! 1 rf 45 Sws and Obsertee:x, IS" I 1 - LiL -I' ' t VOL. XXVI. raiIeigh. n. a. thubsday morning, November i, isss. NO. nt?. I ? s I i 1- .r S! t i n k Ml Absolutely Pure. Tnls powder never varies. A. marrti el verity, strength and wbriemctaeat More eeonoinicelfrhanimlinary kinds and no be sold in competition with the Multitude of ! low test, short weigh, altm or phosphate powder, sold only to mm. Korii Baxnra Powwcn Co., lCf Wall Street, Rtw York. . ' wooiicoTT & SON, 14 East Martin Street, THE 620,000 STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS It selling rapidly. -because we sell it 85 per cent Im tbin wholesale prices. Our stock of -t It -. : - j Mqri'Underwear Is the not complete la the city and prior , are cheeper than can be bought t eJaawhere. GcnlsfSoJlalf-M6 worth tKkj. 3,000 Gents' ... -i ... , - Uandried aad aalaandried shirts at lees ; -than the original cost t .) ? Gents' 4U0 . STIFF HATS fortS.80 f :r . T ' warrant every peir of Faust & Son's Children's shoe we sell. They are hahd- m4ndSJ M ueana qualities. 5 V OUR Dress - Goods department fa complete. UDWAED FASNACH. JEWB5 puuiMf .. i mrriiti ui cicstii iiuoiw V old Jewelry , Gold and Silver Watchc Qor ham's BiorUng BUwrwinJlogtn, plated ilrerware, any aiae and weight of plain 18 karat En- . aagemepfcrtnoooMtant- -ryUetock. 1 Badcee and Medale made to oraer. . I Jar Optical Department Ihulu is endless rarietr of lenses wUoh together with .oar practioAl ezpe- fence enables oa te eoirees almost any of refraction in Myopia (nearsighs), HTwenoetropia Ifar sight), Presbyopia . UlAeiM. Astheaopia (weak sight) i 5rU- prosopt relief from that diatr laa headache which often aeeompames perfeotTWetk ? butt ARTIFICIAL , o Human Eyes Ura and Vepk like the natural organ mm Mima In r Mid patients at a distance haring a broken mM bare saad withewS ealW T.'J. taMMtUx Fkkd. W. LykIt FREEJlM & liM, menogriilf n and Typ-lf riten, n. maenad an office in the EoUeman building, where the are prepared to reouTe aHcrders to law reporting and t.nwritinc. Oaes in abort nd and troe-wrUiog tonmttt The Varboro -House . BALEIQH, N. a i w W arnished and thoroughly rolte6i 8peimonthly. rates to CLOTH I N G orac Ii 9 TH4TU.CKTIIXE LJETtKR. By TeleitrapO to the News and Ubeemr. 8i FaABoiflooi October 31". Com menting editorially on thf notion taken by the (Jrrendent bi baring Ixdl Sackrille informed hat his preeenee U no' longer aooepable to onrii Oorernment, i the Examiner (Demoeratic) says: "Preeidet Olere l&odiiM taken thermtnly, gtraight- .iorfrard course that is always natural to him. The agreeableand polite thin to do woold hare been Mo make ihow ol indiflrnant and energetio etioa nnCTthe matter fadedl oat of ight. trat Mr. dereland ia i&t apt in tricka ol this kind, A thin that i eriona enough o demand airetenae of. action ia aeriona enough in hia mbd to demand acting." : Tha' Chronicle (Repablicin) aaye: "Lord Sackrille simply wrdie a par aonal letter to a oorres potent at Pomona, thia Stated . expresing a sentiment or troth which he; thought eooldbe naturally drawn flom the naturally drawn fom the I baefration of a man in hia sirround-1 ineai Sackrille must go, I but he learas the letter1 behind hinKand hia exit does not alter the truth, a single particle." - I 1 Caaadlaa Oplmlen. 1 By Tsiegraph to the Hew and Oberbr. ToKOJtTO, Oct. 31. The Globe loday in an article headed 'breakers Close Ahead ' says: "Though Lord Sackrille ia a victim of a despicable trick, he-ie also a rictim of Sab own folly, j He stuck his nosp infjo Amer ican home aflslrs by eonnsiing an elector! about how he should rote and inflaenoe others to rote. J 'he Uni ted; States Secretary of State argues with g? eat f or ee&hat the Britiji Amba sadorjthos transgressed tie amen- itiea and necessary rnlea of diplomacy in inch a degree aa to waijant the anthoritiea t Washington iipemand-ing- hia recall, j Aeoordingty Lord Sackrille has been iniormeof inat ne ia no longer acceptable to tia Presi dent and administration. m Referring to the report that the retaliation .act is to be Enforced against Canada, the Globe sslrs: This wOi be a deplorable eyent jna one tod, likely to breed rery Bec&ua diffi eoitieav Canada may be injured bat resort, to to aggressire ja policy, HO true Canadian - will say that our gcrternment should "orawlS for the sake of arerting the blow. In other circumstances, perhaps, something more than Uanada has eoceeded al ready might be honorably yielded for god neighborhood's sakel but we would present a most igpminious figure in hurrying to surrender now k Washington threats. Almost any thing would be better than &at. The Globe has always sincerely en dearored to promote friendship be tween Canada and the United Stites. The Globe does not belierehat Can adians should grorel on their bellies for friendship s sake. Pabllc'JBpMatBK. f On Saturday, Nor. 3d, Ham. Oota rias Coke will spaak st Ookejbuxy, Harnett county, on the poit cal ;is- . a iL J . J ilha local oommittee wu please alf ert:se ihis appointment (Signed) i Spikr Whiakib, Chairman. WHEN MORTON Ballraad Aealdeat. iSaist PfTEBSBcaa, Octbbar . 311' 1 The official statement regarding the accident which happened to thexCz tr's train Monday has been issue I., It ia as follows: The train containing the Caar aud Czirina and suite left Taranrka at noon Monday. , While passing through a deep gorge near Borki, the train lef t the rails. At the time the Czir and Czrina were in the saloon car at breakfast, when the first carriage left th track, the rest of the train oscillated and the succeeding carriage keeled over. The saloon carriage )al though remain ing on the track was badly shattered. The roof fe'l in, bat rested on:: a por tion o! the side, thus forming a shield for the occupants. It seems inqredible that with Fuch haroe any of the occupants of the train should hire escaped unhurt,' but God protected the Czar and hia family, who wek taken from the debris uninjured, aoiceol he Qluer oeoUD-nt. of the train receired ,iiebt eontuaiona. The . onlyi person seriously injured was Generil Scheremeticoff. The Grashdanin states that the train waa drawn by two engines. and consisted of several cars besides the jtaloon car. The latter was of massire construction. Toe train was running at the rate of sixty-fire rents ) an hour. When the first engine left the track it ploughed up the . rOad bed and imbedded itself in the earth. The second engine ran on the top of the first and was wrecked. They were occupied by court serrants and rail way omciale, among whom Wron St. Jemeral, chief inspector of the rail way, waa badly injured. Gens.) S. Vannoydki and Itcherrin, wfeo if ere in the saloon carriage with tfce impe rial family,' receired contusions. The Czar and Czarina remained at the scene for some time giring attention to the injured. Towards evening they returned to Zoo woe j the last station they had left. The religious eervicee hare been held throughout the em pire giving thanks for the escape of j the imperial family. i f j The Grashdanin contradicts the official report of the accident ii regard to casualties. It affirms that twenty persons were killed, including Capt. Breuob, staff courier, three couriers and eight soldiers of the railroad bat talion. It also says that eighteen oth ers were injured. The imperial family passed orer the Charkoff and Nicolai Railway la-t evening on their way to Gfitrchiaa. All were well. I - She Hli le Dead. Br Teleeraph to tbe News and Observer. Savanhar Ga , Oct. 31. A special to the News says: At Hinesvjlle, L b erty county, Monday nigbtWiUism Harrison in an explicable fif of jeal ousy shot bis little niece dekd, with out warning, while sitting by the fire aider. He then fixed at h(s sister, wounding her in the hip. She will probably recover. Harrison fled but returned, admitted hie crime and said h had alternated suicide bv iumoinp in a .well. Later he denied all kno wl ediie of the crime. Harrison said he j been drinkinghearUy lately LI like my wife to use l'ozzoni's Com lexion Powder because it improves her looks an 4 is as fragrant as violets j BOSS C4UAY III A PASSIOH. H Refuse, to Allow Oca. Ilarrtio to Co to Hew T,rk lid Strliw U K,pakH m Parmde. i N. Y. Times. Senator Quay, according to the statements of his own fellow members of the National RepublfcanCommit tee, is so patulant, not to say down right ugly, nowadays that ia almost impossible to lire with him. John f . PlUmmer, E. A. Drake of the Stock Exchange, and soma of the gentle men who have charge of the getting up ' of the Republican ' business men's parade next Saturday after noon, had a very unpleasant encounter with him on Saturday. In the inno cent exuberance of their hearts, emu lous or the luck ol tbe Democrats la obtaining President Cleveland's pres ence at their parade at about the middle of last week they asked Russell B. Harrison, General Harrison's son, who was visiting thia city,to4invite hia father to come here and review their parade. Mr. Harrison joined with them in thinking that it was a good idea, and telegraphed hia father urging him to come. Gen Harrison re plied favorably,and then a formal invi tation waa telegraphed him. He at ones accepted with a single condition, which seemed to Mr. Piummer, Mr. Drake, and their associates to do a mere formality that Senator Qiay should consent. It turned out to be a stern and stormy reality. They waited upon Senator Quay and told him of their high ambition and exult ant hopes of bringing their candidate from Indianapolis to grace their holiday with his presence. Senator Quay so one of those who was present says grew so angry in a second that he was really fearful to look upon. "I never thought a man could be so cross-eyed before," he remarked. "No," thundered the Senator. "Gen. Harrison shall not come here. He shall not leave Iu diauapolis. I am not going to im peril the success of tbe campaign by bringing him here. He shall Btay at home." A rather exciting scene occurred, for some of the committee were not accustomed to being dictated to so ooarselr. but argument and remons trance were wasted on Senator yoay, and the project of being reviewed by Gen. Harrison had to be abandoned. Tie poof oommittee, though, were not out of their troubles yet. Ode of tbe more ardent members sug gested that the real candidate was in town, and tney nvgnt nave mm for reviewer. "No," said a Mug wumpish member, "that won't do. If Mr. Blaine should review the parade it would drive all the Mugwump votes avay from Warner Miller, and I, for one, want to aee Mr. Miller elected." Others took the same view, and it waa finally voted to invite Levi P. Morton to do the reviewing, sena tor Quay waa agreeable to that. Aa a sop to Mr. Blaine's dignity Mr. Drake, the secretary of the com mittee, was directed to send invita tions to the reviewing stand to himv and also to CoL liobert G. Ingersoll, Senators Evarts and Uisoock, Warner Mills -, Col. Cruger, and most of the prominent Republicans in the State, tir. B'aine had already been ; an hounoed to apeak at Williamsburg next Saturday afternoon, while tha IS VICE-PRESIDENT , parade will be going on, and will con sequently be unable to be on the re viewing stand.! Forty clubs will participate in the parade, and it ia hoped that 25,000 men will march should the weather be fine. Every Democrat hopes that it will be. Fatal Railway Aclda.t. Br Telegraph to tbe News and Observer. Salina, Col , Oct. 31- A serious accident occurred on the Villa Grove branch of the Rio Grande road, 18 miles from here, yesterday. The air brake on the engine attached to the pilot gave out as the descent of the j steep grade from Ponca Pass was be-! gun, and the engine shot down the 1 mountaia at a terrific speed. On rounding a sharp curvr, ibe engine left the track and went tumbling down the embankment taenty or thirty feet. Fireman Ludlow was instantly killed and Conductor Vinson had his leg torn open shd died a few minutes afterward from loss of blood. En gineer Whitlock and Brakrtnau Allen were aenoualy injured. THE nOBLkt'oilo HOM4N By Telegrapa to the News and Observer. WHULtao, W. Va ,.Oct. 31. Judge Thurman and party consisting of his son and a press representative left here at 10 25 o'clock thia morning over the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad for Newark, Ohio, where the Judge will speak thia afternoon. He will then go to hia home at Columbus, reaching there at about 7 30 o'clock. After the Newark speech he will 'peak only once mora in the campaign and then he will address himself to the miners at MelsonvilleOhio. Sack villa tuctuiof Protein. By Telegraph to tbe Mews and Observer. WaHiNOTo, Oct. 81. Now that Lord Sackvi'le is, by the action taken by tbe government of the United States yesterday, nO longer minister to this country, the first secretary of the British legation naturally becomes official representative of the govern ment of Great Britain- Mr. Edrarda, first secretary, is absent, however, and will not reinrn for some time so that Mr. Michael Heibert, who was recently made second secretary ia n?w acting minister. v.r. Herbert recently arrived here from Europe and is to be married to a lady of New York, ho will thus become mistrss of the: Britif h Legation for a time. I At the British Legation silence ia maintained. Lord Sacksville refused to see any one today and members of the Legation who were seen said that all was an ertainty as to his depart ure from Washington. An other Maa Qaae Wrote. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. f BiLADiLPHii, l a., Oct. 31 Geo. H. Vandergrift, a well known con veyancer of ibis city, has disappeared, taking with him various sums of money given him by friends to invest in mortgages, and said to aggregate about 15,000. lie left bis office on the 23d inst, since which time noth ing baa been heard of his abouts. ! where- I Do not disregard a cough; it ia of ten the symptom of the most fatal diseases, bronchitis and consumption Use D. J H- McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm. 25 centa a bottle. i Railroad Samaaamp. By Telegraph to tbe News and Observer. Swidesbobo, N. J , Oct 31. A train of seventeen heavy-laden cars on the Swedesboro branch of the West Jersey Railroad, carrying the Young Men s Republican Club of Camden home from a demonstation at Salem, waa wrecked at 3 o'clock this morning about a mile below Clarkeboro. Five of the rear cars jumped the track and three of. them toppled over on their aides, but fortunately the train was running slowly- and fatalities that might otherwise .have occurred were prevented. The occupants of the cars were badly shaken up, put oe- yond a few bruises no one waa in jured. Great excitement prevailed among the occupants of the train till it waa learned positively that no one was killed. The acoident was due either to a broken rail or spreading of the track. WaahMMCtaat Motes. By Telegraph to tbe News and Observer. Washhnqtok, Oct. 31. The Acting Secretary of the Navy has detached Commander Allen D. Brown from duty at the Naval Obervatory and or dered him to the command of the United States steamer Eearssge, now being. repaired at Norfolk. She will be pnt iu commission a soon aa pos sible and sent to rroUct, American interests in llaj'i, which are said to have been endangered by the action of that government in seizing the steamer Haytian Republic Bond offerings today aggregate $1178,300. Accepted 9591,500, all four and a halfs at 108. It is esti mated at the Treasury Department that there has been a decrease of about four million in the publio debt during the month of October, i Chairman Randall hat issued a call for a meeting of the House oommittee on appropriations on Wednesday November 21, to begin the prepara tion of appropriation bills to be sub mitted to Coigress next session. BonBit oat by a Trast. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Niw Yoke, Oct. 31 The famous house of W- J- Wilcox &. Co , lard re finers, has been bought out by the American Cotton Seed Oil Company, and will be known as the W. J. Wil cox Lard and Refining Company. Aaotber Radical "Verily." Correspondence of News and Observer. Youbosville, N. O., Oct 31, 1883 I have j ist learned that an article has appeared in time paper charging me with tbe killing of F. C. Hold-tn,i the Republican candidate for cone a ble, at or near the BpList church in the town of Youngsville. In justi.-e to myself and the Democratic plirt t, I feel it my du'y to mske a eohtr diction. Oq the 22J of this month, in company with Mr. T L. Moss, in my buggy, riding quietly and peacea bly along ih? pubha road, F U. Hol den rode up lo my buggy on horse back, and attacked me with language that no gentleman would take, when I hit him with my cane and he shot i at me twice with a pistol. I had no ( weapon to defend myseix. w either one of us received any aeriona injury. Believing that this rumor waa calcu lated to injure the Democratic party, yon can publish this letter. Very respectfully, , W. K. MakTOf, Ja. THANKSGIVING DAY. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29TH, DESIGNATED BY THE PRES IDENT. TBI PBOCLAMiTIO.I TO APPXAB TODAY OTHEB KIWS FBOX WASHINGTON A5D ZL8XWBXSX. . Br Telegraph to the News and Observsr. Washikqtoh, D. C, Oct. 31. The President will icsue a 'proclamation tomorrow designatirg Thursday, No vember , V'JLh, nex, aa a dar of TuacksgirinfcT and prayer throughout tne united (States. SHOUTS OU UP. REXIOIOUS DIM0N8TBATI0S 8CCB AS WAS VXVXB BKTOBl BUS IN D 01 HAM sax zona happy. Durham Be order. Last night about 3,000 people wended their way through the ra'n snd mnd to Parrish's w rehouse to hear the Rev. Sam Jones. After Mr. Jones arrived. Prof. Ex- cell sang a beautiful solo : "The road to heaven and the choir and congre gation joined in the chorus : "I'm going home." This waa followed by a snort secret prayer. i Mr. Jones said he did not feel like preaching, but would keep his seat snd talk to the congregation from hia chair. I'e did not select a text He wanted to ask every unconverted per son in the building one question : "Why will you continue in sin T Why go away irom this warehouse tonight an impenitent sinner T" Mr. Jones then took np the follow ing answers and discussed them most earnestly : " Don't know what sin is." " Ignorant of the na'.ure of sin." , " Don't know the consequences of sin." " Don't think." "After awhile." " Recklessness." "Because a conquered peace has taken posses ion of the soul. : fwes . a v , xne preaccer nana lea tnese ques tions in sucn a manner that soon no sinner had any standing ground and there was nothing left but a complete surreoc -t to (Jurist o r v. i soon air. jones became warmed up and words with no such power and bearing eyer fell upon a Durham audience as did his h he walked to and fro upon tbe platform. With an anguished look and out strected hands he cried: "Oh! my God 1 Am preacmrg tne iunerai oi some poor soul tonight, who, in spite of all our entreaties, will perish in the wrong, and before next Monday moraine be in hell a damned soul, without hope forever?" Thus the speaker went on, his words burning deep into the hearts of his hearers, until his audience was in agony and tears. He stopped and asked that while the choir sang every one who would make a atari for heaven and wanted the prayers of christian people would come and give him their hand. A beautiful hymn waa raised and thousands of roioea joined in the singing. Then came a eight never before witneaaed here. Unsaved souls with streaming tears by the hundreds filled the aisles with outstretched hands making their way to grasp the hand of the great evan gelist The sight was too much for the evangelist, who clapped his hands and shouted: "Hallelujah! Glory to God, hallelujah!" Many in the choir joined in the ehen a, the tide swept over the congregation, the eineiniir ceased and the shouts which followed almost made the roof of tbe old ware house rat f. Christian people of all denominations and agea for one time joined in general praise to God, and their voices, intermingled with shouts an 1 prayer, went heavenward aa from a single soul. No, Durham never bt uch sights before and perhapa nevtr a ill again, but the memory bf last night's scenes will go with those who witnessed it to1 the grave. It is amusing to see people with their faces drawn as if they had swa1 lowed a feather and'it waa tickling their lungs and thfey would be happy if they rould only sneese. Now there is no need of 'xaak ing faces. " A bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will draw your face back into a smile. "Kings are like tars, thy rise and set" They hare lieadau.u-, cuts, and hurts like meaner men, and are just as sute to call for Sal ration Oil. It is believed the proposition for federation will be defeated b the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi neers now in session in Richmond Dea'l EiBortneent. Vou cannot afford to waste time in ex perimenting when your lungs are in dan ger. Consumption always seems, at first, only a cold. Bo not permit any dealer to impose upon you with some cheap im itation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, coughs and colds, out be sure you get the genuine. Because he can mate mora profit, he may tell you he has something just as good, or just the same. Don't be deceived, but insist upon Dr. King's New Discovery, which is guaranteed to give relief in all throat lung and chet affections. Trial bott'ee free at Lee, Johnson and Go's drag store, large bottles Si. The president of the Geograph cal Society of Lille, France, has reoei red news that Henay M. Stanley has been massscred. The Ttm atetfeo Of curing habitual conftlpation, and liver and kidney Ills is to avoid the awe of the bitter drastic liver medicines and cathartics, and to take only theoleaant liquid fruit remedy, Srrup of Figs. It cleanses as well as strengthens the sys tem, and does nut leave tbe bowels eos tive, so ttit regular habits may be formed, and trie invalid permanently re stored to h-a'th. It acts promptly and effective!) ; it ia easily taken, and per fectly harmless. John 8. Pesoud, Sole Agent, Raleigh, N. C. Wall Paris ia cheaper jnst now than ever before. Will paper rooms complete (owing to size) aa follows t $6, $8 and $10 each, $12.50, $15 and $20 each Prioee named are one-halt former prices. Special cark taken to do good work. Satisfaction guaran teed. Have on .hand a large stock, and can suit almost any taste. Fred. A. Watson, art dealer and manufac turer of picture frames. Orders so licited and promptly executed. ; ,: VK3UTOTHIMWX. The Democratic merchants of Char lotte, we understand, have agreed to close their places of business Tuei. day next and devote their whole en ergies on that important day to the :. work of securing the success of De mocracy, of good and honest and eoc nomical government, of the cause of th white man in thia State. e commend their example to tho merchants of Raleigh. Let us, fel low citizens, giv6 one &mJ to tho cause on the sucoa nt mhih th prosperity 0f the whole community depends, in no theoretical sense, bat actually, practically, assuredly. Let us aevote ourselves wholly on elee tion to the success of Democracy. iisve we .forgotten the arila of Radicalism, the horrors of the Re publican rpgime; can we ever forget that "hea broth" of political x n dilions? Can c effni., a Va. turn to such a desperate state of things ? Can we afford to run any ruk of negro domination? Certainly tibt. - - Let us to work then. now. and on Tuesday next let the stores and of fices be closed and every man inter ested in the maintenance of good government and of the supremacy of the white man devote himself from sunrise to suntet to the work of se curing the success of the Democratic party. The time thus given could not be better applied under any view wuatsuever. Thcbsday sioht Blaine waa wildly asserting in a speech in Western New,, York that neither Cleveland nor Bays ard would dare to send Sackville off. Even while he spoke the British Min ister had his walkinsr Daoers 1 Oh. ' K - K ' what a blusterer is Blaine 1 Polllag Places for Raleigh Ttwnkls. The following are the polling plaoea in Raleigh township for next Tues day's election: First ward, JenkinaV old shop; Second ward, Jenkine' fan-? tory; Third ward, Rescue engine- ' houae; Fourth ward, Dunston's shop; Fifth ward, Fifth Ward drugstore; outside east, Camp Russell; outside west Temple's store. Speaking at HUbaraie. Mr. Josepbus Daniels,and other prom inent speakers will address the far mers and working men oh the issue s of the Campaign, "Bagging trust" and "Morton" State Bonds, at Mil burnie precinct on Friday November 2d. Let them hare a rousing reoep-1 tion. Ild. Leakbkbs dkith, Chairman, i. tkoit KcertitratlaB. - B, .... r. a a ' 5 rvn ue mere are new registrations in some other counties, there ia no general registration in Wake, but a mere revision of the books. ; The names of all persona who have heretofore been registered in Raleigh , either at a general election or at the prohibition election are on the books. ' Knt if toT ohe has changed hia rjlaoa ' of residence, he must register gt&af nrgt getting a certificate. I : It is always safe to aee that your name is on the book. . The poultice which draws out -a man's virtues is the sod that covers bis grave. If you don't want all your f virtues known too soon, regulate ' your regulator with Warner'a Log Cabin Sarsaparilla. It makes pure blood, which gives sound health. . Largest bottle in market Manufae tured by proprietors of Warner's Safe Cure. Invitations for a formal dinner party are now sent cnt two weeka in advance. i (Jhoicb mackxhbl unoice new iai mackerel, mullets, codfish, roe .her rings, Jfco. E. J. Hardib. : i w W United States Senator Gorman saySjr that Miohigan is confidently claimed V for the National .uemocratio ticxet. ' Mince Pies. ' Atmore's mince meat, first of the season, half-barrels, pails, and at re , tail. E. J. Haasm. :: A daughter of Gen. Boulanger his been civUly married. : ; Bull's Baby Swap Facilitates Toothing T Wr'" "'f " Soli it drugslts. tfafS ?0BtS7 Day's Horse Prevents ! Fever snd Id each pmckege. FoTialebraUoamlers. Try nl aa an 14 For the cure of III II I 'VCoughs,Colds, Croup, tlULaL O Hoarseness, Athma, uSiti3U U y u n and for the relief of ftlf fl 1 1 f To those who are nufterinf from eooshs. colds, Chest patns, pneu mouta. rheumatism, sciatica, and other pains so general at this sea son efthe year. Such nuBerers tool te' greater Interest la Ben son's P.aster. a remedy whien never (ails to afford prompt re lief wten (althlully and tutellt tenfly used. Thi, planter has auMle a reputation solely on Its merits ss a sclent lfle remedy, compounded on setentiSe rjHine1 Dle W chemists ol - aadoubtod iolllty and iutefrrtty. Iu great sis UierraVnK pjipuiaHt, has In duced unscrupulous laltators to nut many fraudulent counterfeits THE TARIFF IS OF LITTLE on the market. Careful buyers always ask for Benson's Plaster ana reiuae eu uuiue. swr-Hend two cont stamp to Be'LUrv a Johnson, 21 PUtT Rt INTEREST W. v.. for a eovy oi -imncwai from the household a valuable 5V-r- BlBBaBBaBBBBA Ijffi! .( if.- 1 h V . -l-ty.'----- : ;;- . - ,. ! ;l lit

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