t .1 ,v i : Ml - i 1 8" TE i - r; r News and Observer. PnuiBn Oult (axcm Uois&t) uo -,.r-'-.--J;:Wrta: .) Bt the news a oesebyer co I Lie n Weekly, out year. . aUaaoaths, To sane enteres v. eatere Without mint and bo Da le seat alter toe exntraOoa of Urn paid tor. FEIDAY, OCT. 19, 1888. !E.TIOCnATICAO.TlIIVEE. JBfJECTIOV. TUESDAY, swlMr; . '. VATIOBAI T1CUT4 - r mi msUEIT : . GROYER CLEYELiSD, . ef lewis. it ' lit ncmrsutiTi i ALLEN G. THURMAN, st sue. ( rOBlELECTTOES Stati at Laeoi: ALKBKD m T VODILL, of Hew Haaorer.l FRTDEKICd . . STBUD WICK, of Orange.1 DISTRICT LX0TOBK i i jst Dut.- Of l'. H . BBOWH, Jr., of Beaufort. toDiT.-JOK K.OODABD,of Wilson. to DibT. CUi1 1. 8 B. AYCOCK, a ,ofW Ira Wist w. iuu, Jr. r.of JecstetoB ava. ITS UivrfHUKL J. PKlKBKKTOM, of BUnlj ftu Dut. LKBOTO. CAXDWKIA, of Iredell. . TH Dial. THOMAS M . VAMCK OlOaldwaU. nu. iia.-W. X. OUWf QiuCw Haywood. - . HTA-TJBJ TICKET. - ? 1 1 1 ixi eovxaaoa: DANIEL G. FOWLS T 1; of Wake. fcroa lout, eovxasoa : THOMAS M,,HOLT - 1 ' Alamance. 4 ' For Associate Justice of the Sfl- preme Court t o fill the vacancy sensed by the leath of thorns Ashe: f JOS. J. DAVIS, f of PrmkliSil a 1 i 1 1., . for Associate Justices of the Sir? promo Court under jmendment to the' Uonsututiont - r ' i JAMES E. SHEPHERD, " ; I of Beaufort !-i AlPHONSO a AVEBT, ,; i. 'f ' of Barks. - i' . ros swJbsiast of stati; WM. L. SAUNDEBS, of Omgw " FOB TBXAB0SXB : DONALD W- BAIN, - s BrnaTiiauqrt.ef f ubuo tsmvo- -non SIDNET MT.rnraEB,, 1 ' ! OI .UtWlMU- V FOB ATTOHlHf eOHRAI. ) THEODORE JT. DAVIDSON, "'t'l4S of Buncotabe Q. W. SANDEBUN, no 4 -Toil COxXGRESS. f toxmu wsTBsmt, j .; . r v. - flof .Nasb At the sWion ttt'RhpnclMunU ' - In Otttw H. DocEsryihe pres. ent ;ftuUimn ' eandidateTfor- Oovi iBrnofpteO-.M follow:.,, J -i represent the pubJio in thaLeg Mature he yotsd for Haroy a . one of thepest vhjfaerntieh- mond; oountyi' i ; -'- r. &.v;f-u ; t , For- Ooroner "oiipd3oT53 - Jacobs, a negro man, egainsf Daniel , Gay, a one-legged Confederate sol i .' dier. t .' For Bemster of Deeds, he voted f ft v one N.. w, Harlee, a negro mati,' ; asrainst Alexander. L.- McDonald, la . 1 white man. eompetent td allithe ofioe and univer sally esteemed in the eoncty for Jilinrteou bearing. MDowa with elass .legislation f So says Senator Tanoe and so say 4 the Democratic party. ; . ) "OUR ?EB t ; , RxouTxa, f 1 Democrats, register. Don't pat the matter off any longer. Delays aredangerons. , ; . OTJB ZEB" TONIGHT. I Do not fail to hesr, the eloquent, the incomparable, ' the inimitable Yanee tonight. He speaks at Stroni sch's warehouse fit eight o'clock. ' VANCE.-THE INCOMPARABLE. The idea that a people can be enriche by a heavy and unnecessary taxation, that a man condition can be improve ' by taxlns him on all he wears, on all hie wUe and children wear, on all hia tools and implements of industry, is an obvi om absuxdity. rfcwrtnan's Ler of AO; eeptaace. ... . 1 VANCE THE INCOMPARABLE TONIGHT, ' ::h j Dow with all legislation interfer j Ing frith the natural operation of tixlf neoessary laws of aupply and demand; the laws of competition." So says Senator Vance and so says the Demo ratio party. So eayall who are in terested in the welfare of the: farmer and the workingman. J SBBSB- T HEAR.VANCE AT STRONACH'S WAREHOUSE AT 8 O'CLOCK TO NIGHT. I Jr you ant to have your UxeS mibjmL our necessary expenses in. creased, vote for- Dockery A Co. for the State officee,' for a Radical legis- lature and a Radical . Supreme Court. i That ia the way io! increase your bur dens. If yon don't want an increase of this uncomfortable kind vote for Fowls and the rest-of the Democratic candidates, f The alternative is before you. You have I o choose for your selves whether it is to be a continu ance of Democratic good government r.r a return to the "hell broth" of Radicalism. Which do you prefer, .itiz6iis of North Carolina T It ia for you to answer and the time is about over ior you w ma up ju uwuu. HEAR VANCEV THK INCOM P ARABLE,' AT f STRONACH'S "WAREHOUSE AT6 OWOOK TO ATOK VACBT SPBSBCH. Senstor Vsxoe'i sxldretai si the Fsir grdaadi yetterd! ?U Isr? fiae wsi trnly VAQciAn! sad fhsa this; no uofe need be said to he ordinary North Carolinian.! It was txaetly to th point so far Is theinterests cf the agrionl tnrists the gfeat body c f the! people, re neernd.' It made clear the reason why the; farmer is so fearfully burdened in all his opera tions, in his risifig opt and sitticg dovin, his going oat ai coming in, v in his home aid in his fields, erery where ahd s all times weighed dow , by the burden of txtyn, tuition visible and inrisible, pafticalarjr the taxa tion not iQipecte, the taxation that falls upon him by reaoriof the "high prOtectiTe tariff Of the tepablioans, the- war taxation hat in jliaae to oon tinfte in these piping timxM Of ' pesce, in a way nnprecedentcdamofig free peoples. i ' ' ' It showed that! the firmer is the rictim of combinitiona of every class ottier than that he himself represents sgainsl him; ;ihat science an4 the arts hav done little or noth ing" for the tiller of the oil while it has; done everything for$be manufac turer; that, above all, however, the agriculturist is oppressed by the un equal laws that compel feim to sell his surplus productsr-tbe Ihings which aloha represent the wealth of an indi vidnal or a nation -in he cheapest market, where he enters jnto competi tioh with the very cheapest labor Of i the world, while . he has to buy what he needs for his home and frta. farm in the dearestf market, the market provided! by tEe trnsts and other capitalist . combines of the ITofth and protected" to the disad 'vantage of the vast tnafprity of . the people of the coontry by the Repab Kcsk system of high tariff taxation. 5t i a regular case) . of ActsBon bfflg tort againby hif own dogs," smiths braiiantSenat, and so it is. The';'1 ; question lis, how long are the" farmers ol the;': land, the free !citl2eni of Ihit free coan- f t"7 going to stard the oppres sion T r tlow long are they going to pertoH themselve to e plundered by combinations of their fellow citi zens, every one :of whjteh they have the power to crash; by he torn of a ftngerT , ..J ; , ;U They have, suffered s$ far by reason to a great extent of their own leth argy. Is it not lime thjtt they should roase themselves! and jaake a stand for the sake of fthemsiklves and of those dearer thai theingelrea depend ent on them T I Is it not thnei they fose in their might and throttled these trusts and .other combines againstj the interests oi tne masses i a How are they .to go Ibont it T By roting against jxrpetyation of the Repnblioan system of aVtortion. By voting with the Pemocjratio party for lower taxes, for instep taxation, for taxation of the luxuries rather than the! necessities bt life ' So and so only. ; , I j To fill the vaults of the treasarr with an bile surplus far which the govern ment bas no legitimate use, and to there by deprive tne peepleof eurrency needed for their bnsineai and daily wants, aad to create a nowerful anddanswitma atin- ulus to eatravagaaoe and corruption In tne ;expenauies, oi tne ; ceverament, smbis to me to be a aogcy at variance with every sound prinoiple of govern ment sad of political economy. Thvr man's Letter cf Acceptance. j r xf ru i , '& ' XT is well andersto, citizens of North Carolina," ihatBo! ia being scattered broadcast trrjr.the .Btste by the Bepublicsn mansgrs,' the' north ern trusts and bondholders, to serve jss a corruption liwd with the end in ,vww pi turning ns over again to tne horror of Radical rt0e.' ' Does not jonr blood boil It thef bare sugges tiont ' ' Are ie trf " be; bonght northern?; bondholders i who exacting Shuge ibonuses of S nj Jdaily I nndelr the AooetsV tion of the Republican laws in fore. and who are ; beaded? by that verr Sioekiof:;dholerf,,''' ortont Are any large proportion of onr people toi ,be induoed to vote against their Own interests by Radical goldt Wa ;trost not, bat at trie same time We cannor shut oar eves to the fact that this corruption fond wiunavea serious effect, unscrupu lously used as it will be. It must bn met by the earnest efforts ( Of all .Al .J-S.-i-i'.-- s " i gooa citizens to maintain tne existing statu of econo4ical and efficient and creditable' gotrnmit. The meth ods we have referred to are the meth ods of Morton, who eeks to fasten on Jus his cheaply gotten claim of $30,000,000 and more based on so called bonds, f 'conceived in fraadr indeed "and brought forth in iniqu ity." They ar methods to be op pose! most strnuoqily by every hon est citizen. The are wost outrageous But" they must be trkt, and the only way to meet them is.for every Demoi era! to resolve iimstf forthwith into a committee cf lone o work for the success of the iDem&oratio ticket and to work unfalteringly until the sua foes down on the sixh of Novemben here must be no lethargy in the Democratic rank aaywht re between Murphey and jlau o, bttween Viri ginia and South Carolina, from now (until the election is decided. Every Democrat must astir or aU mabe lost. Democratic , success ii no a matter of, ooujrse. 1$ must . be wrought out if attained, pari ticnlarly in iew of tbia latest development, j WJ caU npon alj Democrats, for the sake of every reaL interest lof cthe ; State, at large, to get td work ahd remain at work until sunset on the 6th proximo, to the end; that the; vile effect of tbia corruption fund tkf Northern monopi olists have sent int the State may be neutralised, and ; that Radical tam with all that if imrflies and we know what that Is maybe pat an end to in North Carolina forever. . BSBBBBBW-i( imm vk. 1 Much is said ab$ut competition of American laborers with the pauper labor of Europe, but doesw) every man who looks around him see and know that an immense majority of the lsborerf in; Ameiica are not engaged in what 'are called the protectedndustriea ? And as. to tnose wno are erapioyea m sacn in-' dustries. is it not andeniable that th duties nronoaed bv-&a DAr.ioara.fciA mua.i Ve called the lQilsUl far exceed thei fLfference between American aad Eur-, peaa (wages, ana tast, tnereforsv tf it wert admitted that ur worfcingmB can be protected bytart3s against cheaper labor, thj woufid b fully protected, and more thanproescied, by that billf-r ' nsrvr ak.k o thss stho. bcst; xne rnuaaeiprua jbteooro . sars : K9iainhiui Qoay has organized sV still hunt In Nrth Carolina. Some of his confidential ( hangers-on - hav lately been looking over the field ahd think it possible that the methods of per suasion adopted in Indiana' in the Garfield campaign might detach the Old North State from the Democra'io moorings. The Democrats cf Nor;h Carolina should be put on their guard. Mr. Quay has heaps of monfy ahd is capable of whatever mischief may be accomplished with money." j We have had reason to believe that a good deal of hard, quiet work was going on among the Republicans, and the Democrats may expect a full Republican tote in this State. The Only way t6 offset it is by having a full Democrat! vote. Lei every Democrat see that every man who Will vote oar ticket is registered at once,' and that on election day he rotes. Let no one ignore this warn ing, j ;M This fair as been snperb. It hap been a success in every way, und the fact is very gratifying. The State Agricultural Society should have the cordial support and encouragement of the whole State and thei annual gathering of the people here I that it provides should be attended s far as possible by North Carolinians from every section. It has a distinct value over and beyond tha value of the exposition of the State's resources that is mad4. It tends to make us all better acquainted with each other; it tends to bong to gether the different sections; it tend to make us all better acquainted with our State. It should be a matter of Stale pride to make it as large as possible every year. The cotsnty and district fairs are valuable n their way, but the State fair is of Surpass ing value for its social advantages, as well as for the material advantages it offers. We trust every succeeding fair will be but an enlargement and improvement of the one which closes this evening.: : Wz are now nearing the end of the great struggle. For months a campaign in favor of the- people against unnecessary taxation has been waged with great earnestness; ; but with what result ? There .should be no doubt as to the res alt, i but the power of the moneyed combinations is great, and their bold upon -cer sin classes of oar population is Inch as to blind them to the true interests of the country. . We believe that New York, and Indiana, Connecticut and New Jersey will vote for Cleveland and Thurrhac, and we think it probable that Michi gan and Wisconsin will do the same. The South should be solid; but the Republicans are making a desperate effort to carry North Carolina. Our information in regard to this State is good, bat we need every votoj Erery Democrat in North Carolina should now work as if the election of Cleveland depended on him alone; a if : the election of a Democratic House of Representatives in Congress depend ed on him alone; as if the election of the entire State ticket depended on him alone as if he alone were respon sible for the election of a Democratic legislator. -This is no time for hur rahing; but i it is a time for hsrd work, for individual effort. We must win bat whether we shall win depends on the Democrats of Not th Carolina. Let our, friends be np and at work. Jr the people of this district re ceived any benefit from having John Nichols in Congress, what -was UT Try the able -and competent I&unn for your Representative this yeaf. 1 rTA A JHIM ! Ksgtlsh. - ' A well known citizen of Deiroil has kindly permitted the Free Press to make conies 'of two interesting Ja- ?isese documents in his possession, he letters,1 which explain them selves, will illustrate th effect of ap plying the Japanese idiom to English as well as the extreme t3 which formal courtesy goes in Japanese cor respondence! Following is a translation Of an in vitation toi a wedding reception, which was sent by an American to Japanese friends, 250 of whom were present: i Respectful announcement.' Inas much as your honorable health keeps pace with the advancement of the summer, we ihumbly lift up to you our congratulations. Moreover Oince we also "extinguishing the sunUgbt" in God'S mercy, we beg that your heart be in peace.! ' ? , However, In order to mak some what evident oar joyful heart over tbe performance of the wedding of our man child, Doremus Scudder, and the woman E- O. Kendall, which will take place on the 21st day; of this month, aad because we are desirous of opening a place of congratulation, although there is cothiag of ,a feast, we humbly beseech you to bend around your honorable carriages to our abode cn the evening of ihat day at 7:30 o'clock Our heads ve main tain in a bowed position befe you. UlNRT SCVDOXK, Fakst c4Dnra. The response is an illustration of the Ecglirn composition of a Japanese convert: j s No. 120 Hioabi Obatadobi Nhgata, KlCHXIISHlBO, NAXABiTiBXI, KiBSirosLAj Nixahcba, July, J 1888. Our Dear Sir, Mr. Dr. D. Shudder : Now it is a very hot season, but are Jou in vigorous T If you are in good ealthv, it is very happiness. We are' always . in vigorous, . therefore don't mind us. At few day s ago Mr. Hirose and Mr. Uirotau sm to Niigata from Eyeto,and feW Christ, isna brethren who are living in this oily are making a prayer assembly of a week in cboroh, and all are forking and wishing the grace of T&d. , At present in this city there are living few Christians, bnt we do not disap point. j We wish that you will tell th's to oar dear your parents, sister, and many a brethren who are livirg in Nikko. . ! - J . Permit tnds senietce. Detroit Free Press. "Passing bar -TBU8TS BBT- - aKgxlt LAI ars-AABs." . 3T. T. Herald. BOO 3S ISO. ' : Dacnc7' t SwcpaaaTtlU. Cor. et the Mews ass Observer. SwxFsosviiJ N. Oct. 17 ; Cspt. B. H. Banc, the higb-tcrd orator and Democratic candidate for Congress of the Fourth District, made a ringing and a telling speech nere last night to a large audience of Democrats and a few doubtful Re publicans who were, the writer yen tUres to sa, cbsnged before they 1 ft the hall. There were quite a number of beautif al 1 adit a prtseLt also, &Ld this added u.uc to th pleasure of the occasion and made a good ia preseion for the Democratio paity. Djencocracy is booming up this way. Yours very truly, E wipsoWvills DM0CKA-8. m Who d-ies aMt "ins not. Log Cabin remedies are solid as our ancostorr; they 4tfe perfectly reliable and bciug !urely vegetable, are perfectly harm ess. Use Warner's Log Cabin Pisf ter. Price 25 cents. Vtt Krybodr RcgUtcr. The registration books in Ealeig h township tre trow opea hhU vot rs should cot delay the matter. of eeeit g that they rr? properly registered. This is 'not a ntr regie Uation, but every voter moviLg iuio tho city, cr from one ward to another, etc , must register and vote in the township or ward in which he is now living. Tbe voter must have a certificate from tho registrar where he formerly lived. All Democrats should look to the matter and be careful that their rotes are not lost by negligence. Promptneps will also eave much labor to tbe com mittees. The following are the registrars and places where the registration books are kept in Raleigh township : Outside East G. W., Kennedy, rs. Fisher '8 farm. Outside West W. J. Brown, Ellis & Brown's ftore. Fisrt wsrd, W.O; McMackin.McMack in's stable; second ward, B. F. Wom ble, Burt's store; third ward, A. N. Sexton, Terrell A Jordan ' stoie; fourtu ward, H- A. Mayard, West end Cabarrus street; fifth ward, Robert Simpson's drug 'store. rapt,B t ppelntmaats. . Hon. B. H. Bans, Democratio can didate for Congress, will address the people cf the fourth district on the issues of tbe day at tbe followirg times and places : 1 . oBAKez ooorrT. Cedar Grcve,! Monday, Oct. 22. Toler's, Monday night, Oct. 22. L Caldwell Institute, Tuesday.Oct. 23. University Station, Wednesday, Oct. 24 Gates', Thursday, Oct. 25. Oaks, Thursday night, Oct. 25. White Cross, Friday, Oct. 26. Chapel Hill, Saturday, Oct. 27. "OUR ZEB'1 AT STRONACH'S WAREHOUSE TONIGHT. Hon. J. O. Pritchard, Republican candidate fcr Lieutenant-Governor, and Hon. II. A. Gudger, icpresenting Hon. T. M. Holt, Democratic candi date for Lieutenant Governor, will address the people on the issues cf tbe campaign at the fo lowing places and times : ' Magnolia, Friday, October 19. Mt, Olive. Saturday, October 20 Snow Hill, Monday, October 22. Einston, Tuesday, October 23 Bajboro, Wednesday, October 21. Aurora, Thursday, October 25. Washington. Friday, October 26. Jamesville, Saturday, October 27. Morgantoc, Burke county, Thurs day, Nov. 1. Boone, Watauga county, Ftiday, Nov. 2: Elk Park, Mitchell county, Satur day, Nov. 3. Cane River, Yancy county, Monday, Nov. 5. The local committee will please advertise these appointments by hand-bills. Spikb Whitakkb, Chairman Dem. St. Ex. Com. Pablle Speaking. Hon. W. H. Kitc'ain will address the people on tbe issues of the cam paign at the following times and places: Friday, Oct. 19, Murphy. : Saturday, Oct. 20, Charleston. Monday; Oct. 22, Brevard. Tuesday, Oct. 23, Hendersonville. Wednesday, Oct. 24, Columbus. ' Thursday, Oct- 25, Ruthetfordton. Friday, Oct. 26, Carpenter's Store. : Saturday, Oct.. 27, Lincoln tofi. ; Monday, Oct. 29, Dallas. ' The local committees are urgently requested to advertise Ibese appoint-' menta by band-bilia and otherwise Spikb Wbitaxkb, Oh'n State Dem. Ex. Com. : Laeob stock shoes at and below cost, new goods and latest styles, at Whiting Broe.' Stamps A Dzvzbzcx, N. Assignees and Receivers. Ladle In delicate health needing a gen tle yet effective j laxative will rind the California liquid: fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, pleasing to the taste, accep table to the stomach, and perfectly safe in all cases. It is tbe most, easi ly taken and pleasantly effective) rem edy knows to cure and prevent oo tivenen?, to dispel headacties, colds and fcyer, and strengthen the kid neye.livtr and bowels,. and is there fore a favorite remedy with ladies. For sale in 50-cent bottles by all leading druggists. John S. Fescud, sole agent, Raleigh, N. C. "Abrupt and radical changes, which might endanger such enterprises and injuriously affect tha interests of labor dependent upon their saocess and con tinuance, are not contemplated . or in tended." Grover CUveland. OUT OF SORTS! Yes, Sick all Over ! Urer torpid. ' bowwts eostire, blood iliifgli-h, tuniach wek aod lull, tout ingestion is impair, edand tb orsana taaetlve, your perceptions are dull and stupefied, your tempt Irritable aud pee vish, yon are un At for business or eompaaloa sUlp. Wbat jou seed is to livMvlwKV ' bare used aaiy remedies for Dyspepsia, Liver affection and debility, but never have found anytbiug to benefit to tbe extent tbar Bim niona Liver ttnfulatot baa. I soot bom Minne sota to Georgia for the remedy and would bave trat f urthei lor such a medicine, I wiraid advise all who are similarly affected to five it a tral as It seems tbe only wing that never fall to re lieve," P. 11. Janney, Minneapolis, Minn. ttxamlne to see that you get the genuine, dis tinguished from all frauds and bautattons iy our Ke B TxaaawSlark oa front of Wrapper, ad aartdetaaealaiia slfaatareoi J. fl-ZeUla is the Standard Washing Compound As pure and harmless as the finest imported castile soap. Washes the coarsest and finest things equally well. As it does away with most of the rubbing, it reduces the wear and tear on both yourself and your clothes. Oyer one million families use it. Do you ? Peddlers and some unscrupulous crocers Beware 1867. FallTrado 1888 J. J. THOMAS 4 CO. ifcaleigli, IV. C- Cotton Sellers AND Commission Merchants Offer to the trade, Ginners AND Farmers 1,000 bundles new Arrow ties, 800 bun dles spliced Arrow ties, 10,000 yards Burlaps and other cloth suitable for covering cotton, bulk meat, flour, coffee, sugar molasses, meal, corn, oats, hay and ship stuff, all of which we will sell VERY BEST TERMS. We solicit cit ycur consignments or cot ton, and pledge you our twenty years experience to serve you faithfully and right. Will make cash advances upon billa of lading or cotton in hand when ever desired. J. J. TC01AS tt CO. S18, 815 and 817, 8. Wilmington Raleigh, N. C. Street, J.R.FERRALL&C0 223 FavfettevilU tit A HE UECEIVI Gr Fresh Cocoanuts, Oranges and Bananas. Fresh Ground Seconds. 1RES1I SODA -AMD OYSTEK CRACKBBS. CORNED BEEF AND POrm ?INE LOT N. ( HAMS. QHOICE VIRGINIA HAMS. Price Dock Bottom. Quality Guaranteed Telephone No. 88. A Standing Exposition. Free to everybody, New attractions and addition every day. l ome and see The largest, handsomest and best arranged Grocery store In the State of North Carolina. Largest aad most complete stock of groceries in the city. W.C.UB. Wholesale and Ef tail Grocers, COFFEE KOA8TEHS CANDY MAKUFArTCHERS. See local column for special ad. N. r. State Jgriruilural hilr. wm&mERaCo: U8 ani 123, Ftyetville Atrcot. VU and 128 WilnogtJii Utreet. Ncr.h OArolina'i Great Metropolitan Dry Goods Establishment. mm We offer to the vis itor to the State Fair a grand collection of everything necessary for personal adorn ment, includiDg all the latest novelties from the leading fash ion centres of the world; also every thing that pertains to house-furnishing and decoration, at prices that will be appreciated by economical buyers everywhere in our State We cordially welcome all visitors to our establishment, and will show them every attention. ff.L&RaalTDCaaffi&J are offering imitations which they claim to be Pearline, or " the same as Pearline." It's false they are not, and besides are dangerous. PEARLINE is never peddled, but sold by all good grocers. Maanfactared only by JAMES PYLE, New York N. C. Insane Asylum. VISITORS at the Insane Asylum will ber rafter be admitted oaly on WEDNESDAYS, Between 9 s. m. and 0 p.m. This rule has been found necessary on account of the injurious effects of excessive visiting upon the inmates. By order of the Board. ' EUGENE GRISSOM, Su peri o tewdent. $35,000. Men's, boys' and child rons' clothing bats, shoes, underwear, trunks, bags, canes, umbrellas, &c, to be closed out to eat- -isfy creditors. The entire stock of Whiting Bros, must be sold and now is the time for bargains Tbe stock ia largely composed of New (Goods of the latest styles, and an inspection before buying elsewhere will save you money. , Stamps & Devereux Assignees and Becervers. CAUTION 1 Pewaie of Fraud, at mj name and tbe price re Mamoed on Uie (bottom of .all bt adrertjMd sboes before leavtn the factory IH UVllMC VITO locturj, wi,n.H i tha veareri anliwt hlah prlen and Inferior If a deafer offer W. I noaclaa sboca at a trill duerd price, or uti he has llx m wllhoat any aod piica ataaupad oa tha bottom, pal hhB do afraad. VV. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. The oatr calf SS SKAMLKS9 Shoe nnooth 1 no hie. HO TACKS or WAX THREAD ta hart the fret. u; at hand-tewed and WIU. NOT KIP W. L. lioPOt.AS S4 SHOE, the orlalnal aad nnlr hand-tewed welt at .hoe. Kqnalt eat-tom-made tliort cottlnr from V- to SO. XV. I- nOUOI.AS 83.60 IOI.ICF SHOE. RUIroad Men and I-etlfr ( arrk-r. til wear tlietu. elmonSh Inakte at a Haml-Sewcd Khoe. KoTaoks or Wax Thread to hurt the fret. W. L. DOUGLAS Sr) snOR U unexrelled lor ifAYT we:ir. Bett rdlf Wme for Ilie lirtre. XV. t. IKCOLA.H 'iH -WORKING-MAN'S 8HOK l Hi lu " world for rourh wear: one pair onirlit t weor a man a Tear. XV. I.. DOl'Cil.AS m ellOK KOK BOXS It till hcM School Shoe In the worlrl. XV. I.. TMIUGLAH W.1S YOUTH'S School Rho ftif tlc rninll lim't a cliaiice lo wear tut beat ahoe In Iho world. ... AU made In fnnirrrss. I'-iilli-n ami !.aee. If not told hr rniir dealer, v.-riic IV. L. DOUGLAS, For sale bj HELLER BEO'S., 131, Fayetteville St The Toy the Child Likes Best "ANCHOR" Ska- Becks. Keal Stone.' Wtrae Oulstsv A Cutis raaaaarr fbrehOd raa of all axaa. tor SI. 71. or S3.W a good araraek box. ntaarlptlTe Oatalona sent poatrfrae aa appUcauoa to F. Ad. Richter & Co., SIOSKOADWAV, WKW YOKK. rat WITTIEST, PRCTTIE'ST JMVEIILE8 QUEER PEOP!,Er3iVrc i IWi mm imM ifniitt 1 Full of the addrat pran. ehanailaa sMneaud Uah-roTkiaa lllwtratkintT tPiiaweof Ju.eniie trnu. Kelltna laantenaely. Crtttoa . ti, rikildren tm W.-R. H. OODWeU, I. O, ' ii. i lintrm R. Flak. 'Dot iZimt JCmm sad V-U wm." Hon Howard Croahr. 3 Cbeataat eitreet. Philadelphia, T! WAWXBU. tit niMtn nstvn. 7J t, rniiaaeipauL, rat Choice Cut-flowers, bouquets, baskets, hvacinths, tulips and other bulbs to plant now. Choice everblooming roeee, chry santhemums, evergreens, dried graeees for vases, and everything kept by a florkt. H. BTE1NMETZ. QFFI' K FJR. RENT. " The iasurance office under thenar- borough House will tefor rent Oct. 1st. App'y at YARBORO' HOU8E. Does not everv! well informed man know that the inortaae in price of home 1 manuiactuns pro J teed by a bign aarta does not go nto the pockets of laboring men. but wc ly tends to swell the: Trottts of Oahers?-rwif's Wtfj&&& totes. . '. "7 : J s .' i .... ? i i nil nil i rf 1 am ii i aiian'r mm 3iirr uitgR W1MS VfSijr 'z. .UZ Mum cal imM La"?!) st. 'r' itio rjtOli, WAN! ASSY SUNDAY SCHOOL BOORS SCHOOL BOOKS OR Plain or Fancy Stationery! YOt'R ORDER TO . ' ALFHED WILLIAMS CO, Boot ra, arid StJitjonem, Bareigb. N. C. OUR POPUt.AU IXW North Carolina Speaks Bnsbees New Justice aod I'oim Dook i i School and Business Unp of N C , 4i6 SSsTSend for Complete CaaV.PiA F ROSS " it ALL RIGHT" CELEBRATED vrvr EiSlLAGL COTTON ANI STRAW t COOKSTOVES CUTTERS Mt Haramcrlrst Gnnv m m jid JULIUS LEWIS AND LEATHER I Established Raleigh, ;belting.i i . HtAliQTJARTERS FOE ; -QUICK SHOT POWDlUi JUST ARRIVED TRUST BAGGING." NO 85,000 Tarda Dundee Bagging. 1,000 Bundles Arrow Ties. 1 60 Barrels fresh mulletr, extra size. 1 Oar-Load White seed oats. 1 Oar-Load mixed Com. 1 er-Load of Danlap A KoOance's Meel. ' 600 BarreU of Flour of Differe -it Brands. 60 Bags of No. 1 Coffee. 60 Barrels of Sugar, different Grades. i ; . For sale at lowest prices al M. T. NORRIS & BROS ft i ft t if S J r Is .gr t i f I v I i m I it to f S It c 13? 5 1 1 3 g 1 " "t 59 1 . I s s Ip I ol 1 W A 1 W s Nice Cigar! WATER! WATER! No beer,'&o., but all the popular Ice-Cold, Non-Alcoholic y Beverages. ON DRAUGHT, Skilfully prepared and dispensed from the Largest AooaratUs In tbe SUte. Also fine selection of in ported and domestic Gome and Soo TJs. LEE,J0HNS0N&C0. OPPOSITE POSTOmCE, KAXKXGJB. H.a 1 LADIES PEERLESS r Taair Sirs Byelng, at Heaae, TVtr wfM dTt liai rktng. ThT r told rra arbara. Mat IO. a paaaaee. lUty btrtaoaqual Ste Swaafth, Biujntnaat, Amoant ia Paakaaaa ,i; TW Aa ma, aroak ar amot: aOasteraTVoiaala ay JUU. am - (Willi ' ' aa. raaewd, Droegte aad Apetteeary, t rtrettenile street, Br-i t. B ,PfM,' ore aaa cwibdvit r,"f J sx. c JedasaiatA sUisJgaAtr 1. AomttiiaSl , r - - i PUUIJCATldNrii Prr.. 0 ts, eloth i ..$2,001 feet. ..ti.60 1 DOOR, UM AND w Am ib I Ra'eiKh. N. pen. b. mmn & co HEADQUARTERS' Office No. 18. telephone No. 79, Eet kfanin 8ireet, Adams Building.' Yard, "ft Hargett Street, near Ice Factory, Tele phone No. ICS., G P A L. Anthracite. White and red aahe, broken, eg& and nut, for grste aid stoves. COAL. j; Bi tuminou s. Teirj., Weet Vir ginia Splint and Focahontt-s. The' Wert Virginia Splint- the best an) cherpett ooalin tha market, a trial of the rame ia only neceasary to pro re the fact. For smithing purp. ms, the best we can buy. "The (ountin Brook Smithing tjoai." W O O D . lor g or cut and split to order. O I Hi . Illuminating oil, from a quart to a bar rel, from lls fire tert to the highest grade: delivered from our wagon at your door. Leave j our orders tor w inter f uel. Better now than later. Honey saved is ' money made "A word to the wise," rbil. H Andrews 1 Ce, THE HATIVIOND Type Writer Ihe most PERFECT machine ever of fered on the market. , THEBEST For Spe4l, Strsirtki, Chsuigetible a ype sreneci Align maiitt atestiit ij and Durability. TI,. A.. TvK um.....4 - flAT.Tl Win AT. a In. X n.I.n. Cmtdtlnn it is PERFECT. It Omnot Get Out of Alignment I It is Not UabU to Get Out of Order I It Cannot Collide urith Utelf I It has open-end carriage, which admits of paper of any width or length, and has changeable type. Evert machine WARRANTED PER FECT. Price complete, with two sett of type, $100." Bend for catalogue. T. A. MONTOOHEBY.Rtate Agent, Raleigh, Vt O TO ADVERTISERS A Hat Of IADS rapapera Olwe w" AND EOTIOl OMS will eent oa appueauoa raaa. To tfcoae mho want thrtr adTertlslne to pay, wO ia after no better medium lor U-oreUKA "'0" re anrk tbaa the aariiatieof wuMMCt boCAAMar. Cao. r. ttvwai f w, WSPper. AdTertltuifbaresu. "5 l ame StiWsw lark BLINDS I g a C IN LI 1 lf65' 1 '"HILLF.D I N' - 1 PLOW. I sgsMsassBasgsa u 1 ,t isBsaaCTaansmV st - t' b m . 1 i i --.; s 4 Si '4-i tr,' . t.. t -r- .