- SSa2S JO"W , - 1 .-- -f II Observer 5 , T WL. XXVI. RALEIGH. N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 19, 188& no; 99 J. TtoiE News AND ;- ill If' 5V. V.J ' si . 2ss X -1- i vi : I; m Hi K V V Absolutely Pure. TJrismwder never wartosAjstarTri ateesoa5eB besot a u eompeoooM wn w tde tow ssst, abort trafadu, erpfc&Sprfcaawden, nldoh Boya B&xnrc tromma uo., iw Wall Street, Hew York. SoU tor W. a A. id by w, B. StrosMk, JBrsrrall Oa CLOTHING AND Gents' Furnishing Goods ' - i, , Below Cost. t, We have iseorfficea purchased at an immtOH 020,000 STOCK OF MEM'S AND' BOYS' RHtBTS, ; UNDEB WE AB, i Sedwearj. Jewelry. &c, i Which we will cIom out from - H" ' ' 50 TO 75 PER CENT. - -. OflfewTorkCort. 4 y. COME IT ONCE ;! -. . r! M And M7HT6 mom of tha ul--v-;,-;-.! f : . BARGAIN Si vwooiiicon & SOS, 14 East Martin Street, tijJDWARD, FASNACH, si aauoaB, a. a I9UTUU ulOXSTK II1I0IW old Jtwelrr, Gold and BflTtT Watch florham'aStorllnf BilTanranogan plated ailTrwan, any aia and ' ! waicht of plaia 18 karat En canmeat rinjrjioouatant ! . Ijrta atook. Badge and Madala aaada a' 5 . ' toi order. , Jit Optical O Department Embraces an endless rarlety bf lenses wkioh 9gether with foux practice! expe- -lanee enahtos na to eoiraos aunoatany arm of refraction in Myopia (neercifht), Byiwnnetropia (far stcht), Fresbyopia (old aichtK Asthenopia! weak aijcht) and Jlrlas; prompt relief from that dJetrea W14 eadaeh which often aeoompanies tApeneet Tiaiem, , OUR ARTIFICIAL Human Eyes re sod look like the natural org a mI vhiainatrMd. ; Pattaatta at a diatanoe haTiac a broken erl ean bars another made withaa tmih mg peraoaeuy a. 3. rxzucAS. S FEan. W. Lt ; FREE1I4R & IM, Sttnograplifnr; ad Type-Writen, nnaned an office in the BoUaman buildioc. where they are prepared to xaeate aU rrdera in law rporsuiK.ao tvaa-wTitins:. Claw in ahort-band aad type-writing forming., nOB BALK. .. , ! " Two hundred Dinhif Boom jehafaa f aeoond handy. The whole lot will be iSTrarr cheap. JLlsocomplete outfit of Urerware for twenty tablea, seon laKovav avwoa VCLOTHING! &H VTS AND CAPS, --v i OPTICIAN : Si' " 1 I DKXOCRACT IS;:;TaB WBM. TBI B ATTLX AT. WB8 A , WATXBLOO FO THE BXPUBUCAsl-A SOHBOWTCL All) BITTTIB DItAmIIPrXC5T. Oor. the Hewi nd OtseFTi Wibstib, N. COet. 15, 1888. Today was a day of disappointment to the Republican 1 fofcea. Fowle when 'here drew his thousands, and a grand OTation mo4ntd horsemen and great enthusiasm giren him, i To all nnbiased minds it appears thaj the West is solid fojr Demooraor The Bepnblioans behold the tide against them which by lOTember will be a flood. . I I - THX B VTTLSv' i A crowd numbering about two hun dred assembled in tle loourt house. A dirision of time ws gaiit asked for; the answer cam! tst Dockery would suffer his r ightlarlfe -out off be fore he would grant t. jfThe people here believe in fair play,afid the refusal by the Bepnblioans tp allow a joint discussion did great gfbod; for the De mocracy. The better class of Bepub lioans;.denoonoe Doc&er and. DeV areox Tor sot wanting Beublicans to hear Democratic speeches; DeTcrenx,whoe Toici ind memory have ttotn played cxet, Opened the first fire. He made bias same slander ous, untruthful, nnwartanlable, inex eosable and undiernified 1 harangue. No change whatever in his wicked maneulrerings, except thathe under- took deny tne liynujn .letter cnat he wrote exonerating Judge Fowle in the! special tax bond - trlnsotion, his most labored effort, if iti can bs called effort, being to criminate and bring disgrace upon Judge Fowle in this matter.' Bat Tommie ha lost his memory, lie says he has no recol- ection about the "letter' tone what ever, mice Jake snare, i booaie fame, Tommie has no fmetoory all gone. Kitohin has takeii Horn's last trump. The JtJvnum letter wbib makes the "cat's-paw," ni) longer the best orator in the State, 4s Major Malone dabbed him, bat shows him to be dishonest and of ladf memory. Tom hat at last played put even to the disgust of the Kepublian party. . l ah nmrATioH. M Jost as Derereox finished Demo crat arose and made tie ahnouncc ment that Capt W. H. Ktchin would speak in the warehouse In fen min utes, and that all Democrats nd hon est Bepoblicans who wer n$t afraid near r a xemocratio eraior, were invited, ii The crowd began to make for the warehouse, and wheji order was restored, Olirer, the! faiiner (f) bad .'only handful. ;.Thi made Gor, Dockery," as J. Wlley Shook, prominent black Republican of the west calls nun when he introduces My Soni Olirer to his friends, eryl mad; i his face turned red'.' and he looked i ai one forlorn. iDockery began i bys saving such proeeedings as thif (meaning taking the crowd away) would cause bloodshed in his eoanty e then prooeeded in his self same way to make "his same old meaninglesspeeoh on the UruT, of whwh; he knows nothing and on Internal Bevlnue of whioh he ;knows less, His remarks fell flit and without applaoae.J r -I : ' oatt. xiTcma I ; a Spoke in the warehouse Ito i large crowd of white men, again reusing them pad making a grand defenoe of the principles of Democracy and its eaders. , He denounced Dbckery and Derereux in his peculiar aild emphatic style, showing up the slanderous Be publioan leaders and theulparir in a manner that but few speakers in the State jean equaL He oihletely demoliahed Derereox with the By- num, letter. ! His sound 1 reaeonincr on thf questions of tarif, internal revenue, oouhty gorern&ent etc,, convinces the most skeptical aid is the subject of much comment. gBe is the recipient of more oongtatufittions at the close of his speeches Chan any public speaker I ever aaw.i His'work in the west is telling greatly nl will result in great good for the eaSse of Demoeraoy. Buck Eitchin's iiame .will long be rememberedl by Ihose wno.nare ustenea to nis , if moi yet just denunciations of the Republican party and its leaders and lor his: able arguments 0n the political; issues of uav. Aue weac w ae.ua. l ine west isaroased as it has never Jibeen before, land when the elect&n iWer and the; smoke of battle cleared Sway, yon will find the "western hillr of good old North Carolina "Demoeratio by a large raaj ori ty." VANCE AT STBONACH W JbE- HOUSIj AT 8 QLOOK T)NI(HT, SEBTaTOm BiBBOCK'f VXB5W. El BAYS fBM tPXlfOOBATS ABB f GOO TO . (jlAiBT KXW XOU SCBS. H Senator-elect' John S. Barbour re turned front New York Friday niarht where he went to attend a meeting of a portion of the Democratic National Committee, ij He said, when met by a repreeenUUve of the press, that tbe uweuog i uie committee naa no s ex traordinary importance, and that it was a mistake to-imagine Chairman Barnamj thought anything like an emergency was ai nana, "we na a little routine business to attend to." continued the Senator, "but; nothing of pressing importance. I ;can Say, however, the meeting was entirely satisfactory. Our people are feel- ing Tery cheerful, and there was a unanimous; expression of confidence in Mr. Cleveland's election. Fcpm what I saw And beard, not only frcm members of the committee, 1 shosild sav the tide1 is torning rapidly in favor of the Democrats. .1 thmk there has been a decided change lin the last ten days." 1 ' "Do the New York Dsmocats hive any doubt about carrying Nefr Yor?" i - ot a Dit.:: i r i "Do you look fjr any bad effelts from the local i fight in New Yk ' "No. I talked with many pro Sent Democrats of New York oity ad tney say tne cry tnat anvDoay ia go ing to crnie uiereiana is a Dear a. e i f How abont Gov. Hillt" f j "I think nil election is pretty well conceded j on I all hands. Yiu can't get any Republican beta against hinw ; "Then, Senator, yon feel satisfied 1 P.tlMM S: CONGRESS. PROCEEDINGS YESTERDAY IN SENATE AND HOUSK. ADJOCBNKIHTTO TAXK PLAOI TOlCOKBOW COMOU&SXNT USOLOTIOI AD&FTBD BT BOTH HODSXS OTHIB XIWS. By Telerraph to the news aa4 ObMrref . 1 WASBTKaTos, Oct. 18. SlJUTB Mr. Gray, in the absence of- the two Connecticut Senators, presented and had read a memorial of 500 eitizna of Connecticut workingmen, wage earners, manufacturers and farmers, ia favor of the Mills bill and lor the admission of raw materials (particu laxly wool, salt, lumber, tin platen, etc,) free of duty. Laid on th table. - 'A resolution for a reeeas from next Saturday to the 19th of November was taken up, and Mr. Paddock moved to amend it by making the reoess begin on the 27th instant and end on the 12th of Norember. Mr. Allison said that he had con sulted the Senators on both aides of the chamber, and thought that the prevailing opinion was in fator of adjournment till the first Monday in' December, lie understood that the Senator from Georgia, (Mr. Brown) would offer a resolution to that. effect. and if so he (Mr. Allison) would sup, port it. Mr. Brown thereupon offered a resolution for a final adjournment of this session at one o'clock next Satur day. He said he did not believe that the passage jof the tariff bill would be facilitated by the prolongation of the session. If the Democrats were successful ati the coming Presidential election something like the Mills bill would be passed, and it the KspUbu- eans were successful something like the Senate bill would be passed, pop ular opinion bn the subject would be known after the election. Mr. Evert spoke in faror of Mr. Brown's resolution, and Mr. Padlock in faror of the amendment offered by him. Mr. Cockrell ridiculed a remark- by Mr. Paddock to the effect that he and his party i desire the passage of the Senate bill. That elAim, be said, was perfectly farcical. If the Republican Senators wanted to pass the bill before the election, the Democratic Senators would stay with them, but it was a farce to un dertake it, and the Senator from Ne braska knew it. Mr. Paddock said that the primary trouble about! the matter was that there had not been a quorum in the House for six weeks. Mr. Cockrell That does not mke a particle of difference. The Hoftse nas nothing to ; do with the bill new. When the Senate passes this blJ, there will be a I quorum of the Hodse to act on it. Senate that has! It is the Bepublican to do with it. The presidio t officer iniimated that Mr. Cockrell wis not in order, aad expressed the hope that Senators would co-operate with him in main- taming order. ; i Mr. Cockrell We wiU do it. We will help you. (Laughter.) Do nt (tp Mr. Paddock) trouble yourself about the House. The House wll take care of itself. Take care of the Senate. Here is your responsibility. After -.some further discussion be tween Senators Cockrell, Paddock and' Aldrieb, Mr. Allison said be would accept the amendment offere-r oy air. urown. a majority oi ice Democrats voted in the affirmative, while a majority'; of the Republicans voted no. There was no demand for division and! the chair after a longer pause than usual declared the concurrent resolution adopted The announcement that the Senate had passed an adjournment desola tion was made jto the House at o'clock and was greeted with applause) by the handful of members present. Mr. Teller offered a resolution in structing the committee on Iniiari affairs to inquire las to the truth of the report that the Secretary of the Interior has purchased a large num ber of waarons for Indian aervioe that were manufactured with prison labo in the State of Tennessee. He made some remarks oh the subject, inti' mating that the complaint was really against the late Commissioner of In dian affairs. , Mr. Bate explained that there was not only nothing wrong in the trans action, dui me oargam wnicn tne in terior Department made for these wagons was the best that could be made. It was made after advertise-; ment, and the oontract was let to the lowest bidder. He saw no reason, however, why the matter should not be inveetit ated if the Senator from Colorado desired, i - On objection by Mr. Oookrell the resolution went over until tomorrow, and the Senate took a reeeas for half an hour. ' At , tne conclusion oi tne reoess (2 50p.m ) the Senate resumed its session and pasted various joint reso lutions for the printing of the agri-' cultural report (100,000 copies) and other documents, j . Messrs. Edmunds, Dawes and Faulkner were appointed on a joint select committee to investigate the work on the Washington aqueduct tunnel. The Senate then resumed consider ation of the tariff bill and was ad dressed by Mr. Aldrieh, one of the members of the finance committee. He proceeded to illustrate by refer ence to an official statement of the Bureau of Statistics; the utter worth lessness and absurdity of an Attempt to show the character of the House bill and of the Senate bill by a sys tem of ad valorem rates and percent ages. The statement from the Bu reau of Statistici was, he laid, not only misleading in its general fea tures, but it was entirely inaccurate and misleading in its details; and the bureau officials (if jthey had any knowledge whatever on the subject) must have known that it was. Mr. Fre criticised statements in Senate and House, as to the net prof its made by cotton mills. Those net profits had been pnt ait 85 per cent, but the calculation had been made on the plan of leaving oat much of the expenditures, nan ai the cost of tower, f ael and gas, salaries, taxes, insuranoe, depredation of machinery Ao. To show the falsity of such sUte ments he read from a transcript from the booki of a 50,000 spindle cotton mill in his own town (well and care fully managed) and which showed for the year 1882 a net profit of 3 per cent. Be asserted that the average net df that mill for ten years had not been 5 per cent nor 4 per cent, and he knaw that the average net profits in well eondooted e i-jM ju mills in his iwn State had not . averaged 5 per lent tor l n years, and woolen mills jrere -ore tbau cotton mill. Nearlj ball of the woolen mflla in the Uuited States were today idle. Mr Oo-kieii cpn dtoMr. A.d'icL'o viriticism of tt e tables of the Qoieau of Sta'istios and c airm-1 that tiny, were perfeoily dcfef . and oaii that they had been, made out (ondti headings prepared by himself) bj Mr.Eepperstein, a Prussian empioj et of that bareau, who bad been in the department at least since 1879, and who had no interest, directly or indi rectly, in any misrepreaentatioD. At the close of the diacusbipn the House joint resolution to pay the sessional employee of both beuses their full month s salary for October and to pay the month's salary of the regular officers and employees on the 20th of October were severally passed. The Senate then, at 6 p. m., ad journed. BCCSK. Mr. Cox, of New York, was in the chair when the House met this morn ing. .After prayer by the chaplain, Mr. Farquhar, of New York, rose and called the chair's attention to the rule of the House which directs the Speaker to cause the journal to be read pn the appearance of a qnornm. The Speaker pro tern laid before the house the adjournment resolution of the Senate. Mr. McMillin, of Tennessee, briefly reviewed the work of what he termed the present extraordinary session of Congress, detotirg himself especially to consideration f the action on the tariff. Finally the Senate' resolution for final adjournment was j concurred in. Adjourned. i THE RICHMOND IXCTJBSIO. VIA TBS HIW LIBS VBOV BAMIOH, OOTO- BBB 23. The Richmond & Danville Railroad will run a special train 1 from Baleigh to Kienmona on Tuesday next via Durham and Oxford, leaving Raleigh ta . A am . pet ween i ana o o'ciocK a. m., arriv ing in Richmond at 5.25 p. m. Plenty of room for everybody. Fare for the round trip 925, tickets good for three days besides the! day of sale, and good to return on any regular train. - ,The rate from Durham ia $4.25, and from Henderson $3 25, whieh includes one admission to the Exposition. We venture to say there will be more Nprth Carolinians in Richmond next week than have been Since "Lee's surrender. ; The R. A D. Railroad has arranged to run special trams to Btohmond, Va-, October 23d, from Charlotte, leaving there 5 15 a. m., Salisbury, 7-0o a. m., Oreensboro, 9 am, eon neoting at . Greensboro with regular train JNO. 52, leaving Raleigh, 1.45 at night to enable all parties to attend the Great Expoitii at that point. Tickets fur itiee trains only will bfi ro'.d ih fjilowing extraordi nrilj low rates for the round trip, wi- ju include one admission to the Exposition. From Charlotte, 6 05: from Salis bury, 5 05; from Greensboro, I 05; irom Jtaleigh, 4 25; with ' correspond inglr low rates from intermediate stations.; Ticket! will admit of two days stay in Richmond, and good to return on regular trains. The tremendous crowd intending to avail (themselves of i this Special Excursion will make the 2tb, and 25th, the big dajs of this Exposition tor our people. JUMKMlUk. Another overwhelming house g:eet- ed Madam Janauacnek last night in tne roie or Alary otuart. It is cer tain that no theatrical attraction which has ever appeared in Raleigh has ever drawn such crowd, or has ever proved so popular with a Raleigh . audience. The theatre-going public of Raleigh is probably the most discrim inating and appreciative in the state ana mere can be no more significant comment upon the merit of this great actress j than that Raleigh' has for two nights turned -out en miuse to do her honor and will do it again tonight, for already seats have, begun to be taken for tonight s performance and the indica tions are that there will be the largest crowd yet. The presentation of Mary Stuart lani nirrh A rtAtVSwl 4 a A ma aaanra a A mwwmw mm mm ,aWWW SfW 1U SHi TWUVSiajV 1 tne real genius oi the great act -ess. in several parts of the Dlav her ore sentations were grand and certainly could not be surpassed by any living actress. "Meg Merrilies" tonight will be the greatest attraction of the whole hat. a nose who wish seats should apply early at doun i. MacxUe S drugstore In reply to a question we say that President Cleveland, has appointed only two negroes to offiee, one, Trot ter, to succeed Fred. Douglass ttftcoraer oi Deeds of the District o: Columbia, and the other the Minister to Liberia Wi Call attention to the lis; of ap pointments for Senator Vance else where announced by Chairman Thit aker. We are requested to say that additions will be made to them tomorrow. I Dr. J. J. Mott, of StatesVille, spoke M the ooBrt-bouae nere last night. :. ' ' B-mm . I The necessity of reducing taxation to prevent such an accumulation of surplus fevenue, and the consequent depletion M theelrculating medium, is so apparent that bo aartr dares to dear it, but when wi come to consider the modes by which the reduction may be made we find a Wide antagonism between out party and the monopolistic leaders of our political (fppooenta. Thwmcn, ' Letter of Aeeep- AT BURG AW JUDGE FOWLE MAKES A TELL ING SPEECH. A LABOS A WD ZKTHUSIASTIC CSOWD PXB niB TO Bl KIDBBJUD. paeialtenM Xws and Obserrer. BcnoAT, N. O, Oct 18. There was a large and enthnaiasbo crowd here today. Judge Fowle made a telling speech. In fact excelled him self. Pender will redeem herself at the election. Weaaaa Cnissdcrs la Dakata. By telegraph to Ue Newt and Observer. Gbabb Fokxs, Dak., Oct. 18.-A num ber of ladies were brought here from Thompson a neighboring yillage, yes terday soorning, charged with riot for having raided saloons there as era sadera. ' Their trial occupied the en- ire day and was bitterly contested, the local W. C T. D. espousing their cause. ; The justioe finally ruled that the off&da had been committed and held them In $200 bonds which were readily f urnkhed. BBACTT. Vriu Trswa ! C4lea if faaaalc !-- Various, indeed, are the opinions held by a wide diversity of races re garding their beauties, though it is often difnoult for people bred under another sky to share their enthusi asm. The Circassian women, says the London . Standard, who have a sort of conventional reputation for oveliness, are affirmed by those who know them best to be far from worthy of their Celebrity. 8hort legs, glaring red hair, faces so long and narrow that their heads seem to bare been aqueeaed between two boards and flattened, noses oat of proportion to the rest of the features, and com plexions of a dull, i lead-like hue, scarcely constitute beauty according to oar standard. The Moors and the Tunisian Jews regard corpulence as absolutely essential to beauty, and the inmates of rich men's harems are stuffou r t.ij'ritious food, like Straabuu geese - the market. The Chinese poets sing of deformed feet as "golden lilies, and the rocking of their -women in attempting to walk as the ''wating of the willow." Other race have equally odd ideas as to what constitutes lovelinees, for they improve" their persons by flat tening their loreneads, tattooing tneir skme, cutting on tneir , nngers, niing their, teeth or dyeing them black, blue, or eortartan, painting their bodies, slitting their ea-s, compress ing their waists, putting ; stones, bone, or metal through their lips, cheeks or ears, and in a doaen other waya. trying to enhance the poor f. renltce work of nature. A Felatan ady dyes her hands and feet with hennah, stains her teeth alternately blue, yellow, and purple, one here and there being left of its natural color, pencils her eyelids with sul- phuret Of antimony, and dyea her looks with indigo. The iijdah woman inserts a plug ; of wood or Ivory through her lower lip until it represents the mdeous appearance of a flashy shelf over her chin. A Chi nese or a Siamese lady cultivates long nails. A Hottentot belle cannot get her nose flat enough, or a Persian beauty hers high enough, , On the northwest coast of America no reproach is more bitter than for one Indian girl to tell another that 'yoor mother was too lazy to flatten your head."' Tattooing is almost universal among half-civil ized or savage races; in New Zealand the Maori women, before they began to imbibe European prejudices, even tattooed their lip?, lest they should have the reproach of being red. Some races alit their ears until they bang in loops on their shoulders. , Others insert huge rings and other, orna ments through the cartilage of their noses. The Louisiade Islanders re gard the . lid of a sardine box , peculiarly , neat piece oi i'swelry; and even European women lave not yet ceased to suspend bits of stone and metal through the lobes of their ears. There is, in truth, no possibility of arriving at any stand ard of beauty, the "points" of which would not do injustice to some of the competitors. Even among the whites there are various ideas of what con stitutes good looks. Like manners and morals, beautyis very much a mat ter of sky. J uat as an Indian told traveller what a comfott his son was to him, because "he could steal more horses than any boy of his age," ao western frontiersman assured a visi tor that his daughter was the "finest girl" in the settlement, for she could "heft a barrel of pork, and lick her weight in wild cats." HEAR VANCE. Too much importance cannot be at tached to the fact that Lax ad or baa no superior as a family medicine. For head acne, flatulency, dyspepsia, nervousness, liver and blood disease, etc, it stand unexcelled. Price SS cents a package. Aa spiritooa liquors will in j ore men, opium or laudanum will harmfully affect the baby. Dr. Bull 'a Baby Syrup is the remedy xor tne baby, it is not in jarious. Price 25 cent- -Joel B. Erbardt, of New York, has accepted the Republican nomina tion for Mayor. HEAR VANCE TO-NIGHT. OtmMeBssrsi Cansft. Dr. A G. Wollard, of Richmond Va., is having great snooess in treat, ing cancers, lie nas cured nun areas pronounced incurable by other pvhai cians. ivnii not useo. oena stamp for pamphlet with certificates. Offioe, No. 7 North Sixth street (where he is permanently located), Richmond, Va. . ww . m 1 j References : How. Jons Massxt, Lieutenant- Governor, Charlottesville, Va. RST. 8. S- LtKBXTH, Richmond, Va. C. B. Moktob, M. D.t Fredericksburg, Va. Gxobob D. Wnu, M. C-, Thud Congressional DUtrict of Vir guua. aug80dlaw&wy. . 1 i $ FrnssT Prioes,at Line Teas ahd Lowes Stxoiaob's. BtraOTlca.'s niuinttm. Saatord express. ' "There goes an old woman to milk the cows of a frosty morning in Octo ber. She draws her old" red woolen shawl around her shivering and de crepit shoulders. That threadbare shawl of that poor old woman ia taxed by the Republican party 88 per cent, Yonder on Broadway, New York, goes the daughter of Alfred Carnegie, the great iron king. She rustles in silk and around her shoulders is a heavy silk shawL That silk shawl is taxed by the Republican party only 20 per cent" Another scene. Mr. Alfred Car negie gives a champagne supper to his chums at the Hoffman House, New York. This sparkling, efferves cent luxury is brought in elegant cut glass. While these nabobs revel in champagne taxed 50 per cent, on the opposite aide of the street a half starved miner of one of Mr. Carnegie's iron mines enters a beer saloon. On his glass of beer he pays 63 per oent tax. A poor young man takes unto him self a wife and erects in yonder old field a cabin, with an ' only window tnrongn wnicn tne sunlight may enter. On the 8x10 glass in the one window of the dark cabin he pays a tax of 98 per cent xonder stands a palatial residence on walnut street, Philadelphia. The entire front is studded with the finest plate glass. On that glass the millionarie owner pays a, tax of only 21 per oent There goes the dude, wearing silk hat. How much tax doea he pay on that hatT Only 25 percent Yonder is a boy with a wool hat on picking cotton. How much tax do you suppose that boy pays for the privilege of wearing bis hat? 85 per cent " VANCE AT STBONACITS WARE HOUSE TONIGHT. Haw ta Prava That ta Kartk Taraa. Court Journal. ' It has puzzled the heads of a good many youngsters to know how the earth turns round. A German ed ucational journal published in Frank fort gives the following directions for proving that the earth "does move:" "lake a good sized bowl, fill it nearly full of water, and place it upon the floor of a room whioh is not exposed to shaking or j vring from the street. Sprinkle over the surface of the water coating of iycopodium powder a white substance which ia sometimes used for the purposes of the toileU and which can be obtained at almost any apothecary's. Then upon the surface of this coating of powder make, with powdered charcoal, a straight black fine, say an inch or two in length. .Having made this little black mark with the charcoal powder on the snrf ace of the oontents of the bowl, lay down upon the floor. close to the bowL stick or some other straight object, so that it will be exactly parallel with the mark. If the line happens to be parallel with a crack in the floor, or with any sta tionary object in the room, this will serve as well. "Leave the bowl undisturbed for a few hours, and then observe the posi tion of the black mark with reference to the object that it was parallel with. It will be found to have moved about, and to have moved from east to west that is to say, in the direction op posite to that of the movement of the earth on its axis. The earth in simply revolving has carried the water and everything else in the bowl around witb it, but the powder on the sur face has been left behind a little. The line will always be found to have moved from east to west, which is perfectly good proof that everything HEAR VANCE, THE INCOM. PARABLE. We note that Hon. John R. Web ster was on the committee of intro duction at the Democratic barbecue of Beidsville. We are glad, indeed, to see that be is coming back into the true fold. May others of independ ent proclivities follow hia example. They have all been too long out in the cold' With patience you will succeed in all things. It will not require much patience to succeed in gaining health if you use Warner's Log Cabin Sars- aparilla to purify your blood. Lar gest bottle in the market. 120 doses $1.00. No Besublioan can'denv that the four years of Ghrover Cleveland s adminis tration have been more prosperous than the four years that preceded it. Why, then, make a change T Cleve land Plain Dealer. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mrs. WlB8lews Boathlnc Bttud should alwari be uaed when ehlldren are cutting teeth. It ra llsves tha Utua sufferer at oaee. It produees aat oral, quiet sleep by relieving the enUdrea from pain, aad tha little eherub awafcee as "bright aa a button." It la Tery pleasant to taste ; soothes the child, saltans the rums, allays all pains, re lieves wind, refilatee th bowels and ts the best knows rentady for dlarrhcea. whether risiac from teething or other cause. Twenty-sve cents a A pMlataaaata ef He a. O. Warthlacteaw Hon. D. Worthington will address the people on paign at the places: the issues of the cam- following times and Wilson, Monday, Oct 22. Nashville, Saturday, Nov. aeklea's Aralca Salve. The Beat Salve in the world for cute. Braises, Bores, Ulcermalt Rheum, Ferer Sores, Tetter, chapped Hands, Chilblains, twu, ana aii oxin luupoons, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 85 cents per dox. iror saie By xee,jonnaoa ec Co. TIT fc - 1 ty all jTArxa is cnesper just now than ever before. Will paper rooms complete (owing to size) as follows : $6, $8 and $10 earf , $12.50. $15 and $20 each. Prices Lamed are one-half former, prioea. Special care taken . to ao gooa worr. Dausi action guar anteed, nave on band a large stock and ean suit almost any taste. Fred. A. Watson art dealer and ""fti- turer of picture frames. Orders so- Iiwied ana prompt ETXBTBUfQ of and Chewing To Cigars iff executed. M m the Best in Scoot, at B , DTBOaaCaa. RORRIBLH DEEDS. A'Seefe Prat Par the Whit Chapai Pan Van OaMtte. In the reign of James I- of Scot land there was born in East Lothia, a village a few miles from Edinburgh. Sawney Beane, the son of poor, but hard-working people. Evincing from boyhood a hatred of all labor, and displaying every kind of vicious quality, he at an early age abandoned his home and fled to Galloway. He was accompanied by a fit companion for his crimes in the person of a young woman, a native of the same village. The home of this pair was in a cave of about a mile in length and of con siderable breadth, the month of which was washed by the sea, the tide sometimes peneti sting the cave a distance of two hundred yards. The vitctims were waylaid under cover of night on their way home from coun try fairs, or in the case of isolated travelers across the country, were openly attacked in daylight. The same soul-sickening, mutilation was inflicted in each case. To prevent detection tney murdered every trav eler they robbed, and for years they continued their horrible calling. In this manner, the chronicler tells us, they lived until they had eight sons and. six . daughters, eighteen grand sons and fourteen granddaughters all the offspring of incest. After a long career of murder the gang was captured by King James, who, roused to action by the long immunity of tne criminals irom detection, headed by a body of troops and succeeded with blood-hounds in unearthing from tne cave tne whole vile tribe, to whom was meted ont a death agreeable with the life they,had led. The men, says the historian, had their hands and egs severed from their bodies and they were permitted to bleed to death. The mother of the whole crew, the daughters and grandchildren, after being spectators of the death of the men, were cast into three Separate axes and consumed to ashes. ia i We assert without fear of contra diction that no man of merit ever came to xtaieign and engaged in any enterprise Without meeting with even more than anticipated success. We are led to the above assertion by a conversation which we had a few days ago with Messrs. Drewry A Drewry, the State agents of the idutaal Bene fit Life insurance Company. These gentlemen are also agents for this company in the State of Tennessee, where they have built up a large and prosperous business, and although but recently appointed agents for this state tney commenced work with an energy that guarantees success, and aa a result their bustnera is rapidly increasing, 'xneir company writes a very liberal policy which neves fU to attract the attention of the insur ing public They guarantee a eashv surrender at any time after the sec ond year and should the assured fail to pay his premium, his insurance is extended, or the company- will lend him money on hia pokey at 6 per cent intereat Call pn Messrs. Drewry A Drewry before you insure and exam ine their company. Wat a Private a Mr. Tkt nl baat la whl.k . j . CUvalaad tallages "PaaUe aSlca Is a while treat." A Oarfeau fttaah. xieiier xsroa. bare received a com plete and varied line of boots, shoes, slippers, trunks, valises Ac, and wish to remind the publio that they are better prepared than ever to supply the masses with the above-mentioned goods as they have them suit able for country as well as city wear, and at the very lowest prices. They are also ,in receipt of a mammoth stock of slippers, patent leather I ramps and Oxford ties, also patent eather cong. and laoe and it will be to the interest of the participants in tne various dances zair week to exam ine our beautiful line befoio making purchases. Orders by mail for the above goods will receive prompt At tention. Special attention is called to the large stock of trunks, valises Ac., and there is no house south of the Poto mac where a larger supply of the above goods at' such low prices are constantly carried in stock than at BZLLEB BaOS , 131 FayettevUleSt, rvaleigl, N. C. Neufohatel Cheese, San Sam) Cheese, Roquefort, Pineapple and Edam Chees, at Stronaoh's. Kalamazoo White Plume - Celery, fine Cabbage, Spanish Oaions. at Stronaoh's. Messrs. VasGcsdeh & Yotoo, through their manager, Mr. George B. Bias, have on exhibition in the window of the store lately occupied by air. L. Rosenthal, on Fayetteville street, a collection of the finest carved marble work ever seen in this city. Yon will miss a rare treat if yon fail to see it Vanilla, chocolate, marsh-mallow drops, 6-pound boxes, $1.60, at Stron ach a- A Fxw Niob Teis(hu Crosse & Blaekwell'ajspicurean sauce, twenty five cents : Walnut Catsup : Crosse A J31ackwell's " Florence Cream," an el egant salad dressing, twenty-fire cents; Olives, Capers, Mushrooms, Sauces, Catsups, Ac, Ac E. J. Haksdi. If in need of furniture, be sore and give J. C Hutson' A Co., a calL Da. Fbaxx Habvxt, Veterinary Sur geon, who has an infirmary for sick and disabled horses at'Asheville, is in town and can be found at Mr. George W. Wynne's stables. i New London-layer,i Lvnt and Smyrna figs, figs in oval boxes, at Stronaeh's. j The Berlin correspondent of the New York World learns that Carl Sohnrs is likely to get home in season to make few speeches for Mr'. Cleve- Finest ehooolate -oream drops, 9 ponnd boxes; $L00, at StronachW - - - i-i w. New York's Mayor Hewitt has writ ten a letter accepticg the cttixena nomination. He says, however that he will withdraw if Tammany will accept "a respectable and iadepend - ent Democrat7' put Up by tne ottiaena committee. 1 awtaS i r- BrrM ef . . - Ia Nature's own true laxative. It n the most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Bilious or Costive: to Dispel Headaches, Uoios, ana Fevers; to Cure Habitud Constipa tion, Indigestion, Piles, etc. Manu factured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco, Cat JohnS. Pescud, Sole Agent for RaW eigh, N. & "OUR ZEB," Tllrj INUOMPAB- ABLE. Rcdaelng Ut Sarplaa. : L The disposition of the surplus in the TJ. S. Treasury engages the attention ef our Statesmen, but a more vital question nas our attention, and that is tr-e reduc tion or the surplus Consumptives, oinoe the discovery and introduction of Or King's New Discovery for onsumptioa, there has been a marked Secretes la the) mortality from this dreaded Aiseaea, and , it is possible to suit further; reduce the -number of Consumptives. How? BvV Dr. King's New Discovery and using ac cording to directions, upon i he appear ance of the first symptoms, such as a wwu wuiwDtiT at nana a ootfia wt m n I i .1 . 1 . M W Cough, a Cold, a Sore Throat, a Chest, or Biae rain, 'laken thus early a cure is : guaranteed. Trial bottle free at Lee. Johmrn ft Go. is Drug Store. General Harrison's past speeches - are giving mm almost as much . trouble as, his present, speeches give Boss Quay. His alleged reference to Irishmen as penitentiary birds and only fit to shovel dirt is not likely to solidify the , Irish vote for any oc . except his opponent. St. Louis Post Dispatch. j. COWTLXXION POWDM is an absnlote neeMsltw of the refined toilet in this climate. Poison's combines every element o( beauty and purity . I HEAR VANCE L TO NIGHT AT STRONAOH'S WAREHOUSE. Bull's Baby Syrup Facilitate Teething '- '. Mat M-r,Mi.t.. Regulate the Bowel! . Day's Horse POWDER, Fiavanta Jmm Waver and la aaeh package rorsaiebyallacaMra Trynt saaaasi IA For the curs ot ff II II VCougbs,Colds. Croup, IJUsUL O Hoarseness. Asthma, Whooping i Cootrh nnimu Incipient uon- firanehitis. U U U U 1 1 BTnnpttoo. end for the relief of Consumptive persons. At druggists. 25 eta. SYRUP " . ..H.-.ai Miot-t. run a 0arT"TXSr affsh Aaaaa ganaa tarn. iiaaww. - IfETBOPOUTAN HALL, - a j - m Commencing Wed., Oeti 17. ; . i . ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY, ! and grand farewell tour of The World la Greatest Tragic Actrese, j janausohek: Supported by her own excellent legiti mate company, ia the following repertoire: Wednesday Evening, Thursday Evening, Friday Evening, "Macbeth "Mary StoaTi." Meg Mcrrilies. Prices: J1.25, 81.03 and 50c. Reserved sale will open at MaoEae'e drug store Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. rlathornewtia oh' Bookorpe. sent yKta n. .. WGOLLKY. MA AT LOW IPRICES. We are now exhibiting in stock POPLAR BED-ROOM SUITS At $28.50, 138 50, and 1 80. ( ', i WALNUT BED-ROOM SUIIS At 940, $48.50, $45, $08.50, $93.50. $70.50 and BUREAUS .At $7, $.50, $15.50 and $25. t , WASHSTANDS - j At $1.50, $4.50 and $10.50. , PARLOR SUITS (Sax Plushxs), ) At $50, $53.75 and 03.50. . i n i I ' COTS Cajtvas, $4; Wnu, $3.50 and $4.50. WOVEN-WIRE MATTRES3ES, At $4,50, $7.50; Coil, at $4.50 aad $3.60; and 8FBnra Slats, at s.2J. H 'I - LOUNGES . :;r.-j-Ui' -f. - From $3.5 to $15.50. t : i " j M'- chaies 1:4; From 85c, tofS. 1 s; MKOOi CALL OH US. J. C. HUTSON & CO., ti. Dealers in Furniture and Heading. UM-v Ve. 18 East lfartin8tr N ' V ---1- cw& . . i - : -.If- I

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