- 1 J"'" i1".. I .... .y- OBSERVER ft'-- VOll XXVI. RALEIGH, N. C., THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18, 1888. NO. 95 H IM i MWS. AND J I l l -aa a t- .. 1 m f I . aV ms0. Absolutely Pure. lllAlweB-er lariee. A marvel ef parity, ssreitk and wbolmammum. Mm ooatxakxUiJUi ordinary kladj and seanot be sold ta competition with the altitude pi low Mat, abort ; wtaht, WaU Street. Haw York. i Solebv W. a ft A. B. Btronaoh, CLOTHING -AND Cents' Furnishing Goods Below Cost. CONGRESS PROCEEDINGS YESTERDAY IN 1 SENATE AND HOUSE. A BBOOABLY ABBAY 07 1- sty iiwiT cibtaiI p nsigh TITO XBBSAaSS. I BEITS 'Ufa have sacrifice a purchased at an immenss 020,000 STOCK Si.,-.-' i iOF MEN'S ANDl BOYS' CLOTHING! ; I SHIRTS. 1.! J 2 . I UNDERWEAR. Neckwear, Jewelry, &c, W htch wa will eloaa oat inm bO TO 75 PR CENT. - Of Haw York Cost. COME AT i I And tocura aoma of tka BARGAINS. WOOLLCOTT & SOS, 1 14 East Marttrt Street, S DlYjARD FAS.N ACH, JEWELER OPTICIAN 1 1 - I Muma,Mor' S9UT1UI uiOGSTU IIAIOIW Cold Jawelrr, Gold and BflTar Watch . eorhamt Starling DUTarwmratogaia f! plated aUrarwara, any ana an ii waigbt of plain 18 karat En 5' tafwmantrUpooMtant p; j in atoek. Badgea andMadalamada" to order, f iar Optical O Department TEmhraeaa an andlaai TarietT of lanaea waaok togatnar won .oar pracwoat azpw tanea anaoiaa oa m tanv trror of refraction in Myopia (neanigktl. it ntrnnli (Car aixht). Preaby (atdaigbt). latbenopia (weak aight) anC i1ac nrotnot ralief from that diatrata- " V LUL ApartaotTktan. . OUR ARTIFICIAL By TMasrapb to the Hew and ObtotTtt. - WamitoTot, Oat 17-4SiiiM. Al the beginning of the morning busi ness the Repnblioan sid of the cham ber was represented bj eight Sena tort (Messrs. Allison, Qiaie, Dolph, Frye, Hale, Hoax, Sawyer astl Teller) aid ; the Demooratio aide J- by ten (Messes. Brown, OockrelS, Ooke, Qeotge, Hampton, MorgaS, Pngh, Reagan, Saulsbury and Wilson of Maryland.) tt 5 - On motion of Mr. Morgan, the committee on foreign relatoni' was aathorized to sit aarisg isoess in Washington or New York i the in Yeatigation of the La Abf a alaim ftgainst Mexioo The speoiaoommit tee an methods of business the de ptrtments was also odntinned,' Mr. Oookrell, its ehjirman statipg that th;s Would inrolre no expense. i Me. Ueorge said he had gtren no iioe that he would call ap the House bill for printing "gOTemment sseari ties in the highest style of attn, (dis pensuig with steam presses) ad ask to hare it passed. He had. however, had a oonlerenoe this morning irith the legiatatire oommittee of ihe nights of Labor, who were pressing he bill, and the result of that conference wci that owinsr to the thinness of the Senate and to- the fact hat further teatimonY waa desired b the oddo- nents of the bill he would not make the motion of which he had gfren no tice. i " ,1 .., Mri George also asked l and obtain ed leare of absence for the remainder of the session after tomorrow, Mr. Hampton saggestinir in an r under tone (hat the same request shduld be made lor all Senators. !The ' Senate then, kt 12:20, resumed consideration of the tariff bill, and wal addressed by Mr. Teller. J I At the close of Mr. Teller a speech Mr. Allison offered a concurrent reso lution for a recess of Congress from Saturday to the 19th of NoTeaber. Mr. Oookrell opposed the idea of a recess, and suggested that i would be much better to provide fori; a final adjoummedt, with, the uiidersttnding tnat mere woma De nQ unristmas holiday, and that the! tariff bill would , then be pressed to a final ac tion, i I Mr. ; Brown asked Mr. Allison whether be supposed ths after a ten or eleven months' sessioii there was any probability of a quotum of both housed appearing at the elose f tie reeesa. a 5 Mr. Alliaon thoQht i likety that after the presidential election there wotua: m no auncuitrin teounng quoruaju in both houses. ! ' ! agreeable to the .Senate iito adjourn rather than to tax a a recess, wiuu iuo understanding that, in order fcq Iictli ute action on the tariff bill, the; usual holiday recess would be avoided. Mr. jjockrell promiaed.i on toe part of i the Demooratio Senators that there oonld bono attempt to delay the passage of the tariff bill He moved, to refer the concurrent resolu tion to select committee of five Senators. Mr. Hale suggested td air. 4Llluon thai he aeoede to the proposition or the Demooratio side, and modify the resolution to as to provide for an adjournment rather than ije reo&s. Mr. Saulsbury, also iavorea mi aa journmenr, and said that Oosgress might ,M well nave aajouraeu an weeks ago, as were ya; uo aenuop purpose on tnepart oi wie xvep-un- can Senators to pass the tanff bill. jut. Aiiieon sua wi.n spme ruBcut ment that the Senator f reim Missouri, (Oookrell) had said yesterday, and that the senator iron uetawarr, rSaulatmrv) had repeated the charge today that the Senate Tariff bjll was a mefe temporary . arrangeinent, and Was, as far as Ihe enate was concerned, a play Now he wanted to test the sense of the Ben- ate on both sides of the Chamber, whether it was its purpose to pass the tariff bill or not flis object in proposing a recess instead of adjourn- mens, waa uia u n wvrv;utxmmmij vu pasa the tariff bill, the Senate fchould bo on and Dass it He had net the slightest doubt that there would be a full quorum of the Senate present on the 19th of Ncjvember, no matter what happened! he would say, frankly, to boat (Sides of tha chamber but he saw ihe Senator from Alabama smiling at that remark. Mr. Morgan MI am sthilingiat the hole which some of our 1 friends have dropped into." 11 Mr. Allison "Very fell, pen, I will teat the sense of the Senate on my resolution." . Mr. Urown "uo youpeanfo pass it by a majority without the vQte of a Mr. Allison"! mean to tae tne opinion of the Senate." fin "S. 4 rTr f&n 1 5i m ins l mKzs-mrS V1 FJ f b..iW1irff,"VX aa I w SHOCKING. RE3TJLT OF AN EXPLOSION ON SHIP BOARD. ARMS, LIOS AND BXAD8 OF BtrXAH BIIXG8 8CATTEBID ABOUT IS FCBIOH OTBXB HZTT8. OOH- "QUITE ENGLISH, YOU KNOW!" VSYr" James 0. Blaine u i 8AYf youb h'ambbican politics aks so blabstedly QUXXB, YOU KNOW, H'EVERY TIME A MAX I10PE2T8 CIS MOUTII, HE PUTS HIS FOOT VS Tt," THE ROYAL VELCOMB. niX " WJUAT-ABE-YOU-GOiyO'TO-PO-ABOUT-rr " PROCLAMATION ON "TRUSTS." " When Preeidcnt Cleveland delivered his message he had something to say to the American people about the danger of ' trust' I think thereWiS Wibsen no Democratic papers in tho roT trusts.' "WeU, f Bna-ffk-ala eceafOniha VTMtUUK SUV lWtAV -w t . . . afternoon. I shaU nU venture to say thai they are altogether advantageous or msaavanynw. They are largely private affairs wiA which neither President Cleveland nor any private Citizen hat any particular right ft) interfere," ' - (Signed) "THZ TTNCEQWIOT HN&" 07 TBTTSTS H0K0P0LIZS. Myrpriyate trus "Thirtj.two tninks tmd twenty rireels and bags.B For the good of the home market Bj Telrrrsph to the News sad Obserrer. Calais, October 17 The force of the explosion of petroleum yesterday on board the French steamer Ville de Calais, which arrived here October 10 from Philadelphia, tore off the deck, and partly carried away her sides. The forward portion of the vessel sank, and fire is raging fiercely in that portion above water. The wreck is lying at the upper dock. Other shipping lying in the vicinity or tne steamer was much damaged by the explosion. It it feared the loss of life is great. Portions of a dczen bodies have been found lying on the quays, arms, legs and heads being scattered about in shocking coo fusion. TBK BIITTBISEMBK And tne Blcamoad smd DaavllU. By telegraph to the Newt and Obaerrer. Naw Yobk. Oct. 17- The Eaat Ten nessee and Richmond and Danville Directors met to-day. and form ally greed to the lease of the East Tennessee to the Rich mond aud Danville Company. The Eist Tennessee Directors then ordered the officials of that com pany to turn over the property to the Richmond fc Danville. There are reports current that stockhold ers of the Richmond Terminal Company will tomorrow apply for a mandamus compelling the re turn of the Eait Tennessee property to the stockholders of the company. Tne lease dates baok to July 1st. No action was taken on the overdue divi dend on the Eaat Tennessee preferred stock. Thf Sloax Dr'cgaUoa. By Telegraph to the News and Obserrer. Washmotoh, D. 0 , Oot IT. The delegation of Sioux chiefs which came here to endeavor to secure some mod ification of the law of last winter pro viding for the sale of their reserva tions and allotments of land in sever alty to them, appeared at the Interior Department today to hear the eon elusions of the President and Secre tary of the Interior as to what modi fications of the new law, if any, would be recommended to Congress. See ret ary Vilas spoke to the Indians through an interpreter for two hours and a half, and as he took his leave, he was assured that the In dians fully understood every feature oi the proposed changes. These are numerous, and concede a large meas ure of what the Indiana have con tended for. Crea uad wait. The appeal of Cross and White (first case) name up in the Supreme Court yesterday, and the argument was opened by Mr. Walter a. Henry, of counsel for the defense. Mr. Henry spoke an hour and a half, com pleting about half of his argument, when court adjourned till today. Mr. Henry's brief is printed and in pamphlet form, consisting of fifty-five pages. The argument is based upon two propositions, the first of which was argued by Mr. Henry yesterday morning. The two propositions are as follows 1. The State Court has no jurisdic tion over the ease at bar. The false entries on the books of the 8tate taT a a w-. m - a national Bant oi itaieign, H. U, are so false because baaed upon the forged notes. If the notes are not forged, the entries are not false. To deter mine the falsity of said entries, the Federal Court has the exclusive jur isdiction. If the State Court be con ceded jurisdiction to try defendants for said forgeries, the Federal Court cannot afterwards try the defendants for the false entries, the forgeries being integral and essential alementa in the false entries. The Federal Court having excluiive jurisdiction to determine the falsity of the entriee, and to punish the makers thereof, follows that jurisdiction to try tha defendants for said forgeries cannot be oenoeded the State Court 2. Of all offences of which the United States Government has cogni sance, the federal Courts have ex clusive jurisdiction. The United States Government has oognizanoe of the making of the forged note set out in tne bill of indictment herein. Therefore, the Federal Courts have exclusive jurisdiction to try and to tunish the offenders for making said else note. The trial in the State Court was without warrant of law and illegal, and the defendants should be discharged. SENATOR VANCEA TSTROKACES WAREHOUSE FRIDAY RIGHT AT 8 O'CLOCK. I . HEAR "OUR ZEB," THE IN COMPARABLE, AT THE FAIR GROUNDS TODAY. 4 Senator Vance at Stronaeh'a Warehouse Friday night at 8 'clock. 1 Died. The Wilmington Star of yesterday says: "Mrs. Mary Orme Dana, wife of Junius Davis, died in this city yester- day morning, after a short sickness. A very sad feature connected with her death is the fact that1 her husband was absent in Boston, where he had been called by telegraph to see his brother, Mr. Louie P. Davis, who is in that city dangerously sick," Mr. Davis has many warm friends in Raleigh and throughout the State who will regret to hear of her sad. demise. Lababbi. In Aaheville, N. OL, of paralysis, October 4, 1888, Mrs. Mar. araret P. Labarbe. daughter of the) late Lewis and Helen LeRoy, of t "" Washington, N 0., in the 85th year of her age. s i The deceased waa the widow of the J late John Labarbe, of Washington N. C, and was born in that town on--. the 11th day of May, 1804, and re sided there until the breaking out of the war. She wa a woman of great . charity and Christian faith, and was much beloved for her social worth, her kind and loving disposition, her Christian graces, and her exceeding " tenderness and devotion in her fam ily circle. From her early life to her . death she maintained a close and con sistent relation and service to 'her church, and truly maj it be said of her that she was "a member of Christ, the child of God, and an inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven." j She leaves two sons, Amos F. La barbe, of Atheville, and Lewis F. La- barbe, of Raleigh, who through life will revere her memory, and who will long feel the want of her watchful care, and her deep affection. ' M Washington, N. O , papers please eopy. Mi Fraud", charging him with tfndiBg! nnfrankable matter through the mails under his frank. Mr. Cox said he had aeen the alleged fraud upon which the Tribune editorial was based and it was forgery. He had set on loot an investigation aa to where the forgery originated. Mr. Kilgore, of Texas, offered a resolution providing for final adjourn ment on the 20th inat H Mr. Richardson, of Tennessee, moved its reference to the waja and means oommittee. : In Opposing this reference Mr. Kil gore said that if the reaolutiOn was referred td any committee it should be referred to the oommittee on en rolled bills. That was the only com mittee that made any report one member (himself) two clerks and the apple woman, making a querum, (Laufi-hter). Mr. Richardson's motion was Agreed to 19 to 7. and the House at 2 15 adjourned. I I ' Human Eyes itare and look like the natural orgaa JTa malm wksn inserted. I b Patient at a distance bavin a broke. i'mn mm have another mad withaai il jg paree-Ur . S ?. n. 3. FnXSMaJt. Fbbd. W. Iym I FREEH4N &, LYNVI I SUBOgrap&(ir Md Tjpe-Writn, i rx.-M AnanMl an office In the Holleman bailding, where thev are prepared to i eaeeute ell orders In Taw reporting an s Zl!!niaiiiw. Glass in short-hand and Slype-writing forming. - - r S BALK. rW hundred Dining Boom Cbaua .wt fc.nil The whole lot will De lold Tery cheap. Also complete outfit of for twenty tables, aeoona hutd. but In good condition. STARVING TO DStTH Bcsmit ef Treat la ( By Cable to the Mews and Observer. Chicago, 111., October 17 A special from Minneapolis says : M. J. iiarp- mann. of this city, who has been vn vestigating the condition of the farmers in Ramsev county. Dakoia, who were reported to be starving "to death, returned last ntgnt He says there are seventy families who are absolutely destitute of food and fuel, and something must be done and immediately. The real condition of the people is beyond description. Men, women and children are in rags and have not a cent of money in the world. Their crops are totally des troyed and their land, stock and farm ' - . -a a a 1 .: a mortgaged. adjoiuib t axsHEr) m atuksEL. two Cabs or A RAiLWAT tbaik but o- BODY HtTBT. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Niwboboh, N. Y , Oct. 17. When the West Shore train, whicb leit Weehawken at 6.15 last evening, reached a point in the West Point tunnel where the' roof is being re paired a large mass of rock and earth came down on the baggage and ex press cars, crushing them and 'sud denly stopping the train. - Vxvlv waa itiinred. The damage to . ? ' . ... ... 1 th tnnnfil is oTeat ana it Win ue iuht a week before it can be used. The West Shore will use the Erie tracks in the meantime. VANOE AT THE FAIR GROUNDS AT 'NOON TODAY. fmttlementa Mr -Mnriran MI obiakt to tha eon-1 riiatresa prevailed every whefe. A it i 1 1 1 a 4 ' I 2.:.Ai a li.tnn I v, am mnih BlQerauun ui tus icbuiuuuu kiui; Presiding Officer "The resolution goes over till tomorrow" I Mr. Morgan then proceeded to ad drees the Senate on the tariff bill. He referred to Mr. AJheonp recess reso lution as a piece of Jimsst to; oover the death of the bill. s Without action on the bill the Ben- ate at 515 adjourned. J . In addition to the Wenators wno were present early in Mday s eession the following made their apparance in the chamber at some time during she day: Messrs. liate,1 JSustm, Uray, Daniel Pasco, Turpie ana wjuwiau, Demodrats, and Mr. Fitrwell,Repub lican. I Mr. Ingalls was; in this chair, so that there were present at one time or another some thirty Senators. - I . ' BODBB. Jt - The Speaker laid befpre the House twelve' pension veto messages and they were referred to the oommittee on invalid pensions. 1 i Mr.' Cox, of NewJJetrk, rising to a question of privilege sent to the clerk's desk and hadread an Editorial frftm tha New York Tribune of the 29th tilt., entitled S. B. Coxi Postal' minister was living in one room with his wife and two email childreC One of the latter was wrapped up in order to keep it warm and the other was blue and shivering with cold and emaciated with' hunger. There was nO fuel with the exception of a little dry manure which ia all that any Of the families have to burn, and the only thing they had to eat was dry, crust r,f hr-.al. Mr. Haromaun says the frost which came in August diatroyed all of the wheat that there Was as well aa all the vegetables, even those which are as hardy aa turnips fffce TaUew Fevar at rMaatrnf. By Telegmph to the Newt and Observer. SHaFmxn, Ala-, Oct. 17. A spe cial to the Daily Enterprise frOm.De-. eatur, Ala., says: "No deaiha and three new ease, vis: Joe Dickson, local editor of the FreeLanoe; Mr. Smith a telegraph operator, and Mrs. Woodridge. Two of the eases on hand are considered happy social, Mxam r. XISS XATTJ soalks kabbizd at obexhb- B0BO TO KB WTL1B, Or VlBGISIA,. apeclal to the News and Observer. GbbeKsbobo, N. C, Oct 17 Tnia rnornincr at the residence of Gov. Scales by Rev. J. Henry Smith, D. D, Mr. John Noble Wylie, of DanviUe, Va,. and Miss Katie Lewis Scales, of Greensboro, were united in matri mnnt. Th bridal eonole took the morning train for an extended wed ding tour. ' Vtae Bratnarkood t BaalBMn. RioHMoiro. Va.. Oct 17 The twenfy-fifth annual International Con vention of the Brotherhood of Loco motiveBngineers was called to order thia mornintr. at 9 o'clock in Belvi- dere HalL by P. M. Arthur, Grand f.hinf V.nsinaiAr" Variona commit tees were appointed for the purpoaeof effecting a preliminary organization, af ter which reeeaa waa taken until 2 30 o'clock." The body will re-eon tan in RiAhmond Thtkatre. where public exercises will take plaoe. These will consist of an address or welcome bv MaTor Rlliaon. arjMAohes from OoTarnor Te. Onl. A. 9. Buford and Judge 8. B. Witt, and the reading oi the annual addreas bv UbiM Anuur The convention eonaiats Of 307 dele gates, nearly all of whom are present About 400 visiting engineer are al ready in the eitv. and othera Are con- stantlj arriving. ad Osri4sks sad AaeavtaaMi'a. Br Telearash to tea News and Observer. Washibotob, D. O., Oct 17. The bond offerings today aegretrated 91 008.500. Accepted f 274.000. all four and a half s, at 1081. Janamiehck Last Rlgas. Kn am ean appreciate this inimita ble actress until be has aeen her. She th nlava of the neat master, - rJ "... : J. Shakesoeare,in a manner mat remmua n. nf(V,Aaa of Siddona and Kern ble. Her support is all tteould be expected, and Mr. G. S. Ohaphn won many additional laurels for him self bv his masterly presentation oi hi. nrt. Thia admirable company will present Mary Stuart tonight, and of course everj one wm g- i. nnf nttan that Raleich people have ssj uv www - S7 i . an nnnortnnitv to SCO BU historical actress, and no one wno can oy an j rxnaaibil it- nee Mm 6. J anauBOUoa should miss it The seats are on sale at Messrs. Lee, Johnson & Go's drug store, opposite the postomce, ana you had better go early if you want a aeat- Tha attanAanAA last niffht WBS One av aa v vw - . of the lartreat ever seen in aietro politan HalL The choruses are su perb and are employed by the com pany at a great expense. serious.' rfsiAn OTJE ZEB" AT.; FAIB GROUNDS TODAY. THE OaTaraar'a Gaaurd, at4aatla I You are hereby ordered to mct at your : armory this morninsr at 9:80 o'clock, sharp, in full dress unif orm. Bv order: Cab. A. RinoLX- First Bergeaiat There will be a rush for seats: at Metropolitan Hall to hear Jaoau- V,mV Tha Kr r -a Vat will be . at i Lee, Johnson & Oo.'a drug-storf , pf posite the post-ofaosv Ha. W. UStMla. Aa announoed, Hon. W. L. Steele spoke at Stronach's warenouse laat night to a large audience. He made one of his usual strong and forcible speeches, discussing tne presen. in iquitous and burdensome taxation, and other features oi xvepuuuu rule. He was frequently applauded, mr.A maila on of the most eneCTSve naMhai which has been heard here during the campaign, uou owie an abl and forcible speaker, and has a rare power both to interest ana in struct an auaienee. BUrHad. rwvtalLfAmanx. In this city, on tV. aVanSnrof the 17th lUSt, St S o'clock, at the residence of the bride's parents, 520 South uiooawonn aireei, n tha nrAaenea of a few friends, Mr. . . . y-i aA Ty T Jos. D. Davis, wineu.u.a-"-i to Miaa Lula M. Jttarcom, omy .nohur nt 2. W. and a. Jj Aiareom- a n ranatvinv oonirravaiuawwu-' v triAm tha hanov pair boarded the raatarn-honnd train lor an extenueu k.i tnnr. after which they will .V, T.wlnravilla thalr home. "-r- ' " . T L- t V-a Wit THUS, at kUB nuiue v. tha bride in Johnston county, on Oct 17th. at 12 m. bv Rev. It - tinnier, t, riaiaia TatM to Miss Annie Wil liama. The hapov couple after a weii served dinner started for Gary, the home of Mr. Yates. Much happiness to the young couple. "OUR ZEB" IS TO SPEAK HERE TODAY. Tha TaamnanU Pawar af tha Papa, vice of Italian and foreign clericals the Pope has decided to instruct Bishops throughout the world to con tinue to agitate for the restoration of the temporal power oi tne rope. Train ta tha Fair Oraaada. The Raleigh & Gaston rtauroaa wiu run half hour trains to and from the fair grounds next week as usual. The following schedule will be run between Hargett street station ana the fair grounds October 16th, 17th, 18th andT 19th: Leave Hargett Street station, y.au, 10.00, 10.30, 11.00, 11.30, 12.00, 12 30, 1.00, 1-30, 2-00, 2 30, 3 UU 3 au, a uu, 4 30, 5.00, 5.30. " Leave the Fair urounas to, 10.15, 1045, 11.15, 11.45, 12.15, 12 45, 115, 1.45, 215, 2 45, 3 15, 3.45, 4.15, 4.45, 615,5 45. Persons will take the train at Hargett street sta tion. Tickets for sale at Hargett street station and the fair grounds. Fare ten cents each way. i LsaPaB apa-M-a-a HEAR VANOE AT THE FAIR GROUNDS AT 12 TODAY. Shappars' Kates. Parties who contemplate purchas ing a fine piano would do well to see the Knabe Upright at the Yar boro House. Gov. Scales purchased an elegant Knabe Parlor Grand last week. Mr. David Rosenthal myites ail visitors in the city to call around at his establishment, the headquarters for clothing. No matter how big a rush there may be he is prepared for all. Messrs. Berwanger Bros, invite all visitors who are attending the fair to eome to their store and see the finest clothing establishment in the State. Their stock: wiu nnaouDeaiy ue pro nounced the finest exhibit which will be seen during the I air. Herth Carella Heme laasurusce Car We call attention to the advertise ment of the North Carolina Home In surance Company in this issue. The list of stockholders of this company is an exceptionally fine one, present ing ny ay of the very best names in the State. Ani besides the strength which such a list of stockholders pre sents, the German-American Insur ance Company, of New York, a com- Etny whose asaeta amount to the rge sum of $5,286,248.88, ia jointly liable with the North Carolina Home on its policies, presenting a Tery strong combination. The company has been- in active operation sines 1868, and during that time has paid upwards of $500,000 to its policy holders, and its' affairs are managed with well known fairness. There is no reason why a great insurance com pany should not be built up in North developed strong institutions. Our people should patronize good home institutions in all instanoea where thev can do so to equal advantage to themselves, and we therefore take pleasure in calling attention to the advertisemenv "Raaeh 10." The well known and popular melo drama "Ranch 10 " will have a spec tacular presentation Oct ,20th, at Metropolitan Hall, where it ia sure to draw crowded audience. It is a l thrillinsr. exciting play of Western life. The scenery and mecnanicai ei- fects are to be effective. Including 1 the fire scene and other striking ef fects and startling situations, it is said on cood authority, there is finoncrh in the play to keep an au dience excited from begining to end. J. Clinton xiall will impersonate the twin brothers "McClelland," , . and othen in the cast will be Roes JJ. O'Neal, J. Wirt KaiL, John L. Wood-( erson. J. M. Charles, Charles James, y V fWriiran. Arthur Ebeldint?. Mrs. J. Clinton Hall, Fay Chester, Nellie Gilmore and Dollie Brooks. The prize dog, Duke of Wellington will be introduced in "Ranch 10?' "OUR ZEB." Appxtitb sleep may be improved, every part of the system strengthen ed ana the animal spirits regain their buoyancy by the use of Dr. J. H. Mo Lean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. . . - ... , Da. Fbahx Habvzy, Veterinary Sur geon, who has an infirmary for sick and disabled horses at Asheville, is in town axd can be found at Mr. George W. Wynne's stables. i i VANCE, THE INCOMPARABLE, AT THE FAIR GROUNDS TODAt. Oovruxtov Powdbb Is an absolute neeeestty ef thereSaed toilet In this elimate. Potion's wmbin-T vary element beauty and purity. I Ii in need of furniture, be sure and give J. 0. Hntson St Co a call. HEAR "OUR ZEB.? boys. I . wm Tbs Uedlo I l Price B5 Cta. Bold a: Laxador Ctirtt LlotrComptalitt, Coti'M-aM. S"'a Afftctlont, ei'Maaas. At Inigglrt. S6: 'ALVATIOM OIL mta 25 CU. 8oU 6 off drmaaim. Will nliera Rheumatism, Neuralgia, , $wellingsrBruisesJ.umoago,opraiii9, Headache, Toothache, Sore, Bunt, Cuts, Scaldt. Backache, Woundt, lo. ii HOE'S PLUGS, Tht Srtnt Tobaef Am CREW tfSJl'lprlot 10 CU. Atatttn.t1iH. , Salvation Oil is an infallible cure for headache, backache, pain in the side and limbs, and-all rheumatic and neuralgio affections. It relieves pain and extirpates the disease tha.- causes it It is said of an old physician in Philadelphia, when called upon to prescribe for a cough or cold, that he invariably refuses to do so.but recom mends his patients to take Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. S. C. State Agricultural Fairy i 1S8 and 125, Fayet1 ville "ttreet. 124 and 138 WilmiogtJn Street. a all BUtoichlKarehaaU . Remember the Chamber of Com mM and Industry adopted a reso lution requesting every business man m Raleiirh to close, his plaoe of busi- ness this day from 11 a. m. w ;ou o'clock to enable clerks, and em- Wivaaa an oPDort'unity to attend the K. T V-l . -It il anil Mate x air. ajea us au 17 vi -a swell the throng. VANCE. THE INCOME A.KA.2JI AT THE FAIR GROUNDS. Fast Ballot. Open for inspec tion. Fall and winter Buitinge, un nnrtaA direct from the best looms of and duplicates cannot be - - ., 1 . nnnhUAd IrOm BJ1V OfcUCf UVUH . .. ml - J the citv. xnese ewu ao - . . , MM ! I. n ma arnliiRivelv. xney ouuoia. " , t full line of crapes, diagonals, oora Huddersfield worsted, plain . . !w. ITnnliall .m'i. and iancy; sua, uuw ""6""- - ings, all shades and styles; full line of Insn Aweeoa, owwu Biu.u.Kd, English Homespun; full line 01 mon eolia suitings; full line of Angola e ... . Ill C T7..,tn. 11 i f i n cru suitings; luiiuneui msum full line of Ceylon suitings; mu um of Chinobillaa, Montagues, Meltons, kerseys,beavera.A lull line 01 morion a trouserings. wniie sua ""6j embroidered or plain, a ibu u. plain and fancy sua vesting, latest designs. Special attention paid to wedding ontnts. vau ana low through my Btcck and be convinced. Call early to avoid the rush. U. Yf A1.TJCAB, No. 234 FayetteviUe Street, sept22 eod-2m Raleigh, . u. The OesusoeUeat Hataal Ufa lasmranes Caaapaay. Is peculiarly strong by reason of the character of its business and its finanAial condition, with over forty two years' experience. 1 It selects its risks with great care and in tha healthy sections of our nn no an try only. Each policy now issued provides that, in ease of lapse after two or r , North Osroliaa's Orat Metropolitan Dry Goods Establishment. , We offer to the vis itors to the State Fair a grand collection of everything necessary : M KW for personal adorn- mp.nincludineali the,. Oil mUM UHI VA tt-UV UABIMVMf SMW Baats w aMW - s . .si a. I . M 1 ar large casn values aner sen years 1 latest novelties irom tne leaumg .au- which are printed in nguree m we policy. S. D. Waitt, Gen. Aat Raleigh, N. a SENATOR VANCE AT STRONACH'S WAREHOUSE FRIDA Y NIGHT AT 8 aCLOCK. .aaaVaaaaeBBBa-a-aa-a-a i - Kanfehatel Cheeee, Sap Sago nhaAaa. Roouefort Pineapple and Edam Chees, at Stoonach's. . A large delegation of biouxcuibib has arrived in Washington. Money for the German relief expe dition is laoldng. vanc: TONIQ s ST. 1 , THE IN 00 MP ARABLE Kalamazoo White Plnme Celery,; fine Cabbage, Spanisn unions, at I Stronach's. . . . Mxssbs. VAsGuirora & Yotnioj thronirh their manager, Mr. George B. Hiss, have on exhibition in . the rI the store lately occupied I by Mr. L. Rosenthal, on Fayettevillsi Street, a Collection UI we uam outwi marhia work ever seen in thia cityi You. will miss a rare treat u t you . ! Iau to see it ,i . ,;. VANCE AT THE FAIR GROUNDS! km centres of the world; also every- .; thing that pertains to house-fumish-ing and decoration, at prices that will be appreciated by economical buyer everywhere in our State. We cordially welcome all visitors to our establishment and will ; show them every attention. W. H. & R. S. TUCKEB & CO. ; " Manytnen are uiirrindtalo the laws im "'T'" Ukemseives to all Binds of weather. Such a-predenee often results la dangerous eoughs, colds, cheat pain, rheumatism, sciatica and other Mlnlulaflllci tuna. Benj son's Tlaster will be found Ik. Miiabla i aztetnal remedy known fc ttepfoaipt -. reUxf of such al'nwnta. It keeps np a hrabliy Sow of the anay w 1 mm is EXCITISC 1 kiM.1 i hn til a osad to im moat toeleme.t waatbw. Careful buy era win as for a a tar-8nd two cent Stamp tfl Seitaorr Joouon, 1'Wt Btraet, V. J eKr curucj "lnaUuetiooa from .tha tor, a vuueote s St e .....

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