V I I li i l Hi i i . re! EEvm M -if- !'f SERVER AND ! OB -! i 1 an YOLJ XX vt. RALEIGH. ICC., WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 24, 1888. NO. 103 ,1 Absolutely Pure. i..v This pftwder hevej Tartee. A marvel f parity, strength nd wholeectnenes. Mora economical.'thnB ordinary kind ano cannot be sold In competition with the multitude at low eet, short weight, ilam o phdp6t piwdr, told only in mum. BoTAi BAJaira Powwb Oo., IOo Bold bf W. O. 4- B. Btronaoh, Mid JBftrrallft On- WOfliLCOf & SON, 14 East Maf tin Street, S20,000 STOCK is aellintf taDidlr. becanss we sell' per cent less thanfwholesale prices. v I'", uur sfccK oi '" M . I". J . men's Underwear la the moat oonipietea the r are cheaper than c' . elsewh' . .; ices 1,00 pairs w Gents Merino HalWIose X ,a2$c., worth 00c. i. 3,000 I Gonte' v " V' la idried and nnlakndried shirts at lees 1 than the original cost. I f Oantl'W.00 . HATS ' j forB2.50 We warranl every pair of Faust '& Son's Children's shoe we aeU. They are hand- law. nut iu ui mkx wuusm .uu uummcv - ' J ' r OUR Dreiss- Goods depurttaeQ is complete. iSDWARDIFASNAOH. SOLITAlli and Sold Jewelry, Ool and SUverWaJohi" . GorhamVBterling BUTerwra1Kogr. plated ail ver ware, 0j a4" It in atoek. Badges asdJtjala made '" to "forder. -4 Jut Optical Department Embraces an earless variety of lenses waich together with our practicAl expe- lence enaoies us m 001 roi aimcat an arrer of refraction in M ropia (nearaig-htl Bypermetropia (far sight). Presbyopia (old sight). Asthenimia (weak sight) anu alvloar oromot retief from that distreaa- Ij headache whih often accompanies uipenect nsieu. f l OUR ARTIFICIAL Jtiiimai Eyes atrre and book like the natural organ SO pain wnen maerea. Patients at a distance having a broken ys can have another mad wiUioat call. mt paraonaUy C. J.iTs&tMUt- Frkd W. Lynk v k ,m. Sttsographtrx Bid Type-Wrilcrs, Have opened an office In the Hollemah building, where thfey are prepared to execute all rders inj law reporting and typewriting Clas4 in short-hand and typewriting formini. . JOB SALE. I Two hundred Dining Room chairs (second haftd). The whole lot will be told cheap. AIo complete outfit of silverware f for twenty Ubles, second hand, but ip good condition. T J TApBOBO HOUSE. i f OF " f ' MEN'S :AjlD BOYS CLOT-H I N G 7 STIFE JEWELER I OPTICIAN ,t "I - ; SALE6K, . C The Old North State Forever. SHE TAKES TWO FIRST PRE MIUMS ON TOBACCO AT RICHMOND. . OCK GOLDEN BgLT AGAIJittT THX WORLD I HCBBAH FOB, GBANVILL1 ASD VANpE, OTJBBIN AND OOOPKB ! Special to the News and Observer. Richmond, Va. Oct. 23. J. II. Cur rio, of Granville, took the highest premium ou pew wrappers at the Ex position today; J. D. Cooper, of Vance, the fifst premium on new cut Ura. Our Grariville county golden belt against the world ! ' I THE HE1THEK CIIISEE The Subject of Habeai Corpus Froceed- i ij intfs. By Teh-graph to the News and ObserTcr. TIcoma, '1 Oct. 23 Twenty more Cbinainerr came down from Alaska on the steamer Ancon on her last trip. Tfcpy jbad gone there from As.oria to wijik in the canneries there, the Ancon coming down straight to PortTownseibd, not touching at Victo ria, as usual, io avo d any trouble in re . gard to their landing here. Collector of Customs Brooks, however, refused to allow them to land because they had passed through British waters in reaching here. A writ of habeas cor pus was sued out here, and .while it was pending the steamer Mexico arrived from; Sao Francisco with six Chinamen, the steamer having stop peden route at Victoria, B. C. She was also stopped and a lawyer from Towneend fastened to join in 'the habeas corpus proceedings. Argu ment took place yesterday, ' the Uni ted States beting represented by the Assistant District Attorney. Judge Allyn decided that the cue was such as was contemplated by the Chinese restriction ael; that under the laws which! decree passengers ' ou American ships to be under the juris diction of ilia United States, thesa. Chinamen twjund from one American port to another American port, not Laving left the ship at any time, had not been out! of the United States, even though; the ship had touched at a foreign pott- The Chinamen were allowed to land. j mVd rvh. INQIHEXBS, IfOOt OCTS, FLAGMAN ASl OOHDOOTOBB CAtLID TO AOCOUXT FOB THX DISASTER. Bj Telecrapb to the Hews and Observer. - Maihjh Chixk1 Pa., Oct. 23. The District Attorney of Carbon county shortly befofe midnight last night is flued warrants fdr thearreBt of Henry uooite ana I nomas Major, engineers, John . Mulhearn . and Joseph Pohl. look-outs, Jimea Hannigan, flagman, ana Chaa. Terry and Jas. Keithline, oondaetorr, charging them with groas negligence end wilful misconduct and for failing t$ obserre the precautions and rules which it was their duty to obey and observe while they were em ployed in the conveyance of paesen gers for the Lehigh Valley Railroad ompany, causing the great accident at Mud Riin which resulted in the killing and injuring of many persona. 1 raK'RESPOHSIBIUTY. TlS"uH ror.tuaWashJngtan, Pa-. Disas- t trPlaed. By Cable to .the ilewl and Observer. PiTTiBCBd, Pi, October 23 The coroner's jury in the case of the re cent railways disaster at Washington, Pa., rendered a terdict at a late hour last night placing the responsibility for the accident on Conductor Heck of the shifting engine and charging him with involuntary manslaughter in causing the deaths of Engineer JNoonan, ana Fireman McAuliffe, the testimony Showing that be had ordered the switch open and then failed to see that it had been closed. Edward Boon, the new switch hand. who opened the switch, was condemned for gross negligence. The coroner has issped a warrant for Heck's arrest. The passengers injured in the wreck wno are still here are all doing well DR. WOOD IOW ELK I AT OH rBATlBKIZ CHUBOH ELECTED MODES ABD IX FULL I rRATIKSIZATIOS WITH HIS CHUBOH. Bj Telegraph td ttan'Mews and Observer. Atlastil, Qa:, Oct. 23 The An gnsta PresVfytery closed it session in Madison yesterday? A notable feature was tie election of Dr. Woodrow, of South' Oarc4ie as moderator and full fraternisation 00 his part with Wfnaren.i laUtoad BfaUara. ByTegraph ti tbe News and Observer, Naw YoKk, Oct. 23 The first pay ment for the Georgia Company's stock was made today by the omciala of the Richmond Terminal Company. The committee has not yet completed - ar rangementa f or the transfer, but will probably do so tomorrow. The Geor gia Company Waa organized by a syn dicate headed by 11. li. Uoliins, for the turrx)8e of carrrinc four millions of the Georgia Central stock, which the syndicate acquired two years ago. It had issued tw lve millions of stock and j four millions of bonds, and held the syndicate stock in its treasury, as collateral bonds. It wai officially stated todav that the price paid for stock was $35 per share, making" a total of about f 4.200.000 ? The East Tennessee directors meet tomorrow to declare a dividend of per cent. This will give the Rich mond Terminal $300,000 in cash, which will pe applied to the purchase of the ueorgia company stock. There was ;some talk of dissatisfac tion among the holders of the remain ing $35,00p,000 of Georgia Central stock representing the minority in terest. President In man states that he is prepared to buy the remaining stock at $126 per share. Tbc Haitwajr Accld.uC at Polrnia By Cable Ui tUe New and Observer. Roiie, 0U 23 The official report of the, railway disaster near PoUnzs limits the j number of persons killed to 19 and the number of injured to 55 The Senate bill puts rags on the free lijt- Is this because the pro- tec ted, laborer's -family is s) often clothed in them t--Bbs ton Post. Grover Cleveland's Acceptance v3 3 r 3 I f; I J 5 I ! 1 i Our Champipn Infant on Real Protection. "Nor will the people be misled by the appeal to prejudice contained ain the absurd allegation that we serve the interests of j Europe, . while they will support the interests of America." ; 1 i " It is of the highest importance that those who administer our Government should jealously protect and main tain the rights of American citizens at home and abroad, and should strive to achieve for our country her prope place among the nations of kite earth ; I but there is no people whose- home interests are so great, and whose numer ous objects of domestic concern deserve so much watchfulness and care. n 4 .4 i Washington Vataa. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Washiiigtos, D. C, Oct. 23. The Treasury today accepted tenders of $77000 four and a half per cent bonds at 108$ Some fours were of fered at 128, but all were rejected. irasaed Assistant Burgeon (Junnincr- hanrW. Dean d ed on board the coast survey steamer MacArthur at San Francisco yesterday. He was a . na Uve t)f Richmond, Va. Srgeon-General Hamilton Bent the following telegram to Dr. Porter at, JacJsonville this afternoon: "Your authority to keep refugees out of the city jnust come from the City Council. With such authority you need noth ing further from the government. In regard to disinfection of bedding, the government only proposes to pay for the destruction of mattresses, pillows andl comforts necessarily destroyed in tfe houses of the poor. Persons able must sustain their own loss. The City. Council should pass an ordinance exacting a penalty for concealment of infested articles in houses. The use of tk public laundry and disinfeo- tion?building when constructed will be tree. ; Carpets need not be de stroyed but should be subjected to steajn process." :? T JS? Yellow Fcvtr. FkaNASpniA, Fla., Oct. 23. New cases, 14; whites, 4;; David Easily, Arthur Krebster, Mrs. Saidie Creuse and an infant named Swaringer. No deaths. Weather very warm. Re ports from Chester say there were lipases in 21 boars. We hare sent relief to them, providing medical at tendance ' and mediciues. Dr. Rose, Untied States Surgeon, has gone to investigate. Vessels can enter this port and come to the city by Tearing ihetr crews at the island, where the government has provided shelter for the. Our cry is still for more funds and jpro visions. ' ' iJSigned) R. S. Schuyleb, y: Seo'y Howard Association. 9.JC ' - Ta1aSBlSSSBW MsSa ''. Strlklnc Mineral ' By Cable to tie Mews a Observer . LpNDos, Oct- 23. Several thousand Yorkshire miners have gone on strike. It te expected that many others will joiij the strike tomorrow and Thurs days Coal has advanced from 30 to 40 .er cent in price during October. i i!f Irtah Klater.. Hv Cable to the Mews and Observer. Ddblih, Oct. 23. A riot broke ont at JMoy today between Orangemen anafNatioriaJiata. Thfi rtolio were re- I infdroed and charged the mob with I bayonets. Several policemen were in- I juifed with stonei Ihrown by rioters. a v. V- v ,:i 1 ar - r I - . m 'X. . 1 v KITC11I V S.lJj. MAKING THINGS WABM IM TUE Wjp3T riSTEBUAV AT HESDEBSON VILLS. -Special to the Mews and Obstrrer. tlzSDEBSONTiLLB, N. C, Oct. 23. There was great enthusiasm here taday. Five hundred people were present. Kitchin spoke two hours in the court house followed by Deve reuk and Dockery. The Republicans are using every effort. They had a brass band and a large delegation frotn Asheville. The campaign waxes hotter. The 'Republicans are mad and defiant. They refuse Democrats courtesies. Dockery and Devereux repeat the same slanderous speeches. rTb result of the conflict here wa great good for the Democrats. Dev ereux and Dockery made the weakest speeches during the campaign. An effort was made to give Dockery a big demonstration which resulted in an utter . failure. Kitchin was .wildly cheered during his masterly speech. Ewart, Republican candidate for Congress, is losing ground daily. There is strong hope for Henderson county goingJDemocratic in Novem ber. Ihe most encouraging reports are coming in from every section of Wtseieiu Carolina. Kitchin has' caused a striking blow to Republi canism in the wea .. ihe west is no longer doubtful but almost eoh i for the Democracy. Acknowledged HI. Guilt. liy 'Telegraph to the News and Observer. mw aobk, uot. 16 - james iu i t-, dell, real estate clerk ot Mix dim of Shopman, Barlow, Laracque & Ve ra! and, who robbed dib eon plo verb olitmts of about $264,000 upon fraud ulent deeds, was arrai ned in the Couit of General Sessions today be fore Judge Ci wiug. There are four teen" indictments against him and he, pleaded gu.lty of forgery in tie first degree. He was remanded fur sen tence, lie will be used as a witness in the trial of Emerson & (i jbipoljcy dealers, vith whom ho alleged be spent over $ 120,00 J of ibe ptofeeds of his thefts. i'. U- 1 ka Hrlce Paid. y By tel,er-'ij''.i to the News and Dbservar. New Yobs October 23. H P Hal- lins, the banker, states that-ihe price paid for the Georgia Centra Rail'oad by the Richmond Terminal is $8000,000. -Coin ier-Journal : "No lacught- ful citiztin craven n nstoraiw i of Re publican extravagance and bad-gov erftaent." Firm and Sound as Ever. Contributions for Fever Sufferer.. By TelegrapH to the News aud Observer. Pensacola, Fla , October 23. The following ! appeal was iesubd today to all lbdges of I. a, O. F., Whereas dread pestilence of yellow fever has made sad havoc among our brothers at Jacksonville, and Fer nandina, and h'a not been confined to the members of the local lodges at those points, but many brothers from other jurisdictions have been stricken down by fatal disease, and Whereas, the funds subscribed so liberally by lodges in this jurisdic tion, and other voluntary contribu tions have been exhausted and much suffering and distress is now immi nent, and with the permission of Grand Sire John C. ' Underwood, dated Columbus, O , Oct. 20, 1888, I would make an earnest appeal by this means to the brotherhood at large to make small contributions for their relief, which may be sent to me at Pensacola, Fla , and which will be promptly acknowledged, and for warded by me to the Odd Fellows' relief committee at Jacksonville and Fernandina. (Signed) C. C. Yojsqe, Jr., Grand Master I. O. O. F., of State of Florida. 1 ho Fibre Works Fire. Wilmington Messenger. There are three large buildings of ;he Acme Company at Cronly, all ranged within 100 feet of each other long the track of the Carolina Cen tral Railroad. The fibre mill (wniob was burned), the fertilizer factory and spinning and weaving mill. The last two were eared intact, though se riously threatened by the raging flames, which wholly consumed the fibre null. The fibre burned rapidly and lasted but little over half an hour. For a time it was feared that the depot and all three miles would go. But by desperate exertion on the part of the mill hands, and rail road men the fire was confined to the building in which it originated. The cause of the fire was due to excessive heat in the drying room of the fibre mill, and spread with such rapidity as to pass beyond all control with the facilities for extinguishing fire at hand, the loss is covered by insur ance, but the exact amount of it could not be . definitely ascertained last night. The Messenger is authorized and highly gratified to state that the fibre mill will be rebuilt at once, in ample time to supply a great, part of the active demand that has been created f for the pine fibre bagging. The Chinese Exclusion XtU By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Washinqtoh. Oct. 23. Actinir Sec retary Thompson telegraphed to the Collector of Customs at San Fran cisco today as follows: "Chinese laborers returning to China from Panama may be transferred in the harbor from incoming to outgoing vessels, without being Snded on United States territory. 'They must be safely guarded while in United States waters, so as to prevent in fraction of the Chinese Exclusion act." These instructions were also made to apply to Chinamen bound from China to Panama. Let Everybody Heflater. The registration books in Raleigh township are now open and voters should not delay the matter of seeing that they are properly registered. This is not a new registration, but every voter moving into the city, or from one ward to another, eta, must register and vote in the townsb ip or ward in which he is now living. The voter must have a certificate from the registrar where he formerly lived. All Democrats should look to the matt er and be careful that their votes are no t lost by negligence. Promptness will also save much labor to the com mittees'. The following are the registrars and places where the registration books are kept in Raleigh township: . Outside East G. W. Kennedy, Mrs. Fisher's farm. Outside West W. J. Brown, Ellis & Brown's store. Fisrt ward, W.C. MoMackin,McMack in's stable ; second ward, B. F. Worn ble, Burt's store; third ward, A- N. Sexton, Terrell & Jordan's store; fourth ward, H. A. Mayard, West end Cabarrus street; fifth ward, Robert Simpson's drug store. Syrnp ot Flga. Is Nature's own true laxative. It is the most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Bilious or Costive; to Dispel Headaches, Colds, and Fevers; to Cure Habitual Constipa tion, Indigestion, Piles, etc Manu factured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco, Cal. John S. Pescud, Sole Agent for Ral eigh, N. C. Haw Back WkMtAc.c. New buck wheat Hour, new citron, new dessert raisins: (finest quality) new Brazil nuts, (new walnuts to arrive later) new green olives in half gallon, quart and pint jars freeh arrivals in winter table eupplies of every description. E J. Habdin. PARNELL. PROCEEDINGS OF THE PARLIA MENTARY COMMISSION. THI PBI8ISTATION UF THB TIMES CiSI COST1SCBD A BHJCE9T FBOH KB. BIOOAR, M. r. OTHER SEWS. By Cable to tbe News and Observer. Losnoir, Eng., Oct. 23. On the reassembling of the P am ell Commis sion today, Mr. Joseph iiiggar, one of the Irish members of Parliament involved in the Times' charges, per sonally requested that he be supplied with copies of those speeches read from manuscript by Attorney-lieneral Webster yesterday which referred io him. The Attorney-General prom ised to supply them and then contin ued with the presentation 01 me Times' case. lie said Mr. Parcell's supporters had been trying to exhibit him as one who stood aloof from the anti-rent and plan of campaign agita ti onbut the fact was that as far back as 1880 Mr. Parnell had led the anti- reut movement. In a speech in Coun ty Kerry in that yearhe bad told his hearers that the Land Leaguu bad plenty of money to defend those ten ant farmeis who refused to pay their rents. He referred to the wickedness of the advice given by Boyton, Timo thy Harrington and Father O'Leary at the Barriclough meeting in 1881, and said that at that time Mr. Parnell and his colleagues did not conceal their sympathy with the League'a emBafies in crime. SAM JOKES. NO LIMIT TO THE ISTEBEST IS HIS GBEAT MEETING AT DTJBHAM. Cor. ol the News and Observer. Durham, N. C, Oct. 23. There are no bounds to the interest manifested in the great Sam J enes meeting here. Three times every day thousands rush, into Parrish's ware house and listen to the words of the evangelist as they fall from his lips. Never before was any preacher heard to talk in Durham as does Sam Jones. He can tell more naked truths faster and rub them in deeper .than any man who ever preached to a Durham audi ence. Mr. Jones has made a lasting impression upon all who have heard him here and all agree that he is an evangelist with no equal in this age. And he is original from beginning to end head to foot. He has his own peculiar, careless attitude, which at times is amusing, to say the least. He possesses full control of his vast audiences and is indeed a "master of assemblies". Last night he scored the merchants for not closing their stores and allowing their clerks to attend the meetings and asked that some good, influential woman go this morn ing and have the merchants sign a petition to close for the services. The result of this exhortation was that earlr this morning more than a dozen ladies in carriages were calling onjthe merchants with their petitions and now nearly every store closes for every service. Every train brings great numbers to the -meetings and last night 36 fenitents professed conversion. Fol owing are so mo extracts from Mr. Jonea sermons: Many a fellow is trying to clear the current of his life with the devil wallowing in the fountain. Brethren there is no use for us to quarrel about our denominations. If my mother and' brother Bostich's moth had swapped babies he would have been a Methodist and I a Bap tist. I am just as good a Methodist as ever flopped wings, but whenever Methodism won't allow me toco-operate with other good Christian people to save souls from hell, bless your soul, then I am anything lse than a Methodist. 1 Brethren I am not ma 1 I don't get mad; I would walk ail around a i.ree to keep from stepping on a little ant, oh, no, I dont want to nurt any body's feelings I don't. You Methodists here don't pay your preachers half enough; you pay them all they are worth, bu. you ought to throw in a little to r- lceur age them. Some of you old ie.iws si t back: there and say: 'Ob, Jones, what makes you talk that wa? I) n 't dis hearten us.' Blec ycur i-oid, you can t dishearten these Durham foiks. The truth LJ, thay think they are a heap bigger than they reaNy are, and a little hewing down will" do 'em good, it will. Thank God there are more hills behind me than in front and it iseasier to go on than go back. We preachers do not preach for money, but there is not oae of us that would not quit if you stopped our salaries. The Bible saya we must live by our ministry, and it is not for money we care, but 'cause it is Scrip tural. You see ? Some fellow says he wanta to join the church, but the hypocrites are in his way. Say, old fellow, can any thing be in your way if it is not just ahead of you in your path ? I get many kicks and knocks, but, bless your soal, I kick and knock some too myself I do. ; Brethren, if a man is sick or lame he can get on me and ride me without a bridle or halter or saddle; but juat let one of these strong, hearty fellows mount me and 1 will leave him on the ground and be at the stable eating fodder, with his gall us tied around my leg, and he will tare to send for the coroner to find c ut what's the matter with him. A lawjer who will defend a man for selling whiskey on the sly is an old pettifogger ihat will do anything else dishonest Poor little dirty dogs! God pity you. Now you sit there and twist your heads and say you won't take bucu lows, you kaow Get on the : i roundf tnil- Well, Old fel IV h er-j to find me. cars and eome Born far a Judgeship, Hoilolk Virginian. A prominent North Carolina Re publican, Mr. Linney, is quoted as Baying that "if the Demogratie party is successful this time it will be the end of the Republican party in that State and the nation. 'I Mr. Linney was evidently born forn judgeship. Tha Mechanic.' and Hu.lnoi Mra'a Dem ocratic Aaaaclatlon. This association will meet in Met ropolitan Hall Friday night to further perfect its organization and to mature plans already set on foot. A full at tendance of all members is important and it ia hoped that all who wish to become members will attend. Tte Young. Men's Democratic Club is especially requested to meet with the association. The, County Caiiv..., The Republican candidates spoke yesterday at ililliard "a School Houee, near Morrisvilie, tio a crowd of eleven. Of this number three were Democra s from Chatham couuty on their way to Raleigh, and of the remaining eight seven were Democrats and the eighth man was a coloied Republican. In consequence of the size and complex ion of the crowd there was no great overflow Of enthusiasm. The Richmond Th mi cal has bought control of the Georgia Central, adding 2,500 miles of road to their system, making the miiengo o! the Richmond Te minal about, y,U00 miles. Throughout the length and breadth of our great country, LaxaJor, the golden remedy, is winning1 "golden opinions'' for its nrOMDtness in the relief and cure of all diseases which have their origin in imprudent aatinfr. Price only 25 cent. t ( Lookout tiat your nurses do not druay your baby with laudanum, paregorlo or-v other soothing remedies. Give them Dr. t Bull's Baby By rap which innocent rem edy is warranted to contain no opium. ' ; Wall PapeS is cheaper just cow than ever before. Will paper rooms complete (owing to size) as follows : $6, 8 and $10 each, $12.50, $15 and $20 each. Prices named are one-half former prices. Special care taken to do good work. Satisfaction guar anteed. Have on Land a large stock and can suit almost any taste. Fred. A. Watson art dealer and manufac turer of picture frames. Orders s licited and proinptly'executed. $4 25 will buy a pair of gents' gen uine hand-sewed calf Congress or lace shoes at Heller Bros.' shoe store. HellebBbob. will move into Msj. Petty's store about November 15th next. Goods in their store will all be sold at a sacrifice to save expense q moving them. Removal sale at reduced price on a large sign in front of Heller's shoe store means that every pair of boots and shoes, trunks and valises is to be sold very cheap. . ; DoS't want to move e'm. Every trunk in Heller Bros.', shoe store is to be sold at prime cost to save trouble and expense of moving them into our new store. Public Speaking. Messrs. T. B. Womack of Chatham and R. W- Winston of Granville will address the people on the issues of the campaign at the following times and places : 1 -Wilton, Granville county, Monday, Oct 29. ' Talley H6, Granville county, Tues-. day, Oct. 30. Daysville, Person couuty, Wednes day, Oct. 31. Roxboro, Person county, Wednes day night, Oct. 31. garnett, Person county, Thursday, NjaaSiarg, Caswell county, Friday, Not. 2. ' TadceriSs. Caswell county, Friday night, Nov. 2. Blackwelis, tjaavjeii county, oamt day, Kov. 8. ' The local committees will please advertise the same thoroughly by hand-bills arkl otherwise. &PIEK Whitaxxb. Chairman, &e: Sirwt a Roses 1 1 fragrturtl LattlMtl The Leading Price 33 eta. Sold a Drnggtua.' Laxadgr Cures Liver Complaint, Costiveness.Sillou Affection, Giddimes. ALVATION Prlct only 25 Cts. Sold b-j all druggist. Will relievo Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swelling s,Bruises,Lumbajo,Sprains, Headache, Toothache, Sores, Burns, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Wounds, Sic. PUCIMt LANQE'8 PLUGS, li-e Ore it Tobacco An JL-Ptotft Price 10 Cte. At aI druggist WITTIEST, PRETTIEST JUVENILES QUEER PEOPLE r.i.Vrc, USInpemrnt of the JVw? and ihi Mtmsf.) Pull of the aallrt pranks. rharmW-l ptorto id Inn h-proruklntr illnstnith.iia by the Prince Jnvanile artets. Mellina lainraMrly. t rlf ten my el" It I ( f my !t '. irilk drltyM. Hob. Clinton B. 11k. lun'iifn4n'enqtMtrfir learnt ft th Mrr (" .(."-!!. 1! Cornell. I . D. 'hinm pnmhtg noi indtifi'tM ."-Ki'U. S 8 Vol. -faKtmU-t7 a. Aim, omd I -If Ki,.iu.R-Il"n Howard OoMiJ. AUENTSi WANTKU. lirBB.Oll hbos. 733 Clit-Muut MrcM. I'hildeliliia. Pa. STOP AT THE HOTEL FLORENCE: (Cne Square Felow restore). Raleigh, ft. C. HOMELIKE AND COVFOTABLF, IlutCM! i'e- Xay You Will t-e piowK A. J. Cooke ill vtmnTS mtfdf WIKGS Ot aaaw 4 4. ' "O .tern, s j, I- Sis;