f l 1 - JS 18ew8 ?and Observeb. IPntuuaa Daily (sxcspt Moxdat) inn I f -i -' WlrttT.'"' "1 I: ;B THE NEWS & OBSERVER CO ri -i - tXfclJ on year, by nuul postpaid. tUTM . ' i" ' a m 1 Tt wtefclj, f.rx yea. S SIlBHmUl," " " f ptd uim cored without payment, aud nopa jpt seul after the expiration o Ume paid tor. jjtJRSDAYi AUGUSTS, 1888- ilt&UOCUATIGJffNHlIVEES. KLECTIOX, TCESD-tY, Wve Stla. M . SATIOWAL TICKX jj J - , FOR r.ESlBEJT : 1 GROYER CLEVELAND, f lew TrL Kit ncfi-rmiBEIT : . ALLEN G. TUURMAN, i r Ohio. J ' FOR ELECTORS Statk at Labor: i ALKBKD Ja. WADDELL, of New Hanover. KREOK1UCK N. STKCDW1CK, ol Orange, ' DISTRICT ElBOTOUS: ; 1ST DinT.-OfcO. H?. itfcOWN. Jr., of Bfcaufort, 2D Dist.JOIIN K. WIM)I)ARU,ot Wilson. 8I DisT.-CHAltLKS B. AY OCK. ol Wl. 41h I)1T.1-EDWAK1 W. PoU. Jr.ot Johnston. TH 1ist .-.. H LOB80N, of Surry. tH UlBT.-gi.MCKt. J. r EMBERTON, of Stanly h lisr.-LKROC. CALDWELL, of IredelL 8th lusT THOMAS SI . VANUK,T of Caldwell. W lmT. W. T. GBAWFOKP. of Haywood. : f - i STATE TICKET. rot OOVIHKOB : DANIEL Q. FOWLE, of Wake. JOB LISCT. OOVIEKOR : THOMAS M. HOLT, of Alamance. For Associate Justice of the Su- preme caused Ashe: Court-H fill the racancy by the death of Thomas b. JOS. J. DAVIS, i? . of Franklin. For Associate Justices of the Su preme Court under amendment to the GoDBtitution: JAMES E. SHEPHERD, ' of -Beaufort. ULPHONSO 0. AVERT, t; of Burke. , FOR 8XC8STABT OF TIT. WM. L. SAUNDERS, - of Orange. FOR TRXAB&RKR : DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. FOB BUFBBIBTBKDBaT OF fUBLIO rSSTRCO- tioh : SIDNEY M. FINGER, of Catawba. rOBATTOUSKT OKHERAL .' THEODORE F. D1VIDSON, " . of Buncombe. FOB auditor: Q. W. SANDERLIN, of Wayne. FOIl 'CONGRESS. fourth district: BAH. BUNN, of Nash. FCBtIO aPKAKIHG. T DMeraU Caadtdalca far ClTr- "i HoiulanierX3l. F6wlo, Mai. S- M Finger and Col. T. F. Daridson, the Democratic candidates for Gorernor, Superirltendent of Public Instruction! ana Attorney General, will address the people upon the issues of the campaign at the following times and places:' !- Rutherfordton, Thursday, Aug. 23. Shelby. FridaT, Aug. 24. The looal committees are expected and urged to thoroughly advertise these appointments by handbills and ouerwue. :uv.- i Spub Whttakib, 1 ; Ch'm'n Dem. State Ex. Com. : J .; - ' :t i' TIk Jtat DlaewMlwn. I I There will be joint discussion of the issues of the campaign between Hon.Daniel G.Fowle and Hon. Olirer H. Dockery, Democratic and Repub lican candidates for Gorernor, at the following times and places : Monroe, Monday, August 27. i Wadeaboro, Tuesday, August 28. ! Albemarle, Wednesday. August 29. s Troy Thursday, Aug. 80. Asheboro, Friday, Aug. 31. ' iSiler, Chatham county, Sa'urday, Sept. l, ! Graham, Monday; Sept. 3. Hillsboro, Tuesday, Sept 4. : Roxboro, Wednesday, Sept 5. Yanoeyrille, Thursday, Sept. 6. ; Beidarille. Fridar. Seot. 7. Walnut Core, Stokes Co. Monday, Sept 10. Mt. Airy, Tuesday, Sept 11, : Elkin, Wednesday, Sept 12. ; YadkinTille, Thursday, Sept 13. : Winston, Friday, Sept 14. i Lexington, Saturday, Sejt 15. I Mocksrille, Monday, Sept. 17. I Hickory, Tuesday, Sept 18. : : Lenoir, Wednesday, Sept. 19. Morganton, Thursday, Sept. 20. Marion, Friday, Sept 21. Mooresrille, Iredell Co., Saturday. Sept. 22- Spur WmTAktB, I Ch'm'n: Dem. State Ex. Com. i "Kepubucan Senators are not so confident now that they will be able to agree upon a tariff bill." Exactly, and they will become less and lees confident They do not propose to offer a bUL All their action ape a rently to this end is but make re liere. ' The Republican leailer tslatne says; "Trusts are largely private affairs, urith which neither President Cleveland nor any vriixite citizen has any right to inter: ere:' ; Democratic -President Cleveland, hou ever, sous :-"Tlii competition i e. among domestic producers), is too often strangled by combinations (juite prevalent at this time, and frequently called trusts tehii'h havs for their olrjeet the regvlaUon of the supply and price of commodities iMtde and sold by members of the eombi riat ion. The people can hardly hope for any consideration in the operation of these elfish schemes." Which opinion do Vie people consider the sounder t . Avp so eren Jim Boyd is going to TO1. the Pomocratio ticketsthat is to suj for Col. Morehead for Con gress. Next I Thtre is room for all who really lore their country in the ranks of the Democratic party. None others; need ;ply forVaccoamoda ions. ' , THID COBJCRTOHK IS YISCj Taa laying of the eorner-ston of the College of Agriculture an&jMe cbaiiio Arts yesterday was aa occa ion of great int rest and greaiim portanee to the people of North "Car olina. ; j We were glad to see so jgany of the: State's most worthy citistn present to give aid and encouragement to the undertaking among us foe the first time of industrial ejocation I1 is mose gratifying thtit begiuhinij bas been made in the important mat ter. It is in the highest dearreefeat- isfactofy that a beginning has been made i on so sure a basis a basis ha gives promise -with prudent management ai the rtr v best and most far-reaching results. As Got. Scales j said ester day, howeter we bare but made a beginning. We most go on from this point with ren greater determination than eter be fore to make our industrial stfhool eqauil to anv in the land tu po&t of practical aouieTement. 1 be ntai) hue done aoinethicg for the esUbliehaieiit of a systeni of industrial truiuing. It must make up its mind to do iuore and much more. It has ukeu ajbiosl important ' Btep forward a inobt creditiiblu step It ouunot hffjd iu aijwide to tutij b.tckwanl. :?j . l4ut8!DBT POLK, .' , A vary flittering compliuieu w paid a' most worthy gentleman in Iho re-election yesterday of Col. L L. Polk tp the presidancy of the later State Farmers' Association. Wlcoi. gratulste our disLiaguishtd fellow citizen aud co woiker in journAlism 1 on the honor thus done him! and through him the Sta-te of North Car olina. I We congratulate the Associa tion also op the choice it has made. Col Polk is a born presiding .officer, if we inay use the expression, afl able speaker, and one of the most; pro gressive men iu tne boutb. lie will not only fill acceptably the position to which he has beeu chosen, as he has dne thus far; he will adorn it, as indeed he has already done this too. it llKtjuBx.tCAH representatives Perkins and Gear, who spoke at the Mt. Holly Farmers' Encapment on the detesta ble theory of high protection hare been civing in their experience in North Carolina on ' their return to their places in Washington. pThey say they were treated Tory kindly and rery courteously by our people who were ! mostly. Democrate, (of course,) but who listened to their side of 'the question 4inlil the end, when sasno of them f 'began to hurrah for Cleveiand." It is natural for North Carolina farui- ers t hurrah for Cleveland, -quite natural. It is rather remarkable that they were able to restrain tbeit : zeal un till "the end" of the Republican Bpcakers' remarks. But for the cour tesy J they invariably shows' the stranger within ttieit gates,! they would probably hare been unable to do SO. v .; t ; 1 -----i Ball; Messrs. Perkins and! Gear a ly they we: e told by the Republicans of ibis S'.a'.e that "the Gubernatorial Prohibition ticket will poll af large nomhr of rot!", which willieome almost; altogether 'irom the temo- cratie party. I f Is by this defection that the ttarubheaus bone to win." Arb there any men in the Stafe who call wcuiufelves Democrats who are going to lend a:d to the Radicals in thtt way indicated the way that has been f mapped out at nepubheadhea quat ters, and that has been takfea by the leaders of the so called fThird partj ; movement solely with. ' the offset, if not with ; the riew out their part,! of lis leading directly into the xtopabiican party ? Xjos una Demo crats beware ! : 5 . .' r- l a Judos Tburkar is making a soft of triumphal march through Ohio, i At ererj stopping place on the railroads he isfmet by throngs enthusiastic for his Itleciion and be has to make speeches during the three or four minute stoppages of the trains! he is on. j He makes the most of the! brief periods of time al3ottd bimj how ererj as is his won'J delirering such common sense addresses to worxiDg men as. the following, for example; . "I have heard ,in a long political experience a great jjuany atUmpta to bflmbog the people, but of all -the attempts that eTer I hare seen or beard the pretension that a high pro tective tariff is for the benefit bf the laboring man is the greatest humbug. Applause. What is a tariff 1 1 It lb a tax; a tax levied by the general gov ernment upon the commodities that the laboring man as Well as other men use, It is a tax that takes a hold of everything, from the crown of yoar hesq to the soles of your feet; that taxes your hat, your coats, jour rests, youii breeches, j our boots, your shoes; teat taxes every implement which you ubb iu juut uiccuauicai ana ngncui tural operations. "And now to tell me that tortake a laboring man and tax him from the top pf his head to the soles of bis feetj to tax him on everything that he usesj in his trade and to tax him heavily, is a benefit to him, seems to be nothing else thau absurdity.' ApplSUPOJ He is applauded to the echo, of couriee, Wherever be goes: he is most enthusiastically cheered and evcour sged in his good work. And! so he goes on sowing the seed of : sound Democratic doctrine throughout the uuceye state, s Mr Pkeles speech yesterday at fie j laying, of the corner-stone was Very die indeed. All who know Mr Peeje were aware that he is a t&nker aida man of very considerably parts generally but we venture to say that fowjof tbobb who heard him fester day jw fie prepared for the genuine eloquence be displayed ou tie con elusion of lbs admirabl' hiafery of the jCcllst-g'? Le prestutcd or lor the wiM wid fit'. wJ cLfctrvatiori with whiib he t-iilntiitd the dry details of tbe ul jeci he had in hand, lie did his Work. well, lie is clearly ' one of ihei'VcuiiDg" mi-n of the State. h TLehe seems to have been '-sdiiceZ')" is the cotton market. See ouriKfcW York dispatches. Tut anti-Chinese bill as it i'finally passed the House is very muoh in the form ciig rie51y suestei by peer, tar Bayard. f Exsewhrbk will bo found aa intef -csting fetter from Prof. J. lb Love if the State TJniTersi y on the astronom ical obserratory j which Dr. Joseph Cnldwell built at Chapel Hill in 1831 This w3 the firt college obserTatoty in ihe country, it appears, . but tke bietoriaas ot American astronomy hit L"t siren North Carolina the err dn it .(l8frres by recording thr. fact. Prof. Safford, we are informed through a private letter from PrOf. IjItp, is publishing an address (re ferred to in the letter to the Natioh) and has giren assurance that he will, note the North Carolina obserratory therein:, lie does not understand, he says, why writers hare omitted to notice this obserratory heretofore. Perhaps, as Prof. Lore suggets, it is because we hare said so little about the matter ourselves. ; Tke Laadcr f the Pmrtjr Trwst. .; When. President Cleveland ddivered his mcstaas he had sometki'tg to say - to the American people about the danger of Jrust. I triune mere nave mice oeen vo Democratic paper in the country, whether they understoitd the meaning of the word or riot, that have not been ton tt tin tht teaming the iteople a ; to the horrible danger of Trust. Veil; I tltttJl not discus Truts thii afternoon, 1 SHALL NOT r SNTUKE TO bAY THAT t)BET A$ 2 ALTOOBTHEB ADV ANT AO SOUS OB D1S- ADVANTAOKOUS. : THKY AR1S L.AROKLY PKIVATK AFFAIRS. WITH WHICH NKITHEU Phkbidknt Olkvelawp kor any private citizkn HAS Awr PAKT1CULAR right to intkkfkbk. James o. Blaine, at Port land, Acoust 15. Still they come. A Buffalo dis patch says Wi Dayton Quick, a well- known general insurance agent of the city in question, who for twenty-two years has voted the Republican tickets sab now : ; 'I intend to roao for Cleveland, Thurniau and tariff reform if my; life is spared until the 6lh of next Nc; vember. The Republicans are making their- selves ridiculous by their high-tariff ilk and their endeavor to bulldoze the laboring own of the country and to insult their intelligence by trying to make them believe that the'; re moval of the tariff on a few kinds of raw material which ore necescarv to our manufacturing interests would result in impoverishing them tand placing them on a ' footing with the pauper labor of European countries.1 Tariff reform is converting all who think, who are not directly interested in the maintenance of high tariff taxa tion, of trusts, combinations and all other forms of mo jopoly wbich thrive at the expense of the masses of the people. ! Thb next Pan-Presby ter'an Council is to be held iu J oronto. The . ses sions of the body are quedrenni.4. IJfr. Blaine, the real Republican leader, says: -rWhen President Cleveland de livered his rressage he had something to say to the American people about theMan- ger of 'trusts. 1 1 1 thxnk there has since been no 'Democratic papers in the country. whether they understood the meaning of the vord or not, that have not been con stantly warning the people as to thffpos- state aanger of 'trusts. ' Well, 1 shall not discuss trusts this afternoon. J shall not venture to say that they are altogether ad vantageous or disadvantageous. Th4y are largely private affairs with which neither President Cleveland nor anv private citi zen has any particular naht to interfere. i he uemocrattc platform declares, that "4he interests af the neonle are betraved when by unnecessary taxation trusts and comtnnations are permitted and fostered. which, whUe unduly enriching thefetb that eotnbmei, rob the body of our citizens by depriving them pf the benefits of natural competition." or which position do the people then ratner approve r Tfc PrhlbttlolaU in Flu Other Haws Cor. ol tbe Hew and Observer. : Gri&svixlx, N. C. Aajf.518. i The p'ohibitionists of the Third party held a county convention: here today. N. M, Hammond presided as permanent chairman, and Z J. .Whit field acted as secretary. All those that endorsed tbe Third party move ment were recognized as delegates. mere were 'iA present, besides a goodly number of spectators; who were present simply out of curiosity. Tbe following ticket was nominated: For the Senate, N. M. Hammond; for the Houte, E 3. Parker and J. R. Rollins. They deferred nominating a tounty ticket until a later day. The' Rev. G. D. L&ngston, the Prohibiton Elector of this district, was present and addressed the meeting. The Democratic Club last ' night elected delegates to the convention lb 'be held at Morehead the 29th. The motion to send delegates was strenu ously opposed but passed by a good majority. Tbe following are the ones. selected: F. G. James, J. D. Murphy, GB. King, J, L. Sugg, L. A. Mayo, V. D. uountree and JS. A. Woye. j Tabarnacl JHccUdk. Cor, of tbe News and Observer. RtJTEXBFOBD CoLLEOB, N. C, Tuesday, Aug. l. : . Tbe active work of , tbe Conference went on all day yesterday, and today is full of interest D. A. Lanier and J. M.Watson talked at night The audienco was large and the attention good. Dr. Pool preached airs in this morning, and J. T. Ogburn, president of tbe North Carolina Protestant Conference, this afternoon. The Tabernacle Meeting grows day by day on the people, and it is thought that great good will1 be ao cocoplUhed in arousing preachers and teODle to greater missionary effort. The railroads have been very kind in giving special rates $5.25 from Raleigh and return; $3.70 from Greensboro, etc The Tabernacle Meeting is evi dently growing on the public. The people keep on coming. The m ci' ing will last until next Monday. Tit Her r k Fatar.' "Oh, le's a man with a name renowned, And a widespread fame nil ne,' "Hath he written a realiatic tale?" "Not a booklet of his you'll aoe.?' "Ilath he discovered the raaonwhy The wily base balls cuivei"' "Indeed, ho never hath watched a game; From 'hueiness' he would not swerve. J. S.r Or the boss stroke of a crew?"-: "No: none of these tame and frivolous acts Would he, sir, stoop to do." , "What is it? Oh, tell me! what hath he dene?" 5 "He's honored o'er every uaahier; : He's broke the record of every bank, And skipped with a million clear.' Detroit Free Press. Efforts are being made (jo defeat the re-election of Senator Colquitt Chairman Brice remainson deck at Democratic national headquarters in New York. Great confidence is expressed .by Democrats inthe out look in tbe Western States, i Th First I1k ; Ofcl ml g '(Ktw York JatloD.) To the Editor of Th Nation : Sir : Professor Loomis states, in his "Progress i f Astronomy" (edition of 1850, p. 162), that the first attempt j ro establibh ifMsoiiege observatory in i i united mates was maoe oy rroi. Albert Hopkins of Williams College, Maasscnusetts. Tea is an error, and it is repeated in the Na1 ion of July 12, 188, in the m'rodrction to your; abstract of Professor Safford's addrets on "Fifty Years of American Astron omy." Your article states that the VYuJiama College Observatory was erected i 1 838. Seven years before, an "attempt'' bad been made at the University of North Carolina by DrJ Joseph CaidwelJ, who was then pres ident, and had been for a loDg time Professor of Mathematics. This was probably the first attempt made n this country, and will you not allow me space for a brief account of it T In 1821 Dr. Caldwell was sent to Europe to buy books and apparatus for the University. Among the in struments he purchased in London were a meridian transit instrument and a zenith telescope made by Simms, a refracting telescope by Dollond, an astronomical clock by Molneux, a Bfilaut by W'lkibson, a reflecting circlu by Ha rie, and a Iladley's quad raut Tbese iutrUmeDt.H wr u-ml in lh uuivcrsuv out .ing uuui .1 Tt I'., .1 1831, wbeu they wero I'lacod iu an ob servatory wbich bad just beu built for them This building wai t brick an 1 stone, about tweDty fee' square and twenty five feer. high. , A column of masonry rose thtougn the centre to furnih stable foundations lor ths instruments. The flat roof contained a wide slit which continued for some distance down the walls and afforded a range of 189 deg. for-the transit. This slit was covered by a wooden frame-work which could be moved by rope and windlass. Observations were made at this place by President Caldwell, Prof. Elisba Mitchell and Prof. James Phil lips. But the observations were con tinued only a few years. The con struction of the buildiDg was very imperfec. The j flat roof was no troublesome that the instruments were removed soon after Dr. Cald well's death in 1835, and the building was partially destroyed by hre In 1838- It' was never restored. Presi dent Swain, who succeeded Caldwell, afterwards carried away the, bricks and used them in building a ki.chen. This is still in use! The ruins of the observatory are yet plainly visible ou a hill just outside the campus. The records of these observations have,. in some way, been losf, whether dm ing "Reconstruction days," when t le University was closed for several years and troops quartered in the buildii gs, or before, z.o oDe seems to koow. Dr.' Caldwell's attempt to establish this observatory deserves recotd If is instruments were email, but the equip ment was entirely sufficient for an ex callent beginning. Accurate and val uablo woik could bare been dono with it. There would hare been eome- tliing lasting done, and this might hive grown into one of the best col lege observatories in tte country ; if Dr. Caldwell b successors bad pOs sec st d his zeal and taste. for astrono my. But the University was poor, the public was in lifferent, and there was too much to , stiuggie against the opportunity was lost i There are persons tow liviDg in Chapel Hill, whose au'hozity ia un questioned, who were often in this observatory and saw the instruments iu place. : Among tn.m is lie v. Dr. Charles Phillips, who, as a child, fre quently attended Lis father, Dr. James Phillip", while making observations, and to whom I am indebted for the above facts. During tht. civil war a novel use was lound lor the telescope, when some of Sherman's troops passed through Chapel Hill- The instrument had been lying unused for a number of years, on an upper shelf in one cf the lecture rooms, and looked harm less enough not to attract anybody's attention-. Two of the professors thought it would be a good place to bide their watcLes. The dusty object-glass was removed and the watches carefully concealed within the lube. But some of the soldiers must bare been entLubiasts in astron omy. At any rate they loved gold watches, and the! unlucky professors had to apply to the officers of the reg iment to have their watches returned! James L. Love, ' Associate Professor of Mathematics. University of North Carolina, Au gut 6, 1888. j Pub'lc Speaking. Hon. George W. Sanderlin, Demo cratic candidate! for State Auditor, wil' addrets tbe people on the Usues of the campaign at the following Oxford, Monday, Aug. 27. High Poin', Wednesday, Aug, 29. Winston, lhurBday, Aug. 30. Dacbury, Saturday, Sept 1. Iluntersrille, Tuesday, Sept. 4. ; Big Lick, Thursday, Sept. 6. LilcsTille, Friday, Sept. 7. ;; Whiterille, Saturday, Sept. 8. Thomasriile, Tuesday, Sept. 11. : Liberty. Wednesday, Sept 12, Fsrmington, Friday, Sept. 14. Statesrille, Saturday, Sept. 15 Williamsburg,! Monday, Sept. 17i Appointment in Wilkes county for September 18 to be made. Lincolnton Friday, Sept. 21. Gastonis, Saturday, Sept. 22. i Hendsrsonville, Tuesday Stt. 25. Brerard, Wednesday, Sept. 2G. Franklin, Friday, Sept. 28. Murphy, Monday, Oct. 1. The local committers are urgently requested to adrertise thesa appoint ment by hand bills and otherwise. OPIEB WHITAKXB, Chm. Dem. State. Ex. Com. currency: Tribune Washington Special "Mr. W. W. PhelDS aDDeared todar tefore the Senate Finance Commi tee to get tbe duty restored on split p.a." The Cause.Gazgam-"Hi!o,n:j mso, you look entirely fagged "ni. What's the matterr cpmso "U , n-.tbingi A week's rest will est me up. Just back from my vacation." Time It May Come to This Youth "I've get some poetry bnre I'd lib to have you look over." Editor - "Yes, Bir. Have you got your licnse with you?" Youth "My license?" Editor "Yee; your poetic license." Youth "N n,-no. I didn't know I had to have ore." Editor "We never look over any poetry without first seeing the poet s license. Good-day." Time. : , j PRlaUaaUftr Ha. AKWiaitlL Hon. A. M. Waddell, Democratic candidate for Presidential elector at Large, will address the people upon the ssuea of the campaign at the fol lowing times and places: 1 Morgan ton, Friday, Aug. 24 Marion, Saturday, Aug. 25. Abbeville, Monday, Aug. 27. Waynesville, Tuesday, Aug. 28. Webster, Wednesday, Arg. 29. Charleston, Thursday, Aug. 30. Robbinevill, Friday, Aug. 31. Murphy, Saturday, Sep. 1. Hajesville, Monday, Sep. 3. Franklin, Wednesday, Sep. 5. Brevatd, Friday, Sep. 7. llendersonville, Saturday, .Sep. 8. uoiumbus, Monday, Sep. 10. Rutherfordton, Tuesday, Sep. 11. Newton, Thursday, Sep. 13. Taylorsville, Friday, Sep. 14. WUkeBboro, Saturday, Sep. 15. Boone, Monday, Sep. 17, Jefferson, Tuesday, Sep. 18. Sparta, Wednesday Sep. 19. The local committees are urgently requested to advertise the same by handbills and otherwise. The ladies are invited to be present. Spirr Whitakxb, Ch'm'n Dem. State. Ex. Co:t. A beautiful woman mutt be healthy, audio remain healthy aud beautiful she Should take Dr. j. 11 McLean's Sx pg heninp Ooritiai and lilood Pu flir. It nuoaris toie and fl isb to Llio t-kia, MretigtL, v;or td puie uioow, la tquaiiy adajtbU tui all agee, rom ibK babe to tne sgd, and eutier HX His Position. father "W'eU, Thomax, you have graduated froui college and are now ready for your life work. Wh t w 11 be your field ?" Son (thoughtfully) -"Well, to tell the truth, sir, it's a little hard to decide between left and centre." Time. " Noliome Should be Without It. It take Ihe placa of a Doctor aud costly Prescription. No 1"M ot time, no Interfcren-e with business while taking. No danger from exposure after tak ing. ' Invalids and delicate persons will find tt the raudast aperient and ton-c they can use. A little taken at nilit Insures refreshing sleep and a natural evacuation ot the bowels. A little taken In tbe motning sharpens the appetite," cleanses the stomach and sweetens the breath. "I have been practicing A PHYSICIAN'S medicine for twenty years OPINION. and have never been able to put up a vegetable com pound that would, tike Simmons Liver Regulator, promplv and nftectually move the liver to action, ana at lae same time am iinsieaa or weakening) the digestive and assimilative powert ot the sys- tern. Examine to kk that you umihio m. I.. m. iii.ntow, n- u , wmi ihington. Ark tTHKOltiWUdC distinguished from all frauds and Imitations by our red Z trade mark on front ot wrapper, tid on tbe sULe tbe f.eal and siKuature ot J. 11. Zeilto A CO. ; Receivers' fSale- By virtue of a decree of the United States Cir cuit Court for the Wester . District of North Car olina rendered in a cause therein pending, enU tiel George A. McOormick et al. vs. Nortu Caro lina Mill sioue Co i pany et als., we, the undrr- BlgBf u, wui S"U at puouc auction ui ou vue terms neieinaiter statea, u i o-ciock a m., on SAT I II DAY, SEPTEMBER 22D, 1SSS, on tbe d remises at Park wood. Moore eontitv. N C, all um property, asaou and e Boots of the K. C Millstone I'omDany. A mong i he property to be sold Is TW acres more o. less ol nneur imiuereu ana gooa iarminc iana. embracing the Inexhaustible milistoue quarry from which are made tbe far-tamed "Moote county Grit" mills, and oonta!niiy among other inprox meats, all the buildings, tnops, touis and luachloery requisite'and useu In mannfacturtug sal mills: also two handsome aweiimg houses. with necessary outnouses. Darns, aso , coun untry v-tnin store, twenty-two tenant houses, also a saw- and dry Kiln complbl eta, planing machinery, r blacksmith shops, Ice ' flouring mills, machine maicber and Dlainer. tw machine, r-atent roller flouring mills. shops nd foundry aQ complete aud equipped wlta the best machinery. Also a telephone sys tem, 17 miles long, extending frcm Far k wood through Carthage to Cameron on the R. & A. A. 1. K H . also M shares of stock in the l arthace Railroad, also a very large and assorted stock ot machinery, tools and machinery supplies, ioelnd Ing en lues, bo.ler. pumps, eon- shelter, shin gle machine, wiud mill, oeits. piping, nana an round Iron. c. a lot of gold mine machinery ; also large lot of SDtshed and unnnishei mills ana millstones; also large lot of sash, doors and blinds, goods, wares and merchandise ai d other personal property of various descriptions, and iu large quantities and alt tbe other property, to gether witn tne irancuiae oi saia company. Terms or Sale t The property will be offered first rjt detail an,d tken in tuto or in oaoes If the honest bids when the property Is offered in detail aggregate more than the highest bid for the properly when fo court as the last and highest bids, otherwise tbe bd in gross will be reported to co -rt aa the last and mgneti bid. When offered nr dbtatl the said real estate with the buildings and so much machinery. c, is la necessary In the manufacture of mills, as described In said decree as "Ihe riant," will bo offered at one-third of purchase price in ca sn the balance in two equal iustaliDeals, payable at and 12 months, tbe deterred payments to bear per eent Interest from day of sala, aud to be se cured by notes with good security, the purchaser to keep the property Insured for the benefit of tbe Receivers in a sum equal to half the unpaid purchase price ; upon detauls of which the said Kecelvers shall bave the riant to Insure the said property and the amount so paid by them for such insurance shall be added to and form part of the mirchase orice. Ihe purchaser to be let Into possession upon tne conurmai ion oi saia saic anu price; the tl'le to be retained until the purchase price, is paiu m miu All tbe other property, Including the flour I ii; 111 1 . ICC uiavuiuo, bVWk.UVUV Wlllt uim1 toAchine.ry, &o., In maculue shops and foundry, in saw mill aud dry kiln. In supply room, &c, being onVrod separately, for cash. After such ollerlug in detail and before the ofleringtiN ohuss. the purchasers at the detail sale shml deposit with the Receive.-s ,u per cut of the purchase price respectively of tlie forego ing property as an earnest of their respective bids, upon failure of which the Receivers shall have power to rcseU any item of said iroperty, upon which the SO per cent shall not be deposited. The whole of the property ordered to be sold will then be offered in one lot or in eaoss on the followlna erms: Eor an amoun: in cash equal to the amount tor wbieb all the property (except 1 he Flant," telephone system, saw mill and dry kiinmachinery)soldiN detail together with one- third ot the lesiaue oi tne gross oia. toe Dauuice of the gross bid to be paid lii e and 12 months, tne deferred Instalments ol tbe purchase price bear per cent Interest from day of sale, and to to I aeeured by note with good security. The i ur- chaser to keep Uie property Insured aad to be let Into possession and the title to be retained In tbe manner above prescribed. For full details reference is made to said" de- ! JNO. W. HINSDALE, KRNKST HAYWOOD, Receivers ot tbe H. C. Millstone Company. Raleigh. N. C rjpRUBTSES 8 ALB. By virtue of mortgage executed tome, 1 will sell at public auction lor cash, heptember sth. lnM, tbe following valaable property, in Uie town ot Jot. A try, f . O , to- wit : One new residence, two stories, 8 rooms, finished In Walnut, ou best residence street iu town. Lot, 13Uxttt; two squares from the business part of the town. Two vacaut lots aljoiulug tbe abov, ;ii:ti feet each: also t'i acres with 'Mi feet frontage oi. sme street. One new tobacco factor)', 4"xo feet, lot 190x21, Main street, center of toan . btore-bouse at Uie inrsectlon of two streets, at which a-4 of Uie country trade enters ; lot 164x221, store-house 30x60. Vacant lots 132x10. half way between de pt and business part of town . r our acres on Wiloon street, near depot. Vacant lota llsx&M feet, ou Kocaford street. From these lots one can see three Slates. 7 counties, the mountains as far as the eye will reach, the river four miles, railroad thr e miles; scenery unexcelled, highest ground in town; splendid site for summer hotel. 2S4ISSO feet on same street opposite above. M6 vacaut lots In the most desirable resilience end business parts of town. All of this property wilt be sold regardless of eost far spot cash. Mt- Airy, the terminus of Uie tape Kear Yad kin Valley Kallrod, stands alone, unequalled, un rivalled, and Is springing intolmpertauce tcaus ot lis rnauy natural advan'sges Ihe opportuni ties tor lucrative Investment air- numerous, trains, energy and capital are coram, in from all points of tbe compass. The impeluug power must ua aacrioeu iu use KeoKrai'uietu lovabitm re lias ulauned for a lance city, beins centrally located and the naluial market lor nine eouuUes . Kich iu mute, farm and forest aud iutv big enough unutilized water power to drive the machinery of the entire State. To se the stu pendous scenery when the mountain peaks and. pinnacles bathe their lofty beads in tbe balmy altitude ot more than S.ouo feet above the sea level and to enjoy tbe Invigorating air aod health giving climate, Ac. , one will not be surprised at Uie rapid growth ot Mt. Airy Don't forget Uie time -September 6th. lt- AU enquiries will be ebeertully and promptly answered by J. F. RAW LKY, eaie Central HoteLMt. Airy, N. U. a. U. asiWOUW, Trustee. FOR OLD PEOPLE! In old people tbe nervooi system is weakened, sad that most be strengthened. One af tbe most prominent medirsl writers of the day, in speaking of the prevalence of rheumatic troubles among the aged, says : " The various pains, rheu matic or other, which old popple often complain of, and which materially disturb their comfort, result from disordered nerves. There it is in a nutshell the medicine for old people must be a nerve tonic Old people are beset with constipatioo, flatulency, drowsiness, diar rhoea, indifrstioa, rheumatism, neuralgia. These diseases are of nervous origin. Paine's Celery Compound, that greet nerve tonic, is almost a specific in these disorders, and by its regulating influence on the liver, bowels, and kidney? .re moves the 1 border? peculiar to old age. Old people find it stimulating to the vital powers, productive of appetite, and a promoter of digestion. Sold by druggists, ft.oo. Six for $5.0 SDd for eight-page paper, with many teMj. menials from aenroui, debilitated. Slid aged peo pie, who blest Paioe't Celery Compound. Wells, Rlchtrdson & Co.. Burlington, YL COMING AND NOT SLOW! For an ice cold and refreshing; bever age go to A. W. Goodwin & Co s drug store, and you can get it, sparkling soda water, ice cold mineral waters, orange cidei on draught, moxie, limeade and milk shakes. 25,000 Cigars Just received, choice and "elect Wands sweet and free smokers. If you enjoy a pleasant and delightful smoke, you can get it at Uoodwin a drug store. GARDEN 8 FED OP EYERY KIND AND FOR EVERYBODY. Standard Patent Medicine Drtign ppicea and Flavoring Extracts, Per f umery and Toilet Soaps. rrhe best brands of chewing and stuck 1 ing tobacco a' ways on hand. prescriptions dispensed at all hours cl a ny or night. Ie want your ordeis and intend to 1 1 have them if Pisces and (Quality will win. A. W. Goodwin & Co. C p A L. Three Haadred and Fifteen Tent Arrived a few days since, second ship ment of that excellent Bed Ash LOKBERRY COAL For grates. Superior to any other anthracite coeJ. Two hundred tons Tennessee Soft, and one hundred W. Va. Splint w QDODDD FIFTY CORDS DRY PINE, And two hundred beet heart. Cut any length desired, or sold long. I1L The best Illuminating oils, deliver from our patent oil tank wagon. No waste to purchasers. PHIL. U. ANDREWS & CO NORTH CAROLINA Homo Insurance Co., OF RALEIGH, NO . inranlsfd la IKta. Has boon insiuing property in Hortb Carolina for eighteen rears. With agents in nrly every town In the State accts sible to rtUlroada and ast of the tnoun tains. THE HOI.IE, aoliciu tlsepritronageof proparty owners in the State, offering them safe indem nity for lowcs at rates as low aa those ef any cm-i; working in North ( olins Dwelliiia-a in town and country, mer cantile r churches, achoola, oourt bouses, suciety ledges, private barns and tables, (nrm produce and live itock, cot ton gins- Insure ti the North Carolina Hoixe Insurance Company. W. 8. PuarsosB. Chas. Eo rt Preside at. xy i-ri Tseas. W. O. TJroHvaon, P. Cowraa Vlee-Piwaient. Adjuatw. Office in Hriggs' Building, Ko. IS Fay rtsvillee strut. TsJitone H. M. tnnur vsti ax WE Al Ij KXOW. HE-N0j SfANDARD i Mt3-Ko TTea, .'ure and unadulterated. Is the most healthful, economical, delightful sjbd fragrant of a'l To&s. ' Take uo iniitaticns. , , and" 1 lb, pacl ages, only 75o-1 pound. W.U1LB. Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Candy aianuiactorers. i Importer's agents for He No Tea, Jobbing trade supplied at Im porter's prices..' Celboiated Magnolia Winter Cured Hams 13 to 15c, at W C 4 A. B. STRONACH'3. Thnrber's specially imported spices and London iuiitd Bpces for pickles, at W. C. k A. B STROxCH'S. Pur; old cider Vinegar, ffcur ears eld, or pickles, at W C & . li. JSTHOAOirs. Oonf' liot.r'K siirHr, f?r it sery- lti-, m ) VV. O & A- 11. SfKOJiACirrf. Geuui'in uKl iSbfcd Tick ;Rio coffco, 20c lb , at. f W. C &. A. B. STRONACH'S. Extra so'txted broiling beef, 5 to 10 . lbs, at i W. 0. ii A. B. STROHACH'S. Extra selected freshly smoked beef tongues at i W. 0. & A. B. STRONACH'S. Wilson's fresh crytal wafers, 1 and 2 lb tins, at I W. C & A. B. STRONACH'S. Augusta Creamery Jersey Butter, lb prints, at W. C & A. R STRONACH'S. Selected family North Carolina roe hei rings, old and new packing, at fishery prices, at W. C & A B STROKACH'S. The finest of .all sugar cured hams, the Wesphaha, 16 2 3c lb, at ,W. C. & A. H. STRONACH'S. Use Bacilicide Elixir for prevention and cure cl -all malarial affec tions neuralgia ami head ache ot malarial origin $.100 per bottle, at W. C. & A B. STRONACH'S. Wihe of Cc-cus f or lot voufe pros! ration, brain exhaustion and all kinds cf - inental end pl)yeioal;debi!it' , 1 $1 00 pr bottle, ' ? W. C. & A. B. STR0NACH'S. Old toilet Foup, 10c per bcix, nt W. C. & A K STRONACH'S We TLre : i Hlrontch's Pant tc-laa honest value Operas A A X A. 1 Coucbas ai H Uie beat of all 5c cigars, al V. C. & A. B. STRONACH'S. Haxall Crtnhaw Mills inea'!, at ' W. C. & A. B. STR0NACH'S. The great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Go's famouc. Thea Neclar Tea, 50c ib, al W. C. & K B. STRONACH'S, Fine Teas, Oolong, English Break- fast Imperial, Young Hyson, Gunpowder Japan, at i grocer's profits, al j W. C. & A. B. STRONACH'S. Extra choice family ecda crackers, ' equal to any. Sold it 15c, lb., only 10c lb, at !i. C. & A. B STRONACH'S. New summer cheese, Ed an and Pine : . apple cbeesei at V. O. A A. B. STRONACH'S. ble Works. 417 aod 419 Fay et to-Die 8t RALEIGH. N. C, Eraich Vard, Uwtler'; Old SUkiI. rAYBTTEVlLl.,;N. 0. Manufacturer ol alt kimisof Mouumunt, and Tombstones in Marble or Orasiio., Also Contt actor for all ki;jda of Uuil.tiny Work, Curbing Touts. Stt; Sitls, ArT. Ot all descriptions kept on hand and -i t to any address upon application. Chas. A. rioodvln PrOlt'ir j AUD NO i FOOLISHNESS. Everything in the ay of ' SUMMER GOODS . - 4 will be sold at and below Cost from July 1st to September 1st, to nihke room for m j FALL STOCK. Gome and get goods cheaper than eve You Oil stoves, bath tubs, fly j fans, etc, At . Am prepared and ready to do plurr 1 1AMA1GASFIITII bx all its branches. All work warranto 1 - and satisfaction guaranteed. ! HARDWARE, Stores and House Furnishing Goods, I. C. BREWSTER. SdBiSENT. Two story bouse with seven rooms and two room kitchen attached, corner Polk and Person streets. Also asx room cot tage, No. 613 North Person street. For terms apply to D. S. HTJDGINas, i- B. &Q, B. tt. Offlce. WIRE RAnitNG ANaToB LjSai NAMENTAL WIRE i WORKS, DUFUR Si, eo., No. Ill & 110. North Howard street, Bal timore, manuf act ure rs Of wire railing (or osmeSeriea, balconiea, etc, sieves, fen den, wires, wood aod coal screens w tso oacs troa bedsteads, settees, so. STRGNACH ii ; MAPOPULAB HOUSE," THE MOSELEY HOUSE l-iFavrTTtviia.aST, Balbih. , It you wish to ae money, stop with Moeeley. Ontr-U. eonvet.ient and a pleasant place- Tabtegood. AUthe luxuries et tt-e reason. The on'y first-claas ladies' and gentle men s dining hall in the city. You can nave SERVED TO ORDER what you want from 10 up. ''We trir to please. " Rates per day, IS. H, rcial rsxr by the vreek. THE HAFMOND Type Writer Ihe most PEUFECT maeb'ine ever of fered on the markt t. BKST For Speed, NlreiiKl b,liaiigeHble Type, Perfect Aligiimenl, Iienu t y and I) ii rnbt 1 1 y . The only Type writer awarded a GOLD MFDAL at the Mow Orleans Exposition. It has many advantages over other writing machines, and the work done on it is PERFECT. It Cannot Oct Out of Alignment ! It is Not Liable to Get Out of Order I It Cannot Collide with Itself t It bas open-end carriage, wh:ch admits of paper of any width or length, and has changeable type.. a ivrcry mucnine n dAAAiti cu tr&ti FECT. Price rompleto, with two sett of type, S100. Send for catalogue. T. A. MONTGOMERY, Rtate Agent. Raleigh , N. C. nriin if i t bfHiUlAL RARfiAlNS In suitings and all varieties of' custom made CTorrriirvo. I, WINETHOB, MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 8 WEST MARTIN STREET, , (Opposite Poetof&ce.) The best goods stylishly and ' substaii tially made up at "RT7.TiTlP.Rn' PTTfTT? all and see me and exriiuiise goods and find out prices for you'eelves. Th9 reduction in rates is bona f de. -Very respectfully. I. Winetrob Richmond locomotive AND--BXAcuxrsii: WORES, RICHMOND, VA Builders of locomotives. Vtandard or nar row gauge, adapted to every service Engines and Boilers, (15 to 200 Horre Power). For all purpost'8. Complete steam plants for factories aud Mills. Improved Saw Mills. Capable of cutting 5,000 to 80,000 feet of lumber per day, with patented devices for accurate and rapid work. A large lot of email engines and boilers, from 4 to 8 horse power "Tanner 9c Delaney " for sale low tJ clopi them mtt Write for catalogue and estimates on your wants. Salesman for North Carolina, jul8-8mo. Oreensboro, N. C NT1W CORNED Sliacl Roe. J. R. FERRALL & CO 323 Fsyfcttevillft it V e are receiving today first arrival new . corned shad, roe, packed in pails. New N. C. co Tied mullets. New N. C. tt-v m ni To arrive in a few days : Jew catch No. 1 mackerel. rjjhe celebrated Pine Uoney. Pick bs packed by Mis. Kidd, cf Uich- mond, Va. ica Virginia hams. fTelepho: ne No'. 83. SSOO Reward! We will pay the abov reward tur any case f 11 er eoupiAlQt, tyspepsu. sick liea4acne, inrt gstlon, cormtiuatiou uf cxlivctitsswe caaix .ire with WesOs VeicetaMe Uver Pills, when Uie autsctions are strictly eotupllrd wltu. l liey aro purely vegetable, and never fail t-ire aauafac rioo. Lr, bxts tfootairilinf . usar eoated piUvo. For sale by all rtrnttri:. uewara ot counterfeits atxl uiiitattvft. TUr Krooine inanif faataredOBly byJOHNO. WkBT A CU..CS W. Madison BU,Cblrw, HV For sala Syjas. Mo jOawoa Uaiakts, u iVarsttsYiti i j -j. H mm .-j M

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