T i3J M Mill MAT 3JTt 1.1 , i 1 Ctrm Tl-rf at. IK-. 4 n vi .y f k. .f ir t. ! f AU- 4 0 a,4 a'ltniX .id .1 ! ; . , m a . ' a i 1 1 it v 3 1 IWvil nrn!' lit' 1 mi ' vr-Tr.Tl 1 ; A m n-r m i'J.i'Jii;!.vi A ;Wi W SV li--. ,t...U Ji ' 1: is' I w. tfOL, XXVI. L . i jii ,"i j'.i" 1 1 ' t- r- r: l; i - ; i S ll. 17; ! y7SA iV J j Si li " 4V tiS-.i no:-' N; SUNDAY lOJlNINGj AUGUST 12, 1SS& . NO. 39, Absolutely Pure- rhia powder never TariM. A mrn tt piUlty, stietyrth and wholescmenea to. onnnnmicAl'thAn ordlruTT kinds an4 rannot be sell in competiUq.n with the .uJttltude of lowrjee. ."W; K'ollfrHli, NYk. su,id hv w. O. ft A. D. BWnoh, ni (4!at Marina Street SljERIDM. f:- OBEQOIES OF f H GHlBESSIV SERVICES AT ODBCH A.M) THX OSAVI ABLjJOT0i ' OTHER SEW AT lalt iJWi MRIMLS Purchased by our .'ft) ' i - sr II ' Jrvs, : '3 T ....- !IU1 f. i Vv ' 4-- V . . f$ Telegraph to ttte NWrt nt'Oterrr; ' '' Wabhihotos, July 11 The rites for the 4ead w?sre today per- fprmsd according to. (h , ordinonwa ifthe .Roma4 Oath'ol&; Church fr Philip H- Shidan, General of the- Army of the ijnitea states, ana ni tlddy was laid lo rest dJjeauiifuVAi--lington, city of the soldier dead, the iwin waa marked by a. general bub rjehsion of busiuesa. The ceremonies throughout were in keoflngr with te character of the man". Strict adher efe to almoBtj unroilitry simplicity hi ll the arraDementfi, lloavyrwh.eeld artillery for ha hearse the proeija loll of a singly thousand erect and stufdv sold iersJ who hadiBeen eorfiee, st bofitted the closmg'aenfe3 Of tfce life of bo great i a soKUir. 8t. llftt k'i .Cbitreb'ltfhexe: itig xs&auia' ol Qjen.' Sheridan had, laid n state Bine Tjlttsday aftertfdon, an where the :p$B$$f4 - w4 -fJii yefe , held, iSin"ftncient edance of juaodest pro- pdrtKins with rtuoeoea ei terror wane, and but for ita elassic pfilarod front ' ronld attract Bttle attntidB from itanBe- utlin it hav worshipped tnknv whose names are . JglustriQue-in fcistorV.-' It. U ' the " m&st "-poplar Gakhaae Gharchi in Waajuncrton and for iSianr ' years it ha& numbered ahiocS'tts corhniunicants itnembers of jhTMrjrf the foreign legations reaid ihiff (iStk. eWbisei unctsHe'rlK kSifiKUra and feoresentatives in'- (Jocgrees ThW mteror of tb church if ia keeping with its exterior i plain anil unprotou dobs. t'At 9 o'clock the doors of the chtircH were thrown : Open;, and 'Wiiich of lha large crowd aBsemhled o(sijde as had received tickets of admission LweilwiBUtedtb.ejiVBri IChey were coQduted to thetr seats by a corps of d?i in-full military uniform , un der! thd direction of OdlM John M. Wilsoa of the Crria j oj ' iJoieen Pfojper arrangemenis-lkaa peen kftade for knaintainmg order outside of the church ttnd a Betichment 'of police- meii were'alAUoneU outside for that pnjrbOse. Thes were afterwards eup lemented by squad of soldiers. ;B m time before the ceremonies eomjmei-cedjCarriagea containing mem br efhe-dtpIoiiit ObrpSrtne joint cominitsee of Congress, Senatoi s and j ItepesitBtifeia Qensesspegafj toJ arrive and the body of the caurcn was epeejlUy filled. -Amoo.ijh romineiit J persons notea were oepators Angaiiv, i!nittBs, traits, Jloar, jjatres, vones prNeV4a,Dolph,pale, AllbniSa- jer, lt;titoa!ier,.J w;w6 wuej, Jusiice Harlan aid wife, golicitor- Genf ral yenks and: the eoomrissiOners of 'lEe District. I - I j : MJ ibbriU 9;30( HHeX 1 Wsftrs, beaded by General Shermaft,' in full - i j i iu vr mink Oa. ; simaitapeoasly t'he; flssh I Il&B soar tt fire- Jaundred muskets. placed upon,, his shouWers'd j 4feafa:al!aan ih olfey ,.wa rs tb hishati's mitra noon. hialisaj;iz at4!;Tbi the Ogler cam to-sfr-; pit and, taking his place in frdt"l)l tha Alironethe blank apfl goldjnanle i ..( LEESYILLE. siAedani priest Wber?i!o istittwitsis! hia 1ag..Aolu .4B9 far-voddiBieht. i The. tones were low ssMtioirJaneL tMiaulp a4iJfrHttar ittit then, , taw sUadn elBa. jwd, shriW. wabstt tstjOctoes'fBoaft ths im)utadif bksjotioijage, whieh nlaoes on either . side at the caakE fftnwhQer ths foAminieana andit ie mm vofoes wfc&f WQ sangn! Ubeafci seat Us fipa oi Mjs ket, rempTed y h!.WBlPk ling the casket . with4olJ,WMVn,3 swingings a,enserj, jpcrosmnea yn. absoluon. . tuA-mJ't At the oonplusion pf this cerewpp) the "BenediotB", was chapted, and the aolenvn smd, impre(wye.,,f erfiee was ended. Eigb.tj , ,sergeaife from t&e ririr Aruuery mr(m,;,iwB the isle, and lifting the casket upon theif . (hoolders,,, bore it jtrp,v Ah church, the audisnoe standiag. , Iiu mediately followed an artillery offio r carrying i the-General hejuioariers flac Tha. call-bearers heaaedi by General Sherman and, Speaker' Car lisle, had meanwhila takei their place" .I5SOLD KELVIN GBOVfi S1V ii: TIOS -TirOROTJGHLY tij. -t!1 i s 'J.i basMela.i l2i-1aiKril- r 1 .1-1 . ' 9 ihe Wa l (.,' soitM4 I i t.-l sitpcrLVji 1 ii V I 7. rfino tun- ii h-. oarriage rTuied. WW them. At that y,,, Meetly Mrs. hpridsn andptr,,iwamlarf of io the jfitdieii coal mine. The grade 19? xaaiiy .uif itwmjub i-wuowo casket dowtt the sisle,.nd after pairs ladies 32 button Dongola yht8kox aV wtfth pt3.00 CA dos?nunlaundried reinforced shirtSr I U V assises, 0 cents each, , : 5 1. X . St I idies flsilors, 25 cents each 50 K silk umbrella, $1.75 each. - ibbooJ) In aU widths, and colors. k ; i of tifn auJl glassware. cam4 the Ixesvlentisl paryaad, .other d istjnguifthed persons. . - , While the services were- in, progress a caisson was placed n position to receiye jthe'caskeW. and the Genflral's horse was Jed. to a place immediately behind. , The horse . is a Jack bay, and was bought by Gen. bheridah Chioaeo about four years aeo. was .bridled and saddled just as whoa last . ridden by the'; General- The General's military boots were, in, the stirrups with toes pointing backwards. The animal was led by a tall sergeant m iuu uauorm. In accordance' with the wishes of Mrs. Sheridan,- t4,funeTal was strict ly a milgstj aflalrtijj ,Jhe escort was formed yjwcUeMf AS-lptfcscri bed by army reffaiaumia ior -air nicer oi me rank of the deceased. ; The.ieeoprt assembled while the funeral-services wert Wprogressi)' It formed on H Street facing north with foot ariiDeTT'OD the 'riehW -ear airy on, uie ieii anu iigui. oBiberieo m tne ountre. wustoetore uie oioaeoi the eeitruies; Cteh:, jSishDflejtd. M Sf dee arranged themselves in front of the troops and prepared io. , 'receive the funeral party. As tne body wiai borne from' the churoh 'the bell tolled and the ::iIarine Band 'bKVd' the hymttJSetyer; Hy "b&:: tV TJbee.'' The soldiers stood. '.'ab preseat .' aims and ;n.e4rl :sJl';the CTtizenS,'. temo ed their ttatei 'The befr i order was pxeactved and the crowd seemed, In spired brthe solemnity of theoeeastOn. When all had heen arransred the col- 'Ofcid aM)d4l0w3y in ,tks diisoti.ii of the cemetery. Crowds lined the en tire rii&i t -All otvsjlable ifftails for a view of the line were occupied and every wflijlcwaloijg gtto route was occupiesW "tht gtUktiSafc respect was paid to the occasion, spectators geh- erally uncovering'' their heads as the bier passed by. Several houses along the reft Were draped in. Ifca IPeaiber wast stafM MR s4dPp presaiye as it was yesterday. Several sQld)ers,liowever, became eihapsted during; tne march, and bad t6 'be taken oiowiy passing along me main, street of" ancient Georgetown, over the lofty new bridge' that spans the n thft up- the wmdifOg, , well fHf74titheaujfeJral)crUil at last gained the open height command ing a panoramic view W th river nd the city of Was'hrhgtoti. , A mile fur ther on H entered th Western llg A ib-' way" of ArliagtOn'knonkl Oemeterv. At,l:20 the 'c'Svilty epcort, w,ith came to .4 'hidt' ' bealde; 'ihe pld Lee man&jon, Snd Boph Ufter Wards ,the las. srswa wau so-enoH -i .VV.. ' 5iVM 4t Aodisd.iwy, ud. just seethe iL.iVZZXZttZi ?'iZJZ& W tharseciion have enrered he tewasKlrvledtbf . E-lti roSd carta and wajrona bt-i-An roflioe jin to Alieantuul grove, in . which , ta bles, .', Stands. ,and( seats had been erecte: and by Jl,q clock wo thoneand people were present. jEJve rj thinghad been arranged in apple-jpie ordor qy the Committee representing the Xoucg Men's Dmosratic Club., ( 1 The ladies were out in lanze uum- bertf and, as one of .thejaliant spealt ers .remarked, ihey were the jewels pf the occasion. It was an entnosiastic Peroocratic ather.Bij. It had been gotten up complementary tp Hoc, B. II. Bunn. and the inteiet nxanifeatud and the success . of . the meeting de monstrated :tha high esteem which the people in this, section,, have . for this gallant gentleman, an esteem that he does not fail to appreciate. lhe speaking beganv at, 11 o clock. as tne ; matter of ' TOR4t Vor sfcArttit. CV. W. t "Vtrgimim, n, Or. Wither. Sl UMdcrtaktag. IUGkmiB4:VRNt . I ;. :t.vI, Governor Lee introduced Dr. Wiih erspoon. - He said, in accepting- the icvJitatioa to make the htnduction he did lo. because, the, subjecl wsaoc.e of SMet pleasure to-him-i He repeat ed lpoJsHjn's poetical, .answec to the question asked jaim whes'st the seeitb ; of his power, ft Whesf wouJdhe prefer ' being buried Iv i.iu watch ,be said,! "The sstw where his soul could find a: boundless grave in which, to expand."; The Governor continued, in beautiful language , to speak of the- sailor and the fondness he had for the-sea. -himself, d God, the Father, who. .holds the sea in: thd hollow of , His hasd; of God, the Son, who said tp thqs'ona, SINGULAR ACCIDENT ON THE MOBILE A 1 : QIIMRD RAILROID. -sl ! r" U, i'f.m ..i 'in .-. ' "U.l.'.. U;isaEB'irqvsvrRss4AK&oTi i bs tats niwrsii rrs akd Wat. ' ' '' BT totecfaDb to the Mic( and Obaarret. DikVEs, Ooh, Aug. II. A sinculsr accilent occurred bfl the jJthver, TJtafa A. Pacific Kail way, har Oalfield BTilfllMHoh U 0 Mam. b.I IlkMita , jOouacBvs Ga, -4ugf,ll.-Aii un prscedepted rainfall yesterday aft5 nppn resulted ir. a pwculMr acoident A freight train on.ihs Mobile A; Girard imirtiail, oonjtog into tbe city, a truck a iand-bar,sic inches deep,, ..Ths en gine:.was, overturned, and four joars "Peace. ,bsc stiU This was ;npblft wipsoopea,,,, 10a ppiar onus engjn!et wock, whieb keeps Ua sailor, frooxJJUei r f"AW!tt wiu , irewenapnsi ipref rock of : temptation and the shoals of ini i 13r. Witherspoon. returned bis grateful acknowledgement of the bsnd some manner in whiohihe , Govsrjjfjr had introduoed hip .B had devoted tEange to , say, . Engineer Hoffman eeapd with slight scaida, and. rire- man . Pickexson. with s dislocated sh(juldsr The rainfall within an hour was d 44 1 Vtche, , LigktniM struck 4s1 very steeri and it is customary to snip loaded coal cars to tne nwa trade without the assistanc e! as en gine.' .Yesterday the engineer of a passenger ' train, upon approaching ihe . branch track, stopped and Whistled asjusaal. He had jnst started the engine and reached the crossing when two heavily loaded care de scended the grade and dashed directly xt. p. Worrell mg; and shattered ,the .staff, wdhout domg further dnge. ; , , 0a into the engine. The locomotive was leralled and as it fell the engineer Was killed: Had the accident oc cuVred a second later a clOBely packed passenger : car would have been wrecked with most disastrous results. I A A vest front 4laek JerseyaM.fi. 4J, bosSvfaU fccolora 10 cent a pair. rhiah at SI". 75. i 1 hhrf -4ie ilUUU and Shades, Aqi immense bargain. ;: ' v.j - i: -" ''' ''i-'i . Gingham apron chocks, li cents a yard. I - I rp ; 3 i 1 ! I ill (I 1 ; umforra, entered at the ieibasa niingJ ud the aisle took seats at the-left pN the,ea1ifalque:,Sdofri aftef. Jihe 'join committee or uongreBB appeared ana werejifionduoted to eats reserved for themjln. front and-i the right of the cataUqaft, four of them occupying General ghendan'si pew. They wof e whiW BBoheW, were headed by Senators GrayjandV Hamptoii and among them wecaisxConfederate iGeQarsWisfeDb Wheeler, of Alahama, and ."one armed General Charles Hooker, of Mii si BBipi. W AhouV I tl President and Mrs, Cleveland and Secretaries Faircdfed Y2BBieoine in and took: seaUjn, te front :p4w on the isigh't'of the ,fentffe'. aiale and. just,, ijrfta? of the chain which had - tteen1 proriddd for-thm'4nd which Temained unoc cupied during the Ceremonies?1"! i ;of Weoe'kaVii 'sloWl-lbwjas, : s, Pnlaftln. HAAret&rv avard aid Post- a- u ' jt--i-i T'Ill: ZTL rii-.n.jLl tionS G.GLb. " , I J ' J ' r-w-T , I J I.IIH 1 1 1 1 1 M i i -. Ill PI TlHKimV TT1 1 1 1. RfT I . rGenerli' Dlckiasoh- followed j:.,,. ..m-AaJi ku t,rt 1 bales. OI IUO lUNtU, MlUltfUt UD 1140 KTUUpBl and. orer strains i not of white handkerchiefs, 10 cents !!i mhM lariroat and best cake cake of toilet t. ;1 aoupaa world nts a! ssjke. , 1 1 M) woven corsets 50 centa, worth 75. paw line of lacaa and trimmings. ' ' "? iSDWARD FASNAOII, BAtsroTii ir. ' SOLITAIRE and lllSTEli M.(I05D ' t ' Sold Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watche Uerham'a Sterling Bil verware,Bogers plated Silverware, any size and - : weight of plain 18 karat En- ', gMtement rings cons tan t- ly in stock. Hodges : J- ' i and Medals mods j :. i to order. i t masti and ere seated fin the vicinity. About: "five 'inmates'; after; Xh Preei dentin parij ha 1 Seen ; seated . Hit. it 4 - S "S J. fnerwan mvea -ana . was. escoriea f whwi-i airte anU 'wiA th av. to herTseat at the left of and rear thef ftnlm6nt tf an 'artfllei-v " saluto. caskief She was dfeply eil9dand tue MDioii!made its slaw Wav to dan. Tbey were oprapanjoa Pytalt, the' JcW Jn mdwing-rrfbes General and mrs. uucEer aaa son, wad tb procession from the car- Miss packer, apnn , aneria, tne i ria'eB fo.Vx- grave. Bishop elect General a brotner ,and ...wifeis hh P. Foley, of Detroit, (brolhe'rol weanwaue, lire a.p uu.avwj-a. Bishop, Thomas Foley, of Chicago, many f-Uipm auireaj m iuii court I who Qrrie GflfU Sheridan) 'was ,the dress, had,been seated te the ettreme f ofltm'atJn nriasf ' His' -assistant, the aitAlntAn anil fttA (tS1VIA1 AriAia Oll-STJITSID. A S01T FOB DAKAQBB AT BHSLBT- gHct&I to Um Mews ADd Ukserver. Shet-bt. N. C Auir. 1L The case f H. T. Jndson. Jr., vs. the Charles ton. Cincinnati A Chicago Kailroad Gotnpanv for ten thousand dollars dam- w. . . m m V "I : ages for the loss of a xooc wnue coup ling cars at Utacas, o. iu A.prti, 1887. waa nonsuited in Court today, Jbdge Montgomery holding that . the nriilnRAA wu not sumcient xor a re- . i i every. An appeal waa aa.au. Valise t Wabatar. Soeelsil to the News and Observer. Uti.IABOBO. IS. AU1T. 11. iU AiirvWd todav at Webster was the larc-eat ever assembled at a political sneaking, even when candidates for wovernor were presem. uugo wnu spoke, for two hours. His speech was the best ever made in Jackson- Col.. Davidson and Mai. xTingex rin ado &K1a anAARhea. JChe Democrats oi Jackson are, iu- --a " - - .a , ' - ' biiant and win give , a isrgeiy :io- crkaaad maioritv. as many votes were maole by Judge r owie s speecn. a mo QnalUTown Club escorted Judge Fowls several miles on his way v Charleston wnere Jbe- speaks tompr- t Ba Stelamaat. By lelegraph to tUa Haws aad Observer Hsw . keBX, Aug. xne rouow- intf . ;i the weekly bank statement : Bperve, .decrease, $2,613,550; loanl, ineeaae,:ti,O87,5O0i specie, decrease f 1,731,300 ; legal, tenders, decrease, $35P39Q; depostts, mcrease -i,ivwi .600: ciroulatioa; .increase, f 28,300. TM banks .now . hold 2i,306,J5 in exoess of the 25 per pent rule. Total, VUlblaSapply of Cotton. Br lelenrapli to (he ISews aiulObserver. New YoRi, , August II. The total VIBLDle SUDD1V OI COUOD I OX 1.HO wvuu ia .ilL55023 bales, of which 694,223 bales are American; agaiasi bales and rj2a3U0 pales respecuvejy lastyear. Jteoipts at aii intenpr jKeceipts at pianw- tions 6jGlo. , Crop in sight 6,017,70 his hU to tms caas. TheXrovernor: gtff of the exposition build- had set a, good example . in taking, an inters' t in the . sailprs, and, when the Nw Orleans. seamen would hear that Governor Fitzhugh Lee oi Virginia, haA yinlrrtdnaad . thmr . rthanlain to a Biehinoiid.ongregatipn.they would LW the & remember: it with-feelings of J.be - Tt v deeoest graUtuue.. The Governor was m good company. He (Pr. Wither spoon) bad been introduced, in South Carolina fay the Governor, of ; that State. .Governor. Gordon, of Georgia, had .promised : to., introduce, .him ;irt Atlanta, President ; Cleveland had told him when he visited Hew Orleans Uafc.be would include , the J3etbel on the. programme, and . Mrs. Cleveland intended sending .her, portrait, to go i& the cut gallery at the Bethel. . , . i-' i-?'T . ' -'. :" Darluiali IiirlUf a l 1M rr"u. ; . ' . sThe jcitiaens pf .P.nxttam, ever aliyt to the best Interests of their town and State, SyBpirit which has made it put of the leading manufacturing cities of the Soutb,in response to .the call pubj lished in their daily papers' nje.e consider the question of tendering an invitation to the Inter-Statf Farmersf Conventionj which will be in session in this city during next' weeki to' visit them' ancf accept 'Ihir'hospitalitssi The raetiCg- was v largely attended and tha .myiUtionmosteartilj es tended, as. tJbe, lowig, correspond ence will snbw: ' ' t btJBtui, N: C.; Ahg. Iff, 1883 1 L'f,;lHMMv Fafaerf 'Tnt&- Vsar ps: vv e ifie unaerBignea nave ceremonies and in a graceful .manner introduced the diflerent , b pesters. Capt. Bann led off. He spoke, for more than an hour and sustained 1ms well earned repatatipn of being one of the most, forcible, 'fluent jtnd polished orators in the State. He paida handsome tribute to the ladies who graced the occasion with; their presence, who could not and should not go to the ballot-box, but yet: who by their sweet influence could control the vote of their husbands, brothers and sweethearts, thereby controlling the destinies of our country. Uapt. Buna discussed briefly, the issues of the campaign, and closed with a most eloquent and earnest appeal to all the white men of our country to go to the polls in November and vote to per petuate Democratic principles and the supremacy of the white ,men of the State. ....... Gapt Oct; Coke was the next speaker. Many of ub have heard this magnetic gentleman . make , grand speeches, but .his effort yesterday ana- passed if possible any speech, tha I U J I a. i. , erfurarrsignment of the publican beea acppiptd a committee on the party instate and nation.: ' & refer- Pt ppur cituens t6xtend throuA lZjJtT MVcnZ.rin. Il yoa most cordial mvitation to the Wyv Stay a avMviAD yiorpinuu moat equal to the Dougherty at St. Mr. .Richard Battle followed Capt. Coke. .He .dwelt, mainly po. State matter and la bia effective way drew a comparison between tthe.U-o parties and the record they bad. made in the State, lie was , listened to at .Jltrooll. ews and 'Observer. Wiim&Tos.1 JJ. H, Aug. it '.' Eighteen months ago building and improvements. were on a boom, but now : they have aetded down to mahia, and Ihe disease, is . spreading rapidly. . The . owners of , Carolina Beach hays determined to , greatly improve ,their property and shorten aeit; route. .. The present railroad prack, which coanecta the river and ocean, ,'wiil. be, . taken up and a new track laid. ; to, deep : water two milea north ..of. Harper's pier ;,, by. this change ;the time required between Wilmington and the Beaeh will be leaaenei bjt,about, thirty minutes each w'ajt- . The . company will also erect, thi4 fall and winter, seventy-nve cot tages which will give,them three hun dred rooms.. . The present "hotel will be converted into a dining-room and pfhee, ancl ail the cottages will be cpnhected by electric wires with the office. The - n umber ,of bath rooms will be greatly increafied, and . many UttlB;, improvements.: will -be made whieh f wiU? add to , .the , comfort and pleasure of patrons. . i t i.ns iiea-COSBlJiaurosd has granted a-lrancbise pf , ten yearn' duration to Mr. jS. yanAmr.'nge, whereby he is to construct and opeiate a tram railway roni thpuimQcklB.Acrjpss .the chan nel to ihe ocean. According to the terms 'of th'e contract; the road must be' completed 'byAprfl I, T889. It is boy who was unharnessing the horse ' was badly stunned but it is thought he will recover. A dead tree on Mr. Win. Lar kins' place on the west aids of the river was set on fire and a ves sel lying at the southern end of tbw city were also struck. It is stated thai the one stroke did all this damage. . A. necbanio in, this city baa invented .port We ' band-pewer peanut thresher and stemmer. It does not break or crack the peas and will, fill a long-felt want Fishing at the Hammocks baa not been quite so good for the past two or three days beeaaes- of ths xmrneose quantity of fresh water la the aoonds but is very fine at the Banks, and the wrecks of the blockade rwobsrs Beau regard, Hebe, Team abd Lynx, whieh wen stranded on .Carolina Beaob. near Fort Fisher, daring tb war.. JTishing parties load their boats, pat Into kh pre, unload and stand off again Oapi, Matrnrng'a hoiss. Adaa- tie YiSw. at ighttvlftetaatiffAlMiU pleasant reputation. His immense dance pavilion Ss a scene of pleasure; the dance is indalged iu'-kt all hours of the day bat stops at a ieasonable uuur ai mgnv Tne island Beach Hotel continues to attract patrons and daily grows in popularity. The grounds around the hotel have been leveled and the debris is being hauled off very rapidly. The electric, gas and sewerage sys tems have been completed and noth ing now remains but to beautify the groundb. Mr. tJeorw Cbadbourn, president of the First National Bank, gave a private dining at the Island Beach in the private dining parlors Thursday night to about twenty-five of his most intimate friends. It was a most recherche affair. Merchants report a Igood trade in all branohes and are laying plans for a largely increased trade this fall and winter. We have two exclusively wholesale crockery houses which im port their stocks direct, but strange to say we have no retail crockery es tablishment. This is a 'great incon venience to our citizens, and I think Wilmington a good point for an en ergetic man with capital and experi ence in this branch of trade. - .f Sikbah. it tfTlwjJ-. W across the tie.rn.lo87 o Daniel nAeSJ? .Louis , ",! VeM. HZtle ; followed hK ' MfaiAmrie ha? not decided r- i-ait .r.!'w nr, , !WeigU.pn.Xo8day,: Augtfet 21st, to t,.-'-;n -U. .Ieigli.pn.ueBday,. August 21stj, to visih pux.,enverpripiuj wwu.. riuruaoi will be glad to. see ypuj obe'and 'aUl afej.we pr'omiei jpu a ro'y'4 welcome. Please be kind' enough to intimate ? was, w w Vopr iufitaiiee of-tfiSa ihvitsUbh a'njd 1 -W 1 tenbvely and j madesa most -excellent ODr Tiimad lacge.jneldsiaad so, far this poeotu ... i -l0Ptfe? ,!. "vajo,i-2a n UU I Jsonjksjra8UDnliedto the home Winen , jir. cattle nad con dinner waa announced. Down grove ; nearly a quarter, of a miiAOi table was almost groaning under the weight of barbecue and bread. There was barbecued pig,, barbecued ehoat, barbecued hog, barbecued lamlv bar J becasd sheep and barbecued mutton,' enough for the whole , two thousand whose appetites had already been sharpened by the fragrance that come from the carving. , tables. Aftec dm- ciodad Lr:"::" ! VJ Tf Iff XO, UESBT A.. XtKAMS, J. WaitfksB, E: O. HACKlrit.' ; i A It Gsstiaiiii: ', Tcjhr f ,, A arlh Vletlm Vlra. . By TBleHAl IP ths ews aud, Observer. . Cbatahoooa, Tenn,, Augus 11 The remains of William Hreig, book keeper for Deitzen Bros , were recov ered today from the xuinB of the building which was destroyed in Thursday's fire. This Is the fourth bod found. It is believed one more is buried .there. lf-ft of the main aisle and immediately in reai pf Mrs. Sheridan, , -The rear of the church was occupied by a large numDcr orxnempprs aj , yoogrs.anu officers of ; the army f and navy and public i Officials. . The; wide gitlleries and all available Beat 9 in the bhurch a score in.au, rext came tue pall-bearers General Sherman. Seo retary Edicctt,, S'peak'r Carlisle yand Secretary . Wliithey,. walking ' at 'the heavily upon, the arm of CoL Sheridan nuna tliA errinf-atrifiken wife. . The President and Mrs. Cleveland and- tha , Itepresentatives, of both -Vi . , . . r., . .;, aum w . .vpptotinvivoB vi uuiu were occupied before jUieburiki .ser- jio toOovei the mournera. Eight , ? Spirit of tha tale Prasa. Chairman, Whitaker, in a letter . re centlv brinted. savs that campaign clubs are of great service to tne oiam Executive committee and can be made more, bo if under the unmediate.ourso-1 tion but he was opposed to dragging tioaand control of the 'chairman of the question into polities, and while ihe committee, but, be.says, if these ( he knew that many cood men, were elubftBhould form a separate and in-1 in the Third party with honest pur, dependent Otate organization wuu iws poses yet tney were in. ms opinion Awn nraiilpht. Recretarv and treasu-1 makini? a creat mistake and he hoped rer, .tney wouia merepy oe ihau. oeiore tne campaign was . over . wiey away from the immediate; control and Would see and realize their error and ii ft .T ,. .ri ItAiHOB. N, C AiuslO,. 188& ! Messrs Carr, G. .TT. WatUard otter 9 r-r Committee,' .Pictham, ' .1 eflteemed fat'or, net the vast crowd reassembled and , extending tjirpugji me to to Iofer-, Mx.aBr Green, of Durham,, waa in, .State . Jtoritopu , .iocUtion, . tnH. trodaeed., Mr Greenmay be styled fleets in This city,pn .th6 2l8t insV,,a the silver : tongu,ed orator of onr f?. Jf', W", neighboring oUy,7.. Ha made a most . pmmg jwn, .has, JM iwcdT?. . T v . . . T VM 4 a aaitrA trArl 4hdv it arf II fVA exoeUent speecb and was irequefluy i . y Jw " " fj" applauded. i . : IttS Hut without any disparagement oi Y"M T.' -ir" p, ftiiv qi tD fiDdecHefi ux&i were maoo, u fvrr-w jyu4 - ar - 1 1 - i r . T the next speaker Mr, B- Brough- ion was entitled to the laureis- We ail know Mr. Broughtoa and we know that ho is a man of. great power but we didn't before know that fee was a regular Wm. L. Scott or Matt : W. Hansom. His speech sparkled with gems of beautiful thought and sound Democracy. . He took up the. Third party movement and in his earnest and . forcible way showed that it pulled off from the real question of tern perinea and : prohibition and in his opinion would do the causa great harm in ISorth Carolina, .lie bad al ways bean a prohibitionist from prin ciple and He yteidea to no xnaa m thorough convictions oa that ques- aenniteiy yei 'wnetner ne wui use ' steam 6r0rtre power1, lut it is thought rotre oi xne iscest improved uammy eaginea wila furnish the motive power- -4.,- The ymeyacds. m this vicinity have , . , -li. i i.j ii maus iacge.yieiasaau so tar uus sea-sosVphays- -supplied to the home and NMihsrn markets f&kOOO. : pounds of the hhepceet;: grapes. .Capt. tS- .W. oWres, vine n moat ; sneoessiui grape grower around -Wilmington, tells me thet, grapes, have, ripened uniformly and that) none but the choicest grapes are fent to market'-, Ids per feet bunches are-taken, to ,th, wine: pr esses, which are owned by Capt. Nobles, but under the .management, i of ;. Prof..; Cook, a wine-maker' of. some note, whp has heen angaged tosuperintend the busi ness. I fit .-, ,i. , , ! The Piedmont: Conference. of the Second Advent -churches of the State, has) been in session, in this city since Thursday and, will, adjourn Monday. , - jlius yicmuy was . yisitea. Afiursaay by heavy rains,, which seem, to have been Very general along the lines of fchA. railrnada . utnUnniT hAra.. II ia pus hospitality, yand'I feel assured Jthaiirst rain which hae fallen in the tbab the members :wut most cneenoi-1 neighborhood of Jldiwit U re, on the Jv and readily' accept it. . , w. A Wi Railroad, :fo seven weeks ; -Thsjiking you, ahd.thr6ugh you the ;, ;Thetj mvitaUoaieommittee of the Sood pepble whom ybu represent, f or, , fiifemen.'s Toamament report the lis renewed and timely manifestation, names jpf ten Mwmpanies whioh have of that pubUo spirit 1 which has so ,Reeeptdtbe inyitationa sent them. prominently characterized your town, , , 'fksteew coal-burners for the A. C from its bitthj and for the bpportUni-1 l. f ron, the Baldwin Locomotive iOnr Optical Uciartmen Embraces an endless variety of lenses i wVlCh together with our practicl epe v BbeS US-W ovr almrartauT ""wtof of refnietjon rB-Myepi tuearrtght), '; Hypnnetropia far siftil)i' Presbyopia ' (old sight!- AfltnewoTna iweaa. pignt) anu civirig promi relief frooar that distresa ; iaa, keadache whtehften accompanies imperfect Vlslen. 1 ? OUTit ARTIFICIAL ; Htiman Eyes Ss SSVUl worn iuwiiou. took like the natural orgaa id oldAau at a:hstrDe havtn a Drskeaj u a can havs'another mad vithoaU ealV vice began, Large wxestha, , rossea and baskets of beautiful noweyrs tne gift of jthe Grand Aray, -LoyaJ'Lo gion and other ' orgwizatipna ' and friendsi nlled tne open spaoee in iront Of the Aide altars. At;jUBt 10 o'clock, 22 acolytes entered from too sacristy, and filing right and left, took seats bestde.j the oatafulqu. They ' were followed by eight DomiiicanJ wear1- ing black and white habite acd ; ten surplicd priests, chanting the Mise rere." 1 . At the connclosi.Qn'' of this service, Fathers, Byaa n Ker yev apd ). Mackin, the ' ..'deacon, sub-deqeon and the celebrant of the ms, " enterel 6ie; sanctuary1: They were followed py the flight Itev. Joiui I. Foley, Bwhop-elfcct ot Dbtroitj and two priests. Oat-dinal Gibkous was the last io enter He wore a red cassock, white surplice and purple cape, witl a ,long :gold. chain supporting the cos 'pppH his breast and the red "borfetta" upon his bead, Kneeling at the liltar h- $ered prayer, flaking his seatson 5- ' t ie the celeuration oi thnssk m niaaBVatbdfe Iias;vdnawith tue retjoesv , . or i uj-js- .oneriuan ''Schmift's Mass", one ofttAsirojdest in musical eomponitidp, iWas sung by thej choir with 5. 6gan;5 Soi companinient . At tfc JOffertoiy the "O Christus Salvator Kundf.' waa aung. he ceremony occupied forty , minutesi , When it vas c)ijcludei Ca? dhaal Gibboni mceitddllothe pulpit afid begfen the Sermon, i At 11 0 clock the Cardinal descended Jrom the pul- sergeahts oar'(itairy 1 9$.,.lfie'd the caaet flrom the caisson and. bore it with slpw, eiref ol steps down . Jft j the month of . the opfin, grave,; placing it there ,upoa(rods ready tp jbe, lowered to its isUngi placjBft wen the ground should have been consecrated by the priests. After a, moment-0 rever ential ailen4be cleai ypjLce.pithe Bishop was heard uiteringe words of bhe8singj''D&uajUus miseia tione",&o.. .With jBjpfig" plucked from a neighboring braneb holy water was iSprint oyer, th'.grayed the casket wai lowered by. the se Ma. ti.o. Fomilif ViuriaT Hfirvioa. b ' tjio reUieuat.urea, oftjie P)?bv .The prieai. sfood aside and re mained, in, a grdup riear the, head of the grave eyery ha was hush ed, wlyl then widow csmia, atep for ward and for one brief moment look ed upon the jcateT .wicli held her beloved deadJ As she turned away thp, other rnqut-ner s in a; body paid their; tribute f toveAndl respec and then,, at asigflath.' aifipery 'fired a salu pf aeventeeu akqfi., The Loyal Legion, and .. . ,thj , Lfcgion of Honor vedjiip an4,roQkad in upon (the. still; unpovexed , caaket n then fdsapi.ihe.grfatjhplJlRW square now coriiuined. hut; PDe figure, that pf A sajwj4 osjvairj f ao, ooi at ease ilacms ,(pastwri, 01a . UJldsr his ve. There arm, at , the iuu4M .flie grave '1 r 1 r - 1 . ii . tsn Lww a -JWWBA4 opmiaaiiaai.'ine leu, echoed' and; passed on down the line of infantry, a rattle of steel, direction of the chair mail of the State oominittee, this valuable machinery whieh he has created taken but of his hands, and there would be, two polit ical ;organizationf , as it were, with two heals, thus incurring the danger of t wo;ad different plans of party wprk, the one conrnfir in contact wuu ww other, and should they work together, it Would necessitate too mucn red taDe' for Drompt and effective work. Mr, Whitakerts right. Two heads in this inetahde" Wuld be worse than - .1 It W,,T m far lullnr fhftt. uue auu 1 nvuiu - - ; the local clubs Bhpuld remam directly Bubdrdmate to the State committee There hall ''already' been a misunder. lartditii?' between the' leaders of the uiovement iot ine rurinatiou oi imo clubs of the State into one organiza- tion and there is plenty Wroorn lor more. It wowr, m our opinion, oe far better' that there shoujd be, no sncrj brgahlzatibfl" 'We'ckn see noth- ine ;to oe gaineu dt 11. uiuub buu hats and banners are excellent things and do good work, but after all the work to be done by them is of a local character and cannot be made other wise by a State organisation. s Let them, then, be organized everywhere and york for the Dmocrttfc party tt their own localities, bni let them be auxiliary to the State committee which is rbe rwognixed agency of the partt' to carry' on the campaign in the State. "'Let eac wk with ihi' other la their' rrvffBpheresi ' tKaf 1 thbrwffl be no ed tape'sia jtos bly, tniBunderstandings and eeupus. ies 'Weldon News. i I return to the 'grand old Xemocr.atic' party He discussed the , tariff and other issues in a most eloquent and. effective manner and closed amid the shouts and applause pf everybody on the grounds. -1 i Mr. A. D. Jones, our candidate for Senator from Wake, and Messrs. Green and BeddoagnekL of the egis lativa tiAketqBpade.,, speeches and good ones, too. ' 1 Altogether, ' the ' meeting wan, as previously Stated, a brilliant suocesB. Capt.M."W .'J Page;? our candidate for sheriff, was dn the ground, shak ing hahd with ' hie' friends, and it seemed that ever petsorr there was, ma jtieud. ";y5 : ' ''if aji t aa " ' i. nioh services' at the First Presby terian church tnis evening. Ksv Dr. Witherspoon, of1 the Seamea's' Bethel of New Orleans, will present) the cause of the f3etrmiru ' and Rev. Mr. Gibbs of the Ldenton street M. . Church will make an ad'tresa-' Others have also been invited to make ad dresses. The occasion will without doubt be a very interesting one in deed. ' I ' - . 1 tv thus kindly afforded our distin- guised visilof rtd wTthess the aohieve: meits of real liorth Carolina pluck, . push and energy, 1 I ' am; gentleman, with sentiments Of very high regard . vl, a 3p.ur obedient servant,,, ... " , . , , . L. L. Pout, ! " ;"; ' Presideht,'&c.. , 'Ji aiat " " ' Th,e druggists at their, convention in Goldshoro elected Mr. T. D. Craw-' fpfd, of Oiror'd,' Presideiitr Dr. J. Groom,' Of Maatoo,; First Vice-PreBi-deati : Mr.1 . Biohardsop, io! Selma Seeond . Vice-JVesidenti , ,Mx-. H- G Shannon, of, . .Goldsborp!, Third Vice' President; Mr.sE. ,V. Zoeller, of Tar boro, iSecrUry: Mr A. S- Lee, of Raleigh,; .Treasurer, ,and ,Mr.P. VP- .Vaughan,; of .Durham, Local Secre- OOQO -'I W lUtuni a HKWliWMiuuaiw.' .1 , Works. bve arrived, : Coal chutes will be built at,, Wilxoingtoa, : Golds borft and Weldon ou the W. & W. road and at Florence Charleston and Golumbis south' of ihere,, , ." j The oongregtiou of th.n 5th Street Methodist church have purchased a large lot next to their present edifice arid will erect a new, church, j Quite1 a lar sre-lot of 1 stone and. briek has been placed on the ground and build inar will soon commence-' - It is stated the plans-are very handsome. , ; The nty authorities have put 1 quarantine agaist persons from Jack. sen ville and, will also -qua-antine the Jacksonville, sleeper. : Docteetives wi be ttatlonjud at Navassa and oth- r poiotls.aa the W. t. & A. 11. a. to f&iret biitH passmigers , from infected plaaeb iv The Atlantis Coast Line will day in May, 2889, Maaanfd A' regular meeting1 ol ,W.-' in Hill Lodge No, ai8vwill.be held tomorrow evening at g 0 dock, , rire.tnren are requested to attend promptly. Merh-i bers of other lodges 'are invited te- te present.' -t" - ; '" 1 -f -, mm 1 1 . .' r-r; , i',' ., , Lij explanation,., wo .wpnld say '. ta those who have oon riouted to tha :il Foil ' "Ftxvl Ftjti-yeTV choice old French BranyOogtiae,) speeially foInteaiDihal, Use , Old d'ort (Wm. and John Graham):! 'Fine Sherrit TMMWdjcHkZ'l&i 0 aX Positiyev no liqucTB"sold W arank' on .the, tremisesi''-'. .8! dJfi'i",,rE?JHABDiK. Cof?. W MiAsdflleMtoft thef jcity yesterday for More head. Col. Dockery and Mr- T. P. Deve- renx passed through the city Thurs dav nkrbt. : They- were met : at. 1 the Central depot by about five hundred: negreesi '! . . Dookery . 1 aad . : De vereuf iwerei entertainadi f or an 1 hour or ( two ia. Jude IWeasU's eOLce. 1 . -m.i i TiieAVimusgtpn olothiag manufac tor? ia -ltlM) latest i enterprise estab- WO WpUlA $av to U5Q9aiWr.,fUl o..UHi4,uiuia))ru con ributed to thai ptiijiWi,JU-fmiuii manager, M, Hollywood fund, that , Cfolr Andmsoo 1 GrteaMigJ Sttrierintexldsnt audi W. is absent from the city 'andif 'any. Msrritti iuremaa. ;! At f8SntVnly contributions areomitted in ouVpub-. ene-ibaSpiHid hand we (employed but lished iistt', 4t is) in teonsequenee of the before fall JrouaiSfXi td feflO handa will fact that Cd. Andei s We mail is not be rghkfly..euiployel,and iWtikuthis dpeiied and 'the. contributions are: end mJvjjBw.adarBe.UOauier pl- WOmen therefore not reported tQ us,, Thy are ibeing s trained. ). for i 4he work." will be published in full, however, Thirty fillaTgSMmacninfli, aModhow wLen Col. Anderson rerlriw-" 1 uc in usd;ske-:protidiriy Jqu- m Jtt'-'j 6J-g j .cfl(jhorsc-pow Gtis.aaijw.i,,Theiqaar. ' There will be a rhesiiag vat! ithe I. ters-. occupied by, lha .aotory.,jOon-. roous of the oung Jlaivs. Qfifiium. sufc of tlireaiilloers llOxBdfeet and are Association ; ttu eyewn at to 1 auppiHn ,uug,vD,w.Dto o'clock suDj act the 4Setret 6f-nanb4'and DtbJr leonvewencawu Tbei factory Strength " f Cdr.' 1G? WBpWti KkH-is nerwiiluwineijodti three;, hundred II Tim.' 11 JV.' ' ' ' ' ' " 10 SIJW'W ' -HV1 nSMi OIJ)ISWH n-pu,aBW,MA Partliar 0,maraaUaa A(alaat Florlaa. By Telecrapb to the News sod Observer. Chattanooga, Tkss.. August 11. Chattanooga today established quar antine against Jacksonville and all J-ellow fever infected points. A car oad of Jacksonville refugees, who Were en route to Chattanooga, were met at the depot by the Mayor and Board of Health and not permitted to remain over, They wentorth. Tha Kanlly Pfcyalelaa. Old Dr. Birirer, in the' shape of his Huckleberry cordial ha been the family physioian of many a home all over this country, where he hae cured so many of bowel troukles and cbudrtn teething. . Ik, JoUkt OlMBMtaa. , : "fTher will be a joint 'discussion of iv. : i .1 ii.. j J.. - v.t.- Hon. Daniel G. FoWle and Hon. Oliver Hi; Dockery, Democratic and Bepub libah candidates for ; Governor, at the following times and places : ' , ; Monroe, Monday, Aug. iff. " !Wad6flboro, Tuesday, Aug. 28. ' j Albemarle, WednesJay, Aug. 20. Troy. Thursday, Aug. 80. Asheboro, Friday, Aug. 31. Siler,' Chatham county, Saturday, Jpt.1. , Grahafq, Monday, Sept 3 HlllBboro, Tuesday, Sept. 4. Roxboro, Wednesdsy, Sept 0 Tanceyville, Thursday, Sept 6. Reidsville, Priday, Sept 7. Walnut Cove,' Stokes Co. ' itondayy Sept 10. - ' , Mt. Airy, Tuesday, Sept 11. i!EU3n, Wednesday, Sept' 12. ' s " Tadkinville, Thursday, Bept i Winston, Friday, Sept 14. " : 0 i Lexington, Saturday, Sept 15. -Mockflville, Monday, Seft 17. I .Hickory, Tuesday; Sept-18. . Lenoir,' Wednesday, Sept 19- Morgan ton, Thursday, Sept 20. i Marion, Friday, Sept 21: ' Mootes ville, Iredell Co., Saturday. Sept. 82: 1 " onnx VVaiTAXA, t ' Ch'm'n. Dem. State Ex. Com. Laos Bt-xa, &o Ehret's export beer, $1.25 per doz. Special prices Jty the cask- Also Schliti Milwaukee and Budweiser. .. All nrst-ciass bxands and thoroughly recommended tor the use of invalids or for family trade.: Positively none sold to be drank on the premises. Most complexion powders have a vul gar glare, but Poizoni's is a true beau tine, whose effect are lasting. - LaKiforma states that the dif ferences between Italy and Zanzibar in reference to the cession of certain lands by. the. Sultan of the latter have, been fettled to ihe satisfaction OI DOtn countries. Aiary naa uutamou a vast tract of territory.- ULU W0r PURE 1 Si?-. I I TBSBi 1 ail SBSs kMaaaBaaaaaaaaa-Mawa - 1 I lUi1PisVtK7 IlllaalrUVSl - . J Let all yonag- men -some vin n tban -mefitinffB-1 - Prompter1 '(to tov Tell fr.Haa I hat his cue ' will be- 'gtvBn -totio. fpn the death see; Lake jea.y?.'iiHoy--r,l -xee, Bir.iamiMwaurBrn. a watermelon I N. Y. Sun. ,.11 ' '-it .. IV , out and xiousai i Hi '.! iiu; ii ;; :i; .) Zhelighuwgnwaja .very, , urrtio-ia J its freaks hereabouts on Tounsday. .AfclB.SxeJl:a,fArtJwest.a, tbai aibys mufte and ahoa were killed. k13ier ie anti bogwepeui the baxK- avxl diSctha;iuiBO wsdlxtitne JKbie some twenty yards distant; itibls Its superior excellence proven in mil lions of homes for more than a evarter noWaeanavrra It is ased by the United BUteS ) OOVajTUmesia. ADnonaB. mm heads of the Great Universltiea the tbe Strpngaat, Purest and most VHealth 1 to TT Price's Cream Baklns; Powder dow ootoatuaiji : Ammonia, Ttsas SW AUba!. )f8M a-Jy 1st CsMg-r vrtoaa. omdafiio. krioro