1 r '. -, 4 j v' i - .... I 1 t ERVER; if rot xxv-: If RALEIGH. N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31, 1888. i, NO. m.; 1: ? Ir i , ; ' i n 3, 1. TfcJe aewdet mw variee. A ..Mi haneld iH competition with the i maltttwoW-ef 'Ww-eBstrehert .vrelghV J uMSidiaie foshisib. aeleesuy an mb. BoiUfiumftma Co ,101 WaUBaTee JlewYorfc , i 80IA Vy W."a ft A. p. Bttomeh, nA JL I".1 J 114 East Martin Stree ! THE! 020,000 STOCK it 1 OF MEN'S AND BOYS t. nmMttlllV. teeans we sell It m eereelit lest than wholesale prioea. Osrttoek.et. 'l W O M I! IS V Men's Undorwear kfhemoteoaipletelatbe etty and prtoes 1 pare kvempraten mm eosfaft - teewhera. l.taeafiee)i'iia'- 1 '!. . : at lSe , worth Me. . -ffittltt& I UaadrUd imi daaulArled aktets at less 0na' 4J0O mt wis. vSrtu fiotti lsl 31 1 : We warrant erery pair e cLUAnn ims we setL That are han'd- mda and are In all size aad qoalltiaa. .1 ouEr- j; Dress r Goods laJboaaplaiak..i' i i IvL tod eawawaWfaaet V' yf V r. T J oUievaiWCftIratok4 HocaamiPtwuanamai waiavavogaia adaaSd all varwara,' ny worn an j ' iirkf at Telahr 18 karat Ea u rU nkgementrtleonstaAt. L.T" I x.I . ! .. It in etoeaf naagee and Madah made r; 1 III ' ' H i 1 1 Bmheaeayan endleei vai let j cf tenaee .kih trxmthar with our sraotioei exoe ilenee enables ttVto coiraot almost any Wrer ef refraction la Myopia (nearsihtii jaTSaStRSBA alvUg prompt relief from that distress 144 aadacba which pften aooompanlef imperfect viatam. f : OUR ARTIFICIAL :". '." ;""..V 9ti esila.' ! Hiiitlan !a3Voa i: : m M Af aad look Ilka, the nataral etasi Bala wliaa liiaaraail -. . 1 i ; Patiania a a eiataooe aartnc a broke Wa ana heve snnthsv aaad wUkaat ealV I mm aaeanawUflj? . E. 3. FaxxauBi -K" "aa. W. Ltwb I Stowgraphrri t4 ITj-Writers, SS: Wimm tkWlu e :brerared to xacuu all orders H 1f f writlmr. tTpe-writing forming.- r?'L 1 .- j THe Hous. TO n baaa refarpiahad eaiaBdthlr CLOSING it ': ;'. j tjtt? re".. 1 i'Tt :':"'" t I ST1FF1IATS f ' ... -foraXW 'i.. ' B JMpRIHSpOH, t Yarbo THB QKUT I WE. ; LKTTZS FBOK HOH JOHS it. STAPLKBl ; Wahioto, D. C, Oot. 29, 18. Hon. SptxBi Whitaebb, Chaiiliv ; Stats Dm: Er. Goif Beigh, BJ-O. i Mr DiabISix: Your ea tested fTor of the 26th inst , addresael lto ma t QreenaborOt wm roired lerdj. It would trite me creat ore to pedclfor OleTeUnd and S the SUte ticket in erery part of North Carolina; if mj professional obla tions would permit, bnt thej williot. In fact, hitherto, I hare found i" en tirely impracticable to get away, ren for a day or two at a time, and, Con sequently, bare been compelled1 to decline ( numerous requests for speeches in different parts of !he 8Ute. Bot,vI hope to be able :to peak twice in Guilford and onofiiio each of the counties of Stokes, For syth, Randolph and Rockingham 'be fore the sixth of JtoTember. I fe$S a deep interest in the result of fhe election. ':'J , r It would be a sin and a bnrniog nproaeh for the Demoorats of Nctrjtu Carolina' by apathy, or spite, of oa account Of lopai prejudice, lealouete, or disappointments, to let the Rrpab-, lioau. again get eontrol Of the Suite. How woold our people reconcile i$ o themaelTes, if by their indiffereitce and apathy the electoral TOteg of North Oarouna should gtrto Rirri son and llortonl What hare tfefey to gain by such eourset Nothjg, absolutely nothing. But, on the otjr hand, much i to lose; the one gi$at isao' 61 this 'campaign would be re tar id for years. All other issues rt of minor importance and subordinKte to ibis : great economic questionof bread and meat for the peopl. cheaper and better clothing for the masses, j In other words, the grat issue Dreaented to the American ni& pie is, Shall die neoessaries of life tia emancipated from the bondage Hef monopoly, and the baneful and huff fol influeooei: of trustaT" M Sir Francis Bacon said: "No people orercharged with tribute is fit Mt mpire.n;j II . li- Are the teODle of America ot charged with tribute? Are the toll ing millions unnecessarily and cod- rupuytaxeaT Liet the mighty tow Of the lorplns mUliona of the peo ple's money, daily and hourly acdsi mulating in the Treasury at Wasl Ington, answer; let . the sweating brows, the weary muscles and ihb heary bearts of the thousands of oaf countrymen ffrom whose toil a hard .earnings , these millions axe wrung, say whether they are ore Ixea;.let theerj of porerty want MidralTering and dlaireM. seeix ad heard 0 the streets of our cities; ana in many parts 01 the landtag whether the manr are taxed for lE s asowuoifean ieaiBf fmpeJMi bility and iaUUigenoedaW to goU; fore the people and justify this enoff menu laxauon wiucn u uaposea up$$ (hi eountry under the present Repa! lican-taxlaws; but, on the eontrarj tnay conceaa ; since ua ; passage f s the Jfilla bim that there kWlZfcail reduetipiiof jthe reTenueand airell ormatlonlof the tariff laws. IT' they: H0 tt ownmoUon or iK conjunction witb the j Democratic sueh reduction formulated and enW acted into a law, a schedule of tarig rates and duties which would relieTe the neoble of the enbrmons tazaa no Imposed kpon ererythin they weal ana a greet oeai ot what tbej eatT The differenoe between1 the Demo cratio party and the Republican part oa una issue is sunpiy tnis: me Jtev tried in the Interests - of the manoi facturer,iand it is for the people to, sey at the ; balloe; box whether the Hftv aw NmwwTn. f I feel the same interest in the re suit of the pending election as is eomi1 mon to eyery ouaer American ciiizes who is neither a candidatenor an aaf pirant for political preferment, and I exDrees It as mt deliberate ludemenf that the welfare 01 tbi people at large and - thej general prosperity, of. , the ...... t . eountry,woeid be greatly enhancad and promoted by the re-eleetion jrreaiuen AJieraiana; ana irom mi personal knowledge of affairs in North; Caroling for the past twenty yean, t nnhautaunflrr a lata tnat. In mt onin; ion, the delaat 01 the vemooratie partj; U the fresent , eleotion j would be e rreater 'oaianutji o wm ouita tnao amjne, pestilence and flood all comal Lbined. Yours Tory truly, Jobs N. Status. ! TM OaUaak. W. T. Woild. - DemooraUd. confidence in Indiana; aeema to increase as the deciaive dTi approaches,-! while the Republicans?! exniDit more ana more distress. oom -LiL. its- t liMi--: InteresMng' Bguies pertaining to: ihey I btate are,! orwarded to the Uineinna cnquirez An extract iouowb: There are ninety-two co the SUte. Of these thirtv-aeven anre Demoeratio and thirty -four sui "Reoublican. Ten. under certain eir eustaneee, may be considered doubt iui iemocrauo ana eigne aououui Rerjnblican;i. There . are 962 town i , . .- ti ..!. 11... .. f snipe, in wuiuu uiere are 000 iamos eratie trustees and 429 Bepubliean ! Democratic or Republican, are only to 20 There are 1,870 precinct 1,001 df which have always bee Democratic' in Presidential years an 869 ipublican. A great deal will depend on the silent or undetermined vote, this "floater," as he is ceiled! The pott of t both parties in the peal has shown that to be about 3 peg oent, or 18,200. Should the vote reach 520.000 it U argued that ihie year the lines will be so drawn thai there will no such peroentage, bu I that is e qeeetion j t - Tfc Brtlkwt. . - ( New York Time. .1 A few weeks since a gentlemei who has since aocepted an entirel hoDelesss nomination irom the Repul Hean partyi returning xrom au exten ! sive tour . Pi business tnrougn tc rtortnwast, re portea to a Aseraocrat . f :,. A 9 A T , . . A 4 tL friend: '"Ju yon eouid nave six mom morel oeiieve yoawouia carry n mm'm t BS. M of . the! Northwestern 8tate.rr have hid only about ft montVbut shall in! proportion to ; the uun INTERNATIONAL. ?. THE EPI30DE OF THE SEIZDRK OF THE STEAMER HATTIAN REPUBLIC TBI CXITED STATSS K 191 STAB IX8TBDO TBO TO F10TKST AT05C1 A MAH OT WAJt TO BS BUT TO HATTIAM WATEBS OTHXB BSWS. By Taleiirapa to Oi Mew and Obetrar. New Tobx, Oct 30. The seiiure of the American steamer Haytian Re publie baa become an internatioasl episode, as will be seen by the follow ing letter from Seoretary..cf State Bayard t L DXPABTXKKT Or STATU, Washibstqh, October 29- -Mftr: Lord it Austin, Neve Yor City .: -.' Qbhtlik ts I hare to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 27th ins' ant in which you inform the Department of State of the seizure df the jAmerioau steamer Haytian Re public at St. Marie, and reqnet that, in riew of the serious state (?f affairs in Hajti at the present time and of the jeopardy in which tbe li?es and property of .Americans ai now p'aoed, a man-of-war be eect thither immediately. 'The Department has received information of similar purport frOm the United States Min ister at Port-au -Prince and in reply has instructed him to protest instant ly against the action of Hayti and has informed him that a man-of-war would te ordered. to proceed to Hay tian waters as soor as possible. I am, gentlemen, I ' Your obedient servant, ' V . IT. F. Batabd. j tub uticann th Chvlcaak Ksceatiaa. By Telegraph to the News and Obserrar. ' Chicago, Oct. 80. -4 A dispatch frot St Louis says: The anarchists of St. Louis are deter mined to make the anniversary of the Chicago executions the occasion of a big demonstration! The Apollo theatre has been secured and elaborate preparations have been made, which include a play called "Innocents condemned to deathi' The play has been written by a SR. Louis anarchist, and 'depicts tb scenes at McCormick's reaper work, the Haymarket explosion and th trial and condemnation of Spies and his associates. - Speeches will., pre cede the play. Invitations have bee4 sent to all labor organisations. The receipts of the night will be given to the families of the anarchists executed erne year-go. The attention of the police nave already been ceiled to the proposed celebration- ; - f'-- nwmi at WkMlUm. By Talegni to tta Raws aad Otaerrer.' ::WHMtwo, Vai October 80 4 Today wae iJeniocratie Day 9 thn city and the fact was first made "mani fest by jj the unfurling of bandana streamers from storee and residences in all parts of ; the town. A bia can non on ehUl; above the eity waked many early in the morning and kept up a regular oannonading during the wnole day Early - trams brought people in from neighboring plecaj in Ohio, Pennsylvania and West, Ttr ginia, Uniformed clubs being presiat from Pittsburg,! Alleghany GtjMer tin'i Ferry, MoundanUe, Bettalrs asd many other points besides annmtwt of local organisation. Crowds lined the streets on which the procession had been' advertised to more Jaftd gave hearty greetings' to the various clubs I and ! eheered-. lustily ,t the sight, of Judge ' Thurmau. In the parade i bandana uni forms rand umbrellas - were pronii nen t .The Alleghany city delegatioas escorted a mammoth rooster afid others carried big piotures of Presi dent Cleveland,; Mrel Cleveland aad Judge Thurman. It took 4S mix a tea for the procession, to paaa a gfv en point This afternoon SUte ora tors are holding forth on stands in the open air the fine weather making open air speeches possible. Tonight Judge Thurman will speak in the rink while a torch light procession Alls the streets, . , . ? i By Cablo to tbo Kewa aad Obaerr " Tnn. fVt: ftrVoTka Parnatl Oi ai. mission reaMemhied todatv Att6r- nay ttenere! Webster asKedhe ootfi to enforee its order giving the TinSes counsel 'permission; torilnspect the books of .lhe:eaflrue in the keoD&c of the Hibernian, National and Men- ster ,..paa. , pir u pi auer - xwutps 1 Moore, coiiiiael fo the- Uibernitn I bank! eontended that the Oommissfon had no power to compel the prodftc- non 01 tne oooks. voiei ustioe xihi I t - - . I, l-.i j; JL. nen said he; Would not discuss the question. If the banks, under oolorof protecting the privacy ox their clients, obstructed the orders of the eaurt fee ooura woma on ouniirameu vo pas km powers into foree! Sir Charles Rtu- sell, counsel for Parnell, intimated that his client had not the slightest objection to the production of tbe books. The court then heard formal evidenoe proving the correctness' of the shorthand notes of speeches f rbm which the r Attorney General quoted in his presentation Of the Times' case .. r.t, -'r ' ' ' f - inaa wwa. Deellaea Aa Kap Sac Oaraaaac. ' By Telegraph to the Hews and Obaerrer. Sr. Louts, Mo-, Oct 80 Wm. H. Blake, nominee of the Union Labor party for Governor of Missouri, , has sent a letter to the executive eomtnit- tee of that party declining to make the race. The committee ie now in seesion considering what ia best to be done under, the circumstances-' It is freely claimed that Blake's with drawal means a coalition between the Union Labor and Republican parties in the state. r ,' .. a, fkaaat OaaeapraaUaa. Br Cable to Ue Hew, pad Obaerrer. Bbbuv, Oct 31 The great fire at Huerfeld, near Oessel, eonttnuei ti 5 spread. Three hundred houses, ii eluding publie . buildings, have been consumed. A force of military, and thirty , fire brigade from adjacent places are endeavoring to get coasro KILLS IV JAPAJT. 00TT0X AID W00LKH FACTO &IXB TO BI 1 rXTBODUOZD. By Teletrmph to the Nws and Otwarrer. ; CmoAoo, Oot SO. K. Eiliknohi, of Osaka, and K. Kabe, of Tokio, Japan, are in the city. They have been to England to purchase machinery for cotton and woolen mills to be erected tn their respective cities. Eilikuchi ays he will employ about 600 per sons in his cot von mill, paying girls 10 cents a day and the most skilled ibeu 30 cents a day. He will get the prinoipal part of his raw material from China but some cf inferior qual ity Is grown in Japan. While in London Kilikucin ws made a mem ber of the Iuaiilu ion of Mechanical Engineeia in rtoguitiou of what he has done in ixjiroUuo.iig industries into Japan.; 1WMalatoa Hatas. By Telegraph to the Newt and ObMrrer. J WABHUieroir, Oct 80. Surgeon General Hamilton has received a tel egram from Surgeon Guiteraa saying hat he has examined every mar, wo man and child and every room and house in Baldwin, Fla., and that there Is not a particle of sickness in the place. 1 U. S.;Minister Phelps has returned to London from Hatfield House, where he has been in consultation with Lord Salisbury presumably re specting the letter from Minister Sackville West The Department of State has received cablegrams from him fully explaining the situation, Which will be laid before the Cabinet meeting today. For the present information, touching the nature of minister rhelps communication is withheld. . The New Department has been re quested by the Secretary of State to send a man-of-war to Hayti to look after American interests there which appear to have been jeopardised by the seizure Of the Amerioan steamer Haytian EebuWio at St Marie, and other disturbing events at Port au Prince. At present ell of the vessels on the North Atlantic station are laid np In navy yards for repairs except the Boston, Which ia now at some Central American point beyond the reach of the; telegraph. Efforts will be made to communicate with her, and it is expected that the vessel will be able to reach Hayti in a few days. t 1 ratal MUr BUplaalaa. By Telegraph to the Hews and Obaerrer. UiLWACXXz, Wis.. Oet 30 The tug A. W. j Lawrence exploded her boiler while cruising in the lake off Northjfbint at 2 30 this mornmar. killing Gapt John Sullivan, Engineer John Sullivan, a cousin of the eap- f n; Fireman Edward Sullivan and liineman Thomas Handley. The boat was blown, to pieces Frank ilcGowan, cook,-and Thomas Dooley, eeanoe visitor on tbe tar, ware picked xrom floating deoris by tbe re a of the tug Merrill, which hap pened to be close bv. , Both were se vwrelyr kruisedan44 cut. . The men Who lost their lives were all residents W this city.? v Petraleaaa la V Ira lata. By Telegraph to the Hew sad Observer. HAKBisosBUBa.' Va.. Oct 80. Pe troleum haa been disoovsred in an irtesian well being sunk at Hoock's tannery, at a depth of 600 feet The discovery has created a great stir emong the people. . THIS SBfXXKS THB BLBmOV. taaraJag ta Row, OsaataV Bataa the . WarlaV WQ1 Caaaa ta aa Kad Bar. S. Rev. Obadiah Bates, a Hard-Shell Baptist preacher, who is pastor of four co on try . churohee in Shelby County, Alabama, has frightened many members of bis congregation by cir culating among them the following eirenlar: Prepare, all of ye, for the end is at hand I have read it in the stars, and angels have come to me in my dreams Ind told me, the glad tidings. The World will come to an end Monday, November 5, in the year of our Ijord, tne vear oi oar xiora. . . . , - r uimiuuva w uca'ouvvB all oi ye for thatTreat Tnt ?!d and nad th onLor IWg, d they will not be inter basteuft Td.yg be- i. 'S eP,u" of 6 P V outrageous set of 1888- Prepare day. God has hastened the day cause of the wicked men 'called poli ticiatis. They are all -falaLners . and blasphemeia, and will, be horned in liquid lakes of fire because they fear hot God and are given to works of iniquity. Rivers of boiling water Will burn the irobibitioniste and a. sea of fire and brimstone will open, and swallow up all Demoorats and Republicans. Prepare, all of ye, and remember, theday is at hand i Obasiab Batbs, ! The Lord's Prophet ! Bates' relatives and friends are try ing to have" him placed in an ins esylum. . - j ' r - Jaag Bawle at liw Bterae. toantaU 1 The reception of Judge Fowle last night was worthy of the man and tbe occasion. It was known that he weadd speak on yesterday at Bayboro, and MfiR- P- Williams, representing the County Executive Committee, went bvt-r and invited him to speak here eat night On his arrival at the Neuse he was met by a large number pf citizens on the steamer Trent, un der c unmand of Captain Roberts. As the Trent approached New Berne it ' i.j a i M - a was grewa wtut tae unag m auivu and the cheers of the people. A little ater Son- Jr. Btrudwiek ana Hon. W. M. Bobbins arrived. At 8 o'clock the distinguished visitors were esoorted to the court house where an immense crowd had already -assembled. As Fowle, Strudwkk and Robbing entered they were re ceived with rounds of enthusiastic applause. ' Judge rowle was introduced oy Jas. A Bryau, Esq., in a few appro priate remarks, and for two hours he dealt sledge hammer blows toRepub- lioanum. , e cannot attempt to tot low him through bis splendid argu ment for a reduction of tariff and bis eloquent appeals in behalf of person- el liberty; tney were sublime ana cap tivating, ana impressed every one present with the idee that Daniel G. Fowle is the rivht man for Governor of North Carolina. Thirty-five thousand solid business men marched through a pouring rain j fnNew Tork Saturday in honor of Presdeiil Cleveland, who reviewed HE GOES. ME LtJD SACKVILLE GIVEN HIS WALKING PAPERS. TEX PBXnlDKST IXroXktS STM THAT BIS OmCXAI. FBBUXCB IS BO LOHGEB - AOCxrtASLi otexb hxws. ; By Telegnph to the Hew aad Obaerrar. WAsaiHeTOB, Oct 30. By direction of the President tbe Secretary of State today informed Lord Sackville that for causes heretofore made known to Her Majesty's Government hie oontinuanee in his present official position in the United States is no longer acceptable to this Government and would consequently be detrimen tal to the relatione between the two countries. The grounds of this ac tion on the part of the United States are stated in a report of the Secre tary of State to the President, dated the 19th instant ! aa ' i A Bridge Drape lata aa Water Salaw. By Telegraph to the HW and Obaerrer. ; : DuotrorB. Ill Oct 30. Yesterdav afternoon near.Blairsville, about six teen miles from here, a gang of men were repairing the iron truss bridge which spans the Big Muddy river, and an order was given to loosen a girder the fraction of an inch. ; The girder was one of the main supports, and one turn of tbe wrench swung the bridce out of plumb, and without a moment s warning the , vast mass dropped into the water fifty feet be low. William Thompson was in stantly killed and Arthur McRae, June Campbell, D. Maffield, John Edmunds and Theo. Harris fatally injured. j : Tae Yellair Ferer. By Telegraph to the Hews and Obserrer. j Decatur, Ala., Oct 80. Mr. W. J. Douglass, editor of the Tennessee Valley is down with the fever.1 Dr. Young is dsngereusly sick. We have Only five eases under treatment! (Sig.) JXBOKB GOCBBAX, State Health Officer. Aft OrHKH RADICAL. TRICK. rax MAXtso a cat's-paw or thb pbohi BITIOB1STS IB 0X0SX 00UXTIIS. Cor. of the Hews and Obaerrer. j Albibtsob's, N- O, Oet 26, 1888. . At the request of some of the; good Democrats in Pink Hill township, Lenoir, -1 went yesterday to An thony Davis store to meet whatever Radical 'atumpers might be there to befog the issues cow on trial, but to my great surprise the only opponent of Democracy who appeared on tbe speaker's stand was Rev. Mr. Webb, of Kinston, who announced himself aa a candidate for eleotor On the Pro hibition! ticket I wae further sur prised to learn that that party has a full or nearly f u3 ticket in Lenoir for the- General Aesembly and county offioee.spii ! Now What I wish to say in this let ter i that it eeams strange to me that there' are prohibition candidates in close ountiee like Lenoir, and none) in strongly Demoeratio counties like Uoplin. 1 asked Mr. Webb for light on this question, but he was like the man who did not have on a "wedding 5armentn speechless. Of course I o not suppose Mr. Webb, who de clared himself a life-long Democrat, to be privy to the mean Radical trick revealed by the facta in this ease, but it seems to me that the honest and conscientious Prohibitionists in North 3arolina should stop and consider wxat win become ox tne great! causa which they have espoused if they suc ceed in delivering the keeping j of us and our property and interests to the tender mercies of Dockery and Mor ion, rours, &c.r I 1 B. F. Gbadt. P. S. My reference in my last to Benton was mainly for Daniel Web eter s testimony. Webster expla-re the causes of the "bard times. 1 I wag at Indian Springs, Wayne, aay before yesterday and beard the vmui luiuuBi oi vior. 4(!tgueo. There was an immense crowd, and irom many parte of the county tbe reports were gratifying- The Dem ocrats expect to carry tbe county by a safe majority. So'mots it b4. B.B. AJUBXaBDKSl IB I.EBOIR. Tka PraaMaat ef ta AJIIaaaa Talka Pa'lt- : leal Tratlu U rareaera. ! Klnetea Free Preta. I ; He said that there was something wrong somewhere as shown ! by the organisations, the farmers into Granges and Alliances, the mechanios into iuiights' of Labor. It is our duty to find ont what is wrong.There is not much differenoe iu the condi tion of agriculture anywhere. The farmers of the West are as bad off we are here. The farmers of Kan sas are mortgaged up worse than we are. We And the 'jails, asylums and poor-houses over-run. We must find out how to remedy these evils with which we are burdened and vote to protect our interests. He then touch ed upon the tariff, and said that President Cleveland haa made the reduction of the tariff the paramount issue. His ! explana tion of the operation of the present unjust tariff rates was plain and very easily understood. He showed how ereat a burden i it is to all except s few protected manufac turers. He said that exeept for the Repub lican high tariff Dundee baeiring could be imported and sold here for e cent a yard. Tne bagging trust wae sprung on us jost at the time of gathering the crop, the jute bagging manufacturera knowing it would take four utontha before thai Dundee bag ging could be import ed. He bolieved the Demoorats were xhoroughly hon est in trying tu crush out monopo lists and trusts. When we take into consideration that most of the mem bers of these trusts are Republicans we oan easily understand why Blaine declare I trusts are private affairs with wnien tne public has nothing to do. Of all the medicines 1 eve' heard of or sad. I consider Dr. BtarerV Hackle- tkalul.rilL berry Cordial the baas medicine for trouble end children teething ever used. j Jadge Pawl at Bayaara. New Berne Journal. Judge Fowle, our next Governor, addressed the people of Pamlico county at Bay boro yesterday. There were about twelve hundred present and the Judge was in good trim. He was introduced to the large assem blage by W. T. Oaho, Esq., and for two hours he held them spell-bound. There were - about one hundred colored voters present, and they gave the Judge undivided attention. '; In their hearts they were evidently con verted and shown that it is to their interest to vote with the party that is trying to educate their children and make better citizens of them, but the party lash will be rigidly applied and it remains to be seen how many can resist it When Judge Fowle had oonoluded several Republicans went forward, took him by the hand and promised him their support It was a big day for Pamlico and the effects of this visit by Judge Fowle will be seen on the day of election. The New Berne Cornet Band was on hand and enlivened the crowd with their most excellent muaio. When the speaking was over the crowd was invited to a table over two hundred feet long, laden with barbecue and other substantial eata bles. Pamlico will send in a good report on the 6th of November. : Tae West. Asherllle CUUen. So far as Western North Carolina goes, there is every reason to believe that ; the full vote of both parties will be polled The whole section ia welllawakened to the importance of the issues presented; and while there is really very little of the usual po litical excitement and no factitious elements In operation to inflame: the people, there is strong, earnest in terest which will bring an unusual per eentage of voters to the polls. : We reach this conclusion Irom what wa see and hear at home, and I what we obtain from oar correspondence from the eonnties around us. We: can therefore pledge that Western North Carolina will do its duty ; and while the Republicans are straining every effort to win, the Democrats will dis tance them everywhere and at every point: and in doing so will. deal some blows, and gain victory in some quarters altogether unexpected to the opposition. Below we print tiro extracts from The Labor Rambler, a negro paper published in Rocky Mount in order to show the white men of the State, of the western part of the State partic ularly, the animus of the negroes who are under the influence of the Radical party, and this class, as we all know, constitute the great body of the ool ored people. The sentiments ex pressed recall forcibly the infamous LegislatireAddressof 1868 and should be warning enough in themselves to white men to stand together every-' where for tbe maintenance, of the white man's rule. Read, ye white men, East and West particularly in the West and then vote against your race next Tuesday if yon can I Here are the extracts : " Swift club footed Galloway has been gotten up to challenge Mr. Nichols for a division of time at the Falls and Springhope. If he don't mind all of his feet will be clubbed when he gets through with Mr. Nich ols. The Republicans has treated Bunn with the Kindest respects in his canvass, and they demand tbe re spects of the Democrats at their speakings." :.. The Hon. John Nichols is billed to speak in Nash county next week, beginning 22d. The outrageous, no torious bloody shirts have circulated posters announcing that rtwo of the bloody shirts, H. O. Bourne and one J. A. Farmer wul speak the same day at Liewis jovners. now u these low down lump heads attempts to inter rupt at the speaking fire will get in the camp. The .Republicans don't interrupts at none of theDemooratio peace-breakers as these men are at their speaking. Mr. Nichols will be elected matters not what's said. He is the right man for the people and they will have him to represent them. We were at tb depot a few days ago and listening at two drummers and found them to be very intelligent white gentlemen, who express them selves as being Democrats, to say that they believe every Demoeratio club in North Carolina would be armed and sent to the polling grounds on the day of election. They said that they believed North Carolina would be another Arkansaw case. And they further stated that they did not appreciate the action of the Dem ocrats in some portions of the State. This was quite an indictment for the thieves. We belie re that every Dem ocratic club will be sent out ; with arms for rebellion on the day of elec tion, as they said watch them." Pahlle SpaakJag. On Saturday, Nov. Sd, Hon. Oote- viuB Coke will speak at Cokesbury, Harnett oounty, on we pontics sues of the day. The local committee will pleat e advertise this appointment. (Signed) Spixb Whitaxbb, Chairman. ADV1CK xuaor HKUS. ' Mrs. Window's Soothing Srmp iboald always be need when eblldrea are cutting teeth. It re tha little sufferer at onee. It nroduees nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the eblldrea from ii. iul tha little eheruh awakea aa "untrht as a button." It U rery pleasant to taste ; soothe the ehDd, sotteaa tha game, allay "II peine, re beree wind, regulatee Die bowU aid I the beet kium reaiadr tor dlarrbdea. Thenar rising from teething or other eauaea. Twenty Bra cents a Ttitylv - Wa Eazlisu newspapers are deeply ehaffrined at President C eveland s prompt notice to the Bri ib Foreign Office that L rd Sackvi !l,'d presence in Washington is no jopger desirable. Taa rraa Jlethaa j Of curlnz habitual constipation, and liyer and kidney ills is to avoid the use nf tha bitter drastio liver medicines and I catharUca, and to take only the pleasant liquid fruit remedy, Byron oi r iga. . ai cleanses as well as strengthens the sys tem, and does not leave the bowels cos tive, eo that regular habits may.be fat-mad. and tha Invalid nermanenty re- atond to health. It acts promptly and ar7aotialTi it ia eaaUv taken, and ear fectly harmlesa. John S. Peacud, Bote STARTLING KIND: THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS' WORTH OF PROPERTY BIXOXOIRa TO KX TBXISTJBKB UWOItET HOT BROUOB, BOWXVBB, TO OOVAB BIS 8HOBTAOI OTHXB XIWB. . By Tel scrap to the Newt aad Obeerrer. CmcAeo, III . Oct 30. A dispatch from Cleveland, Ohio, ssys : Sheriff Saver, who has been looking for ex-Treasurer Axworthy's property, had the door of the Treasurer's pri vate vault in the National Bank of Commerce forced open yesterday af ternoon ana found therein a lot of stocks, bonds and miscellaneous se curities. What has been found hss been appraised at $152,000. Experts say that if attended to these securities are likely to realise $300,000. It was a startling find, and Axworthy's staunch friends insist that more prop erty will be found and that accident or foul play has caused his absence. But as the investigation goes on it shows tnat Axworthy has been m twaiai straits erer since xhFidelity Bank failure. ; Since the winter of 1886 he haa converted $102,000 worth of real estate into cash. The real estate now in his name is veined at $42,000 and is mortgaged for $14,000. His ship ping interests are not worth more than $50,000 ; so that for a shortage of $480,000, only about $225,000 worth of property, including today's find, is left A special session of tne grand jury is to be called to indict Axworthy. BtTBB A.BD COX At CBI APBX BXUU BUSOX XBOCKXD OUT ABO SAT POWB CPOH Oor. of the Hews and Obaerrer. " Ohapil Hnx, N. 0 , Oct 29, 1888. Capt. Bacn, candidate for Con gress, Hon. Joe. B. Mason, Republi can candidate for Superintendent of Publie Instruction, and Gen. Cox ad dressed the people here on the cam paign Issues Saturday. . Capt! Bunn led off with a speech of strength and candor, of facts, not theories, and nO man not infatuated and blinded against the best inter ests of the many could refute his forciful arguments. He showed clearly that a high tariff, such as we now have, was for the enrichment of the rich and a great burden to the poor, that the Mills bill would be a great benefit to the farmers and la boring classes generally; that Nich ols, who noses as the laboring man's candidate and friend, should no lon- I ger be1 entrusted witV the office he I v, J- m t- i j v if now wuiu, lor ne nas snown jiimseii on every occasion to be a willing worshipper of moneyed kings and capitalists combine against the poor, as wm evinced by his working and voting against the Mills bill. He spoke of the special tax bonds and the hardships the people would un dergo were they collected. 1 Shall we place in power any party that would pernapa loroe their collection 7 : . Jdaeon followed, declaring himaeil for "Amerioan protection." He spoke with ability, we suppose, but as we have no edition of Mason's dictiona ry and as he usee so many words not ound in Worcester or . Webster, we were at a loss to comprehend his, we suppose, most salient points. Uen.: fjox was the next speaker and be knocked Mason out in one round and two minutes. He went for Ma son empty handed and "sat upon him" with the greatest force ever , a man wax in these ports. . He charged him with groes illitera cy and incapability of discharging the duties of the office for which he is a candidate and that, too, he was guil ty of dishonesty. After lien, fjox let up on Mason he discussed the issues before the peo ple with force and ability. His argu ments were unanswerable and con vincing and ibey made a deep and eating impression upon tue minds of all who heard him. . - Paklla Ppaahlag. . " - i ' Hon. A. M. Scales will address the people on the issues of tbe campaign at the following places and times: Liberty, Randolph oounty, Thurs day, Mov. 1. Yadkin rule, Yadkin county, Satur day, Nov. 8. ; : Jamestown, Guilford eounty, Mon day, Nov. 5. 1 - -v Hon. C . Watn'to wilt b present with Gov. Scales at Ubai's on the 20th instant The local committees are urged to advertise these appointments by hand- Duis ana otuerwise. . , i SraB Whitaxbb, j Chm'n Pern. State Ex. Com. Hon. O. W. SanderJin. Lenoir, Caldwell county, Friday Not, 2. 1 ) Hypocrisy ia a sort of homage vice pays to virtue.1 Drive out the vicious blood with Warner's Log Cabin Sar saparilla, renew it with new and vir tuous blood and ? there will be no hypocrisy in your strong and healthy nature. Best blood remedy and eltMpeet. j ........ , I The Demoorata of Tidewater Vir ginia are oouducting an enthusisetie and aggressive eampaign.. . '.. . ' i ! Daat Bxpartaaaa. . Tou cannot afford to waste time tn ex perimenting when your longs are ia dan ger. Consumption always seems, at first only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose apun you with aome cheap im itation of Dr. King 's New ..ieoovery for Consumption, coughs and colds, bat be euro you g-t thj) geneine. Beoeaee be can mate ruurc profit, be may tell you be baa something juat ai good, er just the same. Don't be deceired, bat inaiat opott Dr. King a Haw Dieoorery, which is goarauttttid to gira relief in aUAhroat, lung and cheat affections. Trial bottiee free t Lee, Johnson and (Jo s drag store. large oottH's pi. j a . I -4 A bombshell picked np on the battlefield of Gettysburg In 1863 ex ploded and latauy wounded a young man at xsomng oprugs, rs.1 .v 1 1 . . . -aaaaBfrgaaa,,,-- .' 7! X like my wife to use roasonia Obm- gezion Powder because It imprOTes her iki and ia as fragrant aa violate. 1 1 . I j ii.... . .u ii mm mm - mi n, Choiob Macxbbbi Choice new I fat mackerel, mallets, codfish, roe ht . m " -r . ' rings, o.e.. . 4..' a. axabotb. Gen. VonMoltke 88th birthday Friday: celetratel his Sapreate Caart Dcieleaa. Digested by the Newt and Obeerrer. 1 ' Webb T3. Bishop. '".-'J-T Whete a debt due by note is re newed by other notea, whoae amount . ia greater than that of -the debt and interest, the excess, in the absenoe of explanation, will be taken to be usury as a consideration for f ortx arance Such usurious excess in a note made prior to March 24, 1875, is not recov erable; aa tbe act of 1875 making void usurious contracts does not ap ply to contracts theretofore made which remain governed by Bat Rev., chap. 114, under which the only penalty ie that the usurious excess is not reoOTerable. Such usurious ax- cess must be eliminated in calculating what is due on the note. Where in terest on the nsirioas sum has been paid, however, it cannot be taken into1 aocountin reducing the amount of the note; for although not recove.a ble at law, it has been paid Where a renewed noie is void un der tbe act of 1875, the creditor may disregard it and fall back upon the iormer note nor void under the law. andrreoover upon it State vs. Anderson. A witneas f or t o ete being asked fc by the defendant' ednasel to testify -what the declarations of the defend ant were, ha was not allowed to taa- tifyaato them; but the defending utarifwinr a l,,. t , . . -" j 6 "u oenair, caring v given his own d-clarations in ail dence, the former witness was recalled and was then permitted tn tatif to the declarations. luld, That if there was error, ia me nrai, instance, it was eCrad b allowing the testimony to he subse quently given- The question as to who shall open and conclude, except where no evi- dence is introduced, is now left to the court audits decision is not reviewa ble. How far the opening counsel should go in developing his case is left largely in the discret on of the court I " T -a- ASOTRKaOBILKV BIO SID. The B.AD, Bald ta Hare earcaaaed tka AtlaaUe Ceaet Ua. ' Considerable of a buzz was caused upon the streets yesterday evening by a report that the Richmond & Danville Railroad Company had just closed a negotiation for the control a ii a i a m a . oi tna auiquo uoast xjme. it was reported also that other important transactions 'were pending which would be announced in a . few da a. No reliable confirmation of the transfer of the , Coast Line could be obtained. " CoL An drews and UoL Turk are both out of the eity, but several prominent rail road men here gave it as . their opin ion that the transaction -had been consummated, one declaring to his positive knowledge of the matter. It is believed that aome more pos itive information will be obtained thie morning. " ' . Aaawt RagietraUaa. While there are new registrations in some other counties, there is no general registration in Wake, but a mere revision or the boots. ' - The names of all persons who have heretofore been registered in Raleigh either at a ireneral election or at the frohibition election are on the books, tut if any ohe has changed his .place oi residence, ne must register again, first crettine a certificate. At IB atwaya iutu we tuat jv name is on the book. m i n lataraal Aereaae Appalatawata. The Acting Secretary of the Treas ri T , . . tu.t ury has appointed tbe following I in ternal revenue officers i Thomu 8. Butler,: storekeeper and ganger,' at Jerusalem; Wm. B- Simmons,, store keeper and ganger, at HJwinanusw. j .t -w MMHMaB--aawM-MM... I do not care to live any longer." she said, plaintirelr. "My breast, my head, bit shoo Id era, my back, my stomach, are so (oil of aches and pains that death Is life." I gave her idtzaaor for har dyapepeia and she has neror once said "die" einre. It only ooats 85 cents. sry- mother-in-law should reoom- Imeiid Dr Bulls Baby Byrup for her grand-children and thus keep peace la tha family. All druggists tell it. -u It is impUed that Lord Sackville may have had a motive in writing to .... a . a d?f Murchison which is nostiie to oecrw tary Bayard. Watt. Papkb is cheaper just Ww than ever before. Will paper rooms complete (owing to sixe) as follows : $6, $8 aad $10 each, $12.50, $15 and $20 each. Prioes named are one-nan former prioes. Special cark taken to do good work. Satisfaction guaran teed.. Hate on hand a large stock, and can suit almost any taste. Fred. A. Watson, art dealer and manufac turer of, picture frames. Orders ao licited and promptly executed. " , HellbbBbos. will move into MaJ. Petty's store about November lata next Goods in their store will all be sold ate sacrifice to aaye expense ox . moving them. Some tew bonnets in palepink velret in shtpe give exactly the effect . . mi iM'ttMlllvia of a coronet. xney wo or opera. "'..V'.V-; till frapnerttarttay The lead Ins 1 Noaaacia Bold at! CmUCmpfslH, Cotttmrnn. - JU".sauuti ALVATIOrj IL '.XL? laWayrfAlWfAefc ? BMnlitr BhMmetim, MwnUgia, WtcAe, Tiotkaci; So, Burnt, rt, Stmlds.Bsokaehs, Woinds.m'o. r 1 l I LAHADOR --vawawaVaVaVBBBF J ' '' lAtgrt HUMP Veeawe Aa -.: - : it JL B. rroprieaor. ! i lof ed justify hie prediction- ex tne names. A - them ai Madison square. A. 4. bTUlK, uxtora, H. u. Agent,Balaigh,N.a ' . 4- j

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