OBSERVER. ' tot otuUBXo Ditt (ixoirtf Uowat) urn ,TKE NEWS & OBSERVER CO -tr 17 S B 1 Tt 1.H UUM " t " .. I 7 it.un entered without payment, and no pa ir MDt after UlA expiwtioii ol tune PJuu tor. TCEiliA.l', bElT.jlS, lfcWJ Jj314K' It ATI U X 0 JJ IN iSES. r I JOB rfcf sii'JJt: GKOVKU CLEVELAND, rk .itt-rusiviin : ALLEN G: THUKMAiN, 'Jj (Vhi. j FOR jELCTORSSTAT at Labob .ITRR1 M. WADDKi-b,QI new uauover.: FRBOKBICK'N. STBCUW1UK, ot Otauge, ... nm - (ikn. H. BROWN. Jr., ol Beaufort. 0. II. PlvUn ?i, ir. ui iwaui R1.E8 It. AY( OCK,r ol Warn VVAKU W. ruU, Jr.of John 2o DlST. JUlin J to DWT.-CIUR 1 I liHV :ivVj e. nston, i:n,.. t lioliaoN. of Surrr. f,.i THOMAS 3. VANCK. ol Caldwell. DWT.-W. T. CBA.WFOiU. ol Ha J wood. STA-TJEJ TlCltET. ; ' ijs' 'i; - j roatoNOB: DANIEL G. FOWLE, .: ofVake; "fott u.zi. oovibsob : THOMAS; M. HOLT, of Alamance. .for Associate .Justice of the Su- oreme Court I V fill the vaoancv caused by the A ah At ti Seath'of Thomas S. II 0S. $. DAVIS, I of Franklin. For Associate Justices of the Sa preme Court under amendment to the Constitution: ' JAMES fi. SHEPHERD, & of Bdaufort. ALPHONSO Ci AVEBY, , of Burke l tM sicrzabt or state . WM. L. HAGNDERS, ji of Orange. FOB tlaZAStTBXB : DONALD W. ;BAIN, "f. of iWakftt TJPKBIirTIMDEST OT FTJBUO IKSTBUO- nos : ? SIDNEY M. FINGER, of Oatawba- 0B ATTOKSKT GNXKAL. THEODQRE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. OB AUDIT OB : Q. W, BANDERLIN, of Wayne. FOR COXGllESS. FOUBTH OMTBIOTi B. H. BXJNN, : of Nash. VOCKKKV'I VICKKT IB . At the election in Rishniond county in 1884, OUrer H. Dockery, the pns ent Republican candidate for Got ernor, voted as follows: To rf nre?ent the pubiic m me JLtb he noted for flanrey Quick, a WJ . w-. , one ox the best wnite iarmers oi uiu uu iui at v f ' For Coroner, he voted for Felix Jacobs, a neero man, atrainst Daniel Gay, a one legged Oonfedernte sol dier. i For Rr-gUter of Daode', he voted for one, N. W. Harllee, a negro man acrsinat Alexander L McDonald, i white man competent -to fill the office and univcraallr esteemed in the county for bis courteous bearing. ' mm f Thi motion in the Senate to reoon sidar the vote passing the Chinese exclusion bill was defeated yesterday by a vote of 21 to 20. So the bill re mains passed. We wonder what the Chinette eandislate llalliscn Las to say about the matter.. Hon. Wm. L. Scott, of Pennsyi vania, has positively .declined to run again for Congress. This will be re gretted by the country at large. "Scott of Erie" has been one of the most brilliant, best equipped and most courageous men in the House and a power for Democracy. We do not vrovote to deal with these condition by merely attempting to tatifify the people of the truth of abstract theo xrie, nor by alone urging their aesent to apolitical doctrine. We present to them the proposition that they are unjustly treated in the ej lent of ttresent Federal taxation; that, as a result, a condition of extreme danoer emsts.and that u ts for i J"-" to demand a remedy, ana mat ae ence ami safety promised in theauaran of their free government. I'reaident f Cleveland Liter of Acceptance. Wi have tie Schoolteacher for S p tember excellent an uual, and "The Bucking Hoise, with A History of tha American MustaDc", the latter published in London by Buffalo BUI' Wild West Company, while that ag gregation was in the , British capital for the enlig'utenment of tie Kuglith cousin. Laiostos, the colored tx tnimster toHajti, is luukiry a tttroug fight aanat Mslu rii- in tb "black d tiict" of Virglnm'aijd has bo far had thobtatof it. I'i vi-w of the con test the Democra' h b ive some h p-s of elec ing tha Cor g.-essuinD, htiongly Republican ai the district is, and the consummation is one cer ainly meet devoutly to be wished. Tut Dub-ham Y last " would like to ask" if a tnijority f the stock of the Proyrets Tubisbing Cwiupany.te proprLtors of the new Third party organ, is not owned by men who have -kfretelocv yoted-4JasvlepublicAn tick et. The question is not at all inap propriate, in view of the close connec tion 'between the Third party and diealism- The " assassins of tern- no nixi. in sight. We may take it for granted that the Republicans will brine in no bill for revenue reform and tax reduction. N jt withstanding all their talk to th$s end the indications are as we ; have : state! Ttey will bring in no bit. They realize tht the vast majority of the ptople of the country demand j euih a measure but they are uaabie to a ee upon terms. Not - being actuated so much by devotionjto the popular welfare as by party interest they are unable io nome together in proposing a plan. -: All are bound to main Ui a the false party policy of prb tection for protection's sake and each has some special p otected interest or interests to look after at the ex pense of the; people j as ja whole ani fo lher is confusion and an u'lter disreg?d of. the needs of the hour with respect to tiriff tax reduction. They, have announced their purpose to afford relief,; so far an hv mi? be able to do so. but it is cKar that the country w II have Io be content with the announcement- Nothing is going to be done. Tue only uope. lies in the ettorts of the Democrats efforta that would Ion? scro have resulted in relief but for t be - opposition of the Republican party. The only hope for lower taxes, for an easier working for a living, for such removal of ex isting burdens as will enable the masses of the people, particularly Jn the agricult ural regions, a little bet; ter to get aheal m toe woria is jq the adootion of bo Mills bill, the Democratic measure lor stopping the collection of unuecessary taxes slid distributing the necessary buidenskif taxation as equitably as : possible among all the people without regard to class or calling. $ . i f The verdict at the polls next month should be in accordance with thiB fact, as any man can see who doesn't persist in being blind. Elsbwhxbb appears Ashevtlle s posi- tion with respect to yellow feter refugees. It is in the highest degree magnanimous that our beautiful west era towns have thrown open their gates to the plague stricken people pf Florida and it is bard to understand how infection could live ih the salu brious climate of bur Land Of the Sky but at the same .time we cannot for get that during the Memphis epidemic many of the well established laws ! with reference to the spread of the scourge were proven by facts to ibe not invariable at least. All reason able precautions should therefore be maintained even by the moun tain towns into which the' refugees have been invited and certainly 3y the towns this side the mountains, lest our State suffer in some degree Florida has suffered. Whatever action is necessary to prevent infec tion should be taken at all poio'ts. This does not involve lack ot sim- pathy for our suffering brethren, but is the truest sympathy in that it keeps us in a position to render efficient aid to victims ot tne scourge.- We are not called upon to expose ourselves unnecessarily to contagion under any circumstances whatsoever. With the knowledge that yellow fever is in the state every precaution should ; be aken by every community o prevent an introduction or a spread of the plagoe. V - j Tbk report off the Fowle-Dociery meeting at Winston is the same. old torv of rtomnletft and marrniflftfirit iriumpn lor juafire jowie. ine campaign thus far has shown noth ing more fully, than the i masterful superiority of the Democratic candi date to his tricky opponeui. IThe fact is a fit illustration of the differ ence between the parties represented by the candidates in the power land purpose of those parties to give relief to the people from existing burdens and to advance the popular welfare at all, times. It should open the eyes ol every citizen of the otate who is not already awake to the dif ference between Radicalism and! the good government assured by Demo cratic control ana snouia result in a verdict of no uncertain sound inSNo- vetnoer in behalf of Fowle. and hon- esti economical and efficient direction of publio sffairs. Thb ditor of the Radical organ at Carthage objects to our grammar. We are entiiely willing to leave him all the shacUs of Lindley Murray and the "rest of the grammarians if he will permit us to continue our fight in behalf of- sound Democracy which includes relief of the great body of the people from the burden of unnecessary taxation, the stoppage oi the surplus revenue to this end and the readjustment of the tariff with a view to the interests of all classes and not i f the Northern bond bolder and monopolist only. We are after Rad icalinn with hammer and tongs rather than v.i h any , desire to write fiue Engli-h. "Nice questions cut toy to great Kinx, aud so in political cam- paiur, particularly against the- foul thing that is called iu the Sou h by its admirors Republicanism, good taste has sometimes to give way to prettv rugged English and pretty inaepen- aent grammar, as well. Our critic at : Carthage will have to "put this In his pipe and smoke it. Tuebk in no doubt that the Dam cratic party has that Fowle Holt on the Radical candidate for Governor, as well as the Radical party a, largo, which we used to hear about. All accounts of the joint discussions ajreo in this particular. Dockery may well be supposed to say to him sslf with respect to his candidacy; ' If so soon I was to be done f ci. t UL K n . ; V. ,nrll t KaoKri .-V" , m m --f iBt Abbeville ('it'zen announces that "lr Johnstone Jones" presided at a nominating convention if the Prohibition party in the, fortieth sen atorial district. Does this mean that Adjutant General Johnstone Wones haa withdrawn from the Democratic party T We withhold comment until we are fully informed. - iHB democrats are maxing mignty rAod nominations for the Lecrialatura Wfc . L a noitti throughout the State. It may ba ob- rwlc mad Dtcktrjr t W lBst. Cor. ot the News and ubaerrer. WnrsToif, N. C, Sept. 13, 1888. The discussion between Fowle and Dockery was listened to today by f romjtwotojtbree thousand people .The speaking took place in the Moravian reservation. Judge Fowle was at his best, aud felt much refreshed af ter several 4 days' rest. - The Judge led off in the discussion and was in- troduced to the audience by Hon. C B. Watson . The Judge was greeted by loud and continuous cheers and the waving of bandannas, hats &o- He said he regretted very much that be had not entirely recovered form his recent accident, which prevented him from being as; active as he wished. He paid a handsome tiibute to Foray In and her staunch citizens, and announced himself as a candidate for the high office of Governor, and said he represented the best party ever known in American politics. He gaid he saw many republicans before him who no doubt caaie with the idea of voting the Republican ticket, but many of them would be con vinced by facts and arguments and would vote the other way. Said, he would say nothing that would grate upon the ear of any one, "for," said he, "I am going tobe your next Governor, whether you vote for me or not, and when yon come to Raleigh and see me occupying the Guberna torial chair that Donald Bain says will have to be made larger for me you will tay, 'I voted for Dockery and "not for Fowle but I wish I had'nt! Judee Fowle then went rapidly into his part of the discus sion- He wauted to know why the people desired a change, (if any did), and: then told plainly, eloquently and truly what the people had to be thank ful for under the administration ot Scales and Cleveland, He spoke of our splendid public school system, our railroads, asylums, &c, and ef the general prosperity of our people under Democratic rule. The Judge then touched uponi the Internal I r XT. IA l V. a TTnUiul Qon ent ud no more ri ht to Dlace a tax upon a farmer's tobacco patch than upon his corn field. Said the revenue system was contrary to the spirit of the Constitution of the United States, and while the Gov ernor had nothing to do with the In ternal Revenue, if he was elected Governor he would use all the ioflu ence possible upon the Federal Con gress to have the abominable system abolished. The Judge sa d this tax was put upon the people by the Re publican party, and now they were asking the Democrats why they did not relieve the people of the burden tie said it reminded mm ol a man turning- a bull dog loose in another man's yard, and then asking why the man imposed upon did not catch the dog and muzzle him. Judge Fowle showed from the Record where Har rison had voted against any reduction of tariff or revenue. lie took op the national Republican ; platform and showed plainly that there was no sug- gestion of relief there, and illustrated the remoteness of any such possibility of relief by ihe following anecdote. A little girt followed; the track of i snake till she came to a place where the reptile bad shed its skin. When she saw this she burst, aut crying man came along and ? kindly ask d her the cause of her grief. She said, "Ob, lasttotbiuk. Suppose I was young lady, aud bad married John and we bad bad a baby, and that lit tie baby had come out here alone and that horrid snake had eaten it up Judge Fowle said there was relief for the people in the Mills bUJ, and they would find that relief in section 25 of that bill words, said he, "that are stronger than Col.; Dockery could frame from now till tomorrow. Ihe Judge was opposed to a -war tax in time of peace. His speech on the in ternal revenue was very convincing. Judge Fowle then-took up the tariff and placed the Republican paity in a ridiculous atti ude on ihe tariff ques tion. He quoted Henry, day to sus tain his position, and eulogized the old statesman in a handsome manner. ihe Judge made bis points plain; on tne tann question, and gave many good illustrations to support his argument. He showed the people conclusively that the present sj stem of taxation was robbery pure and simple, and that the tariff was the great currency contractor, and was the chief cause of the scarcity of money. Judge Fowle was called to tim- in the midst of a grand peroration aud took his seat amidst the cheers of hundreds of people, j Col. Dockery then came forward and without any introduction an nounced himself a protectionist and plunged at once iato the quest on of internal revenue aud tariff Col Dockery is a good speaker and make the best showing possible for a bad cause. He tried to impress upon ihe people that it was protection that had done so much to build up our coun try; said that nearly everything was cbaper now than it was bi fore tt'e wa; Htti.l the. Democratic party bad itiide in. my promises but had not ro d" med oue single pledge; talked a g o t deal about Heury Claj; red-lvg-ged grasshoppers; Vance, &o the same qld tiling in fact thnt he has b u so long talking about. He quoted the Nbws akd Obebvkb as being the organ of' the Democratic party in North Carolina and read an extract from that paper saying that the -tariff did net affect the prices of trace-chains , tc Col. Dockery read from the Nsws and Ob skbvkb an extract f om Cleveland's letter of acceptance where tbat gen tleman had reoommended tha it was necessary or advisable to collect money from whisky and tobacco, con sequently hethonght Cleveland would veto the Mills bill. Dockery touched strongly upon the Farmers' Alliance. He said he thought the Alliance was the next thing to the Christian re ligion; tbat if Alexauder had been nominated he would not hive been a candidate for Governor. He thought the question of Internal 11 v- uue w ula have been settled long ago if the Democrats would have let the tariff al ne. Dockery did not deny vmiug ii r a negro lawyer, nor am he aeny voting ior a negro ag mst a respectable crippled fwnite man. He bad a good deal s;to say about the kinky-beaded black niggers, as be called thern sometimes. He said there was more nigger in the Democratic wood pile IU in the whole Republican wood rard. He I 1 - M yet apoae ot jjevetana s appo; tTro Reg'aUr of tha Tn ting ne- rex?""7 n said Trotter received tl2.d52 J fcr hia services, wbereton iT?w shove the negro iato tne Democratic party, and still more amusing to see now 'the negroes were amused at sucn a peculiar Republican attitude. Judge i Fowle a reioiader wjs a masterly effort. He said in reply to Dockery's I reference to Cleveland's ',er of acceptance, in regard to tae Ij.einal Revenue, that he wou'd read from the ISiws asd Obskrveb where Cleveland had. said he endorsed the action of ; the National Democratic Committee, and that oommitteo had recommended a reduction of the tariff and a total abolition of the tobacco tax. Of course this was proof enoUgh that Cleveland would sign' the .- Mills : bill, bo away went another one of Dockery's a tu merits. Judge Fowl0 then referred to Dock ery's professed devotion to the Farm era' 'Alliance and then read from k resolution, adopted by the h armers Alliance convention, condemning truslB, protection &c, and showed that Dockery was acting contrary to the principles of the Alliance. Tais was a clincher. Judge ,owle then arraigned the Republican party for its past acts and misdeeds, and it was herd that bis matchless eloquence came to the front. He spoke as only Fowle can speak, and held his audi ence, as only such a man can do. At the conclusion of his twenty minutes, the people arose to their feet, and gave cheer after cheer, waving hats, bandanna, -umbrellas &c. Then Dockery came forward and tried to put up the gaps but he was badly hacked and made a po'ot showing lie read extracts from the Wade&boro Intelligencer in regard to Bishop Ly man receiving negroes at a rec- ption, and dwelt upon such things an that, but he left Out Mib. Cleveland's kiss ing negro women, &c. Col. Dockery wound up his talk by announcing that he was the workingman's and farmer's candidate for Governor. Did any one ever hear anything to beat that piece of demagoguery ? ,f KOTES. Miss Jenkins, of Salem, took the speeches in i short hand. They will be published in the town papers. Lieut. Charlie Williamson presented Judge Fowle with a magnificent bou quet of flowers. Quite a number of ladies graced the occasion with their presence Judge Fowle is fast recovering from the accident to his leg. He had a alight cold but was otherwise in good condition. Gew. Commercial EpIUiPie. CommenSlal and Financial Chronicle. n. Y. Fbihat Nioht, Sapt. 14 xnere cave Deen etoinis ol excep tional severity along a portion of the Southern States, but in general the weather conditions have been favora ble all over the country. Accounts with regard to trade continue quite eatmactory. . Ihe yellow fever epi dermic, however, in Florida has not yet abated. The most important fea ture of speculation this week is the sharp decline in wheat. The business in lard on the spot has been dull, but in sympathy with the con se of speculation there is sharp advance in prices,cloing nearly nominal at 9 70c for prime city, 10. 10 alU.loo for prime to choice Western and 9 70c for refined to the continent, The speculat on in futuies has been fairly active, but fitful and uncertain in tone. The better reports from the corn crop bad today a weakening in nuence upon the mote distant op tions, but at some recovery the close was firm. Pork has been fitm, but closes quiet; ; new mess, $15-25al5.75 and clear, $17a$19. Cutmeats are unset tled: pickled bellies, OSalOAc; shoul ders, 7Ja8r, hams, 12al2, smoked shouldets . tj?a9, and hams, 13 13Je Beef quiet at $7a7 50 for extra mess ard $8 50a $9 for packet, per barrel; India mess quoted at f 14.50a 16 50 per tierce; beef hams steady at $14a $16.25 per barrel. Tallow is dull at 5:. Stearine is quoted at HJ12o. Oleomargarine in demand at lUalOf o. butter is in good demand at 17a24c. for creamery and 12al5c. for Western factory. Cheese is fairly active at 7a 6je. for slate factory. Coffee on the spot has been im proving in values, with a good trade, and today was quite active, the sales including No. 4 Rio at UjiUBa., No ado., 151o. and 132 illo for No. 0 do ; Santos, 14o for No. G and lCo for No. d; besides a good business in Maiacaibo, ito , at full pricet. The speculations in Rio options has been active .but at variable prices, but gradually gaining strength, closing nrtu. . Raw Sugars have 'met with ai ac uve uemana irom Tenners and prices show a further improvement. The sales to 'ay included Muscovado ; at i 9 16 for 83 deg. test and 5o for 88 deg. test, Ad centrifugal atoi for 96 deg test. Refined sugars are in de mund at f till prices. Molasses resjains m arly nominal. Rice is unsettled. It is reported mat tne new crop was teriously damaged by the recent storms along the South Atlantic coast Spirits turpentine is active and firmer at 331 a39. Rosins are easier at $1 for good strained. The speculation in cotton for future delivery at this market has shown considerable activity for the week under review, but prices have been variable and irregular. For the first half of the week the Liverpool market was advancing, especially for the early deliveries, the movement of the crop was exceptionally small and a storm of great violence passed over Georgia and the Carol mas. But in other parts of the cottou-gr owing region the weather was better. On WedLesday an inci dent was the tender of certificates covering 20,000 bales on September contracts, causing, in conjunction with good advices from tbe south, BOme decline, which was speedily recovered when it was seen that the cirlificates were quicdly taken up. Yesterday the market was dull, with very little change, speculation being restricted by the uncertainty regarding the September ptions.- Today the mar ktt mad au early advance, in ' the fact of dull foreign advices, but Southern aooonnts were stronger. Ihe c:oe, however, was qu et. Cot ton tu pot advance d 1 163 on Mon day, when a very large export bust ness was rt ported lor the trevious aeek, but declined 1 16 on Tin s lay afackagain on Thursdiy. Today there was Cijecovery of 116c, middling up lanas oBing at iu 7-1(5. The Igures indicate a decrease in the cott0n in sight tonight of 466.449 bales aa cbmpared with the same date of 1897, av aecrease ol 262,623 bales as compared v with (he corresponding date MlfvAjjdeeraot 82,563 rior stocks have increased during the week 1,133 bales and are tonight 25,8'J4 bales less than at th9 same period last year. The receipts at the same towns have been 36,987 bales less than the same week last year, and since September 1 the receipts at all the towns are 82,967 bales less than for the same time in 1887. Joint Discission. There will be a joint discussion of the political issues between O J. Spears, Erq , Republican candidate for elector, and C B. Ajcock, Efq , Democratic candidate for elector, in tbe Third Congressional district, at the following times and places : Carter s Main, bept. 21. j San ford, Sept. 22. Wade's, Sept. 24. Owenville, dept. 25. Duplin lioade, Sept. 26. Home's Store, Sept. 27. Kichlands, Sept. 28. Jacksonville, Sept. 29. Beulahville, Oct. 1. Branch's Store, Oct. 2. Seven Springs, Oct. 3. AppolatmeaU of Hon. p. W. Sanricrlln. Hon. George W. Sanderlin, Demo cratic candidate for State Auditor, wil' address the people on the issues of the campaign at the following times and places: Parber, Tuesday, Seps 18, Denver. Friday, Sept. 21. Oastonia, Saturday, Sept. 22. Hendersonville, Tuesday Sept. 25. Brevard, Wednesday, Sept. 26. Franklin, Friday, Sept. 28 Murphy, Monday, Oct. 1. The local committees are urgently requested to advertise these appoint ments by hand-bills and otherwise. Spieb Whitaker, Chm-Dem. State. Ex. Com. Appointment of lion. . Wortalnftosu Hon. D. Worthington will address the people on the issues of the cam paign at the following times and places : Snow Hill, Tuesday, Oct. 2. Henderson, Monday, Oct. 15. Wilson, Monday, Oct. 22. Nashville, Saturday, Nov. 3. The local committees are nrgently requested to advertise these appoint ments by hand bills and otherwise. Spieb Whitakeb, Ch'm'n Dam. State Ex. Com. A handsome complexion is one of the Kreatest charms a woman can possess. Pozsoni's Complexion Powitr gives it. Unnecessary taxation is unjust tax ation Cleveland's Letter of Accept ance. Dysoepsia, (constipation. Sick Headache, Biliousness. Ihese diseases vonstitutuU thrce- J mirths of the ailments of humanity. Is there a positive cure ? Yes uffpred witb DvsDenxia and disordered tin bile. I Liver, and would frexuently throw procured a Dottle ol Hlmmons 1,1 ver Regulator, and alter using hall of it was completely cured. One of my lady customers told me the Kegulator completely cured her of sick headache. D Olds, Cedar Kaplds, lows- See that vou et the s-ftnulno. with the Z-stomn In red. on front of wrapper. J. n. ziilin tt Co.. Philadelphia. Fa. . W.HiR.S.TUCKER&CO. Fall Trade. Autumn ud1 winter shades in the new Failles Francaise dress silks with novcltises and accessories to match. All Wool Hen riettas in new autumn and winter fchades with plushes to match. Autumn and winter shades in Serges, with braids to match. All of these are our own importation. B. Priestly & Sons black silk warp Hen riettas, at prices as low aa any house in America. We have also received new lines of carpets and rugs curtain" and house keeping goods generally, and guar anteed prices. SV. B. K. Jk S. TUCKER t fU. (M ORRIS Good Year Sewed Oent's Shoe At 88 00 AND Has no equal In the city. Tit pair. L . , ' f SBHSLSS Brilliant ! Durable ! Economical! Diamond Dyes excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None otber are just as goodl Be ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials, and give poor, weak, crocky colors. To be sure of success, use only the Diamond Dyes for coloring Dresses, Stock ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, &c.&c. We warrant them to colormore goods, pack age for package, than anyother dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond and take no other. 'A Dress Dyed A Coat Colored Garments Renewed 1 FOR IO J. CENTS. A Child can use them 1 , At Druggist ami Merchaats. Dye Book free. WELLS, RICHARDSOH & CO.. BURLINGTON. VERMONT. THE Handsomest Grocery Store. I SOUTH OF NEW YORK. i Most complete and and varied stock Of STAFLE AID FAUCY GROCERIES'. IN THE STATE. Anything in Staple or Fancy Groceries. Horse or Cow Food. Snuff, Cigars, Tobacco, &c, &c, From one pound to a car load. At Lowest Prices, W.C.UB. Wholesale Grocerp, Itet'sil Grocers, Coffee Roasters, Candy Manufacturers. W arA now in nur nstw nnirlrn. and while not. fitted up as we expect to be by tbe let of October, we are ready for business and extend a cor- dial invitation to our friends and cus- tomers, whether they wish to buy or COME AND SEE US. 33JRA.TVI IV JEW New Store ! New (Jooas ! New Goods Every Day, In Stock and to Arrive October 1st: This Season's Packing, Vegetables, Fruits, Meats, Jams, Jellies and Preserves, Sai dines, Olives, Olive Oil, Pickler, 5tC., &C Finest JLinc ThiB season's green and black Teas, Roasted and Green Coffees, In the State. This Seasons Green and Black Teas. 20, 25 and 30c. lb! Our own l'ure Ground Conee. 15c. lb. We are and mean to be HEADQUARTERS For anyythinR, and everything In Staple and Fancy Groceries. A N E W ELECTRIC Door Bell, EASY TO- PUT IN PLACE. DRY BATTERY DOES NOT Get Out of PRICE VERY LOW. Hefl On At Vnr-lc AT STORE. THOS 11. BRIGGS & SONS BR1GGS BUILDING. SAXSIOH. K. C. A. good irtylUh famDjr hoi.; also top bo(g7 ad haracaa, Oood aa new., A.p- STRDNACH mm AND SO f FOOLISHNESS. Everything in the way of SUMMEllGOODS will he sold at aud below coet from July 1st to eptembe: 1st, to room far ray FALL STOCK. Come a'i.l-(r.-t goods iper thn " You Saw ISefore. Oil stores, bath tuba1 fly fans etc., ct Am )rp:ir' d and ready to do J.dur ing, H STEAM ANDGASFITTINC in nil it branches. AH work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. HARDWARE, Stovrs an.. House Furnishing Go"-d-, J . C BREWSTER, Edw. J. Hardin, Grocer, i: Offers at all times a complete and carefully Selected Stock Of all seasonable substantial and luxn riesofthe PROVISION TRADE Meau, Fish, Fine Butter, Fine Teas, Cofleesi &c, ate . Canned Goods of ! the) most approved brands, including ihe Feacbes, fears. Apricots and Uberries ol tne 4Golden Gate Company " ef San Jose. best camei) vegetablks, Corn, Tomatoes, Asparagus. uccwth. etc., etc. PRESfeRVES, Jellies, Sauces, Olivea, Flavoring E tracts, and everythiBg else in the way of TABLE SUPPLIES For special announcements from day to day, s tne local coiumsoi this paper I rvia n rTal -s CO h CsS ft fi SV CO C fi 0) CD fi O pH Cs-H CO rH CO o T3 Da! fi! OF w p.! Oj fi! Hi fi! aw fi o o a- 6 CD r4 : da (A CO o Cigars! WATER! WATER I No beer, Ac, but all the popular i I(e-Cod, Noa-Alcoholic Beverages ON -DRAUGHT, t, r Bkilf till; prepared and dUpeoM1 from Largest; Aooaratus in the State. Also fine selection of io ported and domes tic DE&A1B!. Come and Noo T7 LEEJOrlNSON&tJO. opposrriB POSTOFFIOE, BAtHOH. If. a SPECIAL i BARGAINS t f In fuitingB aD all Tarletiei of cuiom 1 made ojorrmivo. I. WIKETROB, MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 8 WEST MARTIN STREET, (Opposite Postoffioe.) The best goods stylishly and substan tially made up at REDUCED PRICES. i all and see me and examine goods and find out prtoes for yourselves. The reduction in rates is bona fide. Very respectfully, I. Winetrob 1?OB SALE. I BL.C. iHsaaeJsyluffl. VI81TOM8 i ' ' ' at tl e Insane Asy'um will ht i after 1 e a tti itted only on WEOfJESDAYS, Between 9 x. tn. aid 6 p. iu. This rale has lxen fi und necessary on account of the injurious ellectoot t Cifive visiting ui ou thn iumatoa.' By order of the Board. Superintendent. THE HAMMOND Type Writer The most. P ERF 12' :T n-.arhine ever of-' i e I on the mark, t Typo, Perlct-t Aliiiiueiil, lSeau y mi I'liraimlty. Tli oi.h Type riter am idtni aGOLD MFDAL at the Now Oriens Exposition. It has many advantages over other riling machines, and the work done on it is PERFECT. It' Cannot Get Out of Alignment t . It is riot Liable to Get Out of Ordfer It Cannot Collide with Iisctff It has open-end can-lag, which admits of paper of any width or length, and has cangeaDie type. I & Every machine WARRANTED RER- IEOT. ' Price complete, with two sets of type, S100. Send for catalogue. T. A. MONTGOM EE Y, State Agent, Raleigh, N. C NORTH CABOLINA Homo Insurance Co,., OF RALEIGH, N a Organised In lass, : Has bern insui ing propertv In North Carolina for eighteen years. With agents' in nearly every town in tne state accet sible to ran roads and east of the moan tains. THE HOME, Holictta the patronage of property ownrrs in tne state, onering tnem sale indem nity for losses at rr tee as low as those of any companr working in North Carolina. n.ASSfcs of r&erEKTT mut : Dwellings in town and country, mer cantile risks, churches, schools, court house., society lodges, private barns and SMDiea, inm proanc ana uve hock, cot ton gins. . Insure in the North Carolina Horns Insurance Company. Vt. 8. PsnocosB, Chas. Boo President. Sec'y and Treas. W. G. UlOBTJBCB, P. COWTKB Yice-t'remd.nt. Adjoster. Oflltf im nrigfrs' Building, No, 83 f.j (tovilie TS. 'Mot'idii V tS. Richmond Locomotive -AND MAJQIIIISK WOltKS, RICHMOND, VA. t Builders of locomotives, standard or nar row gauge, adapted to every service. Engines and Boilers, (15 to 200 Hone Power). . Fur all purposes. Complete steam plants for factories and Mills. Improved Sow Mills. Capable of cutting 0,000 Io 80,009 feet of lumber per day, with patented devices for accurate and rapid work. A large lot of small engines and boilers, from 4 to 0 horse po er " tanner cX Delaney " for tale low t close thrm on. Write for catalogue snd estimates on your wants. W. H. BttrgCNaj, Saleirusn for North Carolina, ju t2-8mo. tlreensboro, N. C. NtJjV CORNED JSliuxl JEfcoe. neU)iE J.R.FERRALL&CO i . 222 FayettevilU rJt We are receiving today first arrival new cornrd shad, roe, packed in pails. New N. C. coined, niul'et. New N. C. i Family Flour. . To arrive in a few dajs JJew catch No. 1 mackerel. fjphe celebrated Pine 11- ney. Pickles packed by Mis. Kid.d, of . Bich mood, Va. ioe Virginia hams. t - rpelephone No. 88. CITIZENS' TRUST - COMPANY raleiqhn a, (elicits and fa empowered to execute TRUSTS OP ALL KINDS, to XAjraaa fbofebtt aa Agent for Ownoraj To Buy and Bell Property, COLLECT RENTS LOOK AFTER TAXES, BOY AND SELL SECURITIES:

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