Via. w.Awuii.-fti s. 1 1- ;,t:f..J-T-''"?''-,:-' BRIER ( its- 3 - -' - I j - '; I I" i ai ' aa i , .' f " , AND UBS l i i VOL, XXVI. 1 1 RALEIGH. jN. WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1888. NO. 70 fJRpYAL It5.1l HI I ' Absolutely Pure. This powder Mm varies. A saarvei i -...U- Mamvth anH wboleoCtneOea. Lwa aranoinieanhan ordinary kindaaad Unot be sold in oompetitioa with the altitude of Jw itMMn !um.or paotpBOM pusjuuat wiwii all Btrecrt. Kew YortcTT" r . ; Sold br W. a A. ptronaeh and i I is ft I s'i AX iPPiUJia PICTURE. s 4 Eaft MarUtf Street, I ft II .1 M i', kr fall stock bat arrived and is open If or the Inspection of our customers. r . 'iffi' l A A ladies ttwiao Testa, from 80. I- I, Odi enli metlnti vesU, aS paiJ-J teal St f undenblrtei f rom 2t5o. np 'I- toe aaaUtV ana pnoe, i aurirtimi. Tbe rjoz ears are amwuieu i to pteoes ana puea oiKnmmwi; w--ihm AlhAr. breaentioir a aoene of tnotbeexoeUedJ; ooda la All ibrndM. whl rim- mins o atels- ill' OKAIBIO DBBCBU'TIOH OF AUGUSTA, AFTER TBI FLOOD. A oorrftnTondent of the Charleefcoii World gms agrapic degoriptio Aogasia, QX, after the flood, ing that erery cellar ia filled up'toj the level of the Bidewalka with waterj and on every hand can be seen en- ginee and devices of every dtscrip4 tion hard at work pumping it oV while whole brigades of negroea are! ogaged in bailing out many cellars with backets. A number of steam; fire enginei -are employed in this i work, but no matter how rapidly the ; work is poshed forward, getting the water oat of the cellars is at best a slow busintss. In one bailding where steamer had been at work for hours, there was scarcely any visible dimin ution in the quantity of the water in the cellar, and it is feared that stand ing so long, many 1 buildings might be undermined to a very dangerouji extent. -t , On every aide can be seen over turned houses, aprooted trees, an Other indications of the terrific force of the water. In in any places large frame and brick booses collapsed onf der the pressure of the flood of water which came down irresistibly npo it, and only scattered piles of brick; or here and there a section of a roof,- is left to indicate the spot where the; building had stood. IURNINQ I8TO TKLFAIS BTBMT from the canal, one can get a slight conception of what the overflow was from the great damage caused in this quarter. Between Eleventh and Twelfth streets .is a vacant square where a week ago stood six substan tial cottages, .which were literally torn to pieces and carried away by the current leaving nothing bat A Af BB3CK PIIXAB8 to indicate where they had once stood.. Farther down the street stands the Davidson Grammar School, which was thoroughly flooded on the first floor, all the furniture, pictures, et& being thoroughly demolished. At the corner of Telfair and Elev enth streets stands the chtoch, or rax atosxmist, which is almost ft total wreck. The handsome fence around it is gone, and the costly stained-glass windows are beat in by the force of the water, which flooded the interior of the baild ing, completely rained the furniture and elegant altar hangings. The chapel, situated in the corner of the church-yard, was found open, and the interior is even a more complete wreck than the horoh. The furniture was floated around by the water, which most have risen: several feet in the bunding, and when the flood receded left it in a general mass covered to the depth of six Or eight inches with the ahmj river jnud. The organ is overturned, and lying on its face on the floor in a pool 01 water. ; at Ths tmos mpot. . Another scene of tfreat devastation is at the onion depot, where every thing is completely demolished. The tracks are all floated off and piled one upon the other, While all aroand are strewn-- -! ,1VS-'gp - : - c-'-t i ?- ; nUS OF BAILBOAD TICXXTi, aroond"the depot is overthrown and the -scene In the freight yaras vies CONGRESS. PROCEEDINGS YESTEKDAY IN SENATE AND TEE HOUSE. MB 6HXRXAN ESTXBTAI1TS THE SENA TORS WITH A' P08T MOBTEM EXHI- SATION OF KBIE3 THE EEC EST F1SH- rniATT. it wc 000 vards diss flannel. vara.- i ' - i-Xe. a By TelenrpU to the News ABd Obserrer. Washihotos, Sept. 18-Sknte The deficiency ! aopropria ion bill was reported bck from the commit tee on appropriations . and was ordered printed. Notice was given that Mr. Jones, of A-kau-sas, would address the Senate tomorrow on thenotion to refer the President's annual message. Mr. Sherman's resolution, offered yesterday, instructing the committee on foreign relations to inquire into the State of the relations of the TJni- I ted States with Great Britain and the Dominion of Canada and to report at the next session such measures as are expedient to promote friendly com mercial and political intercourse De- i ween inese countries ana ine unitou 'States was taken: up and Mr. Sher man proceeded to address the Senate, "delivering his remnrks from manu script. : I Alter an allusion to the President's Retaliation message and justification cf the rejection of the fisheries treaty, Mr. Sherman asked why should Can ada refuse to allow fishing vessels to ' enterher ports and to ship her fish to the American market? A denial of that privilege appeared so un ohristian and selfish that he won dered it had not long since led fe violent retaliation. If the Presi dent had by proclamation withheld a 'like privilege from Canada fishing ves sels the evil, he believed; would have -Been a nick! v corrected. The Presi dent, instead of exercising the powers Which he had under the act of inarch 30, 1887, had asked Congress (in his retaliation message) for power to iispend a commerce which had amounted (for the last six years) to 1270,000,000. No wonder that that sadden change of base exoited sur prise in both countries and was re- Sirded as a mere political movement t. Sherman argoed that the Presi dent had avoided the real issue by in volving the commerce of a boundary f oar thousand miles long with a con troversy in the: waters about the mouth of St Lawrence; river with wfeich it had ,; no relation, and that he had endangered the peace between thW two countries and pot farther into the future the anion of Canada with- this country. Discrimination against America in Canadian canals, although unjust had been seized upon as a pretejjae for the retaliation biUi Why, he asked, seek a quarrel on sucu an old pretense? it was neither manly, dignified nor just. It was an alter ttouglit. lie concluded, therefore, that it was not wise to give to the President the additional pow ers of retaliation which he asked for. Altbouah Mr. Shermaa's speech was not delivered i with that ! force-: and withlvery close interest and attention on pom aiaea wi un vu.miroi m its Hose congratulations were onerea to him by several Eenators. Mr. n.orgaa: repuea wnr osw- man j descriDing a porwon w mnemkh as a oaat mortem ezanuna- t i n mil i n . and addine that Shermaa's "Zollue- the most complete oonlaswn. xnej heavy atone payments aroond the m Iwd nrv or eaved in. caused . hnmtinir 6t . a lanre sewer I mm", idea had seemed to settle into a which ran along under the sidewalk. pUilor the annexation of Canada to h " io. i i4to. amd Wc a yard. at the corner of Jackson and Telfair the Station bill was in the commit ktu.e, ioc, ll Mto. aa zoc a yaro. somewhat an U Ux foreign relations, which had thellnited States-j Mr. Morgan said ew styles ia ladies and misses hats. -fi,t hW hnilt in somewhat an I f oreicrn relations, which Mnng areanad WituOUt I nntl vnt eonsidetT it, ana ne ex Wiaw -y I -" . ! . . , : k althoosntne water in acav BMW. (senator irom wmw Opposite the ennren was near l DelOEe it nau ever iirmu w J V ibbons and featbgra ia tit shades. T a' A DWARDFASNACH, 4am a anlld brick wail DUUt ""-rr i-. r - --3 .mnnrt thn ennrcn-Tara was eniwu j away, anthe yard is fall of mad and, of air or eifcht sfeeV The beaUfal o-.rrian imnnd the Darsonatre was completely swept away. , m AkuTUT BMatt- Th muni at which probably the CTMttaiat (tamaora was done was at the , eanai, ana pana oi wiub , -r" nrU 9 OOO f aet. 1 This Will BBJfffBV tvt W M aa mw ----- I - ' - w m m l StAAA AAA J Involve ft 10SI 01 ftDOUl ZUU,UW, anu will nAAuttala the susoension ox iViAflnrttmittee. After it had been ivWd: tomorrow he would bring VT . . , . a , the subject to the attention oi me Senate fand country. He therefore preferred to nave ne matter gw t till tomorrow, i . i Mr. Sherman s resolution wem withnt action. t Stewart gare notice that be would follow Mri Jones of Arkansas tomorrow, on the sabjeot of the President's annual message. of nature described in the resolution but as no such offences have occurred no steps have been taken to furnish siich offences. The communication was referred to the committee on post offioes and postroads. sMr. Barnes, of Georgia, introduced a bill offering a reward of $100,000 to any person of any nationality who will d.ucover the true cause or germ o yellow fever with any certain (ueane of effecting its prevention, de itruction, or mat trial modification, or who, without discovering the cause or germ of said disease, Bhall dis oover a Certain and practicable mode of effecting its prevention, destric tiCo or material modifioat'ou. Ke ferred. IA conference wa ordered on th bill amending the inter State com merce law. Mr. Forney, of AUbamr, th n called up the coufrrnow rnoit u the sundry civil apprcpriafiou bill. When last before the House the le port was opposed by Mr. Pyson, of Illinois, who antagonized the appro priation for continuing the new library building and advocated an absolute abrogation of the present plan of con sttuction. Mr. Forney proceeded to reply to this attack and to defend the plan as proposed in the conference report. The disoussion soon digressed from he new library bailding and became general and political, being turned in that direction by Mr. Cannon, of Illi nois, who made a speech on the gen eral subject of appropriations, con trasting the expenditures of the pres ent administration with those of the Arthur administration, and repeating for the information of the House a statement which has already been made, in the Senate that the Demo cratic administration had expended in four years ninety-six millions more than had been expended during the last tour years of the Republican ad ministration. ; Sir. Burnes, of Missour, took up the cudgels in defence of the admin istration. ; He said that he would, dfcfer a reply to Mr. Cannon's remarks until the deficiency bill came before tbej House, but he declared that much of the increased appropriations was di to the Republican Senate, or amendments creating them were offered by the gentlemn from Illi nois, . and advocated by his party friends. He read a statement show ing, that the Senate f our years ago in creased the sundry civil bill by $21, 000,000 and this in spite of the fact thai the House conferees, headed by Samuel J. Randall, has resisted the increase with bitterness. Mr. O'Neill, of Pennsylvania: For the; information of the gentlemen on that tide of the house, I will inform them that one week from tomorrow Samuel J., Randall will be nominated unanimously by a Democra'ic conven tion, composed of au snades ol .Dem ocrats without reference to the tariff. (Applause on the Democratic side.) Mr. O Weill, of Missouri, and get every intelligent vote in the District.' Mr. O Neill, of Pennsylvania, l doabt whether there will be a Kepub ican nomination Mralnst hf,xto past him out, bat Unpeople win take care oi mm. ion wu ocratio side, "He's all right.") Mr. PaySon broagnt vne ueuaie baok to the aw library with an at tack on Architect Smitnmeyer wno designed the bailding, who he de clared to be eitner incompetent, vr deceitful. i . . . . Hr. Kelley, of Pennsylyania, deien AcA Smithmeyer and his plans. Pend- inr diseussion the matter went over. 3 ... a ! ' S Mr- UUtUng, OI JO.WBlBIUpil UVU1 the committee on rivers and harbors, rnnrt.Ad the bill aulhorizinff the Secre Urv nf War to prescribe rules and regulations for the care and manage ment OI tne ou vaair nais smy mumt Passed. The bouse then, at 5 o'clock, ad ioiirned, and a Democratic caucus was Knfiounoea i to oe ueiu v o v this p. m. i I THE OLD ROMAN TO AN OLD ROMAN GUARD. JUI.OS THTJBMAS OS nXMOCBATIO PBIN- j C1PLES TO YOVSQ DEMOCRATS OTBItl NEWS. By Jelgrph to Ue Mew And Obserrer. Columbus, O., Sept 18. The Old Roman Guard, a recently organized Democratic campaign club, was pre sented last night with a silk banner by: the Democratic la'ies of Colum bus. A couple of other clubs were on hand at the presentation and speeches were made by Hon. Thomas K. Powell, Mayor Bruck and Hon. Allen G. Thurman. Judge Thurman received the banner for the club in a short speech. He thanked them for the honor done him in naming their dub after him and spoke of the work in whtoh the organization was en gaged and continued:! ' It was over on hundred years ago that Thomas Jefferson declared the principles that wiped slavery from our fair land. Today there is a lot of jwhite slaves in the domain of Christianity. Why, it was de to Demoe. a tic principles that tne shackles were stricken from all Blaves in that memorable year of 187G. It is true that we had blacks in slavery, but the 6ystem had 1 to go. It was an inevitable result of the prin ciples espoused by Jefferson and em bodied in (he Declaration of Indepen dence. Yon cannot came one good cause in the last hundred years that has not been fostered by the Demo cratic party. Europe today is not what it was. One hundred years ago its nations were ruled by intolerable despots. Its men were sent off to fight battles in .which they had no sympathy or interest It is not so now. I I have traveled foreign lands and seen men walking erect with free and independent bearim?. Hut it is not equal to the freedom enjoyed in the United States. Democratic princi ples has e routed even the oldest des potisms and have wrought wonderful reforms. You, my young friends, are engaged in a noble cause! To sustain the principles of equal rights you are to do unto all men as you would have them ; do onto you and make this country the great exemplar in war, freedom and the prosperity of the masses. I thank you for the welcome you have given me and the esteem manifested. Should fortune go our way j; will so do my duty that you, my friends, will never blush." The meeting was very enthusiastic. oixnEio Mai as a wurER TAB.1T7H. aiata Petltlm forth Atlamtlc Hold t Opaacd for Sortaara Traval. Special to the New and Obserrer. New Bxaxx, N. G , Sept. 18. Mam moth petitions go forward in the morning to Messrs. Carr and associate owners of the Atlantic Hotel at More, head, and to Messrs. Beerman & Cooke, the present lessees, to have this immense hotel kept open during the winter for northern travel. More head City is said to never have had a case of pneumonia, and its atmos phere is said to be an almost certain cure for all bronchial affections. It is thought that the place has i. r. M.r. ii For the benefit of business and professional saen, especially those of a scientific a well as a practical turn, the fall and wincer series of "practical talks'' at the Y. M. O. A. rooms wul begin with a carefully prepared paper on "adaptation of electricity to he usefull arts" by Mr. Thomas C. Harris. These lectures are free, and frill be of special inter est to our business and professional men and thoee interested in manu factories. All are cordially invited next Friday night at 8 o'clock. The series embracing a variety of interest- only to U d ? Pj" T01? be known in ord to bMom. tfe. ?T7 ? W tnrougn taa greatest winter sanitarium on the At lantic coast. The absence of malaria and the abundance of fish, game and wild fowl will eventually crowd the town each winter with northern vim- 1 tors and sportsmen. Florida winter tourists are already making inquiries in this direction. WoKcw Coaca ofTeUow Farar at Haadar- aanrtllar' Special to the New and Obserrer. Asheviixx, N. O, Sept. 18. The yellow fever patients .at-lienderaoiw. vuieare improving. Ho new case were reported. The outlook is favor able. The public anxiety is subsid ing: A discussion took place today at Cooper s, this county between Messrs. thwart and 1. jr. Davidson. The county canvass opened tonight by a joint discussion at Beaver Dam between Messrs. Carter and Malone, candidates for the House. A Raapaaa to the Call of Dmtr- Bj Telegraph to the Hewi and Obserrer. Baltimore, Md., Sept. i 18- In re sponse to a call for volunteers of the Order of the Red Cross Dr. William Rucker of Baltimore left this city Sunday for Jacksonville, Fla., where he wjli give his services for the relief of the! sufferers from yellow fever. He loaves a wife and family in this j city and abandons a remunerative : practice. A Very- Decided Klatake. Special to the News and Obserrer. Hi5deb805, Sept. 18. In the Ports mouth Record of the 16th is an ar ticle stating that yellow fever exists in Henderson. This is a mistake. There is no yellow fever here nor has there been. The fact is the health of the town was never better than at present. There is yellow fever at Henderson rille. in Henderson county, beyond the Blue Ridge mountains, in the western part of the State,more than three hnndred and fifty miles away. There are cases that have broken out among the refugees from Jackson ville, Florida, to whom the people of Hendersonville threw open the gates of their city, not apprehending ; any spread of the disease, erven in case it should develop itself.' They claim that yellow fever cannot live in their mountain climate. The error above alluded to was caused by the omission of the last syllable in the name Hen dersonville. Futchxb R. HasriS, M. D , Superintendent of Health. Gea. JeUaatone Joaes Corrects aa Error Special to the Mews and Obserrer. Asheyillk, N. C ., Sept. 18. Please state that the mention of my nape in connection with the Third party was a typographical error. Joshua Jones, a prominent farmer of this countr. was the person meant; 1. r sympathy onaWof men- IeAurm I say this as one Preside Clevelaad's X-tter! Hearaly ra- dorsco r weriaa:eei "-" Th. latter of aoceDtanee of Presi AAnt Cleveland releases the working- who has always voted prohibition. The movement is to be deplored by all prohibitionists and denounced by all Demo its. : I stand where I have Democrats of men,espeoially those partapf it which J always stood, with the refer to emigration and trusts. It is the straitest sect. generally acknowledged to be a very able document, that strikes right out Johxstohi Jons. Mtfii ..J iirTTRl DliluIKV work in all the mills for possipiy sev- terday on the unmese exclusion mu MIIT11M tri WXm wo ajaugQaiA khrowillg .boat 3- He fa mvag& pair withMr.Tur f ld Jewehry., GoIh and BUver Watch Urham8tevlltBUywarfow P'v .Tl. IS Wh mm. . gatent rings constant ly la stock. Badges ' I ii and Medals made . r V ; to sCvder. - . t;A iU,U - an enless variety cf lenses Woe eaablas as fe ooirrat almost any frrorof refraction ka Myoma (nearahjht), hrmetrOPia vax bikiu;, s teauj vyim sight). . promptly - a Aeaaacae wai i 000 hands out of employment liOSS OF lAl-S VaT HEAVY. v It is impossible as yet to estimate the number who Jost their litea by the flood, as reports are coming in very day of newly-found bodies, it was reported yesterday that eighteen bodies had been brought to Sand Bar Ferry, which had been wasnea own th rivar. bat thi reDOrt OOOld not M yerified. Seyerai bodiei.have been foond doring the past day or two, and when the debris is cleared up there is no estimating now many ad ditional names may be lidded to the list m casualties. ', . , TUB rRBIHETI I THE BAST. OUR Abtifxcial. Washlaaaa Rotes By Telegraph to the Hews and Obserrer. Washihotos, D. C, Sept. 18 A prominent Democratic representative WOO nao aia awug uj-w-v- j -- - nosition lookin&r to the passage of an I -. 1 i- tU- D.. adtoununeni resoiuwon uj vwnuur, nO I , , it. 4 V,o hail aatiafiAd bim aaawT - n I SBB1I1-UHAMW BsAASBlEI U aaawva oreaent when the vote was taken yes-1 ,fi.,.refi inaairy and actual tank nn the Chinese exclusion bill. . . ... -r ..f ;n fn flOunK Uiab alie iouitAitawv vnuvuu -v rr .- . . . a niiht would favor the passage oi a eoncurrent . resolution to adjourn rvArees i October. 1st next It is; learned from many sources that tnaYnhara who have opposed any sucn action have suddenly cnangea ineir position as a resuis oi yesieruaj b proceedingH in the House fihairman O'NeUL oi me laoor com miitee. then secured an overwhelming majority on the proposition to reier ... - : 1 1- a- i i hia nommiiiee ine ictuiumuu .- fha waathAr hnreau of i the Signal wiumw w. Tatifc the Dair bad been transferred to some otner oenawr. y ha afrmld verv heartuv nave voteu w - - "-a T W 'v" ) !. n'n : a motion i to reconsider, the Senate then resumed consideration of the House bill to enlarge the powers and duties of the Department OI Ag riculture and to create an executive flnirrtment of it. the question being on the amendment reported by the 1 the shoulder. .T T,. MnOreadv said:i "It U a statesmanlike docdment.and the tariff question is well handled."! tary American FederaMon of Labor, . . . .v ... 1 1 n.:4.M m said: i agree wim me u eh a ones tion of emigration. Some thing should be done to stop oojeo tionable people flocking to our shores" ! . George W. Dunn, of District As sembly 49,said, "The letter is a very able one. The President makes good promises, and if elected I hope he will carry them out." Mr. Dunn is a Republican. - Josiah Dyer, secretary of the Na tional Granite Cjatters' Union, said : The views of the President on emi- eration are sound. We are with him in his war on trusts.. W. 8-Rood, of the "Union rrimer, said : "The letUr is an excellent doc ument, and the Republicans cannot make ! capital out of it. l believe thoroughly in the letter. It does not waste words, and ensues an - over with (mod ooints. It is clear, ana no one can mistake its meaning. It Ma Hew Cases at Haadarsoarllla. Special to the Hews and Obserrer. Hendebsonyille, Sept. 18. No new eases of fever since Friday morn inc. Wm. A. Paire died today. All patients con valesoent-One discharged 1 1 .,, 1 17a n.nlA fall and winter . Arrangements have been made for a class in penmanship to alternate with bookkeeping by an expert pen. man and teacher of writing. Mr. L. A, Coulter, of Tennessee, who has been elected State Secretary of the Young Mens' Christian Associ ations of Norm Carolina by the State executive committee is expected this week to visit and encourage the work in Kaleigu. 1 The reading room is open every day asd frea to men,' a. m. to 10 p. m. Fresh aptrs always on file. ; i a i a. Mreara. J. J, Tkau fc Co. Messrs. J. . Thomas A Co. this morning invite! the attention of their patrons and the public generally to their fall advertisement which appears in another column The members of this firm, the pioneer cotton buyers of Raleigh, hae 4 reputation so well established that ft id difficult to say anything of t&eit solid and reliable character that Is not already known to the public (jThey wish, in the first place, to say tcjj their, farmer friends especially that ; hey have a full sup ply of all kind cotton covering sub stitutes, from cjbtton cloth to burlaps, of which they hare 10,000 yards on band. Their bagging substitutes are made in this State, and they are prepared to furpish large supplies. The cotton (receipts here for the season just ended were something over thirty-fivef; thousand bales, of which they handled, on consigment, in actual cotton over five thousand bales, thus proving that shippers are realizing tne economy in time and money of placing their cotton in the hands of an exclusive seller of cotton who Will use every legitimate effort to secure best prifes, fair weights, and is willing to . work for reasonable charges. I , . They have a f U supply of twine, oats, corn, meal J flour, molasses, salt, sugar, coffee, eti, which they are pre pared to furnish on asyreasonabla terms as the v can W'rtur chased at anywhere. White Bcavers-Atteatioa. There will be a meeting of the Y. M. D. 0. at the if amor's office tonight, Come out, member. You are wanted! to aid in some special work. 'i:sanndan srreet last night was arrested ane put in the guard-noose for trial this being sup posed that he waf on a thieving ex pedition. i : " Casalaffi Oat Fram'Aaaaac Thaa. AaherUle Citizen. 13tbi '' V From Mr. Freefoan, a ataonen i Damofirat and merchant at Bat Cave, nandAraon countv. WhO WSJ m Ul city ) yesterday, mei learn that, six prominent Republicans living in that aatiMi ann nnara ma iuuu uiovuo- sion between Mr.-Erig. D. Carter and The Jolat DlacaMloa. There will be a joint discussion of the issues of the campaign between Hon. Daniel G. Fowle and Hon. Oliver H. Doekery, Democratic and Rermb.' lican candidates for Governor, st the following times and places : Lienoir, Wednesday, Sept. 19 Morganton, Thursday, Sept. 2( Marion, Friday, Sept. 21. Mooreeville, Iredell Co., Saturday Sept. 22. SpiekJWhitakh , Ch'm'n. Dem. Sute Ex. Com. -' 1 1 eaatsassa- T -ssjjbi Clarkson N. Potter, of Harlf jrd. reports to the National Association of Democratic Clubs that the Democ: at. ic ticket in Conxactieut will undoubt edly be elected by a clear majority ' over Pronibiuonists and Republl I cans. The modes of death's approach are vi rion, and statistics show conclusively that more persons die from diseases ot the Throat and Longs than a&y other. It is probable that every one, without ex ception, receives vast numbers of Tuter cla Germs into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil thxy start into life aad develop, at am alowlr and is shown by a alight tickling setea. tion in the throat and if allowed to con tinue their ravages they extend to the longs producing consumption and to the head, causing catarrh. Mow all this i dangerous and if allowed to proceed wil I in time cause death. At the onset vou Ma 1.1- . . - hub wi wim promptness; allowing a oold to go without attention is dangerous and may lose yoo your life. As soon as you feel that something is wronv; with your Throat, Longs or Nostrils, obtain a bottle of Boschees German Syrup. It will give yoo immediate relief. For beauty, for oomfott, for improve ment of the complexion use only poi soni's Powder; there is nothing equal to it Dr. Gabier, of Paris, is about starting for Jacksonville, Fla, to study yellow fever. PURE 1- i mm SXAj. Ita uperior excellence proven in mil lions of homes fojtoxe.4Mtbv-aaTOie TnVBtrong est, Purest and most Health. ML Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdet oVjas not contain Ammonia, Lhae o Alam. tteldotUytaOaaa; r' ... PRICE BAKDtG POWDEB CO. . waw Tomx. omoAOo. i wt totna. ;t CHALLENGE AND A J1r A' Everybodv in good spirits, dignation against lying correspon dents. D. Mr. H. G. EwarWatBat Cave, a lew -rL- . hr-n Am ao-n. had forsaken the sinking IPs?. kHl V M-Cj I . pauesura.u. -H' r;. had pledge3 f ' i : Great in- tnemseives w vyw: w lr. Fowle and honeet government, xmn is the way the god people are leay hs the false teachings of Radical SJaers all over the country, and they are refusing longer to listen to these miserable creatures cf personal ava rice and Belf-aggrandizeuicnt at the expense of honor,(priacipl and troth. "Oome ye out from among them, my l.rt. ft ? peupio. Sapposoa Tallow Favor at Barsaw. Special to the News and Otwrorr. Buroaw. N. C. Sept. 18. Dr. Wal ter C. Murphy, president of the Pender 1 County Board of Health, reports the convalescence of a supposed sporadic ease of yellow fever occurring in the tterson of W. J. Anderson, who has I presented all the symptoms of yellow fever, including black vomit. appolatataata or Moaars. stradirlck aaal 1 challenge the world to prcdttCO a samj'le of ' ? j Hiimian Eyes ? w v- y ' . Ikave and hook; like the aataralorgaw Lr. whaa liiAeifted. r Dl7Hta at a havinc a brokaa Ty oan have anothet mad withsaa talk fai asceoaeUy ' i ' Raleigli garble Worts. 417 and 4layettevilie St., RALBiCH.W.C a. OL . of all kinds of Itommeat, ATrrr SaoaOTktodTofB kVOorbing Pdets, 8teps, eWs, c j -1.. ' - ' -- ' iaii doscrlpaons itept on hand and seat hao. A. Goodwin, Prolrietoff. TBI DA1IAOB DOME, Norfolk advices are to the effect that the freshet in the rivers in east em North Carolina is sobsiding slowly. Great damage has resulted on the lowland farms along the Roan oka, Nottoway, Blaekwater and other rivers, the cotton and corn crops being submerged and destroyA and livestock, barns and outhouses, cut Aord-wood. bridges, fences, Jtrj. .want. AVIT bv the floods, which have never before been equally disas trous. The rise in the Roanoke river ... th;t.aAAn feat higher than ever Vnnwn hfora and overflowed the low country three miles from its banks. The neatest destruction to the farmers is on this river. Many dwellings were submersed and swept awav with the barns and outhouses. Croosare fifteen feet nndt-r waUr Manv fine dentations are utterly ruined, and it is . estimated that the liea bv floods this season here wil! reach $I,000,OOfcy . .r staael OsTeriaas. By Telegraph to th HeWs aad Observer, Washtsoto, Bept. 18. cona on ings today, $5,325,000. Accepted, $1,017,000 at 1291 for fours and 107 for four and a halls. Mn to the Department of agricul ture.- The question was discussed by Maaara. Buderi Palmer, Plumb, DaWes, Bates, Ha wley, Call, Blair .n a Piatt, but no action -as taken, and after a short session the Senate at 5.35 adjourned. H0CSX. Tb Sneaker bro tern, laid before thA House a communication from the Poslttaster General in response to fha roarenor resolution calling for inforjaatiofi relating to the distribu tion through the mails pi tne lax Reform ? Advocate, in - viola tion of the postal laws The Postmaster General says it is not true that : enormous editions ox tne Tax Reform Advocate were sent and distributed in violation or tne postal laws'ihrouffh the, mails from Col am- L - w a . buB, :Ohio, to all or nearly ail tne postffioes of that State. : It follows that it is not troe ton any ouioer u the Pbstoffioe Department has been euilty of any such act or; has known of the aame. It is not necessary, says the Postmaster General, that there should ba anv farther legislation by Gonirress to enforce the laws of the iiniLsu ssabea ia naww iw miw 7.1 i . . i " li tal : service, ana to prevent sueu offenoes br a repetition of them for tha reason that no such offenses have occurred. Steps have been taken, he aavs. bt the department to investi gate the truth or falsity of offenses - ssr II- - d . I- 'J Hon. F. N?. Strndwick, Democratic nan MAaI a for residential elector for I tha KtafcA at laree. will address bis fellow-citizens upon the ibbu.b oi me Dockary Walla to Coaaa to Ttaae. SDeelal to the Hews and Obserrer. Hickobt, Sept 18.- Doekery, ior I campaign at the fallowing times and unknown reasons, missed nis appom- i places ment with Judge rowie nere wusy. Judce Fowle spoke to a large and o ... .f - 1 . enthusiastic audience ana maae votes. :PURER WHISKY: 18 Speaker rarilato BaaoaUaaiad fcy Aeela especially Strong PU the questions of By jeiegraplrto the News and Observer, Tha nnint of no auoruoi was raised ;n im tn avoid what members retard as a serioul tactical error, ior as tne mlsolution would undoubtedly have bepri reported back favorably frcm tha labor committee the opportunity wdnld have thuj been offered to se cure a yea and nay vote on a propoet tinn to amend it by. setting apart t day for the consideration of the de nAndant nension bill and other gen era! pension legislation. It is said to be this impending ouenuna wmou i m resulted mi the change oi opinion o many members upon the question o adjournment. The Secretary of the Treasury bt s received the following telegram from Sutgeon-uenerai iiarauion uvcu Camp Perry, oepiemoer ii. ui- rtaav haa veuow lever, coniraowju at- j - a a MfOlenny.l Three cases are reported at -Gainesville. There are rumors of a case each at Will born and v ernaa diua. Have sent Wise to investigate Dr. Guiteras returned Saturday nigni. The refugees had great hardships on the special; train and tne. wnoie sea- ia alarmed on account oi these f threes breakinar their parole at 1 , ' ... a i it.i.L il Hendersonvuie. a uo nut uwu advisable fx send anv more special traSna. ' The cAiDD is in excellent con dition but needs enlargement. This la Kain rr dona aa ranidlv as possible, TWoaa hate are comfortable and reftftonably; happy." ft-1 amicration and trusts. He hits mo- . . . . X Ji A nopoiyi a nard diow, anu a enuyrw tha letter from top to bottom." John, N. Bogart, ex secretary. county general committee, umtea Labor party, said : "Ane letter a brilliant and excellent one. U. J. Geary, of Typographical Union No. 6, said: "The letter cooid not ba better. It's all U. iv on me labor question." 0. Dumar, of Typographical union No. 6, said : "I shall vote for Cleve land on the strength oi me letter. fhnnimjATi. O.. Sept 18 The Dem ocratic convention of the Sixth Con gressional District of Kentucky today at Cnvincton renominated Mr. Car- liela hv acclamation. Mr. Carlisle- afterward appeared and addressed the convention. 1 Keraaes a AtUala. .A hm, aiwl ohaarrer. EJ iCirKiak- , - ,.--w-- r. ....5. Atlasta, Sept. 18. A train load oi mefits by nand-oius ana omerwuw. . l 1 lL! ! A I Da. TIT wo a wat Kenley, Wednesday, Sep. 13 Dunn's, Thursdij.jSpp; Auburn, Friday Sept. 21. Durham, Saturday,: Sept. 22. Rolesville, Monday; Sept 24. New Light, Tuetday. Sept 25. Hon. E. W. Pou, Jr., Democratic candidate for presidential elector from the fourth district, will speak as follows: I Pleasant Grove,lSeptember 18. Kenley, September ,19. Dunn's, September 20. Pit tahoro. Tuesday. Oct. 2nd. The local committees are nrgently 1 requested to advertise these appoint- j Than 1 make. I will give $100 REWARD Caoaa Foot-Wear. Heller Bros, are pleased to mf orm Florida refucrees reached this city today. They were all from Gaines ville, Fla., and all had health certifi cates. Nine remained in Atlanta and others went on North. ' A few days sgo Jas. uengeo refuse train irom Spieb Whitaxeb, Ohm's Demi State Ex. Com. i Wlia that fkav ara dailv raofilV- I iiimnftd from ft "'T r- Wl V.7v' ,niaintendinir to sUy here mar Dorwuuo u i - : .. ., j tha most reliable menu- He was in tne cy inree ubjd id fir porvi' from , facturers. Among me enoes aireaav received, they have selected the fol lowing as leaders, and will make spe cial prices: To begin with, we will mention our $2.13 ladies kid button shoe, equal to most snoes onerea iu this market for $3. We have them : .ii bIzah and widths and in narrow or wide toes. Can furnish them with patent Leather tips if so desired. We Lave also received a large stock of cents' hand sewed uongress Dais Entton which will be sold for $1.75. If yoo wish to see a real bargain ask .a au tns a-t io uauu We have just received a oompiew Uneofi "W!; L. Douglas" and "Hel ler's" ever popular o snoes m;iu styles, etc.,for gents wear. . II you wian juaw and wiah to sea ft complete line of trunkal do not foreet inat we nave discovered and today was sent for ward to Hendersonville, N. C. Bcaoaaiaatad. d. T.i..nii ta tha Naws and Obserrer. Chahlestoh, S. C, September 18. TTnn Samnal Dibble. Democrat, was today unanimously renominated for a, i a a J : L 1 Congress irom me nrst aissno. ComaaaaloattoB Akoat Hiopaaart. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Chablxston, 3. C Sept. 18. It is expected that the Charleston & Sa vannah RaUway will bo reopened to morrow. The river is falling. A SWraaar'e Panlclaai J.T. Porter. DeKalb county, writes: Am remote from medical aid, but I have a physician ever with me to eheck sadden attacks of the bowels in keeping Dr. Biggers llacaleberry Cordial. j. 1 For mine. sample oi, ourer wh'st than am the only distUlerin Korth Caro lina who makes whisky by the latest and most approved process known to tne trade. i 1 do not sell whisky by the kez, Jog or demiiohn, bot only by the bSfrrel and to the regular trade. Parties who like Tralas Daiaye r WaaaaaU. By Telegrapa to tWiHews Observer. CHABLOTTESVIiJt, Va., Sept IB- Ail trains for the north and east have been delayed ; here since yesterday afternoon by washouts at Mehunck craek. on the a & 0- and ft washout the largest atock of trunks as well as near Orange. travelling osg, ao , Wall Paper is i cheaper jost; nbw than ever before. iWill paper rooms complete (owing to sixe) as follows : $6, 8 and $10 eaoh, $12-60, $15 and 20 each. Prices named are one-half former prices. SbeciAl care taken to do good work. TSatiiBf action guar an teed. Have on lianjd a large stock and can suit almost any taste. xTea. A Watson art dejaler and manufac turer of picture l&naha. Ordert so- Poa the Beeaitast akd Tea Tablb. CORN WHISKY . ia.; 1 a .. . 1 1 TT . 1 Wheat and oat naxes, arrays iresn, ready in niieen uinDr wwsm sardines, lobsteri, inon salad dressing; preserved jacnes, pears and damsons, pot p so . oraer, irom finest fruit Beef tongues, pickled oysters, Oroese & piackwell's potted Vauaoa, State- I Hxllxb Baos, 131 Jayetteville Itreet. Riaeigh, N. 0. Tha Hanale todav confirmed the . .tinn of William E. Bond to be nniiawttnr nf enstoms for the Albe marle district of North LaJli'i . uti Mn-..iiHi.nw- i 1 " " ' g-" "'"'esini smniiiiiIii n rsataaaasaaw1 - 1 Gftro Una. will do welfto ask for this whisky, and take none other. 1 - -n, L S. tw fjrjk'i i . J. Haxdix. .Tide rauiea du tie Pacifio coast indicate that a severe earthquake haa occurred far to the westward. J. B. 1ANIER, LfjnMiiw 'iwwi, ' ii.i1 .WI ita.w" ( Salisbury. N1 ( ! 3 - , 1 ji . s S I i I

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