"" TV -V 4 I -. - The annnnsnnnnnaBnBnnnnnn 'i -'. AND R V V a 1 1 rHmn 1 1 ST SOW. A n7 111 " iui .i. r v s tan i Absolutely Pure. Tale powder never nm. A r purity, tmnxui and wtoteeomeneat. MflMmomlaaiha ordinary kindi and earn no be sold la eompetioon wttt in mltlMd of low hort wrtght, dim or fhffljrVt powderm, Mid only Ib 'HH, BOfltBABDra POWAO Oo., 10S WaU Btrert, Hew York. SoU br W. O.A A- B. StroaMh. u4 JBfWTU;Oo. , CLOTHING AND Genera nishing Goods We hare pttrchwed Morifloa - ftt ft& immense 02O.QOO STOCK or MEN S AND BOYS' I BATS AND CAPS, &HIRTS, UNDERWEAR, Seckwear.'JeWelry, &c;, : , 'ft ( i ' ; ' ' Vthlch we will eloee out from ' 50 TO 15 PER CENT. Of New Terk Ooat. COME IT ONCE ' And ecurt aome of the BARGAINS. WOOIACOn & SON, 14 East Martin Street, 1SDWARD FASNACII, Meb' tALKOK, S.O. goimut ui cicyrEt wmm ' ekUiewelfT, Gold end Bllrar Walchc , Oorhiun'a SterUag SUrrwar,Bogn pUted ttlTerwer, uy iIm end weigh of .plain 18 karat En sacementrlagieoiMtaat . jrlaetock. Badgea ? d Medals made jto order. JurOptitalO Department Embr; aa endleaa varletr tf tonaea tA Mon tocetner wm jon? pnotioal expe- leaoe eaaoiesmvie eoireei munoatan i errer of refraction la Mropa (nwaight), Bypemeteopia (far eight), FresbTpfci 1 i ItAA alht). Aathenoplftlweak aicht) an: sdvlAK arornDt relief from that dletrea- lug Aeadaehe which often aoopmpaniea tAperfeotTtaien. OUR ARTIFICIAL ' Hvuhan Eyes r afire and look like the natural ergaa ate sain when lneerted. Patieats at dletawwe ha ring a broken ' lyiaaa have aaottaet aaade without rlk ngpareaaauiy o. i: rimut. 1 Fan. W. Ly FEEEffltS & lHSr Stenograplien ui Type-Writer, TTava nmBd an offlee in the HoUe man Katiia. whara thev are brepated to Mnu.Urnlnla Uw reoortiog and ...writing. Glaaa in hort-hand and tgrpe-writing forming. POBSALE. V Tm hnndrad Dioioc Boom cbaira ( cond hand). The whole lot will be . aold Terr cheap. Also complete outfit of .iivtrware for t we it r tablea, aecoad . ni m gooa coianioa. , a X- I mm Below Cost CLOTHING I OPTiaiAN CONGRESS. PROCEEDINGS YESTERDAY IN THE SENATE AND HOUSE. HOCil ADJ0U3HB TILL MONDAY tIKATOR ALLISON OH "CULM " By teleerph to the Newt and Observer. SVASHnroTOR, October 11 Sehatb After the transaction of some routine businees, of no pnblio interest, the Bflhato reaumed consideration of the tariff bill, and Mr. Chaoe continued the speech which he had begun yes terday, and which was chiefly direct ed to review of: the merits and demerits of the two parties in regard to the postal serrice. At the close of Mr. Chace's remarks, Mr. Allison with an assumption of grarity moted that the tariff be now taken up and feigned surprise on be ing informed by the presiding officer that that bill was before the Senate. Mr. Dolph said that there was some aniiety felt on the north Pacifio coast in regard to the provisions of the Senate bill ai to the tariff on obal, and he asked Mr. Allison if the Sen ate bill put eoal on the free list in any form. Mr. Allison Bftid in reply that he ha several inquiries in the same di rection. Goal Black or culm of coal was put on the free list, but that was one of the mistakes of the bill and should bave been corrected before the bil was reported. It was the inten tion of the finance .committee (at least a majority) that coal slack or calm should pay a duty as now, or perhaps an increased duty. Mr. Dolph Will the Senator state what that article ie? Mr. Allison It is refuse coal which passes through a half inch screw, ac cording to Treasury regulations. But it is difficult to distinguish coal and coal alack, so the committee proposes to put all coal on the dutiable list at the, rate now provided by law 75 cents per ton. That is one of the amendments which the committee will propose at tbe proper time. bit. (Jail renewed Mr. riatt s argu ment yesterday as to sectional con spiracy against labor. Mr. Hawley said that he had brought bis notes and documents with the Intention of making a speech of an hoar or an hour and a half's dura tion, but he frankly confessed that he had. not the courage. His heart failed him, partly because his heart was, in another place. He was very glad Chat the Senate bill had been re ported. He thought it a rerr good bill f-perhaps th beat first draft on tariff bill ever submitted to Cton- grew. It was built on a definite prin ciple the maintenance of the old doctrine of protection that which had been (excepting at intervals) the 'doctrine of the country and that wa' the doctrine of all the large eirilixed cations with 'one exception. Those Senators who desired to speak upon it could do so, but the people were not looking to the Senate nor earing what it said or did in the mat ter.:; Nobody believed that, the bill could be discussed item by item and disposed of at this session, fit had inevitably to go over till December. his humble judgment the best thing the Senator a could do was to go home and he for one was going. Mr. Beagan next addressed the Senate. He favored the House bill as against the Senate -biUTlhbugh' he would not say that ha would vote for very item in one Or against every itent in the other. Ia the course of his speech th statement br Mr. Reagan aa to the amount annually transferred to the pockets of the manafacturers through the operation i of the tariff attracted the - attention of f Mr. Aldrioh i whoj desired aa explanation of i the statement not jar. AJoncn s inquiries and Mr. Reagans explanations seemed to eon- i the matter more and more and after spending nearly an hoar over he matter, an effort i; to disentangle was abandoned on both sides. The conference reports On the bill, for "fourth of Joly claims" and on the bill to retire Gen. Pleasanton as maj or were presented and agreed to. M. Dolph moved that when tbe 8enete adjourn today; it be till Mon day. .;: Mr. Hoar Could we not adiourn without davf . The motion was.agreed to and the senate alter a brief executive session adjourned until Monday. aotwsi In his ODenine tiraver this mornim? the chaplain of the House feelingly referred to the disasters which have recently occurred on sea and land and: invoked Divine protection and blessings upon those who bave been bereaved by the loss of relatives and mends. Already depleted the uouse was still further depleted by the granting of half a dozen leaves of absence, one of them being to Mr. Cheadie, of In diana, who expressed a desire to-"visit his constituents." Mr. Stone, .of Missouri, presented ana toe uouse adopted, the confer enoe report on the bill for the pay ment for tbe 4th of July claims. Mr. Whitthorne, f Tennnessee. asked unanimous consent to set apart December 12th for the consideration of the .bill-to organize a naval serve. ' -. aft re- Mr. Kugore, of Texas', safa that he was - under the painful necessity of objecting, but he yielded to the elo quence of Mr. Whitihorne. and with; drew his objection, Which, however, was immediately renewed by Mr. E B. Taylor, of Ohio. : On motion of Mr Richardson, o lennessee, joint resolutions were passed for the printing of the first and second annual reports of the Qommis sioner of Labor and-the annual re port of tbe Director Of j the Mint. T tt'L wk -wry I. air. nice, oi niinnesota, caned up the report of the special committee inveatigausg me coargee pi miBcon duet on the part of Mr. Stahlnecker, of New York, in connection with the new library building. A report which completely exonerated Mr. btahl necktmas a lopted without discus sioo, ' ..''''' ; Mr L&nhi'n, of Texas, said that in view: of the natice siven br Mr. Tay 1 lor and Others that no busisMS should be transacted, he would not ask them to take np the private business, but in lieu thereof he moved that when the House adjourned today it be jo meet Monday next, i This motion Was agreed to. " Tbe House went into committee pt the whole on the private 'calendar. The pending business was the Sen ate bill for the incorporation of the Maritime Canal Company of Nica ragua. Mr. Poller, of Iowa, offered c amendment providing that the diren tore with the approval of the majori ty of the stockholders may adopt regulations and ' ' by-laws but a change shall be made except by tt majority vote of the stockholders at a special meeting. After the discuss sion had run some time it was sua pended long enough to enable Mjr. Hooker of Mississippi, to present and the House to agree to the confer ence report on the bill to retire Alfred Pleasanton with the 'rank of Major. The consideration of the Nicaragua bill - having been resnmed the question was on Mr. Fuller's amendment. The vote stood 28 to ji and Messrs. Turner, of Kansas, ana Lawler, of Illinois, rained the point cf no quorum and the committee thereupon rose. I Mr. Oates, of Alabamba, asked eon- Bent to print in the Record some re marks upon the subject cf the tariff. It was due to the House to state that what he desired to print was an essay by Q. W. Stone, Chief Justice oi tK Supreme Court of Alabama, and was more of a legal than a political argu ment. Is Mr. O'Neill, of Pennsylvania, bad no objection "to the request, but he expressed his disappointment that Mr. Oates had not asked unanimous consent for the passage of his final adjournment resolution, to which he (O Neill) was sure there would be no obiection. Mr. Farquahar, of New York, how? ever, objected to Mr. Oates' reques If tbe House started to print the es says of outsiders, it might as wel print the Democratic campaign book Several efforts were made to Becure an adjournment or recess until even ing, but they were all rejected. For the first time in two weeks a roll call waflLordered, the motion being to ad ioofxL The motion was defeated- yeaaS, nays 43. A subsequent moi tionr to adjourn prevailed, and by a" vote'xof yeas 32, nays 31, the House adjourned until Monday. Tcllow Vt-rmr. By Telegraph to the Newt and Observer. WiASHiitGTOir, D. C, 0ot 12 The report of the yellow fevei at Green, Owe -Springs, Fla., has been received at the Marine Hospital Bureau. Sur geon ilutton telegraphs from Camp erry that this morning s report shows the arrival of fifteen refugees and the discharge of thirty five; There now remain in camp 140 refu caas and six in the fever caran. J o j : -- . . t Mxmphis, Uou 12. The Associated: Press has received the following f ronf Decatur, Ala. : Three new eases n the last twenty-four hours Ed? Young, Miss Rindy Parker and Martha V? estmoreland, colored, une death Dan Wilkerson, colored. - Jkbomk Cochbas, M. D., State Health Officer. Febmandiha, Fla., Oct. 12 Thl number Of new eases today is fifteen oi wnicn two are wmte. onppuea ar needed: salted or smoked meats. flour, grits, sugar, coffee, tea, milk, lard, &a. The demand today for aid s overwhelming both from white and black. A Na-r Girt HaKf L By lelegraph to the Hewa and Ooaervee. Uiioh Spbinos, Ala. Oct, 12 Paul ine McCoy, a negro girl, aged 19, wae hanged here today for the murder of Annie Jordan, a 14-year old white child last February. The execution was private, only tne necessary per sons being admitted. The crime for which' the woman was hanged was a Jeculiar one. The victim, Annie ordan, strayed away from her home in ' Montgomery and nothing waa beard of her until her dead body was! discovered in a pi urn tucket in tots county. Circumstances pointed to auline and she was arrested with the dead girl's clothing on her. She was oflnd guilty last spring and , sen tenced to death. Efforts were made to get the Governor to Interfere, but to no avail. No demonstration of any son was made. By Telegraph to the Xewi and Obeerrer. , Sah Fbajioisoo, Oct. 12 Judge Green, of the United States Circuit Court, returned yesterday from. Ore gon, and in court issued two wrUs of habeas corpus, designed to test Home of the question to be raised ove? thai right of the Chinese arriving here af ter the exclusion act went into effect to land. Une writ was for a China man arriving by the steamship Bet gie, having a return certificate, and the question; raised is whether Con gress can constitutionally deprive Chinese holding custom-house - oer. tificates of the right to return. The other ease in question is as to whether Chinamen without certificate in transit to this country at the time tbe act went into force come under i provisions. ; Hct Rlpts r CttOB. By Telegraph to the Hews aqd qbserrer. Niw Yoax;, Oct. 12. The following are the total net receipts of cotton at all ports since September 1st, 1888$ uaiveston, ao,ooi oaiee, new. lc- y i i an An - 1 t i , " le&ns, bales; Mobile, 32,287 bales; Savannah 177,926 bales; Charleston 85,900 bales; Wilmington 27,303 bales; Norfolk 62,269" bales:; Baltimore, 1,003 bales; New York 1,915 bales: Boston, 700 bales: Newport News, 2,111 bales; Phila delphia, 2,932 bales; West Point, 27r 940 bales; Brunswick, 8,857 bales; fort itoyai, 1,257 bales; feneaeola, bales. Total, 747,808 bales. Wuklaftoa IcIm. - By Telegrapli to the Mews and Obaerrer. Tashimqtoh, Oct; 12 The Pjree dent has nominated Mr. E, P. Earle, of . Alabama, to be Consul to-the United Mates at cognac The Senate has confirmed the foh lowing postmasters: L. Smith, (rade den, Ala.; W. R. Kelly, Fernanding, jrii i B.B. vnase, natonex, uies. , RALEIGH. N. C SATURDAY DURHAM 'JUBILANT. YESTERDAY THE BIGGEST DAY i OF ALL. A BOUMKO CROWD THK PBOOEBflON A B ILLIAXT SOOCX8S VAXCK MAXKS TWO SriKCHU. Sp-elal to the newt and Observer. Dubbam, N. C , Oot. 12 The gieat exposition today was do ibly grand. The pent-up energy wh cti'had not been allowed to vent itaelf iu; juh tbe preceding twenty four L .urs cf tain came to the sur face Mtli redoubled vim. Tn p.U(iauiu.e of Thuisday w as com aod vritn tuat ol toaay wttn doubly brilliant results. The proces- iion today was trausceuaentiy gor ireoua. lne njaca were iu& n-osi e.e gaut and elaborate ever seen in North Carolina. The crowd was estimated at ten thousand. Senator Vance spoke to an immense crowd today at the park. It was one of the Senator's ehnraotenatM efforts and be was cheered wildly bv the thousands of proud and admiring North Carolin r ... ians who listened. The Senator also made a powerful political speech this evening at the Hotel CI air born to an immense crowd. The crowd today and the exhibit were everything that could be de sired. The weather was delightful. At the tournament this evening the firstiprize use won by Mr. Charley Lipscomb, of Raleigh. Prizes . were also won bv Messrs. Mosely and Wynne, of Raleigh. BHPKROB WILLIAH 1ND POPK LIO. T3E OXBMAS KklBKB VISITS THB VAT ICAH. By Cable to the News and Obserrer. Bomb. Oct. 12. The Emperor Wil liam will visit the Vatican at 1 o'clock this afternoon. He will be received by the Pope in tbe throne hall and his reception will be marked by the most imposine ceremonies. -The visit of the JSmperor to tne Pope does not meet with- favor in the Nationalist circles of Rome. Sicnor Crispu Italian prime minis ter, has telegraphed to Prince Bis marck the details of the enthusiastic reception accorded the Emperor Wil liam upon his arrival in rtome yester day. Prince Bismarck, in reply, thanked the Italian people for the friendship manifested toward the German Emperor, and re-affirmed his own personal friendship, for Signer Crisp i. The Strike. Chicago, Oct 12. Orders have been issued for the concentration of 150 policemen at the Desplaines station, and tbe supposition is tnat an at tempt is to be made to get out a lar ger number of West Side cars than have been run at any previous time since the strike was inaugurated. i few strikers fathered? around the barns this morning declared that the ears would not be allowed to run. The North Side cars made their trips this morning without serious inter ference. The track obstructions were few and the populace seemed to have become weary of shouting "Rats" and "Scab" at the new men. Chief Hub bard says that cars will soon be start ed from the W estern Avenue Darns. Two hundred and fifty policemen have been distributed along the line of West Madison street to preserve order. ad Offal-tog' a.nt AeceptMees. By Telegraph to the Hews and Obserrer. Wabbisotoh, D. C, Oct. 12 The bond offerings today aggregated $4 418,100Aoeepted 2,0U0,UUU lour and baalfs at 108fsl08. Harriett. Lact Shbpebbo. Wednesday even ing, October lUtn, 1888, at uuir, Chatham county,' K C at the resi denoe of W. & Russell, Esq , by the Rev. Henry Smith, D. D., of Greens boro. tbe Rev. Wm. S. Lacy, of Nor folk, Ya, and Miss Mary 0. Shepherd nr. mwj im m uaiiva : u ui and has hosts of friends in Raleigh and throughout North Carolina who will be delighted to know of his hap piness. For many years he was pas tor of the Presbyterian church in Joneaboro and in Moore oounty, and occupied a prominent place in the Svnod of North Carolina. He is now the pastor of the Second Prejbyte rian church In Norfolk, Ve. Mrs Lacy is much esteemed ' and beloved for her many accomplishments and excellences of character. In extending our own congratula tions, we are sure many of our read era join us in good wishes for a long and happy life. Mr. and Mrs. Lacy arrived in this city by the Thursday evening's train from Senior d, and ate the iruests for a few days ol a. it. Lacy, Esq Died. Ems. At the residence of Mr. Beniamin Carroll, corner of Morgan and Dawson streets, at 10 55 o dock on Thursday morning last, Mrs L-ou Ellis, acred about 25 years. Tbe funeral service took place from Mr. Carroll's residence at 3.30 o'clock yes terday afternoon and was conducted by the Rev. Dr. John 8. Watkins, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. The remains were interred inOakwood Cemetery, the following named gentlemen acting as pall bear ers: Messrs. C S. Allen, John D. Briggs, Thomas Badger, C D. Ileartt, Willie Mecy and W. M. Utley. SruRDivAST-Mrs. Martha Sturdi- vant died at the residence of her hus band, in St. Mary's township, this oounty, at 2 o'clock yesteaday morn ing, aired about 73 years. See was a most estimable lady, and leaves a de '. ..... . . voted husband and an affectionate daughter, besides a large circle of friends to mourn her death. : The negroes are solidly organised against us. and it ia time for Demo crats to realize the true ituation and go to work. The white man vrho calls ( Himself a Democrat, and who docs I not vote with ns this time, deserves t0.be forced to live under negro offi cers all his life. The fact f , be is no better than a negro, if as 03d. ICbaxtte Democrat. MORNING, OCTOBER 13, 1888. KirCUI.V'S CREtT WOBK IS TUB. BOOM TAIL'S. Bubhsville, N. C , Oct. 9 Dockery and Deveieux met here to day as usual, accompanied by about one hundred men on mules and horses. This is the same escort that has followed them from place to p'ace for several days. It has been called I. "V 7.' - i 1 T i ' jxtrrt b cuviury oj luo xeiaocrats in these parts. They come in making more fuss than the same number of lunatics could possibly do. They are satisfied the only hope is to bull-doze the people of the west into making them believe the Republican party has not played out. A division of time was asked for and refused. The chairman of the Democratic commit tee stood up in front of the court house, where the crowd had assem tfed, and stated that Capt. Kite bin would speak in thd Baptist church, and invited Democrats and all others who desired to hear bim to follow. The crowd divided, the Republicans going into tne Court -House, tbe Democrats to tbe church. Caotain Eitohia receiving the lion's share. Devereux began speakiDg to his party by trying to explain why Kcichin was herr, but failed to convinco his hearers. The Demo crats are gaining ground by these re peatea references to divide time. The people of the West believe in fair play. Devereux continued, making the same slanderous speech that he has delivered for the past seven days, abusing Cleveland, Fowle, Bain, Hitchm and Wbitaker. Devereux s speech has been shortened. He says little outside of his slanderous, ma licious and defamatory charges. Dockery has added to his cut-and-dried speech. He begins now by ex plaining to his hearers why Kitchin is following him. He said it was un- gentlemanly, not fair and he would never divide time, here or hereafter. He went on with his tame and flat re marks upon tbe revenue, the tariff, etc. Dockery produces no enthusi asm whatever. His hearers begin to leave before he is half through and I believe if he spoke much longer than he does the rooms would be vacant- Devereux causes some laugh ter, particularly when he makes fun of Cleveland, but no applause save what a clown might excite. Capt. Kitchin is doing a great work, not only in converting Repub licans, but his style (and this means lots) of denouncing Radicals and de fending the , gentlemen' upon whom Dockery and Devereux make such wilful misrepresentations, is truly wonderful. He calls a spade a spade and the people are highly pleased vntn ms speecnes. NOTIS. Devereux at Boooe said: "There is not a man on the Democratic State ticket but what is besmeared with fraud." How utterly driven to the wall are Dockery, Devereux and Linney! They resort to all kinds of tricks and slander, j Kitchin has not only cap turea tne erowas , at almost every place, but they are so completely dumbfounded that they hardly know now to proceed or what to say. Devereux is so much put out that he is catching at straws. He male a statement at Boone to the effect. that Mr. Tom Settle had told him that the reporter of the Nxws and Ob sxbvkb had told him (Settle) that Kitchin had been sent, west to keep Democrats from listening to Repubh can speeches. lbe reporter thereupon arose and asked to m&b) a statement. This was granted and the reporter denied the cnarge, as a base Blander. This ts the first division of time that has been granted. This shows how scared up they are. resorting to all kinds of false statements and slan derous charges. The people of this country are actuated by principle and are not easily carried away by the deceptive sophistry of these Republi can tricksters. From the time this Republican bushwhacking canvass began at Tay lors vuie until now Uliver Dockery has charged daily in - his speeches that Cleveland and Fred Douglass sat at dinner together: that Mrs Cleveland kisses negro wenches; that Democrats hire white women to "nig gers. Of course they won t divide time with any truthful Democrat. It seems impossible for any of them to tell the truth, even upon truthful matters. ' Linney became diegueted at Boone and quit the canvass. This makes two run off, Settle and Linney Dockery and Devereux are now alone and they wish the time had come to close the canvass. They look sick HuoB and Simmons at Knfleld. Special to the Hews and Obserrer. EsrisiD, N. C , October 12 By far the largest Democratic meeting for many years past was held here today The crowd was not less than three thousand, and many estimated it at four thousand. Hon. Thos. W. Mason and Hon. F. M., Simmons held thi large audience for nearly four hours without a break in the attention Nearly one-half of the multitude was composed of colored men, wnosa en thusiasm for Simmons was as marked and decided as that of the whites. No better work has ever been done from the hustings. At Salt Lake City, Utah, the other day, the Supreme Court en tered a final decree in the Mormon Church case, declaring the dissolu tion of tbe Mormon Cnurch as a cor poration, and decreeing that all its property, both real and personal, shall become escheated to the Gov ernment tor school purposes in Utah. The court holds that polygamy is still tenet of the Mormon faith, and therefore denies the application of in dividual members of the cburoti to hare the escheated property trans ferred to them. This looks blue for the Latter Day Saints- Citizen Why do 30U write Col. before your name, Uncle Rastue; you are not a colonel T Uncle Rastus No, sah; de Col. stan's to' cullud. Me and Mr. Dock ery is bbfe in de cullud man's party an' we bofe writes Col. befoh our names for de same reason, sah. Charlotte Democrat. - -The German Emperor left Austria on his way to Rome, Wednesday. AT ASUEVILLE D03KERY SICK AND UNABLE TO SPEAK. KITCHIJt, THB OLD WAR-HOBBB, IS OJt THB OBOUBD DKVXKEUX AJtD MOTT 8FXAX. Special to the News and Obserrer. ABHtniXBj N. C, Oct 12 Dockery could not fill his appointment here to day on account of sickness. Devereux and Mott addressed the crowd in the Court House. About five hundred persons were present, about one-third negroes. Devereux repeated his slan derous charges against Fowle, Ran som, Mernmon, Bam, Jams, Whita ker and others. Mott made a fair Re publican speech. Kitchin asked for a division of time, but was refused At the conclusion of the Reoublican peaking he addressed Democrats and others in the Court House, about five hundred being preeent, making one cf his most telling and eloquent speeches, which was received with applause and cheering. He de nounced Devereux as a liar and slanderer and refuted the charges against Fowle, Bain and others. He read a letter written by Devereux in 1880 to John Gray Bynum defend ing Fowle against the same charges ne now maxea. i ne letter caused a great sensation. It convicts Deve reux of lying out of his own mouth. iviicnen a speech has aroused en thusiasm among the Democrats. His piea lor county government waa splendid and effec ive. His tariff ar gument was masterly. He denounced tne itepuDiican party in unsparing terms, and held up Dockery and Deve reux to the scorn and contempt of nonorable snen. ... Devereux admitted in his speech that the Democratic party were right in impeaching Holden. ' He speaks at waynesville tomorrow. HKW APPLICATIOX OS-All OLD STORY. XVB1I THB BIPUBLICAJt XEOBOBS 8KB THB POINT OF THB BADI0AL PBOCIXDIHQ Cor. at the Hews and Obserrer. A few days ago an old darkey in Wake county waa speaking about the joint canvass of the candidates for State and county officers and repre sentatives in the legislature. Said he: "I am in favor of a joint canvass. Lie and Truth got up in the morning and wn ue xrutn was patting on his shoes Lie went on barefooted and Truth never caught Lie all day." "The republicans, said he, "have the lie and have gone on with it Bad the Dem ocrats can t catih them with the truth during tbe campaign." This old 'darkey is a doable-twisted Republi can but he thinks a roint canvass to let the people hear both sides is the only honest way to do business. The Operation f heTnuts. Washlngtoa Post What with the manipulation of wheat in Chicago, by which flour may be forced up to $10 a barrel, and the the operations of the sugar trust in ifoston and Brooklyn, the outlook for the average cit:een is not reassuring. Two of the largest refineries in the country hare been closed, reducing the supply of sugar and throwing a thousand men out of work. The New York Senate committee appointed to investigate the subject of trust have decided, by a party vote Republv cans in the majority to postpone further inquiry until after the elec tion. ltt Everybody BcgUtar. : The registration books in Raleigh township are now open and voters should not delay the matter of seeing that they are properly registered. This is not a new registration, but every voter moving into the city, or from one ward to another, etc., must register and vote in the township or ward in which he is now living. The voter must have a certificate from the registrar where he formerly lived. All Democrats should look to the matter end be careful that their votes are not lost by negligence. Promptness will also save much labor to the com mittees. The following are the registrars and places where tbe registration books are kept in Raleigh township : Outside East G- W. Kennedy, Mrs. Fisher's farm. Outside West W. J. Brown, Ellis & Brown's store. Fisrt ward, W. 0. McMackin.McMack- in s stable ; second ward, B. F. Worn- ble, Bart's store; third ward, A. N- fourth ward, H- A. Mayard, Weat end Cabarrus street; fifth ward, Robert Simpson's drug store. Tne Old Grandmother insists on the mother giving the little one Dr. Biirgers' Huckleberry Cordial. She knows it will cure both young and old of all bowel troubles, and not consti pate as many preparations do with inju rious enect. ComparaUTe Cotton Statement By Telegraph to the News and Observer. New York. Oct 12 The following Is the eon baraUre cotton statement (or the week ending Oct ctober 3. IRAK 1887 &eeetpts for the week 261,557 Total receipts to date, 141,808 K i ports for the week, 106,784 - Total exports to date, 313,250 Block at all U. 8. ports, - saj,M Stock at all Interior townl? 77,030 Htock at Liverpool. STO.ooo Kxporu to Great Britain, 106,000 27MP4 1,097.148 138.T58 60a,87T U7.XM M,4 oo.ooe ! aus.ooo . Complbxiok Powokb Is an absolute necessity of the refined toilet in uus eiimaie. rotzon s oombuies every element of beauty and purity I Wall Paeb ib cheaper just now than ever before. Will paper rooms complete (owing to size) as follows $6, 8 and S10 each, $12.50, $15 and $20 each. Prices named are one-half former prices. Special care taken to do good work, satisfaction guar an teed. Have on hand a large stock aud can suit almost any taste. Fred. A. Watson art dealer,, and mannfao- turrr of picture frames. Orders so li toied and promptly executed. i . . ; . Fall styles of soft and stiff hate iust opened and for sale cheap at Whiting Brbe.' r 1 StAKFS & DXVKBXTJX, Assignees and Receivers. ; Now is tbe time to bny winter flan nels cheap; A full and complete stock can be found at Whiting Bros.' . StaSm Sc Dbvbkxux, Assignees and Reoeiytra. wprM ( o.rt Deei.lans. Digested by tbe Newj aqd observer. Norfolk Southtrfc ltailroid vs. Elv. In a proceeding before the clerk to provide for carrying off surface water over the land of another, where the only issue submitted to the jury was as to the necessity cf cutting a ditch tnrougu tne land or tbs defendant; which being found affirmatively, com missioners were duly appointed, and their report confirmed by the clerk, neutj mat any exception raising the question of title in the plaintiff then taken ia too late. Held, That the findings of facta by the commissioners must stand unless set aside and the work done over. Exceptions subsequently taken are too tare. ixceptiona if not taken in time cannot be heard. 1 IESKIBLI UKVKD6U. An Atlanta Woman Bonn and t hlr formed at the Point or a Pistol. An Atlanta, Ga., special of the 9.h says: l&arly thia morning a woman named Irene Posteli was found near her room, in the upper half of a prominent block, bound, gagged, chloroformed, with a rope tied around her neck. Breathing was suspended and death imminent when the polios found her. During the day she had trouble with a woman named Dunavay, who had threatened to kill her. Two of Dune- way s male mends went to her room and at tbe point of a pistol tied her arms and feet, gagged her and tied the rope around her neck to choke her to death. The woman will die. One man has been arrested on sus picion, i Keeping a diary is hot what it is crack ed np to be. Thirty days of accuracy is about the runit of the endurance; but ur. Bull Cough Syrup has never ret disappointed any one who has used It. ty son, when you go to the eity, get you a bicycle, some tight pants, some tooth-pick shoes, and a elender cane but with all your gettinKS don't fail ti set a bottle of Salvation Oil, for "pride (you cnowj goetn netore a tan." riBBT Hallot.y vjpeu lor inspec tion. Fall and winter suitings, un ported direct from the best looms of Europe, and duplicates cannot be purchased from any other bouse in tbe city. These goods are confined to me exclusively. They consist of a full line of crapes, diagonals, cork screws, Huddersfield worsted, plain and fancy; silk mixed English suit ings, all shades and styles; full line of Irish. Tweeds, Scotch i suitings. English Homespun; full line of Mon golia suitings; full line of Angola suitings; full line of Yacuna suitings; full line of Ceylon suitings; full line of Chinchillas, Montagues, Meltons, kerseys, bearers. A full line of Morton's trouserings. White silk vesting, embroidered or piain. A full line o: (lain and fan:y silk vestings, atest designs. Special attention paid to wedding outfits. Call and look through my stock and be convinced. Call early to avoid the rush. G. N. Waltebs, No. 234 Fayette ville Street, sept22-eod2m Baleigh, N- O. Delaware and Martha grapes, five- pound baskets, 50 eta., at Strooach's m m r Sea Fowl Guano, Acid Phosphate, Eainit and Blue Grass Fertilizer, at StbOxacb s. NORIH CAROLINA Home lnsuranee Co. OF RALEIGH, .N. a 1 Organized la IBIS. Has been Insulin property in North Carolina for eighteen years, with agents in nearly every town in tne Btate aocea sible to railroads and east of the moun tains. THE H03IE, Solicits the prtronafteof property owners in the State, offering them e.ife indem nity for losses at rates as low aa those of any oompany working in North Oarolina- cLissES or rttrEinuscui : Dwellings In town and country, mer cantile risks, churches, schools, oourV houees, society lodges, private barns ana stables, farm produce and live took, cot ton gins. w . oum 1 M ae W Insure in tne norm carouna uome Insurance Company. W. B. PBTMBOflB, CHA. KO)T Preeideat. Bee y ad Irons. W. O. UrOHTJBOB, P. OOWFBW Vioe-Fresident. .Adjuster. Office ia Briggs' Building, No. i fay ttevUle street. Telephone Mo. tfl rn AND NO FOOLISHNESS. Everything in the way of SUMMER GOQDS will be sold at and below cost from July 1st to September lat, to make room for my - FALL STOCK. Come and get goods cheaper than evet You Saw Before. Oil stoves, bath tubs, fly fans, tc, etc. Am prepared and ready to do plans lag, s in all its branches. All work warrantee1 and satiefaction goaranteed. HARDWARE,- Stoves and House Furnishing Goods, I. Ca BREWGTER, TO ANDGASFITTING mmwr.ij ir loi ;A ' V . - , i '- la AeyreMUvuw i . PHnaaa'onf - id a 1 Laxador Cvrvt tlwtr OmtpWhC Cprt.twaSioet Met nit) SS Cti, fw- teair inntit l Will nfier Rheumatism, MtmrmJgfa, -$wllingt$ruiseumbajOliSfifia, tindacbt, Toothacft$ortt, sMv tuft, SeaMs, BactscU, Wotndt, ley t.UFW MKOtl nuqs. re 6mt ToateJ f -M y-V. ' SlrT ' ' - . . A- We are takhW ntr tnr'i w livering fpr winter snepliee . on 'narrow margins, aha advise atf whft can do so to put it rnefore cold weaker. s oricW T ert as Inn I TheLeedin rSSl M- .-. .... ..- :. are ady aocicg and euro to go higher. ' " i i; Pocahortqo Coal is the moefraomiciifuet'k lbe naa ior grates anii&iargvMoves. Off am agenta for this coal but we supply ' " other eoal of any size yon may want notice. . Jones & Powell. 1867. FaIlTradi 1888 J! J. THOMAS fc CO. K.aleigh, IV. C Cotton Sellers AND Commission Merchants Offer to the trade, , Ginners AND Farmers 1,000 bandies new Arrow ties, 300 bun dles spliced Arrow ties, 10,000 yards 1 Burlaps and other cloth suitable for oovering cotton, bulk meat, flour, coffee, sngar molasses, meal, corn, v i oata, hay and ship stuff, all of which we , will sell VERY BIST TERMS. We solicit your consignments ef cot ton, and pledge you our twenty years experience to serve you faithfully and right, Will make cash advanoes upon bula of lading or cotton in band when ever desired. J. j. THOIAS A CO. 118, 818 and 817, 8. Wilmington Street, uaieign, . u. THE 0. A. GAMBRILL MANUFACTURINQ COMPANY Bi LTIXOBX, UaBTLAJTO, Are theUeadlng millers of the Southern States. -' . Their celebrated Flours ' ' are continually growing - ' n favor and it can truly be said that they are the e.rT1 A 0,1 whJctt many of our people hare learned to lean. This is shown by the constant growth In their annual sales in this market.. Their brands sTfa nP SUPERLA TIVE, PA-TAP SC O, OBANSE GBOVE and SEVEN MILLS are well known throughout the State. Bales at Raleigh alone over Bitupi Anthracft onfport SIXTEEN THOUSAND v barrels per annum. .. ' them are happy. NOTICE TO City Tax-Pay ers The city tax-list for 1888 has been placed in my hands for collection. I will be in my office tor that purpose 'every 1 day from 9 e. m. to 0 ,p. m. All taxes not paid by December 1st are subject to ia penalty of 1 per cent and aa additional 1 per cent cn the first day of each month thereafter, until paid. r ' : - a B. ROOT, City TaOOeUatJior. mm I frJ if pi r- VVJJ -4 V "Jil''',aBa 6V 1

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