7 ------- v , i, n i I, . m . i i mm ei VOL. XXVI. RALEIGH. .iC, SUNDAY MORNING," AUGUST 19, 1888. NO. 45. 4U ..Jf...l.-...-f . '.. , S J t - .- 4 , -i-jiii-.f l-.---.-l -(' i . : J.' -- 'Tut1 ;:';Iew AND OB 5 ! Absolutely Pure. rhiq powder never Varies. A mui1 f parity, strength and wholesemenew IXore eeonoinloaX'Vhan. ordinary kinds rannot be sold in competition with the uuttitnda of tow teat. 'Short weight, alum far phoaphata ptmdera, sold only in iu. j BOTiLiuiiiia rowi w, iw Wall Btreet. New York. Hold bT W. Oj A. B. Btronaot, and J B Ferrail ft On. ' j ; Ye.- The Democratic County Convention tarday, J Special t Uie Nei a i.l Observer ! GittENHj:iBO, . .C V Aug. T Tjio largest Democratic convention that ever assembled in Guilford county met here today at 12 o'clock rn aid nominated the following strong ticket: For the Senate D. f. Caldwell; (t,r the House,' Dr. J. A. McLean and R. A. Kennett; register of deeds, W. . Sapp; treasurer.lA. G. Kirknian; cor oner, Dr. R. V. ,Tate; surveyor, J. . Gambol. The Convention was pte sided over by -Prof. II. H- Ilolt, uf Oak Ridge, and wap,: without doubt, the largest a'mj roOBt enthusiastic) assemblage cf t6nidcrats ever Biin here, The litkfct ia a strong o$e, indeed, and foreshadows a gloiicfus victory in November. . hie Niitn.ifY ioskehknck. i CONGRESS. PROCEEDINGS YESTERDAY IN THE HOUSE. 'UIE SENATE BILt TO FRKVEKT TdE I OM INo OF CU1N8SK LABORERS INTO THE C.MTM) STATES OTHSR SEWS. W0011U0T1 & .SOU, U East Martin Street. A II THE Ari'OIKTMESTJ or PiLlli.VTES TO .'All Yi llENKRAli COMKliESCE Bpcolnl to tlie News aiid Observer. Snu-iiv, N. O j Aug. 18. Tho con ference adjourned today, lioutjuo business only wjis trftnsacted. Thir; j one hundred dcjllard wts raised 1 ir the mission iu Qregoh. J. s. Mai tic, D. Matt Thomtlsoh, L. J. HowellL. L Smith werej chosen delegates : to the General Qonfejrence;. J. W . I A. Paine and K. jl3. Jlillcr alternates, Bishop Duncan aad lrei?ident Crpw ell preached yesterday and will preach tomoirow. The Jiext conference meta at Gastonia. ! : ; BtJJS ( 0 .11 II t. Thr Tmorrtlr ton my CanvrutlnM. ' Specliil to UitfKews.incJ Observer. ', Asusville, Sit Oi Aug. 1H. the Democratic Convention today nomi nated for the House, M. E. Certerina J. S T. Bairdj for sheriff, D. L. liy. nolds; register 0f deeds, J. J. Macey; coroner, W. D. Milliard; surveyor? R. H. Starnes. Tjhe proceedings weje characterized bjt harmony and eutihu eiasm. j ; OL. WA UDELL. AT SllcISBlRV,' , Ky Telecniprj to tlje NewsauJ Observer. WasjusgtOj;, Aug. 18- Hot .si. The House ir considering the Se. ale bill to prevent the coming of Chinese laborers into the United States. A general discussion of the subject of Chinese immigration occupied about four hours and digressed to various collateral issues. - Tending further debate t ie Houee ak r o'clock adjourned. TKtlOW FKVKIl. NO DKATHH IN JACKSONVILLE TlirUSl'AV. Uy TelcKraph to the Wews anil otiservi r. Washington, D. C, August 18. Surgeon General Hamilton has re ceived a dispatch from Jacksonville showing four new cases of fever and no deaths during the twenty-four hours ending last evening. Surgeon Ilultou, now stationed at Mobile, has I ecu ordered to Waycross, Ga , re lieving Passed Assistant Su-gecn Urqubart. NOT a new CASE. Jacksonville, " Fla., August 18. Not a new case of fever has been re ported todaj. There i was one death last night at the Sand Hills Frank Donovan, a boarder from the Grand Union Hotel The day is lino and the outlook is rery encouraging. VOT-ft. OF 1'K WEI.. Morelmiii C'Ainibriduf nail lit, (oMi;ci II dt-w rihtt Minlt lit l.lvr. liV REV f I II it IT.. HAl'i- ; Wilmington .-tt.n , ; These ire;' nuiuuou.-. . handaome; atiiJ :.-' i. i i, buildings lire of y out, tli i stories hiW,!iua if n-g.. ,j the courts within coDtititiin- grass plots. : ih-sn L'-.- k , courts. t. JjLu . i . courts and Trinity tie 1. room-4 .of . tiB M .. combinaMo., : .i-. , beauty nud wa .-, thse structures lki 1h when m 'lii" i NIPPED. PRETTY PRIZE FIGHT SPOiLEl. II nl I i jsi: l eft in i ri.oNS AKUiSIED I tLlliltlTIBS RS. MiEn IS NDVtl. narPAIIONS 'THEU NEWS. 1'. i 1 HIS FPEECIi A DEAD LtVEL oTKETt'U OF OOQD BLJiSE. ' . i. i"s Special to Uie News pind Observer. j Saljbbubt, N, lO , Aug. 18. Itofl; A- M. Waddellif poke here today oia large and in eyei-yiway at'entive audi ence. His speeth wis a macaificeht. dead-level atretU of eense aul trith. He made votes. ! ' Brk Jail. Special to Ui4 News 4nd Obterver. Moxcukk, N. prisoners broke night, Mack Miken and Wm. Mister, colored. One F eerB acker f.rinU t 5c, worth 7 l-2c i t - r rinted Satiue Foulard, Navy blue print, 81 incbe wide, at 7 l-2., a y ard. worth Vt l-2c 5,Dpp pairs hi fei ribbed Kosq. black and grey, at XOo f pair, worth, 15c. Our Soiv York Buyer Pittsboro lynching. 0., iAug. 18 Two jail at Pittsboro Hast of them had been transferred from Alamance jail to on icooant of threats pf -i I chapel of St John's 000; th.tt ' ff ; Jcm)' ' , .. ti i as much, whiU' lLc i . ,K college, b.1111 by ll-i i. and liuibhed by Jioi'-. ";t Ctird;nal .WLdacv m J.'.Ti i cost thrte lisiica u in..--!' .1 :x e ;, length ii i-'t-i C i . ! ej by a dompetent author. "in i i thw ti'ii'i r -;i in h . , i ; illg.S :U C'iir)(it"U 'om ' .:. " library tttdil ;:-.!.( .. , ,, -. of aichitecture. Tie h i . . ; :). Of f HJihitlJl.tif ... !,,.,:,, , large hall 'ki; which tl. . - - . .i UilfU'H r.ll 1. tl't'lJ', i ! tf and ilTellows, t-: aij'l oc'iils.3;tofetin i l'x e 13' a tJnivei Pii sistihg of ;4()0,000 voliiines. To library, .'iswell M to U.ut of tlio R.i' ish Museum in LolhIoo, h tiojy . i evuy book published in England ib sen. .Kadh ) college has a library ,1 its oat.; squib of theai runnin),' up m. hiuh as J(!d)00 volumon in" addition 1 1 Ir .r i; h to tl.e Vmj-i xni lerver. i Xtw YoiiK, Auiruflt 18 Officers jof i-tf.e tf-amboat I'rttroi rau alongside the bar' E Myers this morning and t4rretd 106 pfrrioos witnessing a ,.PZ' nrut, oetwf-M L,.i 15 anc.he. the i.i". hd ! Joh.i Yjtrley, imported I!" wi.'ht ehsmpion of England, light . 1 ad j it t ended in Varley s :,' k:; 'fk-'d out at Iho end of tjle i !t:in0, i ioh occupied eight h Crtit Jviulr. whfin inn i mi I j Th. ' t'.iid ! luitni ! bo:.- il d 'u l;ii ''f, foiiiid a number v. 'tidiii;; elfcb''it.ifn engaged in npw occpj-i' ions. For iutance, Jack DecMwy w:i acting ai btaker, Snp por (i.irrison as bartender. Jack Fal- f Rj-ookljn, u ea'eBman at he iu; i-hoouu'er auJ s on. ! I'll .. Tl II Kit V it I.K IKI Tl ; - i j- , . i c k J i J r a I v ll . l tun ci COli More llli 4(ltt lh Thudrr. ; Special to the Kejj and Observer. - i ljONTnj. Aiij i r rvtKl meuicbJ of the Irish parliamentary party iihfe announced their intention of bring ing suits Rgainst the Times. Th Ob ject is to mulct the; paper for cbsts. attkmptid hobbery j BO&BKH8 Pun haaed those gxds much betow theii ! value, and wp are setting them a BARGAINS and they will only 1hi a few days. 1)WAR1) FASNACH, JEWELER OF A UNION PACFIC. TaAIH tub CBIVX3 OFK. t 1. By Telejraph U Kewitaad Observer..? , St. Lona, Aug- 18 A spectal ;to thePoBt Dispatch from Cheyenne, W-romiTic. save: An attempt was made at two otclocli this morning 'by masked men rob the Union Pacific east-bonnd overland passenger ?train. At Dana staticm near Rawlins 1 three masked men fcovered the engineer with rerolv-r 8 and Compelled him; to throw up his banda; 1 Breikman Frank Tillmari grappled with one of Ihe robbers, tjie express messenger came to the rescue and the rubbers were pat to flight after thirty or for ty shots had been exchanged. I Fire man Nabh and Breakman Tillman were teriouslj woiinded, the foipier shot in the bib and arm and tig. lat--terin the side. One robber was dropped but tas carried off jby his comrades. Ihe sheriff of 9MDOn Co. with a pose ia in pursuit- Mtllltry Conilrcy In 6pl. By Cable to th Kwi arid Ol)server. Lob don, Aug. t8. Advice from Spain say a imilitary conspiracy has been discovered at Madrid. Aiatalry officer and several sergeants and pri vates have been Sarrested. 4- "strict watch is being kept upon suspected men in the garrisons atSaiagdssa and Leridai ' j A Jut JndflitKnt. i 'At the present term of Jbnnston Superior Coart a; negra named Bur well Battle bas been tried aind con victed Taefoie Jiidge Ayery ppon an indictment br shboting intof a train on the North Carolina Railroad, near Pine Level,i The court sentenced him to imprisemment in the peniten tiary for eight years. ThiBj is a just and wholesome judgment j and, we hope, will serve as a warning. No punishment ia too severe fori a wretch rko fires into a train filled with un suspecting' xtayeutrg. ; ; ; ThciI' Prople Kllleil by "Rc(u'Iiilrit." By Tel Krovh tut tho News ainil Observer. New Ohleanb, La., Aug. 18. Im ports from Freetown and other sour ces indicate that more thau twenty negroes were killed on Thursday by the Regulators and several others severely wounded. A special tc the Pickayuue from iShireveport 'eays: Tuesday jast a negro was hanged by a mob near? Big Cypress Bayou in Bossier Parish, for breaking into a store and stealing a sum of money. A Mi M NOT 1.0VFI.V AT HErt'llLlcAN HEAIxjUAUTEKS IN NEW. ' YOKE. N. Y. t'tfr. .Cl'iejunatl Eniuitfr. Judge Jaines Grant, of Iowa, was a visitor at the National Democratic Committee's Headquarters today. Ho spoke enthusiastically of the situation in the West, and said that the Demo crats) in California are working the Chinese question with great effect. Judge Grant said that tne people of Iowa arc for tariff reform. The internal dissensions at Repub lican headquarters have become very bitter. ; It is all caused by Blaine, hiB schemes and the ambition of his per sonal friends whom he is backing. &oureVlrg"riatiy" bothered. It seems that' Mr. Blaice has offered to speak all over the country and de mands i hat he shall be sent to the Western Sta'es. The Western mem bers of the National Committee from Iowa,; Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan say they won't have him because there is a pronounced senti ment for tariff reform in their Statep. There is iu objection, moreover, in the mindsi of many Republican Na tional Committee members to Blaine's going to Indiana They eay that if tbis is done it wui ouscure tiarrison, and that he is far f torn being a prom inent figure iu the canvass. When Mr. Blaine wa here he stafed that the. letter brought to him from Har rison by the latter'8 partner, W. H. H. Miller?, contained an invitation to him to come to Indiarja. Possibly General Harrison does not appreciate the position he would bs placed in I should Blaine accept the invitation But nis friends here do, ana come wnat maj they arc detoi mined to pre vent Blaine from going to that Stale this, fall; The situatiou ia getting worso and worse ; every day, and the breaches in the Republican ranks have apparently become so wide that they cannot be bridged. to !Uesei there volumes in the jlufceurn,j an ; inst it founder. Who is a librury of '.I,Mm) splendid Fit :'.,vi!liat:i ution .namo.1 after 850,000 for On gave efctablisbUifnt- A library also i U:uon, wHieh is a s-uberb Club Ho 'he use. Brother that did most of the woik : ; Well, Brethren, it matters but very : little whether men cave us anr credit i for our labors. When the Master J A TRlO, 6f FEMALE SAND BUG- comas to "mase up nis lewels we I LATEST. i (hen- are over 1 000, accf ssib'o lo the vio- Bin! alt-ogethi r OuO of volunitH tetjHC.rs and studeiits. In mentionir the public; buildings I must tiot fo gf-t the Pftt Press or tho Ujfversi Printing (flice, and the Socate Hout which cost 100,000. s'rvLE C' unifo or tue HTntsr3 Instead iof two students ocriur-'s ir: a ro m, as-ia thri-i rooms1 America ach to himself a icau In room t sleep ip, another larger and Lan i soiuoly futfuiislied to etudy and c-at -u as well aft to entortaiu cornpa'jy in, and a third smaller one called tun "Gjp room," which coutains erockory enough 16r a small family, toLit cooking utensils, his wine box r.td coul box, qtoi Hi9 dincer he takes iu it ri .11 ! Ji p ir i mo nan at p:.ju p. ci., or at. i:l. p. m.. and fajs two shi'Iicga ( 0 cental for it, wlailo his breakfast aud luni-h and tea, if'hs wishes it- are tikeu iu hii room. ; His servant is calif d Li-, I "Gjp,o or.' Vulture" The Gyp aud hi. wife atUnd to his looms, i;tt Lis i tel? fri" FJ 4" iort; -t hl xsii:: y j has a coat of armt-, end so has tuct: ! college, and the studeiua of tiich co.- , lege wear-a thflerent gown, tcougU ali wear the tame k.ud ol fan crown td ;ape. 5 The graduate is -distinguish i ed from e under graiWate Viy v?ar- : icg ribbons on his gown. When they goto Chapel they wear a white gQwn called a eurplioe, 1 be lieve. Each student is required o attend prayers five times each week, though prayers are road four! em times a week- No names ar cnlled in tho Chapel, but an ctTicer a'tanda nt the dooi' and slicks a pin at !ho ijati!---of pvery; student as he eutis, tliou-;!: they dca't call them students here, but ''men;" and they are no! snid to study, -biit to' "read." DOW 'UKUUEES lilt HUM EUjlEU ftALXIGH, X. 0. OLITAIHK andXLlSTER BIAIOSDV aold Jeweb-y, Clold and Silver Watchc ' Oorhauv 'b Sterling 8ilverware,Eoger plated silverware, any size and weight of plain IS" karat En gagement rings constant- -ly io stock. Badges and MedaU made !io order. Our Optieal Department Embraces an endless variety cf lenses tnrther with our practice! expe- Jence enables us to coirect almo-tanyi .rrnr nf refraction in Myopia neargight j, BypermetropU (far sight), Prwbyopm 'oldaisht). Asthenopi (weak ngkt) an.. iiin nrombt relief from that distre- Uft jeadach-which often accompanies imperroct vmitb i OUR ARTIFICIAL - - CfK Human Eyes , ... nd kwk like the natural organ , tmLu wheninsersea r " ofTnta at a diatance having a broken - T h aaothw aod withea Mi Mllllarjr HclllOni ScrTlcrr. The chailain of the Governor s Guard, Rey. L. , Nash, wHl conduct pecial milttaty jeligious seryjees for ha company this afternoon at 3-30 o'clock int the; Central Methodist charch, corner 6f Person ! and Mor gan street. These monthly services to the company liave been, very inter esting and ilarg congregations have always aitwnueu iiuoui. vjuh will attendj m lull areas umiorm ana be under strict military difecipline.and occupy the front seats in the church. The pubhq jftijordially myitcu to at tend i Le services. 2 ; OrmUam Culy UtmocTtlc otutnatlM j for thf Hautr.j Wav-u'svllloCourlet. Iu pursnanca of a call cf the chair man or tne JJemocratic isxeciiiive Committed of Graham county, a" Dem ocratic mass meeting waS held in the court house, at Robbinsyille on Au gust Ctb, (Tor fii purpqse of nomi nating a candidate to represent ihe county in the next j Legislature. Messrs. R. Carver, J. G.! Tatham, O. P. Williams, jW. M. taylbr, It J. Cook And O. Randolphfwere put in nomination. Mr. Carver having re ceived 89 votes was declared nomi nated. . - u Btautlful Mrilj(r. C it. of Hie News and Observer. Ubeenville, N. C. Aug. Kith. I'kbkiss-Mpobe This evening at 0 o'clock a beautiful marriage was wit neesed in th& Baptist church of this place. Mr. j. W. Perkins, one of Greenville'B most popular and hand some young meDf was wedded to Miss Helen Moore, the lovely and accom plished daughter of the;iato Marceftus Moore, Lsq. Mrs. A. iu. juoore grace fully presided at the organ and skil fully tendered the wedding march as the couples appeared in the following order: Mr. J. W, Higgs and Mr. J C. Tyson, Mr. R. D. Cherry and Mr NV. O. Warren, Mr. S. T. Hooker and Mr: Bernard Greene, M. R. W. King and Mr. Frank Wilson. Then came the bride with Mies Lizzie Perkinsjthe beautiful sister cf the groom, who turned to the left as the eroom.accompaniedby Mr. Charley LaughinghouBe, advanced,! the right and each couple marched up therespec tive aisleB, beitog .followed by the appointed ushers, who were I r. V V. Browu, I- A Sugg, Charles bkin- ner and G. B. King. The bride and i gvoom joined in front of: thd church j altar and there, in the presence of ! loving kindred arid admiring friend?, j -were made husband and wife, ihdj ceremony was performed by tho Rev. j J. W. W'ildman in an imiresive ,i!.d'i most beautiful manner. ' ; After the marriage a reception whs j given at tho residence of the bride's j brother-in-law,. J. D. Murphy, Kq . j where nymerous friends cf tho hsp j The tfasrd Tuesday in Juuo is H gree Day1,. At 10 a. ia- all th m-u NiliO get.a .lirsl-class in tLth- inpi-s, or examiriulion pperi, receivo the 15. A. 4egree, and in the aj'tcn.oou the same- degree is eonferrd up-n those wlio get a ficcou'l iit.d ti.iid class, 'lie manner m which the de gree is conferred seems very stran to us. .'the candidute- is required to wiw, in addition to his gown, a hood visile ofiik and trtmiued with wlii-e rabbit i-kia.. The fcludenlj of K -;- Colkga totie urst, then , t L. t n rft. Johnfs, etc. Tho Vice fiiaii'.' l!.r sits ini his Eearlet n-bo", when In . caud.datfS' teko hold tf the lie lingers tf the eoUegt protec'o: , arid bv him arc led uo to the Yi o Ch.ir.- ; A l I.,- i ill lit U ! l.I.li.L, lirilKl I'OI'N i i' ' i 11. e N.-v- ;!MI OitH'-j wr. i IU riiF.Hk'oiui ('oi.i.ri.K, Aug. 18; ' Yesterday was. Kucatnpment djty. ToJijj the t,Tviees proper began with i au Kb ' hs from 'the president, Bjev. ! W P. Williams', of Davidson College, j l;s Poo'. Dixouand others are an j nouticed for Sunday, tomorrow, nd I a grt-al day is eipected. j i 'I li- l'rrlfliil'rt 4illt-r. Kl TlIElllOlll' ( OI.LEol , N. C , ! August 18th, 1S8H. V'i flC .lc;t.'7-,S flC LCa Miiti.i- j 'rr.' t 'oi fejt in; ,,' JVorti (Mro- i li HII . j ' I't.ui Bi hTiiiiEN : -Eighteen jeiarg j of our existence as a conference jare uunibcrtd with th'f pasf.and we mjeet I today in our Hhh annual sessipn. j e should be, and I trust are, jde- voutly thankful to tho Great Heajcf j tLe cuurch for tho blessings of the i ptsi ar.d fcr the bright hopes of ihe ; present find future. j j 1 am glad to meet you today, Jear i brethren, aud greet you from all pirts of cur beloved Commonwealth, 'nd j trust that we shnll, during our con ! ftreuce and .tabernacle meeting, have j ;i little foretaste of the joys that avyait i us when wo meet to part no mire. I triut tha'. you al:, not only members of tho conference, but all who. attend these meetings, realiza the fact that tbey are 'ill of tremendous jtoasiUi-(i--i. What is the grand objee. of this n uiiitude gathering he: e from daji to day 1 Is it to mee". and greet jour frierds and have "a good social tinre" only .' Nay, verily ' While that is! all right and proper, within certain linii s, I atr. persuaded, brethren, that higher lUOtivtS snil rsr.lor rljiolo no cosml Feast," and to present a glori ous harvest of sdved sinners to God as a "Thank-Offdring." j While I see some, and am glad to seo thorn, whom I have not me in conference before, I miss some; fa mil ar faces. Piomicent among them i Fatf.er England, who one yearjago was with u full 1 1' the Holy Gjiost and power from on high. j Tho "Fiery Chariot" came alihost iu sight for him during our last Con ference, and ho 3aid "if it came pear he was ready to mount it, but if I the Master had any mote work for him, ho was willing lo slay and do it. jkVell his work was not q"ite done then, but it is now, and well done, j vvc bl all miss his svisa counsels, Gospel preaching and ft-rvent prayers ddring J this and future tensions of our jcon- fereuce, but our lois is his eternal gain. - j 'His sword was in his hand, ' Still warm with recent right, j lieady thatmoiuont, at command!, . Tliroujih rock and teel to smite. V 1 41. 1., , . suaii noi oe ignored tnoD, Put H we "make full proof of our ministry "we shall receive the blessed compliment of "Well done good and faithful ser vant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." And now, Krethren, in surrender ing to you the honorable position that jou have sot kindly tendered me for the last two 3 ears, I thank you for your partiality and forbearance shown in my short comings, and trust that my mantle may fall on the shoulders of one who may carry our "Blood stained Banner" on to greater vic tory. Especially am I indebted to Dr. Branson, our financial secretary, for wise counsel and valuable sugges tions in my official duties; and were it not that he cannot be "duplicated" as financial secretary, I should move for his election as president of this body, but we shall have to help him where he is, because no other man in North Carolina can fi'l bis place. And now wiih earnest prayers for heaven's richest blessings on this Con ference and Tabernacle Meeting, and for your safe return to your loved ones nt home, I am your humble ser vant in the Lord. W. P. Williams, President. mil hi. hk uV THrarsT UtS TENDER FEELING FOB MONOPOLIES AN UNFORTUNATE REFERENCE. WaiMiiKton Special Hsltlmore Stui. Mr. Blaine may be regarded as an annex to the Democratic campaign committee sometimes suggestive himself, sometimes suggestive through others. He may well claim a share in the alliterative glory of the "rum, Romanism and rebellion" of his friend Burchard. HiB follower Boutelle's day-before-yesterday's nomination of him was due to the same magnetic in fluence unsealing the lips and touch ing the tongue to 6 ay the thing that should not have been said. But the bifurcated Blaine sometimes makes such mistakes in propria persona. This he did yesterday in his Portland speecn, wneu ne exmoited nimsen as standing, Janus-like, between tuists and workingmen, honesty anddis houesty. Senator Reagan, today, on the promised tariff bill, took for the text of a portion of his speech the re marks referred to. Senator Blair questioned the correctness of the re port of Mr Blaine as read by Mr. Iteagan and appealed to that of the New Tork Tribune: "I shall not discuss trusts this afternoon. I shall not venture to say that they are alto gether advantageous or disadvantage ous." This is the organ's report of the orator's speech. It is the posi tion in which Mr. Blaine places him- mind, and upon which Republican Senators and members have spoken in no equivocal language. Mr. Blaine's remarks require no commentary. A CLEVELAND AND FOWLE CLUB ORGANIZED AT MORAVIAN FALLS, W1LKBS COUNTY. ; August 17, 1888. Cor. of the News unci Observer. A Cleveland and Fowle club was organized at Moravian Falls last night. Fifty-six names were enrolled. J..B Leach was elected president; Elisha Partin secretary. Messrs. W. W. Barber and J. 8. CFanor addressed the club, with fine effect. The Dem ocrats of Wilkes are in earnest. GERS 1HEY ATTiMl T TO ROli A UENTLEMA IN CBlt-AOii TWO OF THKM l APTURkD OTHER NEW$. Ky TelrKratjli to the New. ii1 ot.vrver. Chk op, 111 , August 10 The latest nofelty in Chicago's : criminal record is -a trio of female sand bag gers. Etly this morning Minnie Doley, a boted pick -pocket and shop lifter, and the wife ( f an expert bur glar, accompanied by two either women, Jweli known to the police, stopped a well-dressed gentleman in front of ihe Brevooit House on .Mad ison street and attempted to rob him. Two Of the women seized him, while the third struck him Beveral times in the face! with brass knuckles. The man sho&ted for help, and an officer heard hiii and went to the rescue. At sight of the ofirter a cab driver put two of the women into his cab , and started ajway at a rapid pace. Minnie Daly iuado her escape through an al ley. Thje orlicer followed the cab and ordered ihe driver to Btop, but be re fused. iThe officer finally got into a Dugy 'caught the cab. The women and driver were placed tinder arrest. 'lOn'ttm way to the station the womjen offered the officer $100 to allow them lo go free, but the bribe was refuped. ti I i.ll.. . I .... : T 1 : II... cuior. . ue lens nam iu aju.u iu i. they hayo been counttd worthy to receive tlio B. A. degree. They then kneel bfefore him, nnd he takes the. hands ol each betwttti his txtended palms, opd in the name of tho Trinity confers On them tho degree. While ail this ifl eroinir on the studenis iu galleries are uproarious. Thoy say nil manner of fanny things, "throw the floor of tho e1. pennies on ;nd ciit-up all sorts -rf didoes man who graduates with the "an rt honor ", gets the "wooden-Bpooi. " This spoon id fivo feet long, is ornu montetl with tlio college arms of the also with bv ii'rd student who gets it, and ribbon and is let down from the giv.lery by tho student.-". The pfpetora rush at it and tiy to calc'ji it, but il is drawn up agniu tmd Hgain out of their reach, till at last the; right man gutB it, as was un derstood would be the cae from tLe firpt: ' The students' uakj no tpftchts on this oceasicn, r:or, indeed, on any other occasion ut a conege exercijo, nor aife .distinguished mm from a difctanee :innted lo ad In h- it em, as with us. i A t?gnl:ir mretiiig of JO, A. F. .V A M Hiram L will Soldier of Christ, well done! l'raised be thyluew employ ; Aud while eternal ages run. Heat in thy Sav-our's joy." In complianco with your resolutions I p-issod at our last conference dkiring tho month of May k:t, I appointed an (fncierit mnn in each Presiding Kldei's district to hold distrirjt ad visory nieoiintrs, and the Raleigh and tRfesvilie Christian Advocator1, 8,8 well as some of the Hplston aiid Virginia confe rence papers kindly published them, aho theprogriamme for 3aid moetinga as arranged bjr Drs. Alwrnethy and Branson I also iwrote a personal letter to each delegate, urging them to attend this session or to appoint an altornate. Tp what extent those appointments aid re- t-0 I tpiests nave ueen complied win, tne btu icl will 6t;ow- l also wrote to BishoD Key and Rev. Ham. P. ! Jones inviting them to attend these I meet- ! incs. Esch of theru responded I promptly, tha' while they woild be plHased to be witu us, previous ! eui'SEoinents rendered it impractica i bio for them to do bo. I 6aw Bishop j Dum-au at the Statesville District ! Conference and he promised nje to be here a day or two next week,; unless busiuess called him back to Spartan burg fiom tho Shelby Distiicit Con fer nea. We mav be disappointed, ' bethn-", iu-meeting these j'distin I gui -hed divines" here, but e shall inoibo disappointed in meeting the, ! Gttat Head of tho church ifjwe are1 "all of oue accord in prayer ajnd sup- nh:-ali-.:n. S.nci) our lu-t Conference! I have traveled quit) extensively inrough this F.tato and tind tho most of our lo.'iil brotUrcii activuly engaged in the m..-!wi wr.rk. rm I most of tnem ut a-J ( uiuneratiou. i I find our-itinerant biethren utilizing .ap;: Th Mld-Snmmcr irlc-. Heller Bros, are aware that now is the time to sell low shoos and slip pers and they are determined to dis pose of the goods of the above style, and in order to do so they will sell them at unheard of prices for such fresh and salable as well as stylish and seasonable goods. Below we will endeavor to state a few of the many reductions: One hundred pairs Ladies' Kid Ox ford Ties, with patent leatner tips, will be sold at 85c. per pair. A large stock of Ladies' Opera SlipperB are offered at 47c. per pair. We formerly sold the same slippers at 75c. and $1.00 per pair. Ladies Cloth Slippers at 50c. per pair and a better quality for 75c. The latter nave always bom lor 51. vv per pair. Men's Low Quarters will be sold at startling figures; in fact, every thing in summer wear we are very anxious to dispose 01 at about any price. Umbrellas are oflored at prime cost. We have just received a large supply of Valises and Club Sacks and Touiists' Bags in all sizes and quali ties. Don't forget us when you wish to purchase as we mean what we advertise- HELLER BROS, 131 Fayetteville Street, ' Raleigh, N. C. Dntot rat'lr Barbcrui at Mlllbrook. There; was a big breaking-out of the Dembcratic epidemic at Mlllbrook yesterday, and the contagion is sure to spread and grow until November frostp, wfhen it will carry everything before it. Early yesterday morning the sturjdy Democracy of that ;com munity commenced to assemble, their special business being to hear good governmental doctrine expounded by eloquent? speakers, and to "make way'' with a ichoice . barbecue, tp which a genera! invitation had been given by the You ig Men's Democratic Club of Millbrodk. The speakers for thtj day were M p. J. D, Boushall, of this city. Mr. J. C. Caddell, of Wake Fbrest, and Mr,! E. C- Beddingfield, of Mill brook, Democratic nominee for the House of Representatives from Wake county. 1 Vehicles rolled into the beautiful little hamlet until about II o'clock. At 11 30iMr. Geo. Norwood mounted the stand and gracefully introduc.d Mr. Bousha 1 to the assembly, among which were about fifty young ladiee. who " were lookers on iu Venice," and who inspired everything that' was done diiring the day. tThe young ladies aie all good Democrats). Mr. Boushall's clear, ringing voico,'as it fell, fraught with oonjiotingjft; every fhearer was a Democrat in gciofl standing, aud .if : any body ; had ever been any thing else, that "body" was sorry for it. Thi three quarters of an hour he spoke was all too short, bu'. the tempting aroma of savory barbecue cut him short. He came down from the stand and led the crowd to the long table loaded with well every body knows a barbecue- and this was one of the choiet. After the inner man could possibly crave nothing else, the crowd re assembled, and lis tened with enthusiastic pleasure to Mr. J. C Caddell, ;of W ake Forest He is one of the best and most forci ble speakers in the county; always totes "fair and Equaro" and therefore never fails to make people ashamed of any .Republican kinfolk thety may have. After him, Mr. Beddingueia He won favor and the people were proud of and happily satisfied with their vigorous young candidate ior the House. Altogether it was 'a field day for Democracy. The good Peo ple of pretty Millbrooh on friends and .encomiums for theu. clvee, and everything was just as each rwould have it. . HK WA STRITBGIST. BPT THE CLiBK WAS A root. ONr, TOO- A Ur ready for yOur ear. Measure for Mesure, Act IV, rc 1 A'l store people know "the woman in search of a remnant." Sh ! in Philadelphia, she lives in Harris burg; she lives in Heading; she lives in Wilmington, she lives in Camden; in fact, she lives everywhere. That she lives in Boston is humorously at tested Ijy Arlo Bates, who. writing from that city to the Providence Journal, sayt-: She went into a big dry goods house the other day to buy material for a gown. She selected, after a good deal of fuss ng, a gingham cost ing 12 cents a yard. "How many yards are there in this piece t" she asked. "There are eleven," the clerk answered, after counting. "I will take ten," she said. He suggested that she take the whole piece, but she insisted that he should cut off ten yards, aud this was accordingly done. "That is a remnant, I suppose T" he said interrogatively, taking up the odd yard as he folded the goods. "Yes, ma'am "' ' You sell remnants cheaper, don't you t" "Sometime." the clerk said iionically. "What will you take for this "Twelve cents." "But that was just what I paid for the piece." ' Yes. but I haven't any authority to mirk goods down." "Couldn't you semi the cash boy to find the man that does mark them down, so as to see what he would take T" the customer asked anxiously. "Just now." the clerk replied, "he is at his dinner, and I don't think he'll bo in today." "And you couldn't mark it down yourself and tell him about it?" -No." the clerk said, smiling aggravatingly, "I couldn't, really." "Well." the woman said, with a sigh, "then I am dreadful sorry I had it cut. for I'll nave to have that yard anywaj. even if I do have to pay 12 cents for it Ten yards wouldn't possibly do. But I ain't used to paying full price for. remnants." A Tragedy In lllloola. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Ottowa, Aug, 18. There was a terrible tragedy at Prairie Center yes terday.. A dance was given by Nor wegians Whisky flowed freely and all got intoxicated about midnight. Two young men got into a fight over a partner for the dance and one of them was stabbed. The men present tcok sides and revolvers and knives were used freely. Eight are report ed Bhot or stabbed,four of whom may die. Laying of the Corner Stone. On Wednesday afternoon next, the Grand Lodge of Ancient Frte and Accepted MaBons of North Carolina will lay the corner stone of the In dustrial BuildiniIhA-rjaAinhrn Grand Lodge will meet promptly at 4 30 o'clock p. m. Wednesday at their odge room. A special train will leave Hargett Btreet station and ar rive at the grounds iu time for tne the ceremonies. We learn that the Governor's Guard and the Raleigh Cornet Band will assist the Masons on that' occasion. ,Jge held wi.l .1. o. -YTvuiT(riTiifir-miTjiuiiir'Ma(,(iiii'in.LijTi . . . - - j j atious. Thiy were the recipients rf .yc .'v; , " ' H, , i-U't-y f.eqly nnd while roost many hanjlsdieW useful prtsen. i .ff LV ' ,, g.v inem full credit for aU The bride is-a favorite in the Hocial ! f , , , r, :,re ,,, A ex. circles of Greenville. She is admixed It Z- W;ii ?' I P ,,, ms ance: Dur- in ntm ot our c.iev . 1 -"" ' - .. ... bv all. Ihe croom 1 1 . i erost young men As a medical s u j dent under the firm of Drs. O'Hagau 1 & Brown he has won many compli ments from them for his aptitude and progress in the study of medicine, and his future in that profession ie indeed promising. The whole community looks upon this happy union of lives with feel mgs 01 iond admiration ami wisuts for them every joy and comfort this life affords. 1 11 li am-I.ilitr Tht members of Ei). 111 Lodo No. 40, A. T, &A. M.'a.o mriesUd to meet at the Lodge rouia this (b-.m-day) rhofniug at 8 30 o'ulo-.k prompt ly for;tho purpose of atiecdmg the funeral Of Brp. J. L. Stojne. A full attendafico is rtquestedi By order of the W M. 'The wise man leaveth an inheri tance." Never were truer or better words uttered, and we were forcibly reminded of them on yesterday by seeing in the hands of Col. F. H. Cameron, Supt. of the "Life Insurance Company of Virginia," two checks which he was about mailing to ay the death claims of two well known citizens of this State, Maj. D. W. ltamsaur, of Littleton, and B. P. Clif ton, Esq , of Louisburg, recently de ceased. It ia now nearly eighteen years since the Life Insurance Com pany of Virginia entered our otate and identified itself with our inter ests and people. During that time the company has paid to policy hold ers over seven hundred thousand dollars and has defrauded no man of a ,E. E. TuOiLVS, ; Secretary. '.) iu-g:cr ni'.i dusiuosb auq urgent, duties for three davs and nights to assiiit the P. E. iu a protracfed meet in;,'. Tho locul brother.did pearly all the preaching during the meeting, and thero was tiuue a revival; and in due time the P. E. reported the re suits of the moo ing to thej Raleigh Advocate : "A gracious revival, many lidded to tho church - ranging from 12 to 9J yearB of age, etc," but not one word did he say about the local Mlacallanvous Notes. Mr. .Bam. Berwanger has lust re turned from New York an Ji' other northern cities where he has ppent two weeks iu purchasing one of itie most elegant, elaborate and select stocks ever broucht to this city. Part of the nejv stock has already arrived an from what we hav seen 'Va ore sure that the stock when complete can not be surpassed for style and at tractiveness. They will be In thei ' . 1 1 m 1 1 1 new store and ready ror tne rusn September 1st. Durjing thiB week, beginning t morrotw, Messrs. Norris &. Carter, say thjey will make some extraordi nary offers in several lines of goods. They are making a clean sweep of all kinds -of summer goods. New goods will begin to arrive this week which makesj it very necessary to clear out all summer goods at once. No lady can afford to miss the hosiery sale that will begin tomorrow. Goods worth from 20 tEL30e. will be closed out at lOo. Ma'hy other goo Js corre spondingly low. We! call special attention to a trus tee's sale of about $25,000 worth of property on September 5tb, at Mt Airy, iN. U. This mountain 1 town is growing fast and has a very bright future. W.ua.. it. . xacker &. Ko-, an nounce their readiness for early fall tfado. Thev have entered into this season's trade with a great deal of earnest Gffort to make-this1 season the largest the house has ever en joyed The most of their i foreign dress goods they have imported di rect and expect them early Monday morning. Their stock of housekeeping go ids Wpets, Rugs, Table linens, Curtains XHed. Stone. At his residence, corner of Person and Peace streets, in this city yesterday morning at 9 20 o'clock, Mr. Joshua Levi stone, ne was Dorn in Wake county, July 27, 1848. He commenced business in Uary in its 11 and in Raleigh in 1872, x lie moved his family to Raleighih 1879. Mr. Stone was a 'member 01 tne Mason 10 fraternity and also the Royal Arca num. He waSBiBO a consistent mem ber of the First Baptist church. He leaves a wife, six children, an agea grandmother, father, mother, two sis ters ;ahd many other relatives" and friends to mourn his death. The fu neral will take place from the resi dence this morning at 9.30 o'clock. He will be buried by Hiram Lodge A. F. & A. M., of which he was a member. Friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend. Iv voc have a recent cough, you can break it up immediately, with a few doses of Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Baltu- 25 cents a bottle. All joung men are invited to the Y. M. C. A- this afternoon at 4 to 5 p. m. Thi Watermelon. If not perfectly fresh when eaten, fer mentation takes place, wnicn. iu." course atlect the bowels often with seri ous results. Take in time Dr. Bigger Huckleberry Cordial, tne great wjwti specific. There is a feeling of unrest in re publican circles over Mr Blaire ideas 01 trusts. For delicacy, for purity, and for im provement of the complexion notnirg equal? Pozzoni's Powder. single dollar. It affords us pleasure - a -1 1..l 1 TA O. always to chronicle tne good deeds 01 ) aneeiing, uomeBucs oco. x.a,j au nave a rr.mnanv so uniformly prompt and 1 j liberal in all its settlements. AV Case of Leproay, By Telegraph to the News ami Observer. Cuicaoo, 111., Aug. 18. August Johnson, a Dane, came to the county hospital Thursday to consult the doctors about a loathsome skin dis ease from whion he waa suffering. After careful examination the phj si cians decided that the patient was suffering from tubercular leprosy, and he was placed in an isolated compart ment of the contagious ward. had additions and everything .is get ting in train for fall work. See the advertisement elsewhere of the Summers Combination Cotton Gin.; It possesses the latest ana greatest improvements on kins. It is a beautiful machine and has nurfier eus advantages M4. David Rosenthal is the leader in low orices. Prerjaratorv to Dur chacing his fall stock he is offering summer clothing at rock-bottom prices. See his mammoth. ; new ad this morning. PU I r p 8G7I88 ??t perfect Itt superior excellence proven in mil lions of homes for more than a quarter of a oentury. It ia used by the United States Government. Endorsed by tM heads of the Great Universities aa the the Wrongest, Purent and moet Health ful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdet does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Almm. Sold only in Cans. PRICE POWDER OO, mrw tobs. . 081000. ix tvotra J ,j i . 8--: J.

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