ir 'i 10 XwJVI -ft - ME SERYEE: VOL. XXVI. RALEIGH. N. C., SUN DAT MORNING, OCTOBER 14, IS88. NO. 92 News AND K PC3SEBt Absolutely Pure.: numwltrimf vaxW. A marvel if -mil. atrasiirth and wboleaxjtaatwae. atorerm-than binary Wad. and Mux be sold In competition with the altttad pt low teat, soars wwgui, Wall Btot, Hew York. , i SoUbyW. C.A. B. Btronach, and JBranaUftOB. CLOTHING : .1 AND Gents' Furnishing Goods Below Cost. We have sacrifice a purchased at an immense. READ THIS CITIZENS OF, NORTH LIN A. CARO It is further evidence of the purpose of iL P. Morton to force if possy ble the payment of the infamous Special Tax Bonds Read why Re publican money is being poured into this State Read of Morton's base . financial speculation Read also of v the trut significance of the Newark ' victory. 320,000 STOCK or MEN'S AND BOYS'; CLOTH I NG ! EAR, from Bent. lot the S.Y. Times senator (juay is in a very unamia- ble mood nowadays, and not a little of his bad humor is caused by the persistence of the Hon. Levi P. Mor ton in making him spend many thou sands 'of dollars in endeavoring to carry North Carolina for the Repub licans. Acoording to a member of the National Republican Executive Committee this has been the bar den of Morton's song ever since the be- E'nning of the campaign, Mr. Mor n said some time ago that he had S'ven to the National Republican immitteejthree times the amount of what his .salary as Vice-President would be, which is supposed to mean that he has contributed $96,000. In return for this he has insisted, and still insists, that the full power of the National Committee shall be used to carry North Carolina. Senator Quay objected at first, but he could hardly help yielding to the party's candidate for the Vice-Presidency and its greatest pecuniary aid, so an energetic Republican campaign has been carried on in North Carolina, and Senator Quay has spent money in that State whioh he wanted to de vote to other States. The disgust of Senator Quay now is due to a discovery which he has fust made oi the reasons which actuate Mr. Morton in desiring to have North Carolina go Republican. They are, i u short, that the firm of Morton, Bliss A Co. are holders of what are known as the special tax bonds, which now amount, principal and interest, to more than $30,000,000. These bonds were issued when North Caro lina was in the hands of the carpet baggers and it was pretended that they were to be devoted to the build ing of certain railroads in the promo lion of which Mil on S. Littlefield was the chief actor. A special tax as levied for their payment, hence their "name. Littlefield took the bonds, sold them in New York for what they would bring, and did not build any railroads with them. The fraud was so gross that after North Carolina came under the control of its decent and respectable oitigens, a constitutional provision by a majority of the voters of the State at the ballot box. Morton, Bliss A Oo bought up these bonds after their repudiation for almost nothing, and have made several attempts to collect them ihronirb the eonrts. Test suits have Iwwh brouffht in individual bonds in the United States Circa Court for North Carolina in the name of dum mies who reside in North Carolina, The suits are not brought by Morton, Bliss k Co., in order to avoid the pro visions of the eleventh amendment to the Federal Constitution which for bid! the bringing of a suit against a Stats) by a resident of another State, One of these suits is now pending in the United States Supreme Court, with small chance a of success. But, would have voted solidly for the Re publican ticket. ' They were not alarmed, and neither are the work ingmen of New York and Connecticut alarmed. The Newark election was the first direct test of the effects of the tariff scare whioh the Republicans have tried to raise, and it was of no avail. It has demonstrated that the national victory will be ours." The Democratic leaders in this city believe that Senator Quay is trying to force riots at the polls on election day. They are now thoroughly aroused to the real meaning of Sena tor Quay's recent performances, and they will take measures to see that they miscarr). He will find, they say, that New York is not Philadel phia, where "Bill" MeVanes and his roughs reign supreme and terrorise honest voters, and that blaster and "bulldoxing" will be of no avail. The placing by nim of irresponsible gangs of armed men at the polls will be (revented by the invocation of the aw. m . m i, AT WATIUTILLE. Dcraraal rajrs hs has Farjrsttaa that Lat ter 1 Special to the New and Obsarvsr. Watbesvizi, N. C, October 13. Kitchen, Dockery and Deverenx spoke here today.' Mr. Kitchin spoke in the Court House, Dockery and Deverenx in a warehouse. A division of time was again refused by the Republi cans. Mr. Kitchen's crowd was large and enthusiastic His speech was re ceived with loud cheers and pro longed applause. Devereux's speech was the biggest failure yet. He stated that he bad no recollection of his Bynum letter defending Judge Fowle. Dockery is well again. He still poses as the farmer's candidate. Haywood county is fully aroused. A largely increased Democratic vote will be given here in November. this . A Freight Hou Barasd. Bj Telegraph to the Newi and Observer. St. Lopis, Oct. 13. At 115 morning fire broke out in the Vanda lia Railway freight depot in East St. Louis, and before the firemen f'om this city could reach the scene the depot was destroyed and the fire had spread to adjoining buildings includ ing a hotel filled with people. The Vandalia freight house was a total loss. Fifteen freight cars and 300 of cotton were destroyed. The East St. Louis hotel was badly dam aged. No lives lost The loss will not fill short of $60,000. There was a panic among the guests of the hotel bjt all got ont safely. TflE STATE FAIR IS The Farmers Special Holiday. There will be someth-ng to interest everybody. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday the Oreat Balloon -Ajscensiorie The perilous leap of 1,000 feet from a Balloon in mid-air. It will be the sight of a life time. a P.tlll.H .f Cottam F.ctvra DaO!. ' Br Telegraph to the News and Otoerrer. Washikotos, Oct 13. The Treas ury Department has denied the peti tion of Duckworth & Co., Wilder A Co. and others, of Savannah, Oa-j for allpwjjiejiliTjxporea irom that port after May 19, 1887, without pre liminary entries. V eekir Baak StataaaeaU Bv Teltsxaoh to the New and Observer. New York, Oct. 13. The follow ing is the weekly bank statement: Reserve, decrease, i,ivz,aov; wuu, increase, $1,606,800; specie, increase, $147,100; legal tenders, decrease, $823,300; deposits, increase, $1,107, 000; circulation, decrease, $1,400. The banks now hold $10,114,650 in exoesB of the 25 per cent rule. Tit Y.Uaw F.T.r. By Telegraph to the New and Obeerver. WaSHiHOTOs, Oct. 13. The Marine Hospital Bureau has been informed that during the week ending October 7 th there were six new oases of yel low fever at Palmetto, making a total even if the suits were to succied, the 0f thirty-six cases and one death. collection oi the judgment wouia o BUSINESS. & SOS, 14 East Martin Street. dSDWARD FASKAC11, 1WELER i OPTIC W S tAUxen, l. o. old Jewelry, Oold and Silver Watch florham'i Sterlln BU wware,Eogyr olated silverware, any else and weight ef plain 18 karat En gafetneat rings constant " In stock. Badges and Medals made to order. Aiffimlt. nnless the people, the legis j latore, and the Governor should be in t nainir it. Therefore Mr. I TVI Morton! is very desirous to have North 1 M w I m-riiiBA iro ReDnblican. and there ate kt Ihe National Republican Headquarters who are unkind enough to say that his main, if not his sole purpose, in obtaining the Republican nomination lor the Vice-Presidency, was to be thus enabled to employ the whole power of the party through his National Committee to collect bis bonds which he bought for almost nothing after they had, been repudi ated; In other words, that bis can didacy is only a vast financial specu lation, in which he uses the Republi can party as a tool to accomplish his ends. , If the Republicans were to capture North Carolina at this election of course that would not of itself insure th navment of the bonds. But it - s. ' . ... . , i- iTtee Patxel Laaaekad. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Oct. 13. At the Cc- lnmhia Iron Works, this city, today' at 2 p. m. the gun-boat Petrel, the flrat war ship ever built in Baltimore, a lannched. Everrthing went off smoothly and successfully. Raprtal far Daiyv Caicaooi Oct. 13. In acoordacee with action taken by a general meet- ;nr laat nicht. the striking conductors and drivers of the West Chicago Rail- rna1 rerjorted for duty at the various kama thia morninir. and all the lines I are now in full operation. Bill la ladtaaa. tit TelecraDh to the Hsw and Observer, iKMAJUfous, Oct. 13. Gov. Hill and his party accompanied by Gov. Orav and Judore Holnoan and Hon. W. W. Armstrong, of Cleveland, 0., left at an early hour this morning for 1 Lafavette. Ind.. where tne uovernor ' a 11 trnoon. going tnenoe Lotraniport, canvass tonight. ine weainer throughout Indiana continues rainy and disagreeable. RACES EVERY DAY. THURSDAY IS FARMERS' DAY, The best game of FOOT BALL ever plsyel in the StUe Chapel Hill vs. Wake Forest. Friday will be Thousands of trjtty girla nd handsooaa 'ching in prooossion. a jar Optical ONuIjm-- Embraces aa endless Variety of lenses which together with our practlol expe ienee enables us to eoirMt almost any ner of refraction In Myopia (neamightl, ilraMrtropia (far sigbt, Preebropl. SnSShenopflweak sight an living prompt relief from that dtatres ll ieadache which often aooompanlei tApertsoiv-iieVa OUR ARTIFICIAL Human Eyes Atw and look like the natural organ e Mia when inserted. Pauaet as a dtatanoe hajring a broken tys eaa have anoihet snada wttheut rail ,g ro-Uv O. J. FkmMVH. Tsxb. W. LThv mmtiliV T. WW otenoffrapurr i Type-WriUn, Dave opened an office in the HoUeniaa bulldlog, where they are prepared to Jcuie all . rders in law reporting and "5- writlng CIm. in short hand and tTPa-wrltlDK formllKr. m ,.t,iff Room chairs ti. .hole lot wUl be Two handroJ . i . WM."'l a MMinleta Outfit Of fcao., but i. HOUS1L wouia give m wp" "V" " aneaka thia afternoon, going RepubUoan Supreme vxurt, ana a -. , . . cToM CtepUDUCan uegiaianuiv. iuuvu mmj be ddne with said agencies. At least negotiations could be conducted for the payment of money on the bonds. Ancl whatever is paid would be likely to be profit to Mr. Morton. One thing whioh militates against the success of thia riffantio scheme is the fact that the democrats oi conu wuima un "got on "to it. Senator Ransom is about to freely expose it on the stump, and his exposure will finally defeat it. The people of North Carolina do not really want to pay xor Donas worn which they never received any bene fit, and which were issued by rascals whom they have recently driven from the State. thx siokiriOAHbs or the hxwaxk vio- '! TOBY. The true significance of the victory in Newark," said Sana' or Barnum Urday. "is not restricted to New Jersey- It means that New York and Connecticut will surely go for Cleveland and Thurman. In Presi dential elections New York, New Jersey and Connecticut hang together and cast their votes in favor of the same canaiuiies. mo wwiauiBumu of Newark were hot only unterrifled by the Republican assertions tnat the Mills bill meaas free trade, but they have investigated the question lor themselves ana nave aaoerwuueu that: its enactment will tend to their advantage. Uhey are not p alone among the work- mgmen OI tnis country in icaui Ing these conclusions. Newark is One of the twenty great manufactur ing eentres of this country. It is full of workingmen. Had they been farmed by the Republican cries they Tatal Vlalkle Swpelr af Cattaa. Bv Telesraph to the ICews and Obarver. Niw Tohk. October 13. The total visible supply of ootton for the world 1 is 1.206.797 bales, of whioh 959,897 are American; against 1,916,049 and 143.149. respectively, last year. Re ceipts at all interior towns 174,994. Receipts at plantations 292,101. Crop I in sight 913,527. A Baak Bteaveaee. By Telesrapn to (he News and Obaerrer. PirrsBTJso. Pa.. October 13. The I Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of the South Hide closed its doors this morn ing. The cause of the suspension is nnt vet known, lhe bank has a capital stock of $130,000- Saa Oarerlmseaaa Aaeaptamaae. Bt TelecraDh totbe Hews and Observer. Wasbujotoi, D. 0., Oct. 13 ine bond offerings today aggregated $4r 587,000. Aooepted $118,000 four and halfs at 108. The province of the busy bee has been so extensively invaded by man that the bee raisers of the West have sent a representative to Washington to secure a law requiring manuiao turers of artificial honey to stamp thair wares, so -aa to distinguish it from the honey of the hive, in the aame wav that oleomargarine is desig nated to prevent it be ine palmed off on the public ior putter. Artinoiai honev is partly gluoose and partly real honey an adulteration in fact, but not, it is said, injurious. THE SOLID MEN OF NEW YORK TESTIFY FOR CLEVELAND. -I . TWESTT TBOCSARD fit THE PB0CE8810H 8ECBETABT FilBCHILD, BPEAEEB CAR LISLE XKD OTHERS rPEAK OTHER NbWB. Bjr TelctTaph to the Mews and Observer. New Yobe, October 13. Every thing was favoiable for the big idem one tration for Cleveland and Thur man of the down-town business men this evening, and the meeting before the Sub-Treasury, in Wall street, and the subsequent procession up town, were fully equal to the hopes of the managers. Th meeting on the Sub Treasury steps was presided over by Jos. J. O'Donahue. When Secretary Fairchild arose he waa welcomed by a roar of applause. When the Sec retary had finished, Mr. Carlisle was introduced. He was also warmly greeted. The crowd of lietners con tained probably 15,000 persons. The number of persons in line is esti mated at 20,000. A substantial plat form on the Sub-Treasury steps con- tauueu me lUYiteu guests, and was gorgeously decorated with, flags and streamers. A large portrait of Presi dent Cleveland, and another of Allen tr. lhurman orere suspended on the large pillars of the building facing tne people. Before Fairchild was introduced resolutions were offered and adopted meeting witn cneers. xney ex press unqualified approval of Presi dent Cleveland s administration and u : .. l : or . mi uia tariu message.- Aney warn peo ple against the pretense that Presi dent Cleveland has inaugurated a campaign of free trade against pro tection ; they favor a reduction of the surplus judiciouslj; they denounce as maiicious and absurd the pretenses that the Mill's Bill is isjurious to the welfare cf the workingmen of Ameri ca; they denounce the clause in the Republican platform for free whiskey and the policj of the Republican party in me matter oi commerce; they en dorse the policy of the present ad ministration as based on sound financial and -economical principles and finiBh by a statement that the bet interests of the country require and demand the election of President Cleveland. .Speaker Carlisle's speech waa pnnctua'ed by frequent outbursts of applause on the part of the crowd. He terminated somewhat unexpected ly but he was nevertheless cheered to the echo. Vjer's .eraiie Wake to the of the Biff Ttata at rowtll't Fa. There was an immense crowd at Powell's Pond, in Middle Creek town ship, yesterday. On a close calcula tion there were between five and six hundred present. In the morning they were addressed by Mr. H. E. orris, of Apex, on the lssuei campaign. His speech was ble in every respect. in the afternoon Mr. Ed. Smith, chairman of the ': : Executive Committee ' county, delivered an aooss vast audience. It was one finest efforts ever made in Middle Creek township and many votes were won by it for the Democratic ticket. Mr. Smith very ably discussed the tariff and other issues of the . day. On the whole it was a glorious day for the Democracy of Wake county, and Middle Creek will do her fall duty on the 6th of November. A Great ImpravemaMf . Three cheers for the Raleigh Street Railway! Notwithstanding the rains and many difficulties the line on West Hargett street is about completed to the station and will be in running order on Tuesday morning. The management inform us that thia line will be run in connection with the Fair ground train, which leaves Har gett Street Station every half hour. It will also connect with the special trains coming on the various roads, thereby affording a great convenience to visitors who come in by the early trains to spend a few hours in the oity at a trifling cost. Mr. B. Crmndr. we learn tnat Mr. a a. urandy, a fraduate of the University of our tate, was offered a scholarship in Johns-Hopkins University if he would give up his plan of taking a parallel course in the University of Maryland. This he declined to do and is attend ing medical lectures in New York. Mr. R. L. Uzzell, of Wayne conn likewise a graduate of the Unr of iNorth Carolina, who hi taking a post-graduate in Engli; Anglo-Saxon, French and German Chapel Hill, has been elected to chair of English and Anglo-Ssxdnir one of the large schools of Virgf - ' ' i,- Tne Special Tax-Band Case. Intelligence has been received here from Mr. Li. 11. Battle that the s eial tax bond case will not be take up at Washington till Monday Battle will remain at Washing to; tne case is taken up. Tfca Pr,BtatloBarPIfra Laat BlaaL It is already known that Raleigh amateurs can, when they hone, -equal even surpass the larger major , oi professional troupes in the pre sentation of dramas, operas, Ac List night they rendered to a very large audience the charming opera Pina- is not new, du in ire t hands of Raleigh talent it was. fresh aid charming last night The cast and chorus were of Raleigh's beat. : That is savinor mneh. T ' Mr. Jas. Anderson was- Sir Joseph Porter, K. 0. and hie manage ment of the character waa a nerfeei entertainment in itself. We believe honestly we do not exaggerate in . aying that any opera company might replace, with great advantage to itself, the character of Sir Joseph ' with Mr. Anderson. .He hae the power and pleasure to make himself ' periecuy nt any character of comedy and philosophy a rare and interest ing combination. Mr. E. J. Hardin needs nothing aia in nis Pebalf to indicate that properly represented Capt. Corcoi uib Buienaia Dun wnn nrimcrnr expressions of flattering applause. Mr. Starke Batchelor as RalohRad straw agreeably astounded his most intimate acquaintances and the audi ence generally by his. power of fine tenor singing. He has kept his light hid under a bubbel apparently' for the purpose of causing a welcome surprise. If such was his object, his success was complete. Mr. St, Clair Hester was Dick Deadeye and waa easy, natural and interesting in the character.' . Mr. H. E. Strudwkk, a real "Brit isher" was a natural looking boat- : swain and had nothing to wish for with Mr. Sherwood Haywood as Boat swain's mate. MisB Mabel Unchurch appeared in' the character of Josephine, the cap tains daughter. If the audience had seen, and heard nothing except ' rar r i L hw I v v a I 1 la x. " as Bt-- th; 51 Mr. ami jiiiirfa' SCHOOL 13A.Y. TO MAKE EVERYBODY HAPPl, GOV. VANCE wUl speak to the people about their Publio Interests. i Railroad Fare is Only One Cent a Mile. I SCHEDULE : Beelde. the ReguUr Schedule, the Train, will run . Follow.: Steppers Bates. We call the attention of visitors la lh ,&uxui u ttui at tfiat elegant es tablishment daring their stay in the city. They will go away glad they came to Raleigh, ana giaa to nave seen one of the most magnificent es tablishments in the State of North Carolina. The establishment will be fully equipped for the Fair, and no exhibit will be more elegant than their display this week. A standing world s exposition witu new additions, the attractions every dav free to everybody. For further particulars see Messrs. W. O. A A. B. Stronach's ad. in this issue. Se elsewhere ad. of Mr. W. S. Primrose for sealed proposals for roofing the Agricultural College building. We desire to call attention to the advertisement of the Fidelity A Cas ualty Company, of New York, whose fine annual statement we published a short time since, and we again re peat what we then said that "a long felt want is now filled." and that in future 'there need be but few .lossef ,' experienced in the business world, by the acts of defaulting employees and persons occupying positions of trust,' where the possibility of prompt and absolute recovery is by means of an "Indemnity Bond," placed easily within the reach of all. Our 35,000 employees of the leading railroads, banks, Express companies, Insurance companies, manufacturers and busi ness houses in this country, are se cured by the banks in this country. The days of "personal security" and sentiment, are passing away. This is an age of common sense and business, and when protection atrainst loss is so easily obtained, neglect to secure it admits of no expense. See card of the wellknown Insurance Firm of T. H. Comeron St Co who are the gen eral manergers of the Go. for this State. ! Messrs Berwanger are now fully eauiboed to furnish the latest novel ties in crltnts' druss outfits, etc Their new styles of shirts are superb and their neckwear is the handsomest ever brought to this city Their stock of overoottts and clothing as everybody knows, beats the record. We call especial attention to Oar Chsirelias Today. f I . . . i , rt . . on urea oi toe urooa onepnera-s- W. M. Clark, Rector. Twentietht day after Trinity Morning Prayer ant Sermon at 11 a. m. Sunday School at, V 4 p. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon a f SOi. Services daring the week: Wed, 'f Polite"TJBiflni"cJarr. ) attAnd. i & be w" First Baptist Church. Sunday school-j at a o'clock, v uitcrs .aamiuea so 'Aif f ant Class at 10 o'clock. Treaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by Bev. vTUL H. Os hnma. of Aibeville, N. C. Visitors to the city and the public generally oCr-a-a diallr invited to attend all thesereer- vioss. rEr ' Baptist Tabernacle Sunday schooF .15 Bv m. Preaching at 11 a. m. aria 7:80 pm. by the pastor, Bev. G. S. "Witv liams. Lord? supper after morning ser mon. A cordial invitation is extended tn all. - Oosnel Tent Services There will services in the gospel tent of Bapi Tabernacle, corner of Davie and 8 streets, thia afternoon at 4: OOo'cloc Public cordially Invited. -Edenton Street M. E. Church South Sunday School at 9.30 a. m. Preaching t 11 a- m. and 7:45 D m. bT tor, Bev. J. T. Gibbe. The publio diallv invited to all services.. Blount Street rresDytenan tjnurcn Horning service at 11 a. m., by the pas- tor, Kev. J. M. Aiainson, xj. j. omaa all free and the publio cordially invited. Sunday School at 5 p. m. ,. . Third Baptist Church Pn-achlsg at 11 a. m. and s p. m. oy ww pernor, H. Thompson. Sunday school at Christian Church IT-Bcning py ae pastor, Bev. W. G. Clemei W-arnrr and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 9:80 a. m. A cordial invitation to all. Central M.E. Church. -banday-ecnooi as 9.80 a-m., B.C. Bedford, Superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7.80 p. m. by the pastor, Bev. L. L. Nash. Seats free and the publio invited to attend. Christ Church -Twentieth Sunday af ter Trinity. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. m; Evening s prayer at 5 p. m. Services during the week Wednesday a 5 p. m., Thursday (St. Luke's Day), and Friday at 10 a. m. All cordially in vited, i First Presbyterian Ch arch Sunday School at 9:80 a. m. Sermon and Pommunion services at 11 o'clock and baptism of infants and sermon to chil dren at 4 p.m., by the pastor Rev. Dr. John S. Watkins. Cordial invitation ex tended to all these services and polite ushers will seat all who attend. tat 5n Uav antefey and cay A. Watk turer of litoied an FAW-Stay just opene Whiting B Aesig NowJs the t; nela cheap A stock can be lounc - f i OTAaXrB Assignees Spsaial Tralas a. tks B. Di K. . far tba B. l..tat S-alr. 1 The R. & D. B. B. wUl run the fol lowing special train on the 16tr, 17th and 18th to Raleigh and return for the accommodation of Pfr"" V tending the North Carolina State w;. a t; will 1ave Goldsboro at S-lfi o'clock and re turning will leave Raleigh at 5:15 p m., arriving at Goldsboro at 7:30 p m Train. An fba A. A. N. C will maka aIam Aonneotion with these specials in each direction at Golds r,k ifiir. K. Atlantic Coast W WBB VWV TJna will ran a Bneaiftl from Fayette wilU Aonneetinff with the Richmond k Danville special at Selnu. Coach es will run through without change. Ou the aame dates specisi ra.u. wiU run between ureensuoru Raleigh, leaving Greensboro t 8.15 a. m . stopping at all stations aqjl ar rivioe at iuieTgh at 12 m.; retufSing -w n i . i l sz i n m will leave ttaieigu at o f- Special trains will be ru OD UMN dates from Ularxsvuie, Durham, connecUng at urnam w specials froui Raleigh. The people of Wortn uarouna " such low rates and perfect to enable them to attend the State Fair, and we have every reason to think they will be here in throng! . Mr. P. J- .Duma's advertise ment. He is fully equipped to furnish the latest styles and the most perfect fit. .and invites all hi. customers who are looking for ;their fall and winter .luits to call and see him- Read his advertisement. The Messrs. Stronach will have a stand and a display at the fair this wek which will be as handsome si their new store, j They slways do the One' of the most pleasant features of the State fair is the reunion of friends. It is a regular reunion oi North Carolinians. Everybody will expect to see you there so don t dis appoint them. tt. Kit nl naat health s a direct result of habitual poor attention to the physical system. Keep .the head cool, the feet warm, and the bowels regular by the nroner use of Laxador, and sickness can not approach you. Price 5 cents. No opium ! no laudanum or other dan nn rlrnar is contained in Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, for the relief ol oolio, tea th ing, eta Price 83 cents. A Oorga stock. Heller Bros, have received a com nlete and varied line of boots, shoes, thing gracefully and their exhibit will I slippers, trunks, valises Ac, and wish doubtless oe tne cynosure oi au ey From Hamlet and O. M " C. Connections, arrive Raleigh leave Weldou, Northern and Southern connection, ar. Raleigh, M Henderson - Leave Raleigh for Weld on, - 9.00 a. m, 7 00 p. m. 7.00 p. m. 6.40 p. m. 8.00 a. m. 9.15 a. m. Note the change of advertisement this morning of Messrs. Heller Bros. TCverrbodv will, need a new pair oi - - - . i , a .11 choes for lair wees: ana snouia can on Messrs. Heller to get them. The usual Sunday change of adver tisement of Messrs. N orris & Carter is not made today because of rusn oi business yesterday. It will appear i Tuesdaj, however, and will be a daisy when it does come. is.-p your eyes open for it. . 9.30 a. m. 7.10 p. m 6 40 p. m. Ola Atakaaaa. vj.C. Lourd. Leeiburg, Ala., writes! ; My little babe, ten months old, waa al most dying from teething. I gave it Dr. BWRere' tlucKieDerry vuruuu. in amy piett rejUli lOllOeu. cmj uwuiaauwiuw I nave It. " Hen?ierson, - " Excursion tickets good on all trains on all roads. There will be a regular meeting of Hiram Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Monday I evening, Oo ober 15, at 7.30 o'clock. A full attendance of the members i requested. to remind the public that they are better prepared than ever to auppiy the masses with the above men tionel gooda they have them suit able f r cuuutry as well as city wear, and at the very lowest prices. They are also in receipt of a mammoth stock t f slippers, patent leather nnmr a and Oxford ties, also patent loathe: cong- and lace and it will be to th iuterest of the participants in the various dances fair week to exam ine our bwauufvl line before making nnrehases. Orders by mail for the a. i mi : u t above gooas wm rewnvw iviun mr tention. Special attention is called to the large stock of trunk, valise Ac, and there is no no use tuuui ws wv- mao where a larger supply oi tne .w rnnda at such low prioes are anarariilv carried in stocK than at HeXLKB BCOS., 131 Fayetteville St, Raleigh, N. a a ttw Nice Th ivll'a epicure AaVVB " - a A.A Ats : w amus v Blackwell's " Florence egant aalad areeBin$,2 elnts; Olives, Capers, A llatanni. flLD, a UfUaV oaucee, r- wri: Senator Grsy, who ha. jut rej turned from campaigning in . w Jersey, thiDKs tne uuwvw- Wi ing for the Democrat. Bull's Baby Syrup Day's Horse laaaeli packasa. Baavaaask .1 a.KUa.lra Tryltl SJ l . inTilB lf "hSing nniini hitia.U Fthecuro ' XUa.viuul, las. Asthma, ilfflE , iMUCSCUBt B CIMSETTt f.g" nd far the relief rnsumptlve persons. At druggists. r

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