1. News and Observer PvnfcXBHXD DULT (iXOXFT MOHDAT) AND Bt THE NEWS & OBSERVES CO f.uniu.2 Kdltr. - three " - . - l TS .- s, llXI)QOUi TB HtHM entered without payment, and bo pe p Mot after the expiration of tlmt paid tor. w FRIDAY, NOV. 2, 1888. DEnOCRATICOTHEIiS. BtfJKCTIOB. TCUD1T, .T.at.r; BiB. 1 I HA.TIOaA.ti TICKET) ; I 1 ra rusniri' : JGROYER CLEVELAND, Ml Yld-riE&IBEIT : j ALLEN G. THURMAN, ; ?j , ( Ikis. ' j FOKlELiCTOES Statb ALa: AUr&KD M. ?7 ADDELL, of New HAnover.l FBBOKKICK N. 8TBUDWICK. ol Orange,! , .V Distbict Klbotobs: 1st Tnirr.-KO. H. BROWN, Jr., of Beaufort. tD DlST. JOHN K. WOOWAKD, of WDwHi. an DIST.-CUAKLK8 B. AYCOCK. of Wayne. VtrH DiflT . Kl W AKD W . FOU. Jr.of Johnston . TBpUT. J. U. 1KB80N, of Surry. rm DwT.-8A.MOEL J. FKMBKRTON, of Btanly fTH DlST. LBBOY C. CALDWKLL, o( Iredell. in nuuu M . VANCE. ot Caldwell. "ITS )ir. W. X CBAWFOBD. el Haywood. HTATE TICKET. worn, govtbxob : DANIEL Q. FOWLE, of Wake. fob uxor. aoTXBSSk t THOMAS M. HOLT, ot AJainanoe. Eot AiBQciata Justice of the Su pretuB Qonrt tv fill the Taotuicy aued by the death of Thomas 4 joaj. Davis, S. ,,' l wa inuuuu. vat AMoeiatd Jostioea of the Su pretne Court under amendment to the Oonstitution: JAMES E. SHEPHEED, I of Beaufort. ALPHONSO a AVERY, of Burke. FOB BBOBRABT OF STATE: WM. L. SAUNDERS, ! of Wke is ! i FOB tbiabubib: DONALD W. BAIN, ( of Wake. I CTBEIJTEMDEHT OF FUBUO IS8TRU0" I TIOH : SIDNEY M. FINGER, of Oetftwba, H V" H I 'I- fob ATTORjrrr arsxEix ; I THEODORE F DAVIDSON, $ of Bunoombe. FOB ACDITOB : a. w sandeblin, of Wayne. Xi it s- 3! tob. crovGiiEss. ' ft STOP 1 1 BliB THIS. , Yoa' can get . the Daily Niwb aid ObsxbTkb from now until January 1st, 1$39, I for $1,20. ETerybody will need daily paper during and after the reIectIon tune. Do not worry jooi fjriend by reading bis copy. Get om foryonrself. j. ' ' i .1 iBothpartiet ogre on the amendment toemaswg the number of-: Supreme Court Judge, but all the sam it u important for Democrat! not only tq vote for the amendment, but to vote for the Demo eratio nominee for Judges at well, lest it i happen that the amendment be tarried and Davit J Avery and Shepherd be beaten. The Bgdicialt witt be eure to vote for the - amendment and their nominee for Judged. . The iDemoerat mutt take no risks in thi or anf other matte on election day. 'Take warning from the Radicals, and a they will be certain to vote, for the amend ment and their meny be sure that you vote for the amendment and your men Davit, Avery Ond Shepherd. Don't fail to vote for your .nominee. ' V IMJCStKRYTB T1CKKT IB 188. . .j 'At the election in Richmond county iri 1884,. Oliver L Dockery, the pres ent Republican candidate for Gov ernorj voted as follows: To Represent the publio in the Leg islature he voted for Harvey Quick, a - negro' lawyer, against John W. Sneed, one of; the beat white farmers of Rich, mond .county. IFo Coroner, be voted for Felix Jaeobe, a negro man, against Daniel Gay, b one-legged Confederate sol dier.' I " ' Fo? .Register of Deeds, he voted fBrjOqe N. W. Harleej a negro man, agSisit Alexander L. McDonald, a ' wnjte'man competent to fill the office and f hniversally esteemed in the cojnity for his courteous bearing. .4 WOBD WITH TOV, OLD FKLLOW 4 I believe you've changed your iesi. deno4 since last election. Have you A bout transferT What! "No"t fcenfffO at once and Let; it. There Is rib time to be lost. ? The. knightly Ransom Monday. i I iLCBV aack. SaSTaie West.M He lacked.- " : f Tita supply of Republican October Burehards seems to be ample. I ElOtioh dat Tuesday. Democratf, hryoxi T6gltirri1 Are you ready f-tor ie fray ? The battle hour draw th idgh. : I Eabb evidentlyj struck the wrong ' aortOf cuptomer at Winston. Read th. Utter of Registrar Young, which appem elsewhere. fjf. f.1 ; . : f' ,.ii. w.4 ItOckBy, who ia running against Col. Bowand for Congress, violated ;a Written contract. The fact is not sur prisilg.. Locker ia a white Rad.cal. Woujd any well-informed man look for scruple of any kind in a North Carojina white RepoblicanT W regret to learn that Hon. W. H. jkitchin, who has done such signal gerripe .for Democracy, and who passfd through the city yesterday moraing, was called home by a tele gram and will be unable to fill the aprointmenU heretofore announced JotinwtOTou hie Toiee may bo RtDICAL BTJLL-OOZISa. Bead tie response of Maj. Yorng, of Winston, io one of the bull-doling letters of Radical Chairman Lages. It is printed elsewhere in this islue i . . w It shows that the aforesaid Egves wukod uj) the wrong customer nce at least, j It shows also that theti is no limitfto the audacity of tbelladi- cile hi their desperate effort to rry the election. Democrats everywhere mast their guard against the trie fraud. eunnite ' and desperate Radical leaders. ' It has bee dent throughout the campaignfjtbat tbey pfbposed to stick at nothing. Ia thesi closing days their villaigiy.iB rcaCtllUg 118 BlgUCBl VW6 VI vugjBKc agaiustl the pecplo. Let it ts? ex posed Everywhere. Let those; un scrupulous partisans and hiregngs; the i"reuables ol iives, wao wuer int toiforce it upon the public, be anesteol in their nefarious work and delivered up to the law W due punishment. Let Uemocrjiisg iook out fotf it everywhere. Let theRadi oals bp taught emphatically f that there is to be no bull di-zmg iuib jeir, ttat every bull d zcr, whether omiuiWoaed by Eavs ur not, wh'fetblr a bull-tloz-.r of wh.to wen or blck.U bo - wade to suffer for his villain! to the full extent of ie law. , A.ndi Eivs if he coDUiiaes in the cturbe he has adopted win land bj-mself in ih peni entiarf ifbe dou't look out. 4 Ar(Blou registered! "No" Are cet- von not aware that the lime k ting ;nighty short indeed? Go at orice 4nd see that jour name if prop erly bin the book. , I i : iRslisTM, Democrats, and gt jcur neighbors to reeister. Se3,imo.re- over,lthat no Radical name isjn tte registration book that don't Jpelung there! The Radical leaders ar) up to everV sort of fraud and chicanery, Theyjare acting aDsoiuteiy wunoui B?rup?e in the desperation o their cause Seo that their villainys met .. ail 'iL A and broueht to nautrht. ,as tba their! corruption fund furnisged by the jnillionaire manufacturerB of the North is neutralized by bar work for the cause of the white mas s ru.e and honest government in No&h Car oling. Look after those young Uem- Ocrals who cast their maidet votes tbia lvear. Look after those ho will com of age on or just before Section daysl See that they are all regssterea. See hat the full Democratic Srengtb is registered and is polled, itbia is a duty every patriotic citizer every mail at all interested in the tttie wel fare of our people, owes to tbjb Sta'e, to -;ia family, to himself. ' sXiet the debt bet paid . promptl v. ftaly and chefifully. S ud the letter of Eope ljlias to MrilDortch of Goldsboro o&ewhere priti ted from the Goldsboro pjercury Read how ex-Goy. Urogdi, now again a Republican csndlate for I ofE.ce, deliberately preferred negroes O&kweeu uie rauea. Jeau, wmte men of the State, read and ote oor'dingly. Brogden is bu$ a ac fair representative of his psxty k this re spect, as well know.. He, altough he osee occupied the exalted; lace of chief executive of this greaifstate of ours, deliberately chose negroes for olnoe in preierence to white men Dockery.wbo-aspires to the blief mag istracy, does the same thing! Down with Btogdeo, Dockery andji)! their disgraceful kind! Down . f ith the negro party in North Carolin;forever ;! : '-- 1 :Thb business men of jlfiehmond have resolved not only to Jcll in their salesmen who are registered in that city in order that thejrlmay be at home on election day but tave also agreed to grant leave of Absence to any of their young men whole servi ces may be needed at the bolls on the diy of the election,. Hurah for Richmond I Will not Raleifh follow sd good. an cxampltt Will aiot Ral eigh do better; will not her fbusiness men like the feuincss merj f Chart loite close their places off fbusiness Tuesday and devote themselves and permit their employees ftf devote themjelves wholly on thai day to the work of securing the ftrjocess of tle Democratic cause? Tie argu ments have all been made fls it not fear that the day could no be more profitably spnt? I 1 Wi bare the Report of te North Carolina ' Agricultural Eeriment Station for 1887., ,It is fafnounced tlat additional experimenlafwork for tie future will be "a foittdring and encouraging of cattle ant pairy in terests in the State, on fbg general principle that the cow isa good a fertilizer faetorvias is needed, which latter is utilized in enrichin the soil. the natural product! of tjiig industry -milk and butter and jfajves will furnish the money-waking feature of Ihe work." . I - :4-f Cdaibuan J. W. Gbaibok, of Le rioir county, has Uaue4 a Starring ad orees on the subject ol ihi appoint nent of Federal Supervisofs for that eounty, saying that the peole of Le Kioir are not to be intimidated a; this fate dsy. Mr. Grainger i right.' Lst the people rise in their Imijesty, and rebuke this attempted aiAfcrference with our elections. It sppearj that Murchisn was in dustrious and set traps ora number Of others besides Lord fSackville. though the British duffel was the only one , conspicuously! caught. Meantime the utmot niysteri 'is maintained as to the idtaitSy of Mur- Ibhison. It will be found fventualk, idoubtlfcsp, ss near as pOs)le to the Kepublicau campa go miagement. - V i are ibdebted to ibefpublieher, !;Mr. Jas. H. EnnisB, of thii city, for a opy of Turner's Nofthl Carolina lAlmanac, the old reliable, tie familiar and. ever welcome annual! visitor to Z -i g the homes of our people, git is valu able for reference to! efery body. lit should be in the hand of every "citizen, particularly everl farmer. iPr.ea 10c rjofet-oaid fxomi the nuK. pisher or at the hands lof Imerchanta and postmaster! tbipu&hout j the oa of fievi- "1.B5T BOMK SXT A WAT. Gen'lW. W. Dudley, the fellow who, under the Republican regime, used to bein charge of the Pension Bureau at Washington, and who said that "norebel should ever hold a clerkship in that bureau while he was there," is now running the Harrison campaign as the personal representa of Harrison. He is a fit represent' tive of the moral tone of that Great Old Fraud the Republican party, which steals a Presidency without any more compunction than a com mon thief steals a chicken. In the Gai field campaign he carried the crisp new two-dollar" bills . to buy voters in Indiana. He has now written circular letter to the chairmen of the Republican committees in Indiana from which we make the following ex tracts : "New Yobk, Oct. 21, 1888. 'My Dkab Sib : I hope you have kept copies of the lists sent me. Such information is very valuable and can be used to great advantage, it nap enabled me to demonstrate to friends here that with proper financial assis- ance Indiana is surely Kepublicau for Governor and President, and ba resulted, as I hoped it would, in se curing for Indiana the aid necessary"' Your committee will certainly receive from Chairman Huston the assistance necessary to hold our floaters and doubtful voters and gain enough of the other kind to give Ilarrison any Morton 10,000 plurality. New York, with what we have done, ought to be safe beyond peradventure for the Re publican Presidential ticket; Con uectiout likewise." That is pretty plain spoken. "Finaucial assistance necessary to hold our floaters and doubtful vo e;s,' &o." That is the way he proposes to carrv Indiana. In mvLcer directions now to wont .... , , , on election day he says : "Fourth, divide the noalers into blocks of five and put a trusted man with' necessary funds in charge itl those live and make him responsibo that none gets away, that all vote our ticket." Thaf, w supposp, i what the Du4 levs of the Grand Old Fraud c&tl HirasttKil nolitics. "biockine tu. into five-." and "let none get away M. . - , , w Tnis man is Harrison's personal representative in the campaign. s It is by such means tnat cen nam on plot to carry his native State ! Temple, the nominal plaintiff in the anit nriijfc Lhfc State, has be&n 'a'k- o ' , irig oiaewhat about that suit, saying in effect that the special tax bouds of which he is the ostensible owner were bought by him in New York through another person ' and wore hypothecated by him in payment of the debt incurred in their purchase, and that when he pays for them they wiU be hi. It needed no ghost to come from the grave to tell us that Mr. Temple was the were agent of Morton, Bliss & Co., who have another suit, peco im against the State on the same kind of special tax bonds. That I leu no hesitation in stating the lacT, knowing that it could not be ques tioned. , ; It Las come. out that when the British extradition treaty was boing considered by the treaty making powers the British Minister tried to haveiutroduced a clause for extra diting pei sons charged with offeeces under the coercion act aimed at Ire land 1 he efftct eooght was to per mit the extradition of a man for deed which is not a crime in this c$un try, nor a crime iu England, but only a crime against the coercion act Ireland.. Secretaiy Bsyard would not bear to it and Minister West waA de feat d But when the treaty wait be fore ins senate, the Republican Sen ators Hiserted that very clause at the instigation of Minister West. This de velopment is causing a great sur the north. at If we want to see negro euperin tendon Is of publio instruction and other ntgro officers in many cf our counties we will vote the Radical ticket Tuesday. If we are not .mis taken however, the white men of the State, who are white in sentiment as well as in skin, are going to vote down I he possibility of negro domination in this Sta e forever on the day in ques t:on Is it a North Carolina party that is ruu bj Morton's special tax bonds money and that brings iuto this State a- whole force of miserable, dirty roughs to spy upon our people? No! No party that could do such things is worthy to be called. North Carolina party. Let all honest North Carolinians quit the despicable thing. The boom expected by the Repub licans from Sackville proves to be a boomerang to the partisans in question: Cleveland turns; the points o? the enemy's blades against themselves because he is skillful and brav4 and. because his cause is just. If you see odo of PinkeHonW cowardly scoundrels spying around, don't let him be about the polls on e'ecticn day, but make him take to the woods whore he belong. j The way to treat Eaves is to return a Democratic majority of about 20,000 and bury theaudae ous Radical chair man with his infam rrs detectives out of s ght forever. : - j It must be understood that no Fed eral Supervisor has any duty to perl forw at any box but the Congressional box. As to all other boxes, he is no more than any other by-stander; This is Cleveland Weather. The sun shines bright and with such weather on election day, the Ameri can people will shout with a will, M Four, four, four years more !" j Tbb World's calculations after i careful canvass is that Cleveland will carryew York State by a majority of mot than 20,000. ' j Cleveland hits he hits from j ulder aa Minister vWcftJkm ! BAVBf'BCOVRDRBLS. In ja circular issued by J. B. Eaves, chairman of the Republican State committee, who3e whole tenor is to try to spare somebody, he says: "We have had Pinkerton detectives in every county in this State for three it weeas. , We are willing to let Mr. Eaves peaif. tot himself. And first he could not have this force cf Pinkerton de- tectvee ,in this State without a great outlay. of money. Now why should the Radicals be spending so much moriey in North Carolina? Merely because Morton has tutntd loose h.s moriey-bags to carry the Legislative in th interest of his special tax bond! But all of Morton's money and all of Eaves' threats, and all of Pinker ton's : detectives cannot scare one honest North Carolina Democrat Let the people rebuke such audacity. Let them rebuke the spirit that animates Chairman Eaves. Our people are not cowards to be scared by such fel lows, and Eaves insults the manhood of North Carolina by such miserable threats. . But suppose what he says is true, that he has a whole lot of these im ported miscreants to spy upon the honest citizens of North Carolina what of it? Where is there a jury in North Carolina who would convict map of Any offense on the testi mony of such villainous scoundrels ? "Bt isn t it a pretty pass wnen tne chairman of the Republican party gravely announces that he has im ported a lot ol scoundrels sna rouges to epy upon our people at election times ! Let the people be filled with indinaiion at this disgraceful con duct. Brag it en also Prefers Negroe to White Hen. GiiMstoro Mercury. Fbasklijj, Macon Co., Oct. 9, 1888. Mr. W. T. Dorlch, Jr., Goldsboro, Nr C. : iDear Sir : In reply to yours of the 22 J ultimo, in reference to Ex-Gov. Brogden, I have this to say: That I was tha chairman of the joint com mittee of the House and the Senate in the last General Assembly to ap point Ihe Justices of the Peace for thei S'uate. When the county ol Wayne was reached Ex-Gov. Brog den, who was one of the Representa tives of tho said county, submitted to me as the chairman of the committee, in the presence of my committee, a petition for the appointment of Jus tices of the Peace for the county of Wayne. I stated to him that I desired to wake some inquiries SB to ! the qualification, politics and dolor of the names on the petition, and I then proceeded to examine him; and after much evasion and dodging on his part, I elicited the f act that there were eeven negroes on the list. I then asked him did he en dorse the petition and recommend it o the favorable action of the commit tee. He said he died. I then asked lim if there were seven white Repub ioans living in the same locality that he seven negroes lived that he de sired appointed Justices of the Peace tbtwould make good Justices of hi 'ii irV. tpreierrea tnej appointment of negroes to the office of Justice of the Peace in the county of Wayne to the appointment of white men; he would not answer my question,.would oily reply that the colored men were very respectable gentlemen, and that President Arthur appointed one of them ' postmaster of some R. R; station (the station I cannot recall) and he would not answer my inquiry. I at last became j indig nant at his evasive answers, and ; said to him that one who had oc cupied the high position cf Ch;ef Executive of this great State of ours ought not to trifle with our com ; mittee, but deal candidly and fairly with it- I then told him if he would give we the names of seven white Republicans, respectable men who lived in tho same locality where the seven negroes lived, I would ap point tbem, but I never would ap point a negro to th-J office Of magistrate of the county of Wayne or any other county to try the white people for any alleged offeuoe, and that as long aa the Anglo-Saxon blood coursed through my veins I intended to maintain that rosition,and if I thought thatthe Sen te of North Carolina would endorse the appointment of negroes to office as he, Brogden, was seeking p have done, I would resign my seat in the Senate and go home. Just then the Hon. W. H. Kitchin, of Halifax, and others came forward and grasped my hands and complimented me for my (sentiments and said that they were glad to know that .the West posses sed men that were not unmindful of the fact that they had white brethren in the East. Governor Brogden then disappeared. Respectfully, K. Elias P. S. You may publish what I have written and use it in the cam paign. Yours &.o , K; Elias. A Ureal Dmy l Klattea. Cor. of the News aud Observer. Kinston, N. C. Oct. 31, 1888 . ; Hon. Daniel G. Fowlo aud Hon. Ohas. M. Stedman spoke here yester day to a tremendous crowd. The next Governor of North Carolina won fresh laurels and made votes Ho made a fine impression. Lenoir Democ.ats will be inline solid for Cleveland and Fowle. After the speech of Judge Fowle, that sterling patriot and soldier, Chas M. Sted man, with eloquence and patriotism aroused old Lenoir. You may look for a good vote in Lenoir, i If is red hot and getting hotter. Our people are delighted with Judge Fowle. There ia great enthusiasm everywhere. Put the county down solid in the Democratic column. G. Public Speaklug. , Messrs. T B. Womack of Chatham and R W. Winston of Granville will address the people on the istues cf the campaign at the following times and places : Blackwells, Caswell county, tiatur dy, Jsov. 3. j The local committees will please advertise the same thoroughly by hand bills and otherwise. Spier Wbitakeb, Chairman, &c I like my wife to use 1'ozBoniB Com plexion Powder because it improves her looks and is as fragrant as violets. Peaches. Pears u Cherrte. Finest California canned fruits, first arrivala of thia aeaaon'a packing.;. THK DElL. . fi ' THE BICHMOSD TEEinSAL. Baltimore Son of S 'st. ) The absorb np propensities of the Richmond and West Point Terminal Company are Httracipg much atten tion in the railway arid linmcial world. The Atlantic Coaet Line sjetem is be ing made the subject cf negotiation just now by this 9yndicate,and report has it that thfv waut the Norfolk A Western, the Louiaville & Nashville and the Cincinnati Southern systems. The Norfolk & Western, it is authori tatively stated, wi'l refuse to deal for its absorption, fend the Seaboard Air Line will a!so t,a intain its dence. ! indepen- Persons who afo concerned in watching i hese kb-Orptious into one great concern, eiber by purchase or lease of the R.cUfuond and West Point Terminal Company, argue it out as follows : "That concern has been given by lbs Jitate of Virginia such -powers as have never been granted to any other corporation in this country. 1 The suc cessful accomplishment of their schemes w;li bo to deprive the South of railroad i-o.-u petition and to make a local Rlii:; u of every boutbern city and to u. i'n. end of all this will be the i-t aquation cf development and the going under ( cf the railroads, with their heavy loads of debt piled on by the manipulations of this syn dicate. "The remedy for this lies with the State of Virginia, i which never con templated such results from the powers she granted to the Richmond and Wm Point jTerminal Railway and Warehouse Company, with its modest title but; gigantic designs. The withdrawal of these powers and a requirement for the winding up of the affairs of thi company will Bave the South from the evil effects of this great speculative lailroad venture and will demonstrate the hollo wness at its foundation.' A dispatch to the Sun from New York last even rig says: "The Sun correspondent called on Mr. George Scott, president &' the Richmond & Danville, in regard to the rumored purchase of ihe Atlantic Coast Line, for which Mr. Harry Walters is now in this city. .Mr. Scott said that some negotiations hud taken place between them, but that ; as nothing definite had been arrived at, it would be premature to discuss any details." ADV1CK TO MOTHERS. Mrs. w IdsIow'3 Sootlilnc Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It re lieves the little sufferer at once, it produces nat ural. aulet sleen bv rellevluc the children from pain, and the little cherub awakes aa "bright as a button." It U verv pleasant to taste: soothes . I. .. . 1 .4 . ..f . n .. - ,Ka .11... Alt nalna U1V V1I1IU, euibdia . 1 1 o KUJU9, anftj a mt i iwuiih i lietes wind, regulates the bowels and is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, -vbetner rising from teething or other causes. Twenty-Eve cents a bottle. Hew Back Wheat &e. eve. New buck wheat flour, new citron, new deascrt raisin; (finest quality) new Rraz 1 nuts, (new walnuts to arrive later) new Queen Olives in half gallon, quart and pint jars fresh arrivals in winter table supplies of every description. E. J. Habdir. Unnecessary taxation it unjust tax at ion. Cleveland s Letter of Accept atoe. : A. natural flaw e)f Bile from the Liver la JCaaentUI to Uood Health. When this is obstructed It results tn BILIOUSNESS, - which, if neglected soon leads to serious diseases. Himmons' Liver Regulator exerts a most felicitous influence over every kind of biliousness. It re stores the liver to proper' working order, regu lates the secretion of bile and put the digestive organs in such condition that they can do their best work, After taking this medicine do one will say, "I am bilious." , "I was affected lor several years with bilious ness ana uisoraerea uver, wnicn resulted In a severe attaek of faundiee I had toor medical attendance, and tried the favorite prescription of one of the most renowned physicians of Louls- vine, Ky., dui to ne purpose, Induced to try Simmous Lier Begnlator , out to ne pur wnereupoa 1 was benhflted bv Its Use and It ultimately rentnemi Keirnlator. I was me to the fall enjoyment of health A. H. Bhjb- lit, Kicnmono, Ky. Bzamlne Ui see that vou eet the renulne. dia- tltoKUisbed from all frauds and Imitations by eur v a inofam ea iront ot wrapper, ana on the side the seal and signature of J. u. Zetlln Co. Fall Trade 1888 J. J. THOMAS & CO. j, XlaleigTh, IV. C Cotton Sellers AND 11 Orter to the trade, Ginners AND Farmers I. Q. Asfrffb C. t. Irt. ART STORE. ANEVv Fayet eville Street. -t-ALLCF THB- Lateet designs in Pictures, Picture frames, Artists' Materials, and Wall Paper, At prices pver before introduced in this city. CALL. AND SEE US. -Aufrejelit Se Lee. 1,000 bundlW new Arrow ties. 200 bun dles spliced Arrow ties, 10,000 yards ; Burlaps and other cloth suitable for covering cotton, bulk meat, flour, coffee, sugar molaasds. meal, corn, oat, hay and ship gtnff, all of which we will sell upon VERY BEST TERMS. We solicit your consignments of cot ton, and pledR you our twenty years experience to serve you faithfully and right. Will make cash advances upon biilaof lading or cotton in hand when ever de .ired- i I j. J. mm t co. 118, 815 and 817, & Wilmington Street, yioiV fnWjJm iw these Insects h MW tn the homes that lJXSS fsl re cleaned with vs ts ri James Pyles w sta Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers are offering imitations which they claim to be Pearline, or " the same as Pearline." rSPXACTP If S false they are not, and besides ire JL-fV-x iXX. V- dangerous. PEARLINE is never peddled, but sold by all good grocers. Manufactured only by JAMES PYLE, New Yot. DO YOU SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS, i SCHOOL BOOKS OR Plain or Fancy Stationery. BEND YOTJB ORDEB TO . ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., I Booksellers, and Sutioners, Raleigh, N. C. OUR POPULAR NEW PUBLICATIONS! North Carolina Speaker Busbee's New Justice aid Form Book Lvaa1 n.i nnainAM Wan nf N. C. Send for Complete Catalogue. CfcXJXOK SHOT r OVIliJR JUST ARRIVED "NO TRUST BAGGING." 25,000 yards Dundee Bagging. 1.000 Bundles Arrow Ties. 60 Barrels fresh mullets, extra size. 1 Car-Load White seed oata, . 1 Car.Load mixed Corn. 1 ar-Load of Dunlap UoCance . Meal. BOO Barrels of Flour of Different Brands. 60 Bags of No- 1 Coffee. 50 Barrels of Sugar, different Grades. 17 v oolr. of IrtwAat prio.AR at M. T.N ORRIS & iajlLSX.'i ROSS " it ALL CELEBRAUD ENSILAGE 1ND--STIeW'W ) conoN um acinic QTnvF.Q CUTTERS. I M A IKB i SBS9EEE9 JULIUS LEWIS & CO., AND LEATHER BELTING. EBtablisbed 1865. Raleieth, N.' C. THE HAMMOND Type Writer Ihe most PERFECT mschine ever of fered on the market. THE BEST For 8peed, Strength, Changeable Type, Perfect Alignment, Bean ly and Durability. The only Type Writer awarded a GOLD MEDAL at the Now Orleans Exposition. It has many advantages over other writing machines, and the work done on it to PERFECT. It Cannot Get Out of Alignment I It it Not Liable to Get Out of Order I It Cannot Collide with Itself It has open-end carriage, which admita of paper of any width or length, and has changeable type. T Every machine WARRANTED PER FECT. Price complete, with two sets of lype, 1100. Send for catalogue. T. A. MONTGOMERY, 8tate Agent, Baleigh, N. o NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS OFS.C. BAJL KOAUCO. ihe mortgage bonds of the North Carolina B. R. Company which mature on the 1st day of No vember, imxi. will be paid promptly at their office at BarUngton. Ihe trustee oas arranged, u more ronvenient to holders, to bave any redeemed which may be presented at eitner oi the ionowinx Danns: na tional bank ot Kal.iKh. Citizens' National Bank, of KaieiKh. National Bank of Greensboro, First N atiDnai Bank of Charlotte, Commercial National' Bank of Charlotte. Bank of New Hanover. Wil- niuiatou. No interest will be paid after this date. 1 JNO. Wi UBAHAM, 1 Trustee Sinking Fund N. C. K. B. Co. November 1st, last. JOB BEST. -i A very desirable cattage on North Per son street, on line of Stree Railway, containing five rooms and pantry; fine sard en; poeseeeion given Immediately. Apply to D. 8. Ettdgings, at B. & U. B. WANT AY , Ppr cloth 7f j. . .J2.fX 4x6 feet ,.,4.6(l , it HEADQUARTERS FOR ' . ' 1 fialeigh, K. a RIGHT " SASH DOOR, AND ! Coifs Ifammerlm GBnCli-H- W l l . bOUIH BEND CHILLED PLOW. A. G. BAUER, A. B. OIIITEOT llethanical Draaghtsmiin. BALKIOB. tf. ft. S500 Reward I We will nay the above reward for any case o. 1 'r complaint, 4 rape p. la, siek headaeb., tnd 1 goatioo, const! patloa eoaUveness wa eaanot s.ire with West. Vegetable Uver Puis, whea the ou-setiooB are strleUy eomplled with. They are purely vegetable, and aever fall to give satlifaa rtoo Larve sees vantahilns; to sogar -coated piUa,aao. For sale by all droKglsta. Beware ot counterfeits aad unttattooa. The ceaalae snaao taeutredoalv bvJOUHO. WBBT OU,SaS W. ItaUiMia Bs.3Uam, IB. tor sale by as. Ble. aiissnsi m orfSntaWt, m iayeievue M. assWassBaassssasasaaasaaWamaBBlBBBBBsl yC A I z lis k -9 H - V ! O Xl -a ; 1 1 x si I I XI 1 u X r o rv 1 o xJcs R. C. Insane Asylnm- VI81TOK8 at the Ineane Asyrura witr beri after be aomitted only on WEDNESDAYS, Bet ween 8 a. m. and 6 n. b. ' This rule has been found ueceaeary on account of the ir.jurtouirtUectsof excessive visiting upon the lamate. By order Of the Board. EUGENE ORISSOM, vpenBtendent. or C3 o o I Si ttm ESS m c r; pt-i J3 ?3 CCS' tf o "o3 O o r. . r o c 2 S3 o C P rz ' P 'ft o CD bJCS L ' CO CO B o CO M a rJ u o CO 5 a S3 .0 o NORTH CAROLINA Home Insurance ' Co., OF RALEIGF, N C J Organised in 1868. Has been insuring property in North Carolina for eighteen years. With agents in i ai ly every town in the State scces- . sibte 10 railroads and east of the moun-' taii.s. THK HOME SolicitaXhe patronage of property owners in the State, offering them safe indem nity for lomrs at rates as low as those of any company working in North Carolina. cum of PRCPim mim: Dwellings in town and country, mer cantile risks, churches, schools, court houres, society lodges, private barns and stables, farm produce and live stock, cot ton gins. Insure in tho North Carolina Heme Insurance Company. W. S. Primbobs, Cbas. Root, President. 8ec'y and Tiens. , -W. G- TJpcrroicn. P. Cowpsb, I Vice-President. - . Adjuster. Office in Brives BuQdit-r, No. 22 Favetttvilie street. JTulephone No. 86. ' J PfllL. I!. MDREWS CO HEADQUARTERS . )ffice No. 18. telephone No. 79, Martin Street,- Adams Building. Yard, est Hargett Street, near Ice Factory, Tele phone No. 108. G O A L. ' - i Anthracite. White and red ashe, broken, egg and nat, (or grates and stoves. COAL. Bitn fhinou a. Tennessee, West Vir ginia Splint and Pocahontas; The Weak Virginia Bplint--the best and cheapest coal in the market, a trial of the same ia only necessary to prove the fact. : ; COAL,, For smithing purposes, the best we caa I buy. "The Mountain Prook Smithing 1 Coal." WOOD. A long or cut and split to order. .J I OIL. 5 Illuminating oil, from a quart to a bar- j rel, from 119s fire test to the highest grade; delivered from our wagon at your door. Leave your orders tor winter fuel.1 Better now than later. Money saved isk money made. "A word to the wise," j PhiL H. Andrews & Co. 1 FALL STOCK. Goods Cheaper, ?Than Imf Hardware, StOTes and House-Furnishing Sporting: Goods. Muzzle and breech-loading guns, rifles, niatola. fhella villi mimnn ment seto, hantisg coats, legricgt, Ac t-AlKAU 1.. Jl a aw O - V aB w. I ja vcvu-iuoruuig pni irvm o vo iai. Cutlery and Plated ware. Bought at low prieew-will be .old cheap Most complete stock in the city. j Birds aiici CngrSis.i Fine lot of eingarav, jnat imported from Germany, Every bird guaranteed to sing; cages of every description for Mockinar and OaAarw birds: Price. lnwu- .1 STOP isms and let us show you the best .....r:: LAMPS ever Seen. Nn trnnhl with wricka kurnera A perfect light, equal to gas. vaeapess and test light ia the worm. Cooking and heating stoves, latest pa terns, sold on easy terms. .The eels brated Fire-Li ht, the leading heatinj stove m Kaleigh. Ail goods Dougnt 10 ana wm be sold at a very small pront. Plumbing, steam and gas fitting. J. C. BREWSTER. tMM lK& BAILING AND OB l!vlS54 NAMENTAL WIKE WORKS, r DFun sc co., No. 118. ft 115. North Howard street, Bal timore manufacturers of wire railing for cemeteries, balconies, - tte., sieves fenders, wires, wood and coal screen woven etwee iron nMlatMl sex tea.. r.w I CI u- 7 VfOBTH CABOLIHA BE PORTS. t 11 . - -'. v : A set of Norta Tarollna Be ports t U in vrurvl nnnitltinn sold OOmDlete 1 to and Including !d volume. For terait addrees, , . LOCK BOX W, f I I ( .j Mi S'ofnoe. siisaw. a v .. . Tec i