1 -1 XXVI. RALEIGH. N. Cl SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1888. NO. 1(9 1 i i i - - - v .it Ait i I- Jews AND i- i 3;1 ! - - . ' V. :, PUS Absolutely Pure. 1ig powder mw varies. ' A OAarrel sCpeo, strength aad-er)aVsBosneiss Mere eoonomieai.'than ordiaary kinds and NUM beset tompttWoa wish th avlftitaA of low east, snort weight slum 0 pfeotes powders, sold only ill MM. atOTAX BUTnH) POW Oo., j tOf Wall Street, Wew York. ; ! BoU W. a A. B. Stroaaen.; sad J Barrel! ftO. I t .WOaLLoorf & t 14 East Martin Strtsei, 02O THE 000 STOCK i HBITS AND BOYS' CLOTHING lwtUa;Mpilr.bfeaM wo mU it SS tlcMMMiwBoiamMpnoeB. . Ow itrek of i 3" r.lcn'o Ujidorwear V.s b too BMrt ootttlUia tb Hr and ptlooa than out be bouht elMwher. iil1 il.000 pair of if Dorharn Syoorder. An indel bock there mji there i nothing & th Bible for him. Listen : "The f oJ hu b1 in his heart, there in no Go&l Don't that fit your eaae, old fallout The bt husband in Durham is the one that iUoki closest to the Bible. I reekja God did call all the Ereaoberstbto the miniatry, bat I be eTe he galled some oi 'em to keep 'em oat of derilment. There i no reason on earth or in hell why Irery man should not be a faithful christian. It is easier to tell the troth than.it is to tell apie. All a fellow has to do to tell thelrath is to open his month and bat itfoomes. Bat to tell a lie, he mast iram back the troth and pump oat he lie. We hearipeople sing : "This worldt a howling wflderntas." And yon are the dogs doing the howl iog. : !i X on ehoih members pray for God to pat whiskey oat of North Oarolina. That's nonose. If too want it out, Tate 'it oai God don't tote, yoa foot . If you osiers don't attend to your business belter, Til torn yoa off, and if yoa don'Uike this kind of talk, yoo can quit. If A man wft will lay his sin on old man Adam, is as mean as dirt. All this cWk and boll story these preachers tll about man being a man of sorei from head to foot is a lie. I ain't rotten. I don't know their ease, howere. All some $ld fellows want in this world is somewhere to ait, and some place to spitJii There are anv old fellows in Dor ham, if theyibeheTed the streets of htaven were jgaTed with gold, would get there or iose erery toe nail try ing. ' If yoa are good, God says yoo are, and if yoo aio, yoo ain't I All some girls want is to go to a ball, and haTe ja young book put his arm around them. Girls, there ain't anything goo&in that. I know, 'cause I used to be a'back myself. : I nerer knew a fellow passionately fond of billiards that was worth kill ing. , ' l bister, if I were tou when I went home this evening, I woold say to my busband: "Now look here, husband. I want yon to (care family prayer to night," and if b wooldn', I'd tell him when the hoar came: "Now. we'd have family prtiyer," and then say to the children : yoa children eet your rattlers and little red horses, and keep your little;: father quiet, while I read a cheater and crav. and I'd knock the old tallows teeth out, and nurse him on my breast until he learned to be a inan." IGod pity the; brute, the brute-. human brute, that will swear before bis eniio. There is not a hog ur north Carolina that woold be guilty THE WEST tHTTER. FORMALLY LAID liEFOEE OUR j MINISTER! I AT THX jDOURT OT ST. ilittB TO BI CX)M- ItCXICATXD TO BXlt IUJMTtV oovxBiriaMT. By Telegrapb to the Sew anA Obterrer. WasHnroToir, D. 0., Oct 27. In re- Ely to an inquiry as - to what step are been taken by the government in regard to the letter of the British minister, Secretary Beyardsaid today: "We simply laid the (acta at once, and as a matter of oouise, before out minister at the Court ol Si James to be communicated by him to Her Maj esty's government. In, regard to the cable dtspatok of this morning, stat ing that a report is current in , Lon don that Lord Salisbury favors the recall of Lord Saekville, the Secretary said: "That is merely London ru mor ol which I know nothing." A STO Ot DIPLOICATIk &BGUES. , Loitooh, Oct. 37 The; SaokviSe letter incident has eauekt xmsidrsn ble stir in diplomatic dreles. Mr. Pheloa. the United States minister. has irone to Hatfield House. Lord Salisbury's country residence in Hert fordshire, to see Liord BUiabury. ue called first at the Foreign Office and, finding the Prime Minister gone, he immediately followed him to his conn- try seat. It is said that Lord Salis bury favors the retureosent of Lord o&c&vuie. IwmlM Cblae. , Br Telegraph to the Newt and GMemr. Sam Fbajtcisoo, Oal , 0ct 27. The steamer Arabio that anved from China yesterday, brought ;110 Chi nese. The Arabio was she steamer ! which left .China with paitengers who were not aware of the passage of the exclusion law. The customs officers will endeavor to keep thm ignorant of thatl fact until after- statements nave been securea from .each; in re gard to their place of bir& and occui pauonso as to prevent "subsequent attempts to secure a landing under the citixenship plea or -merchants' pte- -j; -; f i ' bb4 oarria u4 Aeptaacca. B Telegraph to the Hews and Ofterrer. : Wasbikotoh, Oct. 27 Bond .offer ings today aggregate $896,500- Ac cepted $197,800, all four and balfs at 108. Total bond purchases to date under the circular of April! 17th, $89,747,350, of which $51,392,000 have been four per eentstd $38,855, 850 four and a half a. Their cost has been $66,005,540 for fours and $41, 866,635 for fours and a halfe, making a total of $107,372,175. . i The treasury surplus today is stated at 97i,izo,uuu I - - 1 I l of it if he had te ability to swear. mean a two lera hoe. CllllV JlaU"liVi)V 1 horns in this oU warehouse Sunday with bringing about the d sturbaw, Br Cable to Om Hewi aad Obeerrc. Pabis, Oct. 27. Twenty persons wera severely injured dorirla: the row at the Boulanrist meetisr in the jli- w ' (t9e( Worth BOo. ; .- i-1 v . Uuanrled ard utdaoodrted abirts eftJeis , than the oricinal cost. .- . ,v x r:V ;r'j " uona vw STIFF m HATS f6r$M. 37e warrant every pair f Faust & Son's Ckfldren's shoes w soil. The are hnd made and are la all sixes and quaUtiea. Dres-Goods i la oomptaf.- - jJDWAED; FASNACH, --' A ' tPTTav safc.aaamvae X m SULBU JU 0. oUJewebr, eoAam'sSi t:uTiui kit cLcmx tuxoxw dold and Bflver Watch ,terliMrMverwareBocer lotod sQverware, any slae an4 ''weight jftf plaialSkansEar aetltnnsaeonawn iMatook. Badces afilffrlUml ; to -order. Department m Optical 1 Wiiiiaeaa aa eadleas variety of leases vUoh tofothec wtth joor practical expo inrr enables ns to eotreat almost any mot of retoBcttoa in Myoma (nrmiht), laid SUBtl AWWV" ww iui w SrlnromTrre from that distress. Jaaodaeoe which of teat aooompanies uTperfeotviaiem. ; OVli ARTIFICIAL Human Eyes jt-ra said took like the naUralorgae iieJnwhaaliiasrtod. iGaois at a disUnoe bavins a broken evening at 3 o'clock. I will preach to yoa then. !i :i j ' - f Brethren, Trejibeena mighty nice fellow ever sinef I've been here. I ain't said any heed things yet, but I'll light in next Bog&ay anernoon. I A man that will swear will steal if it wasn't for shepfls and chain gangs. Boys, I am Just holding up a mirror that yoa old fellows may see your old carcass one timin yoor life. Some of my Illustrations are not aleffant bat they:Ulutrate. .When I call 1 feUow t hog you needn't answer if ibat ain't your nam ber. - - t . 'The trouble,!: brethren witn the ekurch is the devil can run a mile while we are pnlMng on oar boots. i .Brethren, a aejspise a aungy man one that yon must beg ana beseech before hell give Ho God. i There is a man who lives dawn in Georgia, who U the hardest ftllow to get money out of I ever sawi Now I have raised aereat deal of t &oney In my day-r- thev sav l m cooa at it, ; jdos hub feUow down in Georgia, he's given me more trouble loan au outer men x ever tried to getpinoney from. One day I went to hila for $1300, 1 had a good place fo St, but he said he didn't have it. If told him he was a liar. I knew he Iras making money, and I had promised his wife to help get him to heaven; He got mad, but finally shelled it cot- In a few weeks I went to him: ind said? "A poor woman- in uartersnue my bow will have her house sold, and she will be homeless next eek but $600 can tare it, and now fid fellow you can give me the money for her." . He didn't have it 'Itold him he was a liar, and I'd hate ' it or stamp bis gizzard out of bign. He helled it out, and now whe; that fellow sees me eoming he Jostasks : 'Jones,how much do you wani Tou can have it" If you won't say aj&y thing about it, and these newspaper reporter's won t and alleffo that thev are C.eeirous of interruotinc in a similar wUy the ban- - at t net to be held today at which Uen. will preside. A LABOR COUCH S1BS1 AMW TtBSWrf. Bom. Heatir Battta, f Wlaeaaala, Kx- pfcUa Why b tmw the BUUa SHIL lion. Henry Smith, the only mem ber of Congress nominated by the Labor party and elected on a Labor platform, voted for the Mills bill, and his action excited much eomment and attention all oyer the country, espe cially among workingmen. He as not hitherto publicly explained his reasons for voting as he did, but in response to a request he has written the following letter : HOUSB Or Bl PBBBXHTATrVBS, Washdiotob-, July 28. Sib : In reply to yours of the 26th instant, requesting my reasoni for voting for the MJls Uxiff bill, I an swer tut follows : First It is conceded by the repre sentatives of th; Demccaiio abd Re publican parties that the accumula tion of a large surplus of money in the National Treasury is fraught with danger to the business interests of the country by withdrawing that me dium from the ; channels of trade, hich. if not stoDDed. will causa a pamo ana result! in bankruptcy to urtre extent. Behur larffolv tinntun with the Greenback idea that money should be in circulation among the people and not j cornered, and that money holds the same relationship to trade that a mechanic's tools do to the mechanic; that by taking the same from the mechanic will cripple his usefulness and ability in performing' work; and aa the Mills bill held out inducements to Stop this drain, and my Republican colleagues did not propose any measure to remedy the evil, I gave the bill my support oeoona The bill proposes to pteoe several articles on the free list that enter into the necessaries of life, such as lumber, salt, tin, wool and several others, and a slight redaction, not exceeding on an average 5 per cent on articles entering largely In home consumption. Now, so far as free and eheap lumber is concerned, it ranks next to bread to the person who seeks to make a home on our great Western prairies, and no doubt it is the same in the East Salt that bountiful sift of nature why tax that t Tinplate hi not made in this country, and it enters so largely into our domestio uses and in canning the products of our country. Of wool we do not produoe half enough for home consumption, even j with all the so- called tan iff stimulation. Why com pel our people toj pay for foreign made woolen goods, with a tariff tax added, when by permitting wool to enter our ports free, our manufactu rers would be given; a chance to pro vide us with home-made goods, and thereoy give twice the amount oi em ployment to wage Workers 1 My per sonal experience has taught me that eheap raw material never reduced wages in a manufactory, but, on the contrary, had the tendency to raise tbem. ! Third I do not believe that a na tion can be made prosperous or happy form of govemmen ( t like our-i from tha Monle bir taxation mcfe than is actually required for an eco nomical administration ox public af fairs. Again, a large accumulation of money in the Treasury breeds extrav agance and becomes a factor of de moralization in many ways, x ia in its action like malaria; it enters the avstem slyly until the whole body ia ooisaned. All taxation, of whatever FOR CLEVELAND, FOB THTJBMAN AND FOB TAR IFF REFORM- nraxa to twzktt thoubaid Bosnrzas box or nv tobx kabch thbouoh rounxxa iaoi Aim aki u- VOWXO ST THX PBXSIDXHT By Tategrapk to the Hewt aad Obeenrer. 1 Bxw Yobx, Oct. 27. Tha business men's Cleveland and Thurman demon stration this afternoon was very suo oessfnL considering the weather. Bain has fallen all day and Broadway was covered with water and sticky mud. Notwithstanding this, between fifteen and twenty thousand men marched up Broexfway and were re viewed by President Cleveland from a stand in front of the Worth monu ment Mayor Hewitt stood at the President's side. As today was the last day for reg istration, the committee made ar rangements to warn the public to this effect Fftv thousand dodgers were printed making this announce ment and were scattered along the line of march. Banners were also carried with the following inscription: " Don't forget this is the last day to register. Go and do it and swell Cleveland's majority.'1 The organizations in the procession this year which were not represented four years ago were the railroad men, photographers, wholesale druggists, river and harbor men and bankers. The hardware men made special pre parations to turn out aa many men as possible, and ery house was repre sented. The publishers worked hard to get a big representrtion, and made a good showing. VAICI AT OXFORD. . s HOBXHXAD Aim BBOWEB ALSO THX BI- FUBL1CAS C0HVK5TI0H. Special to the Hews and Obeerrer. Oxjronn, N. a, Oct 27. Vanoe made a big speech here today to a large and enthusiastic crowd. Morehead and 13 rower also spoke. The former made some telling points. The Republican convention to nominate candidates here today was captured by the negroes and many white Republicans are disgusted. atlTCBIir AT LUCOLITOI. A WBXCK. He Sii fci mm Imm Crw4 ffwalAaa DmU rOI. Hake. Special to the Rewi aa4 Obaerrer. LrxoourroH, N:.C, Sept 27 Hon. W. H. Eitohin spoke here today to an immense crowd of Lincoln county white men. Four Democratic clubs, numbering two hundred and fifty each, with banners and on horseback, formed a procession and paraded the town. Dookery spoke in another part of the town, and his hearers consisted of about one hundred negroes and a dozen white men. Old Lincoln will be at the front on November 6th more strongly demo cratic than ever. She can t stand negro rule. Mr. Eitchin's speech Was very able and convincing. CoL John F. Hoke died suddenly here today. Weekly Suk Stateateat. By Telegraph to the Hewt and Obeerrer. New York, Oct 27 Reserve de crease, $1,202,625; poans decrease, $347,200; specie decrease, $1,820,600; legal tenders decrease, $219,700; de posits decrease, $3,850,700; circula tion decrease, $4,200. The banks now hold $15,528,000 in excess of the 25 per cent rule. OK ratal VMUi snr ctt. BTTetearaohtotteReweaadObeHer. Nxw Yoix. October 27.4-The ; total visible supply of cotton fofc the world are American; against 2,29,947 and kind or nature, rests upon the j pro- 1 VIO IJT AviAAfialW laSir VMP. tut I UUC&B UK lllr 1VC wisuviae B 9 r e ' - - w ceiots at all interior towns 179,749. Reoeipts atplantotions 2941161 Crop in sight 1,506,210. g: ' ranaBTTKHI AS STBODV thx ixtsiox at eoLDsaoao. Arm of 1feefcerdT. Yesterday was an internting day in the : deliberation of the Synod whiflh ia now holdinff its sessions in kia ;t TV nntioB of moot in' terest, or at least which elicited the moat diseussion.wM a membrial from tha Convention on Home; Missions which convened in this city oniTues- laat aa to the advisablenees oi the Synod placing an evangelist in the field to work in the destitute nlAAAs within the bounds ofi the Synod, i The discussion was engaged in by Rev. Mr. McJJwaine of the Convention, and W.Pririmaa. A. L. Phillioft. Peyton Hoge, Alex SproatBev. J. H. Smith, D. D., Rev. B. F. Marable, D. on tha nart of the ministry. Gov. Scales, J, G. Bynnm, Esq , Gen. Barringer nl Mr. Taylor on the part pf the Elders. Gov. Scales made a stirring speech in favor of the proposition, and it was a matter of comment on all sides that the Governor, showed as much interest in, end familiarity with church: affairs, aa with ftattere of RtU. iTUv. Dr. Marable; with his sharp Wit elicited hearty laughter and rounds of applause, and by his Mrnaai alonnanaa aronsea the en- Uinnum of him hearers. Rev. A. L. Phillips with the earnestness and en a . m w i 1 labor wealth cannot be predated, and, aa the existence of civilized man rests upon the product of, the soil, it is of the highest importance that legisla tion should be framed so as to place the least possible burden upon the tiller of the soil, thereby placing him in a position to aid his fellow-laborer In the shop and factory by becoming a larger, consumer oi manuiaoturea articles, and vice versa. I Again, a onu uiu " vw that are supposed to receive the ben- -efits of a protective tans there is more dissatisfaction, ttnxea and lock outs than in States not so protectea. There must be something wrong in pur political machinery that baa com pelled the wage worker ana aiao u farmer to organize in' associations f or extortion, aouae a sad pio- oentnry of con- r. ..nMd I farmer so organize wi j protection against extorti rBe?Tj d wage reTuction. It is tore tolook at, after a oentu stitutional existence. Very truly yours, t Hxxbt Smith. put it in the pape ril tell you his of youtIl ebided the! more ' '. TT i air ii Vi i-sairiain fl A win I i." . 'ml 1. name, lie is my wile's husband. And, old fellow, whenyou tackle your wife's husband the f eliow tnat wears jour mustache fdf money, yoa are after the biggest rascal , in Durham then, sure. If, , A man who had been married three times told me that first he married for monev.the second time for beauty, and the third time-for intellect and said he: "All oonibined I had the world, the flesh anj the Devil." I'm sorry for you felloWs who have got it all in one lump, ill . if Hake a Blcger Teeepe th Lack's 'Negotiations are going on between Mntioaa lor their lack , OI zeai, while Bev. Peyton Hoge,? with the true instincts of a successful; tacti tion, poured oil on the waters that had almost been lashed int& foam, by pointing out the fact that tere reauy existed no difference of opinion on the general merits of the proposition. Just as, to an outsider, the discussion had reached the point oi in greateai, interest the hour of dinner, was an nounced. Several who had not got ten an opportunity to speak to the proposition! signified their j intention of doing so after dinner: but at the afternoon session a striking testimo nial was borne to the substantial nos t timmmIm. rum. W. Ltm ' FREEIIiS & IYP, Uatmtitn tui Tjpo-Writen, " -I--.n ftfnee In the HoUeman tJ!. -vr thv are prepared to ftTSwruint I Class In short-hand and trpe-wrttinK forming. , The Yarboro House, bIleigh, n. a, ZT,.X A1-. m..w- on- eity in the adootion Of the reso- pouweruv.-".--- rr- iMiA-.'Wnt . .Inola aneechJ by a IUNVM a-w- D a. AXOTHXS FATAL BAILWAX AOdDETT THX 0. AXS O. B. B. Br Telegraph .to the Mews and Obeerrer. Craklxstos, W. Ys, Oct. 27. An early morning train on the C. & O. Railroad going west was thrown from the track just above this city this morning by a misplaced switch. The engine tender, baggage car, two coaches and the sleeper were thrown over an embankment and destroyed by fire, which broke out in the bag gage car. i Fireman John Eldins and Conductor W. A Netherland, of the Chesapeake & Ohio, were burned to death. The .misplaced switch is a mystery. SPBAKI.10 AT BVTHESrOaOTOII. DKTXXIUX OOXB OOCXXBT ' ALOXX XJTOHIX ABD niMOCBACT VICTORIOUS. Cor. of the Bewt and Obeerrer. I Ruthxxtokdtox, N. O, Oct 25, '88.1 Notwithstanding the inclement weather there were at least 700 peo ple out to bear the speakers here. The Repnblicana had 'arranged to have their Candida tea speak at Spring HilL A stand had been erected, seats made, Ac The rain broke up this I rangement but their greed aln l Afcaan In, Mitid lJw fVtart the Democrats. Bather than nave any trouble the Court House waa - . . . . t MneedMi to mem. a. ainaion ui time waa again requested and they refused it in a discourteous and shameful manner. The graceful way in which the Court House was yield ed made many voters for Democracy. The Democrats have made similar con cessions at a good many places, show inor a desire to aet fairly and treating the Republicans with a civility that they little appreciate. The Democrats, neaaea dj u afrftirmeji of the local committee and Capt Kitchin, repaired to an empty storehouse, carrying with them a ma jority1 of the crowd. " SBVXBXUX DXPABTS on an early train. It has been thought for some time that both these satell ites of slander would like to be re lieved of their ever-increasing em barrassment and disappointment but no open way presented itself until to day when Tom Devereux jumped the train and left Dockery alone to rehash hia ;0n atale tele- oi vituperation. The' same amount of slander and mis representation was gone through with. If it were possible Oliver's re marks feU flatter than ever before. xrroBnt's obows was mora anthusiastio than ever, so much so that it waa difficult for him to speak. He gave them a speech that they will never forget It was indeed the finest and clearest exposition oi the tariff Question ever heard in the West It is a common criticism that he handles this great question with more ease and to the fuller satisfac tion of his hearers than any ono who has attempted it during this cam paign. It is impossible to justly crit icise Capt. Kitchin's speeches. They are so foil of stunning lacts ana just denunciations and evoke so much ap plause, that the beet way to juage then is by the effect; that is, watch the crowd and see how they almost devour him at the conclusion. He had a large number of warm friends her made four years sgo, but his speech today has added many more to him and the Democratic party. Tha condition of the Democratic party in Rutherford county is more healthful than it has been in some yeara. There are many who have lately renounced Republicanism and will vote the Democratic ticket in November. From the most reliable information obtainable, tms county will do at the eoming election what has not been done in years was u THE EMPEROR HAD. Kikfng WILLIAM SPEAKS MEETING oxnr IN ASS AAUXXS tU BXBLIKZKS BT SflAXlHO bis xnin ooBcxxiriRa ccaxoalous oomuxTS or tbx pbxss cpoh BIS FAKILT AVTAIBS. rmrmall SttmdCp. Cor. I the Vvn sad OsserVee. Poabxll, Wake 0o4 N. 0-, Oct .27. rka nnnl. around Pornell, New Light township, are stirred up. New Light wm pou more ieuiwu this year than it ear did before. Itight in this neighborhood I know of oiirtat or nine men wno wiu ruw m . m 1 IS A 1.? Democratic ticket lor ine nrsi wae. I know of some who have been voting split tickets who will vote Democratic this time. The Republicans are py jitically dead out here. Gov. Vanoe s speech changed manyt Bolesville. I know a man who has hot voted in 15 tearr, I reckon, but be can't stay at home this time, he say- The people up here can't stand the Trusts. i A SUBSOBIBIB. Jekm Hlekel ISeeta a Tneo. Cor. Uie Mewe and Obeerrer. FaAHXiDrroii, N. O , Oct 27. ! John Nichols met a! tornado today at this place in the person of our L townsman, H W. unuev.A bt- f1 .... :i - lAnwna beard before so mercuooa . vr;Vm1a rAAmred at Sy" handl Bwi cast a Democratic majority pointment, but it would have oeen i Trmau. opm4 f wtta ck.ur. aafaulnm in have rjlesded bad weather vnmlneton Menenger. ami not anoeared. If he losesi as The Carolina, Georgia and North- his I R.;iroad haa been completed from Wktl Two BUlelchltee Sawa RlakasoBd. Cor..of. the News and Obaerrer. We arrived in Richmond on the eveninsr of the 23rd Lost The monster engine had behind it fifteen coaches loaded down with people. There was a great commotion among the people when we landed, and not knowing exactly what to do, or where to go we called our legs into service and proceeded to foot it up the street in hope of finding something to eat and somewhere to sleep. The more we walked the more hungry we got and already we had begun to sympa thize with the unfortunate man that was to feed us- Walking up the street we noticed and- read the si ens over the doorways, and my companion saw the name of H. B- Chalkley and he in stantly remembered the purchases of leather he had made cf him. We went in and grasped him cordially by the hand, lie was really glad to aee us, and a more elever and hospitable gentleman does not live in Richmond. Nothing else woold do bat that we should go to his handsome residence and there abide daring oar stay in the city. To his home we went and after intro ducing ns to his handsome wife, he brought in his little daughter. She .ttexaltTJ-Vt'8 sight we beheld 1 Hondreds of elee- trio lights nasnea orer uu w grandest exhibit that ever greeted the eye in this oountry. These Bich monders are a people , of wondrous Slack and energy y they gave one hun red thousand dollars for the erec tion of the exposition building, then filled it with the products and fruits of their many hundred industries. Kver have we seen soch an exhibi tion and the beanty Of it all is that there ia scarcely a thino- on exhibition that was not made within the eity. We heard a prominent North Carolinian say he had visited the expositions at Atlanta and Boston but they did not com pare favorably with this one. Imme diately back of the exposition are va rious amusements going on. There are three merry-go-arounas tun dj steam, they were filled with people all aeeminfir to have a joyful time. The fat man with his show is there. There's a group of men trying to hit a negro's head stuck through a can vas. The sausage man, the candy making man, the lemonade man, the eider and beer man are all there. But the biggest thing, the most popular thing ia the toboggan slides You go n hm atana about SU leet, Res into something like a hand ear holding about ten people. You must do your thinking your talking before you get into the ear for you bare no time to think, no time to speak, no time to isay good bye, when that thing i begins to move. Off you go with a vengenoe, down you go with lightning rapidity, up again, By Cable to the Kews and Obeerrer. Bxmux, Oct 27. The municipal deputation in waiting upon Emperor William today presented an address of welcome on the occasion of his re tarn home, and were startled by some emphatic remarks in the coarse of the Emperor's reply on the scandal and gossip of the press affecting the impe rial family. For the pleasant surprise which the municipal representatives had pre pared for him he thanked them all, much more for the reason that it bap pened to come on the day when the Church of the Holy Cross, in which his father, Emperor Frederick, had always shown the greatest interest is consecrated. The JEmperor ex pressed the hope that he woold soon s more soch fine churches erected in Berlin. He trusted that his jour neying would have the best results for the Empire. He had learned with regret that during his absence while using his beet efforts for the interests of the Empire disputes had arisen in the Berlin press regarding the affairs of the members of his own family. At tacks were made such as would hot be tolerated by nor permitted against any private individual. He requested the deputation to do their utmost to put a stop to the unseemly discussion as it eonoerned them alL He desired to live amongthe people of Berlin as a Berliner. He relied on the repre sentatives Of the Capital to respond to that desire. None of the members ventured to make any: remark on the Emperor's unexpected reproaches. Even if etiquette had allowed it they were too much amazed to respond. A.O. c. w. T . . m. ui BUU1B Lima M.i . a ' Oldlrieh genUa EST ""Piouojs. myitS emblem of the A.ft rr w v U m our city. This- oTdeVaenlbx n Nnr.fr mPrTel7 unknown oi f FrlnlrD UPchar. was a naive ?f "U?r "amber of years te nded in this State. j j On i Thursday and Friday nigS . . lh.orongh canvasa of thia oily, v oat " known Murphy Lodge, No. 3, Ancient Order of Uni ted Workmen, with 32 initiated mem bers and apphcants sufficient to swill the number to 62. The following Officers were elected : P. II. W., N. Broughton, Esq ; M. W., W. N-Vonis, Esq.; Foremsn,. a A. Riddle, Esq; Overseer, Job P. Wyatt Esq? fiV Order, H. H. Roberta KmTVTNT oer, B. H. WoodeU, Esq ; Beceiver, F. A. Carter, Esq ; Guide, W. B Buncb, Esq ; Inner Watchman, Q. J. ; uuter Watchman, J. M. W"? kq J First Trustee, II. Mep. Baldwin, Esq ; Second Truatee, J.L" Broughton,ERq ; Third Trustee, P. j. Bashford, Eeq ; Medical Examiner. - Dr. E. B. Rankin. I ,.4 nobler order haa never been in stituted in our midst Its beneficiary ramvtiiraa . 3 . , . . . r - - kiu uq aaouja DO e wninea. AMDaeta. ' Corresponaeaee of Hews aatf Observer. i Wabbxbtoh, N. Q, Oct 26, '88. Mrs. J. D. Whitaker, late of Ral eigh, died very suddenly in Warren ton, N. O , Thursday, October 25th, at 6 p. m. This announcement will carry sad ness to many hearts in various parts of the State. She was well known in Raleigh, as well aa many other portions of North Carolina, and none knew her but to love and admire her for her beauty, intelligence, sweetness of disposition and wonderful gift ; in conversational powers. She was a woman whose magnetism was such as to attract and win the hearts of all with whom she met) and none knew her but tore specVhonor and love her., This is a sad bkrw to her husband and her two children, to whom she. was devoted, as well as her mother, whose heart is crushed by this unfortunate calamity. Digested by tha Kews and Obeerrer.! SDivev va. Harrell. ; i ' l A party to a judgment, where the court had jurisdiction, is bound thereby until it is set aside for irreg ularity or declared void for fraud. . Tha Drooeeding in which the judg ment waa rendered i being ended, in order to attach it for fraud, an inde pendent action must be brought An irregular judgment might be set . . .ta - i Li as iae m me prooeecusg oj uumuu. An alleged parol agreement that one should buy land at a sale and sell it to another at a little ; advance creates no trust or1 contract Mclver and, Dairy mple, vs. Stephens. ' When the court has jurisdiction of the partiea rod of the subject mstter, although the proceed may do irregular, t is not void. A 1 judgment although Stopper.' Setefc sent to their patrons their line ot guaranteed silks offering in, Blacks and Colors their Failles Franeaise----J the leading silk fabrio worn this sea son; these they guarantee pure silt and will protect you in the wear, The line of shades in the eolors is complete, and prioes are as low at they will be offered by any Northern house. These re all matched iU laney Bilk, plushes and ornaments. Mr. David Rosenthal's new fall , stock of men's, youths' and boys' , clothing surpasses the record and i4 r the Urges', best and most oompletf that he has ever handled. Mr. Rosl enthal has been north and selected his stock in person and is willing to put it sgainstt any competition. ; He guarantees satisfaction in both goods and price. Bead his announcement inj our advertising columns this moxn4 hg. - : A sSome time ago the Messrs. Berf wanger Broa announced that they were themselves again but now1 it is the verdict of everyone who goes into; their establishment that they have; literally surpassed themselves. I That elegant new store with its glossy shiny new J stock presents a scene I that is perfectly dazzling to the eye.' There was never seen in Balcigh a display to excel thia for its universal attractiveness and general perfection of the latest styles and novelties. Their new stock of hats just received are the nobbiest handsomest and the latest editions of the season. Their stock of clothing, overcoats, all kinds of underwear, neckwear etcv, , is' well worth going to see if you don't want rrecn na i v j ua vyuu My - i store on Fajetteville street and have the latest designs of pictures, picture m.t..l. vail . nanar a(. Th-ir iraods arc of the'latest styles and designs and will be offered at tha lowest nrieea. The public are invited to give them a call and lend their encouragement to a new and laudable enterprise. Bee their adver tisement this morning. 4 See the advertisement of a set of North Carolina reports .in good con dition for sale. -V" .'-..; - cannot be attacked eoUaterally, but only in a direct proeeeding. 1 So where an action is brought to try title to land and! plaintiff claims under a deed ' made in pursuance of a judgment in a speoial proceeding which was Irregular, evidence attack ing the judgment can not be heard. . TU Tr. SlaUtad , Of curing habitual conetipatica, and Urar and kidney ilia ia to avoid tbo nf tha bluer draatio lirer mediolnee and cathartics, and; to take only the pleasant liquid fruit remedy. Syrup of Figs. It cleanses ss well aa strengthens tbe sys tem, and does not leave tbe bowels cos tive, so that rerular habits: may be formed, and the invalid permanently re stored to health. It act promptly and effectively; it is easily taken, ana per j - Tka rlr Sllar City. : Oor. of the Hew an4 Obeerrer. : ; Silib Cm, Oct 26, 188U. tW fair ia a grand suocess. The Democratic torchlight procession last n night was a big affair. Jtfive nunorea torches were in line. The speeches er listened to by an aodienee of irregular aeven to eight hundred. Chatham il I like my wifewTuae Posaonlls OcmTK T,iA- k.nui it imHTOTaa her i . IWXWD iuwuim -- -rr-.- . , ooks and is as fragrant as rioleta. - aa a 4 aaBBaaaMBBaaw Judge Thurmaiv airUcipatcd in a grand Aemocrai I at CinoinnatL ; I 'i ; ' Boll's Baby Syrup Day's Horso POifirxisKf mm t iiminv aim MnP t 4 aT. . ' than down again, soon yoa get , back P... - ... - . . ' . .1 IUKWI then yOU feel like a fellow having just lBCtly harmleee., John S ; Peacud, Sole eacaped having a wall fall on nim. a Agent, escaped having saw anotner you suppose thine, what do that wae! A fel low kisa a girl! At nappenea on this wise. A man had swings to rent and in one of these swings was a young man, and seated by him waa a nartioularlv aweet looking Kill They were swinging merrily along, and just as the swing reaoi.ed the topmost height, she tuennd her head towards him and be kissed her. I never knew the true meaning of that word even until that moment Swinging ia a diitas'tful thing to me for it produces swimmii & iu ibe head but I confos I nerer wsuUd to m-'rg so bad iu all my life. Virginia s a irreat State. Richmond is a great oiy. The Exiorition is a great That's my opinion. Good bye. show. r fUmbridire. fotrthe construction of a 42 inch lens fe the biggest tele scope in the worlds to be erected on on of the lofty mountains near Los AfiReles. Clarke says ne can maze such a lens m nve years ior iw,uw. It will be eight: inches larger than tha TAck telascope. and will brine the wfthln aixtv miles of the earth. The university desjghs to secure the eo-Operation of uarvara in astro- IlOZXUCoU WUI-V .mUi, lUMvvapsvi mbbbb bbi w 1 J a.JeiMA-iv awt1 frhewM i l m rrwmt i aawi 1 1 mmt a siinii w bt hittii ssa saiin s aaswaw keen rarnUhed . is much local prifel zZvmtmA. s Special monthly rates to . the lsrstest telesoope in the mu of the whole body. A committee of eleven, oomposed ofi the Synodical and PBesbyterial agents of Home Missions, and j Gov. Scales, Gen. Barringer, Mr. B. F. Hall, and Dr. Hill, of Slateiville, was appointed to employ the evan Mi;af anl ai i aat the cr&eral par- poses of the resolution- A' memorial from the church at vhapel Hill, ask in o tor aid in emrjlovinsr e minister was read by Bev. Mail McKay, p. D., anon which he and Bev. Alex Bprnnt and nev. xv at. atou suskm jnawy and interesting spseches. ..iu at amrr trecinct in II J wvwV fm - -af a, T district aa he will loee here, Bunn a majority will go into tne tnouaaiiM-. The Last af taa Taaean. o Trudi ta the Mews moA Obeerrer. POCOHXBXTSIB, t. X., UOtODW A inhn Onv Vassar died at 1mu this morning. He was the last of aaaar brothers. the Pvaiaa not the day before the even ing glow. You may praise werner a Lot' Cabin Bamparilla for purifywg tvTa kW without danger, for it iltn. tha arlnw of lealth at TbTkreett bottle on tne market Monroo, N-C, as far as Chester, o. a, and is now open . for traffic Chester is one of the largest inland cotton marketain South Carolina, and is a progressive and growing place of 2,500 inhabitants. ; Yoa will have no use for spectacles if roa use Vr. J. U. aicueans stranirthenine Eye Salve; it removes at 1 . A, the film and scum wnien accumulates nn the eve balls, subdues inflamma tion, colds and soothes the irritated nerves, strengthens weak and failing sight 25e. a box. Ca" Wadaell a Wllllaawtan, Oor. ol the !ewi and Observer. Wiluakbtok, H. C, Oct 25, '88. Col. Waddell spke in tms piaeo last night to a large and appreciative aud-euce wnicirwas compuaeu w uwtu sexes. His speech was one ot tne most forcible I have ever iisienea so. xr. a. TArr oraceiui anu eloquent srjeaker and is putting in good work for the Democracy. Votxb. cw.nA hnmor is the health of the .i aaness its prison. The humor ;n Wood ia not eooJ; drive it out with Warnei's Log Cabin Saisa iaiUa and thus drive out tbe sad ala that holla vou its prisoner. 120 doses, $1. All drugg'uts keep it Kaleigh, N. C At the Richmond Exposition a hcghead of premium Barley tobacco sold for tver f,SUU. r. Headache mar proceed from various eanaea. Sometimea it is occasioned by nervouaness, but mora frequently by in direction. But whether it be the conse- ananeeof iheoneor the other. it is al- Z I .k l...4i ! avlian I aneciflA. ' Opium Is a most dangerous drug, ea neciallv when sriven to children in the shape of a soothing remedy. Dr. Ball's Baby Oyrup ia warranted not to oontain opium and ia tbe moot efficacious remedy for cniiaren teeming, x rnoe so ceau bottle. , - -j ; ! ,L Don't forget I $o buy your mince meats at Norris & Newmsi's. Just r-o jived, nice and fresh. ) m mm Choiob Macxkkbx Choice new fat mackerel, mallets, codfish, roe her-' rings, &c - : E. J. Hahdih. ! . mm Waix Pap-ik is cheaper just now than ever before. ill paper rooms complete (owing to size) as follows t 16, 8 and 910 each, i &u, f ia and (20 each. Prioes named are one-half former prices. Special cark taken to do pood work. Satisfaction guaran teed. Have on! hand a large stock, and can suit almost any taste.! Fred. A. Watson, art dealer and manufac turer of picture frames. Orders so licited and promptly executed. i For ta cureoi 'VCbughs,&las.Croap, I UHoarseneM, Asthma, ouuur HULL Whooping t Ooutrh I- i' hooping Cough Consumptive person Atrirnpirists. 25CtS. CHRISTMAS - l BO OK Si! The Harrison labor demon at ra tion in Indianapolis was-n dismal I failure. T Are men and women wanted in every1 town endSounty in the South to seUour beautiful new set of Holiday Books (-llina from 60 cents to $3.60). One lady mad n arerte of 7 a day from fieptemlt Ul Uhnstmaa iaw 7; Sng Cleared $300 to five weeks. itoeUt neeeasary. Terms liberal. Apply early fo territory. - . 1 Southern Manager Ca ell at Co., i 81- yVhlteaall St., Atlanta, Oa. H""aWAQKB WAKT1D TOB, OUB Soutaersi tffioe, salary $1,800, oon trol ti.000 (wboJeaalel worth of goods. S?akYil.50a cask deposit. Kafer- - . O T Varana l No. t, Cooper Union, New York. mBJ9tMi I Wot.. A ll m m I 3 ii, U. f l 1 ; c-X: