- ?' !' 1 " 1 " " S . i . .. I if Vm ER V ER "1 Vol. xxvr;i RALEIGH. N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 30, 1888. NO. iliO. AINJJ h - j - j i ' 1 1 ,$fiRC$ ABSoiutely PUre.i TkUTaer neve wml A saarvel Mm o6aakSurocdinu7 kiadsaad -annet be sold in competition with th' altitude tlow.tesi short -weight, tlun or phosphate powder, sold only 1 saosJ BotAi. &axxxo Pow". Qo,.r le W.ll Hi. a MaTwk . .-. J 4 BrrrU ft. raw & so.l East Martin Street, 1BE ! , i 020,000 STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS' k Muurranfdlr. beotuss we sell it . per con Irn than wholesale prioee. Oar stock of r.len'o Underwear fa tal oroompleuWth city and prices are cneaper nan can ne oougns fcajW-Prsof is Gents'-Qerino Dalf-IIose t atis-:, orth SOc a;q66 Gent . lamdriM aad unlaundried shirts at leas than the original cost. 1 : i Hill r. :iPjbentstiO ir for $9.60 warrant erery pair of Faust & Son's Children t shoes we sell. They are hand ; made and are la all sixes and qualities. j . at t- -i :. t . , iDiss -Goods IlJl'1 dipartmemt Is complete. . ,. 15DWARD FASSACH, old Jeweirr, Oold and SflTer Watchc 0 or barn's Sterling BarerwarsBogers plated allTerware, any siae an4 watght of plain 18 karat En jgadaoienJrlnteonstans-.. . , ; .ana nenais maae t--', order.. . 1 iar Opt epartmeni Binbraees an endless Tariety of lenses which together wish .our practiof l expe tenee enables us ta ooireat almost any r el refrecttosUn Myopta (nearsightj. HTmermetropia (tar sight). Presbyopia -(eld sight. AsthenopU Tweak alghi) glrlng prompt relief from that distress Ud headaehe which of ten . aooompaaJet ijBperfectriev. oi-fiO dTjr'ARiFiciAL II Human. Eyes 4(t and look like the atmral organ sTe pain whan inserted. - Patients at a ditanoe haring la broken eye can hare another made wlthta rail ng pareonelly .- - fr-'H u . c. J. FBJECMAjr. Fun. W. Ltbi StenograpVrs and Type-Writers, Have opened an office In the Hollemaa haildlnr. where they are prepared to ' menu all trders in law reportinc and trps-writing. Class In shott-.hand and type-writing fortning. The Yarborpfiouse, : Has been refurnished and thoroughly renovated. Special monthly rates to smters of the lgwre- R. B.KAHJSX,rropnetor. ! CLOTHING r . in.. , ; STIFF HATS LI YU DOO. I ' . GENERAL; OF THE BLACK flags DEAD. THE PRXPAHATIQSS FOB BIS FUSIBAL . THI CKBXMOXtSB -A STBAKGE 8CIHX I tHMt HIW". 1 ft; By Telegraph to tbtiKewi and Observer. Nzw Yobx, pot. 29 In the rear of the undertaking establishment No. 35 Mott street this morning was pre sented a strange eoane. Chinamen, musioians and inquisitive persons of all nationalities: and creeds moved about the dimly lighted place and vera kept in otderfb half a dozen po- llioemeu. . The wooden ceiling was hung in black ahd woke, and curious ly cat draperies: of plain black orna mented the wags At the farther end of the room onf fc; black covered desk was a eaaket which contained the em balmed remainf 'of Li Yu Doo, a gen eral of th BUk: Flaga. The reoep tacle was of rd : cedar corered with broadeloth andthe trimmings were of aolid 8iiT4 A plater on the ton read Tj YitTinn. AA ni 13. f 1888f aged 66 jmlts. We meeUatb teTel,- I pari! on the ejuare.w By the side of fhe casket was a long stick oorered with yellow cloth bear ing cabalistic ftharacters. This was to serre as a ladder upon which the dead general is o mount to the skies. The hd of the opffin was frequently remored to permit friends to gaze upon the feature of the deceased. The face of General Doo was com posed and the botfywas dressed in Ordinary garmefeta worn by him in We. Oblong pieces of cardboard bearing hieioelyehics were scattered about the deaef f man's head and shoulders. Thefgwere also playing cards there that Stbe departed might Jihbb away the ti pleasantly on nit ourney hearcnw'cd. Two feet apart rom each other $d in front of the casket were three! toine tables. On ihe first were dishes of candied fruit ana pues oi: oranges, ine seoona table almost oaned nnder the weight of roast4; pig. On either tide oi the porkfe&i were duIows oi chrysanthemums ind peonies, one of wnicn Dore tne words "My cousin at rest. On the third table were ser eral bowls of riee jih which stood burning jotl tickknd sereral ordi nary wax candles. fiChop sticks and diminutire tea if bps were , laid Oh either Q is of the table. AH that the first iifthd second tables contained will be &aoed on the mare of Gen, Doo that h: may not want food should he awke before reaching the great unknown; ; About 10 o'clock a number of Chinamen began to drees themielTei in lon jj ;musliagowiiB. Ibur of them were of blue with white bflte-. The other,e four in number, donned , turplioes wiih black belts. These were relatlTes of the dead man and the peculiar costumes were meant W indicate their gmt sorrow. These chief mourneri ragged themaelTee along she aide Of th room and soon began to chant the fwords of a song: Suddenly the bane Started the Dead March from Saul and oontinued play ing for ten minutesln Ueanwhile ad ditional ioss-eticks were placed in the rie bowls and! the Chinamen bowed low and chanted a ditge. tireat erowdi congregated and llott street for a considerable dis tance was lined with! beople. Ererr wiadow in the neighborhood was open and heads were thrust from them. , When the fMellicann music had ceased a Chinese band played fonerftl march which wae almost deal ening. This was continued without interruption to allow he chief mourn ers time to make theif demotions until one o'clock, when thif uneral proces sion proceeded to tergreen Ceme tery where the interfioent took place. m i e The Vhlag Strike. Chioaoo, Oct. 29.-The spirit of rioi on the North S&le is still ram pant. Yesterday ears: on the North Atenue line near M 4 aukee Avenue were stopped erery fftip by obstruc tions, and great crowds thronged the sidewalks and intimidated passen gers, but no damage. Was done and only a few stones were thrown. Ser eral North Halsted street cars were derailed during the? Afternoon at a point where the street had been torn uj for paTers. The police had con siderable trouble pspersing the crowds t Tarious plints along the Un and were kept bn( all the after noon. A number opKjs were ar rested for throwing; Itones at cars and two men looked no' for resisting the police. The North Arenue and North Halsted street eirs were run into their barns before dark. Both these lines are manned : by new em TBOTTBLB AMOHO Wllf XXX. Chicago, UL, Oct. strike by the recently imported employees of the Yerkee street oar lystem is among the possibilities. Thf hew men had a tery unsatisfactory conference with president Yerkea yesterday and then cauea a meeting : zor pnesaay nignt toeantass. Until yeltetday the men Who were brought here from Phila delphia and Kansas & during the big: strike took it fcf granted that their transportation to i Chicago was at the expense of Yerkes and that the board furnished p barracks by the company wm to bf Obtained on a similar basis. Saturday 200 new bnnds were paid for the first time andjound that the fare; to Cbieajro and board from the tinie of arrival hers had been deducted. In adii tion each man was asked to ign i contract agreeing to "wOrkor $2 a day, a less amount than f the old men are womngr ior. umri a lew men signed the contract. A4 unexplained feature of the affair isj; tie fact that all the old employees, fnihy of whom bare j been out of work since the strike, are all under ordcts to report at the oarns toaay 1- Dwth r tit OUt liAamtfr. I' By Tatasrapli ta tha Jttwa aaOtMrrar. UAtTiMOBB, Oct. 29i Nathanifll Watts, aged 93, died ofpbumonia in this city yesterday. He was an old defender, one of the ppktriota who, September 12, 1814, 'teulsed the British attack upon Baltimore. t-ymmM U mm mj? A LIVE rtRlTISti DUC-A-BOO IMPORTED BY AMERICAN COLD. the Protectionist HseaiaJi (alias H. J. Pettifer)-" BLAST YOUR HE YES, IT HE YES YOV TRIES TO ; 1 ! 03 HOLD HENGLAED OP 'ER TRADE." lak witftJai an MfmrA, By telesraph to tha Hews aad Otterrar. Bakoob, Me., ' Oct. 29.- A i special to the Commercial say s Captain Tufts, of the schooner E.fH Foster, of and for St. Johns, K. B , from New York, October 16t&, put into South West Harbor, October 26th, and reports that Wednesday, the 24th, he fell in with aft unknown schooner on Jeffries' Banlr, about 8 a. m. The noon wind wa a gale, eor oompanied by snow and , rain. The captain of the Foster notiDed that the strange schooner wm steering badly and Was Tallin? astern. lie: watched for Signals of distress and waa pre? pared to render assistance,. A little ater, being then about eletea miles in the rear,' the unknowA edhocner suddenly sank and Oapt. Tufts has "no doubt ; that all on board went down with bet. i The: unknown Schooeer was laden undef deck, car-f nea a mast ana naa a ' ' - -: 1 ; new lureiui. 12(3 tohs and She appeared to be of OX American build. ', By Telegrapli to tbe Newt aad Obasrreh Washwotojc. D. C. Oct. 29-Th Supreme Court today af&rmed tht udgment of the Supreme Court of the State of Georgia in the case! of thai Georgia Bailfoad and Banking Co.! Plaintiff in error ts. Baiboad Com-1 missioners of Georgia, j The commis sioners, by authority 'of -the' Sta'e legislature: prescribed wllat should be reasonable and just rates of trans portation and the railroad company brought an notion against them, claiming that tbe rates established constituted i as impairment of the contract between the Stat and the company, its charter, granted in 1833, having giren it. the exclusive right of transportation over the roaSs it might construct, provided its transportation charges did not' exceed, certain,; fixed rates. ! i ' ,' Bond offerings today aggregate t226,40a ! Accepted $123,000, all bur and a halls at 108. H 1 Sureeon Hotton, at CsjSd Perry, and Surgeon Urquhart, at Jjire Oak, Florida, hare telegraphed Surgeon General Hamilton that they" hare un doubted evidence of the existence of yellow fever at Baldwin, Fla. j t Kartktmaka. By Telegraph to tbe Ktvs and Obserrar. i Nxw BxDFOBDr Mass.. Oct. 29. This city was visited by two well-de fined earthquake shocks last night. At the Weld Street polioe station the shocks were felt at 11 25 o'clock and were preceded by rumbling sound, and three distinct oscillations were felt followed by tremendous move ment. The i police and others who were on the street say the movement wis creceded bv two reDorti not un like those of a heavy gun oi thunder and then came a distinct movement of: tbe ground. The shocks were dis tinctly felt across the Aoushnet in Fair Haven. - M ; s Jakjutem ut .lwirt at Kmthrford4B. By Telegrapb to Um New aad Obeer?er. ! Bu TBXBrOBvDTOBT, N. C., OoL 29. Johnston and Ewart spoke here, to day. Tremendous crowd. Johnston received great applause and rallied the crowd. Ewart spoke to very ! lit tle effect. The county will go Dem ocratic by about 500. ' ! Yanee speaks here Wednesday.; " M f i Tka Old Kaaaaa By telegraph to the News and Obtet ter. j Columbus, O., October 29.; Judge Thurman and party left ver the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad fer Wheel ing, West V., at 11.20 o'clock this morning, j - Abt B(-ttrat(it. i While there are new registration in some other counties, thei-e is i.O general registration in "Wake, bpt a mere revision of the books. ? The names of ail person vho hv heretofore beea reiatered is RaIigU either at a gen-aral election 'Or au n Erohibition election are on tKe bka. at if any obe has changed fiis Jlt of residence, he must registering1 7 nrn getting a certificate. It is always safe tc cee j name is on the book. A SENSATION i POLITICAL CIKCLES NEW YORK. I IN IN STiBTID BT THI TBIAOBISOCa 8UH TWXRTX-THBXK THOUSAND . VOTXS SAID TO BE TBZKBLIKO lit TEX BALAKOI OTHXB RXWS. By Telegraph to the Mews and Observer. Nxw York, Oct. 28 Another po litical sensation was started this even ing by the Evening Sun.; By the State law all public offices are ordered dosed after 12 o'clock noon! on Sat urday. Notwithstanding this law, the registration offices were kept open last Saturday all day, and over thirty three thoueand persons , registered. As it is impossible to separate those who registered before noon from those who registered later, the Sun states that the entire lint may have to be thrown out The Sun interviewed fifty of the leading lawyers in the city, and states that they all hold that a registration office is a "public office," and within tbe scope of the Saturday half-holiday law. t Referring to the public statements to the effect that 33,021 persons who registered after midday last Saturday will lose their votes because underj the State law that portion of Satur day is a half holiday Assistant TJ. S- , District Attorney Base said today : HTbere is nothing in the story. The State law was simply made to cover banks and other , fiscal institutions. X contend that boards of registration ire hot public officers within the ttcatiicg of the law. The same ques tion was raised in Brooklyn and it Was thm decided, or at least it was agreed that the State law did not af fect the votes registered on , Satur day half holiday." (' ' mm m ' Sua Jbo at Owrtwam. Cor. of the Hewi and Observer. DtiiHAifi N. Oct. 28, 1888 ; Durham has been literally leaping and rushing through pouring rains end mud to Christ. The town has been overflowing with visitors. Many who came miles out of curiosity went home weeping and shouting, i surely never man sDake like this man. The feature of the meeting has been that scores and scores of our oldest and most pronounced sinners have been either praying or shouting. The Devil is on the run ood in .Durham. Such meetings, we ventare ' to say, 1 lave never been witnessed in all the 1 mrders of North Carolina. The clos ing scenes of the meetings beggar description. ' Durham prided herself on the sue M s of her Exposition, but the ooca- si 5n Dales into insignificance when on tr isttd with the scenes here Saturday an d Sunday. Durham has been stirred as sever a town was stirred, and God ni r the ioor man that has not said i-- A aeo ; . rablle Speaking. i Hon. F. N. Strudwick, Democratic candidate for Elector for the State at Irtirsre, and Hon. W. M. Robbins, will address the people on the issues of the campaign at the following times and places : I Thursday, 1st Nov., Havelock, Craven county. f : Friday, 2d Nov., Trenton, iJones, county. j ! Saturday, 3d Nov., Li Grange 'Xienoir county. x j IIOK. F. N. STBtlDWICX.! ; Elkin.Surrv county .Saturday Not- 3. Winston, Forsyth county, Monday Nov. 5th. ! I ; The local committees are urgently requested to advertise these appoint ments by hand-bills and otherwise, j;, ' Shxh Whitaxxb, Ch'm Dem. State Com. I Gbexx Davis. At Tokay, Cum berland county, N. 0., on the 29 h of Ottoler, Rev. J. a Huske, D. D., of- fioiating, CoL W. J. Ureen to Jrs. Addie B. Davis, DlMetrew fire at Shelby. Special to the Newt and Observer. Shxxbt, N. 0 , pot. 29. The roost disastrous fire in . the history of 8helby began here tonight at 7 o'clock. A large two story brick building containing four of the most commodious store rooms in' town Was consumed. The soutbmost has just been vacated the next was occu pied by the Southern Express Co. and Babingtoh, Roberts Sc Co .whola- sale (stationers and printers. The next by Gardner fe Qainn, wholesale and retail druggists, and the latter by D. 0. Webb & iSon, general mer chandise. One of the upper floors contained the office of the Aurora and Babington, Roberts & Co., and the rest were used for storage. . The loss oh the building owned by W. A. Wrsy is estimated at ten thou sand dollars, and that on the stock at twenty thousand dollars or more. The total insurance; will amount to less than ten thousand dollars. PUBLIC SPKAKIHO. IX THE COUNTY 0 WAIT. Col. L. L. Polk will address the people on the issues of the campaign at the following tunes and places: Franklin, Wednesday, Oct. 31. Gary, Thursday, Nov. L Hood's Store, Saturday, Nov. 3. Banks', Monday, Nov. 5. At Franklin's and Cary he will the with the county candidates. be Messrs. Geo. 11. Snow, W. J. rou and E. 0. Bcddingfield will address the ptople at Robertson's Store, Sat urday, t Nov. 3. 1888, and Rogers' Store Saturday night. Messrs. B H. Battle and Uoo. U. Snow at Kelvin Grove, Friday, Nov. 2, 1888. j Messrs. N. B. Broaghton, F. H. Busbee and others at New Hill Sat urdar. Nov. 3, 1888. Grand barbecue and Democratic rally. Hen. W. R. Ciix, Messrs. Ueo. U. Snow. W. J. Peele and others at Stoney Hill, Monday, Nov. 5, 1888. Grand barbecue and Uemocratie rally. CoL Ii. U Folk, Air. u. urougn ton and others at Bank's on Monday, Nov. 5, 1888. i R. H. Battle, Esq , CoL L. It. Polk and others at Hood's Store, Saturday, Nov. 3, 1888. Messrs. R. H. Battle, W. H. Pace, F. H. Busbee and others at Roles ville, Monday, Nov. 5. d. Cbakbxxs smith, Chm'n Wake Co. Dem. Ex. Com. Pablle Rneaklaw. Hon. Matt W. Ransom will sddress the people on the issues of the day at the following places and times : Winfall, Perquimans county, Wed' ncsday, Oct. 31. Gates ville, Gates county, Thurs day, Nov. 1. ! Lexington, Davidson county, Fri day, Nov. 2 1 Warsaw, Duplin county, Saturday, Nov. 3. Gen. Ransom, Raleigh, Monday mcht. Nov. 4. Gcldaboro. Wayne county, Mon day, Nov. 5. The local committees will please advertiso the appointments by hand hills and otherwise. Spies Whitaxxb, Chm'n Dem. State Ex. Com. That'dread terror of mothers sni- f oca tine croup, is speedily subdued hv uainir Dr. J.i H. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm, 25 cents a bottle 7 . Election one weck from today. Don't Kxperlmcnt. You cannot afford to waste time in ex perimenting when your lungtj are in dan ger. Consumption alwajs seems, at first, only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose upon you with some cheap im itation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Ccneumption, cougha and cold, but be sure you get the genuine. Because he can mate more profit, he may tell you ha baa eomethlng just aa good, or juat the earn. Don't be deceived, but ineiat upon Dr. King's New Discovery, which is guaranteed to give relief in all throat. lung and cheat affections. Trial botUea free at Lee, Johnson and Co drug store, large bottles fL i I " ; - ' 'hn ' ,4.iJ BADICSl. MIXU1BLES.' itlanpt tka Part fCbmlrmaa Earn rM ta Committed Srai Omt raR at every KlMtlea Prcclactl rrom documentary proof, now in my possession,' I have just learned that the Chairman of the Republican State Executive Committee, has ap pointed for each voting precinct in the State two Republicans whom he chooses to call "HIS RELIABLES," and that he has sent to these "RE LIABLES" confidential letters of in structions directing them I 1. To ascertain who tbe two Re publican pollholders or judges of election are at their precincts and. to use theirexertiona to persuade them to atdy away from the voUs on election day until late in the 'day. He has in formed them in this confidential let ter, that under section 2,678 of the Election Law of North Carolina, it it provided that "if any person appointed judge of election snail fail to attend, the registrars of such townships shall appoint some discreet person to act as such, and shall be bv him sworn before acting, and shall- be of the same political party as the absent judge or judges and that 'the reg istrar will be compelled to select two other Republicans from among those present at the opening of the polls." He instructs these "RELIABLES" to be sure to' have a number of "good men" on hand among whom the regis trar shall make his selection, and that they nvait see to it thai all objectionable men oi the Republican party who might be chosen are kept away until after the balloting begins. 2. To get all the Reoublicans to the polls as early in the day as possi ble. 3. He has also instructed these "RELIABLES" to fill up, sign and cause to be signed by the Republican pollholders and other .Republicans a return of the election and tally sheer, the forms for which are enclosed and sent along with his letter of instruc tions. 4. To be present when the ballot boxes are opened, the ballots counted and return sheets filled out and signed, and not to fail to be on hand during the entire proceedings, and XKir AS BIAS TBI POLLHOLDIBS AS P03 siblb, getting a half dozen other RELIABLE Republicans to do the same. 5- To send to the Chairman of the .State Republican Executive Commit tee one return sheet and one tally sheet, and to send another of, the same kind to tbe chairman of the Be publican County Executive Commit tee. To be present with the chair man of the Republican County Execu Oommittee at the meeting of the Coanty Returning Bdard, and if the vote is, in their opinion, wrongly an nounced by the Returning Board, ta demand a correction.; Mr. Eaves fur ther says in his letter of instructions that "we have had no funds of conse quence to carry on this campaign, but we have the promise, from some friends, of sufficient money to prose cute all the offenders against the Election Law," . and that after the election is over,' we wdl send one copy of this list (the RELIABLES) rto the Chairman of tbe Republican Execu tive Committee, and another copy, to Gen. Benjamin Harrison, the next President of the United States, with the assurance that these are the men who have broken the "Solid South" and -redeemed North Carolina. When President Harrison esters the White House next March, -who in North Carolina will be the first to receive recognition? Why, the 2,500 RELI ABLES and those who do similarly. and have carried the State for him." He further says, "do not lose sight of your candidates for the Senate and House. Do everything you can for their election, make a vote for them whenever possible, even though you can not for the whole ;Republi- can ticket. Mr. leaves further informs " ma bb- lialks that xlarrison will carry Hew York, Indiana, Connecticut, New Jer Bey, and the other Northern States, and that Northern Democrats have given up all hope. Air. Haves instructs "his bbliablxb to look after the registration books to send out new orders to every precinct, to be sure that such liepublioan poll holders as are, in the opipion of these " bxliablcs, unreliable, be induced to remain away from the polls until the voting begins; that where there are no reliable white Republicans at any precinct, that they employ two or three other Btaunuh Republicans from other townships to go there and watch the polling and counting votes, and to select men not afraid of tab DKTTL. Mr. Eaves goes on further to state that "we have just discovered a vu lainous plot which has been concocted by the Democratic managers at Ral eiifil cy wiucu mej win trt tue re- " , l lt A 1 !T 1 4. A 1 turni from &U parts of the State at the ear best possible hour after the polls are closed they will thus be able to learn now tney stand, ana, ti they are greatly behind in the West, tneir scneme ia to teiegrapu to weir agents in tbe East to alter their re turns to a sufficient extent to over . 1 ' 1 1 A 1 U A Al " come their losses elsewhere," and that "the iniquity of the schemes concocted by the Democratic man agers here to cheat us out of the State would appal you if you were ac quainted with them . iu dtttuL Thiy shall rot tucctED. We ak thai a' ' i ue Republicans who possess an v ru i-lmll belp us to outwit the enemy. We will do it if you stand by us to carry out our plans. We hs.vo abiolutj confidence in these plans. We want men who will make basJrifices for a principle." I beg leave to call your attention to the fact that in Mr. Eaves' confi dential letter, inclosing what purports to be a synopsis of the code of North Carolina in regard to the election law all the sections cited are those containing provisions against the wrong doing of the election , officers. It is very significant that the sections which prescribe penalties lor fraudu lent registration or voting are omit ted. Section 2709 prescribes that any person who ahall, i intending to commit a fraud, register or vote at more than one box, or more than one time, or who shall induce another to do so, or any person who shall it legally vote at any election, shall be guilty of an infamous crime' and im prisoned not leas than six nor more than twtJve months, or fined not Wa than one hundred dollars, etc Section 2710 provides that any per- aou who shall eorraptlv take the Oath prescribed for voters shall be guilty of perjury, and be fined not less than five hundred dollars, and imprisoned at hard labor not less than two nor more than five jeara. In bis instructions to registrars and judges of election, there is the re markable and utterly unfounded state ment that it is a criminal offence to deposit a ballot in the wrong box- While it is true, that, if a voter de sires the poll-bolder to examine and distribute his ballots, it would be a violation of law for the poll-holder knowingly to deposit the ballot in the wrong box, yet there is no pro vision of law impairing the secrecy of the ballot. No poll-holder has a right to examine or open a folded ballot unless expressly requested to do so, but it is his duty "careluuv to deposit the ballots in the ballot- boxes, that is, in ease of a folded ballot in such boxes as the voter des ignates. Any attempt by the poll holder to impair the secrecy of the ballot ia a violation of his duty. I have submitted to the United States Attorney for the Eastern Dis trict of Nor,h Carolina a synopsis of the Federal law on the subject of elections, as sent out in this oonfi dential letter ofMr. Eaves, and have asked his. opinion-ria regard to -the same, m answer to my questions, be replies that "tbe synopsis is reasona bly though not entirely accurate. When professing to give the substance -w . . r oi the sections of the revised statutes. But in paragraph 10 among the synopses of the sections there is in serted a statement concerning the registration laws of the State, which is inaccurate when cited as a provis ion of the Federal statutes, and of no force and binding effect. The most striking inaccuracy is an omission which pervades - the whole circular, and which omission is also found in the circular sent oat by the chief supervisor, that is, a failure to state that the super visors are officers of the United States, with no powers, or duties, or functions, in regard to any election save that of members of the House oi Representatives. So far as election of State, Legislative, judicial or county officers, so far as election of Presidential electors (who are State officers) is concerned, the supervisors have no powers, no right to interfere other than the rights and duties of all good citizens to preserve the pu rity of elections, and the Federal Statutes have nothing to do there with. As the registration is of voters for members of Congress as well as for other officers, they have their du ties' to perform with regard to such registration, but no right to interfere with a registrar in the lawful and or derly! discharge of his duties. I trust that there may be no attempt to in timidate, bribe or influence any voter npon.the part of any supervisor, and no arbitrary interference with the election officers, appointed under the laws of tNorth Carolina. A proper supervisor is lawful and should be promptly acceded to, but supervisors have no right to dictate to election officers who are of equal authority. sworn to uphold the law,' and liable to be punished if they should violate the law. Let both work: harmoni ously to the oommond end the pre servation of the integrity Of the bal lot-box. Any complaint of im pr oyer or unlaw ful conduct upon the part of any eleo- 4: i. .j. ill be promptly invests traied. and any complaint of any mitcondnei or intimidation upon the part of any supervisor will be as properly in quired into." I beg to call your parnonlar atten tion to section 2,707 of the election law of North Uarouu. which pro vides that "any registrar r iacge of election failing or neglect ug to per forin the dutiea required of him, shall be fined not less thai five hun dred cor more than onu thousand dollars,' or imprisoned not more than six nor less than two months at the discretion of the court: and every such officer for every such of fense shall forfeit and pay the sum of hve nundred dollars, to be recovered in tb name of and to tb un of the State, i on motion f t ha Attorney General, in the Superior Court of Wake county, ten days' previous no tice in writing of such intended mo tion having been given to such officer by the Secretary of State I beg, further, to call your atten tion to section 2735 of the electionf law of North Carolina, which provides that judges and inspectors of elec tion in eaoh ward or precinct, the board of county canvas aere of each county and the board of State can vassers snail, respectively, possess full power and authority to maintain order and to enforce obedience of their lawful commands during their sessions, respectively, and shall be constituted an inferior court for that purpose; and if any person shall re use to obey tbe lawful command of any such judge or inspector of elec tion, or board of county canvassers, or board of, State canvassers, or by disorderly conduct in their hearing or presence, Bhall interrupt or dis turb their proceedings, they may by an order, in writing signed by their chairman and attested by their clerk, commit the person so offending to the common jail of the county for; a period not exceeding thirty days, and their order shall be executed by any sheriff or constable to whom the same shall be delivered, or if a sheriff or constablo Bhall not be present, or shall ref 086 to act, by any other per son who shall be deputed by such ; township or preoinot board of election, or board of county can- vassers, or board of State canvassers, by writing, and the keeper of the State jail shall receive the. person so committed, and safely seep nun lor such tune as stall be mentioned n the commitment. Tbe confidential letter;, of inatruetiona, written and sent out by the chairman of the; Re publican State Executive .CommitHe to "HIS RELIABLES" is an attempt oaf the part of the chairman Ho eoui mit or cause to-be ccnunitk d the grtatest and sToutrageoWf, me that has evar been pwpetrateJ. !Jt ' IS BE (fir CD Lh n.tt ... k Tt.MjlU- can l.HMrman t Kr.ha -UT Ptt. LIABLE" d tLeir1, .parUcufttr ' friends to violate the election laWa, first, by i.riventinu th R.nnMi4 judges of election, who have been duly appointed, from nerformiritf datie-, and, secor.d. h f,; ' Democratic registrar at eaoh p re act to mibsi tate in their stesid certain dftjraTvnid men "not afraid of the devil," and " willing to make sac rifices for a princiole." th nriueinia for which these "sacrifices" are to oe made being to d. f-at the will of lUe people, and to interfere with the ti pressiou of thai will at the ballot- box , J he Republican chairman aatb thai he hasthepromUeof sufficient money to prosecute all offenders against lb election laws, bv whirh h mna. Ma must be evident to a- oaaaal ' reader of his confidm.;) lltur. m - give notice of his intention to pay all such persons SB ma earrw Ant his instructions. And he not only prom1- -ises to pay them in money, but h promises that they shall be provided for by President Harrison when he ia elected. s The DrmcxTA'.ic Stkta ExeeuKva ConimifeU'A eautsta thai avr'Trf. publican who tlM been appointed e. judge or inspector of election be at once notified that he has been at. - pointed oud tut ho will be expected ' and rVquiud iullj io perform hi duties an l that if. he fails to bi i promptly on band at 7 o'clock on the - . day of election,' he will be held - to strict account,, and will b vigorously prosecuted , for . th non performance of his duties. The! registrar at each voting precinct' should have on hand, ready to be Bp, - poimea ana quaiined two o tbe. good Republicans, lovers of law and order so that, if the Republican poll-bold ers heretofore appointed should fail - -to be present at the proper time,) these persons may be appointed in) their stead, and the balloting may begin ' at the time ' provided by law, and proceed as the law directs. If any of Mr. Eavesl -"Reliables" undertake to interfere! with the judges and suspeetors of election or with any peaceful citizens! who desire to exercise their right ofj franchise, let the reliables be dealt with promptly, and at once commit . ted to jail as provided by law. - i - The attempt on tbe part of the reliables to take duplicates of returns; and tally lists is an insult to the! judges of election, is not authorised: -by law, and should not. be submitted to. : j i Let it be understood that while wes intend to have a fair election and ni fair count, we do not intend to be1 bulldozed or run over by Mr. Eaves' reliables. Bs it is evident that the; Republicans intend to tamper with the -election returns, it is important that the person appointed by the judges of election in eaoh township. ward or precinct, to attend the meet-j ing ot tne board ox county canvass-' ers as a member thereof, should oe carefully selected. Let all good citi- sens be promptly on nana on tne aay oi election at ineir uiueren toubk . i .i- . . - i : a a precincia as early as possible, and let I them see to it that the registrars and judges of election are not bulldozed j and run over, and that the election is! fair, peaceable and orderly in every J respect. ' . " S While it is true that the counting of j the ballots must be in public, andj that anv citizen has a right to be I present, no person or number of per sons has a right to so crowd upon tbe Judge. Election as to interfere with them in the performance of their duties- Sras Wbttaxxb. Cbnfn. Dem. State Ex. Com. YkaTiOMaUtka Of earing habitual constipation, and livr and kidney ills is to avoid the use of the Utter drastio liver madidaea and cathartics, And to take only the pleasant liquid fruit temedy, Byrup of Figs, tit cleanses ss well as strengthens the .sys tem, and does AOt leave tbe bowels w tire, so that reculsr habit may be formed, ana tne-nvua pcrauuieBuj stored, to health. 3t acta promptly an ftmti-wjmrt it ia eaaur taken, and ner tectly harmless. John Pescud, Sots Aaent. Raleigh, N. C. . j Public opinion throughout the county approves the course of Presi- 1 dent Cleveiana in proposing me recall of Lord Sackvffle. ADVICK TO MOTHERS. Mrs. WtesloWs Sootblng Byrup thoald always be used wben eWWlren are cutting teeth. It re lieves tbe little offerer at oaee, It produces nat ural, quiet tleea T rellevlns the ebUdrea troa pain, and tbe tittle ebernb awakes a bright as . tuiitnn." It ia en Dteaaaot to taste: annthaa the eblld, toitens tbe rum, allays aU palas, ret ! 3 bevee wind, regulate the boweta aad la the bear i i knows remedy (or dli ilarrtKBa. wbetber rulag tram teething or other eaosea. Twenty-Sve eeats a bottle. m i m ' I Hon. G. VV. Sanderlin, Lenoir Caldwell county, Friday Nov. 2. I like my wife to uae Fouoni'a Cpm- flexion Powder because it improves her ooks an it as fragrant as violets. r- Choicx Mackebel Choice snew fat mackerel, mallets, codfish, roe her rings, Ac E. 3. Habdib. The guns for the new war shipa aire in a forward state and will be i ready aa fast at needed. - - j w tmttt at i The Leading rdcaSSCts. . yjKR.yrradJi. Sold at 1 Laxador Curet Llvtr CemjtMnt, . Cotitnm. Bilttm i AtVlTI0r3.ClL CJi tall CU. M1aihM. Wiil rtlitr BheumtAitm, Mwrdght, &wl!ingtftrvittsuaibag9&rnt, aiuc, T9othctie, Burnt, 71' ( per iV. hi 1 Si ... Ua.,

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