Sews and Observer. MnaTOH jpropef v4o ersajet-eenu than tnosi cf oa RITCHU II,IB WUT. rwU at Bklaa;twa. " t ssesa, To answer them aa tr. two V" J "1. - M i., it! M gnaaxB Dm (xxoxrr Mono at) uxp -Bx tele news a OBSERVES CO SI M t 1 - n f ; thraa " - " three J i' SIS awiae entered without navmant. and DO l- f 1 'yet tent after the expirattoa of ttM paid toe. TPESDJLY, OCT. 16, p8S. jj AJlittOCUATICKOUlAEE. Mjciq.; TCJUDAT, aeveaaber BATUMI AA TICKS' GRQYER .CLEVELAND, is U ft ru ncwusami : liliLM.e.TBUBJIAB, ----- - ' r Hh - v -i- FOBsELECTOBS-s-STAn AT LiMi: ii ALFRED M. V? ADD SIX, of New SlMTtt ii rUOUICk . 1 IB0PWICX, et Orangey r DlSIMO ELfcOTOBS? r irt Dmt- U. BKOWN, Jr., Of Beaufort,5 d Dirr JOH . K. WOOD ABD.ei Wilson, i' TH DT-.-J. U. UOitSOM, of Bant. tTH llr.-AMUKi, J. PKMBKUTOit, of 8UnlJ JTB DlS-r, LKBOYOL CALDWKULof lredelL; TH Dl-TUUHA8 M. VANOaTTol Caldwell. tru Diet. w. i. c&awfojid, lujwoo. WTATE TICKET. " ' OB ttOVKAXOB i DANIEL G. FOWI.E, H of Wake, FOX LXZUT. OOVXABOB : THOMAS M. HOLT, of Alamance. for, Associate Jnstjoe of the Su prme Court! fill the! vacancy caused Pj toe death of Thomas 8. JOS. J. DAVIS, ' I ; of Franklin. for Associate Justioee of the Su prem Court under amendment to the Oonalltution: i i JAMES E. SHEPHERD, If of Beaofort. ! ' lALPHONSOa AVERT. - ; v;J ' i' 4iii'v JBarke.! , fob BXOsrraBX or statx; WM. L. SAONDEBS, of Orange. "j :8 . FOB TKXASUSXi: DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. rrxsnmirDXHT or public IKSTBOO- txox s SIDNEY M. FINGER, of OaUwba. ! n innntT omsii : THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, , or Duncomoe. " . fob Ancfroa: Q. W. SANDERLIN, ox wayne. iron cwiycress. FOUBTH PISTBIOT t B. B BUNN, of Nash. V J. ....... - Let I Dtmocrats see thit etery yonng nan coming of age M regir DtxCBATS of the district, et us oft with br coatB and work i for Burn. Tbe Northern trust, are j money la ner to defeat him pouring and he mast not be aeieaiea. - Ewert ciiiaen of the StateJ with the a ftnA wAtm m.nA thft ehildrfn. should JS " I"" r ' risil lh Siati Fair, It is a : every -way viU, worth seeing, j It opens today. I Bailroadiar toito&B Oest'a EuxtsxBt wb prist Blaine's real sentiments as to the , tSeei. of low ' . - . " - ' f " ' 1L . tarifls. What ne u flaying; on we tnmrj Wow is the utterance of the nn Bcrnpuldus partisan. When be wrote what w auota he was wnUng history and bad to have some regard for the truth. "Read hiB words. - If yoti don't propose to yote, the matter of registration is of no conse qaenoe, U eoune, but you don't want to lose your vote on the alxth of November you had better jsee that too ate properly regUtered without delav. The thee weeks that remain before the election will slip af ay with what wut seem wonoBitiu rByiuitj. . -: -; , - i JcooiIFowu ipcke at Elizabeth town veaterdsy and woke the echoes of thst bistorio place to sound Demo-c-atie doctrine beyond question.' He Also made l it ring with , eloquence and with: exposure of Radical fraud, eorruDtion and oppression. I Ha is arousing the enthusiasm ofj Demo crati an4 making votea wherever he . 'm t m j i - As we have shown, the Republicans are throwing a great deal o money loin North Carolina in order to ' carry the j State.- Our people wil have to meet this with , hard work By earnest active and intelligent ef fort front now until the day of elec (ion on tbe part of every Democrat a verr effective offset to the eorrup tion fand of our adversaries may be provided, but we need not expect viotory in tne lace oi auoa uoacrupu- i.n. Attu1a nnlesa we work for it. V I and work atrenuously, as individuals and all together. To work, then, Democrats, to work! Mobt0b, the plutocrat, accepts the nomination for the Vice Presidency and makes a contribution to the Re publican campaign fund in order that he, may get all the money he wants for a corruption fund in North fJaro- lioa to the end that he may carry this State anI so force upon our people the payment of $30;t)00,000 and more cl fraudulent bonds which to. holds. Was Bocb n outrageous plan aver before conceived? Lt the people of the S atel6dnju B emVtically next month by dtfeatiug U irton and the whole Badioal crew at the polls. power, of Uxb pnlUcBi4JptT carry this State ui order bat !) 'jfeoay ix poiaioia zoroB apon our people in DBTment of th infamooB feoeeial tax bondi amounting to $30,000,000 aud more and for which we hve never re oeiyed a dollar bj way ofleqaiTalent. He haa ordered mone aent into North Carolina for the fpurpoee of efTeetaating bis TilUinousf plD. Shall he be permitted to saeeed, fellow citizens? Shall he beg' permitted to brief rnin upon ourselTes, our nearest and our dearest t swell his already enormous horde Shall he be permitted to force payment, prin cipal and . interest, fof bonds wnion ne secarea xojr a lew cents only in tbe dollar t if bo much and after due notice of their repudia tion by the Slate, whicn Metrecl not dollar's wortn oi eapraieni tor themf Shall he be permitted to col lect a claim based, as al the world knows bow, on the mostputrageous TiliainT and corruption " that ever af flicted a Stattt Shall be bf permitted to prostitute politics to tpe base, per sontl end he has in tiewf Shall he be permitted to rob North'Carolina in order to swell hib own possessions to the extent of 130,000,000 and mortT Let the people of the State answer at tbe pons next monin ana in oruer that they may answer effetctiyely let them get ready now by eajrery means to crush the Radicalism represented by the greed and 1 the unscrupulous methods of the New York Shylfck. . - m 'j; Ir you want a "Southern man with Northern principles" to represent you ill Congreei, why Bunn won't do. He stands by the . people he lires among. He is "with" thm and not with" their enemies. H.U a South- em man with Southern principles and he will look after the interests of this district if he is elected. H you want a man to legislate your money away for pensions to Northern soldiers; if you want a man to increase your tax burdens for the benefit of 'the trusts and other combines at thaJNorth you will tare to TOte for Niches. Ir you want to pay higher taxes on all you eat and wear andfwork with, if t j ou want to pay more pensions still to northern soldiers J don't vote for Bonn, because he isn't'buiH that way." He is for lower taxes and for no heavier taxation of the poor man in proportion than the riob man. - If you want high taxes you frill have to vote for Niehola. f 1 . St ' Thb Northern trusts are throwing much money into the First Distriet, the Fourth District and the Fifth District in order to seoufe Republi can Congressmen. They propose to defeat Skinner, Bunn n JVf orehead Let our.friends be warnedjn time and let them take off their coats and work for the nominees referred to. Let them also be warned thai' Morton is doing all he can to ele Dockery. Let them work lor rowle. ' H KllMbatk Cttr BapFalagt. Oof. of Qis Hews ana Observer. i i ,, OOTOBXRl, 188S This 'place, with a population of about 6,000, is situated oft. the Pas quotank river, a beautiful and navi gable stream. It is one of the most important points between -Wilming ton, N. C, and Norfolk, Ya- It haa a large trade, consisting of oottoni grain and lumber. g fK ssiAaiv v mum mm aavw; The Albemarle Lumber Company U erecting a very large building for J Waning, in addition to the? ones 'now n operation. $ A large addition is being made to the oil mills. - i : t TWSB rkvv wm W " New dwellings are oonftantly go ing up. : The Bi Baptists have iusWaomplsted a very elegant paraonaga on Main atreet. The Methodists will son occupy their handsome Sunday School room. There are two new building to be . a a a t a - - erectea soon, wnicu win oa ornaments to the city. . The Baptist congregation has out grown its present bouse Of worship, and are now placing bricks on a lot for a very elegant onurehj This con gregation always accomplishes what ever it undertakes. It bai many of the best people of the eity for its waders. Tbe whole community is in terested ia toil anterpriia and will reader material assistanoK The eommissioners, at their recent meeting, unanimously voted in favor of 'erecting at one a commodious market house. This is to be built of brick also, and will ' doubtless have an elegant town ball over it. This will supply a long felt need. EIej trie lichta will soon follow. i - Everybody is now interested in tne approaching fair to be held here next week,thel6tb,17ih and 18th. This will be no mean thing. The leading citi zens of this section are iti managers. Fine horses will be exhibited in the stalls and on the race tack. Fine speeches will be made, and a fine time , is anticipated. J 1 " '' THB KOBALS j' of the place are exceedingly good. It is a religious place. The QMethod.ata held a meeting the first three weeks of September with good results. The Baptist pastor, Rev, J.tL. White, closed a very interesting meeting Sundsy night. It continued for two weeks, and One hundred and seventy five made a public profession of faith. Forty-eight of these were baptised in the Pasquotank river last Sunday afternoon in the presence of the largest crowd ever assembled at this place to witness such a seene. The entire eervioe was solemnfimpressive and beautiful. Many Others will yet be baptised into this church as a re sult of this meeting. TheJ whole city rejoices over the great results of this revival. , .. : Interest in politics U ; increasing daily. The Democrats already feel ihe flush of Victory. Alleie looking f or ward with great pleaanra to tbe coming of North Carolina's future Governor, Hon. Daniel OFowle. ! - -1 w- lxr TmrlS'i aad PrMpritr-Tl VmrUt I Tax Thmi:i Editor Ntw$ and Obiervtfi t Albkbtsos's, N. C, Ooi 11, '83. I have narer sten any jjMttisaoiory anawer to tie clvm of tn Bsda that love tariffs have nvariabfy btenao ooupaniod iy hard tUnitt, An an iwer requiraa more acquaisianoa with 1 . H " 1 : eoincidences you may get some light w usn sou s xnirty Xeara' YiewvoL U pp. 32 and 83, ahd voL 2, ps. 9, 10 et seq. Look it ' up, and give Your leaders the benefit of it. : ' My Attention has been called to Toba-co Farmer's article in the last Progressive Farmer, in whict Derates Mr. otrudwiok for buying aa English overcoat for $10 instead of paying a homemaker 26 for One, and essays to excuse the tariff . rob bers because for $10 worth o? to bacco exported to English ports a tariff tax of $72 has to be paid. Now I don't suppose this writer I pretends that the $72 are for pro tection." The truth is, I believe, that the British government derives most of. its revenues from consumers of beer, ale, tobacoo, etc luxuriesl The French government, I think ! t ."alaa . monopolizes tne saie ox to Dace o is France; during our war I often heard of agents of thai government coming to Dixie to purchase tobacco for their government. . ' 'Tobacco farmer, I doubt net; receives $82 for his $10 worth of to bacco and has no right to complain! My reason lor calling your atten tion to this is that the Progressive Farmer would not carry to its read ers the facts about the tobacco tariff as soon aa the Nxws asd Observes would, and they certainly need td be carried soon. Yours for good government, B. F. G&Avr A Benton was a Democrat, his testimony as to tbe result of the k tariff of 1846 would not be so con vincing as that of Mr. Blaine, 'who also gives testimony very unwil lingly, to the same fact. We quote from page 196 of his Twenty Years of Congress :" "More over the tariff of 1846 yielded abund ant revenue and the business ot the country was in a flourishing condi tion at the time his (President Tayt lor's) administration was organized; Money beoaine very abundant after the year 1849 ; large enterprises Were undertaken, speculation was preva lent and for a considerable period the prosperity of the country was general and apparently genuine." "After 1852 the Democrats bad alt most undisputed control of the gov ernment and had gradually become a free trade party- Tne principle? em bodied in the tariff of 1846 seemed for the time to be so entirely vindi cated and approved that resistance to it ceased, not only among the peo ple, out among tne protective econo mists and even among the manufac turers to a large extent. do general was tms acquiescence that in 1856 a protective Itariff - was not suggested or even hinted at by any one of the three parties which presented presidential candidate." Again, speaking of the still lower iariff of 1857; i" By this law the duties were plaoed lower than they had been at any time since 1812 . The Act was' well received by the people and mat indeed concurred in by a considerable portion of tbe Jtepubliean party. ?. In the House the New England Repre sentatives generally voted for the bill." Here, then, aooording to Mr. Blftinej who tells the truth unwillingly in this matter, tbe prosperity of the country under tbe low tariff of 1846, after ten ' 1 L , 1 . . . years inai iiau dmb mo great ana was so satisfactory that the New England people were in love with it and joined with otners in 1857 in making a still lower tariff. As to this matter, -Mr.; Blaine only tells the truth. ' Again he says on page 202: "The free-traders consider the tariff of 1846 to be conclusive proof of Ihe beneficial effects of low duties. They challenge a comparison of the years of its operation between 1846 and 1857 with any equal peiiod in ' the history of the country. y "Tne iree-traders refer with etpe- cial empbasia to wnat they term the symmetrical development of all -the great interests of the country nfcder this liberal tans. Manufactures were not stimulated at the expense of the ootnmeroial in tereeta. uotn were aeveiopeq in narmony, wnue agriculture, the. in dispensable basis of all, was never more flourishing. The farmers and planters at no other period of our history were in receipt of such good prices steadily paid to them in gold coin, for tbetr; surplus products,; which they could send to the domes- tie markets over our own railroads! and to the foreign markets in our: own ships." i "Assertions as to the progress of manufactures in the. pe riod under discussion are denied by the ' protectionists, while admitting the general correct ness of the'free traders' statements as to the prosperity of the country they call attention" Are. "Tbe projec tionist", therefore, bold that the boasted prosperity of the country under tbe tariff cf 1846 was abnormal in origin and in character," &o. Mr. Blaine admits that the oountry was prospering under the low tariff of 1846; particularly does he admit that the agricultural interests were prosperous. He badges somewhat, and says that while the protection ists even now admit the general cor rectness of the free traders' claim of great prosperity, they hold that thu boasted prosperity was abnormal- exceptional, xes, it was abnormal it was exceptional, because a low tariff was exceptional II No truthful man disputes the great prospeiity of our country under the low tariff. y Aa for the tobacco tax in England, Great Britain forbids by law tbe fals ing of a pound of tobacoo within her limits. She gets all tbe revenue she can out of it, but as we pay the tariff duties on our imports, her people pay tbe tami tax on the tobacco sne?im ports from us. It does not eoncern ns here. The government of France allows ho imports of tobacco by private par ties ; it does sll the importing itftelf. It is in the tobaoeo business as a gov ernment. It permits a few aires within its own limits to be cultivated in tobaoeo, but it puts up the i right to grow every aore at auction and fella the right, deriving a heavy revenue from the sale. In Germany tobacco is also taxed very high. AH countries tax it very high. "Tobacco Farmer sells his tobaooo for what j it is werth her at home, and the exoorter who buvi it from him sella it in Great Britain acd France and Germany with the tar. If tax added. This tax does no ooncarn as here at all. ' I. . i Bla Waofa a P Seatta- mar DtaaarMMM av : f hiim'I. SJ ta Uaun af PMkirf Cak : BUO Conrasponde&ee. Uabsball, N. u , Uet. 11, lsbo : At Grantsville, Buncombe coun'.y, little Tom Devereux as usual made h a stereotyped speech, full of abuse nd slander, lie continues his as saults upon Judge rowle, Senator Ransom, Judge Mammon, Treasure Bain, Chairman Whi. alter, and o her Democrat".- Today he indirrctly charged W. H. Kitchin with electica frauds, and said that Kitchin s i d that a white Republican as no bet ter than a negro. Little Tom broke down in his speech because of his voice, and tfrer blundering and floun dering in lu mod and mire of slime and siauuu. for aa hour, took his seat, to the great delight of the audience. My Son 0ver was next introduced by Virgil S. Lusk, of Buncombe, aad went ou with his same said speech, without changing a letter or even the dotting of an or the crossing cf a Without applause he took his seat and the Republican crowd, or about two thirds of them, broke from th Baptist church to the foot of the hill, where tbe Democrats were listening to one of the best speeches from V . H. Kitchin ever made in these moun tains W. H. Ki chin at the opening of Doveteux's speech .demanded a d vision or time, wjjicn was refused. He then notified the crowd that in thirty minutes he would have a Deir ocratic jubilee at the foot of the hill and invited all who desired to hear him to come down. Little Tom sau he eould take his crowd at onco so far as he was concerned. At this declaration the crowd began to leave the church in great confusion. Mr. Morgan, a Democrat, appealed to the Democrats to remain and hear Dock ery, but they tefused. Just at th s point, as tne crowd was leaving, . a. Kitchin atked an uemocrata to return and hear Dockery. Aftor Devereux and Dockery had rpokeu two hours and a half it was discov ered that they intended consumirg the day, and some young Democrat walked up on the church steps and announced that the speaking would now begin at the foot of the hill ard more than two-tnirds of the croud left the church. Mr. Kitchin said that for the Urn time in his life he had heard from the lina rf Datafaux todav Lh&'. "Sni-r Whitaker and an eastern politician,. a Democrat, canvassing the wet, wet e by' proof and suspicion guilty of ballot box stuffing, and their cbarao ters were smirched with fraud." He said if Devereux intended directly or indirectly, to say or insinuate that either he or1 Whitaker was either di rectly or remotely: implicated in any election fraud in this or any other State, he was a 1 i r, a scoundrel acd a coward, and that he was personally tee possible for this declaration; and that the Republican party hnd iost all hope of carrying the State by teilicg the truth, and was now attempting to do by lying What could not otherwise be done; that this had ceased to be a campaign of principle and had be come one of abuse, slander and false hood. He said the charges against Fowls, Ransom, Merrimon, Bain and Whitaker were infamously false out bf the whole cloth, and that no one knew them to be false better than Devereux himself when he made tbem. He then': showed thefe charges to be utterly without foun dation, denounced the man or party who continued to reiterate them, and said such charges could not com? from a gentleman. He then took up every claim made by Devereux and Dockery for the. Republican party, showed them to be'untrue and with out foundation. It would be impos sible to follow Kitchin in his bill of Indictment against tbe Republican patty.; He cut and pierced with his sabre and smashed with sledge hammer blows the false claims and faloe charges of Devereux and Dock ery, and delivered such a eulogy on Democracy, ita principles and leaders as was never heard btfore in these hills. He then denoutced Devereux s charge . that be (Kitchin) ; bad said that a white Rtidioal was no bet ter than a negro, and that Pritohard had no character, as absolutely ftlse, and said he had not called Pritch ard's name oh the stump in this cam paigo, and that he knew nothing about Piitchard and eared less. At the close, the crowd cheered until the mountains seemed to ring, and many were heard to say, God bless Kitchin and the Democratic party forevei t AT MASSHAU. Marshall, N. 0 , Oct. 1 1 , 1888. I This is one of the strongholds, as tbe Republicans call it, of their party. A strong effort was made to boom a crowd, which resulted in a complete failure. The speaking was conducted in tbe Court House. About two bun dred were present embracing many Democrats from tbe town and about half a dozen negroes. Little Tom Devereux spoke first- His voice is almost plsyed out, like himself. He left bis scrap book or note book, as he calls it, in Asheville aid this pre vented him fiom making his speech. lie excused himself for being unfit to talk and having lost his notes. Hib remark" were short and dull. 1 hey fell flat npon his hearers and without applauee. Altogether it waa a com plete break-down. Neglected coughs aro the begin nings of consumption, be prudent and cure your cough with Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm. 25 cents a bottle., i Twenty-seven victims of the Mud Run disaster were buried at Pleasant Valley, Pa. Ladles , In delicate health needing a gen tle yet effective laxative will And the California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, pleasing to the i taste, accep table to .the stomach, and perfectly eafe in all eases. It is the most easi ly taken and pleasantly effective rem edy known to cure and prevent oos tivecee, to dispel headaches, colds ahd fever, and strengthen the kid nbys, liver and bowels, and is there foie a favorite remedy .vith ladies. For sale in 0 Cent tottles by all leading1 druggists. John 8. Peecud, sole agent, Raleigh, N Q. Now is the time to bny winter flan nels cheap A full and complete stock can be found at Whitiog Bros.' Stamps & Devxbxdx, : Aaaignees and Receivers. - Fall styles of scft and stiff bats just opened aad for sale chap at Whiting Bio.' t Stimps & DXVZEIOX, ; Assignees and Rteeiveir. Judge Fowls was at Uockiagham Friday night. The Crowd ,was im mense, and. enthusiasm wat wide awake. Tbe people flocked, in from all quarters, and the down train on the Carolina Central waa crowded There is no more entertaining speaker than the eloquent lrowle, and we are glad that .the; people of the "river country,"' o quote General Dargan, had this opportunity to hear bim. Judge Fowle is dear to the people of North Carolina for the stand he took wheD, on the bench, he would not lower the honor and dignity of the State at the command of a Federal General He is remembered as hav ing always stood up for the rights of the people and the personal liberty of the citizen, i PPOIBTMElf T Far Haa. D. a. Fawla aad Haa. T. F. Da Idaea. Hon. Daniel G. Fowle, Democratic candidate for Governor, and Hon. T. F. Davidson, Democratic candidate for Attorney General, will address the people on the issues of the campaign at the following times and places : ihursday. Got. 18, Burgaw Pen der Co. Friday, Oct 19, KenansTiile, Dup- nn co. Saturday, Oct- 20, Clinton, Samp son uo. Monday, Oct.! 22, Elizabeth City, Pasquotank Co. . Tuesday, Oct. 23, Edenton, Chowan Co Wednesday, Oct. 24, Plymouth, vv asnington Co. Thursday, Ock 25, Washington, ijeauiort uo. Saturday, Oct 27, Swan Quarter, HydCo. Monday, Oct. 29, Bayboro, Pam lioo Co. Tuesday, Oct. 30, Kinston, Lenoir Co Wednesday, Oct 31, Snow Hill, Greene Co. Thursday, Nov. 1, . Greenville, Pitt Co. Friday, Nov. 2, Tarboro, Edge combe Co. Saturday, Nov. 3,Goldsboro,tayne jo. The local committees are urgently requested to advertise these appoint raenes by hand bills and otherwise Spies Whitakeb, Ch'm'a Dam. State Ex. Com OUT OF SORTS! Yes, Sick all Over ! Liver torpid, bowels ooetle, blood sluggish, stomach weak and full, your digestion la Impair ed sod tha organs inactive, your perceptions are auu ana stopenea, your tamper Irritable and pee vish, you are un nt for business or eompanlon- nip. wih yon aeea is to '1 have nsed inaov remedies for nvsoeDsia. Liver aHecttoa and -debility, bat never have found anything to benefit to the extent that Sim mons Liver R-nlator has. I sent Irora Mlnne eota te Georgia for tha remedy and would have sent (urthei for such a medicine. 1 would advise all who are similarly affected to tive it a trial as it seems Uie only thing that never fail to re neve," P. M. Janney, Minneapolis, Minn. Bxaralne to see that yon get ihe genuine, dts tlaaulsbed from all frauds and imitations by ear Had X Trade-Wark on front of Wrapper, and on the side the seal and signature of J. Ii. Zeilin Oo. "THE"" C. A. GAM BRILL M ANTJFACTUBINQ COMPANY or BaLTUIOBK, Mabtlano, re the-leauing millers of tha Southern States. Their celebrated Flours are oontlnually growing n favor and it can truly be said that they are the ttHP Of "J?"!? on "ch many of "f our people have learned to lean. . This Is shown by the constant growth in their annuel alee ia this market. Their brands SUPERLA TAPSCO, TIVE, PA- OUANOE GROVE and SEVEN MILLS are well known throughout the State. Sa'ee at Raleigh alone over HIXTEEN THOUSAND barrels per annum, They have T Jf TH and strength and thoae h at nse them are happy. May afford bodily protection "in your mind," but something more substantial Will be neces sary quite soon, as winter Is rapidly approaching. In ad dition to li'.avy clothing, those who are prudent will provide a supply of Bsxsom'h Plas- VELVET tih in anticipation oi wuugus, Colds, Cheat Pains, Rheunia rsrr t t tlsm, Sciatica, and other all IjUIjIjAH ments which are sure to pre vail during the fall months. Tbit plaster Is well known as a uniformly reliable remedy In ON YOUR sue t troubles ; la always ready for Immediate application and Its eflect is prompt aad per manent. As there are many spurious imitations in tbe msr TjIXTCM ket, careful buyers will always - ak for BBnaon's amf refuse all other porous plasters. 'IV" Hnd two-cent stamp te Rexbury a Jolmson, si Piatt BUS TER Btriet, N. V., for a copy of In struotious from (he 0ctor, a valuable MllW!l book. NlHSr !2S s 7 v! Mr Thb is the Top of the Genuine Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. All others, similar are imitation. .This exact Label is on each Pea rl Top Chimney. A dealer may say and think he has others as good. BUT HE HAS NOT. Insist upon the Exact Label and Top. FOB BALI EVEIYWMEaC. at AM QM.Y ST 6E0. A. MACBETH & CO.. Pittsbnrgfi, fa SSOO Reward I We win pay the above reward for any ease of ler complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indi gnation, ounatipation nt coettvenees we cannot ire with Wesfs Vegetable Liver Pills, when tbe Ob'tctlons are strictly compiled wuh. Tbey are' uuiyly vegetable, and never fall to give saosf ae Tkhk Lane boxes containing as sugar coaled iaua.2tc VorsalebyaU druggUU. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manu factured only by JOHN u WbbT OU., sax W, Madiaoa BUChiitgo. LU. For sale by Jav Me- Kianwa Oo.'Urga1fts, m Irayectanlie aaneaa. at tX .iile h OP J FobnoKs many Important Advantages over aD other prepared Foods. BABIES CftY FOR IT. MAUDS RELISH IT. Make Plump, Launing, Healthy BabMe Reaulatea tb Stomach and Bowela. Bold by DrogRtos. Scu) BOen Sl.OO. WRLS, ICHRDS0S a CO., imiMTea,rT. Baby Portraits. A Portfolio of beantlAU baby portraits, printed on fine plate paper by patent photo process, sent free to Mother of any Baby born within a year. Every Mother wants these pictutjs ; send at once. Give Baby's name and age. WILLS, RICHARDSON 4 CO, Prop,, Buril.rlen, VL It's Easy to Dye WITH DiiSSSDvB j 1 I ! Qiinarlnii 1 IN Strength, Fastness. Beauty, AND Simplicity. Warranted to color more sooos than anv other cryes ever maae, ana to give more oruiiani ana durable colors. Ask tor tbe ftmo, and take no other. a6 color.; io cants each. WELLS, RICHARpSON A CO.. Burlington. Vt. For Gilding or Bronsing Fancy Articles, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, BUtt. Branx. Copper. Only io Caata. It. C. Insane Asylum. "VISITORS at the Insane Asylum will her rafter be admitted only on WEDNESDAYS, Between 9 a. m. and C d. no. This rale haa been found necessary on account of the injurious effects of excersive visiting upon the Inmates. By order Of the Board. EUGENE GRISSOM, Bqperi e tendent. NOTICE. rpHB NEXT! ENSUING ANNUAL -1- meeting ol Stockholders of the Raleigh & Augusta Air-Line Railroad Company will be held at the Company office, in Raleieh, on Thursday, tbe 6th of November, 1888, commencing at 19 o'clock, noon, i W. W. VASS, t Treasurer and Secretary. RaUDOH, Oct;i1 . 1888. NOTICE. rpHE NEXT ANNUAL MEETING OF Stockholder of the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company will be held at the office of the Company, in Raleigh, on Thursday, the 8th of Novembei, 1888, oommencmg at 11 o'clock a m. W. W. VASS, Treasurer and Secretary. Raleigh, Oct; 11, 1888 JJIVlDENp NpTICE. " " A semi-annual dividend of 2 per cent on the capital stock of the Raleigh A Gaa ton Railroad company nas been declar ed, nav aWe on! and after Oct. 1.1888 The transfer-books will be closed from 1 date until 2d October. W. W. VA83. I Treaa. and Sen'ry. i : t Paleiab. Bept. M. '88. , NORRIS & CARTER Will havs their I " ' I " GRAND SEMI-ANXUAL OPKiMLG !-of- High Clash Novelties in fine Dress- Goods, Bilka, velvets, flushes, notion, house furnishing good, carpeu, ruga and -dry goods of every description Tuesday and Wednesday Next Everybody Invited. Norris & Garter, CAUTION Beware of Fraud, a. my name and tha prtes ar.MiuMdan tb. bottom of all air advertlMd shoe, before leavlu-tlw factury. whk-h protect tha wearer, airauut hllgh price, and interior goods. If s dealer offer. W. h. IoiRlaa bow at a re duced prire, or iy h liu tlwio witlmut my name and prV ampion !tla bottom, pal bun down as azrauo. : W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. Theoniv eslf B.I SEAMLKSS Shoe .niooth !nl.le. iif I.VCKSI or WAX THKEAD to hart tli'- feet, easy liand-KKtl aad Will NOT KII. W. I.. UOI GT-AS m RHOK, ttw orbrtnal ami oolY Woi-wHlji welt $4 hor. Kqual cu-tom-niaile lm fo.liiiir from SA to $H. W. lTDOUOI.A!! B3.fiO POLICK SHOE. Railroad Men nl letter Carrleni M wear llwni. bmooth lftsMe a. a lliiind-.ewl t-hae. No Tack or WaxThro! to liiirt 11k- f-et. W. I- IMCGL AS,IM hHOK fctnm-xcllcd for latvy wer. Ie.t; Ml Mioe for Oie price. V. U. 1MVGLA8 BX.Sa tVORKINO MAV'8 SHOE la Uio best In the world for rough wear; one palr-oujrtit to wear a man a yernr. w. i.. ihlgL: Hi SHOK roB BOYS Is tlie lwt School SIk In the world. W. L. DOlOI.Attai.15 YOUTH'S School Shoe five, tlie .malt Bt) a ebanc to wear tbe ba.1 .hoD In the worM. kAII made in Coagrew, Button and I.ace. If not old br tour leaW.i write W. L. DOUGLAS, VBOCKTON, MASH. Fct sale by HELLER BBO'Sn f. 131, Fave'teville St GUNS tpc rus4 teakaaM ' FiUaburah. Faaa. , It I II Jo SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL, BOOKS OB Plain or Fancy Stationery I SEND YOUB ORDEB TO ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO Bookaelir; and KwtioBara, Kalevgh, K. C OUR, POPULAH NKW PUUUOATIONWi North Carolina Spoakr. ; Busbee s New Justice and P'orm Book School and Business Map of N. C. 4x6 SsVSend (or Complete Cataloo-oa ii ALL RIGHT " CELEBRATED ENSILAGE COTTON 1SD 8THAW CUTTERS COOK STOVES Colt's IUramfrlPs Cai A JU) WlLllS LEWIS & CO., a , I EBtablifibft I DnUlnrlt :BELTING. :"s'f LEAIHE " " HEADQUARTERS FOR : QUICK HOT V d W 13 JhLfXl JUST ARRIVED TRUST BAIMNG." NO S5.000 yards Dundee Bagging. - 1,000 Bundles Arrow Ties. -60 Barrels fresh mullet, extra size. , 1 Car-Load White seed oats. 1 Car-Load mixed Corn. 1 Oar-Load of Dunlap A McCance'a Meal. 500 Barrels of Flour of Different Brands, 60 Bags of No. 1 Coffeo. ' 60 Barrels of Sugar, different Grades, For sale at lowest prices at M. T. NORRIS & BROS. fi Mdl - I a I I i Ja I S an a. I t 1 3 -g if t o x eSli I 5 WATER! VAT:ER! . ' ' .' i , i No bear,'&c, but all the popular . Ice-Cold, Non-Alcoholic Beverages. ON DRAUGHT, Skilfully prepared and dispensed from the Largest Aooaratus in the 8tate Also fine selection of im ported and domestic CI(GA16. Oome and Noo TJw LEE,J0HNS0N&;CU OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE, 1 KAXSIQH. B. 0. . V ! Tew Own Dyelnc, at Baaaa. They win dr. srerytbihr. 1 They artseld ( Vhera. Prke lOe. a paekaa. Tby kave aeeqaal Air Stranrta Brtehtnan, Amoant la f aaai r b Vi Iiiii. at Ouk. i adiu Qui 11 btnan. Anoanl la f aaaaaas Xkar de aeteroak ev saaut; 4tealera7e(eale ay eanS. reeead, PrntfiRt sad Apotoeeary, 11 9 tyet tertila Mreet, MoU. 81ssea,eornev BWt kere aaS iteuebnry Streesai A. W OSwU Oa. Paasalata. Baleiga.W. O. pafr, 40 -ta, cloth .?t . . i(X le4. -. v. DOCK, KIUG AND- BLINDS W A UfiiB . bOUiH BEN D CHILLED fPLOVV. If 65. HI r Raleigh, N. T Ml. U. I.REHS & C( HEADQUARTER Office No. 18. telephone No. 78, EaiU jaafvm d trees, Aumi iJullding. Yard, It eat Bargett Street, near Ioe Factory, Tele- ; phone No. 108. ' C O A L. A a.4l..Ata. It 1. A . S - ' . 4 w w v at ws asfSSaasv broken,, egg and nut, for grata, and atovrs. . coal: 1 Bituminous. Tennessee, West VlrV ginia Splint and Pocahontas. The Wt Virginia Splint- the best and c her poet tiDaiin the market, a trial of tha same ia only necessary to prove the fact.-,. COAL, For smithing purposes, the beet ws can buV. ine mountain Brook Smithing Coal." WO OD. long or cut and split to order. OIL . Illuminating oil, from a quart to a bar. reL, from 119P firs teat to the highest grade; delivered from oar wagon at your door. Leave jrtur orders tor winter fuel. Better now than later. Money saved is money mada "A word to tne wise," Ffail. II. Andrews & C, THE HAMMOND A- ' I V i Typewriter the moat PERFECT aaaohine ever of fered on the market. THE BEST For Speed, Stren-rth, Changeable Type, Perfect Allraiaeiit, Ifeaae Ivuid Dnrmhilllv The only Type Writer awarded a GOLD f HRDAL a the New Orleans Exposition. - It haa many advantage over otherj writing machines, and the work done ou it is PERFECT. It Omuutt Oct Out of Alianmcnt I . i It is Xot lAabU to Get Out of Order! It Cannot Collide with Itself I It has open-end carriage, which admits of paper of any width or length, and has ehangeabJa type. mT Everf wtaehku WARRANTED PER FECT. Price complete, with two seti of ype, flOO., Send for cataloarua. T. A. MONTGOMERY, State Agent, Raleigh, N. C TO A D V ERTISERS a It. a a tA ea.aaMM.eua- AXKAltA Idta MT ATaU A list of VrtO newspapers divided latoSTATas s a a w v ;,. Jk alSS tn 1,""V urn ANOBOT10N8 lU be seat oa sipuu-: rail. - " To tboee who want their ailvertislna to pay. can utter ae butler nwilmtv lr tiioru1 aniUkLsl.aHlM ours i ' efawapw mraww "ik P S I " . 1 ' 1 J V H i i

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