V1 I V' i 4 WW 'AbsalutalyPure. This powder nver varies. tnarv4 I purity, stoenxth and wholesomeae. store oonomloftlthan ordinary kinds im MM be sold la competition with the altitude at low Mai, short weight,' Alooi or plKMBhM powdsrt, sold only in mm. BoTA&Bidra Powa Oo,, 106 Wall Street, Now York. 8oU by w. G. A. B- Btronach, and WOOIACOTT & SON, t4 East Martin Street, Oar stock of FAUST & SON'S CELEBRATED t r f SCHOOL, SHOES. Is complete and corn prises all sizes and - widths, and wo warrant evety pair. j rporkiah Towels, 10, 15 and 1? 1-1. Ociott.alIahadoi,Moayd,worth75c. V, Groat Bargains in Damask Table Ltnea and Wapkina, all the new styles in Dress Goods. rpruaBdncs, Laoet, Embroideries, Milll t nery, Ribbons, etc ' :. - 3'. v .' j . ,r r. ; ,i a ' i Fbr SchOOl Children: 1 .5 - . ; : u - - WritingPadsl 1, i, 8 and 9o each. Lead Pencils 1, andoo each. i 1tM K1 lOa Meh. OUR GOQDS . E 'I ' ' y-l ' -si.'' i..-.H.-:u. . : AUK MARKED 15- ! f F?'- ) , ' ; - t PLAIN FIGURES ' And onoprieo to all. UDWARD FASNACII, JEWELER op 4 BOLITiltl us CUSTEi Cold Jewelry, Oold and SUtot Watch r r (toham t StafUag 8UTrwaM,Roge plated silTerwaro, any sise and weight of plain 18 karat En i gagement rings constant I ly in stock. Badges and Medals made - t ' ! to : order. . j Jar Optical Department : ' Embraces an eodlois variety of Unaes "which together with .our practioftl expo I ienoe enables as to ootrA almost any orror of rofractioa In Myopia (nearsight), Byf-maetropia (far sight), Presbyopis (old sight). Asthenopia! weak sight) a&C tdvinc prompt relief from that distress . a headache which often aocompanie- tmpoHeos .Twoa. L OUR ARTIFICIAL Human Eyes : d.f and took like the natural orgaa Sic raia whaalnaertcd. " PaUonts at a distance having a broken ' oyt oaa have aaothor road withoa ealU C VWWMHT Raleigh Marble Works, 417 and 41 FayeOevill St., j RALEIGH, N. Cn Iniek Iird, Uwder'i OU SUni. Uanafaotaror of all kinds of Monameat, sa4 Tombatoaos ia Marbles or Granites, 'Abo Contractor for all kinds of Building Work. Curbing Posts. Steps, SHla, Ac DESIGNS . . atl dbsoriptiona kept on hand and sent ; any addreas upon application. Chtioa A. Ooodwinr l Trci c t - THFuAKIFF. THE S'AE fcOMiHTIEE'S suJTmTig FOB THE l ?r- ' " T j. ADDITIONS t6 TBX VBXS LIST TH1 TOTAL BrrOCIO OTHU BTWS. By Telegraph to the New and ObMrrer. ; WAaraoTOM, October 3 Tbo Sen ate finance eonisiittee's substitute for tbo Mills tariff bill embodies an en tiro revision ofl the: tariff schedules aid the administration . featoros of tbo present la Wi proposing tbo re-enactment of all such features as, in tbo opinion of a majority of tbo commit tee, ought to bo changed. , The fol lowing are addition, to tbo free list: Acorns, raw, 'dried or un dried; baryta, sulphate? of or barytas, un manufactured; beeswax; books and pamphlets, printed exclusively in lan guages other IhanlEnglish; braids, plaids, flax, lacei, etc., for ornament ing bats; bristles, raw or unmanufac tured: bulbs ana bulbous roots not edible; chickoryi root, raw, dried Or unanea, out ground; coal stack or culm: ooal tar, erode: curling atone nanoies: currants, rzante or other. dried; dandelion roots, raw, dried or undried,but unground;eggs and yolks: feathers and downs of all kinds, crude and unmanufactured ; jute butts manilla ; rami ; sisal grass ; sun, and ail; other textile grasses or fibres ; floor matting known as Chinese matting ; grease and oils sch as areoommonlj used in soap-making r wire-drawing, eta ; humanhair raw, uncleaned and not drawn; mineral waters not spe cially enumerated; iaolasses: olive oil for manufact&rmi or mechanical purposes; nut 6il or oil of nuts; opium, crude or -.unmanufactured for smoking; potash, crude carbonate; potash, caustio or hydrate; potash, nitrate of or ealtpetrfc : potash, chlo rate of : rags, ail not enumerated ; hemp seed ; rape eed sponges ; sand; tar and pitch of wood; turpentine. Aooording to estimates made by the; committee, the tariff bill provides for a total reduction qf about seventy fir1 million dolrs,imade "approxi mately as follows! Sufar, $27,759,000; free) list, $6,500,000 tobacco (inter nal revenue), $2500,000; alcohol in barrels, $7,600,000 ; cj&her reductions in rastoms duties; $8$00,000. Xhe minority report will be submit ted formally tomorroijr and will then bo made public 1 . The following' OTu&psis contains the changes, as com wired with the present law, the rites Jby the present law being giTen inT parenthesis with each item (except whn the article is noijenmnerated ut the existing law) billj so i a. it relates to tobaooo. proyides that after .tbo 1st of FeS- ruarj. ' 18y, thoi numulacturers of cigars shall pay a special tax of $3 annually. The tax on cigars, cheroots and on all oigarettss eighing more tnad three pounds -per thousand which shall bo maaufsstured or sold after, that date sbalbo $160 per tboqsand, and on cigawttes weighing lest; than three pounds to the thousand, fifty oanto per thousand ana uw smiaua uuuim paia oy mo mannfacturer. It repeals all laws re- w 1 a . tb til ' . it striotincr tbo disposition of tobacco by farmers and producers, and all law imposing taxes Co manufactured tobaooo and tnunt aid the special taxes required by tie 'Slaw are to be paid by tho manufacturers of and dealers in leaf tobaccos, retail deal ers in leaf tobacco dealers in manu factured tobacco, snuff and oigars ana manuiacturers ol s nun. It provides for si rebate on all oriar inal and unbroken ipackages held by manuiacturers or dealers at the time the repeal goei into effect (February 1st, 11889,). It alio repeals all laws limiting, restricting e$j regulating tbo manuiaoture, saie org exportation ox tobaooo or wuff, ioiiari. oigarettea and cheroots to $150 per pound now $3.60. Leaf tobaooo all other than that luitable for wrappers, unmanu factured and not ft tommed, twenty eents per pound ; litojinmed, twenty fire eents (now thirty-five). If any portion of any toaceo imported in any package or in bulk shall bo suit able ior wrappers, the entire quantity Of tobaooo contained in snob importa tion; shad be dutiable f not Stemmed or seventy-five cents per pound : if stemmed, at on& dollar per pound. Alcohol to be used n vindua trial arts Is rolieved from tbf piyment of an in ternal revenue tax. JpL provision' is made for the bonded; alcohol ware houses and safeguards are .provided acainst fraud; There ia a orohibi- tion against tho use 91 any distilled Spirits upon which the internal reve nue tax has not been paid, in the manuiaoture of tinjtttres, proprietary articles, wines, liquors, cordials, bit ters,! or other alcoholic compounds which are used or fold as beverages. EemD $20 ter ton fnow $25). Ca Dies, or cordage and fwine, moludmg binding twine ' coJmribsed wholly of Manilla or sisal 1 arrass li cents per pound (2Jc td 3$o per pound); manuiacturers of - flax, hemp, lute valued at five oentj per pound or less, two cents per pound? (40 per . cent); yaiuea : aoove 6 cens per pound, 40 per cent ad valorem (25 to 40 per cent). BtWi and bleached linen cloth containing not less than 100 threads to the square inch, 35 per cent ad valorem. Bagging for cotton valued at! not more than cents per pound, enU per pound (1). Schedule IS, wpod and willow wares, is re-enacted Entire with the following additions:! Sawed boards, planks, deals and blocks, or posts of mahogany, rosewood, satinwood, granadilla or other cabinet wood, 15 per cent ad valorem. Veneering -and briar root or briar wood unmanufac tured or not 1 further manufac turea tnan cut ; in iorms ; or shapes suitable fof . articles into which - they ate intended to be oonverted, twehtvper cent ad va lorem. Rice, cleaned, one cent per pound (now 2) ; luneaned rice and rice Hour and meal, One-half cent per pound (now If and per cent , re spectively) : broken :'Tice, one-fourth oent per pound fuowii cents), riot ton-seed oil, 10 e$ntaf (now 25) I "f resh fish remain on the free list but with tbo following important UNNECESSARY H And yei ihbt k oar conditioa We are annually collecting at oar Custom Houses and by Incana of our internal revenue taxation many millions in excess of all legitimate public needa. As ounscquence ere now remains in the Kational Treasury a surplus of more than $180,000, 000.. . No .better evidence could be furnished? that the people are exorbitantlj taxed. The extent of tho Sirrrirocms $Vurden indicated by tbi4 surplus will be better appreciated when it is sug gestai that such stgrplus akmo represents taxation aggregating more than $108,000 in a county containing 50,000 inhabitants. Proa CleVelajtd's Letter or Accxftanck. THEjfWpLF AND THE LAMB FABLE. FREE TTRLADE SANCTIONED BY "PROTECTIVE" LAW. "It Fcoms perfoctl clear that -when the Government, this instrumentality created and main tainl by the pwplijto do their bidding, tilrns upon, and, through an utter perversion of its I lowers, extorts f nao their labor and capital tribute largely in excess of public necessities, the creature lias rebelled tguirjst the creator and the masters are robbed by their servants." P&E3. Or.rvT-T.Avn'a LRmoii of ifAocKiTANCE. S reservation: Except when froeen or packed in ice or otherwise prepared by any process for preservation. Fish covered by this exception are classed with pther foreign caught pre served ash at one half oent pr fecund as in the present law." - ine last 43 pages of tho but con tain its administrative features, which are similar to those contained in the under-valuation bill, as it passed the Senate during the 49th Congress. Iron ore is unchanged, bat a proviso is added that in levying and collect ing the duty on iron ore no deduction shall be made from the weight of tho ore on; account of tbo moisture which may be chemically or physically, com bined therewith. PostpaaeaMBt ef tae Alabama State Fair, Br Telegraph to the Mew and Observer McHTooicnr, Ala., Oct. 3. Owing to the recent interruption Of travel by tbo Quarantine in several (southern States, the management of the Ala- mubi dm x air Associaiionf tnis morning decided to postpone th date of the opening of the fair from the 224 or October to the 12th ot ttevem dot. 1 The parses and premiums, will tana ar heretofore announced,; ryeUvlUe Journal. , Dockrv cot On a regular rakee at Troy in Montgomery oounty and left five empty whiskey flasks m hi room at the hotel. This is tho kind of Baptist he is. ! AlASt POOB. DOCKS RY.' , ES IS AQIIH HACXXP OYU TBSOOALS. Cor. ot the Hewt and Observer. ? October 2, 1888. At Siler City Col. Dockery told the people that no negro had ever; been elected oounty superintendent of pub lic instruction, and that there s no danger of such an outrage npon the white people of the state, even if the present system of county government should bo repealed. What he said is not true, i .; Before 1879 the boards of county commissioners constituted tbo boards of education in the several counties, and annually they elected a board of examiners, whose duty it was to ex anfine all applicants to teaoh in the public schools. - . -if la lav tne Doara 01 oommusuocers in this county (Edgecombe) was Com posed largely of negroes, elected by the Republican party. That ' board elected for several years W. x. llab- son, a drunken negro, chairman of the board of examiners, and , bo signed the certificates of all teachers in the public schools -of the .county during bis administration. h $ Elect Dockery and a Radical legis lature and this foul outrage will be repeated in every county in the oast. A Christian SpiritParson's Wife M Why, Johnny, you're not going fishing-on Sunday, are yout" John ny 'Oh, no no. I I only thought I'd take the pole away from the house, so that my brothers need'nt ;, be tempted." Life. .i ij - : , . A PrdloUa That Will rlAMA. WUmlssfa MMB(ei. Tbo I canvass of Judge ' Fowle through Eastern Carolina will be One of exceptional brilliance and effsot, and we prediot wild entbnaiasaii on the part of the people. I Gavel Haralac. Mr, Frank W. Clark haa pointed General. Raleigh mington Messenger. bfoa sap- TAXATION IS UNJUST . ... aSHKVIII.H 1ND THE WEST. TBI xxTxirr or thx dimagi'to tobacco ASP COBH THS tOSSXS GREAT. ot the Hews and Observer. Cot. The damage done by the frosts of Saturday, Sunday and Monday morn ings, in Buncombe, Madison and Haywood counties the tobacco re gion of Western North Carolina, is immense and deplorable. All the un gathered crop is injured. That amounts to about one-fourth to one- third of tho entire erop. The crop of the past fiscal year, October 1, 1887, to October 1, 1888, sold in Asheville markets amounted to 3,901, 032 pounds, sold for $504,023.74, at an average price of $12.92. Esti mating '.the crop of this season at the same quantity and value, the loss to the farmers who sell in the Asheville market alone, in tho One item of tobaooo, is not less than 1,300,000 lbs. wortn i, 680,000. A million and a half dollars wept from the tobacco farmers of three counties in a single night is the disastrous work of Jack Frost. Tho loss Is even greater, for a great deal 01 tbo tobacco 01 this section is soia in tho Virginia markets, Danville and Lynchburg, and is not calculated in the above estimate. Besides the loss to the tobacco taisers, much damage was inflicted on other farmers. Hun dreds of acres of late corn was caught, and other immature vegetation. The visitation in its early ooming and re peated severity is without precedent of late vears in this section. Usually we do not have a killing frost in Bun combe. Havwood or Madison, except high up in the mountain sections, be fore the middle ol Uetooer, ana some times not till verv late in the month. In 1881 the first killing frost occurred on November 1st. Last year there was a slieht frost on September 24th. If the effect of the shortage in the to bacco croo caused bv the frost will be to raise orices of the weed, the losses will be to that extent dimin- iahaA Tf nan 0-efc an average 0: 117.22 for our tobacco produced this Tear, the damage bv the frost will not be seriously ftyt. There tho hone of onr farmers. lies O. B. Way, Esq., was on yesterday appointed Oountv Superintendent of Public Instruction, to supply tho vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. John W. S tames, the Democratic nominee for the Senate in this dlS trici. Mrs. Senator Z. B. Vance spent Sunday in AsbeTille, stopping at Bat tery Park. She was accompanied by Mrs. Thomas M. Vance. Hon. H. A. Gudger, representing Col. Holt, has completed a joint can vass of this section with Mr. Pritch ard, with good effect for the party and credit to himself. This morning at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. O. H.Camp bell, the marriage of Mr. W. H. Lea to Miss Louisa Campbell was cele brated by Rev. James Atkins. A CLance to Get Even. Offioe Boy "Please, sir, hero's a man to see rtu." Tmneeunidus Doctor "Heilthy you. impecunious ioowr us.uj msnv Office j Joy "very muuu healthy. Got something in his hand looks like a bill." Impecunious Doo tor (struck with a brilliant idea "Let him come in. Til give him fifty cents on account; he wUl faint, and rilcharKO him, two dollars for re Tiring him." Time. Mf.laria is a malady that a doctor says you have got when be doesn't know what's the mattar with you 'Pock,' ; TAXATION. SCSI II rSAIKUl. THK CAKPAIQX IN GXHKKAI OTHXB BXWS Cor. of the Newt and Observer. Louibbobg, N. O, Oct. 1888. (Jar K M Hnrm haa anAkn at three places in this county during the past week and his speeches .which Were stronar and forcible, nave oeen productive of much good. We ex pect to rive Cant Bonn a good vole in this oountv. Tho eamoaurn will open m tnis county the last week in this month. As uauaJ. it will ha a ioint eamoaurn. Lieut. W. T. Wilder. U. . wno has been passing some time here, left ast week to 10m his regiment, iytn Infantry, Co. E , at.Fort Clark, Texas. U. U. Laadaa'e Awral Mystery Copyright Cablegram to New York Times. Loxdob, Oct. 1. Excitement over the Whitechapel murders has steadly increased during the day, the evening papers devoting all available space to the gory details. As in the preceding cues, however, the murderer eon tinues unknown and unsuspected. 1 The Coroner baa began an inquest on the first woman. As before, in all these horrible crimes, the duty of in vestigation seems to devolve on the Coroner, and the detectives sit at tne inquest listening to the sworn testi mony to find out who did it. Ane whole police management 01 tne cases, as indeed : the system under which they work, is idiotic in the extreme. Indignation meetings were held in several places in Whitechspel today to denounce Sir Charles Warren and Home Secretary Mathews. The Dauy uekffrapa this morning called loudly for Mathews's dismissal, sinoe he had not sense enough to resign. A peti tion to the Queen is jn preparation, asking her to offer a reward, Mathews having stupidly refused. The Lord Mayor promptly offered 500 reward this morning, the seoond murder having been committed within the precincts of the oity. This, with other private rewards, makes a total of 1,200. There are any amount of theories published, some scientific, others in genious, and others stupid. There are plenty of clues also, but they are slight, and show no signs of develop ing the murderer. The only traoe considered of any value is the story of a watohboy who saw a man and woman leave Aldgate station going toward Mitre square. Abe man re turned shortly afterward alone. The police have a good description of him. The daring character ol tne mux ders is evident from the fact that two people at least saw a man and the woman together in the Berner street eatewav. and one saw him throw her down. He went away and left her there, but it was half an hour before it was known that she had been mur dered. In the seoond case a police man swears that he was not absent over fifteen minutes from Mitre square, and must have been watched by both man an woman as he went through, they following. The police confess tonight that they have no clues. A number of men have been arrested, but all were released. .There is every prospect at present that these murders, like their predecessors, will pass undetected Perfect Safety Going to be away six! months, ehT Aren't you afraid something will happen to tbe wife and children while you're goceV "They're safe enough; I left them in Philadelphia. Nothing ever happens there, you know 1" Puck. A STRIKE. STREET-GAB HEN IN CHICAGO TO GO OUT SATURDAY. TBS DEOISI0H ALMOST CKAirrMOUS TU oawvAScss or rax umm OTHSS SBWB. By Telesrapa to the Hewt mA Obaarftr. Chicago, Oct. 3 Tho North Bide street car conductors and drivers de cided at four o'clock this morning to go out on strike on next Saturday morning. The vote by whiea tho strike was decided upon was 400 to seven. The meeting of the men to to take final aotion as to tbo course to be pursued was not called to order until after midnight, at which time a large majority of the conductors and drivers employed on tho North Side were present. It was evident from tbo start that most of the men were bent on rejecting the offers of Presi dent Yerkes- Luke Coyle and Jno. Goodwin of the advisory board, representing the street-car organizations of the city, boldly advocated a strike, assuring the North Side men that their course would be supported bv the conduct ors and drivers of the South and West sides. The griev ances of the men are two fold. ; They oppose tbo "set car" system and demand increased wages. By the "set car" system is meant a schedule or time table by means of which the men claim to be actually on duty for 13 hours while they are only paid for 12 hours. The hours of work under it are changed daily, so that they have no regular time for sleeping and eating, and their health is consequentlyjmpaired. They demand 27 cents an hour and an agreement that they shall not be compelled to work more than 10 or less tnan s hours a day. The con ductors, drivers and grip-men em ployed on tne Worth Side lines num ber about 700. Nearly 1,100 are em ployed on the West Side lines. Over two-thirds of the city's popu lation is dependent npon these two railways for transportation to and from their homes. THB TWO BHPEBOBJ. William mt Oaraaaav VUlte his Brataer af Aaatrla. By Cable to the Hews and Observer. Vmnu, Oct. 3. The Emperor of Germany arrived hero this morning. The Emperor Francis Joseph, attired in Prussian uniform and wearing tho decoration or the Prussian order of the Black Eagle, received the Em peror at the railway station. As the train bearing the Kaiser drew into the station the band played "The Watch on the Rhine." The Bmperor Francis Joseph raised his band to bis helmet in salute and advanced to the front board " of the car, where stood the Emperor William clad in the uniform of the regiment in which he is hon orary colonel ana wearing tne decoration of the order of St. Stephen of Hungary, and tho collar of the Black Eagle. The sovereigns cordially embraced and kissed each other and shook each Other's bands. During tho exchange of greetings they remained with their hands clasped. The ism per or wil liam then advanced and shook bands with the Archdukes who were also present, and kissed the Grown Prince and Archdukes Charles, Louis and Albert, while the Emperor Francis Joseph shook hands with Count Her bert Bismarck and Prince . Reuse, of the Kaiser's party. The Emperor William passed before the guard o: honor and received various deputa tions. Ho shook bands with uov Possinger, Chief of Police Erauss and Burgomaster Um. who expressed cordial pleasure at the Kaiser a visit. The Emoerors left the station arm in arm, followed by the other visitors and those who had received them, and were driven to the Hofburg large crowd had gathered at the station and cheered enthusiastically as the two Emperors left the station and drove away. Pablle Bpeaklag. Hon. F. N. Strudwick, Democratic candidate for Elector for the State at Large, and Hon. W. M. Robbins, wil address the people on the issues of the campaign at the following times and places : Saturday, 6th Oct., Hope Mills, Cumberland oounty. Monday, 8th Oct., Laurel Hill Church, Richmond county. Tuesday, 9th Oct., rolkton, Anson county. Wednesday, 10th Got., Lumberton, Robeson oounty. Thursday, 11th Oct., liladenboro, Bladen county Friday, 12th Oct Wilmington, New Hanover county. Saturday, 13th Oct., South Wash ington Pender oounty. Monday, 15th Oct., ifaiaon, Du plin county. Tuesday, lbtn Oct., .ttosin iiiu, Sampson oounty. Wednesday, 17th Oct., cauls Cross Roads, Wayne county. Thursday, 18th Oct, Saratoga, Wilson oounty. Saturday, 20th Oct, Eagle's Store. Edgecombe county. Monday, 22d Oct, Bethel, Pitt county. Tuesday, 23d Oct , Black Jack, Pitt county. Thursday, 25th Oct, at night Washington, Beaufort county. Friday, Oct 26, Blount's Creek, Beaufort county. Saturday, 27 th Oct J Aurora, Bean fort county. 1 Monday, 29th Oct-L Vanoeboro, Craven county. Tuesday. 30th Oct., at night New Berne. Craven count v. Thuisday, 1st Nov., navelock, Graven county. Friday, 2d Nov., Trenton, Jones, oountv. Saturday, 3d Nov., La Grange Lenoir counts The local committees are urgently ( requested to advertise tnese appoint ments by hand-bills and otnerwise. . Spixh Whitaxib, Ch'm Dem. Slate Com. I m m m Concord Grapes, 10 lb. baskets, at W. O. & A. B. stionach a. rreeMdlag Yertaroa la Beasts sad Haaae, By Trteerapa to the Hewt and Oliaet im. I WaSHnraTOV, D. O. Oct. 3 Smatx. Mr. Allison, from the committee on finance, reported back the House bill with an amendment in the nature of substitute. It was placed on tho calendar and ordered to bo printed. Ho said that the minority report to accompany the bill would bo filed to morrow or Friday; and gave : notice that ho would call op tho bill for con sideration Monday next air. cneraan got permission to make some remarks on the tariff bill, as ho intends to leave the city this afternoon. He wont over the provi sions of the bilr in some detail, con trasting them with the provisions of the House bill, and stating the aggre gate amount of revenue reduction proposed by it as $73,688,000 The re duction was on a few articles. Tho tax on ngar was reduced one-lalf or $27,000,000. There was an entire removal of tho tax on manfaeturod tobacco except as to cigars, tho reduo-1 t ion of revenue here r-na3A;T7n raTf. mw v 1," :TP , I ' ' -V I Tho tax on alcohol used in thearts.$6. 425,000, was repealed, but he doubted very much whether this project could do carried out without giving rise to extensive frauds, and on other ar ticles there was a reduotion of eight million one nunared thousand dollars. There was not a single item in the Senate bill which discriminated (as the House bill did) between the seo tions of the country, although it did reduce the gf.ty On sugar from 83 per cent to 41 per cent, and on noe from over 100 per cent to over 50 per oent Ho characterized it as a very conser vative bill. If it could be taken up free from party asperities and could be considered on its merits, ho be lieved it could be made the most perfect revenue 4 measure ever placed on the statute books. Tho issue between the two bills was to be (he said) tried before the people. It was a plain, fair and sqcare issue be tween a tariff for revenue only and a tariff for revenue and protection. It was a question whether the articles necessary for human life should bo made by American labor or by foreign labor whether the wages of Ameri can laborers should depend on tho wages of foreign laborers or should depend upon tho American policy of protecting all forms of labor and pro duction. . At the conclusion of Mr. Sherman's speech tho Senate, at 1 o'clock, re sumed the consideration of Mr. Halo s resolution of Monday last, calling on tne .secretary or War for an explana tion of General Benet's circular as to the discharges of Republican em ployees in the United States arsenals and armories. ' Mr. Cockrell proceeded to discuss the resolution, and opened bis re marks by reading the Jay Hnbboll circular, issued on the occasion of tho presidential campaign of 1882,' calling fund, such circular having been signed oy niessrs. A.uison, xiaie, Aioncn ana Hisoock (the latter then in the House). He also quoted, Garfield's letter to Dorsoy, "of somewhat star-route no toriety," asking him to have Brady, Second Assistant Postmaster General, called upon for aid ; and one from Levi P. Morton to Dorsey, stating that he had contributed $30,000. Mr. Morton's name, he said, was familiar as tho present Republican candidate for Vice-President ' He simply reid these letters, he saicL, to refresh: the memory of the Senator from Maine (Mr. Hale) and to show the depth of degradation to 1 which the civil service of the government had . been brought under Repub lican administration in 1880 and 1882. It could never sink into lower depths than it sank then. It had become so utterly decraded that tbe Republican party was forced to take up and pass the Pendleton civil service bilL i The position now occupied bj Mr. Hale under the pretense of defending that law was (Mr. Cockrell asserted) "the stab of a pretended friend." Cleve land's administration bad enforced the civil servioe Law and in his (Mr. Cockrell's) judgment its spirit had been too strictly adhered to. Mr. Cockrell (at the close of bis speech) asserted that President Cleveland had redeemed and sacredly kept every pledge that he had made in reiauon to ineoivii kervice. ah to me Benet circular, he understood that the officer was in political . sympathy with the Senator from Maine, but ho had no objection to tho adoption of the resolution, and had no doubt that the Secretary of War would furnish a satisfactory explanation. He saw no wrong in turning Republican soldiers out of offioe and putting Democratic soldiers in their place. Messrs. jtodmunds, Hale, U handler and Hawley replied to Mr. GoekrelL Messrs. Chandler and Hawley, re ferring to the alleged contribution of ten thousand dollars by the President to the Democratic campaign fund, as serted that u such contribution had been made (and they had never seen any denial of the charge) the conclu sion was inevitable that he had com mitted a crime punishable by fine or imprisonment or both. Without ac tion on the resolution or any other subject of discussion during the af ternoon, the Senate at 5:85 ad journed. HCU8X. On motion of Mr. Herbert, of Ala bama, the Senate bill was passed granting tbe right of way to the pen saoolaand Memphis Railroad Com pany through the public lands in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee, and through the naval and military reservations near Pensaoola. Mr. T. J. Campbell, of New York, presented the agreed to conference report on the bill for the relief of the survivors of tho wreck of tho United States steamer Talapoosa. : A proposition to extend the United States laws over the publio land strip gave rise to a considerable discussion. Mr. Dunn,of Arkansas, character ized the proposition as an expedient to defeat the Oklahoma bill and served notice that no such proposition should be agreed to by the House without the presence of a quorum. Pending aotion on report, tho House at .S8 adjourned. HELD UP. " A STAGE IN THE WEST ROBBED BY TWO MEXICANS. a TK1A8TBI BOX AND TBS KSOISTKBEP BUM, POUCH TIKIS NO FASIXXaXBs! ABOARD OTHXB RIWS. By Telegraph to tbo News and Obetyer. jJXOBXRcx, Arizona, Oct. 4 The down stage from this place to Casa Grande was held up yesterday after PB Drj Lake, fire miles north Uf P Grr?d- br two Mexicans, who uoa weiis, rsrgo & Go's treasure bozand the registered mail pouch. o passengers were aboard. The stage-robbers escaped. ! RaUtaa taadtat Caaferaaae. eseeial to the Ksws and Obserrer. ASBVIUJL N. O. Oct. S Tha mltty. fifth annual session of the Holston Conference of tbe Methodist EpiscW- nal ithnrnk annlV. . a u -1. todav. Riahnn n.L iaJJ w ix' XZIZ?r. r"""-"- V WIUOU was ejected secretary, , two hundred and thirty-seven dele gates, clerical and lay, are present' Each morning there is preaching" t the various churches and at night Rev. C. D. Smith preaches tbe semi centennial sermon tomorrow.' aad OfTaringi and Acceptance. By Telegraph to the. News and Observer. WASHraoTOR. D. O. Oct 2. Bond offerings at the Treasury today sgris- Sted $5,583,700. Acceptances Hl,373 0, at 108 for four and a halfs add 129 for fours. Snew la CcMtrml Raw Tark. By Telegraph to tbe News and Obserrer. VT AflHiifQTOH, D. O, September 3.4-. Esnow feu at several points in Central New York thts morning, and in West ern Ontario it is six inches deep and was still falling when this dispatch was written. , Six, in our Taylorsville letter, the last Radical; caper the snea oowardice of Dockery and his allies-4-"caper-caps the climax." h - ' ErrcBTJi puts it aright Dockery, can't dodge behind little Tom Deve-i reux to make his slanderous charges against respectable citizens of the State. He will be made to accept the duo consequences ol his surpris ingly cowardly course by the poop Of Korth Carolina. PabUa Speaking. The Democratic oounty candidates for the General Assembly and the va rious county officers wUl address tie people of Wake county at the follow- ing umes ana piaceej: Mitchell's Mills, Friday, Oct. 5. Rolesrille, Saturday, Oct 6. Forestville, at night, Saturdaj Ooi.6J M k Hutchinson's Store, Monday, Oet Robeson's Store, Wednesday, 0 10. , - ' Rogers' Store, Thursday, Oct 11; Sam FerreU's, Friday, Oct 12. J Joe Hayes' Store, Saturday, Oct 1$, Auburn, Monday, Oct 15. , : jj Garner's, at night, Monday, Oct 15i Panther Branch, Township Housf, Tuesday, Oct 16. Pollard's, Friday, Oct. 19. Aoex. Saturday, Oct 20. Morrisville. Mondsv, Oct 22. Hilliard's School House, Tuesday, Oct 23. - ; New Hill, Wednesday, Oct. 24. 1 1 Holly Springs, Thursday, Oct 2$. Norris' Mills, at night, Thursday, Oct 25. " Myatt's. Mills, Friday, Oct. 28. Utley's, Saturday, Oct 27. . Cary, Monday, Oct. 29. 1 RwifLCreek. Tuesday, Oot$6 The Republican candidates are in vited SO a OITISIOU Ol UIUB. En. Obaitbebs Smith, Ch'mn Wake Co. Dem. Ex.) Com. Regulate the Regulator with War ner's Log Cabin SamparilW rxtad fantnred bv proprietors of Warner Is Safe Cure. Largest bottle in thW market Sold by all druggists. Tke Verdict Caaalatoas. W. D. Bult, DrugBist. Bippus, Ind tmtiflAa: "I can recommend Electric Bi! tars as the very beet remedy. Every knii. v.. tri-wnn relief in evervcaaa. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years standing.' Abraham Hare, drag-frist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms : "The beet soiling medicine I haife ever handled in my 20 years' experience i viuk nitfoM." Thousands of otherS mm fiimn v .-w. - - have added their testimony, so that tho verdict is unanimous that Electric Bit ters do care all diseases of the Livr)rJ ., Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar N bottle at Lee; Johnson ac cah urug Store. Latxst Fall styles overcoats cheap at Whiting Bros.' ' STAMPS K JIVZBIUi, Assignees and Receivers. Seneca Lake White Grapes, 5 1JW baskets 50 Stronach's cents, at W. C & A. BJ ' Buffalo is steadily checking anfl her outbreak of smali-POXVr Vrm nmm U Malum twttt at So 1 1 The Leading fragrant! Latlgt FrlceBSCta. : Sold aSPncBMsJ I iinnAPi CvrM llBtr CompotaU I lllAIIIIK4Ma.MaaJ Cottloem, Billon I aaHitnifwii tm t inagliU. ii ALVATlOn CM. hht-JtSSCCtoUbt ail tnnltu i Will faZero Rhtwmatim, Mwrdgial Swtling$ruistJ.uabagopraJasl titxtdacktt Tootkacht, Sons, Burnt Quit, Sealdt, Baekaobt, Wottnd,teA Cat umtUfrtM H fts, . 4t MinttttK, -4 11 V I it. V a mJ ' -',n