire, taking, an inventory and appraising valuation. Be careful to destroy nobe unless eviienoe of being infected and On your certificate." He also sent the following to the president of the board of health at Jacksonville, Fla: What steps are being tskan to destroy the infected bedding and clothing Keep me informed." To this he received the following epij : The infected bedding ml c'.oth.rg were burned." : Dr. Hamilton telegraphed to the president of the State board of heath at Charleston, S C.. as follow: fl will try to make arraogetueDU '(t the fumigation of mails and baggage at Way Cross tomorrow. 0n vou provide for the fumigation of too mails now detained at Charleston?" v. Passed Assistant Surgeon Ur TJrquhart at Norfolk, V., hs been Ordered to Way Cross to open the station for fumigation of mails and baggage. He will remain in4 charge of that ; station throughout the summer, relieving Dr. Guiteras of that duty. Parsed As sistant Surgeon Devan, at Savannah, has been ordered to send a barrel of sulphur to Dr. Urquhart at Way Cross. Passed Assistant Anderson has been ordered to establish a fumiga tion depot at Dupont, Ga., and one at Chattahoochee, Fla; to engage com petent local physicians in those plaoes and to superintend the stations with them and the railway mail officers. The Collector of Custom at Fernan dia, Fla-, was asked what steps had ben taken to prevent the entrance of baggage from the South, and an in spection was ordered at Heart's Road Junction. A telegram was received frdm Dr. Guiteras at Jacksonville, as'follows: "Since yesterday (the 8th) evening two oases found at the city hospital in the outskirts of the town. They hare been isolated there. One of them can be connected with the original focus. Three other cases were discovered today.- Total, five new cases. We are be ginning to lose connection with the original focus. The last three cases will probably be sent to the Sand Hills. But the importance of isolation is evidently diminishing, the1 infected localities have been closed up, and measures for disinfection hive been taken. : The president of the State Board of Health of Jacksonville, Fla:, telegraphs as follow: : That the disease is assuming an epidemic form. Superintendent of Railway Mail Service- Bancroft was in consultation with; Dp. Hamilton this morning and promised that an employee of the ser vice hall be present at each fumiga p5fiyVJAifm fio-oDerate with -the ' Jti. jriABiooSA'"FiHB--;:-- BLAINE AT HOME AGAIN FROM RAGING MAIN THE TO THX Q RATIFICATION Or THS ADMIBtKS OF JISOOIKM HZ IS IS ZXCXLUUIT HEALTH An WITH BIS . YOUTH arxxwiD his zsrHusiAS- TTO WBLCOKS OTHKB irxws. By Telegrapa to the Sew and OUeerrer. Nzw Yobk, Aug. 10 The steamer Citj of New York was boarded five milts off Sandy Hook while at anchor waiting for. high tide to croas the bar by representatives of the press, who learned that the voyage was a pleas ant one and that Mr. Blaine was well and had not suffered from sea sick ness. Mr. B.aine said . he was in ex cellent health and that his trip had renewed his youth. . , About 8 o'clock the Star in met the City of NeWtTork outside the Nar rows. The Starin turned about and both vessel slowly steamed up. the bay, b-w to bow. Cheer after cheer rose from the deck of the Starin, al though it wan yet impos&ible to dis tinguish Mr. Blaine from among the 2,000 that stood on the decks of the huge steamer. As the vessels neared each other Mr. Blaine's form was at last made out, standing in a group of friends on the upper deck forward. As cheer after cheer arose, Mr. Blaine bowed repeatedly. The Chicago Blaine Club's little tug had been the first to greet ; the steamer as it came up , the bay and clung under its wing while the Chi cago men cheered. The band on the Starin played ''Home Again,'' "Home, Sweet Home " and "The Star-Spangled Banner," while advancing up to quarantine. Mr. Blaine's face and farm were plainly visible, cheer after cheer broke forth, handkerchiefs and flags were waved. Cries of "Blaine, Blaine, James G. Blaine,,' "No Free Trade" arose, and the utmost enthusiasm pre vailed. At last, at 9:15 o'clock, to the mu sic of "Hail to the Chief," Mr. Blaine got aboard the Starin, escorted by Whitelaw Reid and Mr. Pool. COTTON. THE AUGUST REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRI CULTURE. ? v THX VARIOfS AVKRAOEfl TBB FIOCBAS BT STATES THK CONDITIO OTHEB fttWS. TKICZPII. A Gala Day tor Democracy la Pr The Hatdea fallar. af a Henabllcam KUaeta. Cor. of the New and Obserrer. Roxbobo, N. C , Aug. 8. Yesterday, August 7, Hon. A. M. Waddell, fulfilling an appointment announced only a few days ago in behalf Democracy spoke in the court house here to a large and enthusiastic audience, including many ladies. Though the room was crowded, and the day the hottest of the season, the attention given the earnest speaker wa the best.. The whole speech was a strong, plain and convincing pre sentation of Democratic principles, occasionally supported with burning eloquence, among other things, the acquisition and disposition of parblic lands and the relation of the two patties thereto, were forcibly dis cussed. The faith of the strong was increased, the faith of weak strengthened, and the faith of the doubtful made certain. t After the applause had ceased, to the surprise of the Democrats, the Republicans present called for their pride and pet, Mr. J. Thomas Stray- born, a Democrat before the meeting I duration is locally indicated on the oi tne .Republican district, convention,- Aiuuitio cosBt and on the Gulf coast Hat Hipta afCattoa. , By Tetejrrapb to the Newt and Obaerrer. Nzw Yob:, Aug. 3.. The following are the total 1 net receipts of cotton at all ports since September 1st, 1887: Galveston, 656,855) bales; New ur leans, 1,773,879 bales; Mobile, 204,856 bales; Savannah 872,888 bales; Charleston 440,481 bales; Wilmington 168,224 bales; Norfolk 490,335 bales; Baltimore, 64,466 . bales; New York. 105,461 bales;. Boston, 98,184 bales, Newport News. 103.378 bales; Phila delphia, 27,411 bales; West Point, 407,838' bales; Brunswick, 77,2 U bales; Fort Royal, 14,913 bales; Pen sacola, 17,06a bales. Total, 6,609,010 bales. ' I : ! Tha Daaaaerata of Leaotr. Kew Berne Journal, loth. The Democrats of Lenoir county held their convention yesterday and nominated their candidates. , l- Wooten, Esq.i one of the best men in the county, and a good, substantial farmer, was nominated for the legis lature. The old county officers were renominated,; Jesse Jackson being nominated for Treasurer, an omce now held by Republican. 1 ne eon- Tention wasnjarge and narmomoua one. ? f rom over-work." "And will he; have to orive uri his place under tb got' o rE . , - , ernmentri she asied, anxjpusiyj at f Is he a government "Yes. Bir." "H-m i I'll : rr j- i ' lib case again, xte proDa bxercise. New York San, WllaalBCtaa tinaraatlacf. WiLmnatoifi N. 0., Ang. 10 The Viaalth authorities of this city have declared an inland quarantine against Jacksonville,5 fFla., forbidding any persons oonuog from Jacksonville or towns south of that point, from enter ing here. ,J ; Comparative Oattom tteuat. By Telenraph to tfte New and Observer. paraUva eotton MMameiM 10 ! a "What'a th: official I'M diagnose; bly needs fiecelpU tor the week ! Total receipt to diOe, ; Kxpurta lor the Wtttk, : Total eaports to data, ( Stock at All U.S. ports, Mock at an Ulterior town, Mock at Uverpool, i Xaoat rot urea sruaui. 18 9,937 1,01 ll.M laMlt Man 189T T.'ra ,S34.41 1S.4M I33.W1 14,861 a i, ooo smuo ItVB rZOPLZ PBBISH AKD HXAVt LOSS OT -;' ' ' FBOPXKTT. By Talejrrmph to the New and ObsrTer. OsAtTANooA, Aug. 10. Fire broke outlln the Griffis Caldwell block this morning, and des'rojed the en tire block, besides the building of N. Deitz&Bro .and the Baltimore Cloth ing House, and Shelton Sc Howard. The total loss on building and stock is $400,000. The following fiims were burned out : D. M. Block, drug com pany ; Bradley Printing uompany; Gibson $ Lee Manuf uring Company, stove; manufacturers; Roseman & Crditohfield, wholesale dry goods; Baltimore clothing house; Chatta nopga paper box "factory;' Shelton & Howard, wholesale harness and sad dlers, besides many other small con cernsJ The fire was under control at 12.30.; j . i A wall fell on four men after mid night, two of whom are still under th debris. J. B. MoMil)in, a promi nent citizen, was lost in the fire, but the other nartiea are not known. The two men gotten ont are probablj fa tally hurt. 1 t The rnin of last night's terrible ttreisterjrCgreat. Thellowing busi nest firms were entirely burned out: Shelton! Howard & Co., wholesale saddler; Phelps and Long, clothiers; Rosenthal Crutcbfield and Company, wholesale druggists; Block Drugg and Oomoanv. wholesale dry gooU; Gibson,! Leeman Manufacturing nnrnnanV. wholesale aueensware; Dietzen Bros., wholesale fruits and Tegetables; Ross k Bro., islothiers; the Chattanooga paper box; factory; Rosenheim Sons, (wholesale; liquor; A Schopin, confectionary; Jos. Simp son, clothing, damaged by fire; loss of building, $91,000, insurance on same $35,000.' The total loss by fire is t : $225,000; insurance $175,000. Toal loss $340,000. The lOss of life has been Tery great. In tbje excite ment of the conflagration hundreds of - citizens rushed into tne buildings and endeaTOred td save the threatened goods. It seems that there was criminal carelessness in the xour stdry structures, because they eol lapsed solely from the heat. One bujilding fell, in which there were fifty person. At noon today five dead bodies had already been recov ered, and it is feared the loss of life is considerably greater. The follow ing remains recoveied have been . t. x uArintn T4nrv iaeniueu ; u mo. j. . iuvu) - j Wlcb,' Jas. Smith, coloredj Edward Lowe. Another colored mad has been recovered, bat the remains have not been recognized. TwO more bodies have bean discov ered beneath the ruins but : they can not be reached before night and it is beUeved Ed Kirk is ! also buried be neath the ruins, and aix or seven others. The total loss of life is esti mated at ten and four badly wounded. J. P. McMillin was killed while trying to save his books. He was a promi nent citizen. Ed Lowe was try ing toi save goods. He waa a leading builder and contractor. ' Baa-Sat ci at Morchead. SpeeUatotbeNowtaodUbserrer. , MOBEHBAD ClTT, August 10. IM Hon. S; S. Cox, Of New York, arrived tonight and is the guest of the Atlan tioMotel. He comes to this delight ful resort for a week's rest and recre ation. y 7v ' ' I ' Spirit of tha State Preae. What issues are involved? On the one hand wanton extravagance, cor ruption, a total disregard of consti tutional liberty and a tendency to centralisation. On the other, a wise, honest, economical administratfon of the government and a reverence for the fundamental principles thereof, as conceived by our forefathers. Stop ! think I ponder 1 before you vote the prohibition ticket. It means half a vote for the Republican party. Marion Bugle. A forcible reminder of the dark days of 1868 was i he gathering at the Mt. Veraon Hotel, in this place, on Monday night, of a few old moss backed Republican leaders,in'erppers ed wi'Ka.atirjnkling of negroes and wbiVJlong'Uiex-- . Dr. 'Mott and Judge Stabesville, Rawlins and Cummings, of Asheville; a white negro, Coleman, from Concord, Dancy of this place, John Nichols, member of Congress from the Raleigh District, and a myste rious personage from New York, who probably for : good reasons did not put his name on the hotel register, He might have been a representative from the house of Morton, Bliss & Co , and he might not At any rate he was in close communion with the faction aforementioned. The boys want "boodle " and they would not hesitate to entertain a rep resentative from any Republican souree having it at their disposal Nor will thev be alow to make the necessary pledges to obtain it; and it is very certain that money bags Mor ton, who is now endeavoring to en force the collection of the fraudulent, repudiated bonds of the State, will exact of them pledges of a substantial nature in that direction. Salisbury Watchman. Farmers should prepare to use some substitute for the kind'of bag ging they ha heretofore used for' balin cotton. The syndioate or monopoly or trust formed at the North and West to advance the prioe of bagging should not be submitted to. Home merchants, of course, are not to blame in the matter, for they cannot help themselves or do any thing to relievo the burden from the farmer. If Congress had courage enough, and the will, something could be done to prevent suoh outrageous monopolies. Charlotte Democrat. Loge now stands "solitary and alone upon the heights of Republi can rascality to proclaim the near ap proach of victory for his party. That s right, Brer Logejdie like a man if you are compelled to die hard. It'll take a Sight of puffing and soreamin' and blowing to keep life in the G. O P. till election day. Butwouldn't it save vou Radicals much sorrow and heavi ness of soul to accept the situation, and make the election of the Dem ocratic candidates unanimous? Whether you do or not,'they'll get there with every foot up. Wqre any virtue in Radical ideas, we would sympathize with you deeply in your affliction. Greenville Reflector. It is both amusing and disgusting to read Republican papers and hear Republican politicians charging the Demoorats with free trade, when it is certain that many of them are ignorant of the principle involved, and the consequences that would flow from the adoption of the policy. We do not charge that thia ignorance is confined to Republicans but there are Democrats who class the charge of favoring free trado with that of disloyalty to the government and re sent both silk's. As we understand the old Jeffersonian Democratic doc trine it was that no more taxes should be levied upon the people, in any form, than are necessary to meet the expenses of the government. Hickory Press and Carolinian. a Republican elector aince. To the disaster of himself and friends he answered the call. Never did knight to conflict go more hope ful and confident than Mr. Stray horn ws as he marched down the aisle with several North American Reviews to demolish the gifted son of the Cape Fear. Alas! He attacked Gibraltar with a toy-gun, and that too in the hands of a shallow, ignorant man. Repor's came forth concerning the Cooden Club and a uegro in jail here, Cleveland and John Woody, the sur plus and the appointment of magis trates, &c., tc, though in the begin ning of his effort he said he would not discuss county or State politics. In the midst of his disconnected as sertions, the ladies retired. A most remarkable part of his failure was the frequency of "There's no question about that." As a political speech it was without ar gument, enthusiasm or any redeeming merit; as a statement of history, it was without facts; as a literary pro duction, an utter failure. His friends were disappointed, his cause was weakened, and "there's no question about that." He asserted that the taxable prop erty of North Carolina amounted to only four millions of dollars, and ap pealed to CoL Waddell for sanction, but finallj for the take of argument he granted that it migh be one hun dred millions 1 Finally he took h s seat, a most dis agreeable one, and then for a few moments, amid the greatest cheering, the gallant Colonel suggested a few corrections in Mr. Strayhorn's course, and gave him some fatherly advice. The crowd went wild with laughter and applause except Mr. S. he did not'laughr-and si he sat on a table with his face crimson, and a false smile vainly trying to reach his coun tenance, while CoL Waddell was ad waa ncn bevoiiu umwv. The boys say that old Bob, a high toned Republican of color, remarked that he could "beat Mr. S- speaking." The remainder of the, .afternoon was spent by the Democrats in re- i die in jr. and bv the Republicans in t e .- - , aa appropriate manner. With Brower ostracised, and Stray horn so successful a failure, you can easily guess that the Republicans are somewhat disgruntled in' this,; the fifth district, and if the Democrats do not redeem the district we predict that the fault will not be with Person county. Respectfully, Echo., By Teleerapb to toe News and Observer. Washtwotojc, Aug. 10. The August report of the Department of Agricul ture shows a small reduction in the condition of cotton in the Carolina, Alabama and Louisiana, and an ad vance in Florida, Texas, Arkansas and Tennessee. The average of Missis sippi and Arkansas is unchanged. The general average is 87.3 against 86.7 a month ago, and 93.3 last August. !l he figures by States are: Virginia, 4 e; iMortn uaroiina, 8a, South Carolina, 84; Georgia, 90; Florida, 82; Alabama, 90; MissiBsippi, 92; Louisiana,! 90; Texas, 79; Arkansas, 93; Tennefsee, 93. There has been an excess of rain until recently. A drought of short east of Mississippi. Ia northera Mississippi and western Tennessee the rains have been frequent and abundant, and 'the growth of the plant is from medium to large. East of the State of Mississippi the plant is comparatively small. In nearly the entire breadth the development is represented as later than usual, theugh picking y was about to com mence in the lower latitudes. Cotton is almost without exception reported in sound health and vigor, with a lit tle shedding of leaveB and forms, ash mentioned in the most successful sea sons. There is little ruBt, except in Georgia and Alabama, where "black rust" prevails in certain localities. The caterpillar is present very gener ally in the southern half of the lower tier of States, but is doing no injury except in a county or two in Florida. It is not much dreaded, being kept in limited numbers by poiBoning. The boll-worm is in some counties of Texas. LSI OIK. Tne Demacatlc Caaaty Coaveallon, Cor. ol the Hews and Observer. ! ? ; ErxsTON, N. 0 , Aug. 9, 1888. The largest, most enthusiastic and representative Democratic County Convention within our knowledge ever assembled in the county met here today and nominated the follow ing gentlemen for the House of Rep resentatives and the various county officers, to-wit : For House of Repre sentatives, Shade ! I. Wooten; ; for sheriff, Jas. D. Sutton; for register ol deeds; Geo, L. Hodges; f of treasurer, Jesse Jackson: for surreyor, Thos. R. Rouse; for coroner, R. W. Pope. , "Wis Dbki." Aiuuant af the A. R. Ci Railroad Property. Ntw Bern Journal. j At a meeting of the board of ap praisers and assessors to value the property belonging to the Atlantic & N. C. Railroad Co. for taxation for 1888, the property of said, road, in cluding tracks, rolling stock, road beds, etc. 99 miles in the State wasTalued at $4,112 56 30100 per mile $409,200. The proportion of said road due to the counties, cities and towns through which it runs, and subject to taxation by eaoh, was apportioned by ' the board for 1888, as follows, to-wit: Carteret county, 17 miles, $69,913 57 Huwtll HM(4 at laat, By Telegraph to the News and Observer. St. Louis, Aug. 10.aiwell was hanged at 8:56 oclock this morning. He was neatly dressed in a dark cut away coat, light trousers and brown derby hat, . Maxwell was hanged in company with Henry Landgraf, who murdered his sweetheart on March 5, 1885. Landgraf was sentenced to hang on April 29th of last year, but he also, like Maxwell, has been making a des perate effort to save himself, and has had the benefit of appeals, stays bf execution and respites. The execu tion was postponed two hours from the original tune set thia morning on Maxwell's account, Landgraf sharing in the extension of life. a He Bro Slarderar Captured: By Telegraph to the New and Observer. StLouis, Aug. 10. A special to and faTvwoundeTmiSrla-i6aWL last Wednesday, was captured today, but not until after his body had been filled with lend, lie was placed in Springfield jail, which is now eur rounded by a mob 'of 300 men who threaten to lynch the -desperado. The negro is so badly wounded, however, that it is thought he will die. Jad(c Lyaca'a Work. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. NA8HVH.LZ, Tonn., 10. Amos Hil leary, colored, , who outraged Mrs. Scott in Maury county two months aro. was taken from the court room m.i rrranauin. xenn., touav py iuy armed men and hanged' to a balcony in the building. 4 HKIDSTILLK. It B ! Boaaa Bad Its Polttlre. Oor. of the, News aid Observer. IiCIDBYtlXX, Aug. 9- The Thiid party does not seeni to meet with as much success as its friends anticipated. - Rev. J. H. An derson, their nominee for the Senate, positively refuses to accept the nomination, saying he is a Democrat. ' He is spoken of aa one of the proba ble nominees for the House of the Democrats. It is said that Maj. More- -head has consented to accept the nomination, for the Senate.. There is no better man nor one that old Rock ingham feels more justly proud of. The new brick block of six stores on Scales street is near completion and presents a very ' handsome ap pearance. It is considered one of the. handsomest blocks in.the State. Our people are greatly pleased with the electrict lights and think we have the beet system in Togue. The late town improvements -haTe given the town new life and put it on quite a boom. It is a noticeable fact that there ia.quite an increase in the value of real estate. It has also helped Ourltobaoco market, the breaks are quite large 'every day, and tobacco is bringing a good price. Every day recently there have been' Wagon of tobaoco from great distances and from a new territory for Reidsville which have formerly been going to Durham, Winston and Danville. Our tobacco facto -ies are running at full force in order to keep up with orders, hence there is a demand for manufacturing stock. A savings bank is the next institu tion our ener etie citizens need and we are pleased to note a move in that direction. Mr. Jas. C. Womack is in vestigating it. It will be a good thing for the town and it is thought will pay well here. Never before have so many of our citizens left town for summer, recrea tion. "Nearly all the young ladies are out of town and it is indeed gloomy for Ithe boys who are left behind. Piedmont Springs seems to be the most popular resort for Reidsville. Te Secrat Caafab. Wilmington Messenger, loth. 'CoL, Dockery and Mr. Devereux met a number of prominent white and colored Republicans last night at the office of Judge Russell, where they aemained until a late hour. We have just learned that Cols W. A. Albright, who was nominated for Republican elector in the Fourth Con gressional district has resigned aid will not make the canvass. Durham Tobacco Plant. Craven Jones Lenoir Wayne Total, 50 H 18 11 99 205,628.15 i 14,393 97 74,026.13 .45,238 19 $400,200 01 CIT1XB AHD TOWNS. Morehead, 11 miles .$6,168 84 Newport, J M 1,028 14 New Berne, H " 64070 Kinston, " 2,056 28 LaGrange, J " ....... L028.14 Qoldsboro, 1 " 4412 56 Tot!, -4' $19,534.66 tXaaraatlaad A aaiaut JaclteemrlMa. By Telegraph to tne Sew and Observer. -t MojrvGdMiBr, ; Ala., August 10-4- Montgomery has established quaran tine against Jacksonville and other points in Florida whore yellow fever. is reported. A Delaware Uajctm. Nkw Cabtlb, Del., Aug. 10. Charles Henry Ridell, a weaver in the Arlington' cotton millB, .wa hanged tswla for the murder of his 3a and seven-year-old child last September. His wife was soon again to become a mother. There wee no reason for tha murder except that Ridell was morose and surly when in his curious ways. Ridell struggled but lit 'It and wee deadbxH minutes.. A daughter waa born Moaday at Youngstown, 0-, to Mr. .ana? fin. i Joan A. Logan, Jr, I A , ladlaSM State Federation .if Trad'S. - The action of the Ind.uiia State Federation of Trades, which met at Indianapolis Tuesday ia noteworthy. With but one dissenting voice, the hundred delegates adopted a series of iwaolntiona declaring that they can not support the Republican Presiden tial ticket this year, because "we are opposed to all law which have almost wholly tranaf erred the enormous burden of excessive taxation from the monev kings of tb couti'ry to the irreat armv of con fu mere, until today P. . . . " . . l the latter class are practicauy sea horses of this boaBted republio of fpfifidom and popular rights, while ftroducing all its wealth and enjoying ew of its comforts." Like all other bodies of "organized labor," the Fed eration of Trades appears to have a special aversion toJGen. Harrison, to protest against whose nomination it sent delegates, to, Chicago, but the main ground of its opposition to the Sepublicans is the attitude of the party regarding m . . i The session waa Becret, but wjjen the meetiEg adjourned it was devel oped that the most important action by thetwdy was the adoption of a in of resolutions regarding Gen. Harrison's public and private record. tv, aw h arced Harrison with being J ? all IV.iL. unfriendly to organized iarcr; uwub had opposed eight hours as conoti lutiniy a dav's work for letter-carriers; had oppoaedthe law limiting Chinese immigration, and as a Senator in Con gress had Toted and , worked against ifa anaatment: that as a citizen he had armed himaelf and taken command of a company for the express purpose of forcing rauroaa men io suomu w ex actions froai corporations, ana opeiuv advocated shooting the strikers down if the persisted in demanding their rights; that 1 e ie a corporation attor ney and the whole' tenor of hia life .r.H ata ia opposed "to the interests of labor. The resolutions closed with tha enlarakibn that the laboring classes woulfi ?not support b;m for the Presidency.' fr Morton was spoken of as a "Wall street money shark and a sharer in the unholy, gain of many greedy corporations I that have cruelly"; op pressed their employees. The Jotat Discaaaiaa. f There will be a joint discussion of the issues of the campaign between Hon. Danel G. Fowle and Hon. Oliver H. Dockery, Democratic and Repub lican candidates for Governor, at the following times and placet t j Monroe, Monday, Aug. 27. v j vVadesboro, Tuesday, Aug. 28. Albemarle,: Wednesday, Ang. 29. Troy, Thursday, Aug. 30. twtw Fridav Aue. 81. -Graham, Monday, Sept 3." HillsborO, Tuesday, Sept. 4. Roxboroi Wednesday, Sept 5. Yaneeyville, Thursday, Sept. 6. Reidsville, Friday, Sept T. Walnut Cove, Stokes Co. Monday, Sept 10. Mt. Airy, Tuesday, Sept- li. Elkin, Wednesday, Sept 12. Yadkinville, Thursday, Sept. 13. Winston, Friday, Sept 14. -Lexington, Saturday, Sept 15 . Mocksville, Monday, Sept 17. Hickory, Tuesday, Sept 18. ' Lenoir, Wednesday, Sept 19. Morgan ton, Thursday, Sept 20. Marioni Friday, Sept 21. Mooresrille, Iredell Co., Salnrday. Sept 22. ; m : OhVu-SDem. State ;Ex.Oom, rrtm Btrtit t the Orawe we mutt with us: certain phyaieal.tralU, aa we doeertain mental characteristics. 5 c. Insomocb that MvehoiogUU hve striven to deaignate by mm rVc tlleiTertaln, temperiunentst VRm., the hervona. the lyniphatic The individual wit a tallow complexion is set down a ouroua, wvoa rtihuy aoT it the saffron to the hue ofJ to tradable to bile ia the blood, iU prwnc the wrong place instead of the fiver, will also -be eonvlneei by lur on ttie tongue pata beiethtlie onrTorlhereneTolti;! z. nariinua eomrxalnt. ill ere m av reiradoroah remedy UiAu Hortet-ter-Vstomach Bitters, which is also a beneficent tonid indtueuKtb promoter, and a widely es. medeiSlyforaDd preventive ol levet ague, rheumatism, kidney and bladder troubles. Lagks Bieb, &o Ehret's exoort beer, $1.25 per doz. Special pncea by the cask. Also cnntz jnuwauAw and! Budweiser. All first-chua braids and thoroughly recommended forthe use or invalids or ior lauiu j trade. Positively none sold to be drank on the premises. A commission will' shortly as semble in Berlin to discuss a xiusso German treaty of commerce. PURE KBTeat era Cbae Water. a k thia Auan when people are travel- fvnlaaaare thev wonder at tne aia I ordered condition of the bowelv In the MaiAitw&r tbese cases its a us w tne chancre of water.' Take Dr. Biggers' ! Huckleberry wraiai, , - Its superior ezeeUettoe proven in boII- lions of .homes for moat than a quarter of a eentury. It ia used by the United States Govemneni, - Endoraed by the heads of the Great Unrverslttes as the the Btrongeet, fnreat ana most Uealtb ful.;Dr. Price "a Cream Bakloa; Powde ' Bes not contain - Ammonia, Umej ssj Alum. Bold only In Cant. raw rout, omoaao. lotis 1 i A-

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