a 'Si zzilSliOlws 1 ! lii) Observer " ' : 3 VOL. XXVI. RALEIGH. N. C.. FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 1888. r 1 1 ?! ill I . 1 I I ! - I. II t ItUTflTT vr n nrTM-D irn4TM ! : . ';-, ,: I 31 UAIiTilltn. IT. t; hKMIA I Itl I I K IM I l l-J. NIIVh'llUL'U A lOOO " t . ' . T. sm 9 . 1 - - i iff if I I m li ? i . ' i". - a f - ii H ...... f 1 ' oi Tfc. eW-T ST 0 Absolutely Pure. This powder nerer varies. A mind f parity, aCraofth and wholwcuii Mot cooaticalhaa ordinary kinds ul tux be sold la competition with the ealstou4e f low tasi, short weight, atass w pflosphata powders, aeldewly ia motaj. Biim row waa uo., in WaUfftreet, New York. Sold by W. a A. E JEhrnU Oo. fHronsoh, and & 14 East Martin Street, THE GO.000 STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS' it selling tspidlr. beeiiN we wll it SS per eeat lex thaa wboIesJa prioet. Oar Mock of jr.lei'o Underwear bthoaioatpoBipleioia tho city and prioos rw caaoprr taut eaa M Doagnt Mwaoro. l,owpanor dents' flerino lUSSo-, worth 60c 3.GOO Gents' laaadrlod aadvalaaadriod ahirts at thaa tho orisiaal owl. Onus' 94.00 STIFF HATS -r. J,' for $2,60 ; . :" ! . W i warrant ererj pair of Faust & Son's OhUdroaVahoMwoasU. Ther are hnd- mado and are In au auet ana gaaimea. OUB Dress - Goods 1 ' ' departmeat b complete. EDWARD FAS NACH, JEW! 91 J s OPTICIAN f"""i I. o. SOLITilll ui CLCSTEl 1I.U0S W i old jewelry, Gold and Silver Watehc . OoraamSterlinsSUTarwaretogcrf plated aUverware, any else and welfht of plain 18 karat En- (cement rings constant i ly la stock. Badges and jteoais maae to order. mm CLOTHING I ' j . Jr Opficai Q Department Embraees an sndless rariety of leases Ueh Bocethar with .our practice! ezpe- ttnf enV1 as to octree almost any error of refraction in Myopia (nearsigat), Byftaetropia (far aight), Presbyopia fLT Bhrktl. Asthenopia (weak airhi) aaC llriAg prompt relief from, that distress 71 aeadaohe which of tea aooompanies LAperfeotTisiem. OUR ARTIFICIAL Human Eyes drs and look like the natural orgaa e sain when inserted. Patients at a distance baring a broken ereicaa aave another men witheas eall nC paneaaUy fl. J. VuMMtuST Faao. W. Lt5W FREEH4S & LYNN, otenogtiP" ud Tjp-Writen, n.w Annned an offloe in the HoUemaa baUdlnx, where they are prepared to cerate aU rrders in law reporting and trp. writing- Class ia short-hand and type-writing forming. , j The Yarbpro House B A LEIGH, N. a, Hss teen refurnished aBd thoroughly renovated. flpeaaT monthly rates to . 1:1-1 me I r iaOullD. Bpal to tte Xewi and Otaerreftl dinrnm. K. a. Not Sena tor Ransom, If xible, exlled him aoU hera todaT. Eferrbod itja it wMtha grandott ipaeehUhoj arer heard. Xhe crowd waa llarjre and from neoouity attontirali Gate U reused. , Hi waa eaoorteCinto town of a 1 large prooeaaion of , Jioreemen, and at the close of hie Creech waa preaeatad by Senator Shaifl of Hert- ioto, in oeoau 01 ue lacuec or uatea, with a beantifol bouquet. IS , " Il OsTtolac a4 ImHueN. ls Bjietegrtph to the Hew sad Obllnrw. siWABBuraroa, D. C No. 1. The bond offerings today akffretrated t?&600; aooeptances, $5,900-all oar ana-a-nalls at I0i. A TtTUBD sktrrl Ttva Sawly IbnM ream DCSfeatelerl Illtveets HU aaariaaa JTll. a.?. Herald'i Znrepesa Edloon rtt. Another failure must bed added to the Inn a? list of nnherttw lininna hit. 3 --m ' . ween European titles andlAmerioan dollars. Paris is WH"g he tonight mhhnk th nAAn trminatEn of th hnnavmnnn nf tlnnni anAlnnnnUaa Df Mbntoalieri, nee Mis Virginia Knox, of Pittsburg. Theii marriage waa celebrated about a forjnight ago is nttaburg with great Wat The bridal couple arrived inifana last Sunday and engaged a aui& of rooms at the Hotel iselleTue in tile Avenue derOpera, preparatory to continuing their journey to the eastlelrhich the Oobnt aaid his mother possessed on the Adriatic. li It was apparent that thlt bride was not happy, and early on Mon- day morning the gusta were aroused by shrieks from that Oountea chamber, followed by cries for help. Some guests dressed hastily and ran into the corridors. Tile manager of Ihe hotel burst open tn door and found the Countess strugjsling with hei brutal husband, her hair disher lied, her night dress torn and her body bruised. IS The Count released his4etim, who rushed to the manager, crying be seechingly: "Save me from him. Turn him out of the hotele has got no money. He can't pay ten. Turn him out!" ;f The Cotyit protested against the interference and attempt edf to pull his wife back, whereupon ahegave him a stinging blow in the face, with her clenched flat. He tried toreturn the blcjw, but was prevented bj the man agar and the male guests. The unfortunate bridef told the manager she had been thoroughly de ceived in her husband. She believed him to be a man of means, but learned too late that he was not ofily penni lees but an inhuman brute- At first sh4 supplied him liberally with money, Tout nothing seemed to satisfy htm. 1 When she : refused tof give him more he . commenced beating her. The manager told the couple he could not allow guests lo be dis turbed and that they must leave the hotel immediately. The Unfortunate wie, who deeply felt .th disgrace, burst into tevs and pleaded to be allowed to re wn, but use nstnager was inexorabl They were staged tof leave and took the arly train Iir Italy. UUCKER Y VOTING FOR NEGRO Lil a bound slave Dockery votes naaicai party nas i(p,uuu Degroes to only 20,00Q white men in it. M S3 I j . ! fat - . . i 1 Mill 17 . - - 'MUn,.M , MOM I N E E S ii -Smu-r-r I , y i - HUM i V HI II I II II j SUId cotrnty? fk SwwSfSinS n ( - iS. i - i 1 7 J&&.te soldier. V, T- . ,- - 0lV lLSZj fPffi; For Eeirliter of Deeds he voted fnr n- w w . .11 ' i ri 1 7 a -i i i ii-tt-ti--j n : - . - w ByTelesTaestoUieHwssa4 0bearre i WtsmworoH, Not. I. Oonatabt tbankagiriog and - gratitude ire doe from the American people to Almighty God for His goodness and merely, which hare followed them afnoe the day He made them, and Touch safed to them a free gOTeVomeot. ith loring kindness He has con stantly led ua in the way Of pros perity and greatneaa. He baa not viaited with awift punishment our shortcomings, but with gracious care He has warned us of our dependence upon nis forbearance and has taught ns that obedience to liis noly law; is the price of a eontinuanoe of His pre cious gifts. ' In acknowledgment of all that God has done for ua as a na tion and to the end that on; ah ap pointed day the united prayers and praise of a grateful country mat reach the Throne c x Urace, 1$ Urorer Cleveland, President of theltJnited States, do hereby designate and set apart Thursday, the twenty-ninth day of November instant, as ; day of thanksgiving and prayer! to be kept and : observed throughout the land. , . . . l: i yn mas aayw.au our ym,Vn I tneir ordinary work ana occupations, I and in their aocustomed pbioes Df I WOTShip With prSTOr Snd BOngS Of prae naer tnanaa w waj or u I ma mermes, ior tae aounaaui narveexs which have rewarded the toil; of the huabandman the year that haa'pasaed, and that have followed the labors of our people in their shops and their markets and traffic. Let ua give thanks for peace and for the socUl order and contentment witmn our borders, and for our advancement In all that adds to national greatness, i Mindful of the affliction : which a portion ol our lana has been viaited, let as, while we humble ourselves : before the power Of God acknowledge His mercy In aatfcinar hnnnla io the deadl w. max oh of the pestilence, and let our hearts be chastened by sympathy with our fellow countrymen, who have suffered and who mourn. And as we return thanka for all the blessings which we have received from the hands of bur Heavenly j Father, let us not forget that lie i has enjoined upon ua charity; and on thia day of thanks giving let us generously remember the poor and needy, so that our tribute of praise and gratitude may be acceptable in the sight of the Lord. i Done at the city of Washington, on the firat day of November eighteen hundred and -eighty- eight and in the year of the Inde- pendenoe of the United; States ' the one hundred and thirteenth. In witnesa whereof, I have here unto signed my name and , caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Gaovxa Glitl.kd. ; By the President: . T. P. Bitard, V . . Secretary of Stafo - ' Fin mt LTMkkara. By Telegrmpb to the Hewa aAd OiMtrrer. , LmcaBtreo, wovemoer j,. rire thia morning destroyed Moorman s tobacco warehouse, the Dental chewing Gum factory, HefCermans sash, blind, and door factory, and Ainsticam Bros.' carnage worki; causing a loas of over $60,000. In- suranoe f 21,000. The Durnea Duua ings are on the upper and 0 Main street. , ' i as his negro masters order, and so must all other Radicals do. The lias? 7 r w,ara,mcpc; AN I jHarUee, a ponald, a ; CIm Utm r Tkr Hlght Gat Hart. Bpeeial to the Mewt sod Observer. ; WuaurTOH, N. 0 , Nov. 1 Today's mail from yonr city brought to the judges of election at this place, the mott unprincipled and insulting sheet that ever came under a gentleman's observation. It is beaded " Republi can State Executive Committee " and signed by J. B. Eaves, chairman. I will not enumerate his villainous threats, for I am sure you have seen one ere this. I will sav that the gen tlemen for whom his threats were in tended are thoroughly aroused and that Eaves had better keep his deteo- tives and "Reliables" around him in stead of at the ballot-box. c J. . A. E Fawla at OreaaTllla. Special to the Bewi and Obeerrer. I GaaxmruxE, N. G , Nov. 1 Judge Fowls was met today by a cavalcade of more than five hundred mounted Democrat about one mile from town and waa welcomed to Greenville and Pitt county in a beautiful speech by Mr. F. G. James. The procession was led bj a brass band and a wagon full of school girls, over whose head Ws a banner bearing this inscription: fVo:e the Democratic ticket and pro tect us." The principal streets of the town were paraded amidst loud and enthuaiaatic cheere. Judge Fowle poke from a beautifully decorated stand on the Court House square. The vast crowd cheered him through out. His speech was magnifioent and great good was done to the Demo cratic cause. At ita conclusion Mr. J. B. Yellowly, in behalf of the large number of ladiea present, presented him with an exquisite bouquet. Col onel Harry Skinner was tnen called upon and responded in an eloquent and patriotio speech. 't The crowd was estimated at fully 3500. A large torchlight prooeasion, nearly half a mile long, ,ia parading tonight. I : Such a demonatration waa never bnfore known in Greenville. ; Pt t county ia thoroughly aroused ahd will give a good report next Tuesday. aaaa - ' A Blalata Pw-Ww. By Telegraph to tae Newt sad Obeerrer. Nouwiqh, Conn , November 1. The largest political demonstration ever known in this parwaof uonnecti- eat was made today. Mr. ; Blaine, cub w :.o uiwio luuajr. iiu. : vwwi accompanied by Adam King, of Bal- timore, arrived from New xork, by a special train about noon. He was driven to Washington Square in the centre of the city, accompanied by a! reception committee beaded by Hon. T. Wait, and Hon. H. H. Os good. There he was met by Hen. Morgan G. Bulkier, of Hartford, and Hon. Charles A. Russell, of Killingly. A prooeaaion of 2,000 men escorted the party to William's Park where an abdience of 25,000 had gathered from all parte of eastern Connecticut. Addresses were made by Meeara. Blaine, King, Bulkley and Russell. ; Lady Herbert, of England, has been on a visit to Baltimore in the interest of. religions work among colored people. 1 a aa- i The Landmark savs that Iredell Will give 1,000 Democratic majority ! Vote for Democratic honesty, economy and efficiency. Vote for Fowls. : For Register of Deeds h nero man, against Alexander L. M(v white man! competent to fill the office, jana universally esteemed in the county Ity GMn tern nawa ar Ijosdov, NotemEw. 1. it is staieu that the SackvUle incident ia consi dered ended in government circles. Lord Sackville has not yet advised the government as to the date of his return. It is possible that aome time may elapse before a new minis ter ia sent to Washington. Ameri can circles here are anxious that Lord Dufferin should be appointed to the post. Tk Cckr'a View. By Cable to the Hwi sad Observer. Lohdoh, Nov. I. The St. James Gazette, referring to the action of the United States government in the case of Lord Sackville saysr "It would be most creditable to England if Secretary Bayard's insolence is treated with contempt. The American eagle is screeching. Let : I im screech. We are not exaotlv prepared to aend iron clads to j L"ng Island because Mr. Bajard ia outrageously offensive. Respectable Americana, who stand in neither with Mr. Cleveland nor Mr. Harrison,! are nearly a much dis gusted with the affair an Englishmen are." j : PikU Dakt Statvaaamt. Br Telegraptt to the Hews and Obeerr er. WAflBiaoTONi November l.-The debt statement issued today shows the de crease of the publio debt during the month ol October to be f 4,685,613: decrease of the debt s nee June 30th, $28,294,620.57 ; cash in the treasury, $621,304,487.58; gold coin outstanding, I $140,613,658 ; silver certificates outstanding, $229,783,152; certificates of deposit outstanding, $ 1 1,580,000; legal tenders outstanding $346,681,016; fractional currency (not including the amount estimated as lost or destroyed) $6,9'21,316.47; total intereat-bearing debt $958,123,- 282; total debt of all kinds, $1,703, 457,224.23; debt less all available credits $1,137,290,036.07. Freaa tha" Btaf-Garteae. By Cable to the If ewi and Ober rer. Bxbxik, November 1. The Na tional Zeitung aava : "The frivolity with which international difficulties are provoked by political f actiona in America ia especially evident in the Sackville affair. After the Republi cans set a trap to catch the atrikiogly harmless English Minister and dis credit Mr. Cleveland as the candidate of a foreigner, Mr. Cleveland himself tries to cross this maneuver by exag- i . ' p grated aeverfty against Lord Sack- villo. This conduct appears comical from the fact 'that Mr. Cleveland doea not leave England in doubt as to hie aim in so acting. Thia kind of thing ia scarcely calculated to raise the reputation of the American Re public " I Yallaw Parar. By Telegraph to the New and Obeerrer. Dsoarna, Ala., Nov. 1. In the last twenty-four hours , eight new oases nave developed, unites: ueorge Black, Thomas Oronan, Thomas O'Neii audi William Shubridge. Blacks: John Davis, Nettie Harris, Walter Orde and Martha Orr. They have all been exposed as nuraea and policemen for ! weeka. I have ex pected new eases from time to time, but was not prepared for sueh an ex plosion as this. (Signed) Jkbohb Cohkixk, M. D. Edward LJ Cunningham, a promi nent citizen of Norfolk, Va, is dead. NOMINEES Of course the negroes for his f ""IM:A TARTAR. CtiXABS Bxpubucas Stats Ex. Cox., Jobs B. Eatxs, Cbk'r, Baluoh, N. 04 Oct. 29, '88. J. G. Young, Wintton, X. C: Dxab Sib : You are, I believe, the registrar of the precinct. I desire to have a faw words with you. 1 will speak very plainly, in; order that we may not misunderstand each other. I learn that you are refusing to reg ister legal voters. I send you two enclosures which may prove interest ing reading. I commend to yonr careful conaideration sections 2007, 2008, 5506 and 6515 of the Revised Statutes of the United States. The course which you are pursuing is one which will land you in the Federal penitentiary at Albany at an early day, and we shall take very early stepa to place you there, unless you conduct yourself in a proper manner. These are very plain words and we do not think it will tke you long to understand them. Yo 1 can now do as you please. Yoari truljr, J. B. Eaves. axswsb or Ukii rovva. WrsaTOH, N. 0., 6ct. 31, 1888. J. B. Eavks, Esq , Chairman Rep. L&e. Com., . Raleigh, N. 0.: Sib: Yours of the 29th inat. has been reoeived and found me sur rounded by a gang of ex-penitentiary convicts whose names your henchmen here are trying to force me to place upon the registration books of Win ston. You are correct in your belief that I am the registrar in Winston precinct. I have no objection to your having a "few words" with me, and I am in no danger of misunderstanding Jou. l want it aiatinouy unaerscooa y you and your committee that I am not to be swerved from my duty by any such impudent and imperttment threads as you dare to make against me. i You have received your infor mation from aome men here belong ing to your party organization who are Without character and who have no regard for the solemn obligations of an oath, and who, if they had their just deserts, would long since have been under tne aisqur unoauon wutou the Constitution places upon men who have been convicted of an mfa- v 1 . . mous onence. 1 nave reiuseu uu man the right to register at this pre cinct who is a bona fide reeiJeni nd voter of Winston, and shall not 'o so. have, as I have since ascertained, allowed some men have served a term tiary, and who hav' lanced bv cec'len to; register who in tiro peal en HLO been chal--a who are ao- quaic.ed with the tacts. Iu conclu rmind you siou, i. ngam aeaire m that I hdi not to bi j on uul ited from doing my wholo duty by ny idle ihrea s 01 yours of lauding" me in ihb Federal peniuntij at Albany, but I would Hi the sami tiau quietly intimate to yua and your informers at this precinct that the continued, wilful violation of the registration laws of our State will Viand" some of vour voters in the State penitentiary at Raleiffh, and I desire to warn you and those who are aiding these at tempted violators of the law that you and they had best keep a close 100 out for yourselves 1 conclude, as jou did, that tl&se are plain words, reason whv is rule it. ..a t . iu.u u.i it win iou long to understand them. take Registrar at Winston Precinct. - WADUXLL AD BJASDBUU.1S. 4 BIO DAT FOB TBS BKmOOBAOT OF nxy.OOBa.CY OATZS. Cor. of the News and Obeerrer Gatksviixx, N. O , Oct. 29, '88. This has been a big Democracy of Gates. day for the Waddell and Sander liu spoke here today to a large and appreciative crowd. It is a rare thing for the same audience to hear on the same day two such speeches ai the people of Gates listened to today. The speakers each occupied . nearly two hours, with an intermission of half an hour, and held the crowd through out as attentively as if they had been listening to a sermon. What a splendid team, Waddell and Sander lin I One ori the national aide and the other on tu State aide of the pale of the Democratic chariot. ' ; The tariff is no dsy subject in the handa of thepoHshed, scholarly .gifted and fluent Waddell. A plain, honest, hard-working farmer eXpre-sed the sentiment of many, when he said, soon after the speaking: 'Well, I never heard the tariff made so plain in my life. I am just beginning to understand it. I wish I eonld vote a thousand Democratic vnei " The faos of tho record of the Re fmbliean party in North Carolina oses nene of ita hideouaness when portrayed by the cultured, humorous and brilliant Christian gentleman, who is going to be the next Auditor of North Carolina. An intelligent man remarked, in commenting upon Dn Sanderlin s speech, that he never in all his life saw the color Hue to decently ana yet so effectually drawn. 1 Muoh good was done by tneae speeches, and we are going to give Senator Ransom a rousing time on Thursday. ! The Democrats of Gates are now aroused and determined, and strong hopes are entertained that we will this year beat our former Democrat ie record. So mote it be. L. Tk, Kaajtmaare ta A4Jerau By Telegraph to Khe Hewa and Obeerrer. Richmond, Va , Nov. 1 The Broth erhood of Locomotive Engineers to day decided to adjourn finally tomor row evening- ' j W. P MaB wx (ool.), of Edgecombe, has entered the race for Congress in the $ cond District, we understand, so that' be contest theie will be tri angular sgaiu. It is earnestly to be hoped in the interest of the district of the Sialf. that Mr. Simmons will be elect e i. Functional torpor of the liver should be promptly and heroically treated. If secretions of bile remain in the blood thev become the pregnant source of many cutaneous diseases, j Laxador, the "golden" remedy, is tne great liver reg ulator. "-!!!. Children err for it. bat ther stop cry ing at onoe after they have taken a aio arle dose, as Dr Bull Baby Btttjd eures all the pains our little ones are subject to. race se cents a noma. 1 MMav $4.25 will bay a pair of gents' gen- nine nana-aewea eau juongress or lace shoos as Heller Bros. shot store. t aa-a-eea-asaa-i GREECE. THE ANNIVERSARY OF KING .wvugwivU W TBK THRONE CILImilTn a v A QXASD SOALS-OOK OBATULATIOHS SKHT ST r"T cuysLAun othxs sxws. I By Cable to the Ne w and r w.- 1 ThefestlviUeSTel in nonor of the twenty fifth! sT7 King George'.7 were rioY i j i "e. xne weather wag .Tbudmgsof ttedtj 72itPUBe Z deooted and the Thi n 8 troneTd with vititorsJ in Jt? PPJiion wwt dressed' in picturesque costumes. In ther Sr- "4 the Duke t Sparta, the Crown Prirodt -od honeback-.t the heaT ig ence of the Royal family and manyl elusion of the rervices a salute of lOo! lrei Rotwning to the1 frSnfthlKing dd-the pplej from a balcony thanking thenTfor their expressions of loyalty. S -JL??"0? ?ollowed -hrone! I;: " , .'"1D1BLe. dmlomaU and! r"0? .P6 offers their U. S. Minister. t. . ... '! , ' r"""- Miegrami Cleveland. The rulers of all the Eu-f ropean countries sent similar meisa ges and a "-T! usnedpromotrngtheDukeofSparUta w.P. v.f v??- The anniversary was celebrated h- fa.i;-;t;.. .v, iT out th ' pronncee. HK WBXOOBT FAIR. 1 A LAKOB CBOWD AHD BPLX5DID BACISO. By Telegraph to the Hews and Obeerrer. Wxldok, N. C, Nov. 1 There is a large crowd at the Weldon fair, and aplendid racing. John S. Cunning ham, chief marshal, took the firat pre mium for the finest pair of horses. lUraacd ta Pjr Taxes. By Telegraph to the Kews and Observer. Chablmtoh, Nov. 1. .Last April a number of citizens refused to psy the municipal license tax on the ground that it was double tax and unconsti tutional. The city court 'tried sixty or seventy cases and condemned the defendants to pay a fine,or in default, to imprisonment. An appeal was taken to the Supreme Court, which affirmed the constitutionality of the license law. I Todav twelve atMii. i tions were issued bv the aitv ahrirT !l ana nve served. The defendanta fused to psy the fine and were com nutted to jail. Lohdoh, Nov. 1. At the sitting of the Parnell commission today Capt. O'Sheawas recalled to the witness., stand. He submitted the protest re ferred Ho in his evidence yesterday regarding his exclusion from Parlia ment by Mr. Parnell. The taking of the evidence of the policemen who had taken short-hand reports as to the correctness of their notes was then resumed. Tae Telia ' "-rer. By Telegraph to the Mews and Obeerrer. Chicaoo, III., November 1. Msyor Roche received the following tele gram this morning : JUfTKBPBIBB, XX A-, HOT. 1. . Mayor Roche, Chicago : Twenty two cases and lour deaths from yellow fever to date. Fire hun dred people are in distress. Am com- Eelled to ask for aid. Can Chicago elp us ? UIOBOB Li- liABtrBLB, Secretary Board of Health. Aaalsw lK BaKlaaer. By Telegraph to the Mews and Obeerrer. , Baltimori, Nov. 1. Jenkins, Hutchinson & Co , wholesale notions and white goods, 219 West Baltimore street, have assigned. Trustees have been appointed. Bond $100,000, Du'i Imn 7on cannot afford to waste time in ex perimenting when your lungs are In dan ger. Consumption arways seems, at first, only a cold. Do not permit anv dealer to impose upon you wit some cueap im itation of Dr. Kings New Uisoovery for -Gcnsumption, coughs and colds, but be sure you gt the genuine. Because he can make moro profit, he may tell you he has something jnn as goou, or . jus the same. Don t be dtoeived, but insist upon Dr. King's New Disoovery, which is guaranteed to give relief in all throat, lung and cheat affections. Trial bottles free at Lee, Johnson and Co's drugstore, large bottles fl. Lord SackvUle, the British-minis ter, baa been informed by Secretary Bajard that he will no. longer be recognized as the diplomatic repre sentative ol ureal uruain. mm tmttt Kott II, FrmtrmitlLmtliqt TheLeedins moan eta. . Id as Dnwswav ' Sais,an7cs. Laxador Certf a aI ;alvation il Will rers Rhtumatitm, MwnJgju laoefecsw, Tootkch,$or$, Bum;' Cut. Scalds, Bmekacht, Wwndi'fts CHEW tAHWt nve8,TI trt rata a I via. iaa rawia HI " w n mm I WBSH-aswa Ul -TSWaW?-? iTt -iilit ii'tiTT S-,')i.'i..-.rj V ft ir j 1 $ in 1